Submitted by Brandy Gallagher
ECOVILLAGE had the amazing privilege to participate in the “Cowichan Food Innovation Program” within the pilot for the program! All the secret sauce of the workings of the program came from the amazing ability to….work locally and think about creating within circular economy principles. The diversity of food and beverage businesses, organizations, and farmers really makes the Cowichan unique when we all work together and the Economic Development Department of the CVRD really gave us all the lift-off to fly! The pandemic really has shifted so many farmers, foodies, and educators focus - but for
OUR Eco Village O.U.R. team it gave us the chance to pair everything we have been up to into one offering AND now to work with as many other local businesses, farmers, and cooperatives as we can
‘permaculturalize’ into the weekly schedule. 2021 saw the ‘Community Supported Agriculture - CSA Food Box’ membership project (which we had kept humbly small before) expand and
begin bringing together lots of great contributions of product/services from other locals. CSA’s are about purchasing ahead of a season and sharing the risk with a farmer so adding in other