Our Firm Foundation By Andrea Marino
With a yearning to uncover the secret to life, Andrea embarked on a journey to discover truth. The study of Psychology proved inadequate, while the forces of darkness began to make their presence known. The Hobble, from Ai to Bethel encompasses Andrea’s personal victory over fear and bondage to the enemy. Passionate in sharing God’s Good News about Jesus, the author desires to encourage people to never lose hope. Because we all ‘hobble’ before God in need of Him. When not writing, Andrea loves spending time with her children and grandchildren, and enjoys cycling on the open roads with her husband, David.
It is not unusual during the winter months to see a lot of shaking going on. It brings to mind the verse in Hebrews 12:27, where God speaks of shaking the whole earth, yet once more. I certainly don’t like the idea; I naturally resist such a shaking about me. But in nature we are given a picture: a strong winter wind, blowing through the trees, vigorously shaking its branches. We can be sure of a message from God coming through the things He created.
of Judas, Peter declared that he would go to his death for Jesus. “Simon, Simon, look out!” Jesus replied, “Satan has asked to sift you like wheat.” (Luke 22: 31 CSB) We can backslide in faith when being shaken. We can even deny Jesus. Though Peter was yet unaware of what he would do in fear for his life, the Lord assured him he would be praying for him. God’s allowing us to be shaken is for a greater purpose. Always for us, He knows that we are weak. (Romans 8:31, Psalm 103:14)
When we receive salvation through Jesus, God does not leave us “as is.” No, He gets busy shaking off the worthless things in our lives. Becoming a new person in Christ sure isn’t easy. But, there are things we cling to that actually cause us harm, threatening our well-being, as well as others–all of it thwarting the life of abundance Jesus died to provide. Interestingly enough, the mighty oak tree holds many of its leaves through winter. Brown and dead, these leaves appear to be holding on for dear life. Letting go of what God wants us to let go of is hard, but necessary. The cares of this world can be overwhelming.
In these last days, the entire world is being shaken. This is clear to the followers of Jesus. Everything is topsy-turvy in the current, evil, system operating under the sway of the devil. Only God can realign the madness in the deception of an enemy who knows his time is running out. So is a realignment taking place in the church of Jesus Christ? God desires no man to perish. (2 Peter 3:9) And as there is righteous wrath from Heaven to be unleashed against evil and its willing participants, we, God’s people, need to be seen in possession of real faith and courage, having complete trust in supernatural protection. The time has come to be shaken. For what will remain is unshakable.
At the Last Supper, after witnessing the betrayal
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