Lynn Story Downham is a fourth generation artist who returned to North Carolina in 2014 after twenty-six years on the Florida panhandle. Her seventh family tree commission was for a “family tree for Jesus.” Twenty years later she is a born-again believer with a best-selling print, a beautiful family and a passion for sharing Christ through her art. Find out more on Facebook by looking up “Lynn Story Downham’s Art” or “Lynn Downham Jesus Tree.”
T H E C H R I S T M A S VA L L E Y By Lynn Downham I just looked up the word “adventure” in Webster’s dictionary. Oh, my! How did I get to the place where I thought an adventure was just a lark or a trip to the beach or some mountain geta-way fishing trip? Here’s how Webster’s defines adventure: “1. An undertaking of a hazardous nature; a risky enterprise. 2. An unusual experience or course of events marked by entertainment or suspense. 3. Participation in hazardous or exciting experiences...” And they further define an “adventurer” as “1. One who adventures.” Well, now that I have had my definition corrected, I’d say that’s just about perfect. That’s exactly what it’s like going on an adventure with God. He and I began our adventure in a hot, dark, and dusty work shed in DeFuniak Springs, FL some twenty-odd years ago or so, (see my article “Where My Thankful Started”, Faith On Every Corner) and it has been every bit of Webster’s definition and more. Unusual experience or course of events? Hey, the Bible’s full of them. That’s just how God works, opposite of the ways of the world, so of course, a worldly dictionary would describe that as “unusual”. Entertainment? God’s the best entertainer if you know where to look. He’s the best-selling author, (the Bible), the best artist, (creation), and the most interesting Being to watch, (once you’ve learned to watch Him working). Suspense? Why God’s the best at that too! Once you’ve walked with Him a while, you get that whole “long-suffering” bit (patience). 26 | M AG A Z I N E N A M E PAGE 3 25
Right now my husband and I have just listed my mother’s house for sale and we know that He has someone lined up for this house so we are watching Him work this out and sell this property. Now, back up to “hazardous,” definition number 1., yes, this would be the “stepping out in faith” part. I’ve found this can range from absolutely terrifying to mildly risky ventures and this doesn’t necessarily correspond with where you are in your walk with God, it just that sometimes He asks you to do scarier things. But I’ve also discovered, as you no doubt have too, that He is there with us, no matter what He asks of us. He does not ask us to do it alone. There is only One who can lay claim to having the Father turn His back on Him for a moment and that would be our risen Savior, Jesus Christ, when He was on the cross and took on the weight of our sin. And that was temporary and for our salvation. Why is this article called “The Christmas Valley?” Those who have read me know that I adore Christmas. It’s my favorite holiday. I was born 3 days after Christmas. I love the Christmas carols, traditions, and stories! I love learning about Hanukkah stories and traditions! Well, this Christmas season is a bit of a valley adventure, given chemo treatment on top of Meniere’s disease while trying to take care of others, etc. But the song I was given, (by Him of course), for this time, was the