N OT J U S T A C O I N C I D E N C E By Craig Ruhl
Karen and I rely on God’s faithfulness in providing us with opportunities to serve Him. Our prayers center on His will being done in our lives. We acknowledge that we are His servants, and it isn’t all about us. Our walk along this path became defined the year we first read Rick Warren’s book, The Purpose Driven Life. We discussed what we learned about the meaning of life from the Creator’s perspective. It also became clear that our Christian walk of faith demanded not only that we associate with other Christians in mutual support, but also reach out to those who may be unsaved and searching for salvation. Karen discovered the Prayer of Jabez and has prayed it many times over the years, asking that our territory be expanded. “And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” So God granted him what he requested.” (1 Chronicles 4:10 NKJV)
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We often encounter situations that might seem on the surface to be random-chance but are truly God-inspired and willed. The same goes for many of the people we meet, in person and online. We refer to these events and relationships as God appointments or God Adventures. When we ask God to expand our territory, bring new people into our lives, and show us more ways to be of service, we have learned to stand back and buckle up. God will answer our request, and that may challenge us more than we expected. He has gifted each of us with the talents and abilities we need to serve His kingdom. In 2017, Karen and I created and published Faith On Every Corner magazine to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. Immediately after making that decision, people appeared who wanted to contribute their writing and join in our mission. With a minimum of advertising, writers from around the world asked if they could submit articles, stories, and poetry for publication in the magazine. Authors who had already written books in the Christian genre asked if we would read their book and then publish a review. One writer after another passed the word to their friends and acquaintances, and then they followed us and contributed. The domino effect continues each month. Doors have opened that we didn’t know existed. We have also been steered away from places and people we should not be associated with. Our prayers always include requests for wisdom and discernment to follow the Holy Spirit’s guiding hand.