Do you know what tomorrow holds? You probably know little or nothing about what will happen tomorrow.
Most times God seems not to appear until we reach our wit’s end. Our question about tomorrow may be about our health, marriage, children, job, career, and finance. The fear and doubt about the future of our As we march into 2021, how much can you trust God finance is the reason some will not pay their tithe. To for your life and situation? With all the tumult and un- them, the entire income is not enough, let alone when certainty in the world today, what does the future hold you remove a tenth for God. (Proverb 3:5-7) for you? This is where your walk with God in the New Year becomes paramount. Well, I may not know what There are two yardsticks used to determine if you can the future holds, but I know Him who holds the future. trust a person. These are his integrity and testimonies I discovered through our years of walking with God, about him. Let me run through these determinants to we still doubt his capacity. We prefer obeying our five prove you can trust God for the New Year. senses to trusting God in the uncertainty. Since God is our Creator and Sustainer of everything What does it take to trust God? It means trusting he that existed, he cannot mismanage your little life. is in control when the surrounding situations indicate “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming otherwise. In that case, our feelings are inconsequen- down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who tial. God nowhere promised we shall feel his presence, does not change like shifting shadows.” (James 1:17 but he assured us his abiding presence. At times NIV). To be certain you are secure; hear God’s word to walking with and trusting God takes time. Those long Abraham. God also bound himself with an oath, waiting times are needed to prove our sincerity. If we so that those who received the promise could be trust him long enough, he will manifest on our behalf perfectly sure that he would never change his mind. in a long and fruitful manner. (Hebrews 6: 13-20) God has no greater person other than himself. But note those vows and promises of God didn’t tell Abraham a specific place to go when God didn’t come cheap. It cost Abraham some things. he called him to leave his family. It took Abraham a He waited and made sacrifices. You only wait for three-days’ journey to get to where he must sacrifice someone whose words are dependable. And from the Isaac. He could have offered the boy in his backyard, little we know about God; his word is trustworthy. yet God had a specific place in mind. I guess the reason for that long distance to the mountains was to allow Abraham to reconsider his unreasonable decision to kill the promised child.
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