John Alexander lives in Frisco, Texas with his beautiful wife and his Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. In 2010, while still working, he began writing fiction in his spare time and published The Enclave, a mystery/suspense novel. He now spends full time pursuing his writing passion. John writes children’s books to capture their imagination and help them discover the love of reading early in life. He especially loves writing books that help elementary school children discover that reading is a fun adventure. The chapter books in the Amber-Autumn mystery series, including Christmas Garden, Grandfather’s Blessing, Golden Campout, and The Secret Room appeal to elementary school children. His first picture book, Words That Soar, won first place at the 2019 North Texas Book Festival. The Christmas Gift, published by Elk Lake Publishing, Inc. came out in 2019 and was a finalist in the 2020 North Texas Book Festival. His latest children’s book, The Young Artist, An Unpicture Book, was just released in November 2020.
Divine Appointment by John Alexander
I don’t need a schedule to meet with the Lord, No payment arrangements, “What can I afford?” No menus to navigate, waiting in queue, No need to dress up or to sit in a pew. His line’s never busy whenever I call. He’s always available. No wait at all. He is willing to listen, He’s not in a rush. He already knows me, so no need to blush. We are blessed with unending appointments divine, No need to rehearse, our plain words are just fine. No matter how long we have waited to start, He is eager to hear as we share from the heart. His Spirit inside us can give us insight, Can lead us and guide us to walk in the Light. He has given his Word we can read as we pray, A standing appointment we have every day. 42 | M AG A Z I N E N A M E PAGE 3 41