My Journey With Jesus in 2021 By Cindy Oriol
It is necessary to have a positive attitude, but first I must also have complete trust in Him, and I do. I can look back on 2020 and then strive to have a better year. Others have told me, “I don’t know how you have survived from one trial to another, barely being able to catch your breath through each one.” I tell them I could never have survived without my Lord. He is the rock that I cling to when Satan is trying to pull me down into the murky waters.
As the year 2020 comes winding to an end, I sit here and ponder about this coming new year of 2021, and I am reminded of the abiding love my Lord and Savior has for me. I am also looking forward to seeing how the Lord wants me to better serve Him and others. The past year really played havoc in my body with so many sleepless nights from the agonizing pain that radiates from my body, from the piriformis and sciatic syndrome and fibromyalgia. I was hospitalized three different times, once because I had to have a loop recorder placed under my skin so the doctors could monitor my heart more closely. At times, my heart rate drops in half, but the medication the doctor has prescribed for me is working. As I went up and down with my health issues, some days were worse than ever and my faith continued to be tested. No one asks for these storms to travel through their lives, but when they do come and they will, we must put on the full armor of God and face them together. I am determined to stay on the right path and walk alongside my Savior.
So in 2021, I will continue to love and serve Him as I have done in the past. My faith will continue to grow stronger each day as I walk hand in hand with my Jesus. I don’t know what is ahead for me, in this world, but I will always serve Him the best way I know how, by telling others about Him and sharing His glorious news. I want others to be able to see Jesus in me, through my actions and speech. I want to share the Holy Spirit with them and tell them you really can have a personal relationship with Him. Besides, I am not home yet, this world is not my home. As the song truthfully says to all believers. Blessed New Year to all!
Cindy’s latest book, Having Joy in the Midst of the Storm, which she and the Lord wrote together, will not only encourage and inspire you, but it will also show you how to face and deal with these storms while Jesus carries you through the raging waves. Cindy’s book is her living testimonial of the journey she is taking with the Lord. It will not only encourage and inspire you, but it will show you that during these trying times, we have hope and His name is Jesus, the one who suffered, bled, and died for us all.