DON’T GO TO BED WITH GUM IN YOUR MOUTH By Esther M. Bandy Don’t Go To Bed With Gum In Your Mouth I discovered chewing gum when I was only three. I loved to chew it in the morning, in the afternoon, and even in the evening. It was so tasty; it seemed like a great idea to chew it at night, too. But Mama always told me, “Don’t go to bed with gum in your mouth.” I couldn’t understand why she said that. What was wrong with chewing gum in bed, especially when it tasted so good? I usually tried to obey Mama, but sometimes I did what I wanted to do instead of what she told me to do. The night I went to bed with gum in my mouth, I learned the importance of minding Mama. What happened next is a favorite family story. Years later, I even wrote a poem about it. If you’re curious, keep reading.
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“Don’t go to bed with gum in your mouth,” Mama used to say. I listened to what Mama said, and I tried to obey. But one night when my chewing gum was still so good and tasty, I didn’t want to throw it out. That would be too hasty. I climbed in bed and said, “Good night.” Then Mama tucked me in. She kissed me and turned out the light, and I chewed gum again. I chewed until I fell asleep. Then, when the morning came, I woke up, thought of gum, smiled, and tried to chew again. I tried to chew and tried again, but my gum wasn’t there. I searched my bed. “It’s lost,” I said. “My gum’s not anywhere.” My brother looked at me and laughed. “What’s that stuck in your hair?” I put my hand upon my head and found my gum right there. “What can I do? Will Mom be mad?” I whispered through my tears. He said, “Stop crying and I’ll help. I have a great idea!” Then he got Mama’s scissors, and he cut my long blonde hair. He cut and cut and cut and cut. My hair fell everywhere. We hid my hair under the bed so Mama wouldn’t know. But when she saw my short-haired head I don’t remember what she said, But I won’t chew my gum in bed. Never again! Oh no!