Understanding The Four-Fold Benefits Of God’s Word By Joseph Akinrinola I am Joseph, an author, blogger, and content writer from Nigeria. In the field of writing, I deliver unique, grammatically correct, and plagiarism-free content. Currently, I work with three online firms specializing in motivation, human capacity development, lifestyle, relationship, and spiritual writings. It is not funny when some Christians, even leaders, claimed to be New Testament believers. I assume they are being naïve, not knowing there was no Matthew to Revelation as at the time of the Apostles. Thus, 2 Timothy 3:16 was referring to the Old Testament. Note the words “all scripture” in the singular and “is.” The books from Genesis to Malachi are codified into one as God’s breath.
Doctrine Doctrines are the principles, ideology, and ethics of a group of people. These principles may be that of a social, religious, or political group. These doctrines guide the pattern of life of the group. It is these ethics that determine what action or attitudes are wrong or right.
To the Christians, the word of God is our pattern of This implies we have all the plans of God for our exis- life. That is what makes us different. It follows, theretence embedded in the Scriptures. As you know, you fore, that the world’s opinion does not count so long only get the benefit of a will if you know the content as we are in line with the word of God. Once you are a and detail. That means if you do not take time to seek child of God, what pleases God is your primary conthe interpretation, you may miss a lot of your benefits. cern. Jesus said he came to do his father’s biddings. This should be our doctrine. (John 6:38) Whether we That leads us to explore the four-fold benefits of the preach, teach, work, or play pleasing God should be word of God. our ultimate goal, then our achievement becomes secondary. God is His word. The word of God contains all that we need for life and ministry. However, believers, these In your ministry, business, family, recreation, the social, days seek to find an alternative to the word to no and political world, the word of God should have the avail. The world with the best knowledge still discov- final say. ers a vacuum without the word of God. Doctrines have divided us as Christians more than Our limited understanding of the four-fold ministry of uniting us. I assume God will sometimes laugh or the word of God accounts for the way we handle the frown at our childish argument and conflict on docword. In this post, I will share the four-fold impact of trinal issues that have no eternal value. It is time we God’s word. jointly rebuke sin, fight injustice, and racism instead of defending denominational doctrines. The way out of “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is this is to apply the words of the Apostle Paul in Roprofitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for mans 14, especially verse 19. instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17 NKJV)
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