Fall 2023 CRAZE Recreation Guide - Edmonds Parks & Recreation

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Recreation Program Guide September-December 2023 Edmonds Parks, Recreation & Human Services

700 Main Street, Edmonds, WA 98020 425-771-0230




Monday-Friday8:30am-8:30pm Saturday9am-2pm



August 1 at 9am




Tuesday,December26 Monday,January1

Anderson Center
Recreation Program Locations
Saturday,September2 Monday,September4 Friday,November10 Saturday,November11
Registration Opens

Table of Contents Follow Us

Registration Info.....pg.4

Teach with Parks and Rec.....pg.5

Meadowdale Preschool.....pg.6-7

Celebration of Lights.....pg.8

Ukulele Workshop & Concert Event.....pg.9

Gingerbread House Event.....pg.10

Youth Programs.....pg.11-15


Youth Athletics.....pg.17-18

Discovery Programs & Camps.....pg.19-20

Puget Sound Bird Fest.....pg.21

Adult Athletics.....pg.22-24

Adult Fitness & Wellness.....pg.25-32

Martial Arts.....pg.33

Adult Enrichment.....pg.34-36

Sno-King Youth Club.....pg.37

@Edmonds Rec Zone @EdmondsRecZone Click here to visit our website Register for Programs PAGE

How to Register

Resident Rates


residents receive a discount on programs offered.
on each class will have a resident and non-resident rate.
for classes cancelled
the Parks & Recreation Office.
7 business days
the 1st scheduled meeting date.
refunds will incur a $10 administrative fee per registration. Create an account online at RecZone.org Sign up for classes before they start to save your spot! All new customers will need to create an account. Click here to create an account. For account assistance, call 425-771-0230.
Resident rate will be listed first for each
Refunds Full
will be given
Refunds must
requested at least


Preparation for the Next Big StepKindergarten!

Our job at Meadowdale Pre-K is to help children grow. Through open play and structured group time your child will explore art, music, early literacy, science, math and the outdoors. We focus on developmentally appropriate activities to enhance social, emotional, cognitive and physical skills; skills that your child will need to begin Kindergarten. Our goal is to create a fun, caring, secure and positive learning environment for your child.













PAGE 7 Meadowdale Pre-K Program

Youth Programs

Adventures in Art - Instructor Jessica Carlson

Adventures in Drawing – Ages 6-12

Landscapes, animals, people - this drawing-based art education program uses a simple drawing method and weekly format where students produce original works of art using artist quality mediums. Students will learn to think creatively, expand their drawing skills, and become more confident in self-expression, all while having fun in a non-competitive environment of encouragement and artistic inspiration. New drawing projects each session. Location: FAC 206

$6 supply fee to be paid to the instructor

**No Class: 11/20 & 11/22

Adventures in Anime – Ages 7-11

Create a special Anime drawing in this fun workshop that is designed to enhance your drawing skills as well as your imagination! Focus is on Kawaii and Chibi Anime, but you'll be able to incorporate your own style as well. Artist quality mediums used Location: FAC 206

$3 Supply fee to be paid to the instructor.

12104 S 10/21 10:30am-1pm $42/$48

12105 S 12/2 10:30am-1pm $42/$48

Holiday Card Workshop – Ages 7-11

Get into the holiday spirit in this guided drawing class by creating 2 (or more) holiday themed cards (with envelopes) to give to family and friends, and take home 4 blank cards to create even more. Holiday music and decor will set the mood! Artist quality mediums used. Location: FAC 206

$5 Supply fee to be paid to the instructor.

12106 S 11/18 10:30am-1pm $42/$48

$68/$78 12099
5:30-7pm $68/$78 12100 M 10/9-10/30 5:30-7pm $68/$78 12101 W 10/11-11/1 5:30-7pm $68/$78 12102 M 11/6-12/11 5:30-7pm $85/$97 12103 W 11/8-12/13 5:30-7pm $85/$97
12098 M 9/11-10/2 5:30-7pm
W 9/13-10/4
For more information, visit: www.adventuresinart.net

Youth Programs

Club Z Tutoring - Grades 4-6 & 7-8




Looknofurther!Wearehereasprivatesupportthatwouldonlycostamargincomparedtohiringyour privatetutor!Weareheretoleadyourchild’swayinasupportiveandpersonableenvironmenttohelp buildyourchild'sconfidenceinMathsandEnglish.





Maths All Star Support: Grades 4-6 12158 M 9/11-9/25 5-6:30pm $141/$162 12159 W 9/6-9/27 5-6:30pm $188/$216 12160 M 10/2-10/30 5-6:30pm $235/$270 12161 W 10/4-10/25 5-6:30pm $188/$216 12162 M 11/6-11/27 5-6:30pm $188/$216 12163 W 11/1-11/29 5-6:30pm $235/$270 Maths All Star Support: Grades 7-8 12164 M 9/11-9/25 5-6:30pm $141/$162 12165 W 9/6-9/27 5-6:30pm $188/$216 12166 M 10/2-10/30 5-6:30pm $235/$270 12167 W 10/4-10/25 5-6:30pm $188/$216 12168 M 11/6-11/27 5-6:30pm $188/$216 12169 W 11/1-11/29 5-6:30pm $235/$270 English Reading & Writing Class: Grades 412170 S 9/9-9/30 10-11:30am $188/$216 12171 S 10/14-10/28 10-11:30am $141/$162 12172 S 11/4-11/18 10-11:30am $94/$108 12173 S 12/2-12/16 10-11:30am $141/$162 English Reading & Writing Class: Grades 412174 S 9/9-9/30 10-11:30am $188/$216 12175 S 10/14-10/28 10-11:30am $141/$162 12176 S 11/4-11/18 10-11:30am $94/$108 12177 S 12/2-12/16 10-11:30am $141/$162

Youth Programs

Edmonds Day Camp - Non-School Day ProgramsAges 7-12

EdmondsDayCampisbackfornon-school days!Joinusforarangeoffun-filledactivities includingexplosivescienceexperiments, outdoorexploration,artsandcrafts,music making,andofcourse,foreverclassiccamp games–suchascapturetheflaganddodgeball. Location:FrancesAndersonCenter

French for Kids


Whatifyoucouldgiveyourchildthegiftofcreativity,criticalthinking,andaflexiblemind?Exposingthem toFrenchatanearlyageisaresearch-provenwaytoboosttheirbrain’scognitivefunctions Native speakerHélèneMasonhascraftedaflexibleprogramofstimulatingactivitiesinFrenchthatyourchildis suretolove.Wewillsing,listentostories,playgames,move,laugh,andmakenewfriendsinanurturing andplayfulatmosphere!Ourinteractiveandmulti-sensoryapproachtoteachingFrenchwillhaveyour child(andcaregiver!)unconsciouslybuildtheirvocabularyandunderstanding.Caregiverparticipation required.Location:FAC114




Setupyourkidsforsuccessinastress-freesettingthatgetsthemexcitedaboutlearninganother language!TaughtbynativeFrenchspeakerandexperiencedhomeschoolerHélèneMason,thisclassis uniquelydesignedwithhomeschoolingfamiliesinmind,thoughallarewelcome.Usingaholistic approach,wetakeFrenchlearningtoawholenewlevelbyincorporatingotheressentialacademicskills suchasmath,problemsolving,memorization,andmulticulturalawarenessintoourlessons.Your child(ren)willlearneffortlesslythroughfungames,songs,stories,androleplaying.Alllevelswelcome. Caregiverparticipationrequired.Location:FAC114


F 9/15-10/20 10-10:45am $135/$155 12129 F 10/27-12/15 10-10:45am $162/$186
F 9/15-12/15 11-11:45am $297/$341
12110 F 10/20 8:30a-4:30pm $40/$46

Youth Programs

Little Movers! Parent & Baby Neuromovement®

Play Class - Ages 2 mo. - 18 mos.

Helpyourbaby’sfast-developingbrainlearnandgrowinthebestwaypossible–throughplay-based movement!Didyouknowthatyoubaby’sbrainwilldoubleinsizetheirfirstyearoflife?Andthattheir brainlearnsthemostwhentheyarehavingfun?JoinTaylorAzar,alocalAnatBanielNeuromovement® practitionerandLMTinthisdynamic,gentle,andimpactfuldevelopmentalplayexperience.Caregiver participationrequired.Caregiverswillneedtobeabletobeonthefloorwiththeirchild.Pleasebringa cozyblanketforyourbabytoeachclass.NoClass11/23.




Play-Well TEKnologies

SpooktacularHalloweenWorkshopwithLEGO Materials–Ages7-12

WithHalloweenjustaroundthecorner,it'stimetogetoutyour decorationsandgetreadyfortrick-or-treaters!Buildspooky ghostsandothermovingdecorations,learningaboutgeardrives andotherengineeringconceptsalongtheway.Withtensof thousandsofLEGO®bricks,weknowyourHalloweendisplaywill besimply"gourd-geous"!Location:FAC208

12107 S 10/21 9am-12pm $50/$57

Play-WellTEKnologies:WinterWonderlandW/ LEGOMaterials–Ages5-9


Buildbobsleds,designsnowplows,andtakearideonthePolar Express.ExploreyoursnowiestideasandlearnSTEMconcepts withtensofthousandsofLEGO®piecesatyourmitten-tipsand theguidanceofanexperiencedPlay-Wellinstructor.Location:

FAC206 12108 W-F
12241 M&Th 9/18-10/23 1-1:45pm $187/$215 12242 M&Th 11/6-12/18 1-1:45pm $204/$234

Youth Programs

Pre-K Creative Movement - Ages 3.5-5

Thisclassisforanykidwholovestomove!Kidswillexploretheelementsofbody,space,time,energy, andmotionwhilemakingcreativechoicesandengagingwithanewconcepteachweek.Eachclasswill haveawarm-up,atimetocreateandexplore,andanopportunitytoperform.Kids’awarenessoftheir spaceandotherswillincrease,andtheywillgainconfidenceintheirbodies,creativedecisions,and performingskills.Comfortableclothingandbarefeetareallthatarerequired!Toimprovefocusand allowforkid-guidedexploration,thisisadrop-offonlyclass.Parents/caregiverswillbeinvitedtoobserve duringthefinalclassonly.Instructor:JanaEliason.Location:FAC206

12109 W 9/13-11/1 9:30-10:30am $145/$166


Gymnastics Programs

Ourclassesprovidepositivesocialandphysicalexperienceswithemphasison developmentofmajormotorskills.Childrenprogressattheirownpacethroughstep-bystepmethodsinasafe,funandfitenvironment.

Studentsmusthaveparent/legalguardiansignedwaiveronthefirstdayofclass. Parentsstayinroomfor‘18months-2years’class. Forallotherclasses,parentsmayattendfirstandlastclass.




Youth Athletics

This instructional soccer experience includes age appropriate activities: skill demonstrations, fun games, and instructional scrimmages conducted in a non-competitive, recreational format.

Shin guards are required for all classes except Mommy/Daddy & Me

KLS hotline 1.888.372.5803

To receive cancellation notifications on your smartphone, download the free Kidz Love Soccer app.

September sessions held at City Park

October sessions held at the FAC Gym

Mommy/DaddyandMeSoccer–Ages2-3.5withAdult 12146 S 9/9-10/7 9-9:30am $103/$11 12151 S 10/21-11/18 9:05-9:35am $92 Tot-Soccer –Ages3.5–4.0 12147 S 9/9-10/7 9:35-10:05am $103 11858 S 10//21-11/18 9:35-10:10am $9 Pre-Soccer–Ages4–5 12148 S 9/9-10/7 10:10-10:45am $10 12153 S 10/21-11/18 10:15-10:50am $9 Soccer1:TechniquesandTeamwork–Ages5–6 12149 S 9/9-10/7 10:50-11:35am $103/$118 12154 S 10/21-11/18 10:55-11:40am $92/$106 Soccer2:Skillz&Scrimmages–Ag 12150 S 9/9-10/7 11:40-12:25pm $103/$118 PAGE 17
PAGE 18 FridayNightFloorballwithCoachSal-Modern FloorballforBeginners-Ages7-10 JoinCoachSalfromEmeraldCityFloorballasheintroducesthismodernversionoffloor hockeytokidsages7-10.Noexperienceorgearneeded.Shinguardsrecommended.Come checkoutthisfast-growingsportthat'sfun,safeandinclusivetoall!Noclass10/6,11/10, 11/24.Location:FACGymnasium Instructor:SalIppolito 12144 F 9/15-10/27 5-6:15pm $138/$159 12145 F 11/3-12/22 5-6:15pm $138/$159 Looking for more youth sports opportunities? Check out the Sno-King Youth Club information located on page 37. Youth Athletics

Discovery Programs

Get Involved with Discovery Programs


JoinusasapaidRangerNaturalistoravolunteerBeachDocenttoeducatethepublicabouttheEdmonds MarineSanctuary.Applicationsacceptedyearround.Call425.771.0227formoreinformation.


VolunteeratoneofEdmondsmostexcitingfallevents!TheBirdFestPlanningCommitteeislookingfor helponSeptember9thattheFrancesAndersonCenter.Two-hourshiftsavailableinthemorningor afternoon–noexperiencenecessary.Call425-771-0227formoreinformation.

Nature Programs

The Fungus Among Us - All Ages

Do you often see mushrooms and lichen on trails in Yost Park and want to learn more about them? Join a Discovery Programs naturalist to discover the magical world of forest fungi and lichens including their roles in a forest ecosystem. Create a spore print with mushrooms to take home with you. Location: Yost Park

12097 S 10/21 10-11:30am $12/$15

Houseplant Propagation 101

This hands-on class covers how to multiply your houseplants using a variety of methods. We will cover the basic steps of soil, water, and aerial propagation including the best ways to cut your plants, choosing the right containers, and more! All ages are welcome. Course fee covers materials, including a selection of plants to work with including pothos, monstera, and maranta. Take home your new plant starts at the end of class. Location: FAC 206

12096 S 10/14 10 – 11:30am $18/$21

Raingarden Tour and Information Session - FREE!

Thinking of putting in a rain garden but not sure where to begin? Join staff from the City of Edmonds to tour raingardens in the Perrinville and Seaview neighborhoods. Using the Rain Garden Handbook for Western Washington as our guide, we’ll explore the process of designing, building and maintaining a rain garden, and see examples of key principles at work. Participants will receive a free copy of the Rain Garden Handbook and a list of local resources to take home. Wear sturdy walking shoes and dress for the weather – this event will happen rain or shine. The event is free, but registration is required. Location: Perrinville Watershed

12093 S 10/14 10am – 12pm FREE


Discovery Program Camps

Discovery Non- School Day Camps

Nature Detectives - Ages 7-12

Join an Edmonds Ranger-Naturalist for a day investigating what lives on the forest floor. Discover the bugs, plants and other creatures that are rarely seen. Grow your investigation skills through a variety of activities, games, and crafts. Weather permitting, we’ll take a walk to a local park to examine these tiny and fascinating creatures. Location: FAC 206

12094 F 10/20 10am – 3pm $42/$48

Budding Artists - Ages 7-12

Beauty is all around us and can be found throughout the natural world! Spend the day with a RangerNaturalist collecting natural materials and turn the found objects into masterpieces Projects will include a wide variety of mediums and techniques. Join us for a day of creating wonderful works of art made from nature! Location: FAC 206

12095 W 11/22 10am – 3pm $42/$48

For more information regarding Discovery programs, please click here to visit our website.


Puget Sound Bird Fest

A Celebration of Birds & Nature

September 9 & 10

Saturday at the Frances Anderson Center

Presentations from local authors, artists, scientists and naturalists

Educational exhibits, optics, and bird themed art for sale

Kids activities: owl pellet dissection, crafts, games and hands-on exploration

Photo Contest: stop by and vote for your favorites!

Saturday Presentations

10:30 – 11:30am: Tony Angell: Of Ravens, Crows and How Birds Exploit the Niche of Time

11:45am – 12:45pm: Don Norman and Ingela Wanerstrand: Right Plant: Right Bird

1:00-2:00pm: Dr. Peter Hodum: Of Puffins and Petrels

2:15-3:15pm: Barbara Ogaard: Turkey Vultures - Meet a live turkey vulture!

Saturday in the Field

Guided Walks

Edmonds Marsh, Willow Creek Guided Walk

Southwest County Park Guided Walk

Scriber Creek Watershed Guided Walk for Beginning Birders

Richmond Beach Guided Walk for Beginning Birders

Bird-viewing platform at the Edmonds Marsh

Sunday in the Field

Guided Walks

Edmonds Waterfront Guided Walk

Lake Tye Guided Walk for Beginning Birders

Centennial Trail Guided Walk for “Birding by Ear”

Puget Sound Express Boat Cruise

Native Plant Sale & Wildlife Habitat Native Plant Demonstration Garden Tours

Puget Sound Express Boat Cruise

Native Plant Sale & Wildlife Habitat Native Plant Demonstration Garden Tours

Click here to visit Pugetsoundbirdfest.com for schedule and registration information.

Adult Athletics

Open Gym Drop In - FAC

Participants must register prior to participating. Pat at th f t desk.

$3/adult; $2/youth/senior (60+) No open gym

September 4, November 10, 11, 23, 24 and December 2

Hours subject to change. 10.5% sales tax included in fee

Hours subject to change.

Basketball - Maximum 15 - Call for schedule

Pickleball - Maximum 20 - M-F - 9:00am-1pm

Volleyball - Maximum 18 - M - 6:45-8:30pm

Basketball 3 on 3

30-game schedule with a 2 point line. Game times start at 7:30pm Offense calls the fouls The top six teams advance to a single elimination tournament.

12181 W 9/27-12/6 7:30-10:30pm $275 team

EdmondsCo-RecCompetitive VolleyballLeagues

Matchesconsistof3gamespernight. Feeincludesa7-weekround robinTuesdayeveningswithaseasonendingtournamentfortop4 teams.Maximumof8teamsperdivision.

Women's 4 on 4 Volleyball


Matches consist of 4 games each night. League consists of 9 weeks and a season ending tournament for all teams. Limited to 6 teams in both upper and lower divisions.

12178 T ADivision 9/19-11/7 7:30-10:30pm $295team 12179 T BDivision 9/19-11/7 7:30-10:30pm $295team
12180 Th 9/7-11/9 7:30-10:30pm $550

Adult Athletics

Pickleball Clinics - Ages 14+

If you haven’t heard of pickleball, you soon will as it’s the fastest-growing sport in the country. Why? Because it’s easy-to-learn, great exercise, easy on the joints, and incredibly fun. The sport is sometimes described as "ping-pong on steroids " In the beginner’s clinic, you’ll learn the basics to get started playing the game. (Paddles/balls provided.) In the intermediate session, you’ll gain insights as to strategy, shot selection, and how to avoid the most common mistakes made by many players. Instructor: Roger BelAir has taught 1,000+ people at world-class destination resorts to maximum security prisons. He's been interviewed on NPR, featured in a front-page story in USA TODAY, and profiled by other media outlets. Location: FAC Gymnasium


12191 W 9/6 5:30-7pm $40

Improve Your Play

12192 W 9/13 5:30-7pm $40

Pickleball Leagues

Matches start at 6:15pm on Tuesday evenings. 6 matches with a single elimination tournament.

Doubles - Tuesday


Adult Athletics


RegisterforAdultMen’s,Women’sandCoedLeagues.Multipledivisionswillbeavailableforeach league.Signupforthenightofweekyouwanttoplay(pendingavailability)Tuesday-Friday.The $715leaguefeeincludes10games(5doubleheaders)withthetop4teamineachdivision qualifyingforasingleeliminationplayoff.USSSAteamaffiliationfeeincluded.Gamesofficiatedby USSSAandplayedatMeadowdalePlayfieldsweekdaysstartingat6:10pm.

Registrationbeginsforreturningteams7/24/23andnewteamregistrationstarts7/31/23. On-lineregistrationstartsat6amatreczone.org.Callinstartsat9amEdmonds425-771-0230. ForinformationcontactChrisBrinton,425-771-0230orchris.brinton@edmondswa.gov


Adult Fitness & Wellness

AccessBarsPractitioner Certification&RepeatClass

AccessBarsisaneasytolearn45-to60-minutehands-ontreatment thatdeeplyrelaxesthebrainandthebody.Thiscreatesastateofdeep relaxationandallowsforadecreaseinstress,increasedperformance, increasedcreativityandmorespontaneity TheBarspointsstimulatea positiveneurologicalresponseinsidetherecipient,triggeringthe body’snaturalabilitytorelaxandfacilitatethephysiologicalchanges requiredforgreaterwell-being.This8hourclassbrokenupinto2days allowsyoutogiveandreceivethebarsonceeachday.Manual& certificateincluded.Mustattendbothdays.Kids15&undercanlearn theBarsforfree.Bringyourkidsandyou’llhavesomeonetopractice withathome!Location:FAC208

*Repeatclassesaresamedatesandtimes Musthavetakenaprior AccessBarsCertificationClass.


All-Levels Barre

All-Levels Barre combines ballet, pilates, yoga, and barre techniques to provide a multifaceted, full body workout. This class focuses on strengthening and lengthening muscles as well as balance and coordination through low-impact high energy movements while moving to upbeat music. The exercises are performed both on the mat and at the barre and some small props may be used No prior experience is required as modifications as well as progressions are provided throughout the class. No class 11/23. Location: EWC Rm. 1-2

Optional: Bring a set of 2-lb weights, loop band and mat.

Instructor: Kylee Kitchens, a former soloist ballet dancer with the Pacific Northwest Ballet

12065 Th 9/7-9/28 6:30-7:30pm $52/$60 12066 Th 10/5-10/26 6:30-7:30pm $52/$60 12067 Th 11/2-11/30 6:30-7:30pm $52/$60 12068 Th 12/7-12/28 6:30-7:30pm $52/$60
12050 F&S 9/15-9/16 Fri4-8pm/Sat10am-2pm $440/$506 *RepeatClass(12054):$220/$253 12051 F&S 10/20-10/21 Fri4-8pm/Sat10am-2pm $440/$506 *RepeatClass(12055):$220/$253 12052 F&S 11/17-11/18 Fri4-8pm/Sat10am-2pm $440/$506 *RepeatClass(12056):$220/$253 12053 F&S 12/15-12/16 Fri4-8pm/Sat10am-2pm $440/$506 *RepeatClass(12057):$220/$253

Adult Fitness & Wellness

Mama Barre

Bring your baby or little one with you and enjoy this modified barre/mat class! Moms of all fitness levels are welcome as the focus is to move through the exercises with a strong emphasis on form and alignment. The class will include basic barre exercises and pre/postnatal safe core strengthening, all while your little one is right there with you. This class was created with the intention to help build a community for mamas to come together, move their bodies, and make new friendships! Please bring a yoga mat and a set of light weights 1-3 lbs No class 11/10 Location: FAC 114

Instructor: Kylee Kitchens, a former soloist ballet dancer with the Pacific Northwest Ballet

Circuit Training

Join us for a full body workout targeting aerobic fitness, balance and muscular endurance. Participants work through 10-14 exercise stations for a set time, with little rest between exercises. The workout can be modified for your personal needs. With machines. Location: FAC Fitness Room

Instructor: Rick Buyce

12089 W 9/13-10/25 9-10am $70/$80

12091 W 11/1-12/13 9-10am

PAGE 26 12069 M 9/11-9/25 10:30-11:15am $39/$44 12073 W 9/6-9/27 10:30-11:15am $52/$60 12077 F 9/8-9/29 9:30-10:15am $52/$60 12070 M 10/2-10/30 10:30-11:15am $65/$75 12074 W 10/4-10/25 10:30-11:15am $52/$60 12078 F 10/13-10/27 9:30-10:15am $39/$44 12075 W 11/1-11/29 10:30-11:15am $65/$75 12079 F 11/3-11/17 9:30-10:15am $26/$30 12071 M 11/6-11/27 10:30-11:15am $52/$60 12080 F 12/1-12/29 9:30-10:15am $65/$70 12072 M 12/4-12/18 10:30-11:15am $39/$44 12076 W 12/6-12/27 10:30-11:15am $52/$60

Adult Fitness & Wellness

FeldenkraisMethod®-AwarenessThrough Movement®

TheFeldenkraisMethod®providesanexperientialfoundationfordiscoveringthatmovementdoneinan enjoyableeasywayisinfactwhatweneedtolearn,change,andexpandourabilitiesmosteffectively. Classesarenoncompetitiveandnon-judgmental.Allages,levelsofexperienceandabilitiesarewelcome. Attendingsingleclassesispossiblebypriorarrangementwiththeinstructor.Foradditionalinformation, contacttheinstructorfunctioninforms@gmail.com.


Location:W@FAC301,T@EWCRm 3 12081

Gentle Yoga

Don't confuse "gentle" with "slow!" This class is alignment based with regular work on poses that promote and increase balance, strength, flexibility, and mindfulness. Students are able to use props as needed to work at their own comfort level while still challenging themselves in a variety of poses, from standing to seated to supine. Appropriate for students with limitations but no serious injuries please. Supplies are provided but feel free to bring a mat, 2 blankets, 1-2 blocks and yoga belt. No class 9/26, 11/14. Location: FAC 301

Instructor: Angela Dawn

12044 T 9/5-10/3 12:30-1:30pm $120/$138

12045 T 11/7-12/19 12:30-1:30pm $90/$104

Hatha Yoga

Relaxing music, gentle flowing movements, and the encourageme go at your own pace make Kerry's classes not only great for buildin strength and flexibility but excellent for quieting and calming the m

Instructor: Kerry Brockmann Location:

T 9/5-9/26 7-8pm $74/$86 12082 T 10/3-10/31 7-8pm $97/$111 12083 T 11/7-11/28 7-8pm $74/$86 12084 T 12/5-12/19 7-8pm $59/$68 12085 W 9/6-9/27 11am-12pm $74/$86 12086 W 10/4-10/25 11am-12pm $74/$86 12087 W 11/1-11/29 11am-12pm $97/$111 12088 W 12/6-12/27 11am-12pm $74/$86
EWC Rm. 1&2 12015 T 9/5-10/3 6:30-7:45pm $70/$80 12016 T 10/10-11/7 6:30-7:45pm $70/$80 12017 T 11/14-12/12 6:30-7:45pm $70/$80

Adult Fitness & Wellness

Intro to the Fitness Room

Learn the basics of fitness room use, including machines, freeweights, and body weight exercises Participants will gain ability to design their own exercise program tailored to individual fitness needs and goals. Instruction provided by an ACE certified personal trainer. Location: FAC Fitness Room

Instructor: Rick Buyce

12138 W 9/13 7:05-8pm $5

12139 W 10/4 7:05-8pm $5

12140 W 11/1 7:05-8pm $5

12141 W 12/6 7:05-8pm $5

Iyengar Yoga - Beginning & Continuing Students

A class for beginning and intermediate students of Iyengar yoga. Iyengar yoga uses precise alignment, attention to detail and breath awareness while making yoga postures accessible for everyone through the usage of props (blocks, straps, blankets.) We will build a strong foundation in the basics of each pose so we can progress with stability to more complex poses. The founder BKS Iyengar called yoga "Meditation in Action" - a way to harmonize the body and mind To join this class, it is helpful to have some prior yoga experience. Contact instructor if you have questions regarding suitability. Bring your own yoga mat and 23 yoga blankets/beach towels. No Class 11/10, 11/24. Location: FAC 301

Instructor: Kristina Bavik, CIYT

Iyengar Yoga - Continuing Students

A class for continuing students of Iyengar yoga. Iyengar yoga uses precise alignment, attention to detail and breath awareness while making yoga postures accessible for everyone through the usage of props (blocks, straps, blankets.) We will build a strong foundation in the basics of each pose so we can progress with stability to more complex poses. The founder BKS Iyengar called yoga "Meditation in Action" - a way to harmonize the body and mind. To join this class, please have some prior Inyengar yoga experience. Contact instructor if you have questions regarding suitability Bring your own yoga mat and 2-3 yoga blankets/beach towels. Location: FAC 301

Instructor: Kristina Bavik, CIYT 12041 W 9/20-10/25

6:00-7:30pm $90/$104
6:00-7:30pm $120/$138
12042 W 11/1-12/20
12040 F 9/22-10/27 9:30-11am $75/$86 12043 F 11/3-12/22 9:30-11am $90/$104

Adult Fitness & Wellness


Jazzerciseistheoriginaldancepartyworkout!Each55-minutesweatsessionblendsdancecardioand strengthtrainingtosculptandtoneyourmusclesanddeliveranundeniablemoodboostviaourfull-body workouts.Whetheryou’relookingforphysicalresultsorawaytorelievestressandfeelyourbest,our instructorswillguideyoueverystepoftheway!Suitableforallagesandallfitnesslevels.We demonstratebothhigh-andlow-impactoptions,anddanceexperienceisnotrequired.Allequipment provided.Ongoingschedule,checklinkfordatesandpromotions.MoreInfo:www.Jazzercise.comorcall 206-225-6665.Location:EWCRm.1&2



M 9/11-12/18 4:15-5:15pm

W 9/6-12/27 4:15-5:15pm

Th 9/7-12/28 5:15-6:15pm






Meditation for Beginners – The Antidote to Stress

Ready to start a daily meditation practice that becomes as automatic as brushing your teeth? I will guide you step by step through my Intention Setting AM and Shavasana Body Scan PM practice so you can get all your questions answered and feel comfortable sitting in the silence. You'll learn how to create a lasting daily practice you'll look forward to each day to reduce stress, have more peace, and awareness in your life!

Bring a yoga mat, pillow/cushion. Location: FAC 208

Instructor: Holly Ruiz

12058 S 9/9-9/23 10-11am $105/$121

12059 S 10/14-11/4 10-11am $105/$121

One-on-One Personal Training

Need help meeting your fitness goals? Rick Buyce is an ACE certified personal trainer with over 20 years’ experience and specialized training in senior fitness. Strength training, weight loss, post rehab and injury prevention, athletic performance and nutritional advice. Price is per one hour session. Two or more sessions pre-paid package cost *$45/55 per hour session. Location: FAC Fitness Room

Instructor: Rick Buyce

12142 M-S Appointment only $50/$60


Adult Fitness & Wellness

Pickleball Fitness

Increase performance or obtain fitness goals to start playing pickleball. Participants will work through exercise stations, focused on increasing agility, power, balance, cardiovascular and muscular endurance, and injury prevention. This is not pickleball instruction, but there are opportunities for some play. No class 10/6, 11/10. Location: FAC Gymnasium

Instructor: Rick Buyce

12135 F 9/15-10/27 2-3pm $60/$69

12136 F 11/3-12/15 2-3pm $50/$58

Small Group Personal Training

Work out with your family or friends! Need help meeting your fitness goals? Rick Buyce is an ACE certified personal trainer with over 20 years’ experience and specialized training in senior fitness. Strength training, weight loss, post rehab and injury prevention, athletic performance and nutritional advice Price is per person, per 1 hour session Find a time that works for you! Location: FAC Fitness Room

12143 M-S Appointment only $30/$36 (2-4 people)

Strength and Endurance Interval Training

Strength & Endurance Interval Training is a full body workout targeting aerobic fitness, balance and muscular endurance Participants work through 10-14 exercises for a set time, with little rest between exercises. The workout can be modified for your personal needs. No machines. No class 9/14, 10/9, 11/20, 11/23.

Location: M @ EWC Rm. 3, Th @ FAC 301

Instructor: Rick Buyce 12131

Yoga Pilates Fusion

Yoga/Pilates fusion is a perfect combination of the gentle stretch of yoga with its poses and mindfulness and the core building strength and postural awareness of Pilates. With over 20 years of experience teaching both disciplines, Kerry will guide you through this perfect pairing that will leave you feeling strong, stretched, energized and calm. Location: EWC Rm. 1&2

Instructor: Kerry Brockman

9/11-10/30 6-7pm $70/$80 12133 Th 9/21-10/26 1-2pm $60/$69 12134 Th 11/2-12/14 1-2pm $60/$69 12132 M 11/6-12/11 6-7pm $50/$58
12212 M 9/11-10/2 6:30-7:30pm $56/$64 12213 M 10/9-11/6 6:30-7:30pm $70/$80 12214 M 11/13-12/11 6:30-7:30pm $70/$80

Adult Fitness & Wellness


The gentle, rhythmic movement of qigong reduces stress, builds stamina, increases vitality and enhances the immune system This ancient Chinese health care system integrates physical postures, breathing techniques and focused intention. No class 10/31, 11/21-11/22. Location: FAC 114

Instructor: Barbara Gleisner

Scandinavian Minimalist


Feeling weighed down physically and mentally?

Lighten up with "Lagom" - the Swedish simple approach to wellness. Learn to build strength, cardio and flexibility with simple comprehensive bodyweight exercises. Learn balance, coordination and meditation in motion with martial art and yoga crossover practice (no experience necessary.) Learn HIIT & LIIT workouts for when time is limited. Learn what your ideal body weight is, how to reach it and how to maintain it naturally. Become independently healthy without the need for expensive equipment or gym memberships. Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can. No class 10/6, 11/24. Location: FAC 208

Instructor: Claes Bavik PhD.

T'ai Chi - Taijiquan

An ancient Chinese exercise, T’ai Chi helps build strength, flexibility, and balance in mind as well as body Consistent practice can help reduce tension and increase physical, spiritual, and mental wellbeing. Wear comfortable clothing. No class 10/31, 11/20-11/23. Location: FAC 114

Instructor: Barbara Gleisner

*No new students, must take level A first.

12033 T 9/12-12/12 5:30-7pm $126/$145 12032 W 9/13-12/13 10:30am-12pm $137/$157
Level 1A 12024 T 9/12-12/12 10:30am-12pm $126/$145 12025 Th 9/7-10/19 7-8:30pm $74/$85 Level 1B 12026 Th 10/26-12/14 7-8:30pm $74/$85 Level 2 12027 T 9/12-12/12 7-8:30pm $126/$145 Level 3 12028 Th 9/7-10/19 5:30-7pm $74/$85 12029 Th 10/26-12/14 5:30-7pm $74/$85
for Better Balance - A 12030 Th 9/11-10/23 10:30am-12pm $74/$85
for Better Balance
12031 M 10/30-12/18 10:30am-12pm $74/$85
Level 1 12060 M&F 9/11-10/9 6-7pm $100/$115 12062 M&F 10/16-11/13 7:15-8:15pm $100/$115 12063 M&F 11/20-12/22 7:15-8:15pm $100/$115 Level 2 12061 M&F 10/16-11/13 6-7pm $100/$115 Level 3 12064 M&F 11/20-12/22 6-7pm $100/$115

Adult Fitness & Wellness

Sound Bath Events led by Savannah Powers

These events are led by Savannah Powers from Ethereal Sound & Wellness. You may read more about sound healing and her bio at etherealsoundwellness.com


Please arrive early. No late arrival. Doors will close and class will begin PROMPTLY at 6:30pm to ensure the integrity of the experience, so attendees should plan on arriving 10 minutes early We do not allow late entry and the door will be closed.

What to Bring:

Dress in layers, yoga mat if you have one, one to two blankets, a pillow if that helps you to be comfortable as we will be on the floor. If you struggle with low back pain, PLEASE bring an extra pillow to support your back. Bottle of water, openness to the experience, eye mask optional.

Sunset Sound Bath

Join us at sunset to delight in the sounds of crystal quartz singing bowls, chimes, gongs, & other instruments to guide you into a relaxed state. Located in the dance room with a beautiful view of the water. Come disconnect, breathe, and reconnect. We can’t wait to meet you & see what benefits sound healing can provide you. Location: EWC Rm. 1&2

12011 M 9/11 6:30-7:30pm $35

Candlelight Sound Bath

Join us for a candlelight sound bath as you delight in the sounds of crystal quartz singing bowls, chimes, gongs, & other instruments to guide you into a relaxed state. Located in the dance room with a beautiful view of the water. Come disconnect, breathe, and reconnect. We can’t wait to meet you & see what benefits sound healing can provide you. Location: EWC Rm. 1&2

12012 M 10/16 6:30-7:30pm $35

Starry Night Sound Bath

Immerse yourself in the healing vibrations of singing bowls and gongs, all while enjoying the ambiance of a starry night with our Galaxy Projector. During this full body listening experience you will hear and feel the sound waves as they flow throughout the room and guide your mind into a deeply restful state. The power of sound can help us achieve tranquility in mind, body, and spirit. Come relax, unwind, and simply enjoy this uniquely powerful experience. Location: EWC Rm. 1&2

12013 M 11/13 6:30-7:30pm $35

12014 M 12/11 6:30-7:30pm $35


Martial Arts

Kendo - Ages 8 through Adult

All classes are for ages 8 and up Youth/adult classes combined

Build physical and mental strength learning Japanese samurai sword handling. Kendo is great way to learn self-discipline for kids, and good stress relief for adults. Beginners need to purchase a bamboo sword at the first class for $40, payable to the instructor. Continuing level includes full contact wearing armor. Youth and adult classes are combined. The Edmonds Kendo Class is a member of the Pacific Northwest Kendo Federation/All United States Kendo Federation. Visit https://www.washingtonkendo.org/ for more details.

No classes 9/9, 10/7, 10/28, 11/11, 11/23, 11/25, 12/23. Location: FAC Gymnasium

Instructor: Naoaki Tanamura

Taekwon-Do - Ages 10+

Self-defense and physical fitness for the whole family. Open to continuing students. Family discount rates available. Uniform details at class. No Class 11/1. Location: EWC Banquet Room

Instructor: Kevin Lemm 12019

6-7:30pm $70/$80 12020 M&W 10/2-10/30 6-7:30pm $70/$80 12021 M&W 11/6-11/29 6-7:30pm $70/$80 12022 M&W 12/4-12/20 6-7:30pm $70/$80
M&W 9/6-9/27
Beginner 12046 Th 9/7-12/28 5:30-7pm $120/$140 Advanced 12047 Th 9/7-12/28 7-8:30pm $120/$140 Beginner 12048 S 9/16-12/30 12-1:30pm $79/$91 Continuing 12049 S 9/16-12/30 1:30-3:30pm $79/$91

Adult Enrichment

Dancing at the Waterfront

Instructor: Charles England, Golden State Dance Teachers Association & World Swing Dance Council Certified.

Location: EWC Rm. 3


Stillthecoolest,smoothest,andmostplayfulform ofswingontheplanet WestCoastSwingcanbe dancedtoalltypesofmusicfrombigbandswing andblues,rhythm&blues,Top40andpopofall eras.

12115 W 9/13-10/11 7-8pm $68/$78


It'stimetolearntodance!EasybasicsinFoxTrot, WaltzandSwing,withemphasisonlead/follow skills.Everythingyouneedforanightoutdancing.

12116 W 9/13-10/11 8-9pm $68/$78


Hot!Hot!Hot!SolidBasicsteps,turnsandstylingin Salsa PlussomeMerenguejustforfun Danceall nightlong! 12117 W 10/18-11/15 7-8pm $68/$78


TheAll-Americanswingdance!DancetoBigBand Swing,Rock'nRollandmore.Bothsingleandtriple rhythmstylewillbetaughtinthisfunandeasyclass 12118 W 10/18-11/15 8-9pm $68/$78

JamtownLive - Hand Drum

Warm Up & Accelerate Sessions

Multi-part ensemble play with authentic drums and percussion (supplied). Warm Up Session covers hand technique and rhythms of the night at a beginner pace. Accelerate Session covers the same rhythms at an intermediate pace - with a place for beginners too. Attend both Sessions for the same price! Audio tracks and easy notes for each part encourages practice between sessions. Location: EWC Community Room B

Warm Up Sessions run from 6:00-6:50pm

Accelerate Sessions run from 7:00-8:15pm

12111 T 9/5-9/26 6-8:15pm $60/$69

12112 T 10/3-10/24 6-8:15pm $60/$69

12113 T 11/7-11/28 6-8:15pm $60/$69 12114 T 12/5-12/19 6-8:15pm $45/$52


Adult Enrichment


This2hourclassfocusesonskillstoimproveexposure,composition,andcameraknowledge. Studentsspendthefirsthourlearningnewskillsandthesecondhourpracticingthem.Instructor willanswerquestions,sharetechniquesandcritiquephotos.Location:EWCRm.4


12127 M 9/25 6-8pm $35/$40


LookingtoworkonyourSpanishconversationalskills?Wouldyouliketodevelopyourspeaking andlisteningskillsandbuildyourvocabularymore?JoininstructorJeanettQuintanillaonenighta weektoconverse,learnaboutLatino-Americanculture,art,films,andhistory.Improveyourskills forhavingconversationsanddiscussions.IntermediatelevelsandSpanishspeakingabilityare required.Notextbookisrequired.Location:EWCCommunityRoomB


12121 Th 9/28-11/2 6-7pm $300/$345


Nomusictheoryorbackgroundneededtolearntoplayukulele!Wewilllearnafewchords,keys, handpositions,strummingrhythms,andyouwillquicklybeabletoplayasongwithalohaspirit. Ukuleleisagreataccompanimenttosinging,afuninstrument.Uke'savailabletotryonfirstday! Aconcertwillbegivenbytheclassonthelastdayofthesession.$8supplyfeepaidtoinstructor.

Location:EWCRm.4Instructor:ChontelKlobas,founderofSTRUM 12122 T

Ukulele Open Jam

Join STRUM a month at a time for relaxed nights playing songs with aloha spirit. Enjoy some beautiful music and community bonding. Music will be provided. Location: EWC Rm. 1&2 Some Ukulele’s will be available to use.

**Per Day Drop In Available for $5/$6. Pay on day of attendance at the front desk.

12123 W 9/6-9/27 6-8pm

6-8pm $20/$25 12125
6-8pm $25/$30 12126
12/6-12/27 6-8pm $20/$25
$20/$25 12124 W 10/4-10/25
W 11/1-11/29
6-7:30pm $85/$95

Adult Enrichment

Watercolor + Meditation - Ages 16+

Painting with watercolor and guided meditation, what more could you want on a Thursday evening? This class is perfect for any age and any skill level! Are you an artist and you’re looking for a way to tap into a new space of your creativity? Are you a busy parent looking for a class you can take with (or without) your kid? Are you searching for a way to calm your mind and de-stress? We will learn a new watercolor painting technique, followed by a guided meditation and visualization. We will then paint from your visualization. This class will cover a broad range of topics each week such as “Connecting to Self”, “Manifesting Your Desires”, “Accepting What is” and more. . All supplies are provided, you just show up, create, and relax! Location: EWC Rm. 3

Instructor: Missy Hancock from rooteddesignspace com You can attend one class at a time for a drop in rate, $35 per day, paid on the day you attend. Students under 16 are permitted, please contact the instructor.

12208 Th 9/7-10/19 7-8:30pm $245/$281

Online Programming


Magazineeditorsandbookpublishersagree:thehottesttrendthesedaysisthetellingofpersonal experiences.Learnhowtoaccessandformatyourmemoriesandexperiencesforthepurposeofcreating articles,books,andsouvenirmemoirsforcash,friends,and/orfamily.Instructorhashelpedhundredsof studentsandclientscompletelifestoriesofallkinds.



12119 FallSession Datesandtimescoordinatedwithinstructor $100/$115


Humoristhemostcommonlyrequestedelementinfreelancewriting.Learnhowtogetlaughsintoany kindofwriting:strategiesandmethods—witandjest,comedyandsatire.Seeexamplesofsuccessfully addinghumoranddoexercisesthatprove youtooCANbefunny!Sideeffects:Laughter,fun,play,and moreofthesame.


12120 FallSession Datesandtimescoordinatedwithinstructor $79/$91


Everyone Gets to Play

Everychildshouldhaveanopportunitytolearnthebasicfundamentalsandskillsofa sport,theunderstandingofteamwork,communicationandgoodsportsmanship.


Yourchild'ssafety,healthandwellness,social,physicalandmotorskilldevelopment, theabilitytolearnandunderstandrulesandstrategyofthegame,feelgoodabout themselvesandtheiraccomplishmentsandespeciallytohavefuniswhatSno-King YouthClubrepresents.Allofthesethingsmusthappeninasafe,nurturingenvironment wherecoachesarescreenedtomakesuretheyaresafetoworkwithkidsandare trainedtoinstructandmentorascoaches.Sno-KingYouthClub,anorganizationwhere:


For more information about our upcoming programming options, please visit SKYC.NET

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