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#165 vol. XL MARCH/APRIL 2013 English Edition


When one plus one is more than two





www.odebrechtonlinew.co Online edition

Online archive

> The book Governor Luis de Albuquerque de Melo Pereira e Cáceres’s Grand Tour of Lisbon, Rio, Goiás, Mato Grosso and the Amazon, 1771-1791 is the winner of the 2012 edition of the Odebrecht Historical Research/Clarival do Prado Valladares Prize. > Odebrecht Energia (Energy) is building its first solar power plant to supply electricity to the Pernambuco Arena in northeastern Brazil. > Oil committee discusses the market for that commodity and projects the future of that sector for the Group.

> You can read this entire issue in HTML and PDF.

> Odebrecht/Insper Executive MBA helps groom leaders and increase members’ knowledge at six Odebrecht companies. > Synergy in Angola enables an accident-prevention campaign on the BenguelaBaía Highway.

> Access all back issues of Odebrecht Informa since no. 1, and download full issues in PDF. > Odebrecht Annual Reports since 2002. > Special publications (Special Issue on Social Programs, 60 years of the Odebrecht Group, 40 Years of the Odebrecht Foundation and 10 Years of Odeprev).




> Online edition of Odebrecht Informa . > Reports, features, videos and photos.

Video Reports


> Odebrecht’s Agribusiness Excellence Program raises members’ awareness of the importance of working synergistically, and bolsters relations between leaders and team members.

> Photographer Zé Paiva tells how he reached Morro do Fumo, one of the most stunning landscapes in southern Tocantins, Brazil.

> Benchmarks in the road and real estate sectors, the Rota dos Coqueiros road concession and the Reserva do Paiva complex help create a new vector for development in Pernambuco.

> Castro Alves Theater: an organic and structural complex that is an icon of modernity for Brazil’s dramatic arts.

> Savvy Project interviews Alejandro Cruz Mendoza, or “Mestre Cruz,” the Structural Steel Supervisor on the Chaglla Hydroelectric Plant construction project in Huánuco, Peru. > Olympic project generates USD 11 billion in business from synergy among Group companies and produces an architectural legacy for Rio de Janeiro.

> The Mayor of Rio de Janeiro, Eduardo Paes, discusses his city’s preparations for the 2016 Olympics.

> Follow Odebrecht Informa on Twitter and get news in real time @odbinforma.

> Comment on blog posts and participate by sending your suggestions to the editors.


Social outreach programs boost

> You can also read Odebrecht Informa on your iPad. The magazine can be downloaded free of charge from the App Store.

sustainable development and help generate income in


> Access the version of Odebrecht Informa for smartphones.



Cover: Odebrecht Agroindustrial members. Photo by Geraldo Pestalozzi.




Venezuela: skills that converge to help the country grow


Hydropower projects attest to the power of sharing experiences


The creation of Odebrecht Properties reflects the Group’s organic growth


The Group now meets its project engineering requirements through an in-house structure


Integrated operation broadens scope of a strategic objective for Petrobras

24 28 30

The historic, cross-cutting case of the Aquapolo Project


Engineering & Construction projects are using more and more plastic


Argument: Euzenando Azevedo discusses converging objectives and practices


Equipping people to work in the agribusiness sector in Angola


In Malanje Province, families come together to preserve the environment


Communities learn to operate wells and consume water sustainably


The challenge of ensuring unity among five productive hubs in four Brazilian states


Community: in Argentina, programs based on the desire for mutual understanding


Corinthians Arena: a project that has become an icon of team spirit

Communication: young netizens help a concession company improve its services Joint effort gives rise to the first fully planned neighborhood in Pernambuco, Brazil


synergy 62

See how creativity and cohesion are transforming Rio de Janeiro


Flavio Faria: unity is key to learning important lessons


Folks: the daily lives of Marie Bendelac, Marcos Tepedino and Cinthia Blassioli


A grand combination of talents and principles is changing the Southern Bahia Lowlands


Savvy: “Mestre Cruz� and the qualities that a (true) leader requires

The map shows the countries and Brazilian states (in beige) where the projects and programs described in this issue of Odebrecht Informa are located, and where the people who feature in these stories live and work






W “Synergy. This is the spirit of an organization that sees cooperative interaction as the ideal path to balance, productivity, and surpassing the high levels of performance it sets for itself”

Boosting benefits

e need to complement, contribute and strengthen each other to meet the expectations of those who have entrusted us with realizing their dreams in an integrated and qualified way. To do so, we must to know each other and share our daily challenges and learnings. That way, we will be more and more in sync and consolidate that cohesion. In short, it is key for unity to make the difference. To leverage expertise. To boost development. To signify growth, both individual and collective. That’s synergy. In an entrepreneurial organization like Odebrecht, it can be everything, because it can mean people making the most of their creative and transformative potential with a level of motivation that exceeds their highest expectations. Because it can mean achieving client satisfaction in a way they may never have imagined. In 2012, synergistic business operations accounted for 6% of the Odebrecht Group’s earnings and 38% of all its investments. In the pages of this issue of Odebrecht Informa, you will find inspiring stories of the joint efforts of the organization’s companies and teams working in the same venture or environment. You will see how complementary skills can make previously unattainable goals become the purest, most concrete reality. You will attest to how special it is to strive to ensure that the star of all the company’s initiatives – the client – is serviced with the same high standards and quality to meet all their needs. From the harmony among the teams in the units of Odebrecht Agroindustrial (Agroindustry) to the integrated operations of several companies in Venezuela; from the exchange of experiences and knowledge among the professionals involved in hydropower projects in Brazil and Peru to the strong interaction between communities and projects in Angola, in the following pages you will have a chance to better understand why Odebrecht members take great pleasure and express conviction when saying that they work for a Group, “with the Group.” They know that they spend their daily lives in a broad, multifaceted and complex whole that is connected by a single culture and focused on getting the best possible results. Synergy. This is the spirit of an organization that sees cooperative interaction as the ideal path to balance, productivity, and surpassing the high levels of performance it sets for itself. Good reading.

blending EXPERTISE Venezuela is the setting of an iconic case of cross-cutting operations among Odebrecht Group companies written by ElĂŠa Almeida

Caracas Metro: symbol of the maturity and consolidation of Odebrecht Venezuela



photos by AndrĂŠs Manner



n the early 2000s, the Venezuelan govern-

Odebrecht Venezuela, underscores one of the key

ment set itself the challenge of accelerat-

elements of the synergistic action of the Group

ing the development of the nation’s petro-

companies present in that country: the perma-

chemical industry. Until then, Odebrecht

nent alignment of the people responsible for

Venezuela, an Engineering & Construction

businesses and the person who handles politi-

service provider led by Euzenando Azevedo, was

cal-strategic relations (in the case of Venezuela,

the only Group company in Venezuela. At that

Euzenando Azevedo). “That goes for all kinds of

point, Euzenando saw an opportunity to diversify

issues,” notes José Cláudio. “From financial, tax

the organization’s presence in that country. The

and trade union matters to the education of peo-

next step was to try to establish closer relations

ple, corporate communication, health, workplace

between Braskem and Pequiven, the Venezuelan

safety and sustainability.”

state-owned company that produces and sells petrochemical products.

Ethanol plants and oilfields

Euzenando’s feeling resulted in the begin-

One of the achievements of Odebrecht Engen-

ning of a productive relationship between the

haria Industrial was the Sugarcane Byproducts

Odebrecht Chemical & Petrochemical company

Agroindustrial Complex (CADCAs) Project, which

and Pequiven, which in 2007 contracted out the

calls for the deployment of four ethanol plants in

construction of a major petrochemical complex,

the states of Barinas, Cojedes, Portuguesa and

essential to developing the sector in Venezuela.

Trujillo to boost the bioenergy sector in Venezuela.

This project required a joint effort from Odebrecht

Project Director Fábio Melo says that the spirit of

Venezuela, Braskem and Odebrecht Engenharia

synergy, which helped realize this opportunity, is

Industrial (Industrial Engineering). In January of

present from day to day on this project. “The mem-

that year, Braskem sent a team of seven people,

bers feel part of a single whole,” he emphasizes.

led by its Managing Director for South America,

In 2008, Odebrecht Oil & Gas arrived to explore

Sergio Thiesen, to carry out the binational pet-

mature oil fields through an alliance with state-

rochemical project. Currently, Braskem and

owned oil company Petróleos de Venezuela S.A.

Pequiven are revising the project design to in-

(PDVSA), after Odebrecht Venezuela had identi-

clude a more appropriate solution for the supply

fied the opportunity and brought the two partners

of raw materials.

together. The first step was the Tilaba Project,

According to Euzenando, the knowhow and

which enabled the company to win its client’s

confidence that Odebrecht Venezuela had built

trust. “Our arrival was a strategic decision by the

up since 1992, the year of its initial operations in

organization to strengthen the relationship with

that country, helped garner new business for the

Venezuela in the oil sector,” says Hélcio Colodete,

Group’s other sectors of activity. Once an oppor-

Odebrecht Oil & Gas’s Managing Director for Spe-

tunity had been identified, the Group’s cross-cut-

cialized Services for Oil Wells.

ting operations in Venezuela facilitated relations

As a result, in 2009, the company began the

with the client, the handling of business matters

Tierra Oeste Project to explore mature oil fields,

and risk mitigation.

which provided another example of interaction.

“Odebrecht Venezuela’s relationships and per-

The success of that project led to the creation of

formance on projects helped it gain the client’s

the Petrourdaneta joint venture, a partnership

trust. And since we had identified opportunities

between Odebrecht (40%) and PDVSA (60%). This

in advance, they quickly came to fruition,” says

company is responsible for operating the fields,

Francisco Penteado, Odebrecht Engenharia In-

which will produce 100 million barrels in 25 years.

dustrial’s Managing Director for Central America

It is up to Odebrecht to contribute technical and

and the Caribbean.

operational expertise and participate in business

José Cláudio Daltro, the officer Responsible

management. Odebrecht Venezuela has invested

for People, Organization and Finance at

USD 50 million in this project to participate in a



CADCAs Project: an Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial venture that will enable the deployment of four ethanol plants in four states

“We are promoters of development� Euzenando Azevedo

business that involves 40 million barrels of oil re-

dustrial and Odebrecht Oil & Gas. It also plays that

serves, changing its status from service provider to

role for people. When expat company members ar-

investor and laying the foundations for a relation-

rive in the country, it helps them adapt to their new

ship of over 25 years with Venezuela.

surroundings and provides the structure needed to

According to Colodete, Tierra Oeste has opened

help them get settled in. This collaboration, in turn,

the door to an opportunity to negotiate oil sales

is reciprocated by the companies as they grow and

with the client. Additionally, the project is an im-

establish themselves in Venezuela, based on the

portant platform for developing the Specialized Oil

idea that synergistic action is essential to improv-

Well Services markets of Brazil, Mexico and Argen-

ing performance.

tina, multiplying examples of synergy and crosscutting interaction.

Braskem, for example, signed a contract to purchase Venezuelan naphtha in 2010. The agreement includes an instrument that allows the re-


Support for new arrivals

sources generated through the transaction to be

Odebrecht Venezuela does more than provide

used to fund the Venezuelan Government’s com-

support for Braskem, Odebrecht Engenharia In-

mitments to engineering and construction proj-


Francisco Penteado stresses that this performance in different sectors, fostered by the presence of several Odebrecht companies and their cross-cutting operations, enables the Group to deliver integrated solutions to its clients. “This sets our operations apart and generates very positive results,” he says.

Relationships with communities The Group’s diversification in Venezuela is consolidating the solid base on which it has built its relations with the communities in the vicinity of its projects. One of the ventures that symbolize its social contribution is the Filas de Mariche Metrocable, a cable car system that can carry about 6,000 people per hour on two circuits (express and local). The system connects the Mariche community, an area with few public transportation options, with Line 1 of the Caracas Metro at Palo Verde Station. It also helps integrate Mariche residents with the urban center of Caracas. Likewise, the Bolivarian Cable-Train project is helping integrate the approximately 400,000 residents of the Petare community, one of Caracas’s poorest and most populous districts, into the rest of the city. The project has helped revitalize the surrounding area. Driven by cables, the elevated train will run through the community and connect ects built by the company that Euzenando Aze-

8,000 passengers per hour with two Metro lines:

vedo leads.

Line 1 and the future Line 5, which is still under

“This is a perfect example of cross-cutting op-


erations and synergy. The companies work in sync.

Euzenando Azevedo observes: “This commit-

Braskem’s contract for the supply of naphtha meets

ment to the public has been present since Ode-

its need for the feedstock and serves as an instru-

brecht’s arrival in Venezuela, and the arrival of

ment to guarantee part of Odebrecht Venezuela’s re-

other Group companies has strengthened it. We

ceivables,” explains Sérgio Thiesen, Braskem’s Manag-

are promoters of development.” He adds: “Our

ing Director for South America.

synergy is a contribution, to the extent that each

César Guerra, Braskem’s Project Director in Ven-

company, each in its own area, generates and

ezuela, says that the “Naphtha Fund,” as it became

moves wealth in the regions in the vicinity of its

known, became operational in May 2011. Another re-

projects. That way, the communities are starting to

sult of its relationship of trust with the client was that

appreciate our presence, and want and ask us stay

Braskem has become Venezuela’s preferred supplier

in the country, which will fulfill our ultimate goal of

of polyethylene and polypropylene.

achieving perpetuity in Venezuela.”




gets around written by Clรกudio Lovato Filho photos by Guilherme Afonso

Model project: The Santo Antônio Dam produced experiences that inspired programs on other projects in the energy sector

The exchange of experiences in the field of sustainability is a highlight of the synergistic relationship between hydropower projects


nelisa Cantieri and Thaysa Leite weren’t worried about excess baggage. That’s good, because in this case, more is better. We’re not talking about luggage, electronic

equipment or items for home decor. The subject is knowledge. More than that: knowledge sharing. A former member of the Environment team of the Santo Antônio joint venture contractor (CCSA), which is responsible for building the dam of the same name on the Madeira River in the northern Brazilian state of Rondônia, Anelisa is currently working in Peru as Environmental Affairs Coor-



Anelisa Cantieri and the Chaglla Hydro: “We have to learn to use, replicate and adapt”

dinator for the construction of another hydro in which Odebrecht Energia is an investor: Chaglla in Huánuco, 540 km from Lima. Between Santo Antônio and Chaglla, she was in Teles Pires, on the border of the Brazilian states of Mato Grosso and Pará, a project that is also a target of investment for Odebrecht Energia. Under the leadership of experienced manager Nelson da Costa Alves, at Santo Antônio Anelisa actively participated in the design and implemen-

successful,” says Anelisa. She adds: “We have to

tation of environmental sustainability initiatives

learn to use, replicate and adapt projects on differ-

that have become benchmarks for Odebrecht

ent ventures, putting into practice the concepts of

projects in Brazil and other countries. When she

‘knowledge through work’ and ‘lessons learned.’”

transferred to Teles Pires and later Chaglla, she


took along the memory of a number of solutions

Tangible and intangible results

that were successfully implemented in Rondônia.

The challenges faced and overcome at Santo

Anelisa’s successor on the Teles Pires project

Antônio have enabled the development of a new

was Thaysa Friaça Leite, who is Responsible for the

work method in the area of sustainability through

Integrated Health, Safety and Environment Man-

the implementation of the Integrated Manage-

agement System. Thaysa started out as a Young

ment System. “The confidence that teams from

Partner on the project in Porto Velho and was most

other programs, such as Production and Engi-

recently promoted to Responsible for the Environ-

neering, have placed in our performance ensures

ment. She and Anelisa are disseminating knowl-

the synergy needed to carry out the environmental

edge and ensuring that experiences that were born

treatment initiatives at Santo Antônio,” Anelisa

and proved successful in a model project for the


Odebrecht Group inspire and ensure solutions on

An example of an initiative designed, tested

other projects, which often face similar challenges.

and implemented at Santo Antônio and replicated

“As a great leader of mine, Nelson da Costa

at Teles Pires and Chaglla is the deployment of

Alves, once said: ‘We no longer need to invent the

a central waste management unit with an incin-

wheel. It already exists. Dealing with the same

erator, composting area, stabilization pond and

problems over and over does not make sense if

ecological water treatment plant (which uses an

we know the right thing to do, and that it is proven

organic reagent and treats the sludge utilized


to reclaim degraded areas). Another highlight is

an Odebrecht member, including Santo Antônio,

grooming Sustainability professionals with the

where he worked for three and half years.

same technical and conceptual standards, which facilitates the exchange of experiences.

For Fernando, Anelisa, Thaysa and many other Odebrecht members, the Santo Antônio dam be-

Fernando Resende, Engineering Director at

ing built in Porto Velho was and still is a learning

Odebrecht Energia Peru, agrees that the harmony

experience. Thaysa stresses that another essen-

and unity among teams from different programs

tial lesson she learned at Santo Antônio, and she

highlighted by Anelisa have been a key factor be-

is capably applying in Teles Pires, concerns de-

hind important achievements at Chaglla. “At the

ploying water recycling systems during construc-

end of 2012, the project was submitted to the UN

tion of the plant in Rondônia and their positive

to be classified as a CDM [Clean Development


Mechanism] and subsequently obtain a Carbon

“The waters of the Teles Pires River are a major

Credit Certificate,” he explains. “We have also

socioeconomic driving force because the liveli-

been able to share with Peru’s academic com-

hoods of fishermen and their families depend on

munity an entire range of scientific knowledge of

it. It is also very important for sport fishing, which

flora and fauna developed by programs we carried

has increasingly global reverberations. I’ve tried to

out at the jobsite and the surrounding area.”

share my experience at Santo Antônio of measures

A Group member since 1988, Fernando start-

that avoid environmental impacts, such as waste-

ed out by working on the Capanda Hydroelectric

water recycling.” Thaysa underscores one of the

Plant in Angola, and has a special appreciation for

most important lessons she learned at Santo An-

the idea of sharing information and experiences.

tônio - and in life: “The best way to combat a nega-

“Taking part in that process is very rewarding,”

tive impact and its consequences is not to control

he says. Fernando has helped build nine dams as

it, but prevent it.”



Synergy between companies and projects Odebrecht Energia Sustainability Director Gabriel Azevedo is enthusiastic about the synergistic relationship between the company’s projects. “Everything that is generated in this context stays in the organization,” he emphasizes. Based in Brasília, Gabriel visits pays frequent and regular

Thaysa Leite: focus on relations with riverside communities

visits to construction sites. “For our clients, it also brings natural advantages,” he observes, underscoring the water treatment solutions developed at Santo Antônio that were later replicated on the Teles Pires and Chaglla projects. A strong advocate of knowledge sharing


among projects, Gabriel also knows that har-

tial to establish a relationship of complete syn-

mony among the companies involved in the same

ergy,” he says.

venture is essential. “The better we are in this

A member of the Odebrecht Group since 1977,

regard, the more we will boost the gains for our

Délio has helped build several iconic hydropower

client,” he says.

projects, including Itá, on the border of Santa

Délio Galvão, the Project Director for the Santo

Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul, where he was

Antônio hydroelectric plant project and an Ode-

Project Director in the 1990s. “Odebrecht’s col-

brecht member since 1977, is one of the key play-

lective knowledge of the hydropower sector is

ers in this constant search for understanding

vast,” he argues. “We are prepared to participate

within the Sustainability area and throughout the

in all stages of a project, from early feasibility

organization. As the leader of CCSA, Odebrecht

studies to playing the role of investors and op-

Infraestrutura is conducting and orchestrating

erators.” This expertise, says Délio, is one of the

an entrepreneurial venture that also includes An-

decisive factors that have made Santo Antônio a

drade Gutierrez and Gicom (a consortium formed

benchmark, school and nursery for budding tal-

by Alstom, Voith Siemens, Andritz, Areva, Siemens

ents like Anelisa and Thaysa – a project capable

and Bardella). “Santo Antônio is a massive project

of teaching other lessons that could prove to be

that involves several actors, for whom it is essen-



a concept


Odebrecht Properties arrives on the scene to design and deploy investments and manage real estate assets written by Daélcio de Freitas photos by Holanda Cavalcanti

André Amaro (third from left) with officers Responsible for Support: from left, Daélcio Freitas (Communication), Susan Barrio (Legal Affairs), Cristiane Giansante (People), Adriana Meirelles (Finance) and Marcos Lima (Planning)



hen we talk about infrastruc-

The Properties – Brazil area aims to serve dif-

ture - in the case of Brazil, more

ferent types of clients who require corporate and

precisely the lack of it – com-

industrial buildings and logistics, and is delegated

mon sense points to the need

to the Managing Director (DS) Carla Barretto, an ex-

for investments in roads, ports

ecutive who has worked at Braskem, Odebrecht S.A.

and airports. Little is said, however, about the in-

and CNO. Her focus in 2013 will be on the organiza-

frastructure represented by inadequate or outdated

tion’s assets.

public and private real estate assets, which can also

The DS for Public Partnerships, Geraldo Villin

significantly impact the productivity of the people

Prado, who has 32 years’ experience with the Group,

who work in and use such facilities.

is Responsible for investing in and operating admin-

Nowadays, it is generally understood that facilities must be designed for their intended activities.

istrative centers, schools, hospitals and other real estate assets used by the public sector.

In other words, this means that people gathered to-

Multipurpose arenas and other buildings used

gether in a suitable and accessible environment can

for sports, cultural and leisure activities are un-

produce and serve better, regardless of their activity.

der the responsibility of the DS for Entertainment,

No wonder that the design and operations of public

Dênio Cidreira, who has worked at Braskem, CNO

and private offices, schools and sports arenas in the

and Cetrel.

developed world are “tailored” for their audiences. It is in this context that the Odebrecht Group de-

Synergy and portfolio

cided to organize a business focused on this area in

The Pernambuco and Fonte Nova arenas, built

2012 through the creation of Odebrecht Properties

by Odebrecht Infraestrutura for the 2014 FIFA World

(OP), and delegate it to the Entrepreneurial Leader

Cup, fall into the Entertainment area. Scheduled

(CEO) André Amaro, who has worked at Constru-

to open in the first half of this year, these assets,

tora Norberto Odebrecht (CNO), Braskem and Ode-

like the Corinthians and Maracanã arenas, are a

brecht S.A.

milestone in Odebrecht’s history of taking on major

According to André Amaro, this new company is

challenges for the benefit of the country.

a good example of the organization’s diversifica-

“It is up to OP to take on the challenge of operat-

tion and organic growth, since the performance of

ing the arenas in our portfolio in the best possible

OP’s business crosses the borders of the Odebrecht

way, so that, in the medium term, they will become

Realizações Imobiliárias (Infrastructure and Real

an entertainment benchmark in Brazil,” says Dênio

Estate Development) and Odebrecht Infraestrutura


(Infrastructure), companies that develop, build and deliver the projects to clients.

The São Paulo Odebrecht Building, an Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias venture that will house the

“Growing through opportunities and people is in

Group’s businesses in São Paulo City (now installed

the Group’s DNA,” says André Amaro. “And Ode-

in the Eldorado and Villa Lobos buildings), and Ode-

brecht knows how to harness this dynamic, which

brecht’s headquarters building in Bahia, are the

facilitates the entrepreneurship of a new Business.”

main assets of Properties – Brazil. The company’s Public Partnerships assets in-

Managing real estate assets

clude ventures in Rio de Janeiro, such as Olympic

OP’s business is identifying and developing proj-

Park and Porto Maravilha, the urban renewal proj-

ects, and mobilizing the capital investments re-

ect underway in the city’s docklands, which also

quired to later on take over the management of real

fall into the context of the World Cup and the Rio

estate assets, whatever their purpose, and provide


additional services to the users of those assets.


Inova BH, in Minas Gerais, and Centrad (the

To do so, the company is structured to operate in

concession company building the Federal District

areas divided into Managing Directorates: Properties

Administrative Center), in Brasília, are further ex-

- Brazil, Public Partnerships, and Entertainment.

amples of projects undertaken through Public Pri-


vate Partnerships (PPPs). Inova BH will invest in

Where appropriate, we will be agents of develop-

and operate 37 public schools for the City of Belo

ment and revitalization for the surrounding prop-

Horizonte, while Centrad is constructing a is a

erties in order to maximize the long-term value of

16-building complex designed to house the entire

those assets,” she argues.

administration of the Federal District Government,

In addition to the assets that are currently

as well as a convention center and shopping mall.

part of OP’s portfolio, the number of company

“These are infrastructure projects that enable

members confirms André Amaro’s analysis with

government officials to be more productive when

regard to organic growth and people develop-

performing the duties of serving the public and

ment. Seventy-five percent of the approximately

providing basic services like health and education,

200 members of Odebrecht Properties come from

since we are responsible for all the additional ser-

other Group companies.

vices for these ventures,” says Geraldo Villin. Carla Barretto adds that, in all projects in all areas, the Group’s entrepreneurs face the challenge of thinking about the development of the environment through structured community outreach programs. “Our challenge as entrepreneurs transcends the boundaries of real estate assets.

Dênio Cidreira, center, with Marcos Lessa, left, and Frank Alcântara, the officers Responsible for operations, respectively, at the Pernambuco Arena and Fonte Nova Arena (in a photo montage with the Fonte Nova Arena in the background): Odebrecht Properties will operate these facilities to make them a benchmark for entertainment in Brazil




in the house Zinji Kubata: knowledge and experience at the service of OEP


reating a Project Engineering company to

Brazil and other countries,” says Engineering Director

meet the needs of Odebrecht businesses

José Mariano. The formula includes the various stages

and contracts was a long-held dream for

of a project, the preparation of conceptual and basic en-

the organization’s leaders. Last July, that

gineering designs, and providing support for pre-oper-

dream came true. Odebrecht Engenharia

ation, resulting in more agility and better management.

de Projetos (OEP) began operations that month with

Based on market data, José Mariano explains that

more than 160 experts from different fields, such as

the cost of engineering for an EPC (Engineering, Pro-

mechanical, electrical, and civil engineering, instru-

curement and Construction) project, a global trend in

mentation, processes, materials and pipes.

major projects, ranges from 5% to 10% of the total. However, he observes, less than meticulous engineer-

services whenever a new project required them. The

ing can compromise an entire project and lead to major

Group’s partnerships with outside firms will continue

losses. “Ensuring the proper management of all three

to exist, but the goal is for OEP to take up part of this

stages of an EPC gives us the agility and security we

space and strengthen the Group’s in-house engineer-

need to overcome challenges,” he observes.

ing expertise.



Previously, Odebrecht had outsourced engineering

Linked to the structure of Odebrecht Engenharia In-

“Our goal is to play the role in Odebrecht’s busi-

dustrial, OEP’s team includes about one hundred en-

nesses of providing integrated solutions for projects in

gineers and 50 technicians recruited from within the


Odebrecht Engenharia de Projetos is made up of experts in various fields representing three generations written by Thereza Martins

organization and the job market. The team members’ average experience is 30 years.

photos by Ed Viggiani

Three generations of experts There are three generations of professionals at

“We also have an IT area equipped with integrated

OEP’s headquarters in São Paulo, ranging from in-

systems that can handle a large number of projects si-

terns to people who have been working in the field

multaneously, as well as the need for data security,”

for decades, such as designer Zinji Kubata, 78, who,

says Raphael Couto, from the People & Organization

although officially retired, has never stopped work-

area. “All the knowledge and information generated

ing. “During all my years of experience at companies

from the projects OEP develops is now stored and made

and engineering firms, I have worked with most of

available within the organization,” he emphasizes.

the team that comprises OEP today,” he says.

OEP’s first project is the Araçatuba and Anhembi ter-

Another example is Antonio Carlos Morselli,

minals in São Paulo for Logum Logística S.A., the joint

69, who has spent 45 years working as a techni-

venture responsible for the construction and operation

cian at industrial plants. Invited to join the team in

of a multimodal logistics system for road and waterway

January, he recalls that the team building process

transportation of ethanol in the Southeast and Midwest

included an introduction to the Odebrecht Entre-

of Brazil. The joint venture is formed by six companies

preneurial Technology (TEO). “I identify with that

from the engineering, energy and transport sectors.

culture, especially with how it values team mem-

Odebrecht TransPort holds a 20% stake.

bers and clients.”



dialogue productive

A group of companies including Odebrecht Oil & Gas and EEP joins forces to build and operate Petrobras rigs in Maragojipe, Bahia. “We are completely changing


n three years, the Estaleiro Enseada do Paraguaçu

written by Luciana Lana photos by Mário Grisolli

(the share of domestic industries participating by supplying goods and services) in the project, which “will reach 65% by the time the last units are built.”

Swapping experiences “The plan to build 28 rigs [the total amount of units ordered by Sete Brasil, of which six are being built at EEP and the remaining 22 at other Brazilian shipyards] is the biggest challenge the Brazilian shipbuilding industry has

(EEP) shipyard will deliver its first unit designed for ultra-deep water drilling in the pre-salt region. It could be the first drill rig made in Brazil for oil exploration - a milestone for the country’s shipbuild-

ing and oil and gas industries. The construction and subsequent operation of this and five other drill rigs that will be built at the EEP shipyard by 2020 represents the joint efforts of a number of businesses and professionals, each making a strategic contribution according to its expertise. Four of the six drill rigs were ordered from the shipyard through a Special Purpose Entity (SPE) formed by Sete Brasil and Odebrecht Oil & Gas. The USD 3.2 billion contract is managed by a Project Management Team (PMT) made up of Odebrecht Oil & Gas and Petrobras (Engineering Division), with Petrobras (Exploration and Production – E&P Division) as the client for which the rigs will operate. Odebrecht Oil & Gas will operate four of the total of six drilling units. “This is a highly complex arrangement, and these companies are playing several roles throughout the project, from shareholder to operator,” says Odebrecht Oil & Gas Project Director Paulo Neves. The challenge is even greater because EEP is a new company, and its facilities are still under construction in Maragojipe, Bahia. “We are completely changing the region and the state as a whole. This project is massive and very transformative,” says EEP Director Francisco Dezen. He stresses the high percentage of local content




faced in recent times. Sete Brasil has organized and de-

and Petrobras have supported us since long before the

veloped the best mix of technical and managerial capac-

contract was signed last August,” says Dezen. “Over the

ity available in this country to meet the challenge,” says

past three years, these companies have opened their

Herculano Barbosa, Managing Director for Engineering

doors, giving access to leading experts and the latest

and Technology at Odebrecht Oil & Gas. With Petrobras

technology,” he adds, noting that Odebrecht Oil & Gas

and the operators themselves as minority shareholders,

recently built six drill rigs in South Korea and the United

integrated supervisory teams (Petrobras Engineering

Arab Emirates to operate for Petrobras. “The company

and service providers/rig operators) have been formed,

not only knows how to build drill rigs but what it’s like to

made up of people with extensive experience in construc-

build drill rigs for this client, Petrobras E&P, which has

tion and operation. The goal is to build rigs for the end cli-

specific requirements,” argues Dezen.

ent (Petrobras E&P) that meet all their requirements. “A

Geographically, the project spans several borders: the

mixed team supervising the work, formed by Petrobras

management is initially centered in Rio de Janeiro, where

Engineering and the rig operators, is also interacting with

EEP and Odebrecht Oil & Gas have offices and Petrobras

the shipyards in order to clarify the contractual require-

has its headquarters. The detailed engineering is being

ments and technical demands to minimize loss of time,

done in partnership with a company in Romania. There

which contributes to the smooth running of the projects,”

are also partners based in Norway, the United Kingdom

explains Herculano.

and the United States. And when EEP’s facilities are com-

The exchange of experiences has been key to the success of this initiative. “Odebrecht Oil & Gas Engineering

pleted in 2014, most of the team will move to Bahia, in northeastern Brazil.

Francisco Dezen (left) and Paulo Neves: fine-tuned harmony on a transformative project



icon OF SYNERGY written by Fabiana Cabral photos by Holanda Cavalcanti




The Group’s first cross-cutting initiative, the Aquapolo Project began operations in late 2012


he Tamanduateí River rises in the Serra do Mar mountains in São Paulo State, runs through the towns of Mauá, Santo André and São Caetano do Sul, and empties into the Tietê River, in the state capital. To re-

duce the amount of sewage dumped in the two rivers from towns and cities in the ABC Paulista region, the effluent is sent to the ABC Sewage Treatment Station, owned by Sabesp (São Paulo’s state sanitation company), to remove the organic load, and then conveyed to Aquapolo Ambiental’s Industrial Water Production Plant to be converted into reclaimed water. That company, formed by Odebrecht Ambiental (Environment) and Sabesp, sends the effluent to a “carousel circuit” tank where it undergoes biological treatment. Then it flows through modules equipped with special membranes in a process of ultrafiltration. The liquid takes on new properties and gains a natural transparency and odor. This is the production process for reclaimed water or industrial water, which supplies the Capuava Petrochemical Complex in the ABC Paulista region. About four years elapsed between the idea and the effective implementation of the largest project to reclaim water for industrial purposes in the Southern Hemisphere, which began in late 2012. During that period, the Odebrecht Group developed its first initiative to harness the synergy among three of its subsidiaries: Aquapolo.

Unity is strength “Initially, the client was Quattor,” recalls Emyr Costa, Engineering Director at Odebrecht Ambiental since April 2012. He was one of the first people to work on that issue, beginning in 2008, when he was still at Odebrecht Infraestrutura. “Odebrecht Ambiental already had some Fabiano Munhoz, João Paulo Góis, Luis Sérgio Yoshihiro, Josnei Cireli and Reynaldo Moreira Júnior, from Odebrecht Infraestrutura: 10 work fronts operating simultaneously on Avenida do Estado, one of the busiest thoroughfares in the ABC Paulista region

partners at the time,” he observes. Meanwhile, Odebrecht Ambiental acquired Ecosama, a water and sewage treatment utility based in Mauá, and went on to study the production of industrial water. “The Aquapolo Project marked the beginning of the partnership with Sabesp, until the conception and formation of Aquapolo Ambiental S.A., which has a 41-year contract to distribute reclaimed water to the Capuava Complex,” explains Marcos Asseburg, the officer Responsible for the new business. “It is Sabesp’s first partnership with the private sector,” says Fernando Gomes, the state-owned company’s Director for Aquapolo.



Marcos Asseburg (left) and Fernando Gomes: combining expertise

Meanwhile, Braskem acquired Quattor and continued

which runs through four counties alongside the Taman-

developing the project. “The water received was of poor

duateí River, and received 17 km of pipeline in less than

quality and reduced the life of the equipment, increasing

a year. “Around 2,800 meters were built per month in a

the need for maintenance. The plant’s sustainability de-

densely populated urban area. It was a major challenge,”

pended on improving the properties of the water,” says

says Project Director Fabiano Munhoz.

Marina Muniz Rossi, Utilities Coordinator at the Basic

Meanwhile, Odebrecht Ambiental and Sabesp per-

Feedstocks Unit (Unib 3), whose facilities receive the water

formed tests at a miniature water treatment station called

and distribute it to Braskem and other companies. These

a Pilot Plant. The studies done there have determined the

different moves by different Group companies eventually

technologies required to produce high-quality industrial

converged on the same path.

water. “Partnering up with the Group’s companies gave

From synergy to innovation

us peace of mind about meeting deadlines. We knew we were leveraging a new business,” says Fernando Gomes.

Aquapolo has invented a new water treatment cycle and


created new opportunities for the culture of water reuse.

Division of responsibilities

“The project’s success is the result of a combination of the

Another challenge was communicating and liaising

best tools and knowledge of each company,” says Marcos

with different agencies and entities. To meet it, the com-

Asseburg. Before the contract was signed, teams from

panies established a division of responsibilities. “Braskem

Odebrecht Ambiental, Odebrecht Infraestrutura, Braskem

played that role with local governments, and Odebrecht

and Sabesp were already involved in the planning. “The civ-

Ambiental and Sabesp led the way to obtaining environ-

il construction works were approved before signing. That

mental licenses and Odebrecht Infraestrutura took charge

can only be done with synergy,” stresses Emyr Costa.

of getting the construction permits,” says Emyr Costa.

Ten work fronts were set up simultaneously on one

The installation of a 3.6-km system of distribution

of the main routes of the ABC region: Avenida do Estado,

networks at the Capuava Complex was also challenging.


“We trained over 200 people to work inside a petrochemi-

used for industrial purposes can now be consumed by

cal complex. We adapted the work of civil engineering to

500,000 residents of the ABC region. Aquapolo has the ca-

Braskem’s routine,” says Fabiano Munhoz.

pacity to produce up to 1,000 l/s. “Our next challenge is to

Transparency, communication and creative solutions: synergy infused the project with safety and feasibility.

show the public that there are several types of high-quality water, one for each purpose,” argues Marcos Asseburg.

“Each company knew how to ‘defend’ its business and en-

The water quality certification process was car-

sure financial security, influencing and influenced, under-

ried out in early 2013. “We’ve tested it simultane-

standing and respecting its partners,” Marcos Asseburg

ously with all stakeholders,” comments Marina Mu-

explains. Fabiano Munhoz we that we should always look

niz Rossi, who maintains almost daily contact with

for synergistic relationships within the Odebrecht Group.

Aquapolo’s teams. According to Marina, the long-

“Cooperation was essential to achieving the end results.

term results will be advances in heat transfer and a

We put the Group ahead of everything,” he adds. Marina

reduction in the use of chemicals, and in the medi-

Muniz Rossi observes that the unity of professionals from

um term, the benefits will include longer equipment

the same organization facilitated the development of the

life, improved maintenance methods and reduced

project. “In an environment of trust, we found different

water consumption.

solutions to streamline processes and activities,” she concludes.

The Capuava Complex may also be the focus of a new synergistic project. Emyr Costa reveals that studies are underway for an energy recovery program for the plant,

Present and future

involving Odebrecht Ambiental, Infraestrutura, Engenhar-

The Aquapolo Project currently supplies 650,000 liters

ia Industrial (Industrial Engineering) and Braskem. “The

per second of reclaimed water to the Capuava Petro-

trend is for synergies to grow as the Group is increasingly

chemical Complex. The drinking water that is no longer


Marina Rossi: making the plant sustainable




Seeing that no one misses the train Young netizens help SuperVia improve its passenger services written by Boésio Vidal Lannes t 6:30 am on the dot, Monday through Friday, David



photos by Carlos Júnior

de Souza Rodrigues settles

into his seat on a train at Costa Barros station, on the Belford Roxo branch in Rio de Janeiro. Like so many others, he is commuting to work. David goes unnoticed in the crowded railway car, but he is dif-

ferent from the usual passengers because he observes everything carefully and acts as an inspector. David, 21, is part of a group of 20 young people who are thoroughly familiar with Rio’s trains and subway system. He uses Twitter, Facebook and Internet chat rooms to communicate with his friends. During his conversation with Odebrecht Informa, David showed why members of SuperVia’s PR team call him an “amateur engineer.” A future electrical engineer, he points to the train arriving at Costa Barros station, in the outlying district of Rio de Janeiro where he lives, and says: “This is a Chinese CNR 3000-series model, with Australian air conditioning and German brakes.” Moments later, he adds: “That one is a Mafersa 700-series model.” David is part of a SuperVia PR program called Amateur Engineers, which involves young people who experience the daily routine of



train travel and talk to each other

Center (CCO) and share their ideas.

through social networks. By re-

For example, they suggested chang-

porting a problem with a train or

ing the direction of the trains at the

warning that a passenger is feeling

Belford Roxo branch. “I thought they

ill, these netizens help both pas-

wouldn’t listen to us, but the switch

sengers and SuperVia, enabling the

is already being tested. Now, the

concession company to make deci-

trains are running in the same di-

sions in a matter of seconds. They

rection as the metro,” says David.

are invited to breakfast meetings

This synergy with passengers is

at the company, where they have

one of the pillars of the performance

a chance to talk face to face with

of SuperVia, the Rio de Janeiro

the people responsible for different

commuter train concession com-

areas, visit the Operational Control

pany that has been run by Odebrecht

David Rodrigues: a different kind of passenger with a special mission

TransPort since January 2011. The

Strategically based next to the

parked at Bangu Station, in a

company is responsible for trans-

CCO, which is located in the con-

low-income district on the out-

porting 600,000 passengers daily

cession company’s administra-

skirts of Rio de Janeiro, issued

on 190 trains, including 30 modern

tion building, two journalists keep

25,000 documents, including ID

air-conditioned units purchased in

a close eye on the monitors and

cards, work papers and birth

China by the State of Rio de Janeiro.

provide real-time responses to

certificates. During Carnival in

Sixty more trains will go into opera-

15 requests per day, on average,

2012, 10 samba schools near Su-

tion by 2016, and Alstom will build

from journalists. At the CCO, op-

perVia stations were each gifted

another 20 in Rio de Janeiro. The rail

erators keep track of the move-

with 2,000 train tickets, and an

branches are currently monitored by

ment of passengers on dynamic

exclusive train was made avail-

480 cameras, and that number will

screens with technology similar

able to take revelers to the Sam-

reach 1,500 by the end of 2013.

to the Paris Metro’s. The multi-

badrome, where the Carnival pa-

functional sound system was im-

rades are held. These initiatives

ported from the United States.

are directly related to valuing one

The search for new technologies is enabling the company to give its passengers more precise respons-

Improving the company’s syn-

of the most important cultural

es. Currently, 11,000 Internet users

ergistic relationship with the

events in Rio de Janeiro and Bra-

follow SuperVia on Twitter, and it

communities it serves is the

zil. “Investment in new technolo-

has 1,400 fans on Facebook. A toll-

goal of all the concessionaire’s


free number, an email address,

programs. SuperVia President

with community programs and a

ombudsman and 160 young ap-

Carlos José Cunha cites some

policy of transparent communi-

prentices reinforce the company’s

examples. During Global Ac-

cation have increased passenger

PR structure.

tion 2013, a project led by Bra-

confidence and restored compa-

Communications with the me-

zil’s Social Service of Industry

ny members’ pride in working at

dia have also been streamlined.

(SESI) and TV Globo, two trains

SuperVia,” says Carlos José





Reason at the service of

emotion Reserva do Paiva: new paradigms in urban planning, technology and sustainability


30 informa

Commercial innovations and engineering solutions produce Pernambuco’s first totally planned neighborhood in a lush tropical landscape written by Ricardo Sangiovanni photos by Lia Lubambo/Lusco


coconut grove that stretches as far as the eye can see. Five million square meters of private property with 8.6 km of beaches, just 2 km from the northeastern Brazilian city of Recife.

Better yet, the airport and the Suape port-industrial complex are within easy reach. Who would not like to live in a place like that? This dream is now closer to coming true with the birth of the first totally planned neighborhood in the state of Pernambuco, a project that is at the cutting edge of urban planning, technol-

ogy and sustainability: Reserva do Paiva. Developed by Odebrecht, Reserva do Paiva is situated on Cape Santo Agostinho, Greater Recife. The idea of investing in this area - a natural vector for expansion for the metropolitan area - grew out of a partnership between Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias (Real Estate Development) and the Cornélio Brennand and Ricardo Brennand groups, the owners of the property. It began to leave the drawing board in 2007, the year when ground was broken for this project. Three years later, in 2010, Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias delivered the first gated community in Paiva, with 66 upscale homes. In early 2013, it completed an apartment complex and started building new ventures - including a business center with over 1,000 offices and a five-star Sheraton hotel – which are moving ahead by leaps and bounds.

A bridge to the future For this planned neighborhood to exist, however, a natural obstacle had to be surmounted: the Jaboatão River, which separates the mainland from the portion of land that forms the cape. To spare motorists from driving over 40 km to reach the beaches of the south coast and Reserva do Paiva - which would have made it unfeasible to build the new neighborhood - it was necessary to build a bridge across the river. Because Pernambuco lacked the funds to build the bridge, the solution was to establish a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) in December 2006 - the first in the state as well as the first in the road-building segment in the Brazilian Northeast. As a result, in addition to the beautiful 320m cable-stayed Wilson Campos Júnior Bridge, the Rota dos Coqueiros concessionaire, a special purpose company owned by Odebrecht TransPort and Vento Sul, a Cornélio Brennand Group subsidiary, built the road system that also is part of Parque Via, a informa


6.5-km modern highway that runs through the entire area of Reserva do Paiva. The state’s contribution was to grant Rota dos Coqueiros a 33-year concession to build, operate and maintain the road system and pay additional amounts based on the flow of vehicles and quality of services to supplement the revenue obtained by charging tolls until 2019. In addition to enabling the launch of Reserva do Paiva, the road system has made daily life easier for people who commute from Recife to work on the south coast, especially in Suape. The average monthly flow of vehicles reached 8,500 per day in 2012, almost all them passenger cars, since truck traffic is not allowed in the concession area.

Two neighbors A symbol of the synergy between Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias and Odebrecht TransPort that enabled the creation of the planned neighborhood and the highway is the fact that the construction and

tinue to grow together. The agenda is synergistic,”

delivery of the bridge and the first houses at Paiva

says Valverde.

were simultaneous. And what is born from synergy

In addition to taking part in monthly meetings

is bound to retain it: today, Rota dos Conqueiros and

hosted by the Managing Director for the Northeast,

Reserva do Paiva, although independent, are working

North and Midwest, João Pacífico, attended by rep-

in tight harmony.

resentatives of all Odebrecht companies to debate

Two young leaders are responsible for helming

cross-cutting matters, Luís and Elias set aside one

these two closely related businesses: Luis Henrique

day a month to deal with everyday issues involving the

Valverde, 35, Director of Real Estate Development for

road concession and Reserva do Paiva. “We’re like two

Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias in Pernambu-

neighbors. If one of us starts seeing a problem, we sit

co, and Elias Lages, 36, CEO of Rota dos Coqueiros.

down together and come up with a strategic solution,”

“These two businesses were born together and con-

says Lages. By working on the same page instead of The region’s emblematic palm grove and, in the other photo, Elias Lages (left) and Luis Henrique Valverde on the Wilson Campos Júnior Bridge: a PPP made the venture feasible



duplicating efforts, they can concentrate on several

cross ventilation and the use of wide eaves and bal-

fronts and achieve their goals faster. “The result of the

conies - features that make the homes cooler and

synergy of these two assets always exceeds what they

reduce the need for air conditioning. Solar panels are

could do on their own,” says Lages.

used to heat water, eliminating the need for electric showerheads.

Sharing concepts

The main focus, however, is on the occupation

In addition to organizing educational campaigns

of the land. “The choice was to verticalize less.

aimed at members and clients, the two companies

The buildings are lower, with more space between

also share concepts related to social/environmental

them,” says architect Bruno Gadelha, the leader of

sustainability. The concessionaire invests in technol-

Reserva’s real estate development area. The mas-

ogy to preserve the environment and help improve

ter plan for Paiva stipulates a 1:1 ratio between the

the quality of life of the community, company mem-

built-up area and the entire property - while in Re-

bers and clients.

cife, he says, this ratio is 6:1. “The challenge is to

“We’ve installed touch screen monitors in all toll booths to eliminate the need for a mouse and key-

show that it is possible to occupy urban land in a rational manner.”

board, items that had to be replaced all the time. It

Currently, in addition to the Sheraton Hotel proj-

has also streamlined the operators’ work and made

ect, construction of a third apartment complex with

it more ergonomic,” says Fábio Guimarães, the In-

seven towers and a business center with six towers

formation Technology (IT) manager for Rota dos Co-

is going full swing. Vila Gourmet, which will house

queiros. The concessionaire has also installed a fiber

service providers and retailers, is scheduled for de-

optic ring along the entire route of the highway, so any

livery by the next Southern Hemisphere summer. In

toll booth can be operated remotely. This ring is also

2014, a prestigious Recife school will set up a branch

the backbone of the optical network in the Reserva do

in Paiva and, in 2015, a supermarket and a medical

Paiva neighborhood.

center will open in the neighborhood. All this is be-

Reserva do Paiva, in turn, has maintained focus

ing developed in an integrated environment, without

on sustainability since Swiss architect Henri Michel

overcrowding. And, of course, the coconut grove will

de Fournier produced the original design for the dis-

still be one of the most outstanding features of this

trict in 2002. The architectural guidelines emphasize

fascinating landscape.




it’s there



raskem uses the knowledge and ex-

the basic premise is that everyone stands to gain:

pertise of its teams to create solu-

Braskem, the other Group company that uses plas-

tions for Engineering & Construction

tic, and the client,” she adds.

as well as Petrochemicals, directly

Through this synergy, Braskem account manag-

impacting other sectors such as

ers are opening new markets for their clients and

housing and water and sewers. The increasing use

growing the amount of plastic used in construction,

of plastics at construction sites has led the petro-

explains Mônica. “The use of plastic can be good for

chemical company to enhance its partnerships with

construction companies. A preliminary study of each

Odebrecht Infraestrutura (Infrastructure), Odebrecht

project is required, which makes communication be-

Realizações Imobiliárias (Real Estate Development)

tween the companies essential.”

and Foz do Brasil (water and sewer services).


With 20 years’ experience in petrochemicals, all

“We have the best gateway to the construction in-

of them as an Odebrecht member, Mônica organizes

dustry in our own organization,” says Mônica Evange-

meetings with a committee of directors from Ode-

lista, Braskem’s Polypropylene Market Development

brecht Infraestrutura, Odebrecht Energia, Odebrecht

Manager for Construction and the officer responsible

América Latina (Latin America), Olex and Odebrecht

for liaising with that sector. “In every partnership,

Realizações Imobiliárias so they can exchange infor-


Raw materials supplied by Braskem are used to build stadiums, homes, apartment complexes and sewer systems written by Luiz Carlos Ramos photos by Fernando Vivas (Bahia), Ricardo Chaves (Rio Grande do Sul) and Sérgio Amaral (Brasília)

Fonte Nova Arena: using plastic to make concrete

mation. She also works with other Braskem mem-

on January 29. Its construction was also marked by

bers, among them Jorge Alexandre Alves da Silva and

the use of plastic.

Zolder Stekhardt, both Polyethylene Market Develop-

Alcir Guimarães, the Fonte Nova Arena joint-venture

ment team members, and Antonio Rodolfo Júnior,

contractor’s Engineering and Quality Manager, explains

from the PVC team.

that the facility was built with 75,000 cu.m of concrete, with a total of 16,551 precast parts: “In addition to

Plastic at the Arena

about 30,000 [metric] tons of cement, we used 11 tons

After two and a half years of construction, the

of polypropylene microfiber. The microfiber mixture,

Fonte Nova Arena in Salvador, Bahia, was completed

analyzed by experienced concrete specialist Francisco

in February. It will be ready to host Confederations

Holanda and Braskem, represented a remarkable leap

Cup matches, including Brazil vs. Italy on June 22,

in quality,” says Alcir. He adds: “The mixture improved

and the 2014 FIFA World Cup. It marks the beginning

the workability of the concrete, which was thicker, with

of a new era for soccer and major pop concerts in

increased resistance to impact and shattering. It pro-

Bahia. Built by Odebrecht-OAS on the site where the

vided more surface resistance and wear due to exuda-

old stadium was imploded in 2010, the arena was in-

tion [water that seeps from concrete during the curing

spected by FIFA and the Brazilian sports authorities

process], and therefore greater durability.”



The fibers absorb nonstructural retraction and


Revolutionizing with “bubbles”

inhibit the onset and spread of cracks because

In Taguatinga, 21 km from downtown Brasília,

they increase the concrete’s tensile strength. The

work is moving ahead on the 16 buildings of the

structure’s permeability was reduced by improv-

Federal District’s Administrative Center. As of 2014,

ing the watertightness of the facility as a whole,

it will house the Federal District Governor’s Office

which also made a substantial improvement to

and government departments. The work is being

the finishing of the concrete. The fiber absorbs

done by Odebrecht Infraestrutura and Via Engen-

heat instead of radiating it, which helps increase

haria through a Public-Private Partnership (PPP).

thermal comfort. This is excellent for the bleach-

The client is the Government of the Federal District.

ers because the fans will feel less heat. Odebrecht

Centrad, the Federal District Administrative Center

has also applied this formula in other projects.

concession company, a Special Purpose Entity (SPE)

Braskem clients, the manufacturers Etruria, Pro-

formed by Odebrecht and Via, is constructing build-

pex and Maccaferri, are investing in new machin-

ings and will be responsible for their operation and

ery to produce these materials, which were previ-

maintenance. The speed with which the buildings are

ously nonexistent in Brazil.

rising is down to a new system for preparing the con-

The Fonte Nova Arena project also used a type of

crete slabs between floors. In Taguatinga, the revo-

corrugated plastic mold that is more efficient than

lutionary BubbleDeck building system has replaced

wooden molds to prepare cement blocks and struc-

the conventional method used to make these slabs.

tural steel. It consumed about 100 metric tons of

“BubbleDeck is a construction system of Danish

polypropylene - the total amount used to make the

origin composed of plastic balls evenly inserted be-

chairs for the main seating area in the Fonte Nova

tween two layers of structural steel and concrete,”


explains Project Director André Araújo. “This formula


Homes from the planned Jardins Mangueiral district in Brasília, and, below, Marcelo Moreira with a plastic ball in Taguatinga: using the system for the first time in Brazil

has proven its advantages,” he says. On the construction project, plastic is also a component of the corrugated molds used to make cinderblocks. PVC pipes and fittings manufactured by Tigre are utilized in the electrical and plumbing systems. According to Marcelo Moreira, the project’s Commercial Officer, BubbleDeck, which is already widely used in Europe, has arrived in Brazil to stay: “This is the first major project in the country to adopt this system. Accompanied by Braskem members, we visited construction sites in the Netherlands and confirmed its feasibility,” he says. The Savama company is using Braskem’s polypropylene resin in the city of Goiânia. It has started producing hollow plastic balls that are getting lighter and lighter (they currently weigh 210 grams each). This technology increases productivity, optimizes costs, reduces the use of raw materials such as wood, and ensures faster construction. A BubbleDeck slab is 28 cm thick. Unlike the conventional kind, it does not require supporting beams. Centrad plans to use 2.2 million plastic “bubbles” in Taguatinga.



Quality homes A planned neighborhood is taking shape 13 km from Brasília: Jardins Mangueiral. Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias, a company that develops residential and business projects in several cities, is leading the construction of the first real estate PPP in Brazil, which also involves the private companies Silco Engenharia, Soltec, Villela e Carvalho, Emplavi and Geológica, and the governmental agencies Caixa, Companhia de Desenvolvimento Habitacional do Distrito Federal, and the Department of Housing, Legalization and Urban Development. When the entire project is completed later this year, 8,000 affordable homes will be available to 30,000 people, including 15 gated communities in a 2-million square-meter area: apartments and houses with complete infrastructure facilities and recreational areas. Nearly 2,000 company members are working on the project. One part has already been completed, and residents have received their financed homes. The consortium will also manage that district. Architect Paulo Coutinho, Production Manager of Jardins Mangueiral, explains: “Plastic is everywhere on this project. The walls and PVC

Foz Engineering Director Emyr Diniz Costa Ju-

conduits for electrical wiring are installed simul-

nior says that the company uses plastic components

taneously. PVC is also used in pipes and fittings

manufactured by Braskem clients in its construction

manufactured by Tigre for water and sewer sys-

projects. One example is Tigre PVC pipe, made with

tems, with the advantages of economy, strength

raw materials supplied by Braskem: “The length of

and practicality.”

PVC pipe that will be used in Foz’s sanitation concessions in the next three years totals 3,905 km,

Efficient sanitation

the distance between São Paulo and Manaus. In the

Almost all the streets in Uruguaiana, Rio Grande

sewers, we use Asperbras manholes made from

do Sul, are construction sites. The population of


Braskem polyethylene - a major step forward.”

130,000 inhabitants does not complain about the

Sanitary engineer Eduardo Frediani, the Director

ditches because by 2016, the entire city will have

of Foz in Uruguaiana gives this assessment: “These

clean water, and sewer collection and treatment

manholes are up to 3 meters deep. They resulted

services. This is a rare case in Brazil. The city of

from a decision to use an innovative technology that

Palmas, more than 3,000 km away, is experiencing

has cost advantages over brick and mortar. Here, we

a similar situation. The entire state of Tocantins is

will use about 3,000 units. They will speed up the in-

carrying out a sanitation program designed to pro-

stallation of the system and facilitate transportation

vide water and sewer systems for 100% of the popu-

and handling without the risk of leakage.”

lation. This task falls to Foz, which is responsible for

The President of Asperbras, Francisco Carlos

the construction works and will also be in charge

Colnaghi, recently visited Uruguaiana and Palmas.

of operating the systems. In Tocantins, the company

Given the possibility of providing 10,000 manholes in

has acquired a controlling stake in Saneatins, the

Tocantins and getting orders from other parts of the

state’s water and sewer company.

country, the company has expanded its factories in


Eduardo Frediani and PVC pipe in Uruguaiana: streamlined construction, and easy transportation and handling

Penápolis, São Paulo, and Simões Filho, Bahia. “We

The cross-cutting synergy between Braskem

have developed a product with better value for money

and Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias is also

for our clients, using a specific raw material that is

benefiting one of the largest real estate projects

resistant to compression and the chemical agents

now underway in Brazil: Parque da Cidade, in São

that can be present in sewage,” says Colnaghi.

Paulo, made up of five office towers, a business tower, hotel, shopping mall and two residential

Plastic houses and furniture

buildings. The company is also studying solutions

In the coming months, more Odebrecht construction

based on plastic from Braskem for this project.

projects will be using plastic. Carla Barretto, Managing

Through the Ilha Pura company (formed by Ode-

Director for Private-Sector Clients of the newly created

brecht Realizações Imobiliárias and Carvalho Ho-

Odebrecht Properties (see article about the company

sken), it is exploring the possibility of using plas-

in this issue), explains the design challenge involved in

tic in the construction of the Athletes’ Village, and

Braskem’s cross-cutting operations: “One example is

Odebrecht Infraestrutura is doing the same for its

the plastic furniture that will be used in Odebrecht’s fu-

Porto Maravilha urban renewal project in Rio de

ture office building in São Paulo, which will be made by

Janeiro’s docklands.

Tramontina with raw materials from Braskem. We have

The prospects outside Brazil are also excellent:

organized a partnership with four academic institutions

Odebrecht América Latina is introducing the use

in this state: the Armando Álvares Penteado Foundation

of large quantities of polyethylene geomembranes

(FAAP), the Fine Arts University Center, the Mauá Insti-

and polypropylene geotextiles made by Braskem

tute of Technology and the European Institute of Design

clients in the construction of the Daule River Ir-

(IED) in São Paulo. Each one of them has recommended

rigation Channel between Daule and Vinces, in

three students who are now interning with us to come

Ecuador. When it comes to the possibilities of syn-

up with design options.”

ergy, there are no borders.






Cross-cutting and synergistic operations


n 2012, Odebrecht completed 20 years of operations

Today, Braskem is still carrying out its agreement with

in Venezuela. With a strategic vision based on the pil-

Pequiven: buying naphtha produced in Venezuela and sell-

lars of Survival, Growth and Perpetuity, the focus of

ing plastic resins made in Brazil, thereby helping boost

our work is to provide expert support for that country’s

those two countries’ trade relations. In addition to selling

sustainable development while leveraging the synergies

products, Braskem and Odebrecht Venezuela are studying

between different Group companies to ensure our cli-

the formation of a joint venture with Pequiven for a fertilizer

ents’ complete satisfaction.

plant whose construction will be the responsibility of Ode-

Throughout this period, we have gone from service

brecht Engenharia Industrial [Industrial Engineering]. This

providers in the area of infrastructure to become partners

company, in turn, is building four ethanol plants for PDVSA.

and investors in strategic areas like petrochemicals and oil

After two decades, the execution of major projects and

production as a natural consequence of absolute probity,

the solid relationships of trust and respect established

acquired knowhow, and a firm commitment to the country.

in this country have laid the foundations for Survival and

As contractors, the successful completion of major

Growth, and as part of our long-term commitment, they are

projects in various sectors of the nation’s economy has

focused on Perpetuity. Odebrecht Venezuela has partnered

strengthened our relationship with our clients, generating

with PDVSA to create a joint venture – PetroUrdaneta – in

the trust required to create new and qualified opportunities.

which PDVSA owns 60%, Odebrecht owns 40%, and Ode-

The transfer of technology and knowledge, and the

brecht Oil & Gas is the service provider. The formation of this

completion of iconic works for the country with high stan-

company is yet another demonstration of our organization’s

dards of quality have made it clear to our clients that we

confidence in Venezuela.

fulfill our obligations with probity and a sense of responsi-

The presence of these different companies in the same

bility rooted in the ethos of service, which are the basis of the

environment is made possible by synergistic action with

Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO).

converging goals and common practices and attitudes

Experience, combined with solid operations that gener-

based on the values of TEO.

ate tangible and intangible results, has created the condi-

Odebrecht Venezuela acts as promoter and genera-

tions for identifying, selecting and consolidating businesses

tor of new business opportunities and investments for

for other Odebrecht companies.

the Odebrecht Group. Cross-cutting operations are only

Of these companies, the first to arrive in Venezuela was

possible when the companies involved are integral parts

Braskem in 2006, through a joint venture with Petroquímica

of a whole and create opportunities for themselves and

de Venezuela, S.A. – Pequiven for the construction of a large

others. The success of the joint performance of the four

petrochemical complex, capable of making the local market

Group companies now present in Venezuela is based on

self-sufficient with a production level that allows the country

the pursuit of unique political and strategic leadership,

to export polypropylene.

preserving the autonomy of each company, and engaging

Considering the need to prepare a budget for joint investments, and given its long track record of building plants

in the constant pursuit of complementarity for their specialties and skills.

for Petrobras and other clients, Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial took part in the development of studies and, once established in the country, partnered up with Petróleos de Venezuela, SA - PDVSA, with which it formed a joint venture

Euzenando Azevedo

to carry out EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construc-

is the Entrepreneurial Leader (CEO) of Odebrecht Venezuela

tion) projects. In addition, the Odebrecht Group company was contracted directly to take charge of other industrial projects.



42 Paulo Sérgio Barille and Amélia Fernandes: taking part in a synergistic business operation focused on empowering people

success The sweet taste of

In Angola, a partnership between Odebrecht Agroindustrial and Biocom prepares professionals to work on sugarcane farms written by João Marcondes photos by Kamene Traça




hen she first saw a John Deere

Amélia works in the agricultural area of Biocom

model 3520 sugarcane har-

(Companhia de Bioenergia de Angola), a partnership

vester, which stands over 6 me-

between the state oil company Sonangol, the Angolan

ters tall, Amélia Fernandes, 21,

group Damer, and Odebrecht. “It gives me a sense of

thought about giving up and go-

power,” she adds, describing her work. To operate a

ing back to her home in Malanje, in the provincial cap-

machine capable of harvesting 40 metric tons of sug-

ital of the same name in northern Angola. Since her

arcane per hour, Amélia was trained by Paulo Sér-

mother died, Amélia has been responsible for taking

gio Barille, 31, who came especially from Odebrecht

care of her three siblings and bringing in an income

Agroindustrial’s Santa Luzia Unit in the Brazilian state

for her family. After that first moment of hesitation,

of Mato Grosso do Sul for that purpose. “We are lever-

she took a deep breath and decided to face the chal-

aging this synergy between Odebrecht Agroindustrial

lenge. Today, all she feels is pride. “People compli-

and Biocom, aiming to train people to work in Opera-

ment me for being the first Angolan woman to control

tions at the Biocom Unit,” explains Rubian Zillmer,

a machine like that,” she says, smiling.

coordinator of People Development at Biocom.



The synergy has also had an effect on Barille. “I’m

ity for the Angolan power system. When the project

confident that I will be a much better professional

reaches maturity, it will employ 1,500 people, of whom

when I go back to Brazil. Angolans teach lessons

just 3% will be expats.

in life. You learn a lot about humility, willingness to learn and appreciation of family,” says the Odebrecht

Professional education

Agroindustrial multiplier, who will spend the next

Most of these workers are acquiring job skills

three years in Africa. Since August 2012, 150 people

through multiple synergies. Cacuso, a few miles from

have been groomed through this partnership. Ex-

the Biocom Industrial Unit, is home to that town’s

pectations are that by the beginning of 2014, around

Vocational Training Center (Cefoprof), which until re-

1,080 people will have learned the job skills they

cently taught IT classes. That situation changed with

need to work at the unit.

the project’s arrival, and Cefoprof will gradually take on the role of a knowledge multiplier for the entire

Food production and income generation

PAC region.

The Capanda Agroindustrial Complex (PAC) is one

Institute of Malanje (IMAN). At this Angolan techni-

of the Angolan government’s most ambitious proj-

cal education center, qualified students have been

ects. Farms in a 411-hectare area will implement all

selected to participate in the Mechanics and Elec-

kinds of business ventures involving small, medium

tricity training course. After three months, the young

and large firms and family farming in a region that

graduates will take jobs at the Biocom factory. There

lies between the provinces of Malanje and Kwanza

are 43 students in the first class to take the course.

Norte. The focus is on subsistence farming and in-

“I never had a job before,” says Victória Manuel

come generation. One of those businesses is Bio-

Domingos Lobo, 19, with a hint of anxiety. She has

com, where Amélia learned to drive the harvester. Its

been selected for training in Electricity. She lives

farm covers a 38,000-hectare area.

with eight siblings in a house in Malanje. Her father

Biocom will be the first sugar factory to open in An-

is unemployed and her mother is a peasant farmer.

gola since the nation’s independence in 1975. March

Only one sister is employed, working as a police

2012 marked the end of its first harvest year with 3,000

officer. “I want to increase my buying power,” says

hectares planted. By the time the factory reaches full

Victória. But not only that. “Our country needs to

maturity, planned for 2017, it will have a production

produce food, like Biocom will do. This makes it

capacity of 230,000 metric tons of crystallized sugar

cheaper and more affordable for the people. I want

per harvest year. This is of paramount importance for

to be part of it,” says Victória.

a country that now imports this product from countries like India and South Africa, but it does not stop there. Biocom will produce anhydrous ethanol fuel (33,000 cubic meters/ year) and 158 gigawatts per year of electric-


The synergy also involves the Secondary Agrarian


Carlos Tilson Vunda Mabi and Victória Lobo: wanting to grow and help their country

Carlos Tilson Vunda Mabi thinks the same way. At the age of 20, he already has a wife and a daughter

management and implement the PAC with a focus on technology transfer and provision of services.

and shares a house with 15 people. “I am aware of

Synergies between the Government and busi-

my responsibility to the company and as a citizen of

nesses, between companies, between Angolan and

Angola. I am studying to help my country develop.”

Brazilian businesses and vice versa, and between

Also accepted by the IMAN, Carlos Tilson uses Ce-

Odebrecht projects. Marcus Azeredo is another

foprof’s facilities in Cacuso and is taking the training

example of these connections, working both for

course with Biocom’s encouragement. The course

the Laúca project and for Sodepac. He has also

will also synergize with John Deere, which will teach

worked on the revitalization of the Gove hydroelec-

one of the modules in the Mechanics course. In three

tric plant in Huambo, an essential project for giv-

months, Carlos Tilson will graduate with a guar-

ing the country a cleaner energy mix. He believes

anteed job at the factory, where he will get further

that taking experience from north to south in An-

training, this time from Odebrecht Agroindustrial.

gola means multiplying synergy. “One of the main characteristics of Odebrecht’s operations is its

Synergy in various areas

ability to mobilize, motivate and generate syner-

“Everything in the PAC has to do with synergies,”

gies,” says Marcus. “We could not have done any

says Marcus Azeredo, the Project Director for the

of what we have accomplished here without the

first phase (river diversion) of the Laúca Hydropower

active support and contributions of our client, the

Plant, who also manages the contract with Sodepac

Government. We will leave behind the hallmark

(Sociedade para o Desenvolvimento do Polo Agro-

of sustainability, meaning that we are building so

industrial de Capanda), a company created by the

the Government can continue the project and thus

Angolan Ministry of Agriculture to manage the PAC.

make an important contribution to ensuring that

Sodepac has contracted Odebrecht to organize its

Angola has a better future,” he adds.



the land knowing the lay of

Local families are learning to farm the land and preserve native vegetation in Malanje Province written by João Marcondes photos by Kamene Traça

Eva SebastiĂŁo: an opportunity to generate income


46 informa


he bush surrounding the rural commu-

the native forest. These families will receive one

nity of Carima in northern Angola con-

US dollar per seedling, giving a significant boost to

tains two types of vegetation: savanna

their incomes.

and tropical rain forest. Valente and Eva

Each of the 40 registered families will receive 30

Sebastião, both 43, have been familiar

bags to hold seedlings for native plants like oil palms

with both environments since childhood, like their

and orchid trees, and a local variety of tamarind trees,

parents and grandparents before them. Few people

among others. The initial phase will require 8,000

know the green maze in that part of Malanje province

seedlings. Later on, a different amount of seedlings

like they do.

will be required.

Despite all the diversity that surrounds them, until

Instead of the screens and irrigation systems con-

recently the diet of the 369 families living there was

ventionally used, this nursery allows seedlings to grow

poor in vegetables. The Kukula Ku Moxi (“Growing

in the bush, in shaded areas – a creative and sustainable

Together” in Kimbundu, the local language) program,

“organic nursery.” Each family can add up to USD 30

developed by Odebrecht in the context of the Capanda

per month to their incomes. That is a great deal in their

Agroindustrial Complex (CAP), is comprised of a num-

village, because it often means doubling their monthly

ber of integrated and systemic programs aimed at


making these families less vulnerable. One feature is

The Laúca project is now reaching out to com-

the introduction of vegetable farming, growing carrots,

munities included in the Kukula Ku Moxi program to

cucumber and lettuce and other produce in the CAP re-

present a series of environmental lectures. The first,

gion (see article about the project in this issue). Sebas-

given by Alice Ponciano, was about field burning, a

tião, who had never tasted beets before, now includes

widely used expedient that is harmful to the envi-

them and other vegetables in his diet, and works and

ronment. “By raising awareness, especially among

exchanges ideas with participants of Kukula Ku Moxi, a

children, new generations are changing their ways,”

program created by Odebrecht in partnership with the

says Ponciano.

Angolan government.

Valente Sebastião and his wife, Eva, have improved

Through synergy between the program and the

their quality of life since the program began. By help-

Laúca Hydroelectric Plant construction project,

ing produce seedlings, they are generating more

Sebastião will now use his knowledge of the land

income. “We’ve bought a radio, beds and a new roof

to help preserve the environment and generate in-

for our house, which is more cheerful now,” he says.

come for his family. The dam project needs to re-

The Kukula Ku Moxi initiative is strategic to expanding

forest areas that had been used as quarries. The

the possibilities of the PAC’s family farming program

conventional method would involve gathering seeds

and helping activate the movement for local develop-

and setting up a nursery, since there are no native


plant nursery businesses in any part of the country.

The Laúca dam will have a generating capac-

However, following a conversation between Elielda

ity of 2,067 megawatts by 2017, and should be

Fernandes, the local officer Responsible for Kukula

completed in 2018. It is located 100 km from

Ku Moxi, and Alice Ponciano, the officer Responsi-

the Cambambe dam and 40 km from Capanda.

ble for Environment on the Laúca dam, the two proj-

“Everything here is about synergy; everything is

ects joined forces. As a result, local residents have

utilized. Previously, we had to train everyone,

transplanted seedlings, restored degraded areas

and all the food was imported. Now the road has

and avoided costly alternatives: all this by obtain-

been paved by previous ventures,” says Marcus

ing a large number of plant species in a short time,

Azeredo, the Project Director for the first phase

compared to seed harvesting.

of the project, underscoring its harmonious and solid relationship with the Government, through

Families that know the region

the Office for the Development of the Middle

The program looked for families that knew the re-

Kwanza (Gamek) and the Ministry of Water and

gion well, and could preserve the characteristics of




Residents of 20 Malanje communities learn to operate wells and manage their own water use

Rodrigo Paulino (smaller photo) and residents of the Hunga community: raising awareness

experience R fresh

written by João Marcondes photos by Kamene Traça

odrigo João Paulino is 19 years old. He

The 120m well is one of the improvements the com-

lives in a village called Hunga in Malan-

pany made through Kulonga pala Kukula (“Teach to

je Province in northern Angola. He and

Grow” in Kimbundu, the local language), a social out-

300 other people make a living from

reach program introduced in 2010. However, water was

farming and goat herding. They enjoy a

scarce due to the dry climate in the region, plus the

peaceful, rustic life, where contact with nature and

fact that the well had been used by people without the

love of the land are part of their everyday existence.

requisite technical skill and was not working properly.

But there is one drawback: they don’t have a reliable supply of clean water.


Now, through a partnership between Sodepac (the Capanda Agroindustrial Complex Develop-

Despite having grown up in a modest rural en-

ment Company), Odebrecht Angola and Maersk Oil

vironment, Rodrigo thinks far ahead. “I want to

(a global company of Danish origin), the residents

have a profession and study,” says this fan of Bar-

of Hunga and 19 other communities in the region,

celona’s star player Xavi, whose jersey he wears

which is home to about 10,000 people, will have a

with pride. “To grow, we need water in our com-

different experience with the water that they are

munity,” he argues. The young man has worked as

having such a hard time obtaining. Fifteen wells

a waiter and construction worker. His next mission,

will be installed, and 15 more will be refurbished.

however, is essential for the community: maintain-

Most important, however, is the technical training

ing a well that Odebrecht has dug in the soil of his

provided to community members like Rodrigo. And

community (through the Kulonga pala Kukula pro-

more: the program is raising people’s awareness


about water use.



include 600 families as an official program to support family farming at the PAC, and will be called Kukula Ku Moxi (“Growing Together” in Kimbundu – see article in this issue). There is plenty to do in that region. About 80% of the population lacks access to clean water. The average income per person in the PAC communities is very low, around USD 37 monthly, and in 2012, they experienced the worst drought in 40 years. “Our work will go beyond repairing wells and training people to use them. We’re going to analyze the water quality, educate people about the importance of sanitation and waste collection, and invest in incomegenerating programs,” adds Victoria Quaglia. The Angolan Government will also benefit from the synergy because its USD 650-million Water for All program can use the infrastructure built by Sodepac, Maersk and Odebrecht when it arrives in the region. Francisco Sawaguthi, the officer Responsible for Sustainability at Odebrecht Angola, emphasizes that the concepts and practices of social responsibility must generate synergy across the board in the areas of Occupational Health, Safety, Climate Change and Environment, and be present in all the company’s structured sustainable development programs. In 2012 alone, Odebrecht invested more than USD 5 million in social outreach programs in Angola. Those funds were invested in 45 communities with 76,000 beneficiaries, gener-

Social program enters new phase The region is part of the Capanda Agroindustrial Complex, or PAC (see article about the project in this issue). “The PAC relies on synergy. It is developing through joint public and private action,” explains João Alexandre Cavalcanti, Odebrecht’s Social Development Manager for the PAC. A trading partner in Block 16 (oil exploration), alongside the Angolan state oil company Sonangol, Maersk is following the Brazilian example to help boost the country’s development. “Odebrecht has a wonderful track record in social outreach and sustainability. This is a core activity for the Brazilian company,” says Victoria Quaglia, Maersk’s Corporate Social Responsibility Director. She visited northeastern Brazil in 2011 to get a first-hand look at projects the Odebrecht Foundation supports in the Southern Bahia Lowlands. In 2013, Maersk joined the Kulonga pala Kukula social outreach program, which will embark on a new phase this year. It will be enhanced and expanded to

ating synergies with 126 partner organizations and the Angolan government through 37 programs.


belong here Odebrecht Agroindustrial is deploying a program to integrate its units and bolster people’s pride in being part of the company

written by JoĂŁo Paulo Carvalho photos by Geraldo Pestalozzi






Fabiana Prado: more incentive


ill it up with ethanol, please!” The people

“At some units, the cane is planted more than 60

who say those words when they stop at a

km from the facilities where it is processed. This at-

Brazilian gas station usually don’t think

tests to the challenge we face every day to main-

about the production process and route

tain efficient communication between our teams.

required for the fuel to reach their cars’

The Excellence Program, a tool for monitoring and

injection nozzles. The fuel pump is where most end us-

boosting performance, makes company members

ers come into first-hand contact with the main product

feel like they are part of the process,” says Sérgio

of Odebrecht Agroindustrial (formerly ETH Bioenergy),

Fiorin, the officer Responsible for Performance

which also manufactures sugar and cogenerates elec-

Management at Odebrecht Agroindustrial and one

tricity by burning biomass. To make those users’ every-

of the program’s creators.

day experience possible, long stages have to be carried out on a daily basis in cane fields far removed from

Quality from the start

major urban centers, involving the hard work of large

It all starts with the treatment of the soil where

numbers of people in the process. All this complexity

the sugarcane will be planted. Beginning with the

would not work without excellence.

previous harvest, which should leave enough organic

One definition of “excellence” is “the highest de-

matter to protect the soil from erosion and excessive

gree of goodness, quality or perfection.” At Odebrecht

sunlight, the planting process requires crop man-

Agroindustrial’s units, it is synonymous with team-

agement (which includes using additional fertilizer

work and the pursuit of results. Since its inception

and other nutrients, such as nitrogen, calcium, phos-

in May 2011, the Excellence Program has enabled

phorus and potassium) and proper handling of the

the company to publish, monitor and reward its team

seedlings. The teams working at the front lines are

members’ results on a daily basis.

primarily responsible for the quality of the products

The diagnosis that led to the program’s imple-


produced at the end of each cycle.

mentation was the need for more integration among

Sitting in the air-conditioned cab of one of the

the company’s nine units, which are spread out over

planting machines, Fabiana Paes Prado, a Ma-

five hubs in four Brazilian states. Differences in cli-

chine Operator at the Taquari Hub’s Costa Rica Unit,

mate, geography, culture and work methods got in

stresses the importance of the Excellence Program

the way of producing an accurate analysis of team

for her work. “Thanks to that program, our teams

performance, which consequently prevented the for-

have internalized the concepts of safety, quality and

mulation of Action Programs (APs) that were on the

productivity indexes that are measured and convert-

same page and truly measurable.

ed into results sharing through the Monthly Payment


Program (PPM) for the teams with the best perfor-

gasse, generating steam that will be converted

mance. We’ve gotten another incentive to do our

into electricity to power the unit. Surplus energy is

jobs well,” she observes.

sold to the National Interconnected System (SIN)

Once the planting process is completed, about

through reserve auctions and the free market. An-

12 months later the company’s teams start har-

other product, high-quality VHP (very high polar-

vesting, loading and transporting the cane (a pro-

ization) sugar, is exported as a raw material.

cess that goes by the initials CCT in Portuguese).

According to Hayslan Vanci, the Industrial Pro-

That’s when the harvesting machines and trans-

duction Supervisor at the Costa Rica Unit, the Ex-

shipment trucks that deliver the raw material to

cellence Program has resulted in greater synergy

the units go into action. Leandro Fortunato de

among the company’s teams. “It was just what we

Melo, the CCT Manager at the Costa Rica Unit, is

needed to improve internal relations. The informa-

responsible for ensuring the delivery of the product

tion the program produces brings people closer

with the lowest possible wastage, and sitting down

together as they pursue a common good: high productivity, while paying attention to safety and the environment and the creation of ever stronger ties between people who share information and the same work environment.” Key factors in the process of acculturation for the deployment of the Excellence Program, its “focal points” have the mission of faithfully transmitting the proposed method to support the implementation of the Action Program. “We are responsible for explaining concepts to other members, including recent hires, so everyone can assimilate and apply them,” says Betânia

Betânia da Silva: more knowledge to meet objectives

Vieira da Silva, a Process Engineer at the Alto Taquari Unit. “Before Excellence, people didn’t know what the company’s APs’ objectives were. It was hard to measure what was being done, and that got in the way of the company’s entre-

with his teams to discuss the results achieved and

preneurship. Today everybody is aware of what it

adjustments required in case of difficulties.

takes to accomplish our goals.”

“The Excellence Program has brought intangible

According to Sérgio Fiorin, they still cannot

benefits such as enabling everyone to take part in

accurately assess the program’s impact on the

decisions about what the program should or should

company’s productivity, since it was deployed at

not evaluate. This boosts people’s commitment and

different times in nine units. The most recent de-

engagement, since what is being measured is exact-

ployment was in June 2012. “We need a broader

ly what our members proposed as important factors

horizon, perhaps five harvests, to make a consis-

for their job and the company,” he says.

tent assessment of the benefits Excellence has

Boosting synergy

brought us, but what is already clear is that the teams are more in sync, and every member right-

At the plant, a new phase of the cycle begins.

ly feels that he or she is the owner of a business

The stages it covers range from distilling and fer-

within the small company. It is a way of making te-

mentation to treatment and juice extraction, and

nets of the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology

loading up the trucks that distribute ethanol. The

(TEO) part of everyday life for people who are miles

same process also involves the burning of ba-

from the nearest office.”




Relations cultivated with care and transparency Ongoing and multiple dialogue mark community outreach programs in Argentina written by Zaccaria Junior photos by Marcelo Pizzato


hen you leaf through a

common goal. The Odebrecht Group

ity, emphasized that this reinterpre-

dictionary (or search the

believes that people, their willing-

tation stresses the focus on people,

web), you’ll find that syn-

ness to serve and their capacity for

because although sustainability may

ergy has two definitions that are

development, growth and overcom-

be strongly related to environmen-

very close to the relationship be-

ing challenges are the main assets

tal assets and their preservation, it

tween Odebrecht’s businesses and

required to achieve sustainable de-

takes well-prepared and motivated

the communities influenced by their


people – inside and outside the orga-

ventures and construction projects:

When the Group announced the

(1) simultaneous action or effort;

upgrade and expansion of the Ode-

cooperation, cohesion; associated

brecht Sustainability Policy in issue

The importance of synergy in the

work or operations and (2) unity

#151 of Odebrecht Informa in early

Group’s relationship with its local

among the members of a group or

2011, Sérgio Leão, the organization’s

communities is exemplified by Ode-

collective body working towards a

officer Responsible for Sustainabil-

brecht Argentina’s outreach pro-

Lucas Utrera: synergy between the company and the community



nization – to ensure that sustainable development gets results.

Vanina Hudson: integrating people into society

grams. “To structure them, we base

ity,” he argues. The painstaking ef-

and the reuse and recycling of ma-

ourselves on the Group’s sustain-

forts Utrera mentions have always

terials,” says Vanina, as she shows

ability guidelines. We ensure that all

accompanied the ongoing drive to

her visitors some of the institutional

our programs that touch people’s

fulfill people’s expectations, in-

gifts developed in partnership with

lives, from the smallest to the most

cluding improved quality of life, a

Red Activos, the NGO responsible

impactful, can empower them while

legacy pursued by the company’s

for marketing and distributing prod-

contributing to environmental pres-


ucts developed by people with dis-

ervation, and generating income

Vanina Hudson is the officer Re-

abilities, thereby seeking to help

and employment opportunities in

sponsible for developing community

them achieve self-esteem and con-

their communities,” explains Lucas

relations programs at OdebrechtAr-

sequently reinclusion into society.

Ignacio Utrera, the officer Respon-

gentina, specifically for the PACSMS

Lucas Utrera says that, work-

sible for Sustainability at Odebrecht

(Safety, Health and Environment Certi-

ing through strategic partner-

Argentina. He believes that ongo-

fication Action Program) project, which

ships, initiatives like this one are

ing and multiple dialogue is the key

consists of the modernization and

critical to the development of

factor for the synergy generated

upgrading of assets acquired by Petro-

mature and effective programs,

between the business and the com-

bras in several countries. She focuses

but they are not the only impor-


on programs directly aimed at integrat-

tant factors. “The key factor is the

ing people into the community.

commitment of our members who

“Communication must be honest and careful, to avoid creating

“One of our priorities is maintain-

are on the front lines, living the

false expectations, while we strive

ing ongoing programs to ensure a

reality of our construction projects

to develop consistent diagnoses of

synergistic relationship between in-

and ventures and the people they

the real needs of each social real-

come generation and employment,

influence.” informa






Strong unity among workers is one of the main features of the Corinthians Arena construction project written by Júlio César Soares photos by Edu Simões

together WE’RE IN IT




t a soccer match, the crowd is the barometer of a side’s success. When the team is doing badly, jeers and protests echo from the bleachers; when it plays better, the crowd’s support drives the players

on. At a stadium that still lacks goal posts and grass, every day is game day for the Corinthians Arena teams building the facility that will host the opening game of the FIFA World Cup in Brazil in 2014. Their fans are cheering them on and expressing pride in their performance. “Here, everybody plays on the same team,” says Frederico Barbosa, Production Manager at Odebrecht Infraestrutura (Infrastructure), the company responsible for building the arena for Sport Club Corinthians Paulista, one of the oldest and certainly the most popular soccer club in Brazil. Fred, as he is known at the jobsite, is the team’s tireless and versatile midfielder. He is everywhere, meeting various requirements from the members who

morning, the sight of workers sitting in the stands of the

are building the project. “The synergy between leaders

future arena reminds a visitor of fans cheering the team

and team members is noticeable in all areas, and be-

to victory.

cause of that, everyone feels part of the project,” he says. The team’s captain (or better yet, coach) is Antônio Gavioli, the Project Director. He views communication

A resident of São Matheus, about 10 km from Ita-

as the key to obtaining the expected performance. “Our

quera, where the Corinthians Arena is being built, Daniel

biggest breakthrough was opening channels of com-

da Silva Barroso is one of the members who changed

munication with our members so they can express their

his profession at the jobsite. A bricklayer without official

hopes and wishes. That enables us to get things done on

work papers who had worked in the informal market,

the construction site,” he says.

Daniel learned his trade from his father. “I knew the job,

On Tuesdays, Gavioli holds a breakfast meeting with

but didn’t have any training. I only managed to get a job

six company members. Chosen at random, the partici-

on this project through the Acreditar Program after tak-

pants are different at every encounter. “Sometimes I in-

ing the steelfixing course,” he says. The Acreditar (Be-

vite them, and other times, they come to me and ask to

lieve) Ongoing Professional Education Program has had

join in,” explains Gavioli. This type of activity facilitates

a major impact on the work environment: 115 of its 300

direct communication with all the people working at the

graduates are working on the arena construction project

jobsite. “When you talk to one person, six others get the

after learning a new trade.

same message, and the power for disseminating that message is huge,” argues Gavioli.


Soccer and marriage

Daniel’s professional life has improved but he also has a more personal reason to celebrate. He and sev-

The same principle underlies the Daily Safety Dia-

eral co-workers recently participated in a widely hailed

logues (DDS). Held at the beginning of each of the

initiative by the Contract Management Team: the pos-

three work shifts, the DDS are the time when, in ad-

sibility of making their marital ties official by taking part

dition to receiving safety tips, members have a chance

in a mass wedding.

to ask about the programs carried out on this project

“I was more nervous than my wife on our wedding

and express their opinions about the food served at

day,” recalls Daniel. “She thought it was great, and said

the jobsite’s cafeteria, among other things. “We use

that after 20 years, I’d finally stopped putting it off,” he

these meetings as an opportunity to send messages,

says with a smile. The 300 members who took part in

share information to what the workers have to say,”

the ceremony included Frederico Barbosa, who re-

says Gavioli. During the first DDS of the day, held in the

ceived blessings for his 30 years of marriage.


coach of the Galáticos team, Jaílson Ferreira de Lima, Civil Construction Supervisor, heard about the Brasileirinho at a DDS. “The championship has inspired a lot of people to stick with this project and work in different areas,” he recalls. In the opinion of Antônio Gavioli, reduced turnover is one of the highlights of the arena construction project. “From the moment we listen to a member and give them an opportunity to take part in a championship, bring their kids to work or study at the jobsite, or come here for a visit along with their family, they will want to stay on until the project is finished.” The loyalty Gavioli highlighted is strengthened by the Daniel da Silva: he joined Odebrecht through the Acreditar Program

Hit the Net Program: 57 members’ dependents have taken computer classes at the construction site.

Everyone at the same table Thrills at the championship During a major project carried out in the world of Brazilian soccer, the sport itself could not stay on the bench. After an experience with 16 teams in 2011, when company members asked the Management Team about the 2012 soccer championship, they decided to hold the Brasileirinho (Mini Brazilian), the project’s championship, along the lines of the Brazilian Championship. “About 600 members were involved, forming a total of 40 teams,” says Fred. With 411 games and over 1,000 goals scored, the Brasileirinho also helped the community in the vicinity of the jobsite. Every time they got a yellow or red card, the players had to make a donation of non-perishable food. All told, 600 kg of food werwe collected and donated to institutions in the Itaquera area. A champion

According to the original plans for the jobsite, the Management Team and workers were supposed to have separate eating facilities. Frederico Barbosa disagreed and suggested setting up a common cafeteria for all members, who help choose the menu. “We try to vary it. Every day we serve one type of salad and two kinds of meat,” says Aylanna Cavalcante Paraíso, the jobsite’s nutritionist. She coordinates the work of a team that, at lunchtime alone, when the largest number of meals is served, serves 150 kg of rice, 90 kg of beans and 180 kg of meat. During meals, Aylanna makes the rounds among the tables to hear people’s complaints and suggestions. “People often ask for dishes that were a big hit on other days, like bean stew and pasta, and based on those requests, we serve them the following week.” Less than a year before its completion, the Corinthians Arena has a long game ahead, but one thing is for sure: the ball will keep rolling from foot to foot among all members of the project. “We will continue to listen to the company’s members and find a way to meet their requests,” says Antônio Gavioli. He is convinced that the teams’ dedication guarantees the project’s success. “Our biggest strength is a positive attitude,” he says. Frederico Barbosa agrees and warrants that this strength in unity among the members, the subject of a pa-

Jailson de Lima and Juliano da Silva: champion coach and player on the Galáticos soccer team

per submitted by the project’s Management Team that won a 2012 Highlight Award, will continue. “Once, at a DDS, I said something that I always stick to on this project, and I’ll do the same on future projects: here we sit at the same table, eat the same food and wear the same jersey.”




quadrant Urban mobility and renewal, housing, sewage treatment and sports facilities. Projects in the West, North, South and Center of Rio de Janeiro are transforming the city


written by Edilson Lima photos by Rogério Reis hen Rio de Janeiro was chosen to

for civil works, Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias (Real

host the 2016 Olympics, Brazilians

Estate Development), which will build the Media Center

all over the country (especially Rio

and a 400-room hotel before the Olympics and future real

residents, of course) joined in a

estate developments after 2016, and the newly created

unanimous outburst of joy. After

Odebrecht Properties (see article about the company in

the euphoria had died down, the city faced the challenge

this issue), which is making investments and providing

of getting ready for the biggest sporting event on the

maintenance and other services throughout the PPP

planet – a challenge that came with the certainty that the

area. “These three companies communicate every day,

Olympics’ legacy is as important as the event itself.

bearing in mind the event and its legacy,” says Leandro

Today, wherever you go in the city, you will see a ma-

Azevedo. Geraldo Villin, Odebrecht Properties’ Managing

jor project in progress, and five Odebrecht companies

Director for Public Partnerships, adds: “The synergy is

are playing a key role in the most important ones. “These

in the entire process: from construction to the manage-

are projects that will bring about huge transformations,”

ment of post-event projects.”

says Leandro Azevedo, CEO of Odebrecht Infraestrutura (Infrastructure).

A five-minute drive from Olympic Park takes us to another part of the city, where the Athletes’ Village project is underway. That is where 18,000 Olympi-

Olympic spirit

ans from around the world will be staying during the

In the West Zone of the city, one of the highlights is

games. The village will consist of 31 buildings and a

the construction of Olympic Park in Barra da Tijuca, the

total of 3,604 luxury apartments in seven buildings in

heart of the Olympics, where 15 sports will be compet-

an area overlooking Jacarepaguá Lagoon. It will also

ing, including basketball, judo, handball, tennis, cycling

have a public square, playing courts, green space and

and swimming. The facilities will also be used by Para-

a bike path.

lympic athletes.

built by the private sector in one of the best parts of

repagua auto racing track, under the responsibility of Rio

town. The company responsible for the project is Ilha

Mais, a concession company formed by Odebrecht, An-

Pura, formed by Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias

drade Gutierrez and Carvalho Hosken through a Public-

and Carvalho Hosken, which will develop a new dis-

Private Partnership (PPP). After 2016, some of these fa-

trict called Ilha Pura for 15 years. “The athletes and

cilities will stay and others will be removed, making way

prospective owners will benefit from the high standard

for a new urbanized area in Barra da Tijuca, which the

of living provided by the project and the infrastructure

PPP will develop and manage for a 15-year period.

in the vicinity,” says Antonio Pessoa, Odebrecht Real-

Three Group companies are working synergistically on this project: Odebrecht Infraestrutura, responsible


Unlike other Olympic villages, this one will be 100%

The park is being built on the site of the former Jaca-



izações Imobiliárias’s Managing Director for Ilha Pura and Olympic Park.

Construction of the Athletes’ Village in the West Zone of Rio: high standard of living



Expressways Not far away, Group companies are responsible for three more ongoing projects: the TransOeste and TransOlímpicaexpressways and the Foz Águas 5 concession company. The TransOeste Expressway was the first BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) system deployed in the city, a 56 km route (24 km built by Odebrecht Infraestrutura) linking Barra da Tijuca to Santa Cruz and Campo Grande. Officially opened in 2012, the new route benefits approximately 200,000 people per day. From top, Paulo Roberto da Silva, a member of Foz; works underway at the former Jacarepaguá race track; work front for Line 4 of the Metro and the recently opened Rio de Janeiro Museum of Art in the city center: urban metamorphosis

The TransOlímpica Expressway, which will also use the BRT system, is a 30-year concession that will be managed by the TransOlímpica company, formed by Odebrecht TransPort, Invepar and CCR. Odebrecht Infraestrutura, OAS and Andrade Gutierrez will start building the route in 2013. It will connect the Athletes’ Village and Olympic Park in Barra da Tijuca to Deodoro Olympic Park, also in the West Zone of the city, which will be the setting of other Olympic events. Carlos Prado, Regional Director of Odebrecht TransPort, observes: “The athletes will be the first beneficiaries, but after the games, local residents will have a new 13.1-km route that will save them time and improve their quality of life.” Today, it takes two hours to get from Deodoro to Barra da Tijuca. Once TransOlímpica is up and running, that trip will take just 40 minutes. “It will certainly bring new investments into that area,” says Fernando Goes, the concession company’s Director.

Sanitation Historically lacking in investments, Deodoro and the 20 surrounding districts have good reason to celebrate: in 2012, Foz and Saneamento Ambiental Águas do Brasil partnered up to form the Foz Águas 5 concession company to provide sewage collection and treatment services and manage the water supply, including collecting water tariffs and registering customers. Water supply is the responsibility of Cedae, the state water and sewer company. The concession, one of the largest for sanitation services in Brazil, will last for 30 years, and investments in the required projects will total BRL 2.6 billion. The region has 1.8 million inhabitants and occupies 48% of the city’s metropolitan area. “When we took up the challenge there was 12% coverage, and during the Olympics, we will reach 31%, thereby improving the quality of life of 585,000 people,” says Armando Goes, the Managing Director of the concession



Refurbishing Maracanã: the setting of the Confederations Cub, the FIFA World Cup and the Olympics

company. Alexandre Pinto, the city’s Public Works Secre-

host soccer matches for the Confederations Cup, the

tary, underscores the benefits of public-private partner-

FIFA World Cup and the Olympics. The company’s teams

ships: “They speed up investments and guarantee that

are also active in the South Zone, building Line 4 of the

projects will be carried out.”

Rio Metro, a 16-km section connecting the Ipanema and Barra da Tijuca districts.

Urban renewal

All told, the Group has 15 projects underway in the

In downtown Rio, Odebrecht Infraestrutura, in syn-

city, and about BRL 30 billion in business, including

ergy with Odebrecht Properties, is responsible for ur-

BRL 11 billion in synergies among its subsidiaries.

ban renewal projects in the docklands, and the man-

Through a partnership with the US firm CH2M Hill,

agement of that area for 15 years through the largest

Odebrecht will also be responsible for the follow up

PPP in Brazil, a BRL 7.6-billion contract. In addition

and monitoring of the entire program of works and in-

to salvaging the historical and architectural treasures

terventions for the Olympics, permitting the integrat-

in the oldest part of the city, the PPP is also invest-

ed management of multiple projects through reports

ing in corporate and residential projects, including the

and a computer program.

construction of the Judges’ Village and Media Village

The Mayor of Rio de Janeiro, Eduardo Paes, em-

for the 2016 Olympics. Jorge Arraes, the City of Rio

phasizes: “Some Olympic Games make use of a city. In

de Janeiro’s Director for Public-Private Partnerships,

our case, the city will make use of the Olympics.” The

is optimistic: “I have no doubt that the docklands will

President of the Municipal Olympic Company, Maria

have the best urban infrastructure in the city.”

Silvia Bastos Marques, affirms: “We want to transform

In addition to all these projects, Odebrecht is also refurbishing Maracanã Stadium in the North Zone to

Rio into the best place in the Southern Hemisphere to live, work and visit.”



PROFILE: Flavio Faria

Flavio Faria: “We have to think of the whole”

Carlos José: “Toda obra tem começo, meio e fim, mas esta aqui é permanente”

The satisfaction of being here, now Responsible for Odebrecht’s operations in Argentina, Flavio declares his love for his job and the country where he has lived since 2004

F 64

written by Zaccaria Junior photo by Marcelo Pizzato lavio Faria is Odebrecht’s

accent has faded after years of liv-

month stint), then back to Ecua-

Managing Director (DS) in

ing outside his home country. Flavio

dor, the last stop before arriving in

Argentina, where he is re-

is a 20-year Odebrecht member, but

Buenos Aires, where he is mark-

sponsible for political-strategic re-

he has never worked for the Group

ing nine years of work in 2013.

lations with all of the Group’s other

in Brazil.

“I ended up having the terrific

operations in Argentine territory,

With a hint of nostalgia, he re-

experience of living in a variety of

including those of Odebrecht En-

calls when, as a newcomer to the

environments. I’ve had the chance

genharia Industrial (Industrial En-

organization, he was sent to Por-

to get to know different people

gineering), and support for the ac-

tugal. He worked there for four

in the organization fairly quickly,

tivities of Odebrecht América Latina

years before going on to Venezu-

which facilitates communication,

(Latin America). A native of Rio, his

ela, Ecuador and Iraq (for a two-

and especially, the act of using


support for certain things, be-

portunity, and worked hard to get

and grow their operations in that

cause you always know someone

ourselves set up to build a second


personally,” he observes.

pipeline, which started in 2006

“We have to think of the whole.

Flavio Faria’s career in Argen-

and is still underway today,” says

By nature and training within

tina began in 2004 as a Project

Flavio. “Argentina is a market with

the organization, we maintain a

Director. At the time, the country

very interesting opportunities, and

strong focus on our own business.

was experiencing a considerable

our backlog allows us to work in

Through synergistic action, in which

surge in energy demand, more

the medium to long term. We are

one plus one sometimes makes

specifically for natural gas, and

selective in our pursuit of con-

nine instead of two, it is essential

had to increase its transport ca-

tracts and also try to stay highly

to always pause to reflect on the

pacity for that fuel. That resulted

focused. We avoid the temptation

complexity of this challenge and

in the need to install a 465-km

of going after opportunities that

assimilate it. The sum of the whole

pipeline with a very challenging

aren’t a good fit with our way of

is what should prevail, especially in

deadline: six months.


any learning experience. And that

“We worked on the plans in the

The leader of a company with

first and second halves of 2004,

about 2,000 members (9,000, in-

together with dedication and time,”

signed the contract in late Janu-

cluding joint ventures), Flavio

Flavio argues. Contributing to this

ary 2005, and built the project that

points out that his main challenge

effort is the main goal for this native

same year. We knew that the first

is finding opportunities for other

of Rio who is completely in love with

pipeline would lead to another op-

Odebrecht companies to synergize





informa informa


FOLKS More than just visits Tepedino delves into the reality of the countries where he works


arcos Tepedino joined Odebrecht in 1977 as a trainee. He worked in several parts of Brazil before

becoming Project Director for Metromover, Miami’s people mover system, in 1991. For 15 years, he participated Américo Vermelho

in a range of projects in different US states. Afterwards, he worked on projects in the UAE, Djibouti, Venezuela and Libya. He is currently the Project Director for Line 1 of the Panama City Metro. His wife, Cristina, always accompanies him on his travels around the world. On aver-

Grooming civic-minded athletes

age, over the past 35 years, the couple has moved every two years. Tepedino has a passion for history and likes to gain in-depth knowledge of the places where he works.

Marie oversees the training of high-performance athletes

“It’s always a challenge to work with people from different cultures,” he says. “But at Odebrecht, we have clear


principles and act with clarity.”

orn in France, Marie Bendelac is an athlete with a business degree. She started riding horses at the

age of 10 and has competed ever since. She moved to

Tepedino with his wife, Cristina

Brazil in 2009 and joined Odebrecht the following year. She now runs the Brazilian Navy-Odebrecht Olympic Project, aimed at training high-performance athletes. “We’ve won lots of medals in the last two years!” she


Moisés Kierszenblat

Holanda Cavalcanti

says, clearly thrilled by their performance. According to Marie, those medals are down to the physical and emotional development of the young people who have been participating in the program since 2011. “The smiles I see are priceless. It’s very rewarding to see that we are grooming good citizens.”

Encouraging creativity Cinthia and innovations that bring savings


n 2011, Cinthia Blassioli joined Odebrecht to work on the Odebrecht Innovation Research Program (POIT). As a lawyer and tax expert, her part in

the program is helping identify technological innovations that could result in tax savings for the Group’s operations. Her work routine involves keeping in touch with a contractor hired to visit the Group’s projects and liaising with the finance officers on the teams that answer directly to Entrepreneurial Leaders (CEOs), with the goal of leveraging the program. “Tax savings benefit the Bruna Romaro

projects, generate more productivity for the company and pass on the savings to our clients,” she explains. In her leisure time, she likes to go for walks with her two-year-old daughter Júlia in Água Branca Park in São Paulo. “The park is like a farm, with lots of animals, and just being there does us good. Cinthia with her husband, Antônio, and daughter, Júlia



We need to value what is ours,” she says.


written by Gabriela Vasconcelos photos by Élcio Carriço

Agro-ecotourism is a growing business in the Southern Bahia



here there is effective synergy, according to the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO), people’s simultaneous and harmonious actions will lead to greater results. This unified effort involves the power of coopera-

tion, appreciation of differences and the ability to contextualize, unify and catalyze to maximize collective potential This is the essence of Program for the Development and Growth Integrated with Sustainability of the Mosaic of Southern Bahia Lowlands Environmental Protection Areas (PDCIS). The challenge of taking a rural area with a rich environmental heritage and making it dynamic and prosperous, keeping young talent in the countryside, has



Eduardo do Rosário: community development

united the government, private sector, civil society and

velop this opportunity from the cultural and economic

the Odebrecht Foundation, which together form an in-

standpoint to stimulate local development,” observes

novative system called Participatory Governance.

the MTur’s National Secretary for Tourism Develop-

The Brazilian Government has adopted the synergistic work of these different actors through three


ment Programs, Fábio Mota.

government ministries, and the program’s experience

Quilombola community

is now viewed as being in the national interest. At the

Divided into eight tranches, the funding will be used

invitation of the Environment Ministry (MMA), the PD-

to rehabilitate a 37-km stretch of the BA-250/Pratigi

CIS was introduced at the UN Conference on Sustain-

highway. This stretch connects state highway BA-001

able Development (Rio+20) in 2012. That presentation,

to Pratigi Beach, in Ituberá county, and also provides a

also backed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was part

link to Citizenship Park Highway (basic infrastructure

of the MMA Biodiversity and Forest Department’s pro-

for communication and the generation of wealth that

gram at the conference.

will help consolidate agro-ecotourism).

PDCIS’s interaction with the Tourism Ministry (MTur)

“This investment is hugely important because it adds

has resulted in a BRL 36-million investment in the

value to Bahia as a destination,” says Fábio Mota. The

Southern Bahia Lowlands region. “I believe in the suc-

government of that state is the intermediary between the

cess of the PDCIS and the expansion of a growing seg-

Ministry of Tourism and the Land Conservation Organi-

ment: agro-ecotourism. In that region, the goal is to de-

zation (OCT), a civil society organization of public interest


(OSCIP) that is part of the environmental arm of the PDCIS which is responsible for implementing the project.

Knowledge and experience The joint actions of the Odebrecht Foundation and

The road gives access to more than the beach. Half-

its partners to make the PDCIS a reality are serving

way there, we come across a quilombola (maroon)

as an inspiration for the entire Odebrecht Group.

community called Jatimane. Located in Nilo Peçanha

“This spirit and part of the program’s methodology

county, it has grown in the shade of the piassava palms.

in the Southern Bahia Lowlands are present in the

The river that runs through it bears its name. The main

main social initiatives deployed by our Engineering

economic activities of the 90 families who live there are

& Construction business, such as the IIRSA South

based on growing piassava palms and fishing.

Highway in Peru, and the Kulonga Pala Kukula

In recent years, residents have identified tourism as an alternative source of income. “We accompany tourists who visit the community and offer them products like handicrafts and bio-jewelry made from piassava fiber. Restaurants serve local cuisine,” says Eduardo do Rosário, 39, the president of the Jatimane Community Association. He believes the refurbished route will bring in more tourists. “The result will be the development of our community.”

social outreach program in Angola. It also guides projects like the Remigio Rojas irrigation venture in Panama and El Palmar-Diluvio in Venezuela,” says Renato Baiardi, a member of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees and the Board of Directors of Odebrecht S.A., who adds: “The Foundation’s work in the Southern Lowlands is iconic for the entire organization, because it is a source of knowledge and experience.”




“A true leader is a magician” According to Mestre Cruz, leaders must have the humility to learn, a love of teaching, and never give up statement given to Válber Carvalho edited by Alice Galeffi photos by Ricardo Artner


e was born into a poor fam-

ey to buy a notebook, a pen or a

leader must know how to del-

ily in Peru, had little for-

shirt. I couldn’t stay in school,

egate, work as a team and serve

mal schooling and started

but thanks to my efforts, my work

his team members. When I talk

working very early in life. The

and my change in attitude, I man-

to my team as a group, I say:

hardships he encountered during

aged to join Odebrecht. I said, “I

“You are all leaders, you are not

his childhood gave him the cour-

can and I will.”

workers, you are the company’s partners, the company’s human

age to forge ahead and taught him more than any book could.

New beginning

assets. Everything we do here is

We’re talking about Alejandro

I joined Odebrecht during its

for you.” And I ask them: “Who

Cruz Mendoza, better known

first project in Peru, the Char-

does the work? The leader or

as “Mestre Cruz,” a born leader

cani V Hydroelectric Plant, in

the team member?” It’s the team

who knows how to delegate and

1979. I was hired on August 28,

member who does the work, and

whose greatest mission is to pass

1982. They needed a construction

the leader who has the vision. We

on his knowledge. Mestre Cruz

supervisor. I asked people how

are always learning, and when

joined Odebrecht determined to

they’d got a job with the com-

I see that someone is doing the

succeed, considers himself ful-

pany. I asked them to teach me

right things, I congratulate them.

filled, and possesses and teach-

how, because I wanted to do the

I also let people know when

es the formula for happiness.

same. I found a good person who

they’re not doing a good job. A lot

His dream is to visit the Group’s

told me: “You start out this way,

of my team members are leaders

mother country, Brazil.

and in the end you’re the one who

today, supervisors and master

gets things done. It’s up to you.”

blacksmiths, and even the own-

A childhood without shoes

When I joined the company, I was

ers of subcontractors.

I had little schooling, because

shoes and other equipment. Back

Loving what you do

my family was very poor. My Mom

then, nobody did that. We worked

I know all about architectural

came from the countryside, and

with old shoes, normal clothes.

and structural design, but I never

she was a mother and father to

Odebrecht takes care of workers

studied drawing. I learned by do-

me. I had a stepfather, but I didn’t

and values life. At the same time,

ing. Sometimes engineers ask

get along with him. Maybe that

we must also take care of their

me, “Did you do that?” When I say

was what made me leave home

equipment. I’ve learned that here

yes, they’re surprised. I like to

very early to find work. As a kid,

at the company.

draw. It’s my passion. I love what

surprised to receive work gloves,

I had no shoes. My clothes were

to love what you do. For me it’s an

up to the 4th grade. Every day I

Delegation, teamwork, service

carried water and got paid 10

The best way to pass on what

I’ve learned. The Odebrecht En-

cents for it. I’d save up the mon-

I know is through example. A

trepreneurial Technology taught

patched and worn. I only studied


I do, and to be a leader, you’ve got


obligation, a duty to pass on what

Mestre Cruz: “I love what I do”



me to be more respectful, more

path to victory. And victory chose

If you think you are capable, put

humble and more responsible.

him as its follower. A true leader

your money where your mouth

is a magician; his style is simple,

is. If you say you are loving,

The way to victory

born of three attitudes: the hu-

then show your affection. If you

I told the participants: “I start-

mility to listen and learn, a love

think you can do more than one

ed out the same way, just like

of teaching and sharing, and the

thing, do it. That’s called mo-

you, with nothing. I’m not better

drive to never give up.

tivation. The fourth step is not

than anyone and I’m not the best


envying anybody for what they

teacher. I’m still learning. But I

Be happy

have or who they are. They have

want to share what I know with

Friends, do you want to know

achieved their goals, so leave

you, because learning isn’t hard.

the secret to being happy in

justice up to God’s laws. The

You can ask as many questions

life? “Yes, sir.” The first step is

seventh step is to move forward,

as you like, and I’ll teach you.”

to know that God is present in

don’t ever stop, because you can

Looking back on my journey so

everything in life. The second

go far. Maybe you’ll find better

far, I remember all the leaders

step is to love yourself every

things by doing good things,

who welcomed me here, like the

day. When you wake up and go

and never going astray. Thanks

engineer Raymundo Serra, Mar-

to bed, you should say: “I’m im-

to all this, I can’t say there’s no

co Cruz, Jorge Barata, and Sergio

portant, I’m worthy, I’m capable,

money in my pocket. God gives

Panicali, my immediate leader.

I’m loving, I’m smart.” This step

me the health to continue work-

Ruben Drescher, and the Peruvi-

is called self-esteem. The third

ing at the company. Thanks to

an engineer Angel Loayza. That’s

step is to put everything I’ve said

the company, all my kids have

how we got projects done. We’re

into practice. That is, if you think

graduated. My greatest wish is

all winners. The leader chose the

you are smart, then act smart.

to visit Brazil.


Next issue: People


Founded in 1944, Odebrecht is an organization of Brazilian origin made up of diversified businesses with global operations and world-class standards of quality. Its 180,000 members are present in the Americas, the Caribbean, Africa, Asia and Europe.

RESPONSIBLE FOR PUBLICATIONS PROGRAMS AT ODEBRECHT S.A. Karolina Gutiez BUSINESS AREA COORDINATORS Nelson Letaif Chemicals & Petrochemicals | Andressa Saurin Agroindustria | Bárbara Nitto Oil & Gas | Kiko Brito Environmental Engineering | Sergio Kertész Real Estate Developments | Antonio Carlos de Faria Infrastructure & Transport | Josiane Costa Energy | André Paraná Industrial Engineering | Renata Pinheiro Defense & Technology | Daelcio Freitas Odebrecht Properties | Herman Nass Shipbuilding Coordinator at Obebrecht Foundation Vivian Barbosa EDITORIAL COORDINATION Versal Editores Editor-in-Chief José Enrique Barreiro Executive Editor Cláudio Lovato Filho Photo Editor Holanda Cavalcanti Art and Graphic Production Rogério Nunes English Translation H. Sabrina Gledhill English Edition Coordinator & Electronic Publishing Maria Celia Olivieri Printing 666 copies | Pre-Press and Printing Pancrom EDITORIAL OFFICES Rio de Janeiro +55 21 2239-4023 | São Paulo +55 11 3641- 4743 email: versal@versal.com.br Originally published in Portuguese. Also available in Spanish.

Geraldo Pestalozzi photo:

“An entrepreneur shows true leadership by coordinating and consolidating people’s simultaneous actions so they produce more wealth together than they could individually”

TEO [Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology]



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