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New Projects at High Sea

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To celebrate the anniversary of São Paulo’s capital, Braskem delivered the city plastic wood furniture manufactured from plastic waste.


no. 250 / February 2011

gifts for são paulo

your success is > 6 ‘our success’

Gilberto Neves, Managing Director of Odebrecht United States, was one of the “25 Personalities of 2010” chosen by the North American magazine ENR.

The construction work for the South Andean Gas Pipeline in Peru will begin in February, but the Kuntur Project began operating two years ago.

peregrino field

Odebrecht Óleo e Gás signed two new Assembly and Maintenance contracts to serve Statoil Brasil and Maersk FPSO’s Brasil in Campos Basin.


12 before the work begins…

10 new projects in

Next Edition: february 22, 2011. P articipate !

14 the power of




Promoted by the Rio Paraguaçu Consortium, the Unified Agricultural Social-Environmental Project presents the first results and plans for 2011.

the papers of tarsila > 18 In Vitória, Espírito Santo, Odebrecht Infraestrutura is one of the companies sponsoring the exhibit “Tarsila on Paper.”

20 first steps toward digital inclusion


Youth from the programs supported by the Odebrecht Foundation in Bahia’s Southern Lowlands received conclusion certificates as part of the Hit the Net Program.

> 23 fast news editorial staff Odebrecht News is an internal newsletter published by the Odebrecht S.A. Business Communication Team Responsible Journalist: Fabiana Cabral Editorial Office: Avenida das Nações Unidas, 8.501, 32º andar, São Paulo Phone Number: (55 11) 3096-8171 Suggestions: fabianacabral@odebrecht.com Website: www.odebrechtnoticias.com.br share this newsletter at your company or your project!

> recycled plastic

Plastic wood furniture items were the gifts to the São Paulo capital

Gifts for São Paulo At the start of November of last year,

Capela do Socorro, Corpore Centro, União de

during the Formula 1 Grand Prix in São

Itaquera, Central do Tietê and Coperviva Bem.

Paulo, Braskem held its own Grand Prix,

The plastic wood furniture was designed

focused on the recycling of plastic waste.

by the company Plásticos Suzuki, a client of

On the occasion, collection points were

Braskem and partner in the action.

set up at the Interlagos Speedway and

The 500 pieces of furniture (planters and

along different points of the São Paulo

garbage cans) were delivered to São Paulo

capital. The campaign was called the “Braskem GP of Recycling” and extended throughout the entire month. With the support of the company Plastivida and São Paulo City Government, 13.5 tons of plastic were collected and donated to the recycling cooperatives involved in the project –


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Plastic waste collection points were installed in São Paulo

on January 22 during a ceremony held at

of-its-kind study on the situation of the

Ciência Park in Tiradentes City, anticipating

municipality’s garbage recycling coopera-

the municipality’s anniversary, celebrated on

tives, elaborated by the NGO Group for the

January 25. The City Government will install

Interdisciplinary Application to Learning

the furniture in 50 parks around the city.

(GAIA). The complete version of the study

Braskem also delivered the City of São

will be concluded by the end of this

Paulo with the preliminary data for a first-


A New Park to Preserve the Environment

efforts of all involved,” said Jorge Soto, the individuals responsible for Sustainable

On January 29, Braskem – with sup-

Development at Braskem. “The partner-

port of the City Government and GAIA

ship between Braskem, the Paulínia City

Group – inaugurated the Paulínia Amizade

Government and the NGO GAIA shows that

(“Friendship”) Park in rural São Paulo.

it is possible to integrate private initiative,

The project is part of the installation of the company’s industrial polypropylene unit in the city and received investments of R$ 6.5 million. The 300,000-m2 park with promote

the government and organized society with a focus on sustainability,” said Soto. Residents who live near Amizade Park attended the inauguration event

environmental preservation, leisure, sports and cultural and educational activities, as well as actions focused on citizenship, the generation of income and social inclusion. First-of-its-kind, the project also aims to preserve the Atlantic Forest, which exists along different points inside a Permanent Preservation Area (PPA) that includes Amizade Park. “This park is a gift to the municipality, since besides our concern with maintaining social and economic balance, we also need to take measures to preserve the environment,” said Mayor José Pavan Junior. “The inauguration of the site is the result of work completed with the dedicated

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> united states

‘Your Success is Our Success’

Since 1964, the North American magazine Engineering News Record (ENR) has sought for the stories it publishes during the year people who stood out and contributed toward the construction industry in the United States. Those who make the news are chosen for their innovations and achievements and because they go above and beyond the call of duty. The winners of The Top 25 Newsmakers of 2010 will be honored at a party in New York on April 7, 2011. Gilberto Neves, Managing Director of Odebrecht United States, subsidiary of Odebrecht International, is among the 25 selected individuals. “It was recognition of TEO,” said Neves. “Our commitment to sustainability and to improving peoples’ lives in the regions in which we operate makes the difference in our business,” he said.


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Eloise Gonzalez, the owner of a small company, Commercial Interior Contractors, a long-time partner of Odebrecht. “He drives us to get better,” she said. Gonzalez explained that slightly over a year ago, in the middle of the night, Neves contacted her with the request that she embark on an emergency trip to Haiti – when an earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale destroyed several different points of the country on January 12, 2010. “I had never left Florida and, 18 hours later, we were working to restore the American Airlines Terminal at the Haiti Airport,” she recalled. Gilberto Neves, Managing Director of Odebrecht United States

Odebrecht United States Participates in Expansion Work at Miami International Airport

According to ENR, Gilberto Neves was recognized for his relationship with the professionals from small partner companies and for leading a seminar program directed at these companies. “His philosophy is to take people to the next level,” explained odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 250 /




> united states

The professionals from the companies working to expand the Miami International Airport participated in seminars

Education for Work

said Neves. The seminars have on average

As part of a joint venture formed by Odebrecht United States and Parsons

Gilberto Neves explained that the pro-

Transportation Group, responsible for the

gram was created based on the experiences

expansion work at the North Terminal of the

gathered during the 20 years of work in

Miami International Airport, the direct and

Florida. “In each project that I participated in

indirect workers have already participated in

over these years, I discovered that the small

more than one dozen seminars.

companies were afraid of the big ones,” said

Of the 83 companies of the South

Neves. Therefore, he oriented those he led

Florida Disadvantaged Business Enterprise

to help the professionals from these com-

that participated in the North Terminal

panies, sharing knowledge. “We cannot end

Educational Institute, 36 had or have con-

our work and then just leave them,” he said.

tracts for completing projects at the air-

“Their success is our success.”

port. “Even the employees of the airline companies have participated in the courses,


60 participants.

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The student Eloise calls the program “MBA for Contractors” and states that the crucial

factor is the level of commit-

at Odebrecht, and Dave Brow, Parsons Program

ment by the Odebrecht United

Director, represented the companies at the event.

States teams. “I see that they

The Best Of Awards is an annual competition that

are passionate about sharing

recognizes the top construction and design practices

information,” she said.

in the Southern region of the United States, which

The program extended to Haiti, where local residents

includes the states of Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina.

were trained to work with carpentry. Neves mobilized a team in 18 hours after the request by American Airlines and partner companies also responded to the call. “These are but some of the examples of the different social and personal development initiatives undertaken by Odebrecht,” said Neves. Awarded Partnership The partnership between Odebrecht United States and Parsons during Phase 1 of the Miami International Airport North Terminal Development Consolidation Project, earned distinction during the Best Of 2010 Awards for the Best Vertical Transportation Project from Southeast Construction Magazine. The award ceremony was held in December of last year Orlando, Florida. Lucas Prado, North Terminal Joint Director

Lucas Prado and Dave Brow, from Odebrecht and Parsons, show the award they received during the Best Of 2010 Awards odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 250 /




> oil and gas

New Projects in Peregrino Field In January, Odebrecht Óleo e Gás (OOG) signed two new Assembly and

the structure, piping, equipment, electrical

Maintenance (M&M) contracts for the

installation, instrumentation and commis-

Peregrino Field in Campos Basin, Rio de


Janeiro, and will now serve two new com-


assembly and maintenance and involve

The exploration and production system at

panies, Statoil Brasil and Maersk FPSO’s

Peregrino Field consists of two fixed “sister”

Brasil. The contracts, worth approximately

units called Peregrino A and B (two fixed

US$ 60 million, cover the areas of engine-

buoys) and a FPSO, with the capacity to

ering, planning, supply, manufacturing,

process 100,000 barrels per day (bpd) and

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store 1.6 million barrels. The FPSO, built and operated by Maersk, is set to start operating still during the first quarter of this year. The rigs are connected to the FPSO by flow and umbilical lines. Peregrino, located 85 km from the Rio de Janeiro coast, is Statoil’s largest production field outside of Norway and the company’s first in Brazil. The Norwegian state-owned company holds 100% stake and the field operation, which takes place in a water depth of approximately 100 meters. [In June 2010, Statoil sold 40% of its stake in the Peregrino Field to the Chinese group Sinochem. The transaction is still subject to approval by the governments of Brazil and China]. “The new contracts reinforce OOG’s strategy in the continuous search to expand the portfolio of Clients to provide Integrated Services for the offshore industry The illustration shows the new projects for Statoil Brasil and for Maersk FPSO’s Brasil in the Campos Basin

in Brazil and the rest of the world,” said Jorge Mitidieri, Managing Director of Integrated Services.

OOG has experience working with M&M contracts in the Petrobras “Active South” as well as for Shell odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 250 /




> peruvian gas pipeline

Before the Work

Begins... The Kuntur Project, also known as the

Amazon, 400 m from sea level, crosses the

Gasoducto Andino del Sur, involves the cons-

Andes Mountain Range, at 4,900 m of altitude,

truction and operation of a piping system to

and ends along the country’s coastline.

transport natural gas and gas liquids. Extending

The gas pipeline will transport natural gas

1,100 km, the gas pipeline will traverse the sta-

from Petrobras blocks in the exploratory phase

tes of Cusco, Arequipa, Puno and Moquegua,

and has the potential to double the reserves in

in Southern Peru, passing through areas with

Peru. The system is the first step in the develo-

distinct types of biodiversity, geography and

pment of an integrated project that will inclu-

culture. The system begins in the Peruvian

de an industrial and petrochemical center of

In the Peruvian language of Quechua, “Kuntur” means “Condor,” a bird from the Andean region whose wing span can reach as high as 3 meters across.


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Integration: work to raise the awareness of residents began two years ago

international scale in the Southern region of the

in the project’s areas of influence. Since then,


1,600 meetings have taken place, involving over

The first actions were undertaken two years ago. In 2009, the concessionaire Kuntur

18,000 people and local authorities. The EIA was begun in 2009, including the gathering of information, processing and

Transportadora de Gas, whose shareholder is the

analysis of social and physical data, collec-

U.S. investment fund Conduit Capital Partners,

tion of biological samples at the moist and

signed an agreement with Odebrecht Peru

dry stations and the identification of archeo-

to develop activities such as the surveying of

logical sites along the entire extension of the

routes and owners, environmental impact and

pipelines. The final work was presented to

risk assessments and the engineering necessa-

the Ministry of Energy and Mines in August

ry to consolidate the reports. From there, the


companies began the processes of communi-

In May 2010, a partnership between the

cating the results of the Environmental Impact

concessionaire and Peruvian government

Assessments (EIA) and developing a relationship

began to promote Citizen Participation

with the communities.

Workshops to present the EIA to the commu-

The concessionaire began to organize lectures for residents of the communities located

nities. As of last November, over 21,000 people had participated in the 246 workshops. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 250 /




> unified agriculture

The Power of Cooperativism Designed to generate job and income


rent social responsibility actions under-

opportunities by promoting environ-

taken by the Rio Paraguaçu Consortium,

mentally-responsible agricultural pro-

formed by Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial,

duction, the Unified Agricultural Social-

UTC Engenharia and Queiroz GalvĂŁo in

Environmental Project is one of many diffe-

Maragogipe, Bahia.

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Implemented with the participation of Members of the Rio Paraguaçu Consortium during their visit to the project

25 families, the project showed results and awakened great interest among the residents of São Roque do Paraguaçu and neighboring districts. Today, slightly more than one year since the first harvest, the cooperative includes 162 families. During this period, 24 tons of products were sold and a great majority of the fruits, vegetables and produce were delivered to Sodexo, the company responsible for the cafeteria at the construction site. Over the past months, 25% of the production has been sold in the community itself, fulfilling the objective of expanding the consumer market to guarantee the sustainability of the cooperative after the end of the consortium’s activities. Continuous Training In order to allow the participants to manage the cooperative by themselves, the Rio Paraguaçu Consortium invests in the conti-

The Unified Agriculture Project follows one of the three Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial strategic priorities of sustainability: focus on programs to generate job and income opportunities that seek to contribute toward the sustainable development of local communities. The other two priorities established by the company are the focus on the training and professional qualification of local labor, encouraging social-economic and cultural development, and the adequate treatment of the waste generated on the contract sites, minimizing the environmental impacts generated by the construction work.

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> unified agriculture nuous training of the farmers. The training includes agricultural and soil management techniques and courses and lectures on cooperativism, associativism, management and finances. For Lindinalva Santos Silva, First Secretary, preparation is crucial for the group to reach its expected growth. Former shellfish farmer and maid, Santos explained that she plans to finish high school, since she had to abandon her studies during the first year. “The teams value me, so I have to take advantage of the opportunity to seek even more” she said. Antônio Coni, Social Project Coordinator at the consortium, reveals that other associations and city governments are interested in participating in or collaborating with the project. “Today, the farmers can say that the sky is the limit,” said Coni. “With their monthly income guaranteed, they sell and consume more.” The prohibition to burn land in order to preQuality of Life

pare the soil and the use of organic fertilizer

The quality of life of the consortium


have had a positive impact, sustaining the

Members and the entire community is also

project’s environmental focus. The fertilizer is

improved through the Unified Agriculture pro-

produced through composting, with the use

gram, which offers fruits, vegetables and pro-

of stalks, peels and food items that do not

duce cultivated without the use of pesticides.

meet the cooperative’s quality standard.

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Next Steps

cipal public school system. In this

The São Roque do Paraguaçu

way, children and adolescents alrea-

Farmers’ Cooperative began 2011

dy began the school year eating the

with some important news. The

fruits and vegetables produced by

most important is the inclusion of

the project.

the term “family farming” in the sta-

The city government is also a

tute that regulates the cooperative

partner in consolidating the sale

members. Based on this change, the

of products for the community

farmers can supply products to the

by revitalizing the outdoor far-

National School Meal Program.

mers’ market. It is expected that

With the amendment of the

still during the first quarter of this

statute, the Maragogipe City

year, 10 tents will be installed near

Government will acquire from the

the São Roque do Paraguaçu local

cooperative 30% of the products

public square for the cooperative

used in the lunches for the muni-

members to sell their production.

Cássia Regina Borges and José Soares work for the Unified Agricultural Project

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> cultural contribution

The Papers of Tarsila

During the second half of 1920, Amaral used her sketches to record cities along the Brazilian coast such as Vitória, in Espírito Santo

In the Espírito Santo capital of Vitória,

Under the responsibility of curator

the Espírito Santo Art Museum (MAES) is

Regina Teixeira de Barros, the exhibit

presenting the exhibit “Tarsila on Paper”

includes 70 sketches by Tarsila do Amaral

until February 13. The event is being

– one of the most important artists of

undertaken by the State Government with

modernism – produced during her three

the support of the Ministry of Culture,

different phases. Amaral completed some

with production by Base 7 Projetos

1,750 works on paper during her 55 years

Culturais and sponsorship by Odebrecht

of activity.

Infraestrutura and other companies through the Cultural Incentive Law.


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During the period of the exhibit, there will also be a “Lecture Cycle,” consisting of

four meetings that promote reflection on art through Amaral’s works. Themes such

Young Visitors On January 11, the Clean Waters Project,

as Modernism, the History of Sketch Art

an initiative undertaken by Odebrecht

and the Modernist Discourse of Tarsila do

Infraestrutura in the city, took 22

Amaral were addressed last December.

Apprentices to MAES for a guided tour of

The last lecture, “Sketch Art in the

the exhibit. “The idea was to make it pos-

Contemporary and Modern World,” will be

sible for these youth to have contact with

given on February 9 by Fernando Augusto

culture and visual arts,” explained Rafael

and Ricardo Maurício.

Rios, Administrative and Financial Manager.

Youth from the Clean Waters Apprentice Program learn about Tarsila do Amaral

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> hit the net

First Steps toward the graduates of the Hit the Net Program during the certificate delivery ceremony. Held on January 25, the event gathered youth from the CFR-I and PTN Rural Family Home, Águas de Ituberá Family Home and Nilo Peçanha Agroforest Family Home, the military institution Tiro de Guerra and the “Build Better” Project, which offers vocational training in the civil construction area to youth from the municipalities of Igrapiúna and Valença. Emílio Munaro delivers the certificate to student Daniela Assunção

Hit the Net was created in 2004 through a partner-

“The knowledge acquired through Hit the Net


ship between Odebrecht

was significant and today I feel more prepared for

S.A., Odebrecht Foundation,

the job market.” This was how Daniela Assunção,

Microsoft, Dell and Oi with aims

18, student of the second group of the Igrapiúna

of bring digital inclusion to the

Family Home (CFR-I), thanked those responsible

educational projects associa-

for the tribute she received on the Novo Horizonte

ted with the Bahia Southern

Farm at Presidente Tancredo Neves (PTN). She was

Lowlands EPA Mosaic Integrated

the first student to achieve a score of 100% on the

and Sustainable Development

final test for the Microsoft Digital Literacy course.

Program (PDIS).

“This award symbolizes an incentive for you to

Until December 2010, 83%

continue improving, understanding that techno-

of the evaluated youth were

logy is part of everyone’s daily life,” said Emílio

approved, for a total of 242

Munaro, Education Director at Microsoft Brasil, to

graduates. Frede Bonfim,

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 250 /



Digital Inclusion Coordinator of Hit the Net, stated that

Waldeck Ornélas, Vice President – Social-

the project was able to surpass its goal.

Educational Area and Clovis Faleiro,

“We understood that we would learn

Institutional Relations at the Odebrecht

more from the youth than they do from

Foundation; leaders of the institutions

us,” he said.

associated with PDIS and government

For Denise Santos Batista, 26, from Group I of the “Build Better” Project, IT

representatives. “Hit the Net allows for the consolida-

promotes benefits for her work. “I like to

tion of different partnerships in the area

design floor plans for homes and the digi-

of technology. Telebrás, for example, will

tal tools facilitate this,” said Batista.

bring broadband to the Southern Lowlands

Present at the ceremony were José Alves,

and Semp Toshiba will support the assem-

President of the PTN Municipal Board for

bly of laboratories in the PTN rural schools,”

the Rights of Children and Adolescents;

said Clóvis Faleiro. “This opens a window of

Mauricio Medeiros, Executive President,

opportunities for the youth.”

Graduates of Hit the Net during the delivery of certificates at the Novo Horizonte Farm

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> hit the net Next Stages

ve program for students who are interes-

According to Munaro, other activities will help provide continuity to Microsoft’s

Technology, whether with Robotics or the

education programs in Bahia’s Southern

creation of videogames. “It will be a more


specific course, where we will apply a test to

One of these is the “Student Monitor,” a

evaluate who has talent,” explained Munaro.

182-hour course in which the students will

The third course, set to begin in 2012, is

receive information on applications such as

called “Learn in Partnership” and proposes

Word, Excel and Power Point. The course is

to support public school teachers from the

set to begin during the 2011 school year.

region in their use of technology. The idea is

The second half of this year will mark the start of the “Digital Challenge,” an incenti-

The program has already trained 240 people in Bahia’s Southern Lowlands


ted in working in the area of Information

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 250 /



to improve the teaching method associated with IT knowledge.

> fast notes

From left to right: Patrick Sankey, Enrique Cornejo, Jorge Barata and Brian T. Harris

Global Distinction During a ceremony held in Washington

Jorge Barata, Managing Director of

D.C. on January 25, the International Road

Odebrecht Peru, the leader of the conces-

Federation (IRF) – a global entity that promotes

sionaire and subsidiary of Odebrecht Latin

the development of safe and sustainable roads

America and Angola, and Enrique Cornejo,

and highway networks – granted the Global

Transportation Minister, received the award

Road Achievement Awards to the North IIRSA

from Patrick Sankey, Executive Director of IRF,

Concessionaire in Peru for its work during the

and from Brian T. Harris, Washington Program

construction of Stretch 1: Tarapoto - Yurimaguas.

Center Director at IRF.

The award was also recognition of the inte-

“The highway became an instrument for the

gration between high technology and envi-

economic growth and integration of people,”

ronmental preservation through sustainable

said Barata. The benefits go beyond the tan-

development programs designed to conserve

gible results, since we support the local eco-

the Escalera Mountain Range, the country’s

nomy and social and cultural development of

first Regional Conservation Area.

the communities.” odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 250 /




> fast notes

Acreditar (“Believe”) Junior and New Young On January 22, Odebrecht Energia graduated the second group of young apprentices from the Continued Professional

covered topics such as Adolescence, Health, Environment, Financial Education and TEO. Mário Lúcio Pinheiro, Contract Director at

Qualification Program - Acreditar (“Believe”)

the Construtor Santo Antônio Consortium,

Junior. A total of 167 students received

Antônio Cardilli, Administrative and Financial

certificates, ages 14 to 17, all children

Director at CSAC, and Vivaldo Matos Filho,

of Members of the Santo Antônio Civil

Regional Director at the National Industrial

Consortium (CSAC), responsible for the civil

Learning Service (SENAI), spoke to those pre-

construction work at the Santo Antônio

sent and sent messages to the youth.

Hydroelectric Power Plant in Rondônia. The youth participated in free courses

During the ceremony, a letter from former president Luiz Inácio Lula directed at the gra-

on Production Management Methods

duates was read. “All of you made an effort

and Techniques, Motorcycle Maintenance

with your studies, sacrificing hours of leisure

Mechanic and Diesel Motor Maintenance

and using your willpower. But it was worth

Mechanic. The courses began in January

it. You were able to achieve one of the most

2010, with a total course load of 880 hours.

important things in the life of any citizen:

In addition to practical classes, the students

still very young, you learned a profession,”

also participated in theoretical classes that

stated the letter.

Graduates of Acreditar (“Believe”) Junior with Mário Lúcio Pinheiro (first on the right, standing up) and Antônio Cardilli (wearing a blue shirt to the right).


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Thank you COOPRAP Surprise and satisfaction. These were the feelings of the artisan from Ituberá, Bahia, and the Executive President of the Pratigi Environmental Protection Rural Area Producers’ Cooperative (COOPRAP), Creuza Amorim, upon receiving a thank you letter from former Brazilian President, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Lula recognized the gift that he had received: a mandala woven

from piassaba fibers made by the members of COOPRAP. “Obtaining recognition for our work is the fulfillment of a dream,” said Crueza. “This helps increase the self-esteem of the cooperative members.” The donation was made through Apex-Brasil , a partner of COOPRAP, for the reserved room in the Planalto Palace.

Lula posed with his wife, Marisa Letícia da Silva, next to the mandala.

Visits to the Expressways On January 27, the Expressways Project undertaken by Odebrecht Angola – a subsidiary of Odebrecht Latin America and Angola – received a visit from the Minister of Urban Planning and Construction, Fernando Fonseca, the State Secretary of Construction, Joanes André, the Vice Governor of the Technical and Infrastructure Area, Carla Ribeiro,

from the Economic Area, Miguel Catray, and the Regional Director of the Angola Roads Institute, Antonio Resende. The visitors learned about the progress of the construction work for the Luanda Structured Highways, which include the expressways Luanda-Kifangondo, CacuacoPanguila, Luanda-Viana, the Luanda Peripheral Highway

and the Cabolombo-Funtungo Connection. The integration between the different construction projects has helped improve highway traffic and facilitates the commute of local residents. The group also visited the construction site and work fronts at Benfica Bridge and at the junction of the Luanda Peripheral Highway with the CabolomboFutungo Connection.

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> fast notes

For Solidarity Over the past weeks, Members of Odebrecht Infraestrutura, Odebrecht Energia and Foz do Brasil joined efforts to support the victims of the floods and collapses in several cities in the country. Food and hygiene and cleaning materials were collected, and water supply services were reinforced. The Arena Salvador Consortium – which consists of Odebrecht Infraestrutura and OAS – in partnership with Fonte Nova Negócios e Participações and the Special Secretary for World Cup Affairs (SECOPA), set up a collection station for donations from January 24-28.

Starting from the left: Ivan Engler, Commercial Manager of the Consortium; Adilson Faraco Burggher de Oliveira, Mayor of São José do Vale do Rio Preto; and Reinaldo Lins de Freitas, Contract Director, deliver the donations to the city

Foz do Brasil mobilized Members from São Paulo, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro and Santa Catarina to guarantee the regularity of the services provided and for unified actions in the communities affected by the strong rains. In Cachoeiro de Itapemirim (ES) and Limeira (SP), the company guaranteed the supply of water through a contingency system at the crude water collection plant. In Mauá (SP), the unit supported the Municipal Government and Civil Defense during the work to clean up the sites affected by the mudslides. In the cities of Rio das Ostras (RJ) and Rio

Members organized the material, which was donated to the cities in Brazil’s Southeastern region

The Construtor Simplício Consortium, formed by Odebrecht Energia and Andrade Gutierrez, as part of a joint action with subcontracted companies, delivered the city of São José do Vale do Rio Preto,

Claro (SP), the teams organized the collection of water, clothing and hygiene and cleaning items, sent to the municipalities of the Rio de Janeiro Mountainous Region, and in Blumenau, over 1,000 people who lost their homes from the region of Mirim Doce received donations.

in Rio de Janeiro, 10 tons of food and personal hygiene and cleaning materials, in addition to loaning it two dump trucks, one water truck and two backhoes. The Simplício Hydroelectric Facility - Queda Única is located at the border between Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro, near the city.


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The Foz do Brasil cars were used for the donation of materials february


Qualification in Pontal do Paranapanema On January 27, in rural São Paulo, ETH Bioenergia organized the graduation of 54 Members of the Alcídia and Conquista do Pontal

month, another 64 Members at the Mato Grosso do Sul Center also completed the course. ETH has already invested R$ 3 million in trai-

Units, located in Teodoro Sampaio and Mirante

ning courses and those designed for impro-

do Paranapanema as part of the Industrial

vement of the professionals that already work

Operator Qualification through Process

at their seven units and at another two to be


inaugurated during the second half of this

Undertaken in partnership with the Paula


Souza Center, the course qualifies operators who already work at the company, transforming them into professionals with a vision of the entire industrial process at a plant who are prepared to work on all phases of the operation system. ETH’s investments in the program total R$ 150,000. The training consisted of 600 hours of theoretical and practical classes under the modules of Process Foundations, Utilities System, Extraction, Boiler Room/WTP and Energy Cogeneration and Ethanol and Sugar Production. During this

Part of the group of Members graduating from the ETH Industrial Operator Qualification through Process Program

A New Compound for Flexible Wires and Cables The TC9008 resin, consisting of low densi-

gives the TC9008 compound high productivi-

ty polyethylene base (LDPE) pigmented with

ty during extrusion, finish, high flexibility and

carbon black, is Braskem’s most recent product

increased resistance to low temperatures, in

launch for the Wires & Cables segment. It is

addition to protection against the action of

designed primarily as a coating or cover for


wires and cables used for Telecommunications and Energy. The combination of mechanical properties

With the investment in infrastructure in Brazil, there is a 10% estimated annual growth for the Wires & Cables segment over the upcoming

and ease of processing offered by the LDPE, and

years. The initial production will be 200 t/m and,

the protection against UV radiation obtained

in four years, it is estimated that the production

through the use of the carbon black pigment

volume will reach approximately 600 t/m. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 250 /




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