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Odebrecht Peru: a Socially Responsible Company odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 257 /




4 an agreement in benefit of 257





Brazilian exports for the construction of the Nacala Airport, a project currently being undertaken by Odebrecht International in Mozambique, will be financed by BNDES. The agreement signing took place on April 28 in Rio de Janeiro.


6 peru’s socially responsible company

Odebrecht Peru received the Socially Responsible Company (ESR) Certificate, granted by the association Perú 2021. Learn more about the award and the social, cultural, educational, production and environmental initiatives developed by the company in the country.

> 12 financing projects receive international awards

The Rota das Bandeiras Concessionaire, Odebrecht Latin America and Angola, Odebrecht International and Odebrecht Oil and Gas had financing projects recognized by the PFI Yearbook 2010, promoted by the magazine Project Finance.

Next Edition: may 31, 2011. Take

16 braskem launches

2011 fronteiras do

part !


pensamento (“frontiers of thinking”)

With the proposal of promoting debate on the meaning of the world we live in at the start of this new century, the fifth edition of the international seminar will begin on May 23 in Porto Alegre and on May 25 in São Paulo.

20 alliance for development


The Bahia State Manioc Starch Producers’ Cooperative (COOPAMIDO), supported by the Odebrecht Foundation, is inserted into the Starch Cooperative Alliance to promote the leasing of estate-owned land to local farmers.

> 24 fast news editorial staff Odebrecht News is an internal newsletter published by the Odebrecht S.A. Business Communication Team Responsible Journalist: Fabiana Cabral Editorial Office: Avenida das Nações Unidas, 8.501, 32º andar, São Paulo Phone Number: (55 11) 3096-8171 Suggestions: fabianacabral@odebrecht.com Website: www.odebrechtnoticias.com.br share this newsletter at your company or your project!

> international

An Agreement in Benefit Odebrecht International will build the Nacala

Brazilian exports, which includes the Nacala

International Airport, located in the province of

Airport and Beira Port, the latter of which is still in

Nampula, Mozambique. The Brazilian exports

the negotiation phase.

for the project will be financed by the Brazilian

The US$ 80 million loan is part of the US$ 300

National Economic and Social Development Bank

million credit line approved by the Brazilian

(BNDES) - with the guarantee of Export Credit

government for the African country. The rest

Insurance, offered through the Department of

will be used at the Beira Port. The agreement

International Affairs (SAIN-MF) and Brazilian

signing ceremony was held on the morning of

Export Credit Insurance Company (SBCE) - and

April 28 in Rio de Janeiro. “It is the first financing

the bank BNP Paribas will serve as the guarantee

agreement between the two countries,” said the

agent. The transaction represents the first step

Mozambique Minister of Transportation and

toward making a bilateral agreement between

Communications, Paulo Zucula. “For us, it has

the two countries possible for the financing of

been a major learning experience, a process of

From left to right: Julio Brant, Responsible for Business Development at Odebrecht International; Leonardo Ribeiro, Contract Director at the Nacala Airport; Manuel Veterano, Chairman of the Aeroportos de Moçambique Board of Directors; Miguel Peres, Managing Director of Odebrecht International; Vinício Fonseca, Responsible for Export Financing at Odebrecht; Paulo Zucula, Mozambique Minister of Transportation; Manuel Chang, Mozambique Minister of Finances; Luciano Coutinho, President of BNDES; Antônio de Souza e Silva, Brazilian Ambassador in Mozambique; Luiz Eduardo Melin, Director of BNDES; Luciene Ferreira Machado, Head of BNDES-Exim; Carlos Napoleão, Responsible for Operations with BNDES-Exim at Odebrecht; Lúcia Helena, Director of the Brazilian Chamber of Foreign Commerce (CAMEX); Fernando Jaime Pinto Soares, Responsible for Business Development at Odebrecht International in Mozambique; João Carlos Nogueira, Responsible for Export Credit at Odebrecht


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of Mozambique said. “Its operations not only contribute toward the economic development of these countries but also help strengthen political relations.” Miguel Peres, Managing Director of Odebrecht International, stated that this agreement will be the door of entry for other financing agreements, given that the African country has some important demands in different economic sectors. “Mozambique is a developing country,” said Peres. “New investments will come, both at the other airports, as well as in areas like energy, communications, ports, transportation and city planning, among others. We are ready to serve the country,” Manuel Chang and Luciano Coutinho celebrate the signing of the financing agreement

he said.

constant dialogue for some two years now,”

base currently operates. The project consists of the

said Zucula. The Minister of Finances, Manuel

construction of passenger and cargo terminals, a con-

Chang, stated: “Being in Brazil to sign this

trol tower, maintenance building, firefighter building,

contract makes us very happy. We have some

landing and take-off strip, access ways, a parking

common points in our cultures and also in

lot and all necessary equipment and systems. The

terms of infrastructure. We want to walk side-

project will involve 23 months of construction work,

by-side with Brazil,” said Chang.

with delivery scheduled for March 2013. Some 700

The President of BNDES, Luciano Coutinho, pointed out the commitment assumed with

The airport will be built in a site where a military

Members will take part in the construction. Manuel Veterano, Chairman of the Board of

the development of the Mozambique peo-

Directors of the state-owned company Aeroportos

ple: “We understand the importance of this

de Moçambique, explained that the project is part

financing for the country,” said Coutinho. “The

of the policy to modernize the country’s airport

Nacala International Airport will help drive eco-

network. “We will modernize these airports,” explai-

nomic development. We hope to sign other

ned Veterano. “The construction of the Nacala

agreements soon.” Coutinho also revealed the

International Airport fits within this context. We

importance of the partnership with Odebrecht

want to be on the map of international routes. The

when it came to signing the agreement: “I

region will be part of a logistics platform designed

want to congratulate Odebrecht for the sup-

for the entire country, together with the port, railro-

port it has given Brazil and Mozambique,” he

ad and highways,” he said. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 257 /




> social corporate responsibility

Peru’s Socially Resp

Members of Odebrecht Peru received the ESR Certificate. From left to right: Delcy Machado, Sustainability Director; Cynthia Avellaneda, from the area of People and Organization; Raymundo Serra, General Manager; and Pilar Baella, Institutional Relations and Communication Manager

Odebrecht Peru, a subsidiary of Odebrecht


responsibility in Peru by prompting com-

Latin America and Angola, is among the 13

panies toward a self-diagnosis, one which

Peruvian companies that, for the first time

identifies areas that require management

in South America, received the Socially

improvements and encourages the par-

Responsible Company (ESR) Certificate

tnership with other organizations,” said

from the association Perú 2021. “The recog-

Astrid Cornejo, the entity’s Institutional

nition is designed to strengthen social

Relations Director.

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ponsible Company Business Ethics, Contacts with the Community and Interaction with the Environment. Perú 2021 is a non-profit institution, formed by companies with the purpose of leading the business sector by incorporating social responsibility as a strategic management tool that contributes toward the country’s development. It represents the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) in Peru and participates in the Forum Empresa - an alliance of organizations that promotes development and social responsibility on the American continent. Besides Odebrecht Peru, the following companies received the ESR Certificate: Cementos Lima S.A.; Compañía Minera Milpo S.A.A.; Ernst & Young; Kimberly-Clark Perú; Minera Barrick Misquichilca S.A.; Pfizer Perú; Profuturo AFP; Red de Energía del Perú S.A.; Repsol Perú; Telefónica del Perú; Terminal Internacional del Sur S.A.; Unión de Cervecerías Peruanas Backus; and Johnston S.A.A. Odebrecht Peru’s Social-Corporate After the evaluation of the Mexican

Responsibility Projects

Center for Philanthropy (CEMEFI), the

During its 31 years of operations in Peru, Odebrecht

companies were recognized for their

has promoted initiatives of a social, cultural, educatio-

good business practices and for pro-

nal, productive and environmental character that seek

moting sustainable development in

to guarantee the quality of life of future generations in

the country. The categories examined

the company’s areas of operation in the country. Learn

were Quality of Life at the Company,

more about some of its actions:

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> social corporate responsibility Technical Training and Generation of Work and Income Creer (“Believe”) Program: The Continued Professional Qualification Program arrived to Odebrecht Peru to train men and women to meet the demand for labor in the country’s projects. Women’s Training Program for Equipment Operation and Maintenance: created by the South Inter-Oceanic Road Corridor (CONIRSA), it trains women from nearby communities to operate and maintain heavy machinery.

Residents signed up to participate in Creer in the region of Huánuco, site to the future Chaglla Hydroelectric Power Plant, the first construction project to implement the program in the country

Residents from the cities of Urcos, Cusco, Inambari and Iñapari became backhoe operators after completing the CONIRSA training courses


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At the Mobile Library, students can browse and read over 1,500 books


tional institutions located

Peruvian National Library

A Leer Program: started in

at the edges of the North

Rural Libraries, the program

2009, it seeks to encourage

IIRSA Highway. The children’s

assists over 1,800 students

the habit of reading and cul-

reading comprehension has

from 12 primary education

ture of driving safety among

already reached 85%.

institutions located near

1,500 elementary school children from eight educa-

Mobile Library: based on

North IIRSA.

the methodology of the Culture Children’s Art Workshops: Includes dance and music classes for children from the communities located near the Olmos Transfer project, in the country’s Northern region. Strengthening of Youth Leadership through Art: the initiative of the Electric Train project, built in Lima, is designed to reduce violence among youth ages 14-19

In the “Pasallapampa” workshops, children take part in the classes focused on dance and typical songs from the region in which the Olmos Transfer construction work is taking place

through art, break dancing and dialogue. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 257 /




> social corporate responsibility Health Health and Education Support Program (PASE): coordinated by CONIRSA, it aims to help reduce social inequality and improve the quality of life of the farming communities located between the provinces of Quispicanchi, Cusco and Tahuamanu.

One of the PASE traveling campaigns is Dental Health and Hygiene, held during the construction of the South IIRSA Highway

Development and Conservation South Inter-Oceanic Initiative iSur: strategic alliance between Odebrecht Peru, CONIRSA, the entity Conservación Internacional and ProNaturaleza Foundation to contribute toward local sustainable development and the conservation of ecosystems in the area of influence of stretches 2 and 3 of the South Inter-Oceanic Highway. There are four programs and 16 structured projects that directly benefit more than 20,000 people from the communities located near South IIRSA.


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iSur supports handcrafted textile production in the region of Cusco, with the training of craft artists from 17 associations in the cities of Ccatcca and Ocongate

To strengthen responsible tourism along the more than 649 km of highway extension, iSur promotes the improvement of tourism infrastructure and prepares assistance centers for visitors from the countries

Helping Reduce Emissions The Odebrecht Peru, Odebrecht Peru Association, South InterOceanic - iSur and VĂ­a Sostenible Blog websites joined the CO2 Neutral Website, which is engaged in neutralizing carbon emissions produced with the consumption of electricity. To reduce these emissions, the initiative acquires titles in the carbon market from environmental conservation and clean development mechanism projects worldwide, such as from energy generation developments that use renewable sources, like hydroelectric and wind energy plants, for example. Over 1,500 websites from 25 countries already participate in the CO2 Neutral Website and have its homepage as a certification icon.

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> awards and distinctions

Financing Projects Recei International Awards

The ELOS - Ligações de Alta Velocidade S.A. Concessionaire received the European High Speed Rail Deal of the Year 2010 Award in February of this year in Portugal

The Rota das Bandeiras Concessionaire, Odebrecht TransPort, Odebrecht Latin America

re among companies from the Americas, Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

and Angola, Odebrecht International and Odebrecht Oil and Gas had financing projects

From Lisbon to Madrid on a High

recognized by the PFI Yearbook 2010 (the Project

Speed Train

Finance International Yearbook), promoted by the magazine Euromoney - Project Finance. The publication is an international reference in the financial market and the yearbook shows the main case studies for last year from the sectors of renewable energy and infrastructu-


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Odebrecht International earned the European High Speed Rail Deal of the Year 2010 Award for the contract to construct the Lisbon-Madrid High Speed Train. Located between Poceirão, along the South margin of the Tejo River in the metropolitan


by Odebrecht, the Portuguese

Integrating Cities in

companies Brisa, Soares da

Rural São Paulo

Costa, Lena, Edifer and Zagope,

The operation of debentu-

the Portuguese banks Caixa

res in the financial market,

Geral de Depósitos and Banco

which took place last year,

Millennium BCP, and the

earned the Rota das Bandeiras

Spanish ACS Group company

Concessionaire the Latin


America Transport Deal of the

With a 40-year term, the concession includes the engi-

Year 2010 Award. The work consisted of issuing

neering, construction, expro-

Special Purpose Company

priations, financing and main-

(SPC) debentures to finance

tenance of the Poceirão-Caia

the company’s infrastructure

stretch, the Évora-Caia stretch

projects. The operation resulted

of the conventional line for

in the sale of R$ 1.1 billion in

merchandise, extending 92

debentures and has been used

km, and the new Évora Station.

as a model by other concessio-

The investments will total 1.65

naires in Brazil.

million Euros and the project

The resources obtained allo-

conclusion is set for the end of

wed the concessionaire to pay


off a bridge loan maturing over

region of Lisbon, and Caia, at the border with Spain, the contract corresponds to the concession of the high speed train’s first stretch, which extends 167 km. The responsible concession is ELOS - Ligações de Alta Velocidade S.A., formed

Rota das Bandeiras is responsible for managing the Dom Pedro I Corridor, which traverses 17 municipalities in rural São Paulo along its extension odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 257 /




> awards and distinctions 18 months that was taken out

with the participation of

above the required US$ 1.5

in May 2009 and also paid for

banks and export credit

billion,” said Ramos. “This

the concession’s fixed license.

agencies - for fundraising

opens up new financing

in the international finan-

frontiers and demonstra-

To Explore Oil in Deep

cial market, in which there

tes the investors’ interest


was the maintenance of the

in projects tied to the area

The Odebrecht Oil and

same previous structure of

of oil and gas on the conti-

Gas (OOG) refinancing pro-

guarantees tied only to the

nent,” she said.

ject for the construction of

project assets.

the drilling rigs Norbe VIII e

The project also received

According to Helena

the Bond Radar Award, also

Norbe IX earned the Latin

Ramos, Financial Manager

granted by Euromoney, the

American Project Bond Deal

at OOG, the quality of the

Marine Money Deal of the

of the Year 2010.

project was considered

Year, from the magazine

decisive for attracting a

Marine Money, which recog-

tial was the replacement

high number of investors,

nizes the top transactions

of the financing for the

which transformed the ope-

in the ship capital and

construction of the two

ration into a success. “The

construction market, and

units - contracted in 2009

subscription level was well

the IRFR Award, granted

The operation’s differen-

The Norbes VIII and IX, built by Petrobras, have state-ofthe-art technology and can drill in the pre-salt layer - water depths of up to 3,000 m


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From left to right: Federico Camacho and Alejandro Sánchez, from Corficolombiana, representatives of the Rota do Sol Concessionaire; and Rod Morrison, Editor of the PFI Yearbook; during the award ceremony held in January of this year in London

by International Financing

- also received the Latin

cing agreement for the

Review, a supplier of onli-

America Transport Deal of

last 15 years in Colombia,”

ne information about the

the Year 2010 award.

said Alejandro Sánchez,

financial market.

The financing project for the concessionaire,

Executive Vice President of Corficolombiana.

Bogotá to Cartagena

formed by Odebrecht

with Facilitated Access

América Latina e Angola

Sol, considered the most

and the Colombian compa-

important and longest,

Concessionaire - respon-

nies Corficolombiana and

goes from Puerto Salgar to

sible for the construction

Solarte, was recognized for

San Roque and extends 528

work and operation of

negotiating the total sum

kilometers. The construc-

Sector 2 of the Rota do

necessary for the cons-

tion work began in April

Sol Highway, which con-

truction project’s invest-

of this year and should be

nects Bogotá to the port

ments - US$ 1.2 billion

completed in five years.

city of Santa Marta near

- with seven local banks.

The concession period is 15

Cartagena and Barranquilla

“It is the largest finan-


The Rota do Sol

Stretch 2 of Rota do

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> culture

Braskem Launches 2011 Fro


Fronteiras do Pensamento (“Frontiers of

in São Paulo, and will extend in both capitals until

Thinking”) is a multiple cultural project under-

December 5 and 6, respectively. There will be 10

taken by Braskem in the format of conferences,

conferences in the Rio Grande do Sul capital and

designed to promote a transdisciplinary debate

eight in the São Paulo capital.

on the modern world - the 21st century -, one

The proposal for this season’s event is for guests

focused on the freedom of intellectual expres-

and participants to seek a definition on the mea-

sion and high quality education as tools for

ning of the world in which we live at this start of


this new century.

This year, the fifth edition of the event will take

The seminars are sponsored by UNIMED Porto

place on May 23 in Porto Alegre and on May 25

Alegre, Gerdau, the Claro Institute, Refap, the RBS

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 257 /



onteiras do Pensamento Group, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre Municipal Government and the company Anhanguera Educacional.

Odebrecht Members Enjoy Discount in São Paulo Organization Members can have

Four Years of Debates

access to Fronteiras do Pensamento in

Since 2007, over 80 conference participants,

São Paulo, acquiring a “passport” for

including artists, scientists and intellectuals

the eight meetings at half price. With

from different countries, presented their the-

the discount, the values range from R$

ories and experiences and discussed the main

820.00 to R$ 980.00 and space is limited.

challenges facing today’s world to over 5,000

To guarantee your tickets, contact the

audience members - professionals and stu-

Relationship Center by calling (+55 11)

dents from areas like medicine, politics, com-

4007-1200 or via e-mail at relaciona-

munication, legal, arts and culture.


In the first edition, which was restricted only

br, informing your complete name, work

to the city of Porto Alegre, the theme was Art,

enrollment number, Identification Card

Culture, World and Thinking. Starting in 2008,

(CPF) number, e-mail and phone number.

the seminars came to have national scope and

Members will receive a password that

gathered 25 conference participants, including

guarantees a 50% discount when pur-

artists and researchers, to discuss the theme Art

chasing the passport on the website

and Language in Contemporary Culture.

Ingresso Rápido.

In its third season, held in 2009, the Fronteiras

The meetings will be held in the Sala

included on the agenda the topic Science and

São Paulo, located at the address Praça

Culture in five conferences held in Porto Alegre

Júlio Prestes, 16, in the neighborhood

and Salvador, and the 2010 edition addres-

of Luz, to start at 8:30 p.m. In the São

sed the central theme To Understand the 21st

Paulo capital, the seminars are held in


partnership with Casa do Saber, FLIP and the São Paulo State Symphonic Orchestra (OSESP) and are managed by Alice Penna and Cândida Boemeke.

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 257 /




> culture View the programming for 2011 Fronteiras do Pensamento (“Frontiers of Thinking”): XX May 23: Porto Alegre / May 25: São Paulo Fredric Jameson North American literary critic and political theorist known worldwide for his analysis of contemporary cultural trends. Winner of the Holberg International Memorial Prize in 2008. XX June 13: Porto Alegre / June 14: São Paulo Shirin Ebadi Iranian attorney who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2003. She became the first woman in her country to be nominated judge and to preside over a legislative court, and the first Muslim woman to win the Nobel Prize for her efforts in the fight for democracy and human rights. XX June 22: São Paulo Miguel Nicolelis Brazilian neuroscientist and co-director of the Duke University Center for Neuroengineering. A global reference on the research focused on the interface between the brain and computers (neuroprosthesis). XX July 11: Porto Alegre / July 12: São Paulo Zygmunt Bauman Polish sociologist known worldwide for his Liquid Modernity concept - in which the ideas of emancipation, individuality, time/space, work and community are likely to change quickly and unpredictably. XX August 8: Porto Alegre / August 9: São Paulo Lech Walesa Polish politician and human rights activities, he earned the Nobel Peace Prize in 1983. He was the founder of Solidarity Trade Union, which helped defeat communism in Poland. He was elected “Man of the Year” by the magazines Time, The Financial Times and The Observer. XX August 22: Porto Alegre Lygia da Veiga Pereira Brazilian scientist considered one of the most renowned geneticists in the world. His successful research on the extraction and multiplication of stem cells removed from frozen embryos placed Brazil in the group of countries with known mastery of this technology.


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XX September 5: Porto Alegre Garry Kasparov Great master of Russian chess, considered the greatest player of all times. He directs the Kasparov Chess Foundation, a North American institution focused on teaching chess to children, and writes for the Wall Street Journal. XX September 26: Porto Alegre Sylvia Earle North American oceanographer and explorer for the National Geographic Society, recognized for her hundreds of maritime expeditions. She led the Google Ocean Advisory Council, a group of marine scientists that provided the content and scientific vision for Ocean in Google Earth. XX September 28: São Paulo Luc Ferry French philosopher and proponent of Secular Humanism, a philosophy based on reason, ethics and justice. Professor of Philosophy at the French universities of Lyon II, Caen and Paris VII. His best seller Learning to Live, launched in 2006, sold 700,000 copies. XX October 31: Porto Alegre Luiz Felipe Pondé Brazilian philosopher and psychoanalyst, PhD in Epistemology from Tel-Aviv University, and columnist for the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo. Author of different works such as The Insufficient Man, Critique and Prophecy and Essays on the Philosophy of Religion. XX November 21: Porto Alegre / November 22: São Paulo Alain de Botton Swiss writer, PhD in French Philosophy from Harvard University, and author of the best-seller The Architecture of Happiness, translated into over 30 languages. XX December 5: Porto Alegre / December 6: São Paulo Ohran Pamuk Turkish writer and winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2006, Pamuk is a professor at Columbia University and honorary member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters. His works have sold millions of copies and have been translated into over 46 languages. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 257 /




> odebrecht foundation

Alliance for Developm

Bahiamido has the capacity to process 200 tons of manioc per day for the production of modified starch

Guaranteeing the weekend fair was no easy task for farmer Railton Andrade. At

Andrade, a resident of the municipality of

age 22, the manioc root producer saw his

Laje in Bahia. “Today, we have the advan-

life change when he became a member of

tage of working for ourselves and guaran-

the Bahia State Manioc Starch Producers’

teeing good production and increased pro-

Cooperative (COOPAMIDO). “Before I worked

fits,” he said.

on one of the few existing lands as a sha-


recropper and earned very little,” said

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 257 /



Founded in 2009, COOPAMIDO has 130


and clients (service industry). For Jairo Santos, president of COOPAMIDO, it is the joint work that allows the community to evolve. “The region is the one that wins with this,” said Santos. The alliance’s proposal is to promote the leasing of estate-owned lands to local farmers. These farmers then use the lands to grow manioc and deliver the roots to COOPAMIDO. Bahiamido uses its processing unit to produce modified starch - used by the food, fine chemicals and oil industries, among others - which is developed with added value for the producer, who sells it. In this cycle, the cooperative members have revenue that totals 90% to 95% of production and the farmer receives from 5% to 10%. Through the cooperatives, members also have access to new technologies and equipment. “Everything was done manually,” said António dos Santos, a farmer who lives in Conceição do Almeida. “We only produced the flour. Now, we have a machine to help us work,” he said. The first months of operation of Bahiamido, which began its activities

members and plans to increase this num-

in May of this year, will be dedicated to

ber to up to 400 producers by the end of

technical adjustments and experiments.

this year. The cooperative corresponds

In October, the factory will begin pro-

to the extraction industry for the Starch

cessing the producers’ manioc. “The

Cooperative Alliance - which also inclu-

project represents an important step for

des the industrial complex Bahiamido

making the Bahia economy indepen-

(manufacturing industry) and partners

dent from the ‘import’ of starch from odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 257 /




> odebrecht foundation other regions in the country in the future,” said Anselmo Selhorst, Alliance Leader. The project, supported by the Odebrecht Foundation , seeks

to promote the practi-

ce of fair and just trade. The goal is to offer COOPAMIDO members a monthly income ranging from R$ 1,200 to R$ 1,500. The Cooperative Alliance concept has been applied at institutions associated with the Bahia Southern Lowlands Environmental Protection Area Mosaic Integrated and Sustainable Development Program (PDIS), also supported by the Odebrecht Foundation. The innovative model of the Cooperative Alliance seeks to compensate the three economic sectors

By the end of this year, COOPAMIDO plans to increase the number of rural producers from 130 to 400

and create a direct link between the farmer and conscious

cipate in the “Morning

cess 200 tons of manioc

consumer. Within this context,

of Agribusiness” and

per day to produce modi-

the education and training of

“Afternoon in the Field”

fied starch.

the next generation becomes

promoted by COOPAMIDO,

an integral and essential part

both held at the Novo

to sign agreements with

of the initiative.

Horizonte - Laje Farm,

EMBRAPA Manioc and

the head site for the

Fruit Production, the Bahia

Bahiamido project - the

National Rural Learning

first Northeastern industry

Service and the Laje City

with the capacity to pro-

Government. There was

Partnership On April 29, some 700 people gathered to parti-


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The occasion was used

also the formalization of a new partnership with three farms, totaling over 1,000 hectares, owned by Pedro Antônio Melo. “With the factory, we were able to transfer land for manioc production at a good price,” said Melo. “We also helped the chain organize itself in such a way that everyone can win,” he said. “Now, rural residents will work under formal conditions and this will bring significant changes for the region’s economy,” said Eduardo Salles, Bahia State Secretary of Agriculture, also present at the event. Students listen to a lecture at one of the booths during “Afternoon in the Country” at the Novo Horizonte - Laje Farm

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> fast news

Acreditar Classes Begin in Volta Redonda In partnership with the

and receive transportation and

the steel company CSN.

Municipal Government,

meal vouchers, uniforms, perso-

Department of Community

nal protection equipment and

de Oliveira, Administrative and

Action (SMAC) and Volta

the textbooks. SMAC will also

Financial Manager, over 700 peo-

Redonda Educational

offer a scholarship of R$ 250.00

ple signed up for Acreditar. “The

Foundation (FEVRE), Odebrecht

and basic food basket to those

program will help meet the

Engenharia Industrial and the

students who attend 80% of all

project’s demand for quali-

company CSN kicked off the

classes and earn grades higher

fied labor,” said Oliveira. “Over

classes for the first group of the

than 8.5 (equivalent to a B+ or

70% of those who signed up

Acreditar (“Believe”) Continued


come from the social progra-

Professional Qualification

Odebrecht expects to hire at

According to Carlos Alberto

ms sponsored by the Ministry

Program in Volta Redonda, no

least 30% of those who com-

of Social Development and

Rio de Janeiro.

pleted the program. The con-

Hunger Alleviation, and of

tracted workers will begin at

this total, 50% are women. We

program, participants can

the construction site for the

expect to train 1,000 people

choose between the assembler,

rebar and wire rod produc-

by the end of the construc-

bricklayer or carpenter courses,

tion unit, UPV - Long Steel, for

tion work,” he said.

During the first stage of the

From left to right: standing, Antônio Francisco Neto, Mayor of Volta Redonda; Enéas Garcia Diniz, Director of CSN; Carlos Magno, Construction Manager for the project; Carlos Alberto de Oliveira; and seated, Nelson Kruscewsky dos Santos Golçalves, Vice Mayor of Volta Redonda; and José Luiz de Sá, Director of FEVRE; during the agreement signing ceremony to begin Acreditar


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 257 /



Capitão Mar and Guerra Orlando Raso Viaduct Inaugurated in Rio de Janeiro

Extending approximately 250 meters in each direction, local residents from the region requested the viaduct in order to eliminate heavy traffic at the intersection

On April 30, the Rio de Janeiro Municipal

dor and the 30 BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) stations and

Government inaugurated the Capitão Mar e Guerra

is part of the urban mobility projects designed for

Orlando Raso viaduct, located on the Américas

the 2016 Olympic Games.

Avenue, at the intersection with Salvador Allende

Mayor Eduardo Paes, Municipal Secretary of

Avenue. The construction project represents the

Construction Projects, Alexandre Pinto, Chief

first stage of Transoeste, an express bus corridor

Secretary of the Department of State, Pedro Paulo,

being built by Odebrecht Infraestrutura to connect

and other municipal secretaries and city council

the neighborhoods of Barra da Tijuca and Santa

representatives participated in the ceremony, which

Cruz in the city’s Western zone.

also included the presence of Benedicto Junior,

The viaduct, constructed in nine months, is one of the most important stretches of the 32-km corri-

Business Leader at Odebrecht Infraestrutura, Leandro Azevedo, Contract Director and project Members. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 257 /




> fast news

“Green Plastic” Receives Vinçotte Braskem earned the

at the plant in Triunfo, Rio

value in terms of its client

approval of the Vinçotte

Grande do Sul. The entire

relations. With this recog-

Certification Committee -

“green polyethylene (PE)”

nition, the product will

one of the main references

line received the maximum

display the “Ok Biobased”

in the evaluation of products

four-star classification.

Certificate, the international

with content of a renewa-

For Braskem, the certifi-

identification granted by

ble origin - after analyzing

cation represents interna-

the certification entity for

the samples of high density

tional recognition for the

products made from a pro-

polyethylene (HDPE) and

Green PE renewable con-

ven renewable source.

low linear density polye-

tent, transmitting credibility

thylene (LLDPE)”, produced

to the market and adding

Learn more about “Green PE” by clicking here.

New Tool for Equipment Management To improve the quality of equipment management at the contracts, the Brazil Functional

responsible for Equipment Area Administration

Equipment Support area (AFEq-Brazil) developed

and Finances and Support, which shows a gene-

the Qualimetry-Equipment tool, an online system

ral overview of maintenance quality.

that offers evaluation questionnaires for each

Currently, 13 Odebrecht Angola projects alrea-

workshop area and provides reports with the cal-

dy use the tool, with the support of AFEq Angola.

culated averages and action plans for the evalua-

“With the implementation of the system in the

ted sectors. Its content was elaborated based on

country, we achieved some significant improve-

the votes of Members and suppliers.

ments in the quality of the maintenance services,”

The tool includes 27 maintenance sub-areas,

said José Pegoraro, responsible for providing sup-

including nine required ones. The evaluations

port for the Odebrecht Latin America and Angola

take place every month and are performed by

Equipment Area. “The tool is an excellent mana-

the construction project equipment manager.

gement instrument for the Contract Director,

The system issues three types of reports: the


red for the Business Leaders, the professionals

who can monitor the equipment area more

summarized version, with the weighted averages

closely,” he said. In Brazil, the tool was first imple-

and final average; the complete version, which

mented for the Transnordestina Railroad project.

includes all scores and questions, as well as the

AFEq also offers English and Spanish versions for

action plan; and the management version, offe-

the system.

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 257 /



A Look Inside the Rio Paraguaçu Consortium The Bahia Vice Governor and Secretary of Infrastructure (SEINFRA), Otto Alencar,

Mayor of Maragogipe, Sílvio Ataliba. The visitors were received by José Luiz

accompanied by the SEINFRA Head of

Coutinho, Contract Director, Fernando

Cabinet, Marcus Cavalcanti, visited the Rio

Barbosa, Managing Director of Odebrecht

Paraguaçu Consortium (Odebrecht Engenharia

Engenharia Industrial, André Vital, Managing

Industrial, UTC Engenharia and Queiroz

Director of Odebrecht Infraestrutura,

Galvão) construction site to learn more

Artenildo Faria, Sector Manager of the São

about the assembly and construction pro-

Roque Construction Site, as well as the team

cess for the P-59 e P-60 self-lifting platfor-

of professionals responsible for the program

ms, the workshops and slipway, where the

and the Consortium Coordinators.

units are being built. The group also included the General

The group listed to a presentation on contract management with Petrobras, lear-

Director of the Bahia Transportation

ned about the project’s pioneering appro-

Infrastructure Department (DERBA), Saulo

ach and the Social Responsibility program

Pontes, Congressman Luiz Alberto, and


The group that joined the Bahia Vice Governor visited the self-lifting platforms that the Rio Paraguaçu Consortium is building for Petrobras odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 257 /




> fast news

CCR Project Construction Advances in Argentina Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial is the company responsible for constructing the first Continuous Catalytic Reformer (CCR) at the YPF Ensenada Industrial Complex in the city of La Plata, located 60 km from Buenos Aires in Argentina. Scheduled to start operating in July 2012, the plant will transform exportable naphtha surplus into better quality fuel, meeting the growing demand in the country without harming the environment, since it allows for the production of a cleaner fuel. On April 19, the company assembled the Molecular Seal, the sixth stretch of the plant flare torch. The torch,

To assemble the torch, it was necessary to use a 600-ton hoist, 130-ton crane and other Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial equipment

which is 115 meters high, will burn the gases origina-

wn for maintenance this

both from Odebrecht

ting from the complex. Its


Engenharia Industrial, as

final connection with the


Flรกvio Faria, Managing

well as authorities from YPF

factory began on May 16,

Director in Argentina, Pablo

watched the torch assem-

together with the shutdo-

Brottier, Contract Director,


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 257 /



Maracanã Promotes Exhibit on Five Senses

Members of the Maracanã Rio 2014 Consortium learn about the five senses using computer games

With aims of raising Member awareness as to the correct use of personal protection equipment (PPE), the Maracanã Rio 2014 Consortium (Odebrecht Infraestrutura, Andrade Gutierrez and Delta Construções) used International Workplace Health and Safety Day, celebrated on April 28, to inaugurate the exhibit “The Magic of the Senses,” which addresses the five senses of the human body (hearing, smell, taste, touch and sight). The initiative, created by the Clara Steinberg Cultural Space, involved the partnership of Brazil’s Construction Industry Social Service (SECONCI). At the cultural space, workers have Internet access and can learn more about safety using interactive games. The exhibit will remain at the construction site until the end of May. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 257 /




> fast news

CONPAR Consortium and the Fight Against Breast Cancer To celebrate National

ting periodic exams that

worldwide. “Prevention is

Breast Awareness Cancer

identify the disease while

the best path,” she said.

Day, celebrated April 29,

still in the initial stage.

“If the disease is detected

the CONPAR Consortium

Members listened to lec-

early, the chances for its

(Odebrecht Engenharia

tures by physician Dulcinea

cure are very high.” Ribeiro

Industrial, UTC Engenharia

Ribeiro during the Daily

also explained that 30%

and OAS) promoted actions

Work Training and received

of all cases can be preven-

directed at the 412 women

gifts tied to the campaign.

ted with healthy lifestyle

who work on the construc-

According to the physi-

habits, such as practicing

tion project. The idea was to

cian, breast cancer is the

physical activities, eating

raise their awareness about

type of cancer that causes

a healthy diet and not

the importance of conduc-

most deaths among women


Some of the 412 women at the CONPAR Consortium at the construction site decorated especially for the campaign


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 257 /



Encouraging Reading and Imagination In partnership with Brazil’s Industrial Social Service (SESI), the Nova Via Consortium Communication (Odebrecht Infraestrutura, Andrade Gutierrez and Toniolo/Busnello) adopted the SESI Imagination Project to promote reading among Members from the industrial area. On April 18, a traveling library opened at the construction site, passing along the main stretches every 15 days. At the inauguration event, the workers watched the play “Alaor, the Story Teller in: Goodbye, Sarita.” During the first week of its activity, Members checked out 46 books, equivalent to 92% of the archive. The selection of books was based on the results of a survey involving professionals, applied to learn more about their literary preferences. SESI first selected 50 titles of different genres. The consortium plans to increase the number of publications available at the library to 80.

Members of the Nova Via Consortium have access to the traveling library at the construction site

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 257 /




> fast news

Odebrecht TransPort Organizes 1st Communication Meeting

Responsible for the Communication of the eight Odebrecht TransPort assets, they gathered for the first Communication Meeting in Rio de Janeiro

On April 29, Odebrecht TransPort held the first Communication Meeting in Rio de Janeiro, which

about the relevance of the communicators’ educa-

gathered Members from the eight assets of its por-

tional role.

tfolio. The event was designed to integrate those responsible for Communication at the companies. During the day, Paulo Cesena, Executive Director of Odebrecht TransPort, emphasized the importance of pro-active communication, multimedia and


Engineering and Construction Operations, spoke

Those responsible for Communication presented both the internal and external actions undertaken by their areas and determined the challenges for the upcoming years. Odebrecht TransPort currently has eight assets

remaining constantly attentive to the company’s

in its portfolio, divided into three segments:

image. Silvana Sacramento, the professional res-

Urban Mobility, with SuperVia and ViaQuatro;

ponsible for People and Organization, highlighted

Highway Concessions, which includes the Rota

the principles of TEO on internal communica-

das Bandeiras, Bahia Norte, Rota dos Coqueiros

tion techniques to strengthen the company’s

and Litoral Norte concessionaires; and

image and reputation among Members. Márcio

Integrated Logistics Systems, with Embraport

Polidoro, Business Communication Director of the

and Logum.

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 257 /



CONEST Consortium Named Finalist for Petrobras / QSHE Engineering Award Formed by Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial

worth more than R$ 100 million, in which the

and OAS, the CONEST Consortium - respon-

consortium also competes through the ADU

sible for the installation of the Diesel and


Naphtha Hydrotreatment Units, the Hydrogen

On May 3 and 4, a Petrobras team visited

Generation Units (HGU) and Atmospheric

the CONEST installations to learn more about

Distillation Units (ADU) at the Abreu e Lima

the Quality, Safety, Health and Environmental

Refinery in Pernambuco - is one of the finalists

Management System and the good practices

for the Petrobras Quality, Safety, Health and

undertaken by the consortium, which uses the

Environment (QSHE) Award.

company’s 15 QSHE guidelines as the evalua-

Initially, some 150 companies were evaluated by the Petrobras Engineering area and 28

tion parameter. The winner of the award will be announced

were selected. Of these, 16 signed up in the

on June 1 and the award ceremony will take

Industrial Construction category with contracts

place on June 22 in Rio de Janeiro.

Argentina Finalizes First PDEC The first group of the Contract Team Development Program for Partner Leaders (PDEC), held in Argentina, ended on April 29 and 30. Formed by 28 Members of the Gas Pipeline Expansion Project - undertaken by Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial in the country - the group participated in the program for three months with distance courses and on-site meetings In the last module, the professionals discussed topics related to Demobilization, such as qualiMembers participate in the last module marking the close of PDEC in Argentina

ty, image and liquidity.

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 257 /




> fast news

Angola and Brazil Project Celebrate Workers’ Day To celebrate International Workers’ Day, on May 1, Odebrecht Angola (subsidiary of Odebrecht Latin America and Angola) participates every year in the May 1 Parade held in certain cities of the country. The march, organized by the National Angolan Workers’ Union (UNTA Labor Union Confederation), in partnership with the Angolan Trade Union Force and General Center of

Members of the Odebrecht Angola contracts participate in the May 1 Parade every year

Angola Free Labor Unions, receives local and international companies from different sectors who show the themes they chose. This year, as part of a volunteer effort, over 400 Members marched in Benguela and some 800 were at the march in Luanda at the Civil Construction blocks. At the country’s capital, participants publicized the Accident Prevention Program (PreVer). In Benguela, with the theme “Water

and OAS – completed a week

related to accident preven-

for All,” Members demonstrated

of activities to celebrate

tion and a phrase contest. “At

the water collection, treatment

Workers’ Day, held from May

a development like ours, the

and supply system installed by

2-6. Some 2,500 Members

worker is the most impor-

Odebrecht in the region.

participated in the actions

tant element,” said Antenor

each day.

de Castro, Contract Director,

In Pernambuco, Brazil, the CONEST Consortium - formed by Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial


The CONEST Consortium currently has 4,000 Members and this number may reach 7,000 at the peak of the work

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 257 /



The programming included karaoke, plays with themes

during the closing of the event.

Documentary and Book to Reveal History of Sossego Forest Settlement In the municipality of Igrapiúna, in the

of the book that is being produced as a documenta-

Bahia Southern Lowlands, the residents

ry. The publication will be available in the languages

of the Sossego Forest settlement are re-

Portuguese, English and Spanish.

writing their own history. The communi-

COOPALM is an institution tied to the Bahia

ty, before non-productive and suffering

Southern Lowlands Environmental Protection Area

from high rates of violence, became an

Mosaic Integrated and Sustainable Development

example of organization, stability and

Program (PDIS), instituted by the Odebrecht

hospitality. With access to technical

Foundation, and has 500 members.

orientation and administrative support,

Clique here to visit the blog.

the local farmers became members of the Bahia Southern Lowlands Heart of Palm Producers’ Cooperative (Coopalm). Today, they are responsible for 5% of the COOPALM production and have been able to increase their monthly income from R$ 150 to R$ 600 with peach-palm cultivation. The stories of these families will be transformed into a documentary. The behind-the-scenes of the filming, currently being undertaken by the company since 2007, is being published in the blog “Sossego Forest - the True Vision of the Farming Community.” The virtual page, called Production Diary, features photos, videos and more on the community’s history. Those interested can also follow the interviews in real time via Twitter (@ MatadoSossego) and Facebook (facebook.com/Matadosossego). The project was created by Rogério Arns, who has served as advisor to the Odebrecht Foundation in the area of Community Development. He is author odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 257 /




> fast news

Odebrecht Infraestrutura Participates in Internship Fair in Rio de Janeiro On May 3, 4 and 5, Odebrecht Infraestrutura

truction projects in Rio de Janeiro alterna-

took part in the Federal University of Rio de

ted shifts to answer the youths’ questions.

Janeiro (UFRJ) 6th Internship and Job Fair

Cassiano Politi, Operational Manager of

to learn more about the profile of the youth

the COMPERJ Water Main, gave a lectu-

entering the job market and to strengthen the

re on Odebrecht Infraestrutura and the

company’s relationship with Brazil’s main uni-

Organization’s internship and trainee program.


Some 10,000 university students visited the

During the event, 12 Members of the cons-

event booths.

Members of Odebrecht Infraestrutura assist university students during the UFRJ Internship Fair in Rio de Janeiro


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 257 /



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