Nยบ Nยบ 271 260 / NOVEMBER / JUNHO 2011 2011
Next Stop: Barra da Tijuca odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nยบ 271 / november 2011
4 rio de janeiro subway line 4: relationship engineering
2011 Nº JUNHO Nº271260 260/ //NOVEMBER JUNHO 2011 2011
It is a major accomplishment of engineering, one of the most important and emblematic to be completed in the transportation sector in Rio de Janeiro’s history. However, most importantly, it represents a relationship project.
10 zagallo sets example of
charisma and leadership at event for members
On November 9, workers from the Maracanã remodeling project received a visit from the former coach of the Brazilian soccer team, Zagallo, during the event “Coffee with the Leader” promoted by the Maracanã Rio 2014 Consortium (formed by Odebrecht Infraestrutura, Delta Construção and Andrade Gutierrez).
14 invitation into the virtual world
Among other important characteristics, modern society offers technological advances and increased access to communication. Within this context, the Internet has earned significance as a platform that presents a unique dynamic, one in which connection is globalized.
Next Edition: december 13, 2011. Take
part !
18 odebrecht offers training for
tunnel construction professionals
From October 24-28, the 2011 Tunnel Construction Professional Training Program – the first technical-theoretical course organized by the Rail Transportation Knowledgeable Community and considered a first-of-its-kind in the Odebrecht Knowledgeable Network – gathered 37 Members in the city of Schwanau, located in rural Germany.
> 24 highway administered by rota das bandeiras to receive new electronic toll model tests
On November 4, the Governor of the State of São Paulo, Geraldo Alckmin, announced that the Engenheiro Constâncio Cintra (SP360) Highway, which connects the cities of Itatiba and Jundiaí, in rural São Paulo, will install the Point-to-Point System for electronic toll payment in 2012.
26 health infrastructure highlighted at abreu e lima refinery construction work
The Rnest CONEST Consortium, formed by Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial and OAS, is responsible for constructing eight Abreu e Lima Refinery units as part of two contracts: UDA and HDT. The size of this development and the number of workers represented a major challenge for the CONEST health team.
> 30 fast
editorial staff ODEBRECHT NEWS is an internal newsletter published by the Odebrecht S.A. Business Communication Team Responsible Journalist: Fabiana Cabral Editorial Office: Avenida das Nações Unidas, 8.501, 32º andar, São Paulo Phone Number: (55 11) 3096-8171 Suggestions: fabianacabral@odebrecht.com Website: www.odebrechtnoticias.com.br share this newsletter at your company or your project!
> infrastructure
Rio de Janeiro Subway Line 4: Re
The future Jardim Oceânico Station in Rio de Janeiro’s Western Zone
O projeto arquitetônico da Vila Residencial privilegiou as áreas verdes e uso de cores fortes nos ambientes
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 271 / november 2011
elationship Engineering It is a major accomplishment of engineering, one of the most important and emblematic to be completed in the transportation sector in Rio de Janeiro’s history. However, most importantly, it represents a relationship project. The construction of the Rio de Janeiro Subway Line 4, which will connect Barra da Tijuca to the city’s Southern Zone, will be the product of services completed in an essentially urban region, with a high population density and marked by contrasting social-economic realities, with all the challenges that this scenario involves. The first phase of the project will include 10 km of subway lines, connecting Jardim Oceânico, in the neighborhood of Barra da Tijuca in the city’s Western Zone, to the neighborhoods of São Conrado and Gávea in the Southern Zone. The work, initiated in March 2010, is currently developed on three odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 271 / november 2011
> infrastructure fronts: the Jardim Oceânico
“A challenge in the sense of
transparent information,” he
Station located on Avenida
keeping them well informed
Armando Lombardi, one of
and calm with relation to the
the main arterials in Barra da
work being undertaken in their
clarifications and responses that
Tijuca, also in Jardim Oceânico;
neighborhood, on the street,
must be provided. The project
and the São Conrado Tunnel,
near their homes. That is why
involves traffic detours and
currently being completed at
we seek to offer objective and
detonations with explosives
the edge of the Rocinha slum. Line 4 will have a total extension of 16 km between Gávea and Ipanema, connecting with Line 1 at the General Osório Station. It is expected that the new line will begin operating at the start of 2016 and it is estimated that 240,000 passengers will pass through it per day. The trip from Barra da Tijuca to the Downtown area takes 35 minutes. For the city, this means fewer traffic jams, less pollution and more comfort, speed and safety for people commuting from their homes to work and leisure activities. “Our challenge is the people; the surrounding area,” said Juliano de Abreu Penteado, from Odebrecht Infraestrutura, Production Manager of the Construtor Rio Barra Consortium (also formed by Queiroz Galvão, Carioca, Cowan and Servix).
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 271 / november 2011
There are several
for the construction of the
special attention. Until present,
Janeiro in 2004 to work on the
tunnels. The residents are
450 piles (of a total of 1,000)
construction of the Cantagalo
accompanying the progress
have been installed, necessary
(Copacabana) and General
of the services up-close. In
for the placement of the
Osório (Ipanema) stations,
the area of the São Conrado
retaining walls. The slope is
both part of the Subway Line 1.
tunnel construction, the slope
quite unstable and there were
He is one of the professionals
retention work has attracted
slides during the recent past.
that best represents the high
At the São Conrado tunnel, José Mendes da Silva: the coexistence between generations promotes constant learning
level of qualification of the
the excavation work advances
team working to build Line 4.
an average of 4 meters per
“Here, everyone participates in
day. “Before each procedure
everything – from assistant to
involving detonations or the
engineer,” said Bota-fora.
placement of piles, we hold
In a project in which
meetings with the residents,
the excavation of tunnels
explaining to them exactly
predominates, it is interesting
what will be done, bringing
to observe the care that
them peace of mind about
the companies take when
their safety and emphasizing
joining the new knowledge
the experience of the
of the younger ones with the
companies participating in the
experience of the professionals
construction work,” said Roberto
with longer careers behind
Gonçalves, Production Engineer
them. “It is an environment
at the company Carioca.
that is highly favorable to the
Next to Gonçalves, at the
training of young people,” said
São Conrado construction
Rafael Coelho, from Odebrecht,
site, the General Supervisor of
a Production Engineering
Tunnel Excavation, Anderson
working on the Barra da
Pereira de Barros, better known
Tijuca tunnel who is a young
by the nickname Bota-fora,
professional himself at age
looks at the scaffoldings on
29. In Coelho’s office, looking
the slope above the tunnel
comfortable with his helmet
opening. A native of Paulo
on his lap, José Mendes da
Afonso (Bahia), Bota-fora, age
Silva, age 72, General Tunnel
36, has been with Odebrecht
Excavation Supervisor, agrees.
since 1998. He arrived to Rio de
On a daily basis, he intensely odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 271 / november 2011
> infrastructure lives the motivating mission of
operating on the human body,”
State Government through the
transmitting knowledge to the
said Juliano de Abreu Penteado,
Department of Transportation).
younger workers. “I’m always
creating a comparison. “You
learning more,” said the veteran
move something around here
Consortium was created by
supervisor. “I feel accomplished,
and see a consequence over
the Rio Barra Concessionaire,
but I want to do more. I try to
there in another part. Micro-
an entity formed by the same
understand the younger ones,
solutions prevent macro-
companies included in the
orient them. Stop working?
problems,” he said, referring
consortium. “We are completing
Forget it!”
to the contact with the
a project for the city,” said
community. Within this context
Bittencourt. “It will undoubtedly
knows just how crucial Silva’s
of ideas, the consortium
be very important within the
willingness and experience are
organized a guided public visit
for the completion of a project
program at the construction
such as Line 4. Gropello, from
site. They are held during the
Odebrecht, Planning Manager
last Sunday of the month. There
at the Construtor Rio Barra
have already been eight visits,
Consortium, looks toward
involving the participation of
the Jardim Oceânico Station
460 people. Another highlight
construction work and explains
is the two public assistance
that a traffic detour will soon
centers, installed in Jardim
have to be opened on the busy
Oceânico and São Conrado.
Ivaldo Gropello Junior
Avenida Armando Lombardi. “We are working in a way that
community you are entering
is closely integrated with the
to complete a construction
production program,” said
project,” said Ronaldo
Gropello. If this is necessary
Bittencourt, from Odebrecht,
in every type of construction
Contract Administration
project, in a project like this
Manager at the Construtor Rio
one, with a high degree of
Barra Consortium. Bittencourt
interaction with the community
is one of the professionals
and its daily reality, the
responsible for productive
harmony between the areas
and synergistic relationship
becomes something vital.
between the consortium
“A project like Line 4, with all of this urban character, is like
“It is important to respect the
companies and for their relationship with the client (the
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 271 / november 2011
The Construtor Rio Barra
context of the 2016 Olympic
served as a source of great
discipline and maturity so
Games, but the sports event
motivation for the teams.
that the daily coexistence
will pass and the subway,
“People get excited about
between the five consortium
with the advantages it offers
such a big challenge in an
companies, which have their
the population in terms of
urban environment in which
own cultures, perspectives
improving quality of life,
the need for foresight and
and interests, is harmonious,
that’s something that will
planning is essential,” said
synergistic and productive.
remain forever.”
Marcos Vidigal, Contract
Our capacity to influence and
Director at Odebrecht. He
be influenced is put to the
project of this size and
added: “There is also the
test every instant, with every
importance for the city has
need for a great deal of
The participation in a
Line 4 will be built entirely underground with the exception of the Estaiada Bridge stretch, which will be constructed in Barra and extend 380 meters
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 271 / november 2011
> 2014 world cup
Zagallo Sets Example of Charisma a
On November 9,
Zagallo, during the event
Infraestrutura, Delta
workers from the Maracanã
“Coffee with the Leader”
Construção and Andrade
remodeling project received
promoted by the Maracanã
a visit from the former coach
Rio 2014 Consortium
The former player and
of the Brazilian soccer team,
(formed by Odebrecht
coach spoke to the workers
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 271 / november 2011
and Leadership at Event for Members about soccer for nearly one
Zaeyen, Project Manager,
hour. “I’m very pleased to be
Zagallo’s participation
here and meet you, who are
surpassed all expectations.
giving your sweat and blood
“When you talk to Zagallo,
to ensure that Maracanã has
you can see why he is a
the conditions to receive yet
winner,” said Zaeyen. “He is
another World Cup final,” said
an example in leadership,
Zagallo. “Remember that after
persistence and commitment
everything is ready, you will
to one’s objectives. It is
be able to say that you were
precisely what we are looking
part of this story,” he said,
for in all the professionals
responding to the Members
involved in the remodeling of
questions with a good-
natured tone. The “Old Wolf,”
According to Marcos
as he was known in the world
Vidigal, a member of the
of soccer, autographed shirts
consortium’s Executive Board,
made for the event and took
“Coffee with the Leader”
photos with all those present.
has two main focuses: “to
According to Carlos
improve communication Walkyria Lima de Oliveira, Electrical Assistant at the Maracanã remodeling work, received an autograph and photo with Zagallo
At the event, Zagallo spoke about his experiences with soccer and answered Members’ questions
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 271 / november 2011
> 2014 world cup
The MaracanĂŁ Rio 2014 Consortium team standing next to the former Brazilian Soccer Team coach
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nÂş 271 / november 2011
with our workers, learning
Monteiro now returns to
their fears and concerns, and
Maracanã as Workplace Safety
awaken in them a pride to
Technician. Now, at age 38,
be participating in a project
he works toward a new goal,
that is a global symbol,” he
the delivery of the Maracanã
said. The Maracanã Rio 2014
Stadium to host the final
Consortium hopes to hold the
match of the 2014 World Cup.
event once per month, always
“As a player, I never
with the participation of a
imagined that I would be
special guest.
stepping out onto the field again in another profession,
nor did I imagine it would
be as workplace safety
technician in a remodeling
The Maracanã
project for the World Cup,”
construction work is receiving
he said. “When I found out
the support of a former player
I would work at Maracanã,
and Brazilian champion who
this moment became one
also marked his presence
of the most important in
in the history of soccer.
my life, right up there with
Sixteen years after winning
the day I wore the Botafogo
the Brazilian Championship
jersey to play for the first
Trophy while playing for
time as a professional right at
the team Botafogo, Moisés
Maracanã,” said Moisés.
Moisés Monteiro: returning to the field as Occupational Safety Technician
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 271 / november 2011
> odebrecht foudation
Invitation into the Virtual World Among other important
Home (CFR-PTN). One of the
the trust bestowed and
characteristics, modern
results of this partnership
opportunity to bring a work
society offers technological
was the delivery of 102
instrument that will help
advances and increased
laptops for the students
improve the knowledge of
access to communication.
of the three Family Home
these youth,� said Afonso
Within this context, the
groups. “I am grateful for
Hennel, President of Semp
Internet has earned significance as a platform that presents a unique dynamic, one in which connection is globalized. In the virtual environment, it is possible to meet people and see places located anywhere on Earth, participate in debates, share information and access national and international news. Recognizing these features and seeking to contribute toward the digital inclusion of young rural residents, a Cooperation Agreement was formalized between the company Semp Toshiba and the Odebrecht Foundation on November 14 at the Rural de Presidente Tancredo Neves Rural Family
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nÂş 271 / november 2011
Toshiba. “The goal is to
toward the students’
technology must also be
guarantee the future of this
development,” said Fernanda
new generation and the
Silva, Executive Director of
communities involved,” said
the Family Home. “More than
presence of Moacir Pereira,
computers, they will have
Vice Mayor of Presidente
access to new possibilities
Tancredo Neves; José Alves,
remain with the students
to enrich their studies,”
President of the Municipal
during their learning at the
she said. Representing the
Board on the Rights of
CFR-PTN, which lasts three
students from Group 5,
Children and Adolescents;
years. “We have to value all
Márcia Silva, 17, states that
Joelson Santos, President
of the tools that contribute
“to form a rural middle class,
of the municipality’s
The equipment will
The meeting included the
Director and Store Owner Afonso Hennel, President of Semp Toshiba, during the ceremony to deliver the portable computers
Board; Deuclécio Dedra, President of CFR-PTN; Juscelino Macedo, Leader of the Strategic Manioc Cooperative Alliance – of which the Family Home is part; Mauricio Medeiros and Clovis Faleiro, Executive Chairman and Institutional Relations Director for the Odebrecht Foundation, respectively. After the ceremony at CFR-PTN, the representatives from Semp Toshiba visited the Juliana Farm installations in Igrapiúna (BA), where the visited the construction work for the Continental Water Aquaculturists’ Cooperative Fish Processing Unit and the
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 271 / november 2011
> odebrecht foudation future Waters Family Home
in the areas covered by
partnership and bringing
head office.
Brazil’s National Broadband
technology to the rural
Plan – Presidente Tancredo
zone,” said Faleiro. “This
Neves is one of these – as
equipment represents
well as investments for
an opportunity for
acquisition of portable
the social-production
each youth, since the
computers, the agreement
projects developed by
information available in
with Semp Toshiba also
the Family Home. “Today
the virtual world can be
includes the installation of
is an important day
transformed into results,”
10 computer laboratories
for consolidating the
he said.
PARTNERSHIP In addition to the
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 271 / november 2011
Paloma Cavalcanti (left), Corporate Responsibility Manager of Semp Toshiba and Pedro Hennel, General Manager, deliver laptops to CFR-PTN youth
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> people development
Odebrecht Offers Training for Tu
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nยบ 271 / november 2011
unnel Construction Professionals From October 24-28, the 2011 Tunnel Construction Professional Training Program – the first technicaltheoretical course organized by the Rail Transportation Knowledgeable Community and considered a first-of-itskind in the Odebrecht Knowledgeable Network – gathered 37 Members in the city of Schwanau, located in rural Germany. The occasion marked the second on-site module and closure of the course, which began in April 2011. The city of Schwanau was chosen to host the meeting, since it houses the Herrenknecht plant, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of the TBM (Tunnel Boring Machine), site of the program’s practical training. Module 2 addressed the area of TBM.
The Tunnel Construction Professional Program qualified 37 Members who are now prepared to assume the challenges presented by this segment The tunnel construction professionals visit the Biel construction work odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 271 / november 2011
> people development The welcome message was transmitted by Danilo Abdanur, Leader of the Rail Transportation Community and General Program Manager, and Oliver Boiger, from Herrenknecht. The first day also featured classes by consultants Ernst Büchi, from Ernst Büchi
Geo 96, and Ulrich Maidl, from Maidl Tunnelconsultants GmbH & Co, instructors of the classes Geology and Geotechnique for TBM and Excavation Methodologies with TBM, respectively. During the following two days, the activities took place inside the Herrenknecht factory. Martin Herrenknecht, the company’s founder, gave the opening message on the
Ulrich Maidl
morning of October 25, which was also marked by a lecture by consultant John Foster, who spoke about Machines and Equipment for TBM. The afternoon class and the following day were dedicated to the practical operational training, which also included the participation of Danilo Abdanur and monitors Carlos Guimarães, Carlos Henrique Turolla Maia and Julio Pierre. On October 27, the
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 271 / november 2011
Alfredo Avello
John Foster
participants left the city of Schwanau during the morning to head to the construction work for a road tunnel in the city of Biel, in Switzerland. Accompanied by the Herrenknecht teams, the group got a first-hand look at the entire project and the operation of the TBMS, which are being
Oliver Boiger
used to excavate the tunnels. On the last day, consultant Alfredo Avello, from Abyo, spoke about Pre-Cast Concrete Rings for TBM and Abdanur closed the event with a practical case study on the Caracas Subway Line 4, a project currently being undertaken by Odebrecht in Venezuela. Organized into two models with a total duration of six months, the program also
Martin Herrenknecht
included distance activities. The first on-site module, which took place in early August in Venezuela, included the areas of Geology and Geotechnique, NATM (tunnel excavation method) and Risk Management. All of the educational material, presentations and videos of the lectures are available on the Program page in the Odebrecht Portal. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nยบ 271 / november 2011
> rota das bandeiras
Highway Administered by Rota d Electronic Toll Model Tests On November 4, the Governor of the State of São Paulo, Geraldo Alckmin, announced
of the amount proportional to the monitored
that the Engenheiro Constâncio Cintra (SP-
stretches of road. Accordingly, users will pay
360) Highway, which connects the cities of
only for the distance they drive on the highway
Itatiba and Jundiaí, in rural São Paulo, will
and the system will also be installed on the
install the Point-to-Point System for electronic
Santos Dumont (SP-75) Highway along the
toll payment in 2012. The SP-360 Highway
stretch between Sorocaba and Campinas.
is administered by the Rota das Bandeiras
“The new model integrates the transportation
Concessionaire, the Odebrecht TransPort
policy developed by the State Government to
company responsible for managing the Dom
offer users a fairer rate,” said Alckmin. In the
Pedro Corridor.
case of the SP-360, the measure is designed to
The new system is considered an innovation
record the charge, allowing for the payment
reduce costs related to the commute of 4,000
in Brazil and will operate with the installation
residents from nine Itatiba neighborhoods that
of gantries with antennas along the highway.
live between the toll plaza and the border with
The gantries automatically read the tags
the neighboring city of Jundiaí. These residents
placed on the vehicles, identify them and
currently do not have a municipal road that
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 271 / november novembro 2011 2011
das Bandeiras to Receive New takes them to the Downtown area of Itatiba
Over the past months, the highways
and instead must use the highway, paying the
administered by Rota das Bandeiras have been
full rate, which is R$ 2.00. With the Point-to-
used to test new technologies for toll payment.
Point System, the payment corresponds only
In October, the São Paulo State Transportation
to the stretch covered, and the rate will be
Regulation Agency (ARTESP) approved the
proportional to that practiced between the
tests with the Auto Express system at the
neighborhoods and Downtown Itatiba: R$ 0.60.
toll plaza located at Km 110 of the Dom
“Rota das Bandeiras is the partnership with
Pedro I (SP-065) Highway in Itatiba. The Auto
the State Government and we are always willing
Express system is operated by DBTrans and
to contribute toward the development of new
is yet another electronic toll option that will
technologies that offer users a fairer and more
compete with the “Non-Stop” System and will
modern toll system, in addition to improving
be available to São Paulo drivers starting in
the quality of the service offered,” said the
2012. Before this, this same plaza along the
Managing Director of Rota das Bandeiras,
Dom Pedro highway completed the tests for
Luiz Cesar Costa. “That is why we support the
the payment of the toll via cellular phone from
conducting of the tests,” said Costa.
June to August.
With the Point-to-Point System, the toll paid by the user will be proportional to the stretch covered
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 271 / november novembro 2011
> health
Health Infrastructure Highlighted at Abreu e Lima Refinery Construction Work The Rnest CONEST
a Medical Department that
Consortium, formed by
manages its own health
Odebrecht Engenharia
services and uses fewer
Industrial and OAS, is
outsourced services.
responsible for constructing
The first step was to
eight Abreu e Lima Refinery
obtain a diagnosis of the
units as part of two contracts:
health scenario in the
UDA and HDT. The size of
cities located near the
this projects and the number
refinery, which allowed for
of workers represented a
improved planning for the
at CONEST. In order to meet
major challenge for the
department operations.
the demand, which currently
CONEST health team. With
“With the data we collected,
consists of approximately
an estimated population
we were able to assemble
5,000 Members and will be as
of 50,000 workers, the
adequate infrastructure
high as 7,000 at the peak of
Suape Complex, site to the
with a multidisciplinary
the work, medical clinics were
refinery and other major
team, offering hearing,
installed at the Recruitment
developments, caused
ergonomic and orthopedic
and Selection Center, refinery,
impacts in the surrounding
evaluations, physical therapy,
Pipe Shop and Residential
cities and overloaded the
periodic exams, as well as
Village, for a total of four
health services. In order to
the completion of simple
units. The CONEST health
minimize these effects in its
procedures,” said Dr. Valter
team is formed by orthopedic
contracts, CONEST planned
Campoi, Medical Coordinator
doctors, general practitioners,
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 271 / november 2011
The CONEST health clinics have the capacity to assist up to 7,000 people
A unidade tem capacidade para atuar em lâmina d’água de até 2.400 metros e está contratada para operar para a Petrobras por sete anos
occupational physicians,
the contracted Members are
emergency care room, hospital
speech therapists, a
fully capable of performing
beds designed for recovery,
psychologist, nurses, nursing
their job functions. During
a room for stitches, casts and
technicians, ambulance
this process, the CONEST
bandages, audiometric test
drivers, a social worker and
health team implemented
booths, a physical therapy
administrative assistants.
a special differential: the
room, room for psychological
psycho-social evaluation
counseling and social
installed in the Recruitment
during the pre-employment
assistance. For Member
and Selection Center is
phase. At the refinery, where
José Severino dos Santos,
the consortium’s door of
the majority of the Members
UDA Contract Assistant, the
entry and site of the pre-
are sent to work, the health
assistance provided at the
employment health exams,
clinic includes doctor’s offices,
CONEST clinic is important,
designed to guarantee that
a nurses’ room, urgent and
since it offers all the services
The Medical Department
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 271 / november 2011
> health
Ambulances are equipped with a cardiovascular monitor, heart starter, infusion pump, breather and rescue materials are designed to help assist the Members
that he needs in a single place.
an emergency medical
construction work, positively
“Here, the assistance provided
service, improves the quality
impacting the contract
is of excellent quality,” said
of the hiring process and has
results,” said Contract Director,
José Severino. “A while ago I
already reduced the cost of
Antenor de Castro.
needed a doctor and was very
the contracted health plan
well taken care of. I needed
policy with effective claim
to do some exams that were
management. “In addition to
performed right there, without
streamlining assistance for
prevention is a priority for
having to go to another site.
the Members, our focus is on
CONEST. The department
The best thing is that the team
the effective management
invests in preventive health
makes me feel at ease,” said
of the labor resources from
work through vaccines and
the moment the individual
educational campaigns on
is selected, reducing the
typical diseases from the
minimizes the need for
non-productive hours and
region like dengue fever and
transportation in search of
transportation costs, in
schistosomiasis, and other
health services outside the
addition to minimizing the
subjects as illegal and legal
construction sites by offering
liabilities associated with the
drugs. Lectures with NGOs,
This type of structure
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 271 / november 2011
PREVENTIVE HEALTH Health with a focus on
In the Pipe Shop and the Residential Village, the health clinics have teams available during two different shifts
government entities and the
heart health. There was also
Government. Always held in
CONEST health team feature
the distribution of condoms
the evenings after dinner, the
information on the diseases
and explanatory folders about
“Rounds of Conversations”
and provide time for Members
the topics.
take place every month
to clear up their doubts.
At the Residential Village,
and help strengthen the
Because 93 % of the CONEST
where 1,200 Members
relationship with Members.
team is made of men, the SHE,
currently live, in addition to
“Several taboos are broken
Social Service and Quality
a general clinic that offers
during the rounds of
teams held Men’s Health Week.
medical assistance from
conversations and Members
During a one-week period,
6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. daily,
find incentives to seek medical
there was a focus on topics
partnerships with public and
orientation and assistance,”
such as the sexual exploitation
non-profit entities promote
said José Gilcélio, Mayor
of children and adolescents;
the so-called “Rounds of
of the Residential Village.
prostitution; proper eating
Conversations” that involve
“This reaction shows us the
and health habits, penis,
professionals from the Social
importance of constantly
testicle, breast and prostate
Service and Health areas,
undertaking actions like this
cancer; dental hygiene and
as well as the Village City
one,” said Gilcélio. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 271 / november 2011
> fast news
IME Students Visit Transnordestina Construction Work Eleven students from the undergraduate
project,” said Diogo Santiago, Engineering
course in Fortification and Construction
Manager at Transnordestina, who welcomed the
Engineering at the Military Engineering Institute
students. According to Pedro Leão, Contract
(IME) visited Pernambuco on October 26 to get
Director, the partnership’s main objective is
an up-close look at the main Transnordestina
to promote the systematic monitoring of the
Railroad construction site. Together with three
engineering service quality control at the
officials and engineers from the Rio de Janeiro
railroad. “IME is currently a national reference
institution, the group was able to get close look
among Brazilian engineering schools and having
at how the project works, in Salgueiro (located in
it as a partner is a great honor for us,” said Leão.
the state’s rural region), in addition to listening to
For IME Major Carlos Alexandre Vasconcellos,
lectures about the project and workplace safety.
who organized the trip, the experience is crucial
“Even though we frequently receive a
for students to learn how a project the size of
range of different groups, this is the first visit
Transnordestina works. “In addition to this, four
by IME students and our goal is to create an
students were invited to become interns at the
agreement with the institution so that other
project and experience its routine in January,” he
groups of students can also come see the
During the visit, the students from IME viewed the industrial construction site and railway grid assembly area
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 271 / november 2011
Herbert Hoover Dike on Lake Okeechobee in Florida
New Construction Project in the United States Reaffirms Partnership between Odebrecht and U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Odebrecht United States and its Client, the
was built at the start of the 1930s with aims of
U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, earned the
protecting the thousands of residents in the
bidding to build one of the projects included in
surrounding communities against the floods
the Structural Recovery Program for the Herbert
that resulted from the constant hurricanes in the
Hoover Dike on Lake Okeechobee, located in
Florida’s central region. The dike, which consists of an earth dam
Besides the dam, the dike also consists of 32 Culverts and Gates whose useful life
with a sand center and rockfill that surrounds
ended several years ago. The project consists
the perimeter of the 230-km lake, is currently
of removing the existing compositions and
considered one of the structures with the most
reconstructing the first two structures that are
need for repair in the country. Herbert Hoover
part of the system. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nÂş 271 / november 2011
> fast news
Odebrecht Angola Real Estate Operations Renew OHSAS 18001 Certification On November 9, the real estate area of Odebrecht
certified in the ISO 9001:2008
Angola renewed the OHSAS
international standard since
18001:2007 certification
2008, which establishes a
for an additional three
Quality Management model at
years, designed to evaluate
the Organizations in general.
the Occupational Safety
According to Franscisco
and Health Management
Sawaguthi, Sustainability
Systems at the Organizations.
Director at Odebrecht Angola,
The certification, which
the certificate maximizes the
is granted by the Bureau
company’s positive image in
Veritas Certification
the market: “Contracts with
audit, covers the areas of
Certification constitute a
Incorporation, Development
major competitive differential,
Management and Project
primarily during biddings
Engineering, acquisition
and for globalized clients,”
and civil construction
said Sawaguthi. Odebrecht
within the sphere of real
Angola is the first company
estate operations, and more
on the African continent to
specifically in the areas of
obtain the OHSAS 18001 and
commercial and residential
ISO 9001 certifications within
the sphere of Real Estate
At Odebrecht Angola, the
real estate area has also been
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 271 / november 2011
Fifth Edition of Young Constructor Angola Program Comes to End
Of the 53 Members who participated in the program, 85% are Angolans
The week of October 24-29
profitability and productivity.
The meeting included
marked the third and last on-
On the occasion, the youth
the participation of Renato
site meeting for the 5th edition
also presented the results of
Baiardi, Board Member of the
of the Young Constructor
the learning obtained during
Odebrecht Organization, who
Angola Program. In all, 53
the program and during
shared his life experiences
youth from different Odebrecht
their daily experiences at the
with the youth. There were
projects in the country received
construction sites. They also
also lectures by Mauro
addressed the differential
Rehm and Renato Goebel,
milestone during each stage
from OLEX, Georgelândia
presented under the theme
of the business task, from
Batista, from CIADEN and
of the 2020 Vision, specifically
winning the project to the
Sérgio Bourroul, responsible
in the areas of people, image,
mobilization, execution and
for Press Relations at the
sustainability, synergy,
The final works were
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 271 / november 2011
> fast news
Winning Project of the 2011 Odebrecht Historical Research Award – Clarival do Prado Valladares to Investigate Origins of Brazilian Cartography Minas Gerais native Júnia
Doctorate in History from
Júnia Ferreira investigates
Ferreira Furtado, professor
University College London,
the partnership established
and researcher at the History
in England, and researcher
between Dom Luís da Cunha
Department of the Federal
for the History Department
and the geographer of the
University of Minas Gerais
of the Casa de Rui Barbosa
King of France, Jean-Baptiste
(UFMG), won the 2011 edition
Foundation in Rio de Janeiro,
Bourguignon D’Anville, for the
of the Odebrecht Historical
Francisco Senna, Historian
production of the map Carte de
Research Award – Clarival do
and former professor at the
L’Amérique Méridionale, ordered
Prado Valladares.
Federal University of Bahia,
by Alexandre Gusmão, which
José Enrique Barreiro, from the
was responsible for establishing
she authored, entitled Oracles
publisher Versal Editores, and
the limits of land in America, for
of Enlightenment Geography:
Rinaldo Gama, journalist and
which there are tree variations:
Dom Luís da Cunha and Jean-
editor of the Sabbath section of
two manuscripts, dated 1737
Baptiste Bourguignon d’Anville
the newspaper O Estado de São
and 1742, and a printed one,
in the Development of Brazilian
Paulo, among the approximate
from 1748,in addition to the
Cartography, was chosen
100 projects entered by
successive reprintings, which
by the judging committee
researchers from all over Brazil.
changed small areas of the map.
The research project that
consisting of Eduardo Silva,
The study by professor
Since 2003, the Odebrecht Historical Research Award – Clarival do Prado Valladares has encouraged researchers to delve into topics related to Brazilian history. During this period, it received over 1,000 entries. Each year, a project is chosen and its author receives the necessary support for the research and publication of an art book.
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 271 / november 2011
Initiation of Upstream and Downstream Enclosure Filling for the Santo Antônio HPP Generation Group 1 The end of the month
generation at the Santo
turbines will begin operating –
of October was marked by
Antônio HPP will begin in
one per month – by the end of
one of the most important
December 2011, one year
the motorization work, which is
stages of the Santo Antônio
ahead of time. The other
scheduled for 2015.
Hydroelectric Power Plant, currently being built by Odebrecht Energia: the initiation of upstream and downstream enclosure filling for the first Generation Group (GG1). The completion of this phase allows for the filling of the reservoir necessary to conduct the first tests with water at the Generator Group 1. The start of energy
The First Generation Group before and after the start of the filling procedure
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 271 / november 2011
> fast news
Belo Monte Construction Sites Have Ecologically Correct Lodging The construction work
The buildings have
paved streets that will
for the Belo Monte Plant,
a collapsible metal
connect the public areas,
located in Pará, is just
structure, are sealed and
such as service plazas,
beginning, but the lodging
have roofs made from
institutional plazas, and
and residential villages at
modular isothermal panels
commerce and leisure
the development already
and thermo-acoustic
plazas. The entire complex
reflect the environmental
composition to guarantee
will be landscaped,
concern of the Construction
the workers’ comfort.
including environmental
Consortium – of which
This type of construction
preservation measures.
Odebrecht Energia is
offers a reduced cost and
There will also be systems
part. The spaces are being
allows for the fast assembly
for drinking water
developed with a new
and disassembly of areas
collection, treatment
construction technology
such as offices, lodgings,
and distribution, waste
that uses non-polluting raw
cafeterias and homes.
collection and treatment,
material and allows for the
The residential villages
electric energy, road signs
reuse of the materials in
at Belo Monte will have
and rainwater collection.
other developments.
main accessways, with
“With this technology, we are establishing a new concept in the construction of villages, construction sites and camps for the entire civil and industrial segment in Brazil in a clean, sustainable and economic fashion, while also guaranteeing the safety of our Members and their families,” said José Gomes da Silva, the
Lodging and Residential Villages from Belo Monte Plant reflect the environment concern
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 271 / november 2011
contract’s Commercial Director.
The start of NORBE IX operations consolidates OOG as one of the largest private Brazilian operators of drill rigs in ultra-deep waters
New OOG Drill Rig Begins Operating One more Odebrecht Oil and Gas (OOG)
for Petrobras for a 10-year period and has a
drill rig began operating Brazil: the Norbe
crew of 163 people, 119 of which are OOG
IX. The state-of-the art rig arrived to the
country on July 29 and began its activities
According to the Captain of the NORBE
on November 3 after undergoing all of
IX, Leônidas Oliveira, despite the fact that
the procedures for authorization by the
the Client initially only completed the
competent authorities. On November 6, the
operations for exploratory purposes in the
assembly of the drill column began for the
well, with aims of confirming its feasibility,
descent into the well.
there are great expectations surrounding the
Operating in well 1-RJS-664, located in the
beginning of the drilling. “The crew and the
State of Rio de Janeiro near to the cities of
Client are quite optimistic,” said Oliveira. The
Cabo Frio and Macaé, the NORBE IX, which
NORBE IX drilling team is making every effort
is capable of operating in water depths of
to do its best, surpass expectations and,
up to 2,000 meters, is contracted to operate
accordingly, win over the Client,” he said.
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 271 / november 2011
> fast news
Cidadão Glória Delivered in Angra dos Reis On November 18, the Angra
music and games that gathered
Paul Altit, Entrepreneurial Leader
Melhor Consortium, formed by
some 800 people, including
at Odebrecht Realizações, André
Bairro Novo Empreendimentos
families from Morro da Glória,
Portela, Director of the Rio de
Imobiliários and Odebrecht
the site of the development, and
Janeiro and Bahia Regional
Infraestrutura, participated
future condominium residents.
Bairro Novo Offices, and Flávio
in the official delivery of
The delivery ceremony included
Donda, Project Manager of the
Cidadão Glória, the third and
the presence of the Mayor of
Angra Melhor Consortium, also
last condominium constructed
Angra dos Reis, Tuca Jordão,
participated in the event.
in Angra dos Reis designed for
Governor of Rio de Janeiro,
the relocation of the families
Sérgio Cabral, and his Vice
Consortium was contracted
who lost their homes due to the
Governor, Luiz Fernando Pezão,
by the State Department of
strong rains and mudslides that
in addition to Congressman
Public Works (SEOBRAS) to
occurred in the region at the end
Fernando Jordão, State Senator
design 800 housing units.
of 2009.
Gustavo Tutuca, Minister of
Three condominiums have
Fishing and Agriculture, Luiz
been constructed: Cidadão
over of the keys, the Angra
Sérgio, and the State Secretary
Areal, inaugurated on February
Mayor promoted an event with
of Public Works, Hudson Braga.
18, 2011, with seven blocks
For the symbolic handing
The Angra Melhor
and 140 apartments; Cidadão Japuíba, delivered on August 15, 2011, with 21 blocks and 420 apartments; and Cidadão Glória, with 12 blocks and 240 apartments, with each block consisting of five floors and four units per floor. They are 45.5-m² apartments with a living room, two bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom. The condominiums have a gourmet space, multisport court, playground, Starting from the right: André Portela (Director of the Regional RJ and BA Bairro Novo Offices), Raul Rezende (Inspector of the Rio de Janeiro State Public Works Company), Flávio Donda (the consortium’s Construction Project Manager), Manoel Cavalcante (the consortium’s Administrative and Financial Manager) and Paul Altit (Entrepreneurial Leader at OR).
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 271 / november 2011
gatehouse and garbage deposit, in addition to individual water and energy meters for each apartment.
“Christmas of our Dreams” Campaign Benefits Children from Orphanage in Mozambique In November, the volunteer group “Doing Good” from the Moatize Coal Project
decorate the rooms, kitchen
by the group of volunteers
and garden.
“Doing Good,” and will include
Created by the project’s
a visit by Santa Clause, the
launched the “Christmas of our
social area, the campaign
distribution of gifts and a
Dreams” campaign, designed
is designed to promote a
to improve the quality of life
more colorful and pleasant
of 96 needy children from
environment for the children
including Odebrecht
the Vovó Teresa Orphanage,
who live at the orphanage,
Members and members of the
located in the city of Tete, in
who also received orientations
community, took part in the
Mozambique. During the first
on dental health and the
campaign. The Moatize Coal
weeks of the month, Members
importance of vaccines for
Project is the largest outdoor
helped clean up the septic
healthy growth. To mark the
coal mine in the Southern
tanks and bathing areas, fix
celebration of Christmas,
Hemisphere and is currently
the outdoor painting and
a party is being organized
being implemented by VALE.
A total of 90 volunteers,
The work of the volunteers helps improve the quality of life of 96 children in Mozambique odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 271 / november 2011
> fast news
Bricklayer Apprentices Get Hands-On Experience at Maracanã A partnership between
the participants can complete
The practical classes were
the Maracanã Rio 2014
the Bricklayer course, which is
initiated in November, when the
Consortium (formed by
divided into two modules: the
youth began to build their first
Odebrecht Infraestrutura,
theoretical module, held at one of masonry structures. Of the group
Delta Construção and Andrade
the SENAI units, where the youth
Gutierrez) and Brazil’s National
learn the technique related to the Andreza Miguel da Costa, age
Industrial Learning Service
trade; and the practical module,
22. “Despite the fact that there is
(SENAI) is training 33 youth
held at the stadium construction
still prejudice, the professional’s
ages 18-22 to work in the civil
site, which allows the students to
persistence to make a difference
construction market. Through
put the learning obtained in the
showing that he or she is capable
the Youth Apprentice Program,
classroom into practice.
helps to break this barrier down,”
of students, 16 are girls, including
said Costa, speaking about the woman’s presence in civil construction. With a duration of approximately one year, the Young Apprentice Program uses the teaching methodology and staff of SENAI, which also offers the infrastructure for the theoretical classes. The consortium is responsible for the students’ learning contract and for providing the infrastructure necessary for the practical classes. The Maracanã Rio 2014 Consortium and SENAI also plan to train youth in the areas of Assembly, Carpentry and Electrical Installations and have already begun to recruit new participants, who should begin the respective The young apprentices practice their activities throughout the construction site, which is located on Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture terrain
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 271 / november 2011
courses in January 2012.
Members Exchange Experiences During Knowledgeable Community Meetings In November, the city of
of Company operation
testimonials and conclusions
Salvador, Bahia, hosted the
and the selection of Best
of the events can be
meetings of the Collaborative
Practices topics that
accessed on the pages of the
System for Sharing
deserve further attention.
respective Knowledgeable
Documents Associated
All of the presentations,
Communities in the
with Projects Underway
videos featuring
Odebrecht Portal.
(CITADON) and Internal System for Construction Project Planning, Budgeting and Monitoring (SISENG) Knowledgeable Communities. During the CITADON event, which took place on November 3, approximately 60 Members discussed different cases of projects that use the tool with a Business Process-focus. The SISENG Community meeting, which was held on November 4 and 5, gathered 100 professionals from different countries that debated their experiences at 12 different projects and shared their learning and knowledge. At the end of the meeting, there was the consolidation of recommendations, election of the multipliers per region
The CITADON and SISENG meetings gathered Members from different countries
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nยบ 271 / november 2011
> fast news
Odebrecht Venezuela Awards Winners of the Odebrecht Award for Sustainable Development Odebrecht Venezuela awarded the
system for the small populations located in
winners of the second edition of the
isolated areas with limited access,” from the
“Odebrecht Venezuela Award for Sustainable
Bicentenary University of Aragua (Maracay).
Development” during a ceremony held on
The event included the presence of
November 15 in Caracas. The winners of
Euzenando Azevedo, Entrepreneurial Leader at
this edition included the following projects:
Odebrecht Venezuela, together with partners,
“Agroecological Production: a sustainable
students, professors, deans and directors of
development alternative in the indigenous
the awarded universities, the press and Clients.
community of Yucpa de Shuata, in the
Now in its second edition, 38 projects signed
municipality of Machiques de Perijá, State of
up for the “Odebrecht Venezuela Award for
Zulia, Venezuela,” from the University of Zulia
Sustainable Development.” Registration for
(Maracaibo) and “Proposal for the creation
the next edition of the award will be open in
of a hybrid wind/photovoltaic generation
January 2012.
Winners of the award receive trophies from Euzenando Azevedo (middle), Entrepreneurial Leader at Odebrecht Venezuela, and José Cláudio Daltro (3rd from the right), Administrative and Finance Director
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 271 / november 2011
FIFA Technicians and Local Committee Visit Construction Work for Corinthians Stadium
Antônio Gavioli (left), Contract Director and Alain Benacquista, Fifa´s Technician, analyze Corinthians Stadium´s project
On November 26, a group
of specialists in stadiums,
The points highlighted in
of representatives from FIFA
competitions, hospitality, IT,
the masterplan include the
and the Local Organizing
security, media, marketing and
accesses to the stadium to be
Committee (COL, from São
transportation, inspected the
used by the fans. Over 80% of
Paulo) visited the construction
construction work with aims of
the public can reach the site
work for the Corinthians
ensuring the smooth progress
using public transportation,
Stadium in Itaquera, located
of the planning for the stadium
especially the train and
in the Eastern Zone of the São
operation during the 2014
Paulo capital. The executives
World Cup. The stadium
learned more about the
masterplan was created by the
the State Secretary of Sports,
development’s masterplan
São Paulo Committee together
Leisure and Youth, José
and the progress of the work
with the consulting firm
Benedito Fernandes, the
and were welcomed by the
Arena Estádios, one of COL’s
Special Coordination Secretary
professionals responsible
partners in the planning the
for the World Cup, Gilmar
for the project at Odebrecht
operation of all the country’s
Tadeu Ribeiro Alves, and the
Infraestrutura, led by Antônio
arenas. Blueprints, a video
Executive Secretary of the
Gavioli, Contract Director.
and a 3-D model were used
São Paulo Committee, Raquel
The group, which consisted
to help illustrate the project.
The group also includes
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 271 / november 2011