Nยบ Nยบ 272 260 / DECEMBER / JUNHO 2011 2011
Tribute: Members Celebrate 25 Years with the Organization odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nยบ 272 / december 2011
4 braskem completes
maintenance shutdown in triunfo
2011 Nº JUNHO Nº272260 260/ //DECEMBER JUNHO 2011 2011
Braskem completed the Maintenance Shutdown at the Basic Petrochemical Unit Olefin Plant 2, located at the Triunfo Center in Rio Grande do Sul. The operation, held every six years, lasted 21 days and involved 3,000 workers.
8 oog consolidates its
operations in the subsea sector
Odebrecht Oil and Gas won a Petrobras bid to charter and operate two flexible line launch vessels in the amount of US$ 1 billion. The contract term is five years, with the possibility for renewal for an additional five.
12 to 25 years at ‘home’
In 2011, 228 Members of different nationalities completed 25 years working at the Odebrecht Organization and gathered for the Annual Tribute Program, held from November 28-30
Next Edition: january 10, 2012. H appy H olidays !
20 history of the bahia saint benedict monastery told in book
The winning work from the 6th edition of the Odebrecht Historical Research Award - Clarival do Prado Valladares, Mosteiro de São Bento da Bahia was launched on December 1 in Salvador.
> 24 odebrecht angola awards
university students and their sustainable projects
Odebrecht Angola held the ceremony for the 2011 Odebrecht Award for Sustainable Development - Angola, which recognized the best sustainable engineering projects by the country’s university students.
28 celebrating education
November 25 marked the celebration for the end of the 2011 phase of the PDIS Teaching Unit Faculty Training Program, supported by the Odebrecht Foundation. The event was held in Salvador.
> 30 fast
editorial staff ODEBRECHT NEWS is an internal newsletter published by the Odebrecht S.A. Business Communication Team Responsible Journalist: Fabiana Cabral Editorial Office: Avenida das Nações Unidas, 8.501, 32º andar, São Paulo Phone Number: (55 11) 3096-8171 Suggestions: fabianacabral@odebrecht.com Website: www.odebrechtnoticias.com.br share this newsletter at your company or your project!
> chemicals and petrochemicals
The second Maintenance Shutdown at the Basic Petrochemical Unit Olefin Plant 2, located at the Triunfo Center, lasted 21 days
Braskem Completes Maintenan On November 26, Braskem concluded the Maintenance Shutdown at the Basic Petrochemical Unit Olefin Plant 2, located at the
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nยบ 272 / december 2011
Triunfo Center in Rio Grande do Sul. The operation, held every six years, lasted 21 days and received investments of R$ 114 million.
nce Shutdown in Triunfo In all, 19,000 activities were completed by 3,000 professionals, including both Members and subcontracted employees, for a total of 1 million
man-hours worked. The Olefin Plant 2 is responsible for the production of ethane, propane and other odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nยบ 272 / december 2011
> chemicals and petrochemicals naphtha derivatives used to manufacture thermoplastic resins and currently produces an average of 445,000 tons of ethane per year. Together with Plant 1, the total volume produced by the Basic Petrochemical Unit totals 1.25 million tons per year. This was the second stoppage for the maintenance of the plant, which began operating in 1999. With the shutdown, the unit gained more safety and reliability, in addition to the modernization of its automation and control systems. CONTRIBUTION TOWARD THE ENVIRONMENT During the Maintenance Shutdown at the Triunfo Center, Braskem planted 800 fruit tree seedlings at the Basic Petrochemical Unit. The action was designed to neutralize the CO2 released by the cargo and water jet machines used during the maintenance activities. The seedlings were planted by Members and subcontracted employees who worked during the shutdown. The number of species was measured based on the diesel consumption of the equipment. It was calculated that approximately 190 tons of carbon gas were released during the 21-day period.
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Three thousand workers completed 19,000 activities that guaranteed the plant’s improved safety, reliability and modernization
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> Achievement
OOG Consolidates its Opera Odebrecht Oil and Gas (OOG) won a Petrobras bid to charter and operate two flexible line launch vessels in the amount of US$ 1 billion. The contract term is five years, with the possibility for renewal for an additional five. The business, which will be undertaken in partnership with the French company Technip, will promote the Brazilian development in this segment of Pipe Lay Support Vessels (PLSVs), responsible for the connection and communication between wells and production rigs or other underwater infrastructure equipment in exploration fields. “OOG was the only national company pre-qualified to take part in the bidding process, attesting to the value we can add to this type of project,” said Jorge Luiz Mitidieri, Vice President of Integrated Services at OOG. “Since 2009, when we decided to enter the Subsea segment, we have invested heavily in training and market assessment,” said Mitidieri. According to him, OOG already works in the sector through contract management, equipment manufacturing and the paving and logistics of the shallow Capixaba South-North gas pipelines located
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
ations in the Subsea Sector From left to right: Frédéric Delormel, Executive Vice President and Subsea COO at Technip; Roberto Ramos, Entrepreneurial Leader at OOG; and Sang-Taenam, CEO of DSME, celebrate the new contract
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
> Achievement in the Espírito Santo Basin. “The project is
and the second will be completed by April
50% completed and is designed to connect
2015. The models will have the capacity
the rigs for the transportation of natural
to launch flexible pipelines with up to 550
gas production in Brazil,” he said.
tons of loaded materials into water depths
The construction of the vessels is being negotiated with Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME), a shipyard
the world with such characteristics. During the vessel operation
located in South Korea. The first vessel
phase, there will be the generation
should arrive to Brazil in October 2014
of approximately 300 direct job
3D images show the bow, side and stern of the pipeline installation vessel, which will be manufactured by OOG for Petrobras
as great as 2,500 meters – the largest in
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
opportunities in Brazil. There are also plans
trust from our client Petrobras, which
for special professional training courses
makes us extremely satisfied,” said Bastos.
and classes for Members, who will receive
“The partnership with Technip is important
support from Technip for the training of
for guaranteeing the development’s
the national labor force. For Renato Bastos, Subsea Director at OOG, winning the contract consolidates the company’s Subsea operations: “It is a clear sign of
success by maximizing the potential synergies in the management and operation of the vessels and by mitigating the risks associated with the project development.”
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
> honored
To 25 Years at ‘Home’
Over 2,500 professionals have been dedicated to the Organization for the past 25 years
Twenty-five years of
In 2011, 228 Members
gathered for the Annual
dedication, challenges
of different nationalities
Tribute Program, held from
and achievements. Lots
completed 25 years
November 28-30 in Bahia.
of stories, experiences,
working at the Odebrecht
partnerships and examples.
Organization and
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nÂş 272 / december 2011
Brazilians, Angolans, Americans and Peruvians
from different Action
Organization’s head office
Historical Downtown area.
Programs (APs) in all
in Salvador, Odebrecht’s
businesses, together
municipality of origin. The
deliver the medals was
with their guests,
participants visited the
held on November 29 and
were welcomed at the
site and toured the city’s
included the presence
The ceremony to
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
> honored
of Marcelo Odebrecht,
than 2,000 Members
Managing Director of
completing 25 years with
Odebrecht S.A., Emílio
the Organization since
Odebrecht, Chairman of
the start of the program,
the Odebrecht S.A. Board
created more than 20 years
of Directors, members
ago. There are currently
of the Odebrecht S.A.
2,515 professionals who
Board of Directors, Paulo
have been dedicated to
Lacerda, Vice President
the Organization for the
of Engineering and
past 25 years. “I am proud
Construction Operations,
to work at Odebrecht,”
and other leaders of the
said Carlos Pedroza, from
Odebrecht Infraestrutura.
Those awarded in
“It has been 25 years
2011 joined the more
of working with TEO
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
Those honored for the year visited Odebrecht’s city of origin: Salvador in Bahia
[Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology], which added many concepts and values to my life,� said Pedroza. At the start of December, the Members completing 10, 15 and 20 years of work also celebrated the achievement and received their medals during the celebrations held in the Brazilian states and countries in which they operate.
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nÂş 272 / december 2011
> honored
Marcelo Odebrecht, EmĂlio Odebrecht, Entrepreneurial Leaders and Directors pay tribute to those Members who completed 25 years with the Organization in 2011
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> honored
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> recognition of culture
History of the Bahia Saint Ben
The winning work from the 6th Edition of the Odebrecht Historical Research Award - Clarival do Prado Valladares, Mosteiro de SĂŁo Bento da Bahia was launched at the start of December in Salvador
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nÂş 272 / december 2011
nedict Monastery Told in Book The book Mosteiro de São Bento da Bahia (“Bahia’s Saint Benedict Monastery”), organized by Dom Gregório Paixão, a Benedict monk and Auxiliary Bishop of Salvador, was launched on December 1 at the Bahia Saint Benedict Monastery located in the Bahia capital. Winner of the 6 th edition of the Odebrecht Historical Research Award - Clarival do Prado Valladares, the book shows the historical, artistic and cultural wealth of the first Benedict monastery of the New World, founded in 1582, and
The book shows the historical, artistic and cultural wealth of the first Benedict monastery of the New World, founded in 1582
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
> recognition of culture The Benedict monks from the Bahia Saint Benedict Monastery took part in the book launch event
currently site to the largest
15 years of work that
private archive of works of
began back in 1994 with
art and the second largest of
the São Bento Monastery
rare books in Brazil.
Revitalization Plan, in
The site played an
which the then Construtora
important role in significant
Norberto Odebrecht
historical events in Bahia: it
participated. “We have a
was the general barracks for
history that is tied to the
the Dutch, a hospital during
people,” said the Auxiliary
the period of the Spanish
Bishop. “The monastery
plague in the 17 th century,
cultivates freedom of
and also sheltered the
thought and the Bahia
victims of the Canudos War
Benedicts respect all people
during the 19 th century.
from a range of different
According to Dom
creeds and cultures,” he said.
Gregório Paixão, the publication represents
Dom Gregório also Alfredo Avello recalled that, since the
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
Dom Gregório Paixão, Benedict monk and the Auxiliary Bishop of Salvador, signs one of the book copies, which were distributed to guests
construction of the site, the Benedicts have made an effort to get closer to the population: “It was the first religious home created outside the city’s walls designed to strengthen this relationship with the people.” With photos by Almir Bindilatti, the 401-page work features texts by renowned intellectuals and scholars in a re-writing of the monastery’s history. Dom Gregório introduces the reader to the primitive monastery universe and
describes the 2,000 years
a CD called Inspirações
of Benedict history; the
do Claustro (“Inspirations
architect and historian
from the Cloister”), which
Francisco Senna shares a
features Gregorian chants
unique perspective on the
by the Bahia Saint Benedict
historical architecture; and
Monastery Monks’ Choir.
modern artist José Dirson Argolo presents the rich
archive of artwork from the
site’s collection, highlighting
the historical importance of
the works dating back from
Created in 2003, the
the 16 th to 20 th centuries.
Odebrecht Historical
The different construction
Research Award - Clarival do
styles of the Bahia Order
Prado Valladares is a cultural
of Saint Sebastian, the
initiative promoted by the
monastery’s official name,
Odebrecht Organization
are presented by Cuban
granted annually to a first-
architect and specialist in
of-its-kind research project
restoration processes, Maria
focused on some topic tied
Hermínia Hernandez. A
to Brazilian history.
chronicle signed by Bahia
The Organization is
historian and poet Fernando
responsible for providing
da Rocha Peres closes the
the resources necessary for
compilation, telling the
the complete fulfillment of
story of the Bahia monks,
the selected project, from
and the introductory texts
the research to publication
are by Dom Emanuel d’Able
of the illustrated book.
do Amaral, Head Abbot of
The publications
the Bahia Saint Benedict
sponsored by Odebrecht
Monastery, and Norberto
result in the publication
Odebrecht, Chairman of
of art books, which are
the Odebrecht Foundation
distributed to libraries and
Board of Trustees.
public and private entities in
The book also includes
Brazil and other countries. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
> sustainability
Odebrecht Angola Awards University Students and their Sustainable Projects On November 29,
other authorities from the
Odebrecht Angola held
Angolan government and
the ceremony for the 2011
Odebrecht Members.
Odebrecht Award for Sustainable Development
Fátima Jardim congratulated
- Angola in Luanda, which
the company: “It is important
recognized the best
for other companies to
sustainable engineering
follow Odebrecht’s lead and
projects developed by the
make their sustainability
country’s university students.
reports public,” she said.
Participating in the
In her closing speech,
“This is, in fact, an example
ceremony was the country’s
of sustainability, since the
Minister of Education,
management models must
Pinda Simão, Minister of the
be dynamic, integrated and
Environment, Fátima Jardim,
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
The winners of the 2011 Odebrecht Award for Sustainable Development - Angola, from left to right: Osvaldo Dombo Mazanga, Dúnia Fernanda Henrique Couto, Isalino Pedro Neganga, António Paulo Ilola, Elizandra Ciêth José Agostinho and Elísio Baptista Alexandre
Com o Sistema Ponto a Ponto, a tarifa paga pelo usuário será proporcional ao trecho percorrido
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
> sustainability Ernesto Baiardi, Managing
Sustainable Development in
Director of Odebrecht Angola,
Angola” by students Dúnia
stated that the award is a way
Fernanda Henrique Couto
of investing in the training
and Elizandra Ciêth José
and integration of Angolan
Agostinho, from the country’s
professionals, considered
Independent University; and
important elements for
“Solid Waste Recycling - Driving
sustainable development.
Force for Angola’s Sustainable
“We are currently over 17,000
Development” by university
Members in the country, 93% of
student Elísio Baptista
which are Angolan,” said Baiardi.
Alexandre from the Angola
“The creation of job and income
Private University.
opportunities is crucial for Angola’s development.” In 2011, the number of
For Celeste Borges, the award coordinator, the initiative had a positive contribution
individuals who signed up
because it addresses themes
surpassed that of the previous
of general interest, which will
year. There were 23 groups
benefit future generations. “Our
that signed up with a total of
country is growing and we need
45 students and 23 mentors
to work to reach a satisfactory
from nine universities in the
level of development in
country. The projects were
all spheres – economic,
evaluated in the categories of
environmental and human
Content, Clarity, Foundation,
achievement,” she said. “It is
Depth, Technical Contribution,
crucial that this thinking begin
Applicability and Presentation.
in the classroom.”
The winning projects included: “Reuse of Air Conditioner Condensation Water” by students António Paulo Ilola, Isalino Pedro Neganda and Osvaldo Dombo Mazanga, from the Jean Piaget University; “Electronic Waste Recycling - An Investment in
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
Watch the videos and learn more about the winning projects: –– Reuse of Air Conditioner Condensation Water. –– Electronic Waste Recycling – An Investment in Sustainable Development in Angola. –– Solid Waste Recycling – Driving Force for Angola’s Sustainable Development.
Starting from the left: Justino Amaro, Institutional Relations Manager; Fábio Januário, Infrastructure Director; Pinda Simão, Minister of Education; Fátima Jardim, Minister of the Environment; and Ernesto Baiardi, Managing Director of Odebrecht Angola
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nยบ 272 / december 2011
> odebrecht foundation
Celebrating Education
In Bahia’s Southern Lowlands,
Area Mosaic Integrated and
projects. “This initiative is crucial
hundreds of youth have access
Sustainable Development
for the youth’s development,”
to training that is based on the
Program (PDIS), supported by
said Joelma Sena, Educational
principles of education for life
the Odebrecht Foundation,
Advisor to the Igrapiúna Rural
and through work. This new
created the PDIS Teaching Unit
Family Home.
generation is being guided by
Faculty Training Program in
a team that dedicates time,
order to integrate and promote
of the 2011 phase of the training
presence, experience and
the exchange of experiences
program with the delivery of 31
example. They are monitors,
between these educators.
certificates in Salvador, Bahia.
school secretaries, educational
“The educator’s profession must
advisors, teachers and educators
the team developed concepts
develop constantly in order
who share knowledge and are
associated with sustainability,
to strengthen our teaching
responsible for their students’
diversity, nature sciences,
methodology,” said Ademário
earth physics and strategic
Reis, Principal of the Youth Home
and financial bases for the
State High School. “This moment
development of production
marks the history of a journey we
The Bahia Southern Lowlands Environmental Protection
During a 10-month period,
November 25 marked the end
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
The ceremony celebrates the end of the 2011 phase of the PDIS Teaching Unit Faculty Training Program, located in Bahia’s Southern Lowlands
have taken together,” said Reis. One of those present at the event, the Bahia Secretary of Education, Osvaldo Barreto,
learn, and this is your work,” said the secretary, speaking to the educators. “The technical professional
emphasized the importance of
education offered by the Family
actions like this one. “We need
Homes and Youth Home is
to create a school that responds
aligned with the national desire
to the population’s need and I
for teaching quality, creating
see that this is precisely what is
opportunities for the youths’
being done in Bahia’s Southern
access to knowledge and the
Lowlands,” said Barreto. “An
generation of jobs and income,”
initiative that integrates and
said Joana Almeida, Educational
seeks a permanent dialogue
Advisor to the Odebrecht
with the community. The
Foundation and responsible for
department is monitoring this
the training program.
experience and seeks to build
The speaker from the group
a stronger relationship,” he said.
and Teaching Director at the
“It is an immense challenge to
Presidente Tancredo Neves Rural
guarantee our youth the right to
Family Home, Rita Cardoso, thanked those present for the opportunity during a touching speech: “This team is very strong, primarily when it comes to training the youth,” said Cardoso. The event also included the presence of the Advisor to the Presidency of the State Board of Education, Astor de Castro Pessoa, the Executive President and the Vice Presidents of the Odebrecht Foundation, respectively, Mauricio Medeiros, Roberto Lessa and Waldeck
The Bahia Secretary of Education, Osvaldo Barreto, delivers the certificate to Rita Cardoso, the Teaching Director at the Presidente Tancredo Neves Rural Family Home
Ornélas. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
> fast notes
Book Sponsored by Odebrecht Wins 2011 Jabuti Award The book Theodoro Sampaio - Nos sertões e nas
Created in 1958, the Jabuti Award is Brazil’s
cidades (“Theodoro Sampaio - in the Backlands and
most traditional literary award. It recognizes
in the Cities”), written by Ademir Pereira dos Santos
writers and highlights the quality of the
and with design by Karyn Mathuiy, won first place
work of all areas involved in the creation and
in the Graphic Design category and third place in
production of a book.
the Architecture and City Planning category for the
Theodoro Sampaio - Nos sertões e nas
2011 Jabuti Award. The award ceremony took place
cidades was the winner of the sixth edition
on November 30 in the São Paulo room, located in
of the Odebrecht Historical Research
the São Paulo capital.
Award - Clarival do Prado Valladares, a cultural initiative promoted by the Odebrecht Organization granted annually to a first-of-itskind research project focused on topics tied to Brazilian history. Published in 2010 by Versal Editores, the book describes the life and work of engineer Theodoro Sampaio (1855-1937), who played a central role in the country’s main modernization projects from the end of the 19th century to the start of the 20th century on expeditions and river studies focused on Brazilian cartography. For three consecutive years, the winning publications of the Odebrecht Historical Research Award - Clarival do Prado Valladares won the Jabuti Award in the Graphic Design category: A Historia do Brazil de Frei Vicente do Salvador (“The History of Brazil by Monk Vicente do Salvador”) in 2009 and Igreja e Convento de São Francisco da Bahia (“The Church and Convent of Saint Francis of Bahia”) in 2010. Designer Karyn Mathuiy and author Ademir Pereira dos Santos celebrate the achievement
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
Odebrecht Attends Conference about BRIC Countries at Columbia University On December 2, Marcelo
lectures and studies to analyze
and Africa,” said Marcelo
Odebrecht, Managing Director
the effects of the group’s
Odebrecht, with relation to the
of Odebrecht S.A., took part
growing economic and
perspectives for the country in
in the conference “The Rise
political powers. “The BRIC
2012. The Executive Director
of BRIC: Impact on Global
countries have the potential
of the Brazil Foundation,
Policymaking,” promoted by
to transform the world and
Marcello Hallake, and Rio de
the School of International
SIPA will serve as a forum for
Janeiro State Governor, Sérgio
and Public Affairs (SIPA) at
studies on the topic,” said John
Cabral, also participated in the
Columbia University in New
Coatsworth, SIPA Dean.
York. The event examined the
Marcelo Odebrecht
Also present at the
participated in the panel “The
conference were professors,
growing influence of the
‘B’ in BRIC: Brazil as a Rising
scholars and employees
BRIC – Brasil, Russia, India and
Power,” which discussed the
of Columbia University,
China – in the formulation
power and dynamics of the
representatives of local and
of global policies and also
market generated by the
international companies,
served as a platform for the
country’s growth. “I’m very
investment, financial and
launching of the BRICLab, a
optimistic when it comes
political analysts, diplomats
center for academic courses,
to Brazil, Latin America
and media professionals.
Odebrecht United States to Complete Project in Texas Odebrecht United States won the right to build its first project in the U.S. state of Texas, together with its client Harris County Toll Road Authority: the
facilitate the flow of vehicles, improving regional mobility. In addition to the expansion of the highway, the
expansion of the Sam Houston Tollway - Phase 2,
central lane of the tollway will be revitalized and will
between Route 59 and State Highway 288, located
earn three automatic lanes – the Non-Stop/Easy Lane
in the Southern region of Harris County, located in
type – together with three conventional toll lanes. The
the city of Houston.
on-way and off-way ramps will also be remodeled.
The project extends 6.4 km and includes two
The construction work will start in January 2012
new lanes in both directions, for a total of eight. The
and should be concluded during the fourth quarter
expansion of the road will double its capacity and
of 2013. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
> fast notes
The new Avenida 21 de Janeiro improved the traffic in Luanda, facilitating access to the city’s Downtown area
Odebrecht Angola Completes Construction Work for Luanda Basic Sanitation Program On November 10, one day
Contract Director, the new
recovery of the lighting network
before the celebration of Angola’s
avenue helped improve the
and creation of urbanized areas.
Independence, Odebrecht
city’s traffic significantly. “The
delivered the country’s
commute time fell from two
period, Odebrecht Angola
government yet another Luanda
hours to 40 minutes,” he said.
undertook a series of social
Basic Sanitation Program project:
“The construction work also
actions such as literacy classes,
the expansion and revitalization
helped the local commerce,
traffic education and safety
of Avenida 21 de Janeiro.
since merchants no longer have
courses, lectures on the
to sell their products at roadside,
preservation of heritage and
the road contains places with
as well as for the taxi drivers,
training on health and quality
three and four lanes, in both
who have their own lane for
of life for workers and the
directions, and connects the
making stops.”
Extending seven kilometers,
neighborhood of Talatona to the
For 2012, there are plans for
Downtown area of the capital
during the two years of the
the construction of five walkways
and to the Luanda International
project’s execution, which also
with aims of facilitating the traffic
included deep drainage work
of pedestrians and improving the
to collect the rain waters, the
population’s safety.
According to Marcos Torres,
Over 380 Members worked
During the construction
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
Pirapama Aqueduct System Inaugurated in Recife On December 5, the Governor of Pernambuco, Eduardo Campos, inaugurated the Pirapama Aqueduct System, which will increase the
Odebrecht Infraestrutura, and Carlos Angeiras, Contract Director. The system consists of a dam with the capacity
distribution of water in the Metropolitan Region of
for 61 million m3 of water, together with the WTP,
Recife by 48%. Built by the Pirapama Consortium,
which treats up to 5,130 liters per second and
formed by Odebrecht Infraestrutura, Queiroz
three new reservoirs, the largest with the capacity
Galvão and OAS, the system benefits 3.5 million
to store 90 million liters of water. More than 2,500
people in five municipalities, who have lived with
Members participated in the construction process.
water rationing for decades. “The state has the country’s worst water
The project, which is part of the Brazilian Federal Government’s Growth Acceleration
supply rate,” said Campos. “The project will mark
Program (PAC), received investments of R$
the history of sanitation in Pernambuco,” he said
600 million, and was made possible through
during the ceremony to celebrate the completion
a partnership between the Pernambuco
of the system’s third phase, held at the Water
Government and Federal Government through
Treatment Plant (WTP). Participating in the
the Brazilian National Economic and Social
event were João Pacífico, Managing Director at
Development Bank (BNDES).
The system was built in three phases. The first was delivered in July of last year and the second phase was completed in October of the same year odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
> fast notes
Financing for Chaglla Hydroelectric Power Plant Approved On December 1, the Inter-
will help diversify the
be used for the project
American Development
Peruvian energy matrix and
infrastructure, including the
Bank (IDB) approved a
reduce carbon emissions.
transmission line, which will
US$ 150 million financing
“Its installed capacity of
connect the plant to the
granted to Odebrecht
406 MW, together with
National Interconnected
Energia for the installation
the region’s development,
System (the Peruvian
of the Chaglla Hydroelectric
reinforces the company’s
national electrical network),
Power Plant in Peru, one of
commitment to the country
access roads and auxiliary
the country’s largest electric
and consolidates our
installations. The project
energy generation plants.
operations in the sector,”
will receive investments
said Erlon Arfelli, Director at
of US$ 1.2 billion and will
Odebrecht Energia in Peru.
generate 2,500 direct job
Set for conclusion in 2016, the Chaglla Hydroelectric Power Plant
The financing will
The Chaglla Hydroelectric Power Plant marks Odebrecht’s first participation in the energy concession sector outside Brazil
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
OR Wins Award from Época Negócios Magazine for Second Time
From left to right: Marcelo Neves, Financial and Information Technology (IT) Director; Paul Altit; Sergio Kertész, Marketing and Communication Director; and Ciro Barbosa, People, Organization and Sustainability Director
Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias (OR)
companies with the most prestigious brands in the
was named the most prestigious company in
country and those that most stood out in the 30
Brazil in 2011 in the segment of Construction,
different segments. Six dimensions were evaluated
Incorporation and Rental, according to the Época
to choose the most prestigious companies:
Negócios 100 yearbook, released on December
admiration, trust, quality of the products and
7. It is the second consecutive time that OR has
services, social and environmental commitment,
received the award.
history and evolution and innovative posture.
In its fourth edition, the survey conducted
“The strength of the Odebrecht Organization
by the Troiano Branding Group collected the
brand and culture were crucial for this
opinions of over 15,000 opinion shapers from five
achievement,” said Paul Altit, Entrepreneurial
regions of the country about the reputation of
Leader at OR. “This distinction is the result of our
249 companies chosen using criteria such as net
presence, increasingly more significant, in Brazil’s
revenue, levels of investment in the media and
main cities and the effort and dedication of the
relevance within the Brazilians scenario.
leaders and their teams in the permanent search
The award ceremony recognized the 10
for the satisfaction of our Clients,” he said. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
> fast notes
Braskem Earns ECO Award in Sustainability The Braskem green plastic was considered the best project in the Sustainability category in Products or Services as part of the Eco 2011 Award, one of the main awards in the Sustainability area created by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Brazil (Amcham Brasil). The award ceremony was held on December 2 in São Paulo, and involved the participation of the Minister of the Environment, Izabella Teixeira. The winners were chosen for having the best business models and strategies that incorporate sustainability into processes, products or services. Made from sugarcane ethanol, green plastic earns its name due to its contribution to the environment, since its captures 2.5 tons of carbon gas from the atmosphere for each ton of polyethylene produced and can be recycled.
Catoca Mining Association in Angola Earns Sirius Award The Catoca Mining Association, formed by
Endiama (the Angola
Company), Odebrecht, Alrosa
National Diamond
S.A. and LLI International, earned the Sirius Award as the country’s Best Company from the Non-Financial Sector. The award recognizes the personalities and institutions that represent examples of personal, institutional and entrepreneurial values. The criteria for choosing the winners were based
Starting from the left: César Marianetti, Administrative Director, Ganga Júnior, Chairman of the Board of Directors; and José Amaral Júnior, Head of the Supply and Logistics Department of the Catoca Mining Association
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
on entrepreneurship and good business management practices.
Emílio Odebrecht Receives National Leader Award Emílio Odebrecht, Chairman of the Odebrecht S.A. Board of Directors,
recognized during previous years. In addition to Emílio Odebrecht, other
received the National Consecrated Leader
Consecrated Leaders also included José Carlos
Award during an event promoted by the
Grubisich, Entrepreneurial Leader at ETH
Entrepreneurial Leaders’ Forum on November
Bionergia, and José de Freitas Mascarenhas,
28 in São Paulo.
Advisory Board Member for Odebrecht S.A.
In its 34th edition, the award recognizes
Djean Cruz, Regional Director of Odebrecht
leaders who stood out at the head of their
Realizações Imobiliárias, received the New
companies in 2011. The decision was made
National Leader Award. Those awarded were
by leaders already consecrated during other
represented by Organization Members.
editions and the recipients divided into
Founded in 1977 by the newspaper Gazeta
two different groups: “New Leaders,” which
Mercantil, the Entrepreneurial Leaders’ Forum
consists of those who have never been
mobilizes entrepreneurial leaders each year
distinguished before; and “Consecrated
to elect the most representative in each state
Leaders,” formed by those previously
and economic sector.
Entrepreneurial Leaders’ Group Awards Brazilian Companies Marcelo Odebrecht, Managing Director of
represented Marcelo Odebrecht during the
Odebrecht S.A., earned the Leaders of Brazil
award ceremony held on December 7 in São
Award in the category of Engineering and
Construction as one of the Brazilian leaders who most stood out in 2011.
The Leaders of Brazil Award recognizes the effort of companies and leaders to position
The distinction is an initiative of the
Brazil at the global leadership level. During its
Entrepreneurial Leaders’ Group (LIDE) from
first edition, 60 executives were awarded in 20
the newspaper Brasil Econômico and Brazilian
categories from the public and private sector,
Television System (SBT). Márcio Polidoro,
each one with three recipients indicated by the
Communication Director at Odebrecht,
official jury. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
> fast notes
Recognition for Training and Human Development
Paulo Sá (to the left) and Paulo Cesar Fonseca (to the right) from Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial at Venezuela, honored Antônio Cardilli, who created the Acreditar Program
At its office in Venezuela, Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial delivered a
and Paulo Sá, Converpro Operations Manager,
distinction plaque to Antônio Cardilli,
represented Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial
Administrative and Financial Manager of
during the plaque delivery event.
the Santo Antônio Civil Consortium, for his
During his travels through Venezuela,
work heading the Continued Professional
Antônio Cardilli visited the Sucre Mission
Qualification Program - Acreditar (“Believe”),
University Village, located at the Gulf de
for the application of the initiative in other
Puerto la Cruz Condominium, and the
countries and the ease adapting the same to
J-000 Space, supplied by the Puerto La Cruz
the business reality.
Refinery for the training of workers and
Paulo Cesar Fonseca, the professional responsible for Administration, Finances and
People for Central America and the Caribbean,
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
artists. The creator of Acreditar also visited the program’s installations in the country.
IT Area Provides Tool for Access Administration The Odebrecht
Auto Reset. Through IdM,
can reinitiate and unblock
Information Technology
the Member can request
the passwords for accessing
area provided an Access
or unblock the login and
the network. With the
Administration tool for
password for Oracle eBS,
solution, the Member
the Organization, in which
PeopleSoft and MyWebDay,
records the security
Members can use self-
depending only on
responses as a way of
service to reset, unblock
the leader’s electronic
recovering the code.
and change their access
approval. During the first
password for the network
access of the application,
Administration applications
and Oracle and MyWebDay
users can unify their
are available in the IT
passwords, facilitating the
Support Portal, found
work routine.
at the address http://
The tool consists of two applications: IdM and
In Auto Reset, the user
The Access
Through the applications IdM and Auto Reset, Members themselves can reset, unblock and change their access passwords
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nÂş 272 / december 2011
> fast notes
4th OCS Personal Insurance Meeting On November 10, Odebrecht
between P&O professionals, insurance
Administradora e Corretora de Seguros (OCS)
company representatives and OCS Members,
gathered over 80 Members from the People and
helping improve training and strengthening
Organization (P&O) area of different businesses
relationships,” said Skelton.
for the 4th Personal Insurance Meeting, which also
The participants listened to testimonial about
included the participation of managers from the
Life and Career by Marcos Lima, Managing
insurance companies Bradesco, Itaú, Odontoprev
Director of OCS, lectures by Fernando Maiback, a
and Sul América.
financial market consultant, Sérgio Brinckmann,
Under the theme “Your Suggestion Makes
President of Odeprev Odebrecht Previdência,
a Difference,” the event was designed to train,
and Kátia Mota, the professional responsible for
integrate and reaffirm existing partnerships.
the Relationship Program with Participants and
According to Bettina Skelton, the professional responsible for Personal Insurance, the
Sponsors. During the four editions of the event, OCS has
meeting met its main objective: the effective
gathered 269 Members from the Organization’s
participation of Members, their learning, and
P&O area and promoted the exchange of
consequently, the improvement of the processes.
experiences and synergy between participants,
“We allow for the exchange of experiences
considered crucial for the alignment of processes.
OCS gathered Members from the Organization’s P&O area to strengthen relations and promote process improvement
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
UFBA Organizes “Odebrecht Day” for Engineering Students
With the support of the Organization’s companies, the UFBA Polytechnic School has promoted “Odebrecht Day” since 2008
In partnership with Odebrecht Energia,
Representing Foz do Brasil, Alaide Barbosa
Odebrecht Infraestrutura, Foz do Brasil,
Martins, the professional responsible for the
Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias (OR) and
Operation area, explained more about the
Odebrecht Oil and Gas (OOG), the Polytechnic
Jaguaribe Outfall contract in Bahia. Civil engineer
School at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA)
Hassan Luedy, from OR, spoke about Real Estate
organized “Odebrecht Day” on November 11.
Incorporation and the Benefits for Society.
The event was designed to promote knowledge on some of the Organization’s different segments for the university’s
Dominique Castro Schmid, civil engineer, spoke about OOG and the Subsea Market. “The company-university partnership is
engineering students. Over 150 students
important for the academic and professional
attended the lectures by the five companies.
development of our future engineers,” said
Luiz Fernando Rahuan, Contract Director at
Tatiana Bittencourt Dumet, Coordinator of the
Odebrecht Energia, presented the scenario of
Civil Engineering Course at UFBA. “The meeting
the Brazilian energy sector and spoke about the
brought major contributions for the participants’
company’s operations. Civil engineer Diana Paes
personal and professional growth and for the
Bezerra talked about the stadiums for the 2014
institutions, since the exchange of experiences
World Cup and the Fonte Nova Arena project.
and information is very rich,” she said. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
> fast notes
Braskem and PetroPerú Sign Agreement to Ensure Project Feasibility in Peru On November 24, Braskem and the company
“With the establishment of this partnership, we
Petróleos Del Perú (PetroPerú), a state-owned
will bring more economic and social development
company dedicated to the transportation, refining
to our country,” said Humberto Campodónico,
and sale of fuels and other oil derivatives, signed a
President of PetroPerú. “The project’s main
Memorandum of Understanding for the technical
advantage will be its strategic location on the
and economic analysis of the feasibility of a
Pacific Ocean coast and the capacity to serve
petrochemical project in Peru.
both the Peruvian market as well as those of
The purpose is to study the feasibility of installing units for the integrated production of 1.2 million tons per year of ethane and polyethylenes,
other countries in the Andean region,” said Campodónico. For Sérgio Thiesen, Braskem’s International
using the ethane originating from the natural
Business Director for South America, the initiative
gas reserves in the region of Las Malvinas. After
is aligned with the company’s strategic vision.
confirming the project’s feasibility, the negotiations
“We want to be leaders in the global chemical
of the permanent contracts and the companies’
industry by 2020 through the combination of
corporate approvals, the development will be part
growth in the domestic market, alternatives for
of the South Integrated Project, which includes
access to competitive raw materials and the search
the construction of the South Andean Gas Pipeline
for internationalization opportunities for entering
by the company Kuntur and a modern industrial
new markets, especially within the sphere of the
complex in the Southern Peruvian region.
Americas,” said Thiesen.
Odebrecht Energia Organizes Courses on River Ecology and Water Quality In partnership with Brazil’s National Water Agency (ANA), Odebrecht Energia organized a course on
Odebrecht Energia, Foz do Brasil, Braskem and Santo
November 25 focused on Water Quality Modeling in
Antônio Energia.
Rivers and Reservoirs, administered by North American professor Scott Wells in Brasília. A total of 37 people participated in the event,
management company JGP and Members from
On December 14, Odebrecht Energia will work together with USP and the Brazilian Water Resource Association (ABRH) to promote the course entitled
including ANA technicians from the Brazilian
“Advances and Challenges in the Hydraulic Engineering
Institute of the Environment and Natural Resources
Interface with River Ecology” in São Paulo. The meeting
(IBAMA), members of the University of São Paulo
will include the participation of international consultant
(USP), University of Brasília and the environmental
John Nestler, a reference in the area.
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
ETH P&O Teams Gather for Annual Meeting
ETH P&O Members took part in group activities and elaborated an agenda of contributions for formulating strategies for the area
From November 15-17, 42
surpassing business results.
Operations at ETH, spoke
Members from the People and
Genésio Lemos Couto, the
about the company’s growth
Organization teams of the five
professional responsible for
overview and about what
production centers and São
People and Sustainability at
the centers expect from
Paulo office of ETH Bioenergia
ETH, opened the meeting with
P&O professionals; and
took part in the 2011 P&O
the reflection “How to Support
Andressa Saurin, Responsible
Meeting in Campo Grande,
for Entrepreneurial
Mato Grosso do Sul. The event was designed
Carla Barretto, the
Communication at ETH,
professional responsible
discussed the importance
to promote reflection on
for P&O at Odebrecht
of communication for the
integration and the role of
S.A., spoke about the
area. The centers’ People and
the area professionals in
area’s transversal vision;
Administration Managers
terms of supporting leaders
Luís Felli, the professional
presented the best practices
with entrepreneurship and in
responsible for Agroindustrial
from their environments. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
> fast notes
Odebrecht Energia to Head the Brazilian Water Resource Association Luiz Gabriel Azevedo, the professional responsible for Sustainability at Odebrecht Energia, will head the Brazilian Water
Azevedo. “ABRH is a forum of many friends,” he said. With a master’s in Hydrology and PhD
Resource Association (ABRH) during the
in Water Resources from Colorado State
2012/2013 period. The Bahia engineer
University, Azevedo also gives classes at
was chosen by 300 people during the 19 th
international universities, such as Harvard,
Brazilian Water Resource Symposium, held
and takes part in forums and conferences
on November 30 in Maceió, Alagoas. “It is
on sustainability and water around the
an incredible honor to have been chosen to
head the entity for the next two years,” said
With the Odebrecht Organization for the past three years, Luiz Gabriel Azevedo also worked at the World Bank and World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
Follow the Remodeling of Maracanã via Facebook and YouTube
The Maracanã Rio 2014 Consortium channel on YouTube features videos about the related activities and actions since the start of the construction work
The Maracanã Rio 2014 Consortium
since the start of the project, as well as events
(formed by Odebrecht Infraestrutura, Delta
and actions undertaken by the consortium. The
Construção and Andrade Gutierrez) has provided
fan page on Facebook that is updated daily will
an additional two communication channels
show the main events for the project, as well as
online for users to follow the remodeling work
stories involving Members, personalities and
for the Maracanã Stadium, which will host the
final match for the 2014 World Cup in Rio de Janeiro. The channel created on YouTube displays
Follow the Maracanã construction work! Access: www.facebook.com/maracanario2014 and www.youtube.com/maracanario2014.
videos that show the progress of the activities
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
> fast notes
Cultural Wealth of Brazil In celebration of Black Awareness Day and
of Education, Culture and Tourism, state
the International Year of Afro-Descendants,
and municipal high schools, public libraries,
Black Awareness Week was held from
cultural groups and community and
November 16-20 in the municipalities that
quilombola associations. “It is a feeling of
make up Bahia’s Southern Lowlands.
victory, since we reached a gratifying result,”
Coordinated by the Bahia Southern
said Célia Prezaste, coordinator of the Valença
Lowland Sustainable Development Institute
dance group Filhos da Terra (“Children of the
(IDES), the actions reinforce the importance
of the economic sustainability of the region’s
The celebration of Black Awareness Day is
black communities, with a focus on ethno-
part of the calendar of events for the Bahia
development. The activities also promoted
Southern Lowlands Environmental Protection
reflections with the participation of residents,
Area Mosaic Integrated and Sustainable
cultural groups and quilombola leaders about
Development Program (PDIS), supported by
public policies that affect Afro-descendants.
the Odebrecht Foundation, with aims of
The event received the support of the local city governments, Municipal Departments
promoting a closer relationship between the communities and PDIS.
The presentation by local cultural groups was one of the attractions of Black Awareness Week, which took place in the Bahia Southern Lowlands
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
Braskem Supports Launch of Acrylic Complex in Bahia
The BASF Production Complex cornerstone was laid at the Camaçari Center in Bahia
On November 24, Braskem took part in the
by Braskem will be used in the production
laying of the cornerstone at the BASF Production
of the acrylic acid, used in paints, the textile
Center for the production of acrylic acid, butyl
industry and in the mining sector; butyl acrylate,
acrylate and super-absorbent polymers, in
a raw material for the textile industry and
Camaçari, Bahia. The project inauguration is
civil construction; as well as superabsorbent
planned for 2014.
polymers, used to produce diapers, for water
With investments of approximately US$ 30 million, Braskem will become BASF’s main strategic partner in the supply of propane and
treatment and oil extraction, among other applications. “This project, which reinforces our
soda for the new center. The raw materials will
partnership with BASF, should stimulate a new
be consumed by the domestic market, reducing
regional development cycle near the Camaçari
part of the surplus directed for export.
Center due to its high potential to attract other
The change will generate positive effects for
production-related investments and generate
Brazil’s trade balance by replacing imports and
the aggregation of value within the country,”
will also promote benefits for the acrylic acid
said Carlos Fadigas, Entrepreneurial Leader at
production chain. The raw material supplied
Braskem. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
> fast notes
Embraport Receives Visit from Rating Agency
Starting from the left: Renato Donatti, from Moody’s; Reynaldo Pincette; Daniel Spencer, from the Odebrecht Financial area; Bárbara Matos, from Moody’s; Daniela Chun, from the Odebrecht Financial area; Henrique Marchesi; and Adriana Meirelles, from the Odebrecht Financial area
In October, the Embraport terminal construction project, currently being undertaken
organizational capacity related to execution and
by Odebrecht Infraestrutura, received a visit by
management and the project-related challenges.
professionals from the Moody’s Investors Service
It was the first time that professionals from a
rating agency – a partner of the Organization
rating agency visited one of the company’s
since 2009.
The contract was chosen for the visit because
The team learned more about the
According to Members from the Odebrecht
it is a major project and because it contributes
financial area, the meeting was crucial for
toward Brazilian infrastructure development.
promoting the continued transparency and
The group was welcomed by Henrique Marchesi,
accessibility to the agency and may help
Contract Director, and Reynaldo Pincette,
improve the rating in future evaluations of the
Administrative and Financial Manager.
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
The “Mammoth” transports and positions the pre-cast panels in their final sites
Nova Via Consortium Innovates and Creates Along the Northern extension of the
flow of vehicles and people, technician Heraldo
Trensurb Line 1, located in the Metropolitan
de Barros worked together with other Members
Region of Porto Alegre in Rio Grande do Sul, the
and employed innovation and creativity to create
Nova Via Consortium (formed by Odebrecht
“Mammoth” and “Grasshopper,” two different
Infraestrutura, Andrade Gutierrez and Toniolo
pieces of equipment that transport and position
Busnello) created new and efficient equipment to
pre-cast panels and slabs in their final sites.
meet the specific demands of each stretch of the construction work. With the project’s arrival to the Central
According to Barros, the machines move above the road in an elevated area, without interfering with the access roads. “The efficiency with
region of Novo Hamburgo, it was necessary to
which the slabs are assembled is so high that it
completely close one of the city’s busiest streets.
surpassed all the expected results, and also did
In order to avoid obstructing it and hindering the
not affect mobility,” he said. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
> fast notes
Luanda Holds 2nd Independence Cycling Event
António Rosa (in the middle) leads the cyclists during the 2nd Independence Cycling Event, in Luanda
For the second consecutive year, the revitalized avenues in Luanda formed the course for the Independence Cycling Event,
Luanda Express Ways Project. In order to celebrate the practice of the
held on November 27 by the Government
sport, the group was led by the Province
of the Province of Luanda, Angolan Cycling
Director for Youth and Sports, António Rosa,
Federation, Province Cycling Association and
and by the General Secretary of the Cycling
Odebrecht Angola.
Federation, João Francisco. The cycling centers
The event, which celebrated the 36-year
Outubro, revitalized by Odebrecht through the
for the clubs Benfica de Luanda and Santos
anniversary since the country’s independence,
Futebol Clube, the schools David Ricardo and
gathered professional and amateur cyclists on
Macovi and athletes from the municipalities of
an 8.5 km course along the avenues Deolinda
Rangel, Kilamba Kiaxi and Cazenga also took
Rodrigues, Ho Chi Minh and Revolução de
part in the outing.
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
Santo Antônio HPP Completes Fish Transfer System In November, Construtor Santo Antônio
The system construction was defined by
(CCSA) Consortium, of which Odebrecht
the environmental studies completed for the
Energia is part, completed the installation of
installation of the development. In order to
the Fish Transfer System (STP), which creates a
ensure the smooth operation of the STP, an
path for the animals to swim up the Madeira
experimental channel was built in Cachoeira
River during the Spawning period, guaranteeing
de Teotônio and two years of research were
the reproduction of the species when the Santo
conducted on the behavior of the migratory
Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant is operating.
species of fish during the Spawning period.
The installation of the Fish Transfer System at the Santo Antônio HPP lasted one year and three months
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
> fast notes
Odebrecht and MIR Foundation Promote Tree Planting in Dominican Republic
The species chosen for the reforestation was the Creole Mahogany, a Dominican tree that is part of the region’s flora
From November 11-18, 58 students from
The initiative is part of the program
the Mir Esperanza Polytechnic School planted
Sembrar es Construir (“Sewing is Building”)
6,000 tree seedlings along the banks of the
undertaken as part of the Coral Freeway Road
La Romana - Higuey Highway, located near
Project, completed by Odebrecht América
the La Romana Airport in the Dominican
Latina e Angola, which also involves a
partnership with the MIR Foundation.
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
PTA POY PET Installation Holds 4th SIPAT From December 5-9, the PTA POY PET
(CIPA), the majority of the accidents in civil
Installation project, currently being undertaken
construction involve the upper limbs. “We saw
by Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial in
an increase in the number of accidents involving
Pernambuco, promoted the fourth edition of
Members’ hands, and that’s why we decided to
the Internal Work Accident Prevention Week
address the topic,” explained Pellegrino during
(SIPAT). Under the theme “Hands that Build,” the
the opening of the SIPAT.
event gathered Members and workers from the
Participants listened to lectures and
partner companies Mills and Monsertec at the
participated in activities about protecting the
construction site auditoriums.
hands, health, ergonomics, defensive driving
According to Eduardo Pellegrino, President
and the reuse of wastes, among other topics.
of the Internal Accident Prevention Commission
Member participates in activities during the fourth edition of the SIPAT at the PTA POY PET Installation project
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
> fast notes
AFEq Includes Environment in its SIPAT
Members from AFEq gathered for the first edition of SIPATMA in Guarulhos
From November 21-25, the Functional Equipment Control (AFEq) area held its
de Oliveira, the professional responsible for
first edition of the Internal Work Accident
Workplace Safety and Environment.
Prevention and Environment Week (SIPATMA) in Guarulhos, São Paulo. The Members listened to lectures,
topic of Environment,” said Éverton Pereira
According to Geraldo Almeida, Administrative and Financial Manager at AFEq, the SIPAT should not be completed
watched plays and participated in activities
only to comply with the law. “In addition to
that reinforced the importance of accident
focusing on Health and Safety, the SIPATMA
prevention and discussed occupational
promoted quality of life and healthy habits for
diseases and environmental conservation.
Members and their families and disseminated
“During previous years, we simply completed
the issue of sustainability and respect for
the SIPAT, focused on Workplace Safety, and
the environment among the workers,” said
this year, we innovated and included the
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011
Fonte Nova Arena Elects CIPA Members through Electronic Vote On November 22, Members
the sustainability of the
the alignment with the
from the Fonte Nova Arena
business, the perception of
consortium’s guidelines as to
project, currently being
the category trade union
the freedom of association
completed by Odebrecht
inspectors in terms of the
and right to collective and
Infraestrutura and OAS,
transparency and trust in
democratic negotiation,” said
elected the members of the
the election process and
2011/2012 Internal Accident Prevention Commission (CIPA) management through electronic vote. In order to complete the election process, the consortium established a partnership with the Bahia Regional Election Court (TRE - BA), which granted three electronic urns and assisted with the calculation of the votes. The result was announced on the same day as the voting: of the 33 candidates and members of the CIPA, eight were elected with the majority of the votes. According to Rildo Gomes, Health, Workplace Safety and Environment Manager, the partnership brought the consortium the precision and speed of an IT system. “This helped improve
In the electronic ballot box, member of the Fonte Nova Arena project chooses the members of CIPA
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 272 / december 2011