no. nยบ273260/
/ junho 2012 2011 january
From One Side of the Andes Mountain Range to Another - through a Tunnel Special: 2011 Annual Meeting / no. 273 / january 2012
4 the past and future reunited in the present
no. nº nº 273260 260 /
2012 // january junho junho 2011 2011
22 from one side of the andes
mountain range to another through a tunnel
At Odebrecht, December is the period for evaluating the results achieved, integrating professionals and establishing new challenges. Learn more about the 2011 annual meetings of the Organization’s companies.
The Trasvase Olmos Concessionaire completed the drilling work for the Transandino Tunnel, part of the Olmos Hydroenergy and Irrigation Project in Peru.
26 eth: heading toward sector leadership
Located in the municipality of Perolândia in Goiás, the Água Emendada Unit is the newest ETH Bioenergia plant, inaugurated on December 16, 2011.
30 new grandstands for brazilian fans
The four stadiums built by Odebrecht Infraestrutura for the 2014 World Cup have begun an important phase: the installation of the grandstands.
Next Edition: january 24, 2012.
34 creer arrives to argentinean lands
Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial has launched the “Aspire” Program, called Creer in the country, at the Colorado River Potassium Project, located in the city of Malargüe in the Province of Mendoza, Argentina.
38 international visibility
The Prime Minister of France, François Fillon, visited the construction work for the Shipyard and Naval Base that are part of the Submarine Development Program (PROSUB).
42 the positive evaluation of the norbe viii
The Odebrecht Oil and Gas NORBE VIII drill rig received a high level of recognition in the Petrobras Performance Assessment Bulletin.
> 44 Fast News
editorial staff Odebrecht News is an internal newsletter published by the Odebrecht S.A. Business Communication Team Responsible Journalist: Fabiana Cabral Editorial Office: Avenida das Nações Unidas, 8.501, 32º andar, São Paulo Phone Number: (55 11) 3096-8171 Suggestions: Website: share this newsletter at your company or your project!
> 2011 annual meeting
The Past and Future Reunit At Odebrecht, the month of December is the period for evaluating the performances and results achieved during the year, integrating professionals and determining new challenges. It was no different in 2011. The states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Bahia served as the stages for the annual meetings of the Organization’s companies, which involved the participation of hundreds of leaders from December 5-19. OR Promotes Integration of Leaders
Paul Altit, Entrepreneurial Leader, opened
The Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias (OR) the meeting with the highlights from last year 2011 Annual Meeting was held on December
and the perspectives for 2012. An improvisation
5 and 6 and gathered 90 leaders at the Hotel
theater group “Playing in the Backyard” relaxed
Sheraton WTC in São Paulo. In addition to
those present with the Soccer theme. Soccer
the work meetings, the event also included
matches and a barbecue, together with
integration activities and casual moments at the
live music, closed the afternoon marked by
hotel itself and at the São Paulo Country Club.
OR gathered 90 leaders at its 2011 Annual Meeting
4 / no. 273 / january 2012
ted in the Present The following morning, five cases were presented: Jardins Mangueiral (Bairro Novo), LED
actions and achievements in 2011. During the afternoon period, Marcelo
(Central-Southern Regional), Legend (Central-
Odebrecht, Managing Director of Odebrecht
South Regional), the Promovalor Partnership at
S.A., and Amaury Bier, President of Gávea
Paiva Reserve (Northern-Northeastern Regional)
Investimentos, served as the leaders for
and Rio Corporate (Rio de Janeiro Regional). Then,
“Interaction with Shareholders.” With a format
representatives from the Odebrecht Foundation
based on questions and answers without
talked about Tribute to the Future, encouraging
pre-defined topics, representatives of the
Members’ participation. Luciano Guidolin,
shareholders commented on different topics,
Responsible for Entrepreneurship-Finances
from the current moment experienced
Support at Odebrecht S.A., closed the morning
by the Brazilian real estate market to the
work by providing an overview of the entire
global economic crisis, on to business
Organization, with the balance of the companies’
opportunities for OR and the need to train new entrepreneurs. Amaury Bier highlighted the Organization’s reputation as one of the reasons leading Gávea to invest in OR and emphasized the decentralized model and transversality between businesses as highlights. Marcelo Odebrecht classified OR as an example of internal discipline. “It is a company that was able to grow organically, always integrating youth and mature professionals from the market with Odebrecht’s experienced professionals,” he said. During the last presentation, Marcelo Neves, the professional responsible for Finances and IT, detailed the financial results and provided a
Paul Altit revealed the main results for the period and the challenges for the year ahead
comparison between the company and other major players in the real estate market. At the end, the leaders got a first-hand look at the OR institutional catalog. The evening was marked / no. 273 / january 2012
> 2011 annual meeting by networking between participants and their spouses to the sounds of the band Ambervision. Focus of ETH is Small Company Spirit The city of Guarujá, located on São Paulo’s Southern coast, was the site chosen by ETH Bioenergia for its 2011 Annual Meeting, which gathered 93 Members on December 9 and 10. After the reception, participants interacted with the representatives from the company’s minority shareholders, such as Tarpon and Sojitz, and José Carlos Grubisich, Entrepreneurial Leader, during a talk show led by Genésio Couto, Responsible for People and Sustainability. On the second day, André Amaro, Responsible for Entrepreneurship Support - Planning and Development at Odebrecht S.A., discussed the
The participants of the Spouses’ Meeting took part in integration activities
Organization’s growth, the achievements of the past year and the challenges for the 2012-2014 period. Luís Felli, the professional responsible for Agroindustrial Operations at ETH, presented the results from the 2011/2012 harvest and reinforced the Small Company concept. Currently, the nine company units are organized into five production centers (São Paulo, Goiás, Mato Grosso do Sul, Rio Taquari and Araguaia) and the five Managing Directors were responsible for indicating the upcoming operation challenges related to the production of ethanol, electric energy and sugar. Presentations on topics such as Health, Safety and Environment and the challenges of training, qualification and development teams were discussed among the participants. José
6 / no. 273 / january 2012
José Carlos Grubisich closed the ETH meeting by presenting his 2012 Action Program (AP)
Carlos Grubisich closed the meeting with the presentation of his Action Program (AP) and his team. During the event, the spouses and husbands of the Members took part in the Spouses’ Meeting, which included activities and a lecture by Professor Mario Sergio Cortella. The ETH Annual Meeting had its greenhouse gas emissions compensated through the planting of 46 native Atlantic Forest trees. People and TEO Are Main Topics for OOG “The confidence in the Human Being’s potential and his/her capacity to develop.” This value, present in the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO), illustrates the base of the planned delegation process and the relationship of trust between the Leader and Led. These were the topics that governed the Odebrecht Oil and Gas (OOG) 2011 Annual Meeting, held in two phases: on December 12 at the Hotel Windsor Atlântica, and on December 14 and 15 at the Hotel Caminho Real in Rio de Janeiro. The first meeting involved the presence of the OOG Board of Directors’ members, Roberto Ramos, and those directly under him, as well as the representatives of the company’s partners Matheus Villares, from Temasek Holdings, and Luiz Fraga, from Gávea Investimentos. Also participating were Luciano Guidolin, André Amaro and Márcio Polidoro, the professional / no. 273 / january 2012
> 2011 annual meeting responsible for Communication at the
“I always try to pass on to those I lead a little
Engineering and Construction Operations.
more about the principles, concepts and
During the afternoon period, the participants interacted with Marcelo
which we live,” said Ramos.
Odebrecht, who answered the leaders’
As for the challenges of 2012, he
questions. The lecture “The Evolution of
emphasized that the year will involve
Organizations,” given by professor and
consolidating the OOG operations, with the
consultant Marco Aurélio Vianna, closed the
start of operation of four new drilling rigs
and the construction of pipe laying support
During the second phase of the meeting,
vessels (PLSVs) – in partnership with the French
Jorge Mitidieri, Managing Director of the
company Technip – as well as the arrival of the
Business Units and Integrated Services, and
company’s first production ship to Brazil - the
Herculano Barbosa, Managing Director of
FPSO Cidade de Itajaí.
Drilling, presented the achievements for
For Roberto Ramos, one of the objectives
2011 and the perspectives for this year. The
of the Annual Meeting was to intensify the
participants also took part in integration
leaders’ commitment and extract contributions
activities and a networking cocktail party.
for the company’s growth strategy. “We
During the meeting, Roberto Ramos
identified new ideas and actions in the group
emphasized the importance of trust in the
dynamics we did, which will be implemented
relationship between the Leader and the Led,
in 2012 with aims of ensuring OOG’s
considered crucial for the delegation process.
perpetuity,” said Ramos.
The OOG Members took part in group dynamics to elaborate proposals designed to contribute toward the company’s growth
criteria of the TEO, applied to the reality in / no. 273 / january 2012
Construction companies, from Odebrecht Administradora e Corretora de Seguros (OCS) and from Odebrecht S.A. During the opening for the event, Luciano Guidolin presented the Organization’s consolidated results and Marcelo Odebrecht spoke about the main challenges. The first night also included the traditional delivery of the Braskem Destaque Award, which completed five years with four winning groups. On the following day, the participants listened to presentations by Carlos Fadigas, Entrepreneurial Leader at Braskem, and by the Business Units (BUs). Each BU shared the results from the past year and the challenges
Roberto Ramos considers 2012 to be the period for consolidating OOG’s operations
for 2012, highlighting the importance of the actions focused on the 2020 Vision, which is “to be the global leader in sustainable chemistry, innovating to better serve people.”
Braskem Reinforces Partnership between its Leaders Held on December 14, 15 and 16 at the Bahia
With the highlights in 2011, Carlos Fadigas cited the acquisition of the Dow Chemical PP assets, in the United States and Germany,
beach of Praia do Forte, the Braskem 2011
the progress of the COMPERJ project in Rio
Annual Meeting gathered Members to analyze
de Janeiro, and the Ethylene XXI Project
achievements and challenges seen during the
in Mexico, as well as the beginning of the
year, share knowledge and reach an alignment
construction work for the Butadiene Plant
as to the company’s next steps. The meeting
in Rio Grande do Sul and the PVC Plant
also reinforced the partnership between the
in Alagoas. For 2012, he presented the
leaders and recognized the work, dedication and
priorities and focuses of his AP, as well as the
commitment of each one.
company’s areas of growth related to the
In addition to the leaders who work in Brazil, the United States, Mexico and Germany, there
2020 Vision. In order to enrich the meeting, Braskem
was also the participation of their wives and guest
invited leaders from other Odebrecht
Members from the Organization’s Engineering and
Organization businesses. Paulo Lacerda, / no. 273 / january 2012
> 2011 annual meeting
Wellington Nogueira, from the group “Doctors of Joy,” was one of the speakers at the Braskem Annual Meeting
the Vice President of Engineering and Construction Operations, discussed the scenario of the companies and current developments, promoting synergy between the different businesses. During the closure of the event, which involved the presence of the participants’ spouses, everyone listened to a speech by Wellington Nogueira, founder of the group “Doctors of Joy,” under the theme “A Joyful Experience Amidst Adversity.”
Carlos Fadigas addressed the leader’s importance for the success of the company and its business
10 / no. 273 / january 2012
The last day of the Annual Meeting was marked by the integration between people. “We paid tribute to the families, who also support
Members of Foz do Brasil take part in a group dynamics exercise with geometric shapes, promoted by architect Roberto Pompéia
the leaders as they head the businesses,”
On the first day, the leaders shared a balance
said Camila Dantas, from the People and
of their activities and the focuses for 2012.
Organization area at Braskem. There was
Representing Odebrecht S.A., Luciano Guidolin
also the presentation of videos featuring the
presented the Organization’s Businesses.
children of the Members, those honoring the leaders and also about the company.
Marcelo Odebrecht opened the work the next day by answering participants’ questions and also highlighted the challenges the Odebrecht
Foz do Brasil Closes the Year in Bahia Over 100 people, including Members and
Organization faces for the upcoming years. The day was also marked by group dynamics coordinated by consultant Moisés Swirski together
guests, took part in the third Foz do Brasil
with the participation of urbanist architect Roberto
Annual Meeting, held on December 15 and
Pompéia, who promoted an interesting reflection
16 at the Odebrecht head office in Salvador.
using geometric shapes. “Similarly to previous years,
In addition to the dynamic organization
the playful attitude and creativity of our Members
of the Entrepreneurial Leader, Fernando
stood out,” said Renata Mendonça, the professional
Santos-Reis, Regional and Industrial Directors,
responsible for People and Organization at Foz do
Support Teams, Operations Directors,
Brasil and the one who organized the event.
Members of the Entrepreneur Development
The activities were closed with a presentation
Program - PDE 2011, Board Members and
by Fernando Santos-Reis, who spoke about the
guests were also present.
company’s advancement from a business and / no. 273 / january 2012
> 2011 annual meeting and Construction companies and guests from Braskem, OR, ETH and OOG took part in the 2011 Annual E&C Meeting on December 16 and 17. Márcio Polidoro and Paulo Lacerda were responsible for opening the event. On the first day, the companies presented the highlights from the Entrepreneurial Leaders (ELs) in 2011 in terms of the progress of the four macro-strategies for achieving the 2020 Vision – Maximizing the Potential of the Organization’s Concept, Guaranteeing the Guidelines for Growth, Reinforcing and Supporting the Leader in his or her Role as Educator and Adding
Fernando Santos-Reis highlighted the advances of the company and People Development area in 2011
Efficiency and Sustainability to our Effectiveness Agenda. Benedicto Júnior, Entrepreneurial Leader at Odebrecht Infraestrutura, pointed out that
people development perspective in 2011,
25% of the company’s contracts are developed in
indicating the focuses for the upcoming years. A
partnership with other Organization businesses.
dinner at the restaurant Amado marked the end
Fábio Gandolfo, Managing Director of PROSUB-
of the year at Foz do Brasil.
EBN, presented the project undertaken in Rio de
For Renata Mendonça, the Annual Meeting
Janeiro, one of the examples of transversality.
reflected the growth and consolidation of the
“The client’s dream is the soul of the program,
Organization’s environmental engineering
since there are only five countries with the
company. “Our major challenge, besides
technology for nuclear-propelled submarines,” he
marking the closing of a year full of challenges
said. “Brazil will be the sixth.”
and achievements, is also to integrate
Representing Odebrecht Energia, Henrique
people coming from other companies of the
Valladares, Entrepreneurial Leader, cited the
Organization and the market,” he said.
creation of the new company, which already has more than 1,400 MW of installed energy,
Productivity and Synergy are
and the search for sustainable developments.
Highlights for Engineering and
Gabriel Ybarra, the professional responsible for
Business Development, presented the Chaglla
At Sauípe Coast, in Bahia, over 500 Members from six of the Organization’s Engineering
12 / no. 273 / january 2012
Hydroelectric Power Plant project in Peru as a model of synergy between the company and
Odebrecht América Latina e Angola, through
Mozambique, was the highlight for Odebrecht
Odebrecht Peru.
International during the presentation by Luiz
Growth, internationalization, diversification of
Rocha, Entrepreneurial Leader, and Paulo Brito,
its segment of operation and the qualification of
Contract Director. “The plant we are building
results were the points addressed by Márcio Faria,
for Vale will be one of the largest for coal
Entrepreneurial Leader at Odebrecht Engenharia
processing worldwide and the first greenfield
Industrial. Saulo Vinicius, Managing Director for
project developed in Africa,” explained Paulo
Northern/Northeastern/Central-Western Brazil and
Petrochemicals, indicated productivity as one of the main challenges to be overcome by 2020. The Moatize Coal Project, located in
Euzenando Azevedo, Entrepreneurial Leader at Odebrecht Venezuela, mentioned the fulfillment of the production AP, ensuring
“There is no Organization that is able to unite the past and the future in the present like we do,” said Marcelo Odebrecht / no. 273 / january 2012
> 2011 annual meeting the company’s profitability and the synergy
2011 and commented on the challenges ahead
with Braskem, OOG and Odebrecht Engenharia
for 2012.
Industrial as contributions toward the 2020
Benedicto Júnior explained that
Vision. Marcelo Colavolpe, the professional
strengthening Odebrecht Infraestrutura’s
responsible for the Los Teques Subway, spoke
image as the main player in the 2014 World
about Odebrecht’s increased operations in the
Cup program and the expansion of its presence
sector: “The project became the Altos Mirandinos
in São Paulo are the main plans for the new
Mass Transportation System, in which we will be
year. The Entrepreneurial Leader also cited
responsible for the civil construction work and
strengthening the Odebrecht TransPort brand in
for the equipment and systems.”
the sector as a goal.
The transversality with Odebrecht Energia,
The focuses of Odebrecht Energia,
Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial, ETH and
according to Henrique Valladares, include
Braskem was the theme of the presentation
the development of alternative sources, the
by Luiz Mameri, Entrepreneurial Leader at
integration of the biomass generation assets
Odebrecht América Latina e Angola. “It is
with ETH, the winning of new projects in Peru,
important to seek integrated solutions for
as well as the generation of energy by 14
clients,” he said. Jorge Barata, Managing Director
turbines at the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric
of Odebrecht Peru, reinforced the importance of
Power Plant in Rondônia.
diversification. “Diversification drives the natural search for transversality and growth,” he said. Then, Sérgio Leão, the professional
According to Márcio Faria, the creation of unique opportunities, the consolidation of its operations abroad, the stabilization of
responsible for Sustainability in the Engineering
Odebrecht Defesa e Tecnologia in Brazil and the
and Construction Operations, provided a
development of the ethanol market are some of
balance of the PreVer (“Prevent”) Program and reinforced the need to expand and apply the initiative at all projects. “PreVer must be added to our routine and our Workplace Safety management structure must mirror our growth,” he said. The first meeting was closed with a cocktail party at the Hotel Sauípe Park. The Priorities for the New Year On the second day of the meeting, the LEs showed their main results and achievements in
14 / no. 273 / january 2012
“Our dream is the sum of the dreams of the people with whom we relate,” said Benedicto Júnior
the goals for Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial. “For the first time, we will promote synergy with Foz do Brasil in the United States and with ETH in Africa,” said Luiz Rocha when he presented the Odebrecht International priorities for 2012. Among other challenges, he also cited the strengthening and consolidation of the company in those countries in which it operates, the achievement of a qualified backlog and the development of new projects in the United States, Libya, GuineaConakry and Mozambique. Euzenando Azevedo indicated the progress
“Odebrecht Energia’s participation in the last hydroelectric auctions in Brazil was 6,127 MW. Our goal is to maintain this figure,” said Henrique Valladares Jayme Fonseca, the professional responsible
of the projects undertaken in the country as
for Engineering and Construction Finances,
Odebrecht Venezuela’s main focus this year. The
and Carlos Fadigas, Entrepreneurial Leader at
mobilization for the Negale Bridge, inauguration
Braskem, were the next to give presentations.
of the Mariche Metrocable Express System, the
According to Jayme Fonseca, the 2011 results
first Los Teques Subway station and the three first
should be the best of the past 10 years. “We
Cable Train stations and the start of the generation
delivered results despite the challenges,” said
of energy at the Tocoma HPP are also included as
Fonseca. “For the upcoming period, we plan
to see growing revenues and results,” he said.
According to Luiz Mameri, the challenges
Carlos Fadigas revealed the highlights of the
faced by Odebrecht América Latina e Angola
past year, plans for the current one and closed
include increasing the net productivity margin
his presentation with the following message:
and backlog in the countries, investing in the transportation and logistics sectors, promoting export credit and starting up the operation in other Caribbean countries. The ELs also indicated the following as priorities for 2012: training of people, strengthening of the teams’ competencies, retention of young talents, reinforcement of the leader-educator’s role, improved synergy between the Organization’s companies, boosted productivity, improved Workplace Safety practices and promotion of project sustainability.
“The challenge of 2012 is very big, but it’s already been identified. The trend is to resume investments and boost results,” said Luiz Rocha / no. 273 / january 2012
> 2011 annual meeting “We must innovate to better serve people.” During his presentation, Marcelo Odebrecht answered participants’ questions and left messages for those present. The Organization’s Managing Director summarized the challenges for the next period in the consolidation of what has already been accomplished. “One of the main
“The sustainability of our projects will be based on the “Aspire,” Recycle and Include programs,” cited Márcio Faria
focuses for 2012 is to boost productivity,” he said. “The merit is when we know our strengths and weaknesses,” he said. “The challenge is the performance and practice of Presence Pedagogy.” Marcelo Odebrecht reminded those present that the responsibility to train and qualify Members belongs to the leaders. “This is a personal task, primarily during this moment of growth,” he said. When he was questioned about the most important
“We will continue by providing political and strategic support to Braskem, OOG and Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial,” said Euzenando Azevedo
event in 2011, he responded: “The most important thing in our life is people. During the year, our joy resulted from people and the achievements of people.” During the event, the winners of the 2011 Destaque Award, which celebrated the 20 years of the award, were honored. Projects from Peru, Venezuela, Brazil, Liberia and Angola earned first place in the categories Innovation, Young Partner, Environment, Community Relations, Utilization of the Knowledge and Workplace Health and Safety.
“Intensifying the Members’ participation in the Knowledgeable Communities and transversality are crucial this year,” said Luiz Mameri
16 / no. 273 / january 2012
The Spouses’ Meeting, integration and sports activities on the beach and a dance-filled dinner completed the meeting programming.
Caring for the Organization’s
Benedicto Junior, Márcio Faria and Henrique
Involving the participation of 210 Odebrecht
After lunch, Marcelo Odebrecht provided a
Leaders, Odebrecht S.A. held its 2011 Annual
balance of the set of businesses, emphasizing,
Meeting at the Organization’s head office in
among other aspects, the importance of
Salvador on December 19. During the day, there
integrating people with the Organization’s
was the presentation of the main results from
culture, the need for the permanent quest for
the past year and what is being planned for the
improved productivity, the role of synergies
2012-2014 period.
and image and the focus on qualified growth.
During the morning period, there were
“Over recent years, we have consolidated the
presentations by Maurício Medeiros, the
trust of clients and shareholders, and over the
Executive President of the Odebrecht
upcoming years, we will continue to dream
Foundation, as well as the Entrepreneurial
our clients’ dreams even bigger, always using
Leaders Carlos Fadigas, José Carlos Grubisich,
as a reference the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial
Fernando Santos-Reis, Roberto Ramos, Paul Altit,
Technology, the base that never changes,” he
Euzenando Azevedo, Luiz Rocha, Luiz Mameri,
Maurício Medeiros discussed the details of the Odebrecht Foundation projects / no. 273 / january 2012
> 2011 annual meeting After that, founder Norberto Odebrecht
Emílio Odebrecht, Chair of the Odebrecht S.A.
transmitted his annual message, emphasizing
Board of Directors, who invited all leaders to
the importance of Participative Governance.
“care for our culture,” which includes among
Piero Marianetti spoke on behalf of the Advisory
its basic foundations the practice of trust and
Board and each one of the members of the
Odebrecht S.A. Board of Directors commented on the day’s presentations. The meeting was closed with a message by
Also participating in the meeting were other shareholders and members of different generations of the Odebrecht family.
Marcelo Odebrecht emphasized the importance of integrating people with the Organization’s culture, the permanent quest for improved productivity, the role of synergies and image and the focus on qualified growth
18 / no. 273 / january 2012
In his annual message, Norberto Odebrecht emphasized the importance of Participative Governance
EmĂlio Odebrecht invited leaders to care for the Organization’s culture, practicing trust and loyalty / no. 273 / january 2012
> 2011 annual meeting
Foz do Brasil
2011 Destaque Award
20 / no. 273 / january 2012
Engineering and Construction
Odebrecht Realizações
The Engineering and Construction Spouses’ Meeting
Odebrecht S.A. / no. 273 / january 2012
> Peru
From One Side of the Andes Mountain Range to Another - through a Tunnel
In Lambayeque in Northern
Hydroenergy Project, which
Peru, Odebrecht Peru is
will carry water from the
working through the Trasvase
Huancabamba River to the
Olmos Concessionaire to help
desert region of the Olmos
construct the Olmos Irrigation
Valley, passing through the / no. 273 / january 2012
The project will allow for the transfer of 400 million m3 of water per year from the Huancabamba River to irrigate more than 43,500 hectares of lands in the Olmos Valley
Andes Mountain range from the Atlantic to Pacific slopes.
been concluded. On December 20, 2011, the
The project consists of the
concessionaire completed
Transandino Tunnel and Lim贸n
the digging work for the
Dam, which have already
Transandino Tunnel, which / no. 273 / january 2012
> Peru
Members celebrate the TBM’s arrival to the final point of the Transandino Tunnel
extends 20 km and has a
project, not only due to the
company that invests in the
diameter of 5.3 meters. Its
challenge of opening a tunnel
development of infrastructure
construction represents one
through the mountain range
in the country,” explained Juan
of the world’s most complex
with adverse geological and
Andrés Marsano, Investment
engineering projects currently
geotechnical conditions,
Director at Odebrecht.
being completed, since the
but also due to the public
tunnel’s depth reaches 2,000
and private association
the conclusion of the
meters below the mountain
between Peru, represented
drilling work was held
by the Regional Government
inside the tunnel, 6 km from
of Lambayeque, and a
the entry, and included
“It is an emblematic
24 / no. 273 / january 2012
The ceremony marking
Members of Odebrecht Peru.
dedication of the Members,”
The participants watched the
said Jorge Barata, Managing
arrival of the Tunnel Boring
Director of Odebrecht Peru.
Machine (TBM) to the site,
Considered a model of
when the equipment drilled
innovation and business
the last meter of the tunnel.
creativity, the project will
“The result was
directly benefit more than
achieved thanks to the
100,000 Peruvians and
participation of the
will generate more than 1
Peruvian government, the
million direct and indirect
incentive provided by the
job opportunities. “The
Regional Government of
construction project marks a
Lambayeque and the Olmos
new economic course for the
Tinajones Special Project as
region of Lambayeque and
the supervising entity, and
for Northern Peru,” said Jorge
due to the commitment and
the participation of the President of Peru, Ollanta Humala Tasso, the Minister of the Economy, Miguel Castilla, Housing Minister, René Cornejo, Agriculture Minister, Luis Gionocchio, Governor of Lambayeque, Humberto Acuña, Mayor of Olmos, Willy Serrato, and
From left to right: Humberto Acuña, Ollanta Humala Tasso and Jorge Barata during the conclusion ceremony for the drilling work / no. 273 / january 2012
> ethanol and sugar
ETH: Heading Toward Sec
26 / no. 273 / january 2012
ctor Leadership
The Ă gua Emendada Unit in GoiĂĄs is the ninth ETH Bioenergia unit and has the installed capacity to process 3.8 million tons of sugarcane per harvest / no. 273 / january 2012
> ethanol and sugar Located in the municipality of Perolândia, in Goiás, the Água Emendada Unit is the newest ETH Bioenergia plant, inaugurated on December 16, 2011. This is the company’s third bioenergy unit in the state of Goiás and the second to begin operating last year. The ninth unit received investments of R$ 1 billion in the agricultural and industrial areas and has an installed capacity for processing 3.8 million tons of sugarcane per harvest and producing 360 million liters of ethanol and 380 GWh of electric energy. With the generation of 1,500 new direct job opportunities and 3,000 indirect ones, the agricultural operations are 100% mechanized. The launch of the unit marks the conclusion of the company’s first investment cycle, begun in 2007 and involving R$ 8 billion. “ETH is the leader in bioenergy production
in the country and the start
said José Carlos Grubisich,
development and growth of
of activities of yet another
Entrepreneurial Leader. “By
Brazil,” he said.
unit represents an important
putting this new project into
ETH is the company that
step forward in our strategy
practice, we demonstrate our
most invested in the sector last
for growth and reflects our
teams’ capacity for achievement
year and is responsible for 60%
trust in the bioenergy sector,
and our commitment to the
of the growth in the country’s / no. 273 / january 2012
JosĂŠ Carlos Grubisich and ETH Members participate in the inauguration ceremony for the ninth unit
production capacity during the 2011/12 harvest. Over a
hectares per year. The company’s next harvest,
This year, ETH will begin the internationalization process
four-year period, the company
2012/2013, will have nine units
for the production of ethanol,
planted more than 350,000
operating and an installed
electric energy and sugar in
hectares of its own sugarcane,
milling capacity of more than
regions such as Africa and Latin
representing some 100,000
35 million tons of sugarcane.
America. / no. 273 / january 2012
> 2014 world cup
New Grandstands for Brazil
The construction work for the site to the opening of the World Cup, the Corinthians Stadium, is already 23% completed
Brazil is increasingly closer
after the beginning of the
manufactured inside the
to the 2014 World Cup. Last
Petrobras pipe placement, the
construction site itself. A total
December, the four stadiums
future Corinthians Stadium
of 2,450 of the 3,200 stakes
constructed by Odebrecht
installed the first rows of
have already been driven in,
Infraestrutura – Corinthians in
lower grandstands for the East
470 of the arena’s foundation
São Paulo, Fonte Nova Arena in
building, the sector where the
concrete blocks created and
Salvador, Pernambuco Arena
construction is the furthest
32 “Jacaré” beams installed,
in São Lourenço da Mata, and
along. The construction work
designed to provide support
Maracanã in Rio de Janeiro
for the site to the opening of
for the East grandstand.
– began an important phase
the World Cup is already 23%
More than 950 direct job
for the event and primarily
opportunities created were
for fans: the installation of the grandstands. In the São Paulo capital,
The grandstand beams are made from concrete parts that are pre-cast and / no. 273 / january 2012
generated as part of the project. At the Fonte Nova
lian Fans Arena in the Bahia capital,
Members working to rebuild
the construction work
the stadium. The new
was 41% completed at
arena should be ready by
finalized, with 95% of the
the end of December after
December 2012 for the 2013
work completed and 32% of
the installation of the first
Confederations Cup.
the structure erected. Over
grandstand rows. The first “Jacaré” beams
November 2012. The foundations are nearly
The Pernambuco Arena,
2,000 Members currently
built in the Metropolitan
work on the project, whose
were also placed, designed
Region of Recife, is also
construction peak, estimated
to provide supporting for
earning shape. With a pre-cast
for March of this year, should
the seats. In all, 45,000 m³
structure that is assembled at
gather 2,500 workers.
of concrete will be used,
the site itself, the multi-use
14,000 m³ in pre-cast parts
arena made advancements
last match and closing event
and 31,000 m³ in parts cast
in the installation of the first
for the World Cup, which is
at the construction site.
grandstands. This phase
Maracanã Stadium in Rio de
There are currently 2,100
should be completed by
Janeiro, the first parts of the
At the site designed for the
There are currently 2,100 Members working to build the Fonte Nova Arena / no. 273 / january 2012
> 2014 world cup new grandstand have already been placed in the structure known as the buttress, located 14 meters from the field sideline. In all, 2,748 parts will be installed in the metal and concrete structures that will be erected to meet the FIFA recommendations. In order to provide the support necessary for the grandstand assembly, four cranes will be installed to fit these parts into the new structures. This phase of the project should be completed in September 2012, before the start of the hoisting operation for the new roof.
At the Pernambuco Arena, the work for the foundations is 95% completed and 32% of the structure has been executed
Fonte Nova Arena now has a website The Fonte Nova Arena project website is now online. The user can find information about the project, testimonials by Members, former soccer players and residents of the nearby communities, photo and video galleries, as well as a clock marking the countdown until the 2014 World Cup. Access the website and learn more:
32 / no. 273 / january 2012
Corinthians Launch Bate-Bola Radio Program with TEO One of the internal media used at the Corinthians Stadium is the construction project’s radio show, focused on topics related to the Organization’s culture and topics such as Safety, Environment, Health and Behavior. Speakers were distributed throughout strategic points of the construction site so that the Members – the radio show’s target public – can have easy access to the information. The workers can also hear the programming on the construction site computers. One of the programs is called Bate-Bola (“Dribble”) with TEO, whose episodes narrate passages of the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology. In one of the editions, the narrator simulates an interview with the Organization’s founder, Norberto Odebrecht. Click here to hear one of the editions of the program (in Portuguese).
At Maracanã, the grandstand installation should be completed in September 2012 / no. 273 / january 2012
> people development
The launch of Creer was held at one of the Basic Module classrooms
Creer Arrives to Argentine participants of the Continued
Industrial at the Colorado
residents from the Province
Professional Qualification
River Potassium Project,
of Mendoza, in Argentina,
Program - “Aspire,” called
located in the city of Malargüe.
headed back to the classroom.
Creer in the country, launched
The students are the first
by Odebrecht Engenharia
On December 12, 264
34 / no. 273 / january 2012
The objective is to provide labor for the development,
an Lands currently being undertaken in
of a plant designed to extract
December 5, 2011, and included
partnership with Techint for
4.3 million tons of potassium
the presence of Odebrecht
Vale. The companies are part of
per year.
leaders and Members in the
the RĂo Colorado Consortium, responsible for the construction
The program launch ceremony was held on
country, representatives from Vale, the municipal government / no. 273 / january 2012
> people development and province government, members of partner entities and the community. In Argentina, the Basic Module of Creer includes the new “World of Work” workshop, created in partnership with the Malargüe Employability School. “We asked the institution to adapt and create an exclusive chapter for our students,” explained Diego Pugliesso, the professional responsible for Odebrecht’s AdministrativeFinancial Program (RPAF) in the country. The workshop is focused on identifying the professional and personal values of each participant, recognizing the importance of groups of reference, such as family, and on raising awareness as to the proper use of money, with practical activities designed for students to learn to plan and use their finances. At the end of the chapter, all participants receive their CVs ready for future selection
simultaneously at three head
the project. Over 500 people
processes at the company’s
offices, in the cities of Luján de
have already signed up for the
Cuyo and Guaymallén, located
first stage.
In the Province of Mendoza, the program will run
600 km from the project, and in
The technical courses
Malargüe, located 275 km from
offered include for the job / no. 273 / january 2012
The first selected individuals were divided into 12 groups of 22 students and completed the Basic Module from December 12-17, 2011
functions of Electrician,
Assembler, Welder, TIG Welder,
the three program head offices
Industrial Painter, Crane
Truck Operator and Piping
by the end of this month. It is
Operator, Edger, Assembler,
estimated that 2,000 residents
Mechanical and Boiler Assembler, Metallic Structure
The consortium expects to have 30 courses underway at
will be trained through Creer in 13 months. / no. 273 / january 2012
> submarines
International Visibility On December 17, the Prime Minister of France, François Fillon, visited the construction work for the Naval Shipyard and Base designed for the Brazilian Navy, representing the structurization phase for the Submarine Development Program (PROSUB), made possible through a technology transfer agreement between France and Brazil. The development is being undertaken by Odebrecht Infraestrutura and Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial. During a diplomatic visit to Brazil, France’s head of government toured the construction work for the Metal Structure Manufacturing Unit (UFEM), site to the future assembly of the submarine sections and installations of the company Nuclebrás Equipamentos Pesados (Nuclep), the government industry responsible
38 / no. 273 / january 2012
The Prime Minister of France, François Fillon, and his group visit the PROSUB-EBN project, undertaken for the Brazilian Navy in Rio de Janeiro
Com o Sistema Ponto a Ponto, a tarifa paga pelo usuรกrio serรก proporcional ao trecho percorrido / no. 273 / january 2012
> submarines for manufacturing the
was accompanied by six
Coordinator of the Nuclear-
subsections and painting
French congress members
Propelled Submarine
the resistant hull of the
and senators, the Brazilian
Development Program,
submarines. François
Minister of Defense, Celso
Admiral JosĂŠ Alberto Accioly
Fillon also watched the
Amorim, the General
Fragelli, the President of
institutional video about
Commander of the Navy,
DCNS Brasil, Eric Berchelot,
Admiral Julio Soares de
the Managing Director
Moura Neto, the General
of Odebrecht Defesa e
The Prime Minister
40 / no. 273 / january 2012
Tecnologia, Roberto Simões,
strengthen its Defense area.
and the Managing Director of In 2008, the two countries
submarine and its first
Prosub-EBN, Fábio Gandolfo.
signed a cooperation
nuclear-propelled submarine,
and military technology
making it the sixth country
transfer agreement that
worldwide to develop such
will allow Brazil, among
France is Brazil’s strategic partner in the program to
other advancements, to produce four conventional
In addition to being faster and better equipped than the conventional submarines, the nuclear-propelled submarine can remain hidden for more time and patrol more extensive areas. For the development of PROSUB, the Brazilian Navy hired the French company DCNS (Direction des Constructions Navales et Services),
identified Odebrecht as the ideal partner in Brazil. Together, the companies formed a Specific Purpose Company called Itaguaí Construção Naval (ICN) to build and deliver the five submarines. Contributing toward the development of defense technology, Odebrecht will be able to participate in future opportunities in this The General Commander of the Navy, Admiral Julio Soares de Moura Neto, and the Minister of Defense, Celso Amorim, pay tribute to France’s head of government
segment, such as PROSUPER, the program designed to develop ships and frigates for the Brazilian Navy. / no. 273 / january 2012
> client satisfaction
The Positive Evaluation of the NORBE VIII
The Odebrecht Oil
associated with the period
with different subdivisions
of December 14-27 of last
and scores – that analyzes
drill rig received a high
the areas of equipment
level of recognition in the
Held twice a month, BAD
and materials, human
Petrobras Performance
is an evaluation system
resources, installations and
Assessment Bulletin (BAD)
with four groups – each one
effectiveness. “The system / no. 273 / january 2012
which indicates a high level of client satisfaction with the services provided. In the groups “equipment and materials” and “human resources,” the averages were 9.5 and 9.2, respectively. BAD also analyzed areas for improvement in each item, helping to optimize the rig’s operating processes. According to Pedro Mathias, when they begin to operate, the drilling rigs take some time to obtain high performance rates. “Because the NORBE VIII began operating in August 2011, reaching such a high result so early is really quite significant, even more so because we know that Petrobras is a rigorous client when it comes to evaluating The Norbe VIII operates in ultra-deep waters and has the capacity to drill in the pre-salt layer, operating in water depths of up to 3,000 meters
its suppliers,” he said. For Mathias, the results achieved by the team deserve recognition: “None of this would be possible
is a general and careful
of the OOG Drilling Business
without the dedication and
assessment by Petrobras
effort of the Members, who
related to the performance
consistently form a very well
The company earned
of its service providers’
scores higher than seven in
evaluation team, always
operations,” said Pedro
all of the analyzed categories
seeking to improve and
Mathias, Operations Director
and its final score was 8.8,
overcome difficulties.” / no. 273 / january 2012
> fast news
Odebrecht Places Eighth in 2011 Valor “Large Groups” Edition Last December, the newspaper Valor
earnings of nearly R$ 53.9 billion last year,
Econômico disclosed its “Large Groups” special
accounting for a 27.2% increase compared
edition, featuring the ranking of the 200
to 2009. Luciano Guidolin, the professional
largest organizations in the country last year.
responsible for Entrepreneurship-Finance
Odebrecht leapt from 12th to 8th place compared
Support at Odebrecht S.A., stated that the start
to the 2010 list.
of operation of the investments already made
Among the 20 largest in the Industry, the Organization earned 4th place with gross
and those for new projects should generate opportunities for growth in Brazil and abroad.
Braskem Wins 2011 FINEP Innovation Award Braskem won the 2011
evaluated received the Gold,
it faces the international
Innovative Study and
Silver and Bronze trophies.
economic crisis. “The
Project Finance (FINEP)
The winners received non-
current international
Award in the ‘Large
reimbursable funding that
scenario requires us to be
Company’ category as the
ranges from R$ 120,000 to
more competitive,” said
year’s most innovative
R$ 2 million, depending
President Rousseff. “The
company. The award
on the category. In all, the
markets of the developed
ceremony was held on
21 candidates awarded in
and emerging countries
December 15 at the Planalto
five regions of the country
have been reduced.” She
Palace in Brasília and
competed for the national
also stated: “The addition
involved the participation
of value will perhaps
of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff.
become one of the greatest
the award to Braskem,
instruments for the next
President Dilma Rousseff
decade and upcoming years.
‘Large Company’ category
stated that innovation
“There is no lack of political
were analyzed by a special
will become the antidote
will to invest in innovation.”
jury and the three top
for Brazilian industry as
The candidates in the
During the delivery of / no. 273 / january 2012
Odebrecht Among Best Places to Work in Argentina Odebrecht was elected the seventh best place to work in Argentina in 2011 in the category “From 251 to 1,000 Members” based
the engineering and construction sector to be included in the category. The results were obtained through a survey
on the ranking by the Great Place to Work
conducted among company professionals
Institute. The company moved up two positions
that individually and anonymously answered a
related to 2010 and was the only company in
questionnaire elaborated by the institute.
Diego Pugliesso, the professional responsible for the Administrative and Financial Program, and Flávio Faria, Managing Director of Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial in Argentina, celebrate the company’s achievement / no. 273 / january 2012
> fast news
Odebrecht Realizações Receives ADEMI Awards in Rio de Janeiro Odebrecht Realizações
Real Estate Market Company
operations in the state.
Imobiliárias (OR) was
Directors’ Association (ADEMI-
considered the Top Company
RJ) Distinction Award. The
Entrepreneurial Leader, and
of 2011 during the 12th
award honors the companies
Antônio Pessoa, OR Director
edition of the Rio de Janeiro
with the top projects and
for Rio de Janeiro, received
Paul Altit, OR
the honor during the award ceremony, held on December 12 in the Rio de Janeiro capital. OR also earned the Master Real Estate Award in the category of “Social Interest Housing Project - Range 1” with the Parque Valdariosa condominium project, built and designed in the municipality of Queimados Paul Altit and Antônio Pessoa receive the Master Real Estate Award for Best Company of the Year, granted by ADEMI-RJ
by Bairro Novo, the OR brand geared toward the low-cost segment. André Portela, the Director of Bairro Novo for Rio de Janeiro and Bahia, Max Lemos, Mayor of Queimados, and Carlos Radamesse, Manager of Bairro Novo, received the trophy.
Starting from the left: Carlos Radamesse, Rodrigo Wermelinger, from the Brazilian Federal Government bank Caixa Econômica Federal, Max Lemos and André Portella with the Social Interest Housing Project trophy
46 / no. 273 / january 2012
ETH Bioenergia Unit Earns BONSUCRO Certification The ETH Bioenergia Conquista do Pontal
simultaneous compliance with laws, respect
Unit, located in the state of São Paulo,
for human and labor rights, guaranteed
received the BONSUCRO international
production sustainability, the preservation
certification, which attests to sustainable
of biodiversity and ecosystem services, as
practices and allows for the export of
well as productivity and the continuous
sugarcane derivatives to European Union and
improvement of production processes.
Asian countries. The unit certified 1.9 million
The seal is valid in the 27 European Union
tons of sugarcane.
member countries, which must considerably
The BONSUCRO certification, formerly
increase their consumption of biofuels by
called the Better Sugarcane Initiative
2020, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and
(BSI), is the only one that requires the
the impact on climate change.
BID Group Visits Tocoma HPP Construction Work At the end of last year, the Environment
Environmental Specialist, and Alberto
Safeguard Unit of the Inter-American
Elizalde, Energy Specialist, classified the
Development Bank (IDB) visited the Manuel
progress of the Hydroelectric Facility
Piar Hydroelectric Project, developed by
construction work as “Satisfactory.”
Odebrecht Venezuela in Tocoma with
The project recorded progress of more
aims of examining the progress of the
than 60% according to Yvan Valverde, the
construction work and learning more about
Head of Civil Construction Supervision at
the development’s Environmental and Social
Sub Comisionaduría de Ingeniería y Proyectos
Management Plan (PMAS).
Oriente. The first generation unit is set to
After three days of inspections, BID representatives Juan Carlos Páez,
start operating during the last quarter of 2012. / no. 273 / january 2012
> fast news
COOPALM Celebrates Winning the 2011 ECO Award With a smile on his lips,
of our region.” With the
During the award
Raimundo dos Santos, a
award, COOPALM was
ceremony, Santos presented
member and President
recognized in the category
a heart of palm produced by
of the Bahia Southern
Sustainability Practices –
the members of COOPALM.
Lowlands’ Heart of Palm
Process Sustainability (small
“We received lots of praise
Producers’ Cooperative
and medium-sized).
and were sought out by
(COOPALM), stepped up to
The ceremony, held on
several executives who
the podium to receive the
December 2 last year in São
wanted to know more about
2011 ECO Award on behalf
Paulo, awarded projects
our work,” he said. The
of the cooperative. “This
divided into an additional
farmer concluded: “What
achievement is a source of
three categories: Strategy,
makes us stand out is that
pride for small producers,”
Leadership and Innovation
we bring the benefits of
he said. “This reinforces that
and Sustainability. Em 2011,
sustainability to the rural
we are on the right track,
108 projects were signed up
promoting the development
and 10 were awarded.
The ECO Award is an initiative of the São Paulo branch of the American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM). Launched in 1982, it recognizes institutions that adopt socially responsible practices, generating reflections on sustainable business development in Brazil. In 2008, the initiative became a joint initiative by AM-CHAM and the newspaper Valor Econômico.
Raimundo dos Santos, a member and President of COOPALM, received the ECO Award in the Sustainability Practices category
48 / no. 273 / january 2012
The first Santo Antônio generation unit will begin operating in January 2012
First Santo Antônio HPP Turbine in Final Testing Phase On December 15, 2011, the Santo Antônio
schedule. When fully operating at the start of
Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP), currently
2016, the plant will be able to generate enough
being constructed by Odebrecht Energia
energy to supply a city with 40 million people.
em Rondônia, began the tests for its first
The Santo Antônio HPP involved investments
generation unit, including the synchronization
of R$ 16 billion, R$ 1.4 billion of which is directed
of the equipment with Brazil’s National Energy
at social-environmental actions.
Connection System, scheduled for this month. The start of the energy generation will occur
Learn more about the project by watching the video.
approximately one year ahead of the original / no. 273 / january 2012
> fast news
Embraport Qualifies Over 600 People through Acreditar Program The Embraport
on December 19 at the
only four months of classes.
Project, currently being
Coliseu Theater. “We offer the
“Before, it was very hard
undertaken by Odebrecht
courses as an opportunity for
to find a job,” said Lima.
Infraestrutura in Santos,
qualification and entry into
“With this qualification, I
along the São Paulo coast,
the job market,” explained
will definitely be able to
trained 691 men and women
Henrique Marchesi, Contract
grow increasingly more
through the Continued
Director. “Our goal is to
professionally,” he said.
Professional Qualification
prioritize the contracting of
Program - Acreditar
local labor and many of the
Paulo Tavares Papa, spoke
(“Aspire”). The students
graduates are sent to work on
about the importance of the
received training in the
our construction projects,” he
partnership between the
positions of Production
municipality and Odebrecht:
Assistant, Assembler,
Many of the participants
The Mayor of Santos, João
“It is crucial for cities to be
Vibrator Operator, Bricklayer
find a chance for a new
able to count on companies
and Carpenter.
beginning in Acreditar,
of Odebrecht’s size, which
such as Cleuton de Souza
besides being modern,
Lima, who was hired after
also have a concern for
The ceremony to deliver the certifications took place
the community and invest where they plan to operate,” said Papa. In Santos, Acreditar is held in partnership with the Brazilian Ministry of Social Development and Hunger Alleviation and the Santos City Government through the “Santos New Times” Program. The Acreditar Program has already trained 691 Santos residents in different job functions
50 / no. 273 / january 2012
Odebrecht Energia Graduates first PDS Class The Supervisor Development Program (PDS),
already visible in the field and that is why we
undertaken by Odebrecht Energia at the
want you to transmit what you learned to those
Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP)
you lead, said Borgatti. “The training is constant,”
construction site, concluded the classes for its
he said. Leonardo Borgatti, Contract Director
first group with a graduation ceremony held on
of Civil Construction Projects, added: “The
December 8, 2011.
importance of this training is what you can leave
After eight months of course work, divided into different classes under the Basic, Behavioral and Instrumental modules for a total course
for the people with whom you relate, making the learning a faster process.” PDS promotes development through
load of 300 hours, the 20 participants, all
continued education and was designed
general construction supervisors, received their
based on the needs and interests detected
certifications of conclusion. Members of the civil
in the field. The initiative also promoted an
and assembly construction work and directors
exchange of experiences. “In addition to
from the Construtor Santo Antônio Consortium
adding scientific knowledge, we acquired
honored the graduates.
tools for understanding the work of others
Vitor Sayegh, Production Manager,
and contributing in some way,” said graduate
represented Miguel Figueiredo, Contract
Izaías Falchione, a technician specialized in
Director at Odebrecht Assembly, and
congratulated the participants. “The results are
At the Santo Antônio HPP, 20 general supervisors graduate from the first group of the Supervisor Development Program / no. 273 / january 2012
> fast news
“Live Happy” Begins Teaching New Young Apprentice Group
Youth from the Young Apprentice Program will be prepared for the job market
The “Live Happy” Project, undertaken by Odebrecht Infraestrutura in the
Industrial Learning Service (SENAI). The 43 contracted youth will be trained
municipality of Campos dos Goytacazes in
for the functions of Administrative
Rio de Janeiro, started teaching the second
Assistant and Machining Mechanic through
group of the Young Apprentice Program, held
theoretical courses lasting from January 8-12,
in partnership with the Brazilian National
administered by SENAI. / no. 273 / january 2012
Coral Expressway Project Delivers Literacy Course Certificates As part of its Social Responsibility Program, the Coral Expressway Project,
Building” to six Members of
and write. The program
the project last December.
lasts five months, with
The initiative,
four hours of class per
developed by Odebrecht
undertaken in partnership
week, and uses a teaching
América Latina e Angola
with Alfalit International,
method that combines the
in the Dominican Republic,
teaches adults who
visualization of common
delivered the certificates of
work on the project
images associated with
conclusion for the literacy
and residents of local
letters and symbols.
course “Educating is
communities to read
Juvenalito Gusmão, Contract Director, and Milagros de Bello, from Alfalit International, deliver the certificates / no. 273 / january 2012
> fast news
Knowledgeable Communities Meetings Close 2011 On November 21 and
other topics, occupational health
participants chose the new leader
22, 2011, the Sustainability
in the globalized world and at
for the Community, Daniel Netto,
Knowledgeable Community
sustainable companies, malaria
as well as the Best Practices
promoted the meeting of the
control, ergonomic analysis and
Occupational Health Theme
health campaigns. During the
Group in Guarulhos, S達o Paulo.
event, the Members elected the
to lectures about Waste
group multipliers.
Management, Sustainable
Under the leadership of S辿rgio Le達o, the professional responsible
On November 23 and 24,
The Members listened
Projects, Technological
for Engineering and Construction
the Real Estate Development
Innovations, Plastic in Civil
Operation Sustainability, the 73
Knowledgeable Community
Construction and heard cases
participants listened to different
organized its second meeting,
about different projects from the
lectures that addressed, among
also in S達o Paulo. The 94
The Sustainability Knowledgeable Community Occupational Health Theme Group chose its multipliers
The Real Estate Development Knowledgeable Community elected its new leader and coordinators
54 / no. 273 / january 2012
Odebrecht América Latina e Angola Launches Zero Accident Program
Members of Odebrecht Panama take part in debates on safety and health during the launch of the Zero Accident Program
In order to strengthen the culture of
and Environment areas participated in the
Workplace Safety and Occupational Health,
program, coordinated by Antônio Gaspar, the
Odebrecht América Latina e Angola (ALA)
professional responsible for Sustainability at
launched the Zero Accident Program (PAZ) last
Odebrecht ALA.
November, which trains leaders and Members
The program methodology includes
to prevent accidents and prepares them to
three phases. The first is addressed using
work under situations of risk.
dramatizations and promotes reflection among
The first country to receive the initiative
Members. In the second phase, participants are
was Panama. For a four-day period, over 500
divided into groups to interpret and discuss
Members, including managers, supervisors,
the different topics. Finally, a representative
foremen and professionals from the
from each class shares the group’s conclusions
Production and Health, Workplace Safety
with the others. / no. 273 / january 2012
> fast news
Odebrecht Angola Discusses Health On December 2, 2011, Odebrecht Angola
ensure the implementation and continuous
held the Health Meeting, which gathered 20
improvement of the Occupational Health
professionals responsible for the area in the
Programs and the successful completion of
company’s contracts, including physicians,
prevention campaigns. There will also be
nurses, nursing technicians, biophysicians and
the implementation of a new tuberculosis
prevention program.
The event addressed the area macrostructure,
“The meeting is important not only as a
the assistance, occupational and emergency
mechanism for exchanging experiences and
routines, the implemented health programs
training the professionals involved, but also
and the goals for 2012. According to Francisco
primarily to expose the main difficulties and
Sawaguthi, Sustainability Director, this year
discuss possibilities for change for the year,” said
the main focus of the area is to support,
Paloma Baiardi, the professional responsible for
train, monitor and influence the contracts to
the Health area in Angola.
The meeting gathers 20 professionals from the Health area in Angola to share knowledge and establish the priorities for 2012
56 / no. 273 / january 2012
Improving the Quality of Life of Liberian Women Odebrecht International began a
companies in partnership with non-profit entities
series of programs designed to improve
in the country. The first group – formed by workers
the quality of life of the Liberian women
from Estella’s Catering and Rosna, companies that
who work and study in the communities
supply food for Odebrecht, as well as 10 restaurants
located near the Iron Ore Project
from the region – took part in the course on
construction work.
December 7 and 8, which addressed topics such as
One of the initiatives is the “Wired” Program, which is now offered to
Hygiene, Customer Service, Human Resources and Business Management.
women with small businesses and high school students with good school performance in the community of Yekepa, located in Nimba County. Thirty women currently take part in the “Wired” program, which is undertaken in partnership with the non-profit organization Amani Liberia. Odebrecht has also started the first phase of the Small & Smart Program, which promotes entrepreneurship and the generation of income in the communities by creating job and professional advancement opportunities in the area of Business Management. Under the project, the company created PPE Repair, an initiative involving women from two communities in Bong County who are recruited to clean and repair the uniforms of the company’s Members. Another Small & Smart action provides training to local suppliers and
Women were selected for the first basic computer course for the “Wired” Program, undertaken in Nimba County / no. 273 / january 2012
> fast news
Aquapolo Project Discovers Old Objects during Digging Operation Fragments of plates and cups were found
have details in colorful painting, were found
along the first stretch of the diggings being
on the street Rua Professora Maria Macedo up
undertaken as part of the Aquapolo Project
to six meters underground. Fragments and
water main construction work, started at the ABC
entire pieces were also recovered, together
Sewage Treatment Plant located on the street
with piled plates, bowls and cups. According
Avenida Almirante Delamare in São Paulo and
to the architect who coordinated the work,
extending until the street Avenida dos Estados in
Karin Shapazian, the material comes from the
São Caetano do Sul.
old Adelinas Ceramics factory, located on Rua
The material – approximately 2,000 fragments – is currently being catalogued, counted and analyzed and may be turned over to the São
Pernambuco in São Caetano do Sul, which operated until 1952. The construction work for Aquapolo – a
Caetano do Sul Pro-Memory Foundation after it
Specific Purpose Company (SPE) between
is released from the São Paulo National Historical
SABESP and Foz do Brasil – will take reuse
and Artistic Heritage Institute (IPHAN-SP).
water to the Capuava Petrochemical Center in
The parts, which are white in color and
Fragments of plate containing the logo of the manufacturer “Adelinas, S.Caetano” found during the digging work for the Aquapolo Project in São Paulo
58 / no. 273 / january 2012
Members of Odebrecht Angola and SODEPAC gather for the first meeting about the development of the Capanda Agroindustrial Center
SODEPAC Project Holds First Integrated Planning Workshop At the end of November
through the entity Gesterra,
required for the installation
2011, Odebrecht Angola held
the company invested in
of an Agricultural Educational
the first SODEPAC Project
the Pungo Andongo Farm
Unit with the partnership
Integrated Planning Workshop
designed for the production of
of EMBRAPA (Brazilian
with aims of establishing the
soy, corn flour and animal feed.
Agricultural Research
guidelines and goals for the
The installation of the center
Company). There will also
integrated development of the
will involve the mobilization of
be the implementation of a
Capanda Agroindustrial Center.
agricultural production chains,
social program to drive the
SODEPAC, the Public Capital
involving producers, suppliers,
sustainable social-economic
Corporation, hired Odebrecht
distributors and companies
development of the rural
to provide support during the
with the technical and financial
communities and promote
installation of the center and to
capacity to generate work
integrated action in the
train and transfer technology
opportunities. Biocom (Angola
areas of health, education
to the Angolan teams that will
Bioenergy Company), which
and income generation.
assume the processes.
operates in the area of sugar,
The Kulonga pala Kukula
ethanol and energy production,
(“Education for Development�)
feasible, the corporation
is one of the companies
Program, undertaken by
plans to invest in new roads,
currently being set up.
Odebrecht Angola, is one
In order to make the project
transmission lines and water supply. In the state, working
SODEPAC will help establish the agro-production skills
example of an initiative already installed near the center. / no. 273 / january 2012
> fast news
Odebrecht Infraestrutura Participates in Carta Capital Magazine Debate André Vital, Odebrecht
the National Integration Minister,
gave a presentation highlighting
Infraestrutura Managing
Fernando Bezerra Coelho,
Odebrecht’s historical
Director for Bahia, took part
Governor of Bahia, Jaques
participation in the development
in the debate entitled “Capital
Wagner, and other political
of the region’s states. He also
Dialogues,” promoted by the
and academic leaders from the
emphasized the relevance of
magazine Carta Capital. The
Entrepreneurial Responsibility
event, which was held on
The debate was designed
in synergy with government
December 6, 2011, in Salvador,
to discuss the future regional
policies. The Managing Director
featured the theme “The
scenario, based on the new
also mentioned the importance
Northeast of the 21st Century”
investments planned for the
of the Odebrecht Organization’s
and included the participation of
country’s Northeast. André Vital
principles and values, supported by the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO). As examples, André Vital cited the social-environmental actions at local construction projects, such as the reuse of solid waste at the Fonte Nova Arena construction site in Salvador, which implemented a first-of-itskind professional qualification and contracting program for former homeless individuals. He also mentioned that the project is contracting inmates serving sentences at minimum security prisons as part of a program developed in partnership with Brazil’s National Board of Justice
André Vital spoke about Odebrecht’s operations in the Northeast and its contribution to the country’s social-economic development
60 / no. 273 / january 2012
and Bahia Court of Justice.
Professionals from the Angolan press and leaders from Odebrecht Angola gather for a networking dinner
Angola Gathers Opinion Shapers On December 9, Odebrecht Angola organized
During the dinner, there was the presentation
a networking meeting for professionals from
of corporate videos on Odebrecht’s main actions
the Angolan press with aims of strengthening
in the areas of Sustainability, Social Projects
relationship bonds.
and People Training. There was also a highlight
The event planned by the Institutional
on the company’s relationship with Angolan
Relations area included the presence of directors
universities, the Young Partner Program, the
and other leaders from the country’s main public
Odebrecht Award for Sustainable Development
and private media, as well as Contract Directors
and the Trade-Off Internship.
from the company. / no. 273 / january 2012
> fast news
New ‘Home’ for Teles Pires HPP Members
“Welcome! This is your new home. Take care of it.” This was the welcome message for Members at the new Teles Pires HPP accommodations
At the construction work for the Teles Pires Hydroelectric Power Plant – undertaken by
polyurethane). The solution guarantees workers
Odebrecht Energia at the border between
enhanced comfort, since it ensures the thermal
the states of Mato Grosso and Pará – 384
and acoustic insulation of the environment. Each
Members are already set up in comfortable and
room has the capacity for four people, and is
modern accommodations, all located inside the
equipped with air conditioning and individual
construction site.
In order to build the new homes, the company innovated by using PUR thermo-
acoustic panels (made from metal sheets and / no. 273 / january 2012
Learn more about the Teles Pires HPP project by viewing this video.
Spouses of expatriate professionals in Argentina gather for a meeting that discussed the successful adaption of families
Spouses of Expatriates in Argentina Take Part in Meeting In a casual setting, the
Participants discussed
successful adaptation for the
spouses of Odebrecht
the advantages and
Engenharia Industrial
disadvantages of living in
expatriate Members in
different cities of the world
coordinated by Global Line,
Argentina shared their
and took part in integration
a consulting firm specialized
experiences during a
and self-awareness activities.
in providing support to
meeting promoted on
The focus of the meeting
expatriate family. The event was
expatriate families, and was
October 31 and November
was based on the main
headed by psychologist
11, 2011, in Buenos Aires.
elements for building a
Andrea Fucks. / no. 273 / january 2012