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Nยบ 275 / / FEVEREIRO // JUNHO 2011 No. Nยบ 276260 FEBRUARY 2012 Nยบ 260 JUNHO 2012 2011

Presenting the ETH Social Energy Program for Local Sustainability odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 276 / february 2012


No. Nº Nº 276260 260/

4 odebrecht has new leader

2012 //FEBRUARY JUNHO JUNHO 2011 2011

training programs

In partnership with the Institute of Performance and Leadership, Odebrecht has developed programs to support and reinforce the development of Partners for the practice of Entrepreneurship: PPE and PPE Master.

6 an axis for development in the brazilian northeast

On February 9, the Nova Transnordestina railroad, a project undertaken through an alliance established between Transnordestina Logística S.A. and Odebrecht Infraestrutura, received a visit by Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff.


10 a program for the

communities undertaken with the communities


In order to orient its social-environmental projects, ETH Bioenergia created the Social Energy Program for Local Sustainability, which works with a participative governance model in nine municipalities of four Brazilian states.

Next Edition: march 6, 2012.

18 the best financing project in latin america

The Odebrecht Oil and Gas refinancing project for the construction of the NORBE VIII and NORBE IX drill rigs earned the Deals of the Year 2011 award in the Project Financing category, granted by the magazine LatinFinance.


20 international award for south inter- oceanic

The South Inter-Oceanic Highway in Peru earned the most important global award in the expressway infrastructure sector: the 2011 Global Road Achievement Awards in the Program Management category.

> > 24 fast news

editorial staff ODEBRECHT NEWS is an internal newsletter published by the Odebrecht S.A. Business Communication Team Responsible Journalist: Fabiana Cabral Editorial Office: Avenida das Nações Unidas, 8.501, 32º andar, São Paulo Phone Number: (55 11) 3096-8171 Suggestions: fabianacabral@odebrecht.com Website: www.odebrechtnoticias.com.br share this newsletter at your company or your project!

> people development

Odebrecht Has New Leade Based on the conversations with leaders from Odebrecht

Learn more about each program below:

Oil and Gas (OOG), Odebrecht Energia, Odebrecht Engenharia

held from January 16-20, 2012, and gathered 36


Industrial and Odebrecht

PPE is designed for those

Members. The event involved the presence of Contract

Infraestrutura, were developed

responsible for Program II

Directors Marcus Vinícius

two programs to support and

and those responsible for the

Reis Dias, from OOG, and

reinforce the development

Results Centers I with career

Henrique Paixão, from

of Partners for the practice

development programs

Odebrecht Infraestrutura;

of Entrepreneurship and for

focused on the contracts.

Sérgio Leão, the professional

a strategic, multidisciplinary

The course is structured

responsible for Sustainability

and global vision: the PPE

into four on-site modules that

at Odebrecht; Galbênia Costa,

(Program for Entrepreneurship)

last five days each, for a total

the professional responsible

and PPE Master (Master

of 160 hours. Each module

for Governance and the

Entrepreneurship Program).

addresses from two to three

AP Cycle at Odebrecht

The initiative involved

topics, such as the Odebrecht

S.A.; Heider Aquino and

a partnership with iPL -

Organization and its Different

Tiago Barreto, from the

Institute of Performance and

Businesses, Sustainability and

Finance Area of Odebrecht


its Main Concepts and Trends,

América Latina e Angola; the

Finances and their Elements

professionals responsible

Rezende, the professional

and Applications, Human

for People and Organization

responsible for People

Behavior and Leadership,

Enio Silva, from Odebrecht

and Organization of the

Communication, Negotiation,

Energia; José Claudio

Engineering and Construction

Client and its Market and the

Grossi, from OOG; and Paulo

Operations, the initiatives were

Entrepreneurship Cycle.

Quaresma, from Odebrecht

According to Antônio

created to support careers and

Infraestrutura, and André

accelerate the development

Paraná, from the P&O area

of Partners. “Our hope is that

at Odebrecht Engenharia

the participants transform


the knowledge acquired into


The first meeting was

The second module will take

results in the contracts,” said

place in March, the third in May


and the fourth in July 2012.

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 276 / february 2012

er Training Programs PPE MASTER PPE Master is designed for those responsible for the Results Centers II and III with

includes teaching material

practical dimensions.

aligned with the course

For the distance activities,


which are held between the

The first module took place

modules, Members use the

solid experience and the career

from February 6-10 of this year,

Corporate Portal as a support

development programs focused

with the participation of 36

tool, which serves as an interface

on the contracts.

Members and the following

for the exchange of materials

guests: Emyr Costa, Contract

and for interaction between

on-site modules with two topics

Director, those responsible for

educators and participants.

each, held over a five-day period

People and Organization Enio

During the programs,

with a total of 160 hours. The

Silva, José Claudio Grossi and

participants are prompted to

participants learn about the

Paulo Quaresma and André

reflect on “What they learned”

following topics: the Odebrecht


and “What they will take to the

The program consists of four

Organization and its Strategies,

The second, third and fourth

contract.” These reflections will

Self-Knowledge and Leadership,

modules will be held in March,

be organized into a structured

Communication, Sustainability

May and July 2012.

conversation Agenda with the

and its Foundations and Trends, Finances and their Risk Management, Negotiation,

Leader, generating a Summary METHODOLOGY

that will later be shared with the

The methodology adopted

Learning Team (group of eight

Strategy, Entrepreneurial

in the PPE and PPE Master is

Performance and Global Vision.

designed to integrate and relate

Each discipline is conducted

the Education Through and

Summaries, accompanied

by a teaching institution with

For Work actions, reinforcing

by the four Orienting DCs,

mastery of the content and

Presence Pedagogy and the

will form the Learning Log,

Dialogue between Leader and

reflecting the result of the


learning accumulated during the

The programs use lectures, exercises, customized cases,

Members). The consolidation of the

program. To learn more about the PPE

examples and situations taken

and PPE Master, please seek out

from daily life, promoting

the professional responsible for

connections between the

People and Organization (P&O)

participants’ conceptual and

at your company. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 276 / february 2012


> infrastructure

An Axis for Development i On February 9, Nova

main projects under the

Transnordestina, a project

Brazilian Federal Government’s

Odebrecht, Managing

undertaken through

Growth Acceleration Program

Director of Odebrecht S.A.,

an alliance established

(PAC) and will maximize the

Tufi Daher Filho, President

between Transnordestina

potential of cargo transport

of Transnordestina Logística

Logística S.A. and Odebrecht

in Brazil’s Northeast region

S.A., ministers and other

Infraestrutura, received a visit

by connecting the states of

representatives from the

by Brazilian President Dilma

Pernambuco, Ceará and Piauí

companies, Dilma Rousseff


along its 1,728 kilometers of

visited Lot 2, situated in


the city of Parnamirim, in

The railroad is one of the

Nova Transnordestina will connect the cities of Pernambuco, Ceará and Piauí along 1,728 kilometers of tracks


Accompanied by Marcelo

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 276 / february 2012

in the Brazilian Northeast Pernambuco, and learned

There are currently more

and Pecém Port in Ceará, as

about the grid assembly and

than 10,000 workers dedicated

well as to the municipality of

placement of the tracks. The

to the construction of the

Eliseu Martins in Piauí. “With

group also visited the industrial

railroad, which is divided into

Transnordestina, we have a very

construction site in Salgueiro,

11 lots and 25 work fronts.

big axis for development, both

located in Pernambuco’s rural

The project’s base is located

for the transportation of grains

region, where the president

in Salgueiro, the city that

as well as for the transportation

took part in a meeting with

represents the junction for the

of ore,” said President Dilma.

Odebrecht and Transnordestina

railway, which will extend to


the Suape Port in Pernambuco,

According to the president, the development will also

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 276 / february 2012


> infrastructure

Accompanied by Marcelo Odebrecht and representatives from Odebrecht Infraestrutura and Transnordestina Logística S.A., the President of Brazil visited the railroad construction fronts

contribute toward the economic growth of the Northeast: “With this railroad, we have transversal lines responsible for connecting Brazil’s rural areas with the ports,” she said. “This means the increased capacity to sell foods and explore the region’s potential.” After its conclusion, Nova Transnordestina will have the capacity to transport cargo of up to 32 tons per line. Initially, the annual production through transportation should reach 30 million tons, and may even


Dilma Rousseff met with the Members working at the project’s administrative site, located in Salgueiro, Per

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 276 / february 2012

surpass 100 million tons once the signs are installed along the railroad. The main cargo transported along the railroad will be ore and grain, primarily from the Southeast of Piauí, in the region of Vale do Gurguéia, and from the Gesseiro Center, located at the border between Pernambuco and Piauí. Furthermore, the return freight of the trains will be able to carry, from the coast to the rural region, the main raw materials for the production process, such fuel and fertilizers, among others.


SUPPORTING SPORTS IN PERNAMBUCO’S BACKCOUNTRY In Pernambuco’s backcountry, Salgueiro is known as the city of soccer fanatics. Of the municipality’s 50,000 inhabitants, an average of 20% goes to the stadium on game days. Through a partnership established with the state and municipal governments, Odebrecht Infraestrutura completed the construction work to expand the Cornélio de Barros Stadium, increasing its capacity from 3,000 to 10,000 fans. Novo Salgueirão received new rows of grandstands, lighting towers, emergency exits and sideline benches and the circulation area was remodeled, with sites reserved for individuals with special needs. The remodeling project began in May 2011 and involved 250 local workers. According to Pedro Leão, Contract Director for the Nova Transnordestina construction work, the new space symbolizes an important legacy left to the population. “The stadium will be the stage to the emergence of great athletes and will help strengthen citizenship,” said Leão.

At the reinauguration game, held on January 18, 2012, the Salgueiro Soccer Club played against Santa Cruz and won by two goals odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 276 / february 2012


> sustainability

A Program for the Communities U

Members of the Araguaia and Rio Taquari Center Thematic Commissions during the training meeting

In order to orient its socialenvironmental projects, ETH Bioenergia created the Social Energy Program for


four Brazilian states in which the company operates. The program is structured into a

Local Sustainability, which works with a

Community Council and four Thematic

participative governance model in which

Commissions for each municipality,

the communities, city governments and

which cover the following topics: Culture,

companies jointly decide the priorities

Education, Production Activities and Health,

of the municipalities and which projects

Safety and Environmental Preservation. The

will be undertaken. The initiative, created

topics were chosen based on the Odebrecht

in 2010, is held in nine municipalities of

Organization’s Sustainability Policy, the

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 276 / february 2012

Undertaken with the Communities United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the Earth Charter. During 2011, a total of 20 projects were developed involving the participation of over 21,000 people in the cities of Cachoeira Alta, Caçu, Mineiros and Perolândia, in Goiás, Nova Alvorada do Sul and Costa Rica, in Mato Grosso do Sul, Mirante do Paranapanema and Teodoro Sampaio, in São Paulo, and Alto Taquari, in Mato Grosso. The company also organized 514 meetings and events and three Local Sustainability Seminars. In all of the municipalities, ETH promotes monthly meetings involving at least four forums: Community Dialogues (open to the community); Thematic Commission Meetings, Community Council Meetings (where the projects are Through the Health, Safety and Environmental Preservation Commission, ETH invested in Emas National Park in Goiás, a Natural Heritage of Mankind reopened in June 2011

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 276 / february 2012


> sustainability

Carla Pires speaks to the public during the launch of the Social Energy project in the city of Perolândia, held in April 2011

discussed) and the Social Energy Cinema


(open to the community to raise awareness

Cultural Point of

about sustainability). The initial resources


come from the financing that ETH took out

The project undertaken in Teodoro

with the Brazilian National Economic and

Sampaio, Mirante de Paranapanema, Caçu,

Social Development Bank (BNDES).

Cachoeira Alta and Nova Alvorada do

According to Carla Pires, the professional responsible for Sustainability, the results of

of a sustainable cultural space in the

the actions reflect the growing leadership


exercised by the communities when it


Sul will complete the first construction

The cultural centers, which consist of

comes to building the future of their

an exhibit area, auditorium, memorial,

municipalities and in terms of developing

literature, visual arts, dance, theater and

a closer relationship with the population.

music rooms, a library and experimental

Learn more about the main projects of the

kitchen, will collect rainwater for reuse and

Social Energy Program:

adopt practices such as biological sewage

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 276 / february 2012

treatment, recycling and improved energy

country’s first sustainable school as part of


a project integrated with Cultural Point of Sustainability.

Cultural Activities Promoted in Mirante do Paranapanema,

The architectural project will serve as an example for the community and

the project is designed to recover the

will use practices such as rainwater

municipality’s artistic expressions and

storage, recycling and the composting

will offer six free cultural workshops to

of waste, biological sewage and grey

the population. The courses will develop

water treatment, “green” tiles for water

practical exercises and recreational activities

absorption, solar energy collection, the

to promote creativity, self-confidence and

reuse of materials, natural ventilation and

interaction among participants.

lighting, “green” sidewalks and permeable materials.

EDUCATION Sustainable School In Cachoeira Alta, ETH will build the

Training and Professional Qualification The project offers professional qualification for youth and adults from Teodoro Sampaio, Mirante do Paranapanema, Caçu, Cachoeira Alta and Nova Alvorada do Sul and promotes the insertion of workers into the job market. The initiative also involves a partnership with municipal governments, teaching institutions and specialized consulting firms. Over 1,100 people have already been trained, with approximately 80% hired by ETH. On February 2 and 3, ETH held a graduation ceremony for the project’s 241 students in the cities of Mirante do Paranapanema and Teodoro Sampaio. The participants received course

The Mato Grosso do Sul Center Council and Thematic Commission during the creation of“Flower of Sustainability,” a group dynamic exercise designed to promote the construction of topics in the areas of Food Security, Water, Local Economy, Energy and Technology, Species and Ecosystems and Human Interaction

conclusion certificates for the trades of tractor operator, harvester operator and automotive maintenance mechanic. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 276 / february 2012


> sustainability

Family members attend the graduation ceremony of the Professional Training and Qualification Program students in Teodoro Sampaio on February 3, 2012

New professionals will be absorbed by the company’s two agroindustrial units (Conquista do Pontal and Alcídia) in the region. “Investing in qualification programs contributes toward the training of people and creates social-economic development opportunities for the region,” said Vitório Bredariol, responsible for the ETH São Paulo Center. Professional Qualification of the Teaching Staff The program offers a graduate-level course in Institutional Psychopedagogy to teachers from the municipal and state public and private schools in Mirante do Paranapanema, designed to train them to develop skills in students with learning


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 276 / february 2012

ETH offers training in the communities and at city government sites for the completion of the projects

disabilities and to qualify local teaching. With 450 hours per class, the course is administered by professors from the São Paulo Cidade University - UNICID. ENVIRONMENT Urban Solid Waste Integrated Management Program The action is being implemented in Mirante de Paranapanema, Teodoro Sampaio, Caçu, Cachoeira Alta and Nova Alvorada do Sul with aims of fulfilling the Solid Waste Integrated Management Plans (PGIRS). The initiative also includes

Eduardo Piazzulunga, Mayor of Mirante do Paranapanema, and Juraci Bastor, People and Administration Manager of the ETH São Paulo Center, receive the municipality’s PGIRS

local technical training, environmental education related to waste management, the installation of an integrated selective collection system, treatment and disposal of urban solid waste and public policy actions, such as the improvement of the municipalities’ sanitary and environmental conditions. On February 9 and 10, in partnership with the city governments, Social Energy held public hearings in Mirante do Paranapanema and Teodoro Sampaio, respectively, to debate the municipalities’ PGIRS together with the communities. “The plans will help align the improvements in health conditions, odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 276 / february 2012


> sustainability environmental protection and job opportunity generation in the region,” said Carla Pires. During a five-month period, the professionals diagnosed the waste treatment scenario in the two cities, and through analyses, they produced studies to assess compliance with legislation and opportunities for improvement. These studies were used to elaborate management plans that involve proposals to adjust the existing system. Carla Pires reinforced that putting the plans into practice is an example of the synergy between the community, government and company to define local priorities: “We are closer to the communities where we operate, allowing us to identify their real needs and, together, develop projects that help improve people’s quality of life,” she said.

The Mayor of Nova Alvorada do Sul, Arlei Barbosa, inaugurated the city’s new clinical analysis laboratory last June

leadership of youth at institutions in the city, in addition to orienting the


relationship between parents and children.

Healthy Lifestyle The program is designed to raise the awareness of the Cachoeira Alta

The Nova Alvorada do Sul clinical analysis

community as to the importance of healthy

laboratory was the first project undertaken

lifestyle habits, environmental preservation

by the Social Energy Program. Inaugurated

and the practice of citizenship through

in June 2011, the space received

courses, lectures and activities.

investments for improvements in physical

The main focus of the action is to encourage adolescents to develop healthy behaviors, promoting the


Clinical Analysis Laboratory

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 276 / february 2012

and operational infrastructure. The new resources allowed for an expansion in the capacity of exams offered

animal feed during the dry period. The initiative is tied to the Dairy Basin Development Project, undertaken in partnership with the municipal government to meet the demands of the region’s school lunch program. Ribeirão dos Paulas Community Garden The action is designed to guarantee the supply of organic produce in Cachoeira Alta by using a community product system that excludes the use of fertilizers, pesticides and growth regulator products. The project also includes training for settlers and small rural producers, the necessary environmental adjustments to the property, area zoning, installation of an irrigation kit, installation of a by the laboratory. The average number of

processing space and acquisition of a

analyses performed per month increased

vehicle for product transportation.

from 1,100 to 1,800.

Sustainable Organic Produce



Animal Nutrition

Undertaken in Nova Alvorada do Sul

The Animal Nutrition Project – Support

and involving farmers from the region

for the Milk Production Chain, is designed

and settlement producers, the project

to maximize the potential milk production

helps disseminate practical knowledge

in Teodoro Sampaio, in addition to

for the production of circular gardens

promoting the implementation of nutrition

through an agro-ecological system that

techniques for dairy cattle, based on the

excludes the use of fertilizers, pesticides

production of sugarcane to supplement the

and growth regulator products. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 276 / february 2012


> oil and gas

The Best Financing Project i The Odebrecht Oil and Gas (OOG) refinancing

geared toward the financial

Entrepreneurship Support


- Finances at Odebrecht

project for the construction

The award ceremony

Energia, all of whom


was held on January

participated in the first

IX drill rigs won the Deals of

19 in New York. Mário

negotiation, received the

the Year 2011 award in the

Augusto, responsible for

trophy of distinction.

Project Financing category

Entrepreneurship Support

in Latin America, granted by

- Finances, Helena Ramos,

replaces the financing

the magazine LatinFinance,

from the Finances Area,

through banks and

considered one of the most

both at OOG, and Marco

export credit agencies

prestigious publications

Rabello, responsible for

for fundraising in the

The winning project

international financial market, in which there was the maintenance of the same previous structure of guarantees tied only to the program’s assets. In the amount of US$ 1.5 billion, LatinFinance considers the project bond developed by OOG to be a market reference for others, helping to create what is considered a “new, growing and important class of assets.” The magazine further affirms that by beginning the exploration in the pre-salt layer, Petrobras, an OOG client, is expanding the horizon of financing for Marco Rabello, Helena Ramos and Mário Augusto represented OOG during the award ceremony held in the United States


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 276 / february 2012

the construction of drill rigs, and accordingly, the banks

in Latin America will have to open up space in

Infrastructure Finance, Marine

In 2010, the same

their balances for these types

project was awarded by the

Money and International

of credit.

magazines Project Finance and

Financing Review.

The awarded refinancing project was developed for the construction of the NORBE VIII and NORBE IX drill rigs

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 276 / february 2012


> peru

International Award for So The South Inter-Oceanic

Achievement Award in

entity that promotes the

Highway in Peru earned

the Program Management

development of safe and

the most important global


sustainable road networks

award in the expressway


Granted by the

– the award highlights the

infrastructure sector:

International Road

quality standards applied

the 2011 Global Road

Federation (IRF) – the global

to the development of the

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 276 / february 2012

Ronny Loor and Delcy Machado receive the trophy for the 2011 Global Road Achievement Award, granted by the International Road Federation

outh Inter-Oceanic world’s main infrastructure

of Integration and

the South Inter-Oceanic

projects that respect the

Development,” showed the

Concessionaire (South IIRSA),


management of the South

CONIRSA, Conservación

Inter-Oceanic Initiative

Internacional and the

called “Inter-Oceanic

(iSur) – a strategic alliance

ProNaturaleza Foundation.

Highway - a Corridor

between Odebrecht Peru,

The award also recognized

The winning project,

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 276 / february 2012


> peru the work of the involved

important external

teams and professionals

recognition for the

from the companies

entire team that made

that are undertaking the

the client’s dream come

construction work and

true and worked on the

from the country’s Ministry

construction and operation

of Transportation and

of South IIRSA Sur along


the stretches 2 and 3,

iSur contributes toward

allowing for the beginning

sustainable development

of the so-called regional

and the conservation of

integration between Peru

the zone of influence along

and Brazil,” said Ronny Loor.

stretches 2 and 3 of the

According to Loor, through

highway, from Urcos (Cusco)

iSur it was possible to

to Iñapari (Madre de Dios),

harmoniously consolidate

benefiting more than 20,000

efforts with organizations,


institutions, municipalities,

The award ceremony

regional governments and

took place on January 24 in

communities with aims

Washington DC and involved

of contributing toward

the presence of more than

sustainable development

250 delegations from all

and the conservation of the

over the world, including

highway’s zone of influence.

authorities, ambassadors,

“Up until present we have

IRF representatives and

directly benefited more than

the general public. Patrick

2,500 families,” he said.

Sankey, Executive President of IRF, delivered the award

Concessionaire received

to Ronny Loor, Investment

the 2010 Global Road

Director of the North

Achievement Award for the


work undertaken during the

concessionaires, and Delcy

construction of Stretch 1

Machado, Executive Director

of the North Inter-Oceanic

of iSur.

Highway, which connects

“The award is a very


In 2011, the North IIRSA

Tarapoto to Yurimaguas.

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 276 / february 2012

The South Inter-Oceanic Initiative supports the sustainable development of the communities located between Urcos and I単apari, benefiting more than 20,000 people

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 276 / february 2012


> fast notes

Odebrecht Among 10 Companies of Executives’ Dreams On February 13, the human resources

the Odebrecht Organization in 9th place

consulting firm DMRH and Nextview, a

as the Company of Executives’ Dreams.

research company focused on trends in

The study was designed to understand the

people management and development,

executives’ perspective on the company

disclosed the first study that identified the

of their dreams, the motives behind their

desires and values of executives working in

choice, professional accomplishment,


retention and leadership.

The study – conducted in November 2011

In June of last year, Odebrecht was among

with 5,300 executives from all age groups at

the Top 10 Companies of Youths’ Dreams in a

the country’s largest companies — indicated

study elaborated by Cia. de Talentos.

Foz do Brasil Helps Reduce Diarrhea in Santa Gertrudes Foz do Brasil began


operating in Santa

among the population is

Gertrudes, a municipality in

related to the water quality.

undertaken by the Getúlio

the rural region of São Paulo,

According to the study, the

Vargas Foundation

at the end of 2010, and since

diarrhea rate has dropped

(FGV) indicates different

then it has been making

30% since the start of 2011.

development rates as

investments to advance

“Besides representing a

the result of investments

sanitation in the region.

great advance in sanitation,

made in the sanitation

the improvement in the

sector, such as the 25%

city’s Health Surveillance

water distributed in Santa

reduction in the number of

and Epidemiological

Gertrudes reduced costs

hospital admissions due to

Surveillance areas disclosed

in the public health area,”

gastrointestinal problems

an analysis showing that

said Health Surveillance

in municipalities with water

the significant reduction in

Inspector, Adriana Fabiana

and sewage treatment.

During the past week, the


gastrointestinal problems

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 276 / february 2012

A recent study

Santo Antônio HPP to Begin Construction of GG4

The procedure to remove the water and clean the site that will house the Santo Antônio HPP GG4 lasted three months

In February, the Santo Antônio Civil Consortium (CSAC) finalized the work to

the water’s oxygen level. In January of this year, the CSAC team

remove the water from the site where the

completed a procedure to interrupt the

fourth Generation Group (GG4) of the Santo

course of a 5,000- m2 island that was heading

Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant will be

toward the Santo Antônio HPP gates. The

constructed in Rondônia. The GG4 will house

work lasted two days and used cables and

at least 12 bulb turbines with a generation

buoys to prevent the fragmentation of the

capacity of up to 859 MW of energy.

insula, which was anchored to the bank of the

The pumping began in November 2011,

Madeira River.

a period during which workers completed the cofferdam construction, which allows for access to the Madeira River bed region. The activities were undertaken with the monitoring of a team specialized in the rescue of aquatic fauna (ichthyofauna) in an area of approximately 400,00 m2 and up to 42 meters deep. Over 5 million m3 of water were transported and the fauna was preserved through the use of techniques that maintain

In order to change its course, the island was surrounded by cables and buoys odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 276 / february 2012


> fast notes

Odebrecht Realizações Launches New Institutional Catalog The new Odebrecht

included in the portfolio for

session to illustrate the

Realizações Imobiliárias

each Brazilian region where

catalog’s pages. Just like

(OR) institutional catalog

OR operates, together with

the focus on people, the

for the year 2011-2012 has

the concepts and pillars

proposal was to maintain

just been launched.

that structure the company.

the creative line, developed

The publication gathers all of the developments

In 2011, all of the OR leaders took part in a photo

from its very creation. According to Paul Altit, Entrepreneurial Leader, the leaders portrayed represent their teams and everything that they have been and will be capable of achieving. “The catalog reflects the business positioning that the portfolio of unique projects is the result of the work of the leaders and their teams, which use the TEO [Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology] to seek the permanent Satisfaction of our Clients,” said Altit. View the new OR institutional catalog. Access: http://www. orealizacoes.com.br/ catalogo/

In the institutional catalog, the OR leaders represent their teams and the company’s accomplishments during the past year


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 276 / february 2012

Braskem Honors Inventors With aims of promoting the protection of intellectual capital through Patents (PI), Utility Models (UM) and Industrial Drawing (ID), Braskem created the Inventor Incentive Program. The company currently has more than 400 registered patents. In order to honor the inventors from 2011 – professionals that registered patents in Brazil

Braskem pays tribute to the Members/inventors who registered their patents in Brazil and in other countries in 2011

and abroad –, the company organized a dinner in São

associated with innovation,

thanking the participants

Paulo on February 7 with

and you are a part of this,” he

for their efforts last year

the presence of Carlos


and requested that they

Fadigas, Entrepreneurial

The 18 Members

Leader, as well as other

present received


trophies symbolizing

encourage their colleagues to protect their ideas. Any Member can be an

the achievement of the

inventor. The contributions

of the event, Fadigas

patents. “This type of action

can range from innovations

congratulated the Members

motivates the inventors and

in products, processes and

who helped increase

other Members who are still

applications to a simple

Braskem’s knowledge.

developing their ideas,” said

improvement. Innovation

“The patent represents

Roberto Werneck, one of

is one of the pillars of

the materialization of the

the professionals honored.

the Braskem 2020 Vision:

During the opening

knowledge we possess at

Edmundo Aires,

“Be the global leader in

home,” said Fadigas. “It brings

responsible for Corporate

sustainable chemistry,

me enormous satisfaction

Innovation & Technology

innovating to better serve

to look at the newspapers

Entrepreneurship Support,


and see Braskem’s name

ended the event by odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 276 / february 2012


> fast notes

Partnership Combines Environmental Conservation with Generation of Work and Income

Aerial view of the municipality of Igrapiúna, one of the regions benefitted by the partnership

Responsible for the recovery and conservation of flows of life in the Pratigi Environmental Protection Area (EPA), located in the Bahia


farmers, orienting them as to the appropriate handling of cultivations. Lasting 36 months and with financial

Southern Lowlands, the Land Conservation

investments of R$ 2.3 million, the action will be

Organization (OCT), supported by the Odebrecht

initiated in March of this year and will benefit

Foundation, sealed an important partnership

500 families residing in the municipalities of

with the Regional Action Development Company

Igrapiúna and Piraí do Norte. The proposal is

(CAR), an entity associated with the Bahia State

to install Agroforest Systems as a strategy for

Government. The partnership will allow for

promoting a local economy in sustainable

the implementation of the project “Production

bases, valuing the natural assets that exist in the

Conservation: New Arrangements as a Strategy

territory and maintaining environmental services

for Territorial Development in Sustainable Bases,”

aggregated with the generation of work and

designed to provide technical support to family


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 276 / february 2012

RBS Story Highlights Work of Foz do Brasil in Uruguaiana The residents of Rio Grande do Sul learned a bit more about one of the initiatives undertaken

suffered for years with the strong taste of the water in the summer. “I trust Foz,” she said.

by Foz do Brasil in the city of Uruguaiana: the

The topics had repercussions and earned

elimination of the water odor due to the high

recognition in the state with statements made

volume of algae in the Uruguai River – a problem

by residents, such as Maria de Lurdes da Silva

experienced by the population with the arrival of

Freitas, who praised the mobile laboratory


service offered by Foz do Brasil. The story was

In order to resolve the problem, Foz do Brasil

featured on Bom Dia Rio Grande (“Good Morning,

conducted several studies and determined that

Rio Grande”), a morning television news program

it needed to change one of the products used

that leads the audience ratings in Rio Grande do

to treat the resource, adopting chlorine dioxide.

Sul, and on RBS Notícias, a news program that

“Today, our water has changed and I am drinking

achieves 75.9% of audience, both broadcasted

it right from the faucet,” said Etelvina Maria de

on RBS TV – an affiliate of the Globo Network in

Almeida Carrazoni, a native of Uruguaiana, who

the region. Click here to view it.

During a statement made to RBS TV, resident Maria de Lurdes praised the service provided by Foz do Brasil

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 276 / february 2012


> fast news – people development

Conclusion of Fourth Acreditar Junior Group

Since the start of the program in August 2009, Acreditar Junior has already trained more than 800 youth, children of the Members of the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant

Working in partnership with Brazil’s National

discipline and qualification and helped her choose

Industrial Learning Service (SENAI), Odebrecht

her professional future. “Acreditar will help me enter

Energia held the graduation ceremony for the

the job market,” said the daughter of João Medeiros

fourth group participating in the Acreditar (Aspire)

da Silva, Crane Operator at the Santo Antônio

Junior Program on February 3 in Rondônia. The

HPP construction project. Proud, the Members

initiative is directed at the children of Santo

expresses his satisfaction at seeing his daughter

Antônio Civil Consortium (CSAC) Members ages 14

graduate: “It was the point of departure for her to

to 17 studying at least at the sixth grade level.

have an excellent career,” he said.

A total of 197 youth participated in the group, receiving free courses in the trades of Automobile

During the ceremony, Antônio Cardilli – the professional responsible for People and

Maintenance Mechanic, Diesel Engine Maintenance Organization and Institutional Relations at the Mechanic, Motorcycle Maintenance Mechanic,

Santo Antônio HPP and the creator of Acreditar

Building and Industrial Installation Electrician and

and Acreditar Junior – declared that the program

Production Assistant during a one-year period.

is a way of giving the Rondônia population back

Kellen Stefany Costa Silva, age 15, took part


the affection and trust it has bestowed in the

in the Production Assistant course and wants to

plant construction. “Knowledge is something that

study civil engineering in college. According to the

nobody can take from you,” said Cardilli. “Believe in

youth, the program provided her with maturity,

your dreams.”

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 276 / february 2012

Learning Opportunity for Pernambuco Youth “The experience is changing my life,” said

the classroom and are monitored up-close by

José Alves da Silva. “I learn a lot every day and

the leaders,” said Ana Carolina Sousa, from the

have the opportunity to see things I never

People & Organization area.

knew about before.” The Pernambuco native

According to Sousa, after the end of

is part of a group of 67 youth participating in

the program – which lasts one year – the

the Young Apprentice Program, developed

participants can be contracted: “We have several

by the PTA POY PET Installation Program,

youth that began as apprentices,” said Sousa. This

which involves the construction of the Suape

is the case of Luana Kelly Santos, Administrative

Petrochemical Complex in Pernambuco currently

Assistant in the Financial area, who participated

being undertaken by Odebrecht Engenharia

in the program in 2010 and was contracted after


its conclusion. “As a Young Apprentice, I found

The program is designed to train participants,

the support I needed to learn, since I did not

aligning theoretical knowledge – with classes

have any professional experience,” said Santos.

administered by Brazil’s National Industrial

“The monitoring I received was very important.”

Learning Service (SENAI) – and practical

In all, the PTA POY PET Installation project has

activities. The students are qualified for the

already trained 80 youth in trades from the civil,

trades of bricklayer, carpenter, assembler and

electromechanical and administrative areas. “Our

hydraulic plumber. “At the construction project,

goal is to contract an additional 15 people from

the youth learn in practice what they study in

the current group,” said Sousa.

The participants from the Young Apprentice Program have the opportunity to be contracted for the PTA POY PET Installation project odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 276 / february 2012


> fast news – people development

Teles Pires HPP Receives Young Partners On February 6 and 7, Odebrecht

circuit, the last located along the right

Energia promoted the Young Partner

bank of the Teles Pires River. Members

Program Welcome Meeting for nine

of the People and Organization area and

Members of the Tele Pires Hydroelectric

Antônio Augusto, Contract Director at

Power Plant (HPP), currently being built in

the Teles Pires HPP, also took part in the

Mato Grosso. During the event, participants


listened to presentations about the project

The Young Partner Program is designed

and heard general orientations about the

to identify and invest in professional youth

Human Resources Policy and program.

who have the potential to become future

Oriented by Matheus Gontijo and André

leaders and entrepreneurs. The selection

Queiroz, Production Managers, the Young

was held last year in five Brazilian capitals:

Partners visited the construction site

Belo Horizonte, Recife, Rio de Janeiro,

and office and lodging installations, the

Salvador and São Paulo. In all, Odebrecht

construction of the bridge and generation

Energia contracted 31 youth.

For a two-day period, the nine Young Partners at the Teles Pires HPP participated in presentations about the project and visited the construction work


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 276 / february 2012

Odebrecht International Promotes Distance Undergraduate Course

Students from the Business Administration course gather for on-site classes

In partnership with the International Continued Education Association (AIEC), Odebrecht International is offering an undergraduate distance education course in Business Administration for Members working in Mozambique. In the city of Tete, where the company develops the Moatize Coal Project – a coal mining development for the company Vale –, the course was initiated in 2011 and 30 students are currently enrolled, including Odebrecht and Vale Members. The distance undergraduate course allows professionals to continue with the course even if they move to another country. AIEC is a Brazilian institution that was formed to train professionals in business, process and people management.

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 276 / february 2012


> fast news – people development

Odebrecht Energia Holds 2012 Supervisors Meeting The General Supervisors

Held in Rio de Janeiro from

projects. “We left the event with

include a group of strategic

February 10-12 with aims

information that helps us face

professionals for Odebrecht

of addressing topics related

future challenges,” said Gilson

Energia, since they have

to the Supervisors’ role as

Aguiar, General Supervisor of

ample technical knowledge

Leaders, generating synergy

Rock Excavations for the Santo

acquired through Education

and promoting the sharing of

Antônio Civil Consortium.

Through Work at the

ideas and good practices, the

company’s projects, aligned

event gathered 66 Members

topics discussed will serve as the

with leadership capacity

working on the construction of

foundation for the actions to be

and successor training. With

the Santo Antônio, Teles Pires

implemented at the company

this in mind, the People and

and Simplício Hydroelectric

construction sites, aiming to

Organization area promoted

Power Plants as well as

strengthen the Supervisors’ role.

the 2012 Supervisors’ Meeting.

the Furnas modernization

The conclusions as to the

The speakers included Renato Baiardi, member of the Odebrecht S.A. Board of Directors, Daiha Blando, Managing Director at Energia Brasil, Mário Lúcio Pinheiro, Contract Director at the Santo Antônio HPP, and Enio Silva, responsible for P&O and Communication at Odebrecht Energia. The meeting also included the closure of the Supervisor Development Program (PDS) and the graduation of its participants. The Members also visited tourist points in Rio de Janeiro.

The General Supervisors of Odebrecht Energia visited the Christ the Redeemer Statue and Sugarloaf Mountain


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 276 / february 2012

Angolan Photographers Participate in Workshop

Holanda Cavalcanti, Photography Editor for Odebrecht Informa, administers a workshop for Angolan photographers

On February 10, Odebrecht Angola promoted a photography workshop administered by

toward the teams’ alignment,” he said. During the meeting, the editor showed

Holanda Cavalcanti, Photography Editor

the photography practices adopted by

for the magazine Odebrecht Informa with

the magazine to produce news stories,

the participation of 17 people, including

encouraged participants’ creativity and

assemblers, company Members ad professional

promoted the exploration of ideas to inspire the


photographers. “The workshop was an excellent

The meeting was designed to clarify the

opportunity for us to learn about Odebrecht’s

publication’s photographic editorial line and

standards and will certainly contribute toward

that of the Organization’s other publications

the improvement of the work undertaken,” said

and the image quality standards used for the

professional photographer Kamene Traça.

companies’ archive. “The meeting was positive

At the end of the meeting, the participants

in terms of allowing everyone to understand

received copies of the autographed book Ê

the publications’ editorial line,” said Cavalcanti.

Povo Ê (“It’s People It’s”) written by Holanda

“I believe that these initiatives help contribute

Cavalcanti. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 276 / february 2012


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