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Nยบ 275 / /FEVEREIRO // MARCH JUNHO 2011 No. Nยบ 277260 2012 Nยบ 260 JUNHO 2012 2011

CONPAR Consortium: Sensation of Mission Accomplished odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 277 / march 2012


2012 // MARCH JUNHO JUNHO 2011 2011


No. Nº 260 Nº 277 260 /

4 luiz mendonça becomes new eth entrepreneurial leader

Continuing with the planned succession of leaders at the Odebrecht Organization, on February 27, ETH Bioenergia announced its new Entrepreneurial Leader: Luiz Mendonça.

6 sensation of mission accomplished Formed by Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial, UTC Engenharia and OAS, the CONPAR Consortium concluded the construction of the Instable Current Hydrotreatment Unit at the Presidente Getúlio Vargas Refinery for Petrobras in Paraná.


10 santo antônio hpp: reference in waste management


During the past year, the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant in Rondônia recycled 15,000 tons of waste. The volume represents 82% of the total generated by the construction work during the period.

Next Edition: march 20, 2012.

18 or development with

eurostars excellence

A joint venture established between the Spanish group Hotusa and Brazilian company Nobile Hotéis will be responsible for the hotel administration of the Brisas do Lago development in Brasília, an Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias contract.


20 expanding the partnership

The Mitsubishi Corporation increased its support of the Bahia Baixo Sul Environmental Protection Area Mosaic Integrated and Sustainable Development Program (PDIS), supported by the Odebrecht Foundation.

> > 24 fast news

editorial staff ODEBRECHT NEWS is an internal newsletter published by the Odebrecht S.A. Business Communication Team Responsible Journalist: Fabiana Cabral Editorial Office: Avenida das Nações Unidas, 8.501, 32º andar, São Paulo Phone Number: (55 11) 3096-8171 Suggestions: fabianacabral@odebrecht.com Website: www.odebrechtnoticias.com.br share this newsletter at your company or your project!

> leadership

Luiz Mendonça Becomes N

Continuing with the

announced its new

INSEAD, Luiz Mendonça

planned succession of

Entrepreneurial Leader (EL):

was responsible for the

leaders at the Odebrecht

Luiz Mendonça.

International Business area

Organization, on February 27, ETH Bioenergia


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 277 / march 2012

A Production Engineer with an MBA from France’s

at Braskem’s Executive Vice Presidency and led

New ETH Entrepreneurial “ETH has the world’s largest sugarcane planting program. It is a successful company,” said Luiz Mendonça during a meeting with Members in São Paulo

Business. A Member since

advantage of the

2002, he also participated

opportunity to share his

in the petrochemical

first ideas about the ETH

acquisition processes,

strategy and answered

assuming the presidency of

Members’ questions about

Quattor in 2010.

the next steps for the

At ETH, his main

company, which begins its

challenge will be

internationalization process

consolidating the company’s

this year. “We plan to seek

presence in the national

new synergies and business

market and implementing

possibilities, while remaining

the internationalization

fully focused on the ‘key’


businesses,” he said. “We have a major challenge ahead.”

MEETING WITH MEMBERS On February 29, Members

Mendonça will continue his integration process with

from the São Paulo Office

visits to the agroindustrial

gathered in the auditorium

units. “I have always been

of the Eldorado Business

passionate about the

Tower for the presentation

operation,” he confessed.

by the new EL.

With 15,000 Members

Mendonça opened

and nine plants installed in

his presentation with a

five centers, located in the

summarized version of his

states of São Paulo, Mato

life story and career. “Over

Grosso, Mato Grosso do

the past four years, ETH has

Sul and Goiás, ETH hopes

become a major company

to achieve an installed

the company’s operations

and currently has the world’s

industrial milling capacity of

in America and Europe, in

best sugarcane planting

40 million tons of sugarcane

addition to the Ethylene

program,” he said. “It is a

per year and production of

XXI Project in Mexico and

successful company.”

three billion liters of ethanol

the Renewable Chemical

The EL also took

by 2014. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 277 / march 2012


> industrial engineering

Formed by Odebrecht

Getúlio Vargas Refinery

modernization of REPAR

Engenharia Industrial,

(REPAR) at the end of

since 2007, the consortium

UTC Engenharia and OAS,

January of this year. The

also built new Gasoline

the CONPAR Consortium

project was undertaken

Portfolio and Coke

concluded the construction

for Petrobras, in the city of

Portfolio Units, as well as

of the Instable Current

Araucária, Paraná.

the refinery’s Hydrogen

Hydrotreatment Unit (2313 HDTI) at the Presidente

The CONPAR Consortium is responsible for expanding and modernizing the Presidente Getúlio Vargas Refinery for Petrobras in Paraná


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 277 / march 2012

Responsible for the expansion and

Generation unit. The HDTI Unit reduces

the sulfur content of diesel

One of the greatest

During the pre-operation

oil and has the capacity

challenges faced during the

and unit startup phases,

to hydro-treat 6,000 m 3

plant installation was the

the attention was focused

of oil per day, improving

commissioning, in which

entirely on providing

the quality of the diesel

the potential risks inherent

support to the operation.

distributed in the market in

to the process required a

“The team’s unity was

compliance with applicable

team with a high degree

decisive, since we

environmental standards.

of technical qualification.

maintained our professional

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 277 / march 2012


> industrial engineering pride, overcame difficulties

the new unit also helped

and were able to be

contribute toward the

successful,” said João Xavier,

training of people such as

Commissioning Manager.

Paulo Linhares, Planning

According to David

Coordinator. “The possibility

Esberard, Contract Director,

of working with disciplines

the unit startup reflects

different than my own area

a sensation of mission

of training made CONPAR

accomplished. “I have been

my biggest professional

following the project since

challenge yet,” revealed the

the ground-leveling in

civil engineer.

2007, and it is gratifying

For many Members,

to know that our efforts

the consortium served as

will contribute toward the

a first work opportunity.

country’s progress,” he said.

“It was my first project

Henry Müller, Administrative

and my great personal

and Financial Manager,

accomplishment, since I

shared his pride in being

made some good friends,

part of the consortium: “I

learned about several

am extremely pleased to

different cultures and added

have participated in the

all of it to my own growth,”

development’s completion,”

said Claudia Machado,

said Müller.

Technical Assistant in the

According to Fernando

Supply area.

Fernandes, Production Manager, his biggest


achievement was being able


to lead such a committed team. “Everyone was

contract in 2007, CONPAR

involved with the same

has interacted with the

purpose in mind,” said

communities from the


project’s area of influence

The installation work for


Since the signing of the

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 277 / march 2012

and develops educational,

The contract also involved the construction of the Gasoline Portfolio and Coke Portfolio Units, as well as the Hydrogen Generation Unit

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 277 / march 2012


> industrial engineering

Developed from 2009 to 2011, Acreditar trained more than 1,100 people, 750 of whom were hired by the consortium

cultural and training

motivated and educated

applications and qualified

programs. In 2011, the

society for a better future,”

over 1,000 people under the

consortium’s social activities

said David Esberard.

Basic and Technical modules

were considered the “Best of the Year” by the Araucária


Created at the end of 2009 in partnership with

in the trades of bricklayer, carpenter, assembler, welder,

residents through an opinion the Municipal Government

assembly mechanic and

poll. “We have always

of Araucária, the Continued

scaffold assembler. Over 750

believed that we could make

Professional Qualification

participants were contracted

the difference with the

Program - Acreditar (Believe)


social projects that valued,

received more than 2,500

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 277 / march 2012

The consortium also

launched the free digital

Small Companies (SEBRAE)

consortium inaugurated

Caia na Rede (“Hit the

and the Araucária

a reading room at the

Net”) Program in 2009,

City Government

Dom Inácio Krause Health

involving the installation

to restructure the

Center last year with the

of IT laboratories at five

city’s street market.

support of the Municipal

entities located in the

Approximately 30 fair

Department of Health. The

municipality. Over 2,000

workers completed

space, which hosts the

children, youth and adults

courses that developed

entity’s Reading Project,

from the communities

concepts of associativism,

assists an average of 35

have already taken part

cooperativism, planning,


in the digital literacy

budget control, customer


assistance and relations

satisfaction at concluding

and the organization of

the new unit, we are

produce and vegetables.

pleased to know that

With aims of collaborating toward regional development,

In order to promote

“In addition to the

these projects will

CONPAR joined forces

the habit of reading

continue serving the

with the Paraná Support

among children from

residents,” concluded the

Services to Micro and

the communities, the

Contract Director.

One of the consortium’s social initiatives was the inauguration of the Reading Room in the city of Araucária odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 277 / march 2012


> environment

Santo Antônio HPP: Reference in Last year, the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant in Rondônia, which has Odebrecht Energia as an investor, recycled more than 15,000 tons of waste – including common garbage (paper and plastic) and industrial garbage (leftover concrete, steel scrap and pieces of wood). The volume represents 82% of the total generated by the construction work during the period. This work is undertaken at the Waste Management Center, which is divided into environments for each type of material to be recycled at the construction site itself and at other sites or is discarded. The utensils that are not reused, such as metal scrap, tires, plastic and paper, are sold to recycling cooperatives. With the paper recycling, over 5,200 trees have been saved since the installation of the construction site in 2008. The composting of leftover food from the cafeteria, mixed with pieces of shredded


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 277 / march 2012

n Waste Management In 2011, the Santo Antônio HPP reused more than 80% of the garbage generated for the entire project

residual wood – the organic

results are first-of-a-kind

recycling process – forms

and that the merit goes to

the fertilizer used in the

the teams’ actions. “Each

project’s seedling greenhouse

team is responsible for the

designed to recover

waste generated on the

degraded areas.

service fronts and we were

The waste that makes

only able to recycle because

up the so-called common

the Members separate the

garbage, such as toilet paper

materials correctly,” explained

and disposable cups, is sent

Alves. According to Alves,

to the sanitary landfill cell.

the workers are encouraged

The hospital garbage and

to undertake selective

that contaminated with oil


is incinerated in a piece of equipment installed at the


construction site itself.


Nelson Alves,

At the Santo Antônio

Environmental Manager

HPP, waste management

at the Santo Antônio Civil

is the result of the

Consortium, stated that the

planning performed

Member at the Waste Management Center handles materials to ensure they are sent to the correct destination odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 277 / march 2012


> environment included the large volume of waste generated and the fragility of the local structure to receive the materials. “There was no structure for the disposal of the hazardous waste and the nearest site was Cuiabá, located 1,400 km away from Porto Velho,” said Alves. Important initiatives were created based on this information. The project licensed the first sanitary landfill in the state of Rondônia, acquired a hazardous waste incinerator and two wood shredders, created the Waste Management Center with specific areas for each type of garbage and began to apply treatment via bioremediation, a process used to recover soil contaminated by oily products. Worker operates two hazardous waste incinerators, the destinations of the hospital garbage and that contaminated with oil


during the installation of

it was possible to define the

the construction site, when

best waste treatment method,

all of the construction

protecting the environment.

management, the Santo

processes were analyzed to

According to Alves, since the

Antônio HPP treats all of

identify possible generated

very start of the project, the

the sewage produced at the

waste, quantity, temporary

goal was to create a closed

construction site and all of

destination, transportation


the water used – whether for

and final destination. Based on the mapping of the areas,



odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 277 / march 2012

The challenges discovered at the construction site

In addition to waste

the plant construction or for human consumption.

The four Water Treatment Plants (WTP) installed at

lead more healthy lives. The water is collected from

environmental gain,” said Nelson Alves.

the development have the

the Mato Grosso and São

At the construction site,

capacity to treat 560 m3 of

Domingos streams – both

100% of the sewage is treated

water per hour, enough to

tributaries of the Madeira

at two Sewage Treatment

supply a city with 50,000

River – through pumping,

Plants (STPs) using the


and there is no waste since

stabilization lagoon process.

the use cycle is closed. Even

There are two types of

WTPs is innovative, since it

the silt left over from the

lagoons: the Facultative, in

uses an organic product called

filtering process is reused.

which the sewage’s organic

Vet Orgânica – extracted from

The dirty water is extracted

load is naturally digested,

the Black Acacia tree bark –

from it for treatment and the

and the Aerobic, which uses

and eliminates the need to

waste is applied to the areas

the action of ultraviolet

use the chemical component

recovered by the Degraded

rays to combat the existing

aluminum sulfate, employed

Area Recovery Program

pathogenic organisms.

at conventional plants. In

before the soil receives the

This process does not use

addition to being efficient, the

seedlings. “The practice

chemical products, avoiding

compound helps Members

generates an improved

environmental impacts.

The process adopted at the

Member shows the clean water after it has passed through the project’s Water Treatment Plant odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 277 / march 2012


> real estate developments

OR Development with Eur A joint venture established between the


The delivery of the Brisas do Lago civil

Spanish group Hotusa and Brazilian company

construction project, a high standard

Nobile Hotéis will be responsible for the hotel

development located at the banks of the Paranoá

administration of the Brisas do Lago development

Lake, is scheduled for June 2013. From there,

in Brasília. The contract with Odebrecht

Eurostars will begin the process of installing the

Realizações Imobiliárias (OR), responsible

hotel operation. The administrative contract will

for the incorporation and construction of the

be valid for four years and may be renewed, and

resident hotel, will guarantee that Brazil sees the

the operator committed to invest approximately

arrival of the Eurostars Hotels chain, which already

R$ 1 million in furnishings. OR’s investments total

operates in 12 other countries.

approximately R$ 150 million.

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 277 / march 2012

OR adopts sustainability practices at Brisas do Lago, such as the use of solar energy to heat water, use of certified wood, and the construction of a rainwater collection tank to control the quality of the resource to be launched into the Paranoá Lake

rostars Excellence “The arrival of Eurostars adds the requirement of excellence that the development

partnership meets this need,” he explained. Located next to the Brasília Tennis Academy,

demanded,” said Cesar Durão, Incorporation

between the Golf Club and Paranoá Lake,

Director at OR. “It is the combined know-how

Eurostars Brisas do Lago is being construction

of a local administrator and a brand with

on a terrain extending more than 28,000 m²

international expertise,” he said. “Our concern

and will include five blocks with an integrated

was always to maintain the development’s

environment, featuring rich landscaping and an

standard of quality and sophistication, not just

ample front part for direct access to the lake. The

in the construction work, but also in the service

high level finish and bold design can be found in

that will be offered. I understand that this

all the 750 units. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 277 / march 2012


> odebrecht foundation

Expanding the Partnershi

Students from the Presidente Tancredo Neves Rural Family Home, one of the teaching units contemplated by the partnership with Mitsubishi

The Mitsubishi Corporation increased its support of the Bahia Baixo Sul

family homes associated with PDIS that

Environmental Protection Area Mosaic

operate in the region. The resources will

Integrated and Sustainable Development

be used to train new rural entrepreneurs.

Program (PDIS), supported by the

On Februar y 14, representatives

Odebrecht Foundation. The agreement

from Mitsubishi, Minoru Akita,

was signed on February 13.

General Manager of Corporate

The company, which has been a partner since 2009, will invest US$ 1.8


million over the next three years in

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 277 / march 2012

Social Responsibility in Japan, and Kana Hasegawa, the professional

ip responsible for Corporate Social

are the new generation, learning

Responsibility in Brazil, visited the

with hopes and dreams,” said

teaching units contemplated by


the par tnership. On the occasion,

Mitsubishi already supported

they interacted with some of the

a project in Igrapiúna, Bahia.

young students.

From 2009 to 2011, the company

“I realized how the projects we

financed the training of Igrapiúna

are supporting are significant for

Rural Family Home students

Brazilian society and how they

to become multipliers of

per form their function efficiently,”

technologies designed for the

said Akita. For Hasegawa, it is an

production and processing of

honor to contribute toward these

cacao, heart of palm, rubber and

actions: “We saw the youth, which


Representatives from Mitsubishi interact with students from the Agroforest Family Home, located in Nilo Peçanha odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 277 / march 2012


> fast notes

Registration for ETH Young Partner Program Now Open ETH Bioenergia has opened up registration for the 2012 Young Partner Program, designed for young graduates

site training and complementary distance activities. Those youth who graduated in 2011

who are seeking to begin their careers at a

can sign up for courses in the areas of

large Organization. Interested candidates

Business Administration, Accounting

can sign up at the website

and Economic Sciences, Environmental

www.eth.com until March 12.

and Sanitary Engineering, Agricultural,

The job positions are distributed

Agronomic, Food, Industrial Automation,

throughout the company’s production

Automation Control, Electrical, Electronic,

centers, located in the states of Goiás,

Electrotechnical, Mechanic, Mechatronic,

Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul and São

Production and Chemistry, with

Paulo and at the corporate office in the

intermediate English, mastery of the

São Paulo capital. According to Genésio

Office package and also mobility to reside

Couto, the professional responsible for

in other Brazilian states and regions.

People and Sustainability, the program is

The selection process involves CV

designed to identify and develop young

screening, online tests (English and logical

talents whose personal values are aligned

reasoning), group dynamics, business

with the characteristics and culture of

panel and interviews with ETH leaders.

ETH and the Organization. “The idea is

The activities will begin in June of this

to prepare future professionals that are


committed to work on the company’s business fronts,” he said. With a duration of two years, the program adopts the Job Rotation system – based on Education Through Work, one of the concepts of the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology –, which allows those candidates approved to work in different areas based on their academic background, in addition to offering on-


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 277 / march 2012

Young Partner Program: Cultivating knowledge, creating value

New Odebrecht Angola Contract Odebrecht Angola has signed a contract to

The development will also promote the arrival

build the infrastructure of the iron mining project of investments in the food, hotel, trade and for the company Angola Exploration Mining

service areas. “Improvements are planned in the

Resources S.A. (AEMR), a public-private company

region’s infrastructure, crude and potable water

controlled by the Business Conglomerate DT

distribution, energy generation and distribution

Group, located in Township of Jamba, Province of

and construction of roads,” said Martins.


During the course of the construction work,

For the construction of the infrastructure

the company plans to develop local labor training

and iron ore production and processing plant,

and qualification programs and training focused

the company expects to generate more than

on social-environmental education and literacy.

2,500 direct and indirect job opportunities. It

After the project’s conclusion, scheduled for

also expects to require some 3,000 Members for

2014, the construction will begin for the first steel

its operation. “The project will generate work

plant in Angola, which will allow the nation to

opportunities and improve the quality of life, not

join the group of African countries that produce

only for residents of the Jamba municipality, but

steel. Over the medium term, it is estimated that

also for the population of the neighboring cities,”

the project will create 8,000 direct and indirect

said Félix Martins, Contract Director.

job opportunities.

OOG Presents its Good Social Practices to Client At Petrobras’ invitation, Odebrecht Oil and Gas

Coordinator at OOG, presented the evolution of

(OOG) presented the initiatives and achievements

School in Action during a panel on good social

of the School in Action program on February 16 in

practices. For her, the opportunity to present the

Macaé, Rio de Janeiro. The initiative is developed

results was quite significant, since it reveals the

by the company in partnership with the Macaé

program’s strength. “Since its creation in 2007, the

City Government and United Nations Educational,

initiative has already assisted more than 62,000

Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

children directly and indirectly,” said Machado.

The exhibit was held during the Monthly Best

Involving public, private and philanthropic

Practices Meeting, organized by Petrobras together

initiative, the project stands out for its participative

with the participation of different suppliers in

management system, the capacity for social

the municipality. The meeting, which gathered

mobilization and the results of the community

200 people, also involved the discussion of topics

participation, which led to the expansion of the

related to Social Responsibility, Health, Workplace

actions, structured into three programs: Opening

Safety and Environment (SSTMA).

Spaces (workshops), Professional Qualification and

Emile Machado, Social Responsibility

Hit the Net (digital inclusion). odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 277 / march 2012


> fast notes

Rota dos Coqueiros Becomes Two-Time Champion for Journalism Award For the second consecutive year, the Rota dos Coqueiros Concessionaire – in which Odebrecht

photos illustrating the story were taken by photographer Bobby Fabisak.

TransPort holds stake – in Pernambuco, was the

In the Broadcast Journalism category, the

topic of the news stories awarded by the Brazilian

winners were Jaderson Pires, Fabiani Assunção,

Highway Concessionaires’ Association (ABCR) in

Monica Carvalho, Eriberto Pereira, Pedro

the categories of Print Journalism and Television.

Guimarães and Ivanildo Araújo, with the news

The two awards were earned by publications from

story “BR 101 - Unreliabilities,” aired on TV Jornal,

the Communication Trade Newspaper System.

which showed the situation of the federal

“The Walk in the Clouds and Walk along the Stones,” by journalist Roberta Soares from the newspaper Jornal do Commercio, won

highways that traverse the Metropolitan Region of Recife and the contrast with Via Parque. Last year, the Rádio Jornal team, which

in the Print Journalism category. The story

consists of Carlos Morais, Adulccio Lucena,

portrayed the contrasts of the two accessways

Zé Roberto, Oscar Lobo, Thalyta Duarte and

that lead to Pernambuco’s Southern Coast: Via

Emílio Bezerra, won the award with the series

Parque, operated by Rota dos Coqueiros, and

of news stories “Rota dos Coqueiros - Path of

the highways BR-101 e PE-60, both public. The


Rota dos Coqueiros is responsible for the construction, operation and maintenance of Via Parque and the Paiva Road System Arquiteto Wilson Campos Júnior Bridge


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 277 / march 2012

Maracanã Construction Work 35% Completed

With two years to go until the Soccer World Cup in Brazil, the construction work for the Maracanã Stadium is 35% complete

The remodeling project for the Maracanã

the stadium and the construction of the North

Stadium – which will host the final match of the

Tunnel – which will facilitate vehicle access to

2014 World Cup –, currently being undertaken

the lawn –has already been concluded. The

by Odebrecht Infraestrutura in Rio de Janeiro,

60 stadium pillars began to receive the inserts

has completed 35% of its activities.

that will serve as anchorage for the new roof

In order to streamline the work, the construction of the grandstands was divided

structure. The installation of the slabs for the 110 private

into three stages. The structure will consist

boxes began in the East and West sectors and

of approximately 2,750 precast parts,

the construction of the four access towers that

manufactured within the construction site itself

will connect the ground floor to the upper floors

and installed with the support of cranes. The in

of the stadium are also underway.

loco construction activities were also begun for

A total of 4,200 Members currently work on

the upper grandstand, which will overlap the

the project, whose construction peak, to occur

existing one, bringing the fans closer to the field.

still this month, should generate 5,200 direct job

The four access ramps reach the third floor of

opportunities. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 277 / march 2012


> fast notes

Sanitation Project in Panama Completes Important Phase The Panama City and Bay Sanitation Project,

The Interceptor Tunnel is being excavated

developed by Odebrecht Panama, has reached

with a TBM (Tunnel Boring Machine) that uses

an important phase in its construction. The

the EPB (Earth Pressure Balance) methodology,

Segments Factory – which produces the rings

working at a depth of between 16 and 23

that line the tunnel – achieved its production

meters. Workers have already excavated 6.5 km

goal of 40,900 parts.

of the total extension of 8.1 km. It is expected

For a 20-month period, approximately

that the entire project will be completed 10

50 Members dedicated their efforts to

months ahead of schedule, which was originally

manufacturing these rings that form the

estimated at 45 months.

Interceptor Tunnel – one of the development’s

Members of the Segments Factory will be

most important components. With the

transferred to the Panama Subway Line One

conclusion of this phase, 80% of the tunnel

project, which consists of a 7-km tunnel that is

construction activities have been finalized.

also being excavated with the TBM.

The Odebrecht Panama Members celebrated the paving of the last piece of tunnel lining. A total of 40,900 rings were produced


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 277 / march 2012

Enriching Dialogue: Renato Baiardi Talks to PROSUB-EBN Youth

Young Partners from PROSUB-EBN met with Renato Baiardi, who spoke about challenges, leadership and culture

On February 2, Renato Baiardi, member of

Leader Educator is something very important for

the Odebrecht S.A. Board of Directors, met with

your training,” he said. “It doesn’t matter whether

youth from the Odebrecht Infraestrutura

you are abroad or in Brazil: look for a Leader

PROSUB-EBN project for an informal chat

who inspires you and challenges you.” According

about his experience and 45-year career at the

to Baiardi, among all of the leaders, Norberto


Odebrecht was the one who taught him the

Baiardi reported his main challenges and achievements, what he learned during moments of crisis and about what it means to be Leader

most: “There was not one time that I was with Dr. Norberto that I did not learn something.” About his career development, Renato Baiardi

based on the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial

emphasized the following: “An entrepreneur who

Technology concept. “A true Leader is someone

is always concerned with learning and doing

who is concerned with the development of those

better than before is the one who has a long life

he or she leads, who is happy with the success

at the Organization.”

and development of those who work with him

At the end of the conversation, Baiardi made it

or her,” said Baiardi. “It is impossible be a leader

a point to highlight TEO as Odebrecht’s greatest

in the full sense of this concept, without being a

asset. “The purpose of my visit was to bring a bit

Leader Educator.”

of culture to you,” he said. “We need to practice

He also emphasized that the best thing that

TEO in order to ensure that the Organization

the youth can do to grow at the Organization

continues to be a company that is different from

is to always seek a great Leader. “Identifying a

the others.” odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 277 / march 2012


> fast notes

Mozambique Graduates its First Acreditar Group The Nacala International Airport project,

Environment, Workplace Psychology, Health,

located in Mozambique and currently being

Quality and Increased Schooling were

undertaken by Odebrecht International,

developed. “My life is already improving, since

certified 80 people in the Basic Cycle of the

I can have a job opportunity at Odebrecht

Continued Professional Qualification Program

or at other companies,” said graduate Álvaro

- Acreditar (Believe), on February 17. The


ceremony to deliver the certificates included

According to Fernanda Reis, People

the presence of António Pilale, Administrator

and Organization Manager, the graduates

of the Nacala District, who recognized the

are ready to enter into the Specific Cycle.

positive impact of the partnership between

“Acreditar is training for life and this is what

the Mozambique government and the

we want to leave for the community of

company. “The partnership offers many

Nacala,” said Reis.

advantages for our people and our district,” he said. Under the motto “Train People, Build

Leonardo Ribeiro, Contract Director, stated that the program essentially aims to develop and improve the professional and personal

Dreams,” the learning meetings began on

habits of the residents from Odebrecht’s areas

January 30 with two groups, during the

of operation: “We believe that people will

morning and afternoon periods, including

have more work opportunities, which will

40 students each. During the 60 hours of

allow them to contribute toward the growth

course load, topics such as Workplace Safety,

of the local economy,” said Ribeiro.

The graduates can already start the Acreditar Specific Cycle, which will train them in different areas to work in the job market


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 277 / march 2012

ETH Organizes Training for Agroindustrial Center Leaders

Leaders from the ETH centers take part in the Entrepreneurial Development Program, which discussed Mass Communication

On February 28, ETH Bioenergia gathered

Christian University, promoted discussions

50 leaders from the centers – responsible for

with participants on the following topics: Trade

the industrial, agricultural, health, safety and

Union Scenario and Perspectives, Operations

environment and people and administration

in the Digital and Analog Profile, the New Mass

areas – and their subordinates for an

Communication and Communication Diagnosis.

Entrepreneurial Development Program meeting. The initiative was created with aims of

ETH has 15,000 Members, 14,800 of which work in the agricultural and industrial

promoting a reflection on the topic of Mass

areas. “Training leaders to communicate

Communication, with a focus on improving

with those they lead guarantees a healthier

labor and trade union relations.

work environment that is more focused on

Consultant Paulo Sérgio Rosa, the creator

valuing people,” explained Karina Fonseca,

of the Thinking Together Method (TTM)

the professional responsible for People

and PhD in Political Sciences from Florida

Development at ETH. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 277 / march 2012


> fast notes

Santo Antônio HPP Graduates Second Group of Supervisors through PDS

The program promotes training through continued education and is designed based on the needs and interests detected at the construction projects

On February 23,

for the supervisors. Leonardo

classes in a range of different

Odebrecht Energia held

Borgatti, Contract Director

areas under the Basic,

the graduation ceremony

at the Santo Antônio Civil

Behavioral and Instrumental

for the second group from

Consortium, spoke about the

modules, for a total course

the Supervisor Development

importance of training the

load of 260 hours.

Program (PDS), which consists

leaders and those they lead.

Thirty-two years after

of 24 Service Supervisors

“I would like you to use the

he finished school, Manoel

at the Santo Antônio

knowledge in your work and

Euzébio da Costa resumed

Hydroelectric Power Plant,

in your lives, disseminating

the studies he interrupted at

currently being built in

what you learned,” he said.

the grade school level. “PDS


Also present were Members

was an innovation in our

Maurício Mendes, João Rocha,

personal and professional

Délio Galvão, Managing

Sérgio Scarpim, Rodrigo

life,” said Costa. “Our

Director of the Construtor

Jivago, Augusto Silva Filho

leadership improved, as did

Santo Antônio Consortium,

and Antônio Sérgio Barbim.

the communication and

During the ceremony,

highlighted the importance of the training opportunity


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 277 / march 2012

For three and a half months, the Members took

relationship with the team,” said the Mechanic Supervisor.

Supervisors Discuss the Role of Leader on the Expressway What is the leader’s

the Organization’s growth and

leadership within the current

role? How to communicate

survival, the initiative gathered

context, with aims of better

appropriately with those you

25 supervisors associated

meeting the demands in the

lead? These and other topics

with the Production area for

field and preparing people,”

were addressed during the first

the first time, indicated by the

explained Melo.

Reflection Seminar undertaken

Production and Administrative-

by the Suape Logistics Road

Financial Managers.

Complex - Expressway,

Civil Supervisor Gerson Palmeira participated in the

The Members took part in

seminar and emphasized the

currently being constructed

the group dynamics conducted

importance of the initiative:

by the Expressway Consortium

by Sabrina Veras and Mônica

“I have 28 years of career and

(Odebrecht Infraestrutura and

Lapenda, from the People and

this experience will contribute

OAS) in Pernambuco. The event

Organization team, with the

considerably toward my

was held on February 25.

assistance of the project’s Social

professional life,” he said. “It is

Worker, Joyce Melo. “The idea

always good to stay updated

discussion about the leader

is to allow the supervisors to

and find the best way of dealing

as a fundamental agent for

understand, reflect and discuss

with people.”

With aims of promoting the

The Expressway Consortium held the first edition of the Reflection Seminar for 25 project leaders odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 277 / march 2012


> fast notes

PROSUB-EBN Holds Vacation Internship Program During the vacation

The initiative is designed to

for current and future

period at the universities,

develop skills not commonly

challenges,” explained

the PROSUB-EBN Submarine

learned in the classroom.

Leonardo Veras, the

Development Project,

Universities from different

professional responsible for

whose civil construction

Brazilian states took part in

Maritime Project Production,

work is currently being

lectures on safety, quality and

who monitored the internship

undertaken by Odebrecht

introduction to Odebrecht

of Pedro Cordeiro, a Civil

Infraestrutura, received

Entrepreneurial Technology

Engineering student from the

nine students from the

and the work of each one was

Federal University of Alagoas.

civil engineering, electrical,

monitored by a construction

According to the youth, the

mechanical, administrative

project leader.

program gave him important

and economic sciences areas

“It is important to invest

technical knowledge for his

for the Vacation Internship

in new talents so that the

career and his life. “The major


company is always prepared

differential was the role of the leaders, accessible people who feel accomplished with the learning and success of those they lead,” he said. Gabriella Franco, a future civil engineer who is studying at São João Del Rei Federal University, took part in the program for the second time. “I was impressed with the evolution of the development from one year to the next,” said Franco. “This shows the dimension and seriousness of the work of all the different

For a one-month period, nine students from different Brazilian universities participated in yet another edition of the Vacation Internship Program at PROSUB-EBN


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 277 / march 2012

areas of operation.”

COOPRAP Handicrafts for Sale at Banco do Brasil Virtual Store Handicrafts made from piassaba fiber are sold at the Banco do Brasil virtual store

The government-owned bank Banco do

cultural diversity. “We will also be benefitted

Brasil and the Pratigi Environmental Protection

even more by the job opportunities and added

Area Rural Producers’ Cooperative (COOPRAP)

value given to our products,” said cooperative

established a commercial partnership that will

member Leonaldo dos Santos, a resident of

facilitate the sale of the handicrafts produced

the community of São Francisco, located in the

from piassaba fiber.

municipality of Nilo Peçanha in Bahia.

Through the Sustainability Store, the financial

The partnership between Banco do Brasil

institution is promoting the sale of over 3,000

and the cooperatives associated with the

handicraft items on its website, primarily those

Bahia Southern Lowlands Environmental

materials for the office and kitchen. It is estimated Protection Area Mosaic Integrated and that the articles will be available for purchase still

Sustainable Development Program (PDIS),

during the month of March.

supported by the Odebrecht Foundation

The Sustainability Store, an initiative of Banco

and of which COOPRAP is part, began in

do Brasil, was created in order to sell the products 2009. When the agreement became official, created by the communities assisted under

the members came to have regular access to

the Sustainable Regional Development (DRS)

rural credit via the National Family Farming

program. This strategy supports economically

Strengthening Program (PRONAF). In two

feasible, socially just and environmentally correct

years, the cooperatives raised over R$ 8 million,

production activities, observing and respecting

benefitting 399 producers. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 277 / march 2012


> fast notes

Health of Members is Priority at the Teles Pires HPP To guarantee the

health exams and emergency

The team consists of one

occupational health of its

services and has beds for

physician, one veterinarian and

workers, Odebrecht Energia

patients to rest and a physical

sanitary physician, two nurses,

installed an outpatient clinic

therapy and emergency room

three physical therapists, two

and room for health services

equipped with a defibrillator,

speech therapists, one workplace

at the construction site of the

respirator, first-aid equipment

nurse, one workplace nursing

Teles Pires Hydroelectric Plant,

and medications and an

technician, five nursing technicians,

currently being built at the


two sanitary technicians, two

border between Mato Grosso

The health base, which is

sanitary assistants, two drivers and

assembled along the right bank,

two administrative assistants. “We

has first-aid medications and

have professionals specialized in

of the Teles Pires River, the

equipment and an ambulance.

emergency, with experience in

outpatient clinic has the support

The devices are portable and

Urgent Mobile Care Services to

necessary for undertaking

can be placed in vehicles that are

provide the right kind of assistance

awareness raising campaigns,

transformed into semi-intensive

when necessary,� said Gilberto

pre-employment and periodic


Hirokazu Yoshida, the responsible

and ParĂĄ. Installed along the left bank

physician. Among the health programs undertaken at the construction site are those in the areas of hearing protection and ergonomics, collective health and endemic diseases, as well as the awareness raising campaigns focused on topics such as diabetes, dengue fever, malaria, hearing protection and sexually transmitted diseases, among others. In January of this year, the Hearing Protection Program (PPA) was undertaken with aims of raising Member Members from the Teles Pires HPP Health team orient workers during the awareness raising campaigns


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 277 / march 2012

awareness about the importance of using ear plugs.

Moatize Expansion Project Launches SOL Campaign

Roberto Salvador, SSTMA Manager at Odebrecht International, presents the new campaign to Members

The Moatize Expansion Project – a Vale project

initiative is designed to raise Member awareness

located in Mozambique focused on coal mining

about the importance of undertaking activities

currently being developed by Odebrecht

with safety, organization and cleanliness in the

International – launched the SOL Campaign. In

construction project environment. The teams

Portuguese, SOL stands for “Safe, Organized and

were encouraged to compete for the best


performance and the winners were awarded.

Created by the company’s Health, Workplace Safety and Environment (SSTMA) area, the

The campaign reinforces the concepts and guarantees workplace safety, avoiding accidents.

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 277 / march 2012


> fast notes

Odebrecht Angola’s Active Life Program Records over 1,000 Participants Created to encourage sports practice and a

morning and late afternoon. During the entire

healthy lifestyle in the urban areas revitalized

week, the sports courts and spaces along the

by the Vias de Luanda Project, the Active Life

sidewalk and the beach of Ilha do Cabo are open

program has already passed the mark of 1,000

to the population. During the weekends, over

participants during its second month of activity.

500 people take part in the actions.

The initiative undertaken by Odebrecht Angola

For the start of the program, set for January

and the Government of the Province of Luanda

of this year, nine sports courts were installed

promotes improvements to quality of life in the

at the beach near the avenue Avenida Murtala

capital and develops actions in the modernized

Mohamed. During the summer season, which

public spaces.

extends from January to March, citizens can

The activities, which are coordinated by

take part in free volleyball, soccer and basketball

Physical Education teachers, take place on

classes and matches, in addition to aerobic

Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays during the

gymnastics at Esplanada das Palmeiras.

At the end of February, amateur players from 10 sports and summer associations gathered for the activities held on the sidewalk of the Ilha do Cabo beach


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 277 / march 2012

The 50 Most Important Books on Sustainability With the sponsorship of Braskem,

will be drawn between the ideas

the Jatobás Institute – a non-

addressed in the publication and

governmental organization whose

the Green Economy concept, and

mission is to promote the expansion

its role in Brazil, in society and at

of sustainable development – will

organizations. The opening speech

launch the publication entitled

will be given by PhD in Public

“The 50 Most Important Books on

Management and Sustainability

Sustainability” on March 12, during

Specialist, Rachel Biderman, and

an event that will discuss the new

after that, a roundtable will be

paths for Green Economy in São

formed for a debate with leading


entrepreneurial specialists from the

The book will feature a synopsis

philanthropic sector. One of the

and the main ideas of the most

debaters is Jorge Soto, Sustainability

important publications focused

Development Director at Braskem.

on the topic, selected by 3,000

The meeting will take place from

leaders and former students of

8:30 a.m. to 12:00p.m. at the Getúlio

the Sustainability Program at

Vargas Foundation’s Salão Nobre.

Cambridge University in England.

Registration is limited and can be

It will also include interviews and

completed via e-mail eventos@

biographies of the authors, which

conversasustentavel.com.br, by

include global references such

phone (+55 11) 2501-4064 or at the

as Aldo Leopold, Rachel Carson,

Conversa Sustentável (“Sustainable

Joseph Stiglitz, Herman Daly, Jeffrey

Conversation”) website – www.

Sachs, Buckminster Fuller and E.F.

conversasustentavel.com.br in


the Events section. Entry is free of

During the event, a parallel


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 277 / march 2012


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