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Nº 275 / FEVEREIRO 260 JUNHO 2011 No. Nº 280 / // APRIL 2012 Nº 260 JUNHO 2012 2011

Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant Starts Commercial Operations Nine Months Ahead of Schedule odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 280 / april 2012


NEXT EDITION: MAY 2, 2012. No. Nº 260 Nº 280 260 / //

APRIL 2012 JUNHO JUNHO 2011 2011

4 new visual identity for engineering and construction companies

Starting this month, the companies Odebrecht América Latina e Angola, Odebrecht Venezuela, Odebrecht International and, abroad, Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial, will be adopting a new visual identity.

6 integrated youth

Every year, hundreds of Young Partners participate in the Introduction to Culture Program. In 2012, the first meeting took place from March 26-28 in Salvador, Bahia, with the participation of 363 Member.


8 santo antônio hpp starts commercial operations


The Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant, located on the Madeira River in Rondônia, began the commercial generation of energy at the end of March when two bulb turbines began operating.

14 dream of owning a home come true

On March 22, the City Government of Queimados, located in Rio de Janeiro, performed the symbolic delivery of 500 housing units in Block C at Condomínio Parque Valdariosa, built by Bairro Novo – an Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias (OR) company.


19 consecrating bahia theater

On April 4, the Castro Alves Theater in Salvador hosted the 19th edition of the biggest and most important award in Bahia Theater, the Braskem Theater Award. Learn more about the ceremony and find out the winners.

> > 23 Fast News editorial staff ODEBRECHT NEWS is an internal newsletter published by the Odebrecht S.A. Business Communication Team Responsible Journalist: Fabiana Cabral Editorial Office: Avenida das Nações Unidas, 8.501, 32º andar, São Paulo Phone Number: (55 11) 3096-8171 Suggestions: fabianacabral@odebrecht.com Website: www.odebrechtnoticias.com.br share this newsletter at your company or your project!

> brand

New Visual Identity for Engineerin St a r t i n g t h i s

O debrecht Venezuela,

will be adopting a new

m o nt h , t h e co mpanies

O debrecht I nter national

visual identit y.

O d e b re c ht Am ĂŠr ica

and, abroad, O debrecht

L at i n a e An g o l a,

Engenhar ia I ndustr ial,

The change, which will also be applied to

The Brand Territory website was created to facilitate the management of the companies’new visual identity


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 280 / april 2012

ng and Construction Companies a l l p u b l i c ex p ressions

the architec ture of

graphic standard for

o f t h e E n gi n e e r ing and

the Engineer ing and

the presentations in

Co n s t r u c t i o n b usiness

Construc tion brand

PowerPoint, in additio n

i n b o t h B ra z i l and

reflec ted the inter nal

to a new t ypographic

a b roa d, i n i n s t itutional

struc ture of the

family developed

fo r m , i s t h e re s ult of

business, but for the

exclusively for

a s t u d y u n d e r t aken

ex ter nal public, it of ten

O debrecht.

i n 2 0 1 1 by t h e brand

clouded understanding,”

m a n a g e m e nt consulting

said Laura G arcia, Brand

and elements for the

f i r m I n te r b ra n d. The

Strategy M anager at

cor rec t use of the

i d e a i s to gi ve the


logo are available in

All of the guideline s

co m p a n i e s’ b rand more

With t he new

co n si s te n c y, f a cilitating

logo, the Company

an online tool created

co m m u n i c at i o n with

stationar y, signs and

to facilitate the

c l i e nt s a n d t h e ex ter nal

M ember identification

management of the n e w

p u b l i c.

were re -adapted.

identit y.

Th e n e w v i s ual i d e nt i t y i n c l u d es

There was also the creation of a common

the Brand Ter r itor y,

To access the websi te, click here.

c h a n g e s to t h e logo, w h i c h s t a r t i n g now, w i l l fe at u re t h e name “O d e b re c ht ” i n white ove r a re d b a c kground, w i t h o u t t h e i n clusion of d e s c r i p t i ve s i n dicating re p re s e nt at i ve m a r k e t s o r s p e cialt y.

IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONSULT THE CORPORATE COMMUNICATION TEAM: • Karolina Gutiez: (+55 11) 3096.8268 karol.gutiez@odebrecht.com • Renata Meyer: (+5511) 3096.6067 renatameyer@odebrecht.com

“ B y u n d e r t a k i n g the s t u d y, we re a l i zed that odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 280 / april 2012


> education through work

Integrated Youth

Every year, hundreds of young

Salvador, Bahia, and involved 363

dynamics and activities to better

graduates begin working at

Members of the Organizations’

understand the profile of the

Odebrecht through the Young

companies, divided into two

YPs and learn more about the

Partner Program. In order to

groups. The YPs listened to

Organization and its culture.

integrate these new professionals

lectures and activities that

and encourage them to reflect

debated the topics “Who Are We?,”

for People and Organization

on the values and beliefs for the

“Where Are We Going?” and “How

at Odebrecht S.A., gave a

Organization’s Survival, Growth

Will We Get There?.”

presentation on the Organization

and Perpetuity as well as the

and spoke about the 2020 Vision.

Odebrecht Entrepreneurial

Partners from Odebrecht

The participants then visited

Technology (TEO), these Young

S.A., Odebrecht Engenharia

the Odebrecht Cultural Center,

Partners (YPs) take part in the

Industrial, Odebrecht

located at the head office. Pedro

Introduction to Culture Program.

Infraestrutura and Odebrecht

Novis, member of the Odebrecht

Energia listened to lectures

S.A. Board of Directors, closed

and participated in group

the programming with the

In 2012, the first meeting took place from March 26-28 in


On March 26, 166 Young

Carla Barretto, responsible

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 280 / april 2012

lecture “Reflections on TEO,” where

Márcio Polidoro, responsible for

he associated philosophy with

Entrepreneurial Communication

practice. The youth interacted and

at Odebrecht, who spoke

asked questions.

about his own career at the

On March 27, it was time

Organization and the acceptance

for the 197 YPs from Braskem,

and continuous practice of TEO;

Foz do Brasil, Odebrecht Oil

and Beatriz Filgueiras, responsible

and Gas (OOG) and Odebrecht

for Organization and Culture

Realizações Imobiliárias (OR) to

at Odebrecht S.A., who talked

meet in the capital city of Bahia

about the 2020 Vision. The first

for the first Introduction to Culture

day ended with a visit to the

Program meeting.

Odebrecht Cultural Center.

The participants were able

YPs from Odebrecht S.A., Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial, Odebrecht Infraestrutura and Odebrecht Energia

During the second day of the

to observe activities, listen to

meeting, the YPs were divided

lectures and interact with Mauro

based on their respective

Figueira, responsible for Financial

companies and learned more

Planning at Odebrecht S.A., who

about the environments in which

presented the Organization;

they will work.

YPs from Braskem, Foz do Brasil, Odebrecht Oil and Gas and Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 280 / april 2012


> energy

An investment and

its commercial energy

right side of the river, the

construction of Odebrecht

generation on March 30 with

turbines have the capacity

Energia, the Santo Antônio

the start of operation of two

to generate 71.6 MW each,

Hydroelectric Power

bulb turbines connected

enough energy to supply

Plant (HPP), located on

to Brazil’s National Energy

some 350,000 homes.

the Madeira River in

Connection System (SIN).

According to Henrique

the city of Porto Velho, Rondônia, officially began


odebrechtnoticias.com.br 2012 odebrechtnoticias.com.br // no. no. 280 280 // april april 2012

Installed in Power House 1, located along the

Valladares, Entrepreneurial Leader, the operations

A UHE Santo Antônio iniciou a operação de duas das suas 44 turbinas com nove meses de antecedência

The Santo Antônio HPP began operating two of its 44 turbines nine months ahead of schedule

began nine months ahead

country’s development,”

plant in terms of guaranteed

of time with relation to

explained Valladares.

energy and the sixth largest

the date established in the

Estimated for conclusion

in Brazil in installed power.

bid. “This attests to our

in 2015, the Santo Antônio

The total investment in

teams’ ability to overcome

HPP will have an installed

the development is R$ 16

challenges when building

capacity of 3,150 MW – it

billion, R$ 1.4 billion of

complex developments

will be the country’s third

which is directed at social-

that contribute toward the

largest hydroelectric power

environmental actions. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 280 / april 2012



along the left bank and one


in the Madeira River bed.

The construction of a hydroelectric power plant

generator units and the other

on the Madeira River was

three have 12 each.

first contemplated in 2001,

During the work, three

a year during which Brazil

major construction phases

faced an energy crisis that

were planned. During the

culminated with the rationing

first, the main channel of

of the resource. The South

the river remained intact,

and Southeast regions had

while along the right bank,

used practically all of their

there was the construction

hydroelectric potential, while

of a Power House and

in contrast, only 10% of the

Complementary Spillway,

resource was being used in

with three gates. Along the

the Amazon Region.

left bank, the Main Spillway

After completing feasibility

was installed with 15 gates,

studies, the construction

built and assembled in 15

work began in September

months – considered a world

2008, under the responsibility


of the Construtor Santo

The second phase began

Antônio Consortium (CCSA),

with the full deviation of the

formed by Odebrecht

Madeira River to the Main

(leader), Andrade Gutierrez,

Spillway, which occurred in

Alstom, Bardella, Siemens,

July 2011. From that point,

Andritz and Voith. The

the construction of the

construction work is currently

cofferdam began in the main

70% completed.

river bed, which after it was

The Santo Antônio HPP

completed, allowed for the

consists of four Power Houses

filling of the reservoir and

– known as the Generator

beginning of the generator

Groups –, with one located

unit tests.

along the right bank, two


The first group has eight

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 280 / april 2012

During the final phase

The technology known as“run-of-theriver� and the bulb turbines, powered by the natural flow of the Madeira River, reduce the environmental impact

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> energy of the construction work,

large reservoirs, reduce the

already with the reservoir

environmental impact,” said

formed, the Madeira River


began flowing through

At the construction site,

the first generator units,

100% of the sewage is treated

while being channeled

using a biological system

through the spillways, and

and returned to the river in

the construction of the

conditions superior to those

other three Power Houses

established by Brazilian

continues in such a way that

standards and upheld by

the generator unit begins

international institutions,

operating by month until

such as the World Bank.

the full conclusion of the development. According to Leonardo


According to Miguel Figueiredo, Assembly Director at Odebrecht, the five installed

Borgatti, Civil Construction

water treatment plants (WTPs)

Director at Odebrecht, the

are an important reference to

project is aligned with the

the project’s environmental

Organization’s Sustainability

quality. “The WTPs use

Policy, which establishes

innovative processes to treat

the adoption of practices

the water resource, employing

designed to reduce the

organic reagents and the silt

environmental impacts and

from the filter backwashing

promote the adjustment of

as fertilizer for recovering


the contracts to the regions

local vegetation,” said


in which they are inserted.

Figueiredo. He also revealed

“The choice of the technology

that the plants have the

approximately 15,000

known as the run-of-the-

capacity to treat 560 cubic

Members working to build

river plant and the 44 bulb

meters of water per hour,

the Santo Antônio HPP, 80%

turbines, powered by the

including 400 cubic meters

of who are residents of Porto

natural flow of the Madeira

of industrial water and 160

Velho and the Metropolitan

River and which do not

cubic meters of drinking


require the construction of


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 280 / april 2012

Created in 2008 at the project, Acreditar has already trained 40,000 people from Porto Velho and the region

Today, there are

The participation of

local labor, which prevents

With investments of R$

program at the end of 2008,

migratory flow, was possible

17.2 million, the initiative was

40,000 people from the region

with the creation of the

developed two years before

have been trained.

Continued Professional

the start of the construction

Qualification Program -

work after a survey conducted

extended to other Organization

Acreditar (Believe), developed

in Porto Velho, which

projects in Brazil and abroad. In

by Odebrecht Energia with

revealed the low availability

Brazil, over 50,000 people have

aims of training professionals

of trained labor to meet the

been qualified, with 32,700 of

to work in the area of civil

development’s demands. Since

this total contracted by the


the implementation of the


The Acreditar initiative also

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 280 / april 2012


> real estate developments

Dream of Owning a Home C

Jurema dos Santos Mariano and her family celebrate their new home


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 280 / april 2012

Come True

On March 22, Maria Raimunda de Jesus, age 66, received the symbolic keys to her apartment, one of the last 500 concluded at the Condomínio Parque Valdariosa, in Queimados, Rio de Janeiro. Maria lived in an at-risk area and participated in three drawings before receiving her new house. “I’ll buy the furniture I need and move in her with my son,” she said, happily. The former home of Jurema dos Santos Mariano, age 28, was also determined by the city government to be at-risk for natural disasters. She lived at the edge of the river with four children, began to receive the housing assistance and now feels accomplished. “It took a while, but my children and I are secure and we have our own home,” she said, with a wide, emotional smile on her face. The event to hand over the symbolic keys for Block C, the last of the development, involved the presence of Queimados Mayor, Max Lemos, Regional Superintendent of the bank Caixa Econômica Federal (CEF), Cláudio Martins, of the State Housing Department, Rafael Picciani, and other authorities from the city and the financial institution. Condomínio Parque Valdariosa, which includes 1,500 housing units designed for families with a monthly income of up to R$ 1,600.00 (approx. US$ 900) was built by Bairro Novo, an Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias company. The project is part of the Brazilian Federal Government’s “My Home, My Life 1” Program. According to the Queimados City Government, the municipality was the first in the Baixada

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> real estate developments The last block of CondomĂ­nio Parque Valdariosa, located in Queimados, Rio de Janeiro, was delivered on March 22

Fluminense region to establish a partnership with the government to build the housing units. The delivery of the condominium will benefit 6,000 people. For Bairro Novo, the act consolidates the company’s operations in the State of Rio de Janeiro and strengthens its commitment to quality, through the delivery date established


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 280 / april 2012

Mayor Max Lemos delivers Maria Raimunda the symbolic key to her apartment

with the Client, based on the Odebrecht

bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom. In each

Organization’s sustainability guidelines and those

block, Bairro Novo reserved eight apartments

of the Federal Government’s housing program.

that meet the needs of individuals in

Condomínio Parque Valdariosa has three

wheelchairs, measuring 46.04 m² each. The

blocks (A, B and C). Block A was delivered

blocks also have a gourmet space, multisport

in September 2011 and Block B, in January

court, playground, gatehouse and garbage

of this year. The housing units have 41.25

deposit, in addition to individual water and

m² of private area, with a living room, two

energy meters. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 280 / april 2012


> culture

Consecrating Bahia

As Rimas de Catarina (“Catarina’s Rhymes”) was the winner in the Children’s Play category

On April 4, the Castro Alves Theater in Salvador, Bahia, hosted the 19th edition of the

respectively. Actor Carlos Betão took home

biggest and most important award in Bahia

the trophy for his role in Sargento Getúlio, a

Theater, the Braskem Theater Award.

monologue inspired by the work with the

The evening consecrated Sargento Getúlio


categories Adult Play and Children’s Play,

same name by João Ubaldo Ribeiro. Maria

(“Sergeant Getulio”) and As Rimas de Catarina

de Souza was chosen as Best Actress for Fim

(“Catarina’s Rhymes”) as the winners in the

de Partida (“End of Game”); Luiz Marfuz won

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 280 / april 2012

a Theater

in the category of Director for Meu Nome É Mentira (“My Name is Lie”) and Namíbia, Não!

others received R$ 5,000 each. This year, the award paid tribute to

(“Namibia, No!”) received the trophy for the

two big names in Bahia culture. Deeply

text by Aldri Anunciação.

moved, actor and journalist Gideon Rosa,

Of the eight categories total, the winners

considered a theater icon with his more

from Adult Performance and Children’s

than 20-year career, received the trophy

Performance received R$ 30,000 each and the

from friend Yumara Rodrigues. Recognized odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 280 / april 2012


> culture Carlos Betão won the award for Best Actor for his performance in the play Sargento Getúlio (“Sergeant Getulio”)

for his contributions to local culture and the social actions he promotes, Carlinhos Brown gave guests a special treat by improvising a presentation with the band BaianaSystem and singing the song Selva Branca (“White Jungle”). Another highlight of the night was the presentation of videos created by the first group of the Braskem Theater Award audiovisual workshop, which presented those nominated in each category. Youth from Salvador and the Metropolitan Region got up on stage to receive the applause of the public present. Under the theme “Our Daily Theater,” the ceremony, directed by Elísio Lopes Jr., included the presence of famous personalities to deliver the trophies, including spiritual leader “Mãe” Stella, journalist Wanda Chase, educator Jorge Portugal, anthropologist Luiz Mott, visual artist Bel Borba,


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 280 / april 2012

Sargento Getúlio (“Sergeant Getulio”) was the winner in the Adult Play category

singer Lazzo Matumbi, professional boxer Júnior Cigano, choreographer Lia Robatto and Vice President of Institutional Relations and Sustainable Development at Braskem, Marcelo Lyra. The winners were nominated and chosen by a judging committee that included journalist and writer Marcos Uzel; choreographer Lia Robatto; writer Adelice Souza; actor and coordinator of the Bahia Federal University (UFBA) Theater School Graduate Program, Cláudio Cajaíba; and playwright Paulo Henrique Alcântara. Between the months of Carlinhos Brown receives the tribute for his contributions to local culture and the social actions he develops from Marcelo Lyra

March and December of last year, they watched the 53 plays presented in the city. SOCIAL ACTION One of the new features of this edition was the holding of the first Braskem Theater odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 280 / april 2012


> culture Award Audiovisual

nominated in the eight

productions in Bahia,” said

Workshop. Promoted by the

categories of the award.


organization Invencionicce,

“Guided by the ceremony

with the support of the Bahia

theme, the work of the


State Cultural Foundation

students shows the different


(FUNCEB) Audiovisual Board

perspectives they have on

(DIMAS), 30 youth ages 16-

the city of Salvador in a very

Award is a well-established

21 from Salvador and the

creative way,” said Elísio

tradition in Bahia’s cultural

Metropolitan Region sited

Lopes Jr., General Director of

scene and is designed to

up via the website www.

the award and Coordinator at

value, recognize and award



the state’s theater production,

com.br and were selected

For Emmanuel Lacerda,

The Braskem Theater

opening up a space for the

to participate in the art

Institutional Relations

direction, script and sound

Manager for Braskem in

and lighting technique

Bahia, the initiative promotes

part of the Braskem Social

classes for free from January

social transformation

Responsibility Policy, focused

to March of this year.

through cultural education.

on its activities geared

“This reinforces the premise

toward social inclusion,

educational material and

of the Braskem Theater

environmental education

money to help cover their

Award of revealing new

and the promotion of culture,

transportation costs, and

talents and recognizing the

with aims of establishing

based on the theme Our

work of the professionals

bases for citizen awareness

Daily Theater, they created

tied to the local scene,

and encouraging sustainable

videos to present those

thereby promoting artistic


The participants received

emergence of new talents. The award was created as

BELOW ARE THE WINNERS FROM THE 2012 EDITION: • Adult Play: Sargento Getúlio (“Sergeant Getulio”) • Children’s Play: As Rimas de Catarina (“Catarina’s Rhymes”) • Director: Luiz Marfuz, for Meu Nome é Mentira (“My Name is Lie”) • Actress: Maria de Souza, in Fim de Partida (“End of Game”) • Actor: Carlos Betão, in Sargento Getúlio (“Sergeant Getulio”) • Text: Namíbia, não! (“Namibia, No!”) by Aldri Anunciação • Revelation: Teatro Base Group, with Arbítrio (“Judgment”) • Special Category: Pedro Dultra, for the lighting in Protocolo Lunar (“Lunar Protocol”)


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 280 / april 2012

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 280 / april 2012


> fast notes

Top Construction Company in Railroad Sector For the third consecutive year, Odebrecht Infraestrutura was elected the Top Construction Company by the 2012 Ferroviária Magazine Award, the most important for the sector in Brazil. The ceremony, held on March 29, included the presence of the Minister of Transportation, Paulo Sérgio Passos, as well as the company’s main executives who work in the area. The top construction company was chosen

Leandro Azevedo represented Odebrecht Infraestrutura and received the Top Construction Company Award, granted by the magazine Ferroviária, from Julio Lopes

by the readers of the publication through an

projects in the railroad

Railroad is moving forward at

online voting process, as

transportation sector, such as

advanced pace toward Suape,

well as by participants from

the Rio de Janeiro Subway, São

in Pernambuco. The work to

the “Businesses on Rails” fair,

Paulo Subway, Transnordestina

assemble the superstructure in

organized by the magazine.

Railroad and also the operation

the city of Serra Talhada, located

Leandro Andrade Azevedo,

of concessionaires, such as

in the Pernambuco backlands,

Managing Director of

SuperVia and ViaQuatro,

began in April and includes

Odebrecht Infraestrutura,

companies controlled by

the placement of the tracks

received the trophy from

Odebrecht Transport,” said

and cross-ties. The project has

Rio de Janeiro Secretary of

Azevedo. The company is also

already built approximately

Transportation, Julio Lopes.

helping duplicate the Carajás

50% of its infrastructure and

“For the company, the

Railroad, which extends 892

approximately 200 kilometers

award is a source of pride and

kilometers and connects

of tracks have been placed. The

satisfaction, primarily at a

Southeastern Pará to the coast

project traverses three Brazilian

moment at which Odebrecht

of Maranhão.

states (Pernambuco, Ceará and

is taking part in important


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 280 / april 2012

The Transnordestina

Piauí) and has 9,800 Members.

Rota das Bandeiras Becomes Pioneer in New Toll Payment Model The Rota das Bandeiras

Two collection points were installed along the Engenheiro Constâncio Cintra Highway: at the toll booth, located at Km 77.1, and at Km 74 in Jundiaí

Geraldo Alckmin. “SP-360 has

from the credits purchased by

Concessionaire – controlled

the privilege of becoming the

the user. The driver only pays

by Odebrecht TransPort – is

first highway in the country to

the distanced traveled, and no

the first in the country to offer

adopt a system that operates in

longer the full rate. In Itatiba, the

the Point-to-Point System, a toll

different parts of the world,” said

residents who use the system

payment model based on the

Governor Alckmin. “It is a fair toll

will be able to cut their expenses

stretch driven developed by the

fee from which the residents of

by 70%: instead of the current R$

São Paulo State Government.

Itatiba can benefit,” said Alckmin.

2.00, the toll rate will be R$ 0.60

The system began operating

With the Point-to-Point

for the trip to the downtown

on April 9 on the Engenheiro

model, the toll payment is made

Constâncio Cintra Highway

electronically as opposed to the

(SP-360), between the cities of

use of toll booths. Antennae

partner of the State government

Itatiba and Jundiaí, in the rural

fastened to gates installed

and for us, it is an honor to

region of the state.

along the highway read the

implement innovative projects

information contained on the

that directly benefit the user,”

Point System – which adopts

electronic device installed inside

said the concessionaire’s

the MLFF (Multi Lane Free Flow)

the vehicles, without the need

Managing Director, Luiz Cesar

model used in countries such as

for drivers to stop or reduce their

Costa. “I am certain that we are

Germany, Spain, United States,


part of a historical moment for

The launch of the Point-to-

Chile, South Africa and Austria – was made official by Governor

The amount corresponding to the stretch driven is debited

area of the city. “Rota das Bandeiras is a

the country’s highway system,” said Costa. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 280 / april 2012


> fast notes

ETH Holds Meeting with Land Owners in Mineiros, Goiás On April 3, leaders from ETH

and economic feasibility

showed how the bioenergy

Bioenergia met with some

studies on the benefits of

sector opens up some important

100 land owners from Mineiros

work in the sugarcane supply

opportunities for entrepreneurs

and Perolândia, in Goiás, from

chain for the bioenergy sector.

and land owners,” said Zillo.

Alto Taquari, in Mato Grosso,

Different types of mechanized

and from Costa Rica, in Mato

harvest and planting methods,

units in the region that have

Grosso do Sul, to present the

varieties of seedlings adapted

a joint milling capacity of

latest technological innovations

to the types of soil, techniques

more than 15 million tons per

in sugarcane planting. The idea

designed to improve the

harvest: Morro Vermelho, in

was to promote the production

planting yield and the best

Mineiros, Água Emendada,

of the raw material – considered

period for production, among

in Perolândia, and Costa Rica

one of the main challenges

other topics, were also

and Alto Taquari, located

faced by the sector for the


in municipalities with the

2012-2013 harvest.

“The sector’s main

ETH has four agroindustrial

same name. “We need solid

challenge over the short term

partnerships to achieve the

“A Day in the Field,” held at

is to increase the production of

milling goal,” explained Luiz

the Jacuba Farm, in the region

sugarcane to meet the plants’

Paulo Sant´Anna, Supervisor

of Mineiros, participants

installed industrial capacity,”

of the Taquari Center, which

learned practices, technical

said Fabiano Zillo, Supervisor

includes the Alto Taquari and

information, new technologies

of the Araguaia Center. “We

Costa Rica units.

During the meeting entitled

ETH partners watch the mechanized sugarcane planting demonstration


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 280 / april 2012

Braskem Participates in Fairs in Brazil and United States During the first two weeks of April, Braskem

able to learn more about Ethylene XXI, the project

participated in two important fairs. The first was NPE

with three integrated plants in Mexico for the

- The 2012 International Plastics Showcase from April

production of 1.05 million tons of polyethylene per

2-5, in Orlando, Florida, and the second was the 10th

year starting in 2015.

Edition of EXPOBOR, held from April 11-13 in São Paulo.

Braskem has five industrial units in the United States – Marcus Hook, in Pennsylvania; Neal, in West

At NPE – considered the main event from

Virginia; Freeport, La Porte and Seadrift, in Texas –, as

plastic sector in North America –, the company

well as a Technology and Innovation Center unit in

marked its first participation since it entered the

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

North American market in 2010. “We showed our

The petrochemical company participated for

commitment to serving the region with the highest

the first time in EXPOBOR – Latin America’s largest

quality in products and services that the industry has

rubber sector meeting – and presented its portfolio

to offer,” said Robert Nadin, Commercial and Supply

of hydrocarbon resins, known by the brand Unilene,

Vice President at Braskem America.

produced exclusively by Braskem in Latin America.

At its main booth, which occupied 425-m2,

The resin is used in the production of high

the company used technology to bring its clients

performance rubber compounds, adhesives and

products and success stories in an interactive and

paints and its main characteristic is the improvement

innovative fashion. The petrochemical company

of the products’ properties, offering technical and

presented its portfolio of products, with a focus on

economic advantages. Recognized in the market

the polypropylene market and the production of

for its quality, the Unilene line underwent a brand

biopolymers and polyethylene from a renewable

reformulation, which was launched at the fair,

source, known as “green” plastic. Visitors were also

together with the portfolio of products.

New Braskem Butadiene Plant In June of this year, Braskem will inaugurate its new Butadiene plant, located at the Triunfo Petrochemical Center in Rio Grande do Sul. Butadiene is the raw material used by the tire industry and rubber industry in general. With a total investment of R$ 300 million, the new plant will produce 100,000 additional tons of butadiene per year. Braskem currently has an installed capacity for 105,000 tons per year.

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 280 / april 2012


> fast notes

Nacala International Airport Project Hires First Graduates of Acreditar Program On March 27, during the certification ceremony for the first group from the Specific Bricklayer group under the Acreditar (Believe) Mozambique Program, undertaken at the Nacala International Airport Project, Odebrecht International announced the contracting of 24 graduates to work at the construction site. During the event, the Nampula Province Governor, Felismino Tocoli, declared that the initiative creates job opportunities for youth and helps improve the quality of life in the district. “This gesture is a significant effort in terms of combating poverty, and consequently, for the development of the province,” said Tocoli. Leonardo Ribeiro, Contract

The 24 graduates contracted by Odebrecht International received 140 hours of training under the Specific Bricklayer Cycle

Director for the Nacala International the communities by offering Airport Project, stated that

professional qualification to the

the certification represents

youth,” said Ribeiro. Visibly moved,

the fulfillment of a dream to

graduate Anchita Simon talked

contribute toward Mozambique’s

about the chance for professional

development. “It is our desire

growth: “With this job opportunity,

to promote the well being and

I’m going to start planning my

improve the quality of life of

future,” said Simon.

Acreditar Program Recognized in United Kingdom On March 30, Odebrecht


the Continued Professional

the meeting with the

Infraestrutura took part in a

Qualification Program -

representatives from AoC,

meeting with The Association

Acreditar (Believe), and the

Ayesha Williams and John

of Colleges (AoC), a United

ways in which the entity

Mountford, who will return

Kingdom institution focused

could support the initiative.

to the country in June with

on professional qualification

Victor Falcão, responsible

30 other professionals to

in Rio de Janeiro. The focus

for coordinating Acreditar

visit one of the programs

was the presentation of

in Brazil, took part in


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 280 / april 2012

First Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial IT Meeting On March 30 and 31, 37 Members from the

Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial has 37 Members from the IT area for the Company’s 24 projects in Brazil and abroad

The Butadiene II contract was honored

Information Technology (IT) teams from 24

with the trophy for 2011 Best IT Practices,

Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial contracts

constituting a reference in Information

met in São Paulo for the first IT meeting.

Technology last year within the sphere of

Present at the meeting were administrative-

Industrial Engineering. “We are proud to receive

financial managers (GAF) and the professionals

this distinction,” said Rui Paixão, the project

responsible for corporate IT and in contracts

GAF. “It is important to understand the reality

and countries such as Argentina, Venezuela and

of the sector in order to identify the demands


and create solutions capable of adding value to

The professionals shared knowledge and experience during presentations and discussions about best practices in the area for business,

the business while better serving Members and Clients,” he said. For Evandro Rangel, responsible for IT at

in addition to topics such as Information

Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial, the entry of

Security – during a lecture given by Dr. Patricia

Members into new environments makes the

Peck, specialist in Digital Law –, “Improving

area’s responsibility more challenging, requiring

Service Levels and Optimizing IT Investments

a higher level of team training and alignment.

in Contracts.” Members also took part in

“With the meeting, we have the opportunity to

group dynamics about the Competencies of

promote improved integration, alignment and

the Odebrecht Partner and reflected on self-

qualification based on the company’s strategic

awareness, professional growth and career with

guidelines in its goal to fulfill the 2020 Vision,”

a lecture by consultant Ricardo Guterres.

said Rangel. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 280 / april 2012


> fast notes

Young Partners in Angola Participate in Afeq Training From March 5-16, The Functional Equipment Support - Afeq Angola and Afeq Brasil completed the first stage of technical equipment training for seven Odebrecht Angola Young Partners on Brazilian territory. The course is designed to develop the capacity to manage teams and guarantee the correct and safe application of earth moving, cargo and industrial center

the programmed content.

upcoming ones in July and

equipment. “Participants

“With the training, I’ll

December of this year.

have the opportunity to

be ready to offer more

Stelvia Agostinho,

absorb specific knowledge

effective support to the


about the equipment used

construction projects,

Engineer at the

in the construction, and

guaranteeing better

Expressways Project,

accordingly, develop their

productivity,” said

emphasizes that the

work better and faster,”


exchange with the Brazilian

said Gustavo Henriques,

With duration of 10

Young Partners and with

responsible for Equipment

months, the course

supplier companies

at Odebrecht Angola.

consists of theoretical

enriched the program.

and practical phases

“I can be a multiplier of

Domingos, responsible

with distance and on-site

knowledge and also put

for Fleet Control, the

activities that include

into practice what I learned

program allowed for the

visits to manufacturers and

in my daily routine,” said

improved assimilation of

projects in Brazil, with the


According to Gregório


Odebrecht Angola Young Partners during a visit to the equipment manufacturer company, which took place during the first phase of the course

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 280 / april 2012

Seminar Discusses Educational Assessment

Participants of the seminar that was focused on the importance of training educators and their relationship with students

March 30 and 31 marked the seminar

on the topic, encouraging participants

entitled “The Advances of Assessment in the

to discuss the best way of undertaking

21st Century: State-of-the Art as Opposed to

an educational assessment, the myths

Point-Based,” which began at Olívia Barradas

surrounding the issue and advances

Cultural Center in Valença and ended at the

associated with the topic over time. The

Presidente Tancredo Neves (CFR-PTN) Rural

reflections were focused on the importance of

Family Home in Presidente Tancredo Neves,

training educators and their relationship with


students. There was also a dialogue about

Present at the event were educators from the teaching units in the Bahia Southern Lowlands – both the state and municipal

Appreciative and Inclusive Assessment and Multiple Intelligences. During the following morning, the lecture

school system – as well as the rural families

“A Perspective on Our Practices in Trade-Off

associated with the Bahia Southern Lowlands

Teaching” completed the programming. At the

Environmental Protection Area Mosaic

end of the lecture, Penna coordinated a join

Integrated and Sustainable Development

evaluation of the discussions that took place

Program (PDIS), supported by the Odebrecht

over the two days of the event. “I’m grateful


for the honor of having participated in the

On the first day, teacher Thereza Penna,

event and have taken part in such a noble

who serves as the Cesgranrio Foundation

mission, involving committed educators and

Evaluation Center Coordinator, gave a lecture

students,” said Penna. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 280 / april 2012


> fast notes

OOG Forms Sustainability Committee Based on the concern

the mission of analyzing

in the entrepreneurship

with the environment

issues related to Social

line and the leaders of

and the safety and health

and Social-Environmental

the projects (contract

of Members, Odebrecht

Responsibility, Occupational

and operation directors)

Oil and Gas (OOG)

Health, Workplace Safety,

will help plan the general

formed its Sustainability

Climate Change and other

information and coordinate

Committee aligned with the

topics in a structured and

the meeting topics. The most

Organization’s Sustainability

systemic fashion, sharing

conceptual issues, which


basic practices.

involve changes or resources

The idea is to reinforce

at a strategic level, will be

OOG’s activities focused

Committee will be

assessed and validated

on the topic, promote the

permanent and coordinated

within the sphere of COMEX,

mastery of competencies

by Marco AurĂŠlio

headed by Roberto Ramos,

and business practices

Fonseca, responsible for

Entrepreneurial Leader at

designed to ensure

Entrepreneurship Support -


business perpetuity.

Sustainability at OOG. Those

Furthermore, the group has

responsible for Sustainability

The OOG Sustainability Committee reinforces actions and good practices associated with the topic at the company


The Sustainability

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 280 / april 2012

Angola Promotes Globally Responsible Leadership Workshop

Members from Odebrecht Angola participate in a meeting to discuss social responsibility and sustainability at the contracts

From March 28-

participants and allow for

Francisco Sawaguthi,

30, Odebrecht Angola

the sharing of knowledge

Sustainability Director in

promoted a workshop in

and experiences

the country.

Luanda about Globally

about the topics, as

Responsible Leaders

well as contextualize

par tnership with the

directed at contract

the Organization’s

Dom Cabral Foundation,

directors, their suppor t

Sustainability Policy and

the event involved

teams and the other

2020 Vision. “ The program

the par ticipation

leaders at the company

encouraged participants

of Sérgio Leão,

and their teams.

to perform an analysis

Sustainability Director

of their contract from

of the Engineering and

designed to multiply

the perspective of

Construction Operations,

the vision of Social

Sustainability and

and Ana Margarida

Responsibility and

establish initiatives in

Mar tins, Sustainability

Sustainability among

the projects,” explained

Director at Deloitt.

The event was

Organized in

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 280 / april 2012


> fast notes

Moatize Expansion Project Promotes Health on Alert Program In March, the Moatize

such as Respiratory Protection.

opportunities for identifying

Expansion Project, developed

According to Juliana Vieira, the

the existing risk factors in the

by Odebrecht International in

proposal is prevention, promoted

production process that can

Mozambique, began the Health

through visits to the construction

either directly or indirectly

on Alert Program, promoted

site, the elaboration of technical

contribute toward occupational

by the Workplace Safety,

reports for the different activities

hearing loss. “Observing

Health and Environment team

and the investigation of potential

Members as they complete

and coordinated by physical

health risks. “After the analyses,

their tasks allows us to identify

therapist Juliana Torresan Vieira

we gathered the workers and

risks and contribute toward

and speech therapist Lucienne

provided them with all of the

prevention,” said Corrêa.


necessary orientations and

The initial objective of the action is to present information

corrections,” said Vieira. Under the Hearing

The Carpentry sector was the first work front to receive the program, which was then

about Ergonomics and Hearing

Conservation Program, Lucienne

implemented at the Assembly

Conservation for Members,

Corrêa explains that the visits to

Center. Each week, different areas

and later, address other topics,

the construction site represent

have been visited.

Lucienne Corrêa orients Members as to the adequate use of ear plugs during daily activities


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 280 / april 2012

Campos Channel Recovery Begins Community Garden Students prepare and irrigate the land to receive the seeds as part of the new community garden at the Campos dos Goytacazes Fishing Boat Terminal

‘‘Planting gives nature life,”

receiving orientation from

orientation as to the health

said Douglas Santos, a student

Production Members at the

damage caused by the use of

of the municipal school APIC,

company. In up to 80 days,


located in the Campos dos

the community will be able

According to Marcos

Goytacazes Fishing Boat

to harvest lettuce, carrots,

Saliveros, responsible for

Terminal community in Rio

chicory, scarlet eggplant and

the Contract, the project’s

de Janeiro. The youth and 37


solid performance is due

other students helped create a

In order to orient and

to the partnership with the

community garden, promoted

multiply the harvest,

surrounding community. “It is

by the Environment sector of

explanatory brochures

important to leave a legacy for

the Campos Channel Recovery

were distribution about the

the population located near

contract, developed by

planting phases, such as

the project,” said Saliveros.

Odebrecht Infraestrutura.

seeding, transplant, spacing

“The community garden is yet

of each seedling, fertilization,

another initiative that we have

prepared and irrigated the

irrigation and harvest. The

found to expand the concept

land and chose the seeds,

students also received

of sustainability,” he said.

On March 30, the students

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 280 / april 2012


> fast notes

Productivity in Focus at CONEST In order to boost

According to Antenor de

our results,” declared Castro

productivity in the project, the

Castro, Contract Director,

during the program launch

CONEST Consortium (formed

the initiative is designed to


by Odebrecht Engenharia

promote debate and improve

Industrial and OAS) –

productivity at the contract.

already been implemented

responsible for installing the

“We are seeking to create

at CONEST starting with the

units at the Abreu e Lima

an environment marked by

beginning of the PEP in the

Refinery in Pernambuco –

awareness and motivation,

sectors of Logistics, People

launched the Productivity

and from there, promote the

and Organization, Processes,

Excellence Program (PEP) at

increasing involvement of

Technology and Logistics.

the end of March.

Members in order to improve

More than 50 actions have

Antenor de Castro speaks to Members of the CONEST Consortium during the launch of the Productivity Excellence Program


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 280 / april 2012

For Safer Traffic in Luanda With aims of raising the awareness of drivers and pedestrians to reduce accidents in Luanda, the Odebrecht Angola Expressways Project promoted the Safe Traffic Campaign from March 26 to 30, in partnership with the Angolan National Traffic and Road Department (DNVT ), Angola Road Institute (INEA) and Superior Police Institute. The campaign, which was held at different points in the city, included the promotion of activities such as exhibits, lectures, theater plays and the distribution of brochures. In each site, a mobile information station was set up to assist the population. On March 30, the last day of the campaign, more than 300 people, including residents, police officers and Members of Odebrecht, took part in a walk.

Odebrecht Angola Members distribute brochures with traffic tips to Luanda drivers and take part in the walk that closed the campaign

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 280 / april 2012


> fast notes

Understanding Youth as Part of the Solution Protection Area (EPA) –,

Foundation and of which

crucial role that youth

in addition to Presidente

IDC is part – through

have in the social and

Tancredo Neves.

lectures administered by the

In order to discuss the

political development of

The central focus of the

the communities in which

debates was the concept

they live, the Rights and

of Youth Leadership, which

supported by Municipal

Citizenship Institute (IDC)

promotes the decision to

Departments of Education

promoted debates and

think about youth as a part

and institutions associated

coordinated workshops

of the solution as opposed

with the program.

from March 27-30 to

to part of the problem.

World Youth Day is part

During the event,

of a calendar of PDIS actions

celebrate World Youth Day. The activities took place

The initiative was

knowledge was discussed

designed to celebrate

at state high schools in

within the context of the

commemorative dates

the Bahia municipalities

Bahia Southern Lowlands

during 2012. The idea is to

of Ituberá, Igrapiúna, Piraí

EPA Mosaic Integrated and

bring the Southern Lowland

do Norte, Ibirapitanga and

Sustainable Development

communities closer to the

Nilo Peçanha – all part of

Program (PDIS) – sponsored

institutions that are part of

the Pratigi Environmental

by the Odebrecht


Students from Ibirapitanga listen to a lecture about World Youth Day


youth who are part of PDIS.

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 280 / april 2012

Santo Antônio HPP Delivers Agricultural Tractors and Equipment Farmer Antônio Cordeiro, from the São Domingos Settlement, celebrates the new tractor’s arrival

Santo Antônio Energia,

from the community of Flor

its transportation to the flour

the concessionaire responsible

do Amazonas, the Joana D´


for the Santo Antônio

Arc III Association and the

Hydroelectric Power Plant in

São Domingos, Riacho Azul

Settlement Association also

Rondônia – an Odebrecht

and Morrinhos settlements,

received an agricultural tractor

Energia investment and

which develop family farming

and trailer. “We are very happy

construction – began


with the achievement because

delivering agricultural tractors

The Riacho Azul Settlers’

The São Domingos

the machinery will help us

and equipment to the rural

Association (ASPRAZUL)

produce and transport the

settlements of the communities

received a tractor and

manioc, corn and fertilizer,” said

located upstream from the

agricultural trailer and will

President José Carlos Ferreira.


also receive disc ploughs

“We will have the help of

The R$ 552,000-investment

and levelers, an agricultural

machines to replace the work

has allowed for the delivery of

plane and a manioc planter.

that we did manually,” added

agricultural tractors and trailers,

According to the president of

farmer Antônio Cordeiro. In

lime distributors, brush cutters,

the entity, Neuraci Monteiro

addition to the tractor and

disc ploughs and levelers,

Nascimento, the equipment

trailer, the association will

agricultural planes and manioc

will help the 40 residents

also receive disc ploughs and

planters. The machinery will

to prepare the earth for the

levelers, an agricultural plane

benefit some 400 residents

cultivation of manioc and for

and a manioc planter. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 280 / april 2012


> fast notes

Odebrecht Energia Helps Celebrate UFBA Polytechnic School’s 115-Year Anniversary From March 12-15, Odebrecht Energia –

debate on the demands for engineering

represented by Matheus Macedo, Assembly

generated by the market and society.

Engineer at the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric

Matheus Macedo talked about the profile

Power Plant in Rondônia – participated in the

of the Members selected by the company.

event “Integration between Engineering and

There was also discussion on the importance

Industry, Society and Public Policies” at the

of professionals developing entrepreneurial

Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) Polytechnic

training, one that includes aspects such


as leadership, social-environmental

The meeting designed to celebrate the school’s 115-year anniversary featured a

responsibility, and primarily, the capacity to overcome challenges.

From left to right: Ester Bergsten, responsible for Occupational Hygiene and Ergonomics at the Braskem Polymer Unit; Aurinézio Calheira Barbosa, Safety, Health and Environment Supervisor for the Camaçari Industrial Development Committee; Matheus Macedo; and Herman Augusto Lepikson, Vice Director of the UFBA Polytechnic School


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 280 / april 2012

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