Nยบ 275 / FEVEREIRO 260 JUNHO 2011 No. Nยบ 284 / // JUNE 2012 Nยบ 260 JUNHO 2012 2011
Odebrecht at the UN Conference on Sustainability
4 odebrecht at rio +20 No. Nº 260 Nº 284 260 ///
JUNE 2012 JUNHO 2011 JUNHO 2011
From June 13-22, Rio de Janeiro will host the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, also known as Rio+20, which will gather chiefs of state, business leaders, representatives of NGOs and society in general with aims of renewing the political commitment to sustainable development
10 environment week mobilizes members and communities
A community planting action, ecological trail, cultural activities and lectures on recycling marked Environment Week at the Organization’s projects in Bahia and Pernambuco.
16 odebrecht discusses women’s presence in business
The Internacional Finance Corporation, a segment of the World Bank, held a workshop as part of its Woman in Business program. Odebrecht was one of the 10 organizations invited to participate in the event, which took place at the entity’s head office in Washington D.C.
Next Edition: june 26, 2012
20 saneatins holds first edition of “fireside conversation”
In order to reinforce integration with the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO), approximately 150 leaders from the Tocantins State Sanitation Company (SANEATINS), controlled by Foz do Brasil, met on May 31 for the 1st edition of the “Fireside Conversation.”
> 22 leader from alstom and members of odebrecht energia visit odebrecht foundation
On May 21, Norberto Odebrecht, Chairman of the Odebrecht Foundation Trustees’ Board, received a visit from Philippe Delleur, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Alstom, as well as Members from Odebrecht Energia at the Organization’s Head Office in Salvador, Bahia.
> 27 Fast News editorial staff ODEBRECHT NEWS is an internal newsletter published by the Odebrecht S.A. Business Communication Team Responsible Journalist: Fabiana Cabral Editorial Office: Avenida das Nações Unidas, 8.501, 32º andar, São Paulo Phone Number: (55 11) 3096-8171 Suggestions: fabianacabral@odebrecht.com Website: www.odebrechtnoticias.com.br share this newsletter at your company or your project!
> Sustainability
Organization Companies From June 13-22, Rio de
will include seminars, debates,
Development and Eradication
Janeiro will host the United
technology exhibits and
of Poverty” and “The
Nations Conference on
plenary meetings, there
Institutional Structure for
Sustainable Development, also
will be en evaluation of
Sustainable Development” will
known as Rio+20, which will
the advances and gaps in
be the central topics of Rio
gather chiefs of state, business
the implementation of the
leaders, representatives of
decisions adopted by the
NGOs and society in general
main summits on the topic,
businesses, the Odebrecht
with aims of renewing the
in addition to the elaboration
Organization will sponsor
political commitment to
of new and emerging topics.
the conference and have
sustainable development.
“The Green Economy within
representatives at the main
the Context of Sustainable
seminars, debates and exhibits
During the event, which
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 284 / june 2012
Through its different
s at Rio+20 to be held during the event.
Board of Directors, together
important events to occur
Participants include Carlos
with the former Prime Minister
simultaneously with Rio
Fadigas, Entrepreneurial Leader
of Norway, Gro Bruntland, in
+20, such as BASD Business
at Braskem, in the debate
the event called “Meeting on
Day, the Global Compact
that will open the event,
the Sustainable Development
Corporate Sustainability
entitled “Business Action for
Economy” on June 17.
Forum, UFRJ/ COPPE – The
Sustainable Development
Future is Sustainable and CNI
- BASD,” representing the
International Council of
Braskem is the sponsor
Chemical Associations on
– The Industry Meeting for Sustainability. The company
of some of the most
June 19, and Rubens Ricupero, member of the Odebrecht S.A.
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 284 / june 2012
> Sustainability use of plastic, creating a new cycle after its consumption. The plant will operate at Athletes’ Park, one of the sites of the event. An official supplier of materials for Rio+20, Braskem will provide the event organizers with 50,000 sports bottles made from Green Plastic, produced with raw material of a 100% renewable origin. Another 50,000 bags of the same material will be supplied for the conference, together with 600 containers, all made
The official suppliers will have their logos printed on the banners and publicity materials for the Rio+20 events
will also be present at the
recycling plant into practice
exhibit “Innovation for
during the conference that will
Sustainable Development,�
transform plastic waste into
to be held by the Study and
plastic wood parts. The public
Project Finance Entity (FINEP)
present will be able to learn
from June 15-21.
about the entire furniture
In partnership with Cetrel,
manufacturing process as part
its environmental engineering
of the initiative designed to
company, Braskem will put a
show new possibilities for the
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
Rio +20. The Odebrecht
occasion of the first Supervia
Organization’s environmental
bicycle ride as part of the
a green economy without
solution company will supply
program “The Train Stops at
the involvement of the
the cups for drinking water,
Your Door,” which is designed
business community,” said
the same water consumed
to encourage people to use
Jorge Soto, Sustainable
by the residents of Limeira
bicycles in an integrated
Development Director at
(SP), the country’s first public
way with the train and as a
Braskem. “At Braskem, we
sanitation concession to
clean transportation option.
are advancing increasingly
receive private initiative
The 23- km bicycle ride,
more in this area and we
investment. Foz will also be
which will last two hours,
believe that the participation
present at Rio+20 through
will take place on June 17
in business forums, in which
the Aquapolo and Limeira
at 11:00 a.m. in Paracambi.
these practices are discussed
projects, which will be
Supervia will also offer free
and shared, is a good way of
exhibited in the SABESP/
transportation to students
moving forward,” said Soto.
Braskem and Piracicaba
from public schools for one
Basin, Capivari and Jundiaí
of the Rio +20 events and
programming, respectively.
will promote visits to the
from green polyethylene. “There is no way to have
Foz do Brasil will also be an official sponsor of
“The debate on
Morro do Alemão cable car
sustainable development
on June 16 and 17, showing
must involve a reflection on
the public the connection
how we are going to face the
with the train.
challenges of basic sanitation universalization,” said Mônica
Queiroz, responsible for
the Sustainability area at
The actions supported by
Foz do Brasil. “Foz supports
the Odebrecht Foundation
Rio+20 because it believes
in the Bahia Southern
that the debates promoted
Lowlands will be presented
by the conference will be
during Rio +20 as examples
crucially important in terms
of successful initiatives in
of contributing toward
Brazil in terms of promoting
this issue, which is vital for
local development and
Brazil’s social-economic
growth in a sustainable
development,” said Queiroz.
fashion, as part of the
Rio +20 will also mark the
Programming of Brazil’s
> Sustainability Ministry of the Environment Department of Biodiversity and Forests. Joaquim Cardoso, Chairman of the Deliberative Council of the Land Conservation Organization (OCT), the Odebrecht Foundation’s partner in the Southern Lowlands, will give a presentation on June 14. The Odebrecht Organization was also invited by UNITAR (United Nations Institute for Training and Research) to participate in a roundtable called “Cities at the Heart of the Future We Want: Cities and Private Sector Dialogue on Social Responsibility.” The forum will take place on June 18 as part of the Rio +20 programming. The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, Rio+20, marks the 20-year anniversary since the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (Rio-92). Brazil’s proposal to host Rio+20 was approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations during its 64th Session in 2009.
The Odebrecht Foundation’s actions in the Bahia Southern Lowlands will be presented during the event as successful examples
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
> Environment
Environment Week Mobili Communities
Seedlings of native trees were planted during the event that gathered Members and the communities
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
izes Members and A community planting
with the mobilization of
action, ecological trail
community leaders and
walk, cultural activities
public school students for
and lectures on recycling
the planting of 7,500 native
marked Environment Week
tree seedlings in degraded
at the Braskem Project,
areas of Dias D’Ávila and
undertaken by Odebrecht
Camaçari. Coordinated by
Engenharia Industrial,
the Camaçari Industrial
and Rota do Atlântico,
Promotion Committee
administered by Odebrecht
(COFIC) and the Costa
dos Coqueiros Ecological
From June 1-8, the
Corridor Institute (INCECC),
Braskem Project worked
the action was designed to
through the Furnace Area
raise the local population’s
to emphasize “The 5Rs
awareness as to the
of Sustainability (Reflect,
importance of restoring
Refuse, Reuse, Reduce
and conserving native
and Recycle) and Income
Generation” during events
In order to consolidate
that gathered Members
the knowledge acquired in
and the communities of
the planting activity, the
Camaçari and Dias D’Ávila,
students watched the play
in Bahia, in celebration of
“Planting the Future,” set
World Environment Day,
up by the Industry Social
celebrated internationally
Service (SESI) with young
on June 5.
actors from Camaçari.
The event began
The play emphasizes the odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
> Environment
“Planting the Future:” theater presentation emphasized the importance of environmental preservation
importance of preserving
given by forest engineer
by the Camaçari Recyclable
the Forest Ring, an area
Loyane Borges.
Material Cooperative
under recovery located
Another important
(COOPMARC), which
near the Camaçari
moment was the Daily
discussed the importance
Industrial Center, and was
Safety, Health and
of the correct disposal
presented right after the
Environment Training Day
of waste and presented
lecture “The Forests, Man
(SHETD), held on June 6.
Members with a broom
and Life on the Planet,”
The SHETD was promoted
with bristles made from
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
product. Also as part of the
programming focused on revealing the region’s
programming for
historical and natural
Environment Week, the
heritage, demonstrating
construction site hosted the
that development and
Axé Project stand, which
preservation can indeed be
demonstrated the results
of the partnership with
On June 2, the Members
designer Luciana Galeão.
of the concessionaire and
Through workshops, the
consortium participated
youth from the project are
in an ecological trail walk
being trained to create
through the Armando
purses, aprons, bags, toiletry
de Holanda Cavalcanti
bags and placemats made
Metropolitan Park, a Cultural
from re-manufactured fabric,
Preservation Zone located
used originally as uniforms
within the 13,600 hectares
by Members of Odebrecht
of Suape.
Engenharia Industrial – Braskem Project.
Accompanied by a Health team, participants toured the beaches of Gaibu,
Calhetas and Paraíso, the
observatories and learned
about all the heritage of
the historical sites, such
During Environment
as the Nazaré Village and
Week, the Rota do Atlântico
its church, the Castelo do
Concessionaire, which
Mar Fort, the São Jorge and
recycled PET bottles. The
administers the road
Calhetas Artillery Units,
group pointed out the
network of the Suape Port
Gaibu Fort and the former
durability of the brooms
Industrial and Port Complex
lighthouse. “In addition
(one to two years), their
in Pernambuco, together
to providing knowledge
efficiency during cleaning,
with the Expressway
about these environmental
the resistance to abrasion
Consortium responsible
treasures, the outing was
and their profile as a social
for completing the
also a way encourage
and environmentally-correct
construction work, prepared
the practice of physical odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
> Environment exercise and promote increased interaction between the Members of the concessionaire and construction consortium,” said Júlio Perdigão, President of CRA. On June 5, there was the promotion of a group dynamic exercise focused on sustainability with the Consuart Theater Group, which raised participants’ awareness on the topic. After that, there was a planting of adult seedlings of native species at the future installations of one of the CRA toll plazas. “Because we are not yet operating, this first Environmental Week promoted by the concessionaire was focused exclusively on our internal public. “During the next editions, we plan to involve all of society in this awareness raising initiative, including the users of the highway and local communities,” explained the Social-Environmental Development Advisor at CRA, Joyce Melo.
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
JĂşlio PerdigĂŁo, President of CRA, and Carolina Farias, Expressway Consortium Contract Director, participated in the planting of seedlings in Suape
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
> People
Odebrecht Discusses Women’s Presence in Business
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
Of the some 130,000 workers from the Engineering and Construction business, 12% are women
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
> People Th e I nte r n a c ional
Sustainabilit y program,
wise in the Engineer in g
Fi n a n ce Co r p o ration, a
focused his presentation
and Construc tion
s e gm e nt o f t h e Wor ld
on recent Engineer ing
business: 12% of the
B a n k , h e l d a wor kshop
and Construc tion
near ly 130,000 M embe r s
o n Ap r i l 2 0 a s par t of
exper iences,
are women.
i t s Wo m a n i n B usiness
emphasizing the lessons
p ro gra m . O d e brecht
taken from each case.
increase women’s
wa s o n e o f t h e 10
Under the title “Creating
par ticipation, the
o rg a n i z at i o n s i nvited to
New Wor k Oppor tunities
Organization’s strateg y
p a r t i c i p ate i n t he event,
for Women in the
has been to focus on
w h i c h to o k p l a ce at the
Enginee r ing and
recruiting young fema l e
e nt i t y ’s h e a d o ffice in
Construc tion sec tor,” the
graduates and promoting
Wa s h i n g to n D. C.
exhibit also showed the
local training programs,
Th e m e e t i n g
specific challenges faced
such as Believe, which
wa s d e s i gn e d to
by O debrecht in ter ms
has trained over 9,000
d e m o n s t rate t he value
of promoting advances
women since 2008.
a d d e d to b u s i n ess by
in the gender equalit y –
c re at i n g o p p o r tunities
both inter nally as well
by Odebrecht was
a n d i m p rov i n g wor k
as in societ y.
highlighted by the event
co n d i t i o n s fo r women.
The revelation made
O debrecht ’s challenge
coordinator Carmen
D i v i d e d i nto t h ree
was put into the contex t
Niethammer since it
ro u n d t a b l e s o f lec tures
of the cur rent scenar io
brings up issues such as
a n d d i s c u s s i o n s, the
of women’s presence in
local and cultural valu e s,
i nv i te d co m p a nies
the civil construc tion
mobilization and labo r
ex p o s e d c a s e s of ac tions
sec tor. According to
training. I n addition to
i m p l e m e nte d i n their
data cited by Brazil ’s
the invited companies,
o p e rat i o n s to overcome
M inistr y of Labor,
representatives from
g e n d e r b a r r i e r s.
women represent only
the United Nations
7.56% of employees
Organization (UN) and
O d e b re c ht, Al exandre
in the area. Within
the I nter-Amer ican
B a l t a r, f ro m t h e
O debrecht, the presence
D evelopment Bank (BI D)
R A E O p e rat i o n s
is highe r percentage -
also took par t.
R e p re s e nt i n g
I n order to help
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
The increase in women’s participation is associated with Odebrecht’s local training programs
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
> Integration
SANEATINS Holds First Edition of “Fireside Conversation” As a complement to the
entrepreneurial culture as the
Coordinator who has been with
Odebrecht Entrepreneurial
permanent base for alignment
the company for 14 years, stated:
Technology (TEO) integration
between its Members. He
“In the beginning, I was very
process, approximately 150
also shared the milestones of
anxious and a bit insecure. Today, I
leaders from the Tocantins
Odebrecht’s history, from its
make it a point to say that I’m not
State Sanitation Company
foundation to present day.
worried, but rather motivated.
(SANEATINS), controlled by
At the end of the meeting, the I realized that the values of the
Foz do Brasil, met on May 31
participants had the opportunity Foz/Odebrecht culture are the
in Palmas for the 1st edition
to ask questions and share
same ones that I practice inside
of the “Fireside Conversation.”
their own stories about the
my home, in my private life.
During the event, Odebrecht’s
arrival process of Foz do Brasil,
Now, these same values are part
Communication Director,
which assumed control of the
of my work,” he said. For Mario
Márcio Polidoro, presented the
company in January of this year.
Amaro, Managing Director of
Organization’s macro strategy,
Joaquim Maia Leite, Water and
SANEATINS, this opportunity to
emphasizing the role of the
Sewage Network Maintenance
exchange experiences is very
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
Márcio Polidoro spoke about the entrepreneurial culture and events that marked the Organization’s history
Amorim, responsible for
1.1 million people, the
Administration and Finances at
company – which is controlled
SANEATINS, the meetings will
by Foz do Brasil – operates
be held every two months. “It
and invests in sanitation
is very important to receive the
projects in 47 municipalities
support of these colleagues
of Tocantins (which make up
with rich histories marked by
75% of the population) and
accomplishments and learning,
is a partner of the Tocantins
since the experiences lived and
Sanitation Agency (ATS) in
shared by them will help our
78 municipalities, which
Members put the Odebrecht
together comprise the state.
Entrepreneurial Technology
To the North, SANEATINS also
(TEO) into practice during the
operates in the border region,
day-to-day,” explained Amorim.
and is responsible for five
With over 1,500 Members and serving approximately
rich and reinforces elements considered important for the operation’s improved maturity.
municipal concession contracts on Paraná territory.
ORIGINS Emílio Odebrecht [1894-1962], the first member
“We are beginning a new phase
of the family to study engineering and the father of
in SANEATINS’ 23-year history,
Norberto Odebrecht, had the custom of meeting with
and the Members are being
his foremen over the weekends for study sessions
encouraged to take a leadership
at fireside. Based on his father’s example and an
role in their programs, working
education that prepared him to serve – instead of being
as entrepreneur-partners,” said
served – the young Norberto Odebrecht upheld the
Amaro. “It is this pro-active
practice, meeting with the foremen and workers at the
posture, one dedicated to the
construction sites. The conversation was a moment to
Client and focused on quality
listen to those he led and reflect on what went right and
and results, that will create the
wrong, while at the same time sharing the knowledge
environment for reaching the
acquired during the workday. This practice, backed by
challenging goal of being the first
strong values and moral principles, helped consolidate
state to universalize its water and sewage distribution, collection and treatment services within a
the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO) over the following decades.
six-year period,” he said. According to José Roberto odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
> Odebrecht Foundation
Philippe Delleur, CEO of Alstom Odebrecht Energia Visit Odebre 22
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
On May 21, Norberto Odebrecht, Chairman of the Odebrecht Foundation Trustees’ Board, received a visit from Philippe Delleur, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Alstom, as well as Members from Odebrecht Energia at the Organization’s Head Office in Salvador, Bahia. The meeting was designed to present the foundation’s work in the state’s Southern Lowlands. Norberto Odebrecht highlighted the potential of a union to promote the “win-win” game and presented the history and activities of the Odebrecht Foundation. There was also an emphasis on the challenges faced by a social During the meeting, Norberto Odebrecht presented the Odebrecht Foundation’s history and activities
m, and Members of echt Organization
institution that works in synergy with the political and economic sphere to achieve its results. “Companies such as ours, which work on energy and transportation projects, help contribute toward the structural development of our country,” said Delleur. “As entrepreneurs, we can odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
> Odebrecht Foundation do our part and form future
Organization (OCT ), which
featuring testimonials
generations with practical
is part of PDIS – also
from the youth supported
concepts of sustainability,”
presented the planning
by the Rural Family Home
he said.
for the energy generation
(CFR), an institution
project for the Bahia
benefited by Alstom
Southern Lowlands region.
through income tax
Also accompanying the visit were Members from Alstom Marcos Costa,
Visitors watched videos
Vice President of Energy Generation, and Juliana Souza, Communication Director in Brazil and Latin America. Representing Odebrecht Energia were Henrique Valladares, Entrepreneurial Leader, and Enio Silva, responsible for People, Organization and Communication. Maurício Medeiros, Executive Chairman of the Odebrecht Foundation, and Clovis Faleiro, responsible for Institutional Relations, welcomed the group. During the event, visitors learned the details of the Bahia Southern Lowlands Environmental Protection Area Mosaic Integrated and Sustainable Development Program (PDIS). Roger Dittrich, from the engineering company Rischbieter – a partner of the Land Conservation
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
Juliana Souza, Clovis Faleiro, Enio Silva, Marcos Costa, Henrique Valladares, Philippe Delleur, Maurício Medeiros, e Roger Dittrich
deductible contributions
via the Tribute to the
“the programming was
Future Program. According
designed to further
R$ 260,000 in the Rural
to Clovis Faleiro, leader of
strengthen the relationship
Family Home’s Educational-
Tribute to the Future and
between Alstom,
Production Project. The
Institutional Relations at
Odebrecht Energia and the
year, the investment was
the Odebrecht Foundation,
Odebrecht Foundation.”
R$ 225,000.
In 2011, Alstom invested
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
> Fast News
Malaria in Focus The Social Responsibility team of the Moatize Expansion Project, an initiative of the company Vale being undertaken in alliance with Odebrecht in Mozambique, promoted an awareness raising campaign on May 18 focused on the dangers of malaria together with students from the Heróis Moçambicanos Secondary School, located in the district of Moatize. The Health team, represented by the occupational physicians Dr. Ramiro Manjante and Dr. Alexandre Kala, promoted a dialogue on the transmission methods, recognition of symptoms, prevention and treatment of malaria. A theater presentation reinforced the importance of seeking out a medical service as soon as the symptoms of the disease appear. The students were encouraged to demonstrate the knowledge they acquired by taking a “pop quiz” on the disease and also took part in a dance contest.
During the action, all participants received free gifts, mosquito repellent and mosquito netting. PREVENTION AT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE Members of the Moatize Expansion Project were also the focus of a mobilization campaign against malaria promoted by the project’s Health team. The activities included the distribution of folders and kits with mosquito repellent and netting. Some 250 Members received the kits during the first week of the campaign, which was held from May 14 to June 1. “Over 24,000 people contracted malaria in the Province of Moatize during the year 2011,” said Hortêncio Carlos, Health Agent. “It is necessary to adopt preventive behavior and use mosquito repellent and netting to prevent the proliferation of the disease,” he said.
The campaign to fight malaria brought information to Mozambique youth through dialogue and playful activities odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
> Fast News
Organization Receives National and International Students In April and May, Odebrecht received visits from students coming from international teaching institutions. The
idea was to understand the
market, business opportunities
business dynamics, specific
and growth of construction
characteristics of the Brazilian
projects and industries.
groups met at the Eldorado Business Tower Building in São Paulo, spoke to Organization leaders and toured the Institutional Space. On April 19, 25 students from the University of California – Los Angeles (UCLA) listened to lectures by André Amaro, responsible for Entrepreneurship Support (RAE) – People, Planning and
Students from UCLA listen to a lecture by André Amaro
Communication, and Mauro Motta, responsible for Financial Planning, who spoke about the Odebrecht Organization and its global operations. On May 16, a group of students from São Paulo’s INSPER - IE Business School, took part in a lecture on finances, administered by Jayme Fonseca, responsible for Entrepreneurship Support (RAE) for Engineering and Construction Finances. The
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
A group of students from INSPER meet at the São Paulo building
PROSUB-ENB Celebrates Mother’s Day
Eating Habits, Health and Beauty were the topics addressed at the event
In celebration of Mother’s Day, the Social
up techniques, emphasized the importance
Service team at PROSUB-EBN – the development
of reserving some time for personal care and
in which Odebrecht Infraestrutura participates
handed out free gifts.
– promoted lectures on eating habits, health and
All of the mothers received beauty kits. At the
beauty, together with a breakfast for the some
end of each lecture, there was also a drawing of
250 mothers who work on the project.
kits for the participants.
The event included the participation of Ana
For Andréa Silva Ferreira, mother of five
Beatriz Duarte, responsible for Meals, who
children, the lecture on health was the most
spoke about a healthy diet. Dr. Silvana Castilho,
interesting: “She explained about how women
responsible for the Medicine sector, spoke
should care for themselves at all different ages
about breast cancer, STDs and uterine cancer
and it was really fun to present serious topics in
and answered participants’ questions. To finalize
an easy way so that everyone could understand,”
the event, the makeup artist for the company
said Ferreira.
Natura, Anderson Vieira, taught some makeodebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
> Fast News
“AcculturACTION” Program Gathers Leaders at Project in Maranhão The Carajás Railroad Expansion (EEFC)
contract category, cultural differences between
project held its “AcculturACTION” Program on
ally companies, alignment-related difficulties
April 13, 14, 27 and 28. The target public of
between the construction sites, a delay in
the event, which was held in the Maranhão
the approval of environmental permits and
city of Açailândia, were the leaders from the
undertaking a construction project with the
production, quality and equipment area.
railroad in operation.
The main objective was to facilitate the
The first part of the program was focused
assimilation of the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial
on the Odebrecht Culture, from the history of
Technology (TEO) and its fundamental points,
the Organization’s creation to the emphasis on
with a special emphasis on satisfying and
the practice of the spirit of serving. The second
winning over the Client through the Spirit of
module was geared toward communication,
Serving. The event also promoted the alignment
leadership aligned with safety and case studies
between the construction sites and reflection to
for the elaboration of an action plan.
generate job opportunities based on the specific difficulties found in the project.
Participating in the event were Mauro Neves, Contract Director, José Alberto Vieira Rosa,
The program was developed to support
Administrative and Financial Manager, and the
Members when dealing with certain specific
P&O team from Odebrecht Infraestrutura, with
characteristics of the business, such as a new
Savana Pires and Ana Clara Bastos.
The program promoted alignment between construction sites and encouraged reflection on the opportunities for overcoming challenges
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
SANEATINS Joins Municipal Campaign for Improved Safety in Traffic
In addition to taking part in dialogues and lectures, Members also watched theater presentations with the puppet “I’m committed”
The Tocantins State Sanitation Company
interventions, a road block in the parking lot,
(SANEATINS) – controlled by Foz do Brasil
dialogues and presentations, as well as the
– was the first company to take part in the
distribution of educational materials.
campaign “Life in Traffic: I’m Committed!,”
“It’s a way of reinforcing the safety actions in
promoted by the Palmas City Government in
the workplace, while at the same time engaging
partnership with the Traffic, Transportation and
the community to reduce accidents in the
Mobility Agency (ATTM) on May 23 and 24.
capital,” stated the professional responsible for
Some 400 Members were directly impacted by
Sustainability at SANEATINS, Wagner Vicente
the action, designed to teach them about the
correct attitudes to adopt in traffic to prevent accidents.
The awareness raising actions will continue on June 11, 13 and 15 with the lecture “Driving
During the two days of the event, the
without Alcohol,” administered by the Trauma
ATTM workers provided orientations and
League team in the District of Palmas, located
sought to raise participants’ awareness in a
at the Company’s administrative head office,
playful and interactive fashion through artistic
and in the District of Taquaralto.
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
> Fast News
Foz do Brasil Unit Celebrates 1,000 Days without Workplace Accidents In May, the Foz do Brasil industrial unit
at the Client’s industrial plant, the team’s
located in Otacílio Costa, Santa Catarina,
professional maturity and the involvement of
completed 1,000 days without workplace
everyone. Sandro Hansen, Operation Director,
accidents. The unit serves the industrial Client
pointed out that, besides all the preventive
Klabin – one of Brazil’s largest companies
measures, the key to success is the focus
in the Paper & Pulp segment – through the
on people, since it is they who during the
supply of crude, filtered and demineralized
day-to-day need to correctly assess risks,
water and industrial effluent treatment.
rigorously follow procedures and safely
The operation began in 2007, and since then, the Company has been undertaking
perform activities. In order to celebrate the accomplishment,
intense and continuous work to improve
a special dinner was held with the Members.
safety, based on four main pillars: Procedures,
There was also the implementation of
Discipline, Participation and Training.
awareness raising actions together with
This achievement was possible thanks to the permanent interaction between
the Client, focused on the importance of workplace safety at the industrial plant.
Members and the different areas of operation
A special celebratory dinner gathered Members at the industrial unit, located in Otacílio Costa
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
Odebrecht at the World Cup Website Presents New Version On June 1, Odebrecht Infraestrutura launched a new version of the website www.odebrechtnacopa.com. br, featuring information on the construction work for the Fonte Nova Arena, Pernambuco Arena, Corinthians Arena and Maracan達 Arena.
generation and transmission in order to allow for a high number of simultaneous accesses. The page layout is also cleaner and more interactive, facilitating the navigability and access to the content. Other new features include maps with the location of
events related to the constructions is now available in the area dedicated to news. Answers to Frequently Asked Questions, which already existed in the previous version of the website, are still online in order to clarify any questions related to the construction work.
In the new version, online cameras are available daily from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., with images showing the progress of the construction work at the four stadiums. There is a one-hour delay between the
each stadium and links for sharing the content on social media. The new image gallery includes additional photos and a space with videos of the construction work. The history of the main
The construction of the four stadiums currently generates more than 13,000 direct job opportunities. When they are ready, the stadiums will have the capacity for over 220,000 people.
The new website offers users more information and interactivity odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
> Fast News
Odebrecht Venezuela Faces Logistics Challenge in Construction of Mariche Metrocable With complex logistics
will consist of 42 towers and
also facilitate the integration of
that demanded the use of a
158 cabins. The express stretch,
residents from the low-income
helicopter with an external
with 32 towers, will allow for the
zones of Mariche with the city
cargo capacity of 5 tons, 23
direct transfer of users from the
of Caracas, allowing for the
towers were installed along the
Palo Verde Station to the Mariche
connection with the rest of the
express stretch of the Mariche
Station, within an estimated
subway system in the Venezuelan
Metrocable, currently being
commute time of 17 minutes.
capital and providing access to
built by Odebrecht Venezuela
The Mariche Metrocable will
other regions.
for C.A. Metro de Caracas. The operation completes the total of 32 towers necessary to finalize the first phase of the project. The helicopter allowed for the transfer of the structures from the Mariche construction site to the installation site of each one of these, generally found in hard-to-access areas due to the mountain topography and the high population density. The installation of each tower took 30 minutes, a short period compared to the three weeks that would be necessary to place them with a crane. The Mariche MetroCable cable car system consists of two stretches: the local one, which extends 4.84 km, and the express one, which extends 4.79 km. The local line, which will take 25 minutes to complete,
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
The use of the helicopter helped streamline and reduce the time required to complete the construction work for the Mariche Metrocable in Venezuela
IstoÉ Dinheiro Magazine Highlights Odebrecht Organization as One of the 50 Companies “That Do Good” IstoÉ Dinheiro Magazine
Development Program (PDIS),
is strengthened when we
published the list of the “50
supported by the Odebrecht
have the opportunity for
Companies that Do Good” in
Foundation. The initiative
governments, civil society and
its last edition. Among those
was chosen in the “Partners”
companies to work together
selected was the Odebrecht
and help promote sustainable
Organization, chosen for its
PDIS has more than
development and growth,” said
support of the Bahia Southern
30 partners that invested
Mauricio Medeiros, Executive
Lowlands Environmental
approximately R$ 100
Chairman of the Odebrecht
Protection Area Mosaic
million in the program in
Integrated and Sustainable
2011 alone. “The social fabric
According to IstoÉ Dinheiro, over the years the discussion on social issues ceased from being something reserved exclusively to government agents and companies from a range of different sectors began to pay attention to this topic. An example of this is the Rio +20 event, to be held during the month of June, which will discuss strategies for combating global warming and guaranteeing the planet’s sustainability. In order to access the complete list of the “50 Companies that Do Good,” visit the Odebrecht Foundation website. Ivaldino dos Santos, a member of the Bahia Southern Lowlands Heart of Palm Producers’ Cooperative, one of the cooperatives associated with PDIS odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
> Fast News
OCT Promotes Reforestation Actions at the Pratigi EPA With the celebration of World Environment Day and with events
for Biodiversity (FUNBIO) and the
such as Rio +20 approaching fast,
Pratigi EPA Guardian Association.
the discussions on the environment
The activities are designed to
and sustainability have earned
recover the degraded spaces in
increased importance within the
regions of river and water source
national scenario. In order to
Permanent Protection Areas (PPA)
contribute toward these debates,
to re-establish the generation
and primarily, toward initiatives
of environmental services,
that generate significant results
for example, climate stability,
in terms of the conservation
improvement and regulation of
of natural resources, the Land
the water cycles, erosion and pest
Conservation Organization (OCT ),
control, improved natural fertility
a partner of the Odebrecht
of the soils and the sequestering of
Foundation, has reinforced its
carbon from the atmosphere. Some
operations in the Bahia Southern
500 families will be involved with
the actions, which consist mainly
One example is the
of small land owners and rural
implementation of the project
settlers who receive their income
“Restoring Environmental Services�
from the heart of palm, cabruca
in the sub-basins of the Mina Nova
cacao and rubber plantations. The
and Vargido Rivers, both part of
project lasts two years and one of
the Juliana River Watershed, the
its goals is the forest restoration of
largest drainage network inserted
40 hectares of riparian forests and
into the Pratigi Environmental
water sources.
Protection Area (EPA). The project
partners include the Brazilian Fund
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
The new accommodations have the capacity for up to 480 Members
Belo Monte HPP Inaugurates First Condominium for Accommodations On May 23, the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) inaugurated the first
plant of which Odebrecht Energia is part. With the capacity for up to 480 workers,
condominium for accommodations at the
the condominium offers a TV room,
construction site, which was baptized as
space for a game table, laundry with a
the “MarabĂĄ Condominium.â€? The event
collection and return service and central
involved the participation of members of
air conditioning in all rooms. The first
the Norte Energia S/A Board of Directors
residents will be those Members who
and Construtor Belo Monte Consortium,
currently live in the Belo Monte Pioneer
responsible for the construction of the
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
> Fast News
“Coffee Break:” More Interaction among Santo Antônio HPP Leaders Approximately 600 project service leaders
expected from our leaders and learned about
and supervisors from the Santo Antônio HPP,
their expectations and difficulties,” said Borgatti.
currently being built by Odebrecht Energia,
“It was a great opportunity to improve internal
participated in the “Coffee Break,” an initiative
communication openly and transparently. We
of the Santo Antônio Civil Consortium (CSAC)
have already seen the change in the leaders’
designed to improve leadership practices and
posture in the past labor movements,” he said.
strengthen the group’s relationship with Civil
The meetings helped strengthen the bonds
Construction Contract Director, Leonardo
between the group and increased mutual trust.
Borgatti. In all, 45 meetings were held in which
“The understanding and union between the
the participants disseminated good practices
teams increased and we were able to better
and presented challenges in the search for
understand the other’s reality,” said Laurício
solutions by working together.
Usinger, Production Supervisor from the
For Leonardo Borgatti, “Coffee Break” promoted important moments of interaction: “We presented participants with that which we
Cement Injection sector. The initiative took place from January to April.
Participants represent 75% of all the project’s leaders and supervisors
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
Members Take Part in Dam and Plant Community Meeting in Rondônia On May 31 and June 1, the
Organization this year. Zé
Santo Antônio HPP hosted the
Bodinho was surprised with a
meeting of the Dam and Plant
video featuring testimonials
Knowledgeable Community
by work colleagues and his
under the theme “Technical
children and wife. He also
Mission: Santo Antônio HPP.”
received a tribute plaque and
The first day of the event was
commemorative gift. “I didn’t
reserved for the presentation
expect this,” said Zé Bodinho,
of lectures, when Entrepreneur
visibly touched. The second day
Partners from different countries
of the meeting was reserved for
in which Odebrecht operates
a visit to the plant construction
were able to exchange their
site, which began operating in
experiences in the respective
March of this year.
projects and share knowledge.
Created in 2001, the Dam
The day also included a tribute
and Plant Community – the
paid to Odebrecht Energia
first Odebrecht Knowledgeable
Member José Osinair Rodrigues
Community – serves as a kind of
da Silva, better known as Zé
“social network” for its Members
Bodinho, who celebrates 50
and is designed to promote
years with the Odebrecht
an exchange of experiences,
The honored Zé Bodinho (left) and Henrique Valladares, Entrepreneurial Leader of Odebrecht Energia
provide support during the resolution of technical issues and dissemination of good practices, as well as work under the format of Technical Missions, with visits to the construction projects or institutes of reference.
The meeting included lectures and visits to the Santo Antônio HPP construction site
The group includes the Partner Entrepreneurs and teams that work on the dam, hydroelectric and thermoelectric power plant, nuclear center and energy transmission line contracts. The recommendations about the main topics discussed at the meeting can be found on the Corporate Portal for consultation by the Organization’s other Members. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
> Fast News
The NORBE IX repeats the achievement of the NORBE VIII and achieves high performance levels in the Client’s evaluations
NORBE IX Presents High Performance in Petrobras Assessment The Odebrecht Oil and Gas (OOG)
and the Action Programs are systematically
NORBE IX received a high ranking in the
monitored. For Patrick Landry, Rig Manager,
Performance Assessment Bulletin (BAD) from
the daily tasks are undertaken with aims
the Client Petrobras. With averages higher
of satisfying the Client. “Every Member
than 90% in the evaluated areas, including a
onboard the rig is encouraged to apply all of
96% satisfaction rate with relation to Human
their knowledge and experience to achieve
Resources, the NORBE IX has been able to
results,” said Landry.
conduct its operations with a high level of efficiency. Installations, which was another area
equipment, fulfillment of the procedures and instructions are part of the NORBE IX
analyzed, also received distinction in the
routine, which justifies the high degree of
BAD, with a positive evaluation of the rig’s
Client satisfaction. All of the evaluations
organization, safety and conservation
presented in the BAD are discussed and after
conditions. According to Maximo Leite,
that, compiled into an action program that
responsible for Workplace Safety, the safety
includes deadlines, responsible managers
of all onboard is viewed as a value and the
and monitoring of the results. “Planning,
NORBE IX management participates closely
organization, supervision and teamwork
in the operations. Every morning, phone
are crucial for achieving the operational
conferences are held to ensure alignment
excellence established in the 2020 Vision,”
and monitoring of the work. The rig
said Landry.
manager frequently goes on tours onboard
Programmed maintenance, care with the
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
ETH Bioenergia Promotes Cycle of Lectures at the MS Industrial Expo From May 22 to 25,
do Sul, which gathers
bioenergy sector over a
Campo Grande (MS) hosted
entrepreneurs, suppliers
four-day period.
the MS Industrial Expo,
and clients. ETH supported
the largest industry fair in
the event and promoted
the ETH stand, leaders and
the state of Mato Grosso
a cycle of lectures on the
Members of the Mato Grosso
In a classroom set up at
do Sul Center – which includes the Santa Luzia and Eldorado Units – spoke to visitors about technologies in the agricultural and industrial areas for the production of ethanol and electric energy, best practices in Safety, Health and Environment and about People and Sustainability and the History of the Odebrecht Organization. Eliandro Romani, Industrial Manager of the Santa Luzia Unit, answers visitors’ questions
ETH’s participation at the MS Industrial Expo also featured a lecture by Carla Pires, responsible for Sustainability, in the event’s main auditorium. Visitors heard about the topic and learned more about the Social Energy for Local Sustainability Program, developed by ETH in the municipalities in the areas of
The ETH Bioenergia stand offered a cycle of lectures on topics such as sustainability and technologies for ethanol and electric energy production
influence of its operations. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
> Fast News
AirportLink Recognized for Voluntary Protection Program The AirportLink Metrorail Extension project,
their respective sectors. The safety program
currently being built by Odebrecht in the
undertaken at the AirportLink projects is
United States through a consortium agreement,
designed to cultivate the “zero accident” culture,
was recognized by the Occupational Safety
and had completed until then 983 days and a
& Health Administration (OSHA) agency, part
more than 2 million man-hours without time loss
of the United States Department of Labor, for
its Voluntary Protection Program (VPP). The
The distinction ceremony took place at the
construction project achieved the “Start Status”
new AirportLink station, which is already 97%
– considered the highest level of recognition
complete. The event is designed primarily
granted by OSHA. Until then, only two projects
to celebrate the effort demonstrated by the
had received this classification in the state of
Members, subcontractors and partners involved
Florida, one of which was MIA Mover, completed
in achieving the established goals.
by Odebrecht United States in September 2011. VPP recognizes companies from the
To participate in the VPP Star Status program, the consortium presented its candidacy to
private sector and federal agencies that have
OSHA and was carefully evaluated by a team of
voluntarily installed effective safety and
safety and health professionals. To remain in the
health management systems, maintaining
program, the VPP participants are re-evaluated
the injury and disease rates below average for
within periods varying from three to five years.
The effort of Members, subcontractors and partners was decisive in earning the distinction
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
Colombia Hosts 2012 Latin America Young Builder Program On May 12-19, the city of Bogotรก received 102
Organization business vision as a way of
youth from the seven countries that participated
supporting and accelerating the training
in the Latin America Young Builder Program,
process, promoting the development of new
held for the first time in Colombia. The members
and better entrepreneurs based on the 2020
of the group came from Mexico, Dominican
Republic, Panama, Venezuela, Peru, Argentina and Colombia. The program was designed to provide participants with information on the Odebrecht
During Young Builder, participants had the opportunity to become familiar with and learn about other cultures, in addition to exchanging experiences on their environments and projects.
Group of 2012 Latin America Young Builders in Colombia
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
> Fast News
Opportunity for Colombian Youth
Young talents take part in the recruitment process to work at the Odebrecht Organization
Four prestigious universities from the Colombian cities of BogotĂĄ and Bucaramanga
(BogotĂĄ), Santander Industrial University and the
signed an agreement with the Odebrecht
Bucaramanga Bolivarian Pontifical University.
Organization with aims of identifying and
After the lecture, 326 youth from 19 different
attracting young talents to participate in the
majors signed up to participate in the first
2012 Young Partner Program. The teaching
phase of the recruitment process, during which
institutions chosen are located within the sphere
91 were pre-selected and invited to continue
of influence of the Organization’s projects that
with the process, which includes interviews
are underway in the country.
with leaders from the company. In June, the
To publicize the program, an informative
Colombia, the Colombian Engineering School
Organization plans to hire some 30 Colombian
lecture was presented involving the participation
youth, which will join the Odebrecht projects in
of 515 youth from National University of
the country.
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
“Nosso super” Supermarket Chain Reopens Stores in Angola The Angola New Supermarket Chain
Angola. “The ‘Our Field’ project will help
(NRSA), an Odebrecht investment in the
identify and support the development of small
country, reopened “nosso super” on May 25.
and medium-sized producers from the Luanda
In all, 10 stores are currently operating in
green belt and the 17 provinces of the country,
the capital of Luanda. It is estimated that
with aims of guaranteeing the regular supply
by September, all 29 units of the chain will
of quality products to the stores,” said Cruz.
be opened throughout the entire national
With the campaign, “nosso super” will offer
more competitive prices for national products
With aims of promoting agricultural
compared to imported ones, increasing the
production in the country, the supermarket
purchasing power of consumers, who will
chain will adopt the “Our Field” campaign,
have access to an ample and varied array of
offering the opportunity for local producers to
national and international products.
distribute their products through the “nosso super” units.
The reopening of the supermarkets will also help create 1,800 direct job opportunities,
“This new phase of ‘nosso super’ will
98% of which will be filled by Angolan
contribute toward the development of the
professionals. “Nosso super” includes
food distribution segment value chain,” said
infrastructure consisting of 29 stores and two
Júlio Cruz, Investment Director at Odebrecht
distribution and logistics centers.
The supermarket chain was reopened by the country’s Minister of Commerce, Idalina Valente, and included the presence of Eduardo Salome, General Director of “nosso super” (in the foreground), and Júlio Cruz, Investment Director at Odebrecht Angola odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
> Fast News
Members in Angola Participate in Course on Motivation
Emotional Intelligence, Leadership and Productivity were among the topics addressed during the course
In April and May, Members of the Structuring
area. “The leader must be a facilitator, a creator
Highways contract – currently being undertaken
of the conditions necessary for those he or she
by Odebrecht Angola – participated in the third
leads to be motivated,” said Geraldo.
module of the Seeking Excellence Program,
Since 2008, more than 10,000 Members
developed to improve dialogue and absorption
from different Odebrecht Angola projects have
of the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology
participated in the first two program modules,
(TEO) in the businesses.
focused on Self-Esteem and Communication.
This third phase of the program featured
The third module, directed at leaders and
lectures and discussions focused on motivation,
workers from the operational areas of the
with themes such as leadership and motivating
contracts, began at the Structuring Highways
factors. “Motivation is an internal process,” said
project, and involved the participation of 1,057
José Geraldo, from the People and Organization
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012
Braskem “Green” Plastic Present at 2012 Clean Brazil Event Braskem was one of the
which mobilized thousands of
by the volunteer city cleanup
sponsors of Clean Brazil - Let’s
invited volunteers to head out
Do It!, which took place on May
onto the streets and remove
27 in São Paulo. The company’s
the garbage littered on public
Do It!, brought to Brazil through
“Green” Plastic was present
roads. In partnership with the
a partnership with UNESCO,
in all of the collection bags
company Embalixo, Braskem
has already taken place in 20
distributed during the event,
supplied the plastic bags used
countries and has been held
The project Clean Brazil - Let’s
in Brazil with biennial cleanup actions for the past two years. The movement is designed to raise society’s awareness as to the problems associated with the inappropriate disposal of garbage. The campaign encourages people to change their attitude about solid waste, with a focus on environmental preservation. “It is very important for the population to participate in movements like Clean Brazil in order for us to make concrete progress toward sustainability,” said Jorge Soto, Sustainable Development Director at Braskem. “Braskem hopes to effectively contribute toward sustainable development, and green plastic is one of the main symbols of this initiative,” he Volunteers took part in the cleanup, which featured with sponsorship from Braskem
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 284 / june 2012