Nº 275 / / FEVEREIRO //AUGUST JUNHO 2011 No. Nº 289260 2012 Nº 260 JUNHO 2012 2011
Odebrecht Among the Top 10 Companies of Youths’ Dreams for Second Consecutive Year odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no 289 / august 2012
No Nº Nº 289260 260 /
The Chaglla Hydroelectric Power Plant, located in Peru‘s Central region, completed an important stage in its construction – the bypass of the Huallaga River – nine months ahead of schedule.
2012 // AUGUST JUNHO JUNHO 2011 2011
Residents and visitors already use the Metrorail extension to arrive to the Miami International Airport (MIA). On July 28, Odebrecht United States inaugurated the new MIA Metrorail station and extension of the Orange Line.
For the second consecutive time, Odebrecht was elected one of the Top 10 Companies of Youths’ Dreams, according to a survey conducted by Cia de Talentos and NextView People. The Organization came in at 7th, two places higher than last year.
The Young Partner Program identifies and integrates new professionals that wish to pursue a career at the Organization and who identify with the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO) Principles, Concepts and Criteria. Learn more about some of the activities of young Member from different Organization companies.
PRE-PROCESSING UNIT IN THE BAHIA SOUTHERN LOWLANDS Members of the Presidente Tancredo Neves Rural Producers’ Cooperative (COOPATAN) met to celebrate the entity’s 12-year anniversary and participate in the inauguration of the Fruit PreProcessing Unit (UPBF).
ODEBRECHT NEWS is an internal newsletter published by the Odebrecht S.A. Business Communication Team Responsible Journalist: Fabiana Cabral Editorial Office: Avenida das Nações Unidas, 8.501, 32º andar, São Paulo Phone Number: (55 11) 3096-8171 Suggestions: fabianacabral@odebrecht.com Website: www.odebrechtnoticias.com.br
Chaglla HPP: Bypass of H River Completed Ahead o On August 10, the
finalized an important stage
generation of energy to
Chaglla Hydroelectric
of its construction. The
begin also nine months
Power Plant (HPP), located
bypass of the Huallaga Rive
before the originally
between the districts of
was completed nine months
scheduled date.
Chaglla and Chinchao
ahead of time, which will
in Peru’s Central region,
allow for the commercial
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 289 / august 2012
The ceremony marking the conclusion of this
The bypass of the river
The Huallaga River was bypassed nine months ahead of time. The Chaglla operation will represent a 6.3% increase in Peru’s energy matrix
– which is a tributary of Mantaro, part of the Amazon River Basin – was completed through trunk tunneling and has a diameter of 12.5 m, length of 1,125 m and upstream coffer dams measuring 66 m high and downstream ones measuring 14 m high. The Chaglla HPP will generate 406 MW to meet the demand for growth in Peru and will also help increase the participation of renewable sources in the country’s energy matrix. “Chaglla will be one of the largest hydroelectric power plants in Peru and will represent nearly 8%
Huallaga of Time
of the current energy consumption in the country,” said Erlon Arfelli, Director of Odebrecht Energia in Peru. The construction, completed by Odebrecht
phase took place at the
Marcelo Odebrecht, leaders
América Latina for
plant’s construction site
from Odebrecht Energia and
Odebrecht Energia –
and involved the presence
Odebrecht América Latina,
the investor –, began in
of the President of Peru,
political authorities and
May 2011 and 23% of
Ollanta Humalla, Managing
representatives of financial
the construction work is
Director of Odebrecht S.A.,
currently complete. Its odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no 289 / august 2012
> ENERGY location in the mountainous
Workers during the tunnel construction to bypass the river: at the peak of the construction work, the Chaglla HPP should generate 2,800 direct and indirect job opportunities
area, in a closed and scarcely populated valley, will allow for the installation of a reservoir of only 4.6 m 2, with a low environmental impact. The development, which is the first abroad with 100% shareholder interest held by an Odebrecht Organization company, should be completed in December 2015 and will receive a total investment of US$ 1.2 billion. DAILY ROUTINE AT THE CONSTRUCTION SITES Four construction sites were set up for the plant construction period. The site along the right bank of the Huallaga River has the capacity for 1,336 Members and includes dormitories, a kitchen, cafeteria, laundry room, leisure area and water and sewage treatment plants. Along
court, water and sewage
offices, a mechanical shop,
the left bank, there are
treatment plants and
medical clinic, cafeteria,
dormitories for 464 workers,
antenna and phone service
installations for industrial
offices, Creer (Believe)
water and a septic system.
Program classrooms, a medical clinic, club, sports
At the Monterrey construction site there are
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 289 / august 2012
The Barragem Industrial construction site Machine
Room houses the carpentry
supply centers, a warehouse
was launched in June 2010
shops, assembly and pre-
and electronic scale.
– before the start of the
cast yard, mechanical shop,
The Creer Program,
construction work – and
medical outpatient clinic,
which is focused on the
cafeteria, industrial area,
professional qualification of
crusher, concrete and fuel
residents from the region,
trained 1,286 people. To view a video about the Chaglla HPP, click here. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no 289 / august 2012
Building Communities, C 8
Residents and visitors
now use the ex tension
system to arrive to the
to M iami, located in the
of the Metrorail above -
M iami International
U.S. State of Florida, can
ground public subway
Airpor t (MIA).
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 289 / august 2012
New MIA Metrorail station: the extension of the Metrorail above-ground subway system takes passengers to the Miami International Airport
Connecting People On July 28, Odebrecht
client, the M iami
Metrorail station and the
United States – together
Transit Depar tment –
ex tension of the Orange
with its par tners and
inaugurated the new MIA
Line. “ The star t of this
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no 289 / august 2012
> UNITED STATES operation marks the peak of the collaboration between the community, entrepreneurs and the government, all committed to the future of Great M iami,” said Jorge Mendoza, Contrac t Direc tor. The above - ground subway system is nothing new in the population’s daily life: inaugurated in 1984, it has become the transpor tation alternative for a large number of people. Considered comfor table, the trains also offer free Internet ser vice to users. The only thing missing was the connec tion with the airpor t. The Metrorail Orange Line ex tends 2.4 miles and connec ts the airpor t to the city ’s Downtown
station is located at the
Once inside MIC, the user
area, between the
M iami I ntermodal Center
can board MIA Mover, the
South of Dadeland and
(MIC ), the terminal that
automated vehicle system
Earlinghton Heights. The
provides access to the
that takes passengers to
ticket costs US$ 2.
subway, train, bus, taxi
the airpor t ’s depar ture
and car rental ser vices.
terminals free of charge.
The new MIA Metrorail
Gilberto Neves, Managing Director of Odebrecht United States, (second from left to right); Mayor C County and the Department of Traffic, and company partners participate in the station inauguratio
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 289 / august 2012
miles and its station at
only provide more travel
the airpor t was the first
choices for people,
mass transpor tation
but it will place ever y
projec t in M iami-Dade
hotel and business
County to receive the
in downtown M iami,
LEED Gold Cer tification
Kendall, and ever y where
from the U.S. Green
else along the Metrorail
Building Council.
system at the front door of M iami International
Carlos Gimenez; representatives from Miami-Dade on ceremony
Built by Odebrecht United States through a consor tium, MIA Mover began operating in September 2011. The system ex tends 1.3
Airpor t – the largest
MIA Metrorail and
economic engine in the
MIA Mover earned the
region,” said Ysela Llor t,
top work place safety
M iami-Dade Transit ’s
award, called the VPP
Direc tor.
( Voluntar y Protec tion
Operating at the
Program) Star Status
M iami International
granted by OSHA, an
Airpor t since the 1990s,
institution affiliated with
Odebrecht par ticipated
the U.S. Depar tment of
in several different
Labor. VPP recognizes
projec ts, work ing with
companies from the
approximately 140 sub -
private sec tor and
contrac ted employees
federal agencies
and generating more
that have voluntarily
than US$ 700 million in
installed effec tive safety
contrac ts for small local
and health management
systems, maintaining the
The construc tion
injur y and disease rates
projec ts at MIA include
below average for their
the revitalization of the
respec tive sec tors.
Nor th Terminal, currently
“ The result of the
being concluded, that
successful completion
accommodates 70% of
of this projec t will not
the daily traffic. Since odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no 289 / august 2012
> UNITED STATES July 31, the passengers of American Airlines international flights de board in a new Federal Inspec tion Ser vice area, which ex tends 400,000 square feet. The passpor t control area has 72 lines with the capacity to assist 2,000 passengers per hour. The M iami International Airpor t is currently the largest in the United States for international flights, with approximately 1,300 week ly flights to 85 destinations abroad. “Moving people is what we are all about, and we have now reached the day when our passengers can move seamlessly between various forms of ground transpor tation, mass transit and air travel,” said José Abreu, Direc tor of the County ’s Aviation Depar tment that operates MIA.
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 289 / august 2012
Once inside the Miami Intermodal Center, the user can board MIA Mover to reach the different airport departure terminals
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no 289 / august 2012
Marcelo Odebrecht Receives Title of “São Paulo Citizen” On August 2, during a ceremony held at the
sewage treatment plants and the railroad system,
São Paulo City Chamber, the Managing Director
among others. He also highlighted the installation
of Odebrecht S.A., Marcelo Odebrecht, received
of the Corinthians Arena in the neighborhood of
the Title of “São Paulo Citizen,” granted through
Itaquera, which has already generated more than
a proposition by City Council Member Francisco
6,000 direct and indirect job opportunities. “We
need to celebrate those who are doing what’s
Some 200 people attended the ceremony,
best for the city of São Paulo,” said Chagas. “The
including family members, members of the
municipality needs to be able to count on these
Odebrecht S.A. Board of Directors, entrepreneurial
initiatives and leadership capacity such as that
leaders, directors and Members of the
displayed by Marcelo Odebrecht,” he said.
Organization’s companies, clients and authorities.
Marcelo Odebrecht emphasized that he views
“It is hard to find a large project or a study in which
the receipt of the Title of São Paulo Citizen as an
Odebrecht has not participated in our country,”
expression of distinction from the community,
said São Paulo Mayor Gilberto Kassab during the
through the City Chamber representatives, who
opening event.
have helped make São Paulo a better city. “This
City Council Member Francisco Chagas
was and continues to be the purpose of our
indicated the Organization’s contributions to the
Organization,” he explained. “That is why I am
projects completed in the municipality, such as the
receiving this tribute on behalf of all those people
subway lines, tunnels, highways, bridges, buildings,
who participated and integrate our businesses
channeling of streams, construction of water and
since we arrived here”, he said.
Marcelo Odebrecht: “I could only be here on behalf of my colleagues at Odebrecht. The merit is collective.”
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 289 / august 2012
A New Contract in Ecuador
Representatives from Odebrecht América Latina and the Mixed Capital Company Refinería del Pacífico RDP CEM celebrate the signing of the agreement
In August, Odebrecht América Latina
The Pacífico Refinery is the Ecuadorian
won the rights to a new contract in Ecuador
government’s most ambitious infrastructure
to complete the work to prepare the
project. It involves the construction
installation area of the Pacífico Refinery
and assembly of a refinery with a daily
Project, located in the city of Manta,
production capacity for 300,000 barrels of
Province of Manabí.
oil derivatives, a high conversion module
With the amount of US$ 230 million and
for the waste originating from the refining
a 28-month term, the construction work
process for the generation of electric energy
will be undertaken for the Mixed Capital
and an additional petrochemical module.
Company Refinería del Pacífico RDP CEM,
The Ecuador Government estimates that
whose majority shareholder is the state-
the total construction project value totals
owned oil company Petroecuador.
approximately US$ 12 billion.
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no 289 / august 2012
Commander of the British Royal Navy Visits Prosub-EBN On July 23, the Lord of the British Admiralty,
and the Shipyard.
Fleet Admiral Mark Stanhope, visited the
At the end of the visit, Mark Stanhope
construction work underway as part of the
emphasized that the complexity of nuclear-
Submarine and Naval Shipyard and Base
propelled submarine development represents
Development Program - Prosub-EBN, developed
a major challenge for the country. According
by Odebrecht in Itaguaí, Rio de Janeiro. The
to Stanhope, the progress made in the Naval
visit was one of the sites toured as part of
Shipyard and Base indicates that Brazil has
the commander’s official visit to Brazil, which
the capacity to overcome it: “The amplitude of
included several different Brazilian Navy
knowledge necessary to carry out the project
that you are developing now simply ‘leaves me
Accompanied by the General Commander
breathless,’” he said.
of the Brazilian Navy, Fleet Admiral Moura Neto,
Stanhope also congratulated the country
by the General Coordinator of PROSUB, Fleet
for its decision to invest in the national defense
Admiral Fragelli, Rear Admiral Alan Arthou and
strategy. “For a nation like Brazil, which will have
by the Managing Director of Odebrecht, Fábio
an enormous global influence 20 years from
Gandolfo, the English Navy Commander watched
now, undertaking a program to build a nuclear
a presentation and toured the construction of
submarine is exactly what you should be doing,”
the Metal Structure Manufacturing Unit (UFEM)
he said.
In the center, the Commander of the English Navy visits the project installations together with Fleet Admiral Moura Neto, Fleet Admiral Fragelli, Rear Admiral Alan Arthou and Fábio Gandolfo
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 289 / august 2012
Angolan Authorities Tour Odebrecht Project On August 1, Angola’s
distributed throughout
the neighborhood for more
approximately 4,000 properties.
than 40 years and President
and Construction, Fernando
The work began in 2008 with
of the Mártires de Kifangondo
Fonseca, and the Luanda City
orientations for the community
Neighborhood Committee.
Governor, Bento Bento, visited
about the interventions involved
“Some streets that flooded
the revitalized neighborhood of
with the construction work.
due to irregular water piping
Mártires de Kifangondo.
Starting in 2010, the construction
already have energy and water
activities began with the
distribution, asphalt and sewage,
in January 2009 through a
support of the Communal and
for example,” he said.
contract established between
Municipal Administrations,
the Luanda Province Cabinet
Urban Cleaning Company,
for more than 30 years and
for Intervention and the Luanda
Schools, NGOs, Neighborhood
representative of the entity
Minister of City Planning
The project was established
Anabela Passos, a resident
Infrastructure Project, undertaken Committee, Churches and
Angolan Catholic Women’s
by Odebrecht Angola, and
residents and merchants from
Promotion (PROMAICA) in the
involves the revitalization of
the neighborhood, with the
area of Ecology and Health, states
Mártires de Kifangondo. The
aim of establishing improved
that the neighborhood received
project is re-establishing the
communication and harmony
its name in 1980, in honor of the
local infrastructure, such as the
for social-environmental actions
martyrs of the battles to protect
rainwater drainage networks,
and issues. The project should be
Luanda during the Angolan
sanitary sewage treatment
completed in October of this year. Civil War. “It is with joy and pride
networks, conduits designed for
“We can already see that
that I can say today that the
the future supply of residential
the residents’ quality of life has
neighborhood is one of the city’s
electricity, as well as the conduit
made a qualitative leap,” said
noblest,” she said.
bank for the installation of the
Antonio Cunha, a resident of
phone service system; electrical installations for public lighting, and the paving, opening and
Angola’s Minister of City Planning and Construction, Fernando Fonseca, and the Governor of the City of Luanda, Bento Bento, visited projects developed by Odebrecht
installation of signs for all roads. The initiative is a pilot project that will serve as an example for the installation of improvements in the region’s other neighborhoods. Some 17,000 people will be benefitted, 15,000 of which are Angolans, odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no 289 / august 2012
Bahia Municipalities Participate in Ministry of Communication Digital Cities Project The Pratigi Environmental
Telecommunication Company)
Protection Area Intermunicipal
and INMETRO (National
Consor tium (CIAPRA) made it
Institute of Metrology, Quality
possible to inser t two Bahia
and Technology).
municipalities into the pilot
“I believe that technology
project Digital Cities: Nilo
has been administrators’
Peçanha and Piraí do Nor te.
greatest ally when it comes to
Under the responsibility
improving public ser vices,” said
of the Ministr y of
Heráclito Menezes, Mayor of
Communications Depar tment
Piraí do Nor te and President of
of Digital Inclusion (MiniCom),
CIAPRA. “ The implementation
Digital Cities allows for
of the project will bring many
the modernization of city
benefits for the areas of
administration by installing
health, safety and education,
the infrastructure for the
among others,” Menezes.
network connection between
In par tnership with the
public agencies, the training
Bahia Government and
of public workers and the offer
Odebrecht Foundation, the
of spaces with free Internet
consor tium is one of the
access for the population.
founders of the Bahia Southern
The initiative is developed in
Lowlands Environmental
par tnership with the Minister
Protection Area Mosaic
of Planning, National Economic Program for Development
and Social Development Bank
and Growth Integrated with
(BNDES), TELEBRAS (Brazilian
Sustainability (PDCIS).
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 289 / august 2012
Odebrecht Energia Organizes Meeting to Monitor APs
Odebrecht Energia Members participate in the meeting to monitor the company’s Action Programs
At the end of July, the Teles Pires
of the other energy projects. The
Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP)
participants had the opportunity to view
construction site, located at the border
all of the structure at the construction
between the states of Mato Grosso and
site, such as the leisure area, cafeteria,
Pará, hosted the monitoring meeting for
lodging and main service fronts.
the Action Programs (APs) implemented
Marcelo Odebrecht also met with the
at the Organization’s energy projects.
Young Partners and those responsible
The event included the participation of
for the Teles Pires HPP Programs for the
Marcelo Odebrecht, Managing Director
“Fireside Conversation” and answered
of Odebrecht S.A.
questions about the Organization’s
Antônio Augusto Santos, Contract Director, presented the development
growth, Culture, new investments, future and the partners’ career plan.
to the partners and Contract Directors
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no 289 / august 2012
Teles Pires HPP and the Commitment to Improving Work Conditions The Teles Pires Hydroelectric Power Plant,
within the sphere of the General Secretary of
an Odebrecht Energia investment, signed
the Presidency of the Republic, representatives
the National Commitment to Improving
from the Ministry of Labor, National Federation
Work Conditions in the Construction Industry
of Workers in Heavy Construction Industries
during a visit by representatives of the Federal
(FENATRACOP) and from the National Heavy
Government to its construction projects.
Construction-Infrastructure Industry Trade Union
Located at the border between the states of Mato Grosso and Pará, the plant has 3,800
(SINICON). Established on March 1 of this year, the
direct Members, with plans to increase this
National Commitment to Improve Work
number to 6,000 in 2013. By assuming this
Conditions in the Construction Industry is
commitment, the workers will come to have
designed to improve the work conditions at
representation at the work site and a health and
the country’s construction sites. Its guidelines
safety commission. There are also plans for new
are the result of negotiations that took place
recruitment, contracting and labor qualification
between the Brazilian Federal Government
and representative entities of executives and
In addition to the participation of Odebrecht
professionals from the sector. In addition to
Members, the event also included the presence
the Teles Pires HPP, the Santo Antônio HPP, in
of José Lopez Feijó, Coordinator of the topic
Rondônia, also signed the commitment.
Representatives from the Federal Government and Odebrecht Members sign the National Commitment to Improving Work Conditions in the Construction Industry
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 289 / august 2012
The Progress of the “Tatuzões” in Venezuela The ‘tatuzão’ called Juana Ramírez La
The drilling of the earth beneath the Guaire
Avanzadora (“The Advancer”), one of the TBMs
River was completed during two different
that is excavating the tunnels of the Caracas
periods. The first time, in 1992, it was for the
Subway Line 5, currently being undertaken by
construction of the first stage of the Caracas
Odebrecht Venezuela, completed its third
Subway Line 3, and the second was completed
passage beneath the Guaire River, the main
in November 2011 by the TBM Juana Ramírez
waterway of the Venezuelan capital.
La Avanzadora for the excavation of the Bello
The Tunnel Boring Machine advanced 32 meters forward at a depth of 16 meters,
Monte- Rental Zone stretch of Line 5. The work was completed by Odebrecht.
allocated 23 rings and excavated 1,400 m3 of
Just a few meters from this TBM is the
material during its course. The state-of-the-art
“tatuzão” Manuelita Sáenz La Libertadora (“The
technology used for the operation guaranteed
Liberator”), which will complete the drilling of
the completion of the work without affecting the
the tunnels along the Unefa-Miranda II stretch,
residents’ daily routine.
which is part of the same Line 5.
Extending more than 12 km and with nine stations, the construction of the Caracas Subway Line 5 uses modern technologies that reduce the impacts on the passage of vehicles and on the daily routine of the surrounding communities
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no 289 / august 2012
Odebrecht Elec 10 Companies of 22
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 289 / august 2012
Representatives from the winning companies celebrated the result of the survey
cted One of Top f Youths’ Dreams odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no 289 / august 2012
> ORGANIZATION For the second consecutive time, the Odebrecht Organization is among the Top 10 Companies of Youths’ Dreams according to the 11th edition of the survey conducted by Cia de Talentos and NextView People, companies specialized in Human Resources. This year, the Organization occupied the 7th position, two higher than last year. Other winning companies, in order of ranking, were Petrobras, Google, Vale, Itaú, Nestlé, Unilever, Natura, Ambev and the Globo TV Network. Over 67,000 youth from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru took part in a survey to answer, among other multiple choice questions, the following open question: If you could choose one company at which to begin your career, which one would it be? The goal is to discover the companies of university students’ and young grads’ dreams in these countries, their profiles and criteria for such choice. The award ceremony was held on the evening of August
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 289 / august 2012
Roberto Simões received the trophy on behalf of the Organization
20 at the Alfa Theater in São Paulo, and included the presence of Odebrecht leaders and Members. Roberto Simões, Vice President of Investments in Drills at Odebrecht Oil and Gas, represented the Organization and received the trophy, a symbol of the distinction earned. “We always count on the youth, since at the Odebrecht Organization the terrain is fertile for those who desire to learn and achieve,” said Simões, speaking to the more than 600 people who participated in the event. In addition to the classification of the companies, the ceremony event also marked the announcement of the main results of the survey, such as the profile of the youth who chose Odebrecht as one of the Top 10 Companies of Youths’ Dreams to begin their career. The majority of the public comes from Brazil’s Northeast region and indicated credibility in the job market as one of the Organization’s differentials. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no 289 / august 2012
Life of the Young Partner The Young Partner Program is designed to
Entrepreneurial Technology
identify and integrate new
The sign-up for the 2013
In June, over 60 Odebrecht
professionals who want
edition of Young Partner
Young Partners in Panama took
to build a career at the
extends until August 31 and for
part in the First Meeting of
Organization, who are fully
Foz Youth, until September 4.
committed to assuming
Learn more about some
During the event, the
constant challenges in different
of the activities included in
participants listened to a
environments and who identify
the routine of Young Partners
presentation by Oscar Salazar,
with the Principles, Concepts
from different Organization
responsible for Planning,
and Criteria of the Odebrecht
Administration and Finances,
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 289 / august 2012
who shared the company’s
Project. Through their history
lectures on Health, Safety and
achievements during its six
of growth at the company,
Risk Assessment and group
years of operation in Panama
they transmitted messages
dynamics. Divided into groups,
and the Organization’s current
of motivation, perseverance
the participants reflected on
scenario in the country.
and optimism to the new
the role of the Young Partner
The youth also listened to
and established commitments
testimonials about Life and
With the participation of Vera
and challenges focused on the
Career by Members Arturo
Gaspar, from the Odebrecht
2020 Vision. The activities were
Graell, from the Coastal Belt
América Latina People and
supported by André Rabello,
Project - Phase III, Nilda Pallares,
Organization team, who
the Managing Director in
from the Curundú Project, and
highlighted Education Through
Panama, who emphasized the
Gerardo Díaz, from the City
Work for one’s career, the
importance of the JPs’ growth
and Panama Bay Sanitation
programming also featured
and maturation. The Panamanian youth
Odebrecht Young Partners in Panama revealed the commitments and challenges established with their leaders focused on the 2020 Vision for Marcelo Odebrecht and Luiz Mameri
also participated in a meeting with Marcelo Odebrecht, Managing Director of the Organization, and Luiz Mameri, Entrepreneurial Leader at Odebrecht América Latina, during which they presented what was established with their leaders to overcome the challenges of the 2020 Vision. The commitments included the importance of creativity and innovation, aiming for Client Satisfaction; the search for opportunities to make a difference and the need to overcome the fear of making mistakes and transforming discourse into practice, aiming to odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no 289 / august 2012
> PEOPLE DEVELOPMENT contribute toward the
advantage of the opportunity
at Foz, this was an important
country’s development.
to learn more about one of the
stage for integrating the youth
Organization’s environmental
with the Organization’s Culture.
engineering businesses.
“It is the moment at which
On the first day of the event,
they most identify the values
On July 24-25, Foz do
the focus was on consolidating
aligned with the Culture and
Brasil held the second on-
the understanding of the
realize that TEO is, in fact, within
site meeting for its Young
Odebrecht Entrepreneurial
people themselves,” said Gama.
Partner Introduction to Culture
Technology (TEO) Principles
“Besides this, it represents a
Program, called Sharing
and Concepts and the
unique opportunity to meet
Learning I. The event took
Characteristics of the Odebrecht
with colleagues and exchange
place in Itupeva, a city in rural
Partner. The YPs had studied the
the different experience of each,
São Paulo, and included the
topic at a distance through the
in his or her own environment,
presence of 30 Foz YPs from
Introduction to Culture Portal.
and better understand the
the 2012 group, and 14 YPs
For Marina Gama, responsible
business in which they work,”
from Odebrecht S.A., who took
for the Young Partner Program
she said.
The next stage in the Foz program will take place in November of this year in Rio de Janeiro, and will cover the Competencies of the Odebrecht Partner
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 289 / august 2012
On the following day, the
Engineer, states that the
which involves the winning
Members visited the first Foz do
meeting made her even more
over and Satisfaction of the
Brasil concession in Limeira, and
motivated and prepared for
learned more about the water
new challenges. “The Young
The 30 JPs from 2012
and sewage, industrial and
Partner Program has been
gathered in Itaipava, Rio de
waste treatment operation. The
very important and has
Janeiro, and participated
youth were also able to get an
complemented my career,
in lectures and activities
up-close look at the processes
since it is focused on personal
developed by the program
that guarantee the water supply
and professional development
advisors. The opening involved
and sewage treatment in the
with the Organization’s
the participation of Roberto
municipality, which currently
characteristics, values and
Ramos, Entrepreneurial Leader,
has universalized services that
concepts,” said Menezes.
who shared the scenario of
have received the approval of
“During the meetings, we
the Oil and Gas market, the
95% of the covered population.
learn about different areas,
company’s strategic positioning
YP Júlia Machado de
we have the opportunity to
and the prospecting of new
Menezes, Environmental
find out about the careers
businesses and opportunities.
of people who began as YPs
To complement the
and who currently occupy
knowledge acquired, all of the
important positions within the
Managing Directors of OOG
Organization,” she said.
presented cases that were focused on the challenges faced
during the project bidding phase.
The Members also participated
From July 9-13, Odebrecht
in a chat with Renato Baiardi,
Oil and Gas (OOG)
member of the Odebrecht
promoted the first module
S.A. Board of Directors, about
of the OOG Youth Program,
leadership, professional
which maintains the same
experiences and TEO.
conceptual base as the Young
Before the onsite meeting,
Builder Program, associated
the youth prepared for three
with the Engineering and
months by completing tasks
Construction business. The
goal was to help participants
The second module, which
understand how to complete
will address Client Satisfaction,
an Entrepreneurial Task,
will occur on the week of odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no 289 / august 2012
> PEOPLE DEVELOPMENT November 19, with the same
Besides the learning opportunities Work, the youth developed relation between the OOG businesses
format of distance activities followed by a new meeting. According to Leila Brito, responsible for the OOG Youth Program, the program concept involved identifying the leaders that would serve as advisors, producing content and mobilizing Members. “For the participants, the opportunity to be part of the OOG Youth is unique, since the content addressed helps them develop their career and specific capacities,” explained Brito. The presence of the leaders was the main highlight for the youth. For Bruno Kato,
strengthening her knowledge
from the Drilling Business
of the TEO.
According to Natália
Unit, the leaders’ participation
The Teles Pires Hydroelectric
allowed for more transparent
Fernandes, from the Integrated
Power Plant (HPP) – an
contact with the company’s
Service Business Unit, the
Odebrecht Energia
businesses. “The orientations
chance to learn combined
investment located at the
about the first stage of the
with a reunion with colleagues
border between the states
Entrepreneurial Task changed
and the synergy between
of Mato Grosso and Pará –
my vision of OOG, making me
the participants during the
received a group of Young
more ambitious,” said Kato.
group work was crucial for
Partners from Odebrecht
Adriana Lontra, from the Legal
the learning process. “The
Angola at the end of July
area of OD, emphasized that
exchange of experiences
who are participating in the
the presentations increased
was positive for the learning
Technical Training Program
her understanding and
process,” said Fernandes. “I
organized by the Functional
contribution to the process
am finishing the first module
Equipment Support - AFEq
of winning over the client,
better prepared to face new
while at the same time
challenges,” she said.
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 289 / august 2012
During the visit, the
generated through Education For nships, strengthening the synergy
young mechanical and
the shortest time possible,”
electromechanical engineers
said Edivaldo de Freitas, AFEq
visited the assembly and
Training Manager.
operation installations at the
For Stelvia Agostinho,
crushing and concrete center,
Electromechanical Engineer,
the final accessway to the
the visit is very valuable. “It’s
project, the shop, generation
a one-of-a-kind opportunity
circuit, the entrance and exit
to visit a hydroelectric power
sites and the equipment.
plant,” said Agostinho, a YP from
“The choice for Teles Pires
the Expressways Project. “Here,
was made due to the fact
we had contact with the mobile
that the plant is the only site
and fixed equipment, the
that concentrates the three
objects of our trade,” she said.
lines of work, cargo, earth
Also participating in the
and rock transport and the
visit were the Teles Pires
industrial centers, and shows
Equipment team and Elson
all of the applications within
Rangel, from AFEq.
The AFEq Technical Training Program gives young Members more indepth knowledge of the activities in the area of cargo, earth and rock transport equipment and processes and industrial centers
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no 289 / august 2012
PPE and Master PPE Complete their First Courses Launched at the start
and Master PPE
completed their first
of this year, PPE (Program
(Master Program for
courses, formed by 36 and
for Entrepreneurship)
28 Members, respectively, in July. All of the meetings for the programs included the presence of the Contract Directors (CDs) during the learning dynamics. The CDs who supported the initiatives also took part in the closing events: PPE included the presence
The participants from PPE participated in the onsite modules in a range of different topics, such as the Odebrecht Organization, Sustainability, Finances, Human Behavior and Leadership, Communication, Negotiation, Client and the Entrepreneurship Cycle
of Marcus Vinicius Reis Dias, from Odebrecht Oil and Gas; and Farid Felberg, from Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial; and for PPE Master, Rodrigo Lemos, from OOG; Marcio Ribeiro, from Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial; and Celso Rodrigues, from Odebrecht Infraestrutura.
The group from PPE Master learned about topics such as Self-Awareness and Leadership, Communication, Sustainability, Finances and Risk Management, Strategy, Entrepreneurial Performance and Global Vision
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 289 / august 2012
In Mozambique, Tete Acreditar Program Graduates First Students from the Basic Cycle
Sixty-nine more people were certified on August 16. In all, 135 people have completed the Basic Cycle
On July 31, Vale and Odebrecht – in
Manuel Timose, age 22, did not hide his
partnership with the Dom Bosco School, INEFP
joy at having completed the first phase of the
and the Tete Province Board of Education – held
program. “I learned about Believe through my
the certification ceremony in Mozambique
father, who works as a painter at Odebrecht, and
for the first two groups of the Continued
I realized that this would be my opportunity to
Professional Qualification Program - Acreditar
obtain professional qualification and improve my
(Believe), directed at the communities of Tete
life,” said Timose. The youth plans to begin the
and Moatize.
Carpenter Module and talked about his future
The 66 graduates who completed the Basic
expectations: “I hope to be able to get my first
Cycle took part in activities to increase their
job and set up my own carpentry business,” he
schooling level and learned more about topics
such as Health, Work Safety, Environment,
According to Ana Márcia Della Líbera,
Quality and Occupational Psychology. The group
Program Coordinator, the role of Acreditar is
advanced on to the Specific Cycle in the courses
to awaken the potential that exists in each
for bricklayer, carpenter and machine operators
participant. “We believe that education can
(motor grader, front-end loader, crawler tractor
change people’s lives and, consequently, the
and power shovel).
country,” said Líbera. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no 289 / august 2012
Creer Also Benefits Children in Venezuela
The Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial team in Venezuela reinforced group work, motivation and trust and good social practices with the students and teachers from Sotillo
Committed to the growth of Venezuelan citizens, the work team of the Continued
Extension Program, designed to contribute
Professional Qualification Program - Creer
toward the teaching institutions located
(Believe) at the Puerto La Cruz Project –
near the Puerto La Cruz Refinery. For four
promoted by Odebrecht Engenharia
days, the monitors of Creer encouraged the
Industrial – developed activities for the
participation of the teachers and students of
communities of the municipality of Sotillo.
different ages, with educational videos, group
More than 300 children participated in
tasks and question and response games,
group dynamics and the lectures “Sowing
among other actions.
Environmental Values” and “Values in Action.”
The initiative was promoted through the
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Transnordestina Receives Participants from Vacation Internship Program The Vacation Internship Program, promoted by
area,” said Cardoso.
have the chance to interact
“By uniting theory and
with different people, places
Odebrecht Infraestrutura
practice, the Business
and cultures,” said Sabrine.
at different construction
Administration student at
“This generates unbeatable
projects in Brazil, took six
the Federal University of
professional and personal
university students from
Ouro Preto (MG), Augustinha
growth,” she said.
the Business Administration
Sabrine, commented on
Since January 2011, 22
and Civil and Mechanical
some of the differentials
university students have
Engineering courses to
that the experience
already passed through
serve as interns on the
brought him: “By exercising
Transnordestina through the
Transnordestina Railroad
administration in the civil
Vacation Program.
until August 16. With the
construction segment, I
initiative, the students have the opportunity to develop skills that complement those learned in the classroom and earn practical experiences from a project. “At Transnordestina, I have contact with the real world of engineering at a large project,” said Luiz Paulo Cardoso, a Civil Engineering student at UniLins, a teaching institution located in São Paulo. “Today, I see my profession in a broader sense and I have acquired more knowledge about my
The students, four from Engineering and two from Administration, were received by Pedro Leão, Contract Director, Alexandre Biselli, Infrastructure Manager, and Alexandre Lima, Administrative and Financial Manager
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no 289 / august 2012
Odebrecht Cultural Center Encourages Youth’s Intellectual Development On June 26, 137 people, including Odebrecht
Communication area with aims os strengthening
Members and students and teachers from the
the concept of the space and promoting the
State University of Bahia (UNEB) and Salvador
sharing of knowledge and reflection.
University (UNIFACS), took part in the lecture
According to Fátima Berbert, responsible for
“Program for Development and Growth Integrated
the Odebrecht Cultural Center, the intention is
with Sustainability – PDCIS Focused on Fulfilling
to always have the presence of knowledgeable
the Eight Millennium Goals,” administered
people who can generate a constructive and
by Joaquim Cardoso, Political Advisor to the
enriching debate, contributing toward the
Odebrecht Foundation and Chairman of the Land
intellectual development of the youth, students
Conservation Organization (OCT) Deliberative
and Members. “It is a way of democratizing the
access to relevant information for the development
Held at the Hertha Odebrecht Library at the
of these individuals, in addition to ratifying the role
Organization’s head office, the event is part of
cultivated by the Odebrecht Organization, as an
a set of initiatives promoted by the Odebrecht
entity that transforms the communities in which it
Cultural Center through the Odebrecht S.A.
is inserted,” explained Berbert.
Participants listen to a lecture by Joaquim Cardoso: awareness raising for the debate and discovery of solutions for the relevant issues of our day-to-day
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 289 / august 2012
Argentina Launches L.I.D.E.R.E.S. Training Program
Leaders from Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial in Argentina are encouraged to aid with the preparation of their substitutes
On July 27 and 28, Odebrecht in
Criteria and Analyses for Identifying
Argentina launched the L.I.D.E.R.E.S.
Substitutes, Life and Career Plan and
Training Program, whose acronyms
Career Development: Education Through
correspond to the initiative’s objective:
and For Work.
Leading the Entrepreneurial Development
The opening involved the participation
of Substitutes. The first group consists of
of Diego Pugliesso, responsible for
20 Members.
Planning, Administration and Finances
The program includes three meetings
at Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial in
designed to orient leaders to identify
Argentina and Delegate Markets, who
and develop the career plans of their
emphasized the importance of training
Team Members. During the first event,
substitutes and encouraging leaders to
there was discussion of topics such as
exercise their role as educators.
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no 289 / august 2012
Supervisors Participate in 1st Edition of “Leader on the Rails” In the Arcoverde Lot, located
legal issues such as Civil and
that he was enthusiastic about
in Pernambuco, the supervisors
Criminal Liabilities and Labor
the results of the training. “Today,
of the service and group on
Law, with debates on working
I consider myself more pro-active,
the Transnordestina Railroad
hours, Members’ duties and
and at the same time, aware of
participated in the 1 edition of
obligations, profit sharing and
how to act correctly during the
the “Leader on the Rails” Project.
the relationship with trade
routine construction work,” said
union entities. Participants also
Queiroz. “Furthermore, I have
Odebrecht Infraestrutura, the
received information on the
improved my relationship with
Members had the opportunity
PréVer (“Prevent”) Program, which
the team,” he said. According to
to improve their technical and
is focused on preventing work-
Breno Coutinho, Manager of the
management-related knowledge.
related accidents.
Arcoverde Lot, the content of the
With the initiative of
Divided into four modules, the 32
In the last two modules,
project will be disseminated at the
hours of training were completed
Members focus on topics such
construction site: “We hope the
on August 4.
as planning, control, costs and
leader will serve as an educator,
During the first meeting,
service quality. The lecture
and in this way, share his or her
the 24 workers learned about
“Leadership and Motivation”
knowledge acquired,” he said.
the Organization’s history and
promoted reflections on
the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial
inter-personal relationships
Director, the results of the
Technology (TEO), as well as
and efficient communication
initiative are even visible in
the specific characteristics of
between the Leader and the
the communities in which the
Transnordestina. The second
Team Member.
Members are inserted. “Our
module was focused on
Antônio Vieira de Queiroz said
For Pedro Leão, Contract
Culture can be inserted into the worker’s family life, thereby allowing us to indirectly influence other people and assume postures based on TEO,” said Leão. The Members who work at the Custódia Lot in Pernambuco will be the next ones to participate in the 2nd edition of the project, which is scheduled for the first week of September. The initiative
The “Leader on the Rails” Project at Transnordestina helps further the Members’ cultural knowledge and contributes toward their personal and professional growth
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 289 / august 2012
should be expanded to the other construction sites still this year.
Odebrecht Angola Promotes Seminar on Labor Law
Odebrecht Angola has contributed toward the development of trade union organization at the company
In par tnership with the Federation and Union of Workers in Construction and Housing, Odebrecht Angola
and June with the par ticipation of 100 members. The topics addressed included Trade
promoted the 1 st Training Seminar
Union Law, Collective Bargaining Law,
on Syndicalism and Labor Law of the
Strike Law and issues about General
Trade Union Delegates from Luanda
Labor Law and Trade Union Commission
companies during the months of May
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no 289 / august 2012
Giant Crane to Erect Corinthians Arena Roof The largest crane that
metal structure to cover the
shifts, the arena construction
exists in Brazil began
grandstands – an enormous
work has already progressed
to be assembled at the
steel and glass roof whose
more than 46% and should be
Corinthians Arena
maximum height will be
concluded in December 2013.
construction site in São
nearly 60 meters above the
The work is concentrated
Paulo, which will serve as the
field. In order to assemble
on several different fronts
stage to the opening of the
the crane, which will begin
simultaneously. The steps for
2014 World Cup.
still during the month of
the East sector grandstands
September, Odebrecht
have already been entirely
tons and a launch of up to
Infraestrutura, which is
placed. In the South and
114 meters, its presence at
responsible for the project,
North sectors, located behind
the construction site will
estimates that 15 days of
each one of the back lines of
mark the start of one of the
work will be necessary.
the game field, respectively,
project’s most important
With 2,280 Members
the placement of the steps is
phases: the assembly of the
working in three different
With the capacity for 1,500
already nearly complete. In the West sector, the site to the largest building in the complex, the placement of the slabs (floors) has already been joined with the new floor – this building will have 11 floors total. This sector, which will also house a mini shopping center, underground parking lots, locker rooms and press rooms, will also receive the “Jacaré” beams, over which the steps will be placed. The construction of the
Brazil’s largest crane, which will support the assembly of the arena roof metal structure, has the capacity for 1,500 tons and can launch up to 114 meters
uncovered parking lot floor in the West sector was also initiated.
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 289 / august 2012
The Dream of Fighting at the Fonte Nova Arena
The Brazilian MMA fighters toured the Visitors’ Center at the Fonte Nova Arena on August 4 and handed out autographs to the project Members
After getting an up-close look at the
20,000 people,” said Rodrigo. At the Fonte
construction work for the Fonte Nova Arena,
Nova Arena, we will have 50,000 covered seats,
undertaken by Odebrecht Infraestrutura and
which will offer total comfort, so we believe
OAS, in Salvador, fighters Rodrigo Minotauro
that we can have the largest UFC (Ultimate
and Rogério Minotouro are anxiously awaiting
Fighting Championship) event in Brazil, he
the conclusion of the multi-use project, which
said, complementing: “It will be like a great
would also serve as a new space for hosting
dream come true to fight here.” For Rogério,
the championships of the MMA (Mixed Martial
the arena stands out for the structure it will
Arts), a sport recognized nationally and
offer its users. “We lacked a place like this one,
modern with all of the structure the sport
“The stadiums where we fight in Las Vegas, in the United States, receive an average of
needs,” he said. To view the video about the visit, click here.
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no 289 / august 2012
Paulo Cesar Caju and the Maracanã Workers For the sixth edition
Members, including leaders,
the sport. I only started to
of “Breakfast with the
supervisors, electricians and
change when my cardiologist
Leader,” the management
carpenters, chosen for the
told me that I ran the risk of
of the Maracanã Rio 2014
solid performance of tasks.
dying. It has been 11 years
Consortium (Odebrecht
Caju, as he is better
since I have used these
Infraestrutura and Andrade
known, talked about the
substances and I receive
Gutierrez) invited former
Brazilian National Team: “The
support from my family and
player Paulo César Caju,
best national team that I saw
friends,” he revealed.
who formerly played soccer
play was the one from 1958.
The former winger
in France, for the four main
The team with Pelé, Didi,
encouraged the consortium
Rio de Janeiro teams, as well
Milton Santos and Garrincha
management to take part
as for Corinthians, Grêmio
was unbeatable,” he said.
in a soccer match between
and the Brazilian National
The former player also talked
the workers and former
Teams of 1970 and 1974. The
about a critical phase in
players of the 1970 Brazilian
meeting, held on August
his personal life. “I stopped
National Team. “We could
3 at the construction site
playing soccer at age 36. “I
even invite the players from
for the remodeling of the
was always an exemplary
the 1994 World Cup,” he said.
Maracanã Stadium, involved
professional. However, I used
the participation of 15
drugs and alcohol when I left Director, Paulo Cesar
For Paulo Falcão, Contract Caju is an example of an athlete and of overcoming obstacles: “He is an example for all of us, for having the courage to talk openly about the problems he faced and for being an example athlete,” said Falcão. The event also included the presence of the consortium manager and the consultant
Former player Paulo Cesar Caju, who played for the Rio de Janeiro teams Flamengo, Fluminense, Botafogo and Vasco, autographed t-shirts and posed for photos with Members from the Maracanã Stadium remodeling project
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 289 / august 2012
and creator of the initiative, Paulo Rosa.
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no 289 / august 2012
Cooperative Inaugurates Frui the Bahia Southern Lowlands Members of the Presidente Tancredo Neves Rural Producers’ Cooperative (COOPATAN) met on August 2 at the institution’s head office to celebrate its 12-year anniversar y and par ticipate in the inauguration of the Fruit Pre -Processing Unit (UPBF). The projec t, which received funding from the National Economic and Social Development Bank (BNDES) for its construc tion, will maximize the potential for the conser vation and transpor t of crops such as banana and pineapple. During the ceremony, Juscelino Macedo, Leader of the Manioc Root Cooperative Strategic
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 289 / august 2012
it Pre-Processing Unit in s The Fruit Pre-Processing Unit was built with funding from BNDES
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no 289 / august 2012
> ODEBRECHT FOUNDATION Alliance, elaborated the timeline of COOPATAN and the municipality of Presidente Tancredo Neves in Bahia. “Remembering our histor y, we concluded that before pover ty and illiterac y predominated,” said Macedo. “ Today, we see signs of development, with the generation of jobs and income for the population,” he said. Cooperative par tners received plaques of gratitude and samples of manioc root flour produced by the cooperative members. These members included George Teixeira, Analyst at the BNDES Unified Economic Depar tment, Domingo Haroldo Reinhardt, General Head of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Company (EMBRAPA) Manioc Root and Fruit Produc tion, André Argolo, Secretar y of Agriculture, and Eduardo
Queiroz, Vice President
and Mateus R amos,
of Sustainability at the
Engineer and Attorney
Odebrecht Foundation.
of the Unified Economy
Also representing BNDES
Depar tment, respec tively.
were Simone Moraes
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 289 / august 2012
Ednalva Santana, a six-
Teixeira. “I desire much success to COOPATAN and
George Teixeira, from BNDES, and Ednalva Santana, COOPATAN member, inaugurate the UPBF
I am thrilled to see so many smiling faces here,” he said. In 2009, BNDES and the Odebrecht Foundation established a Technical and Financial Cooperation Agreement, with a six-year term, which will promote investments in social, production, environmental and training actions for communities from the Bahia Southern Lowlands region. One of the fruits of this agreement is UPBF, which receives investments of R$ 1,440,864.15. O ther projec ts were also possible, such as the construc tion of the head office of the Build Better Professional Training Center, in Valença, and the deliver y of machines,
year member and current
unit to guests for visits.
President of COOPATAN,
“I’m proud to be par t
and George Teixeira
of this par tnership and
untied the symbolic
be present at such an
bow and opened up the
impor tant event,” said
agricultural accessories and vehicles to the Bahia Southern Lowlands Hear t of Palm Producers’ Cooperative - COOPALM. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no 289 / august 2012
Foz do Brasil Presents Experiences in Limeira, Rio Claro and Santa Gertrudes The experiences in the areas
well as those from the rest of the
of Foz do Brasil, the path toward
of sanitation in the municipalities
country and planet, including
universalization involves a
of Limeira, Santa Gertrudes and
topics discussed during the global
partnership between the public and
Rio Claro, located in rural São
UN conference, Rio+20, and at
private sectors: “This allows for the
Paulo, were presented by Foz do
other environmental forums.
investments that the sanitation sector
Brasil during the 1st Symposium
One of the examples presented
lacks,” said Stroiek. In May of this
of PCJ Committees, held between
was the city of Limeira, a national
year, with the inauguration of a new
July 30 and August 3 in the city
reference with the lowest water
Sewage Treatment Plant (STP), the
of São Pedro. The event included
loss rate in Brazil, which is below
municipality of Santa Gertrudes also
the presence of State Governor
16% (the national average is 40%).
achieved the capacity to treat 100%
Geraldo Alckmin.
The municipality was the first in
of the collected sewage. The start of
the country to have its public water
operations allowed the city to stop
“Water Management: Building
and sewage services operated
releasing its untreated sewage into
a Sustainable Future,” the idea
by private initiative, starting
the Ribeirão Claro, helping revitalize
behind the initiative was to
in 1995, and which achieved
the Corumbataí River Watershed.
debate the topics related to the
universalization last year – when all
Within the municipal sphere,
management of water resources in
of the sewage generated began to
the first Public-Private Partnership
the PCJ Basins (from the Piracicaba,
be sent for treatment.
(PPP) was established through a
Under the central theme
Capivari and Jundiaí Rivers), as
For Sandro Stroiek, Director
contract between the Rio Claro City Government and Foz do Brasil for the provision of the sanitary sewage service, operation and investment in complementation and adjustment projects and the modernization of the system. In December 2007, when Foz began its work, only 11% of the sewage was treated. With the different actions it promoted, such as the replacement of equipment in the already existing plants and inauguration of the Jardim Conduta Treatment Plant, this rate is now
The Foz units in Limeira, Santa Gertrudes and Rio Claro, which are part of the Piracicaba River Basin, were presented at a booth located in the exhibit space
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 289 / august 2012
higher than 55%.
Fonte Nova Arena Launches Eco-Point: Cooking Oil Collection and Recycling In order to promote raise
orient the population as to the
the environmental awareness
importance of conscious disposal,
economy, business activities
of the population, in August of
since cooking oil is a polluting
such as industry, commerce
this year, the Fonte Nova Arena,
material. Any recycled amount
and civil construction cease
currently under construction in
represents an environmental gain:
from being seen as causing
the city of Salvador, launched
surveys indicate that just one liter
environmental damage and are
two used cooking oil collection
of cooking oil can pollute some
rather recognized as part of the
points. The Eco-Points – part of
20,000 liters of water. In lakes and
solution,” said Gonçalves. “The
the development’s environmental
rivers, the substance negatively
definition is aligned with one
responsibility project – will make
affects oxygenation, killing plants
of the pillars of the Fonte Nova
it possible to recycle the material,
and fish. According to the Center
Arena, which is environmental
transforming it into biodiesel,
for Integrated Studies on the
responsibility,” he said,
candles and soap.
Environment and Climate Change
reminding that 100% of the
at the Federal University of Rio de
concrete from the former Fonte
the construction site, are easily
Janeiro (UFRJ), the decomposition
Nova was fully re-used.
accessible by the population. One
of used cooking oil emits
is located next to the Visitation
methane, one of the main gases
other Fonte Nova Arena
Center, at the address Rua Anfrísia
that causes the greenhouse effect,
environmental responsibility
Santiago (former VIP Box), and
which in turn is responsible for
actions: click here and visit the
another point is located at the
global warming.
The sites, which are located at
“Within the concept of ‘green’
Learn more about
Tororó Dike gatehouse, in front of the 2014 World Cup Clock. “These programs promote simple attitudes that bring significant environmental results,” said Frederico Bastos Gonçalves, Sustainability Manager for the Fonte Nova Arena. “It is as easy as storing the used cooking oil in well-sealed PET bottles and dropping it off at the Eco-Points,” he said. The project’s goal is to
The program receives the support of the company RENOVE and will benefit the municipal schools Maria Quitéria and Ruy de Lima Maltez by donating the soap produced from the recycling of all the collected material
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no 289 / august 2012
Santo Antônio HPP Develops Biodegradable Product Combining reuse,
cleans efficiently and uses
in other sectors of the
preservation and research, the
animal-based residual oil that
construction site and later
Santo Antônio Civil Consortium
originates from the project’s
taken to other construction
(CSAC) Environment sector
Central Kitchen furnaces.
projects,” he said.
developed a new product:
According to Nelson
The experiments were
a biodegradable degreaser
Alves, Environment Manager,
conducted in partnership
for washing trucks and
achieving the final version of
with the technical team from
equipment on the Washing
the degreaser represented a
Faro College. The production,
and Lubrication Ramp.
challenge, since animal oil is
which requires only a simple
In addition to replacing
more difficult to handle. “The
structure, will take place at the
industrialized products and
process involved research
construction site itself with
facilitating the reuse of the
and several different tests,”
the recipients available at the
water that is originally used
explained Alves. “With the
development. The amount of
in the washing process, the
lower cost compared to
animal oil in stock is sufficient
degreaser does not harm the
the industrialized product,
for producing the degreaser for
environment. The product
this product can be applied
more than four months.
The Santo Antônio HPP Washing and Lubrication Ramp currently uses 2,400 liters of degreaser per month
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 289 / august 2012