Nº 275 // FEVEREIRO // JUNHO 2011 No. Nº 291 260 SEPTEMBER 2012 Nº 260 JUNHO 2012 2011
Special: Braskem - 10 Years “It’s impossible to be happy alone”
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 291 / september 2012
No. Nº Nº 291260 260/
2012 2011 2011
Seven projects were inaugurated in Angola that were built under Odebrecht’s responsibility through the Benguela, Huambo and AH Gove projects.
On August 16 of this year, Braskem completed 10 years of existence. Learn more in the special story about the company’s history and how the date was celebrated by its Members.
> > 26 FAST NEWS
Rota dos Coqueiros has implemented the Via School Program: learn more about the initiative that is helping improve the quality of education.
Members of the Rail Transport Community of Practice gathered for the first meeting of the “Railroads” Theme Group at the Transnordestina Railroad.
The Fonte Nova Arena began yet another first-of-a-kind process in Brazil: The so-called “Big Lift,” which involves the hoisting of the stressed steel cables for the roof. Learn more about how this work is being done.
Ricardo Voltolini, Managing Director of the company Ideia Sustentável, participated in the Monitor Training Program, which discussed sustainability and its daily practice.
> 58 FAST NEWS - SUSTAINABILITY > 62 FAST NEWS - COMMUNITIES editorial staff ODEBRECHT NEWS is an internal newsletter published by the Odebrecht S.A. Business Communication Team Responsible Journalist: Fabiana Cabral Editorial Office: Avenida das Nações Unidas, 8.501, 32º andar, São Paulo Phone Number: (55 11) 3096-8171 Suggestions: fabianacabral@odebrecht.com Website: www.odebrechtnoticias.com.br
share this newsletter at your company or your project!
From the Drawing Boar
In June of this year, the Gove dam turbines began supplying electrical energy in an experimental regime, and starting in August, the first phase of distribution began for the city of Huambo and Village of Caรกla
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 291 / september 2012
rd to Reality I n August of this year, the Angolan Government inaugurated seven projec ts that were under Odebrecht ’s responsibilit y through the projec ts Benguela – Benguela-Dombe Grande Road and Catumbela I nternational Airpor t – Huambo – new roads – and the Gove H ydroelec tric Facilit y. Learn more about the events and contrac ts. MORE ENERGY FOR T H E CO U N T RY The Gove H ydroelec tric Facilit y (AH) was inaugurated on August 22 by the countr y ’s President, José Eduardo dos Santos. Accompanied by the First Lady, Ana Paula dos Santos, M inister of Energy and Waters, João
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The second phase of energy supply includes the Province of Bié, after the conclusion of the work to install the transport lines and substations
Baptista Borges, Huambo
milestone in the
people. A total of 1,800
G overnor, Fernando
company ’s operations,
workers were involved
Faustino Mutek a, and
since it benefitted the
with the construc tion,
members of government,
regions of Huambo and
with only 7% brought in
the president toured
Bié, until then supplied
from other countries.
the development ’s
by generators. Situated
installations. Angolan
in the Township of
construc tion work began
authorities and
Cuíma, municipalit y
back in 1969 and was
representatives from
of Caála, Province of
interrupted in 1975 due
the companies of the
Huambo (central region
to the armed conflic t in
construc tion consor tium
of the countr y), the Gove
the countr y. The Cabinet
led by Odebrecht Angola
AH has an elec trical
Direc tor for the Cunene
also par ticipated in the
produc tion capacit y of 60
H ydroelec tric Basin
MW (three turbines of 20
Administration (GABHIC ),
The conclusion of the
MW each) and will benefit
Armindo M ario Gomes
projec t was an impor tant
approximately 3.5 million
da Silva, guaranteed
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The Gove Dam
that af ter the star t of
new job oppor tunities,
inaugurated on August
the recover y work in
primarily for youth.
27 by the President of the
2008, the dam has met
For Lourenço Francisco
Republic, José Eduardo
international struc tural
M ateus, Dam Produc tion
dos Santos. Present at the
hydraulic standards and
Center Direc tor, the
event were the Minister of
can operate for 100 years
inauguration of the
Transport, Augusto da Silva
without any t ype of
infrastruc ture eliminates
TOmás, the Minister of City
“ blackouts” in the cities
Planning and Construction,
of Caála, Huambo and
Fernando da Fonseca,
of the region’s
Kuito and helps with the
President of the Board of
largest engineering
recover y of the industrial
Directors of the National
developments of the past
park in the countr y ’s
Airport and Air Navigation
40 years, the G ove plant
plateau region.
Company (ENANA), Manuel
Considered one
will help drive economic
Pereira Gustavo Ferreira
development in the
da Ceita, and the Benguela
provinces of Huambo and
Province Governor, Armando
Bié, as well as contribute toward the generation of
The Catumbela International Airport was
da Cruz Neto, among other state representatives.
The Catumbela International Airport will increase the country’s capacity to 5.6 million passengers per year
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The airport has 16 counters for electronic check-in and 18 for immigration services, as well as special rooms, restaurants and bars
With t wo modern
included the creation of
areas for arrivals and
the following struc tures:
depar tures, the airpor t
aircraf t yard and taxi-way,
has the capacit y to
with an area of 106,600
receive large aircraf t
m²; a passenger terminal
such as the Boeing 777
with 12,250 m²; air traffic
and Airbus A340, and
control tower, utilities
will be able to ser ve 900
center, firefighters’
passengers per hour
buildings, visual and
during the peak times –
non-visual systems
for a total of 2.2 million
for aiding with the air
people per year.
navigation (NAVAIDS);
The construc tion work
highway access, a storm
generated 800 direc t
drain system and park ing
job oppor tunities and
lot, among others.
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 291 / september 2012
The new Benguela-Dombe Grande road connects another road built by Odebrecht in the city: Benguela-Catengue, which extends 72 km
The projec t is
Road was inaugurated
generated 800 direc t job
par t of the Angolan
on August 26 with the
oppor tunities, involved
government ’s strategy
presence of M inister
the rehabilitation of 52
to promote the countr y ’s
Fernando da Fonseca,
k m of roads bet ween
airpor t development,
Coordinator of the Angola
the capital of Benguela
primarily in the S outhern
National Road I nstitute
Province and the cit y
region – indicated as an
(INEA) M anagement
of Dombe Grande. The
impor tant leverage for
Commission, M olares
highway improved the
promoting profitable
d ’Abril, Head of the INEA
qualit y of the traffic
growth in Benguela
Municipal Depar tment,
bet ween the t wo cities
by creating job
Henrique Vic torino, and
considerably and reduced
oppor tunities for youth
Vice Governor for the
the number of accidents.
and contributing toward
Technical Area, Henrique
local economic ac tivities.
António Calengue, among
Fonseca emphasized the
other authorities.
highway ’s impor tance for
Also in Benguela, the Benguela-Dombe Grande
The projec t, which
M inister Fernando
the population, adding that the government has worked hard to resolve the communities’ problems. “ The road constitutes a means of transpor t that is vital for the well being of people and which also contributes toward the development of commerce of agricultural produc ts generated from family produc tion, which will be able to easily arrive to the major markets in the cities of Benguela e Lobito,” said Fonseca. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 291 / september 2012
aiming to improve the
which generated 850 job
circulation of people
oppor tunities for young
and goods, as well as
residents in Huambo
promote the social-
Province, involved the
Huambo and M alanje
economic development
ear th leveling work ,
Road projec t, on
of the regions. Fernando
installation of the
August 22 there was
Fonseca stated that
drainage struc ture,
the inauguration of the
the revitalization of
curb and ditches in
Caála- G anda H ighway
the highway routes is
the zones considered
stretch, which ex tends
designed to promote
more susceptible to
125 k m, and a traffic lane
social- economic
degradation due to
going in each direc tion,
development and
the rains, and the
which connec ts the
combat pover t y in the
construc tion of 10
provinces of Huambo
As par t of the
and Benguela. The event
The construc tion work ,
was led by the M inister of Cit y Planning and Construc tion, Fernando Fonseca, and also
There was also the inauguration of the CuímaGove Road, rehabilitated, which extends 48 km and connects the community of Cuíma, on the Huambo-Lubango Road, to Gove
included the presence of the Angola National Road I nstitute (INEA) M anagement Commission Coordinator (INEA), M orales d ’Abril, and Head of the INEA Province Depar tment, I nácio Satâmbué. The rehabilitated stretch is par t of countr y ’s road net work , which connec ts the capitals of the provinces,
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M inister Fernando
Minister Fernando Fonseca (in the center) inaugurates the revitalized Caála-Ganda stretch, which will help contribute toward the region’s socialeconomic development
Fonseca also inaugurated
toward the agricultural
the Capanda-Alto Dondo
and industrial
stretch, Lot 1, which
development of the
ex tends 70 k m and
provinces, benefitting the
connec ts the provinces
Capanda Center, home to
of M alanje and Kwanza-
the Pungo Andongo Farm,
Nor te, traversing through
which produces corn,
Cacuso, Capanda, São
the Angola Bioenergy
Pedro da Quilemba and
Company (BIOCOM),
Alto Dondo.
a sugar, ethanol and
According to the
energy producer, and the
minister, the road
Capanda H ydroelec tric
facilitates the free
Center – all installed
circulation of people and
with the par ticipation of
goods and contributes
Odebrecht Angola.
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 291 / september 2012
Brask A Decade to On August 16 of this year, Braskem completed 10 years of existence. In a single decade, the company became the largest producer of thermoplastic resins in the Americas, the largest global producer of biopolymers (a position earned with the industrial scale production of “green� plastic made from sugarcane ethanol, a 100% renewable raw material) and the largest polypropylene producer in the United States. There are more than 16 million tons of products per year that, in partnership with it clients, make the company present in over 70 different countries. Braskem was created in 2002 through the integration of six companies. The years that followed involved a series of acquisition, initially in Brazil, with aims of consolidating the Brazilian petrochemical segment. Then, starting in 2010, the same process occurred abroad as well, with the production units in the United
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kem: o Celebrate The company currently has 35 industrial units and offices and commercial bases in the Americas, Europe and Asia, with 7,600 Members
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> SPECIAL States and Germany, when the company
continues to be based on three different
established its position as an important
areas: to grow with Brazil and with our
global player in the thermoplastic resin
clients, meeting the demand of the
market. The company currently has
domestic market and strengthening
37 industrial units (30 in Brazil, five in
the Brazilian plastic production chain;
the United States and two
expand the businesses beyond the
in Germany) and offices and
national borders, with a focus on the
commercial bases in the
Americas; and innovate to expand
Americas, Europe and Asia,
the portfolio of renewable products,”
with 7,600 Members.
he explained.
Over the past 10 years, there have been many achievements
In this special story, Odebrecht News presents the celebration of the
and Braskem has been adding value to
company and its Members and Braskem’s
the capital invested by shareholders and
history over these 10 years.
transforming the challenges presented by the industry into opportunities to grow
and stand out in the global chemistry
scenario. The path taken has been
In order to celebrate a decade
guided by the principles of sustainable
of growth, Braskem launched a
development, and based on the delicate
new advertising campaign that has
balance between economic, social and
Collaboration as its central theme. “ The
environmental interests. “It is rewarding
success earned until now is the result
to see the different accomplishments,
of the collaboration of all Members,
important advances and major victories,”
who serve as entrepreneurs of the
said Carlos Fadigas, Entrepreneurial
business and maintain the Spirit of
Leader at Braskem. “We reached the 10 th
Serving,” said Fadigas. According to
anniversary with the certainty that we
Frank Alcântara, who is responsible for
have grown and evolved,” said Fadigas.
Institutional Marketing, it was in the
According to him, the company is
area of Collaboration that the company
progressing in its consolidation of the
found the inspiration to pay tribute to
2020 Vision – to become the global leader
Members, clients, shareholders, third
in sustainable chemistry, innovating
parties and suppliers. “Nothing better
to better serve people. “Our strategy
than celebrating 10 years with this spirit,”
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 291 / september 2012
said Alcântara. “ That is where we came
to Claudia Bocciardi, Institutional
up with the idea of a commemorative
Marketing Manager, the phrase highlights
signature that could emphasize these
a value that is cultivated at the company:
attributes,” he said.
join forces and share achievements. “For
The campaign emphasizes the
this purpose, we invited our Members to
participation of the people involved
form an orchestra that symbolizes our
in the achievements made over these
values and the spirit of collaboration that
past 10 years, and because of this, the
allowed us to get to where we are,” said
song Wave, by Antônio Carlos Jobim,
was chosen to be played by an orchestra
The participants for the
formed by the Members themselves.
commemorative video were chosen
“Braskem asks the permission of the great
through an internal campaign. On the
composer Tom Jobim to share his – and
Intranet, Members learned how to play
our – belief that it is ‘impossible to be
the song Wave and were invited to send
happy alone,’” said Alcântara. According
videos performing parts of it. After an
Braskem professionals from four countries formed the orchestra and recorded the song Wave, by Antônio Carlos Jobim
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> SPECIAL analysis, 70 professionals were selected,
However, its origins date back to the very
including 59 from the Brazilian units,
formation of the sector in the country.
eight from the United States, two from Germany and one from Mexico. The
operations of the petrochemical
recording took place from August 3-5 in
company Petroquímica União (PqU)
the mountainous region of the city of
and Brazilian federal government’s
Brotas, in rural São Paulo.
creation of the Northeast Petrochemical
Braskem also invited Brazilians to join
Company (COPENE) in Bahia and South
the orchestra by posting their videos on
Petrochemical Company (COPESUL) in Rio
the website www.braskem.com.br/10anos,
Grande do Sul, Odebrecht also became
playing or singing parts of Wave. For
an important part of this history. Focused
every 10 videos posted, the company
at that time on the civil construction
donates one musical instrument (total
segment and with plans to diversify its
of 34) to the Neojiba Program, which is
businesses, in 1979, the Organization
formed by state youth’s and children’s
began to invest in the petrochemical
orchestras in Bahia.
sector, acquiring one-third of the voting
On the date of the anniversary, different actions were promoted at the offices and industrial units. Members received a commemorative e-mail signed by Carlos Fadigas, participated in special breakfasts, lunches or dinners and watched musical presentations and the launch of the campaign video. To view the campaign videos, click here. HISTORY: PETROCHEMICAL LEADER IN BRAZIL Created in 2002, Braskem was founded with the proposal of integrating first and second generation petrochemical assets, something before unheard of in Brazil.
In the 1970s, after the start of
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 291 / september 2012
capital of the Camaçari Petrochemical
closely involved with the National
Company (CPC). During the following
Privatization Program launched by
decade, it acquired part of the capital
the federal government. During this
from Salgema, Poliolefinas, PHH and
time, the Organization undertook a
the Petrochemical Industries Union (UNIPAR) and created Odebrecht
series of acquisitions, and came to have a relevant presence at the
Química in 1987, a holding that had
Camaçari (BA) and Triunfo (RS)
the mission of administrating the
petrochemical centers.
investments in the sector. With the global hardships
The crucial step was taken in 2001, when Odebrecht acquired
caused by the oil crisis at the
control of COPENE. One year later,
end of the 1970s, together with the severe
on August 16, 2002, COPENE would
economic crisis that Brazil faced during
become integrated with the five other
the so-called “lost decade” at the start
companies that were controlled at the
of the 1990s, the petrochemical industry
time by the Organization – Polialden,
was one of the segments that was most
Trikem, OPP, Proppet and Nitrocarbono – giving origin to Braskem.
The new company brought its extensive experience in the sector as a legacy and was founded already with the responsibility to become leader in Latin America
AN INNOVATION-ORIENTED HISTORY Innovating to better serve its clients and to supply products that will bring benefits to the consumer and society is one of the pillars driving Braskem’s growth. With the commitment to grow together with plastic chain, the company has a strategy of innovation based on new production technologies – both in terms of materials and applications as well as processes. The focus on innovation began with the foundation of the company itself, odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 291 / september 2012
> SPECIAL in 2002, and gained steam in 2004 when
government’s Financer of Studies and
the Braskem Innovation Program (PIB)
Projects (FINEP) Innovation Award in the
was created. Since then, the company
Large Company category.
has continued firmly with its goal of
“ There were many advances during this
innovating in the areas of innovation
decade,” said Edmundo Aires, responsible
management, research, technology
for Entrepreneurship Support - Innovation
development, projects, partnerships,
& Technology. Braskem is now beginning
processes and products with
to propose innovation not only in its
continuous and growing
products, but also in its processes: “One
investments in each one of these
worthy of note is the development
areas. Last year, the resources
of Biotechnology and technology
directed toward Technology
processes for the production of
and Innovation totaled R$ 155
PEBD, the development of more
million – more than double that
competitive catalysts for use at our polymer
compared to the previous year. Besides
plants and the production of renewable
this, in 2011, Braskem received the federal
energy sources through ethanol, sugars and
In 2002, Braskem created the Innovation & Technology Center, and currently has 300 specialists at the units in Brazil and the United States
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biomass,” said Aires. Last year, the Innovation & Technology area realigned its
CHOICE OF THE NAME AND BRAND “Braskem” was the name chosen,
strategy of operations, with a focus
since it includes the prefixes “Bras,” highly
on the company’s vision over the
disseminated in the international market
next 10 years. The Members have
as the identifier of a Brazilian company, and
been working on projects for new
“kem” from the Greek word for “chemistry,”
products of a renewable origin. “The
which emphasizes the production sector of
world changes very quickly and the
companies need to remain attentive in order to seize opportunities,” said Luis Fernando Cassinelli, responsible for Innovation. Braskem has its own Innovation & Technology Center with two units – one in Brazil and another in the United States, which consists of 19 innovation laboratories, a single and
The next step was to define the brand’s whole visual identity. A modern letter type was chosen, with the “B” pushed up by an arrow with aims of transmitting the idea of pointing toward the future. As for the colors, the choice was several variations of blue. Then, the company created the symbology that transmitted the idea of a Brazilian company oriented toward the future. In September 2002, the brand was
differentiated park of pilot plants
launched in the market in grand style.
and a team of approximately 300
A headline summarized the spirit of the
specialized professionals who are
company that had only recently been founded:
capable of developing solutions
“The future of Brazilian Petrochemistry already
that help drive the chemical and
has a name.”The campaign that positioned
petrochemical sectors.
the brand disseminated the following slogan:
Today, there are more than 445
“Brazilian World Class Petrochemistry.”Through
patents filed in Brazil, the United
this campaign, Braskem reinforces three
States, Europe and other countries,
pieces of fundamental information: its sector
of which 30 were registered last
of operations, its nationality and its plans for
year. At the forefront of renewable
competitiveness and international expansion.
energy, Braskem has improved the “green” ethane technology and has developed “green” propane technology and new biotechnological processes. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 291 / september 2012
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The Members from the Braskem offices and industrial units celebrated the date together as part of special events and participated in the campaign
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Monitoring at Corinthians Arena On September 10, representatives from FIFA and the Local Organizing
Fulvio Danilas, Director of the
media center and the parking
FIFA Office in Brazil.
lots,” said Danilas. “From time
According to Gilmar Tadeu,
to time, we interact with the
Committee (COL), responsible
the progress of the work,
local teams to discuss traffic
for the operation of the 2014
which is already 50% complete,
and safety,” he said. Raquel
World Cup stadiums, held the
brought some important
Verdenacci pointed out that
monitoring visit at Corinthians
impacts: “The construction
the construction work for
Arena, currently being built in
work is being completed at a
the surrounding area began
São Paulo’s Eastern Zone. The
fast pace,” said Tadeu. Ricardo
on September 12, with an
visit, which is held every six
Trade reinforced that “there is
investment of R$ 450 million
months at the 12 event arenas,
no concern with delivering it on
in infrastructure through a
included the presence of Gilmar
partnership between the State
Tadeu, Special Joint Secretary
Fulvio Danilas recalled the
Government and Municipal City Government.
to the 2014 World Cup;
importance of the inspection
Raquel Verdenacci, Executive
visits in terms of guaranteeing
A team of seven engineers
Coordinator of the São Paulo
the success of the World Cup
from Odebrecht Infraestrutura,
Committee; Ricardo Trade,
opening event. “We planned
which is responsible for the
Executive Director of Operations
things such as the arrival of the
project, covered the categories
and Competitions for COL; and
journalists, the deboarding, the
discussed such as traffic, safety, technology, accreditation, tickets and the media. Antonio Gavioli, Contract Director, commented on the progress of the West, South and North sector grandstand work, with the steps of the lower and upper grandstands of the East sector already placed. Learn more about the construction work for the Corinthians Arena by using the
Members from FIFA and COL during the inspection of the arena: 2,270 workers divided into three groups are working on the construction projects that will be completed in December 2013
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online camera at the website www.odebrechtnacopa.com.br.
Santo Antônio HPP: Paving Activities at GG4 Begin
The GG4 will be the last service front to be concluded and will have a generation capacity of 854.4 MW through 12 bulb turbines
The Santo Antônio Civil Consortium (CSAC)
sought to complete a project within a challenging
began laying the concrete for the Generation
deadline, and that is why we are working with
Group 4 (GG4) unit at the Santo Antônio
a high number of service fronts focused on
Hydroelectric Power Plant, located on the Madeira
guaranteeing the established dates,” said Rocha.
River in Rondônia. With plans to lay nearly 800,000
“This is a unique characteristic of this project,” he
m3 of concrete, the activities began with the
Assembly Area No. 5 after the excavation and preparation to receive the material. The work is dynamic and involves several
The start of the assembly is set to begin next. Similarly to the construction of the other structures along the left bank, pre-assembled
different interfaces. Of the more than 700,000
and pre-cast parts will be used to streamline the
m3 of rock to be excavated, nearly 400,000 m3
structure construction. The civil construction work
has already been completed. As the excavations
is set to be completed by the end of 2014.
are concluded, the laying of the concrete then
The work at GG4 began in November of last
begins. Furthermore, the excavation activities in
year with the pumping and sewage treatment
the rock and soil continue as well. João Rocha,
process for the dried site, which included rescuing
Civil Production Manager, explains further: “We
the fish, coordinated by a specialized team. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 291 / september 2012
Synergy that Generates Technology for Sanitation In the city of Uruguaiana,
manholes to maintain the
service universalization
in Rio Grande do Sul,
sewage networks produced
project in the city.
Foz do Brasil’s goal is to
using high resistance
universalize the sanitary
polyethylene (PVC). More
most modern available on
sewage system in five
modern and practical, the
the market. Produced by
years. In order to fulfill the
new manholes replaced
Asperbrás, the product’s
commitment, the company
the former ones made from
main characteristics include
invests in new technologies.
masonry. In Uruguaiana,
durability and excellent
A partnership between
more than 4,000 will be
resistance to breakage
Foz and Braskem allowed
installed over a five-year
under pressure and high
for the development of
period as part of the sewage
impact resistance. According
The PVC used is the
to Eduardo Frediani, Director of Foz do Brasil, the choice for the innovative technology is practical and does not present any environmental risks. “We opted for the advantages Since the start of the partnership, 600 PVC manholes have been installed, with easy and fast application – and an average time of 30 minutes each
that they present compared to other types of PVC, such as fast execution, water tightness (no leakage), facilitated transportation and handling, besides the fact that they don’t pollute the soil,” Frediani added. The process was featured in a story aired by RBS, an affiliate of the Globo Network in Uruguaiana. Click here to watch the news story.
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 291 / september 2012
Odebrecht Pays Tribute to Jorge Amado
Auta Rosa, widow of Calasans Neto, reads an excerpt from one of the books that talks about the artist
In August, the month that marks the 100-
the illustrations published in the international
year anniversary since Jorge Amado’s birth, the
versions of the books by his friend Jorge
Hertha Odebrecht Library, located at the head
Amado – spoke during an informal chat about
office in Salvador, opened its doors to present
situations he experienced during his travels
the work of the Bahia author produced with the
around the world in the company of Zélia
Organization’s support during the 1990s, as well
Gattai, Jorge, Calasans, Carybé, Nancy Colina,
as other pieces of work that are part of its archive.
Fernando Coelho, Vinícius de Morais and other
The items exhibited included photos and objects that belonged to Auta Rosa, widow of Calasans Neto, as well as the bust of Jorge
personalities with whom he maintained a close relationship. According to José Raimundo Lima,
Amado, a piece with only six copies worldwide.
responsible for the Odebrecht Cultural Center,
There was also an exhibit of the author’s books,
“the exhibit was a small sample of the affection
including those that are part of the Jorge Amado
that permeated the relationship between Jorge
Work Memorial Project, published with the
Amado and Odebrecht, which was one of mutual
support of Odebrecht.
admiration and which continues until today with
On August 30, Auta Rosa – the widow of
the new generation,” said Rosa.
the artist who became known worldwide for odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 291 / september 2012
Children’s Day in Argentina On August 10, Odebrecht Engenharia
with the Gas Pipeline Expansion Project,
Industrial and Odebrecht América Latina,
was developed on three floors of the
in Argentina, celebrated Children’s Day by
building Torre Alem Plaza in Buenos
inviting the children of Members to visit their
parents’ workplaces. The initiative, which was a joint action by the companies together
The children participated in recreational activities, visited their parents’ work station and developed an educational game to play with their family. For the older children, there was a room with videogames and the younger children played in a room equipped with rubber ball games, puppets and a trampoline. The activities were monitored by a team of children’s animators. Participants and Members also received tickets to children’s plays. “It was a special moment, a way of bringing our family closer to our daily work routine, showing what we do and integrating them,” said Pablo Portela, from the Gas Pipeline Expansion Project. For Daniel Felici, responsible for Corporate Affairs and father of five, the day was a lot of fun. “Pedro, Maria, Joaquim, Tomás and Lúcia wanted to see the site where ‘daddy works’ since I joined the Organization and also my
Pablo Portela and his daughter, and Daniel Felici with his five children: family integration in the workplace
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colleagues,” said Felici. “Not only did they see it, but they also had fun,” he said.
Open-Door SSC In August, the Shared Service
at the SSC to learn more about
of the service levels offered to
Center (SSC) received a visit by
the area’s operations, with aims of
the line. Recently, the following
Benedicto Junior, Entrepreneurial
implementing a similar model in
projects were integrated with
Leader at Odebrecht
the country.
the SSC: Castanhão Aqueduct,
Infraestrutura, and Luciano
The SSC is based on the
Corinthians Arena, Campos
Cruz, responsible for Finances
consolidation and sharing of
Emergency Construction Work,
at Odebrecht Infraestrutura,
processes with a permanent
Sepetiba Beach Rehabilitation
who toured the area and met its
focus on support activities and
and the Construction Work
leaders and team coordinators.
the continuous improvement
around Maracanã.
During the meeting, Benedicto Junior talked about his time with the Organization and spoke to leaders. He emphasized the importance of the environment as a solution for reducing costs and providing support for the line, as well as training Members in the 2020 Vision. Dilson Zanatta, responsible for the SSC, added: “The environment is focused
Benedicto Junior speaks with Members of the SSC: he spoke about his time with the Organization and reinforced the importance of the area’s operations
on the operation and support activities, standardization of processes, the unified information transmitted to the line, operational efficiency and flexibility to meet demands, in addition to the training of people and identification of talents,” said Zanatta. Members of Odebrecht Venezuela André Aguilera, Sérgio Santos and Karin Datica were also
Members from Odebrecht Venezuela visited the SSC with aims of implementing a similar model in the country odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 291 / september 2012
Basic Sustainable Education Rota dos Coqueiros,
State of Pernambuco.
controlled by Odebrecht
Via School is based on
TransPort – Brazil’s first
the methodology applied
highway Public-Private
by the Chapada Education
Partnership (PPP) –,
and Research Institute
implemented the Via
(ICEP), which has worked
School Program in April of
for more than 15 years to
this year.
train educators in the cities
The initiative is
of Chapada Diamantina
designed to contribute
and Semiárido, in rural
toward quality basic
Bahia. The program created
education in the public
by Rota dos Coqueiros
schools with low Basic
consists of more than
Education Development
160 teachers, educational
Indexes (IDEBs) that
coordinators, school
President of Rota dos
are located in the
principals and coaches
Coqueiros. In this way, Via
concessionaire’s area
who teach reading and
School is taking advantage
of influence. During
writing, and it will benefit
of the synergy of the PPP,
the first phase, the
approximately 4,000 1 st to
gathering up different
program is focused on
5 th grade students.
strengths and specialties
the municipalities of
It is expected that Via School will be adopted by other projects, both within and outside Odebrecht, becoming a reference in the area of basic education in Brazil
“We are committed to
in the quest to improve the
Ipojuca, Cabo de Santo
the community where we
education model, bringing
Agostinho and Jaboatão
will be present for the next
benefits for the community
dos Guararapes, all in the
30 years,” said Elias Lages,
as well over the medium
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 291 / september 2012
and long term for the
and teachers, under the
with the students and
development of thousands
co-responsibility of the
basic knowledge of the
of children,� said Lages.
technical teams, it was
structural conditions of the
possible to diagnose the
environment focused on
Training Cycle was
reading and writing levels.
teaching literacy.
completed between the
There were also visits to
months of April and June.
the teaching institutions
Through the collaborative
with aims of applying
work of school
Portuguese Language tests,
administrators, supervisors
allowing for meetings
The 1 st Via School
August 23 marked the 1 st Via School Program
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>PEOPLE DEVELOPMENT Education Conference, with the participation of Professor António Nóvoa, PhD in Education Sciences from the University of Geneva and Dean of the University of Lisbon, who gave the lecture “For a School Focused on Learning: Times, Spaces and Knowledge.” The teaching methodology proposed by the Portuguese educator was transmitted to the more than 1,200 guests who came to the Federal University of Pernambuco Theater, including educators from the municipal public school system and Pedagogy students from the university. The meeting strengthened the coordination between the 16 school participating
in order to improve the
promoting social inclusion,
in the program and also
quality of teaching, it is
the democratization
helped motivate the
necessary to maintain
of teaching and for
educators updated with
contributing toward the
efficient methodologies in
formation of a quality
of the most respected
the classroom. According
public school. “The support
theoreticians in the area
to him, private initiative
for the school is certainly
of teacher training and
support for educational
something the governments
defends the idea that
projects is important for
are required to do, but it
António Nóvoa is one
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 291 / september 2012
The program team and Portuguese educator António Nóvoa (in the center, wearing a suit) during the 1st Via School Education Conference at the Federal University of Pernambuco
is important that other
we should never focus
is truly very interesting
initiatives also help
on things that are totally
as reinforcement for the
contribute toward a better
foreign to them,” he said.
teachers, reinforcement
public school,” said Nóvoa.
“We need to work primarily
for their position at
based on people’s concrete
school, reinforcement
Via School is being
reality. And we will improve
for their autonomy and
implemented correctly.
ourselves and advance
reinforcement for the
“I believe that when we
through this reality. I
cooperation between
work with the teachers,
believe that the program
teachers,” he said.
For the educator,
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Rail Transport Experien
The Members had a chance to get an up-close look at the construction work for the Transnordestina Railroad, which extends 1,728 km, and connects the states of CearĂĄ, PiauĂ and Pernambuco
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 291 / september 2012
t: Community Shares nces Transnordestina Railroad,
treating such information
and 4, 81 Members
Leader of the Theme
well in such a way as to
belonging to the Rail
Group and also host of the
boost the efficiency of our
Transport Community
event, who pointed out
operations, whether in
of Practice met in the
the renewal and expansion
Brazil or any other site in
city of Salgueiro, in
of the community, which is
which we are operating,”
Pernambuco’s rural region,
currently formed by more
said Júnior.
to share the experiences
than 400 Members and led
they had during their
by Danilo Abdanur. Leão
of Italy’s Wegh Group,
journeys, which were
used the opportunity to
Franco de Cicco, presented
marked by social, political
present a video recorded
the new technologies
and economic contexts
by Benedicto Júnior,
being used around the
brimming with diversity.
Entrepreneurial Leader at
world to build railroads.
It was the community’s
Odebrecht Infraestrutura,
The company is a supplier
fourth meeting, and the
who pointed out the
of the equipment that
first specific meeting of
importance of Odebrecht’s
constitutes the world’s
the “Railroads” Theme
continued expertise
largest cross-tie factory,
Group, and it included
during the construction
installed in Salgueiro to
participants from Cuba,
of the railroad lines. “Our
build the Transnordestina
Liberia, Peru, Venezuela
company built one of the
and the construction
most important railroads
projects located
in the country and this
Gilberto Fernandes, from
throughout Brazil.
community is extremely
the Federal University of
important for recovering
Ouro Preto (UFOP), spoke
opened by Pedro Leão,
and maintaining all of
about the Technological
Odebrecht Contract
the knowledge acquired
Characterization of the
Director on the
over the years and for
Transnordestina Ballast
On September 3
The meeting was
The Regional Manager
After that, Professor
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 291 / september 2012
Size Range, a study
procedures used, and
work, Fernandes stated:
developed based on
with such monitoring,
“ The service standard
field research conducted
we adjust the ballast size
meets all of the technical
with Odebrecht’s
range and monitor the
requirements and makes
support. According to
track installation process,”
us very confident about
the professor, there is
said Fernandes. “ The
the quality of the railroad.
a strong relationship of
partnership between the
And this is the priority
partnership between UFOP
academic world and the
for Odebrecht, since it
and the company in terms
company is crucial for
ends up lowering future
of respecting the quality
promoting research that
maintenance costs,” he
of the service provided:
can subsidize innovations.”
“We perform constant
When questioned about the
tests on the technological
quality of the construction
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 291 / september 2012
For Waner Willian, who works on the construction
of railroads under
problems we are having
on the same business
the Mariel Integrated
and will certainly help us
and who can contribute
Development Project,
resolve these,” said Willian.
with practical solutions
in Cuba, the event
Peter Ojumu – an
to the situations common
promoted the exchange
Odebrecht Member in
to all. “I think it’s a great
of knowledge and helped
Liberia with over 20 years
opportunity, primarily for
reveal difficulties that
of experience, born in
young Members like myself,
can be mitigated through
the United Kingdom and
to better understand how
practical clarifications.
a resident of Australia –
complex projects like this one
“ The visit to the field
says he believes that the
in Salgueiro are undertaken,”
was very beneficial in
invitation to participate in
said Ojumu. “This meeting
terms of viewing “in loco”
the community is a chance
motivated me to want to
the solution to certain
to meet people who work
study Portuguese, so that I
Eighty-one Members from Brazil, Cuba, Liberia, Peru and Venezuela participated in the event
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>KNOWLEDGE can share more knowledge with my Odebrecht colleagues,” he said. At the end of the event, to reinforce the practice of internal consulting, 17 groups discussed issues suggested by the Transnordestina team about improving processes and how to perform safely, which will result in recommendations and contribute toward the development of the organizational learning. The document will be disclosed on the Rail Transport Community page, on the Odebrecht Corporate Portal. According to Pedro Leão, the meeting was considered by all those who participated to be a true success, with contributions
It was the first specific meeting of the “Railroads” Theme Group, held within the Community of Practice
from colleagues of different countries, in addition to the solid participation of the Members who work in
Brazil. “All of the planning
an opportunity we have to
schools. That is where the
was fulfilled and the content
exchange experiences and
results are generated and
of the presentations was
learn from what happens at
people are trained. It is at
very good,” said Leão. “It is
the construction sites, our
the construction sites that
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 291 / september 2012
we were able to put our
The Communities of
Business Development
Odebrecht Entrepreneurial
Practice program, which is
(CIADEN), was created in
Technology into practice,�
coordinated by Knowledge
2001 and currently covers
he said.
and Information to Support
12 communities.
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 291 / september 2012
In Angola, Young Builder Finalizes Second Module On August 25, Odebrecht
productivity, communication
Sharing experience in the area,
Angola completed the second
and image, institutional and
participants reported that the
module of the Young Builder
trade union relations, safety,
initiative’s approach helped
Program, which addressed
health and environment, labor
dissipate doubts related to the
the topic of Mobilization and
laws and social responsibility.
topic and also raised the youths’
its essential aspects in the
In order to facilitate learning,
awareness in terms of valuing
Engineering and Construction
group dynamics were used.
Odebrecht’s image increasingly
business. With a focus on
Similarly to the first module,
more and better.
productivity, the initiative
the meeting reinforced the
included the participation of
relationship between the leader
learn more in-depth about
58 Members – 85% of who are
and team member and the Spirit
Mobilization and better
Angolan from 16 contracts.
of Serving through practical
understand the importance
During one week of activities, research and previous readings. the advisors gave lectures
The second module also had
“It was very fulfilling to
of planning,” said Suca de Carvalho, the architect of the
on the Mobilization process,
Márcio Polidoro, responsible for
Belas Business 4 Project. “During
the importance of each area
Communication at Odebrecht
this phase, we put into practice
and its respective stages,
S.A., as the guest monitor,
everything that is planned
such as equipment, People &
who addressed concepts
during the Project Winning
Organization, administration,
related to the image of an
phase, in order to facilitate
finances and planning,
Organization and its importance
the implementation process,”
contracting of labor, supply,
at the construction site.
said Carvalho. For Fernanda Macedo, Administrative and Financial Manager of the Jamba Project and one of the program advisors, “the module offers the Young Partner the opportunity to develop an ample vision of the Engineering and Construction business, and that it is possible to obtain Client Satisfaction,” said Macedo.
Participants also visited the Cambambe Hydroelectric Facility, which has a capacity of 960 MW and is located 200 km from Luanda, and also learned more about the project’s benefits for the surrounding communities
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Young Builder is scheduled to end in October of this year.
New Groups Formed for Believe in Moatize
It was the third graduation for the Believe Basic Cycle in 2012, for a total of 206 graduates
Joy, emotion and enthusiasm took hold
but rather the start of a cycle,” he said. “It’s
of the graduates and guests during the
necessary to practice all of the knowledge
certification ceremony for Groups 5 and 6 of
acquired.” Marcelino Basílio, age 51, said that
the Continued Professional Training Program
he is happy that he completed the course
– Believe at the Moatize Expansion Project –
successfully. “I want to complete the specific
held by Vale and Odebrecht in Mozambique.
module and improve my quality of life,” said
The 71 graduates completed the Basic Cycle of
the program on September 5. Believe trainer, Flávio João, praised the
The graduates will now participate in the Specific Cycle, which will offer courses for
participants and reinforced: “The moment
Machine Operator (motor grader, front-end
being celebrated is not the end of the path,
loader, crawler tractor and power shovel).
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 291 / september 2012
Believe Apprentice is “Maningue Nice!” “Maningue nice” is the expression used by the 56 youth who are participating in the Believe Apprentice Program, an initiative undertaken
recognize adolescence as an important phase in one’s personal formation. The youths’ participation has been intense.
by Odebrecht in Nacala-Porto, Mozambique.
One example is the Young Leaders’ Association
The phrase means “a very good program” and
(AJP), created through debates about the
is already popular among the city’s general
exercise of citizenship that seeks to promote
actions for a more just society. “The program
Believe Apprentice is developing actions
completely changed my way of being, thinking
geared toward the adolescent public that
and acting, since I discovered that life is much
integrate life, citizenship and work through
more important than I thought,” said Bruno da
discussions on topics that are considered
Costa, 18, founder of AJP. “What began recently
pertinent to the communities in which they live.
will grow and become a reference for the youth
The activities take place in Nacala-Porto and
of Nacala,” he said.
Young residents of Mozambique who are apprentices raise the awareness of members of their community about citizenship and work
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Argentina Holds First P&O Meeting On August 2, the first People and
the People and Organization area,
Organization Meeting was held in
those related to the Odebrecht
Buenos Aires, Argentina, with the
Entrepreneurial Technology ( TEO), tools
participation of 20 Members from the
for Planned Delegation, Mobilization
sector from the country ’s five contracts.
and Demobilization concepts for people
During the event, the professionals
and the relationship between the Social
presented best practices and discussed
Corporate Responsibility and P&O
topics such as the development of
The event promoted the integration between participants and knowledge on Career Development
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Planning the Years to Come In August, Odebrecht TransPort organizes the 2013-2015 Planning Seminar in the city of São Paulo, gathering the main leaders to discuss the company’s Action Program (AP) for the next three-year period. Participating in the event were João Cox, Director at Cox Investments & Advisory, a consulting firm focused on mergers and acquisitions, debt/ equity capital markets and business restructuring, who shared his experience on the topic of New Business Management. Marcelo Pontes, Communication Director for SuperVia, was also present and discussed Communication and Image. Leaders from Odebrecht TransPort gathered to establish the 20132015 AP
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Learning and Culture
Youth participate in group dynamics during the Young Apprentice Program selection process, undertaken by the SSC
The Odebrecht Shared Service Center (SSC),
is important for all those involved, since it includes
working in partnership with Espro (Vocational
responsibility, commitment and an asset for
Social Teaching), began the hiring process in
society. We are reaping some good results,” he said.
August of four young apprentices for inclusion into the job market. The Young Apprentice Program lasts up to
Recently, another program was implemented at the SSC: Reflecting On Culture. In order to help promote the understanding, acceptance and
two years and covers the theoretical phase,
practice of the principles, concepts and criteria
developed by the teaching institution, and the
of the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology
practical phase, which is held inside the SSC areas.
(TEO), the Members of the area receive an e-mail
According to Dilson Zanatta, responsible for
marketing piece from Lenilton Jordão each week,
the SSC, the objectives include “supporting the
based on the books Educação Pelo Trabalho
training and qualification of the youth, identifying
(“Education Through Work”) and Sobreviver, Crescer
new professional talents, as well as guaranteeing
e Perpetuar (“Survive, Grow and Perpetuate”).
participants the opportunity for a better future,”
The professionals also received the brochure
said Zanatta. According to Lenilton Jordão,
called Learn, Understand and Practice! Become
responsible for People and Organization at the SSC,
Part of This History, which shows in an illustrative
the youths’ integration in administrative routines
and fun way how the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial
is essential for choosing their future career. “The
Technology (TEO) is applied during the day-to-day
youth help out during the day-to-day and are
at a construction project or office.
highly motivated,” said Jordão. “This opportunity odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 291 / september 2012
New Members from OOG Learn About TEO In the book Sobreviver, Crescer
future scenario of the Oil and
Antônio Rezende, responsible
e Perpetuar (“Survive, Grow
Gas market, in addition to the
for P&O at the Engineering and
and Perpetuate”), Norberto
prospecting of new businesses.
Construction Operations, who
Odebrecht states that in order to
After that, Roberto Simões, Vice
explained the Leader’s role at the
achieve success in business life,
President of OOG, spoke about
“the Human Being who wishes
his professional career at the
to become an Entrepreneur
Odebrecht Organization.
must share the same beliefs
Also present were all of the
For Rafael Santos Velo, from the Finance area at OOG, the participation of the company’s
and values of those who are
company’s Managing Directors
leaders during the entire event
committed to the production of
(DSs) – Helcio Colodete (BU-
was fundamental: “To see a DS
wealth and conduct his or her
Specialized Well Services),
presenting his or her career and
activities based on the ethics on
Herculano Barbosa (BU-
understanding how he or she
which such beliefs and values
Engineering and Technology),
used the TEO for the practice of
are founded.” Oriented by this
Jorge Mitidieri (BU-Integrated
entrepreneurship is extremely
statement, the Odebrecht Oil
Services) and Pedro Mathias
valuable,” said Velo. “The
and Gas (OOG) People and
(BU-Drilling) –, in addition to
Introduction to Culture programs
Organization area held the
Emile Machado and Paulo
help those who are beginning
Introduction to Culture Program
Paixão, from the OOG R&O are,
their career at the company and
for the new Members of the
who addressed, respectively,
also aids with the understanding
National Payroll on August
the PAAJ Cycle and Culture
that Odebrecht is, indeed, a
27 and 28 in Rio de Janeiro. In
and Synergy at Odebrecht; and
unique work place,” he said.
all, 41 professionals had the opportunity to learn about and understand the practice of the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO). The opening was conducted by Roberto Ramos, Entrepreneurial Leader at OOG, who shared his 2012 Action Program (PA) and spoke about the company’s strategic positioning, the present and
Roberto Ramos presented the 2012 AP to the program participants and spoke about the new businesses and present and future scenarios of the Oil and Gas segment
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 291 / september 2012
Prepared to Work Globally The need to meet the specific
hours/class of training through
demands generated by its still
Wharton University, divided into
recent internationalization
the modules held in the United
led Braskem to launch the
States from August of last year to
program dedicated to preparing
January 2012.
executives for the challenges
According to Marcelo Arantes,
of operating in countries such
Vice President of People &
as the United States, Germany
Organization and one of the
and Mexico, where the company
students of the course, the
already has factories or projects
training was designed to develop
underway. Global Leaders,
a more globalized mentality
created in partnership with
among executives that already
institutions such as the North
have international challenges as
American university Wharton
part of their daily work routine.
and the Dom Cabral Foundation,
In October of this year, 30
is designed to train leaders who
more executives from the
are capable of working with the
management level will be trained
cultural, commercial and legal
under an education program
differences of other countries
associated with the business
while preserving the company’s
strategy for their respective areas.
The two modules, which last one
The first step was taken during
week each, will be administered
the second half of 2011, when the
in partnership with the Dom
course began to train 30 directors
Cabral Foundation. At the start of
for international operations.
2013, another 30 managers will
Members had access to 120
complete the training.
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 291 / september 2012
Innovation to Cover the
El Big Lift es la elevación de los cables de acero tensados de la cobertura y es el segundo que se realiza en América Latina
The Fonte Nova Arena,
world dominate this type of
first involving the hoisting of
currently under construction
technology,” said Murilo Maia,
the upper traction ring and
in Salvador, Bahia, began yet
the engineer responsible for
then the second involving the
another first-of-a-kind process
the Fonte Nova Arena roof. “This
hoisting of the lower traction
in Brazil. Known as the “Big Lift,”
was the reason for contracting
ring. The entire process will last
the hoisting of the stressed
foreign companies to complete
approximately one month and
steel cables for the roof is
the “Big Lift,” said Maia. In order
a half.
the second procedure of this
to complete this complex
Similar to the system of a
kind to be completed in Latin
methodology, engineers
bicycle wheel, the roof consists
America and involves a team
from Germany, Switzerland,
of a stressed structure, in
formed by professionals from
France and the United States
which the cables and trellises
a range of different countries.
were called in to form a highly
work together with the metal
The roof will cover 100% of the
qualified team, together with
compression ring. This structure
seats, extending over an area of
the professionals from the
is covered by an impermeable,
36,000 m² and offering visitors
Fonte Nova Arena.
self-cleaning and translucent
enhanced comfort. “Few companies in the
The “Big Lift” will take place in two main stages, with the
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 291 / september 2012
membrane that filters the sunlight, thereby preventing
Fonte Nova Arena
the “heat island” effect and
reduces the consumption of
a savings of 72% during the
allowing for the partial passage
steel by up to 40%, representing
rainy periods and 24% during
of light and improving the
a savings of raw material.
the dry periods.
equipment’s energy efficiency.
Furthermore, a major portion of
Click here to view a video in which the specialized professionals demonstrate
the steel used originates from recycled material.
There are more than 9.2 km
Another characteristic of
of steel cables weighing 290
how a “Big Lift” is performed (in
environmental sustainability
is the roof’s capacity to collect
Click here to view all of the
rainwater, which will be stored
stages of the Fonte Nova Arena
and used to irrigate the field and
roof construction process (in
supply the arena’s bathrooms.
The arena’s total rainwater storage capacity will be 698,000
liters. Each year, 37,000 m³ of
The project completed for
rainwater will be collected with
the roof of the Fonte Nova Arena
this system, which will represent
tons. The metal structure of the compression ring weighs 1,198 tons and the metal structure of the traction ring, 586 tons. The impermeable membrane extends 28,000 m² and the metal deck, 8,350 m².
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 291 / september 2012
>ODEBRECHT FOUNDATION Participating in the event organized by the Odebrecht Foundation were students, teachers and directors of social institutions located in rural Bahia
Thinking about Sustaina Students, professors
more serious – the scarcity of
to promote reflections on
and directors from social
leaders,” he said. One of the
sustainability and how to
institutions in rural Bahia
first consultants in the area
practice it on a daily basis.
listened attentively to the
of business sustainability in
The presentation, an activity
speaker’s words. “The planet’s
Brazil, journalist and Managing
associated with the Monitor
most serious problems are
Director of the company Ideia
Training Program, was held on
not climate change or a lack
Sustentável, Voltolini was
August 31 at the Odebrecht
of natural resources,” said
invited by the Odebrecht
Organization Knowledge
Ricardo Voltolini. “We are
Foundation to administer
Center in Salvador.
dealing with something much
a presentation that sought
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 291 / september 2012
Using the experiences
ability and Leadership shared in his last book,
“leaders who understood the
to believing in sustainability
entitled Conversas com Líderes
true concept of sustainability
by conviction and not for
Sustentáveis (“Conversations
– a combination of economic
convenience, and internalizing
with Sustainable Leaders”) as a
aspects, environmental
its main values, such as
base, Voltolini told the stories
preservation and social
ethics, transparency, diversity,
of important national and
respect for others and care
international entrepreneurs
During the presentation,
for the environment. “We are
who needed to take attitudes
the journalist listed the five
used to thinking of ourselves
never before imagined to
characteristics of a potential
as opposed to developing
lead. It is what he defines as
leader. The first of them refers
solutions that are of interest
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 291 / september 2012
>ODEBRECHT FOUNDATION to the common good,” said
Development and Growth
Integrated with Sustainability
The second and third aspects
(PDCIS), supported by the
consider that it is necessary to
Odebrecht Foundation,
view sustainability from the
reinforcing that his proposal
perspective of opportunity
is aligned with the current
and not risk, and consequently,
global demands. These include
concentrate it on the business
the preservation of natural
strategy. Finally, the last points
resources and importance of
indicate that a leader is that
maintaining a harmonious
individual who is concerned
relationship between man and
with educating his or her
nature. However, according
stakeholders – employees,
to him, in order for PDCIS
clients and shareholders – and
to continue reaching its
that he or she aims to ensure
objectives, it is necessary
transparency, or in other words,
to understand the role of
clearly communicating what
each person involved in
he or she does. “There is no
the process. “It becomes
distinction between leading,
necessary to understand the
educating and communicating,” dimension of the individual he reinforced. The journalist
role in maintaining this cause,”
also revealed the conversations
he said.
he had with Norberto Odebrecht in 2005, when he
and a student at the Igrapiúna
went to the Bahia Southern
Family Home, was happy with
Lowlands for the first time, and
the opportunity to participate
the references to the Odebrecht
in the discussion. “I’m involved
Entrepreneurial Technology
with projects that allow me
(TEO) as one of his sources of
to develop and support my
family,” said Assunção. “But I
Also during the explanation,
Ubergson Assunção, age 17
can’t be limited to this. It is
Voltolini qualified the
important to take care of the
Bahia Southern Lowlands
environment in which we live
Environmental Protection
and preserve it for the next
Area Mosaic Program for
generations,” he said.
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During his presentation, Ricardo Voltolini presented references of global leaders, including Mother Teresa of Calcutta
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Odebrecht Presents Sustainability Actions
Paulo Guimarães presented the actions promoted by Odebrecht through the Environmental Education Program developed at the Organization’s head office in Salvador
Odebrecht was invited to participate in the second edition of the Action, Citizenship and
guests, formed primarily by entrepreneurs, the
Memory Week, an event promoted by the
preservation actions undertaken for the Atlantic
Antônio Carlos Magalhães Institute and held on
Forest fragment and the Environmental Education
September 5 in Salvador.
actions developed by Odebrecht, the first
The topic of this year – “Citizenship:
company in the North/Northeast to receive the
Sustainable Development” – was addressed
Green Building sustainable building certification
through six lectures that covered topics such as
in 2009. “We use the space to present the
Social Responsibility, Energy, Construction and
methodology adopted by the Organization and
Regional Development, as well as Education
give public and private schools and universities
and the Environment. The last was addressed
a closer look at the routine of a company
by Paulo Guimarães, Institutional Leader for the
Odebrecht’s size, which even when dealing with
Environmental Education Program (PEA) at the
some complex constructions, never loses site
Salvador Office, and Leonardo Barros, intern at
of its care for the environment,” said Guimarães.
PEA and Occupational Leader for the Program,
“The participants were impressed with the
which incorporates social and environmental
resourcefulness of the interns involved with the
program, which has evolved significantly through
According to Paulo Guimarães, the event was
an opportunity to show a select public of 120
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 291 / september 2012
Education Through Work,” he said.
Fifteen Years of IDES and a New Website In order to celebrate its
The recognition of the culture
Another highlight of the
15-year anniversary, the
and customs of these cities is
website is its presentation of the
Bahia Southern Lowlands
also a focus of IDES activities, and
strategies promoted by IDES to
Sustainable Development
it promotes a series of programs
promote sustainability in the
Institute (IDES) has launched
in the quest to maintain local
Southern Lowlands. Seeking
a new website. At the space,
traditions. The restoration of
to create conscious tourism,
visitors can learn more about
the Morro do São Paulo Fort,
the institute is promoting
the history of the institution,
located on Ilha de Tinharé, in
Agroecotourism – a model
which was created in 1997, and
the archipelago municipality of
based on agricultural, ecological
follow a timeline that describes
Cairu, is one example. After it
and sustainable tourism. “This
the details of this history. The
is recovered, the space will be
is an opportunity to provide
website gathers the main
designed for public visits and
supplementary income for the
characteristics and specific
used to present different artistic
family unit,” said Liliana Leite,
characteristics of the Southern
expressions, with an emphasis
Executive Director of IDES.
Lowlands, presenting all the
on ethno-development, which
According to her, it is necessary
municipalities included in the
promotes the growth of a region
to increase the relationship with
through its local culture.
the visitors and strengthen the community leadership. “We seek to live in harmony with nature and with the preservation of cultural identity as part of a productive and sustainable process,” said Leite. News about the actions promoted by IDES are also available on its new webpage. The space also includes the address for the institution’s profiles on Twitter and Facebook, as well as a communication channel so that those interested can ask questions and interact
Recognition of the local culture and customs of the cities included in the Bahia Southern Lowlands is another focus of IDES
with the institution. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 291 / september 2012
Panama: Educating to Conserve
The program is developed at 11 Panama City schools and has already trained more than 760 students and 100 teachers
As part of the Educate to Conserve Program, the Línea Uno Consortium (in which Odebrecht
public heritage. The initiatives encourage the
participates) – responsible for building Line 1 of
students and faculty members to reflect on
the Panama Subway – held a seminar in urban
the importance of the environment, especially
reforestation with the participation of students
in terms of having care when handling the
from four primary schools located near the
greenhouses and plants, with a focus on
construction work.
conservation in urban areas.
The tree seedlings were planted in the
The program receives the support of the
community of Albrook in Panama City. The
government and NGOs, such as the Panama
plants were surrounded by pieces of recyclable
Subway Department, National Environmental
wood for protection.
Authority, Municipality of Panama, Smithsonian
Educate to Conserve is based on four pillars of activities designed to promote environmental
awareness, conservation and the protection of
odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 291 / september 2012
Tropical Research Institute and the University of Panama.
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Citizenship Actions Stir Up Moatize On August 29, the Citizenship Desk
Volunteer Program, organized by the
Program – developed by the Moatize
Social Responsibility, Communication and
Registry and Notary in partnership with
Entertainment areas at the contract.
the Social Responsibility area at Odebrecht
During the first phase, volunteers collected
in Mozambique – delivered 600 new
510 toys, 130 books, 3,110 personal hygiene
birth certificates and NUITs (Federal
items, 738 garments and 1,816 kg of food.
Tax Identification Numbers) to children
The children’s books will be donated to the
between the ages of four months and 10
“Read+” Reading Room archive in Matema,
years at Moatize Village. Residents from
and the others will be delivered to the Believe
the neighborhoods of 1º de Maio, 25 de
Setembro, Bagamoyo, Liberdade and
The next phases occur until September
Chithata were benefited from the action. This
29, the event closing date, which will award
year, 1,200 documents have already been
the team that collected the highest quantity
of materials. The institution represented by
With the personal identity document, the citizen obtains guaranteed access to the
the winning group will receive an award in October.
education and health systems and can pick up documents such as the Identity Ticket, Tax Identity Number Social Security Card and Passport, among others. The next stage of the program involves raising the community’s awareness about the rights acquired by obtaining the documents and social duties. August 30 was different at the Moatize Expansion Project. Members, divided into three teams, worked to collect donations of food, clothing, toys and personal hygiene items for the institutions and orphanages São José, ACOMA and Vó Tereza. The initiative is part of Block I of the “Mission Impossible” Games, an action that integrates the Share
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The Citizenship Desk is undertaken by Odebrecht in partnership with the District Registry and Notary Services, the Municipality of Moatize and the respective Neighborhood Secretaries
“+Health” and More Quality of Life The “+Health” Program, promoted by
launched in Nacala. The health agents visit
Odebrecht in partnership with the Nacala-
the communities, identify the infected
Porto Government in Mozambique, is
individuals and send them to take exams
designed to help improve quality of life
at the city’s Urban Health Center. The
by combating tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and
treatment is provided free of charge through
malaria. With relation to tuberculosis, the
the Nacala District Health, Woman and Social
main goal is to raise citizens’ awareness in
Action Services (SDSMAS).
terms of seeking medical attention as soon
According to Dr. Ivan Afonso, District
as they discover they have the disease, and
Head Physician, the program can be re-
for patients in treatment to not interrupt
applied throughout the district and serves
their medication, used daily, for the minimum
as a link between the Health Unit and the
period of six months.
community. Manuel Eduardo, District Health
Tuberculosis is still one of the leading
Director, reinforced the following: “With
causes of death in Mozambique. According to
this work, the rates of the disease will drop,
data from the Ministry of Health, the country
which will help improve the Nacala people’s
has the worst mortality rate on the African
quality of life,” said Eduardo.
continent, of 127 deaths for every 100,000 inhabitants, an index that ranks it 19th in the group of the 22 countries affected by the disease. Between 68,000 to 87,000 new cases of tuberculosis are recorded every year. “If correctly treated, tuberculosis has a cure, but the treatment must be taken seriously,” said Dr. Solange Pires, Program Coordinator. A resident of the neighborhood of Mathapue, Arte Momande, age 22, received treatment and recovered in two months. “The program gave me my life back,!” she said emotionally. The youth was one of the more than 19,000 people who have signed up since March of this year, when the program was
Starting from the left: Alide Mecussete, the program’s Health Educator; Arte Momade; and Tristeza Mauelele Vaz, Nursing Technician at the Nacala International Airport Project
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