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Nยบ 275 / / FEVEREIRO // JUNHO 2011 No. Nยบ 292260 OCTOBER 2012 Nยบ 260 JUNHO 2012 2011

Special Dominican Republic 10 Years



No. Nº Nº 292260 260 /

2012 // OCTOBER JUNHO JUNHO 2011 2011

Odebrecht was the only Brazilian Organization to receive four trophies during the event promoted by the magazine Carta Capital to award the Most Admired Companies in Brazil in 2012.



On September 13, Braskem inaugurated a new butadiene factory at the Triunfo Petrochemical Center in Rio Grande do Sul.


Read the special story on the 10 years of the Organization’s operations in the Dominican Republic and find out how Members celebrated the date.




In an environment that re-created as Bahia’s traditional Largo Festivals, the Pierre Verger Foundation launched the book Carybé, Verger & Jorge - Obás da Bahia, sponsored by Odebrecht.


The Odebrecht Organization is holding at its head office the exhibit entitled Water, which reveals some interesting facts about the resource, addressing its multiple uses in daily life.


The Odebrecht Shared Service Center (SSC) held the 2nd Breakfast for the Secretaries of the Organization’s Engineering and Construction companies.


The Land Conservation Organization presented the pilot project “Payments for Environmental Services,” designed to support the conservation of natural resources in degraded areas.


EDITORIAL STAFF ODEBRECHT NEWS is an internal newsletter published by the Odebrecht S.A. Business Communication Team Responsible Journalist: Fabiana Cabral Editorial Office: Avenida das Nações Unidas, 8.501, 32º andar, São Paulo Phone Number: (55 11) 3096-8171 Suggestions: fabianacabral@odebrecht.com Website: www.odebrechtnoticias.com.br



Odebrecht Among Brazil’s Most Admired Companies in 2012 O d e b re cht wa s th e o n l y B ra z i l i a n O rg an i z at io n to recei ve fo u r tro ph i es

followed by Pet rob ras and D ow

d ur i n g t h e e ve nt pro mo ted by th e

Brasil; and in t he C hem ic al segment,

m a g a z i n e Ca r t a Capi tal to awa rd th e

where it received 22. 5% of t he votes,

M ost Ad m ire d Co mpa n i es i n B ra z i l i n

coming out ahead of t he comp anies

2 0 1 2 . Th e ce re mo ny, h el d o n O c to ber

BASF and D ow Q uím ic a. I n b ot h, t he

1 , i n cl u d e d t h e presen ce o f B ra z i l ’s

most highlighted c ategor ies were:

Presid e nt, Di l ma R o u ssef f.

Sust ainab le D evelop m ent, Et hic s and

S i n ce 1998, t h e pu bl i cati o n h a s h on o re d co m p a n i es a n d execu ti ves

I nnovat ion. St ar t ing wit h t his year ’s ed it ion,

wh o are ch o s e n by th e ma r ket a s be ing

Car t a Capit al inc lud ed t he rank ing

d i st i n g u is h e d in th ei r respec ti ve a re as.

“ The 5 M ost Ad m ired Brazilian

I n t h e H e av y Co n stru c ti o n segment, O d e b re cht was th e w i n n er fo r th e

Comp anies in Lat in Am er ic a.” O d eb rec ht c am e in at second,

n i nt h co n s e c u t ive yea r. I t recei ved

t railing only Pet rob ras and followed

5 2 .7 % o f t h e votes, fo l l owed by

by Am B ev, Nat ura and TAM. The

Ca ma rg o Co r rê a a n d An dra de

sur vey involved inter views wit h 1, 21 2

Guti e r re z . Th e key catego r i es a n a l y zed

exec ut ives in Brazil and anot her 1, 00 0

i n t h e s u r ve y were Pro du c t a n d

in Lat in Am er ic a.

S e r v i ce Q u al it y, Eth i cs a n d S o ci a l R esp o n s i b i l i t y. B ra s ke m re cei ved t wo tro ph i es


c hosen by 45. 6% of t hose inter viewe d,

The sur vey cond uc ted by t he magazine also revealed t he M ost Ad m ired Organizat ions in Brazil,

un d e r M o s t Ad m i red: i n th e

regard less of t heir sec tor of

Pe tro c h e m i c al segment, h av i n g been

op erat ions. O d eb rec ht c am e in at 17 t h .

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 292 / october 2012

Braskem received two trophies in the Petrochemical and Chemical segments, and was represented by its Entrepreneurial Leader Carlos Fadigas

The Organization came in at second in the new ranking of the Most Admired Companies in Latin America. Luiz Mameri, Entrepreneurial Leader at Odebrecht AmĂŠrica Latina, received the award on behalf of the company

Benedicto Junior, Entrepreneurial Leader at Odebrecht Infraestrutura, who received the award of Construction Sector, and Eike Batista, voted the Most Admired Leader in 2012



Flowers from the “Life’s Papers” Project at the Master Real Estate Award On September 12,

social initiative promoted

songs from the musical “Rent”

Odebrecht Realizações

through the Paiva Reserve

and handed out yellow and

Imobiliárias (OR) earned

General Association in the

red flowers, made by the

the 2012 Master Real Estate

communities located near

artists of the “Life’s Papers”

Award – one of the most

Paiva Reserve in Pernambuco.

Project. Actress Maria Fernanda

important in the sector –, in

During the ceremony,

Cândido announced the 17

the category of Professionals

which featured a set full

winning cases together with

– Social Responsibility, with

of lights and colors, actors

Paulo Germano. Also present

the “Life’s Papers” Project, a

dressed up as hippies sang

were Brazil’s Vice President, Michel Temer, and the Mayor of São Paulo, Gilberto Kassab. The winning case, the “Life’s Papers” Project, has been developed since 2008 with the communities neighboring the Paiva Reserve, and transforms garbage into art. The initiative involves selective waste collection, environmental education and the generation of income through the reuse of civil construction debris, for example the cardboard from cement bags and coconut palm fiber for the production of crafts. More than 300

Dante Freitas, Sustainability Manager at OR, represented the company during the ceremony, and received the award from the hands of Bahia singer Daniela Mercury

craftspeople have already been benefited, and also participated in two editions of FENEARTE, Latin America’s largest crafts fair.


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Organization Recognized for its International Operations On the afternoon of September 28, the

allow ourselves to be scared off by

Brazilian Center for International Relations

the uncertainties of a world that was

(CEBRI) held the ceremony to deliver the

still largely unexplored and without

2012 CEBRI Award in Rio de Janeiro. The

the connections of today in terms of

event also commemorated the 14 years

transport and telecommunications,

of the institution’s operations and was

for example,” said Marcelo Odebrecht.

followed by the “Brazil and the World in

“We overcome, without inhibitions,

2030” Roundtable, with the speech of

political-ideological barriers and

honor given by economist Armínio Fraga.

restrictions related to capital

The 2012 edition honored Ambassador

transactions, and we ended up helping

Rubens Ricupero, from the Armando

create a culture of service export in

Álvares Penteado Foundation (FAAP) and

Brazil – the sector where we began,

Member of the Board of Odebrecht S.A.,

more specifically in Engineering and

with the Academic Personality Award, and

Construction,” he said.

Marcelo Odebrecht, Managing Director

Still according to the Managing

of Odebrecht S.A., with the Business

Director of Odebrecht S.A., this history has

Personality Award. The CEBRI also paid

been a success: “This results from a clear

tribute to Ambassador Walther Moreira

business philosophy that is understood,

Salles, a founder of the institution, the

accepted and practiced within all spheres

centennial year of his birth.

of the Organization. It is a business

“I receive this award knowing that it was actually our Organization that earned it, because when we

philosophy based on a trust in people and one that has proved universal,” he said. The Organization currently has 55,560

began this history over 40 years

Members abroad belonging to 65

ago, I will still crawling,” said Marcelo

nationalities that work in 28 countries. In

Odebrecht during his thank you

2012, Odebrecht estimates earnings of

speech. “During that time, when

over US$ 11.2 billion abroad and plans

international operations was not a

to export more than US$ 5.7 billion in

common topic on the agendas of

goods and services between its different

most Brazilian companies, we didn’t


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Braskem and its New Fact On September 13, Braskem inaugurated a new butadiene factory at the Triunfo Petrochemical Center in Rio Grande do Sul, with the presence of the State Governor, Tarso Genro. The unit, which received investments of R$ 300 million, confirms the company’s commitment to industrial development and the development of the chemical production chain in the Southern Brazilian State and Brazil as a whole. Butadiene is the raw material employed in the industry of synthetic rubbers used to manufacture tires and rubber items in general. This is the second major investment to be inaugurated by Braskem in Brazil in 2012. “The


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tory in Rio Grande do Sul

The second unit inaugurated by Braskem this year confirms the company’s commitment to industrial development and the development of the chemical production chain in Rio Grande do Sul and Brazil as a whole

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> CHEMICAL AND PETROCHEMICAL company is focused on

full production capacity,

important projects to

which increases the

consolidate its position

maximum butadiene offer

as one of the leaders in

to approximately 210,000

global petrochemistry and

tons per year. The company

strengthen the Brazilian

also produces 180,000

industry,” said Carlos

tons per year of butadiene

Fadigas, Entrepreneurial

in Camaçari, Bahia, and


80,000 tons in Capuava,

Over the past four years,

São Paulo.

the company inaugurated four new industrial units:


a polypropylene factory


in the city of Paulínia, in

operating 50 days ahead

rural São Paulo in 2008;

of schedule. This early

an ethane and “green”

delivery was made

polyethylene factory in

possible thanks to a

Triunfo in 2010; a PVC unit

project management

in Alagoas in August of

model that minimizes

this year, as well as a new

risks and optimizes the

butadiene plant in Triunfo.

deadlines defined during

With the capacity to

the engineering, supply

produce 103,000 tons per

and construction phases.

year and generate 60 new

Lasting 14 months, the

direct job opportunities,

construction work involved

the butadiene plant will

the installation of 930

1,800 direct job

double the volume of this

tons of piping, 570 tons

opportunities. The labor

raw material processed

of metallic structures and

was contracted primarily

at the Triunfo Center

over 200,000 meters of

in the municipalities of

and also help drive the


Montenegro and Triunfo.

Entrepreneurial Leader Carlos Fadigas presents the new bu

Some of the workers

synthetic rubber chain

Led by Odebrecht

in the state. The unit is

Engenharia Industrial,

participated in the

already operating at its

the project generated

Continued Professional

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 292 / october 2012

butadiene factory, an event that included the presence of Governor Tarso Genro

Qualification Program -

strategy of seeking

derived products, which

Believe, held in partnership

competitiveness generated

are scarce in the global

with the Montenegro

by gas as the raw material


City Government and

at its new complexes

the National Industrial

while at the same time

representing an

Learning Service (SENAI).

working to maximize its

opportunity to meet global

The investment is

position in the market of

demand, the decision to

aligned with Braskem’s

petrochemical naphtha-

invest in the expansion of

In addition to

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The unit is operating at its maximum production capacity, increasing the butadiene offer to approximately 210,000 tons per year


butadiene is based on the

in contact with companies

potential of the synthetic

from the global synthetic

reinforces Braskem’s

rubber production chain in

runner industry that are

commitment to

Brazil. One good example

interested in producing

development in Rio

is the national automotive

in the country,” said Rui

Grande do Sul. “ The

industry, which has been

Chammas, Vice President

company invested more

growing nearly 8% per

of the Braskem Basic

than R$ 2 billion in the

year and has prompted

Petrochemicals Unit.

state over the past four

tire manufacturers to

Accordingly, butadiene,

years in new factories,

invest in new units in

initially directed at the

production capacity

the country. “Besides the

international market, may

increases, maintenance

potential for the growth

be gradually industrialized

shutdowns and in the area

of the companies already

domestically,” said

of health, safety and the

installed in Brazil, we are


environment,” said Fadigas.

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The investment also

NEW OFFICE IN FRANKFURT, GERMANY A new Braskem office was recently inaugurated in Frankfurt, Germany. The commercial office will play a fundamental role in terms of strengthening the company’s global presence Located in one of the world’s main financial centers, the site will serve as Braskem’s head office for the operations in Germany, selling the materials produced in the country and providing support for the import of PP, PE and “Green” PE from Brazil to Europe. The Rotterdam office, in Holland, will continue to operate, focused on the product sales from the Polyolefines Unit (UNPOL) and Basic Raw Material Unit (UNIB). “We are proud to be a part of Braskem’s growth process,” said Mark Nikolich, Leader of Braskem Europe. “This office represents a step forward in terms of ensuring the long term continued existence of our business in Europe, which began six years ago with our first office in Rotterdam. The new space also represents orientation, creativity, innovation, sustainability and the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO) in the local German and European culture. This symbol is crucial for European Members and because it represents our company for Clients and local partners,” said Nikolich.

Braskem opened its new office in Frankfurt, Germany, one of the world’s main financial centers

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Odebrecht and its First Decade in the Dominican Republic In Central America, two

country’s capital. After three

the constant effort of more

countries divide the territory

centuries of Spanish, French

than 8,000 Members during

of the Island of San Domingo.

and Haitian occupation,

these 10 years, sharing

The Western third is occupied

independence was conquered

the values, principles and

by Haiti and two-thirds are

on February 27, 1844.

concepts of our work

occupied by the Dominican

Divided into 31 provinces

Republic, the second largest

and a National District, the

Odebrecht Entrepreneurial

country in the Caribbean (after

Dominican Republic currently

Technology (TEO), and

Cuba) and also the second

has approximately 10 million

promoting discipline, which

largest Caribbean economy.

inhabitants and its economy is

generates respect, which in

The Dominican Republic

agriculture and tourism-based.

turn builds trust between

had been inhabited by the

Ten years ago, Odebrecht

people,” said Marco Cruz,

indigenous peoples, primarily

arrived to the country, when

Managing Director of

the Taíno, since the 7th century,

it opened its office in the

Odebrecht in the country.

until the arrival of the Spanish

capital in 2002. Since then,

expedition commanded by

several different infrastructure

Odebrecht News (ON)

Christopher Columbus in

projects – considered crucial

presents the Organization’s

December of 1492. The site

for local development – were

first decade of operations

of the European settlement


in the Dominican Republic,

in America was called Santo Domingo, currently the


philosophy, known as the

“Our achievements have been made possible through

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 292 / october 2012

In this special story,

as well as how the date was celebrated by Members.

More than 8,000 Members helped forge Odebrecht’s path during its first 10 years in the country

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WORKING TOWARD THE COUNTRY’S DEVELOPMENT The Northwest Line, Samaná and Hermanas Mirabal Aqueducts; Del Coral Highway; Casabito - Constanza, El Río - Jarabacoa, Miches and Piedra Blanca - Cruce de Ocoa Roads; Pinalito and Palomino Hydroelectric Power Plants and the Duarte Corridor. The history of each contract represents a part of Odebrecht’s history in the Dominican Republic. Over a 10-year period, the company has been contributing toward the development of

The quality of life in the communities: Housing Construction Project in the Community of Guayuyal, Sewing Cooperative and the“Educating is Constructing”Program are some of the actions implemented by Odebrecht


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 292 / october 2012

the Dominican communities.

all favor agricultural, tourist,

“The aqueducts built supply

industrial, commercial and

1.260 million people; the

cultural development,�

hydroelectric power plants help

emphasized Marco Cruz.

improve the national energy

One of the principles

matrix, allowing for increased

on which the Odebrecht

participation in clean energies

operations are based in the

with renewable resources

country is the relationship

and allowing us cease from

with the communities located

importing 780,000 barrels of oil

near the projects. Guided by

per year; and the set of roads

sustainable development, the

and highways, rehabilitated and

company promotes programs

constructed, which account

focused on the formation of

for 150 km of modern and

cooperatives and community

secure land transport roadways,

and family farming associations,

together with the 207 km

environmental education and

of roads being constructed,

the generation of job and

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income opportunities. The

opportunities and results that

of their respective areas, and

Housing Construction Project

generate Client Satisfaction

22 were sent to countries such

in the Community of Guayuyal,

and the development of each

as Panama, Angola, Ecuador

located in the Province of San

one as a Human Being and

and the United States. During

Juan, the Sewing Cooperative

Entrepreneur. The company

the years 2011 and 2012,

and Samaná Artisans’

invests thousands of hours

Odebrecht was recognized as

Cooperative, as well as the

in technical and professional

one of the Top 10 Best Places

“Educating is Constructing”

qualification and training

to Work in Central America

Program, are some of the

focused on Safety, Health and

and the Caribbean, according

initiatives that have been

Environmental Conservation.

to the Great Place to Work


The Young Partner Program,

Another important asset

for example, has already

in the country are the people,

supported the training of

of operation, we propose

and that is why Odebrecht

more than 200 university

to remain committed,

prioritizes the training of

students, with 52 becoming

over the long term, to the

Members as Knowledgeable

the professionals responsible

sustainable development

People to help them focus on

for some program or managers

of the Dominican Republic

People Development: over 200 youth have already participated in the Young Partner Program in the country



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“By celebrating 10 years

based on the 2020 Vision, increasingly strengthening

MOMENT FOR CELEBRATION On the evening of September

company in the country, as well as government and federal

the Trust earned, the Capacity

12, leaders, Members, Clients

authorities, local entrepreneurs

for achievement and the

and partners of Odebrecht in the

and members of the press.

Integration of Knowledgeable

Dominican Republic gathered in

People, in order ensure the

Santo Domingo for the event to

Marco Cruz welcomed the

Satisfaction of our Clients

celebrate the Organization’s 10-

participants and spoke about

through integrated and

year anniversary in the country.

the Organization’s history in the

innovative solutions for the

The ceremony also included

Dominican Republic. “During the

major challenges we face such

the presence of Luiz Mameri,

year 2002, with the start of the

as the availability of treated

Entrepreneurial Leader at

Northwest Line Aqueduct Project,

water, production of energy

Odebrecht América Latina, Edson

we began to tread the path that

and construction of the

Lemos, responsible for People

currently fills us with so much

infrastructure that is crucial for

and Organization at Odebrecht

satisfaction,” said Cruz. “We are

ensuring the well being of the

América Latina, Marcelo Jardim,

contributing toward the progress

Dominican people,” said Marco

the engineer who initiated the

of the Dominican nation, building


first contacts to establish the

infrastructure that is crucial for

During the opening event,

Over 400 guests took part in the commemorative cocktail party, including leaders, Members, Clients, partners, authorities and the press

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improving the population’s quality of life and for satisfying its primary needs: the supply of drinking water, generation of energy, road integration between the country’s main production regions, improvement of the urban ground traffic and generation of thousands of job opportunities,” he said. Marco Cruz also emphasized: “The creativity, talent and capacity of the Dominicans have been the driving force behind Odebrecht’s development and growth in the Dominican Republic. Their willingness to practice the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO), learn and teach through Education Through and

Luiz Mameri (to the left), Marcelo Jardim the winners of the Odebrecht National Rosario Adames, Marisol Aquino and M

For Work, guarantee the constant innovation and quality that allow us to assume increasingly bigger

of the Odebrecht National

García Arévalo, Abelardo

and better challenges, making

Journalism Award - Dominican

Jiménez Lambertus, Adolfo

the difference for our Clients by


López and Bernardo Vega.

fully honoring the commitment

The first publication called

we assume, both in terms of

knowledge and understanding

Taínos, began to circulate

deadlines as well as results,” he

of the country’s social-political

on September 12 and was


evolution, the company

distributed to those present

supported the production of

at the event. “Among the


a collection of three volumes

highlights, the book presents


about Dominican history. The

160 color photographs of

books were written by illustrious

items made by the Taíno

the launch of the book Taínos and

local contemporary historians:

people, currently on display at

the delivery of the first edition

Marcio Veloz Maggiolo, Manuel

museums in several countries,

The ceremony also marked


In order to promote the

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Journalism Award - Dominican

Security: 11 Years of Advances

Republic was granted to

and Challenges,” by Mariela

professionals from the area and

Mejía, from the newspaper

presented the theme “Present

Diário Libre, earned first place;

and Future Challenges of the

“Companies as Human Beings,”

Dominican Republic.” A total

by Fausto Rosario Adames,

of 55 journalists participated,

from the digital newspaper

presenting 61 different works

Acento, earned second; and “Life

with analyses and reflections

When You Lack Everything,” by

on the current and future

Marisol Aquino, from the digital

challenges of the Dominican

newspaper Diário Libre Digital,


earned third.

Accompanied by Luiz Mameri and Marcelo Jardim, Marco Cruz delivered the award to the three top-placed. The work “Social

Click here to watch video about the 10th anniversary of Odebrecht in the Dominican Republic

m and Marco Cruz (both to the right) congratulated l Journalism Award - Dominican Republic: Fausto Mariela Mejía (in the center, starting from the left)

together with a glossary of Taíno words,” said Bernardo Vega, Collection Coordinator, during the ceremony. The other two titles, Invasión y Conquista de la Española e Paisaje (“Spanish Invasion and Conquest and Landscape”) and el Hombre y la Cultura Dominicanos (“The Dominican People and Culture”), will be launched at the end of this year. The Odebrecht National

The book Taínos tells the story of the indigenous peoples who inhabited the territory of the Dominican Republic when Christopher Columbus arrived to the country

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Foz do Brasil and Basic Sanitation in Redenção The basic sanitation services in the municipality

collection system will be built on the Pau

of Redenção, in the State of Pará, will be operated

D’Arquinho River, together with a modern Water

by Foz do Brasil. The full concession contract,

Treatment Plant (WTP). The concessionaire will

which includes the management of the city’s

also expand the sewage collection and treatment

water and sewage services, was signed on

system, serving the entire municipality within a

September 19 with the Municipal Government

10-year period.

after the bidding process and publication of the winner in the state’s Official Gazette. The agreement stipulates that by 2017, the

In order to reach the goals set forth in the contract, bringing more health and quality of life for the population of Redenção while also

entire urban population of Redenção will be

preserving the environment, Foz do Brasil plans to

receiving treated water. Accordingly, a new

invest some R$ 145 million.

To officially start the work in the Pará municipality, Foz do Brasil organized a cocktail party


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Clean Energy for Angolans

The second Cambambe Hydroelectric Facility Generator Unit was rehabilitated and has already begun to produce electric energy

August 20 marked the start of commercial operation for the Generator Unit 2 (UG2) at the Cambambe Hydroelectric Facility, currently

produce 144 MW for the country’s energy system, benefitting more than 1.2 million people. The last Generator Unit (UG4), currently

being built by Odebrecht Angola on the

being rehabilitated, is currently in the final

Kwanza River.

phase of assembly, and is set to start its

With the conclusion of this phase, three generator units will be rehabilitated and can

commercial generation in December of this year.

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Starting One of the Fundamental Phase of the Teles Pires Odebrecht

The tunnels will extend

development by generating

Infraestrutura, responsible

318 m each and will

energy through a clean

for building the Teles Pires

be drilled in bedrock –

and renewable source.

Hydroelectric Power Plant

technology that guarantees

During the peak of the

(HPP) – located at the border

the terrain stability. The

construction work, 6,000

between the states of Pará

underground excavations

direct job opportunities will

and Mato Grosso – has begun

should be completed at the

be generated, prioritizing

one of the main phases of the

start of 2013.

the contracting of local labor.

development’s construction:

The Teles Pires HPP

The result of a R$ 4-billion

the drilling of the first tunnel

has 1,820 MW of installed

investment, Odebrecht

of a total of three to bypass

capacity and will contribute

Energia is one of the plant’s

the Teles Pires River.

toward the country’s


The Teles Pires HPP will generate enough energy to supply approximately 6 million people


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 292 / october 2012

Tocoma Hydroelectric Power Plant Completes Important Phases

The Tocoma Hydroelectric Power Plant will have an installed capacity of 2,160 MW and 10 Kaplan turbines

On September 6, the OIV Tocoma Consortium (formed by Odebrecht

construction site. In August, the consortium also finalized

Venezuela, Impregilo and Vinccler)

the activities that placed the nine radial

completed the installation of 30 gates at the

gates of the spillway into operation. Also

exit of the Suction Pipe at the Manuel Piar -

concluded was the construction of a service

Tocoma Hydroelectric Power Plant, located

platform that guarantees access between

in BolĂ­var State.

the Left Dam and the Intermediary Dam,

The gates guarantee the closure of the

which forms the so-called Service Road,

pipes, thereby allowing for the flooding of

the support for the plant’s Operation and

the Discharge Channel. During the previous

Maintenance Building.

months, workers completed the assembly of the guides and sealing of the structures. On this same date, the construction of

The OIV Tocoma Consortium is responsible for the civil construction and electromechanical assembly work at the

a new railroad was completed to replace

plant, contracted by CORPOELEC - The

the former one that was located within the

Socialist Electrical Company. Currently, the

perimeter of the hydroelectric power plant

project is 93% completed. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 292 / october 2012



In Search of Innovative Projects In order to identify projects that develop

and identified six projects

new technologies under

applicable to POIT and

c o n s t r u c t i o n , t h e Te l e s

another that has yet to be

Pires H ydroelec tric Power

evaluated by the committee

Plant – an Odebrecht

to confirm its relevance.

Energia investment

Already implemented

being built by Odebrecht

at other plants, such as

Infraestrutura – presented

t h e S a n t o A n t ô n i o H P P,

its Members with the

the program was created

O d e b r e c h t Te c h n o l o g i c a l

in 2008 and classified

Innovation Program (POIT ).

under Brazilian Ministry

Under the theme

o f S c i e n c e a n d Te c h n o l o g y

“A s s e s s i n g E n e r g y P r o j e c t s ,”

Law 11196/2005, more

the presentation given by

popularly known as

the company Pieracciani

t h e “ L a w o f G o o d .”

and by Member José

POIT maximizes the

Roberto Brandão on

d e v e l o p m e n t ’s p o t e n t i a l

September 11 included the

c o m p e t e n c y, t h e

participation of several

valorization of the people

different areas. On the

involved with the activities

occasion, those present had

and also offers tax benefits

the opportunity to learn

f o r t h e c o m p a n y, s i n c e

m o r e a b o u t t h e p r o g r a m’s

it generates innovation

importance and operation.

within the development

The Members, together with the professionals


from Pieracciani, evaluated

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 292 / october 2012


Recognition from the Client

In just one month since

The ODN II drill rig has the capacity to operate at water depths of up to 3,000 meters

Assessment Bulletin (BAD) was

the team is “engaged with the

its arrival to Brazil and the

9.7, considered an excellent

execution of the services, as

completion of the acceptance

result. The BAD evaluates

well as being diligent, pro-

tests, the Odebrecht Oil

items such as Equipment and

active and one that promotes

and Gas (OOG) ODN II drill

Materials, Human Resources,

solid relationships.”

rig became the first unit

Installations and Effectiveness.

in the history of the client,

In all of the categories, the

II Platform Manager, “the

Petrobras, to achieve a record

scores obtained by the ODN

distinction was possible

time in terms of entering into

II were higher than 9.0 and

thanks to a united, vibrant

operation. The trip from South

in certain cases, such as in

and committed team in

Korea to Brazil lasted 52 days,

Equipment and Materials, the

search of excellent results.”

which together with the 30

result was the maximum score

Pedro Mathias, Managing

days of tests, made the ODN

of 10.0.

Director of the Drilling BU,

II the OOG fleet unit to most quickly begin operating.

The Petrobras inspector

For Carlos Zamora, ODN

finalized: “This achievement

responsible for the assessment,

also demonstrates that the

Bruno Murta, highlighted the

lessons learned during the

made official on August 28,

unit’s supervisors as being


when the unit underwent its

participative and committed

were efficiently implemented,

first evaluation by Petrobras.

to results. With relation to

streamlining the unit’s

The degree of satisfaction

the activities of the Members

acceptance by the client.”

obtained in the Performance

onboard, he pointed out that

The start of the contract was

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Participation in the Rio Oil & Gas Fair From September 17-20, Odebrecht

and received partners at a 230-m2 stand.

Engenharia Industrial and Odebrecht

Besides the Organization’s operations in the

Oil and Gas (OOG) participated in the

sector, the visitors had the chance to learn

30th edition of the Rio Oil & Gas Expo and

more about the main Industrial Engineering

Conference, Latin America’s main Oil and Gas

projects, as well as OOG’s operations, from

event, held every two years at the Riocentro

the drilling fleet for ultra-deep waters to the

Convention Center in Rio de Janeiro.

production units and launch of flexible lines

The companies presented their projects


Visitors and partners of Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial and OOG had the opportunity to learn more about the companies’


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Meeting Remembers Literary Classic Capitães de Areia The stories told in 1937 in the

Israel suffered an accident while

positive,” said Lima.

book Capitães de Areia (“Captains

still a baby that had deformed part

of the Sand”) – considered one

of his body.

of Jorge Amado’s most famous

Capitães de Areia portrays the life of a group of street kids who

According to José Raimundo

took shelter in an abandoned

novels – were remembered on

Lima, responsible for the NCO,

pier in the lower region of the

the afternoon of September 18,

the idea behind the activity is

city of Salvador in the 1930s. The

during an informal chat held at

to make the invited students

adolescents survived off of petty

the Hertha Odebrecht Library at

more familiar with the work of

theft. The critique was viewed by

the Organization’s head office

Jorge Amado, giving them a

the government of the time as

in Salvador. Five actors from

chance to debate the concepts

“harmful to society,” which led to

the film with the same name,

tied to the film with the actors,

the burning of more than 1,000

launched in 2011 and directed

also adolescents, as well as open

copies of the book in a public

by Cecília Amado, the writer’s

the Organization’s doors to the

square and culminated in the

granddaughter, spoke about

youth. “Jorge Amado’s work is very

imprisonment of Jorge Amado

their experiences during the

dense and capable of making us

during the “New State” regime.

filming. The activity is part of a

reflect on the evils of our society,

The writer’s most successful novel,

set of events promoted by the

such as the abandonment of

it sold more than 5 million copies

Organization to celebrate the

the minors portrayed in the film,

all over the world. The work was

100-year anniversary since the

raising our awareness so that we

translated into 49 languages in 55

birth of the Bahia writer and is

can construct something more


included under the Odebrecht Cultural Center (NCO) Dynamic Program. The youth, ages 18-21, were chosen by the film production team after a search that began in 2007, using surveys that mobilized the work of 22 Salvador NGOs. They were looking for adolescents who identified personally with the characters. This was the case of Israel Gouvêia, who played “LegLess.”The film director met him in a physical rehabilitation clinic.

Robério Lima (“Teacher”), Ana Graciela (“Dora”), Israel Gouvêia (“Leg-Less”), Evaldo Maurício (“Lollypop”) and Jordan Mateus (“Good Life”), actors from the film, talk to the students odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 292 / october 2012



A Look Inside the Teles Pires HPP With aims of offering the families of

generation circuit. In the leisure area, the

Members the opportunity to visit the

children painted canvases and planted fruit

installations of the Teles Pires Hydroelectric

tree seedlings in a vase, and also received a

Power Plant, built between the states of

brochure with activities related to the plant

Mato Grosso and ParĂĄ, the Organization


began offering the Family Visit at the Construction Site Program. The first visit, held on September

At the end of the visit, the families joined up in the cafeteria and received a photo and fruit tree plant as a souvenir.

8, included the presence of 10 family

The program will be held each month and

members, who toured the lodging, the

address the topics and actions related

leisure area and the main service fronts,

to the areas of civil construction, health,

such as the tunnel entry and exit and the

workplace safety and environment.

The Members can schedule their family’s participation by filling out a form in the People and Organization sector


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 292 / october 2012

School Vacation is also a Time for Education

Children of the Structuring Highways Project, promoted by Odebrecht Angola, learned more about the sectors and professions related to the project

With aims of contributing toward the

sectors and professions and visited the

education of Members’ children, the

Odebrecht Angola Center, where they

Structuring Highways Project, undertaken by

could obtain more information on the

Odebrecht Angola, implemented the “Cycle

Organization’s operations in the country and

of Interest” vacation program.

the rest of the world.

The activity, which is held during the

“With the activity, we took the company

school vacation time, is designed to

to the families of our Members, began to

integrate the company and the workers’

attract the interest of future professionals

families, as well as encourage among their

and helped the children and youth choose

children the desire to join Odebrecht.

their studies as a priority,” explained Roque

The children spent the day at the company, learned about the different

de Oliveira, responsible for the Social Area of the Structuring Highways Project.

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Parque da Cidade and Brazilian Popular Music

A virtual reality dome, which offers a 360-degree view, projected images of the development in 3D during the event that officially presented Parque da Cidade

With aims of officially presenting Parque da Cidade – São Paulo’s largest real estate

concern promoted by the project, the

development in 2012 – to a select group

setting used natural elements to create

of guests, including partner investors and

“green” and cozy environments. Vertical

opinion shapers, Odebrecht Realizações

landscaping, the use of natural wood,

Imobiliárias (OR) held a special event on

neutral colors that reflect nature and

September 16.

simple structures emphasized by green

To show the grandeur of Parque da Cidade in a way that could be as real as possible, the event included a presentation never before


Considering the social-environmental

elements were used to decorate the stand. Occupying a terrain of approximately

given in Brazil: a virtual reality dome, with 3D

80,000 m² in the Southern Zone of São

projections at 360º. In this way, the guests

Paulo’s capital, Parque da Cidade is fully

could enjoy a unique experience of feeling

integrated with a green area extending

like they were at the site and having an exact

22,000 m². It consists of 10 buildings,

notion of what the final result will be even

including five corporate towers, one with

before it is built. The event also featured

offices, two residential, one shopping

an appearance by singer Maria Rita, who

center and one hotel, in addition to a

presented a voice and piano pocket show.

large linear park extending 62,000 m².

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Carybé, Verger and Jorge Amado – Together in a Single Work It was in an environment

the art and friendship existing

entirely re-created with aspects

between these three individuals

of the former Bahia Largo

and celebrating the 100-year

festivals, livened up by tents

birthday of Jorge Amado, the

with typical foods, lots of samba

book is focused on Candomblé,

dancing and capoeira, that the

the religion practiced by the

Pierre Verger Foundation held

descendents of African peoples

the cocktail party to launch the

in which the three friends were

book Carybé, Verger & Jorge -

honored with one of the most

Obás da Bahia (“Carybé, Verger

respectable titles of the African

& Jorge - Obás of Bahia”), the

belief: “Obás,” Ministers of Xangô,

last in the trilogy entitled Entre

friends and protectors of places

Amigos (“Among Friends”), the

of worship. The title was granted

seal created and edited by the

by the Iyalorixá “Great Mother”

foundation and by the publisher

at Ilê Axé Opô Afonjá, one of the

Solisluna Editora which received

most revered places of worship

the sponsorship of Odebrecht

in Bahia.

through the country’s Rouanet

some of the Iyalorixás, or “Mothers

Cultural Incentive Law. The event,

interweaved with texts by Jorge

of the Saints,” as the priests at the

called “The Friends Visit Jorge,”

Amado, the reader can view

traditional places of worship in the

was held on September 26 at

photos by Verger and drawings

State. The characters used art itself

the Bahia Museum of Modern

by Carybé and learn more about

to describe the daily life at the

Art, home to the exhibit entitled

the worship of the Orixás, the

“Saint Homes:” Carybé illustrated,

“Jorge - Beloved and Universal.”

meanings of a Bahia place of

Verger photographed and Jorge

worship and the role assumed by

Amado described through his

In addition to celebrating


In the work, which is

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 292 / october 2012

Pierre Verger, Jorge Amado and Carybé: the three friends were honored with one of the most respectable titles of the African belief: “Obás,” Ministers of Xangô, friends and protectors of places of worship

writing the habits and beliefs of

Pierre Verger Foundation and a

Opô Afonjá. This represents the

the Axé people.

member of the Odebrecht S.A.

force that the religion had and still

Board of Directors. “It’s not by

has as a uniting force that further

Carybé, Verger and Jorge, who

mere chance that the three, and

strengthened the affinity and

were contemporaries, were

also Caymmi, were chosen and

friendship shared between them,”

not crucial for Candomblé, but

consecrated as Ministers of Xangô

said Sá.

Candomblé was crucial for them,”

at the hands of the highly revered

said Gilberto Sá, Chairman of the

Iyalorixá Great Mother at Ilê Axé

“I generally say that the friends,

The work masterfully ends the trilogy that began with the book

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 292 / october 2012


> CULTURE Carybé & Verger - Gente da Bahia (“Carybé & Verger - People of Bahia”) in 2008, which describes the joyful and fraternal friendship between

Gilberto Sá, Chairman of the Pierre Verger Foundation and Member of the Odebrecht S.A. Board of Directors, opens the event

these two travelers who portrayed the daily life of the humbler people of Salvador and Recôncavo. In the second work, Carybé, Verger & Caymmi - Mar da Bahia (“Carybé, Verger & Caymmi – Sea of Bahia”), launched in 2009, readers had a chance to see the color version of the black and white photos taken in Verger’s old Rolleyflex, together with the richness of the Carybé’s unique sketches, brimming with movement and poetry that describe the daily

life during the period in which the sails of large ships adorned the blue waters of Todos os Santos Bay. All of this wealth was perfectly brought together in the book by the magnificent beach life songs of Caymmi, which ended up serving as the soundtrack for the The book Carybé, Verger & Jorge - Obás da Bahia (“Carybé, Verger & Jorge - Obás of Bahia”) reveals the Candomblé religion as the source of inspiration for the unique art of each artist


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 292 / october 2012

work. “The works complement one

another,” said Sá. “In the beginning,

the series “Between Friends” and

motivation for their journey. “In

we thought about producing a

was responsible for the creation,

the last book, the Candomblé

single book, but with the amount

editing and design of the trilogy,

religion is revealed as the

of cultural content presented by

the work Carybé, Verger & Jorge

source of inspiration for the

these artists, we had no other

- Obás da Bahia describes the

unique art of each one of these

option besides separating it into

interaction between Carybé

individuals,” said Guerra. “The

other editions. The collection is a

and Verger, who came to visit

illustrations of Carybé gain even

great gift,” he said.

Bahia after reading the work

more life when joined with the

Jubiabá, written by Jorge

photos of Verger and words of

Amado, which served as the

Jorge Amado,” he said.

According to Enéas Guerra, who came up with the idea for

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 292 / october 2012



Water Serves as Theme of A crucial element for the sur vival, growth and perpetuity of species on this planet, Water is the theme of the exhibit being held by the Odebrecht Organization at its head office in Salvador. Open to the public on September 24, the exhibit is designed to reveal interesting facts about the resource, addressing its multiples uses in daily life and is designed primarily for the students that frequently visit the Odebrecht Cultural Center (NCO), which is accessed by more than 12,000 people each year. Organized into three segments – Water in Nature, Managing Water and Water and Culture, the exhibit emphasizes Odebrecht ’s operations in different business areas that have water


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At the Organization’s head office in Salvador, the exhibit entitled Water reveals some interesting facts about the resource and addresses its multiple uses in daily life

f Exhibit in Salvador

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> ENVIRONMENT as the main focus. From the operation of the hydroelectric power plants, to the irrigation projects of Formoso, in Bahia, and Chavimochic, in Peru, from the 1980s and 1990s, to the Water and Sewage Treatment Plants operated by Foz do Brasil, the exhibit por trays the multiple uses of this mineral. Videos on the topic were also presented

From the hydroelectric power plants to the treatment plants, visitors are able to learn more about Odebrecht’s operations in the different areas that have water as the main focus

by the Organization’s companies, helping make the content even more attractive. The exhibit also includes a space where visitors can sit on a rustic wooden bench and listen to songs by Dorival Caymmi about the Bahia sea and also peruse books about the topic. For Elaine Santana, a Production Engineering student at the Estácio de Sá University Center, the exhibit is an oppor tunity to learn more about Odebrecht. “It is hear tening to know that a company of this


size, which works in so

par tners and clients of

many segments, has this

the responsibility that

concern with Water to

each one has in terms of

the extent of promoting

the treatment of water,

an exhibit to

how to preser ve


it with quality

the role it plays

so that future

in its projects

generations can

and how it

have the same

can be better

oppor tunity that

treated by us,”

we do now to

said Santana. According to Fátima Berber t, responsible for

live with the resource in abundance and enjoy its countless benefits.”

NCO, the Organization proposes with this exhibit “to raise the awareness of Members, visitors,

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 292 / october 2012

INTERESTING FACTS Of all the water available on the planet,

only 2.5% is fresh water.

It is estimated that

The remainder (97.5%) is

there are 1.4 billion

salt water. Brazil is home

cubic kilometers of water

to more than 12% of

worldwide, a quantity

the existing fresh water,

that does not change,

which increases the

but which may vary

company ’s responsibility

between the liquid,

in terms of managing this

solid or gaseous states.

resource. Of this total,

Seventy percent of all the

0.01% can be found in

water used on the planet

the atmosphere, 0.04%

is directed at agriculture;

in the rivers, 0.35% in

19% is consumed by

lakes and swamps, 22.4%

industr y and only 11%

underground and 77.2%

is destined for domestic

in the polar ice caps.


The exhibit is designed primarily for the students that visit the Odebrecht Cultural Center daily odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 292 / october 2012



The Meeting between S

In September, the SSC promoted the second edition of the Breakfast with Secretaries and presented its new macro structure

From September 11-13,


presence of 46 Members

as well as explain its

the Odebrecht Shared

of the offices suppor ted

division by business,

Service Center (SSC)

by the area. The event

which was implemented

held the 2 nd Breakfast

was designed to

at the star t of this

for the Secretaries

present the new SSC

year. The first edition

of the Organization’s

macro structure, which

of the event, held in

Engineering and

is currently included

2011, strengthened the

Construction companies,

under the Odebrecht

relationship between

which included the

Infraestrutura structure,

the secretaries and the

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 292 / october 2012

Secretaries and the SSC SSC team with aims of

their concern for us, the

clearing up doubts and

secretaries, to get an

listened to a presentation

improving the ser vices

inside look at how the

by Lúcia Ribolli,


SSC works, and of course,

Integrated Receipt (RI)

see each other face -to-

Leader, about the area

guests met the leaders

face, which facilitates

and its team. The work

of the SSC, toured

and familiarizes our

of collecting all the tax

all sectors and spoke

working relationship

documents, contracts,

with the Members of

much more,” said Camila

reimbursements or

the teams. “I would

Batista da Silva, Secretar y

advances fall under the

like to thank them for

at Odebrecht Engenharia

responsibility of the RI

welcoming us and for



During the visit, the

The par ticipants also

Members took part in a guided visit to the area: besides the office in São Paulo, the SSC provides support through the centers in Rio de Janeiro, Salvador and Itatiba

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September is Secretaries’ Month, and in celebration, participants received a message from the People and Organization team and a souvenir from the SSC

According to Ribolli, the volume of documents received surpasses 23,000 copies per month, and in order to facilitate the work of the secretaries – one of its main publics –, the area redesigned and delivered to each par ticipant a brochure entitled Orientations and Procedures, with answers to the main questions and information on the processes. “ We sur veyed


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the main concerns of this public during the

relationship,” she said.

the Engineering and

For Sônia Barini

Construction business,

day-to-day and, during

Pansera, Secretar y at

Foz do Brasil, Odebrecht

a brainstorming session,

Odebrecht Infraestrutura,

Realizações Imobiliárias

we created would could

the meeting was

and Odebrecht Oil

be called the ‘guide’

impor tant, since it

and Gas. At the star t

with the main contacts

promoted interaction with

of this year, several

and solutions for each

former colleagues and

different SSCs were

type of request sent to

also helped disseminate

created for each

the SSC,” said Ribolli.

knowledge. “In addition

business, promoting

“ This work involved

to being reunited with

the area to return its

the entire team and

former colleagues and

focus to Engineering

we hope that ever yone

enjoying a special

and Construction.

uses it extensively with

breakfast, I was able

“In addition to the

aims of optimizing our

to learn more about

business security,

the modus operandi at

another gain that we

the SSC, which is ver y

could highlight with

impor tant for my work

the division of the SSC

routine at Odebrecht,” said

was being able to direct


focus on suppor ting the Engineering


and Construction


contracts, freeing up

The need to create a

the entrepreneurs to

Shared Ser vice Center was

concentrate on what

detected in 2007, but the

really makes a difference

SSC only officially began

and add value to their

operating in November

operations with the

2008 with all of the

client,” said Dilson

Odebrecht businesses.

Zanatta Filho, SSC

By the end of 2011,


the SSC suppor ted odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 292 / october 2012



Caring for the Environme Businesses Arbor Day was created


thinking about the

institutions to present

as an important date

future of the current

the pilot project

to reflect, discuss and

and future generations.

entitled “Payments for

increasingly place into

To celebrate the date,

Environmental Services�

practice actions focused

the Land Conservation

(PSA) focused on

on the environment

Organization (OCT )

establishing partnerships

and a healthier world,

invited several different

for its development.

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 292 / october 2012

ent, Humans and their The initiative involves

team to maintain,

balance between the

compensating rural

conserve and restore

different flows of life,

farmers from Bahia’s

the natural resources

such as water, soil, fauna,

rural region, primarily

found in degraded

flora, humans and their

the Southern Lowlands,

areas. With the support


for granting their

of other organizations,

properties for the OCT

it seeks to establish a

In an integrated fashion with the Pratigi

With its projects, OCT promotes forest restoration in the region of the Pratigi EPA in the Bahia Southern Lowlands

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 292 / october 2012


> ODEBRECHT FOUNDATION Environmental Protection

Program for Development

Area Guardian Association

and Growth Integrated

(AGIR), OCT coordinated

with Sustainability

a special programming,

(PDCIS) and presented

with presentations and

it as a model that can

a round of questions

be replicated. PDCIS –

during the Methodological

which is supported by the

Improvement Workshop:

Odebrecht Foundation

Payment for Environmental

in partnership with the

Services Pilot Program.

government, private

Held on September 20

initiative and civil society –

at the Serra da Papuã

is a set of actions designed

Welcoming Center, in

to make the Southern

Ibirapitanga (Bahia),

Lowlands a prosperous

the meeting gathered

and dynamic region.

representatives from

Its objectives include

the Bahia State Regional

elaborating proposals for

Action Development

the conservation of natural

Company (CAR), National

resources and generation

Water Agency (ANA),

of jobs and income. Several

The Nature Conservancy,

different local institutions,

Brazilian Biodiversity

such as OCT and AGIR, also

Fund (FUNBIO) and

participate in the program.

from the Environmental Departments of the

the presence of Devanir

municipalities of Igrapiúna,

Garcia, Manager of the

Nilo Peçanha and Piraí do

Sustainable Water and


Soil Use area at ANA. He

To kick off the activities,


The event also included

presented the agency’s

Joaquim Cardoso, Chair of

experiences and affirmed

the OCT Board of Trustees,

its interest in establishing

explained the importance

agreements with OCT.

of the Bahia Southern

“We are very happy to be

Lowlands Environmental

a part of this meeting,”

Protection Area Mosaic

said Garcia. “We know how

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 292 / october 2012

Producer Valdete do Nascimento is doing her part for the environment by restoring two river sources

hard it is to implement

of the beneficiaries

projects and here we

of the PSA project.

found a highly advanced

Because she granted

model. ANA is here

her property, which

support, help and share

extends 16.7 hectares, she

the burden and bonus

was compensated and

of this,” he said. Based

is contributing toward

on this same reasoning,

environmental conservation

Volney Fernandes,

by initiating reforestation


activities. “I’m monitoring

of OCT and leader of the

two water sources that I

Environmental Services

have here, since they can dry

Alliance, emphasized

up, and to prevent this from

that “in order to ensure

happening, I’ve decided to

the effectiveness of

help them,” said Nascimento.

the actions, it becomes

Jeovan Nascimento also

necessary to promote

participates in PSA. He is

participative governance,

restoring a water source on

involving partners from

his terrain, located in the

the federal, state and

community of Juliana, in

municipal spheres.

the municipality of Piraí do Norte, and has positive

FIRST RESULTS Valdete do Nascimento,

expectations about the result. “My children and

a resident of the Mata

grandchildren need to

do Sossego settlement

know what a forest is,” he

in Igrapiúna, is one


CALCULATE YOUR CARBON FOOTPRINT! OCT is promoting the CO2 Neutral Pratigi campaign to minimize how much our habits impact nature. Visit www.oct.org.br, calculate your carbon footprint and contribute toward environmental conservation.

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 292 / october 2012



Leaders’ Commitment to Career Development Odebrecht in Panama promoted several

Boleira, Contract Director (DC) for the Historical

different meetings with aims of strengthening

Heritage Recovery Project, spoke about the DCs’

leaders’ commitment to their team members

expectations with relation to these managers.

based on Education Through Work. The meetings included the presence of Carlos

There was also the Meeting between Managing Director (DS), André Rabello,

Hupsel, Odebrecht Advisory Board Member;

and his support area, with the Contract

Antônio Rezende, responsible for People and

Directors and their direct partners. After the

Organization at the Engineering and Construction

event, a summary was presented during

Operations; and Vera Gaspar, from the People and

the DS Coordination Meeting. The meetings

Organization area of Odebrecht América Latina.

were designed to reinforce the role of the

At the Financial Administrative Managers’

leader as a Leader-Educator and Former of

Meeting, which addressed the importance of

Human Beings, as well as the activities of

the GAFs’ role in terms of providing support

the DCs related to the monitoring of people

during the Member development process, Helio

development actions.

Odebrecht Leaders in Panama gathered to establish specific people management strategies


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 292 / october 2012

Training New Operators

By offering opportunities for professional development, the ETH training courses also help improve people’s quality of life

The ETH Bioenergia Taquari Center, which consists of the Alto Taquari and Costa Rica Units, celebrated on September 3 the graduation of 21

available to the residents trained under the program. The graduation ceremony was held at the

students, residents of the city of Alto Taquari, in

Elzinha Lizardo Nunes Municipal School and

Mato Grosso, from the Machinery and Accessory

included the presence of graduates and company

Operator course. The training is promoted by the

leaders, including agricultural coordinators

Vocational Center for the Community, an initiative

and managers. “We believe that investing in

of the company designed to train people and

qualification projects contributes toward people’s

stimulate the development of the region.

advancement and creates social-economic

Undertaken to promote the inclusion of the

development opportunities for the region, since

residents in terms of knowledge of production

the community comes to have access to tools to

technologies, the course has 72 hours of

grow professionally, both at our units as well as

theoretical classes, in addition to a visit to the

at other companies,” said Luiz Paulo Sant´Anna,

Alto Taquari Unit for practical demonstrations

Supervisor at the Taquari Center.

in the agricultural and industrial areas. In order

Still the year, the company will hold other

to absorb part of these professionals, the ETH

courses focused on the professionalization of

People and Organization area determined that

residents in the agricultural and industrial areas,

they will have priority for the job positions made

such as Diesel Engine Maintenance Mechanic. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 292 / october 2012



Mobilization to Discuss Safety On August 20-24, the XXI Ethylene Project

Weyll; and the CEOs of the Braskem-Idesa,

(Site Preparation), developed by Odebrecht

Roberto Bischoff, and the Idesa, Jose Luis

in Mexico, held its 1st Internal Work Accident


Prevention Week (SIPAT). The event included the participation

During a five-day period, several different speakers, including Members and local

of some 1,600 Members, including the

authorities, presented topics related to Safety,

entire management team of the project

Health and the Environment. Professionals

and the client, Braskem-Idesa. Also present

from the Odebrecht-Ica-Fluor Consortium and

were the Veracruz State Governor, Javier

from Braskem-Idesa also took part in the talks.

Duarte de Ochoa; Municipal Mayors Alfredo

During the closing ceremony, Governor

Yuen, from Nanchital, and Marcos Theurel,

Javier Duarte de Ochoa highlighted the

from Coatzacoalcos; Managing Director of

event’s importance and reinforced the state’s

Odebrecht América Latina in Mexico, Luis

commitment to investing in safety.

The first edition of the XXI Ethylene Project SIPAT pointed out concepts related to Health, Safety and Environment for safe practices


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 292 / october 2012

Integrating Interns

Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial held its first program focused on the integration of interns

On September 12 in São Paulo, 10

2011, stated that the meeting provided

Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial

her with an encompassing view of

interns participated in the first edition of

the Organization. “It was possible to

the Integrate Program.

learn more about the culture, history,

The initiative is one of the stages

how the companies emerged, what an

of the company ’s internship training

Action Program is, and primarily, what

process and is designed to raise

Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial expects

the youths’ awareness about the

from us, the interns,” said Vallejos.

Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology

According to her, the Integrate Program

( TEO), the Organization’s history and

cleared up questions about a career at

the environment in which they are

the Organization through an informal

inserted. Participants also listened to

conversation with Members from the

presentations about Internship Program

People and Organization area: “It was a


great chance to learn more about the

Paula Vallejos, intern since December

company and the other interns,” she said.

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 292 / october 2012



Training Local Labor On September 17, the construction project for

Industrial Learning Service (SENAI), already has

the Enseada do Paraguaçu Shipyard, located

a first group formed by 20 youth. The priority is

in Maragojipe, Bahia, held the inaugural class

to contract labor from the region of Maragogipe,

for the first group of the Professional Training

Salinas da Margarida, São Roque, Nazaré, Vera

Program focused on labor for civil construction.

Cruz, Itaparica and other municipalities located

The initiative is designed to qualify the youth from

near the development. “We’ll prepare the

the communities located near the development

citizens to meet the demands generated by the

to meet the different demands present under the

construction project, promote the productive

projects’ timeline.

social inclusion of the community, reinforce

For Alberico Coelho, a student of the Bricklayer

bonds and our commitment to regional

Course, the possibility for qualification is an

development, reducing the migration of

opportunity for economic and professional

workers to other regions of the country,” said

growth. “This is a time when I and other people can

José Henriques, responsible for People and

return to the job market,” said Coelho. “I feel really

Organization at the project.

motivated!” The course, which is undertaken in partnership

The ceremony to launch the program included the presence of representatives from SENAI-Bahia,

with the National Oil and Natural Gas Industry

the Bahia State Federation of Industries (FIEB),

Mobilization Program (PROMINP) and the National

Petrobras and the Paraguaçu Shipyard Consortium.

The training of the future professionals will be divided into two stages: theoretical classes held at the Petrobras Education Center in São Roque do Paraguaçu, and practical classes at the consortium construction site


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 292 / october 2012

Knowledge Workshop: Accelerating the Development of Talents With aims of training

and its transitions in Brazil. Also

during this first meeting by

increasingly qualified

present were Luis Tanajura,

discussing the life and career

Members, the People and

Administrative and Financial

of the Organization’s Members

Organization teams of the

Manager of the Capivari II

and especially the participants,”

Shared Service Center (SSC)

Contract, who talked about his

said Sabiá.

and Information Technology

career at the Organization, as

(IT) area promoted in

well as those responsible for

Jordão, responsible for People

September the 1st Knowledge

the IT area, André Schneider,

and Organization at the SSC,

Workshop Program Meeting -

and for the SSC, Dilson Zanatta.

the program will help the

Behavioral Module. Divided into four meetings,

According to Lenilton

For Marcos Sabiá,

professional manage his or

responsible for IT People

her career, in addition to

the program addresses topics

and Organization, the trust

promoting a reflection about

associated with individual

in men and women and

personal expectations. “It’s

development, such as Life

their desire for development

important for Members to

and Career Plan, Project

is the base for any action

obtain knowledge as a crucial

Management and Presentation

designed to promote people’s

factor for their development,

Techniques. At the end of the

development. “It is this trust

and in this way, move forward

event, participants presented

that orients the entire program

with the Organization,” said

an improvement project

and it is this that we reinforced


designed to boost productivity and operational efficiency. The first event included the participation of 40 Members, including 20 from the IT team and 20 from the SSC. The participants learned about the Organization’s businesses and learned to structure an assessment about the life and career plan. The consultant and professor Elza Veloso addressed the topic of Career

The SSC and IT areas at Odebrecht promote a program focused on the development of talents within their teams odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 292 / october 2012



To Guarantee Quality On September 25-27, Odebrecht held the 2012 Quality Seminar in São Paulo

Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias. The seminar was designed to

with the par ticipation of 153 Members

integrate the professionals and promote

from 14 countries, those responsible

an exchange of information and best

for the programs in the area at the

practices, disseminating demands and

different businesses and contracts of

innovations for Quality Management

the Organization’s companies.

and Control at the Organization.

Par ticipating in the event were

According to Antonio Carlos Pereira,

representatives from Odebrecht

responsible for Quality Suppor t, the

América Latina; Odebrecht Engenharia

objectives established were fully met.

Industrial; Odebrecht Infraestrutura;

“ We pointed out the proof we saw of

Odebrecht África, Emirados Árabes

all par ticipants’ satisfaction during the

e Por tugal; Odebrecht Venezuela;

final works,” said Pereira. “ This was the

Odebrecht Energia; Odebrecht Oil and

best seminar we have had yet,” he said.

Gas; Odebrecht Defesa e Tecnologia and

Participants presented 31 works that demonstrated a rich variety of knowledge on the topic, as well as the mastery of the Members who work in the area


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 292 / october 2012


Pernambuco Arena Powered by Solar Energy Odebrecht Energia is installing a solar

country. When it is not supplying the arena,

power plant at the Pernambuco Arena, one of

the energy generated will be directed at

the hosts of the 2014 World Cup in Brazil.

the distribution network and will be able to

With an investment of approximately R$ 13 million, the system will generate 1 MW of power and is part of a solar power source research and development program in the

supply an average consumption of up to 6,000 people. To learn more about how the solar plant works, click here (in Portuguese).

Debating Innovation and Sustainability Braskem was one of the participants

of “green” plastic, the competitiveness of

of the Green Minds Seminar, held on

the petrochemical industry and the benefits

September 4 in Brasília by the magazine Voto

of innovation for sustainable development.

– a publication focused on topics such as

The topics proposed for the seminar

development and sustainability. The meeting

involved an extensive network associated

discussed the need for incorporating the

with innovation in sustainability and were

theme “Innovation and Sustainability” into

designed to present successful examples of

the federal government’s priority agendas.

the elaboration of policies focused on social-

The goal is to raise the awareness of the

economic sustainability and environmental

authorities and public and private schools


as to the importance of contributing toward

Jorge Soto, Sustainable Development

sustainable innovation in the industrial

Director at Braskem, was one of the debaters


on the panel entitled “Commitments

The event gathered authorities from

Assumed During Rio+20 as a Challenge

the sector, government representatives,

for the Corporate World,” and Marcelo

communicators and researchers, who

Nunes, the company’s Renewable Chemical

listened to lectures on topics such as

Business Director, participated in the

governance and innovation in environmental

debates on “The Challenge of Innovation for

management, the economic impact of

the BRIC Countries [Brazil, Russia, India and

sustainability, advantages of the innovation


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 292 / october 2012



Santo Antônio HPP and Control of Pollutant Gas Emissions Currently being constructed by Odebrecht Infraestrutura

complete the inventory just to

Open Letter to Brazil about

meet a goal,” he said.

Climate Change – a document

in Rondônia, the Santo Antônio

In addition to inventorying

that presents the volunteer

Hydroelectric Power Plant

the emissions and auditing

commitments assumed by 22

(HPP) – an Odebrecht Energia

the process, the Santo Antônio

corporations to reduce the

investment – is committed

HPP also conducts actions that

impacts generated by climate

to elaborating its Inventory

minimize the emissions. At the

change in the country and

of Greenhouse Gas (GHG)

construction site, for example,


Emissions, which are generated

there is control of the fuel used

Odebrecht already has 156

by its construction processes.

by the equipment in operation

Engineering and Construction

and plant suppression was

contracts inventoried. The

reduced by 26%.

practice reveals the profile of

The plant is the first hydroelectric construction project in Brazil to contract

The Inventory of GHG

the projects’ emissions, allowing

an internal audit to verify

Emissions gathers the

for the creation of mitigating

the authenticity of the data

information supplied by all of

strategies while guaranteeing

supplied for the inventory,

the contract sectors and began

credibility and offering proof

conducted from August 28-31,

with Odebrecht’s participation

of the company’s sustainable

which certified the consistency

in the elaboration of the


of the report. Nelson Alves, Environmental Manager at the Santo Antônio HPP, stated that the elaboration of the report and its audit demonstrate the company’s transparency and commitment with relation to the environment. “The results surpassed our expectations,” said Alves. “It represented important learning. We could see that our team did not


The team that completed the inventory and audited the documents and processes: consistent report

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 292 / october 2012

CONEST Combines Fashion and Sustainability On September 19, Recycling

During the fashion show,

touching,” he said.

Program – undertaken by the

which had the theme of “From

CONEST Consortium (formed

Africa to Brazil, from Kuduro to

the desire to promote the

by Odebrecht Engenharia

Frevo,” the youth made their

intelligent use of resources by

Industrial and OAS) –

appearance on the catwalk

reusing Members’ old uniforms,

promoted the first edition of

with models created and

which would be disposed of in

the Recycling Fashion show,

produced by the designer

sanitary landfills. The project

a cultural event that has

and by seamstresses from

was strengthened through the

sustainability as its main theme.

the COOPCOST cooperative,

partnership with COOPCOST,

located in Cabo de Santo

which transformed the clothing

the Consortium’s Residential

Agostinho. For Waldir Martins,

into different items, such as

Village, located in the

Program Coordinator, the

bags, covers and new uniforms.

municipality of Cabo de Santo

event represented a major

According to Antenor de

Agostinho, in Pernambuco,

achievement for the team.

Castro, Contract Director,

where more than 2,800

“This work is the result of

the event emphasized the

Members live, and combined

a great deal of effort,” said

importance of sustainability

the theme of the environment

Martins. “We have planned

as a factor for transformation:

with the cultural presentation

for this day since May and

“It is very gratifying to see

of the Acauã Dance Company,

we saw that we surpassed

that materials that would be

formed by youth from Olinda.

expectations. It’s very

thrown out converted into

The initiative took place at

The idea emerged from

new products,” said Castro. “Knowing that it’s possible to affect lives through sustainability is even more significant and this event reinforces that we are on the right track.” The fashion show was covered in the local media with a news story aired by the Northeast affiliate of the Globo Wearing the clothing made from Members’ uniforms, the youth interpreted the relationship between African dance and the emergence of Frevo, a typical Pernambuco dance

Television Network. Click here to view it. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 292 / october 2012


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