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Nยบ 275 / / FEVEREIRO // JUNHO 2011 No. Nยบ 293260 OCTOBER 2012 Nยบ 260 JUNHO 2012 2011

Maritime Infrastructure Community of Knowledge: Challenges on the Waters



No. Nº Nº 293260 260 /

Updating knowledge on the Odeprev Plan, building relationships and presenting the company’s repositioning. These were the main objectives of the 3rd Odeprev Representatives’ Meeting, held at the Organization’s head office in Salvador.

2012 // OCTOBER JUNHO JUNHO 2011 2011




From October 3-6, 70 Members who make up the Maritime Infrastructure Community of Knowledge met in the city of Mangaratiba in Rio de Janeiro for the community’s fourth meeting since its creation in 2005.





The São Paulo State Research Support Foundation (FAPESP) and ETH Bioenergia announced the list of proposals approved as part of the 1st Call for Tender under the Cooperation Agreement for Scientific and Technological Research Development.



The experience taken from the Bahia Southern Lowlands Environmental Protection Area Mosaic Program for Development and Growth Integrated with Sustainability (PDCIS), supported by Odebrecht Foundation, is serving as a model for the Economic and Social Development Support Program (PADES) in the Province of South Lunda in Angola.


ODEBRECHT NEWS is an internal newsletter published by the Odebrecht S.A. Business Communication Team Responsible Journalist: Fabiana Cabral Editorial Office: Avenida das Nações Unidas, 8.501, 32º andar, São Paulo Phone Number: (55 11) 3096-8171 Suggestions: fabianacabral@odebrecht.com Website: www.odebrechtnoticias.com.br



Odeprev Team and Repr Updating knowledge on the Odeprev Plan, building relationships and presenting the company ’s repositioning. These were the main objectives of the 3 rd Odeprev Representatives’ Meeting, held on September 11 and 12 at the Organization’s head office in Salvador. The event was marked by the positive dynamics obser ved between representatives and multipliers, the Organization’s companies and the Odeprev team. The meeting was opened by Ivette Guimarães, Responsible for Operations, who thanked ever yone


for par ticipating and

Odeprev, spoke about

current main challenges,

encouraged those present

the company ’s new

such as increasing

to take advantage of

positioning, presented

governance and the

the moment to address

the timeline, growth and

internationalization of the

daily issues and clarify

talked about the team’s

company ’s plan.

questions. After that,

training, the constant

Sérgio Brinckmann,

concern with applying

Responsible for

Responsible for

best practices and the

Investments, revealed

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 293 / october 2012

Daniel Lima,

resentatives Gathered Participants from the 3rd Odeprev Representatives’Meeting: the event integrated the Odeprev team and professionals from the Organization’s companies at the Odebrecht Knowledge Center in Salvador

details of the plan,

the diagnosis reached

emphasizing the

por tfolio of investments

in 2011 that led to the

impor tance of adjusting

and economic scenario,

change in the company ’s

the actions to the

and discussed the area’s

brand, repositioning

Organization’s businesses

challenges. Patrícia

and communication

based on the specific

Rodrigues, Responsible for

of the same. She also

demands for the financial

Communication, explored

talked about the “before

and social security

the topic, focusing on

and after ” of Odeprev,

education campaigns. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 293 / october 2012



Odeprev Members answered questions about the plan and stimulated participants through group dynamics

The event also included the


encouraging everyone to


take part. Carlos Júnior,

presentation of the


Still on the first

Ivette Guimarães, Kátia

Tribute to the Future

day of the meeting,

Motta, Micheline Vivas,

program, given by Clóvis

representatives took part

Rodrigo Gonçalves and

Faleiro, Responsible for

in a quiz to clarify the main

Viviane Alcântara, from

Institutional Relations at

questions related to the

the Odeprev team,

Odebrecht Foundation.

Odeprev Plan and discover

analyzed and discussed the

On the occasion, he cited

the main difficulties faced

participants’ answers.

the interaction between

by those present. With

Odeprev and Tribute

a dynamic and informal

addressed the judicial-legal

to the Future in terms

approach, Luiz Antônio,

perspective of the social

of contributing toward

Operations Coordinator,

security system, and more

Members’ life and career

and Patrícia Rodrigues

specifically, the Odeprev


led the presentation,

Plan. The attorney raised

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 293 / october 2012

Marcos Cavezzale

The leaders of Odeprev, Ivette Guimarães, Sérgio Brinckmann and Daniel Lima (starting from the left) presented the company’s new positioning, the current scenario and future challenges for the area

the critical points of the

productive and very

own destiny,” said Picolo.

regulations and statute and

beneficial,” said Izaura

Fábio Rodrigues, from

explored the legal obligations

Picolo, representative from

Odebrecht Engenharia

and role of each person to

Odebrecht Realizações

Industrial, added: “It was

prevent any questioning by

Imobiliárias (OR). “I was able

very important in terms of

the inspection agency or

to answer all the questions

updating knowledge and


I had and also disseminate

motivated me even further

the knowledge I acquired

in terms of influencing

event was marked by the

about Odeprev at the

Members who still do

interaction and integration

Organization. These events

not have the plan,” said

of all participants. The

reinforce the importance

Rodrigues. “The topics

operational points were

of our concern with the

were appropriate and

communicated in detail by

future and are aligned

questions were answered.

the Odeprev team.

with our values, or in other

Congratulations to the

words, we are agents of our

entire Odeprev team.”

The second day of the

“The meeting was

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New Contract in Panama

Illustration of Tocumen International Airport, located in the capital of Panama, which is the country’s main airport and received approximately 6 million passengers in 2011

With the best technical and economic

contract will last 48 months and includes

offer, Odebrecht América Latina won the

the construction of a modern passenger

contract for the design and construction of

terminal, control tower, access boulevard

the Tocumen International Airport South

and parking lot, among other features.

Terminal, located in Panama City. The construction project, which will


Having operating in Panama for the past six years, Odebrecht has already completed

involve investments of US$ 679 million, is

projects that range from an irrigation

the country’s largest airport investment

system to the first subway line, contributing

over recent years and will strengthen

toward the country’s sustainable

passenger and cargo transport. The


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Second Bridge over Maracaibo Lake In September, Odebrecht Venezuela began

Odebrecht Venezuela is building the third

the construction work for the Second Bridge

bridge in Venezuelan lands. The company was

over Maracaibo Lake, located in Zulia State,

responsible for the construction work for the

known as the Nigale Bridge. The new bridge,

Second Bridge over the Orinoco River (Orinoquia

which will have four vehicle channels and two

Bridge) and is currently completing the Third

railroads, will be the largest road and railway

Bridge over the Orinoco.

bridge in terms of extension in Latin America, with its 12.4 km. On September 17, the first pilaster of the bridge’s Western viaduct was placed in the municipality of Mara. The event included the presence of Members of the company, representatives from the Ministry of Land Transport and from the company PDVSA Ingeniería y Construcción. The second bridge will contribute toward the region’s economic, social and cultural development, facilitating the future commerce between the Central region of Venezuela and other South American countries, improving the fluidity of the commercial exchange and people’s mobility. Currently, Zulia has only one option to cross Maracaibo Lake, the Rafael Urdaneta Bridge, constructed 50 years ago. The Nigale Bridge pays tribute to Chief Nigale, the indigenous warrior of the Los Zapara tribe, which came from Zapara Island, located on the lake. Having operated in the country for 20 years,

The placement of the first pilaster of the Western viaduct represented the start of construction of the new bridge over Maracaibo Lake, which extends 12.4 km

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Transport System Inaugurated in Venezuela Built by Odebrecht

authorized by the President

km and has 44 cabins with the

Venezuela for the Caracas

of the Bolivarian Republic

capacity to transport up to

Subway, the Mariche

of Venezuela, Hugo ChĂĄvez,

eight people each. The system

MetroCable began operating

through a declaration

will be able to transport 90,000

for tests with the inauguration

transmitted on the national

users per day. This is the second

of the Express Stretch. The

radio and television network.

cable car that Odebrecht

event included the presence

After the test period, which last

Venezuela built for the Caracas

of members of the Venezuelan

three months, the system will

Subway. In 2010, the company

Ministerial Cabinet and the

begin its commercial operation,

delivered the San AgustĂ­n

Caracas Subway Board of

which connects Mariche

MetroCable, a project that

Directors, representatives

Station to Palo Verde Station,

received the 2011 Venezuelan

from the Austrian company

with a commute time of 17

Construction Chamber Award

Doppelmayr and Members of


for its relevance and impact on

Odebrecht. The start of the tests was

The Mariche MetroCable is

the country.

a cable car that extends 4.79

The Mariche Metrocable will facilitate the integration of residents from the low-income zones of Mariche with the urban center of Caracas, allowing for the connection with Caracas Subway system


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Santo Antônio HPP Activates Another Turbine

Installed at Power House 1, located along the right bank of the Madeira River, the bulb turbine, together with all the others at the development, is considered the world’s largest

On September 22, the Santo Antônio

by Odebrecht Infraestrutura, began the

Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP), an Odebrecht

commercial generation of energy in March

Energia investment in Rondônia, began the

2012 – nine months before the date established

commercial operation of its fifth generation unit.

in the original bid – activating two turbines

The five turbines currently in the commercial


generation phase have the capacity to supply 1.7 million homes in the country. Currently, 80% of the civil construction

At the start of 2016, when it will be completed, the Santo Antônio HPP will have the capacity to supply more than 40 million people all over

work and 40% of the plant’s electromechanical

Brazil. The total investment in the plant is R$ 16

assembly have been completed. The

billion, R$ 1.6 billion of which is being directed at

development, currently under construction

social-environmental actions.

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A New Phase of the Ethylene XXI Project in Mexico Braskem Idesa S.A.P.I., formed by Braskem and by the Mexican

FEED) of the ethane, PEAD and

company Idesa, signed a contract

utilities contracts granted to

in the approximate value of

Technip during the first quarter

US$ 2.7 billion, with the joint

of 2011, as well as the basic

venture made up by Odebrecht

engineering contracts of the off-

(40%), Technip (40%) and ICA

site installations by Odebrecht

Fluor (20%) for the Engineering,

and ICA Fluor, which also

Procurement and Construction

occurred last year.

(EPC) phases of the Ethylene XXI petrochemical complex. The project is being built in

The petrochemical complex includes the following installations: the ethane cracker,

the region of Coatzacoalcos/

which will produce 1 million

Nanchital in the State of

tons per year; two high density

Veracruz, Mexico. The team from

polyethylene plants; one low

the joint venture involved will

density polyethylene plant;

implement the contract from

storage installations, waste

several different operational

treatment and utilities, which

centers located in Nanchital

will include a 150-MW energy

and Mexico City (Mexico),

and steam combined cycle

Rome (Italy), Lyon (France)

cogeneration plant; a multi-mode

and Rotterdam (Holland).

logistics platform to transport

The construction work will be

1 million tons of polyethylene

completed and the plant ready

per year through cargo or

to start operations in June 2015.

bagged trains and trucks and

The concession was the result


(front-end engineering design -

administrative, maintenance and

of the successful execution

support buildings and a control

of basic engineering projects


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A Roof for Maracanã

The Maracanã Stadium, which will serve as stage to the closing ceremony of the 2014 World Cup, has 70% of its construction work completed

The process has begun

this year, will cover 76,000 of

The drainage of the East and

to install the scaffoldings

the stadium’s 79,000 seats.

South sectors are currently

that will sustain the

The canvas will have the

being finalized and there has

support cables of the new

flexibility for the installation

been major progress in the

Maracanã Stadium roof.

of equipment, such as four

West and North sectors. Over

The steel cables, which

100-m2 big screens, and

the next days, workers will

are 20,000 meters long,

will be extended with the

begin the drainage of the

will be supported on the

help of a group of mountain

middle of the field.

grandstands to then be

climbers and support of

erected at the same time by


120 hydraulic jacks. The roof, which is made

Undertaken by the Rio Maracanã 2014 Consortium

On the field, the marking

(formed by Odebrecht

out of the grass area has

Infraestrutura and Andrade

from fiberglass and teflon,

already begun to take shape.

Gutierrez), the remodeling of

is 68.4 meters long and will

The ground leveling and field

Maracanã will be completed

be hoisted in November of

leveling have also begun.

in February of 2013. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 293 / october 2012



Work Begins at First Teles Pires Generator Unit The Teles Pires Hydroelectric Power

that is responsible for channeling water

Plant (HPP), an Odebrecht Energia

under pressure to the turbines. In all, 151

investment being constructed by

ferrules will be assembled and distributed

Odebrecht Infraestrutura between the

throughout five Pressure Tunnels that will

states of Mato Grosso and Parรก, began the

have an average extension of 69 meters

pre-assembly of the ferrules (metal rings

between the water intake site and power

that protect the ends) of the Pressure


Tunnel for its first Generator Unit (UG1). After the assembly, the rings are

The assembly work is scheduled to begin in January 2013. The Teles Pires HPP will

welded to one another and partially

have a capacity of 1,820 MW, distributed

paved, forming the Pressure Tunnel

into five generator units of 364 MW each.

Considered the largest in the country, the ferrules have a 12-meter wide diameter


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Braskem Leaders in Bahia Southern Lowlands

Carlos Fadigas and the Vice Presidents of Braskem during the meeting with graduates from the Presidente Tancredo Neves Rural Family Home in the Bahia Southern Lowlands

On September 21 and 22, a group from

processing units for heart of palm, fish, manioc,

Braskem, formed by Entrepreneurial Leader

fruits and corn starch. The group spoke with

Carlos Fadigas and by Vice Presidents from the

youth from the Casa Jovem State High School

company, visited institutions associated with

and Presidente Tancredo Neves Rural Family

the Bahia Southern Lowlands Environmental

Home, which paid tribute to Braskem’s 10-

Protection Area Mosaic Program for

year anniversary, singing the theme song for

Development and Growth Integrated with

the campaign about the special date, called

Sustainability (PDCIS). The initiative is supported

“Wave” by Antônio Carlos Jobim. The second

by Odebrecht Foundation in partnership with

day of the visit was marked by a dialogue

the government, private initiative and civil

focused on an exchange of experiences with


Norberto Odebrecht, Chairman of the Fundação

The programming included tours of the

Odebrecht Board of Trustees.

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Partnership with Universities in Venezuela On September 27, Odebrecht Venezuela

from Precomprimido, the company

participated in the forum entitled “One

responsible for installing the Rafael

Problem, Two Solutions: Rafael Urdaneta

Urdaneta Bridge, inaugurated at the same

Bridge and Nigale Bridge” during the event

site in 1962. Also present were engineers

that celebrated the 66-Year Anniversary

Antonio Luiz Souza, Engineering Manager,

of the University of Zulia School of

and Roberto Novis, Commercial Manager of


the new bridge.

The Venezuelan engineer Maiker Rojas,

During the event, Odebrecht Venezuela

from Odebrecht, talked about the Second

received a distinction plaque for the

Bridge over Maracaibo Lake, called Nigale

engineering project in the State of

Bridge – currently being built by the

Zulia with the start of the Nigale Bridge

company –, together with a representative


The event involved the participation of more than 500 people, including students, authorities and faculty from the University of Zulia


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Rota das Bandeiras: More Safety for Drivers During the first months of this year, Rota

trucks, motorcycles and pedestrians. The

das Bandeiras – an Odebrecht TransPort

concessionaire also promotes programs in

company – recorded the lowest rate of

partnership with the municipalities in order

accidents on the highways that form the Dom

to include traffic education in the curriculum

Pedro Corridor since 2010, a year in which the

of public schools, as well as an annual series

data began to be compiled and disclosed by

of lectures by specialists for drivers and truck

the concessionaire. There were 237 incidents

drivers of large companies.

per month, down from the 238.8 recorded Period

No. of Accidents

Monthly Average for Period

1st half of 2010



2nd half of 2010



incidents since 2010, with 1,430 accidents.

1st half of 2011



The data also shows a gradual reduction in

2nd half of 2011



the number of cases, which begins with 1,586

1st half of 2012



during the second half of 2011 – the lowest figure until then. In absolute numbers, the period between January to June 2012 represents the sixmonth period with the lowest rate of

accidents during the first half of 2010 (see table below). The number of deaths occurring during these first months is also lower than previous years. There were 34 fatal victims, compared to 69 deaths in 2011 and 87 in 2010. The reduction in the number of accidents along the Dom Pedro Corridor results from a series of actions focused on traffic safety promoted by the Rota das Bandeiras Social Responsibility sector. The “Smart Stop” Program, for example, raises the awareness of drivers of passenger vehicles,

The reduction in the number of accidents was established by the United Nations, which launched last year the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020

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Maritime Infrastructure Commun From October 3-6, 70

focused on improving

Odebrecht TransPort, DP World

Members belonging to the

performance at the projects.

and Coimex development

Maritime Infrastructure

This was the community’s

for the construction and

Community of Knowledge

fourth meeting since it was

operation of a private

gathered in the city of

created in 2005, and included

mixed use port terminal

Mangaratiba, Rio de Janeiro, to

participants who came from

located along the left bank

share their daily experiences at

Cuba, United States, Mexico,

of Santos Port. The project

their respective construction

Mozambique, Peru and Brazil.

was presented by Henrique

The event began in São

Marchesi, Contract Director.

recurring risks and work

Paulo, during a technical visit

On the second day of

together to develop solutions

to the Embraport Terminal, an

projects, debate the segment’s


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 293 / october 2012

programming, held in

Accompanied by community leader Alexander Christiani, 70 Members from a range of different companies and countries visited the PROSUB - EBN construction site in Itaguaí, Rio de Janeiro

nity: Challenges on the Waters Mangaratiba, Alexander

methodology,” said Christiani.

importance of the Communities

Christiani, Technical Director

“We have to prepare a program

of Knowledge: “The gathering

for Odebrecht África, Emirados

that covers the risk from the

of people from different places,

Árabes e Portugal and

initial winning of the project to

with experience and knowledge

community leader, kicked

its execution and operation,” he

on a range of different topics,

off the activities by thanking


facilitates the identification of

those present, highlighting

After that, Fábio Gandolfo,

information,” said Gandolfo.

the growth of the community

Managing Director of PROSUB -

“During these meetings, the

and defining the meeting’s

EBN (Submarine Development

sharing of information occurs in

main objective. “We need to

Program - Shipyard and

positive and effective way.”

develop a risk management

Naval Base), spoke about the

Then, outside companies odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 293 / october 2012


> KNOWLEDGE that were invited to the event presented their works to the participants. The first was the Swiss company Zurich Insurance, presented by Risk Consultant John Babel, who spoke about “Risks in Maritime Constructions,” revealing some of the risky measures and their critical factors. Babel also praised Odebrecht’s initiative to gather specialists from the segment focused on the sharing of experiences. “It would be great if all the Zurich clients had this attitude,” he said. “I’m impressed.” Right after that, there were presentations by the companies Vecttor Projetos, specialist in geotechnical engineering and environmental engineering; Royal Boskalis, supplier of maritime dredging and earth leveling services; Fugro, a company with 20 years of experience in the oil and gas

The Maritime Infrastructure Community of Knowledge, created in 2005, held its fourth meeting

industry; as well as URS - Scott Wilson, one of the world’s largest providers of engineering

presentations, Kátia Luz,

new committee within the

service and CFM - Caminhos de

responsible for Risks and

community focused on the

Ferro de Moçambique. Following

Insurance at the Odebrecht

area. “This committee will help

the meeting methodology, after

Administradora e Corretora

us create a standardized risk

the presentations, 13 groups

de Seguros - OCS Engineering

management system,” said

discussed what they had

and Construction business,

Alexander Christiani. Today,

learned during the day.

spoke about structured risk

we are very effective with the

management, and created a

proposal part, but we don’t

To close the first day of


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Alf Neuman from Miami Port in the United States; Jacques Raigorodsky and Paulo Loyola, from the Enseada Paraguaçu Shipyard; Raymundo Santos, from IV Pier; and Roberto Santos, from the Berazategui Outfall in Argentina, who still posed some challenges of his project to receive counseling from the Members. At the end, the participants had the chance to view some of Braskem’s products designed for marine works sector, which were presented by Mônica Evangelista, responsible for the PP Market Development - Construction and Buildings. “The opportunity to participate in the communities and present Braskem’s products is very important, since the challenges we face when promoting innovations in plastic applied to construction and buildings involve presenting these products to the right people at the right time,” said Evangelista. develop in the same way the

by Cláudio Carvalho, from the

“The community gathers

follow-up during the design

Embraport Port Terminal; Mauro

experts on the topic and

and operation,” he said.

Hueb, from Mariel Port in Cuba;

decision makers when it comes

João Asplenio Moreira, from the

to the technology to be used

Minerales Docks in Peru; Jorge

for the construction projects. I

Ocké, from Bamin Port in Ilhéus,

believe this is the best public for

was dedicated to internal cases,

Bahia; Evando Barros, from

promoting our products,” she

it was time for presentations

PROSUB - EBN in Rio de Janeiro;


EXAMPLES ‘AT HOME’ During the third day, which

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During the four days of the meeting, members from the community participated in lectures and group dynamics and visited the construction site for the Embraport Terminal and PROSUB - EBN

After the event, Members

the PROSUB-EBN construction

the Naval Base and Assembly

took part in a concluding

work in Itaguaí, together

Shipyard sites.

group dynamic and

with Evando Barros, Technical

PROSUB-EBN is a strategic

elaborated a document

Manager, and Sérgio Pinheiro,

project for the Brazilian Navy,

with recommendations on

Contract Director. Visitors

focused on building Brazilian

recurring risks, performance

also toured the Metallic

submarines. During the first

improvements and practices

Structure Manufacturing Unit

phase of the construction

for achieving zero risk for fatal

(UFEM), where the submarine

work, a structure will be

accidents. The document

cradles and sections will be

created for the construction,

will be disclosed on the

assembled, the North Area,

assembly, launch, operation

community’s page, which can

currently site to the production

and maintenance of the

be accessed on the Odebrecht

of the metal piles and pre-cast

submarines. To complete this

Corporate Portal.

concrete blocks, and the South

project, the Brazilian Navy

Area, where the docks and

signed an agreement with

pier are being constructed for

one of the global leaders in

On the last day of the meeting, professionals visited


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 293 / october 2012

the naval construction area,

of this segment of maritime

methodologies, practices and

the French company DCNS

construction projects, which

results obtained in projects

- Direction des Construtions

are always highly technical,

that occur over water,” said

Navales et Services, which

and the exchange of

Santos. “I have already had

formed a Specific Purpose

experiences is fundamental

the opportunity to present

Society together with

for consolidating and

a problem at one of these

Odebrecht – Itaguaí

disseminating knowledge to

meetings and receive positive

Construções Navais – to build

the other projects.”

contributions that were

the submarines. Sérgio Pinheiro

For Roberto Santos,

applied at the construction

Contract Director at

project,” he said.

emphasized the importance

Odebrecht, the meeting

The Communities of

of participating in the

helped him meet new

Knowledge program, which

community. “It was a pleasure

colleagues and learn about

is coordinated by Knowledge

to be able to help the

new projects and solutions

and Information to Support

community hold the event,”

for common problems.

Business Development

he said. “The meeting is crucial

“Participating in a meeting like

(CIADEN), was created in

for covering important topics

this one represents a unique

2001 and currently covers 12

related to the consolidation

opportunity to learn about the


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Results of the Braskem Internship and Trainee Program With registration closed in September, the Braskem 2013 Trainee Program recorded a 62.8% increase in the number of participants in 2012 compared to the previous year. A total of 19,709 people signed up for the 22 openings available, compared to 12,108 in 2011. The Internship Program also recorded a 15% increase in interest compared to 2011, with a total of 29,385

candidates for 190 job openings in different areas and regions of the country. Those interested in both programs were able to sign up at the Braskem Youths’ Portal, a platform designed for promoting interaction between the company and the youths, who receive the latest information on the selection processes, about the company, surveys and chats

with Braskem executives, as well as articles on career, the job market and culture. Online now for one year, the website has seen an increase in the number of accesses and the frequency of users, surpassing 117,000 people signed up during the month of September. Visit the website and spread the word: www.jovensbraskem. com.br.

Teles Pires Implements National Commitment Commission On September 20, the Teles Pires Hydroelectric Power Plant – an Odebrecht Energia investment being built by Odebrecht Infraestrutura at the border between the states of Mato Grosso and Pará – implemented its 1st Workers’ Commission for the National Commitment to Improve Work Conditions in the Construction Industry. The commission will be responsible for evaluating the daily demands at the construction site through social dialogue and the exchange of information on activities associated with lodging, meals, transport, etc. The trade union representation at the work site is the sixth guideline of the Commitment and is formed by seven Odebrecht Members indicated by the Workers’Trade Union. Fernando Salgado, responsible for Labor and Trade Union Relations at Odebrecht, emphasized that the commission does not replace the Trade Union and does not have any wage bargaining


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powers. After signing the document, the commission will be trained and oriented about the importance of the National Commitment, the environment in which its members will work as well as their future responsibilities. The group will meet up with the other Members each week and the demands received will be assessed every 15 days. Established on March 1 of this year, the National Commitment to Improve Work Conditions in the Construction Industry is designed to improve the work conditions at the country’s construction sites. Its guidelines are the result of negotiations that took place between the Brazilian Federal Government and representative entities of entrepreneurs and professionals from the sector. In August, the Teles Pires HPP joined the commitment with the participation of Members and government representatives.

New Apprentices at OOG The Young Apprentice

is administered during the

more qualified and individualized

Program is an initiative of the

first phase of the program to

assistance to the youth,”

Brazilian Federal Government

train Young Apprentices in

explained Domiciano de Souza,

that establishes quotas for

Odebrecht Entrepreneurial

responsible for the “School in

companies to include young

Technology (TEO), facilitating and

Action” Program.

people among their teams and

accelerating the adaptation to

help them in their professional

the Organization.

training process. At Odebrecht

The initiative is initially being

In all, 65 youth will be hired by the company starting in 2013, 26 of whom will come from the BU-

Oil and Gas (OOG), the program

implemented in the groups

Drilling pilot group. “When there

was implemented with aims

that will work at the BU-Drilling.

are contracting opportunities

of guaranteeing better living

“In addition to complying

after the end of the program, the

conditions for the communities in

Brazil’s Learning Law, the idea

Young Apprentices will be called

which it operates by promoting

is to develop in a differentiated

in,” said Souza. “The participants

the leadership of the youth

fashion a training process that

understand that this is a time

and their positive insertion into

adds the values present in the

for personal and professional


Odebrecht Entrepreneurial

preparation and development,”

Technology (TEO) and offers a

he said.

The program lasts 24 months and is divided into two phases. During the first, which lasts six months, the youth complete the training modules in the areas of Administrative Assistant, Portuguese Language and Mathematics, in addition to Ethics and Citizenship. The second phase effectively involves the youths’ experience at the company for 18 months. At OOG, Young Apprentice is not limited only to meeting the quota per business environment. The company developed a module focused on the Introduction to Odebrecht Culture, which

The first group of OOG Young Apprentices was selected through the adolescents’ participation in the “School in Action” Program, supported by the company odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 293 / october 2012



Professional Training with Odebrecht Angola’s Support The Zango Social-Professional

unified economy concept so

sustainable after that.

Training Center (CESA) is an

that the new professionals are

initiative promoted by the

capable of managing their small

the re-insertion of former

Population Resettlement

businesses,” explained Maurizio

combatants into the job market,

Program (PRP), developed by

Bastianelli, PRP Contract Director.

Odebrecht Angola established

Odebrecht Angola, and offers

CESA is the result of a

In order to contribute toward

an agreement with the Angola

training courses based on

partnership between Odebrecht,

National Road Institute (INEA)

the local context and service

the NGO Kambas do Bem (group

for the implementation of

demands for the region. On

made up of Members’ families

the Continued Professional

September 22, CESA held the

who undertake social work in

Qualification Program - Believe.

graduation ceremony for the first

the country), the government

At the start of October, the

groups, made up of 110 people.

and Angola’s Salesian Sisters’

initiative trained its second

Congregation, the entity

group under the Basic Module,

included simultaneous

responsible for managing the

made up of 53 students. The

translation by those students

center. Based on sustainability

group continued on to the

who completed the English

concepts, the partners agreed to

Specific Module, where each

course and the cultural

ensure the initiative’s feasibility

individual can choose from

presentation was given by the

during the 12 months following

courses in the trades of Bricklayer,

students from the Viola course.

the start of the classes, so that the

Motor Grader and Heavy Vehicle

At the end of the ceremony, the

institution will then become self-


The opening of the event

guests enjoyed the delicacies prepared by the group that completed the Patisserie and Cooking course. The students from the IT course also received their certificates. “In addition to the specific knowledge, the CESA training also includes a module on personal presentation and preparation for work as well as one focused on entrepreneurship based on the


Trainee from the Believe Program in Angola: a partnership between Odebrecht and local companies and institutions that generates professional training and job opportunities

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 293 / october 2012



2020 Operator Project Awarded

Braskem Members celebrate receiving the “Human Being - Luiz Tarquínio” Award, which develops and trains new professionals to work at the company

The 7 th People Management Conference, promoted by the Brazilian

Management modality. The initiative, which offers support

Association of Human Resources

for the company’s growth process and

Integrated with the National System

the natural renewal of its employees and

(ABRH) and held on September 19 in

professional training, involves a team of

Salvador was also the occasion for the

more than 15 Members from different

ceremony to deliver the “Human Being -

Braskem business units.

Luiz Tarquínio” Award. The 2020 Operator

The objective of the award is to

Project, developed by Braskem, was the

recognize good Human Resource

winner in the category “Organizational

practices undertaken by public and

– Large Companies” under the People

private organizations and civil society.

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 293 / october 2012



The Partnership between ETH and FAPESP

On September 20, the São

under the Cooperation

committee made up of

Paulo State Research Support

Agreement for Scientific

representatives from ETH

Foundation (FAPESP) – one of

and Technological Research

and FAPESP. The financial

the most important Science

Development that exists

support required to ensure

and Technology support

between the two institutions.

the feasibility of the projects

agencies in Brazil – and ETH


In all, a total of 29

approved during this 1st

Bioenergia announced

research proposals were

Call for Tender will be R$ 10

the list of proposals signed

received, 11 of which were

million, which each party

during the 1st Call for Tender

selected by a management

contributing with 50% of

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 293 / october 2012

The agreement between the institutions is designed to develop studies in the areas of planting, harvesting and processing of sugarcane and its derivatives

The following areas will

that add more value to

be researched: varietal

sugarcane and its derivatives,

management of sugarcane;

which will certainly help

accelerated multiplication

boost ETH’s competitiveness

of sugarcane varieties;

in the sector in a general

development of short cycle

sense,” explained Calmanovici.

biomasses to complement

Carlos Henrique de Brito

sugarcane; development

Cruz, Scientific Director

of industrial yeasts with

at FAPESP, stated that the

improved fermentative

partnership with ETH

performance; energy and

is promising since the

system optimization for

company itself makes

agricultural automation;

extensive efforts in research

agricultural development and

and development (R&D)

optimization of the sugarcane

and has a long term vision

agricultural production

of research: “The approved

process and recovery and use

research projects, which

of byproducts and waste.

include topics such as the

The studies will be

genomics of sugarcane,

developed in cooperation

precision agriculture, the

with researchers from

use of waste at plants and

universities and research

the effects of hydric stress

institutions from the State of

on sugarcane, will offer

São Paulo.

fundamental contributions

“All of the selected

when it comes to boosting

projects contribute toward

the productivity of ethanol

the funds. The investment

ETH’s growth strategy and

production in São Paulo”.

will be made during a

reinforce its position of

60-month period, depending

leadership in the sector,” said

ETH and FAPESP was

on the project. In all, the

Carlos Eduardo Calmanovici,

established in September

Cooperation Agreement

Innovation Director at ETH.

2011. The foundation has also

includes funding of R$ 20

“Through these studies, we

maintained a cooperation

million, to include all of the

plan to improve the existing

agreement with Braskem since

other research requests

processes, as well as develop

2008 for the development of

during this period.

new processes and products

biopolymer research.

The partnership between

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 293 / october 2012



Inspiration that Comes from the Bahia Southern Lowlands The experience of the

initiative is designed to

Bahia Southern Lowlands

increase job, income and

Environmental Protection

education opportunities in

Area Mosaic Program for

the region. “It is a dream that

Development and Growth

is about to come true,” said

Integrated with Sustainability

Cândida Narciso, Governor

(PDCIS) – supported by

of South Lunda, which is

Odebrecht Foundation,

formed by the municipalities

in partnership with the

of Cacolo, Dala, Muconda

government, private initiative

and Saurimo and includes

and civil society – is serving as

some 130,000 inhabitants.

a model for the social projects

“What we have to do is care

supported by the Odebrecht

for this project as if it were our

Organization companies. An

own. Ensure that experiences

and the Catoca Mining

example of this is the creation

come out of here that can be

Association – the Angolan

of the Economic and Social

replicated all over the country,”

company formed by Odebrecht

Development Support Program

said Narciso.

Angola, Alrosa, Daumonty

(PADES) in the Province of South Lunda in Angola. Inspired in PDCIS, the


Governor of South Lunda, Cândida Narciso, visits the Presidente Tancredo Neves Rural Family Home in October 2011

PADES resulted from a

and Endiama, focused on

partnership between the

the prospecting, exploration,

South Lunda Government

recovery and sale of diamonds.

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 293 / october 2012

“Catoca believes that, with

jobs, improvement of the

Mauricio Medeiros,

the advisory it receives from

population’s income and

Executive Chairman of the

the Odebrecht Foundation,

boosting of local productivity,”

Odebrecht Foundation,

it will be possible to achieve

said Cesar Marianetti Braga,

emphasized the importance

the expected results: social

Organization and People

of this movement and the

development sustained

Director at the Catoca Mining

foundation’s Spirit of Service

through the generation of


in support of the Organization’s

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 293 / october 2012


> SOCIAL ACTION Entrepreneurial Leaders, who are

from Saurimo in the capital

responsible for the entire process.

of South Lunda) – where the

“We sought to consolidate an

program was launched – and

integrated model of development

the construction of 10 tanks,

and growth that could be

which received the first fries.

replicated in other regions,”

With the partnership between

said Medeiros. “This inspiration

Catoca and the Odebrecht

taken from PDCIS demonstrates

Foundation, two agriculture

how this dream of us being the

and fishing technicians are

franchisers of a social technology

being trained in Brazil.

capable of promoting productive

One month ago, Paulo

inclusion can become a reality,” he

Garcia and Mendes de

said. Clovis Faleiro, Responsible

Oliveira accompanied

for Institutional Relations at the

the daily activities of the

Odebrecht Foundation and

Presidente Tancredo Neves

Leader of Tribute to the Future

Rural Producers’ Cooperatives

Program, complemented: “We had

(COOPATAN) and the

the opportunity to present the

Presidente Tancredo Neves

logic of the Cooperative Alliance

Rural Family Home (CFR-PTN)

and we approved the start of work

– institutions associated with

influenced by the results from the

PDCIS that form the Manioc

Southern Lowlands.”

and Fruit Cultivation Strategic Cooperative Alliance. “We


learned the process for the fast


multiplication of manioc,” said

PADES was created with an


Garcia. “Until then, we did not

educational and productive

have access to this technology,”

focus, promoting agricultural

he said. Oliveira praised the

production (manioc and

partnership and celebrated:

fruit cultivation) and fish

“We realized that they are not

farming. Some actions are

afraid to share knowledge,” he

already underway, such as

said. “This experience has been

the installation of the fish

very important. I’m learning

farming unit in the community

new ways of planting and

of Mona-Quimbundo (75 km

maintaining different crops.”

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 293 / october 2012

Agricultural and fishing technician from the Province of South Lunda currently studying in the municipality of Presidente Tancredo Neves in the Bahia Southern Lowlands

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 293 / october 2012



Helping Improve Education in Liberia

The children of Ceewin Community now have a school with five classrooms equipped with chairs, tables and educational material

Created during the civil war in Liberia, the

together. The company would be responsible for

only Ceewin Community School, located in Bong

completing the construction work and the local

County, operated for 13 years inside a simple

residents would make the bricks.

wood structure with a palm leaf roof, where the children studied in two rooms without any tables

school was inaugurated on August 21 of this year

or chairs on a dirt floor. The teaching institution

with five classrooms in time to begin the Liberian

is located at the top of a small hill hear the

school year. More than 400 people participated

railroad that Odebrecht is rehabilitating for the

in the event, including authorities from the

company ArcelorMittal.

county, residents of Ceewin and Members from

When the company contacted Edward Busuah, leader of the small community and

Odebrecht. During the opening ceremony, Odebrecht

responsible for school that currently teaches

in Liberia and Odebrecht Global Sourcing

150 children, to give lectures to students about

in the United States delivered 175 books,

safety railway station, the Odebrecht Volunteer

school material and educational games to the

Committee realized the precarious structure of

institution as part of the donation of supplies

the institution and proposed a partnership. In

distributed to 30 schools and community

November 2011, the committee and community

organizations in the country.

began to build a new teaching institution


After a great deal of hard work, the new

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 293 / october 2012

Safety and Environmental Preservation on Rota do Sol The Rota do Sol

during the Social Sciences,

the regent’s chair, over 70

Concessionaire, which

Ethics and Natural Sciences

teaching institutions, 250

operates Sector 2 of the

classes through stories from

faculty members and more

road that connects Puerto

a character named “Carlitos,”

than 5,000 students have been

Salgar (Cundinamarca) to San

who teaches them how to

benefitted. During the second

Roque (Cesar) in Colombia,

preserve life and prevent

half of 2012, nine schools were

has been installing since last

accidents on the road,”

included in the program, for a

year the Enrutados com la

said teacher Luz Eneida

total of 525 new students and

Seguridad Vial Regent’s Chair

Martínez from the Puerto

33 faculty members favored.

at educational institutions

Zambito school, located in

located in the project’s area of

the municipality of Cimitarra

Concessionaire is formed by


(Santander). “This exercise

Odebrecht América Latina,

helps promote recognition

Episol and CSS Constructores

teachers and principals

and respect for traffic signs,”

and is responsible for Sector

from the benefitted school

she said.

2 of the Rota do Sol Highway,

With the support of

entities, the concessionaire’s

Since the creation of

The Rota do Sol

which extends 528 km.

Social Responsibility team, which also develops the “Safe Mobility” Program, raises the awareness of preschool-age to fifth grade students – future users of the road – as to the importance of road safety, public space and environmental conservation. The concessionaire delivers each child a brochure about the modules developed at the regent’s chair, based on the schooling level. “The regent’s chairs occur

Children from the communities located near the Rota do Sol project participate in the regent’s chairs that address topics related to safety and the environment

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 293 / october 2012



The Bicycle as a Means of Transport A few months ago, the Coastal Belt became the point of departure for the activities of the

of Panama City. “Considering that Panama City has been

members of the “Cyclists in the Streets of Panama

experiencing days of major transformations

Movement,” which promotes the use of bicycles

affecting its road structures designed to

as a means of transport in the country’s capital.

improve urban mobility, the initiative invites

The group, which receives support from

residents to use their bicycles and teaches

the Coastal Belt III Project, currently being

safety measures to prevent accidents,”

undertaken by Odebrecht América Latina,

explained Alex Guaylupo, one of the group

organized the family bicycle tour Activate em Bic


to celebrate World Carfree Day on September

Consisting of parks and express ways, the

22. The event included the participation of

Coastal Belt – constructed by Odebrecht, was

more than 150 people, including both adults

inspired by the Flamengo Landfill in Rio de

and children, who pedaled through the streets


During World Careless Day, bicyclists of different ages participated in a bicycle ride on the Coastal Belt


odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 293 / october 2012

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