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No. 299 / JANUARY 2013

2012 Destaque Award Special - Annual Meeting

No. 299 / JANUARY 2013



EDITORIAL STAFF ODEBRECHT NOTÍCIAS is an internally-circulated newsletter published twice a month by the Odebrecht S.A. Communication team. RESPONSIBLE JOURNALIST: Fabiana Cabral SUGGESTIONS: fabianacabral@odebrecht.com DISTRIBUTE ODEBRECHT










Next Edition





2012 annual meeting

2012 Annua



from the


rom December 16-19,

Annual Meeting. The event, which

the Iberostar Complex,

included the specific Business

located in Praia do Forte,

meetings, was an opportunity to

Bahia, served as the setting for

assess performances and the results

an important meeting between

obtained during the year, integrate

the leaders of all the Odebrecht

professionals and establish new

Organization Businesses: the 2012



shared the results from last year and

presented the new challenges for

Annual Meeting

Challenges Help B


during the

Odebrecht General

al Meeting:

Build Our History OR: IMPROVED COMPETITIVE CAPACITY The Odebrecht Realizações

from 2012 and focuses for 2013. The second day was marked by an air of celebration. The representatives of the OR projects

Imobiliárias (OR) Annual Meeting

– top placed in each of the six

was held on December 17 and 18

categories of the Destaque Award

and gathered 90 leaders. The first

– were invited to take part in the

day of the event was dedicated

meeting. They had their projects

to presentations by the Regional

presented and were called to the

Directors, who presented the highlights

stage to receive the trophy from

Paul Altit, Entrepreneurial Leader at OR, spoke about identifying, integrating and retaining new leaders


Djean Cruz, BA/PE Regional Director. The OR Annual Meeting also


Program (AP). “OR closed 2012 as a confederation of Small Business

included the participation of some 10

leaders, which generated more

leaders from Odebrecht Properties

competitive capacity in the local

(OP) and a presentation by André

markets, and as a counterpart, a

Amaro, Entrepreneurial Leader at

greater challenge when it comes

OP, who revealed the challenges

to identifying, integrating and

of the new Business. Finally, Paul

retaining new leaders capable of

Altit, Entrepreneurial Leader

handling the complete cycle of

at OR, shared with participants

entrepreneurship,” he said during

the main highlights of his Action

his presentation.


Bioenergia, opened the company’s


Annual Meeting on December 16 for


an audience of approximately 90

“Everything that we achieved

leaders. “The year 2012 was marked

until now and the speed with which

by achievements and learning,” said

we became one of the country’s

Mendonça. “The challenges that lie

largest bioenergy companies are a

ahead are even greater and I’m sure

reflection of the entrepreneurship

that everyone’s involvement will be

of each one of you.” It was with this

crucial for ensuring our success,” he

tone of praise that Luiz de Mendonça,


Entrepreneurial Leader at ETH

On December 17, Luiz de Mendonça spoke to the leaders about the company’s growth, achievements and focuses for the harvest that ends in March 2013 and for the upcoming 2013-2014 harvest. On the occasion, Mendonça also presented his AP for the new harvest. All of the direct leaders of the LE presented the indicators and results for their respective areas, and the leaders of the Small Companies – São Paulo, Goiás, Mato Grosso do Sul, Araguaia and Taquari Agroindustrial Centers – also shared the

Luiz de Mendonça, Entrepeneurial Leader of ETH, received a medal from Marcelo Odebrecht in honor of his 10 years of work at the Organization

achievements, learning and strengths of their respective teams. The results and plans were also disclosed for the E+ Project – focused on the standardization and integration of business process –


and for Biocom, the new Odebrecht

Marcelo Odebrecht, President and

Organization sugar and ethanol

CEO of Odebrecht S.A., paid tribute to

production unit in Africa, which

Luiz de Mendonça for his 10 years of

receives the support of the ETH

work at the Organization.

Bioenergia teams. On the last day of the event,

The Foz

The ETH Annual Meeting had its greenhouse gas emissions

Brasil Annual Meeting included the 114 Members, including Regional Directors, Operation Directors and Dynamic Organization Leaders do

participation of

compensated through the planting

Ambiental, the consolidation of the

of 383 native Atlantic Forest trees,

Foz|Saneatins Operation and the

reaffirming one of its most valuable

signing of the Rebalance Amendment

Business principles: sustainability. Â

in Blumenau were some of the highlights from 2012 presented


during the Foz do Brasil Annual


Meeting, whose holding is now called


Odebrecht Ambiental.

The inauguration of Aquapolo


Among the 114 participants

Fernando Reis, Entrepreneurial Leader at Foz do Brasil, talked about the priorities for 2013

were Regional Directors, Operation

concessions in Brazil and abroad, the

Directors, Dynamic Organization

continued operations together with

Leaders and their Team Members,

steel, petrochemical and paper &

in addition to three Members who

pulp companies designed to achieve

were honored for completing 40

the outsourcing of their utilities

years of work at the Organization.

centers, the boosted productivity

Also present were representatives

and efficiency at the company’s

from the winning teams of the Foz

units and the mobilization of the new

Automation and Efficiency Award,

operation in the Metropolitan Region

created in 2012.

of Recife.

In addition to the highlights from last year, the presentations of the


leaders addressed the priorities for


2013. The following were among the

Accelerating and capturing

challenges cited for the upcoming

synergies with shareholders and

year: the winning of several different

achieving progress in the installation


Carlos Fadigas, Entrepreneurial Leader at Braskem, emphasized the goal of reinforcing entrepreneurship for the 152 leaders present

of Small Businesses within the Braskem business unit structure with

Braskem’s leadership in the

aims of reinforcing entrepreneurship

dialogue with the Brazilian

is one of the company’s priorities

government focused on boosting the

for 2013. The goal was reinforced

competitiveness of the petrochemical

by Carlos Fadigas, Entrepreneurial

and plastics chain in the country,

Leader, during the company’s annual

which brought an end to the so-called

meeting, which gathered 152 leaders.

“war of the ports” (in which the

The highlights for 2012 included

states grant tax benefits for those

the inauguration of two plants in

companies that import through their

Brazil – a PVC factory in Alagoas and

territory), resumed the distribution

butadiene plant in Rio Grande do Sul

of plastic bags in São Paulo and led

–, the production and safety records

to the elaboration of the proposal for

obtained, strengthening of the

the Special Regime for the Chemical

relations with clients and consequent

Industry (REIQ).

growth of the company’s participation in the market.


Carlos Fadigas also emphasized

In synergy with the Organization’s other Businesses, there was mention

of the start of the Aquapolo

Pennsylvania; Othon do Amaral, who

Ambiental operation and the

works in the area of Bagging and

construction of the Ethylene XXI

Shipping at the PP2 and PE5 units

petrochemical complex in Mexico,

in Triunfo, Rio Grande do Sul; and

the most modern in the Americas,

Geraldo Camelo da Cunha, who works

in addition to the efforts to develop

in the PE 7 Production area in S達o

plastic products for civil construction.


During the Braskem Annual

The event also featured a lecture

Meeting, three Members were

about persistence and determination

honored after having completing 40

by former basketball player Oscar

years working at the Organization:

Schimidt, who shared how the

Darlane Abel, from the Product

incessant search to make his dreams

Development area in Pittsburgh,

come true was fundamental for

Henrique Valladares, Entrepreneurial Leader at Odebrecht Energia, received the tribute

Gabriel Ybarra, Responsible for Business Development trophy from


the success he achieved during his





The Engineering and Construction


Business Annual Meeting took place


on December 18. Each company

Odebrecht Energia held its annual

presented a case, with hydroelectric

meeting on December 17. The meeting

power plants highlighted in three of

was designed to present the PA


developed by Henrique Valladares,

Gustavo Belitardo, Contract

Entrepreneurial Leader, emphasizing

Director of the Cambambe

the discussions and contributions

Hydroelectric Power Plant, currently

made during the planning cycle.

being built by Odebrecht África,

“The meeting was an important

Emirados Árabes e Portugal,

opportunity to give a response to the

presented the company’s operations

group that participated actively in the process of elaborating this AP,” said Valladares. During the event, Henrique Valladares was honored by participants with a trophy emphasizing his role as leader, one responsible for a harmonious and integrating work environment. Also participating in the event where the direct partners of the LE and Board of Energia Brasil, the Members honored with the medals for their 40 and 50 years working at the Organization and the participants of the Entrepreneur Development Program (PDE).


During the event, there was a 10-year tribute to the Entrepreneur Development Program (PDE). Gustavo Belitardo, the Contract Director for the Cambambe Hydroelectric Power Plant in Angola, was a member of the first group

on the Kwanza River in Angola. “Our presence on the two ends of the middle Kwanza allowed for an improved synergy with the river and with the surrounding communities,” said Belitardo. Representing Odebrecht Venezuela, José Carlos Camargo, Contract Director for the Tocoma Hydroelectric Power Plant, demonstrated practices that made the project an example of productivity. “We try to show the client our capacity to complete the project within the deadline and with quality,” said Camargo.

Carlos Hermanny Filho, Managing Director of the construction work for the 2014 World Cup, walked up on stage to receive the Know to Serve Award

In Energia, the construction of the Belo Monte plant, the world’s largest active hydroelectric power plant project, emphasized the training of 6,000 Members under the Continued Professional Qualification Program – Believe and the quest for excellence during the construction work. “Our goal is to practice the possible engineering at Belo Monte,” said José Gomes da Silva, Contract Director. Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial presented Odebrecht Engenharia de Projetos (OEP), a company created in 2012 that operates in the area of


engineering and is responsible for the contracts under the Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) format. “We believe that before the mobilization for the construction site, it is necessary to better understand the engineering aspect already in the project phase,” said José Gilberto Mariano, Contract Director. With 160 Members, OEP has been and continues to be part of the different stages of the Engineering process, such as during the Aquapolo and Corinthians Arena projects in São Paulo, the CONEST Consortium, responsible for installing the Abreu e Lima Refinery in Pernambuco, and the Ethylene XXI Project in Mexico. Paulo Falcão, Contract Director for

Andes Mountain Range – Engineering

the Maracanã Stadium remodeling

for Safety.” Ricardo Paredes, Contract

work, currently being completed by

Director for the Callejón de Huyalas

Odebrecht Infraestrutura, talked

– Chacas – San Luis road projects

about the 10 Commandments

in Peru, spoke about the challenges

Program focused on training foremen

involved in building 99 km of road

who are capable of leading teams.

and 1 km of the Punta Olímpica

“Our goal is to motivate and boost

tunnel. “We have a team that is used

the productivity of our foremen as a

to completing this type of project,

way of keeping them with us in the

since many of its members worked

competitive Rio de Janeiro market,”

together on similar projects,” said

he explained.


Odebrecht América Latina


presented the case “Crossing the

After the presentations was

Hermanny Filho. The Managing Sérgio Leão: “We need to continue moving forward on the topic of

Workplace Safety.”

Director of the 2014 World Cup construction work was visibly touched by the testimonials of Members from the Organization who worked with him during his 28 years at Odebrecht. Sérgio Leão, Sustainability Director at Odebrecht, pointed out that, despite the distinctions in Workplace Safety during the year, the Businesses need to continue focused on the topic. “We have the bases, tools, policies and guidelines, but we fulfill it only partially,” he said. Leão also asked Members to reinforce alignment on the topic: “Our

the delivery of the 21st edition of

challenge is to standardize practices

the Destaque Award. This edition

and improve our performance in a

achieved a new record: 380 projects

permanent and continuous fashion,”

from 14 countries were signed up.

he said.

Learn further details about the

Jayme Fonseca, Financial Director

winning projects in an article found in

at Odebrecht, presented the financial

this edition of Odebrecht News (page

consolidation of the Business over


the past 10 years. He pointed out that

Created in 2006, the Know to

the number of contracts was reduced,

Serve Award – a distinction for

but the results improved. “Our

those Members who are proven

backlog from 2002 is equal to the

to have used their knowledge

results for this year,” he said. He also

and competency to benefit the

commented on the positive outlook

Organization – paid tribute to Carlos

for the upcoming three years and the


Roberto Ramos, Entrepeneurial Leader at Odebrecht Oil & Gas, during a final message


the closing dinner

relationship with clients: “The longer

Organization. In all, 34 people were

the contract, the more permanent


our relationship with clients, and the better the conditions for increasing


our margins in an expressive


fashion,” said Fonseca.


The meeting was closed with an


A focus on the constant search for

unprecedented tribute to Members

operational excellence, a leadership

completing 40 years working at the

responsible for the consolidation


participated in sports activities, such

as soccer, beach volleyball, tennis and walking.

of the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial

The participants were welcomed

Technology (TEO) and the generation

with reusable colorful bags made by

of results with an awareness of the

the artists of the Recycling Woman

importance of team spirit. These

Project (PROMUR). The bags were

were some of the main topics covered

made from the fabrics of leftover

at the Odebrecht Oil & Gas Annual

uniforms that belonged to drilling

Meeting, held from December 10-12 at

unit Members. PROMUR is one of

the Búzios Hotel Atlântico in Rio de

the social projects supported by


the company through the School


in Action Program – an Odebrecht Oil & Gas initiative developed in

results achieved last year. Yachtsman Lars Grael – the

partnership with UNESCO and the

Brazilian Olympic medalist, gave a

Macaé City Government (RJ).

lecture on his life and career, in which

The morning of December

he highlighted aspects such as trust,

11 was reserved for holding the

overcoming challenges, dedication,

work meetings. Roberto Ramos,

effort, focus and team spirit, relating

Entrepreneurial Leader, presented

the entrepreneurial environment with

his PA and pointed out what was

how business is conducted.

learned in 2012, emphasizing yet

During the evening, there was a

again the leader’s importance

networking dinner and the closing

when it comes to conducting

of the event. On the same occasion,

business, ensuring the motivation

the commemorative plaques were

and synergy of his or her Team

delivered to José Ferreira and

Members, as well as for the practice

Acácio da Silveira Filho for their

and consolidation of the Odebrecht

40 years working at Odebrecht.

Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO)

Members received the tribute from

by reinforcing the practice of

Roberto Ramos and also watched

Pedagogy of Presence. After that,

a video about their careers at the

some of the leaders presented the


BENEDICTO JUNIOR, Entrepreneurial Leader at Odebrecht Infraestrutura, talked about the challenge that each contract had of recording the knowledge acquired and the ideas developed at the construction sites through the Destaque Award, which created projects focus on innovation, technology, material recycling and the interpersonal relationships. The company was distinguished in the categories of Innovation for the Maracanã Stadium remodeling project, Environment, for the Fonte Nova Arena and for the relationship with Members at the Corinthians Arena.


“ODEBRECHT CHALLENGE” The last day of meetings, held at Praia do Forte, was marked by the Odebrecht S.A. Annual Meeting, which gathered the leaders of all the Organization’s Businesses. Under the theme “Odebrecht Challenge,” the event included the participation of approximately 800 Members and had five different areas as its strategic focus: People, Productivity, Synergies, Image and Sustainable Growth. Marcelo Odebrecht, Managing Director of Odebrecht S.A., shared relevant thoughts about each area and also about the challenges of the different Businesses. “We are proud of our origin, but we need to become

MARCIO FARIA, Entrepreneurial Leader at Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial, presented a video with the projects completed in 2012, such as the installation of the Suape Petrochemical PTA POY and PET units in Pernambuco, the Vale do Paraíba Refinery in São José dos Campos and the inauguration of P-59 rig in São Roque do Paraguaçu, Bahia. He also pointed out the projects underway in Argentina, Mexico and the United States.

a global organization,” he said at

LUIZ MAMERI, Entrepreneurial Leader at Odebrecht América Latina, stated that 2012 was a year marked by excellent results for the company with the conclusion of 15 projects, in addition to the delivery of 70 km of roads for the Rota do Sol Concessionaire in Colombia. He pointed out the Organization’s strong presence in Latin America and the celebrations for its 25 years of operations in Argentina and Ecuador, its 20 years in Mexico and Colombia and its 10 years in the Dominican Republic.


the start of his presentation. He also

Odebrecht S.A. Board of Directors,

talked about the importance of the

Emílio Odebrecht, and the Executive

Organization’s values and culture:

Chairman of the Odebrecht

“Odebrecht’s history is the People’s

Foundation, Maurício Medeiros. “We

history,” he said.

need to exercise the art of creating

The meeting also presented

options, choosing priorities and

the messages of the Odebrecht

joining forces in a single direction,

S.A. Honorary President, Norberto

with the government and companies

Odebrecht, Chairman of the

united to build the bases necessary

EUZENANDO AZEVEDO, Entrepreneurial Leader at Odebrecht Venezuela, pointed out the company’s sustainable growth during its 20 years of operations in the country and the synergy with the Organization’s other Businesses, for example Odebrecht Oil & Gas, Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial and Braskem.

ERNESTO BAIARDI, Entrepreneurial Leader at Odebrecht África, Emirados Árabes e Portugal, mentioned the opportunities for integrating the Organization’s businesses in Africa by achieving synergy with Angola and the investments made by the company, as well as the People and Productivity macrostrategies focused on surpassing the 2020 Vision.


PAULO CESENA, Executive Director of Odebrecht TransPort, stated that the second year of the Business was marked by maturation and consolidation. He talked about Point-to-Point, the toll project based on the kilometer traveled, as well as ConectCar, a partnership between Odebrecht TransPort and Ipiranga, the new operator for the payment of tolls, parking and fuels.

to improve our competitiveness in

Members who completed 50 years or

the future,” said Emílio Odebrecht.

more working at the Organization.

Furthermore, the Entrepreneurial

The following Members were

Leaders and Executive Directors

honored: Aluizio de Araújo, Edison

shared the main results of their

Otero Fernandes, José Osinair (Zé

Businesses with all those present.

Bodinho), Luiz Almeida, Renato

A special artistic attraction

Martins and Silvio de Freitas. Emílio

presented by the troupe Universo

Odebrecht was also honored for his

Casueo promoted reflection among

40 years of acting, when he received

the guests. The circus presentations,

the medal of the children in the

which featured art and poetry,

family, as well as counselors Gilberto

reinforced the Organization’s values,

Sá, Luiz Villar, Pedro Novis and

such as courage, confidence in

Renato Baiardi and the assistant of

Human Beings and in their desire

Emílio Odebrecht, Renata D’Antona.

and capacity to evolve. The final artistic presentation,

In the evening, all of the guests and their spouses enjoyed a

called “Time,” was acclaimed by

networking dinner at the Iberostar

the public and preceded one of

Complex. To the sounds of singer

the most exciting moments of the

Simone Sampaio, the participants

Annual Meeting: the tribute to those

bid farewell to 2012.


LUIZ ROCHA, Executive Director of Odebrecht Defesa e Tecnologia, indicated the following as the highlights of 2012: the operations of Mectron, with the acquisition of the BR2 for communication between aircraft and the base, and the development of equipment and radars for the Brazilian Air Force, the beginning of the manufacturing of the first Brazilian submarine by ICN Navais, and the introduction of the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO) and training of new Members. He also addressed the consolidation of the Business in the market as one of the challenges for 2013.

Marcelo Odebrecht spoke about the areas of People, Productivity, Synergy, Image and Sustainable Growth and also discussed the challenges for the Businesses


ANDRÉ AMARO, Entrepeneurial Leader for Odebrecht Properties, talked about the creation of the company in 2012, which is focused on providing differentiated real estate assets and offering services to users. The Business was divided into four areas: Brazil Properties, Public Partnerships, Entertainment and Investments. The challenges for 2013 include the installation of the Odebrecht building in São Paulo, the start of operations at the arenas and ensuring the feasibility of the Odebrecht building in Rio de Janeiro and the operation base for Odebrecht Oil & Gas in Rio das Ostras (RJ).

Emílio Odebrecht: “Remember

that the actions in the

present are the only way of creating the future and that the future is made every day as part of a permanent process.”


Members who completed five decades working Odebrecht were honored during the event.


JORGE BARATA, Executive Director of Odebrecht Latinvest, reinforced the main mission of the company created in 2012: to manage the investments developed in Latin America, with the exception of Brazil and Venezuela. He talked about the projects underway in Peru (accessways in Lima and inter-oceanic highways) and in Colombia (Rota do Sol) and emphasized the synergy with the Managing Directors from the countries in which Odebrecht AmĂŠrica Latina operates and the partnership with investors as being crucial for the success of the Business.



networking dinner marked the close

of the annual meeting.

FERNANDO BARBOSA, Executive Director of the Enseada do Paraguaçu Shipyard (EEP), commented that the company was created in 2012 to operate in the naval and offshore segment with production units, drilling units, military vessels, specialized ships and naval repairs. He cited the beginning of the earth leveling work undertaken by Odebrecht Infraestrutura, the association with Kawasaki Heavy Industries, the winning of the first contracts – the conversion of ship hulls for Petrobras and the construction of drilling rigs – and the laying of the cornerstone for EEP in Bahia.


events Fast News

MORE RESOURCES FOR ESSENTIAL PROJECTS The Bahia Norte Concessionaire, a company controlled by Odebrecht TransPort (OTP), and Invepar, began 2013 by contracting new financing packages for the construction work to restore and expand the BA-093 highway system. The funds, which were obtained from the bank Banco do Nordeste and the company Desenbahia, total R$ 218 million and were already covered in the concession contract. In the two years since the concession began, Bahia Norte has already invested R$380 million in the modernization and infrastructure work, monitoring and sign systems and improvements designed to offer users enhanced comfort and safety. When the interventions are concluded, the population will have expressways to the main industrial centers located in the Metropolitan Region of Salvador. The BA-093 currently has 14 patrol cars that work 24 hours per day and light and heavyweight tow trucks, which travel the 121 kilometers of the road system. Four 24-hour User Assistance Service (SAU) bases reinforce the offer of services to the drivers. In 2013, the concessionaire will complete the duplication of 14 kilometers of the CIA/ Airport highway and 24 kilometers of Via Parafuso, consolidating the region’s new road system. It will also duplicate 14 kilometers of BA-093 along the stretch of Simões Filho until the entrance of Camaçari.

Starting from the left: Francisco Ribeiro, Legal Advisor for Bahia Norte; Eduardo Caraver, Financing and Investment Advisor at OTP; Ricardo Ribeiro, Administrative-Financial Director at Bahia Norte; Sydney Salomão da Nóbrega, Manager of the BNB Bank Branch; Orlando Batista, President of Bahia Norte and Marlene Olímpia Gomes, Corporate Business Manager at BNB



crane that moves over rolling

conveyors used to place the modules of the

Corinthians Arena roof is Brazil

the largest operating in

“GIANT� IN OPERATION The super crane that Odebrecht uses to

of stones and gravel. The placement of the 11

assemble the metal roof over the Corinthians

modules in the West building, which begins

Arena changed sides. Since January 15, the

in early February, should take about three

large machine weighing 900 tons (without


including its counterweights), with a boom of

Besides the assembly of the roof, the 1,860

114 meters and 871-horsepower diesel engine,

workers are simultaneously completing other

has been operating on an area adjacent to the

services, such as the building of the store,

West building, where it will place 11 modules

snack bar and restaurant walls, the finish

that weight an average of 140 tons each.

for the bathrooms, construction of the VIP

With its pair of rolling conveyors measuring

boxes, finalization of the floors and walls and

14.45 m each, it moved slowly along the

assembly of the air conditioning, water and

600 meters that separated it from the East

sewage systems. In January, the workers began

building, where it installed nine modules from

assembling the metal structure of glass wall for

the West building. Because it is so large, its

the East building, work that should be completed

path was prepared beforehand to prevent its

at the end of February. The metal structures

footing from sinking into the soil moistened

that will support the large glass wall of the West

by the constant rains. The ground of this short

building are currently in the manufacturing

course received approximately 15,000 tons



events Fast News

FONTE NOVA ARENA RECEIVES GRASS With more than 90% physical progress, on January 15, Fonte Nova Arena began planting the grass that will host the different matches during the Confederations Cup and the 2014 World Cup. The grass planted is the “Bermuda” type – common for sports use due to its resistance to trampling and its fast recovery after damages – and will occupy a total area of 9,000 m2. The first phase of the game field construction began with the leveling of the base soil and installation of the vacuum-powered drainage system. This last can aerate the soil, improving the grass development conditions. The drainage system has three important layers, laid from the bottom up: gravel, base sand and topsoil. The two first ones facilitate the infiltration of water to the piping, which will then carry it to the reuse reservoir. The topsoil is the final layer where the grass is planted. With a thickness of 10 cm, it is formed by a mixture of elastic fiber, polyethylene fiber, turf and sand, a material that guarantees a safer surface for the players, in addition to being a fertile environment for the development of the plant.


planting will be the sprigs type, or in other

words, with the manual spreading of the grass in branches



be accepted, understood, recognized and

Journalism and Cultural Production

respected by those who surround us,”

courses of the Federal University of Bahia

said Carvalho.

(UFBA) visited the Odebrecht head office

For Professor Ricardo Sangiovanni,

in Salvador to participate in yet another

who teaches in the area of

edition of the Corporate Communication

Communication Advisory, these

Seminar, held since 2009 through a

moments are important for students

partnership between the two institutions.

to see in practice that which they read

The event is part of the Journalists’

and learn about in the classroom. “In

Training Program, headed by the Press

the specific case of Odebrecht, the

Relations team that, in addition to the

students have the chance to learn

seminar itself, also supports the actions

more about a Communication area

of the newspapers O Estado de São

that is truly strategic for the company,

Paulo, Folha de São Paulo, Correio, the

and accordingly, can perceive the real

publisher Editora Abril and the Master’s

dimension of the results that this sector

in Journalist from the International Social

can generate when taken seriously,” said

Sciences Institute (SP).


According to João Paulo Carvalho, from the Odebrecht S.A. Communication team, such actions are designed to open the company’s doors to the community, and primarily, an opinion shaping public so that they can learn more about the Odebrecht culture and the practices adopted by it. “We are a piece of the social jigsaw puzzle in which we are inserted, and the dialogue with the other

The UFBA students in front of the Odebrecht head office: yet another edition of the Communication Seminar

parts is of crucial importance for us to


events Fast News


an institutional plastic card that is the

Argentina put into practice a full

access key to the Digital Press Kit – with

communication plan as part of the

aims of creatively and innovatively

commemorations for the company’s

presenting the journalists Odebrecht’s

25-year history in the country. One

different achievements during the

of the projects implemented was the

course of its history in Argentina.

creation of a Digital Press Kit and a Press Set – a block of notes with

The application was developed on an interactive and practical platform, and is available in formats for Desktop, iPad online, Mobile and iPad offline, which


it was first launched, the



Digital Press Kit

accesses, with an average duration of

can be downloaded via the App Store. The information offered included a

about two minutes for each visit

timeline that highlights of Odebrecht’s operations, allowing the journalists to learn more about the company’s history, in addition to the different developments built and the new businesses. During the event designed to Press Set

celebrate Odebrecht’s 25 years in distributed to journalists during the

event to celebrate in


Odebrecht’s 25-year


Argentina, held in November, a total of 50 Press Kits were distributed to the invited journalists. On the same day, the platform recorded 162 visits, achieving its objective of awakening the interest of the public for which the tool was developed.




project estimates an approximate


growth in the iron ore production capacity in the country’s



In the conclusion phase, Pier IV completed its first test with a real vessel carrying 800 tons of iron ore in approximately 10 minutes. The first of the two pier berths, located in São Marcos Bay, in São Luís (MA), should start operating in March of this year. The vessel moored was the Ore Belo Horizonte ship, which belongs to Vale, which will operate the maritime terminal built by Odebrecht Infraestrutura. It was also possible to run the cargo test, which attested to the efficiency of the set of equipment and structures. Considered a success, the maneuver was considered crucial for improving the work in the area that, until then, had only completed simulations of the procedures validated at the University of São Paulo (USP) Technological Hydraulic Center Foundation (FCTH). Pier IV is part of a logistics chain that will receive investments of US$ 15.5 billion from the mining company by 2017.


events Fast News

SSCS ORGANIZE SHARE GROUP MEETING The Odebrecht Shared Service Center (SSC)

“Hearing Members and discovering what

and Braskem Shared Services area gathered to

they want is the best response,” said Lenilton

organize yet another meeting of the Share Group in

Jordão, P&O of the Odebrecht SSC. “The

Salvador. Formed by 20 companies, the group meets

Members will only be satisfied with their life

each month to exchange information, evaluate best

and career plan when they understand that

market practices and identify the different types of

their desires are aligned with the Business

operation for the existing processes.

strategy,” said Lenilton Jordão, P&O of the

For Valdemir Ferreira, Shared Services Manager at Braskem and President of the Share Group, the

Odebrecht SSC. According to a survey conducted by the

meeting was designed to celebrate the group’s

company KPMG International Cooperative

achievements in 2012. “We completed benchmarking

– which included the participation of 23

of the main areas of operation and also received

SSCs operating in Brazil and abroad – the

support from consulting firms to explain certain

Odebrecht SSC received a level of global

topics of common interest,” said Ferreira.

and procedural maturity considered

One of the highlights of the meeting was the

above average for similar companies. Still

debate on how companies develop a career plan

according to KPMG, approaching the fifth

within the universe of the Shared Service Centers.

year since its foundation, the Odebrecht SSC presents an invoice and payment


Organization Members, representatives from the Natura, Bosh, Cielo, Marfrig and Saint Gobain, among

addition to the


others, also participated in the meeting

processing cost that is below average. “Due to these savings and the security, the SSC has become an effective solution in terms of reducing the indirect costs of the construction sites, helping the entrepreneurs concentrate on what really makes a difference and add value to their operations with the client,” said Dilson Zanatta Filho, leader of Odebrecht SSC.


NETWORKING DINNER WITH JOURNALISTS For the third consecutive year,

same to better understand and

Odebrecht Angola organized

publicize our achievements in a

an end-of-the-year networking

qualified fashion, which in turn

dinner for the country’s opinion

adds value to our corporate

shapers. With aims of reinforcing

image,” said Justino Amaro,

the relationship between the press

responsible for the Institutional

and the Organization, the event

Relations area at Odebrecht

invited over 30 guests, including


the directors of newspapers,

Agostinho Chitata, Director

magazines, radio and television

of the newspaper Economia

stations, as well as journalists

& Finanças, emphasized the

from different press agencies

importance of networking: “The

and Odebrecht representatives.

initiative should happen more

During the event, there was

often,” said Chitata. “It is a great

the presentation of actions

way to bring the two groups

held by the company within

together and show the press more

the sphere of the social-

about Odebrecht’s operations. The

environmental and people

actions highlighted demonstrate

training programs. “The

its contribution toward Angola’s

interaction with the press is

economic and social development,”

important because it allows the

he said.


events Fast News

MARICHE METROCABLE BRINGS MORE INTEGRATION After undergoing operational tests, the Mariche Metrocable in Caracas – the cable car that will be integrated with the city’s subway system – was opened to the public in the Venezuelan capital. During the event that included the presence of Vice President Nicolás Maduro, the Caracas Subway President, Haiman El Troudi, executives from the Austrian company Doppelmayr and Odebrecht Venezuela, the commercial operation began for the first stretch of the cable car, which has the capacity to transport 100,000 people per day. The first users pointed out the comfort and speed of the course until reaching the Line 1 of the subway’s underground system. This first stretch, which extends 4.8 kilometers, corresponds to the initial phase of the construction work and allows users to go between the Mariche and Palo Verde Stations in just 17 minutes – a course that can take up to two hours by car. During the second phase of the project, which is already under construction, the MetroCable will be expanded with the Palo Verde, Guaicoco, La Dolorita, La Dolorita Bloques and Mariche Stations. There will be an additional 158 cabins in all and the course will be completed in up to 25 minutes. Odebrecht Venezuela already completed another two projects of this type for the Caracas Subway. In 2010, it delivered the San Agustín MetroCable, a project that received the 2011 Award from the Venezuelan Construction Chamber for having been considered the most relevant project completed in the country that year.


100,000 people per day, MetroCable reduces the commute Mariche and Palo Verde stations

the capacity to transport

the first stretch of the time between the



authors Bernardo de Brito, Alice Fassoni

5 th edition of the Odebrecht Award for

and Diogo Machado, from the Federal

Sustainable Development were announced.

University of Viçosa Foundation - UFV.

Student Humberto da Silva Santos, from

Gabriel Estevam Domingos, from the Monte

the University of Pernambuco - UPE,

Serrat University Center - UNIMONTE, with

earned first place with the project “Use of

the work “Study on the Reuse of WTO Silt

Civil Construction Biomass Waste (RCC)

to Produce Ecological Paints,” came in at

to Generate Solid (Pellets) and Gaseous

fifth place.

Fuels,” which advisory by Professor Sérgio Peres Ramos da Silva. The project “Solar Control Rod,” by

Each project will receive an award in the gross value of R$ 60,000, with R$ 20,000 for the students, R$ 20,000 for the

students Marcelo Langner, Odoni Junior

advising professor and R$ 20,000 for the

and Patricia Teixeira, from the Dynamic

respective teaching institution. The award

Union of Catarata Colleges - UDC, earned

ceremony will be held in Rio de Janeiro in

second place. Coming in third place was


the project “Composites Obtained through

To access the full works, click

the Partial Replacement of the Small Mesh Aggregate for Sugarcane Bagasse in Micro-Concentrates: Mechanical Resistance and Durability,” by the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul, elaborated by the students Larissa de Souza, Juliane Palmas and Hingrid Marques. In fourth

The Odebrecht Award is designed to recognize

place with the project “New Approach for the Sanitary Sewage System in Isolated and Traditional Communities Involving the

and encourage university youth who propose to think about engineering within a sustainable perspective

Separation of the Served Waters,” were



2012 Destaque Award:Rec


hree hundred and eighty projects from 14 countries. This was the final number of

Six projects were awarded after being evaluated by an internal commission,

those signed up for the 2012 Destaque

formed by a multidisciplinary team from

Award, constituting a new record for

the Organization and received votes

the Organization.The closing and award

from Members through the company’s

ceremony for the 21st edition of the

portal.The categories of Environment

event took place on December 18, at the

and Community Relations were also

Iberostar Bahia Hotel, located at Praia

submitted to the analysis of external

do Forte, during the Odebrecht Annual

commissions made up of opinion


shapers.For the delivery of the trophies,

During the event, Márcio Polidoro,

the invited guests included President

Communication Director at Odebrecht

and CEO of Odebrecht S.A., Marcelo

S.A., recalled the “encounter” with

Odebrecht, Board Members Renato

Leonardo da Vinci during the celebration

Baiardi, Pedro Novis, Luiz Villar and

of the 20 years of the award in 2011.

Aluiziode Araujo, as well as the Managing

“This year, we traveled into the future

Directors and respective winning

to find out whether we are on the


right track,” said Polidoro jokingly


Knowledgeable People.

The Destaque Award was created

after presenting a video that projected

in 1992 with aims of recognizing

Odebrecht some 40 years into the

talent, effort, the Spirit of Service, and

future.During his speech that followed,

primarily, making all of the knowledge

Polidoro emphasized that the most

acquired available to each one of the

important thing is to reinforce that our

Odebrecht Organization Members.

achievements continue to be based

During the award’s entire history, over

on the practice of the Odebrecht

4,000 Members have shared their

Entrepreneurial Technology and

knowledge, forming a rich archive of

the development and integration of

2,400 works.

cord for Entered Works MEET THE WINNERS INNOVATION The World’s Largest Structural Recovery -Maracanã Stadium Authors:Ana Cristina Marçal, Bernard Malafaia, Lucas Pires Chagas Ferreira de Carvalho and Marçal Portes. Maracanã Stadium, located in Rio de

techniques were used, together with

Janeiro and built more than 60 years

destructive and laboratory tests.After

ago, presented certain degradations

obtaining the diagnosis, the stages of

that compromised its structure.Due to

rehabilitation and the preventive and

its importance for the population, the

maintenance program then began.“In

decision was made to demolish part of

the beginning, we did not expect a

its internal structures, maintaining the

major service, but this is what happened

recovering of areas in the best states

due to the deteriorating conditions

of conservation.In order to evaluate the

of the structures,” said MarçalPortes,

structures, non-destructive ultrasonic,

Engineering Manager.

electromagnetic and electrochemical

For more information, click here.

Check the video.

Bernard Malafaia, Lucas Pires and MarcalPortes received the award in Innovation category



YOUNG PARTNER Sliding Shape with Telescopic Scaffolding Authors:Antônio Aparecido Pereira Rios, Luiz H. Vassalo de Vasconcellos, Marcio Henrique Origa,Martterr Guimaraes Cunha and Pedro Sallenave Pereira Leite. The result of the collaboration

scaffoldings, thereby preventing waste

between four Young Partners and a

and preserving the environment,”

General Supervisor, the project for

said Antônio Rios, the supervisor

the sliding shape with the telescopic

responsible for implementing the

scaffolding generated savings of

project.The mechanism for the finish

more than R$600,000 and also

will also be used at the Teles Pires

reduced the risk for accidents at the

and Belo Monte plants after a visit by

Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power

the teams that are executing these

Plant in Rondônia.“We were able


to reuse the woods from the finish

For more information, click here.

Check the video.

MárcioOriga, Pedro Leite and Luiz Henrique, winners in the Young Partner category, with DaihaBlando, Managing Director Energia Brasil



ENVIRONMENT Reuse of Waste from Concrete Test Specimens (RCPC) as Pavement Coating Authors:Frederico G. Bastos Gonçalves, Marcos Etelvino dos Santos, Renata Ribeiro and Vitor Lima Quadrado. The environment is one of the

and the gravel that was used compacted

most sensitive pillars of Sustainability.

very quickly and required periodic

However, certain challenges can be

replacement,” explained Renata Ribeiro,

resolved with simple and creative

who works in the construction project’s

solutions.This is what the Fonte Nova

Environment area.“We saw that the

Arena team did in Salvador by using

solution was inside the Fonte Nova Arena

the waste from the concrete specimens

itself,” she said.In 2012, this category

as pavement coating, preserving

received more than double the works

natural resources and reducing costs by

signed up in 2011. In all, there were 53

approximately 50%.“Before the project,


the access sites did not have coating,

For more information, click here.

Check the video.

Frederico Gonçalves, Renata Ribeiro and Marcos Etelvino dos Santos, winners in the Environment category, display their trophies


COMMUNITY RELATIONS Curundú...A Project for Life Authors:Gary Camacho, Minerva Gomez and Paulo Saldanha. Projects that contribute toward

developed focused on professional

social inclusion and toward improving

training, financial education, digital

people’s quality of life were both

inclusion, literacy, sexual and

commitments assumed by the

reproductive health and sports

Curundú Urban Renewal project in

and music programs, among other

Panamá.For more than 40 years, the

actions.“Residents who did not have

site was a settlement, with homes

any experience in civil construction

built from wood and zinc without any

were trained and built their own

infrastructure.The population lived

apartments,” said Paulo Saldanha,

in poverty-like conditions, without

responsible for Sustainability in

study or work.To reverse this reality,


several different programs were

Check the video.

In the category of Community Relations, Paulo Saldanha received the award on behalf of the winning team


For more information, click here.

UTILIZATION OF THE KNOWLEDGE Developing Team Motivation as an Element for Generating Results Authors:Aline Cardoso Ribeiro, Almir Fontenele de Araujo,Antonio Carlos PigatZuchowski, Domingos Savio de Araujo, Felipe Morais Pacifico Ferreira, Francisco das Chagas Lopes, Frederico M. de A. H. Barbosa, Marcos Daniel de Favari Ramos, Paulo de FalcoEpifani, Pedro Augusto Bueno and Rodrigo da Silva Prado.

The Corinthians Arena team in São

the Believe Program.Frederico Barbosa,

Paulo earned its inspiration from the

Operational Manager of the Arena,

Organization’s successful experiences

pointed out:“All of this was transformed

and developed a series of actions that

into a series of actions, extracting the

achieved a high satisfaction rate among

best points to achieve a result in all

Members, prevented interruptions due

different senses:quality, safety and

to strikes and boosted productivity at

productivity.”The category Utilization

the construction site.There was the

of Knowledge achieved a new record

presentation of the 36 actions developed

in 2012, with a total of 83 works

at the construction project, with a

signed up.

special emphasis on Hit the Net and

For more information, click here.

Check the video.

Utilization of the Knowledge:Francisco Chagas, Frederico Barbosa and Domingos Savio celebrated earning first place in the category


HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK Crossing the Andes Mountain Range - Engineering Focused on Safety Authors:Carlos Sanchez, Fernando CaceresAndonayre,Hailton Nobrega, Jorge Aguirre Lopez, Ricardo Paredes, Ronald Leon Lavado and Winston Lewis. In order to face the challenge of building the Carhuaz Highway in

net profit.“The main motivation

Peru, considered one of the most

was the responsibility to care for

dangerous in the entire world, it

the lives of all people involved with

was necessary to undertake re-

the project,” said Ricardo Paredes,

engineering work focused on safety,

Contract Director.“We could not

producing some major modifications

subject anyone to situations in which

in the project.As a result, the project

we knew the risks, and that is why

achieved the record of more than 6

we gave full freedom to modify the

million man-hours worked without

engineering,” he said.

serious accidents, client satisfaction

Check the video.

Ricardo Paredes

was the representative of the

winning team in the



and a 45% increase in the project’s

Workplace Health



For more information, click here.

OR ENCOURAGES MEMBERS’ PARTICIPATION In 2012, the Destaque Award offered something new at Odebrecht RealizaçõesImobiliárias (OR):the top placed from the company in each one of the six Award categories (Innovation, Young Partner, Environment, Community Relations, Utilization of the Knowledge and Workplace Health and Safety) were honored and had the opportunity to participate in the company’s Annual Meeting in Bahia. “This distinction was suggested in order to encourage our Members to participate more intensely in this greatly important event for the company, whose main objective is the dissemination of knowledge and the enrichment of our technical and social archive,” said Nelson Tadashi, leader from the Engineering and Productivity area. To receive the award, two representatives from each winning project at OR were invited to participate in the meeting.Their works were presented to the 90 leaders present and they received the symbol trophy for the award from Djean Cruz, Regional North and Northeastern Director. In all, 44 OR projects signed up for the Destaque Award in 2012.


people Fast News

THE FIRST GROUP OF THE OOG YOUTH PROGRAM From December 3-7, the 30 Young

Partners that make up the first group

the Administrative area. The meeting included the

of the OOG Youth Program met in

participation of all the Odebrecht Oil

Itaipava, located in Rio de Janeiro’s

& Gas Managing Directors through

mountainous region, for their last

integrated panels that addressed the

module associated with the second

important challenges faced during

half of the entrepreneurial task

the operating phase and related to

focused on Client Satisfaction. During

client satisfaction at each Business

the module, the students learned

Unit. The youth also participated

about the different topics related to

in an informal chat with Roberto

the Odebrecht Oil & Gas businesses,

Simões, Executive Vice President,

such as Planning, Supply, Risks and

about leadership, professional

Insurance, Finances, Sustainability and

experience and the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO). During the last module of the OOG Youth Program, the participants completed activities that reproduced the reality of an oil and gas business together with clients and

During the last module, the Young Partners

suppliers. “Because it is based on the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial

learned lessons on

Planning, Risks and Insurance, Finances, Sustainability and the Administrative area

Technology, the program contributes significantly toward our personal and professional development,” said Pablo Morelato, an OOG Youth.



the youths’ integration with the

Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant

Organization and the Odebrecht

(HPP) hosted the 16 students

Energia business, introduce them

that participate in the Vacation

to the understanding, acceptance

Internship Program. The youth, the

and practice of the Odebrecht

majority of whom are engineering

Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO)

students from the University of

and encourage their maturation.

Itajubá (UNIFEI) and the University

The program also makes it possible

of São Paulo (USP) - São Carlos,

to assess performance and helps

will develop their skills through

the youth identify with the Energy

new experiences and professional

area and the company’s values,


in addition to allowing for the

The Vacation Internship Program is designed to promote

development of future Young Partners.

On January 10,

the interns gathered for a

welcome meeting


people Fast News

INCREASING KNOWLEDGE ON ETHANOL AND SUGAR On December 14, the Antonio Coelho State School in Nova Alvorada do Sul (MS) held the

processes through the Internship Program. With diploma in hand, Agricultural

graduation ceremony for the first

Front Leader Silvio dos Santos

group from the Technical Course

stated that he was very proud to

in Sugar and Alcohol. A total of 33

have completed the course. “It

students graduated, 13 of which are

helped me better understand the

Members of the Santa Luzia Unit at

company’s production process,

the ETH Bioenergia, Mato Grosso do

from the field to manufacturing,

Sul Unit. Family members, friends

from the use of byproducts to the

and colleague Members of the

final product,” said Santos. “ETH

graduates attended the ceremony.

contributed toward our learning,

During the course, the company

offering us the opportunity for

trained some 20 students, including

growth and nurturing our ambition

people from the community and

to meet goals,” he said.

Members, offering 236 hours of experience in its industrial

The Industrial Process Operator Nivaldo Galdino da Silva Filho also had praise for the course. “It contributed toward our professional growth and increased my knowledge of the other sectors after the supervised internship,” he said. A new group with 20 Members interested in participating in the course will begin learning during

Students from the Technical Course in Sugar and Alcohol in MS: proud of their diploma and with more knowledge of the Business


the second half of February.


Winning team from the Ethylene XXI MiniOlympics soccer tournament

Enthusiasm, team spirit and healthy competition were the ingredients for the “Ethylene XXI Mini-Olympics,” held by Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial in Mexico. Approximately 600 people, including Members of the Ethylene XXI Project, their families and invited guests, participated in sports activities including volleyball, basketball and soccer. With this event, the Ethylene XXI Project, which is committed to social responsibility, confirmed that each one of its Members makes up the “heart” of the project and is part of a single team. After nine hours of tournaments, the champions received first, second and third place medals in each one of the sports categories.


people Fast News

JOINING KNOWLEDGE Promoted by the CONEST Consortium, which is formed by Odebrecht and OAS, the Joining Program is about to complete its first year of life with a total of 250 students. Implemented as a way of qualifying labor and providing job opportunities, the initiative offers practical and theoretical classes in areas such as electro-mechanics, administration and computer networks, among others. The classes are held in the classrooms of the National Industrial Learning Service (SENAI), in the municipalities of Cabo de Santo Agostinho, Santo Amato and Areias, and at the CONEST construction site at the Abreu e Lima Refinery in Pernambuco. Youth ages 18-22 who are completing or have already completed high school can participate in the program, as well as individuals older than age 18 with special needs. “The program offers the differential of providing opportunities for people with special needs, promoting social inclusion with a policy of integration and coexistence,” said Fernanda Sampaio, responsible for People and Organization at the consortium. The technical course, with four groups, lasts 10 months. The technical course, which currently has seven groups, extends for up to two years. For Antenor de Castro, the Contract Director, the program represents part of the consortium’s philosophy of investing in people. “With work like this, we are able to create a culture marked by respect and coexistence, investing in human dreams and in their dreams and capacities,” said Castro. “It’s an opportunity to gather knowledge and enrich my CV with new experiences,” said Cleber Tavares, a student of the program who is visually impaired. The first group should complete its studies in August 2013.

The Joining Program

will complete

one year with a mark of graduates



NEW KNOWLEDGE WORKSHOP MEETING On December 11, 44 Members from the Shared Services Center (SSC) and

People Transfer System, among others. “Odebrecht is one big school for

Information Technology (IT) area at

training people,” said Lenilton Jordão,

Odebrecht met to close the Behavioral

the SSC P&O. “With this in mind, the

Module of the Knowledge Workshop.

Knowledge Workshop was created

They used the occasion to present

with aims of generating high levels of

the proposed improvements that can

motivation and performance as we seek

be applied in the two areas over the

to develop our Members and identify

upcoming months.

new talents, said Jordão.

Divided into four meetings, the

The event was closed with the

program addressed topics associated

participation of Dilson Zanatta Filho,

with individual development, such

SSC leader, and André Schneiter, IT

as Life and Career Plan, Project

leader, in addition to the presence

Management and Presentation

of Paulo Lacerda, Operations and

Techniques. The present projects

Sustainability RAE, who thanked

included: Information Security Cycle,

employees for their effort and

Corporate Television, Automation of the dedication toward concluding the Accounting Balance Process and the

projects. The Members received certificates end of the Behavioral Module

at the


people Fast News

TEO FOR CHILDREN: YOUTH “INVADE” ODEBRECHT Thirty-six children ages 5 to 14 attended professional,” she said. yet another edition of TEO for Children,

The activity includes a presentation

an initiative designed to disseminate the

performed playfully, with a video featuring

Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology

animated versions of Norberto, Emílio

(TEO) among the young public. The event

and Marcelo Odebrecht that narrates the

took place on January 17 at the head office history of the family’s arrival to Brazil in Salvador.

and the company’s record of overcoming

According to Jicélia Sampaio, Project

obstacles until becoming one of the largest

Coordinator and Advisor to Emílio

in the country. The video creates a parallel

Odebrecht, Chairman of the Board of

with a soccer game and all of its intrinsic

Directors, the idea behind the activity is to

concepts, in which the message transmitted

plant the seed of the concepts promoted

is that, in order to be successful, a team

by TEO. “They are concepts that need to

requires the work of everyone together and

be assimilated starting during childhood

the skill of each in his or her specific sector.

so that the individual grows up with the

After watching the video, the children had

right upbringing and can become, most

fun with the toys distributed throughout

importantly, a person of good character,”

the site and toured the Odebrecht Cultural

said Sampaio. “Having good character,

Center and visited the exhibit entitled

the individual will naturally be a good

“Water,” set up at the building’s entrance.

Jicélia Sampaio playfully transmits the concepts of the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO) to children


Learn more about the history of the Odebrecht Organization, which began in the mid-19th century. Over the decades, a small company grew, consolidated its place in Brazil and also expanded into five continents. Embark on a journey through time. Visit the Odebrecht Cultural Center website:




Launch of Manual on Good Practices for


orking through its

waste, maintenance of biodiversity and

Sustainability area,

operations involving the supply chain.

last December the

The manual is the result of three

Engineering and Construction (E&C) area

years of experience elaborating GHG

disclosed its Manual on Good Practices

emission inventories.In 2012, the

for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions,

second annual inventory was published

(GHG).The document is designed to

associated with the 2011 base year. A

offer orientations for the elaboration

total of 135 contracts and 24 offices were

of GHG management programs in the

inventoried, distributed throughout 14

operations by improving the efficiency

countries on three continents.More than

of processes and controls, with a focus

800 Members were directly involved in

on better rationing the consumption

the preparation of this document.

of raw materials, the reduction of

The fuels account for the majority of Gas Emissions in the E&C operations




The inventory of emissions, which

r Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions

In 2013,

there are plans to

165 projects for the 2012 base year, representing a 23% increase with relation to the 2011 base year inventory

began with the E&C operations in 2010,

methodological changes, with updates

was the first step taken in response

in different aspects, such as fuel and

to climate change issues.“In Brazil,

deforestation records and control over

proposals to reduce emissions are being

the use of wood.In 2013, associated with

prepared at the national and state levels,”

the 2012 base year, 165 construction

said Sérgio Leão, Sustainability Director

projects will be inventoried, representing

at Odebrecht.“The practice of inventories,

a 23% increase compared to last period.

the publication of emissions and the

The consolidated result of the 2011

implementation of programs designed

base year inventory, the comparisons

to improve efficiency in order to reduce

with the 2010 base year and perspectives

emissions are already conditions required

for the 2012 inventory were gathered into

at several of our developments,” said

an Engineering document, similarly to the


Manual on Good Practices.

For the 2012 base year inventory, the Sustainability area is planning on some

To access the manual, click



EEP Trains Residents from B

Through PROMINP,

courses in the trades of

bricklayer and hardware assembler were offered

O 54

The first 82 individuals

their diplomas on December 19 during

benefitted by the

a ceremony held in Maragojipe (BA).All

professional training

of them were contracted to work at the

program offered by theEnseada do

consortium that is in charge of the civil

Paraguaรงu Shipyard(EEP) received

construction work for the development,

Bahia’s Recôncavo Region tested methodologies:the Continued Professional Qualification Program (Believe), first brought to life at the Odebrecht construction sites and more specifically at the construction work for the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant in Rondônia, as well as the National Oil and Natural Gas Industry Mobilization Program (PROMINP), implemented by the Brazilian National Industry Service (SENAI). With an estimated project implementation time of 23 months, Believe’s goal is to train 700 residents who live near the construction site at the operational level.The first group of the program began learning in December 2012 and the course offered students a basic overview of workplace safety, environment, psychology, quality and health.The consortium gives all participants a free uniform, meals, life insurance and teaching material. which since last September has offered

“We have already trained the first

training opportunities for the residents

group of Production Assistants,”

of the cities located near the shipyard in

said Priscila Lima, responsible for

Bahia’s Recôncavo region.

Communication at the Paraguaçu

The actions are conducted using widely

Shipyard Consortium (CEP).“With these


Together, Believe and PROMINP trained 82 professionals


actions, we plan to initiate the qualification and preparation process for citizens from


Lima. According to the CEP Administrative

Maragojipe and nearby cities to meet

and Financial Manager, Jailton da Silva,

the demands generated by the shipyard

the shipyard plans to work through

construction work.The citizens signed up

programs like Believe to reinforce the

for the Family Stipend program received

bonds of cooperation and commitment

priority in the training and possible

by the construction project to the region’s

contracting.Furthermore, the beneficiaries

development and also promote the

will not lose any social assistance they

social and productive inclusion of the

receive from the government.In this sense,

community.“By the end of the construction

the course becomes a good opportunity to

work, the consortium plans to contract

improve the income of these people,� said

50% of the qualified labor produced by

Believe in the region,” he said. “Believe transformed my life.Today, I

will be 17 groups in all,” said Lima. For Julius Sá, one of the students

think more about my future and I know

in the hardware assembler course, the

that I need to be qualified to get a better

opportunity improved her expectations

job.Because of the program, I signed up for

to grow professionally.“For those who

typing, computer, people management and

step onto a construction site, doors

leadership courses in Santo Antônio de

open up,” said Sá, a former designer.“I

Jesus,” said Maria Clara Gonçalves, one of

knew that this here would be a great

the students.

opportunity for changing my life,” she said.For the Educational Coordinator

PROMINP Since it was first implemented at the

of the Civil Construction courses at SENAI, Luciane Bahia, initiatives

CEP in September 2012, PROMINP has

such as those at CEP are important

qualified 40 residents from the region.“We

for promoting social inclusion.“If

trained 20 people in the first group in the

we had more professional growth

Bricklayer course and 20 people in the

opportunities like these, the situation in

second group in the Hardware Assembler

our country would improve significantly,”

course.“By the end of the contract, there

she emphasized.


Believe Program December 2012

first group of the

started in


social actions Fast News

END OF THE YEAR IN ZANGO The environmental goals for 2012 established by

Angola, produced in the PRPex nursery.

the Population Resettlement Program – Expansion

“The planting of the trees helps compensate

(PRPex) included the planting of 10,000 native tree

CO2 emissions,” said Maurizio Bastianelli, Contract

seedlings in the neighborhood of Zango, located in

Director. “In Zango, this initiative complements the

the municipality of Viana in Angola. On the morning

Environmental Education Program, held together

of December 12, representatives from the Special

with the neighborhood schools, with the youth and

Works Cabinet of the Luanda Province Government

children invited to ‘adopt’ the trees,” said Bastianelli.

and the community planted tree No. 10,000. On

On December 10, the certification of yet

the occasion, the chosen example was the Acácia

another group from the Believe Program took

Rubra (also called Flamboyant), a symbol of

place in Zango. The event included the presence of representatives from the Angola National Road Institute (INEA) – the partnering organizational agency – that thanked Odebrecht for its support reinserting former combatant soldiers into the job market. In all, 440 new professionals were qualified by the Believe Program at the PRP Project last year. For the second consecutive year, the children of Zango were benefited by the actions of the Solidary Christmas of Kambas do Bem, a group formed

Representatives from the Special Works Cabinet of the Luanda Province Government and the community planted No. 10,000


by the families of Odebrecht Members. With the support of PRPex and the Zango Social-Professional Training Center (CESA), a Christmas event was held

The children of Zango got the chance to visit with Santa Clause and received Christmas presents during the event organized by Kambas do Bem

on November 24 that gathered some 1,000 children. The event featured a presentation by the capoeira group Zango IV and a fashion show with traditional Angolan clothing. The children received toys as presents and had fun with the CESA animators. At the end, Kambas do Bem delivered the Zango community leaders Christmas baskets.



Baptista Cussaia, Odebrecht Member: “Donating blood means saving lives!”

On January 10, the Medical Clinic of the Moatize Expansion Project – a Vale project being built by Odebrecht in Mozambique – hosted a blood donation campaign with the motto “Donate Blood, Save a Life,” led in partnership with the Tete Province Hospital. The campaign is designed to replace the stock of blood at the local hospital units, primarily that of the Tete Province Hospital, the province’s largest health unit. “With the demographic growth recorded recently in Tete, we have noted an overflow of patients and low blood replacement,” said Dr. Lídia Cunha, Clinical Director of the Tete Province Hospital, who had positive things to say about the campaign. “Within this context, we plan to raise the awareness of the employees of those companies that are focused on Social Responsibility so that they can join this cause and save lives. The number of Odebrecht Members who joined surpassed expectations,” she said.


social actions Fast News

SMALL BUSINESSES RECEIVE REINFORCEMENT Over the next three years, small businesses that supply services and products to the Odebrecht Organization will

adoption of new technologies,” said Luiz Barretto. This signing will also make it possible for

undergo a training process together with

SEBRAE and the Odebrecht Foundation to

the Brazilian Micro and Small Company

enter into a General Cooperation Agreement

Support Service (SEBRAE).

in order to offer free technical courses and

The work, included as part of an

consulting to Civil Society Organizations of

agreement that the President of SEBRAE,

Public Interest (OSCIPs) and cooperatives

Luiz Barretto, and President and CEO of

from rural Bahia. These institutions are

the Organization, Marcelo Odebrecht, is

part of the Bahia Southern Lowlands

focused on micro and small companies

Environmental Protection Area Mosaic

from five states – Maranhão, Pernambuco,

Program for Development and Growth

Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Paraná. In

Integrated with Sustainability (PDCIS),

order to complete the project, the two

supported by the Odebrecht Foundation

partners will invest approximately R$

and partners from government and private

3.3 million. “The focus is to qualify the

initiative. With a completion period of

administration of the 165 small businesses

three years, the workshops will include

involved with the project, including the

local production projects such as heart of palm, manioc root and vegetable and fruit crops, piassaba handicrafts, fish farming, tourism and civil construction, in addition to promoting and valuing cultural expressions. The program should reach more than 80,000 people and seeks among its results: increased income generation for rural workers, improved management and training for the involved businesses

Luiz Barretto


Marcelo Odebrecht during November, in São Paulo

of the agreement, on

the signing

based on cooperation, leadership and entrepreneurship.


REMODELING FAMILY HOMES The students from the Igrapiúna (CFR-I) and Agroforest (Cfaf) Rural Family Homes – teaching

laboratory and room for the teaching board and educational team will be finalized by February.

units that offer training geared toward the reality of the rural region in the Bahia Southern

The construction work of the Agroforest Family Home will be finalized by February

Lowlands – will find their educational head offices remodeled and expanded in 2013. The investment, made by the Brazilian Economic and Social Development Bank (BNDES), is the result of the Technical and Financial Cooperation Agreement signed in 2009 by BNDES and the Odebrecht Foundation. “I’m very happy and excited,” said Kesia Santos, a student at CFR-I. “Now we will have better accommodations and a computer laboratory with more equipment. Not to mention the environment, which will be more pleasant to

The remodeling and expansion Igrapiúna Rural Family Home

work at the

study in,” she said. For this teaching unit, the resources were divided into two payments. The first, which is already in use, in the amount of R$ 707,084.18, is allowing for the construction of the classrooms, administrative area and teachers’ room, as well as the cafeteria, computer lab, library and a multisport court. The construction work, which began in August 2012, should be completed by March and will benefit some 100 students. The granting of R$ 755,965.62 for Cfaf as a single payment benefits 97 students. The project to expand the accommodations, the construction of the cafeteria and industrial kitchen, library, IT


social actions

Encouraging the Peaceful Resolution of Conflicts


uman beings face certain adverse situations that often require peaceful solutions.

However, this is not always possible. “Conflict is something inherent to human life,” said Maria Celeste, Executive Director of the Rights and Citizenship Institute (IDC) – an institution that is part of the Bahia Southern Lowlands Environmental Protection Area Mosaic Program for Development and Growth Integrated with Sustainability (PDCIS),

conflict mediation, in which the parties

supported by the Odebrecht Foundation.

involved are invited to experience a

Orienting people to deal with conflicts in relations of any nature in the best

to resolve the conflict in a friendly

possible way is one of the missions


adopted by IDC. The process is known as


direct contact, and are then encouraged

The stages of this process are


book that systematizes the mediation

of conflicts.

systematically presented in the

municipality of Presidente Tancredo

book entitled Mediação – um novo

Neves (PTN). Formed by 10 chapters, the

paradigma para convivência humana

work details the mediation of conflicts,

(“Mediation – A New Paradigm for

an activity practiced by the institute

Human Coexistence”), launched

since its origin in 2004.

in December by IDC in the Bahia

As of present, IDC has resolved 1,650


cases of this nature, assisting some 3,300 people. “With this work, we are contributing so that the residents of the region can exercise their rights, talk about their difficulties and find the best solution for this without losing the communication channel,” said Celeste. During a special session, the book was presented to supervisors and partners from the 82 Bahia Counters of Justice during the Annual Meeting of Justice and Citizenship Counters promoted by the Court of Justice. On the occasion, everyone received a free copy.

MEDIATION AND ODEBRECHT ENTREPRENEURIAL TECHNOLOGY (TEO) The philosophy on which the mediation is founded presents points that connect synergistically with the principles diffused in the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO). Developed over the decades by Norberto Odebrecht, the Honorary


President of Odebrecht S.A. and

Well aware of its importance, the IDC

the Odebrecht Foundation Board

assumes the TEO as a philosophical

of Trustees, this entrepreneurial

base. “By experiencing Technology

culture offers the ethical, moral and

daily, IDC seeks to optimize its

conceptual bases for the activities of

business and directly impact the life

Members from the entire Organization.

of each citizen, which has access to


mediation promotes the direct

dialogue between those involved.

the services of a serious, diligent and

the Spirit of Service. “The proposal

productive institution,” said Celeste.

respects the limitations of each person,

The commonly shared points, listed

giving the citizens the opportunity

in one of the book’s chapters, include

to express their concerns through

communication, development of the

conversation,” said Lenira Costa, IDC

relationship of trust, cooperation and



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