ON 300 ing5

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“500 Days until the World Cup”




ETH is Now Odebrecht Agroindustrial

No. 300 / FEBRUARY 2013



EDITORIAL STAFF ODEBRECHT NOTÍCIAS is an internally-circulated newsletter published twice a month by the Odebrecht S.A. Communication team. RESPONSIBLE JOURNALIST: Fabiana Cabral SUGGESTIONS: fabianacabral@odebrecht.com DISTRIBUTE ODEBRECHT










Next Edition:



2014 World Cup

Countdown to the

e World Cup

With more than 90% of the work completed, the Fonte Nova Arena will be inaugurated on March 29 with the classic State match of Bahia vs. Vit贸ria


n this special edition, No. 300, Odebrecht Notícias shows what is behind another number, one

that is important for Brazilians and fans from all countries of the world: January 28 marked 500 days until the Brazilian World Cup in 2014. The countdown as already begun (today there are 491 days left) and you will learn about all the news and


progress of the construction work for the arenas – the stages for the Confederations Cup and World Cup – in which Odebrecht Infraestrutura participates.

VISITS FROM FIFA On January 25, the date marking the 459-year anniversary of São Paulo, members from FIFA and the Local Organizing Committee (COL) visited Corinthians Arena, located in the Eastern zone of the São Paulo capital. The construction work

Committee for the FIFA 2014 World

for the site that will serve as the

Cup, Julio Semeghini, by Vice Mayor,

opening stage for the World Cup is

Nádia Campeão, the new municipal

already 63% complete.

authority responsible for organizing

During the meeting that preceded the inspection, the group was

by Odebrecht Contract Director,

greeted by the State Secretary of

Antonio Gavioli.

Regional Planning and Development


the World Cup in the city, and

and President of the São Paulo

The some 40 technicians met to evaluate the 16 aspects

The Corinthians Arena construction work is focused on assembling the metal structures of the


building roof

of coordination involved on a

São Paulo Committee, the company

competition game day. The idea

Dersa, the city’s Subway, the São

was to check on the progress of

Paulo Metropolitan Train Company

the actions designed to guarantee

(CPTM), Department of Public

that the games occur with the

Security (SSP), Mayor of São Paulo,

smooth operation of all areas.

the soccer team Corinthians and

Participating in the visit were FIFA


and COL professionals, in addition to representatives from the World Cup

“We received a very good evaluation about the investments


During the visit to the Fonte Nova Arena, Odebrecht announced the delivery of a ticket to each one

4,000 workers to watch a World Cup match of the

and surrounding construction

Sports, Aldo Rebelo, members of the

projects, which are right on

COL Board of Directors and former

schedule,” said Julio Semeghini. “We

soccer players, Ronaldo Nazário

will invest R$ 400 million in road

and Bebeto, and the representative

projects in the region to facilitate

from the FIFA Executive Committee,

accesses,” said Semeghini. The

Marco Polo Del Nero.

secretary also emphasized that the State Government established a

is already on the final stretch of its

partnership with private initiative to

preparations for the events. “During

install 20,000 temporary seats that

these visits, we are celebrating two

are necessary for the opening World

milestones: the first official test

Cup game.

event for the Confederations Cup

On January 29, the FIFA and COL


According to Jeròme Valcke, FIFA

and the 500 days until the opening

group visited the Fonte Nova Arena

game of the World Cup, on June 13,

in Salvador. Among the participants

2014,” said Valcke. “I’m very excited

present were the Secretary-General

about experiencing some special

of FIFA, Jeròme Valcke, Minister of

moments in Brazil,” he said.

The Members were represented by four professionals, including Brasilino (to the left), age 78, who also worked to build the former stadium in



The holding of the 20 Bahia


games and six Vitória games – the


state’s largest teams – is confirmed

The planting of the “green

for this year. “I was happy to see

carpet” at Fonte Nova Arena, which

Fonte Nova nearly completed,” said

occupies a 9,000-m 2 area, has

Ronaldo Nazário. “The arena is very

already been finalized. The final

beautiful. Too bad it is happing only

layer that received the grass, called

now, when I have quit soccer, since

topsoil, is formed by a mixture of

I wanted to play there,” he said,

elastic fiber, polyethylene fiber,


turf and sand, to provide players


F o r th e C o nf eder a tio ns C up,

a safer surface, preventing impact

a to ta l o f 5 5 , 0 0 0 sea ts w ill be

and sprangs caused when the

insta lled, inc r ea sing th e F o nte

soccer cleat gets stuck in the field,

N o v a Ar ena c a pa c ity by 5 , 0 0 0

in addition to providing a fertile

pla c es. Th e tempo r a r y gr a ndsta nds

environment for the development of

w ill a lso be u sed du r ing th e 20 1 4

the plant.

Wo r ld C u p.



ahead of schedule, with different


simultaneous service fronts. One


of the results for this accelerated

With physical progress of more than 83%, the construction of

stadium as one of the hosts of the

the Pernambuco Arena is being

Confederations Cup.

completed at an accelerated pace

The Odebrecht engineers decided

and should be finalized in April of this

to erect the Pernambuco Arena

year. The more than 4,500 Members

using a construction model in

are working in two shifts for a total

“horseshoe shape,� which allows

of nearly 22 hours of work, both

for a streamlined process, since it is

inside and outside the arena.

not necessary to wait for the entire

Thanks to a bold plan, the construction work is eight months


work pace was the choice of the

project to be in the same phase to begin a new one. One of the

The construction of the Pernambuco Arena also advanced from the South area, moving toward the East and West until reaching the North. Nearly the entire arena is covered now, with only the North and Northwest area yet to complete

examples was the placement of the

structure for the side closure began,

roof modules in the South, while the

which will receive a membrane made

jacarĂŠ beams and grandstand steps

from tetrafluoroethylene ethylene

were installed in the North area.

(ETFE). Following the same model

The month of January was

as the Allianz Arena in Germany, and

marked, among other advances,

the Water Cube in China, the lining

by the conclusion of the upper

will be the only one used in Brazil

ring of the grandstands, the start

made from a transparent material,

of installation of the chairs and

which will give the site more

placement of the Skybox and VIP


area windows. The surrounding work is also

The next steps include the closure of the roof and the start of activities

moving forward at an accelerated

in the middle of the field, with the

pace. The installation of the metal

preparation to receive the grass,


which is already being planted

(EMOP), as expressed in an official

outside the project.

note, the period established is the formal, contractual maximum, based


on the interventions necessary for


the intramural construction work

Odebrecht Infraestrutura will be responsible for building the ticket

equipment and planning sufficient

booths, the sites for the turnstiles

for the delivery.

and for the area known as the

Currently, the work at the

intramural at Maracanã, located

construction site is concentrated

in Rio de Janeiro. The company, in

on the new roof, for placing the

partnership with Andrade Gutierrez,

membrane and maintenance

already performs the stadium reform

walkways, called catwalks, which

and modernization work.

allow the installation of lighting

According to the Rio de Janeiro State Public Works Company

More than 80% complete, Maracanã should be ready in April


and the companies have the labor,

systems, sound and four videowalls of 100 m 2 each.

One Pernambuco team already guaranteed to play its games in the arena,

Náutico was also the first to visit the construction site

NÁUTICO SOCCER CLUB VISITS PERNAMBUCO ARENA The main members of the Náutico Capibaribe Soccer Club were the first team to step out on the field and get an up-close look at the Pernambuco Arena. During a visit that lasted nearly two hours, the athletes observed the installations for the skyboxes, locker rooms, VIP areas and grandstands. Led by Bruno Dourado, Contract Director, the group was received with love and admiration by Members. For the players and technical commission, the experience left good impressions. “What is being erected here is a ‘first-world’ arena,” said former coach Alexandre Gallo. “I’m sure that Náutico will have some great moments here at this new ‘melting pot,’” he said.


fast news VISIT TO PROSUB-EBN INSTALLATIONS On January 16, the U.S. Navy Commander, Fleet Admiral Jonathan W. Greenert, visited the

development and toured the installations of the

construction work for the Naval Shipyard and

Metal Structure Manufacturing Unit (UFEM) and

Base (Prosub-EBN) in Rio de Janeiro, where

the Shipyard construction work.

Brazil’s first nuclear-powered submarine will be built. Accompanied by the General Commander of

The U.S. Commander, who was a professional diver during a good portion of its military career, stated that he was impressed

the Brazilian Navy, Fleet Admiral Julio Soares, the

with the construction work. Fábio Gandolfo

General Coordinator of PROSUB, Fleet Admiral

commented the following: “The praise fills me

José Alberto Fragelli, Rear Admiral, Alan Arthou,

with pride and increases our responsibility to

Managing Director of Prosub-EBN, Fábio

reinforce Odebrecht’s positive image abroad,

Gandolfo, and Executive Director of Odebrecht

opening up new business opportunities,” he

Defesa e Tecnologia, Luiz Teive Rocha, Jonathan


Jonathan W. Greenert (second from the right) visited the construction work for UFEM and the Shipyard, currently being developed by Odebrecht Infraestrutura


Greenert listened to a presentation about the

Illustration of the Subsea GSNC Raso Project: Odebrecht Oil & Gas participated in the management, equipment manufacturing, concrete laying and piping logistics work


project, acquisition of material and equipment,

the Sul Norte Capixaba Raso Gas Pipeline

concrete laying, pipe logistics (151 km) and the

Consortium (GSNC Raso) closed its contract with

manufacturing of structures (Skids ESDVS, VES

Petrobras at the end of last quarter without any

and PLEMs Ys).

accidents during the entire project period, which lasted 760 days. The contract included the connection of the

The GSNC Raso is the first Odebrecht Oil & Gas Subsea area contract, involving investments of US$ 250 million and generating 400 direct

MOP-1 (Pigs 1 Operating Module) rig to the

job opportunities. “Because it is the first in the

Petrobras Camarupim PLEM, including a 12” tie-in

segment, we had the opportunity to better

between the MOP-1 and the deepest part of the

understand, satisfy and face new challenges and

conduit, offering an alternative for transporting

needs together with the client,” said Eduardo

the natural gas production from the Espírito Santo

Lavigne, the UN-Integrated Services Subsea


Project Manager. “We will certainly enter new

The company elaborated the details of the

projects stronger,” he said.


fast news NEW HOMES FOR ESSO ANGOLA Currently being implemented by Odebrecht Angola, the Sonangol/IOCs (International Oil Companies) Project received a visit from the Vice President of the oil company Esso, Brian Milton, on January 24. “It is very good to see all of the activities completed and planned out,” said Milton. Marcelo Hofke, Contract Director for the construction work with the state-owned oil company Sonangol, presented the project, talked about Workplace Safety and about the main infrastructures to be built at the condominium and revealed the Odebrecht Organization’s work in Angola and other countries. The contract, signed in October 2012 by Esso Angola and Odebrecht, includes an environmental remediation program, property security for the condominium, a technical area for the energy supply, two water wells and a water treatment plant. The first phase should be concluded in October 2014 and the first model home will be finalized in July of that year.

Marcelo Hofke, accompanied by leaders from Odebrecht, presents the planning for the 125-home condominium to Brian Milton


The President of the Republic of Ecuador, Rafael Correa (at the right), visited the dam, together with government authorities and representatives from SENAGUA

GUARANTEED WATER FOR ECUADORIANS In December 2012, Odebrecht in Ecuador and the Ecuador National Water Department (SENAGUA) signed a contract to complete the first stage of the emergency work to repair the San Vicente Dam, located in the Province of Santa Elena. The project involves temporary construction work that will allow the company contracted by SENAGUA to complete seismic studies and the geotechnical and exploratory drilling tomography work to correct areas that suffered damages due to the earthquakes that occurred between 2005 and 2008.


fast news

ORACLE SYSTEM ARRIVES TO MEXICO A result of the Fusión Project, designed to install Oracle in the country, in November

country’s operations – Odebrecht América

2012, the Odebrecht operations in Mexico

Latina and Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial

received the tools that make up the system

–, including at its largest construction project:

– financial modules, payroll, integration with

Ethylene XXI.

the Engineering systems, supply, people,

Because Fusión and Ethylene XXI were

subcontracts, property, maintenance,

initiated nearly at the same time, it was

workplace safety, health and environment and

possible to analyze then entire flow of the


processes. “Far from being a simple system

“Oracle arrived five months after the start

installation, what we sought in Mexico was

of the project, just as planned,” said Gleiber

a new administrative and financial platform,

Faria, responsible for People, Administration

which brought efficiency, corporate security

and Finances in Mexico. Fusión aimed to install

and effectiveness for the growth of the

a system that could guarantee corporate safety

delegate market,” said Gleiber Faria.

The Ethylene XXI team will receive technical support for the installation until the end of

February. The country has had more than 2,000 orders and 3,500 invoices issued in the new system


and ensure the monitoring of processes in the


The installation of the ATP will be concluded at the Deodoro branch and by the end of the year, all of the other branches will receive the new technology

The new sign system acquired by SuperVia from Bombardier, a global leader in the segment, is currently in the final phase of tests on the concessionaire’s trains. SuperVia invested R$ 150 million in Automatic Train Protection (ATP), which will allow for a reduction in the interval between the trains by up to 50% during the times of peak usage, and will also guarantee improved safety for circulation. According to João Gouveia, Operations Director, the company will double the capacity of the trains by branch and reduce the waiting time on the platforms. “ATP regulates the train speed and reinforces safety, calculating the necessary distance for the stops to be made adequately, respecting road signs,” explained Gouveia. “With the future entry into operation of 20 trains that were ordered from Alstom and the other 60 sets bidded by the government, the Rio de Janeiro railroad system will be revitalized,” he said. The equipment installed guarantees the coding of information from the railroad signs and sends notifications to the machine operators, allowing for improved integration with the new SuperVia Operational Control Center and better flexibility for the circulation of trains.


fast news NEW ODEBRECHT ENERGIA WEBSITE NOW ONLINE In January 2013, Odebrecht Energia launched its new website in Portuguese, English and Spanish. With information about the company, its assets, sustainability and the press room, the website also presents the Odebrecht Organization and features photos, videos and animated infographics. Visitors will also have access to the Odebrecht Energia Timeline and the investment maps. Access, learn more and share the new website. You can also view the company’s new institutional video, launched during the 2012 General Annual Meeting.

The website discusses the investments in hydroelectric, wind and solar energy by the company created in 2011



Campinas, the largest city along the Dom Pedro Corridor with 1.1 million inhabitants, received R$ 3.4 million

During the year 2012, the Rota das Bandeiras Concessionaire transferred R$ 26.3 million to the 17 municipalities located along the Dom Pedro Corridor in rural São Paulo. The amount refers to the payment of the ISSQN (Tax on Services of Any Nature) related to the collection for toll plazas, the contracting of workers and outsourced services. The payment reinforces the concessionaire’s commitment to the cities, driving the economic and social development of the municipalities. Besides this, Rota das Bandeiras maintains several partnerships with municipal administrations, such as the programs Hit the Net, focused on digital inclusion, and Education Route, geared toward training more conscious drivers. The calculation used to determine the value passed on to the cities is based on the extension of the granted highway that passes through the municipality. Even if the toll plaza is located outside the geographical area, the tax is shared with all of the municipalities located along the road.



The civil and assembly construction work left the ground and began to earn shape. At HDT (photo), the teams assembled nine process reactors in 2012

The year 2012 was marked by challenges and learning at the CONEST Consortium (formed by Odebrecht

Castro, Contract Director. “We believe that we are more

Engenharia Industrial and OAS). Responsible for two

prepared for even bigger challenges in 2013,” said Castro.

Abreu e Lima Refinery contracts in Pernambuco, the

With 85% physical advance and 48% of the

consortium achieved significant results during its third year

electromechanical assembly concluded, the UDA

of activities.

finalized the industrial floors in the process areas and

At the Atmospheric Distillation Unit (UDA) and


structured during a three-year period,” said Antenor de

installed electric panels at the U-11 substation and

Naphtha and Diesel Hydrotreatment and Hydrogen

distillation tower. The HDT recorded a 50% general

Generation Unit (HDT), different actions were undertaken

advance and completed the foundation of the

focused on ensuring Client Satisfaction, boosting

Compressor House and assembly of the exchangers,

productivity and training Members. The advances

vases and towers, reactor supply pumps and

occurred at eight units, two at UDA and six at HDT. “The

compressors and also began conducting the hydrostatic

year 2012 represented the consolidation of what we

tests on the equipment and piping.

PROGRESS ON THE SHIPYARD At the Enseada do Paraguaçu Shipyard (EEP), the dredges contracted to deepen the area in Bahia’s Enseada do Paraguaçu region are now operating at full capacity. The idea is to make it possible to construct the mooring docks for the ships and dry dike, which run a total of 13 meters deep. The activities are being undertaken by the Belgian company Jan De Nul, which has the most modern and diversified dredging fleet in the world. The dredging will take place 24 hours per day without interruptions for a period of 12 weeks and is crucial for the following stage: the construction of the docks and dry dam at the shipyard. The sediment is carried out to high sea and deposited into an oceanic rift with an average depth of 600 meters, licensed and located outside Todos os Santos Bay. EEP does not use chemical or polluting products during its activities, since it mechanically removes and transports the mud and sandstone.

The ships take approximately five hours to complete the sediment deposit route.

The dredges should March

complete the work in


fast news A LEGACY FOR BRAZILIAN ENGINEERING The leader of important construction projects in

identify and promote a young person with potential,

São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, as well as the integration

I ask myself what he thought when he recommended

process between the Brazilian Project and Works

me at just 27 years of age,” said Gomes. “I admire

Company (CBPO) and Construtora Norberto Odebrecht

that incredible courage that we so need.” João Henry

(CNO) during the 1980s, Getúlio Luiz Giacóia passed

Muller cited the privilege and honor he had of working

away on 2012 December 28, at the age of 72.

with the leader and friend: “His departure creates a

Born in São Paulo in October of 1940, he earned a degree in Civil Engineering from the Triângulo Mineiro

gap that can only be filled with the memories and teachings of his active and enlightened spirit.”

School of Engineering at the age of 25. During his career, he specialized in special civil construction projects, hydroelectric power plants, airports, dams and transmission lines. In June 1974, he joined CBPO and starting in July 1980, he supported the integration between the teams of the São Paulo company and what was still CNO at the time. Giacóia participated in projects such as the construction of the Rio de Janeiro International Airport (Galeão), duplication of the D. Pedro I Highway, the Governador Carvalho Pinto Highway and the Juscelino Kubitschek Tunnel, the subway and the Paulínia Refinery in São Paulo, in addition to stream channelization, drainage, sanitation and urban cleaning projects. His friends, some of which are Members of the Odebrecht Organization, shared testimonials about Giacóia as part of a single tribute. “He was a man who got straight to the point, and was very direct during heated debates,” said Antônio Cardilli. Alessandro Dias Gomes stated that Giacóia was very important to many people. “Whenever I need to


Getúlio Giacóia left his wife, Regina, and two children, Taciano and Gina. He was a fan of the soccer team Corinthians and played piano

People who learned from work and from life. With each edition of Odebrecht Informa magazine, a Member from the Organization is invited to share his or her experiences lived and challenges overercome. View the testimonials featured through videos on the website: www.odebrechtonline.com.br


ETH is Now :


The brand change took place at a moment in which the business has made solid progress with investments focused on achieving a distinguished place in the bioenergy sector


n February 5, ETH

pursuing the challenge of becoming

Bioenergia assumed

leader in bioenergy in Brazil and

a new brand and

for the 2013/2014 harvest, it will

changed its name to Odebrecht

invest more than R$ 1 billion in its

Agroindustrial. This shift

operations — of which 90% will

confirms the commitment of the

be allocated toward expanding its

Organization to the Brazilian

agricultural area.

bioenergy sector. Founded in 2007, the company is

The new brand features the colors red and white, aligned


In 2012, the company certified three of its nine units with the

Bonsucro seal and seven units with the

RSF2 seal

with the visual identity of the other

Agroindustrial expects to cultivate

Odebrecht Organization companies.

more than 100,000 new hectares

The term “agroindustrial� refers to

of sugarcane, for a total of 450,000

the company’s entire production

already planted in a 100% mechanized

chain, which begins in the field with

fashion. The estimated milling will

the planting of sugarcane, continues

be 26 million tons, 30% more than

with the industrialization process and

the volume processed during the

ends with the final product delivered

2012/2013 harvest, which will allow it

to the client.

to produce 2 million liters of ethanol,

During the next harvest, Odebrecht


co-generate 2,000 GWh of electric

energy and manufacture more than

social-economic growth,” said Luiz de

700,000 tons of sugar. Still during

Mendonça, Entrepreneurial Leader.

2013, the company will continue to

“Odebrecht Agroindustrial maintains

generate more job opportunities,

its goal to become a reference in the

for an approximate total of 18,000

sector in terms of competitiveness,


sustainability and the recognition of

“We are reaffirming our commitment to contribute toward

people,” he said. During the current harvest

meeting the demand for clean and

(2012/13), the company continued

renewable energy in the country, with

with its projects to expand its units


and put into practice the largest

and seven greenfield projects built

reed bed expansion program in the

in São Paulo, Goiás, Mato Grosso

sector’s history, with the planting

do Sul and Mato Grosso –, for a

of more than 100,000 hectares and

total capacity to mill 40 million

investments of R$ 600 million in the

tons of sugarcane and produce 3

agricultural area of a total sum of R$

billion liters of ethanol (see the

1 billion.

map). It also earned the seal of “Committed Company,” granted

THE BUSINESS Odebrecht Agroindustrial has nine units operating – two acquired

Luiz de Mendonça presents the new identity during the

Informative Meeting, held on February 5, in São Paulo


by the National Commission on Dialogue and Evaluation of the National Commitment for fulfilling

The company held an internal campaign called “Today We Are More� to show the brand to Members, who won kits with notebooks, shirt, badge and other items

all of the business practices

Agroindustrial is helping improve

established in the National

the quality of life of the residents

Commitment to Improve Sugarcane

located near its units, with the

Worker Conditions.

Social Energy Program for Local

The more than 15,000 Members

Sustainability, which received

received constant training to

more investments during the

stay one step ahead in terms

2012/2013 harvest and will continue

of qualification, obtaining

to support the development of the

professional development

municipalities. Since its creation

opportunities. A total of R$ 5

in 2010, the initiative has already

million were invested per year in

benefited more than 43,000 people

programs focused on training.

and 37 projects, with investments

Furthermore, Odebrecht

of R$ 11.6 million.


Odebrecht Agroindustrial Where we are Units and offices São Paulo Polo 1 Alcídia Unit 2 Conquista do Pontal Unit

Goiás Polo


3 Rio Claro Unit

6 7

Araguaia Polo 4 Morro Vermelho Unit 5 Água Emendada Unit

Taquari Polo






MS 8 9

1 2


6 Alto Taquari Unit 7 Costa Rica Unit

11 10 12

Odebrecht Agroindustrial in Numbers Mato Grosso do Sul Polo

• 15,000 Members

8 Santa Luzia Unit

• R$ 8 billion in investments

9 Eldorado Unit

• 40 million tons of sugarcane • 3 billion liters of ethanol produced


• 2,700 GWh of electric energy co-generated

10 Eldorado

• 5 production centers in the states of São Paulo,

11 Campinas

Mato Grosso, Goiás and Mato Grosso do Sul

12 Villa Lobos Office Park

• 9 Agroindustrial Units

Learn more about the history of the Odebrecht Organization, which began in the mid-19th century. Over the decades, a small company grew, consolidated its place in Brazil and also expanded into five continents. Embark on a journey through time. Access: www.odebrecht.com/culturaodebrecht/

people fast news

BELIEVE JUNIOR AT TELES PIRES Registration for the Believe Junior Program is now open. The initiative is being promoted by Odebrecht at the Teles Pires Hydroelectric Power Plant, located between the states of Mato Grosso and Pará. Youth ages 14-17 that are enrolled and completing middle or high school in Paranaíta, Mato Grosso, will have the opportunity to participate in the Production and Operation Assistant and Computer Maintenance course. Classes will begin in March. Believe Junior complies with the “Youth Apprentice” Law, with theoretical and practical modules lasting a total of one year. Participants take theoretical classes about Health, Environment, Financial Education, Adolescence and Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO), with a total course load of 80 hours. When they complete the program, the youth will be qualified to enter the job market.

The practical module, with 800 hours, will be offered in partnership with the

Mato Grosso branch of the National


The monthly visits by PréVER cover all of the construction sites and service fronts of the projects in order to manage the control

TRANSNORDESTINA: MORE SAFETY WITH PRÉVER The actions designed to prevent work-related

Paulo Cintra stated that compliance with

accidents were reinforced with the start of the

the operational control recommendations

PréVER inspections by the Trasnordestina Logistics

was guaranteed. “There were no serious or

Alliance and Odebrecht Infraestrutura.

fatal accidents and we intensified together

The first visit in 2013 took place at the

with Members the importance of prevention,

Parnamirim lot (Pernambuco) and involved the

demonstrating that the most important heritage is

presence of leaders from the Transnordestina

physical and mental integrity, and primarily, the life

Railroad project. The inspection team, led by José

of each one,” said Cintra. According to Cintra, after

Eduardo Quintella, Contract Director, was formed

the inspections the team will elaborate an Action

by the Workplace Safety, Health and Environment

Plan to resolve the non-conformities discovered.

Manager Paulo Cintra; Equipment Manager, João

The main risks are found in the activities related

Mendonça; Commercial Manager, Jorge Batista;

to work at heights, rock blasting, cargo and land

Contractual Administration Manager, Lucas

movement and services involving electrical circuits.

Suassuna, and Lot Manager, Omar Barreto, as well

The Members involved completed preventive

as those responsible for the programs (RPs).



people fast news

A VISIT TO BELIEVE IN TETE On January 24, the Workplace Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) team at the Moatize Expansion Project – a Vale construction project being undertaken by Odebrecht in Mozambique – visited the installations of the Continued Professional Qualification Program – Believe, which occurs in Tete. The Members learned about the daily routine of the Specific Cycle students completing the Motor Grader Machine Operator course and about the operation of the equipment simulators. In the Carpenter group, visitors observed the topics of workplace safety, health and environment in the Basic and Specific Cycles. “We were surprised with the work designed to train people and the qualification for work developed by the program,” said Roberto Salvador, SHE Manager.

Roberto Salvador, Fabiano Nascimento and Gurlan Valério, from the SHE team, and Pryscilla Gomide and Luiz Carlos, from Believe in the simulator laboratory


HEALTHY SMILES AT THE SANTO ANTÔNIO HPP Among the positive results achieved by the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP), an Odebrecht Energia investment in Rondônia, worthy of recognition are the more than 7,700 dental treatments offered at the construction site. The Dental Program, which began in 2009, helps improve the Members’ quality of life, addressing dental problems and raising their awareness as to the importance of brushing. A survey conducted between July and August 2012 revealed that more than 90% of the workers who received the care changed their dental hygiene habits

Members receive care at the construction site clinic or the service fronts during the day or evening hours

and engaged in preventive treatments. The study also showed that 90% of the Members had never received dental care at

According to dentist Talessa

other companies. “It is really good to work

Baptista, the benefit extends to the

somewhere knowing that we can count

families: “The Members take the

on excellent professionals to care for our

information into their homes and

health,” said welder Fagner Roberto da

encourage their families to care for


their own oral health,” said Baptista.


people fast news

FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONALS On January 19, the Odebrecht Angola Health area launched the first Training Course in

was also on disseminating information on the

Occupational Health, involving the participation of

prevention of work-related diseases and reducing

25 Members and lasting a total of nine months.

the risk of accidents, working to promote individual

With the support of a specialist in Workers’

and collective health. “We have already held

Health, the goal is to effectively prevent

seven health-related events and one of them was

pathologies related to work or otherwise

designed to implement the Integrated Health

and promote initiatives, such as hearing and

Program at all the projects,” said Baiardi.

respiratory protection programs and ergonomics

Odebrecht Angola has invested continuously in

and vaccination campaigns, blood pressure and

the qualification of its health professionals through

diabetes control and malaria prevention, among

monthly meetings, training and qualification


courses for physicians, nurses and nursing

According to Dr. Paloma Baiardi, Occupational

The course addresses the work of the occupational physician, the knowledge of and assessment of risks, work-related accidents and diseases and health prevention and promotion programs


Health Coordinator in the country, the focus


History, businesses and holdings and sustainability programs, publications and the media center, all gathered into a single space.

Get all the latest information on the Odebrecht Organization! Access:


real estate developments

First Sustainable Buildin


debrecht Realizações

Consisting of two towers with nine

Imobiliárias (OR)

floors each, offices with a high level of

launched its first multiuse

flexibility in terms of size, a share area,

complex in Belo Horizonte, capital

parking lot, food court and panoramic

of Minas Gerais, in December of last

view out over the city, the development

year: Parque Avenida - Business and

sold 100% of the units in the first


building in just 12 hours. The second has

An event was promoted by the

already sold many of its units.

Minas Gerais Sub-Regional branch at the Parque Avenida sales stand at a structure designed especially for


POSITIVE HIGHLIGHTS The differentials offered by Parque

the occasion. Different teams were

Avenida include a mix of stores,

engaged to ensure that clients were

offering more convenience for the

properly assisted.

condominium residents and visitors,

Located on Avenue Raja Gabaglia, Parque Avenida occupies a terrain of 24,000 m² and combines well being, sustainability and convenience

ng in Belo Horizonte with a public square and a green

in Belo Horizonte to receive this

area with unique landscaping work,


that are integrated with the urban

In order to highlight all of Parque

landscape. The project also considers

Avenida’s characteristics, the marketing

road interventions and precautions

campaign positioned the project

with signs, favoring the flow of vehicles

as “more life in your work,” since

around the area and access to the

it offered a large public area that


unites convenience, well being and

Another distinguishing feature

sustainability. The program included

is the concern with sustainability,

three phases: presentation of the OR

reflected in its earning the Aqua

brand for the city of Belo Horizonte, pre-

(High Environmental Quality) seal

launch and launch of the development,

– a certification for sustainable

which became a reference in the region’s

constructions. It is the first building

real estate market.


environment fast news

A GREENHOUSE WITH 120,000 SEEDLINGS In Porto Velho, Rond么nia, the seedling greenhouse at the Santo Ant么nio Hydroelectric

of the sites, it is necessary to return the same

Power Plant (HPP), an Odebrecht Energia

species of origin back into the environment.

investment, ended 2012 with 121,814 seedlings

The plant greenhouse has 171 species that are

produced during the year.

produced from seeds collected in native forest,

Of this total, more than 64,000 were planted in already demobilized areas in order to recover

guaranteeing diversity, quality and low cost. The storage capacity is 40,000 seedlings,

structures, such as the cafeteria, lodgings

but according to Nelson Alves, Environmental

and gas station. The results allowed for the

Manager, it was possible to generate more

revitalization of an area of more than 2 million

than 100,000 through planning in production

m2 through the Degraded Area Recovery

cycles, which included integrated actions the

Program (PRAD).

entire year.

The production at the Santo Ant么nio HPP greenhouse takes place through a manual process and does not use chemical products


In order to guarantee the effective recovery

BRASKEM JOINS ICO2 Braskem was one of the companies selected to join the new theoretical portfolio of the BM&FBOVESPA Efficient Carbon

efficiency, in addition to the free float (the shares available for trading) of each. For the current portfolio, the data

Index (ICO2), which will become effective

was harmonized by the Sustainability

from January 7 through May 3 of this year.

Study Center (GVces) at the GetĂşlio

The portfolio consists of 36 shares from 35

Vargas Foundation School of Business


Administration (FGV-EAESP), using the ICO2

Launched in 2010, the ICO2 includes the shares from the companies that participate

guidelines. Braskem invests in improving processes

in the IBrX-50 index that agreed to adopt

to reduce its GHG emissions. In 2012, it

transparent practices related to the

completed its fourth inventory of emissions,

emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs). The

having recorded a reduction of over 11%

rating considers the level of GHG emission

between 2008 and 2011.

BRAZILIAN GLOBAL PACT COMMITTEE: NEW BOARD The new Brazilian Global Pact Committee

sustainability assumed by the parties that signed

(CBPG) Board took office on January 16, 2013. The

the Global Pact during the Rio+20 Conference, held

2013-2014 board members include representatives

last year.

from Braskem, Petrobras, the SĂŁo Paulo Power

CBPG is a volunteer group formed by the

and Light Company (CPFL), Itaipu and the Higher

35 member organizations from the Brazilian

Institute of Administration and Economy (ISAE-

Network, designed to promote the adoption


and incorporation of the Global Pact Principles

Represented by Jorge Soto, responsible for

for the management of the businesses of the

Sustainable Development, Braskem was elected

companies and organizations operating in

by consensual vote of the other members to lead

Brazil. United Nations agencies, companies,

the new board. One of the top priorities is to

trade unions and NGOs all participate in the

continue working to fulfill the commitments toward



Odebrecht Foundation

Training New Young Re


ince 2003, the Brazilian Agricultural Research Company (EMBRAPA) has supported the Cooperative

Strategic Manioc and Fruit Production Alliance – formed by the Presidente Tancredo Neves Rural Family Home (CFR-PTN) and by the Presidente Tancredo Neves Rural Producers’ Cooperative (COOPATAN), both part of the Bahia Southern Lowlands Environmental Protection Area Mosaic Program for Development and Growth Integrated with Sustainability (PDCIS), supported by the Odebrecht Foundation. The installation of an Experimental Field at the Novo Horizonte Farm, head office of CFR-PTN and COOPATAN, was one of the first products of the partnership. Since then, the access to new technologies has become

Valença and Presidente Tancredo Neves

easier, which guarantees the improved quality

were selected and have already begun their

and productivity of the crops and an exchange

research focused on the topic “Controlling

of knowledge with the new producers.

the White Fly in Manioc Root Crops.”

Over the years, the new partnership was


Robenilson dos Santos, age 16, is one

expanded, and in October 2012, EMBRAPA

of these individuals. “Being a researcher is

implemented the Junior Scientific Initiation

something that really motivates me, since

Scholarship Program in partnership with

this project will identify new varieties of

the Family Home. Nine graduates from five

manioc root that are more resistant and

communities of the Bahia municipalities of

will serve as encouragement for my family


Youth participate in the EMBRAPA Junior Scientific Initiation Scholarship Program: investing in innovation for crops

and neighbors to continue planting this

most important thing is involving the

crop,” said Santos. The study, which lasts

community in the research. “We are

one year, involves seven types of the root,

taking techniques oriented by EMBRAPA

six of which are supplied by EMBRAPA and

to our region,” she said. “Besides this, I’m

one chosen by the youth himself. “I still

improving my knowledge and enriching

receive a monthly scholarship of R$ 150.00

my training as a technician in agriculture.”

that I save to invest in growing bananas,”

The activities are coordinated by

he said. I’m planning some changes in my

EMBRAPA researcher, Romulo Carvalho,


and by Agronomic Engineer and monitor

For Alessandra Santos, age 15, the

of CFR-PTN, Rita Cardoso.


social actions fast news

VALUING CITIZENSHIP Building relationships with those who live near

Parnamirim and Salgueiro. In Piauí, the mobilization

the Transnordestina Railroad construction work and

occurs in Paulistana. “We always participate in

addressing caring for one’s health and fighting drug

the activities with a great deal of expectation and

use and violence are the objectives of the Railroad

admiration,” said retiree Maria de Lourdes. “It is

in the Community project. In January, the initiative –

clear that the project has this concern with human

headed by members of the Transnordestina Logistics

beings’ well being,” she said. She is part of the

Alliance and Odebrecht Infraestrutura – had already

group “Fascination,” formed by senior citizens from

held 60 meetings.


The topics are developed through lectures

The initiative, coordinated by the project’s Social

and multidisciplinary workshops in partnership

Service area, is based on the Spirit of Service, the

with city governments, residents’ associations,

Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO) and

schools and NGOs. In Pernambuco, the action is

mobilizes Members to focus on the recognition of

held in the cities of Araripina, Arcoverde, Custódia,


Approximately 4,000 people have participated in the

Railroad in the Community actions since March 2012


The collected, washed and separated post-consumer plastic, which is 100% recyclable, will return to the production process, generating new applications and products

ONE MORE INCENTIVE TO RECYCLE In December 2012, Braskem and the Mauá City Government inaugurated the Municipal Recyclable Material Screening Center. The space will receive the material collected in the municipality and screen it to then sell the bales, generating both work and income. The warehouse has the capacity to hold 250 tons of waste per month and was planned to receive material collected from homes, commerce and public agencies in the city. The project is an initiative of Braskem, the Mauá City Government and COOPERCATA, the cooperative responsible for the work conducted at the center. The investment is designed to assist with the organization of the recyclable collection system, helping preserve the environment and promoting the city’s social-economic development.


social actions fast news

ENSEADA RECEIVES NEW PUBLIC SQUARE At the end of 2012, the Enseada do Paraguaçu Shipyard (EEP) finished revitalizing the public square and former Enseada cross in Bahia, where it is building the state’s largest private development of the past 10 years. The ceremony to deliver the public square included the presence of Fernando Barbosa, Executive Director at EEP, Yao Yasumasa, a representative from Kawasaki Heavy Industries and Member of EEP, Helder Campomizzi, from the consortium that is building the shipyard, as well as Ricardo Lyra, Francisco Dezen, Humberto Rangel and Guilherme Abud, the Directors of EEP and leaders from the region. The restored cross was located inside one of the farms acquired for the shipyard area. Measuring six meters high, local residents held religious ceremonies in front of it decades ago. In March of this year, EEP will finalize the restoration of the Our Lady of the Rosary Church, considered a site of local historical heritage.

A leisure space for the population of Enseada, the public square was remodeled using investments of R$ 190,000


awards fast news


Identified with the “I’m greenTM” seal, the Brazilian “Green” PE is present in hundreds of products in several different countries

Competing against 126 companies from all

the “Green” Polyethylene, better known as

over Brazil, Braskem was the winner of the

“Green” Plastic in 2007 and, the following year,

Study and Project Finance Entity (FINEP) in the

it began supplying it to different companies.

category of Sustainable Innovation, created this

The production at an industrial scale has taken

year. Besides this distinction, the company also

place since September 2010, serving clients from

earned the Brazilian Innovation Agency award in

all over the world. Originating from sugarcane

the Large Company category in 2011.

ethanol, a 100% renewable raw material, the

The petrochemical company’s growth strategy

“Green” Polyethylene retains up to 2.5 tons of

is based on the development of new technologies

carbon gas from the atmosphere for each ton

through research. Braskem started developing



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