nº 305 • april 2013
Different Than Anything You Have Ever Seen
Run and Walk: Synergy for Promoting Health
Odebrecht Award For Sustainable Development Worldwide
The Young Partner’s Integration at the Organization
contents nº 305 • april 2013
Editorial Staff ODEBRECHT NOTÍCIAS is an internally-circulated newsletter published twice a month by the Odebrecht S.A. Communication team. RESPONSIBLE JOURNALIST: Fabiana Cabral SUGGESTIONS: fabianacabral@odebrecht. com DISTRIBUTE ODEBRECHT NEWS AT YOUR COMPANY!
Synergy for Prom
he Odebrecht Run and Walk began in São Paulo in 2006, and since then, in addition to becoming part of the routine of São Paulo Members, it has also won over new cities and added new countries. This evolution led to an unprecedented milestone during the first edition of 2013:the action occurred simultaneously in 20 sites. On April 13 and 14, Members from Brazil, Portugal, Mozambique, United States, Angola, Cuba, Mexico, Ecuador, Panama, Peru and the United Arab Emirates gathered their families for a morning filled with integration and activities designed to promote health. This synergy brought together more than 10,800 people in all who signed up.Alice Sawamura, a Nurse from the Health Support Area in São Paulo and one of the professionals who came up with the idea for the event, pointed out that the most important aspect of this integrated initiative is to reinforce each person’s role in terms of caring for their own health.“Taking this message around the world is
fundamental, and the Run and Walk helps us with this challenge,” said Sawamura.For her, the support of leaders influencing other leaders was important for the countries’ growing participation.In this sense,
moting Health Gabriela Kuchinski, Member of the Odebrecht S.A. Culture and Integration team, which supported the event organization, reinforced the important mobilization focused
on the topic:“We interacted with all sites and it was incredible to see people’s mobilization and interest in holding this event focused on promoting health,” said Kuchinski.
Watch the vídeo of Odebrecht Run and Walk
The children had the option of playing in a space with monitors from the Arrastão Project, an organization that encourages art and culture for low-income children and youth
P I O N E E R I NG B RAZ I L In Brazil, the event was held in São Paulo, Salvador, Rio de Janeiro, Brasília, Recife, Belo Horizonte and Fortaleza.
São Paulo In the São Paulo capital, 4,600 people signed up, and on April 13, not even the rain could keep away the more than 900 Members and their families.The red color of the Odebrecht Run and Walk t-shirt took over Villa Lobos Park. “Every year, I’m surprised by the organization of the event and number of people,” said MonalisaGonçalves from the Odebrecht Information
Technology (IT) area.“During this edition, not even the strong rains brought down our spirits,” she said. The morning began with a stretching class for the later run or walk – based on the participant’s choosing. Upon their return, a dance class awaited those present for some fun and relaxation, and to replenish their energy, a healthy snack was served. MonalisaGonçalves believes that the initiative reinforces the importance of those moments set aside for leisure and a healthy lifestyle.“I truly recognize the importance of the event and feel proud to be part of a company that is concerned
with its Members’ well being,” said Gonçalves.She further emphasized that the fact that the event takes place in several sites at once was also something exciting:“I find the synergy between the countries to hold the event simultaneously to be something fantastic,” she said.“I was able to follow colleagues from the different corners of
sang for the participants and park visitors. In São Paulo, the event also promoted the donation of books for the Street Book Project, supported and hosted by the Villa-Lobos Park.The initiative is designed to get the books off the shelves, donating them to other people and disseminating the habit of reading.
Brazil and the rest of the world through the social networks.” To end the day, the Organization’s Choir
The publications donated to the park are made available always on the last Sunday of the month.
Rio de Janeiro
In Rio de Janeiro, excitement during the Odebrecht Run and Walk and also for the activities held at the same time.Participants had access to massages, stretching exercises and recreation together with their children
In the municipal park (Parque da Cidade), located in Brasília, Members participated in the stretching and Run and Walk with their families and took advantage of the spaces for massage and dance, activities for children and enjoyed breakfast
In Recife, at Paiva Reserve, approximately 150 people participated in the Odebrecht Run and Walk.For children, a children’s recreation team was included as part of the party
Salvador In the Pituaçu Metropolitan Park, located in Salvador, the Saturday began with a stretching class and Tai chi chuan movements.Once they had warmed up, the 620 continued on to the run or walk. Once they reached the finish line, they enjoyed a dance class and space for massage, and ended the event with breakfast.
This second edition of the Run and Walk in the city included nearly double the participants as the 2012 edition. These included primarily children and those who love to run
Belo Horizonte The Pampulha Lake served as stage for the first edition of the event in Minas Gerais, with included approximately 100 people.Eric Barbugiani, Member of the Planning and Communication area at the Belo Horizonte office, has participated in the event in S達o Paulo since 2006, always together with his family.He explained that his father is also a big fan of the Odebrecht Run and Walk due to the recognition and care demonstrated by the people who make up the Organization when it comes to holding initiatives like this one.
During the event, participants could take blood pressure readings and a nutritionist was on-call to answer their questions about eating habits
WO R L DW I D E Th e Od e b re c ht Ru n a n d Wa l k c rosse d Brazi l ia n b o rd e rs i n 201 2 wi th th e pa rti c i pati o n of M e m b e rs fro m Na ca la , Ma p u to a n d M oatize, i n M oza m b i q u e, a s we l l a s Li s b o n, i n Po rtuga l . Th i s ye a r, a n oth e r e ight co u ntri e s j o i n e d th e i n i tiative – U n i te d State s, Ango la, Cu ba , M exi co, Ec ua d o r, Pa na ma, Pe ru a n d Un i te d A ra b Em i rate s.
United States In the United States, the first edition included the cities of Houston, Miami and New Orleans.The event gathered some 80 people, including Members and their families. In the photo, participants from Miami
Panama In the city of Panama, approximately 600 people gathered at the CintaCostera sea landfill, where spaces were set up for family activities, recreation and sports.To kick off the day, stretching exercises helped motivate the participants.Then, they headed off to the run and walk.At the finish line, music, an aerobics class, children’s recreation and a healthy snack awaited the athletes.In the end, the winners of the first three places received symbolic medals
Ecuador In Quito, the day began with stretching exercises to prepare participants for the 5K run or walk.At the finish line, a new activity awaited the 290 participants:the planting of trees in the Metropolitan Forest Park, where the event was held.This event made the Run and Walk in Ecuador a Carbon Neutral Event, certified by the consulting firm SolucionesAmbientales and by the NGO Corporaciónpara el ManejoForestalSustentable (COMAFORS).
Mexico The first edition of the event in the country, held in Mexico City, gathered 250 people.In addition to the run and walk and breakfast, participants also had access to health professionals who took blood pressure and sleep quality readings, a nutritionist and personal trainer. For the Members interviewed, it was an important moment for bringing the family and work colleagues together.The fact that the event took place simultaneously in several different countries represents for them the Organization’s unity and diversity.“It doesn’t matter what business we are from,” said Eder Garrido, Member of BraskemIdesa.“Today we are together, participating in this event in a global fashion,” he said. The event was held in Chapultepec Forest
Peru In Lima, the blue sky increased the excitement of the nearly 300 participants.In addition to the run and walk, there were several different activities offered, such as pilates and children’s recreation with a labyrinth and climbing wall. Anlly Garcia, responsible for the Communication program at the Rutas de Lima
Concessionaire, commented on the experience of sharing a moment like this one with her family and work colleagues from other contracts in the country.“My son, my husband and I are all very happy to be able to participate in this event,” said Garcia.“The experience a very good one. We will replicate it during our weekends together,” she said.
In the photo, Anlly with her family. The structure and organization of the meeting surprised the participants and the local community
United Arab Emirates
In Abu Dhabi, approximately 110 people took part in the meeting at Lake Park, which began with stretching, followed by the run and walk.To close the event, in addition to the breakfast and activities designed for children, the surprise was a capoeira presentation
Cuba In Havana, at the Cuba National Botanical Gardens, the 4.5 kilometers of the Run and Walk were just the beginning of the activities.When they crossed the finish line, the 104 participants practiced sports such as volleyball and soccer and enjoyed the reserved space together with the children
Angola In Angola, the event was focused on the run, which took place along the streets of Luanda. Approximately 150 Members participated with their families
Portugal Poetas Park was the setting of the Odebrecht Run and Walk in Lisbon.The 171 individuals present started their morning with stretching exercises, followed by a run or walk. When they crossed the finish line, they could participate in activities such as stretching and dance classes, including Zumba and Sh´Bam.To replenish
energies, a hearty breakfast awaited the Members and their families. For Vanda Pedrosa, from Odebrecht in Portugal, the initiative units people from the different work environments.“It is also very important and fun to know that the entire Organization joins forces for an event that promotes a healthy lifestyle,� she said.
A L R EA DY P L A N N I NG T H E N EXT E D I T I O N ! The Odebrecht Run and Walk is organized by the Health Support, People and Organization (P&O), Workplace Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) and Business Communication teams. It is expected that the event will grow with each edition, adding new sites and promoting the adoption of healthy habits, while also encouraging the interaction of leaders, Members and their families. View the photos from the event at: http://corridaecaminhada.odebrecht. com.The videos from the different event sites will also be available soon.
In Lisbon, Members marked their presence, accompanied by friends and family members
The next edition will take place in October of this year. Stay tuned for registration information and participate!
Mozambique In Mozambique, the event was held in Maputo and Moatize with the participation of more than 300 Members and their families.The participants chose between the 5K run or walk and were invited at the end to enjoy a healthy breakfast. For Zaíra Lopes, who has participated in the Run and Walk for the past two editions, the initiative was an excellent way to care for one’s health
PROMOTING HEALTH AND WELL BEING At the Odebrecht offices in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Salvador, the Run and Walk is just one of the initiatives included under the Cycle of Health and Well Being Activities, organized by the Health Support area, with the support of the People & Organization and Business Communication teams, which will offer information and activities designed to promote Members’ health and well being. Andréa Jucá, responsible for Remuneration, ILP and Health at Odebrecht S.A., explained that the main goal is to encourage professionals to adopt positive attitudes with relation to the topic, in addition to reinforcing it as an Organization value. During the week of April 8, for example, Members from the São Paulo offices took part in a fast stretching session,
which ended with a group dynamic exercise involving the participants.“During the year 2013, we will develop certain topics that are part of people’s lives, such as eating habits, sedentarism and being overweight,” said Jucá.
At the Eldorado Building in São Paulo, a nutritionist spoke about the sodium found in meals, using certain foods as examples, and also answered questions about the topic
Different Than Anything You Have Ever Seen
n April 23, a new business model began operating in São
Paulo: ConectCar, which works in the segment of electronic toll, shopping center parking and fuel supply payment. The company was created by Odebrecht TransPort and Ipiranga, subsidiary of the Ultra Group and largest private distributor of fuels in Brazil. The partnership between Odebrecht TransPort and Ipiranga allows ConectCar to benefit from the experience in the road concessions segment and gives it access to a sales channel with more than 6,200 points in the country. With a chip installed in the vehicle — or a tag, as it is more commonly known – the customers pass directly through the toll plazas along the São Paulo state highways, have access to shopping center and commercial center parking lots, accumulate points under the Ipiranga loyalty program (called “KMs of Advantages”) and can pay for fuel and acquire products and services at the Ipiranga gas stations. All of this using a fast, safe and modern pre-paid electronic payment system without monthly fees, giving the driver the convenience of avoiding lines in the toll plazas or the need
to open the car window to use money or tickets. “We united technology with the vocation for solid customer relations,” Paulo Cesena, Executive Director at Odebrecht TransPort. “We want them to be satisfied and find pleasure in using our services. It is with this intent that we offer comfort, advantages and conveniences when traveling, going shopping or filling up on gas, benefits that we want to extend to the entire country,” said Cesena. The ConectCar tag was tested and has been operating since December 2012 at the toll plazas of Rota dos Coqueiros, the
concessionaire controlled by Odebrecht TransPort in Pernambuco. To initiate the operation in São Paulo, contracts were signed with the 19 highway concessionaires, with authorization obtained from the São Paulo State Transports Agency (ARTESP). Through such contracts, the tags are now being sold to pay for the tolls along the São Paulo highways. Along the federal highways with toll plazas — Presidente Dutra,
social networks, as well as an action designed especially for Members of the São Paulo Odebrecht Organization.
Régis Bittencourt, TransBrasiliana and Fernão Dias —, the installation is currently under negotiation with the concessionaires. Over the upcoming days, the São Paulo Ipiranga Gas Stations will be “suited” with the ConectCar brand. There will be an advertising campaign to launch the product on television – characters will liven up the primetime commercial slots and the soccer game broadcasts. The media plan also includes initiatives on the main radio stations and
for the pre-paid system in which the user pays a recharge fee and can recharge only the amount necessary for one trip. “ConectCar was structured into a business model without monthly fees, heavily reducing the tag value compared to the competition by charging a small fee for each recharge operation that varies between R$ 2 (recharge of R$ 20) and R$ 8.50 (recharge of R$ 220). “This revolution in the system costs may attract many more people to experience the convenience of automatic payments,” he said. Over the upcoming months, the ConectCar tag will arrive to the states of Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná, Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo.
BUSINESS MODEL The focus of the company, which received investments of R$ 150 million, is the 35 million vehicle owners in the country that travel little and do not want to add yet another fixed expense to their monthly budget, opting instead
HOW IT WORKS The tag can be acquired at any one of the more than 1,300 Ipiranga gas stations in the State of São Paulo. Afterwards, the client simply needs to charge it with credits at the gas stations to begin using the system.
The device – a small plastic box with a chip – is fastened to the vehicle’s windshield in a horizontal position that facilitates the radiofrequency communication between the device and the antennas installed in the toll plazas and parking lots. The communication takes place automatically. If there is enough balance to cover the transaction, the toll gates open and the payment amount is subtracted from the credits and passed on to the concessionaire or
parking lot. “The pre-paid system is undoubtedly a major innovation, since it provides the advantage of a product without any monthly fee and at a low cost, and in counterpart, offers the user the responsibility of managing the credit balance, similarly to a bank account. “The planning of the trip and control of the balance are important activities for guaranteeing the direct passage through the toll plazas and parking lots, since if there is not enough balance to pay the transaction the gate will not open,” alerted Cumerlato. In order to assist users with the task of administering their balance, ConectCar offers several means to consult it: via the
Learn more about the Advantages NO MONTHLY FEE The recharges are pre-paid with a small fee, allowing for full expense control. Discounts when Purchasing Gas To purchase gas at the Ipiranga gas stations using the ConectCar credits, the user receives a 3% discount – credited in the system with a limit value of R$ 220 per recharge. Earn Km of Advantages The driver can accumulate bonuses – “kilometers” – for all recharges and exchange these for benefits and discounts. Each real recharged is equal to one kilometer. Simplified Balance Control Users can consult their balance and statement online at: www.conectcar.com, through the customer service center or via SMS sent to the cellular phone number registered on the Customer Portal. The service has a fee: R$ 0.35 per consultation, which is deducted from the tag balance.
Elevators from the Odebrecht offices in São Paulo wrapped with the ConectCar internal publicity campaign
website www.conectcar.com, via cellular phone via SMS or through the assistance center that operates 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Besides this, ConectCar sends an SMS message to the user at no cost when his or her balance goes below R$10.00.
STAY TUNED! • Upon recharging the balance, the user needs to wait for six hours until the credits are recognized
by the concessionaires’ systems. This wait is not necessary for the parking option, where the credits are immediately recognized. • The amounts that are not used expire in four months starting with the recharge date. • The tag should be placed on the vehicle’s windshield in the horizontal position, and once it is fastened, it can no longer be removed. If it is removed, the tag stops working.
Learn more about the Odebrecht TransPort assets: HIGHWAYS • Rota das Bandeiras The Dom Pedro Corridor, with 296.6 kilometers of road network, traversing 17 municipalities in São Paulo. • Rota dos Coqueiros First Public-Private Partnership in Pernambuco and the first of the road type in the country’s Northeastern region. Operates the Paiva Reserve road system, which extends 6.5 kilometers. • Rota do Atlântico Responsible for 45 kilometers of the Suape/ Expressway Road and Logistics Complex, which is the accessway to the port and the industries located in Suape, Pernambuco. • Bahia Norte Operates the BA-093 system, which consists of six highways that pass through several different municipalities in the Metropolitan Region of Salvador in Bahia. • CLN - Litoral Norte Concessionaire Responsible for the 217 kilometers of Coco Road and the Green Line, located along the BA099 Highway in Bahia. • ConectCar Pre-paid toll plaza, parking lot and gas station electronic payment system.
URBAN MOBILITY • SuperVia The country’s longest railroad network designed for transporting passengers, extending 270 kilometers and with 100 stations. Serves the population of Rio de Janeiro and an additional 11 municipalities in the Metropolitan Region.
• ViaQuatro Operates and performs the maintenance for the São Paulo Subway Line 4 (Yellow) with 12.8 kilometers of extension, six stations in 2013 and another five by 2015. • Otima Service designed for bus passengers in the city of São Paulo with the installation and maintenance of 7,500 covered bus stops and 12,500 totems, as well as the recovery or construction of sidewalks located near these bus stops, with the right to display advertising for a 35-year period.
LOGISTICS • Embraport The country’s largest private mixed use port terminal, located along the left bank of Santos Port, which began operating in 2013 and, when completed, will have the capacity to transport 2 million TEUs (unit equivalent to one 20-foot container) and 2 billion liters of bulk liquid. • Logum Responsible for the construction of an integrated logistics system for transporting ethanol, from the main producing regions to the areas of major consumption and the Brazilian coast for export. Traverses 45 municipalities in the States of Goiás, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. • Liquiport Port operator that administers a liquid bulk terminal with 10,000 m³ of capacity located in Vila Velha Port in Espírito Santo, dedicated to caustic soda operations.
fast news
A New Harvest The Odebrecht Agroindustrial 2013/14 harvest began in April, having assumed the challenge of producing with excellence, safety and respect for the environment and the communities. The company has 15,000 Members working during the new harvest. “We will maintain our commitment toward the production of clean and renewable
surpass our goals,” said Mendonça. According to him, the non-attractive price of ethanol and low profitability of the sector over the past years will demand even more entrepreneurial discipline and focus on seeking productivity. The goal is to mill up to 26 million tons of sugarcane, sufficient for producing 2 billion liters of ethanol,
energy, people development and our confidence in the Business and the pride to be a part of this team that overcomes challenges every day,” said Luiz de Mendonça, Entrepreneurial Leader, in a message distributed to all professionals. The performance of the 2012/2013 harvest generated several learning experiences. “We will use the lessons learned as support to construct and
700,000 tons of sugar and co-generating 2,000 GWh of electric energy. The priorities for the operation include safety, training of the Members and expansion of the agricultural partners, both in terms of leases as well as supply. “We have the challenge of planting more than 100,000 hectares of sugarcane,” said the Entrepreneurial Leader.
As is tradition every year, some of the Odebrecht Agroindustrial units held ceremonies and worship services to mark the start of the new harvest
To the Wind Th e Co rre d o r d o Se na n d e s Wi n d En e rgy Co m p l ex, a n O d e b re c ht En e rgia d eve l o p m e nt l o cate d i n R i o G ra n d e, Ri o G ra n d e d o Su l , re ce ive d th e fi rst pa rt that wi l l ma ke u p i ts p i o n e e ri ng a e roge n e rato r. Ea c h o n e of th e 40 a e roge n e rato rs that a re pa rt of th e wi n d e n e rgy co m p l ex wi l l
co m pa ny Al sto m i n th e State s of Sã o Pa u l o, Ri o G ra n d e d o Su l a n d Ba h ia. Th e fi rst p ha se of th e d eve l o p m e nt, wh i c h co n s i sts of fo u r wi n d e n e rgy pa rks, wi l l have a n i n sta l l e d p owe r of 108 MW. Th e co m pa ny’ s goa l i s to sta rt ge n e rati ng e n e rgy by th e e n d of th i s ye a r, a h e a d
have five m o d u l e s, wi th we ights va ryi ng fro m 22 to 76 to n s. Th e pa rts a re ma n u fa c tu re d by th e
of sc h e d u l e ba se d o n th e date e sta b l i s h e d i n th e e n e rgy a u c ti o n.
The Odebrecht Energia team celebrates the arrival of the first module, which weighs 22 tons and will be part of the tower for the first aerogenerator
25 25
fast news
A Unique Product On April 13, Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias launched the development Wind Residencial, located in Rio de Janeiro. Of the 260 units – two or threebedrooms, two suites and an outdoor porch integrated with the kitchen –, 62% were sold at the opening event. Located on Bandeirantes Road, near to one of the regions that has received the highest investments for the 2016 Olympic Games, the development has a terrain that extends more than 16,700 square meters, with 3,200 square meters reserved for more than 20 leisure activities and green area. “We achieved a positive sales result due to the quality of the product,” explained Renato Vasco, responsible
for Incorporation in the West Zone of Rio de Janeiro. “The differentials of the floor plan, type of finish, installation and leisure made all the difference. “We are certain that the product will continue to present high liquidity,” said Vasco. According to Túlia Ribeiro, responsible for Construction, Wind Residencial was designed based on an integrated sustainability program that includes water management, energy efficiency and design solutions focused on mitigating waste and promoting better acoustic and thermal performance. “We will soon begin the construction work with a focus on sustainability and the quality of the final product, which reflects our client’s dream,” she said.
The Incorporation Team celebrates the launch: the synergy with the Construction team guaranteed the integration between the product and construction
Testing the Cable Car On April 6, the Rio de Janeiro City Government conducted the first manned test of the Morro da Providência Cable Car, built by the Carioca Home Program to improve the accessibility of residents from the community as part of the Transport and Urban Mobility Integration program. The event was attended by Mayor Eduardo Paes, the Municipal Housing Secretary, Pierre Batista, and by the Managing Director of Odebrecht, Leandro Azevedo. The system – which extends 721 meters long and has a travel time of six minutes – includes three
eight seated passengers and two standing ones. The total capacity is 1,000 people per hour. “In April, we conducted daily tests with loads of up to 3.5 tons to check the electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, break and sensor systems,” said Leandro Azevedo. “The cable car is in the final phase of construction and there are 400 Members working on the assemblies, electrical tests and finalization of the civil construction work,” he said. Another initiative to improve the residents’ accessibility in Providência will be the construction of an tilted
stations and will connect the regions of Providência (Praça Américo Brum), Central do Brasil and Cidade do Samba (Gamboa). The 16 cabins, made from acrylic and aluminum with wooden seats, can transport
walkway that will connect the stairs Ladeira do Barroso to the public square Praça do Cruzeiro. The cabin will have the capacity for 10 people, including passengers with special needs.
The Providência cable car received investments of R$ 75 million for the construction of stations, assembly of towers, rearrangement of the energy network and installation of roads that provide access to the system
fast news
The shipyard will have the capacity to process 36,000 tons of steel per year, generating 15,000 direct and indirect job opportunities
EEP: New Construction Phase This month, the Enseada do Paraguaçu Shipyard (EEP) completed the dredging phase in the region of Enseada, located in the municipality of Maragojipe, Bahia Recôncavo Region. In slightly over 100 days, 2.616 million cubic meters of sand and sandstone were dredged, increasing the river draft from 6 to 13 meters deep. “The milestone was confirmed after the completion of the bathymetry in the Paraguaçu River, when we obtained the depth maps and profiles of the underwater areas,” explained Orres Vicente, responsible for
the maritime projects for the Enseada do Paraguaçu Consortium (CEP). According to Vicente, the work makes it possible to construct the ship mooring docks and the dry dike. With the conclusion of the dredging and earth leveling phase, the physical construction work is 10.15% complete, opening the path for new phases of the shipyard installation. Starting in 2014, EEP will build six drill rigs for the first time in Brazil, to be used by the company Sete Brasil for the exploration of the pre-salt layer.
Daily Routine at Corinthians Arena O d e b re c ht I nfra e stru tu ra ha s fi tte d th e s ixth m e ta l ro of m o d u l e of th e We st b u i l d i ng at Co ri nth ia n s A re na. Th e re fo re, th e re a re fo u r m o re to i n sta l l i n th i s se c to r, wh i c h s h o u l d o cc u r by th e sta rt of May. Th e pa rts exte n d i ng 75 m e te rs l o ng a n d we igh i ng 1 20 to n s wi l l b e tra n s p o rte d u s i ng a su p e r c ra n e that wa s a l so e m p l oye d to a sse m b l e th e ro of fo r th e Ea st b u i l d i ng. M e m b e rs a l so b ega n i n sta l l i ng th e wi n d ows o n th e o u te r fa ca d e of th e Ea st b u i l d i ng ( n e a rly 170 m e te rs l o ng a n d 20 m e te rs wi d e ) a n d p re pa ri ng th e te rra i n to p la nt th e gra ss, wh i c h
ha s a l re a dy ha d th e d ra i nage syste m p i p i ng i n sta l l e d b e n e ath i t. Th e gra ss wi l l b egi n to b e p la nte d i n Ju n e a n d wi l l b e re a dy fo r te sts i n Se pte m b e r. Th e pa ce of th e fi n i s h a c tivi ti e s i s a l so intense in the different indoor and outdoor areas of the arena, including the bathrooms, spaces for stores, floors, walls and Skyboxes. Workers are also focusing on assembling the metal structures of the glass cladding for the West facades, as well as the indoor assembly of the air conditioning, electrical, electronic, water and sewage systems. The work has also begun to install the elevators.
The West building, the arena’s largest and most complex, received the sixth metal roof module
fast news
Focused on Social Responsibility O n A p ri l 1 1 a n d 1 2 , O d e b re c h t to o k p a rt i n t h e 1 s t A ngo l a N at i o n a l So c i a l - Co rp o rate Re s p o n s i b i l i ty Co nfe re n ce . I n a d d i t i o n to p ro m o t i ng a co o p e rat ive n e two rk i n p rivate i n i t i at ive a n d p re s e nt i ng a s tu dy o n t h e s e c to r i n t h e co u nt ry, t h e eve nt d i ss e m i n ate d a n d a n a lyze d s t rategi e s
co m p a n i e s , d o c u m e nts t h e m a i n s t rategi e s i n t h e s e c to r a n d d e fi n e s t h e ro l e o f p rivate i n i t i at ive i n te rm s o f p ro m o t i ng t h e s o c i a l - e co n o m i c d eve l o p m e nt o f t h e p o p u l at i o n s a n d re d u c i ng p ove rty. Fe l i p e C ru z , O d e b re c ht S u s ta i n a b i l i ty D i re c to r fo r Afri c a , t h e
a n d p ro gra m s u n d e rta ke n by t h e p a rt i c i p at i ng co m p a n i e s . Th e co nfe re n ce p re s e nte d t h e co n c l u s i o n o f a s tu dy s u p p o rte d by t h e U n i te d N at i o n s D eve l o p m e nt P rogra m ( U N D P ) a n d fi n a n ce d by t h e S p a n i s h Age n cy fo r I nte rn at i o n a l Co o p e rat i o n o n t h e to p i c a n d o t h e r s u b j e c ts re l ate d to So c i a l - Co rp o rate Re s p o n s i b i l i ty i n t h e co u nt ry. Th e wo rk h igh l ights t h e a c t i o n s by
U n i te d A ra b Em i rate s a n d Po rtuga l , p re s e nte d t h e O rga n i zat i o n’ s s o c i a l p ro j e c ts i n A ngo l a a n d e m p h a s i ze d t h at t h e a c t ivat i o n o f t h i s n e two rk i s a n i m p o rta nt m ove m e nt fo r A ngo l a n s o c i e ty. “ Fo r O d e b re c ht , t h e t ru e m e a n i ng o f Co rp o rate Re s p o n s i b i l i ty i s t h e p ro m o t i o n o f s u s ta i n a b l e d eve l o p m e nt i n a l l o f i ts s co p e a n d t h e fo c u s o n ge n e rat i ng l o c a l j o b a n d i n co m e o p p o rtu n i t i e s , � s a i d C ru z .
Felipe Cruz represented the Organization and reinforced its desire for companies to become increasingly engaged in the cooperative
For the Development of the Plastic Chain
During the course, there was the presentation of historical cases, procedures for detecting leaks and the latest news on the topic
In March, Braskem sponsored the Brazilian Association of Non-Tissues and Technical Tissues (ABINT) with a focus on quality control in projects involving geosynthetics. The material, used in Odebrecht project, is employed primarily to reinforce and waterproof civil constructions, such as highways, slopes and landfills. The course, promoted by the Engineering Institute in SĂŁo Paulo over a two-day period, was administered by the international specialists from Texas
Research International (TRI), Sam Allen and Abigail Beck. In all, 160 professionals, including draftsmen, engineers and others from the sector, listened to lectures on the technologies and techniques for applying geosynthetics. The initiative, headed by Gustavo Lombardi, from the Polypropylene Area, and Paulo Sanches, from the Polyethylene area, reinforces Braskem’s relationship with ABINT and promotes the use of solutions with geosynthetics in civil construction in Brazil.
31 31
Sustainable Development in Focus
e l d fo r th e fi rst ti m e i n 2008 , th e O d e b re c ht Awa rd fo r Su sta i na b l e D eve l o p m e nt co n so l i date d i ts p la ce i n Brazi l a n d th e n wo n ove r th e re st of th e wo rl d i n 2009 . S i n ce th e n, i t a rrive d to Pe ru , Ango la, Arge nti na, Un i te d State s, Pa na ma, Do m i n i ca n Re p u b l i c a n d Ve n ezu e la. I n 2013 , th e i n i tiative of e n co u ragi ng stu d e nts to th i n k a b o u t e ngi n e e ri ng fro m a su sta i na b l e p e rs p e c tive attra c te d th re e m o re co u ntri e s : Po rtuga l , Co l o m b ia a n d Ec ua d o r. S i n ce i ts fi rst e d i ti o n, th e awa rd ha s re ce ive d 829 wo rks a n d th e pa rti c i pati o n by yo u th ha s i n c re a se d e a c h ye a r. Th e wi n n i ng p ro j e c ts re ce ive ca s h p rize s fo r th e stu d e nts, a dvi so r p rofe sso r a n d te a c h i ng i n sti tu ti o n, a n d i n ce rta i n co u ntri e s, offe r u n ive rs i ty stu d e nts i nte rn s h i p o p p o rtu n i ti e s at th e Od e b re c ht O rga n izati o n.
A RG E N T I NA “Su sta i na b l e ( r ) evo l u ti o n fo r Arge nti na� i s th e p ro p osa l of th e se co n d e d i ti o n of th e Od e b re c ht Awa rd fo r Su sta i na b l e Deve l o p m e nt i n th e co u ntry. Regi strati o n fo r th e 2013 e d i ti o n
wa s o p e n e d at th e sta rt of A p ri l . Th e goa l i s to su rpa ss th e n u m b e r of pa rti c i pa nts fro m th e pa st e d i ti o n , p ro m oti ng a su sta i na b l e evo l u ti o n a n d revo l u ti o n i n th e co m m u n i ty.
Learn more about the Argentina award at: http:// premio.odebrecht.com.ar
The youth who appear in the 2013 edition publicity campaign are Members of the Odebrecht contracts in the country
Fo r th i s p u rp ose, th e gra p h i c ca m pa ign fo r th i s se co n d e d i ti o n wa s i n s p i re d by Ru ss ia n Co n stru c tivi s m – a n a rti sti c a n d a rc h i te c tu ra l m ove m e nt that b ega n at th e sta rt of th e 20 th ce ntu ry a n d wh i c h so ught to i n s p i re n ew p e rs p e c tive s fo r so c i e ty. Th e 2012 e d i ti o n wa s wa rm ly re ce ive d by th e stu d e nts. Twe nty p ro j e c ts we re e nte re d a n d th e wi n n e r wa s th e p ro j e c t “Stu dy o n Effi c i e nt, Eco n o m i c a n d Su sta i na b l e So la r En e rgy Co l l e c to rs fo r D ri n ki ng Wate r” by th e gro u p of stu d e nts fro m th e Un ive rs i ty of M e n d oza. Th e awa rd ce re m o ny wa s h e l d i n N ove m b e r d u ri ng th e eve nt that ce l e b rate d Od e b re c ht’ s 25 -ye a r a n n ive rsa ry i n Arge nti na.
P E RU In Peru, three editions of the award have been promoted – 2009, 2010 and 2012 –, with a total of 101 projects signed up. The students’ participation evolved naturally and also resulted from the publicity promoted at the universities, events from the area and on the social networks, for a 44% increase.
Th e wi n n e r fro m t h e t h i rd e d i t i o n wa s t h e wo rk “ I n s ta l l at i o n o f B i o d ige s te rs fo r t h e S u s ta i n a b l e D eve l o p m e nt o f t h e Co u nt rys i d e Co m m u n i t i e s i n t h e D i s t ri c t o f Re q u e , ” fro m Se ñ o r d e S i p á n U n ive rs i ty.
Th e awa rd ce re m o ny wa s h e l d o n Ma rc h 19 a n d i nvo lve d th e pa rti c i pati o n of 1 40 p e o p l e, i n c l u d i ng re p re se ntative s fro m th e co u ntry’ s ma i n u n ive rs i ti e s, Od e b re c ht l e a d e rs i n Pe ru a n d p rofe ss i o na l s fro m th e
Confira o site do prĂŞmio no Peru: http://www. premioodebrecht. com.pe
The ceremony was marked by its sustainable details, from the decoration created from recycled materials to the artistic show presented by one of the Odebrecht social programs in the country, LIDERART
The winning students in 2011 of the award in Angola during the award ceremony. During the second edition, 23 projects were entered.
l o ca l p re ss. I n a d d i ti o n to d e l ive ri ng th e awa rd , th e eve nt p re se nte d su sta i na b l e i n i tiative s i n th e co m m u n i ty, su c h a s at th e Vi a l Ca rh u az - Sa n Lu i s Co n so rti u m , wh i c h p ro m ote d th e re u se of wate r d u ri ng th e
co n stru c ti o n of th e Pu nta O l Ă m p i ca Tu n n e l , a s we l l a s th e Ch a g l l a Hyd ro e l e c tri c Powe r Pl a nt , wh i c h p ro m ote d th e re sc u e a n d tra n s p o rt of fi s h at ri s k. Fo r th e 2013 e d i ti o n, th e exp e c tati o n i s to i n c re a se th e pa rti c i pati o n
of u n ive rs i ty stu d e nts so that th ey ca n se n d i n th e i r p ro j e c ts sta rti ng i n Ju n e.
ANGOLA La u n c h e d i n th e co u ntry i n 201 0 , th e Od e b re c ht Awa rd fo r Su sta i na b l e Deve l o p m e nt awa ke n e d th e i nte re st of p u b l i c a n d p rivate u n ive rs i ti e s, wh i c h vi ew th e i n i tiative a s a way to p ro m ote re se a rc h a n d su sta i na b l e d eve l o p m e nt. Wi th th re e e d i ti o n s a l re a dy h e l d – 2010 , 2011 a n d 201 2 –, i t wa s p oss i b l e to se e that th e stu d e nts co n s i d e r th e awa rd to b e a n o p p o rtu n i ty to offe r kn owl e dge o n th e to p i c to so c i e ty, a n d th ey fe e l e s p e c ia l ly m otivate d by th e o p p o rtu n i ty to h o l d a n i nte rn s h i p at th e O rga n izati o n . D u ri ng t h e awa rd ce re m o ny o n A p ri l 24 i n Lu a n d a , t h e wi n n e rs o f t h e t h i rd e d i t i o n we re a n n o u n ce d : t h e p ro j e c t Wa te r D i s i nfe c t i o n t h ro u g h So l a r Ra d i a t i o n
Follow the progress of the Angola Award for Sustainable Development at: http://www. premioodebrecht.com/angola
by t h e s tu d e nts Fra n c i s co B a rb o s a , A n i ce te C ri s tovã o a n d Álva ro M a rq u e s , fro m t h e M e t h o d i s t U n ive rs i ty o f A ngo l a , o ri e nte d by P ro fe ss o r M á rc i o Ngo l o ; t h e wo rks Re n ewa b l e En e rg i e s fo r A n g o l a n S u s ta i n a b l e D eve l o p m e nt by S í lvi o Se rrã o , fro m t h e Tu n d ava l a S u p e ri o r Po lyte c h n i c I n s t i tu te , wi t h a dvi s o ry by A m â n d i o Lu í s Sa n c h e s ; a n d fro m Ago s t i n h o N e to U n ive rs i ty ( Sc h o o l o f Engi n e e ri ng ) , t h e i n i t i at ive Co m p e n s a t i o n o f t h e Powe r Fa c to r i n El e c t ri c En e rgy D i s t ri b u t i o n N e two rks – A n I nve s t m e nt fo r A n g o l a n S u s ta i n a b l e D eve l o p m e nt by s tu d e nt G i l d o Ca b e n d a a n d Advi s o r P ro fe ss o r A n a c l e to C ri s tovã o .
Winners of the award next to João Pacífico and Érico Dantas, Engineering Director
The Odebrecht team in Angola is already working on the 2013 edition. During the ceremony, registration was opened for the fourth edition. This year, participants will benefit from monitoring by the Odebrecht team, an initiative developed to bring the award researchers together.
The idea is to engage the highest possible number of representatives from the 18 Angolan provinces.
BRAZIL The award ceremony for the 2012 edition in Brazil was held on March 20 in Rio de Janeiro (read the story in ON Edition No. 304).
Winner of first place, Humberto Santos, student at the University of Pernambuco, participated in a meeting with João Pacífico, Northeast and Central-West Managing Director of Odebrecht Infraestrutura, on April 5, together with Sérgio Peres, Advisor Professor, and Carlos Calado, Dean of the university.
During the meeting, Pacífico awarded Santos with tablets and expressed the company’s interesting in continuing forward with the project he developed. “It makes me very proud to see a Pernambuco resident chosen as winner,” said Pacífico. “We intend to use the work at some construction project and together, study how we can put it into practice,” he said. For Santos, the award also represents the hope for a more sustainable future. “In addition to the honor and recognition, we know that this is the base of our future,” he said. “In a few years, I’ll be able to tell my son that it is worth it to study and take care of our planet,” he emphasized. Using leftover wood in the combustion to generate gas capable of serving as fuel is the main concept behind the project developed by the Mechanical Engineering student.
Registration for the 2013 edition will be opened at the start of May. Access: www.premioodebrecht.com/ brasil
Integratin 40
ng Youth
Every year, young graduates who join the different Odebrecht Organization businesses participate in the Young Partner program
very year, hundreds of young graduates begin working at Odebrecht through the Young Partner Program. In order to integrate the new professionals and encourage them to reflect on the values and beliefs for the Organization’s Survival, Growth and Perpetuity, as well as the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO), Young Partners (YPs) take part in the Introduction to Culture Program. In 2013, the program’s first meeting took place from April 8-9 in Salvador, Bahia, and involved 334 Members of the
Organizations’ companies. The Young Partners of Odebrecht S.A., Odebrecht Properties, Odebrecht Infraestrutura, Odebrecht TransPort, Odebrecht Defesa e Tecnologia, Odebrecht Oil and Gas, Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias, Odebrecht Ambiental and Braskem attended the general event, which included lectures, group dynamics and activities that allowed them to better understand the group’s profile and learn more about the Organization and its culture. In the actions that were promoted, the participants talked about the 2020 Vision, Organizational Culture and diversity of the Organization. Marcelo Odebrecht, President and CEO of Odebrecht S.A., opened up the meeting through a video conference and answered
Divided into two groups, 334 Members from the Organization took part in the 2013 Introduction to Culture Program in Salvador
The Young Partner and Young Agroindustrial Programs are held during the Odebrecht Agroindustrial harvest period
the youths’ questions about Life and Career and the Organization, in addition to transmitting a welcome message. Jairo Flor, responsible for People and Organization at Odebrecht S.A., presented the Organization and spoke about the 2020 Vision. The participants then visited the Odebrecht Cultural Center, located at the head office. Márcio Polidoro, responsible for Communication at Odebrecht S.A., ended the event with the lecture “A Look at TEO, Testimonial on Life
and Career,” during which he related philosophy with practice. The youth were able to take advantage of these moments to interact and answer their questions.
FOCUS ON THE BIOENERGY BUSINESS In Atibaia, rural São Paulo, Odebrecht Agroindustrial closed the activities related to its Young Partner and Young Agroindustrial activities that began in 2012. The 89
professionals received their certificate of conclusion. The 36 Members who participated in the Young Partner program began the next stage of development, continuing on to the Young Agroindustrial Program on April 10. The new feature for this year is that the leaders from all areas of the company internally identified
the participants undergo job rotation in their respective areas of activity. The stage has three onsite training modules with a focus on integration and acculturation, complemented by distance activities (e-learning). The Young Agroindustrial Program has four on-site modules
another 36 youth with potential for the program, which have since then joined the others. Under the Young Partner Program,
with theoretical content and case discussions, with a focus on accelerating knowledge in the bioenergy business.
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Exporting Qualification I n May, B ra s ke m wi l l b egi n tra i n i ng th ose M e m b e rs wh o wi l l wo rk at th e Bra s ke m I d e sa p la nt i n M exi co, wi th i na ugu rati o n se t fo r 201 5 . By th e sta rt of th e o p e rati o n , th e tra i n i ng wi l l have b e e n a d m i n i ste re d to so m e 400 o p e rato rs fo r th e n ew u n i t – a p e tro c h e m i ca l co m p l ex fo c u se d o n e tha n o l a n d p o lye thyl e n e p ro d u c ti o n i n th e state of Ve ra c ruz. Fo r th e tra i n i ng, B ra s ke m wi l l u se th e m o d e l a l re a dy a p p l i e d i n B razi l , wo rki ng i n pa rtn e rs h i p wi th Se rvi ço N a c i o n a l d e A p re n d iza g e m N a c i o n a l ( SENAI ) . Th e co m pa ny wi l l a l so wo rk wi th th e Te c h n o l o g i ca l Un ive rs i ty of So u th e a st Ve ra c ruz ( UTSV ) to fu rth e r d eve l o p th e tra i n i ng i n th e regi o n. “Ou r goa l i s to d eve l o p l o ca l la b o r a n d h e l p ge n e rate j o b o p p o rtu n i ti e s i n M exi co a n d p ro m ote th e co u ntry’ s i ntegrati o n wi th o u r o p e rati o n s, ” e m p ha s ize d Ma rce l o Ara nte s, Vi ce Pre s i d e nt of Pe o p l e a n d O rga n izati o n s i n B ra s ke m. SENAI i s re s p o n s i b l e fo r d eve l o p i ng th e co m p e te n cyba se d tra i n i ng m e th o d o l ogy a p p l i e d fo r th e co u rse. Afte r a vi s i t to th e M exi ca n u n ive rs i ty, th e Brazi l ia n i n sti tu ti o n wi l l a l so b e re s p o n s i b l e fo r e la b o rati ng th e i n stru c ti o na l mate ria l a n d fo r th e te c h n i ca l - e d u cati o na l co o rd i nati o n wo rk. Th e fi rst gro u p wi l l i n c l u d e 140 stu d e nts, wh o wi l l b e tra i n e d fo r a five- m o nth p e ri o d . Be ca u se th e u n i t i s sti l l u n d e r co n stru c ti o n, th e co u rse wi l l have s p e c i fi c tra i n i ng fo r p la nt a sse m b ly.
In Brazil, the Operators’ Training Program is focused on training labor for 29 Braskem industrial plants
Building Knowledge in SHE I n M a rc h , N u rs i n g , E nv i ro n m e n t a n d Wo r k p l a c e S a fe ty te c h n i c i a n s , e n g i n e e rs a n d p hys i c i a n s f ro m t h e Tra n s n o rd e s t i n a R a i l ro a d p a r t i c i p a te d i n t h e S e m i n a r fo r Wo r k p l a c e S a fe ty, H e a l t h a n d E nv i ro n m e n t ( S H E P ro ) P ro fe s s i o n a l s i n S a l g u e i ro , Pe r n a m b u c o . Th e m e e t i n g ga t h e re d s o m e 6 0 M e m b e rs f ro m t h e Pe r n a m b u c o , P i a u í a n d Ce a rá c o n s t r u c t i o n s i te s , d i v i d e d i n to t h re e g ro u p s , a l s o a c c o m p a n i e d by J o s é E d u a rd o Q u i n te l l a , Co n t ra c t D i re c to r a t O d e b re c h t I n f ra e s t r u tu ra . Th e t ra i n i n g wa s d e s i g n e d to p ro m o te i m p rove m e n ts i n t h e a re a s fo c u s e d o n s t a n d a rd i z i n g c o n c e p ts a n d c h a n g i n g p a ra d i g m s . “ We s e e k the best possible alignment when i t c o m e s to t h e p ro fe s s i o n a l s ’
te c h n i q u e s a n d s t ra te g i e s fo r wo r k i n g , s u c h a s s u p p o r t fo r t h e p ro j e c t to p re ve n t i n c i d e n ts a n d a c c i d e n ts a n d o c c u p a t i o n a l d i s e a s e s , h e l p i n g to b o o s t p ro d u c t i v i ty, ” s a i d A d a u to M i l a n e z , re s p o n s i b l e fo r S H E . M o t i va t i o n a n d O d e b re c h t E n t re p re n e u r i a l Te c h n o l o gy ( T EO ) , Lo s s P re ve n t i o n , Co m m u n i c a t i o n a n d At t r i b u t i o n s o f t h e S H E P ro fe s s i o n a l we re s o m e o f t h e to p i c s a d d re s s e d . “ Th e c o n te n t w i l l a d d to my p ro fe s s i o n a l c a re e r a n d p e rs o n a l l i fe , s i n c e i t d e m o n s t ra te d h ow we c a n b e c o m e b e t te r a n d m o re c o n s c i o u s c i t i z e n s , ” e m p h a s i z e d Wo r k p l a c e N u rs e , H u go Le o n a rd o . Th e s e m i n a r f u r t h e r p o i n te d o u t B e h av i o ra l D i a l o g u e a s a to o l fo r re i n fo rc i n g t h e O d e b re c h t St ra te gy fo r Exc e l l e n c e i n S H E .
With the group activities, Members practiced applying the principles and guidelines of the Odebrecht Organization Sustainability Policy
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“Fireside” Conversation Wi t h a i m s o f s t re n gt h e n i n g t h e e n t re p re n e u r i a l c u l tu re a n d sy n e rgy b e twe e n M e m b e rs , t h e O d e b re c h t A n go l a Ca ta ta – Lóv u a P ro j e c t k i c ke d o f f t h e Fi re s i d e Co nve rs a t i o n o n T EO ( O d e b re c h t E n t re p re n e u r i a l Te c h n o l o gy ) P ro g ra m i n M a rc h o f t h i s Ye a r, w h i c h i s h e l d we e k l y. D u r i n g t h e m e e t i n gs , l e a d e rs a n d te a m m e m b e rs c a n ta l k a n d d i s c u s s t h e i r d a i l y ex p e r i e n c e s i n w h i c h t h ey re c o g n i z e t h e n e e d to u s e T EO . “ Th e a c t i o n h e l p s p e r p e tu a te t h e te a c h i n gs o f N o r b e rto O d e b re c h t , s i n c e i t g i ve s t h e n ew M e m b e rs a c h a n c e to exc h a n ge ex p e r i e n c e s w i t h t h e o l d e r p ro fe s s i o n a l s w h o h ave a l re a d y m a s te re d o f t h e c u l tu re , ” s a i d Vi rg i n i a S i l va , t h e p ro fe s s i o n a l re s p o n s i b l e fo r t h e S o c i a l a re a o f t h e p ro j e c t . O t h e r i n i t i a t i ve s we re a l s o p ro m o te d to i n te g ra te t h e s o m e 8 0 0 wo r ke rs a c c o m m o d a te d a t t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n s i te , to ge t h e r w i t h m e m b e rs o f t h e l o c a l c o m m u n i t i e s t h a t a re p a rt n e rs o f t h e c o m p a ny. A f i t n e s s gy m , ga m e ro o m a n d sy n t h e t i c g ra s s a n d m u l t i s p o rt c o u rts we re i n a u gu ra te d a n d s p o rts a c t i v i t i e s a n d a e ro b i c s c l a s s e s we re o rga n i z e d .
Mathematics in Practice In order to eradicate concrete waste and boost productivity, 33 Production leaders from the Transnordestina Railroad, currently under construction by Odebrecht Infraestrutura, received training in Plane and Spatial Geometry. General, Shift and Service Supervisors from Parnamirim (Pernambuco), Missão Velha (Ceará), and Paulistana (Piauí) took part in the Railroad that Adds Project, which uses geometric figures of the service fronts as examples during the classes. The results can be measured, for example, in the TS Lot in Parnamirim, which eliminated concrete waste. According to Jorge Raffide, responsible for
Production, this rate was nearly 2% before: “We improved our productivity and helped promote sustainability and costs reduction at the construction projects,” he said. The knowledge acquired by Danilo de Souza, Service Supervisor, is already having a positive effect on his activities. “I reinforced my knowledge in terms of calculating the concrete volume,” said Souza. “We align what we learn with our experience. I’ll seek to keep learning more and more,” he said. Manoel Mendes Ribeiro, Assembly Supervisor, further added: “I improved the assessment of the team and my day by rationing the time spent on each activity.”
The Railroad that Adds Project has already trained three groups, consisting of 12 Members from Parnamirim, nine from Missão Velha and 12 from Paulistana
fast news•people
Investment in Health: Financial Return A su rvey co n d u c te d by Bra s ke m i n d i cate s that fo r e a c h R $ 1 . 00 i nve ste d to p reve nt th e fl u , th e co m pa ny ha s a fi na n c ia l re tu rn of R $ 3 . 50 i n te rm s of costs re d u c ti o n re late d to d o c to r’ s a p p o i ntm e nts, th e p u rc ha se of m e d i cati o n s a n d m i sse d wo rk days. Th e stu dy wa s co n d u c te d i n 2012 , wh e n th e co m pa ny i m m u n ize d 4 , 400 M e m b e rs. Th e B ra s ke m Fl u I m m u n izati o n Progra m b ega n i n 2009 a n d c u rre ntly a ss i sts a l l of th e co m pa ny’ s p la nts a n d offi ce s i n Brazi l . It i s exp e c te d that th i s ye a r, th e n u m b e r of va cc i n e s wi l l i n c re a se 9 % . “Wh e n th ey co n s i ste ntly ca re fo r th e i r h e a l th , M e m b e rs re d u ce a bse n ce s fro m wo rk a n d tri ps to th e d o c to r, i n a d d i ti o n to i n c re a s i ng p ro d u c tivi ty, ” sa i d Clayto n Sc h u l tz, re s p o n s i b l e fo r th e H e a l th, Safe ty a n d Envi ro n m e nt a re a at Bra s ke m . Oth e r i n i tiative s i n th e a re a of h e a l th a re o rga n ize d by th e co m pa ny d u ri ng th e ye a r, su c h a s th e su p p o rt a n d i n ce ntive fo r n u tri ti o n a n d s p o rts p rogra m s, th e ru n a n d wa l k, p hys i ca l th e ra py, ma ssage th e ra py, q u i c k ma ssage, wo rkp la ce exe rc i se s, p reve nti o n a n d co ntro l of c h ro n i c d i se a se s, ca re fo r p regna nt wo m e n a n d ce l e b rati o n of co m m e m o rative date s, su c h a s Bl o o d Do n o r Day, To ba cco- Fre e Day a n d d e ngu e p reve nti o n p rogra m , a m o ng oth e rs.
Qualifying Client Professionals The Odebrecht Angola CSR Project promoted the course entitled Training in CSR System Operation and Maintenance for 40 professionals from the National Electricity Company (ENE), with aims of qualifying them to operate electrical systems, primarily the CSR Systems (set of equipment that stabilizes the energy originating from hydroelectric power plants). Divided into three modules – Workplace Safety and Environment, Theoretical and Practical –, the training involved the participation of the projects leaders and technicians specialized in the systems involved. The highlight was the focus on new applied technologies. The professionals had the opportunity to learn about the technology to be installed at the Viana, Uige and Capanda Elevator substations for the system operation and maintenance processes, including preventive actions. “The sharing of knowledge and training are necessary for ensuring the operation of the equipment in a way that prevents accidents and damages to the machines,” explained Casimiro Angelino, Project Coordinator for ENE. The companies Alstom, ABB, SKRM, Coopergia and Medline also participated as partners.
The participants met the partners and learned about the technology that will be installed, including the preventive and corrective maintenance processes
fast news•awards
Member Awarded Computer Engineer Marcos Ricardo Omena de Albuquerque Máximo, a Young Partner at Mectron – the company controlled by Odebrecht Defesa e Tecnologia –, was considered the student with the best overall performance at the Aeronautical Technology Institute (ITA) in 2012 and received the Brazilian Military Engineering Academy Award (ABEMI). The retired minister from the Military Supreme Court, ITA alumnus Lieutenant
Brigadier Sérgio Xavier Ferolla, and Professor Dr. Carlos de Moura Neto, from the Brazilian Association of Industrial Engineering (ABEMI), delivered the award to the youth (second to the left in the photo). The ABEMI Award pays tribute to Professor Celso de Renna e Souza in recognition of his relevant academic merits and his contribution to teaching, research, education and the progress of Computer Science and Engineering in the country.
The highest honor from ITA, the title of Summa Cum Laude, is granted to the students whose performance is equal to or higher than 95% during the course
2013 Destaque Award: participate in this
Young Partner
and submission of works accepted until
SEPTEMBER 30, 2013
Knowledge Reuse
Community Relation
Workplace Health and Safety
For more information on the Destaque Award, please contac Ciaden (premiodestaque@odebrecht.com)
fast news• environment
Rescue and Reintroduction of Fauna In the Province of ManabĂ, located 420 kilometers from Quito, capital of Ecuador, Odebrecht is preparing and adjusting the area that will house the new PacĂfico Eloy Alfaro Refinery. The facility will have a processing capacity of up to 300,000 barrels of oil per day to meet domestic demand and the international market. For this phase of the construction work, which involves moving 25 million cubic meters of earth within 828 hectares of plant formation known as the Espinoso Tropical Forest, the company implemented the Fauna Recovery Program, supported and financed by the client to protect the species present in the region. The initiative involves a group of 20 professionals, including biologists, veterinarians and other specialists. According to Alexandre Ungar, Sustainability Manager, the idea is to prevent species with little mobility from being affected during the refinery construction process. The program maintains a partnership with the Ecuador Ministry of the Environment and has been promoted by the government itself as an example of implementing this type of initiative in the country.
Since August 2012, 1,942 animals of 30 different species have been rescued and then reintroduced into the Pacoche Natural Reserve
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To Grow Together
he program Kukula Ku Moxi (which means “Grow Together” in the Kimbundo dialect) was created by Odebrecht Angola with aims of contributing toward the sustainable development of the region of Capanda by improving the population’s quality of life and increasing education and work and income generation opportunities. With the support of the Capanda Agroindustrial Center Development Society (SODEPAC), formed by Odebrecht in partnership with the company Maersk, the initiative has expanded into 20 rural communities in the municipality of Cacuso, located inside the Capanda Agroindustrial Center, benefiting 10,000 people.
HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Angola has one of the worst child mortality rates in Africa. In the region of Capanda, over 90% of the women have home births, assisted by traditional wives and without any type of medical assistance. Faced with this scenario, the Traditional Midwife
April 10 was marked by the First Traditional Midwives’ Meeting through Kukula Ku Moxi in Capanda
: Fifty-two midwives participated in the action, receiving orientations about prenatal and postpartum care and family planning
Training and Strengthening Program – launched in 2011 within the sphere of the Kulonga Pala Kukula (“Education for Development”) Program – was extended to Kukula Ku Moxi. The idea is to strengthen the midwives’ work, encouraging best practices during the births and reducing the child and maternal death rates. This action has the direct participation of the company’s health teams, together with the granting of systematic teaching materials and support from the professionals from the Cacuso Municipal Hospitals. The participants receive kits with gloves, scissors, a stethoscope and medical coat to guarantee improved hygiene and safety during the births. The training is followed by the Monitoring of Pregnant Women and Children until 1 year of age to identify the advances obtained, promote improved interaction between the mothers and midwives and to allow for the monthly prenatal visits and monitoring of the babies’ development.
The Traditional Midwife Training and Strengthening Program was launched as part of the Kulonga pala Kukula (“Education for Development”) Program and has already trained 24 midwives from the Chieftaincy of M’Banza N’Dongo. In 2012, four pregnant women and six babies per midwife received monthly monitoring. For this year, more than 40 midwives are expected to participate in the program, with monitoring of 80 pregnant women and 120 babies per month.
ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT Kukula Ku Moxi also supports initiatives focused on environmental conservation at the Odebrecht projects located in the region of Capanda. At the Laúca Hydroelectric Facility, the Kakunununa (which means “Replant” in the Kimbundo) Social-Environmental Program received the first seeds cultivated by the Kukula partners for
In the communities located near the Laúca Hydroelectric Facility, each family received 30 plastic bags to produce the species, for a total of 1,200 seedlings during the first phase of cultivation
reforestation at the degraded areas of the construction site. The work to prepare the seedlings was completed locally by mobilizing 40 families that participate in Kulula Ku Moxi. The families found the “young” plants, which are from 10 to 30 centimeters high, from the region’s forests and grew them for one month. After that, the species were sold to the Laúca Hydroelectric Facility, where they will be kept in a suitable greenhouse until they reach the planting period in October and November. The transplant of the “young” species of flora as a strategy for seedling production – aiming to restore the degraded areas – is recent in several countries and considered a pioneering initiative in Angola, already presenting some promising results. The following are among the main advantages of this technique: the growth in the number of species (generally not available in conventional greenhouses); the elimination of the greenhouse phases (processing, storage and pre-germination treatments for the seeds); and the increase in the number of species over a short period of time. The action increases the possibility for acquiring native species for the reforestation of the deposits as part of the Degraded Area Recovery Program (PRAD), increasing the family income in the communities. It also raises the families’ awareness about appropriate environmental practices,
Kukula Ku Moxi supports the Kakunununa SocialEnvironmental Program, focused on the reforestation of the areas degraded through the communities’ production
with a focus on reducing the land burning during the drought period and offering environmentally correct and healthy economic alternatives. In order to raise the awareness of these communities, the LaĂşca Hydroelectric Facility Environment area holds lectures on the topic in the local schools and neighborhoods.
fast news•social actions
The Right to Play Fro m A p ri l 1 to May 3 , O d e b re c ht O i l a n d Ga s i s h o l d i ng th e ca m pa ign “Th e R ight to Play, ” a n i n i tiative of th e Play i n Ac ti o n N e two rk Pro j e c t, wh i c h i s pa rt of th e Sc h o o l i n Ac ti o n Progra m. Th e i d e a i s to p ro m ote a n d e n co u rage ga m e s wi th i n th e sc h o o l e nvi ro n m e nt a s a strategy fo r e n co u ragi ng cogn i tive, e m oti o na l a n d p hys i ca l d eve l o p m e nt, th e i nte rna l izati o n of va l u e s a n d th e stre ngth e n i ng of fa m i ly a n d co m m u n i ty l ivi ng. By th e e n d of th e ca m pa ign, co l l e c ti o n b oxe s wi l l b e ava i la b l e i n a l l th e co m pa ny e nvi ro n m e nts fo r M e m b e rs to d e p os i t n ew a n d u se d toys ( i n a go o d state of co n se rvati o n ) , wh i c h wi l l b e late r u se d to se t u p p layro o m s at th e m u n i c i pa l sc h o o l s that pa rti c i pate i n Sc h o o l i n Ac ti o n . I n o rd e r to j o i n th e p ro j e c t, th e te a c h i ng i n sti tu ti o n s m u st pa rti c i pate i n th e Play i n Ac ti o n N e two rk a n d e la b o rate a n a c ti o n p la n to i ntegrate wi th th e i r p o l i ti ca l a n d te a c h i ng p la n s. I n 2013 , th e fi rst ye a r of th e i n i tiative, 1 5 , 000 c h i l d re n a n d a d o l e sce nts fro m 1 0 sc h o o l s b e n e fi te d . Th e Play i n Ac ti o n N e two rk wi l l a l so re ce ive th e vo l u nta ry pa rti c i pati o n of M e m b e rs th ro ugh th e co l l e c ti o n of toys a n d th e d eve l o p m e nt of a c tivi ti e s wi th th e yo u th d u ri ng th e Od e b re c ht O i l a n d Ga s Vo l u nte e r Day.
wi l l b e d i re c tly Guilherme, the son of Member Renata Machado, went to the Odebrecht Oil and Gas office in Rio de Janeiro to make his donation
Starting from the left: for the Solidaridad Foundation, President Óscar Mersán and Executive Director María Mersán; and for the ACP SHE Project, Director Marco Duran and the professional responsible for Operations in Paraguay, Martín Masini, during the inauguration of the room
Stimulating the Senses Working in partnership with Odebrecht, the Solidaridad Foundation inaugurated the Multisensory Environment Program (Multisensory Surroundings) in March in the city of Asunción, Paraguay. The initiative is designed for individuals with special needs. The ACP SHE Project, developed by Odebrecht in several different countries, was responsible for building and equipping a multisensory room, with materials designed and adapted for people with different special needs to be given controlled stimuli to receive the right type of treatment and rehabilitation. Besides this, 20 professionals from the foundation were trained in the Snoezelen Method (sensory stimulation) for the use of rehabilitation techniques.
The Snoezelen Method has earned a name as an essential resource for physicians, therapists and academics in the treatment of patients affected by brain damage, paralyses, head injury, cerebral vascular accidents, adults and elderly individuals with Alzheimer’s, children with neural and psychomotor disorders and adults with stress and panic syndrome. According to the Medical Director of the Solidaridad Foundation, Dr. Adriana Zacur Sharpin, the program will be able to benefit 1,500 patients over a one-year period. The Director of the Educational Program for Children with Physical Disabilities, Carolina Cicao, added: “We now have a method that gives us the chance to work with different senses and focuses and which offers our patient a new treatment.”
fast news•social actions
A New School for Cambambe Village The students from School 139, located in the Cambambe Village in Angola, began the school year in a remodeled space adjusted to meet their needs. The revitalization work, undertaken by the Cambambe Hydroelectric Facility, which falls under Odebrecht’s responsibility, included new painting, recovery of the bathrooms, doors and windows, new lighting and new workbenches for practical classes. The water supply system was restructured The teaching institution has 634 students divided into three daily groups, from preschool to the ninth grade level
with the installation of a reservoir and the public areas were re-qualified. The teaching institution also received accessibility ramps. Lorenço Júnior Pedro, who has worked at the school since 1984 and has been Principal since 1997, explained that the space had not undergone any improvements for the past 15 years. “This remodeling work came at a good time, since the school is well organized,” he emphasized.
Solidary Walk for the Warm Clothing Campaign
Over 3,400 pieces of clothing were collected and sent to the Igaratá Social Solidarity Fund to then be sent immediately to needy families
On April 6 , Rota das Bandeiras , the concessionaire responsible for the highways that form the Dom Pedro Corridor, located in rural São Paulo, gathered some 150 people for the first Solidary Walk in Igaratá, which collected clothing and blankets for the 2013 Warm Clothing Campaign. Members of the concessionaire, representatives from the municipality’ s Social Solidarity Fund and local residents gathered at the public square Praça 30 de Dezembro and walked along nine of the main streets of the central region of Igaratá. The group
approached residents and collected donations. The event also included the participation of authorities, such as municipal secretaries and First Lady, Selma Moraes de Souza. Rota das Bandeiras was represented by its Social Responsibility Manager, Adherbal Vieira da Silva. “The population’ s participation was beautiful, ” said Silva. “Even those who did not have clothing ready to donate acted quickly, and before the end of the event, were able to contribute in some way. The mission was accomplished, ” he said.