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no. 307 • may 2013


New Traits in the SĂŁo Paulo Reality

Odebrecht Award for Sustainable Development Ecuador

Labor Day: a Special Date in Brazil and Worldwide

Bahia Southern Lowlands Rights and Citizenship Actions

contents no. 307 窶「 may 2013



editorial staff ODEBRECHT NEWS is an electronic newsletter published twice a month, sent out on Wednesdays and intended for internal circulation, produced and edited by the Odebrecht S.A. Communication team. RESPONSIBLE JOURNALIST: Fabiana Cabral CONTENT PRODUCTION AND EDITING: Fabiana Cabral and Bテ。rbara Rezendes PHOTOS: Odebrecht Archive ART: Criativos SUGGESTIONS: fabianacabral@odebrecht.com brezendes@odebrecht.com Distribute Odebrecht News at your company!

















the S達o Paulo reality 4


he municipality of São Paulo has 6,500 covered bus stops and 12,500 totems indicating bus stops designed to serve 6 million passengers daily. The challenge of guaranteeing people’s comfort and safety by exchanging and maintaining the new covered bus stops and

totems in the São Paulo capital became the responsibility of the Otima Urban Furniture Exploration Concessionaire. The company – controlled by Odebrecht TransPort and formed together with the associates Rádio e Televisão Bandeirantes, APMR Investimentos e Participações and Kalítera


According to the Datafolha Institute study, 85% of those interviewed approve of the new covered bus stops. A total of 7,500 covered bus stops and 14,700 totems will be revitalized and installed


Engenharia – won the Municipal Government bid, and in December 2012, signed the concession contract for a 25-year period. The related investment totals R$ 636 million. The installation of the new covered bus stops began in February 2013, one month before the originally scheduled date, through a contract with the company São Paulo Obras (SPObras). In three months, more than 250 units were replaced and all regions of the city were benefited by the action. Until the end of this year, more than 1,400 covered bus stops will be

replaced.“We are currently installing eight bus stops per day, more than established

Th e p o p u lati o n’ s re s p o n s e h a s b e e n p o s i t i ve . A c c o rd i n g to t h e

in the contract,” explained Violeta Noya, President of Otima. “This demonstrates our commitment to the project,” she said.

D a t a fo l h a I n s t i t u te s t u d y, d i sc l ose d o n May 11 , 85 % o f t h o s e i n te rv i e we d a p p rove o f t h e n e w c ove re d b u s s to p s .

Starting from the left: Fernando Paiva, Financial Director; Alessandra Caramico, Marketing Director; Violeta Noya; Heloisa Polesel, Legal Coordinator; Samara Simões, People & Organization Manager; Ricardo Mendonça, Operations Director; and Lucas Rocha, Accounts Manager



Illustration of the new covered bus stop in front of the Light Station – a railroad station built during the 19th century in the central region of São Paulo. The Minimalist with swagger model resembles one of São Paulo’s historical heritage sites

CONVENIENCE AND SAFETY FOR USERS To satisfy the diversity and contrasts of the São Paulo reality, Otima created four complementary models (see box) in partnership with the architect Guto Índio da Costa that considered the specific urban situations of each site, with special attention to accessibility issues. Textured floors are being installed to facilitate the mobility of the visually impaired, and a 2-square meter area was reserved for individuals in wheelchairs. With a covered area of 6.5 square meters, the new covered bus stops use glass, plastic, metal and concrete and their dimensions respect the minimum required free range of 1.20 meters. The new furniture also represents the return of advertising to the streets of São Paulo – after six years without any due to the “Clean City” Law –, something that has been well received by the population. According to the Datafolha Institute, half of the population approves the advertising format that allows for investments in the

replacement and maintenance of the city’s covered bus stops. The companies Ambev, Net and Visa acquired the quota from the founding advertiser, and the Brahma and Net HD Now campaigns can be viewed on the panels installed at the covered bus stops. The McDonald’s, Laboratório Multilab, Vivo and Sky advertising materials are also on display. In addition to the new outdoor media alternative, the concession represents the guarantee of adequate assistance for the population. The new covered bus stops were designed based on users’ needs and in harmony with the city’s landscape. Otima has more than 50 Members and more than 150 people involved with the operation. The company has until the end of 2015 to finish replacing the 6,500 covered bus stops and 12,500 to tems that exist in São Paulo. During the concession period, an additional 1,000 covered bus stops and 2,200 totems will be installed by the concessionaire at sites established by the City Government, for a total of 7,500 covered bus stops and 14,700 totems.


View the modes of the new São Paulo covered bus stops Structured chaos IInspired by the irregularity and heterogeneity of São Paulo, it has asymmetrical vertical pillars (see photo).

Brutalist Considers the large avenues, bridges and viaducts that traverse the city. The main material used is high performance concrete.

Hi-tech Present on the avenues of the city’s financial centers.


Minimalist with swagger Developed for areas where historical São Paulo landmarks are located. It is discrete and emphasizes the surrounding area (see photo).

Special Alternatives were also designed for the bus corridors and for sidewalks measuring up to 1.90 meters wide.

“We are currently installing eight covered bus stops per day, more than that established in the contract” Violeta Noya

Project of one of the covered bus stops located in Ibirapuera Park, under the Structured Chaos model. Designed by Oscar Niemeyer and inaugurated in 1954, the urban park is the city’s most important


fast news

International Friendly Match in Pernambuco The first professional game hosted at the Pernambuco Arena will be on Wednesday, May 22. An international friendly game with the teams Clube Náutico Capibaribe vs. Sporting Clube de Portugal – a traditional European team that revealed soccer talent Cristiano Ronaldo – will mark the second test event. It is expected that 30,000 people will watch the game at the stadium. According to the President of Sporting, Bruno de Carvalho, it is the first time that the team has played Náutico after 32 years of not stepping on Brazilian soil and 61 years since the last visit to Recife. “It is a source of great pride to play at the inauguration of the new stadium after several years of not coming to Brazil,” said Carvalho. “In 1952, we competed in a tournament that included the participation of the team Sport from Recife and Santa Cruz,” he said. For the Náutico fans, the debut at the Pernambuco Arena represents a new phase in the soccer club’s history and the international

Bruno Carvalho, President of Sporting, and Paulo Wanderley, Executive President of Náutico, during the signing of the contract for the international friendly game


friendly game symbolizes the change to a modern arena. “We are very happy to inaugurate our arena with Sporting,” said Paulo Wanderley, Executive President of Náutico. “We are certain that the inauguration will be a success,” he said. Starting in July, the team will begin to play its games at the facility. This will be the first event held with the public capacity near maximum in order to test all of the operating systems and processes before the stadium is delivered to FIFA on May 24. “The friendly game is important as a test event for the Confederations Cup,” emphasized Sinval Andrade, President and CEO of the Pernambuco Arena. The first test event, a game between the construction project Members, was held on May 20. In the next Odebrecht News, you can find the complete coverage of the Pernambuco Arena inauguration event!

Braskem: Growth in Resin Sales Influenced by the rebuilding of stock in Asia and the temporary shutdowns of the petrochemical units for maintenance, the global demand for resins and petrochemicals went up during the first quarter of 2013. In Brazil, the total sales came to 1.3 million tons, representing a 5.6% growth compared to the previous quarter. Braskem’s sales in the domestic market totaled 921,000 tons – a 6.2% increase during the same period – and the company earned more market stake, recording an advance of one percentage point for a total of 71%. With improved operational efficiency, together with the recovery in the spreads (difference between the purchase and sales price) of the thermoplastic resins and basic petrochemicals in the international market – which recorded an increase of 24% and 6%, respectively – and a higher sales volume, the EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) for the period increased 6% compared to that of the previous quarter, for a total of R$ 937 million. Braskem’s net revenue totaled R$ 9.3 billion, representing a 1% increase over the

sum recorded during the previous quarter. Exports generated revenue of US$ 1.9 billion. “Despite the improvement in the spreads and increased sales in the domestic market, we will continue to attentively follow the evolution over the next few months to confirm whether this positive trend indeed exists,” said Carlos Fadigas, Entrepreneurial Leader at Braskem. “We are maintaining the focus on strengthening the partnership with our clients, supporting the development of the Brazilian petrochemical and plastics chain, capturing and creating the value of additional PVC and butadiene capacities, as well as boosting our competitiveness,” he reinforced. For 2013, the company plans to invest $ 2.2 billion, with approximately 70% directed at maintenance and asset productivity and reliability improvements, and 25% for the construction of the new petrochemical complex in Mexico. The remainder will be directed at the other projects underway, such as the studies related to COMPERJ and the construction of the pipeline for the future supply of propane to the Bahia acrylic center.


fast news

Morar Feliz Enters Yet Another New Phase On May 1, 900 houses began to be constructed in the municipality of Campos dos Goytacazes, in Rio de Janeiro. This was the start of the second phase of Morar Feliz (“Live Happy”), the largest housing program to be undertaken by the city governments of Brazil’s rural region and which will receive investments of R$ 475.5 million. The Managing Director of Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil in Rio de Janeiro, Leandro Azevedo, and Contract Director, Eduardo Fontenelle, attended the laying of the corner stone for the program together with Mayor Rosinha Garotinho. “We will generate 2,600 direct and indirect job opportunities,” explained Leandro Azevedo. “We began building the houses with complete infrastructure

Leandro Azevedo (to the left) and Rosinha Garotinho during the launch of the program’s second phase. The neighborhood of Ururaí will receive 4,574 new homes, designed for families who live in areas of risk or in situations of social vulnerability


for the families and we are working to contribute toward the city’s economic and social development,” he said. Rosinha Garotinho remembered that the date marked the celebration of the fourth year of Morar Feliz. “This is yet another reason for the worker to celebrate,” said the mayor. “These families deserve a home, school and daycare so that men and women can work and leave their children somewhere safe,” she said. The 5,426 homes from the first phase were built by Odebrecht Infraestrutura within 14 housing units, distributed throughout 10 different neighborhoods. In all, 206 roads were opened with the new neighborhoods, which received paved streets, sidewalks, storm and sewage drains, lighting, sign systems and accessibility.

The Odebrecht Production team separated the garbage collected from the river and transported the material to an adequate site located near Mineiros Farm

Contributing toward the End of Flooding in São Gonçalo Resident Maria de Fátima Ferreira, from the community of Pedreira, in São Gonçalo, Rio de Janeiro, lost track of how many times he was unable to sleep due to the noise that the force of the water caused during the periods of flooding. This scenario of apprehension, however, is coming to an end. Odebrecht Infrastructure began the construction work designed to control the Imboaçu River flooding in April through the Imboaçu Growth Acceleration Program (PAC). “It is a dream that has begun to come true,” said Maria de Fátima. During the first month, three stretches were determined for the dredging, river bank cleaning and slope reconstitution work. More than 31,500 kilos of garbage were removed, corresponding to 30% of all the material.

Coordinated by the Rio de Janeiro State Environmental Department State Environmental Institute (INEA), the Imboaçu PAC is designed to mitigate the flooding in the Imboaçu River Basin. The investments will total more than R$ 83.7 million over an 18-month period. “The project represents the beginning of a new reality in terms of the environmental recovery of the watersheds in the region of São Gonçalo,” said Marcos Saliveros, Contract Director. The construction site is also taking shape: in April, all of the sectors were installed. Sustainability concepts are being applied, such as the reuse of rainwater and the wood used at the Sepetiba construction site and the use of solar energy to heat the water in the showers.


fast news

A Day in the Field On May 3, the Odebrecht Agroindustrial Araguaia Center promoted the 2 nd Rural Day for sugarcane suppliers. Held in the city of Perolândia, in Goiás, the event gathered more than 100 people at the Bonfim Farm. According to Fabiano Zillo, Head of the Araguaia Center, one of the main objectives was to attract landowners from the region and make them partners. “We want to build a relationship with new suppliers to continue forward on the path toward growth,” explained Zillo. “The idea is to present a major business opportunity,” he said. In addition to providing examples of successful partnerships and answering

The visit by the sugarcane suppliers showed that Odebrecht Agroindustrial and its partners operate in a 100% mechanized fashion, without land burning processes


participants’ questions, the event also included a sugarcane harvesting demonstration. The visit to the reed beds was designed to show more about the company’ s structure and offer orientations about the production process as a whole, from the planning to the actual harvest. “During the meeting, we were able to strengthen our relationship with current and potential partners even more,” said Zillo. “We demonstrated the seriousness of our work and the Odebrecht Organization’s long term vision in the sector, which provides the security required for them to work,” he said.

Divide and Multiply Knowledge On April 25, Itaú BBA – the Wholesale, Investment and Institutional Treasury Bank of Itaú Unibanco – promoted the fourth edition of Itaú BBA+ Macrovision, an international conference that gathers clients from the group and specialists to analyze the economic scenario in Brazil, Latin America and the rest of the world. Marcelo Odebrecht, President and CEO of Odebrecht S.A., participated in the meeting together with former Spanish Prime Minister, José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero; former Chilean Minister of Finance, Andrés Velascos; Economy Professor from Harvard University and Former Chief Economist of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Kenneth Rogoff; Director of Economic Policy for the Brazilian Central Bank, Carlos Hamilton; and Chief Economist for Itaú Unibanco, Ilan Goldfajn. The main clients of Itaú BBA were among those attending the event, which gathered more than 700 people. The participants had the opportunity to add and share knowledge about the perspectives for growth and risks for the Brazilian economy, as well as the projections for the global economy, the infrastructure-related challenges

in Brazil, the crisis of the Euro and growth of Latin America. During his participation, Marcelo Odebrecht commented on selectiveness in the Brazilian economy. “We will enter a phase during which the Brazilian growth will be selective,” said Odebrecht. “Or in other words, some sectors will grow more than others. The economic activities are different, and they have different needs and risks,” he said. The President and CEO of Odebrecht S.A. explained that these differences have become even greater: “For example, the closer the business is to mother nature, the more competitive it becomes,” he said. “The more it begins to have logistics-related needs, the more expensive the activity becomes and the less competitive it tends to be.” Within this scenario, he indicated infrastructure to be the second major bottleneck for the Brazilian economy. The first one today, according to him, is education.


fast fast rápidas news news

Angola and the Challenges of the Mining Sector The Pedreira de Cabo Ledo project was a highlight during the meeting and presented by the government as a model of mineral exploration in Angola


Through the Expressways Project (Pedreira de Cabo Ledo) currently being undertaken in Luanda, Odebrecht Infrastructure took part in the 1st National Meeting of Mineral Subsector Operators for Angola Civil Construction, organized by the country’s Ministry of Geology and Mines. The event gathered 250 people, including entrepreneurs, technicians and politicians, and debated the regulation, inspection and diversification of the sector, with the last considered to be one of the challenges faced by the Executive Sphere over the next decade, together with the stimulus for the country to be one of Africa’s largest mining powers. Representing Odebrecht, Robson Santos,

greatest concern should be the regularization and standardization of aggregate exploration so as to prevent environmental and health related problems, as well as those related to the contamination of the soil,” said Santos. During the meeting with aggregate explorers for civil construction, the Minister of Geology and Mines, Francisco Queiroz, admitted that due to a lack of public inspection, many of the middle men are able to escape paying state taxes and fees. “There are operators that try to violate the Mining Code and environmental law,” he said. “One of the challenges from the sector is the way in which the current exploration is undertaken, causing environmental damages due to the

Engineer for the Expressways and Pedreira de Cabo Ledo projects, spoke about the “Soil Recovery System in Aggregate Exploration” and identified the environmental impact as one of the greatest problems related to uncontrolled aggregate exploration. “I believe that the

absence of environmental impact studies,” he said. The minister also explained that one of the strategies is to make the sector a source of job opportunities in the country, with direct effects in terms of improving the populations’ quality of life.

Delegations from more than 60 countries and 700 national and international exhibitors participated in LAAD

Focused on Defense and Security From April 9-12, in Rio de Janeiro, Odebrecht Defesa e Tecnologia and Mectron were the highlights of the 9 th edition of LAAD - Defense & Security, the largest and most important fair from the Defense and Security sector, held every two years. The event is designed to present the latest trends in terms of technology, equipment and services designed for the Armed Forces, police and special forces, consulting firms, corporate security companies and government agencies. For the first time, companies shared the same stand, consolidating the brand for clients, the media and general public. The 216-square meter stand included four meeting rooms, a lobby with a bar, air conditioned environments and products on display in the outdoor area. The visitors interacted with equipment simulators, and learned more about the Brazilian Navy’s Submarine Development Program - PROSUB

through an interactive model. International delegations and authorities marked their presence at the stand, including Brazil’s Minister of Defense, Celso Amorim; Mayor of São José dos Campos, Carlinhos de Almeida, and the commanders of the Brazilian Armed Forces, Lieutenant Air Marshal, Juniti Saito, from the Aeronautical Forces, General Enzo Martins Peri, from the Army, and Fleet Admiral Julio Soares de Moura Neto, from the Navy.

From left to right: Alberto Sant’Ana, Business Development Director at Odebrecht Defesa e Tecnologia; Gustavo Ramos, Managing Director of Mectron; Luiz Rocha, Executive Director of Odebrecht Defesa e Tecnologia; and Celso Amorim


fast news

Fruits Reaped from a Partnership In 2003, in the Bahia Southern Lowlands, the Presidente Tancredo Neves Rural Producers’ Cooperative (COOPATAN) and the Brazilian Agricultural Research Company (EMBRAPA) established a partnership. The results include the Demonstrative Field for Technologies for Manioc Root Cultivation, set up at the Novo Horizonte Farm, head office of COOPATAN and the Presidente Tancredo Neves Rural Family Home (CFRPTN). At these sites, studies are conducted with manioc crops designed to boost the production of the member farmers and contribute toward the learning of the students, who receive training geared toward the rural profession. One of the students from CFR-PTN, Ubiratan Santos, planted four hectares of manioc on his property using the knowledge acquired at the teaching unit that, just like COOPATAN, is part of the Bahia Southern Lowlands Environmental Protection Area Mosaic Program for Development and Growth Integrated with Sustainability (PDCIS), supported by the Odebrecht Foundation and public and private partners. “With the harvest, I will have my own income to reinvest in my production projects,” said Santos. Due to his strong belief in technology applied to agriculture, the youth receive an invitation from EMBRAPA to participate in the event commemorating the company’s


Starting from the left: Waldyr Stumpf Junior, from EMBRAPA; Antônia Santos, Ubiratan’s mother; Valter Bianchini, from the Ministry of Agrarian Development; Ubiratan Santos, and Jorge Samek, Brazilian General Director at Itaipu

Ubiratan Santos, resident of the Presidente Tancredo Neves rural zone, wants to contribute toward the development of his region

40-year history, held on April 24 in Brasília. Ubiratan shared his history with the public: “A few years ago, I agreed with the idea that agriculture was not profitable,” he said. “With the application of adequate techniques, I observed that the activity can be turned into a good business. Just like myself, there are several youth who believe in agriculture.”

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Ideas that sustain the Future

For the first edition of the award, the topic developed in the country is “Ideas that Sustain the Future.�



or 26 years, Odebrecht has promoted infrastructure projects in Ecuador that, in addition to contributing toward the country’s development, cover the pillars of sustainability: environmental, economic and social, with the participation of the public and recognition of local culture.

In 2013, actions were promoted to bring the community socialenvironmental, cultural and Workplace Safety topics, such as the creation of the Sustainability Committee, designed to promote and guarantee the interaction between the developments, working toward the continuous improvement of programs and indicators; as well as the Odebrecht Run and Walk, which during its first edition in the country involved the participation of 290 Members and their families. This initiative was certified as a “Carbon-Neutral Event” by the NGO Corporación para el Manejo Forestal Sustentable (“Corporation for Sustainable Forest Management”), since it promotes the planting of trees at the Quito Metropolitan Park – an area determined to be an “Odebrecht Protective Forest.” In order to strengthen this commitment with the local community, the Odebrecht Award for Sustainable Development will also be held for the first time in Ecuador. Launched in Brazil in 2008, the goal is to present students with the challenge of thinking about the topic from a sustainable perspective. “We expect to receive projects from university students earning their degrees in Engineering, Architecture and



During the publicity campaign, elements from Leonardo da Vinci’s work, “Vitruvian Man,” were used

Agronomy from all over the country,” said Managing Director. For Honório Brito, responsible for Sustainability and Quality in the country, the first experience with the award in Ecuador is designed to prompt students to create innovative ideas for sustainable development. Brito explained that in order to raise people’s awareness, a specific publicity campaign was adopted: “We proposed a reflection on man’s role today to find a balanced and responsible relationship between development, nature and society,” said Brito. The Odebrecht Award for Sustainable Development - Ecuador is being disseminated in the country’s universities and on the social networks – Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

“We expect to receive projects from Engineering, Architecture and Agronomy students from all over the country” José Santos

Registration is open for the Odebrecht Award for Sustainable Development Ecuador until August 30.

Access: www.premioodebrecht.com.ec

Watch the launch video for the award in Ecuador on the country’s YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/OdebrechtEC


fast news•award

Art in the Miami Airport On May 4, in the U.S. state of Florida, Odebrecht received the Brazilian International Press Awards Special Board Award for its performance and contribution toward Brazilian culture, recognized by the media and cultural leaders of the Brazilian community in the United States. The distinction was prompted by the partnership between Odebrecht, American Airlines, Miami-Dade County and the Miami-Dade Aviation Department, which took the exhibit of the Carybé Panels to the Miami International Airport (MIA) in 2009. The panels “Joy and Celebration in the Americas” and “Discovery of the West” were removed from the John F. Kennedy Airport in New York, where they had been on display since 1960, restored, transported and installed at MIA. The Brazilian International Press Awards is an event that was created in 1997 with aims of honoring personalities, institutions and initiatives committed to the artistic and cultural promotion of Brazil, as well as disseminating its positive image abroad. Members Antonio Pinto and Doug Creel, who participated in the installation of the Carybé murals, during the award ceremony


Certified Workplace Safety and Health On April 25, Odebrecht Infrastructure was certified by the Dominican Republic Ministry of Labor for meeting the country’s Workplace Safety and Health Regulation. The company was the first in the Construction sector to obtain the certification, granted through the General Hygiene and Industrial Safety Board (DGHSI), which also certified

another 48 companies from the industrial, pharmacy, laboratory, construction, telecommunications and free zone segments, among others. The distinction was announced by the country’s Minister of Labor, Maritza Hernández, during the celebrations for International Workplace Safety and Health Day.

Members from the Sustainability area in the Dominican Republic represented Odebrecht during the certificate delivery ceremony: (starting from the left) Orlando Santini, Yoshiro Hoshikawa, Armando Matias, Miguel Bernard and Cláudio Castro



A more than special


raditionally celebrated on May 1 in several different countries, Labor Day was marked by festivities and excitement in the different sites in which Odebrecht operates. Odebrecht News presents some

Consortium celebrated the date with the team from the Athletes’ Village construction work and Members from Olympic Park during a special lunch at the administrative cafeteria. At the end, a drawing for free gifts

of the actions promoted by the Organization’s Businesses in Brazil and the rest of the world. Learn more!

completed the party of those who are working hard to prepare the site that will receive part of the competitions during the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games. A different lunch and free gifts were also offered to the Members of the Construtor Trans Olímpica Consortium ( CCT) – expressway with BRT ( Bus Rapid Transit) to connect the competition sites and accommodations designed for the event.

O D E B R EC H T I N F RAST RUCT U R E - B RAZ I L In Rio de Janeiro, the Rio Mais



roximately 40 At the Rio Mais Consortium, app ing, including television draw gifts were given away through a backpacks, among others sets, bicycles, DVDs, a tool kit and

With colorful decoration for a special lunch, the day was marked by a party and fun at Ruta Viva in Ecuador . The project leadership had plenty of thanks to go around for the team, and at the end of the event, each

l date Member received a souvenir. In Peru , the Lima Subway Consortium event was also extended to family members. A total of 3 , 000 people gathered at the country’ s National Sports Village (VI DENA ) for an afternoon of Parrillada ( traditional barbecue ) , which featured local artists and a dance group formed by Members. The Members of the projects Perubar and Muelle de Minerales watched the end of the local championship, called the 2013 La Amistad Cup. Former player from the Peruvian soccer team, Julio Cesar Uribe, delivered the medals to the top three placed teams. For the Members of Perubar , located in San Miguel Lima, the drawing for prizes also included a surprise : at the microphone was Mathias Brivio, a wellknown television host in the country. Workers and their families enjoyed soccer games and recreation.The professionals from Muelle

Integration and mot ivat at Ruta Viva, locate ion were part of the celebration d in Quito, capital of Equador

In Peru, an artistic fe Consortium party, he stival livened up the Lima Subway ld at the National Sports Village


rents and children pa r fo d ze ni ga or am The recreation e Perubar project te th of n io at gr te in promoted the


fr oon of the Members rn te af e th up en Toys also helped liv es t Muelle de Mineral the Peruvian projec


Members that have worked at O were honored by the leaders of

de Minerales continued to Bellavista Callao and participated in a traditional Criollo lunch together with their families. The public enjoyed a performance by Dorita Orbegoso, a popular local singer, who also held a drawing for prizes. To end the day, two salsa music bands performed and got everyone out on the dance floor. Still in Peru, approximately 600 people, including Members and their families, participated in the Labor Day celebration at the Olmos Irrigation Project. With soccer teams formed by the workers, the 1 st Palo Verde Cup Internal Championship brought more fun to the party.

Odebrecht Peru for 10 and 25 years the Olmos Irrigation Project

O D E B R EC H T I N F RAST RUCT U R E A F R I C A, U N I T E D A RA B E M I RAT E S A N D PO RT UG A L Projects in Angola and the United Arab Emirates promoted special events to celebrate Labor Day in the countries. The Cambambe Hydroelectric Facility focused on the practice of sports and included soccer tournaments, the typical Angolan game called “Don’t get irritated” and bingo, with the distribution of DVD players, television sets, stoves, refrigerators, sound systems and cellular phones as prizes. A tourist outing was also offered to those Members who wanted to see the region’s main tourist points, such as the

ng ility:the tourism outi t Angola ac F ic tr ec el ro yd H e abou The Cambambe ere able to learn mor w ho w , rs be em M gathered 30

PungoAndongo Black Rocks, Kalandula Waterfalls and the city of Malange. Sérgio Kawamura, responsible for the area of Sports, Leisure and Quality of Life, emphasized the importance of those events that seek integration and the promotion of health and well being: “It is always gratifying to see our Members satisfied and valued”. More than 1, 000 Members from the Catata-Lóvua Road project in North Luanda had a special day. With the presence of local authorities, the programming involved theater to reinforce Workplace Safety

Watch the Belas Business Park 4th Phase video “Safety is Life.”


On Catata-Lóvua R oa between the teams d, the soccer tournament played Se one of the attracti leção doDundo and Odebrecht was ons

th embers and partners in a M , se ha P 4 rk ed At Belas Business PaWorkplace Safety and also participat learned more about drawing for gifts


during a mass ministered by Father Colm, priest from the region, as well as soccer, basketball, checkers and table soccer tournaments. The party also featured cultural presentations and local dance contests – kizomba, semba and kuduro. The winners of the contests were awarded with cameras, bicycles and trophies. At the Expressways project, focused on the construction and rehabilitation of 75 kilometers of urban streets in Luanda, a special lunch was organized, together with a drawing for two television sets. Presenting the topic of Workplace Safety, the Belas Business Park project - 4 th Phase, gathered 578 Members and 227 partners for the lecture “Safety is Life and Long Live the Worker, ” presented by Angolan radio host, Jorge Gomes. He emphasized the importance of the topic for guaranteeing the sustainability of future generations and success of the development. The Sonaref, Benguela Waters, South Kwanza and Namibe gathered as part of a parade organized by

Sonaref, Benguela Waters, South Kwanza and Namibe:after breakfast, t-shirts and caps were distributed to the 750 Members who participated in the parade.Odebrecht was classified as the top company in the South Kwanza Province

the Workers’ Trade Union in Benguela. The action publicized the Benguela and South Kwanza infrastructure programs, designed to improve the community’ s quality of life and health, fostering the population’ s social-economic development. Present at the event were the Governor of the Province of Benguela, Armando da Cruz Neto; the Vice Governor of Social Security, Henriques Calenga ; Vice Governor of Economy, Estevão Felizardo ; the administrators of Catumbela, Filomena Pascoal, and Benguela, Leopoldo Muongo ;

The dan c performa e contest produ c nces by Esso pro ed some good ject Me mbers


r Facility competed fo ic tr ec el ro yd H ca e Laú place The Members of th igobar during the drawing that took fr television sets and a

usical performances, m ed ud cl in so al bi ha The eventsin Abu D activities and the distribution of ts or cultural folklore, sp prizes


representatives of the province trade unions, as well as the General Secretary of the Angola National Workers’ Union ( UNTA) , Maria Helena, and the First Secretary of the South Kwanza Construction Trade Union, José Campos. The Esso project team, formed by some 300 Members, celebrated the date with a typical Angolan lunch. After that, a dance contest and a drawing for prizes livened up the afternoon. Besides congratulating the workers, during the event the leaders also reinforced the importance of maintaining the commitment to Workplace Safety and of each Member as a main part of the project. “Congratulations to the workers that are dedicated to making Angola a new country, ” said Allan Matos, Administrative and Financial Manager of the Talatona Residential Project ( Esso). At the Laúca Hydroelectric Facility, Labor Day was celebrated with a lunch and a drawing for prizes, such as household appliances and gift cards. “Congratulations to all of

us, who are contributing toward the country’ s development!” sa i d Fe rna n d o Ko c h , Ad m i n i strative a n d Fi na n c ia l Ma nage r. I n A b u D h a b i , U n i te d A ra b E m i ra te s , O d e b re c h t wo r ke d i n p a rt n e rs h i p w i t h t h e Wo r ke rs Vi l l a ge ( M 24 ) to h o l d a c e l e b ra t i o n fo r 1 5 , 0 0 0 wo r ke rs f ro m d i f fe re n t c o m p a n i e s . Th e eve n t wa s a t te n d e d by H E Kh a d e m A l M u h a i r i , C h i e f La b o r S e rv i c e s O f f i c e r a t Zo n e s Co r p ( H i g h e r Co r p o ra t i o n o f S p e c i a l i z e d Ec o n o m i c Zo n e s ) , re p re s e n ta t i ve s f ro m t h e M i n i s t ry o f La b o r a n d H o m e S e c re ta ry, A m b a s s a d o rs f ro m I n d i a , the Philippines and Nepal, a n d m e m b e rs o f t h e E m b a s s i e s i n Pa k i s ta n and Bangladesh. “ We wo u l d l i ke to t h a n k t h e Wo r ke rs Vi l l a ge m a n a ge m e n t fo r o rga n i z i n g t h i s i n i t i a t i ve , a n d i t i s a g re a t h o n o r fo r u s to b e p a rt o f i t , ” said HE Mohammed H a s a n A l Q a m z i , C EO o f Zo n e s Co r p . “ I wo u l d to ex p re s s my a p p re c i a t i o n

fo r a l l o f t h e wo r k a n d d e d i c a t i o n d e m o n s t ra te d by t h e s e wo r ke rs w h o h a d a p o s i t i ve i m p a c t o n t h e g row t h a n d d eve l o p m e n t o f t h e c o u n t ry ’ s e c o n o my, ” h e s a i d . Th e Co n s t r u c t i o n S i te Co o rd i n a to r a t O d e b re c h t , D a o u d D e b i a n , a d d e d h i s t h a n ks to t h e Wo r ke rs Vi l l a ge l e a d e rs fo r t h e i r c o n t i n u o u s e f fo rts to h o n o r a n d re c o g n i z e M e m b e rs .

O D E B R EC H T I N F RAST RUCT U R E - V E N EZU E L A The Caracas Subway construction work, in Venezuela ,

was the stars:Labor Day r de un a m ne ci of Evening truction sites Caracas Subway cons

celebrated at the


A recreational game liv celebration at CON ened up the third day of EST

Click to view images from the talent show.


offe re d a n o u td o o r m ovi e se ss i o n i n th e pa rki ng l ot of th e p ro j e c t’ s ce ntra l co n stru c ti o n s i te. So m e 200 M e m b e rs fro m th e Lí n e a 5 a n d M e tro Ca b l e M a ri c h e p ro j e c ts watc h e d th e fi l m I nvi c tos , by Cl i nt Ea stwo o d , wh i c h e m p ha s ize s va l u e s su c h a s to l e ra n ce, re s p e c t a n d th e i m p o rta n ce of te a m wo rk. Be s i d e s ce l e b rati ng th e date, th e a c ti o n wa s d e s ign e d to re cogn ize th e i m p o rta n ce of th e wo rk s pa ce a s a sce na ri o of i ntegrati o n .

d the week of A talent show marke vision sets, b le for prizes such as te

O D E B R EC H T E NG E N H A R I A I N DU ST R I A L Excitement marked the week of celebrations at the CONEST Consortium ( formed by Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial and OAS) . From May 6 -10, activities were promoted to show that Members are indeed the consortium’ s greatest asset. The theater play began the celebration, addressing the importance of preserving life and using Personal

ipants competed f celebration.Partic meras ca bicycles and digital

1 ,500 Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias workers.Many of their faces could be found on the banners, posters and tray liners that decorated the site. “These actions are simple ways are showing how important people are for the company, ” explained Sabrina Dummer, from the teamof People and Organization at the project. In Pernambuco, Members from Paiva Reserve –

Protection Equipment (PPE ) .The Members also listened to a motivational lecture presented at the construction site auditorium. The teams also took part in a thematic bingo and hearing protection game that promoted integration, learning and leisure.

O D E B R EC H T R EA L I Z AÇÕ E S I M O B I L I Á R I AS A traditional barbecue marked the celebration at IlhaPura, Rio de Janeiro, with the participation of

r photos on the ei th r fo ok lo rs be Ilha Pura Mem e workers liner:a tribute to th



eraton ion at the Hotel Sh ion at br le ce ay D or ab at The L ed the team’s integr ov pr im te si on ti uc constr

planned neighborhood under construction – took part in dance and joke contests and an amateur talent show, and the teams competed for awards for the best presentations. The musical attractions completed the festivities. In Pa iva Re se rve, at th e Te rra ço La g u n a p ro j e c t, th e DJ co m ma n d e d th e so u n d a n d at th e N ovo Mu n d o Em p re sa ri a l p ro j e c t,

Approximately 700 dis Rio de Janeiro and plays were distributed to Members in Sal Legal area, “EEP is vador. For Valdeque Borges, from the + challenge.”


M e m b e rs enjoyed the performance by a pagode music group. At the Hotel Sheraton construction work, a bicycle was given away through a random drawing. “Participating in this action was important,” said winner Robson Eugênio da Silva, Production Assistant.“I was able to express my opinion about my work and its relationship with my life,” he said.

EEP Integration, motivation and recognition: EEP is + you! It was within this context that the Members of the Enseada do Paraguaçu Shipyard (EEP), located in Rio de Janeiro and Salvador, celebrated May 1. The actions took place during two different moments. The first occurred on April 30, when workers received a personal e-mail emphasizing the importance of their dedication for building a recently-founded company. During the second moment, held May 2, everyone was surprised with the delivery

Banners with ph week of celeb otos of Members decorat ed the ration

of computer displays with the campaign theme. At the Inhaúma Unit in Rio de Janeiro, banners were distributed featuring the Members as “the stars. ”


fast news•people

For the practice of entrepreneurship In April, the first module was held for the second group of the Program for Entrepreneurship (PPE), gathering 40 people, including those Responsible for the Program II (RP II) and Responsible for Results Centers I (RCR I) from Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil, Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial and Odebrecht Oil & Gas. PPE is designed to support and reinforce Members’ development for the practice of entrepreneurship in their Action Programs. In all, there are four modules with 40 hours each, during which time participants are encouraged to reflect on the Organization and its different businesses, Sustainability and its main concepts and trends, Finances and the elements and applications, Human Behavior and Leadership, Communication, Negotiation


and Conflict Resolution and the Entrepreneurship Cycle. The first module included the participation of Paulo Lacerda, responsible for Entrepreneurship Support (RAE) - Operations and People & Organization RAE; Farid Feldberg, Contract Director at Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial; Heider Aquino and Tiago Barretto, from the Odebrecht Infrastructure - Latin America Finances area; Marcos Abreu, from the Odebrecht S.A. Finances area; and Celso Rodrigues and Antonio Gavioli, Contract Directors at Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil. The next modules will take place in June, August and September. The PPE is a distance learning course, completed through a portal with materials and interactive tools – forum and chat –, as well as on-site meetings held in São Paulo.

Paulo Lacerda participated in the first module of the second PPE group. The initiative maintains a partnership with the Institute of Performance and Leadership (iPL) and integrates the Education Through and For Work actions, reinforcing Pedagogy of Presence and LeaderTeam Member Dialogue

Training new topographers Odebrecht Infrastructure launched the Creer (Believe) - Topography Program in the Dominican Republic, designed to train new professionals to meet the demand created by the construction work in the country. The company expects to absorb at least 30% of those people who completed

The Basic Module was completed from April 22-26 . On May 6 , the participants began the Technical Module, which has a total course load of 310 hours, including 60% practical classes and 40 % theoretical classes, administered by Pedro Henriquez

the course.

Ure単a University ( UNPHU) .

The first group from Creer - Topography consists of 26 youth, who will complete the Technical Module on June 28 of this year


fast news•people

Building the Future


On April 26, approximately 100 people received training under the Basic and Specific Cycles of the Continued Professional Qualification Program Believe Carpentry course, promoted by the Moatize Expansion Project, a Vale project being developed by Odebrecht Infrastructure in Mozambique. With the presence of representatives

emotion and joy of those graduating. “And it is this joy, passion and energy that we need at our construction project,” commented Marcos Camargo, Construction Manager, after the students’ presentation. “Women are standing out increasingly more in the workplace,” he said. On May 15, more than 100 graduates

from Odebrecht, Vale, the National Institute of Employment and Professional Training (INEFP) and the Province Board of Education, the ceremony was marked by the

received certificates in the Basic and Specific cycles for the positions of Carpenter and Bricklayer. In all, 1,040 people were trained by the program in Moatize.

Believe promotes professional education and the social and economic development of Mozambique by building knowledge and learning

Communication: ‘Two-Lane’ Path On April 25, Odebrecht in Angola held the first Communication Meeting for those responsible for the topic in the country. The event addressed the editorial line of Organization publications Among those responsible for Communication in Angola – Odebrecht News and Odebrecht were professionals from the areas of Institutional Relations, Informa –, Communication, new Visual Identity Sustainability, Social Responsibility, Administration and Finances, People and Organization and Quality and photography concepts. Approximately 30 Members attended the lectures. During the opening of the event, Marcus Felipe, Angola Director of People and Organization, Administration and Institutional Relations, and Justino Amaro, responsible for Institutional Relations in the country, addressed the importance of communication and the quality of the texts produced. Fabiana Cabral, responsible for Odebrecht News at Odebrecht S.A., discussed concepts of journalistic language: “Reporting news in a humanized fashion and increasing Members’ knowledge are crucial for the communication process,” said Cabral. She cited internal communication as a “two-way” path. “It is important that the Line knows about the achievements of the Businesses and that the Businesses know about the accomplishments of the Line,” she said. Márcio Polidoro, responsible for Communication at Odebrecht S.A., presented the points of the Communication Policy and talked about the strategy and architecture of the new brand. “The new brand is the expression of the Odebrecht Culture, which is translated through the practice of our Philosophical Concepts and in our attitudes, acts and achievements,” said Polidoro. “Each Member has the individual and personal responsibility to contribute toward the consolidation of the Odebrecht Brand,” he said. Yannick Sicato, from the Angola Institutional Relations team, presented the new visual identity of Odebrecht Infrastructure, its implementation and the features of the Brand Territory. Holanda Cavalcanti, Photography Editor for Odebrecht Informa, shared photography techniques and tips with the public, which included 11 local invited photographers. For Marina Veloso, responsible for Communication at the Cambambe Hydroelectric Facility project, the event allowed for greater integration and alignment between professionals from the area. “It is an excellent opportunity to exchange experience and learning,” said Veloso. “In addition to recycling knowledge, we get increasingly closer to the Organization Culture,” she said.


fast news•people

Disseminators of Knowledge On April 17, the Odebrecht Oil & Gas BU-Integrated Services held the first course under the 2013 Internal Multipliers’ Program. The initiative is designed to promote the dissemination of knowledge in the environment through courses administered by the Members themselves. “We identified expertise

Raphael Panizzi, from the Submarine Construction area. “I felt privileged to have the opportunity to be one of the instructors,” said Bruno Holtz. At the end of the meeting, the participants received their certificates. “It is an exclusive chance to acquire knowledge from the Members themselves, with focused

and offered instructional training to multiply the knowledge,” explained Taissa Mariotti, from the BU-Integrated Services People and Organization area. Under the theme of Naval Architecture, the course included the participation of 12 Members from different areas. The instructors included Mechanical Engineer Bruno Holtz and Naval Engineering student

content that is used in our proposals and projects,” said Mariana Areosa, also from Submarine Construction. Until the end of this year, an additional eight courses are planned, including Contractual Administration, Quality Management System, OPEX and CAPEX and the Workplace Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) Management System, among others.

Bruno Holtz was one of the instructors from the first course under the 2013 Internal Multipliers’ Program: “It represented recognition related to my technical competency and the capacity to pass this on,” said Holtz


In Search of Young Talents Braskem has opened up registration for the Internship Program designed for the second half of 2013: there are 50 openings for the States of Alagoas, Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul and São Paulo. Those interested can register

one that unites the theoretical knowledge acquired at the university with actual business practices. During this last phase, the youth develop technical knowledge and also learn more about the company’s sector of operations and the

until June 9 at the portal: www. jovensbraskem.com.br. The idea is to attract and develop young talents that identify with the company’s values, such as trust in people, decentralized operations and the Spirit of Service, and who can collaborate toward its forecasted growth over the upcoming years. In order to participant, candidates must be completing their university degree with plans to graduate between July 2014 and July 2015. Lasting one to two years, the program has specific development modules and differentiated training for the youth, offering the intern complementary education,

competencies and attitudes required for solid performance, together with an improved understanding of the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO). “Our main objective is to train Young Partners,” explained Daniela Panagassi, Talent Attraction Manager at Braskem. “Therefore, we seek to introduce them into a culture based on values, the relationship of trust with their leader and modules designed to promote the interns’ development. It is certainly a unique experience in their professional preparation for future challenges,” said Panagassi.

At the portal www.jovensbraskem.com.br, candidates can find more information about the program and also about Braskem. They can also listen to testimonials left by other youth, participate in chats with leaders and also access careerrelated content.


fast news•people

Scaffolding assemblers in training

“The secret to assembling scaffoldings is found in the base, the soil preparation,” said Mandava. “Once this part is done, the scaffolding will be firm and safe,” he said


On May 6, the team from the Moatize Expansion Project People Training and Development initiative – currently being developed by Odebrecht Infrastructure in Mozambique – in partnership with the

participants took part in theoretical and practical classes on a variety of topics, including basic first aid knowledge, concepts on the correct use of personal protection equipment (PPE), the scaffolding assembly process, work

Workplace Safety, Health and Environment area, finished training 17 Members from the Civil Production area to work as Scaffolding Assemblers. During the qualification process, the

permits and task risk analysis. “Forming the group was a major challenge, and we did it,” summarized Aleixo Mandava, one of those who completed the course and Odebrecht’s first Scaffolding Assembler in the country.

Training to Operate Equipment Created by the Functional Equipment Support (AFEq) area, the main purpose of the Earth and Rock Transfer Equipment Application Training (MTR TAE) is to review the basic concepts of excavation, loading, transport, leveling and compacting and guarantee the correct application of the earth and rock transfer equipment. Indicated for Members from the Civil, Mechanical and Workplace Safety areas, the training follows the successful practices already implemented by AFEq, with classes consisting of onsite and distance activities through EAD AFEq. Sixty-four Members participated in the last group, including Civil and Mechanical Engineers, Production Supervisors, Instructors and Technicians of the Transnordestina Railroad – a project developed by Odebrecht Infrastructure in Brazil’s Northeastern region –, listening to lectures at the construction sites located in Salgueiro, Custódio, Parnamirim and Nascente. The initiative shows participants the importance of an adequate configuration The Earth and Rock for the solid performance of Movement Equipment activities; the designation Application Training of operations based on the can be administered size of the machine; the at AFEq or at the equipment stability limits; construction sites. existing work forces and For more correct uses; machinery information, startup, shutdown and please contact movement procedures; Edivaldo Freitas: work on cohesive and edivaldofreitas@ non-cohesive soils; use of odebrecht.com / accessories; care with the (+55 11) 2462-1939. work site and equipment production calculation.


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Grow to Develop On April 19, the POY PET project – an Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial contract located in Suape, Pernambuco – held the graduation ceremony for the new group under the Grow Program, designed to promote the training of foremen and promote the development of more productive leaders and team. The third group consisted of 20 foremen from the Piping, Electrical, Civil, Scaffolding and Commissioning areas. The event included the presence of the Safety, Health and Environment Manager, Paulo Vargas, together with the course coordinators. “Odebrecht is willing to invest in each one, so that everyone can grow sustainably,” said Vargas. “We hope that tomorrow, you will become technical supervisors or assistants and continue studying, learning and developing,” he said.

Participants from the third group of Grow: the program is designed to qualify construction foremen in the area of Production Management and Leadership


Keeping an Eye on Workplace Safety On April 26 , the Members of the PBH School Public-Private Partnership ( PPP ), developed in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, with the participation of Odebrecht Infrastructure , participated in a Daily Work Training (DWT) in memory of the work accident victims in the Civil Construction sector. During the dialogues, the teams reflected on the importance of preventing deviations that may lead to incidents and accidents. Statistics reinforce the importance of this reflection : according to the International Labor Organization (ILO),

approximately 270 million people suffer some type of work accident every year, of which nearly 2 million are fatal. In Brazil, data from the Ministry of Social Security for the year 2010 indicate approximately 700, 000 accidents, with 2, 712 deaths. Fabiano Munhoz, Contract Director, emphasized the need to change these rates. “Each Member must be aware of the procedures required for safe work, ” said Munhoz. “It is important that each worker serve as a multiplier of good safety practices and support his or her colleagues, ” he explained.

The leadership of the PBH School PPP toured the contract’s 11 construction sites and gathered approximately 230 Members for the training


Odebrecht Foundation

More Action, More Cit


hose who live in the rural zone are faced with a difficult reality nearly every day: the low level of access to basic services – from the issuing of documentation to the scheduling of doctor’s appointments, as well as sanitation and public transport. Many residents have to commute to the downtown areas of other cities to receive assistance at the responsible entities. “Leaving the place where I live to resolve pending issues is very complicated,” said Reginaldo dos Santos, from the community Gatos e Papuã, located in Ibirapitanga, Bahia. In order to reach the municipality’s central region, he needs to travel 60 kilometers along a dirt and paved road. He sometimes decides to go to the neighboring city of Gandu. “The distance is shorter, somewhere around 45 kilometers,” said Santos. In order to improve this scenario, the Rights and Citizenship Institute (IDC), working in partnership with the Bahia Department of Employment, Labor, Income and Sports, has been promoting volunteer initiatives through the



Through the Rights and Citizenship Institute, residents from the rural zone have access to services considered essential for them to exercise their citizenship

51 51

Action and Citizenship project. The population has access to civil documentation services – identification and worker’s cards, the CPF (Individual Taxpayers’ Registry) card and voter registration.In 2012, more than 500 people were assisted.“We coordinated 10 actions in the Bahia Southern Lowlands and the result reflects the efforts of all those involved,” said Maria Celeste Pereira, Executive Director of IDC. The project also received the support of the municipal city governments and local social institutions, such as the Pratigi Environmental Protection Area Guardian Association (AGIR) and the Land Conservation Organization (OCT) – which, just like IDC, are associated with the Bahia Southern Lowlands Environmental Protection Area Mosaic Program for Development and Growth Integrated with Sustainability (PDCIS), supported by the Odebrecht Foundation and by public and private partners. “Integration is crucial for contributing toward the development of rural families,” said the Executive Director of AGIR, Pedro Paulo.


Also in 2012, residents of Igrapiúna and Ibirapitanga were directly benefited by the partnership.Lenira Silva Costa,

Coordinator of the IDC unit in Nilo Peçanha and responsible for the volunteer efforts, emphasized the importance of synergy between

the institutions:“It is a pleasure to work with teams that are committed to making the actions possible,” she said. The community of Juliana, in Piraí do Norte, was also assisted. In April of this year, the IDC team delivered the documents requested during the action promoted back in December.“I have waited for this moment for a long time,” said Elza Nascimento, happily. “Now I feel like a real citizen,” she said. For the second half of 2013, IDC is already planning to hold 10 more volunteer actions under the Action and Citizenship project.


As part of the action in the community of Juliana, in Piraí do Norte, IDC delivered documents to residents

On April 19, IDC took part in the 1 st Civil Registration and Basic Documentation Volunteer Action, promoted by the Valença Department of Social Action. On the occasion, the institute team supported and oriented the population on the issuing of documents.“The involvement was designed to strengthen our work, since it is an action similar to that which we promote in the region,” explained Mariene Barbosa, Coordinator of the IDC unit in Valença.

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fast news•environment

For more conscious consumption The brewery Cervejaria Colônia will launch the world’s first beer cans with a plastic seal. The innovative solution, developed by the Brazilian Packaging Company (CBE) and Braskem, guarantees the complete sealing of the upper part of the can, keeping the surface dry, besides being 100% recyclable. The plastic seal, which arrives to supermarkets during the second half of this year, was approved during laboratory tests by institutes in Brazil and France. The solution will be applied to the cans on the bottling line after the container cleaning and drying processes. “In the focus surveys, we confirmed that the consumer desires, approves and values a solution that offers safety during consumption and is even willing to pay more for this, if necessary,” revealed Jacques Pontes, President and CEO of the Brazilian Packaging Company. Plastic was chosen because it is a flexible material with airtight properties, and is also fully recyclable. “It is a versatile raw material that meets all of the needs of this solution and also has the advantage of being ecological and recyclable,” emphasized Albertoni Bloisi, Packaging Coordinator from the Market Development area at Braskem. We have studies underway with the consulting firm ACV Brasil for the seal Lifecycle Analysis, in addition to partnerships with trash pickers’ cooperatives for the training on the solution collection and the incentive toward recycling,” he said.

The new seal guarantees a safe, clean product that is ready for consumption on any occasion, since it is completely sealed


Learn more about the history of the Odebrecht Organization, which began in the mid-19th century. Over the decades, a small company grew, consolidated its place in Brazil and also expanded into five continents. Embark on a journey through time. Access: www.odebrecht.com/culturaodebrecht/


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