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Give Us Your Opinion: Answer the Survey on the New Odebrecht News

no. 312 • july 2013

Maracanã: Doors Open to Brazilian Teams

Brisas do Lago: Quality of Life in Brasília

Agroindustrial and Oil & Gas:Young Partnerships for the Organization

Odebrecht Foundation: Seeds That Transform Lives

contents no. 312 • july 2013


editorial staff ODEBRECHT NEWS is an electronic newsletter published twice a month, sent out on Wednesdays and intended for internal circulation, produced and edited by the Odebrecht S.A. Communication team. RESPONSIBLE JOURNALIST:


Fabiana Cabral and Bárbara Rezendes Photos: Odebrecht Archive ART: Criativos SUGGESTIONS:

fabianacabral@odebrecht.com brezendes@odebrecht.com Distribute Odebrecht News at your company!




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Doors Open a


at Maracanã

The classic Carioca match between Fluminense and Vasco marked the reopening of Maracanã – a game that is part of the Brazilian Soccer Championship



he Fluminense Football Club is back at Maracanã. On July 10, the soccer club signed a contract with the company Complexo Maracanã Entretenimento S.A.– formed by Odebrecht (leader), IMX and AEG –, which allows it to use the Jornalista Mário Filho Stadium for the next 35 years. Since Maracanã closed for remodeling work, Fluminense has played its games in different stadiums for the Liberators of America Cup and the Carioca (state) and Brazilian (national) championships.The majority of the games were played outside Rio de Janeiro, in the cities of Macaé and Volta Redonda. Because of this, the board, technical commission and players of the Fluminense team began to emphasize through social networks the desire by the team fans to have a stadium they could call “home” for their games. During the negotiations led by President Peter Siemsen, the club firmed up the details of the contract with Complexo Maracanã Entretenimento S.A., which included


the prerequisite of zero cost, since during recent games as the grantor, Fluminense suffered losses. Even before the agreement, the club had scheduled its return to the stadium with the classic game against the team Vasco on July 21, the date on which it celebrated 111 years of existence.

FLUMINENSE AT ‘HOME’ Through the contract, Fluminense will directly sell 56.6% of the Maracanã tickets, representing 43,000 seats. The club will be able to manage discounts for members and priorities during purchases, such as the possibility for purchasing advance tickets, among other advantages. Fluminense will also earn the right to install an official store at the stadium starting in 2015. The club will also install mobile stands for the sale of products, as well as for the fan association.

REOPENED WITH A CLASSIC CARIOCA GAME On Sunday, July 21, Maracanã reopened its doors to Rio de Janeiro fans and hosted the classic

Peter Siemsen, President of Fluminense, and João Borba, President of Complexo Maracanã Entretenimento S.A., during the signing of the contract that will allow the club to use the stadium for 35 years

Fluminense Memory A look at some of the historical data reveals why Fluminense can call Maracanã“home.”Learn more! Some of the most memorable soccer games included Fluminense and Maracanã as the stars: the final games of 1969, 1971, 1984 and 1995

Fluminense is the only club to win a world title at the stadium: 1952 Rio Cup The first goals at Maracanã during its two inaugurations were made by star players of the Fluminense soccer club: Didi, on June 16, 1950, and Fred, on June 2, 2013

Maracanã marked a global record in terms of the public attending a Fluminense game: 177,020 ticket holders at the end of the 1963 Carioca Championship

One of the best national championships of all times, held in 1970 and disputed by the players of the World Three-Time National Team, was won by Fluminense at Maracanã


Carrying flags and mosaics, more than 46,000 fans came to Maracan達. The total income earned from the game was R$ 1.5 million


match between Fluminense and Vasco as part of the Brazilian Soccer Championship. Vasco won the match 3-1. With a total public of 46,860 people, including 34,634 ticket holders, what was visible in the grandstands was the joy of the fans upon returning to the stadium. During the first review by the operational team, no broken chairs or any damage to the stadium’s physical structures were detected. A total of 1,080 official guides, 320 cleaning professionals, 15 elevator workers, 40 security guards, 25

physicians and 80 fire brigade members were made available to the public. The fans had access to 231 bathrooms and 60 bars, all with proper accessibility, comfort and safety. Through an agreement with the Military Police and Firefighters, 60,000 tickets were put on sale – accounting for 80% of Maracanã’s current capacity. The 18,000 tickets that were not sold were for the sectors belonging to Complexo Maracanã Entretenimento S.A., and only 12,000 tickets from the central sectors were made available for fans to purchase.

Fluminense and Vasco played a game with plenty of nice shots at the goal, ending in a 3-1 victory for Vasco


Complexo Maracan達 Entretenimento S.A. is the concessionaire responsible for the management, operation and maintenance of Maracan達 for a 35-year period

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Follow Complexo Maracan達 Entretenimento S.A. on Facebook

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fast news

Amadeus: Offering Guidance on the Best Choices Considered the largest tool for reserving trips worldwide and used by the majority of national and international airline companies, Amadeus is also the option adopted by Odebrecht to facilitate Members’ dailyroutines. With the tool, Members have direct access to the prices published by airline companies and can optimize the airline ticket issuing phases, thereby facilitating expense management. “In addition to the convenience, efficiency in meeting our requests and the fast return by the agencies in terms of issuing the ticket, we achieve a good reduction in the rates, cutting expenses and helping with our budget,” said Arlene de Souto Melo, Secretary at Odebrecht Infrastructure. The Organization’s Travel & Partnerships area finished installing the tool in nine

countries: Mozambique, United Arab Emirates, Portugal, Cuba, Argentina, Panama, Ecuador, the United States and Dominican Republic. In Brazil, 243 installations have already been completed at the Businesses. By 2014, it is estimated that an additional seven countries will have the system in place. Amadeus is one of the actions undertaken by the Travel & Partnerships team, which in 2012 generated savings of R$ 52 million together. Last year, travel-related expenses totaled R$ 463 million, with R$ 208 million of this total corresponding to airline tickets. Currently, the sector is heading a project in partnership with the Entrepreneurial Leaders designed to increase the use of the tool by Members. A study elaborated by the area shows that the use of Amadeus may generate potential savings of R$ 23.8 million this year.



R$ million

obtained through negotiations with airline companies and through the use of Amadeus





5 million

through negotiations with hotels, vehicle rental companies and taxi companies

with the use of the CTA card, control of unused airline tickets and the verification and recovery of inconsistent values

Parque da Cidade Online Th e we b s i te fo r Pa rq u e d a C i d a d e – a n O d e b re c h t Re a l i z a çõ e s I m o b i l i á r i a s – n ow h a s a n ew l o o k. Wi t h m o re dyn a m i c co nte nt , i t o ffe rs co m p l e te i nfo rm at i o n a b o u t t h e p ro j e c t a n d a l l o f t h e to p i c s re l ate d to i ts e ss e n ce . A n ews a re a p u b l i c i ze s to p i c s s u c h a s u rb a n a rt , c re at ive s o l u t i o n s , m o b i l i ty a n d s u s ta i n a b i l i ty. I n o t h e r s e ss i o n s , i t i s p o ss i b l e to n avigate t h ro ugh t h e p ro d u c t d ata a n d u n d e rs ta n d why t h i s i s a n ew p ro j e c t t h at c a n c h a nge t h e wo rl d .

Learn all the latest news on Parque da Cidade. Access the website:www.parquedacidade.com.br


fast news

Baixo Iguaçu HPP: Construction Work Underway Odebrecht Infrastructure began the installation work for the Baixo Iguaçu Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) in Paraná. Located in the municipalities of Capanema and Capitão Leônidas Marques, the plant will generate 350 MW, with the use of three Kaplan turbines. Baixo Iguaçu is the last hydroelectric power plant to be installed on the Iguaçu River upstream from the waterfalls and the Iguaçu National Park. With investments of R$ 1.32 billion, the contract signed with the companies Neoenergia and Copel should be concluded in October 2016.


The Iguaçu River is one of the largest Brazilian rivers in terms of the contribution of electric energy, with five dams for hydroelectric use: Foz do Areia, Segredo, Salto Santiago, Salto Osório and Salto Caxias

New Steps at Corinthians Arena With more than 82% of the work concluded and involving 1,570 Members, the construction of the Corinthians Arena – currently being completed by Odebrecht Infrastructure – is now focused on the services related to the finishes, installations and assembly of the metal support structures for the South and North roofs. The two first metal modules for the South sector, which weight 177 and 121 tons, respectively, have already been hoisted. Each roof will have seven modules that form a structure 240 meters long and they will be set up by the first half of October. Furthermore, the first glass panels for the front of the West building have been installed. A total of 1,350 parts will be placed, forming a large glassencased area extending 240 meters long and 30 meters high. Made in Italy, the windows are all different in size, curvature or tone. Many of the bathrooms are practically ready, together with the grass field, which continues to receive special care during the growth phase. Indoor and outdoor walls are earning new colors and shapes with painting work and the placement of granite, porcelain tiles, mosaic tiles and a special type of ceramic. The roof of the East grandstand already has its

entire metal roof cover and is now ready to receive other layers of materials, including a waterproof lining, to be installed at the end, which guarantees protection against the elements. The seats should begin to be installed in August.

The metal modules designed to support the Corinthians Arena roofs are currently being installed and are set to be concluded in October

The windows of the West facade, where the arena’s main entrance is located, should be fully installed in November


fast news

Preparations for the ‘Greatest Show on Earth’


The Itaipava Arena Pernambuco – managed by Odebrecht Properties – will debut its multi-use profile on August 3. Bahia singer Cláudia Leitte will record an official track for her

grandstands and the synthetic grass field area – preserving the natural grass. Besides this, a walkway and advanced stage will bring the artists closer to the public. In order to protect the green

new DVD during the event called the “Greatest Show on Earth.” The event will also feature shows by Rio de Janeiro singer Anitta and the group Banda Eva. The entire structure was planned to guarantee the best adaptation of the development for hosting artistic performances. With an innovative project, most of the stage structure will occupy the

area, the site will use the same type of ground as that chosen for the Madonna and U2 shows, both held at the Morumbi Stadium in São Paulo. The type of model, which is highly resistant, is designed exclusively for natural grass sports fields, since it has scratches on the surface that allow for the ventilation and photosynthesis of the grass.

Odebrecht Properties prepares the Itaipava Arena Pernambuco for its first major musical performance, set for August 3

To Guarantee Energy Generation The River Bed Transmission Lines should be up and running in December 2014, when Power Force 4 begins its energy generation

In Porto Velho, capital of Rondônia, Odebrecht Infrastructure is currently assembling the internal part of the Madeira River Bed Transmission Lines. This phase will conduct the energy generated at Generation Group 4 (GG4) to the Collector Substation for distribution through the continuous current “big line.” At the construction site, the River Bed Transmission Lines will have an energy gantry and five galvanized carbon steel towers measuring approximately 40 meters high each. The two towers will connect the GG4 to the GG1, and three will connect the GG4 to the substation. In this way, the energy can be conducted along two paths. Daniel Pontes, Electrical Production Manager, explains the creation of the two alternatives for transmission: “The two lines are designed to guarantee the effectiveness of the transmission in the case of some need to perform maintenance on each one of them,” said Pontes. Some 30 Members are involved with the installation of the lines. Official qualified worker Nilson Almeida da Silva is one of those responsible for the future lighting of the homes. “It is a pleasure to be a part of a dam as big as this one,” he emphasized.

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Innovation that Streamlines Construction Projects A technique originating in Norway will accelerate the construction of a viaduct at the Caxambu Clover, located at Km 67 of the Engenheiro Constâncio Cintra Highway (SP-360) in Jundiaí, rural São Paulo. The construction work is being undertaken by the Rota das Bandeiras Concessionaire –an Odebrecht TransPort asset. Called an Ultra-Light Landfill, the methodology uses blocks of styrofoam, called Expanded Polystyrene Blocks (EPS), to replace conventional landfill, which is done with earth. Because it is more lightweight,

the material can be used on soft soil terrain – characteristic along the stretch, – a fact which helps streamline the construction of the viaduct. It is the second time that Rota das Bandeiras has adopted technology to accelerate the construction work to duplicate the SP-360 Highway. In March of this year, the concessionaire built a prefabricated concrete tunnel, also at Km 67, adopting a Portuguese technology brought to the country by Odebrecht during the construction of the Beltway in São Paulo.

The solution made it possible to complete the construction work for a precast concrete tunnel in a shorter time than a conventional one


Design and Quality The passenger stations for Stretch 2 of the Lima Subway Line 1 in Peru have arrived to the districts of Cercado de Lima, El Agustino and San Juan de Lurigancho. The design and location of the stations reduce the urban impact and optimize the time required for construction, currently being undertaken by Odebrecht Infrastructure through the Lima Subway Consortium. Each station will have two levels – the first for the entry of passengers, called the Passenger Area, and the second for the boarding of the cars, known as the Platform Zone – together with four escalators. The installations also have state-of-the-art surveillance cameras, programmable elevators and turnstiles, in addition to all the features for individuals with special needs, such as a tactile flooring, elevators, turnstiles and bathrooms. Here are some of the other figures of the Lima Subway Stretch 2: - Total of 10 modern passenger stations; - 2 stations with translucent roofs (polycarbonate); - 14 meters – the height of the largest escalator at the Bayóvar Station; - 2,150 people – maximum capacity the station can hold at one time.

From high to low, the Bayóvar, San Carlos and Santa Rosa stations. The construction work is nearly 60% complete


fast news

Innovation that Generates Safety and Sustainability The Santo Antônio Civil Consortium (CSAC), responsible for the civil construction work at the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) – of which Odebrecht Infrastructure is leader –, developed a metal mold for laying the concrete for the second stage of the Stay Column (central column that houses and sustains the well Generator Unit). The new metal style replaces the wood mold, making the work safer, more economic, productive and sustainable. The metal molds last longer and can be reused up to 13 times more than the former type, and also help prevent wood waste. The material construction process began with the creation of a prototype, used for a period to attest to the mold’s efficiency. It

Antônio Rios was the creator of the metal mold that is being used to lay concrete for Units 28 to 32 at Generation Group 3


was then sent for production. Keeping the Members’ ergonomics in mind, the mold was divided into several panels, with weights lower than 60 kilos each, assembled using screws. The metal mold was first used starting with Unit 21 in the Generator Group 3 (GG3). The creator of the innovation, Antônio Rios, responsible for Frames, Molds and Imbedded Devices, commented on the results: “When we used the mold for the first time, it was just incredible,” he said. “We were surprised because the concrete laying was perfect.” Welder Vagner Souza Furtado reinforced the benefits: “This mold is much better, since it made the work more practical,” he said.

Young Journalists at the Aquapolo Project

Youth from the Folha de S. Paulo view the reuse water produced, which is then sent to the Capuava Petrochemical Plant in the region of ABC Paulista

In June, 11 trainees from the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo visited the installations of Aquapolo Ambiental and learned more about the operations of the company formed by Foz and SABESP (SĂŁo Paulo State Basic Sanitation Company). The group was received by Marcos Asseburg, responsible for AquapoloAmbiental, who highlighted the process, considered innovative and sustainable, capable of producing reuse water for industrial purposes. The visit is part of the Folha de

S. Paulo Daily Journalism Training Program, sponsored by Odebrecht since 2007. Through the action, it is possible to show the diversification of the Organization’s Businesses to future journalists and create a channel of contact with the news desks of important newspapers. The Organization also sponsors the journalist training programs of the newspapers O Estado de S. Paulo and Correio da Bahia as well as the Abril Journalism Course, promoted by the publisher Editora Abril.

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Challenges at the Glaciers In July, Odebrecht Infrastructure participated in the International Glaciers Forum – Challenges for Research Designed to Serve Society within the Context of Climate Change, held in the city of Huaraz, Peru. Organized by Peru’s National Water Authority, the meeting promoted the exchange of experiences and practices in glaciology, climatology and hydrology, together with the elaboration of research agendas for establishing strategies for adapting to climate change. The Vial Carhuaz - San Luiz Consortium, which is building the Carhuaz - Chacas - San Luís Highway, was represented by Engineer Winston Lewis, Production Manager responsible for the construction work for the Punta Olímpica Tunnel, which is part of the highway corridor and traverses the Branca Mountain Range, located 4,738 meters above sea level, connecting the communities of the region of Ancash. With the lecture “Sustainable Investment within the Context of the Glacier Retreat,” Winston Lewis talked about the importance of the highways in terms of promoting the integration and development of the populations and also commented on the challenges faced during the project, which crosses 44 kilometers of the Huascarán National Park, surrounded by glaciers and patches without snow. The engineer explained that, after conducting a rigorous study, it was found that the tunnel would be installed in a zone of high altitude – an alternative that involved a more complex construction process, but with multiple benefits. According to Winston Lewis, the infrastructure (highway tunnel) is the one that least impacts the region. According to him, the water reuse project at the construction sites allowed for 65% savings of the resource removed from natural sources.


Our Culture, Our Brand Tips for Your Presentation Did you know that Odebrecht’s visual identity includes a standard template for PowerPoint presentations? The file is available for download in the Brand Territory area and is valid for all Businesses (except for Braskem and EEP) and supporting institutions. There are 15 screen options that you can personalize with images and information pertinent to your company or area of operations. Remember to use inspiring and high quality images. If you need photos, access our Documentation and Reference Center (CDR).

Whenever you develop a presentation, whether intended for the internal or external public, use the template and help strengthen our Brand. For further orientations, access Brand Territory:

www.odebrecht.com/territorio/en Please remain attentive to the visual identity tips found in the editions of ON!


real estate developments

Built along a 28,000-square meter terrain, Brisas do Lago includes five blocks of apartments. The landscaping project is signed by Sergio Santana and the decoration of the 750 units and public areas by architect Denise Zuba

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Quality of Life


n July 16, Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias delivered Brisas do Lago, a hotel development built along the edge of Paranoá Lake – an important tourism destination in Brasília –, marking the company’s consolidation in the

capital of Brazil. Brisas do Lago is equipped for short and long term stays and offers complete infrastructure for business, leisure and convenience. A trend in today’s real estate market, this segment of hotels offers comfort aligned with quality of

e in Brasília life.“Brisas do Lago is designed to fit within the upscale hospitality concept, one which is focused on sophistication, comfort and well being,” said Cesar Durão, Incorporations Director and the professional responsible for the project. He emphasized the development’s privileged

location, near the Brasília International Airport at the government building Esplanade of the Ministries, as well as the Convention Center and Brasília International Event Center. Characteristic of the Odebrecht Realização Imobiliárias developments, environmental

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Starting from the left: Sérgio Roberto Macedo, Cesar Durão and Erico Bezerra, during the opening portion of the event

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responsibility is practiced at Brisas do Lago through the adoption of sustainable solutions, such as the use of solar energy for heating water; the use of wood with a certified origin; and the “fifth facade,” a space that enhances the view over Paranoá Lake, created using recycled rubber and synthetic grass, forming a pattern over the roof slab.

This is the first development in Brazil operated by the international hotel chain Eurostars , which belongs to Hotusa , one of Spain’ s largest tourism groups. With a water park, space for children’ s recreation, home office, game room, space for events, gourmet salon, fitness space, spa and pier for mooring on the lake, “the guests can expect

differentiated assistance and efficient services that meet international hotel standards,” said Cesar Durão.

W E LCO M E EV E N T The presentation of Brisas do Lago to the public was marked by a cocktail party organized by Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias for some 850 people, including clients, guests,

Members and leaders of the Business. Cesar Durão, Sérgio Roberto Macedo, Minas Gerais - Federal District Regional Director, and Erico Bezerra, responsible for Marketing Support in the Regional segment, led the opening portion of the event. Participants also watched a show by Brasília singer, Ellen Oléria.

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Brisas do Lago had a Gross Sales Value (GSV) of R$ 400 million

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fast news•distinctions

Area where the PROSUB shipyard will be installed for the future construction and operation of the submarines. The shipyard will be completed in 2017

Quality Manager, Fernando de Oliveira, coordinated the certification process

Shipyard with Certified Quality The Submarine Development Program – Shipyard and Naval Base (PROSUBEBN) – currently being undertaken by Odebrecht Infrastructure for the Brazilian Navy in Rio de Janeiro – obtained the ISO 9.001 international certification in Quality Management for shipyard construction. The certification process involved the activities of development management and project engineering, acquisition, civil construction, assembly, commissioning and startup. The evaluation was conducted by auditors from Bureau Veritas Certification(BVC). According to Fernando de Oliveira, Quality Manager, there was a long


training process for the Members from the involved areas, designed to prepare them to adopt the quality procedures required by the standards, which totaled 249 procedures.“The certification is an efficient resource in terms of maintaining the constant improvement of the production system,” said Oliveira. The preparations for certification included the direct participation of the Members from the Quality, Commercial, Commissioning, Engineering, Production (Civil and Assembly), Supply and Assembly, People and Organization, Planning, Contract Administration and Supply and Civil Construction Work areas.



The Odebrecht Agroindustrial 2013 Young Partner brought something new: in addition to the selection that took place externally, three Members who were interns also participated in this edition


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debrecht Agroindustrial and Odebrecht Oil & Gas held the first onsite meeting for their 2013 Young Partner programs. The events were designed to welcome those present, promote the integration of the participants and complete the cycle of proposed activities. The 38 new Odebrecht Agroindustrial Members approved during the selection process this year gathered on July 1516 in São Paulo for programming focused on the presentation on the Organization and the Business, as well as the principles, concepts and criteria of the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO). Designed for university students who graduated recently, Odebrecht Agroindustrial offers job opportunities at the São Paulo capital and Campinas offices, as well as at the five production centers, located in Goiás, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul and São Paulo. For the Rio Claro Unit at the Goiás Center, five people were selected, one of who was Bruna Lourenço Santos, from Sorocaba, rural São Paulo.The youth will work in the area of Agronomic Development. “We heard from professionals who grew at the company and I realized that


many opportunities can open up for my development,” said Santos. “They are stories that serve as an example for us,” she said. João Henrique Muniz, from Recife, Pernambuco, earned a degree in Economic Sciences and will work in the area of Logistics at the São Paulo office. “I really identified with the Odebrecht values, and the idea of the ‘base that never changes’ really caught my attention,” she said, visibly excited about the opportunity. At Odebrecht Agroindustrial, the program adopts the job rotation system, which allows participants to work in the Agricultural, Industrial, Maintenance and Administrative areas, based on their academic backgrounds. Juraci Bastos, responsible for People and Administration at the São Paulo Center, joined Young Partner in 2009 and became a Leader for the program in 2011. For him, the formula for professional success at Odebrecht involves aligning simplicity with humbleness: “These youth have a solid educational background, but little practical experience,” said Bastos. “They should absorb everything that the most experienced professionals


have to teach.” Together with other important points, Bastos emphasized the mobility and adaptability of the new Members.

NEW SOURCES OF ENERGY From June 17-21, the 2013 OOG Youth (PJOOG) group from Odebrecht Oil & Gas met in Búzios, Rio de Janeiro, to conclude the first phase of the program, called the “First Half of the Business Task.” The phase is dedicated to Winning Over the Client and identifying “what is right.” Through presentations and group dynamics, the youth learned about the different areas that cover everything from Administration and Contractual Negotiation to the Simulation of Bidding Processes. The environments and achievements of the Business Units were revealed through the cases of the following Managing Directors: Helcio Colodete, from Specialized Well Services; Herculano Barbosa, from Engineering & Technology; Jorge Mitidieri, from Integrated Services; and Pedro Mathias, from Offshore Drilling. Roberto Ramos, Entrepreneurial Leader,

presented the Business Action Plan and commented on his personal and professional experiences during his career at the Organization. He pointed out the importance of the practice of TEO in terms of ensuring a winning business career. The youth also took part in a chat on Leadership, Meritocracy and Culture, administered by Roberto Simões, Executive Vice President. This edition of PJOOG covers the second year of the development cycle for the Young Partner in the Business and is designed to support and accelerate the youths’ training

process by offering a general overview of the Organization, and primarily, the Oil and Gas sector. For Rafael Horta Barbosa, is a one-of-a-kind opportunity: “We come to understand how, in practice, the Members complete the Entrepreurial Task in such a way as to satisfy their Clients and generate better results for Shareholders,” said Barbosa. The second half of PJOOG 2013, which is focused on the operation and understanding the concept of Client Satisfaction, will include distance activities that will begin in August, and the onsite meeting will be held in November of this year.

The methodology adopted in the Young OOG program integrates Education Through and For Work, and consists of both distance and onsite activities


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Investing in Partnerships The Members responsible for the Results Centers II and III (RCR II and III) of the Infrastructure - Brazil, Engenharia Industrial, Oil & Gas and Environmental Businesses gathered in May for the first module of the Program for Master Management (PPE Master). This is the second group to participate in the initiative, designed to support and reinforce the development of partners for a strategic, multidisciplinary and global vision, exposing them to realities that are different than those experienced in their daily routines. PPE Master has three modules with a total of 135 hours of course time, split up into onsite and distance meetings. In the first module, the participants learned the objectives of the program and the Businesses that make up the Organization. They also reflected and exchanged experiences on exercising

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Leadership, Sustainability and Communication. The event included the presence of Paulo Lacerda, responsible for Entrepreneurship Support (RAE) Operations; Jairo Flor, responsible for P&O at Odebrecht S.A.; Luiz Gabriel Azevedo, responsible for Sustainability at Odebrecht Infrastructure; Antenor de Castro, Contract Director at Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial; Antonio Carlos de Faria, responsible for Communication at Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil; Carine Aprile, responsible for Communication at Itaipava Arena Fonte Nova; and Ricardo Bueno, Contract Director at Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil. The second module, held in July, covered the topics of Finances, Business Strategy and Negotiation & Conflict Resolution. Participating in the meeting were Sergio Vianna and Walter Tatoni, from Odebrecht Properties, and Farid Feldberg, Contract Director at Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial.

Olympic Labor The Rio Mais Concessionaire – responsible for the Rio 2016 Olympic Park– completed one year since the start of construction work, which is moving forward at an accelerated pace, together with the number of contracted individuals. More than 1,000 Members, most of who are from the Civil Construction sector, are working on the project. This number may reach 3,000 in 2014, when the volume of the work will become more intense. “We are a group formed by people originating from different places in the country who accepted the chance to participate in this major challenge, which is and will be a source of pride for us and our families,” said Fernando Pacheco, President and CEO of the Rio Mais

Concessionaire. He further added: “During the first 12 months of construction work for Olympic Park and for the Athletes’ Village infrastructure, we have worked determinedly, and because of this, we were able to rigorously complete the different stages included under the contract,” said Pacheco. On July 1, the Odebrecht Infrastructure project began the activities to set the foundation for three pavilions that will be part of the Olympic Training Center (COT). “In addition to observing the growth of the physical structure, we will see the development of people who, together, are dedicated to constructing the Olympic dream,” emphasized Carolina Moreira, Social Worker.

Of the total number of workers, some 250 live in communities located near the project in Rio de Janeiro


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Ways of Disseminating Health

The meeting included the participation of 60 Members, including physicians, nursing technicians, Sustainability managers, GAFs and members of the Angola People & Organization

In June, Odebrecht Infrastructure held the Occupational Health meeting in Angola with the participation of those responsible for the Health area and the Administrative-Financial Managers (GAFs) in the country. The event presented the Organization’s initiatives related to the topic, procedures for expatriates and new proposals for the Active Search Program – focused on monitoring malaria diagnosis for expatriates. The action also included the presence of Antonio Carlos Daiha Blando, Senior Officer in the country, as well as those responsible for Sustainability, Dr. Valter Campoí, responsible for Occupational Medicine abroad at Odebrecht S.A., and Dr. Maria Teresa Vecchiati, Leader of the Medical Area at OLEx and the professional responsible for the Active Search Program.


The meeting was organized with aims of discussing encompassing topics, including the points for attention and the area’s main strategies of operation. For this activity, there was a presentation on the current scenario of Occupational Health in Angola, as well as the stage of implementation of the Ergonomics, Management and Occupational Health Program. Paloma Baiardi Gregório, responsible for Occupational Health in Angola, emphasized the meeting’s importance: “The integration and exchange of knowledge between the Health, Safety, Administration and Finances areas were quite beneficial,” said Gregório. Everyone’s presence gave us a strategic and clarifying vision of the needs in the Occupational Health area,” she said.

To Stretch Out and Exercise the Body In June, Odebrecht Infrastructure implemented the workplace exercise program called Get Moving, We’re Together On This!, in Angola. With stretching classes, the initiative is part of the Ergonomics Program, which promotes quality of life through activities designed to prepare workers for the work routine. Considering the specific characteristics of each project, Members were offered orientations and a series of exercises, in addition to information about the benefits and methods for stretching. The activity, elaborated by the Health area, received the support of the Workplace Safety and Administration teams at the contracts so that they can start working as motivators and multipliers of the practice. Cristina Lopes, responsible for the initiative, reinforces the importance of the exercises: “Our job functions make us sedentary individuals,” said Lopes. “That is why it is important to practice stretching activities regularly,”

she said. She explained that the program encourages Members to care for their health and reduces musculoskeletal problems. Get Moving, We’re Together On This! also encourages Members to include the practice of physical exercises into their daily routine outside the company. “Stretching is a way of keeping the body healthier and protecting the muscles from injuries and pain, in addition to giving people more energy for their work day,” emphasized Sérgio Kawamura, responsible for Sports and Leisure at the Cambambe Hydroelectric Power Plant.

The stretching exercises take place at the start of the work day at the Angolan offices and projects and involve the participation of some 13,000 Members


fast news•people

Joining Ideas to Better Serve

During the forum, the 23 participants had the opportunity to visit the industrial kitchen and the cafeterias of the UFEM (Metal Structure Manufacturing Unit) construction site

The PROSUB-EBN (Submarine Development Program - Shipyard and Naval Base) contract – currently being executed by Odebrecht Infrastructure in Rio de Janeiro – hosted the first Collective Food Service Forum. The event included the presence nutritionists and Members of different Organization projects, in addition to specialists. Ana Beatriz Duarte, responsible for Food Services at PROSUB-EBN, talked about the current challenges faced by nutrition professionals when managing meals, as well as about synergistic work in the search for excellence in Member’s meals. Wilson Busanello, Rio de Janeiro Subway Administrative-Financial Manager, highlighted the importance of the topic and its developments at the construction sites, sharing the experiences recorded at projects. Pharmacist and microbiologist Brigitte Bertin addressed the tools applied to food security management, and architect Sergio Jardim revealed techniques for industrial kitchen planning and sustainable meals. Helio Pedromo, responsible for the Food Service at the Santo Antonio Civil Consortium (CSAC), presented the operation and logistics of the food services at the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant, in Rondônia. For Kid Meirelles, Administrative-Financial Manager at PROSUB-EBN, holding the event is something crucially important. “Everyone needs to be aware that healthy eating exercises an influence over the entire progress of a construction project,” said Meirelles.

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SHE in Focus In July, the Odebrecht Infrastructure Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo office held the 1 st Internal Accident Prevention and Environment Week (SIPATMA) in Belo Horizonte. A common initiative of great importance at the construction projects, SIPATMA is designed to reinforce awareness raising of Members and

activities at the office. The Fire Brigade, PréVER (Severe Event Reduction Program) – an initiative promoted by the Organization designed to eliminate severe events and preserve workers’ integrity on the service fronts – as well as the workplace ergonomics campaigns and initiatives to fight dengue fever were also presented.

partners in terms of issues related to Workplace Safety, Health and Environment (SHE). For a one-week period, the teams listened to lectures administered by Members and guests and had the chance to learn more about the risks inherent to

The 1 st SIPATMA further emphasized the importance of workplace exercises, the diagnosis of the improvements necessary for the Members proper ergonomics, awareness raising related to SHE topics and the main safety data and indexes from PréVER.

The participants learned to use fire extinguishers and identify the “evacuation leader” – the individual responsible for orienting people during an incident


fast news•people

Improving the Dialogue on Safety Yet another action of the Always Safe Program was promoted by the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP), currently being built by Odebrecht Infrastructure in Rondônia. The initiative offers Leaders, Young Partners (JPs) and Professionals Responsible for Programs (RPs) awareness raising seminars on Workplace Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) topics and training on Behavioral Dialogue. Headed by Adauto Milanez, Workplace Safety Engineer, the event is divided into two phases. The first of these includes a presentation of the concepts of Safety, Health and Environment. The following phase includes a visit to the construction site, with examples of safety measures to be adopted in the field. In order to remind Members and apply the learning absorbed from day-to-day, participants received consultation material. For Délio Galvão, Contract Director at the Construtor Santo Antônio Consortium (CCSA), it is a time to align concepts and improve the constant relationship between leaders and team members. “We are training Members on Behavioral Dialogue at our project to ensure that we are increasingly more assertive when it comes to the topic of Safety,” he said. Launched in February of this year at the Santo Antônio HPP, Always Safe was created based on Members’ contribution to strengthening the Safety culture at the construction site.

The Always Safe Program is designed to mobilize leaders and team members to work continuously to prevent accidents through Behavioral Dialogue


Productivity at the Client’s Service The construction of the Petrópolis Brewery in Pernambuco, currently being completed by Odebrecht Infrastructure , began only a short time ago, but it is already seeking out ways of boosting its productivity. One of the ways identified to reach this objective is by training people. To boost the results with the best possible work time and cost-benefit, 23 Members and partners, including engineers and Safety and Planning technicians, held trainings on the handling of new equipment from the Civil Construction sector. Bosch, a partner company for the development, supported the training and got an up-close look at the construction work in Itapissuma, metropolitan region of Recife. Leon Kaiser, Vice President of the company in South America, and Roberto Silva, Business Developer, visited the construction site together with Ana Carolina Farias, Contract Director, and José Érico Dantas, Northeast - Central West Engineer for Odebrecht Infrastructure. The group toured the installations and learned about the productivity program.

Members received instructions on using the tools that were recently acquired by the project

Starting from the left: Leon Kaiser, Roberto Silva, José Érico Dantas and Ana Carolina Farias. The labor training took place at the construction site itself


fast news•people

Challenges Established The Converpro Consortium, responsible for the Puerto La Cruz Refinery construction work in Venezuela – which involves the participation of Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial –, organized a training workshop to elaborate its leaders’ Action Plan (AP). The action involved everyone from the Contract Director (DC)

concepts, and in the next module, held from June 10-14, the group used the theory acquired to practice preparing the plans. The workshops were administered with the support of consultant Angelo Veiga, from the Planos Institute, and included presentations, group dynamics and the elaboration of the APs by the

to the Professionals Responsible for the Programs (RPs) and was designed to transmit the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO) through the elaboration of the AP. On May 30-31, the course took an in-depth look at the AP elaboration

consortium’s director team. The training was held for approximately 60 Members, including Paulo Sá, Contract Director at the project for Odebrecht; and Rafael Gilly, General Director of the consortium for PDVSA (Petróleos de Venezuela S.A.).

The workshop was held at the Puerto la Cruz Refinery construction site training room and resulted in the elaboration of the Action Plan for the leaders, who are already using it as a work tool


In addition to the partnership with local universities, the selection process considered the recommendations of Young Partners from previous years. “Due to the strong Organizational Culture, I have the sensation that I am joining one big family,” said Tania Uamusse

Mozambique: Prepared Young Teams On July 4, Odebrecht Infrastructure held the Introduction to Culture Program for a new group of Young Partners from Mozambique who recently earned their degrees in the areas of Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Company Management and Institutional Relations. Members began their work at the Organization at the Nacala International Airport Project, Moatize Expansion Project and at the office in the country. Bruno Malaguti, responsible for People & Organization in Mozambique, headed the event: “This first contact with the Culture is crucial for Members to realize the importance of seeking out their own self-development, always with the close monitoring of the leader through Education Through Work,” said Malaguti. The new group also assimilated the main concepts of the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO).

For young Timóteo Muchanga, what was most interesting was realizing that he already holds the Organization’s values. “I’m excited to begin my career at Odebrecht,” he said. His colleague Mario Joaquim revealed what most called his attention: “The principle of valuing the local culture and specific characteristics of each Client represents a long term vision for the Organization,” he said. Miguel Peres, Senior Officer of Mozambique, emphasized that the Young Partners contracted in 2012 already occupy positions of distinction and leadership in the projects, and that the 2013 group already shows some major potential. “We view the program as the most efficient process for training our future leaders, who are capable of meeting the demands of our operation’s growth in the country,” said Peres.


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Meeting of Leaders On July 11, Odebrecht Oil & Gas held its first 2013 Leaders’ Seminar, focused on monitoring the results from the first half of the year and promoting synergy and integration, reinforcing the practice of the Organization’s Culture. Entrepreneurial Leader, Roberto Ramos, presented the consolidated figures for the year, and Senior Officers Helcio Colodete, Jorge Mitidieri, Herculano Barbosa and Pedro Mathias presented the highlights of their Action Plans and the focuses and actions for guaranteeing the results of the Action Programs at each Business Unit. Roberto Simões, Executive Vice President, talked about the Organization’s People Policy, which was then explored in more detail by Jairo Flor, responsible for People and Organization at Odebrecht S.A. The leaders participated in a group

dynamics exercise in which they were encouraged to propose concrete actions for applying the People Policy within the different Business environments. The event also included the presence of Renato Martins, Special Advisor to the President and CEO, who shared the Organization’s 55-year history and commented on the Action Programs and proposals of the groups for practicing the policy. During the closing portion, Roberto Ramos discussed the results of the meeting: “Gathering together the leaders to revise the actions to be adopted to guarantee the results planned in 2013, and elaborating some concrete goals together for a future marked by growth, all within the context of our culture, is always a unique opportunity to exchange experiences and learning,” he said. The first 2013 Leaders’ Seminar gathered 90 Members from Odebrecht Oil & Gas


More Assertive Leaders The Leader on the Right Track Program trained its fourth group at the Trasnordestina project, which involves the participation of Odebrecht Infrastructure. The closing ceremony was held on July 5 at the Visitor Assistance Center (CAV), located in Salgueiro, Pernambuco. Designed for the Shift and Service Supervisors at the development, the edition included Members who work at the Parnamirim, Pernambuco lot. The program emphasized Administration, Leadership and Personal Development methods. The programming was divided into six modules with the topics of Legislation, Quality, Equipment, Costs and Project Reading. There was also emphasis on the leadership and communication methods as strategic tools in the relationship with the team members. At the meeting dedicated to Legislation, the themes of Labor Relations, Human Resources and Occupational Health were highlighted. The last module addressed Workplace Safety, Health and Environment (SHE), including environmental preservation, concept of hazards and risks and deviation and loss. The presentation was headed by AdautoMilanez, responsible for Sustainability at Odebrecht Infrastructure, as well as by Marcelo Montandon, from the Awareness Raising & Sensitization in SHE area. The supervisors also participated in the Introduction to Culture Program, about the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO). Supervisor Marcio Jean Alves da Silva commented on the development with the team after the course was over: “I began to view my team members more confidently when it come to work-related results,” said Silva. According to him, the training awakened his interest to the importance of continued education. “Our improvement should be continuous and it is never too late to learn to pass on new knowledge,” he said.

Leader on the Right Track has already trained 82 Members as part of the alliance between Transnordestina Logística and Odebrecht Infrastructure. The Parnamirim group gathered 19 workers


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Productive Vacation In July, the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) received a new group for the Vacation Internship Program. University students from the Civil Engineering, Mechanics, Electrical and Administration majors, among others, worked on the projects led by Odebrecht Infrastructure for a 30-day period, learning about the different contract areas. During the welcome meeting, the youth participated in programming that included presentations on the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO) and the development’s structure, in addition to the testimonials on life and career by the Young Partners contracted through the program. Rodrigo Gali, Production Manager at the Santo Antonio Civil Consortium (CSAC), encouraged participants to take advantage of the internship period: “This is a chance to learn more about the day-to-day, the challenges and the work of a professional within the Organization,” said Gali. The group also visited the construction site to meet the development’s leaders. Marcelo Reis, Administrative Assembly Manager, talked about the opportunity to add knowledge. “You are in an environment that is fertile for learning,” he said. During the month of July, the youth have the opportunity to interact and see other areas of the construction site


Since the start of the Santo Antônio HPP construction, hundreds of interns have passed through the construction site as part of the Odebrecht Infrastructure Vacation Internship Program. The idea is to promote the development of the participants’ skills within each one’s area of operations, in addition to identifying new talents for the Organization. For Rafael Gonçalves, Civil Engineering student, it was a one-ofa-kind opportunity. “In a project of this dimension, I absorbed lots of knowledge and I will be able to share experiences with other students,” he emphasized.

Opportunity to Do it Better Created by the Santo Antônio Civil Consortium (CSAC) to identify and record innovations in the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant construction work, on June 18, the INOTEC Award promoted the training Identifying Technological Innovation Projects, designed for the general supervisors in different areas. Applied by the consulting company focused on innovation projects, Pier, the activity was designed to promote the capturing of new ideas and emphasize the importance of recording innovations that emerge during the day-to-day in the rural region. The programming was interactive and allowed for extensive participation by Members. Earth and Rock General Supervisor, Domingos Reinaldo da Silva, stated the following: “The training was excellent and the way in which the concepts were transmitted was important,” said Silva. Antônio Sérgio Barbin, Quality Manager at CSAC, emphasized the importance of the course: “This is an opportunity to exchange experiences, since our project has countless challenges that can only be overcome through innovations,” said Barbin. The event included the presence of Délio Galvão, Contract Director at the Construtor Santo Antônio Consortium, and Leonardo Borgatti, Contract Director at CSAC. “The search for innovations is crucial for our activity, since we can serve as a breeding ground for innovations,” emphasized Leonardo Borgatti. In addition to the training for the general supervisors, there was also a Technological Innovation Facilitator Training course designed for Young Partners and those Responsible for the Programs. INOTEC is an initiative of the CSAC Quality area.

The training to identify technological innovation projects also included a time dedicated to presenting the main concepts related to Innovation


Odebrecht Foundation

Seeds That Trans

During a meeting with the OCT team, Ademir Matos (to the right) was chosen as one of board members for the Seed Collectors’ Network


sform Lives


pon telling his story, farmer André da Conceição, age 31, shares a dream: “I began to build a new house for my family,” he said. This achievement has been possible because the resident of the community of Ingazeira, in Ituberá, joined the Seed Collectors’ Network, an action headed by the Land Conservation Organization (OCT) – an institution that is part of the Bahia Southern Lowlands Environmental Protection Area Mosaic Program for Development and Growth Integrated with Sustainability (PDCIS), supported by the Odebrecht Foundation together with public and private partners. The network is part of the project “Producing Seeds, Changing Lives,” which operates specifically in the Pratigi Environmental Protection Area. Approved through the Oi Projects for the Environment - 2011 bidding process, the initiative receives an investment from the Oi Futuro Institute in the amount


André da Conceição built his new house with the income he earned collecting seeds


of R$ 250,000, with a matching contribution from OCT, in the amount of R$ 47,000, and seeks to meet three goals: promote an opportunity to earn income, perpetuate native Atlantic Forest species and conserve the Environment. “I created a daily collection routine and earned up to R$ 2,000 selling the seeds,” said Conceição. Before joining the initiative, the farmer lived with his wife and three children in a taipa house (made from clay and gravel). Anyone who observes

the new home can understand the family’s joy. “I was quite surprised with the result,” he said. “I never imagined that harvesting and selling seeds could guarantee income.”

ORIENTATION AND TRAINING The OCT team receives the production and passes it on to the Atlantic Forest seedling greenhouses installed in Southern Bahia. “We also plan to install a cold chamber to store a larger quantity of

the ground, whereas during the harvest phase, the farmer uses safety equipment to climb the trees and harvest the seeds at the heights of the canopies. According to Volney Fernandes, the last method is the most recommended. “It allows you to select the high quality seeds,

seeds and increase sales,” said Volney Fernandes, Leader of the Environmental Services Strategic Cooperative, one of OCT’s lines of operations. Among the theoretical and practical instructions, 12 training sessions were held to orient the producers. Topics such as the harvesting of seeds, production of seedlings, legislation and business certification and management were addressed during the event. During the collection phase, the producer selects the seeds arranged on

he said. Fábio Lopes, Project Coordinator, added: “After this phase, we are facilitating meetings with professionals to allow for an exchange of knowledge,” said Lopes. Currently, 54 farmers from 14 communities in the Bahia municipalities of Ituberá, Igrapiúna, Piraí do Norte and Ibirapitanga are participating in the project. Ademir Matos, age 56, is part of the group. He is one of the board members of the Collectors’ Network and helped created a statute that defines the basic work rules. In this way, he is able to assist and encourage friends and neighbors to participate in the action, in addition to demonstrating in practice that collecting seeds produces results. “I received more than R$1,000 and used it to invest in my plantations,” said Josinei Hipólito, from Ituberá.



Family farmers benefited by the Food Acquisition Program: over 190,000 families have been assisted all over Brazil

54 54

Fo Fa

ocus on Family arming


fte r co m p l e t i ng 1 0 ye a rs , t h e Fo o d Acq u i s i t i o n P rogra m ( PAA ) p re s e nts s o m e s ign i fi c a nt re s u l ts fo r t h e co u nt ry : i nve s t m e nts o f R $ 5 b i l l i o n to a cq u i re m o re t h a n t h re e m i l l i o n to n s o f fo o d p ro d u ce d , b e n e fi t i ng m o re t h a n 1 9 0 , 0 0 0 fa m i l i e s . Co o rd i n ate d by B ra z i l ’ s M i n i s t ry o f So c i a l D eve l o p m e nt a n d H u nge r Al l evi at i o n ( M DS ) , t h e P PA s e e ks to co o rd i n ate ru ra l fa rm e rs’ p ro d u c t i o n wi t h t h e fo o d s u p p l e m e nt d e m a n d s p re s e nt at d ayc a re s , s h e l te rs , h o s te l s , p u b l i c h o s p i ta l s , e tc . “Th e p ro gra m a l l ows fo r t h e

s t re ngt h e n i ng o f agri c u l tu ra l wo rk, b o o s t i ng o f t h e l o c a l e co n o m i e s , p ro m o t i o n o f fo o d s e c u ri ty a n d e m p h a s i s o n h e a l t h h a b i ts a l l t h ro ugh t h e u s e o f a s i ngl e re s o u rce , ” ex p l a i n e d A rn o l d o d e Ca m p o s , N at i o n a l Se c re ta ry o f Fo o d a n d N u t ri t i o n a l Se c u ri ty at M DS.

BAHIA’S SOUTHERN LOWLANDS Th e R ights a n d C i t i ze n s h i p I n s t i tu te ( I D C ) – a ss o c i ate d wi t h t h e B a h i a So u t h e rn Lowl a n d s Envi ro n m e nta l P ro te c t i o n A re a M o s a i c P rogra m fo r D eve l o p m e nt a n d G rowt h I ntegrate d wi t h S u s ta i n a b i l i ty ( P D C IS ) , s u p p o rte d by t h e O d e b re c h t Fo u n d a t i o n a n d p u b l i c a n d p rivate p a rt n e rs – co nt ri b u te s d i re c t ly to m a ki ng t h i s s ce n a ri o p o ss i b l e . S i n ce 2 0 0 9 , i t h a s co o rd i n ate d t h e p a rt i c i p at i o n o f 1 7 a ss o c i at i o n s a n d co o p e rat ive s fro m t h e So u t h e rn Lowl a n d s i n P PA , b e n e fi tt i ng 775 fa m i l i e s . “ I t i s ve ry grat i fyi ng to b e a b l e to co nt ri b u te towa rd t h e regi o n’ s

55 55

Fruit, produce and manioc root are some of the foods sold through the Brazilian Ministry of Social Development and Hunger Alleviation program, supported by the Institute of Rights and Citizenship in the Bahia Southern Lowlands


p ro d u c ti o n d eve l o p m e nt, ” sa i d Joã o N i l d o, Co o rd i nato r of th e So c ia l - Pro d u c ti o n I n c l u s i o n Are a at I D C. “By tra i n i ng th e co m m u n i ti e s, we p rovi d e th e to o l s n e ce ssa ry fo r th e m to

I n p a rt n e rs h i p wi t h t h e N at i o n a l S u p p ly Co m p a ny, t h e i n s t i tu te m ove d s o m e R $ 2 . 5 m i l l i o n , a n d i n 2 01 2 alone, it made the sale of m o re t h a n 73 0 , 0 0 0 ki l o s o f

ga i n a cce ss to PAA, ” sa i d N i l d o.

fo o d p o ss i b l e . “ By a p p lyi ng


t h e p ro gra m , I D C a l s o h e l p s re d u ce ru ra l exo d u s , s i n ce t h e p ro d u ce rs c a n h ave t h e s e c u ri ty t h ey n e e d to re m a i n i n t h e ru ra l regi o n a n d m a i nta i n t h e i r p l a ntat i o n s , ”

o f t h e A ss o c i at i o n o f B a i xã o , Tre m e d a l a n d Ca ri ri Ru ra l P ro d u ce rs ( A P RO B ATC ) , wi t h h e a d o ffi ce i n t h e B a h i a m u n i c i p a l i ty o f Va l e n ç a a n d o n e o f t h e s u p p o rte d

s a i d Vi l m a Sa nto s , P re s i d e nt

a ss o c i at i o n s .


fast news•social actions

For Sustainable Development On June 27, Odebrecht Infrastructure coordinated the Angola Business Forum on the Fight Against HIV and AIDS. An initiative of the National Institute for the Fight Against AIDS (INLS), with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the main goal of the event was to mobilize the private sector to

Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (ONUSIDA), and Teresa McGhie, USAID Mission Director, reinforced the importance of this involvement in terms of reaching this goal. Companies associated with CEC presented their practices focused on preventing diseases in the workplace. Odebrecht shared the experiences of the Mutual Help Group (GAM),

join the Business Committee Against HIV and AIDS (CEC) – led by Odebrecht and designed to promote the control of the HIV epidemic in the country. During the opening portion of the event, Ducelina Serrano, Director of INLS, encouraged the representatives from the companies to create synergies so that the private sector can help change the course of the epidemic. “We hope that more companies can become partners in the fight against other diseases,” said Serrano. “Our goal is to have a future without any threats to public health or socialeconomic development,” she emphasized. Maurício Cysne, Coordinator of the Joint United

a tool for maintaining workers’ health, reducing absenteeism and guaranteeing productivity. The representative from the Angolan Ministry of Public Administration, Employment and Social Security, Mário Pinto, cited Law 8 from 2004, which orients companies to develop HIV prevention programs, and also emphasized the importance of their implementation. Upon closing the event, Marcus Felipe, Planning, People and Institutional Relations Director in Angola, reinforced the Organization’s effort and commitment to the goals established by the Angolan government to guarantee the country’s sustainable development.

The Business Forum on the Fight Against HIV and AIDS included the participation of 26 companies allocated in Angola


As part of the program activities, the children watched a simulated assistance of an accident along the Dom Pedro Corridor

‘Knowledge Tourism’ Along Rota das Bandeiras On July 15, Rota das Bandeiras, an Odebrecht TransPort asset, received 30 public school students from the municipality of Caraguatatuba, along São Paulo’s coast, for a visit to the concessionaire’s head office in Itatiba, rural São Paulo. Children ages 9-11 took part in the Knowledge Tourism program – Coast in the Rural Region, promoted by the São Paulo Department of Transport to offer an opportunity to visit new sites within the state. During the event, students learned about the work developed by the Operational Control Center (OCC), which monitors the images from the 73 cameras installed along the Dom Pedro Corridor. Participants also watched a simulated assistance operation completed by one of the concessionaire’s ambulances and enjoyed a theater play with messages on traffic safety. Teacher Margarida Martinês, one of the group monitors, praised the actions: “The message transmitted in a playful fashion is much better remembered by the children,” she said.“It will help develop future drivers.” According to Antony Torres, age 9, the highlight was learning how the ambulances assist people in the case of accidents. “It’s good to know that the teams are prepared to help whenever they are needed,” he said. This was the second time that Rota das Bandeiras has participated in the Knowledge Tourism program. In January 2012, the concessionaire received 36 students from Ferreira Port in rural São Paulo.


fast news•social actions

Constant Support for the Community Through the Mineral Concentrate Shipment Terminal at Callao Port(integrated mineral concentrate transport and shipment system) in Peru, Odebrecht Infrastructure kicked off the Young Leaders’ Promotion and Development program. The initiative emerged from the Dom Bosco Youth Home project, developed by Father Marino de Pra in the community of Puerto Nuevo in Callao. The group identified that the site’s exposure to social-cultural aspects, such as psychological and physical violence, affected the development of children and adolescents from the region. Since then, Odebrecht has supported the program’s institutionalization and contributed toward the qualification of young leaders in the community through recreational, social-cultural and technical-work training, based on constant psycho-social work. New partnerships were formed during the actions, allowing for the continuity of the program even after the construction work ended. In addition to the installation of a medical center, the participation by the client Transportadora Callao – which holds the terminal concession agreement for 20 years – allowed for the construction of a work plan with medium and long term visions, serving as a guide to help strengthen the management and self-management of the work by those very individuals benefited.

The Young Leaders’ Promotion and Development program contributed by training 45 youth from the municipality of Callao through activities including theater, dance and martial arts


New Sustainable Entrepreneurs A second group of entrepreneurs was trained to contribute toward the development of the region of Destino Sauípe, where the Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias developments are located. On July 17, in partnership with the entity Educambiente, the Business completed yet another Sustainable Entrepreneur course, designed to promote training for entrepreneurship among the residents and Vila Sauípe and surrounding areas, helping to generate income, social inclusion and sustainability in the local communities. During the Sustainable Entrepreneur Fair – an event that works like a laboratory – participants presented their products and services to the public. In line with the course’s proposal, the fair emphasized social construction through recreational activities. Twelve stands were set up for the students to present their different works, which included a bazaar, the sale of clothing and shoes, cosmetics, a beauty salon, paintings, lights and ecological decorations, the sale of seedlings, handicrafts, honeybased products, pastries, bijus (a type of food made from manioc flour) and typical food from the region. The fair also featured spaces for

different partner institutions, such as the Center for Human Reproduction Research and Assistance (CEPARH), which presented information about family planning; as well as the Social Service of Commerce (SESC), which promoted lectures with dentists, distributed kits and offered orientations on oral hygiene. The Forest Factory Institute (IFF) offered a seedling planting workshop and ecological games; and the TAMAR/ICMBIO Project revealed the importance of protecting the sea turtles. There was also a cultural space that featured presentations of capoeira and by dance groups from the community, together with workshops on wood carving and creating mosaics with PET bottle caps. Some 350 residents were present. For Pedro Ramos de Carvalho, President of the Vila Sauípe Residents’ Association (AMVS), the second Sustainable Entrepreneur Fair was a success in terms of the public, organization and the results achieved. “We would like to thank the Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias team, Educambiente, the Vila Sauípe Residents’ Association and those who were indirectly involved for their efforts to build a better community,” said Carvalho.


fast news•social actions

Partnership for Social Reinsertion Through the Teles Pires Hydroelectric Power Plant construction work, Odebrecht Infrastructure established a partnership with the MatoGrosso Regional Department of Labor and Employment (SRTE/MT), Public Ministry of Labor (PRT/23 rd Region), Federal University of MatoGrosso (UFMT) and the UNISELVA Foundation to install the Integrated Action qualification project. Focused on the training and social and professional reinsertion of individuals rescued from slave labor or workers found to be in a situation of vulnerability, the initiative is designed to create the conditions and propose actions that promote people’s social, educational and economic modification. Odebrecht offers support to the participants through Believe, which was


implemented in Paranaíta in 2011 and has already qualified more than 2,000 people. The first group of Integration Action at the Teles Pires HPP is made up of 30 workers, who will be hired as part of an experimental phase, and trained under the program’s basic and technical modules. Participants will also receive classes in Portuguese, Mathematics and Financial Education. The classes will be administered by Brazil’s National Industrial Learning Service – Mato Gross Branch (SENAI-MT). After they complete the training, the group will then join the Education for Youth and Adults (Onsite EJA) groups at the Teles Pires construction site. At the end, Odebrecht will offer the opportunity for them to be hired permanently for the project.

earn more aboutLearn the history of thethe history of the more about debrecht Organization, which began Odebrecht Organization, which began th century. in the mid-19th century. in the mid-19th r the decades,Over a small the company decades, grew, a small company grew, nsolidated its place in Brazil and also in Brazil and also consolidated its place expanded into fiveexpanded continents. into five continents.

mbark on a journey through time. through time. Embark on a journey

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.