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nº 326 • february 2014

Embraport: Responsible for a New Port Contract

A New Airport for Namibe in Angola

Enseada Indústria Naval Soon to Operate Paraguaçu Unit in Bahia

Partnership to Intensify Venezuela’s Agroindustrial Production

contents nº 326 • february 2014



34 editorial staff ODEBRECHT NEWS is an electronic newsletter published twice a month, sent out on Wednesdays and intended for internal circulation, produced and edited by the Odebrecht S.A. Communication team. RESPONSIBLE JOURNALIST:


Bárbara Rezendes Photos: Odebrecht Archive ART: Criativos SUGGESTIONS:

brezendes@odebrecht.com Distribute Odebrecht News at your company!





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n February, Embraport - an Odebrecht TransPort asset responsible for the private port terminal located in São Paulo’s Santos Port - announced that it won the rights to the contract to operate the South


Atlantic Service (SAS) line for the company Log-In. The operation will begin on March 5 when the ship Frisia Wismar will dock at the terminal. In all, there will be four ships with the capacity for 2,800 TEUs (unit

Embraport currently has 653 meters of docks, 207,000 m² of yard and an annual cargo movement capacity of 1.2 million TEUs

equivalent to a 20-foot container) operating with two weekly stopovers, connecting Fortaleza, Ceará, to Buenos Aires, Argentina. In addition to Santos Port, the line also includes the Suape, Salvador, Vitória, Itaguaí, Santos, São

Francisco do Sul and Rio Grande ports in Brazil and the Montevideo port in Uruguay. Michael Martins da Silva, Commercial Director of Embraport, explains that the South Atlantic Service will consolidate the


The terminal allowed for the creation of over 700 direct job opportunities and 1,500 indirect ones in the city of Santos, located in coastal São Paulo


terminal’s participation in the coastal shipping segment (navigation completed between the ports of a single coast), and also offer ship owners the alternative of feedering (cargo distribution service when a cabotage ship is used to complete a longer distance service). “The cabotage activities that take place at the terminal represent approximately 11% of the total volume moved,” said Michael Martins da Silva. “Compared to the 9% that this service represents in Santos Port, the number reflects the

importance of the activity for Embraport.”

INVESTMENT FOR GROWTH In addition to the South Atlantic Service, Embraport also operates a cabotage line with a weekly stopover; a line with two weekly stopovers to the Far East and a weekly stopover for the Brazex service – a route operated by CMA-CGM between the East Coast of South America and the Caribbean, a well as North region of South America and Central America. In 2014, the terminal hopes to move approximately 700,000 TEUs, reaching 60% of its capacity of 1.2

million TEUs. The company’s goal is to consolidate its position as a hub (connection point) for cabotage and ocean-going navigation, and become a reference in productivity and efficiency, achieving levels of excellence in its operation.

Embraport also seeks to help reduce those aspects that are lacking in the port sector and contribute toward the country’s development and competitiveness, while also generating job and income opportunities in the region of Santos.


fast news

Start of a New Challenge The Matarani project will also deliver a system that will allow for the shipment of 2,300 tons per hour of the product from the Glencore (Las Bambas and Antapaccay) and Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde projects

On February 19, Odebrecht Infrastructure - Latin America began the construction work for the Matarani project in Peru. The project is responsible for building the ore receipt, storage and shipment system at Islay Bahia, located 1 km from the Arequipa port terminal. Igor Cruz, Contract Director for the project, Juan Luis De Las Casas, Project Manager and Diego Casinelli, responsible for the Engineering area at the South International Terminal (TISUR) – one of the project’s client companies

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–, observed the first earth moving procedures for the construction of ore warehouses. In May 2013, Odebrecht won the “buena pro” (bid) to undertake the Matarani project, and since then, has been focused on the preliminary infrastructure work, such as the construction of the project’s administrative offices, as well as the assembly of the “cantitravel” – a structure formed by a platform on wheels that can support and move the cranes that install the piles of a bridge at the bottom of the ocean.

Constant Innovations B ra s ke m wi l l b egi n s u p p lyi ng t h e “gre e n” p l a s t i c ( I ’ m g re e n TM p o lye t hyl e n e ) fo r t h e co rks o f t h e b o tt l e s o f wi n e p ro d u ce d by N o m a co rc , a gl o b a l l e a d e r i n t h e s e gm e nt . Th e m ate ri a l e ffi c i e nt ly re p l a ce s co rk, wh i c h co m e s fro m t re e s s p e c i fi c a l ly grown fo r t h i s p u rp o s e a n d wh i c h c a n ta ke d e c a d e s to grow. Ca l l e d Se l e c t ® B i o , t h e co rks o ffe r t h e s a m e oxyge n co nt ro l p e rfo rm a n ce a n d a l s o p reve nt d e te ri o rat i o n a n d wa s te c a u s e d by p ro ce ss e s s u c h a s ox i d at i o n a n d l i q u i d re d u c t i o n . “ C h o i ce s l i ke t h e o n e s m a d e by N o m a co rc reve a l t h at t h i s i s a h igh ly vi a b l e te c h n o l ogy wi t h gre at growt h p o te nt i a l , ” e m p h a s i ze d M a rco Ja n s e n , Co m m e rc i a l D i re c to r o f Re n ewa b l e

C h e m i c a l s at B ra s ke m fo r Eu ro p e a n d t h e U n i te d State s . Th e I ’ m g re e n TM p o lye t hyl e n e i s p ro d u ce d fro m e t h a n e o b ta i n e d fro m s uga rc a n e e t h a n o l a n d c a n b e re cyc l e d . I ts m a i n d i ffe re nt i a l i s i ts co nt ri b u t i o n towa rd re d u c i ng gre e n h o u s e ga s e s i n t h e at m o s p h e re , s i n ce i t c a p tu re s c a rb o n ga s d u ri ng i ts p ro d u c t i o n p ro ce ss . “Th e u s e o f t h e B ra s ke m ‘gre e n’ s uga rc a n e p o lye t hyl e n e give s u s t h e n e ce ss a ry co nfi d e n ce to o ffe r o u r c l i e nts c a rb o n - n e u t ra l co rks , wh i c h n o t o n ly h e l p s gu a ra nte e t h e co n s i s te n ce a n d q u a l i ty o f t h e wi n e s , b u t a l s o a l l ows u s to d eve l o p a m o re s u s ta i n a b l e p a c kagi ng s o l u t i o n , ” s a i d O l av Aaga a rd , H e a d Sc i e nt i s t at N o m a co rc .

Braskem will use the material, which is 100% renewable, for an all-new purpose for Nomacorc, leader in the production of synthetic corks for wine bottles


fast news

Energy for Corinthians Arena

During the 2014 World Cup, the Corinthians Arena will have 46,500 permanent seats and 21,000 temporary ones

On January 31, the primary electricity measurement cabin at Corinthians Arena – currently being built by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil – was energized by AES Eletropaulo, the company responsible for distributing electricity in São Paulo. The electricity used until them was collected and distributed using a temporary cabin. The new installation guarantees the safety and reliability required to complete the construction work, for the electrical tests and for the future operation of the arena. On February 21, the field lighting system was activated for the first time and performed as


expected. The reflectors for the West and East sectors were also tested. Among the other services that are necessary for the operation, the São Paulo State Basic Sanitation Company (SABESP) also turned on the water network. The next step will be to connect the sewage and water systems. At the same time, workers will install 21,000 temporary seats at Corinthians Arena that will be used only during the 2014 World Cup. In terms of comfort and look, there will be no difference between the temporary and permanent sectors.

Progress in the Submarine Manufacturing Workshop On February 7, workers hoisted the first roof module for the main building, (Submarine Manufacturing Workshop - Main Hall), as part of PROSUB-EBN – an Odebrecht Defesa e Tecbologia project construction by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil project that will build the shipyard and naval base for the construction of

buildings, which will serve as the structural base for the shipyards’ main buildings, have already received all of the metal piles necessary for the foundation of the structures. The phase, which began in April 2013, was scheduled for conclusion in June 2014. With the synergy between the

Brazil’s first nuclear-propelled submarine. The pre-assembly process for the structure, which weighs approximately 45 tons, took about seven days. In order to lift the part until the placement site, workers used a lattice-boom crawler crane. The Construction Shipyard and Maintenance Shipyard Maneuvering Yard

engineering teams in the field, it was possible to deliver the project approximately four months ahead of time. “We faced a major challenge: working with four pile drivers on different work fronts at the same time,” explained engineer Leandro Fabian. This allowed us to drive in over 1,300 stakes over a short period of time,” he said.

The Submarine Manufacturing Workshop roof will be made up of 16 modules. It is estimated that the structure will be fully assembled by May


fast news

Baixo Iguaçu HPP Finalizes New Phase On February 12, the Baixo Iguaçu Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) – currently being built by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil, between the cities of Capanema and Capitão Leônidas Marques in Paraná – recorded its first concrete paving process. The phase represents the start of the construction activities for the hydroelectric power plant’s main structures (AssemblyArea,

By the end of the construction work, the Baixo Iguaçu HPP will use 340,000 m³ of concrete. The material is produced by two Concrete Centers with a total capacity of 210 m³ per hour. The hydroelectric power plant will be administered by the entrepreneurial consortium formed by the companies Neoenergia and Companhia Paranaense de

Power Houses and Spillways). By January, workers had excavated some 1.6 million m³ of soil and rock along the left and right banks of the Iguaçu River for the construction of the plant structure.

Energia (COPEL). The plant construction work involves approximately 1,000 Members and will offer 3,500 job opportunities, prioritizing the contracting of local labor.

Aerial view of the Power House at the Baixo Iguaçu HPP. The development, whose construction began in July 2013, will have 350 MW of installed power


The new trains will be equipped with air conditioning, an internal walkway between wagons, an internal camera circuit and the capacity to transport up to 2,600 passengers per car set

Something New on the Tracks On February 18, SuperVia – an Odebrecht TransPort asset from the Rapid Transit segment in Rio de Janeiro – completed the first manned tests on one of the eight trains of its new fleet. The set of trains circulated from Brazil’s Central Station to the Deodoro Industrial Unit, carrying onboard Julio Lopes, State Secretary of Transport; Carlos José Cunha, President of SuperVia; João Gouveia, Operations Director; Luiz de Souza, Stations Director; Marcelo Franco, Legal Director and Oberlam Calçada, Industrial Director of SuperVia. The new train was presented on January

In 2012, the State Government acquired 120 Chinese cars. Currently with some 600,000 passengers each day, another 280 train sets have been ordered, set to arrive in April 2014. They will join the 80 national units. The renewal of the SuperVia train fleet was pushed ahead four years with the acquisition of 80 car sets manufactured in Brazil. “Our investments to revitalize the railroad system also include remodeling work at the stations, the replacement of the trains and ties and a new aerial electrical network,” said Carlos José Cunha. The total investment is R$ 280 million and also includes the construction of a

10 at Brazil’s Central Station. The vehicles from this fleet will begin operating by March, in what is referred to as the assisted operation phase: they will circulate with passengers from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

train assembly factory located in the shop’s facilities. “Encouraging the manufacturing of this train in Brazil is an opportunity to generate labor for the Brazilian population,” said passenger Eduardo Ferreira.

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fast news

Achieving Good Results For the third consecutive year, the Rota das Bandeiras Concessionaire – an Odebrecht TransPort company responsible for administrating the highways that form the Dom Pedro Corridor in São Paulo – recorded a drop in the number of deaths and accidents along the 297 km of highways under its concession. In 2013, there were 58 fatal victims,

year - a reduction of 5.8% compared to 2012. “These figures reflect the work that is undertaken daily by each one of the concessionaire’s Members, together with the investments to modernize the Dom Pedro Corridor, which already have reached R$ 1.1 billion since the start of the concession,” said Júlio Perdigão, President

representing a 10.7% reduction related to 2012 and a 33.3% reduction compared to 2010, the first year of the concessionaire’s operations. In terms of accidents, Rota das Bandeiras recorded 2,687 occurrences last

and CEO of Rota das Bandeiras. “The training of the rescue teams and constant monitoring of our highways also helped reduce the number of incidents,” said Perdigão.

In 2013, Rota das Bandeiras recorded 2,687 accidents and in 2012, there were 2,853. 2011 closed with 2,934 occurrences, and in 2010, there were 3,107


Our Culture, Our Brand Brand Quiz RESTRICTED USES OF THE BRAND The area in which you work is sponsoring a sustainability event. In exchange, the Odebrecht brand will be printed on the shirts to be distributed to participants. The visual programming for the event is based on the colors blue, green and white and the organizing team revealed that it will not be possible to print another color on the shirt. Therefore, the Odebrecht brand red cannot be used. As an alternative, the following proposal was presented:

Please choose the correct option about the application of the brand based on this proposal: a) The application is correct, since it preserves the Odebrecht brand font. b) When it is not possible to use the red box, the brand should not be used. c) In this case, the secondary version of the logo could be used. d) This application is allowed only under certain exceptions.

Click here and answer now *Find out the correct answer here



From Namibe Worldwide


n February 13, Odebrecht Infrastructure - Africa, Arab Emirates and Portugal

delivered the Namibe Welwitschia Mirabilis International Airport remodeling project in Angola – formerly the Yuri Gagarine Airport. The space had been partially opened in September 2013 for the World Ice Hockey Championship, for which Namibe was one of the hosts. The Business was responsible for expanding the take-off and landing strip, which now has a width of 60 meters and length of 2,500 meters. The airport now has the capacity to receive Boeing 737-700 model aircraft and IL-76 military freighters. “The transformation was major,” explained Félix Martins, Contract Director


for the Angola Central-South projects. “Today, the structure can serve both the day and night operations and has the capacity for national and international routes. “It is a new airport, one that meets Namibe’s expectations and development needs,” said Martins. The official re-inauguration ceremony was led by the President of the Angolan Republic, José Eduardo dos Santos, and was also attended by Ernesto Baiardi, Entrepreneurial Leader of Odebrecht Infrastructure - Africa, Arab Emirates and Portugal and Félix Martins. According to the Angolan president, the airport received the name Welwitschia Mirabilis in honor of the typical plant from the desert with the same name, considered to be one of the symbols of Namibe.

The remodeling work at the Namibe International Airport began in May 2013. With the expansion work, it now has the capacity to serve 240,000 passengers per year




I n J a n u a ry, Od e b re c ht

Engenharia Industrial fi na l ize d th e fi rst p ha se of t h e re c ove ry wo r k a t t h e Ce n t ra l A z u c a re ra G u a n a re a g ro i n d u s t r i a l u n i t , ow n e d by t h e co m p a ny P DVSA Ag r í c o l a ( b ra n c h o f t h e o i l c o m p a ny Pe t ró l e o s d e Ve n e z u e l a S o c i a l i s t a – P DVSA ) , l o c a te d i n t h e p rov i n c e o f Po rtu gu e s a , i n Ve n e z u e l a . Th e p ro j e c t l a s te d s i x m o n t h s a n d a l l owe d t h e u n i t to re tu r n to i ts fu l l c a p a c i ty o f 5 , 0 0 0 t o n s o f s u ga rc a n e p e r d ay. Th e co m pa ny a n n o u n ce d the start of the 20132 01 4 h a rve s t d u r i n g a c e re m o ny a t te n d e d by M i gu e l R u i z , P re s i d e n t a n d C EO o f P DVSA Agrí co l a ; Ra u l G o n z a l e s , D i re c to r o f P DVSA Agrí co l a ;


The production of PDVSA Agrícola is estimated at 48,000 tons and will represent 10% of the national sugar production

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Fra n c i s c o Pe n te a d o , S e n i o r O f f i c e r o f O d e b re c h t Enge n ha ria I n dustria l i n Ve n e z u e l a a n d Fa b i o Te i x e i r a d e M e l o , C o n t r a c t D i r e c t o r, i n a d d i t i o n t o re p re s e n ta t i ve s f ro m t h e c o m m u n i ty .

we re rev i ewe d a n d modernized, primarily to gu a ra n te e M e m b e rs ’ s a f e ty . P D V S A A g r í c o l a a l s o i nve s te d i n t h e t ra i n i n g o f i ts te a m i n t h e a c t i v i t i e s t h a t i nvo l ve s uga r p ro d u c t i o n .

I t i s ex p e c te d t h a t t h e re s u m e d o p e ra t i o n o f Ce n t ra l A z u c a re ra G u a n a re w i l l i n c re a s e t h e c o u n t ry ’ s s u ga r p ro d u c t i o n by a p p rox i m a te l y 7 , 0 0 0 to n s p e r h a rve s t , i n c re a s i n g p ro d u c t i o n to 6 5 , 0 0 0 to n s p e r y e a r.

T h e p ro j e c t a l s o g e n e ra t e d e n v i ro n m e n t a l s o l u t i o n s fo r t h e s u r ro u n d i n g re g i o n s , re d u c i n g c a r b o n e m i s s i o n s a n d t h e p ro d u c t i o n o f wa s te . Th e n ew b o i l e rs co n s u m e a h i g h e r vo l u m e o f s u g a rc a n e b a g a s s e , t h e re by p re ve n t i n g t h e n e e d fo r fo s s i l f u e l fo r t h e fa c to ry ’ s o p e ra t i o n .

RESULTS THAT EXTEND BEYOND CIVIL CONSTRUCTION WORK Th e re c ove ry o f Ce n t ra l A z u c a re ra G u a n a re ge n e ra te s i m p rove m e n ts that will help boost t h e p r o d u c t i v i ty o f t h e Ve n e z u e l a n a g r i c u l t u r a l s e c t o r, w h i l e a l s o c o n t r i b u t i n g towa rd t h e c o m m u n i ty ’ s s u s t a i n a b i l i ty . Wi t h t h e re m o d e l i n g of the installations, the p ro c e s s e s i n t h e h a rve s t , m i l l i n g a n d b o i l e r a re a s


LONG TERM PARTNERSHIP I n a d d i t i o n to re m o d e l i n g t h e u n i t , O d e b re c h t Engenharia Industrial is also implementing t h e C A D C A ( S u ga rc a n e D e r i va t i ve Agro i n d u s t r i a l Co m p l exe s ) p ro j e c t , w h i c h i s fo c u s e d o n b u i l d i ng a n o t h e r fo u r s u ga rc a n e d e r i va t i ve p ro d u c t i o n c o m p l exe s fo r P DVSA Agr í c o l a i n t h e p rov i n c e s of Tru j i l l o, Co j e d e s,

Po rtugu e sa a n d Ba ri nas. Wi t h t h e fi ve a gro i n d u s t r i a l c e n te rs c u r re n t l y o p e ra t i n g , t h e co m p a ny h o p e s to

a c h i e v e Ve n e z u e l a n s e l f- s u f f i c i e n c y i n t h e p ro d u c t i o n o f s u ga rc a n e d e r i va t i ve s .  

Starting from the left: Leonardo Liberato, responsible for Finances and People; Francisco Penteado, Senior Officer in the country; RaĂşl Unda, Operations Manager at Central Azucarera Guanare; Fabio Teixeira de Melo and Eli Cruz, Administrative and Financial Manager, during the inauguration of the new Central Azucarera Guanare

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fast news•awards and distinctions

Commitment to Success In January, Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial concluded the CSN-Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial Alliance project in Volta Redonda, Rio de Janeiro. The contract installed a rebar and wire rod production unit, called Aços Longos, at the Presidente Vargas Plant (UPV) belonging to the company Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (CSN). The development has the capacity to produce 500,000 tons of products per year and CSN referred to it as a “success.” In December 2013, as a result of the project, Odebrecht was honored by the Volta Redonda City Council for its unique approach by working in an integrated fashion with the community and making significant investments in the city, thereby supporting its economy. “Odebrecht generated jobs and business opportunities, contributing significantly to consolidating our place as an industrially prosperous city,” emphasized América Tereza, City Council Chair.

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Itaipava Arena Fonte Nova surpassed FIFA’s recommendations, which according to the institution’s 5th Contract Specifications, established the need to earn 40 points to be certified by LEED

“Green” Seal in Salvador Itaipava Arena Fonte Nova, built by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil and administered by Odebrecht Properties in partnership with OAS, was Brazil’s first arena to earn the Silver level of the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) international certification – a “green” seal that identifies the development as being sustainable. For the certification, received in February, the arena earned 53 points, placing it in a category higher than expected by FIFA. The points toward the certification are earned based on the development’s sustainable characteristics, which save

natural resources and offer visitors ideal conditions of use, in addition to actions designed to reduce environmental impact during the construction work. Different items ensure that Itaipava Arena Fonte Nova is considered an ecologically-correct development. These include the reuse of 100% of the concrete from the former Fonte Nova stadium; the roof that collects rainwater for reuse; the facade louvers, which allow for the natural ventilation and lighting of the building and the use of high output light bulbs, all of which meet international energy efficiency standards.


Shipping industry

Preparations for Starting its Activities


n February, Enseada Indústria Naval – formerly known as the Enseada do Paraguaçu Shipyard (EEP) – reported that it had completed 55% of the construction work for the Paraguaçu Unit. On February 7, after nine months of construction, workers finalized Dock I, bringing a new perspective for the development: the possibility of receiving ships. With an area extending 5,200 square meters in Maragojipe, Bahia, the dock has the capacity to berth vessels up to 210 meters long. “The first ship arrived from Dock I on February 22, coming from South Korea,” said José Flávio Mendes, responsible for Sea Production. The vessel is the first of three units that will transport the parts for Goliath, the largest crane of its type in Brazil, weighing 1,800 tons, used by Enseada Indústria Naval to move the shipyard’s megablocks. For José Flávio Mendes, the construction of Dock 1 was a challenge successfully


Enseada Indústria Naval is located on a 1.6-million m² area in Maragojipe, of which 400,000 m² are set aside for environmental preservation

overcome by the 320-Member team. “Everyone’s commitment allowed us to deliver the project 20 days ahead of time even,” said Mendes. “We hope to achieve the same result at Docks II and III, with plans to finalize these in October and November of this year, respectively,” he said.

FIRST PARTS The development, located in Bahia and formed by Odebrecht, OAS and UTC (which together hold 70% of the capital) and Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd. (30%), is currently focused on the civil construction work and completing

The Goliath crane will carry the megablocks from the assembly are to the dry dock, site to the final assembly of the ship. Each block must fit perfectly together


The ship Thorco Legend docked with cargo evaluated at US$ 40 million, consisting of the first equipment for the operation of the Enseada Shipyard


the final touches for the final start of operations at Paraguaçu Unit in March 2015. The Business will soon receive the first pieces of equipment for the shipyard, such as the panel and block carrier rollers, hydraulic jacks, telescopic grabbers, forklifts, welding machines and lines of panels. The material was sent from China and Japan onboard the ship Thorco Legend,

and arrived to Salvador Port on January 28. Until April, it will be transported onboard barges and trucks to Maragojipe, where the development is located. The shipyard is considered one of the largest in the country and has received investments of approximately R$ 2.6 billion. In addition to the Paraguaçu Unit, Enseada Indústria Naval also operates in the Inhaúma Shipyard in Rio de

Janeiro, leased by Petrobras. Its portfolio of contracts includes the conversion of four VLCC ship hulls into FPSOs for Petrobras, as well as the manufacturing of six drill rigs for Sete Brasil.

EXCHANGE OF GOOD PRACTICES The transfer of the technology from Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd. (KHI) to the Members of Enseada Indústria

Naval is also part of the preparations for its start of operations. Since 2013, 40 Members have traveled to Japan to participate in the training. By the end of this year, another 60 people will complete the process. Odilon Parente, a Member with some 30 years of experience in the sector, is participating in the training in Japan and highlights the importance of the knowledge transfer process: “The KHI technology is truly innovative,” explained Parente. “Despite all of my years working in this market, I have never seen such a high level of efficiency.” On January 21, Bahia Governor Jaques Wagner, together with Fernando Barbosa, Executive Director of Enseada, and representatives from KHI, visited the Kawasaki shipyard located in Sakaide, Japan, to learn more about the training of these professionals. “The visit reflects a moment marked by the growth of the industrial sector in Bahia,” said Barbosa. “It was an opportunity for the governor to get an idea of what our structure will be like in Maragojipe. We are investing in a modern development, one that should help generate jobs and business,” he said. The group toured the installations and learned about the shipyard’s production process, and also watched a demonstration of how small parts for ships are made, together with workshops on pre-assembly, outfitting installation (finishing) and megablock (large-sized blocks). For Jaques


Currently, 20 Members are at the head office of Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd. in Japan to participate in the training

Wagner, the recovery of Brazil’s naval industry activities represents the consolidation of a project and also new job opportunities. After they toured the KHI shipyard in Sakaide, the group also visited the company’s head office with the governor of Hyogo Province, Toshizou Ido, and Head of the Bahia Government’s Department of Industry, Commerce, Mining and Economic Development , Paulo Roberto Britto Guimarães, who presented the opportunities for investment in the state. On the occasion, they also visited the Environmental Development area


with Waste Incineration at Kawasaki Plant Systems Ltd. The governor demonstrated interest in maintaining this exchange of sustainable solutions for the development of the industry in Bahia.

EDUCATING FOR GROWTH In Maragojipe, Members and residents of the communities located near the shipyard also have the opportunity to receive training in the operations. In 2014, there will be the promotion of qualification courses for professions such as welder, boiler worker, mechanic and assembler, for example.

“The professionals will be qualified to participate in the recruitment and selection processes in order to meet the industrial demand,” explained Marcia Lapa, responsible for the Professional Education area. The training and qualification courses offered include Waves of Learning, which follows the Believe methodology. The idea is to develop Members identified by their leaders as having the potential to perform new functions. The program has already trained 95 professionals.

During the visit to the shipyard in Sakaide, Jaques Wagner (to the right) and Fernando Barbosa (in the middle) spoke with those participating in the technology transfer process


fast news•people

Environmental Education for Teachers

Part of the results expected with this project will be on display at the Science and Sustainability Fair, scheduled for July, to be developed by these teachers and their students

In February, Odebrecht Agroindustrial formed a partnership with the Social Energy for Local Sustainability Program to train 250 teachers from the municipal and state public schools in the municipality of Nova Alvorada do Sul, home to the Santa Luzia unit. The focus of the training was environmental education. The initiative is designed to disseminate principles, values and practices that will contribute toward the implementation of Brazil’s National Solid Waste Policy in the municipality. The project, which formed a partnership with the City Government and the 5 Elements Institute, began on February 5 in the City Council Auditorium, and was attended by leaders from Odebrecht Agroindustrial, the Mayor of Nova Alvorada do Sul, Juvenal Neto, and the Municipal Secretary of Education, Masé Piazzalunga Guerbas. During the three days of training, the teachers from Nova Alvorada participated in video sessions,


lectures, debates and participative group dynamic exercises, among others, together with practical activities, such as the calculation of the “ecological footprint” – the measurement of the size of the impact that each inhabitant’s consumption leaves on the planet’s environment, considering the basic resources required for his or her survival (food, energy, housing, clothing, transport, etc.). “By training the city’s teachers, we gain strategic allies for educating the population of Nova Alvorada do Sul on the topic,” said Antonio Ailton Andrade, responsible for People and Administration at the Santa Luzia center. “We will have children and youth that are multipliers of a new ideal,” said Andrade. For him, environmental education can be transmitted in a transversal fashion, involving all of the normal classes from the curriculum such as Portuguese, mathematics, history and geography.

Professional Training On January 21, the Angolan agroindustrial company Biocom owned by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Africa, Arab Emirates and Portugal (40%) in partnership with the companies Cochan (40%) and Sonangol (20%), held the inaugural class of the program designed to offer professional training for the industrial plant operation related to the production of refined sugar and ethanol and the generation of electricity. The course is offered in partnership with Brazil’s National Industrial Learning Service (SENAI), the Professional Training Center (CEFOPROF) and the National Job and Professional Training Institute. This first phase trained 150 Industrial Process operators; 30 laboratory analysts; 30 industrial

mechanics and 30 industrial electricians. The second phase, which should be completed by April 2014, will train 15 industrial instrumentalists; 15 welders; 15 boiler workers and 15 mechanical lathe operators. The professionals will also receive training in Safety Standards for industrial operation based on Brazilian Workplace Safety practices. “Each Industry Leader is following the development of his or her team member through the performance indicators,” said Eliandro Romani, responsible for the Industrial area at Biocom. “We will produce professionals with a high level of technical excellence and leaders that can effectively serve as Educational Leaders,” said Romani.

The first phase of the Biocom professional training program involves the participation of 240 Members


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New Knowledge In January, Odebrecht Infrastructure Africa, Arab Emirates and Portugal held the 3rd Believe Program Meeting for the Members of Angola, featuring the theme “The Challenges of Sustainability.” The event was designed to promote the exchange of knowledge and experiences, while also integrating the teams from the different Odebrecht projects and work environments in

Safety with mediator Paulo Campos, Social Responsibility and Environment Director at Odebrecht in Angola. For Paulo Campos, the initiative allows the participants to learn about different Business areas, and as important multipliers of the Organization’s culture together with new Members, something that is useful and opportune. Fabricio Andrade pointed out that in

the country. Items were addressed such as the importance of Work Exercise, Workplace Safety, Social Responsibility and Health. The meeting also featured a report by Fabricio Andrade, Administrative-Financial Manager of the Cambambe Hydroelectric Facility project; the life and career testimonial by Claudio Bolinho, Member of the Cambambe Facility; a construction workshop from the Action Program (AP); the Organization’s Introduction to Culture program and a debate on Sustainability and

three years, the synergy between the project and Believe has generated professional growth and solid results. Paloma do Vale, Believe coordinator in Angola, emphasizes that the event represents an opportunity for Members to update their skills “We hope that, starting with this meeting, these people can contribute with new information and methodologies in their work environments and can work in a way that is increasingly aligned with the Organization’s culture,” said Vale. The 3rd Believe program meeting in Angola gathered 23 Members in Luanda

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n January, the Santo Antônio Civil Consortium (CSAC), led by Odebrecht Infrastructure Brazil, reached the milestone of 3 million m³ of concrete applied to the construction of the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) in Rondônia. The figure reflects the project’s grandeur: with the same volume, it would be possible to build 10 plants like the São Salvador HPP, located on the Tocantins River.

The Santo Antônio HPP consists of 50 Generator Units and will have an installed power of 3,568 Megawatts of energy

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The milestone was reached after five years of construction work during the paving of the Power House 5 structure. “The entrepreneurial spirit and constant quest to surpass the results achieved, together with the search for new challenges, helped us reach this figure,” said Antônio Sérgio Barbin, Contract Director at CSAC. The team has demonstrated incredible skill and an interest in achieving constant improvements in Workplace Safety

conditions and professional training,” said Barbin. The volume of concrete laid until now was used to erect the spillways (structures that control the water reservoir water level) and five Power Houses (GG) – three of which are currently in operation (GG1, GG2 and GG3) and two under construction (GG4 and GG5). “Manufacturing 3 million m³ of concrete for a single project

is an unprecedented challenge considering the logistics and deadlines that were met to reach this milestone, one which enriches the Brazilian engineering experience,” emphasized Délio Galvão, Contract Director at the Santo Antônio HPP. The construction of the hydroelectric power plant will still consume some 600,000 m³ of concrete until the end of the civil construction work.


With the 3 million m³ of concrete used in the Santo Antônio HPP, it would also be possible to build: »» 7 Cana Brava HPPs (400,000 m3 each) »» 9 Baguari HPPs (310,000 m3 each) »» 7 Barra Grande HPPs (410,000 m3 each) »» 9 Baixo Iguaçu HPPs (325,000 m3 each) »» 4 Serra do Facão HPPs (795,000 m3 each) »» 10 São Salvador HPPs (284,000 m3 each) »» 4 Fóz de Chapecó HPPs (700,000 m3 each)

IN GOOD HANDS Approximately 4,000 Members are currently active on the work fronts at the Santo Antônio HPP, including assemblers, carpenters, bricklayers and vibrator operators. All of them exercise a crucial role in the plant construction work and the project is a source of pride for many of them. “I’m very happy to be part of this moment,” stated bricklayer Humberto Alves Leal. “I am helping to build this huge development in the city where I was born, Porto Velho,” said Leal. Vibrator operator Valdeilson da Costa Amorim says he is pleased to participate in a project with so many major milestones. “We are proud to have reached the milestone of 3 million m³ of concrete. The result is extraordinary,” said Amorim.


FROM CONCRETE PREPARATION TO APPLICATION It is at the Industrial Centers that the first preparations take place for the concrete to reach the work site. The Crushing Center is the site were the rocks are transformed into gravel and artificial sand to then become the materials used to produce the concrete, which is manufactured at the Concrete Centers. Once the operator commands the machines, they begin the concrete mixing process: they select and weigh the aggregates (artificial sand and gravel), cement with chilled water or ice and the additives. After that, they mix the components until obtaining a homogeneous mass. For each structure, there is a material mix that is studied and defined by the Concrete Laboratory, which is also responsible for the technological control of the measurements and for testing the components of the mixture and the prepared concrete. There are also trials (samples) conducted to ensure the quality of the material. The laboratory has machines and equipment that assist with these tests, together with highly trained professionals coordinated by the engineers from Furnas, a company that is highly specialized in concrete technology. The mixer trucks loaded with concrete only depart for the construction site after the laboratory professionals authorize their departure. The material is then sent to the equipment that will pave the foundations, slabs and pillars, among other structures.


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Integrated Evaluation With aims of increasing the discussion about the professional education promoted in the Bahia Southern Lowlands, Odebrecht published the magazine “Avaliação Integrada: conceitos, convergências e indicadores” (“Integrated Evaluation: Concepts, Converging Points and Indicators”), written by Professor Joana Almeida, who has supported the actions of the Odebrecht Foundation for some 20 years and serves as the institution’s Educational Advisor since2004. The publication details the educational process and encourages young talents to stay in the rural regions of their birth,

integrated with their families through the Rural Family Homes. The magazine is geared toward educators from the area of sustainable development and seeks to increase the visibility of what is being practiced through the Bahia Southern Lowlands Environmental Protection Area Mosaic Program for Development and Growth Integrated with Sustainability (PDCIS), sustained by the Odebrecht Foundation with the support of public and private partners. “In the material, educators can find applicability and concepts through the knowledge acquired in the field,” said Joana Almeida.

Joana Almeida’s magazine is a compilation of three years of meetings with monitors and directors from the Rural Family Homes in the Bahia Southern Lowlands


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Benedicto Junior and Maria do Rosário during the signing of the Declaration of Corporate Commitment to Fight the Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents

Childhood with Rights On February 11, Benedicto Junior, Entrepreneurial Leader of Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil, signed the Declaration of Corporate Commitment to Fight Sexual Violence against Children and Adolescents. With the agreement, Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil and Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial – represented by Benedicto Junior on the occasion – are adding initiatives to help promote Human Rights in their projects. The Declaration signing was held in Rio de Janeiro, in the presence of the Brazilian Department of Human Rights Minister, Maria do Rosário. “Odebrecht is already recognized for its culture of valuing people,” said Rosário. “We are pleased to benefit from its history of successful social actions as part of one of the most important Federal Government programs,” said Maria do Rosário.

awareness in order to fight the sexual exploitation of minors,” said Benedicto Junior. “We want our Members to support this cause,” he said. Viviane Pereira, responsible for Sustainability at Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil, emphasizes that the initiative is part of Odebrecht’s commitment to the community located near its contracts. The NGO Terra dos Homens (“Land of Men”), which has ample experience with the topic, will be responsible for administrating the Childhood with Rights program. This month, the Teles Pires Hydroelectric Power Plant project, located at the border between Pará and Mato Grosso, and the Backland Water Channel project, located in rural Alagoas, will receive the first actions under the program. A third contract, to be defined by Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial, will also take part in the pilot project. “The experience acquired

Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil is already putting the signed commitment into practice through the Childhood with Rights program, developed with the support of the Business Sustainability area. “The idea is to raise people’s

from these projects will help us structure the program and take it to the other Odebrecht projects,” explained Luciano Bonaccini, Social Responsibility Leader at Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil.



First Phase of Mariel Port Inaugurated


urrently being completed by Odebrecht Infrastructure Latin America as part of an association with Quality – a company associated with the Cuban government – the first phase of the project to expand the Mariel Port project in Cuba was delivered in January and added an International Container Terminal to the existing structure. In addition to the dredging of the Turning Basin Entrance Channel, the revitalization work included the construction of 700 meters of docks, a freight center, yards, water supply and waste treatment networks and all of the infrastructure required to supply electricity. The creation of the new terminal, with the capacity to move 1 million containers per year, also helped improve the logistics structure at the port. For this purpose, there was the construction of 11 km of roads and railway lines designed for connection with the development. In all, the project generated some 4,000 direct


job opportunities and approximately 5,000 indirect ones.

BENEFITS FOR BRAZIL AS WELL The modernization of Mariel Port and its logistics structure required investments of US$ 957 million, with US$ 682 million financed by Brazil and the remainder by Cuba. In order to receive the credit approval, the Brazilian National Economic and Social Development Bank (BNDES) established an agreement with the Cuban government to ensure that of the US$ 957 million necessary, at least US$ 802 million would be spent in Brazil on the purchase of goods and services of a proven Brazilian origin so as to benefit different national companies. Read the article by Marcelo Odebrecht, President and CEO of Odebrecht S.A., published in the newspaper Folha de São Paulo on February 9 about the Mariel Port project in Cuba.

The project to expand Mariel Port and revitalize the infrastructure for accessing the space began in October 2010 and should be completed in March 2015


Construction work of International Container Terminal of Mariel Port in April 2013


If Mariel Port will be of major importance for Cuban socialism, it has been Brazilian capitalism that has most benefited until now. In 2013, Odebrecht Infrastructure earned US$ 8 billion abroad. Unfortunately, only 12.5% came from projects financed by the BNDES “secret credits.” With more financing, much more wealth would have been generated in Brazil.

If Mariel Port will be of major importance for Cuban socialism, it has been Brazilian capitalism that has most benefited until now. A company that does not export does not grow, acquire foreign currency and does not establish its place in the international economy. Service exports currently generate 1.7 million job openings in Brazil, involving several different production sectors. This promotes innovation and drives the training

I learned from my grandfather that the greatest human waste is a great deal of efficiency employed for little effectiveness. The recent inauguration of Mariel Port in Cuba prompted an instant media attack on the government. But this is the wrong battle. When our purpose is to show who – especially the government – is wrong, we stop focusing on what is right and what needs to be improved. BNDES did not invest in Mariel. BNDES financed the exports of some 400 Brazilian companies, headed by Odebrecht, in the amount equivalent to 70% the project value.

of highly specialized labor. However, we read and heard that the Brazilian financing generates jobs abroad, that the contracts are secret, perhaps to cover up shady business, that it drains resources from our infrastructure and that the TCU (Brazilian federal government’s Court of Auditors) is not inspecting the process. None of this is true. First: export financing generates jobs in Brazil because there is no transfer of money abroad. The resources are disbursed here, in Brazilian reais, for the acquisition of 85% of

the goods and services produced and provided by Brazilian workers (the other 15% are paid up front by the importer). Second: information such as the value, destination and object of the financing have always been public, as we could read and hear in all media sources that covered Mariel. The only information that is not public is the usual data about bank operations, such as the insurance value, any counter-guarantees and the fees applied in the operation.

Through the export of services, such as that which occurred at Mariel, Odebrecht becomes more qualified and generates results that it can apply here, as was the case at the Embraport container terminal in Santos. It is the largest in Brazil and was built by Odebrecht, at the same time as Mariel, with an investment by the company of R$ 1.8 billion. As for the TCU, it does indeed inspect the financing, certifying that the exported goods and services are national.

In financing operations established by the Chinese, Germans, Americas, or in other words, by all countries, such information is also confidential. It was not Brazil and Cuba that invented this rule. Third: the resources used to finance exports do not compete with those set aside for projects in Brazil and are supplied by different sources. The numbers speak for themselves: in 2012, BNDES directed some US$ 7 billion to support foreign commerce and US$ 173 billion to the domestic market. The Cuban port did not impede the construction of any project in Brazil. In fact, it even helped.

Finally, for those who are questioning payment-related risks, it is important to know that the occurrence of defaults is not related to any ideological alignments: the worst defaults that Brazil recently faced came from the United States and Chile. Thinking like a father, this episode reminds me of those who criticize their son’s good grade in math because he is not doing so well in Portuguese. Thinking like a Brazilian, I propose the identification and debate of our real challenges and that we choose to invest our energies in the right battles. Marcelo Odebrecht


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