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nº 329 • april 2014

Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias: First Residential with “Green” Seal Chat with Sérgio Brinckmann about Odebrecht Previdência Investment Profiles

Aeroporto Rio de Janeiro S.A. Concessionaire Begins Transition to Operate Galeão in August

contents nº 329 • april 2014





editorial staff ODEBRECHT NEWS is an electronic newsletter published twice a month, sent out on Wednesdays and intended for internal circulation, produced and edited by the Odebrecht S.A. Communication team. RESPONSIBLE JOURNALIST:


Bárbara Rezendes Photos: Odebrecht Archive ART: Criativos SUGGESTIONS:

brezendes@odebrecht.com Distribute Odebrecht News at your company!





















Equipment Up to Par with a Major Project 4

STMCGG is the first subway construction project in Venezuela to use equipment of this size and potential


n March 15, the first Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) for the Caracas-GuarenasGuatire Mass Transport System (STMCGG) project arrived to Cabello Port in Carabobo, Venezuela. The project is focused

on the new Miranda Station subway line, currently being built by Odebrecht Infrastructure Latin America. The “tatuzão,” the popular term used for the Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM), was named Luisa Cáceres in honor of an important figure in Venezuela’s


Caracas-Guarenas-Guatire Subway


Guatire II Guatire I

Gu ar en as I

Be lén

Ca uc ag üit a

Number of stations:

Guarenas II Distance traveled: approximately

32 km



trains with four wagons each Capacity:

1,200 passengers per day in each train

independence movement. It is one of two TBMs that will be used for the project. The conclusion of the equipment unloading process is set for the end of April, when it will be taken to the stave factory (concrete rings that the TBM uses to line the excavated tunnels). The transport will require 54


trips, to be made in special trucks designed to move cargo of this size. With the parts at the construction site, the “tatuzão” will be assembled and is scheduled to being operating at the Emboque Guarenas construction site during the second half of this year. “The

team has high expectations, since the TBM will be assembled outside on a stone path and exposed to the elements,” explained Luis Arditi Rocha, Contract Director. “Besides this, it is a modern operation for the country: for example, we used Multi-Purpose Vehicle (MPV) operation support vehicles for the first time to help move equipment. Since it does not require rails, the MSV boosts the efficiency of the drilling work and facilitates the logistics of the activities inside the tunnel,” said Rocha.

CONSTRUCTION METHOD The construction of the Caracas-Guarenas-Guatire subway will traverse stretches

with very distinct characteristics. In the middle of a mountainous terrain, workers will build viaducts and two parallel tunnels extending approximately 17 km, which will connect Caracas to Guarenas, going underneath Waraira Repano National Park. The second stretch, which extends approximately 15 km, includes the construction of viaducts and surface stations in an urban environment between Guarenas and Guatire. When it is concluded in 2019, STMCGG will connect the cities of Guatire, Guarenas and Caracas in approximately 30 minutes and will have six stations. It is expected to transport on average some 30,000 people per day.


fast news

Innovation at the Inhaúma Unit I n M a rc h , En s e a d a I n d ú s t r i a N ava l i n s ta l l e d t h e s e co n d p a rt o f t h e s u p p o rt b a s e fo r t h e h e l i d e c k ( h e l i co p te r l a n d i ng s p a ce ) o n t h e P- 74 rig, wh i c h i s b e i ng co nve rte d i nto a FPSO – Fl o a t i n g P ro d u c t i o n Sto ra g e a n d Offl o a d i n g at t h e I n h a ú m a U n i t i n R i o d e Ja n e i ro . Th e te a m ce l e b rate d t h e co n c l u s i o n o f t h e a c t ivi ty. Th e fa c t t h at t h e co n s t ru c t i o n a n d a ss e m b ly we re d o n e at t h e s h i pya rd i ts e l f re p re s e nts a n i n n ovat i o n fo r t h e d eve l o p m e nt . Fo r A nto n i o C i z i n o ,

The installation of the third module of the helideck support base is currently in the finalization phase


I n d u s t ri a l D i re c to r o f t h e I n h a ú m a U n i t , t h e o p e rat i o n wa s a s u cce ss d u e to t h e co m m i t m e nt o f t h e te a m i nvo lve d , fro m p l a n n i ng to t h e o p e rat i o n a l p h a s e . D u ri ng t h e s a m e m o nt h , wo rke rs a l s o fi n i s h e d i n s ta l l i ng t h e s h i p’ s ve ss e l s a n d co m p re ss o rs i n t h e m a c h i n e ry ro o m . Th e ve ss e l s s u p p ly a i r fo r t h e o p e rat i o n o f t h e va lve s a n d e q u i p m e nt , l i ke a “ l u ng” fo r t h e s h i p ; a n d t h e co m p re ss o rs a re re s p o n s i b l e fo r p u m p i ng t h i s a i r to t h e s t ru c tu re s , l i ke a “ h e a rt . ”

“Green” Line Expanded

With the concept of “Detox your Beauty,” the Sapien Women line by Surya Brasil seeks to offer more sustainable products in its ingredients as well

In March, Surya Brasil, global leader in natural, vegan and organic cosmetics, launched four new products under the Sapien Women line, packaged in recipients made from the Braskem”green” plastic. The I´m green ™ seal is present on

The packaging was produced in partnership with C-Pack, a leading company in Latin America in the production of flexible plastic tubes, and will be available in South America, North America, Europe, Asia and Africa.

the packaging and helps consumers recognize the use of “green” plastic, which offers the differential of reducing the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Surya also uses renewable raw material in its packaging for the Sapien Men line. “The expansion of this partnership with Surya reinforces the company’s efforts to offer sustainable solutions to its clients,” said Alexandre Elias, Chemical Director at Braskem.

Braskem ended 2013 with 112 patent applications filed, representing an increase of nearly 80% compared to 2012. With this total, the company has 764 documents registered in Brazil and abroad. Approximately 15% of these documents are related to derivatives of renewable raw materials.


fast news

Destaque na televisão

Odebrecht Latinvest, South IIRSA (below) and Odebrecht Infrastructure - Latin America projects in Peru Olmos Irrigation (above), reveal how Peruvian engineers overcome the challenges posed by nature

Click here to watch an excerpt from the program

Highlighted on On March 19, the program Strip the City, featured on the Discovery Science Channel, aired the international debut of the episode about the Peruvian city of Machu Picchu, which addresses how the Incans of the past and engineers of today are working to overcome the structural challenges imposed by nature in the country’s Southern region. The documentary presents examples of projects currently underway, including the Olmos Irrigation Project – currently being built by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Latin America – and the Continental Bridge (Puente Billinghurst), part of the South IIRSA Highway, currently being operated by Odebrecht Latinvest. Strip the City explores how the city is affected


by constant earthquakes, floods and mudslides, and accordingly, the difficulties supplying and transporting the population.

ABOUT THE PROJECTS The Continental Bridge, located along the South IIRSA Highway, is considered the largest in Peru. It connects the country to Brazil along approximately 723 meters (m) and is 40 meters high. The Olmos Irrigation project is bypassing water from the Huancabamba River and passing it through the Andes Mountain Range to the North of Peru. For this purpose, it is building a 43-meter high dam in the river and conducting water through a tunnel 20 km long, considered the second deepest in the world.

New Phase at Moatize On February 28, the Moatize Expansion Project – an Odebrecht Infrastructure - Africa, Arab Emirates and Portugal initiative underway in Mozambique – delivered the civil construction work for the Conveyor Belts, Transfer Towers and Silos of the coal processing plant in Moatize. The structures are responsible for transporting and storing the coal during the processing phase, and may reach a weight of up to 20 million

tons per year. “More than 300, 000 m ³ of soil were moved, ” said Rafael Leonardi, engineer on the Earthwork team. Fabio Jaramillo, responsible for Quality at the project, revealed that this phase of the project lasted 11 months. “It involved a lot of hard work by the team, ” he said. “This achievement corresponds to yet another goal met within the deadline and with excellence. ”

Team responsible for inspecting the structure. The action finalized the delivery of this phase of the project to Vale


fast news

Continuous Production The team from the Submarine Development Program Engineering area Naval Shipyard and Base (PROSUB -EBN) – an Odebrecht Defesa e Tecnologia and Brazilian Navy project currently being built by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil – is working continuously to finalize the reservoir, the structure that will supply the industrial area of the submarine Construction Shipyard. The reservoir is being built with the shutter moving methodology a technique used to build elevated reservoirs in concrete. The process needs to be continuous, so a team with

approximately 60 Members is divided into two shifts to ensure 24-hour production. Bruno Nardelli, the engineer responsible for the projects to build the Administrative Buildings, Utilities Centers and Substations at the development, explains that this methodology was chosen to meet the water reservoir’s deadline, cost and performance-related needs: “With this process, we are able to build a monolithic element, guaranteeing the complete water tightness of the reservoir and an excellent result,” he explained.

Workers will use 180 m³ of concrete to build the Construction Shipyard reservoir’s 37.10 m of height


Starting from the left, Antônio Neubarth, Commercial Manager at Mectron; Renato Mendes, the Mectron engineer responsible for the demonstration of the MSS 1.2 AC Missile Shooting Unit; and Lourival Ettori, Dominican Republic Consul in Brazil

Odebrecht at FIDAE 2014 From March 25-30, Mectron – a company controlled by Odebrecht Defesa e Tecnologia – participated in the 2014 edition of the International Air and Space Fair (FIDAE), held in the city of Santiago do Chile. Among the products presented from the defense and aerospace sectors, Mectron and Odebrecht Defesa e Tecnologia presented the MSS 1.2 AC - an anti-tank missile system currently being used by the Brazilian Army and Brazilian Navy Marine Corps. The visitors, which included Brazilian Aeronautics Commander, Air Force General Juniti Saito, learned about the operation of the equipment through a simulator. The company’s products were also presented

Technology (DCT) and Brazilian Air Force stand. During the event, André Amaro, Executive Director of Odebrecht Defesa e Tecnologia, signed an agreement with the Russian company ROSTEC to increase strategic and technological collaboration in the field of military and civil production. Having existed for 35 years, FIDAE is Latin America’s second largest aviation, defense and space fair. The event attracts companies from five continents and is considered of major importance in terms of promoting sales to Latin American countries and consolidating associations and commercial partnerships. FIDAE 2014 was attended by 62 Brazilian

at the stands of the commercial partners, such as a model of the MSS 1.2 AC, installed in a vehicle, and a model of the air-to-air missile MAA-1B, which remained on display at the Department of Aerospace Science and

companies. The participation was organized by the Brazilian Association of Defense and Security Material Industries (ABIMDE) with the support of the Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency (APEX).


fast news

The 23rd edition of BNTM gathered representatives from approximately 15 countries and some 1,500 people, including agents, travel operators and representatives from tourism trades (spaces)

Cultural Space On March 27-28, Itaipava Arena Pernambuco – an Odebrecht Properties asset – hosted the 23rd edition of the Brazil National Tourism Mart (BNTM), one of the largest international tourism fairs. The event activities took advantage of the arena’s entire multi-use profile, occupying Skyboxes, lounges, the Mixed Zone space and auditorium. The field, which will host five 2014 World Cup games, served as the backdrop of the environments and was the star of the photos taken as souvenirs during the breaks from the event programming.


With an innovative format this year, considered pioneering for the choice of a soccer stadium as the site, the meeting also set new records in terms of the number of people participating in the Business Rounds. “Besides the sun and sea, the Northeast is very strong in the areas of gastronomy and ecotourism as well,” revealed Alberto Feitosa, Honorary Chair of the Northeast Integrated Tourism Commission Foundation (CTI-Northeast). “Holding the event in this beautiful arena, which is already a postcard view, was designed to value this diversification,” said Feitosa.




n April 2, the Aeroporto Rio de Janeiro S.A. Concessionaire – formed by Odebrecht TransPort, Changi Airports International and INFRAERO – signed the Tom Jobim (Galeão) International Airport concession contract in Rio de Janeiro.


The date marks the start of the transition of the airport operation from INFRAERO to the concessionaire. “It is a great honor to be able to represent these three organizations,” said Luiz Teive Rocha, President of the concessionaire. “The airport is

a symbol of the city of Rio de Janeiro. We are optimistic and motivated to make the residents of this city proud of Galeão again,” said Rocha. The transition should be completed by August, when Aeroporto Rio de Janeiro S.A. will fully assume operation of Galeão.

At the end of the transition in August, the Aeroporto Rio de Janeiro S.A. Concessionaire will assume full administration of Galeão in order to expand, maintain and operate the airport for a 25-year period

17 17

Read the story about the process that earned Odebrecht to rights to the Galeão concession, published in Edition No. 321 of Odebrecht News.

B I G G E ST A N D B E ST Wi th th e co m m i tm e nt to p ro m ote i m p rove m e nts ove r th e s h o rt te rm to ma ke th e pa sse nge rs’ exp e ri e n ce m o re p l e a sa nt, th e co n so rti u m wi l l sta rt i m p l e m e nti ng a se ri e s of m e a su re s sti l l d u ri ng th e tra n s i ti o n p e ri o d , wh i c h b ega n wi th th e s i ngi ng of th e co ntra c t. Th e b e n e fi ts wi l l b e vi s i b l e p ri ma ri ly u nti l 2016 . Th e co n ce ss i o na i re wi l l d e l ive r 26 n ew d e pa rtu re b ri dge s, to re su l t fro m th e co n stru c ti o n of a n ew co n co u rse co n n e c te d to Te rm i na l 2 . Toge th e r wi th th e c u rre nt 227 c h e c k- i n co u nte rs, th e co n ce ss i o na i re wi l l i n sta l l a n a d d i ti o na l 68 n ew o n e s. Th e a re a d e d i cate d to th e a i rfi e l d of th e two d e pa rtu re te rm i na l s wi l l b e 80 % b igge r tha n th e c u rre nt o n e a n d th e a i rc raft pa rki ng p os i ti o n s wi l l b e i n c re a se d to 97 . Ae ro p o rto Ri o d e Ja n e i ro S. A. wi l l a l so i nve st i n th e expa n s i o n a n d o pti m izati o n of th e pa rki ng l ot, wh i c h wi l l have i nte l l ige nt o p e n p la ce vi ewi ng syste m s, i n c re a s i ng th e offe r of s pa ce by a p p roxi mate ly 70 % .


Se c u ri ty i s a l so a to p p ri o ri ty fo r th e co n ce ss i o na i re. N ew ca m e ra s wi l l su p p o rt th e n ew co m ma n d a n d m o n i to ri ng ce nte r, wh i c h wi l l cove r th e e nti re a i rp o rt. Th e re wi l l a l so b e a se ri e s of i nte rve nti o n s a sso c iate d wi th th e s ign s, bath ro o m s a n d Wi - Fi n e two rk. Th e co n ce ss i o na i re wi l l a l so revi ew th e e l evato rs, sta i rs a n d e sca lato rs to d eve l o p i m p rove m e nt p la n s fo r th e se i te m s, a n d expa n d th e n u m b e r of e n e rgy o u tl e ts ava i la b l e i n th e d e pa rtu re l o u nge s. “We have a ve ry exte n s ive i m p rove m e nt p rogra m, wh i c h i n c l u d e s th e tra i n i ng of th e te a m a n d i nve stm e nts of a p p roxi mate ly R $ 5 b i l l i o n d u ri ng th i s o p e rati o n, R $ 2 b i l l i o n of wh i c h wi l l b e u se d u nti l th e 2016 O lym p i c Ga m e s - a p e ri o d i n wh i c h th e a i rp o rt wi l l u n d e rgo so m e ma ny i nte rve nti o n s fro m a n i nfra stru c tu re p e rs p e c tive, ” exp la i n e d Ro c ha.

ABOUT THE CONCESSION Th e co n ce ss i o na i re i s a Sp e c i fi c Pu rp ose Co m pa ny


Phases until the final concession Delivery of Immediate Action Plan (PAI) and of Operational Transition Plan (PTO)

Approval of the PAI and PTO by Brazilian's National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC)


Concessionaire observes how INFRAERO currently administers the airport

Start of improvements to airport


Delivery of temporary operating certificate to concessionaire

INFRAERO observes and orients airport administration by concessionaire

Final delivery of airport administration to concessionaire



( SPC ) , co n sti tu te d by th e p rivate gro u p – fo rm e d by Od e b re c ht Tra n s Po rt ( 60 % ) a n d by Cha ngi ( 40 % ) – wi th 51 % pa rti c i pati o n. I N FRAERO – re s p o n s i b l e fo r 61 a i rp o rts, 29 ca rgo l ogi sti c s te rm i na l s a n d seve ra l d i ffe re nt a i r navigati o n su p p o rt stati o n s i n B razi l – h o l d s 49 % sta ke i n th e co n ce ss i o na i re. In the bidding process

of R$ 4.828 billion. The private group benefits from Odebrecht’s extensive experience building airports and administrating large developments; the knowledge of Odebrecht TransPort in rapid transit, highways and logistics; as well as the recognition of Changi as an investor and operator of important airports, such as the Changi Airport in

held in December 2013, the concessionaire’s offer was R$ 19,018,888,000.00, 294% above the minimum bid established by the government

Singapore: it is the seventh busiest airport in the world and was elected as the best in 2013 by the British consulting firm, Skytrax.

Marcelo Guaranys, President and CEO of ANAC, and Luiz Teive Rocha during the ceremony to sign the Galeão concession contract



The General Sales Value (GSV) of Park One Ibirapuera was R$ 100 million. This figure represents the sum of the unit sales price for all the launched units


Development Delivered and Distinguished


evelop an eco-efficient, high performance development while preserving the environment surrounding it. This was the commitment that Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias assumed when it designed Park One Ibirapuera in the city of São Paulo. The building was delivered on March 27 with an important differential: it is the second residential development in Brazil to obtain the AQUA seal – an international certification granted by the Vanzolini Foundation. The building meets the 14 AQUA Process criteria, which include everything from the building’s relationship with its surroundings, to efficient water

and energy management and the acoustic and olfactory comfort of residents. “We chose the AQUA certification because it is wellknown worldwide,” explained Ricardo Toscani, the Construction Director responsible for the development. “There are over 2.8 million developments certified or currently in the process of becoming certified,” he said. Park One Ibirapuera has a rainwater reuse system in the gardens, porte-cochère (private car entrance for loading and unloading people and luggage) with a draining floor that allows for the natural absorption of rainwater, a deposit for recyclable waste, solar heater and presence sensor in the public


View from the barbecue, located in the leisure area. During the project development, Ricardo Toscani was invited to present it at one of the largest international construction fairs, Batimat Paris/2011, as well as at the International AQUA Process Conference - Feicon/2012

areas for rational electricity consumption. The shaft (channel through which the piping passes) for the hydraulic system is in a site that is easy to access, which facilitates maintenance and the resolution of any problems. Another highlight of the residential development is the acoustic comfort. The buildings uses sound-dampening metal door and window frames in the apartments, acoustic subfloors between the units, acoustic insulation in the bathroom piping found in the suites and insulation of the pump and piping bases. For Ricardo Toscani, one of the differentials of this certification


is the creation of a global environmental strategy for the development: “We are not aiming only for the rational use of natural resources,” said Toscani. “We also take measures to guarantee residents’ comfort and ensure the building’s harmonious relationship with its surroundings.”

READY FOR MOVING IN Pa rk O n e I b i ra p u e ra i s a h igh sta n da rd d eve l o p m e nt co n s i sti ng of a s i ngl e towe r. It ha s 48 u n i ts, e a c h wi th 171 m ² – wi th fo u r b e d ro o m s o r th re e su i te s – a n d two d u p l exe s wi th 296 m ² e a c h fe atu ri ng fo u r su i te s.

It is located in the neighborhood of Paraíso, near Ibirapuera Park, one of São Paulo’ s most noble regions. In addition to being sustainable, the development guarantees its residents tranquility, comfort, sophistication and safety. “Pa rk O n e re p re se nts a

p e rm e ate d a l l p ha se s, sta rti ng wi th th e a rc h i te c tu ra l p ro j e c t d e s ign, d eve l o p e d to maxi m ize th e natu ra l l ighti ng a n d offe r a co u sti c a n d vi sua l co mfo rt, i n a d d i ti o n to a d o pti ng i n n ovative so l u ti o n s that gua ra nte e a re d u c ti o n i n th e co n su m pti o n of natu ra l

m i l e sto n e i n th e re s i d e ntia l d eve l o p m e nt re a l e state ma rke t, ” sa i d Ju l ia na M o nte i ro, I n co rp o rati o n D i re c to r fo r Pa rk O n e I b i ra p u e ra “Su sta i na b i l i ty

re so u rce s, a m i n i m u m i m pa c t o n th e n e igh b o ri ng a re a s, a n d p ri ma ri ly, i m p rove d co n d i ti o n s of h e a l th a n d we l l - b e i ng at th e s i te, ” s h e sa i d .

Paulo Aridan, Director of the São Paulo and Capital Regional Office; Ricardo Toscani, Juliana Monteiro, Paulo Melo, Director of the Central-South Regional Office; Paul Altit, Entrepreneurial Leader of Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias, Ciro Barbosa, responsible for the area of People and Organization and Sustainability; and Cláudio Zafiro, Director of the Campinas, Rural Area and Alphaville Regional Office; during the party to deliver the development

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fast news•awards and distinctions

Golden Palm for Odebrecht The Panama Industry Trade Union (SIP) promoted the 9th Cleaner Production Symposium, an event organized since 2006 In Panama that gathers companies interested in promoting civil construction projects that apply sustainable practices. On the occasion, SIP and the country’s National Environmental Authority (ANAM) recognized those companies undertaking projects in the country with proven clean production and environmental preservation strategies by giving them a Golden Palm, including the Organization, which was represented in the country by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Latin America.

Arturo Graell and Aida Michelle de Maduro, President of SIP. The distinction is designed to encourage companies to contribute toward Panama’s sustainable development


The awarded categories included Energy, Water, Waste Management, Innovation in Environmental Technology or Products and Environmental Sustainability. Odebrecht was highlighted in the category of Environmental Technology Innovation for the website it created to elaborate inventories of gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect. “This recognition fills us with pride and motivates us to continue innovating and participating in sustainable initiatives,” said Arturo Graell, the professional responsible for Institutional Relations and Sustainability at Odebrecht in Panama. For him, the event encourages companies to develop practices focused on the Environment.




n March 27, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Odebrecht and


the Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF), administered by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). The initiative helps increase

Members of the Creer (Believe) program in Peru. Odebrecht initiatives like Believe – which qualified 81,000 professionals for civil construction in 12 countries –, can be expanded with the experience and support of MIF

cooperation and facilitates collaboration between institutions to promote programs that bring economic and social development to

Latin American and Caribbean cities, while also generating job opportunities in small communities located near the Odebrecht projects.



“The fund already has a successful history of collaborations with the Organization, such as the Odebrecht Foundation projects in the Bahia Southern Lowlands, as well as in other countries, such as Peru, with South IIRSA,” explained Luiz Gabriel Azevedo, responsible for Sustainability Support in the Engineering and Construction Businesses. Azevedo was one of those responsible for organizing the partnership between the Organization and IDB. “We were sought out to hear the IDB proposal and share our interests and priorities,” he said. “We have internationally-recognized sustainability actions and a history of collaboration and partnership with the institution in different areas. From there, the Odebrecht Senior Officers in Latin America met to consult the matter, demonstrating a strong interest in the

representing the Organization, and Julie Katzman, Executive Vice President of IDB, at Costa do Sauípe, Bahia, during the IDB Governors’ Assembly and InterAmerican Investment Corporation (CII) Annual Meeting – an event that gathers representatives from the two institutions as well as those from private organizations for debates and seminars about topics related to their areas of operation.

agreement.” The memorandum was signed by Luiz Mameri, Entrepreneurial Leader of Odebrecht Infrastructure - Latin America,

further promote cooperation between us and IDB to serve the communities in which IDB and Odebrecht operate, facilitating the development

PIONEER I N TH E MARKET The Organization is the first private Brazilian company to sign a document like this one, attesting to IDB’s recognition of the quality of Odebrecht’s social, environmental and economic actions at its developments. For Luiz Mameri, the agreement is the formalization of an already consolidated institutional relationship. “The memorandum will serve to

of sustainability actions near the projects,” said Mameri. “We will exchange experiences to help promote social inclusion, employability and the conservation of biodiversity.” It is expected that after the memorandum, Organization

will promote at least one project per year in partnership with MIF in one of the areas established in the agreement, such as production supply chain, jobs and income, training of youth and conservation of biodiversity.

Luiz Mameri and Julie Katzman. Brazil, Peru, Dominican Republic, Panama and Colombia will be the first countries where Odebrecht will develop projects within the sphere of this partnership


fastnews•people news•people fast

Designed for Young Partners In March, the Functional Equipment Support area (AFEq) began with the third group of the Equipment Training Program (ETP) - Technical for the Organization’s Young Partners (YPs). The program offers instruction on the mobile and fixed equipment used to move earth and rock, cargo and people, as well as at industrial installations, generator groups and for paving. The goal is to develop competencies among the Members so that they can identify technical and functional

problems and observe the correct use of equipment, in addition to evaluating operational risks. The training addresses items such as the operation and maintenance of the Industrial Centers, Cargo Movement Equipment, Land and Rock Movement Equipment, Generator Group and Paver. In previous editions, 27 Members were certified. The program is structured into five modules, with both onsite and distance phases, for a total course load of 320 hours/class.

Learn more about the training offered by AFEq: http://www.eadafeq.com/

The ETP - Technical for YPs is held once per year and lasts 11 months. For more information, please contact AFEq: treinamentosafeq@odebrecht.com


Internal Consulting Practice On February 14-15, members of the Rail Transport Community of Knowledge met in Quito, Ecuador, for a presentation of the Quito Subway - Phase 2 project study, organized to gather contributions by Odebrecht specialists on the topic. Sadinoel de Freitas, Contract Director, kicked off the meeting by summarizing the project’s challenges. Walther Bile, from the Engineering area, talked about defining the subway course and other engineering-related aspects. Wagner Esteves, from the Planning area, spoke about the planning phase, and Pedro Zuloaga, from the Geology area, addressed the project’s geological studies. Danubio de Azevedo shared his experience in the Production area. Carlos Guimarães talked about the Equipment area and Francisco Renda closed the meeting explaining more about the initiatives in the Electromechanical area.

The meeting was attended by consulting firms that shared their market knowledge with participants, including Maidl Consultants, represented by Marc Comulada, and Ecke Engenharia Ltda, represented by Vera Lucia Vieira de Paula, Ricardo Andrade de Oliveira and Antonio Claudio Franca; as well as Members with extensive experience on the topic: Marcos Tepedino and Francisco Pizzocaro, from projects in Panama; Marcelo Piller, from Colombia; José Santos, Senior Officer in Ecuador; Danilo Abdanur, the professional responsible for Production at the Los Teques Subway project in Venezuela, and leader of the Rail Transport Community of Knowledge; Luiz Roberto Chagas and Mario Cesar de Abreu, from the construction projects in Brazil; Jose Kuster, from Venezuela; and Jose Pegoraro, the professional responsible for Equipment at Odebrecht Infrastructure - Latin America.

The event was attended by 31 Members who participated in presentations and group dynamics


fast news•people

Always Safe In February, Members from the Construtor Santo Antônio Consortium (CCSA) – responsible for the civil construction work at the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant in Rondônia with the participation of Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil – celebrated the Always Safe program pact. The initiative includes commitments for accident prevention that should be practiced by all professionals at the construction site. During the training events, there was the presentation of the commitments and Golden Rules – the safety measures established for work at the construction site. The topic was further explored during the Workplace Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) Daily Trainings, with the reading of a program brochure (which contains the Commitments, Golden Rules and Right to Refusal) as well as educational games.

Délio Galvão, Contract Director, emphasized the program’s importance: “Always Safe is a strategy for strengthening the safety culture at the construction site,” said Galvão. “I have never seen such a big development as this one so concerned with the topic.” In the end, Members signed plaques with the commitments engraved on them as a way of sealing the pact. Ronaldo dos Santos, Production Supervisor, stated he believed the program will improve safety in the field. “People will become more aware,” he said. “The Golden Rules are very important, and I plan to raise my team’s awareness.”  Read the Always Safe program pact. * in Portuguese

Until then, the program was held for Members serving in leadership positions, who were responsible for forming the pact with their teams during this phase


The 2nd Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brasil Communication Meeting was held at Maracanã Stadium, remodeled by the Business and operated by Odebrecht Properties

Communication in Debate On May 21, approximately 30 professionals from the Communication area met for the Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil 2nd Communication Meeting in Rio de Janeiro. The event discusses topics and challenges related to Communication at the Business’ projects. Antonio Carlos de Faria, responsible for Communication at Odebrecht Infrastructure Brazil, opened the meeting by talking about the importance of caring for the Organization’s image. Sérgio Bourroul, responsible for Communication at Odebrecht S.A., presented the Odebrecht Communication Policy and emphasized: “Communication is a way of better serving our client, it is a two-way road based on dialogue, on speaking and listening,” said Bourroul. He further highlighted the company’s position on the topic. “We need to be discrete, yet pro-active,” he said. “Our attitudes generate perceptions that result in admiration and trust in our brand.” Another topic highlighted was the Organization’s Code of Conduct and the dissemination of the same, which fell under the responsibility of Raquel Linhares, responsible for the Business

Compliance area. Ana Carolina Martins, from the Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil Communication team, presented the Communication Guide for Construction Projects, and Leonardo Maia, responsible for Digital Communication at Odebrecht S.A., provided an overview of social media and talked about the importance of these tools at the Organization. Participants also learned some success stories in the area of Internal Communication. Manoela Nobre, responsible for Communication at the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant in Rondônia, revealed how videos can be used for Safety training. Carlos Pedro, responsible for Communication at the Brasília Administrative Center (CADF), presented actions that promoted diversity and dialogue at the Transnordestina railroad project, located between Ceará, Pernambuco and Piauí. For Helena Barreto, from the Terra e Mar Consortium in Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro, the meeting was quite positive. “It was a wonderful experience,” said Barreto. “During the meeting, I had several different ideas to implement at the construction site.”


fast news•people

The meeting held at the South Stretch Subway of Rio de Janeiro Line 4 construction site

Synergy on the Team On February 20, 29 Members from the People and Organization (P&O) and Human Resources areas of Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil contracts in Rio de Janeiro met for the disclosure of the Organization’s guidelines for the P&O area, primarily related to the topics of People Monitoring, Member Availability and Education for Work Programs. “Besides helping to align processes, the event promoted the exchange of knowledge through best practices at the construction sites,” emphasized Marcela Araújo, member of the P&O area for the Rio de Janeiro construction work.


Th e m e e ti ng a l so a n n o u n ce d th e i nte rn s h i p p i l ot p ro j e c t u n d e rway at th e p ro j e c ts of Se n i o r Offi ce r ( DS ) Le a n d ro Azeve d o, i n Ri o d e Ja n e i ro – th e regi o n that co n ce ntrate s th e h igh e st n u m b e r of Od e b re c ht I nfra stru c tu re - Brazi l i nte rn s wi th 83 yo u th. Th e i nte rn s h i p p rogra m wi l l la st th ro ugh o u t th e co u rse of 2014 wi th th re e o n s i te m e e ti ngs so th e pa rti c i pa nts ca n exc ha nge exp e ri e n ce s, l e a rn m o re a b o u t th e Cu l tu re a n d Su sta i na b i l i ty p ra c ti ce s, a n d a l so re fl e c t o n p oss i b l e ca re e r path s.

A Distinguished Professional On March 26, the Latin Trade Group announced Marcela Drehmer, the professional responsible for Entrepreneurship Support (RAE) - Finances at Odebrecht S.A., as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the Year in Brazil. “We are pleased to deliver the award to the first woman ever to receive this honor,” emphasized Rosemary Winters, Chief Executive of the Latin Trade Group, during the Latin Trade CFO event in São Paulo. During her career, Marcela Drehmer has been part of several significant changes at the Organizations Businesses, including the negotiation that earned Odebrecht TransPort the right to administer the Galeão Airport in Rio de Janeiro – the largest transaction involving airports since 2006. From 2002 to 2013, she worked at Braskem as the Structured Operations Manager, Finance and Treasury Director and Vice President of Planning, Finances and Investor Relations. During this period, she was involved with company’s merger and acquisition operations. “With new financial decisions to be taken and the Initial Public Offers (IPOs) in sight, Marcela Drehmer has led an orderly, disciplined and principle-based process of growth,” said Santiago Gutierrez, Editor-in-Chief of the Latin Trade Group. “She has had a distinctive career and we are pleased to be able to honor her with this award.” The Latin Trade Group is a leader in the supply of information and business services for companies operating in Latin America and

publishes content for distribution throughout all of Latin America, the Caribbean and the United States, such as the magazines Latin Trade and Latin Business Chronicle. The institution also organizes the Latin Trade Symposium and BRAVO Business Awards, a series of events for finance executives and multinational corporations.

Marcela Drehmer began her career with the Organization at the company OPP Petroquímica in the 1990s and became the CFO da Odebrecht S.A. in 2013

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Odebrecht Previdência

What is your Investment Profile?


érgio Brinckmann, responsible for Odebrecht Previdência, answers

the main questions about the Investment Profiles presented by the institution in March. Make an informed and conscious choice of the profile that best suits you and helps you save for retirement. *The plan offered by Odebrecht Previdência is designed for Brazilian Members and expatriates located throughout Brazil. What motivated the creation of the Investment Profiles? If we have different life and career plans, then why invest the same way? Our idea is to offer a plan that is more modern and suited to each participant’s specific situation. What are the different profiles that the Odeprev Plan participant can choose from? There are four: Short Term, Retirement 2020, Retirement 2025 and Retirement 2030. The name of each suggests the approximate date the participant wants to begin his or her retirement and has a


different selection of investments. The Member can choose one of the profiles, granted that it does not have a target date that is greater than the year that he or she will turn 70 years old. Once you choose a profile, is it possible to change it? Yes, during the registration period – March 10 to April 16 – participants can change as many times as they want. The last choice will be the one that counts. After that, the participant can change annually, always in November. Which aspects should the participant consider when choosing a profile? Participants should consider how much time is left before they want to retire and their tolerance for market volatility and risks. Evaluating all of this, they will certainly make a good choice. Should all Odeprev Plan participants choose a profile? The participant has the right to choose one of the Investment Profiles. If the Member does not choose one of the profiles, the funds from his or her balance

will be allocated to the Short Term Profile until he or she choose a profile during the next migration period, which will be November. Will Odebrecht Previdência indicate the best profile for each participant? No. The participant is responsible for choosing his or her own investment profile. The Odebrecht Previdência team has prepared several different materials and will offer lectures to help Members make the best choice. We will spare no effort to educate participants as much as possible.

How should participants educate themselves about the topic? The best tip is for participants to look over all the materials available on our website and attend the lectures being offered at the different offices. It is also important for Members to talk with their friends, family members and with their leader, as well as with the Odebrecht Previdência team itself, before making their choice. We can not afford to neglect such an important decision affecting our retirement years.

Cristiano Verardo, responsible for Projects and Communication; Ivette Guimarães, responsible for Social Security; Daniel Lima, responsible for Administration and Investments; Carolina Noronha, responsible for International Pension Plans; and Sérgio Brinckmann, in the center

In order to choose or change your Investment Profile, visit the Odebrecht Previdência portal: www.odebrechtprevidencia.org.br > Investment Profiles




n March, the team responsible for the Workplace Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) area at Odebrecht Infrastructure - Latin America held three onsite meetings to begin the second edition of the Improvement Program in Workplace Safety and Environmental Engineering (SHE PAE). On the same occasion, the course conclusion certificates were delivered to the Members from the first edition of the program. The meeting was held in Colombia on March 11; in Peru on March 13; and in Panama on March 20, with the course participants, Senior Officers (DS), those professionals responsible for People and Organization (P&O) and by the SHE areas of


Fernando Hon贸rio Dias presented the SHE planning that he elaborated for the Panama City and Bay Sanitation project. The material exemplifies the practice of the concepts transmitted by the SHE PAE


the different countries, as well as representatives from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV) – responsible for the Distance Teaching (EAD) platform and the certification –, LifeCycle – the partner company for the elaboration of the technical content – and Qualifique – a consulting firm that supports the content from the course’ s Human area. Antônio Gaspar, responsible for SHE at Odebrecht Infrastructure - Latin America and creator of the program, stated that the first edition of the course had 120 Members registered. Of this group, 109 concluded the training and 93 were approved. “We started the second edition with 108 participants and we are already thinking about the third group, due to the high level of demand,” said


Gaspar. He pointed out that the engagement by the Members surpassed all expectations. “The participants emphasized the individual learning, including that related to a change in conduct with their colleagues and leaders during the implementation of the SHE programs at the projects,” he said. For Paulo Janin, currently in transition from the Mariel Port project in Cuba to the Odebrecht Infrastructure - Latin America office in Panama as the professional responsible for SHE, the course helped improve alignment between Members. “I congratulate this initiative, which offers a way of showing the professionals the need to search for and apply knowledge, promoting the continuous improvement of the operational processes and daily leadership, ” said Janin.

CONCEPTS TO PASS ON The SHE PAE has two main objectives. Through its technical content, it seeks to improve the skills of the Workplace Safety and Environment engineers to promote their development in the Odebrecht Integrated Sustainability Program (PI) – an institutional tool employed by the Organization for the management and practice of Workplace Safety, Health and Environment at the projects. In the course’s Human area, participants develop the skills to become activators of the Workplace Safety and Environment programs at the construction sites, working as advisors of the director team and administrators to ensure the integrity of Corporate Safety practices. The program has a course load of 240 hours, divided into six focus areas. Fifteen modules are developed during a 13-month

period. “The course offered a review of PI concepts through extremely enriching simulations,” said Fernando Honório Dias, responsible for Sustainability at the Panama City and Bay Sanitation project. “One of the points that most contributed to my professional growth was also the opportunity to exchange experiences with colleagues from the area,” said Dias. Andre Veloso, responsible for SHE at the Olmos Irrigation project in Peru, also emphasized the importance of participating in and encouraging initiatives like this one. “Improving internal knowledge is intrinsic to the Organization’s philosophy of ‘Education for Work,’” said Veloso. “It offers us more productivity, alignment and integration between the teams, while also helping develop new leaders.”

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fast news•social actions

Highlighting Governance On March 20, the Group of Institutes, Foundations and Companies (GIFE), in partnership with the Brazilian Corporate Governance Institute (IBGC), launched the second edition of Guide on Best Governance Practices for Foundations and Business Institutes. Sponsored by the Odebrecht Foundation and Banco do Brasil Foundation, together with the Camargo Corrêa Institute, the proposal is to promote best governance practices among the country’s main social investment agents, establishing standards of transparency, equality, accountability and responsibility. The new material reviews and improves the first edition, launched in 2009. “We felt the need to make improvements,” explained Pamela Ribeiro, Knowledge Coordinator at GIFE. “The topic is extremely important for social organizations, although relatively recent in the sector,” said Ribeiro. One of the main modifications is related to the topic of the institutions’ relationship with the

sponsoring companies, moving forward with the discussion of the service offer and use of the brand. The new edition also addresses themes such as orientations for contracting, evaluation of the main executive and technical team and the contracting of audits, among others. “Governance is an extremely important topic and the publication seeks to disseminate best practices, valuing the foundations and business institutions,” said Delcy Machado, Vice President of Sustainability at the Odebrecht Foundation, who represented the Odebrecht Foundation at the launch. “With this, it consolidates the lessons learned related to the sound administration of these organizations,” said Machado. The construction process for this new edition was participative. Initially, members and partners analyzed the material and presented suggestions for review. During the second phase, which took place at the end of 2013, the material was presented for public consultation, receiving new contributions.

The second edition of the Guide on Best Governance Practices for Foundations and Business Institutes features important discussions for foundations and business institutions


The ceremony was held at the Pedro de Osma museum in Barranco, which was decorated with typical cultural items from the Peruvian mountainous and jungle regions

For Peru’s Sustainable Development The South Inter-Oceanic Initiative (iSur) program celebrated five years of contributing toward sustainable development in the Southern region of Peru. iSur is an alliance between Odebrecht, the IIRSA Sur Concessionaire, Constructor IIRSA Sur (CONIRSA), International Conservation and ProNaturaleza, created to implement actions that leverage the benefits of the South IIRSA Highway – operated by Odebrecht Latinvest – and also help prevent indirect impacts to the local population. The end of this cycle was celebrated with an event for the residents from the local communities, representatives from Odebrecht and from international entities that are partners of the projects, as well as political authorities from the country. The program primarily receives financial support from Odebrecht Latinvest, the

Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), through the Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF), and the Latin American Development Bank (CAF). Over these past five years, the initiative has achieved some important results for the population that lives between Urcos, in Cusco, and Iñapari, in Puerto Maldonado. With the Ecobusiness, Responsible Tourism, Biodiversity Conservation and Strengthening of Local Governance projects, iSur promoted 26 programs, benefitting some 3,500 families. It also helped generate economic benefits, coordinating the organization of local producers and promoting community tourism initiatives. Through such actions, iSur created a corporate relationship instead of one that is simply assistancebased, where the investments and results are shared.


fast news•social actions

The meeting was the first planned initiative for this year. The program hopes to train 60 new midwives, which will benefit a rural population of some 10,000 inhabitants

Midwives in Angola


On February 26, the Capanda Agroindustrial Center Development Society ( SODEPAC ), responsible for the Capanda Agroindustrial Center ( PAC) ; and Biocom, an Angolan agroindustrial company – both ( PAC and Biocom) of which have the participation of Odebrecht Infrastructure - Africa, Arab Emirates and Portugal – joined forces through the Kukula Ku Moxi (Grow Together) program to offer the 1 st Midwives’ Meeting. Dr. Maria Lícia de Jesus dos Santos,

Andongo, in Malange, to offer new knowledge to these professionals. “We still find challenges related to the traditional births and talking to these women is an opportunity to orient them on the best practices indicated for a safe birth, ” said Santos. Th e m i dwive s we re tra i n e d th ro ugh th e Ku ku la Ku M oxi i n 2012 . Si n ce th e n, th ey have a c h i eve d a re d u c ti o n i n th e i nfa nt m o rta l i ty rate of a p p roxi mate ly 70 % . “De s p i te th e fa c t that th i s re su l t i s extre m e ly p os i tive, th ey sti l l fa ce ce rta i n d i ffi c u l ti e s to

obstetrician and Occupational Physician at Biocom, received 21 midwives from the region of Pungo

c re ate a h e a l thy e nvi ro n m e nt fo r p regna nt wo m e n a n d n ewb o rn s, ” e m p ha s ize d th e p hys i c ia n.

fast news•sustainability

Stories from the Madeira River On March 18, Santo Antônio Energia launched the book Peixes do Rio Madeira (“Fish of the Madeira River”), which unveils secrets, reveals new species and measures the ichthyo diversity (species of fish) found along the main tributary of the right bank of the Amazonas River, called Madeira – which begins in the Bolivian Andes Mountains and travels a course of more than 3,000 kilometers until reaching the mouth of the Amazon River. Divided into three volumes and with approximately 1,000 pages total, the book highlights some of the ichthyologic rarities and approximately 40 new animals for science. It also presents technical descriptions, classification keys, distribution maps, eating habits, as well as general characteristics and photos of the fish that inhabit the river. The book’s organizers were present at the launch event: Professors Luiz Queiroz, Gislene Vilara, Wiliam Ohara, Tiago Pires, Jansen Zuanon and Carolina Doria. “The result of the partnerships between private initiative and teaching and research institutions are proof that the investment in science and education and good environmental practices are key elements for the smooth execution of projects that allow for the country’s sustainable development,” emphasized Carlos Hugo Annes de Araújo, Sustainability Director at Santo Antônio Energia. The book Peixes do Rio Madeira is a useful and lasting tool for future studies about the fish hidden under the river’s murky waters. The species cataloged are conserved in the largest collection of fish from the Madeira Basin available worldwide, stored at the Federal University of Rondônia (UNIR) in the Zoological Collections and Integrated

Laboratory building, built by Santo Antônio Energia. “The publication of this work and the collection have become a required reference in the field of ichthyology,” said Maria Berenice da Costa Tourinho, dean of UNIR. “They are a source of pride for the academic community and for Rondônia society,” she said.  The PDF version of Peixes do Rio Madeira is available at: www.santoantonioenergia.com.br/ peixesdoriomadeira

The publication promotes the generation of knowledge in the academic and scientific spheres, while also encouraging the development of young scientists and the professional improvement of the researchers


fast news•sustainability

Joint Work for Nature Since 2011, Odebrecht Agroindustrial has worked through the Social Energy for Local Sustainability program to maintain a partnership with an NGO called the Jaguar Institute (IOP), offering it support with the scientific study that seeks to understand how the biodiversity found in the region of Emas National Park in Goiás is being affected by the introduction of wide scale sugarcane cultivation. In 2013, IOP began the Environmental Education phase to raise the awareness of the region’s different communities. The residents became agents working to conserve the areas and also preserve the biodiversity of the Scrublands. IOP offered 37 lectures at schools in Mineiros (municipal, state and private), and also held meetings with rural producers, partners and students from local colleges. On March 21, as part of the Biodiversity Monitoring project, IOP received a visit from 20 leaders from the Morro Vermelho unit, located in

the municipality of Mineiros, to raise their awareness about the importance of Emas National Park and the preservation of Scrubland biodiversity. For Paulo Pimenta, leader of the unit’s Cutting, Harvesting and Transport (CHT) area, the meeting showed that nature can live in harmony with man’s progress, given that it is respected. “The videos presented showed our interaction with nature without the extinction of the species,” said Pimenta; “It was possible to see the Scrubland animals, primarily the jaguars, circulating throughout the reed beds. I will take this knowledge to my team members and promote a campaign to preserve the animals threatened by the actions of humans,” he revealed. The NGO already has more than 100,000 photo records of the animals that live in the area located near Emas National Park. With approximately 130,000 hectares, the space protects approximately 600 Scrubland species. Some of them are monitored through radio collar (GPS), material earned also through the Social Energy for Local Sustainability program.

Leaders from the Odebrecht Agroindustrial Morro Vermelho unit at the Jaguar Institute in Mineiros


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