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nยบ 332 โ ข may 2014

Corinthians Arena: Arms Open to Fans Odebrecht 70 Years: Making the Urban Development of Cities Possible

Organization Pays Tribute to 100-Year Anniversary Since Birth of Bahia Architect Diรณgenes Rebouรงas

Embraport Develops Innovative Technology to Weigh Containers

contents nº 332 • may 2014



editorial staff ODEBRECHT NEWS is an electronic newsletter published twice a month, sent out on Wednesdays and intended for internal circulation, produced and edited by the Odebrecht S.A. Communication team. RESPONSIBLE JOURNALIST:


Bárbara Rezendes Photos: Odebrecht Archive ART: Criativos PHOTO EDITOR: Júlio Cezar Frutuoso SUGGESTIONS:

brezendes@odebrecht.com Distribute Odebrecht News at your company!















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Serving the Client

New Satisfied Clients


ver recent months, Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias celebrated the delivery of two developments together with its clients. In Rio de Janeiro, a ceremony held on April 15 for 300 people –


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including clients and Members –, marked the delivery of Seletto Business D.O.C., a commercial development with a high quality standard built at the Rio Office Park complex – a grouping of business buildings in the neighborhood of Barra da Tijuca.

Learn More About Seletto Business D.O.C. Place: Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro. Classification: commercial development. Composition: Office Building, with 223 commercial rooms; Corporate building, with 24 corporate spaces; and Galleria, with 37 stores. Development Area: 26,000 m².

d in the name of Seletto Business D.O.C. to emphasize the elopment’s uniqueness, the name D.O.C. refers to the ssification of unique products with recognized quality d limited production

The project, developed in partnership with the companies MAR Incorporações, Performance Empreendimentos Imobiliários and SIG Engenharia, features a contemporary architectural design. The region ensures Seletto Business D.O.C. a privileged location next to

Sustainability: collection and reuse of rainwater, curbside garbage collection, sewage treatment plant and presence sensors to light the different areas.

two large hotels (Ibis and Novotel, both belonging to the Accor Group) and also right in front of Shopping Metropolitano da Barra. “Without a doubt, it is a source of great joy for the entire team to be able to deliver yet another development to our clients and to Rio de Janeiro,”


said Turia Ribeiro, the professional responsible for the Construction Profit Unit (RCR) at Seletto Business D.O.C. “Seletto was created already with a bigger identity, one which is about being unique and differentiated. For me, it was truly a gift to be

able to contribute toward this accomplishment,” said Ribeiro.

VERDE MORUMBI On May 8 in São Paulo, Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias delivered the Verde Morumbi residential

Verde Morumbi is located next to Bonnaire Business (delivered by the Business in 2011), a commercial complex with offices and a shopping center with 62 stores


development, a project completed in partnership with Exto Engenharia. The ceremony was attended by some 800 people, including both clients and Members. The condominium was instituted quickly and smoothly during an

assembly promoted on May 27 and attended by approximately 180 clients. Some of the units are still available and will be sold as part of a new campaign, promoted by the Incorporation and Marketing teams at Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias.

Learn more about Verde Morumbi Place: Morumbi, São Paulo Classification: Residential Development Composition: 400 apartments divided into three towers Apartments: 84 m², 104 m² and 133 m², in addition to duplex penthouses and maisons (houses) on the ground floor. Development Area: 31,000 m², of which 12,000 m² is preserved green area. Leisure: approximately 30 amenities, include a spa, yoga room, adolescent space, playroom, tennis court, fitness gym, a zen space and space for pets, among others.




n Ap ri l , Embraport – th e Sa ntos Po rt p rivate p o rt te rm i na l l o cate d i n Sã o Pa u l o a n d o p e rate d by Odebrecht Trans Port a n d DP World – b ega n u s i ng a n i n n ovative te c h n o l ogy :

we igh i ng co nta i n e rs d i re c tly o n th e Ru b b e r Tyre Ga ntry Cra n e s ( RTGs ) - a typ e of c ra n e u se d to m ove ca rgo. Th e te c h n i q u e e l i m i nate s th e n e e d to re m ove th e ca rgo i n th e ya rd to we igh i t o n th e h ighway sca l e s.

Learn more about the TRADITIONAL PROCESS

• The cargo removed from the ship is sent from the trailer to a highway scale to be weighed; • After it is weighed, the cargo is hoisted by the RTG crane and stored in the yard.


I n a d d i t i o n to co m p lyi ng wi t h B ra z i l i a n Fe d e ra l Cu s to m s a n d Sa nto s Po rt Fe d e ra l Reve n u e D e p a rt m e nt re q u i re m e nts , t h e n ew a l te rn at ive s ign i fi c a nt ly re d u ce s t h e t i m e a co nta i n e r

m u s t re m a i n at t h e te rm i n a l , t h e re by p reve nt i ng t ru c k b a c ku p s a n d re d u c i ng t h e re l e a s e o f p o l l u t i ng ga s e s i nto t h e at m o s p h e re ( re s u l t i ng fro m ve h i c l e m a n e uve rs d u ri ng t h e we igh i ng o p e rat i o n s ) .

container weighing process INNOVATIVE PROCESS

• The cargo removed from the ship is hoisted by the RTG crane, where the cargo operator weighs the container and sends the information to the terminal's operational system; • The cargo is stored in the yard.


P R OV E N P R O D U C T I V I T Y D e s ign e d a n d d eve l o p e d by Em b ra p o rt , t h e te c h n o l ogy wa s u s e d fo r t h e fi rs t t i m e at t h e te rm i n a l d u ri ng t h e o p e rat i o n o f t h e s h i p C MA CG M Ca rm e n i n A p ri l o f t h i s ye a r. O n t h at o cc a s i o n , 92 co nta i n e rs we re we igh e d , wi t h a d ive rge n ce rate o f 5 % – a m a rgi n co n s i d e re d a cce p ta b l e by t h e ce rt i fyi ng e nt i t i e s . Edga rd M atto s , M a i nte n a n ce Co o rd i n ato r at Em b ra p o rt , ex p l a i n e d t h at t h e s c a l e i s t h e re s u l t o f a gre at d e a l o f re s e a rc h , wo rk a n d o p e rat i o n a l te s ts , co m p l e te d toge t h e r wi t h s eve ra l d i ffe re nt a re a s , p ri m a ri ly t h e O p e rat i o n s a n d I nfo rm at i o n Te c h n o l ogy ( IT ) te a m . Acco rd i ng to M atto s , t h e p ro j e c t i s d i ffe re nt fro m t h e o t h e r o n e s fo u n d o n t h e m a rke t d u e to t h e e q u i p m e nt’ s p re c i s i o n l eve l .


“We d e c i d e d to d eve l o p a n i n n ovat ive a n d re l i a b l e s o l u t i o n t h at a d d s va l u e fo r o u r c l i e nts , ” h e s a i d .

I M P R OV E D H A N D L I N G Al b e rto Ro b i n s o n , P l a n n i ng M a n age r, ex p l a i n e d t h at i n t h e p revi o u s p ro ce ss , t h e c a rgo wa s re m ove d fro m t h e s h i p , b u t t h e n n e e d e d to b e t ra n s p o rte d to t h e t ra i l e rs o n e by o n e a n d we igh e d i n d ivi d u a l ly. Th i s c re ate d d e l ays i n t h e p ro ce ss a n d l e d to rewo rk, s i n ce t h e m a c h i n e s u s e d fo r t h i s o p e rat i o n co u l d s e rve fo r a n o t h e r a c t ivi ty. “Th e n ew we igh i ng sys te m o ffe rs a m a j o r d i ffe re nt i a l fo r t h e co m p a ny, gra nte d t h at t h e o p e rat i o n b e co m e s m u c h m o re dyn a m i c a n d t h e cyc l e o f p e rm a n e n ce fo r a co nta i n e r at o u r i n s ta l l at i o n s b e co m e s i n c re a s i ngly s m a l l e r, ” s a i d Ro b i n s o n .

Currently, there are RTGs adapted and operating with the new scale. The 18 remaining machines will be operating by the end of 2014



The new weighing system represents a differential primarily in terms of the handling of 20-foot containers moved in pairs – commonly used at the terminals, called a twin operation


Operator confirms the container weight and passes the information onto the N4 system through the collector. The new scale was approved by the S達o Paulo State Institute of Weights and Measures (IPEM)


JOINING TECHNOLOGIES The IT team had the mission of integrating the new scale with the Terminal Operational System (N4). Marcio André Mateus, IT Coordinator, explained that for approximately two months, five Members from the Systems team were mobilized with the mission of monitoring the equipment development and test phase for integration with the Terminal Operational System (TOS), which manages the terminal operations. The initial challenge was to integrate the calculation of the weight recorded on the RTG with the information from N4 and the work instructions of the RTG operators. “Today, the weighing operations are completed in a minimum amount of time after they are removed from the container and this information is then available on the Embraport website,” explained Mateus. He further added: “The result was successful and the ones to most benefit are our clients,” he said.


fast news

Identity that Strengthens In May, the Odebrecht Award for Sustainable Development presented its new seal, which will be used only in those countries in which it is promoted – Angola, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, Dominican Republic, United States and Venezuela.

plant emerging from the light bulb symbolizes ideas that break paradigms,” said Leão. “It also symbolizes life, which depends, uses and protects natural resources,” he said. The seal has already begun to be used to publicize the award in the different countries, except for those that had

Sérgio Leão, responsible for Sustainability at Odebrecht S.A. and a Member of the team that created the initiative, revealed that the decision followed the line of change in the Organization’s brand and visual identity in order to ensure unity in the recognition of the initiative and strengthen its publicity in the different countries. The seal image associates sustainability and innovation to motivate students to think creatively about sustainable engineering and architecture solutions. “The stylized

already started the campaign for the 2014 edition. For these sites, the new seal will be adopted in 2015. “The visual identity and topic of the campaigns in each site may be different, but the seal will be part of all the award publicity materials,” said Leão.

The new seal is available for download at Brand Territory. Access the Odebrecht Organization space under the item “Logo.” www.odebrecht.com/territorio/

The seal was inspired by the creation designed for the award in the United States. It relates figures that represent innovation and sustainability in a simple and attractive way for the target public - university students


Breaking Paradigms The most challenging phase of the water treatment construction work that is part of the Paraná de las Palmas project, currently being completed by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Latin America in Argentina, is the installation of the pipeline under the Paraná River. The structure will transport water from the river to the treatment station through a 15-km tunnel to transform the murky waters of the Paraná into drinking water to serve some 2.5 million people from the Northern region of Buenos Aires. In order to complete the phase, the team offered the client a solution never before seen in the world. In partnership with Braskem, it used piping made from High Density Polyethylene (PEAD) with a diameter of 4.04 meters and thickness of 22 centimeters, the largest measurements recorded worldwide in structures for this type of application. The strategy allowed

the company to reduce the pipeline weight by 90%, and accordingly, reduce the costs with beams and cargo movement equipment, while also simplifying the cement foundation construction.

About the Project • Date the contract was made official: November 10, 2008 • Start of Construction Work: February 19, 2009 • Estimated delivery date: December 20, 2014 • Objective: treat 1.5 million m³ of water per day

The innovative solution proposed to the client allowed the company to meet the deadline while ensuring quality and a low project cost


fast rápidas news

The amount invested along the stretch between Kms 134 and 140 of the Dom Pedro I Highway was R$ 44.6 million (North and South lanes)

Expanded Urban Mobility On May 2, the Rota das Bandeiras Concessionaire – an Odebrecht TransPort company responsible for administering the highways that form the Dom Pedro Corridor – delivered a 12-km stretch of side roads between Kms 134 and 140 of the Dom Pedro I (SP-065) Highway, located in the rural São Paulo city of Campinas. The inauguration was attended by the São Paulo Governor, Geraldo Alckmin. “The side roads of the Dom Pedro I Highway have a direct impact on the entire Metropolitan Region of Campinas,” said Alckmin. “Its construction helps improve traffic, especially along the city’s urban stretch.” Júlio Perdigão, President and CEO of


Rota das Bandeiras, emphasized that for the concessionaire, it is one of the largest projects over the concession’s last 30 years. The complete side road construction project includes some 32 km of road that will cover the entire urban area of Campinas between Km 129 and 145 at the junction with the Anhanguera Highway – which receives the largest flow from Dom Pedro I, with approximately 125,000 vehicles per day. Rota das Bandeiras is completing construction work between Km 143 (Amarais) and Km 145 (Anhanguera). The next phase will be completed from Km 129 to Km 134.

Guaranteed Processes In April, the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant, currently being built by Odebrecht Infrastructure – Brazil in Rondônia, participated in the fourth external audit for the recertification of Odebrecht in the standards OHSAS 18001 and ISO 14001, which establish the guidelines for the management systems in Workplace Safety, Occupational Health and Environment (SHE). According to the results, the develop meets the items covered by the standards with excellence. During a one-week period, the auditors of the certifying entity Bureau Veritas Certification were at the construction site to monitor the processes, talking to Members and to the SHE teams. The closure took place on April 4 and included the participation of the Contract Directors and Members. On the occasion, Waldomiro Ferreira

Filho, Lead Auditor, stated that he realized how much the project values the certification process: “You have a leadership system that has become top-notch,” said Filho. “People are able to understand the safety procedures. Santo Antônio has instruments that allow people to participate, learn and express their opinions, which culminated in the results of this audit,” he said. Délio Galvão, Contract Director of the Construtor Santo Antônio Consortium (CCSA), talked about the benefits of the evaluation opportunities and continuous improvement process. “When seeking excellence, we can not grow too comfortable with our results,” said Galvão. “Through the Always Safe Program, we are working together to increasingly improve SHE.”

Santo Antônio Resumes Energy Generation The Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant, administered by Santo Antônio Energia in Rondônia, has begun generating energy once again. On April 25, nine turbines began operating, representing a total power of approximately 640 Megawatts. The resumed production was only possible with the reestablishment of the minimum liquid fall at the dam – increase in the difference between the water

level upstream (above the dam) and downstream (below the dam). The 17 other turbines that are part of the supply system have received the authorization required to operate commercially and began operating during the month of May, according to the programming established together with the National System Operator (ONS).

Generator Group 2 (GG2): The hydroelectric power plant had been shut down since February 17, 2014, due to record flooding along the Madeira River


fast news

Our Culture, Our Brand

How Our Brands Can Be Used with the Odebrecht 70-Year Seal The Odebrecht 70-Year seal can be applied together with the brands of our Businesses to generate a joint signature. To use it in this way, remember to respect the proportions:

It is possible to apply the seal independently, like an endorsement on some communication material. Example:

In this case, the proportions should also be respected:

Attention: In any of these situations, the seal width, measured by the Odebrecht brand, should be no smaller than 15mm or 120px. In the next edition of ON, learn more tips about how the seal can be used together with the brands of the different Businesses. You can find other guidelines in Brand Territory:



fast news•awards and distinctions

iSur completed 26 social projects that favor some 3,500 families, helping to generate economic benefits and coordinating local producers’ organizations and rural community tourism market initiatives

Actions Recognized by IDB In recognition of the South Inter-Oceanic Initiative - iSur created through a strategic alliance between Odebrecht , the South IIRSA Concessionaire, CONIRSA, International Conservation and Pro Naturaleza in Peru - the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB ) Multilateral Investment Fund (FOM IN) donated US$ 3 million to the program’s actions. iSur was created five years ago with aims of implementing actions that allow for the leveraging of the positive impacts of the South InterOceanic Highway – South IIRSA – and help preserve possible indirect impacts, establishing a new type of participation by the benefitted populations. According to the FOM IN blog, initiatives such as those implemented by Odebrecht, completed along

Stretches 2 and 3 of the South IIRSA, are very relevant for the fund and for Peru’ s Southern region. The growth of major investments in the region, expected to continue over the years to come, is crucial for the new models of operation, which promote sustainable development and the integration of new markets for small local producers. For the institution, i Sur went beyond the traditional focus on mitigating negative impacts and instead sought to develop a participative process. The populations benefitted by these investments were able to enjoy them better, boosting their competitiveness and productive development and reducing the risks associated with any large infrastructure in terms of the environmental and social impacts.


fast news•awards and distinctions

Valued Executives On May 5, the newspaper Valor Econômico released its 14th edition of the yearbook “Executives of Value - The Great Commanders of Businesses.” The initiative recognizes 23 leaders from different economic sectors each year through a secret vote by specialists who evaluate, among other points, the results of the companies and their capacity to identify opportunities for innovation and growth. Marcelo Odebrecht, President and CEO of Odebrecht S.A., was chosen in the Construction Industry sector for the third time – similarly to the years 2011 and 2013 – and Carlos Fadigas, Entrepreneurial Leader at Braskem, was chosen in the Chemical and Petrochemical category for the third consecutive year. Over the yearbook’s 14-year history, 132 executives have received recognition for their work at the companies they lead.

Supporting Development In April, Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil and the Rota do Atlântico Concessionaire received the Highlighted Company Award from the Brazilian Association of Sales and Marketing Directors in Pernambuco (ADVB/PE). The recognition was granted due to the companies’ actions and contributions to the social-economic development of the State of Pernambuco.

Elias Lages, in the center, and Ariel Parente, in the right corner of the photo: recognized synergy between the Businesses


The trophy was delivered during an event promoted by the institution Strategic Relationship for Economic-Social Development (R.E.D.E. Suape) as part of the programming for the 1st Pernambuco Meeting of Economic Centers, held in Recife. Elias Lages, President of the Rota do Atlântico Concessionaire, and Ariel Parente, Contract Director of Express Way (the Rota do Atlântico Highway construction project), received the trophy from representatives of the Pernambuco business class. “We have facts demonstrating our efforts to provide the best service,” said Parente. The users gave favorable impressions in the media coverage about the highways in the state. The award shows that the Organization is on the right path by developing studies and implementing projects that improve the quality of life of Pernambuco society,” he said.

Promotion of Innovative Projects Odebrecht Defesa e Tecnologia received the certification through the Brazilian Federal Government as Brazilian Strategic Defense Company (SDC) within the context of Law 12.598/2012. The seal is granted to companies that invest in technological and industrial development and support national content in the goods and services demanded by the country’s Defense sector. In order to obtain the certification, it is necessary to meet the demands of the national majority shareholder control, Brazilian technology mastery and the commitment to maintain the production line in the country. Besides this, it is necessary to manufacture or be part of the production cycle of the Strategic Defense Products (SDP), items that, based on their technology content, the fact that they are hard to obtain or the crucial need for the same, are of strategic interest to national defense. Sanctioned in March of last year, Law 12.598/2012 instituted a regulatory framework for the Defense sector and establishes incentives for the development of technologies considered essential for Brazil.

Mectron, a company administered by Odebrecht Defesa e Tecnologia, also has the SDC certification


fast news•awards and distinctions

The initiatives helped add value and promote the sustainable use of the natural resources utilized in the construction and social development of the region of Cambambe, located in the province of North Kwanza

Social-Environmental Recognition In April, the Cambambe Hydroelectric Facility, currently being built by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Africa, Arab Emirates and Portugal in Angola, received the Green Seal certification and Chico Mendes 2014 SocialEnvironmental Award from the Brazilian NGO Chico Mendes International Institute for Research and Social-Environmental Responsibility in recognition of its actions focused on Angola’s sustainable development and social-environmental well-being. The award ceremony will be held in Brazil in December 2014. The Cambambe Hydroelectric Facility competed in the category of Responsible Social-Environmental Management, with the study Our Environment, Our Responsibility - Social-Environmental Actions That Made a Difference within the


Angolan Context. The work presents the methods and management skills used in the program Certification for the Commitment to Responsible Social-Environmental Management (PROCERT) to control the environmental and social impacts caused by the project. The initiatives complied with the Odebrecht Sustainability Policy, local law, applicable standards and good international practices. “The Organization’s foundation for survival, growth and perpetuity is sustainable development,” said João Bosco, the professional responsible for Sustainability. “Accordingly, at the Cambambe Hydroelectric Facility, we incorporate into our essence the belief that to do it today, we need to think about tomorrow,” said Bosco.




Corinthians Arena has 189,000 m² of builtup area. It holds 48,000 permanent seats and 20,000 temporary ones, 89 Skyboxes, some 3,000 parking places, 59 commercial stores, four restaurants and an auditorium


Among those children who visited the arena on April 26 were students from the local public schools and from the Corinthians soccer school, called Chute Inicial (“Starting Kick”)


ince the official delivery of Corinthians

Arena by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil to Sport Club Corinthians Paulista on April 15, the club has completed the stadium test events.


As a p revi ew fo r th e ma i n te st eve nt h e l d Ap ri l 26 , so m e 5 , 000 c h i l d re n to u re d th e l owe r se c to r of th e Ea st b u i l d i ng. “It ma ke s m e ve ry ha p py to we l co m e so ma ny c h i l d re n i nto o u r n ew h o m e, ” sa i d An d ré s

Sanchez, club representative for the arena construction work

as well as the sound system, bathrooms, organization of

and Permanent Counselor for Corinthians. The visit allowed Corinthians to test out the access ways, meals and orientations for the public,

numbered chairs and evacuation of the sector. “The evaluation of this first test has been extremely positive, ” said Lucio Blanco, the stadium’s O p e rati o n Ma nage r.


T R I BU T E TO T H O S E W H O MADE IT HAPPEN On May 1, International Workers’ Day, Corinthians Arena received those Members who helped build it over a period of approximately three years to be the big stars of the stadium’s official test event. The field, access turnstiles, visitors’ locker room, grandstand and bathrooms of the East sector were all tested out. Th e wo rke rs se t u p two te a m s to d e fe n d th e Wh i te te a m, wh ose ca pta i n wa s Ri ca rd o Co rregi o, O p e rati o na l Ma nage r, a n d two te a m s fo r th e B la c k te a m, l e d by Fre d e ri co Ba rb osa, fo rm e r O p e rati o na l Ma nage r. Th e re we re two ga m e s that la ste d 40 m i n u te s e a c h. As th e M e m b e rs p laye d o n th e fi e l d , th ey we re watc h e d by th e i r fa m i l i e s, gu e sts a n d th e p re ss, wh i c h o bse rve d th e p laye rs fro m th e gra n d sta n d s. Be fo re th e sta rt of th e ga m e, Fath e r Rosa lvi n o, th e re l igi o u s l e a d e r re s p o n s i b l e fo r th e Do m Bosco So c ia l Wo rk, b l e sse d th e sta d i u m , a n d toge th e r wi th th e p u b l i c h e l d a m i n u te of s i l e n ce to h o n o r


th e th re e vi c ti m s of th e two a cc i d e nts that o cc u rre d at th e p ro j e c t. Wi th th e te a m s o u t o n th e fi e l d , An d ré s Sa n c h ez ki c ke d off th e ga m e. I n th e fi rst ga m e, th e Wh i te te a m b e at th e Bla c k te a m 2 - 1 i n a su rp ri se tu rn of eve nts. I n th e se co n d ga m e, th e Wh i te te a m wo n 1 - 0 . Lu c ia n o Ávi la, M e m b e r of O d e b re c ht Co rre to ra d e Segu ros a n d re s p o n s i b l e fo r th e I n su ra n ce Ri s k a re a at th e a re na p ro j e c t, i na ugu rate d th e goa l n e ts wh e n h e ma d e th e fi rst goa l . Ávi la fo rm e rly p laye d i n th e Co ri nth ia n s Su b17 catego ry l e agu e, b u t wa s fo rce d to give u p h i s ca re e r d u e to p hys i ca l i n j u ri e s. “Afte r five kn e e su rge ri e s, I to l d th e p hys i ca l th e ra py te a m that I ha d to p lay aga i n wh e n I h e a rd a b o u t th i s eve nt, ” h e sa i d . “We d i d so m e i nte n se wo rk. I wa s a b l e to b e a pa rt of th i s i m p o rta nt date a n d eve n ma d e th e fi rst goa l at th e a re na. It i s ve ry th ri l l i ng, so m e th i ng i n d e sc ri ba b l e, ” h e sa i d . Th e day e n d e d wi th a pa rty, wh i c h gath e re d so m e 3 , 000 pa rti c i pa nts fo r a n exc i ti ng n e two rki ng ba rb e c u e.

When I got here, there was nothing but dirt. Seeing the project ready is extremely gratifying and being able to play where the big soccer stars will soon be competing is a sensational feeling – Luciano à vila (to the right), who made the first goal at Corinthians Arena, together with his son Gabriel and father Matheus


THE POWER OF SYNERGY “We began building Corinthians Arena on May 30, 2011.” Since then, the team created a really nice work climate, one which resulted in a high level of synergy. I have been at the Organization for 28 years and I can safely say that we have had a unique work environment here, like a family. When everyone rows in the same direction, we win in all aspects. I learned a great deal with this project. Team spirit was what most stood out in our daily work routine. We got to know each other, we felt comfortable and listened to one another. This helped us work together to achieve the same objective. In October 2011, we learned that the stadium would host the 2014 World Cup opening ceremony and the team became even more passionate about the project. Participating in this project will mark the life of each person that participated in the arena construction. These three years were dedicated to this moment: being the first ones to celebrate the delivery of the Corinthians Arena. Nobody knows better than we do the details of the 55 kilometers of piles driven in the soil or the 100,000 m³ of concrete we used. Only we know the amount of work that was required. We hope that this may serve as the stage to countless joyful experiences.” Antônio Gavioli, Contract Director at Corinthians Arena

Watch the Corinthians tribute to the Members who helped build the arena. On March 14, they went down forever in the club’s history as the first fans to see the team play “on the home field.”


Antônio Gavioli, Andrés Sanchez, Carlos Hermanny, Corporate Management Director at Odebrecht Infrastructure – Brazil, and Luiz Bueno, Senior Officer of Odebrecht Infrastructure Brazil for São Paulo and the South


R E A DY FO R T H E WO R L D C U P O n May 8 , Brazi l ia n Pre s i d e nt D i l ma Ro u sse ff vi s i te d Co ri nth ia n s A re na to se e th e i n sta l lati o n s of th e n ew Co ri nth ia n h o m e ba se, wh i c h wi l l a l so h ost th e o p e n i ng ga m e a n d a n a d d i ti o na l five ga m e s of th e 2014 Wo rl d Cu p. Sã o Pa u l o Mayo r Fe rna n d o Ha d da d , Vi ce Mayo r Ná d ia Ca m p e ã o a n d B razi l’ s M i n i ste r of Sp o rts, Al d o Re b e l o, a l so j o i n e d th e vi s i t toge th e r wi th th e Pre s i d e nt of Co ri nth ia n s, Má ri o Go b b i , A n d ré s Sa n c h ez a n d th e te a m d i re c ti ng th e Od e b re c ht I nfra stru c tu re - B razi l p ro j e c t. D i l ma Ro u sse ff reve a l e d that s h e wa s p l e a se d wi th th e re su l t a n d th o ught Co ri nth ia n s Are na wa s o n e of th e m ost b e a u ti fu l sta d i u m s of a l l th ose b u i l t fo r th e Wo rl d Cu p.

C O R I N T H I A N H I STO RY O U T O N THE FIELD To co nti n u e wi th th e te st eve nts, o n th e m o rn i ng of May 10 th e sta d i u m h oste d a c la ss i c ga m e b e twe e n th e i d o l s of Co ri nth ia n’ s h i sto ry, wh i c h wa s atte n d e d by a p p roxi mate ly 20 , 000 fa n s. O n May 1 8 , i n th e p re se n ce of 40 , 000 p e o p l e, th e c l u b h e l d i ts fi rst offi c ia l ga m e at i ts sta d i u m, wi th th e p o i nts co u nti ng towa rd th e B razi l ia n Cha m p i o n s h i p aga i n st th e te a m Figu e i re n se Fu te b o l Cl u b e.


Corinthians Arena during the 2014 World Cup June 12




June 19




June 23




June 26

South Korea



July 1

round of sixteen July 9


During her visit to Corinthians Arena, Dilma Rousseff received a golden helmet personalized with her name, delivered by Geane Gomes da Silva, Workplace Safety Technician




Urban Development: Growth of the Cities


ultural memories, history and development. Past and future. Somewhere in the middle, urban growth takes place. How to ensure that they can all coexist harmoniously? For 70 years, Odebrecht has involved the community in each project it undertakes in order to work together to contribute toward the development that begins there. Whether through the personal growth of the residents, with social and training initiatives or by presenting the details of the project, such as the case at the “My Maravilha Port” exhibit hall, which shows what the Rio de Janeiro port region will look like through interactive displays. One of the many examples of the city planning promoted by the Organization can be found in Rio de Janeiro. From 2008 to 2011, Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil led the Better Rio consortium, which invested $ 835 million in social projects in the low income community of Complexo do Alemão, considered one of the most violent in the city’s North Zone. With the support of the Slum Growth Acceleration Program (PAC), there was a transformation in the region that extended far beyond the civil construction work. Reurbanization brought urban development improvements, with the installation of water, sewage and electricity networks, and public and private services, including branches of the bank Banco do Brasil, postal service units and also ATM machines for the bank Caixa Econômica Federal. Housing complexes, sports fields, libraries, schools, hospitals and a training and legal assistance center were also built. Adilson Moura served as the project’s Administrative and Financial Manager through Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil, and saw that his program presented a challenge that went beyond the commitment of simply completing the project. “I was absolutely sure that I could help improve the lives of those people,” he said. He was dealing with a low income community, working in a hostile environment with a frightened team. “We needed to complete a project that, in


ADILSON DONIZETTI MOURA has worked at Odebrecht for 34 years. He began as an office boy in 1980 at the Brazilian Project and Construction Work Company (CBPO), following in the footsteps of his father, who worked at the company for 21 years. With a degree in Business Administration and specialization in Finances, he has worked on Engineering projects in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasília, Goiás and Mato Grosso do Sul, working in the area of Supply and Logistics until his Leader encouraged him to innovate. Moura remembers the phrase he heard that day: “I remembered the tricks to success [referring to a stretch from the TEO],” he said. “You already know everything about this position. Come to the Administrative-Financial area. It will contribute toward your cycle of growth.” In his new job position, his first contract was for the channeling of the Pavuna River in the Rio de Janeiro region of Baixada Fluminense. “I didn’t think this ‘baptism’ would be so intense,” he revealed. The area surrounding the project was extremely violent and needy, and the team required constant motivation to complete the construction work, but the challenge was met. He also helped the build the São Paulo Subway Line 4 - Yellow, where he advanced to later become the Administrative-Financial Manager at Complexo do Alemão. He is currently in São Paulo, working on the SABESP (São Paulo State Basic Sanitation Company) project.

Complexo do Alemão is formed by 12 communities. It occupies an area extending 1,800,000 m², with 120,000 residents and 30,000 families. The project built 920 housing units


addition to being considered unprecedented in Brazil, was something the local residents did not believe would work,” said Moura. Moura added that, to his surprise, the project gradually earned the support of the community leaders. “This help was crucial,” he said. “It was with it that we were able to engage the entire community in the construction process. We used approximately 70% local labor, which made them feel like the owners of the project and those responsible for the results.” Moura pointed out that many Members got their first official job at the project. “Before, when they looked for work and revealed their address, nobody would hire them,” he revealed. “Living in Alemão was reason for segregation and prejudice.” At the end of the construction work, with the training and experience they acquired, new opportunities emerged. They were invited to work on a range of other Odebrecht projects, such as the remodeling of Maracanã and construction of Maravilha Port, or even at other companies. The contract was also responsible for building the first mass cable transport system in Brazil. Administered by SuperVia, the Odebrecht TransPort company, the cable car reached the milestone of approximately 8 million passengers transported at the end of 2013. Currently, some 12,000 residents and tourists use the transport daily in the communities of Complexo do Alemão. The installation of six cable car stations created spaces for community initiatives, offering access for social insertion. The recovery of citizenship helped improve the residents’ quality of life and their pride at belonging to a place that is considered a tourism destination. “There was no perspective of the future,” said Moura. “Today, the people from the community know that they can improve their destiny. It just depends on them.”

In order to celebrate the Organization’s 70-year anniversary during the course of the year, Odebrecht News is publishing a series of special stories in its different editions. Access the Odebrecht 70 Years icon on the ON website: www.odebrechtnoticias.com.br


I use the cable car to take my daughter to her medical treatments. Before, I needed to walk all the way down the hill to catch a bus. With the new transport system, it got easier and less expensive, since I receive the benefit of the free ticket because I am a resident here

– Débora Bezerra da Silva, resident of Complexo do Alemão.


COMMITTED TO A BETTER LIFE “I never imagined that after 25 years talking about river pollution and the related problems I could dream of showing my future grandchildren fish swimming here.” It is statements like this one, by teacher Sandra Chinchio, that reinforce Odebrecht Environmental’s commitment to seeking out solutions for improving the quality of life in the communities. Six years after the Business arrived to Mauá, São Paulo, the source of the Tamanduateí River, the third largest tributary of the Tietê River, located in the Gruta Santa Luzia Ecological Park, has already been cleaned up. This is just the initial result. In 2015, with the inauguration of a sewage treatment plant, 100% of the collected material will be treated, benefitting 360,000 inhabitants in the city. In the city of Uruguaiana, in Brazil’s Southern state of Rio Grande do Sul, another Odebrecht Environmental unit recorded a historical leap in its effluent collection and treatment rates during the some three years of the concession. Today, 54% of the sewage is collected and treated and 98.9% of the population has access to drinking water – which represents 12,000 people. “We are investing and working intensively in the city,” said Eduardo Frediani, Uruguaiana Concession Director. “It is a source of pride to be part of this growth and make the municipality a reference, with the highest sewage treatment rate in the state,” he said.


fron allo

After the construction work, the bad smell that was in nt of my house went away. I have more peace of mind to ow my daughters to play outside, since there is no more risk of them getting too close to the sewage

– Lucimone Maria da Silva, resident of Mauá.



W 15 eli

since the Luanda Road System of ge ar ch in en be s ha astructure essways. The new pr ex y’s cit e th of In Angola, Odebrecht Infr on ti za construction and revitali s corridor) line that bu e siv clu ex – sit 2002, focused on the an Tr 15-km BRT (Bus Rapid structure will also have a ets that cross Luanda re st in ma o tw e th t ec will conn


With the Nuevo Sarmiento Consortium (CN S) construction work, the population of Bue nos Aires, Argentina, will receive another 5 underground train stations, which will con nect Caballito to Moreno in the metropolit an region. Fifty-two level crossings will be iminated, thereby preventing accidents and freeing up streets


zil Infrastructure - Bra ht ec br de O by ilt bu Ouro, development, Trio de program, financed by g 2 in e us if ho L y st M co e, wus lo Ho he y T eM program is part of th he T o. ir ne Ja de l io R in ixa Econ么mica Federa Ca nk ba d ne ow ten the governm

With the L

For approximately 40 years, Curu from wood and zinc. The urban re revitalized the entire surrounding allowing people from the communit


h a population t hat Lima Subway L already surpasses 9 million peop le ine 1 and is awa iting the conclus , Lima aims to develop its mass ion of Line 2 transport system . Today, it has

rundĂş was a neighborhood without infrastructure, consisting of homes made renewal project, undertaken by Odebrecht Infrastructure, built housing units and g area. The building model used aluminum molds and reinforced concrete tiles, ty to help build the homes that would become theirs in the future


Il lu s t ra t ive

P h o to

Illustrative Photo

In the Ilha Pura plan ned with 17 floors area , fea capacity to accomm odat

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Parqu devel

d neighborhood, loca ted aturing 3,604 apar in Rio de Janeiro, there will be the co tmen nstr te 17,950 athletes ts with four, three and two bedroom uction of 31 residential buildings , coaches and physic s. The buildings will al therapists during have the the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Gam es

ue da Cidade, in São Paulo, is part of an international program that supports 18 projects worldwide, chosen as a reference for other lopments in terms of urban development and the reduction of CO² emissions


e s formed through th wa , rt Po ns ra T ht ec debr co administered by O n contract for the bu sio es am nc rn co Pe e in th y n, wa io gh ill a hi 102 m Rota dos Coqueiros, an investment of R$ h it W l. zi ra B in ct ra first road PPP cont s a 33-year term ha ce an en nt ai m d an ion construction, operat

The planned ne Bridge, locat ed Airport to R eser


Illustrative Photo

Maravilha Port Expressway. One of Brazil’s largest PPPs, the Urban Operation is transforming a 5-million m² area in Rio de Janeiro into an urban center. For this purpose, it has the participation of four Organization Businesses: Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil, Odebrecht Properties, Odebrecht TransPort and Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias

eighborhood Rese along the Ro rva do Paiva, built by Od ta eb rva do Paiva dos Coqueiros Highway, recht Realizações Imobil iá r and the oth er beaches a educes the distance fro rias in Pernambuco. Paiva m long the Sta te’s Souther the Guararapes Intern a n coast by 3 0 kilometers tional


visual identity

Month of May Marked by Changes at Mectron


he Members of Mectron – an Odebrecht Defesa e Tecnologia company – began the week of May 19 with lots of new sights in the work environment: a new brand and visual identity. When they entered the office, located in São José dos Campos, the building had a new facade and its interior featured new colors. The initiative has been developed and prepared for some time now. The goals included adapting Mectron

to the Organization’ s new visual identity and reinforcing among Members the idea of belonging to Odebrecht. “The actions promoted to mark the change in brand reinforce Odebrecht’ s presence and enrich the organizational climate, as well as the presence of TEO, ” explained Andrea Figueiredo, leader of the People and Organization area at Mectron. Among the changes, the team’s e-mail changed from “@mectron.com.br” to “@ odebrecht. com” and the Members

Mectron adopted the Organization’s visual identity, which features Odebrecht Red inside a box with the company name and endorsement of Odebrecht


received new badges. The change further emphasizes the brand in the different materials used by Mectron and offers inspiration for the visual messages. “The brand’s entire evolution, aligned with a wellstructured communication policy, helped create consistent

largest aerospace industry, Mectron is a Brazilian company that operates in the defense and aerospace markets, developing and manufacturing high tech and high added value products designed for both military and civilian use. Founded in February 1991,

and differentiated dialogue with both the internal and external stakeholders,” emphasized Marcelo Xavier, responsible for Communication at Odebrecht Defesa e Tecnologia. In a welcoming climate, the company’s new look came complete with a special breakfast offered to the approximately 450 Members that make up Mectron.

the company joined the Odebrecht Organization on its 20 -year anniversary through Odebrecht Defesa e Tecnologia, a company focused on the management, development and implementation of integrated projects in the area of Defense, Public Safety and National Security. Mectron currently has a highly specialized technical staff that uses modern project tools in a range of different specialties, such as aerodynamics, propulsion, electro-optics and electronic, digital and analog control and guidance.

L EA R N M O R E A BOU T M ECT RO N With head office in São José dos Campos, located in the heart of the Southern hemisphere’s

The new Mectron brand and visual identity are available in the Brand Territory area of Odebrecht Defesa e Tecnologia. www.odebrecht.com/territorio


visual identity


he commitment to the development of the Brazilian naval industry and preparation to begin production at a shipyard in Bahia recently earned some reinforcement. On May 19, the Enseada Indústria Naval (formerly the Enseada do Paraguaçu Shipyard) officially assumed its new brand and name – used since the start of the year, when the company name was changed. The new brand carries the name Enseada (which means “inlet”) and the colors red and white, with the endorsement of the naval industry term in reference to the Business’ operations along the entire production

application guide were also distributed. The newsletter Navigating Together, distributed in the region of Maragojipe, Bahia and available in blog format, featured a special story on the topic. On May 19, the press and public opinion makers received a press release about the change. The Business also updated its website and social networks and Members’ e-mails were changed to receive the ending “@enseada.com.” Gradually, the Business Environments began to display the color red in their visual communication materials, as well as in the signs, helmets and badge cords used by the team. “I really liked the new identity,” said

chain, which begins with the choice of the technology for assembling the shipyard and ends with the delivery of the vessel.

Catarina Schallenbach, responsible for People and Organization at the operations in Bahia. “Enseada Indústria Naval is a strong name that effectively represents our current and future challenges on a national and international level,” said Schallenbach.

FROM THE INSIDE OUT The Members were the first to learn the news. The brand was presented to them on May 14 as part of an e-mail marketing initiative. The professionals also learned about the new e-mail signature standard and the template for presentations. A visual identity manual and quick new brand


The Enseada Indústria Naval website address also changed: www.enseada.com

GROWTH ALIGNED WITH THE COMMUNITY When the Business was founded, it was given the name “Paraguaçu Shipyard.” In 2010, during a public hearing with the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA), the quilombola community leader Dona Noquinha asked Fernando Barbosa, Executive Director, to add the name Enseada in honor of the community where the Paraguaçu Unit shipyard is being built in Bahia. The company honored the request and the company changed its name to Enseada do Paraguaçu Shipyard. The request was taken a bit further, and today the company is simply Enseada. In addition to serving as a tribute to the community in which it is inserted, it represents the current moment, with preparations to begin the Bahia shipyard production and plans to expand its operations abroad as well. “The internationalization of the businesses and diversification of the company, which has assumed new challenges such as winning over new clients and expanding its operations, justifies the

adoption of the new name,” explained Humberto Rangel, Institutional Relations and Sustainability Director. Enseada (which means “inlet”) is easy to understand in different languages and projects the company into other industry segments besides naval construction,” explained Rangel. Access the blog Navigating Together and learn more about the new features of Enseada: www.navegandojuntos.com.br

OPERATIONS Founded in 2012 to meet pre-salt demands, the Business formed by Odebrecht, OAS, UTC and Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd. (KHI) works to build and integrate offshore units, such as platforms, specialized ships and drill rigs. It started out already with a portfolio of orders totaling US$ 6.5 billion.



The new Enseada Indústria Naval brand follows the Organization’s visual identity. Its name is featured inside a box in the color Odebrecht Red

Member Catarina Schallenbach reads an e-mail with orientations about the change in the Business’ visual identity



art and culture


n May 5, Odebrecht Infrastructure Brazil inaugurated the celebrations for the 100-year anniversary since the birth of Bahia architect, Diógenes Rebouças. The first of the activities is an exhibit with some 40 images from the projects and canvases of the also visual artist, on display at the Barra Lighthouse Square in Salvador. The works are displayed on 20 double-face totems produced from recycled wood and can be viewed until June 22. The action is an initiative promoted by Odebrecht, which is responsible for the requalification of the Barra coastline with the support of the Federal University of Bahia’s Brazilian Architects’ Institute (IAB-Bahia), National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute (IPHAN) and the Salvador City Government. In addition to the exhibit at the Barra Lighthouse, the celebrations also included a religious mass held at the Saint Benedict Monastery on May 7, which is also the architect’s date of birth; an exhibit at the Bahia Art Museum open to the public since May 14 and a series of debates about the work of Diógenes, which will be held during the course of 2014. For André Vital, Senior Officer of Odebrecht for Bahia and Sergipe, celebrating the 100year anniversary since the birth of Diógenes Rebouças is an opportunity to pay tribute to


Professor Di贸genes was a friend and partner of Norberto Odebrecht. The most recent work was the recovery of the Saint Benedict Monastery in Salvador in the 1990s


Di贸genes Rebou莽as designed important projects for the city, such as the street Avenida Contorno, the former Fonte Nova Stadium and the former Bus Station


an important professional in Bahia’s modern history. “Professor Diógenes played a crucial role in Salvador’s development,” said Vital. “I hope that his example can inspire future generations in the search for the city’s sustainable growth.”

A MYTH OF BAHIA ARCHITECTURE Before he died in November 1994, Diógenes Rebouças was a professor at the Federal University of Bahia School of Architecture (UFBA) for more than three decades and one of the biggest names in Brazilian modern architecture. He was also part of the Salvador City Urban Planning Office (EPUCS) team. As a visual artist, sketch artist and painter, he surveyed the historical-iconographic aspects of 19th-century Salvador and recorded on canvas the city’s most expressive stretches, with streets, public squares, mansions, churches and landscape. In 1979, the Organization published the book Salvador da Bahia de Todos os Santos no Século XIX (“Salvador da Bahia de Todos os Santos in the 19th Century”), which records his documentary painting. The work became an important reference for studies and a second expanded and consolidated bilingual edition (Portuguese/English) was also published in 1985, with news and notes from Godofredo Filho, a presentation by Pedro Calmon, introduction by Thales de Azevêdo and graphic planning and design by Emanoel Araújo. The third edition was published in 1996 and turned the book into a major success, where the paintings can be seen together with practice sketches next to watercolors and old documented records by the author.


fast news•people

Meeting of Influencers On April 24 and 25, Odebrecht Infrastructure - Latin America held the Ecuadorian Administrative and Financial Managers’ Meeting (GAFs) in Quito. On the occasion, participants had the chance to ask questions about the Organization’s policies and practices. Márcio Polidoro, responsible for Communication at the Business, presented the Communication Policy and emphasized the importance of using the Odebrecht brand to strengthen the Organization’s image and help reach the 2020 Vision. Edson Lemos, responsible for People and Organization at Odebrecht Infrastructure - Latin America, and Vera Gaspar, from his team, talked about the People Policy and the Organization’s New Code of Conduct.

Alliance of Benefits I n A p ri l , Pa na ma’ s Nati o na l Sco u ts Asso c iati o n a n d O d e b re c ht I nfra stru c tu re - Lati n Am e ri ca e sta b l i s h e d a co o p e rati o n agre e m e nt to d eve l o p th e Pa rk Gua rd ia n p rogra m. Th e p ro j e c t a i m s to e d u cate c h i l d re n fro m co m m u n i ti e s l o cate d n e a r th e p ro j e c ts u n d e rta ke n by Od e b re c ht i n Pa na ma a b o u t th e re s p o n s i b i l i ty of se rvi ng a s age nts of c ha nge, l e a d e rs a n d p ro m ote rs of a c u l tu re ma rke d by natu re co n se rvati o n , th e d i sse m i nati o n of e th i ca l a n d m o ra l va l u e s a n d ca re fo r p u b l i c s pa ce s. Th e p rogra m b ega n i n th e co u ntry i n Ja n ua ry 201 4 at th e Coa sta l Be l t


p ro j e c t a n d i nvo lve d so m e 1 , 000 c h i l d re n fro m sc h o o l s l o cate d i n th e co m m u n i ti e s n e a r th e co n stru c ti o n wo rk. Th e Nati o na l Sco u ts Asso c iati o n ha s a p p roxi mate ly 600 yo u ng m e m b e rs fro m Pu e rto Ri co, Co l o m b ia , Do m i n i ca n Re p u b l i c , Guate ma la, H o n d u ra s, N i ca ragua, Costa Ri ca a n d Pa na ma. O n th e ye a r i n wh i c h i t i s ce l e b rati ng i ts 100 -ye a r a n n ive rsa ry, th e i n sti tu ti o n h e l d th e 24 th Ce ntra l Am e ri ca n Sco u t Ca m p o re e, a n d wi th th e su p p o rt of Od e b re c ht, i t p ro m ote s th e su sta i na b l e d eve l o p m e nt of so c i e ty th ro ugh re s p e c t fo r l i fe a n d th e p re se rvati o n of b i o d ive rs i ty.

Preserving Life Fro m A p r i l 2 8 - M ay 2 , O d e b re c h t I n f ra s t r u c t u re - L a t i n A m e r i c a p a r t i c i p a te d i n t h e fa i r o rga n i z e d by t h e D o m i n i c a n Re p u b l i c M i n i s t ry o f La b o r ’ s G e n e ra l I n d u s t r i a l H yg i e n e a n d S a fe ty B o a rd ( D G H S I ) i n c e l e b ra t i o n o f Wo r k p l a c e S a fe ty a n d H e a l t h We e k . Th e e ve n t wa s h e l d a t t h e c o u n t ry ’ s M i n i s t ry o f La b o r a n d i n c l u d e d s o m e 2 , 0 0 0 p a r t i c i p a n ts ,

w h o h a d t h e o p p o r tu n i ty to exc h a n ge ex p e r i e n c e s a n d i n fo r m a t i o n o n t h e to p i c . Th i s ye a r, t h e t h e m e o f t h e fa i r wa s S a fe ty and Health When Using Chemical P ro d u c ts a t Wo r k . At i ts s t a n d , O d e b re c h t p re s e n te d to t h e p u b l i c t h e Wo r k p l a c e S a fe ty a n d H e a l t h p ra c t i c e s a d o p te d by M e m b e rs a t i ts D o m i n i c a n Re p u b l i c p ro j e c ts a n d o f f i c e s .

The Minister of Labor and Occupational Health, Maritsa Hernandez (in the center, wearing purple), with representatives from Odebrecht in the country and authorities


fast news•people

Building Knowledge On April 11, Emahin Alves Ferreira, General Assembly, Carpentry and Precast Supervisor at Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil launched his first book, and also the first from the collection entitled Construindo Conhecimento (“Building Knowledge”), sponsored by the Business. A Member of the Baixo Iguaçu Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) in Paraná, Ferreira began recording his biography and professional

experiences when he worked at the Santo Antonio HPP in Rondônia after being encouraged by the engineers Augusto Roque, Senior Officer (DS) in Energy at Odebrecht InfrastructureBrazil, and Mario Lúcio, from the DS support team. The publication is divided into two parts. The first tells Ferreira’s life story, from his childhood to the 37 years spent at the Organization. The second reveals the knowledge acquired during his career, primarily the planning and assembly work at assembly, carpentry and pre-cast centers. The first book from the collection Construindo Conhecimento (“Building Knowledge”) is the fulfillment of a long-time desire at Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil to record the knowledge that the foremen accumulated during their professional lives. In addition to recognizing the Member’s history and dedication, the project proposed to serve as a Knowledge Management action. Through publications, it aims to select, document and disseminate knowledge through the Organization’s contracts in Brazil and abroad.

Emahin Alves Ferreira and Augusto Roque. There were initially 1,000 copies of the book published


On May 1, the governments of the Benguela, Sumbe and Gabela provinces held the traditional parades to honor the country’s workers. Approximately 500 Odebrecht Members participated in the action in Benguela

Celebration in Angola In order to celebrate International Worker’s Day on May 1, the Belas Business Park project 5th Phase – currently being built by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Africa, Arab Emirates and Portugal in Angola – held a session of lectures on Workplace Safety and professional performance. Bruno Carneiro, Administrative and Financial Manager (GAF), emphasized the importance of the topics and congratulated the Members. Miguel João Manuel Damião, Safety Technician, reinforced the Safety concepts, including the use of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) and Collective Protection Equipment (CPE). The event was attended by the Trade Union Commission and 367 workers. “Odebrecht is a company that recognizes its Members,” emphasized Faria Handanga, Heavy Vehicle Driver. From April 27-May 1, Odebrecht participated for the seventh consecutive time in the “Worker’s Kitanda” annual fair in Benguela, organized by the National Angolan Workers’ Union (UNTA) and supported by the Provincial/ Waters Infrastructure contract. It presented the Social Entrepreneurship Program (PES) held

together with the community. There was the display of the furniture made from used tires and reeds, cutting and sewing materials and utensils made from reused plates. At the Cambambe Hydroelectric Facility, there was a networking party for Members, complete with sports and cultural activities. Participants enjoyed a healthy breakfast, aerobics and stretching classes, as well as a walk around the region located near the project and a performance by the Dondo Traditional Angolan Dance Group. “Having a moment of relaxation in the middle of an intense work routine cheered everyone up,” said Vanda Cristina Peruzzi, Administrative Technician from the Equipment area. “We celebrated our day to the rhythm of Angola,” she said. The Talatona Residential project offered a lunch to Members on May 1. There was a drawing for prizes, soccer championship and theater group Os Barras do Futuro (“Stars of the Future”) presented a play that promoted reflection about valuing work as the base for social development.


fast news•people

This is the second group of the course. The training is dedicated to Members who work as those responsible for or potentially responsible for Contractual Administration

Experiences Expanded During the week of May 5-9, the Contract Administration Community of Knowledge, led by Wagner Marangoni – responsible for Contractual Administration at PROSUB (Submarine Development Program) –, held the onsite meeting for the first module of the Contractual Administration Training Program. The training is designed to develop competencies to improve the practice of this process, emphasize collective effort as a crucial factor for effective practice and align the commercial actions of the contract teams and Legal Support areas. This first module presents how the topic fits into the Organization’s context, the progress of the contract and risk analysis. The 64 participants are now dedicated to the distance study that constitutes the second module. The next onsite meeting will be from July 21-25 and will mark the end of the course.


Program Structure • Duration: 4 months • Composition: 2 modules with distance and onsite phases • Starting date: April 7, 2014 • Ending date: July 25, 2014 • Module I: April 7 to May 9 • Module II: May 12 to July 25

Learn more about the history of the Odebrecht Organization, which began in the mid-19th century. Over the decades, a small company grew, consolidated its place in Brazil and also expanded into five continents. Embark on a journey through time. Access: www.odebrecht.com/culturaodebrecht/



Bahia Theater Celebrates

Jackson Costa and Margareth Menezes. The 21st edition of the Braskem Theater Award was held at the Vila Velha Theater in Salvador

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Cast and producers of the performance Barrinha (“Little Bit of Clay”), winner in the category of Best Children’s Play



n April 23, Salvador celebrated an evening filled with culture in Bahia. The city hosted the ceremony for the 21st edition of the Braskem Theater Award, considered the state’s most important recognition of the performing arts. Judges evaluated 46 performances that opened in the Bahia capital from April 15 to December 15, 2013. Longa Jornada Noite Adentro (“Long Work Day Into the Evening Hours” and Barrinho (“Little Bit of Clay”) were the big winners in the categories Adult Play and Children’s Play, respectively. Harildo Deda was the winner in the Director category, for the play Longa Jornada

Noite Adentro (“Long Work Day Into the Evening Hours”), and Ângelo Flávio received the statuette for the script of the play Casulo (“Cocoon”). The trophy for the Actor category went to Cláudio Machado for his role in the play Destinatário Desconhecido (“Recipient Unknown”), and Joana Schnitman won Best Actress for (“Long Work Day Into the Evening Hours”). This edition paid tribute to actor and director Lázaro Ramos, who was clearly touched to receive the special award for his work over the years.

EVENING OF ART The award ceremony, which featured the central theme “The Public in the

Scene,” was coordinated by Artistic Director Paulo Dourado and featured a performance by singer and actress Margareth Menezes and actor Jackson Costa. In the foyer, the guests walked along the blue carpet, made from “green” plastic, a renewable raw material manufactured by Braskem using sugarcane ethanol. The Braskem Theater Award is already a well-established initiative in Bahia’s cultural

scene and is designed to value, recognize and award the state’s theater production, opening up a space for new talents. The award was created 21 years ago as part of the Braskem Social Responsibility Policy, which is focused on social inclusion, environmental education and the promotion of culture, with aims of establishing the foundations for citizen awareness and encouraging sustainable growth.

Follow the Braskem Theater Award on Facebook www.facebook.com/PremioBraskem

Singer Daniela Mercury together with Lázaro Ramos. Upon receiving the tribute, Ramos revealed: “I always wanted to win the Braskem [Award].”


fast news•social actions

Inclusion of People with Disabilities In April, the Odebrecht Agroindustrial Social Energy for Local Sustainability program, working in partnership with the Teodoro Sampaio City Government, in São Paulo, and the Association for the Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities (AINDEF), promoted lectures on the rights of People with Disabilities (PCDs) and their inclusion in the job market. With a focus on promoting PCDs and increasing society’s awareness, the program invited Daniela Ferrari Kovács, an attorney specializing in Labor Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo and accompanied by Ronilson Aparecido da Silva, President of the São Paulo State Council for Topics Affecting People with Disabilities. The event, held at the Teodoro Sampaio Municipal Chamber, gathered some 240 people, including authorities and the local community,

to hear from the Head of the Accessibility Section of the São Paulo State 2nd Region Regional Labor Court (TRT). Daniela Ferrari Kovács is an attorney and specialist on the inclusion of people with disabilities in the job market and develops lectures to promote actions that value PCDs. “People need to know about the tools that are available in the market to facilitate the lives of those with disabilities who want to work,” said Kovács. Aligned with the Organization’s philosophy of valuing people’s development, Odebrecht Agroindustrial has promoted social actions focused on the PCDs since 2013 in the communities in which it is present. Approximately 970 people have already participated in the events promoted by the Business in the region of Teodoro Sampaio focused on the inclusion of people with disabilities in the job market.

Gilberto Manoel de Brito, Teodoro Sampaio City Council Member; Aparecida Herling, Municipal Social Work Manager; Ronilson Aparecido da Silva, President of the São Paulo State Council for People with Disabilities; Daniela Ferrari Kovács with her seeing-eye dog, Basher; and Juraci Bastos, responsible for People at the Alcídia Unit


In addition to serving as a meeting place for engineers from the city of Maracaíbo, the aquatic park offers swimming classes to youth from the local community free of cost

New Aquatic Park for Zulia In March, Odebrecht Infrastructure Latin America re-inaugurated the Zulia State Engineers’ Center Aquatic Park in Venezuela. The space revitalization project is part of the TechnicalScientific Cooperation Agreement established between Odebrecht and the Venezuela Engineers’ High School in 2012. Support was offered by the Nigale Bridge project, currently being built by the Business in the country. The space inauguration was attended by José Carlos Prober, Contract

Director; Roberto Novis, Commercial Manager and Darlan de Souza, Sustainability Manager, in addition to Alfonso Gutierrez, President of the Zulia Regional Campus of the Venezuela Engineers’ High School. In his speech, Alfonso Gutierrez highlighted Odebrecht’s participation in the country’s main infrastructure projects and the company’s concern about complying with the labor laws applicable to the Engineering profession.


Tribute to the Future


IBM Brasil joined forces with the Odebrecht Foundation to support Pratigi for Education, a project committed to the quality of public education in the municipalities of Nilo Peçanha, Ituberá, Piraí do Norte and Ibirapitanga in the Bahia Southern Lowlands. IBM Brasil, a partner in the Tribute to the Future program, directed new funding toward the 2013 campaign to promote the initiative. Created by the Pratigi Environmental Protection Area (EPA) Inter-Municipal Consortium (CIAPRA) and undertaken by the Pratigi EPA Guardian Association (AGIR) in partnership with the Chapada Education and Research Institute (ICEP) since 2013, Pratigi for Education was designed to improve the quality of basic education and increase the educational outcomes of the public schools located in the region of the Bahia Southern Lowlands.


Educational models are developed by involving those responsible for education – professors, educational coordinators, school principals, technical teams and municipal managers – to build collaborative networks focused on improving formal education and strengthening educational policies. The strategy used by Pratigi for Education to consolidate this new scenario is based on three lines of

operations that are interconnected: political mobilization, continued education and the production of knowledge. The project is designed to expand the concept of quality public education, assisting Preschool students and those from the first cycle of Elementary School. The project will last for three years and the idea is to make it a reference in Brazil in terms of creating a commitment to the

transformation of basic education. The goal is for the children to learn to read, write, interpret and put things into context based on their age and become less vulnerable to social risks. Through quality education, they will have access to knowledge, be prepared to exercise their citizenship and be able to work efficiently in the job market in order to build a better future. 


fast news•sustainability

Water Reuse

Enseada is currently converting four VLCCs (Very Large Crude Carriers) into FPSO (Floating Production, Storage and Offloading) hulls for the future P-74, P-75, P-76 and P-77 rigs at the Inhaúma Unit

Water reuse Water treatment tank. Carbon Steel Application

Reuse water tank. Carbon steel

10 m3

10 m3

25 m3

SPCAL being tested SPCAL being tested SPCAL tested


The Commissioning team at the Enseada Indústria Naval Unit, located in Rio de Janeiro, has built an innovative system with water reservoirs to store and reuse the water collected for the spool (parts used to join the piping) hydrostatic tests. The reuse takes place through closed circuits (in carbon steel and stainless steel) that consist of pumps and piping, which transform the fluid used in the test to a water treatment box, where a product is then added to stabilize its composition. In this way, the same water can be used for new tests. The costs for the tests would be 1,342 m³ of water (equivalent to 1.342 million liters). With the new process, only 80 m³ (80,000 liters) will be used. “We are helping preserve the environment and saving our natural resources,” said Bernardino Nilton Nascimento, Commissioning Mechanic Coordinator.

The idea is to install Credit 360 during the second half of 2014 in the Business’ onshore and offshore environments, with the exception of the joint ventures and consortium platforms

Support When Managing Sustainability Indexes Members from the Odebrecht Oil and Gas Sustainability area are working to develop the new electronic tool Credit 360, designed to offer support during the administration of incident investigation processes; the management and monitoring of pending items from external or internal monitoring or other inspections; atmospheric emission inventory, elaboration of the Annual Report using the Global Report Initiative (GRI) standards and Document Control. The choice for Credit 360 was based on differentials such as technology and the data storage philosophy, the possible customization of modules to meet the needs of Odebrecht Oil and Gas as well as the cost-benefit calculation. For Fabiano Tavares, from the Sustainability area, the system represents innovation: “There is nothing like it in the oil and gas market in Brazil,” he said. During the first phase of the system installation, five modules will be offered: Accident Communication and Investigation, Pending Item Management, Document Control, Green House Gases, (Brazilian protocol) and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). André Innocenzzi, from the Sustainability area at Odebrecht Oil and Gas, believes that with the Credit 360, it is possible to classify the accidents by type, ranging from the least to the highest impact. “This allows for the formation of better investigative teams to analyze and correct causes in order to ensure that the incident does not repeat itself,” he said.


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