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nยบ 333 โ ข june 2014

Odebrecht Properties: Stadiums Ready for the 2014 World Cup! Odebrecht 70 Years: From the Construction to Operation of Entertainment Developments

Odebrecht Infrastructure - Latin America Celebrates the First Harvest at the 5 de Septiembre Sugar Plant in Cuba

Conclusion of the Construction Work for Stretch II of the Lima Subway in Peru

contents nº 333 • june 2014



editorial staff ODEBRECHT NEWS is an electronic newsletter published twice a month, sent out on Wednesdays and intended for internal circulation, produced and edited by the Odebrecht S.A. Communication team. RESPONSIBLE JOURNALIST:


Bárbara Rezendes Photos: Odebrecht Archive ART: Criativos PHOTO EDITOR: Júlio Cezar Frutuoso SUGGESTIONS:

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The 5 de Septiembre Plant has characteristics that are similar to the Brazilian plants from the 1980s, a factor that facilitates the installation of Brazilian technology at the Cuban sugar unit

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n May 5, Odebrecht Infrastructure - Latin America celebrated the end of the first harvest at the 5 de Septiembre Plant, located in the municipality of Rodas in Cuba. The sugar processing unit is administered in partnership with the company Empresa Azucarera Cienfuegos. The plant management contract was signed on November 14, 2012, and includes the elaboration of a business plan to recover the sugarcane plant’s production capacity. “We chose to propose not only the recovery of the plant, but also an expansion of its capacity and the cogeneration of electricity,” revealed Wolney Ernesto Longhini, Contract Director. The planning was put into practice starting January 17, 2014, after the client and its investors approved it. Cuba’s history can be told through the evolution of the sugar industry in the country. Sugar is the main product of the national economy. “The investments in technological renewal and production expansion mean the establishment of a new paradigm in efficiency and economic development, precisely at a time when the Cuban government is driving the growth of the economy, investing in efficiency and increased production,” said Longhini. The contract with Odebrecht for the 5 de Septiembre Plant represents the first private foreign participation in the management of a plant since the Cuban socialist revolution, demonstrating the trust bestowed in the Organization.


Most of the 5 de Septiembre Plant team is made up of local residents from the municipality of Rodas. The group also includes Brazilian expatriates and Cuban Members of the Azcuba group

INVESTING IN THE FUTURE Since the 1980s, sugarcane harvesting in Cuba has been fully mechanized. The available equipment was developed locally, but it uses an outdated technology, one that damages the sugarcane and reduces productivity. Over the past five years, the country has introduced Brazilian technology, and to meet the business plan elaborated for the 5 de Septiembre Plant, Odebrecht was granted a line of credit by Brazil’s National Economic and Social Development Bank (BNDES) to import industrial and agricultural equipment from Brazil, which will allow it to renew the fleet of plant equipment and modernize the industrial line. “In this first harvest under Odebrecht’s

administration, the focus was on efficiency, seeking to achieve the best results with those resources available, using discipline and quality when completing the tasks,” said Longhini. With the investment in the new equipment, we will also boost our efficiency for the agricultural and industrial processes,” he explained. There are big plans for the plant and the team is already thinking about the next harvests. “The leap in production will occur in three years, when the sugarcane areas that are being planted are already in production and the new industrial equipment begins operating,” said Longhini. Odebrecht hopes to duplicate the plant’s production so it can grow up to 140,000 tons of sugar per harvest.

LEARN MORE The conclusion of the harvest means the end of the plant’s harvesting and sugar production. The following phases include industrial maintenance and the removal of the crop pest control in the reed bed.

The contract establishes that the management result of the 5 de Septiembre Plant be divided into equal parts between Odebrecht and the client, Empresa Azucarera Cienfuegos.


The 5 de Septiembre Plant is one of six identical units built in the country. The methodology adopted to modernize it can also be applied at the other plants as well



CREATED BY KNOWLEDGEABLE PEOPLE The team that directs the 5 de Septiembre Plant has also dedicated time to training Members. The exchange of information and experiences between people in the field was constant and essential for this first harvest. In order to expand this learning, the Organization will implement the Believe (Creer) Program, which will offer technological knowledge about the new equipment, based on the work developed by Odebrecht Agroindustrial at its units in Brazil Members will also begin to receive training to apply the Integrated Sustainability Program, which includes Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) initiatives, as well as on procedures that ensure the quality of the products that will be sold. “We have put in a request to use the installations of a deactivated technical institute that neighbors the plant to begin the classes,” said Longhini.


COMMUNITY RELATIONS Residents are witnessing the intense changes that began to emerge in the community located near the plant. The plant has generated interest and called the country’s attention to the region. Within the social sphere, in addition to offering 1,300 job opportunities, Odebrecht plans to implement the Social Energy for Local Sustainability program – created by Odebrecht Agroindustrial to promote the sustainable development of the communities of direct influence in those sites in which it operates. “There is great expectation about the future,” said Heber Ramirez Sánchez, resident of Turquino and Member of the Sustainability area at the 5 de Septiembre Plant. “In partnership with the University of Cienfuegos, we will survey the needs of the community, which will be benefitted with assistance for the people and environmental preservation,” he said.

Member training is one of the premises adopted by the leadership for the 2014/2015 harvest


Our Businesses




With the finalizat Ant么nio HPP team the assembly of 17 months


tion of GG3, the Santo m reached a new record: 7 Generator Units in 12

More Power to Generate Energy


n May, Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil, responsible for building the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) in Rondônia, completed the electro-mechanical assembly work at the Power House 3 Generator Unit 32. This is the last Generator Group 3 (GG3) machine to be installed. The last part placed on the machine was the Hatch Cover, which covers the generator. After this delivery, the Commissioning team will conduct the operational tests necessary for the full generation of energy at this Power House. Luiz Ailton da Silva Santos, a mechanic for the project, spoke on behalf of the entire team when he revealed the high level of satisfaction with the work completed: “We are very pleased to be able to complete the assembly of yet another Power House,” said Santos. “We feel proud to be part of this development.” For Vanderlan Silva, Turbine Supervisor, the conclusion of Power House 3 indicates that the majority of the challenges have already been overcome. “We have now completed a total of 32 machines, assembled in record times,” said Silva. “This keeps us motivated now to start GG4 and GG5, representing the

culmination of the good work completed by this group.”

CHALLENGE MET The Generator Units used at the Santo Antônio HPP are the Bulb type, a model that makes the most of the region’s environmental characteristics, thereby greatly minimizing environmental impacts for the generation of energy at a hydroelectric power plant. Each one of thee machines has a diameter of eight meters and weighs 1,300 tons, equivalent to the weight of more than 1,000 compact cars. Powerhouse 3 consists of 12 Generator Units with a total installed power of 864 megawatts. The electro-mechanical assembly of this structure began in August 2012. Today, 21 months later, the plant’s third generation group is already operating with six Generator Units that supply 441.3 megawatts of energy. “It is extremely pleasing to be able to work on the project,” said Carlos Kléber Martins, General Supervisor. “With every new day of work, we improve even more, we share experiences and we develop people,” said Martins. When it is completed, the Santo Antônio HPP will have 50 Generator Units capable of generating 3,568 megawatts of energy.


fast news

A New Port for Miami In May, Odebrecht completed the revitalization of the Miami Port in Florida. The PortMiami Wharves Strengthening project built a new jetty extending 1,585 meters, reinforced the cargo docks and strengthened the existing structures. It also included improvements to facilitate dredging operations and modernized the crane rail beams and electrical and hydraulic installations at the port, in addition to

The environmental issue was also carefully considered by the project. Before beginning the construction work, Odebrecht transferred 185 species of coral threatened with extinction and observed the habits of the manatees that live in the region to ensure that they were not negatively impacted. Miami Port was the North American port closest to the Panama Canal and will

restoring the docks. The contract was Odebrecht’s first port construction project in the country. It was completed 10 days before the deadline established with the client with less than the originally budgeted funds and without any safety-related incidents. It demanded efficient coordination with the port agents to ensure that there was no impact on the cargo and cruise ship operations, since they dock 24 hours per day, seven days per week.

considerably increase its cargo volume when the latter is ready to receive ships from the Post Panamax class (limit size for the Panama Canal locks). The revitalization, combined with the dredging service to be completed, will transform Miami Port into the only structure on the country’s East coast with the capacity to receive ships of this type, boosting the local economy and changing goods transport logistics in Florida.

The PortMiami Wharves Strengthening project was concluded in 950 days of uninterrupted work


On behalf of the Lula Institute, the Kukula Ku Moxi producers received donations of 130 spades, 130 rakes, 130 machetes and 10 motor pumps (used for irrigation)

Brazilian Visit to Angola On May 6, Biocom and Sodepac – undertaken by Odebrecht Infrastructure Africa, Arab Emirates and Portugal in Angola – received a visit from Brazil’s former president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who came representing the Lula Institute, together with the Chair of the Odebrecht S.A. Board of Directors, Emílio Odebrecht. With a focus on the agricultural activities in Angola, the agenda included a visit to Biocom – an Angolan agroindustrial company formed by Odebrecht (40%), Cochan (40%) and Sonangol (20%) –, to the Cacuso Professional Training Center (CEFOPROF) and Kukula Ku Moxi, a family farming project at the Capanda Agroindustrial Center created in 2010 to serve the rural communities located in the region of Pungo Andongo. Carlos Mathias, Director of Biocom, received the group and gave a brief presentation of the project. The visitors toured the industrial plant and Integrated Operations Center, where they

learned about the equipment commissioning phase. At CEFOPROF, they visited the laboratories where the practical welding, boiler room and lathing classes take place – offered in partnership with the National Industrial Learning Service (SENAI) for the professional training of the youth who will maintain and operate the Biocom industrial plant. During the visit to Kukula Ku Moxi in the community of Kitexe, in Pungo Andongo, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Emílio Odebrecht were welcomed by Carlos Fernandes, Chair of the SODEPAC Board of Directors, who gave them an overview of the region’s development and work of the family farmers through the program. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva congratulated the team for the initiative and spoke about the importance of family farming for the economy as well: “I hope that Angola can develop strong family farming and reduce the need for food imports,” said Lula.


fast rápidas news

Maracanã Stadium, to the left and Corinthians Arena, to the right: built by the Odebrecht teams

Building Stadiums The Discovery Channel produced the “Building Stadiums” series about three arenas that will host the 2014 World Cup: Corinthians Arena, in São Paulo, and Maracanã, in Rio de Janeiro, built by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil, and the Amazônia Arena in Manaus. The production presents images and testimonials about the construction, revealing the project’s challenges. “We are proud to present a detailed overview of the audacious projects assumed by Brazil, including the transformation of a stadium from the 1950s, the iconic Maracanã,” said Michela Giorelli, Vice President of Production and Development for


Discovery Networks Latin America/US Hispanic. On May 18, the channel aired an episode about Maracanã. The production reveals details on the remodeling work at the stadium that will host the final game of the 2014 World Cup, highlighting the modern technology used to revitalize a legendary, 60-yearold piece of architecture. The program dedicated to Corinthians Arena was aired on June 1. The episode shows the steps to build the host stadium for the 2014 World Cup, which will also remain as a legacy for the some 30,000 million fans of the team Sport Club Corinthians Paulista.

Visit to the Baixo Iguaçu Project In May, the Baixo Iguaçu Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) – currently being built by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil between the municipalities of Capitão Leônidas Marques and Capanema in Paraná – received a visit from the Governor of Paraná, Carlos Alberto Rich. The governor and his group were

the construction project client. On the occasion, the governor emphasized the development’s importance for the region and for the local population, emphasizing the increase in the offer of jobs and professional training opportunities. On his tour of the installations,

welcomed by Augusto Roque, Senior Officer of the Energy area at Odebrecht Infrastructure, Luis Fernando Rahuan, Contract Director, and Solange Ribeiro, President of the company Neoenergia,

Carlos Alberto Rich visited the project’s industrial kitchen and the plant’s future powerhouse. When concluded, the Baixo Iguaçu HPP will have an installed power of 350 megawatts.

Rodrigo Larralde, Administrative-Financial Manager, Luis Fernando Rahuan, Carlos Alberto Rich and Augusto Roque


fast news

Structures in Position


On May 11, the Construtor Transrio Consortium, in which Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil participates, finished placing the support beams for the second span of the Avenida Brasil Viaduct, part of the Transolímpica Expressway in Rio de Janeiro. With the finalization of this phase, the viaduct

seven beams, which measured 30 meters each. In order to complete the work, one of the lanes of Avenida Brasil (an important access way to the city’s downtown area) was closed off to vehicle traffic for 12 hours, from Km 28.3 to Km 29.5, in the neighborhood

became the project’s second Special Civil Engineering Work (OAE). The operation involved some 30 Members to install the structure’s last

of Deodoro. The Avenida Brasil viaduct has three spans and a total extension of approximately 100 meters.

The stator is one of the largest parts at the Teles Pires HPP, and weighs 380 tons, is 18.7 meters in diameter and 3.8 meters in height

Progress in the Assembly of the First Generator Unit On May 19 , Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil lowered down the stator for the first generator unit at the Teles Pires Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) , located at the border of the states of Parå and Mato Grosso. The stator is the first important part of the generator to be installed, and has the function of generating the electricity that will be produced by the plant. The operation was completed in approximately four hours. The part was

hoisted by two synchronized traveling cranes and traveled a distance of 60 meters from the assembly area to the generator well. When finished, in August 2015 , the Teles Pires HPP will have the capacity to generate 364 megawatts in each one of its five Francis generator units, for a total of 1, 820 megawatts of energy, enough to supply more than 6 million people.


fast news

Caracas Subway Sets New Records In April, Odebrecht Infrastructure - Latin America started building the ventilation ditch and emergency exit (VSE N1) in the West sector of the Bello Monte Station of the Caracas Subway Line 5 in Venezuela. The first ditch subway was excavated in a record time of just 48 hours. The complete excavation should be completed in August 2014. The proximity to the Guaire River (30 meters) prompted the team to dedicate even more attention to security aspects, such as the monitoring of the instrumentation, verticality controls and contingency plans. After excavating nine meters, workers found a rocky material consisting of graphite, which culminated in the re-planning of the operation and replacement of the work equipment. When it is concluded, the ditch will be 24 meters deep and have a diameter of 15 meters. The team has 72 Members split up into two work shifts. It is estimated that the volume of material removed will be 5,600 m続 and 457 m続 of concrete will be used to line the structures.

Illustrative photo. The Bello Monte station structure project, part of the Caracas Subway Line 5


Integrated with Corporate Systems In May, Mectron – an Odebrecht Defesa e Tecnologia company – concluded the installation of the corporate systems used by the Organization. The initiative

the Information Technology (IT) team at Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial and the teams from Engineering and Construction, Shared Service Center (SSC) and Members from Mectron.

allows for improved synergy in the administrative-financial processes with Odebrecht, efficiency and unity for the consolidation of management information and the optimization of operational costs. The Organization installed the Oracle ERP system and the SD2000 tools for the administration of Workplace Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) rates; XRT, for the Treasury area; Softway, for foreign trade processes; MS Project Server, for project portfolio management; and the new SisEPC Manufacturing, developed to assist companies with their product manufacturing processes. The project was completed within a six-month period by

Mectron was acquired by Odebrecht Defesa e Tecnologia in 2011. Since then, it has promoted integration initiatives with the Organization. “It was challenges to install the systems at the same time as the changes to the company’s organizational structure and migration of the administrative processes to the SSC were taking place,” revealed Evandro Rangel, responsible for the IT area at Odebrecht Defesa e Tecnologia. “The tools needed be adapted to the procedures of a defense and technology company, with the characteristics of research, development and industrialization, quite different from the engineering businesses,” said Rangel.


fast news

Our Culture, Our Brand

How Our Brands Can Be Used with Use with the Vertical Seal The seal can be used with the name of the Businesses written out in full:


Odebrecht Agroindustrial

Odebrecht Óleo Oli & e Gas Gás

Odebrecht Ambiental

Odebrecht Transport

Odebrecht Infrastructure

Enseada Indústrial Naval

Odebrecht Latinvest


Odebrecht Properties

Or with the Business brands, respecting the correct proportion:











Ambiental Ambiental Ambiental

Defesa DefesaeeTecnologia Tecnologia Tecnologia

Engenharia Industrial Industrial


Infraestructura Infrastructure


You can find other guid

the Odebrecht 70-Year Seal Use with the Horizontal Seal When applying the horizontal seal, the correct proportion should also be respected:


Infrastructure Infraestructura


Important: The horizontal seal should always be applied in a highlighted position, above the brands.


Agroindustrial Agroindustrial Agroinsutrial


Oil & Gas

Defesa Defesa ee Tecnologia Tecnologia

Engenharia Industrial




Corretora de Seguros

delines in Brand Territory:



Latin America


Stretch II of the Lima Subway Line 1 includes 12.4 km of viaducts

Learn more about Stretch II of the Lima Subway Line 1



n May 12, the Metro de Lima Consortium, formed by Odebrecht Infrastructure Latin America and Graña y Montero, concluded the civil and electromechanical construction work along Stretch II of the Lima Subway Line 1 in Peru. The milestone came with a special celebration: the works were concluded five months before the deadline established with the client. In order to initiate the delivery process, a ceremony was held that included the presence of the President of the Republic, Ollanta Humala Tasso; Minister of Transport and Communication, Carlos Paredes Rodríguez; Prime Minister, René Cornejo; Lima Mayor, Susana Villarán; El Agustino Mayor, Víctor Salcedo and Mayor of San Juan de Lurigancho, Carlos Burgos; in addition to Ricardo Boleira, Senior Officer of Odebrecht Infrastructure in Peru. During the event, the guests boarded the train and traveled from the cultural boulevard of the El Ángel Station to the Bayóvar Station, the last of Stretch II. In the end, the group was welcomed by the children and youth


participating in the social projects promoted by the consortium during the construction work. During his speech, Ollanta Humala Tasso pointed out that the ahead-of-time delivery involved a high level of security and quality. The president also emphasized the importance of using a mass transport system such as the subway, which helps reduce vehicle traffic, and consequently, improves people’s quality of life and helps preserve the environment.

The ceremony to deliver the project was held at the Bay贸var Station, the site where the inauguration plaque was also displayed for this second stretch of the Lima Subway

Learn more about the construction of the bridges that integrate the streets of the Lima Subway Line 1 Stretch II



The “exclusive FIFA period� began on May 21 and will continue until July 18. During this time, Odebrecht Properties will stop operating the arenas



ew days remain before the start of the 2014 World Cup and the preparations for holding this major sports events are now in their final phase. In May, FIFA (International Soccer Federation) assumed the administration of the Brazilian stadiums that will host the World Cup games. These include Maracan達, in Rio de Janeiro, Itaipava Arena Fonte Nova, in Bahia, and Itaipava Arena Pernambuco, built by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil and

administered by Odebrecht Properties. Until delivery to FIFA during this first year of administration, the arenas received the approval of fans and trust of the families, who once again began frequenting the stadiums safely, both during the soccer games as well as entertainment or business events. The following is a summary of the initiatives promoted until now by the arenas. Learn more about the period of exclusive FIFA administration.


LOCAL PASSION On May 21, Maracanã completed 205 days of operation since it was remodeled. The stadium, which will host the final game of the 2014 World Cup, will be administered by FIFA from May 22 to July 18. The federation assumes command of the field and items such as security, food, ticket booths, tickets, telecommunications services, accreditations and complementary installations. Maracanã can already celebrate the victories won until now. The increased proximity of the field, visibility, easy of access, technology and security, in addition to comfortable and sustainable facilities were aspects perceived by fans during the games. “It was a period of adjustments and some important achievements,” said João Borba, President of Maracaña. “We are proud of the work completed, with the public always seen as the main star of this show,” said Borba. The Maracanã Tour has helped familiarize people with the stadium since its inauguration in October 2013. Visitors can get a behind-the-scenes look at the sport and learn more about the stories, interesting facts and big stars who have played on the field that has served as stage to some of the biggest classic games. Three days before FIFA’s exclusive period began, the tour offers a special programming: in the locker rooms, visitors found the jerseys of the Brazilian players who will start at the World Cup and left some


The Maracanã Tour will be suspended from May 20 to July 20. 200 messages of support for the Official Brazilian Team. With the remodeling work, Maracanã also invested in the concept of the multi-use stadium and has increasingly consolidated its place as a new space for corporate and private events. “We have the commitment to offer quality management, which brings the fans comfort and safety and transforms Maracanã into a global reference center

The messages of support for the Official Brazilian Team recorded at Tour Maracanã were exhibited on the stadium’s big screen and also delivered to the Brazilian Soccer Confederation (CBF) for the players to see


for sports and entertainment,” said João Borba.

PERNAMBUCO PRIDE Itaipava Arena Pernambuco was delivered to FIFA on May 22 and will be returned to Odebrecht Properties on July 4. During the 2014 World Cup, FIFA will be responsible for the entire structure, including the sale of tickets, internal security, food, telecommunications services, accreditations and temporary structures. The period of exclusivity for the World Cup began exactly one year after the start of the arena operation. From the kickoff whistle for the game between Clube Náutico Capibaribe and Sporting Clube de Portugal, on May 22, 2013, the new headquarters for Pernambuco soccer also hosted the final match of the Pernambuco Championship, played between the clubs Náutico and Sport Clube do Recife. “The arena hosted the Confederations Cup as the first big test event for the World Cup,” explained Alexandre Gonzaga, President of Pernambuco Arena. “Since then, we have operated more than 30 games. Now, FIFA is assuming an already tested structure that is ready for a

The Itaipava Arena Pernambuco Tour will be suspended from May 22 to July 15. During this period, it is still possible to tour the arena virtually. Simply access the 360° Tour website: www.itaipavaarenapernambuco.com.br/arena

beautiful show,” he said. During this first year, Itaipava Arena Pernambuco has already faced some major challenges. During the blackout that affected the country’s Northeast region during the classic South American championship game between Náutico and Sport on August 28, 2013, the game was held normally with the support of generators. The final match of the Pernambucano Championship, which had the largest public of the entire championship (30,061 people), the local decision for South America and the first game with open gates for the Santa Cruz Futebol Clube took place without any critical incidents, attesting to the team’s assertiveness in the area of security and earning the public’s trust. Motivated by the guarantee of a good structure and security, the families have become loyal frequenters of the arena. Reginaldo Costa is an example of this change in behavior. He decided to celebrate his 73rd birthday by gathering together his wife, grandson and greatgrandson to watch a game. “The visibility is quite impressive,” he said. “We were really close to the players and it was entirely safe, something that makes it even more thrilling.” People with limited mobility also went to the stadium for the first time or resumed their trips to the games. Between 60 and 120 people per game with mobility issues (the elderly and people with special needs) are assisted by the adapted van service at Itaipava Arena Pernambuco.


Through campaigns that use the hashtag #PazNoFutebol (“PeaceInSoccer�) on the social networks, the administration of Itaipava Arena Pernambuco has invited the fans to help create a peaceful climate during the games


BAHIA FAN’S HOME BASE At Itaipava Arena Fonte Nova, the exclusive FIFA period began May 21. On July 11, Fonte Nova Negócios e Participações (FNP), the concessionaire responsible for operating the arena, will resume operation. During this period, items like security, food, ticket booths, tickets, pricing and accreditation will fall under FIFA’s responsibility. The Tour 100% and the agenda of shows and events at the arena will also be suspended during this period. The Itaipava Arena


Fonte Nova website and social networks, as well as those for Maracanã and Itaipava Arena Pernambuco, will continue to be active, communicating information and mobility, safety and leisure tips for the World Cup game days in the Bahia capital.

The Itaipava Arena Fonte Nova Tour will be suspended from May 21 to July 20. The scheduling for the second half of the year is already available at the e-mail: tour@arenafontenova.com.br.

“With the national and international attractions and corporate events, Itaipava Arena Fonte Nova has proven its multi-use character during its first year of operation and is currently a reference for holding events in Bahia




Maracanã and the Itaipava Fonte Nova and Itaipava Pernambuco arenas are the three 2014 World Cup stadiums with the most followers on Facebook. With approximately 200,000 fans, Itaipava Arena Fonte Nova has the most

people are currently talking about the arena. The second most commented stadium is Maracanã, with 29,800 comments. The main focus of the three pages on the social network includes the details on the

“Liked” official profile of all arenas in Brazil. In second place is Itaipava Arena Pernambuco, with approximately 176,000 “Likes”, and in third place is Maracanã, with approximately 106,000 Fans. The Fonte Nova page on Facebook is also where people interact most, liking, commenting on and sharing content. More than 35,500

different services, offering information about the games, shows and other events, as well as posts with interesting facts about the history of Brazilian soccer. They also offer complete coverage of the games, with real-time information and a photo archive for each game played.

FOLLOW ITAIPAVA ARENA FONTE NOVA: Site: http://www.itaipavaarenafontenova.com.br/

FOLLOW ITAIPAVA ARENA PERNAMBUCO: Site: http://www.itaipavaarenapernambuco.com.br/

FOLLOW MARACANÃ: Site: http://www.maracana.com/




from the Projection of the Construction Work to the Operation of the Developments


h e O rga n izati o n’ s p a rti c i p ati o n b u i l d i ng a n d o p e rati ng Ente rta i n m e nt d eve l o p m e nts i s n oth i ng n ew. I n th e 1950 s, N o rb e rto Od e b re c ht co m p l e te d two i m p o rta nt p ro j e c ts fo r Brazi l ia n c u l tu re, th e Ca stro Alve s Th e ate r a n d th e Gua ra ny M ovi e Th e ate r i n Sa lva d o r. It re ce ntly b u i l t fo u r a re na s that wi l l h ost th e 2014 Wo rl d Cu p a n d o p e rate s th re e of th e se – Ita i pava Are na Fo nte N ova, Ita i pava Are na Pe rna m b u co a n d Ma ra ca nã –, wh i c h se rve a s stage to so cce r ga m e s a n d i nte rnati o na l s h ows. It ca n b e co n s i d e re d that th e Ba h ia ca p i ta l wa s th e p o i nt of d e pa rtu re fo r th e O rga n izati o n i n te rm s of e nte rta i n m e nt p ro j e c ts. I n 1953 , Od e b re c ht co m b i n e d th e c ha l l e nge of re sto ri ng th e Gua ra ny M ovi e Th e ate r, a ve ry tra d i ti o na l s i te fo r l o ca l c u l tu re that wa s i n a state of ru i n . Th e m u n i c i pa l i ty co u l d n ot affo rd th e co n stru c ti o n wo rk, so a p u b l i c b i d d i ng p ro ce ss wa s o p e n e d to c h o ose th e wi n n e r that wo u l d re m o d e l th e s pa ce a n d o p e rate i t fo r 10 ye a rs. O n ce i t ha d wo n th e b i d , Od e b re c ht revi ta l ize d th e n i n e e l e c tro- e l e c tro n i c i n sta l lati o n s i n 1 20 days a n d co m p l e te d th e stru c tu ra l re cove ry of Gua ra ny a n d b ega n to a d m i n i strate i t. Wi th



has been a Member of the Organization since 1981 , when he worked at the Brazilian Project and Construction Work Company ( CBPO ) . He began his career in São Paulo and traveled throughout the country as part of projects such as the Carajás Mine in Pará, the State University of North Fluminense and Oscar Niemeyer and Darcy Ribeiro projects in Rio de Janeiro, among others, as well as railroads, roads, subways, sewage treatment plants, sanitation and urban development in cities. A civil engineer with a specialization in Real Estate Business and completing a graduate degree in Public Administration, Barbosa recently served as Operational Manager for the construction of Corinthians Arena in São Paulo, through Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil. The project represented its first challenge in constructions in the Entertainment field.

Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil delivered Corinthians Arena to the soccer team Sport Club Corinthians Paulista on April 15, 2014. The stadium will serve as the stage to the opening ceremony of the 2014 World Cup


th i s exp e ri e n ce, N o rb e rto Odebrecht concluded that “we learned to be partners. We learned what our role is in the consortiums and at the companies that operate the granted public services. From there on out, we began to accumulate knowledge that proved very useful for helping us overcome the other challenges that we would face in the future,” he said. The experience was of great importance for the Organization’s business culture and this was really just a point of departure. As revealed by Frederico Barbosa, the relationship between the construction projects and cultural concessions with public administration was expanded over time. “In Brazil, the lack of government financial resources prompted private companies to play a role that extends beyond constructions,” said Barbosa. “With legislation opening up new opportunities for investments, such as through the Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), there is also a space for the operation of the developments.

In order to celebrate the Organization’s 70-year anniversary during the course of the year, Odebrecht News presents special articles in its different editions. Access the Odebrecht 70 Years icon on the ON website: www.odebrechtnoticias.com.br


PIONEERING APPROACH The Odebrecht construction methods applied to Entertainment developments remain some of the most innovative on the market. Still during the 1950s, the challenge at the Castro Alves Theater was to serve the client, Governor of Antonio Balbino at the time, who demanded delivery within a tight deadline. The project began in 1957, and despite the necessary adjustments to the original project built there, the space was delivered within 11 months, with appropriate installations for the cast, 1,700 seats and approximately 4,000 places in the outdoor Acoustic Shell amphitheater (the São Paulo Municipal Theater, for example, has 1,600 seats). Frederico Barbosa revealed that in projects of this segment, there are specific methodologies and precautions are implemented, such as acoustic protection, civil construction structures and special lighting, precautions related to air conditioning and accessibility. At the Corinthians Arena, for example, the roof has efficient acoustic treatment with the application of special layers of plaster and waterproofing membranes. The solution for the foundation was modified from the perforated station to precast piles that allowed workers to cut three months off the schedule. The concern with Sustainability is also part of the innovations proposed by Odebrecht. Barbosa emphasized that the Corinthians Arena installations have systems with sensors designed to reduce water consumption, and use stored rainwater in the bathrooms and grass irrigation and lighting with energy-efficient sensors, for example. “Over recent decades, the Organization has constantly been on the forefront of unique projects and has earned a name for its pioneering approach, from its diversification in areas unexplored by its original market of operations [engineering] to internationalization into countries with extreme cultural and custom differences from its own,” said Barbosa. “This trend has been preserved and will certainly continue during the course of its history, since it represents the very profile of the Members,” he said. The innovation adopted by Odebrecht also involves the way of working with Members. “In the stadium, we work intensely with the self-esteem of the team and of each worker,” he said. This had a significant impact on productivity at the construction site.”


VISION OF THE FUTURE Over these 70 years, the Organization has continued to seek out new challenges. Dealing with increasingly demanding markets, it maintained the premise of Dreaming the Client’s Dream and expanded its area of operations, also into the Entertainment segment. It participated in the construction of the João Havelange Olympic Stadium in Rio de Janeiro for the 2007 Pan-American Games, it headed the construction work for Pernambuco Arena, Corinthians Arena, in São Paulo, Arena Fonte Nova, in Salvador, and Maracanã Stadium in Rio de Janeiro, which will serve as the head office of the 2014 World Cup; and it is also building the Olympic Park and Athletes’ Village for the 2016 Olympic Games. In this way, it continues to envision new business opportunities for the construction and operation of developments. “We have the chance to participate in the urban development projects that will emerge around the arenas, for example,” he said. Barbosa pointed out that in the neighborhood of Itaquera, where Corinthians Arena is located, the development has transformed and developed the region. The perspective for operating outside Brazil is also a promising one,” he said. Pablo Rodriguez has been a Member of the Organization for 16 years and was part of the American Airlines Arena project and the Adrienne Arsht Center in the United States, both completed by Odebrecht. “I’m certain of the fact that over the past few years, the Organization has played an important role constructing and administrating Entertainment developments and that it has built an incredible reputation, for example, with its involvement with the sports installations for the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympic Games.” Denio Cidreira, Senior Officer of the Entertainment area at Odebrecht Properties, recalls that the operations in this segment fit within the context of the Business’ creation, founded in 2012 to develop, invest and operate real estate assets as well in the segments of Public Properties and Private Properties. “One of the main characteristics of Odebrecht Properties is to work in synergy with the Organization’s other Businesses, as was the case of the arenas, built by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil and operated by us,” said Cidreira. Cidreira stated that the goal is to strengthen these spaces as multi-use arenas for soccer games and other cultural events. “We are attentive to all the opportunities for growth in this market, although without losing focus on operational efficiency in order to make the business sustainable and offer the best possible experience for our users,” he said.


The structural and architectural grandeur of the Adrienne Arsht Center is admirable, it’s a spectacle in of itself. Visible in different parts of Miami, the theater is one of the city’s most popular tourist destinations. The details and perfection of the installations transmit beauty, safety and comfort to the public. The spectator has a clear view of the stage and the acoustics are perfect

Adelia Schuina, a frequent visitor to the Adrienne Arsht Center.

The Adrienne Arsht Center has served as the stage to several different cultural events, offered at accessible prices. The space also helped restore Miami’s Downtown area and promote its economic development, attracting consumers to the local commerce



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The Guarany Theater construction project originated in a book about Theater and Cinema in Bahia. The project was from the period that Odebrecht began investing in strictly cultural publications


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Odebrecht wa development b HOGI (70%)

American Airlines A the Miami Heat rena is a sports, cultural and leisur – an NBA team –, it was inaugur e complex in the Downtown re ated on Decemb gion of Miami, in the United S er 31, 1999 tates. Built

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e inauguration of Arena Fonte Nova, which took place on April 7, revealed that Salvador has officially joined the circuit of major ernational events, albeit sports, cultural or business-related. The arena will host the 2014 World Cup


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After being remodeled, the new Maracan達, to serve as stage for the final game of the 2014 World Cup in Rio de Janeiro, has 78,838 seats and offers innovations that promote a greater interaction between the public and stadium, with a lower grandstand area that is just 14 meters away from the field

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social networks


fter two years of presence on Facebook, Odebrecht S.A. has reached the mark of 100,000 fans on its official profile. The number was recorded in May of this year and came with another highlight: 74% of the public that “Liked” the page on the social network is organic, or in other words, achieved without the use of advertising. Created to reinforce and disseminate the Organization’s values, primarily among youth, the access statistics show that the profile is on the right path. Of the 100,000 fans recorded, 35% are from 18-24 years old and 41% are from 25-34 years old. Together with the Odebrecht profiles in other social networks, the Facebook page is a communication channel between the public and the Organization. Dozens of messages with requests, questions and thanks are answered daily, helping to increasingly captivate the public to continue following




the Organization on the social networks.

MILESTONE OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS On May 22, the Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias page on Facebook also reached the mark of 100,000 fans. Created in July 2011, the profile is used as an instrument to strengthen the brand attributes and create a closer relationship with clients and fans. The published content offers useful and interesting information about the topics associated with the Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias universe, such as engineering, architecture, design, art, different places to meet, decorating tips, sustainability and launches, deliveries and other Business achievements. The diversified editorial line was designed to attract a range of different public profiles, as well as position the brand.



Members of Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias thank their 100,000 fans. The photo was posted on the Business’ profile in Facebook


fast news•people

Planning for the Future On March 28, Odebrecht Infrastructure - Latin America held the Youth Meeting for its Members in Ecuador who are participating in the 2014 Young Builder Program. The event was held in Quito and lasted approximately eight hours. The initiative was designed to create a space for integration and interaction with the Senior Officer in the country, José Conceição Santos, learn more about his professional experiences and share ideas, in addition to hearing testimonials and recommendations by those who participated in the program and aligning the concepts about the Action, Evaluation and Life and Career Plan Program.

The group of 2014 Young Builders in Ecuador consists of 16 Members


PSBC seeks to transmit to Members the message that safety in the field also depends on each one of them

Safety as Top Priority In April, the Ruta del Sol Concessionaire and Construtor Ruta del Sol Consortium (CONSOL), administered by Odebrecht Latinvest and Odebrecht Infrastructure - Latin America, respectively in Colombia, promoted the first initiatives under the Behavior-Based Safety Program (PSBC). The program is a tool designed to orient Members on Workplace Safety and Health. During this first phase, approximately 3,700 Members participated in musical performances and watched theater plays and narrations about people’s life stories, in addition to videos on safety and well-being. Also participating in the initiative were Eleuberto Martorelli, Senior

Officer of Odebrecht Infrastructure in Colombia; Eder Ferracutti, Director of the Ruta del Sol Concessionaire; Ricardo Paredes, Contract Director at Consol - North Stretch; Marcelo Piller, Contract Director at Consol - South Stretch; Antonio Gaspar, responsible for Sustainability at Odebrecht Infrastructure - Latin America and José Pegoraro, responsible for Equipment at the Business. “PSBC is as important as the delivery of Ruta del Sol,” said Eleuberto Martorelli during the program’s opening ceremony. “This project is only worth it if our Members understand that they are also responsible for their own safety and can return home safe and sound,” he said.


fast news•people

Innovation to Preserve Life In May, the Moatize Expansion project, currently being completed by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Africa, Arab Emirates and Portugal in Mozambique, promoted the Certification Ceremony for 52 monitors and 21 Workplace Safety technicians. The course, which has a 1,200-hour course load, was offered by the Workplace Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) area at the project in partnership with the country’s Ministry of Labor, which represents an unprecedented Odebrecht initiative in the country: the first professional training course in the SHE area. After nine months, the 73 participants now have a unique profile to work on the Organization’s projects or enter the job market in Mozambique. “For Odebrecht, training

people means investing in its greatest asset: the Members,” said Jéssica Mamudo, who was trained as a Safety Monitor. “I’m prepared to care for people, protect lives and guarantee that the project’s safety goals are met,” she said. Roberto Salvador, responsible for SHE at the project, is the one who created the course and determined the curriculum content. “This initiative was beneficial and will leave its mark in every corner of Mozambique,” he said. “Besides being a concept and practice, Workplace Safety is also a value for each one of these participants.” Salvador and his team have already set the example: in May 2014, the Moatize Expansion project reached the record of some 850 days without time loss accidents, a rate that reflects that safety comes first at the project.

Roberto Salvador and Tomé Mungoi, a Member of the Moatize Expansion project, trained as a Workplace Safety Technician


Leadership in Practice Members who serve in positions of leadership at the Aeroporto Goiânia Consortium – formed by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil and the company Via Engenharia, in Goiás – took part in a training session to increase their knowledge about competency management, leadership processes and team engagement. During the meetings, which took place from March to May 2014, the group consisting of 60 people even heard from some of their team members, who revealed their expectations with relation to the work environment at the construction site. The certificates were delivered during a ceremony held at the construction site on May 6. Called Breakfast with the Leaders, the initiative involved

in the leadership process and discussed the importance of self-development for achieving goals and for boosting the teams’ productivity. Quality assurance when delivering the project, strengthening of the Workplace Safety, Health and Environment culture and the practice of the Spirit of Service are some of the topics highlighted in the manual. With the knowledge acquired, the leadership believes that it is better prepared to deal with the different profiles of Members who work on the project. “Outdated concepts should become a thing of the past,” said Marcos de Sousa, Civil Service Supervisor. “This new posture will help improve relations and boost productivity and efficiency when planning daily activities,”

the management team and board of the consortium, together with supervisors, engineers and those Responsible for the Programs (RPs) from the Administrative area. Among the activities offered, participants elaborated the manual entitled “The 12 Successful Practices of a Leader,” which gathered good practices

he said. Eudes Gomes, Metallic Structure Assembly Supervisor, believes that the training also had an impact on her personal life. “You feel more motivated and help your team members feel this way as well,” she said. “It is crucial to have the capacity the encourage your team.”




he Bahia Norte Concessionaire, in Bahia, and Rota das Bandeiras Concessionaire, in São Paulo, have promoted digital inclusion in the communities in which they operate through Hit the Net. In May, the Odebrecht TransPort companies, responsible for highway concessions in the metropolitan region of Salvador and in rural São Paulo, celebrated the new achievements for local residents with the implementation of the program. Responsible for the highways that form the Dom Pedro Corridor, which stretches from the metropolitan region of Campinas to Vale do Paraíba, the Rota das Bandeiras Concessionaire inaugurated two new rooms for the program on May 22. The spaces were opened in the municipality of Atibaia, where another two spaces are operating. Currently, Hit the Net has 46 rooms installed in 11 municipalities and has already trained 3,100 students. The program goal for 2017 is to have 150 spaces in the 17 cities that make up the corridor and train 27,000 people. In Bahia, the Bahia Norte Concessionaire, which administers the BA-093 System highways, is celebrating the first year of the Hit the Net - Window to the World program,


The two existing Hit the Net rooms in Atibaia have already benefitted 287 people

implemented in the community of Menino Jesus, located in the municipality of Candeias, in Recôncavo Baiano. On May 16, 35 students graduated during the ceremony held at the head office of the Residents’ Association, where the classes are given. The site was restructured in 2013 by the concessionaire and residents to receive the project, which also has support of the Odebrecht Foundation, Dell, Sedas,

ITS Brasil and Microsoft. With approximately 3,500 inhabitants, the community has few computers and restricted Internet access. The initiative is helping to change this reality, and also contributes toward the insertion of professionals into the job market. During this first year, 91 people were trained, ages 15 to 29. “In a year filled with activities, Hit the Net encouraged our community to

seek out the means for sustainability, mobilizing new resources and partners to further strengthen the region,” said Meirevânia Neves, President of the Menino Jesus Community Organization Center (CORCOMEJ). The successful results led Bahia Norte to support another project focused on digital inclusion: a Menino Jesus Study and Development Network (REDMEJ). Set to begin in July 2014, REDMEJ will promote classes to train residents in digital technologies that will allow for the preservation and historical and cultural recovery of the community. REDMEJ was elected the 5th largest Bahia project that signed up for the Bahia State Living Culture Program as part of a call for tender promoted by the Department of Culture. “Having high quality highways is much more than investing only in physical structure; it’s about investing in people, both within and outside the concessionaire,” said Leana Mattei, Social-Environmental Development Advisor for the Bahia Norte Concessionaire. “It is believing that we can contribute toward the development of the communities and people that live near the highways that we administer,” she said.


fast news•awards and distinctions

Distinguished Participation From May 14-18, the Provinces/Waters Infrastructure project, currently being completed by Odebrecht - Africa Arab Emirates and Portugal in Angola, participated in the 4th edition of the Benguela International Fair (FIB). On the occasion, it received the award for Best Participation in Civil Construction and Public Works. Odebrecht attended the event, demonstrating how it has contributed toward the province’s development and presenting the projects completed during its 10 years of operations in Benguela, such as Waters of Benguela; River Regularization and Control; Integrated Infrastructure; roads and the Catumbela International Airport. In the exhibit, it also presented its social responsibility actions, such as the Tire and Straw Workshops, part of the Social Entrepreneurship Program (PES), designed to promote the social-economic development of the family unit through training in entrepreneurship and by supporting individual developments and associativism in the province. Odebrecht Environmental also took part in the fair, and has begun to participate in the development of the province’s water and sanitation sector. “Events like these help promote the sharing of knowledge and experiences and strengthen the relationships between companies of different segments, contributing toward the social and economic development of Benguela,” reinforced Odete Marques, Member of the Planning area. FIB is an initiative of the Benguela Province Government and promotes a space in the region where the main economic and social agents can gather and share knowledge and experiences, strengthening their relationship, and consequently, contributing toward the region’s social-economic development.


In the ENR Ranking On May 13, the magazine Engineering News Record (ENR) – the world’s main publication from the Civil Construction sector – held the award ceremony that granted Odebrecht Infrastructure - Latin America the award for Best Global Project for two developments completed in Panama: Panama Bahia Sanitation and Curundú Urban Renewal. The event was promoted during the ENR+Dodge Global Construction Summit in New York. In the category of Restoration/Residence, the Curundú Urban Renewal project was awarded for the construction of 1,008 low cost houses through the improvement plan in infrastructure and through the social integration and community actions implemented. Delfín del Busto, an engineer on the project, revealed that working at a development that transformed a neglected neighborhood into a region with quality housing built in harmony with the environment was a source of pride. “This project also offered professional training for residents and opportunities for them to work in the job market,” said Busto. The Water Treatment Plant, developed by the Panama Bay Sanitation project, won in the Waters/Residential Waters category for itsenvironmental conservation program focused on the Panama Bay mangroves. Gerardo Díaz, responsible for Engineering and Contractual Management, offered thanks for the award on behalf of the entire team that participated in the construction work. “This is a project that supports Panama’s economic,

urban and tourism development,” said Díaz. The ENR jury was formed by a group of international specialists. The evaluated criteria included aspects such as: challenges overcome, workplace safety programs, contribution to the communities and quality of the construction work. The participating projects needed to include multicultural professionals and could not have any workrelated accidents with fatalities.

Odebrecht was the only company to win in two categories during the 2014 edition of the ENR award. Above, the Curundú Urban Revitalization project, and below, the Water Treatment Plant


fast news•awards and distinctions

The award was delivered in Luxemburg. Starting from the left: Yeow Thit Sang, President of the FIABCI World Prix d’Excellence Awards Committee 2014, Luis Henrique Valverde and Flavio Gonzaga Nunes, current President of FIABCI

Global Distinction After being considered the best residential development in the country in 2013, Vila do Corais, an Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias development in Pernambuco, has earned yet another award. Recognizing projects that best incorporate excellence in the different real estate areas, Prix d’Excellence by Fiabci (International Real Estate Professions’ Federation) evaluated the criteria of architectural creation, sales, installation management, marketing strategy, impact on the local community and environmental protection, and granted the residential development the global award in the category of Residential Low Rise. As the winner of the 2013 Real Estate Master Award in the category of Residential Development, Vila dos Corais was automatically qualified to participate in the global competition that awards developments based on general merit and not just esthetics, functionality and size of the property. According to Luis Henrique


Valverde, Regional Director of Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias in Pernambuco, the award reinforces the development’s importance. “The international distinction demonstrates that we are on the right track in terms of our concepts and our way of working,” said Valverde. “The development very visibly displays the characteristics of Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias, with care and attention to each detail in order to satisfy clients,” he said.​ Developed by Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias at Reserva do Paiva, the first planned neighborhood in Pernambuco, Vila dos Corais has been recognized for its innovative proposal since its launch in 2010. Combining sophistication, comfort and close contact with nature, the 132 apartments are divided into six towers located within an area of approximately 60,000 m², just 345 meters away from Paiva Beach, along a stretch of ocean with coral pools.

Learn more and share Odebrecht Celebrates 70 Years with a Special Series on its YouTube Channel. During the course of this year, you will learn more about how the Organization has contributed toward the development of the Community over these past seven decades. In the first chapter, Youth talk about their dreams, achievements and work at Odebrecht.



Odebrecht Foundation

A New Support Tool for Education in the Bahia Southern Lowlands


n May 9, the Pastor Arnold Library was inaugurated at the Casa Jovem State High School, located in the rural zone of the municipality of Igrapiúna, in the Bahia Southern Lowlands. “This is a new phase in our community’s history,” said Helceres Reis, a student of the teaching unit associated with the Bahia Southern Lowlands Environmental Protection Area Mosaic Program for Development and Growth Integrated with Sustainability (PDCIS), supported by the Odebrecht Foundation together with public and private partners.. “The library is crucial for education and has the power to take people to new worlds with


João Carlos Telles and Norberto Odebrecht du the Pastor Arnold Library at the Casa Jovem Hi

different information,” said Leandro Ramos, Igrapiúna Mayor. The name of the new space pays tribute to Pastor Arnold, Norberto Odebrecht’s childhood tutor and responsible for complementing his education. Besides teaching him to read and write, the tutor also strengthened Norberto Odebrecht’s learning throughout his entire life, with one of the most important lessons about the value of serving as opposed to being served. “We seek to strengthen the work to reach the goal of training young rural entrepreneurs, who, exercising Youth Leadership with their talents and well-established in the rural

uring the inauguration of igh School

region of their own municipalities, become a new generation of farmers,” explained Waldeck Ornélas, advisor of the Odebrecht Foundation. The inauguration of the space gathered together parents and students from the Casa Jovem High School, local authorities, as well as attorney João Carlos Telles; Lauana Martins, Executive Director of Casa Jovem; Leonardo Sorice, Coordinator and Integrator of the Vale do Juliana United Farms and Jackson Regis and Alda Souza, Vice Mayor and Secretary of Education for Igrapiúna, respectively. The event was also attended by Norberto Odebrecht, Chair of the Odebrecht Foundation Board of

Trustees, Mauricio Medeiros, Executive Chair, and Delcy Machado, Vice President of the Sustainability area.

Books and magazines are part of the Pastor Arnold Library, which is available to the region’s population


fast news•social actions

Frontiers of Thinking Frontiers of Thinking, a cultural project supported by Braskem, began its 2014 São Paulo season on May 14 with a lecture by British writer Salman Rushdie, known world-wide for his book The Satanic Verses, a publication that caused controversy in the Islamic world. On May 28, the North American philosopher Michael Sandel gave his presentation about the Reinvention of the World. The season will have eight conferences,

In its fourth edition in the São Paulo capital, Frontiers of Thinking promotes the freedom of intellectual expression and quality education as tools for development. The initiative proposes to see the world in new ways, promoting the debate and analysis of current events and perspectives for the future. During its eight years of existence, Frontiers of Thinking has promoted some 180 international

to take place at the Ohtake Cultural Complex Theatre. Also part of the programming are writers Mia Couto and Ricardo Piglia, physicists Brian Greene and Geofrey West, philosopher Pascal Bruckner and diplomat Gro Brundtland.

conferences for thousands in São Paulo, Salvador and Porto Alegre, presenting essential topics for debate and giving those present a real vision of the next 10 or 20 years in the different areas covered.

View the programming for 2014 Frontiers of Thinking season at: www.fronteirasdopensamento.com.br

Fighting the Exploitation of Children The Wilderness Channel, a project being undertaken by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil in Alagoas, was chosen to serve as pioneer in the implementation of the Childhood with Rights program, designed to facilitate effective actions in the Business’ different project environments to fight the sexual exploitation of children and youth. The work group formed

by Members receives training on the topic so they can seek out the best solutions for reducing the sexual exploitation of children in the region. The project activities are developed by the NGO Land of Men Brazilian Association.

The Childhood with Rights receives the support of the municipalities of São José da Tapera and Senador Rui Palmeira, both of which belong to the area of influence along the fourth stretch of the Wilderness Channel project. “We know that sexual violence against children


is a very veiled topic and we will offer all the support necessary,” said Jarbas Pereira, Mayor of São José da Tapera. The program is the result of a Declaration of Corporate Commitment to Fight Sexual Violence Against Children and Adolescents, signed together with Brazil’s Federal Department of Human Rights. Based on the successful experience, the methodology will be replicated at the other Odebrecht Infrastructure Brazil projects, and later, in the other countries in which Odebrecht operates. In addition to the Wilderness Channel project, the Teles Pires Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP), located at the border between Pará and Mato Grosso, is also part of the Childhood with Rights program implementation project.

Want to better know Odebrecht Oil & Gas? Watch the new corporate video!


fast news•social actions

Raising Awareness for Recycling On May 14 and 15, some 100 Panamanian children, ages 5 to 12, participated in fashion shows with clothing made from recycled material to celebrate World Recycling Day and help raise the population’s awareness about the reuse of items such as paper and cardboard. The initiative was promoted by

located in the neighborhoods of Curundú and Calidonia, served as the stage for the activities. The group received orientation during the Artistic Education courses offered in the two communities. The teachers encouraged education, team work and interactive participation to transmit

the Panama Bay Sanitation project, being undertaken by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Latin America. Two elementary schools,

messages in favor of environmental preservation in a different and fun way.

The activity is among the social actions that are part of the Panama Bay Sanitation project to promote environmental responsibility in the communities of Curundú and Calidonia


The Odebrecht S.A. Facebook page now has 100,000 fans!

100,000 “I’m feeling very happy and accomplished. Being part of this team is something priceless! Pride at being part of Odebrecht”

“Very proud of this legacy! Congrats!” João Luiz Costa

Caroline Alves

“My dream is to work at this company, whose name prompted me to take an Engineering course” Lucemir Cotrim

*comments made about our Facebook posts

May we continue to be on the social networks what we are each day: an Organization made up of People.

If you haven't yet "Liked," you can follow us there as well. ;) facebook.com/odebrecht.sa


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