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nยบ 334 โ ข june 2014

Guatemala: New Route for Opportunities Odebrecht 70 Years: Highways, a History Marked by Many Experiences

Embraport Innovates and Streamlines Cargo Transfers with Other Terminals

Rights and Citizenship Institute: Ten Years Supporting the Communities of the Bahia Southern Lowlands


Sum of Experiences


mong the different infrastructure projects completed by the Group in Brazil and in the other 40 countries

in which it has accumulated experience, highways have earned a special space over these past 70 years of Odebrecht’s history. This is primarily due to the way it has increased its knowledge in this field, consolidating the Group’s position as one of the main construction companies and operators of projects n this segment. In 1980, Odebrecht and the Brazilian Project and Construction Work Company (CBPO) joined their experiences in civil construction engineering, associating technical and management knowledge and mutually complementing one another. This union added some important experiences, such as the construction of stretches of the Imigrantes, Trabalhadores and Castelo Branco Highways, all important roadways in São Paulo. Projects like these, completed in Bahia, Pernambuco and São Paulo, in Brazil, or in Peru, Portugal, Argentina and Colombia, gave Odebrecht a solid base of knowledge for building highways. So, why not expand the Group’s activities and also operate these highways as well?


RENATO MELLO is Highway Director at Odebrecht TransPort. He has been a part of the Group for 26 years and worked on several different concession projects at Odebrecht in Brazil and in Portugal, United States and Germany. When Odebrecht TransPort was created, the Group had three assets: the Rota das Bandeiras Concessionaire in São Paulo; Litoral Norte Concessionaire in Bahia and Rota das Coqueiros Concessionaire in Pernambuco. The merging of these companies formed a new Business in 2010

The trust in this knowledge accumulated in the highway segment and in Members’ capacity to constantly innovate led to the creation of two new Businesses: Odebrecht TransPort, created in 2010 and operating eight highway concessions in Brazil among its portfolio of assets, and Odebrecht Latinvest, created in 2012 and which holds infrastructure assets in the segments of roads, rapid transit and pipelines, prioritizing Peru, Colombia, Mexico and Panama.

In order to celebrate the Group’s 70-year anniversary during the course of the year, Odebrecht News presents special articles in its different editions. Access the Odebrecht 70 anos icon on the ON website: www.odebrechtnoticias.com.br


P I O N E E R I N G A P P R OAC H Innovative methods and techniques applied by Members at the projects have continued to satisfy clients during these past 70 years. So much so, that they bestowed Odebrecht with a new responsibility: that of not just building, but also administrating important roads. For Renato Mello, the Group’s experience acquired through highway concessions in other countries was an important differential for the operations in Brazil. In developed countries, the infrastructure projects are generally made possible through partnerships with the private sector under the project finance regime. “Odebrecht has contributed to developing the use of this mechanism in Brazil,” said Mello. With a balanced distribution of risks between the public and private sectors, investors are more secure about what was contracted and the financers are protected in relation to the feasibility of the projects. Even when it started out, Odebrecht TransPort was prepared when the state and federal governments in Brazil began a movement to accelerate concession projects, recognizing the importance of the partnership with private initiative. Based on such opportunities, Renato Mello pointed out that the synergy with Odebrecht Infrastructure, assuming the engineering and construction of roads through Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contracts, was decisive for the rapid growth Odebrecht TransPort in the highway concession sector. “The partnership represents an important competitive advantage, since with good engineering we can streamline processes and guarantee the delivery of high quality services,” reinforced Mello. This synergy is yet another example of the innovation demonstrated by the Group, which extended far beyond the


construction or operation methods. During the course of its history, in all of the projects and assets administered, the exchange of knowledge between the Members themselves is what has guaranteed the necessary drive for the Group to continue growing and receive recognition in the market. In order to promote this practice and document this experience, in 2001 Odebrecht implemented the Communities of Knowledge, an environment in which Members interact – both onsite and virtually – to share what they have learned and good practices, exchange both successful and unsuccessful cases, ask questions and support projects. The topics include the Highway Community of Knowledge, led by Member Mauro Hueb. Since 2005, the space has been an efficient way of gathering together the Group’s biggest wealth: the Knowledgeable People that are part of it. The Highway Community of Knowledge has 683 participants from different countries and different Group Businesses.

VISION OF TH E FUTURE With this “heavyweight team” and the knowledge it has acquired, the perspectives for growth for the Group in the field of Highways are quite positive. Odebrecht TransPort, for example, already has eight concessions that administer 1,768 kilometers of roads in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Bahia, Mato Grosso, Paraná and Pernambuco, the route for over 785,000 vehicles daily. In terms of the concessions, Odebrecht’s commitment has extended beyond the civil construction work itself. It is also attentive to the users’ well-being. The residents of Salvador who work at the Camaçari Industrial Center, for example, now enjoy a better quality of life with the new layout of the BA093 Highway System. The commute time between the Salvador


capital and the factories was reduced by a whole hour, the direct result of the 34-km duplication completed by the Bahia Norte Concessionaire. Some 400 cyclists pass along Rota dos Coqueiros each week to use of the 6.5 km of bicycle paths that the concessionaire maintains along the Paiva Reserve road system in Pernambuco. In May, the company launched the Cyclist on the Route program, an initiative that offers maintenance services for bicycles, such as brake regulation and calibration and safety tips for cyclists. “We want to encourage the use of bicycles as a way of improving the population’s quality of life, and primarily, orient people on how to go cycling safely on roads,” said Roberta Nunes, responsible for Sustainability at Rota dos Coqueiros. Offering users the best possible service sometimes involves unusual situations. In March of this year, Luciana Miranda and Tereza Calvim Fornazieri, Members of Rota das Bandeiras, rescued driver Amarildo Marques de Souza and his wife Selma Pereira de Souza, who was pregnant. Selma was in labor, and without time to reach the hospital in Campinas, the baby was born at the toll plaza located in Cosmópolis, rural São Paulo, with the support of the concessionaire team that followed the orientations of the physical on-call at the Rota das Bandeiras Operational Control Center. “I will always be grateful for everything that was done for my child, my wife and myself,” said Amarildo. For 2014, the focus of Odebrecht TransPort has been to implement the recently-awarded contracts: the PR-323 corridor, result of the first highway public-private highway in Paraná, and Rota do Oeste, which will administer a 850.9km stretch in Mato Grosso – the road is the main means for the transport of agricultural production from the country’s


Central-West region, which accounts for 30% of the national grain production. “The projects are examples of how the company is attentive to opportunities in those regions with a growth potential above the Brazilian average and which have decisive roles when it comes to reducing logistics bottlenecks,” explained Renato Mello. Over the next five years, Odebrecht TransPort plans to invest R$ 7.3 billion in its own assets as well as those of third parties in the highway sector in Brazil. One important factor guiding this growth is the offer of services where, due to the quality of the highway, the user enjoys gains in terms of transport costs, time, convenience and safety, and being satisfied, is able to recognize the cost-benefit of the concession highways. “The projects that interest us are the structuring ones that bring social gains and promote real changes in the lives of people and productivity of companies,” said Mello. “This is development.”

With the improvements along BA-093, there was an improvement in people’s quality of life and the road became safer

Marcos Ângelo, Human Resources Manager at Ford, the company with 8,000 workers at the Camaçari Industrial Center.




Nacala International Airport. In 2013, Odebrecht received the award for being a Model Company in Social Responsibility from the Nacala Province Government for its actions related to the Believe Program and the social programs focused on health and citizenship.

PRESENCE IN MOZAMBIQUE In 2014, Odebrecht is celebrating 10 years of operations in Mozambique MOÇAMBIQUE as well. The Group won the bid for its first project in 1994, which was the rehabilitation of the National Road 6, Inchope Machipanda stretch for the National Road and Bridge Department. With the construction work completed in 1997, Odebrecht returned to the country again only in 2007 for the Moatize Coal project. The Group’s work in the country has been accompanied by the implementation of several social-environmental programs, including Believe, with some 2,000 people trained, and the Social Agricultural Project, which has already directly benefitted 90 families and was winner of the 2013 Destaque Award. As part of a partnership with the Ministry of Labor, Odebrecht also promoted an unprecedented type of training in the country: it qualified 21 technicians in Workplace Safety and 52 monitors. During these past 10 years, it has served public and private clients as part of important infrastructure projects for the country. Recently, it won the rights to a contract for the construction and operation of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), a project that will transform rapid transit in the capital of Maputo.





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1956. The project

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BA 099 Highwa y-Green Line, lo ca ces, in addition to current and ted in Pojuquinha, Bahia, where specia Odeb nds 141 km and is currently adm l construction work on a total recht is completing the earth inistrated by th o le e Litoral Norte f 15 bridges between 1992 an veling and paving d 19 Concessionaire, a n Odebrecht Tra 93. The highway nsPort asset

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ds 52.44 n e t x e it , 6 199 ina. Built in jรกn. Before it was t n e g r A in u Expressway takes ires with L West Access the city of Buenos A two hours. Today, it ing d in km, connect he route was complete ,t inaugurated 40 minutes ly approximate

Built and operated by Odebrecht, the N Port in Loreto, allowing for a connection


North IIRSA route consists of 955 km of roads that join the Paita Maritime Port in Piura, with the Yurimaguas River n between Northern Peru and Brazil. Odebrecht Latinvest holds the road concession for 25 years


e nds 656 km from th te ex SA IIR h ut So e , th borders Brazil by Odebrecht in Peru ch ed hi at w er s, op io D d an de ilt re bu ad Also i, in M os, in Cusco, to Iñapar rc U of od ho or hb ig ne

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Ruta del Sol is Colombia’s most important road. It concentrates 70% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and connects the two urban centers Bogotá and Medellin with the Caribbean Coast. Stretch 2 of the road, which extends 528 km, falls under the responsibility of the Ruta del Sol Concessionaire, led by Odebrecht Latinvest (62.1%) for operation and maintenance for a 25-year period. The Group is also present at the construction work, which began in 2011 and should be concluded within five years

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The Bahia Norte Concessionaire is formed by a system of roads extending a total of 121 kilometers and connecting seven municipalities of the Salvador Metropolitan Region. The highways (BA-093, BA-535, BA-526, BA-512, BA-521 and BA-524) form one of the main corridors for the circulation and distribution of products and services in Bahia, connecting the Aratu Industrial Center (CIA), Camaรงari Industrial Center, Aratu Port Terminal and Salvador International Airport

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