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The Rebirth of Fonte Nova odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 248 /





the rebirth of fonte nova The new Salvador arena is considered to be one of the projects that are farthest ahead of schedule for the 2013 Confederations Cup and for the 2014 World Cup.

No. 248 / JANUARY 2011

> cable car is coming > 8 the The new means of transport for residents of the Complexo do Alemão community in Rio de Janeiro is currently in the test phase and should begin operating in April of this year.

10 ‘2011 depends on us’

Find out about the Annual Meetings held by Braskem, Foz do Brasil, Engineering and Construction and the Odebrecht Organization.


Next Edition: January 26, 2011. P articipate !

> 17 fast news

synergy for a better > 22 world

In 2010, the joint actions undertaken by leaders and their subordinates helped contribute toward the success of the Tribute to the Future

24 professional transformation >

In Benguela, Odebrecht Angola is transforming bricklayers, blacksmiths, carpenters, plumbers and electricians into fully qualified workers.

editorial staff ODEBRECHT NEWS is an internal newsletter published by the Odebrecht S.A. Business Communication Team Responsible Journalist: Fabiana Cabral Editorial Office: Avenida das Nações Unidas, 8.501, 32º andar, São Paulo Phone Number: (55 11) 3096-8171 Suggestions: fabianacabral@odebrecht.com Website: www.odebrechtnoticias.com.br share this newsletter at your company or your project!

> 2014 world cup

Fonte Nova Arena: A New Beginning In August 2010, several Brazilians, primarily

to be one of the projects that is farthest ahead

the residents of Salvador, watched the demo-

of schedule for the Confederations Cup in 2013

lition of the former Fonte Nova Stadium. The

and for the 2014 World Cup.

event marked the first implosion of a stadium


Responsible for building the new arena,

in Latin America. Today, nearly five months

the Salvador Arena Consortium, formed by

later, Fonte Nova Arena is considered by FIFA

Odebrecht Infraestrutura and OAS, completed

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the first phase of the construction work – preparation of the terrain – and will begin the foundation work still this month. The demolition of the former stadium, recycling of the generated material and terrain earth-moving were the actions undertaken during the first phase of the project. Odebrecht is also helping construct the Capibaribe Arena in São Lourenço da Mata in the Metropolitan Region of Recife, Pernambuco, and is participating in the remodeling of Maracanã Stadium in Rio de Janeiro.

The illustration above reveals what the Fonte Nova Arena will be like, whose first stage, which included earth-moving (photos to the side), was completed at the end of 2010

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> 2014 world cup

Legenda: nonon no nonon no nonon no

IMPLOSION AND A NEW BEGINNING On August 29, 2010, some 1,300 Members worked together to implode the upper ring of the Fonte Nova stadium. Over 2,500 residents from 956 properties located near the former stadium were evacuated. A survey conducted by the Arena Salvador Consortium after the implosion showed that 99% of the local population considered the

why all material left over from the former

operation “Excellent” or “Good” and 100%

stadium will be reused.

approved the social living center set up for residents.

Recycling initiatives were undertaken at the same time as the demolition activities, using modern crushing equipment brought


in from Europe. Approximately 77,500 tons

One of the main concerns of the Fonte Nova Arena project is sustainability. That is


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of material was generated and everything was reused. For example, the steel from the

The new arena, which will also be visible from the Tororó Dike, will have an ample area for the circulation of fans

MEMBERS CHOOSE CONSORTIUM MASCOT Last November, the Arena Salvador Consortium organized the “Creative Mind” Contest to elect the consortium mascot and the names for its internal newspaper, social living center and training room. Members from the administrative and production sector used their creativity, provided suggestions and competed for awards. The winning mascot was designed by

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CAD draftsman Giovano Santos and received the name Areninha, created by archivist Isabel Maria Almeida dos Santos, driver Aldo Silva Conceição and banksman Genildo Soares Santos. The internal newspaper was named Arena Informa (“Arena Informs”) by topography assistant Marcos Paulo de Souza, the social living area received the name Arena da Alegria (“Arena of Happiness”) created by carpenter José Marcos de Souza Caldeira, and the training room was name Arenão (“Big Arena”),

structure was sent to the steel industries. Furthermore, 90% of the material resulting from the concrete crushing is being reused in the construction work for the

a suggestion by Giovano Santos, Antônio Carlos Albuquerque and Isabel Maria Almeida dos Santos. “These actions are opportunities for

new arena. The rest was donated to other

Members to show their creative side and for

projects in the Metropolitan Region of

them to really feel like a part of the project,”


said Alexandre Chiavegatto, Contract Director.

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> complexo do alemão

The Cable Car is Coming

The come-and-go of the cable car in the Complexo do Alemão community of Rio de Janeiro indicates that the new means of transport is currently in the test phase and that its inauguration is drawing near. The main project of the Brazilian Federal Government’s Growth Acceleration Program (PAC) in the region will only be open to the public in April of this year. Constructed by the Rio Melhor (“Better Rio”) Consortium, led by Odebrecht Infraestrutura, the cable car extends 3.5 km and has the capacity to transport 30,000 people per day. The structure consists of five stations in the Complexo de Alemão community and another is part of the Supervia System, which will connect the group of low income communities to the Bonsucesso railroad station. The Complexo do Alemão PAC also includes Youth Reference, Health Support, Income Generation, Service and Public Library Centers.


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Rio de Janeiro




The cable car, which extends 3,500 meters, will connect the Bonsucesso train station to five new stations.


On December 21, 2010, Rio de Janeiro’s Reelected Governor, Sérgio Cabral, and Vice Governor Luiz Fernando Pezão, Mayor Eduardo Paes and then Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva visited the cable car and tested out one of its cabins, traveling from the Bonsucesso station to the Baiana station. The cable car will integrate 12 communities in Complexo do Alemão and facilitate accessibility for over 120,000 residents

“The cable car is part of an important investment to recover the citizenship, well being and social prosperity of the region,” said Lula, adding that “the site will become a tourism destination over the short term, competing with the Sugarloaf for tourists’ preference,” said Lula. Sérgio Cabral classified the date as “historic,” and reinforced that “it is yet another step in giving the Complexo do Alemão residents a dignified and satisfactory quality of life.” Benedicto Junior, Business Leader at Odebrecht Infraestrutura, Marcos Vidigal, Contract Director, Roberto Dias, Institutional

Lula and Sérgio Cabral embark on a cable car journey in Complexo do Alemão. The cable car was constructed by Odebrecht Infraestrutura (leader), OAS and Delta Construção

Relations Director, Antonio Carlos de Faria, Communication Director, and Adilson Moura, Administrative Manager, also took part in the event. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 248 /




> 2010 annual meeting

‘2011 Depends on The annual meetings of the Marcelo Odebrecht, Managing Director of Odebrecht S.A., during the Organization’s Annual Meeting

Odebrecht Organization held every December are opportunities for leaders to share their results and establish the challenges for the future. In the previous edition of Odebrecht News (No. 247), we described the 2010 meetings held by Odebrecht Oil and Gas (OOG), Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias (OR) and ETH Bioenergia, which took place on December 10 and 11. December 15 to 20, in Bahia, it was time for Braskem, Foz do Brasil, the Engineering and Construction companies and the Organization to gather their teams to celebrate the goals achieved and establish new, even more challenging ones. INNOVATION AND COMMITMENTS AT BRASKEM The Braskem 2010 Annual Meeting was held on December 15, 16 and 17 at the Hotel Tivoli Eco Resort at Praia do Forte, and gathered 170 leaders. During the opening of the meeting, participants viewed images related to the company brand’s new positio-


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Us’ ning – “New Ways of Seeing the World,” – in


addition to other important moments.


During the meeting, videos were presen-

Happiness, a laid-back atmosphere and union

ted on the commitments, challenges and

marked the Foz do Brasil Annual Meeting,

impacts generated by the company for

held in Salvador at the Vila Galé Hotel and at

Clients, Members and society, and the tro-

the Organization’s head office on December 17

phies were delivered to the winners of the

and 18, with the participation of 130 Members.

Destaque Award. On the last day, participants and family

During the event, the company demonstrated that it is structured and ready to consolida-

members listed to lectures by philoso-

te its position in the national and international

pher Viviane Mosé, who spoke about the

scenarios. Fernando Reis, Business Leader,

importance of the family in society and

pointed out that Foz do Brasil is reaching a

also about the operations of the Odebrecht

stage of maturity. “We are prepared for the


challenges that lay ahead,” said Reis. The programming was a portrait of the diversity demonstrated by the company, which operates in the markets of Water, with sanitation operations in Brazil, Industrial Plants, in the Steel, Paper & Pulp, Chemical and Petrochemical segments, as well as in the Environmental Services. The General Secretary of the Workers’ Unemployment Insurance (FGTS) Trustees Board, Paulo Furtado, represented the Unemployment Guarantee

The “Globo Light” projection system surprised participants with images of the Company’s achievements in 2010

Investment Fund (FI-FGTS), a partner of Foz, during the meeting. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 248 /




> 2010 annual meeting

Foz do Brasil gathered 130 Members in Salvador, nearly twice the participants compared to 2009

ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION AND THE SYNERGY BETWEEN THE ORGANIZATION’S COMPANIES “Synergy between Businesses” was the topic addressed during the first day of the Engineering and Construction Annual Meeting, held on December 17 and 18 at Costa do Sauípe. The meeting involved the participation of 370 Members from the Business area and 87 guests, including professionals from Braskem, Foz do Brasil, participants from the Executive Development Program (PDE), the winners of the 2010 Destaque Award and

Our challenge is to consolidate our position as an important player in the World Cup and Olympic Game programs.” BENEDICTO JUNIOR

members of the Odebrecht S.A. Board of Directors. The Vice President of Operations, Paulo Lacerda, opened the initial phase citing one of the macro strategies of the 2020 Vision: “Leveraging synergies between


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lenges for 2011 and for the 2011/2013 period from Business Leaders Benedicto Junior, from Odebrecht Infraestrutura, Henrique Valladares, from Odebrecht Energia, Márcio Faria, from Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial, Luiz Teive Rocha, from Odebrecht International, Euzenando Azevedo, from Odebrecht Venezuela, Luiz Mameri, from Odebrecht Latin America and Angola, and Felipe Jens, from Odebrecht Participações e

We plan to maximize the results for Shareholders, integrating investment, construction and the sale of energy.” HENRIQUE VALLADARES

Investimentos. The search for new contracts, creation of investment opportunities and establishment of partnerships, both in Brazil and abroad, the promotion of profes-

the Organization’s businesses.” Luiz Mendonça, Responsible for Quattor; Djean Cruz, Regional Director at OR; Marcelo Mancini, Responsible for International Market Logistics and Development at ETH; Roberto Ramos, Business Leader at OOG; Emyr Costa, Director of Odebrecht Infraestrutura at the Aquapolo Project; Sérgio Leão, Responsible for Engineering and Construction Operation Sustainability; and Mauro Rehm, Responsible for OLEX; addressed the opportunities and examples of the joint actions undertaken between companies. On the second day, participants learned about the 2010 results and the chal-

We want to continue being a company that is a ‘creator’ of businesses.” MÁRCIO FARIAS

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> 2010 annual meeting

The Organization’s Annual Meeting gathered Odebrecht’s main leaders and closed the cycle of meetings for 2010

sional development and sustainability programs, and the focus on Workplace Safety were the challenges highlighted for this year. At the close of the meeting, the winners of the 2010 Destaque Award were honored and the “Know to Serve” trophy was granted to Sérgio Leão.

The objectives include identifying sustainable projects in the United States and Africa and opportunities for public-private partnerships.” LUIZ TEIVE ROCHA


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UNION OF LEADERS The Odebrecht Organization Annual Meeting was held on December 20 in the auditorium of the Company’s head office in Salvador.

The event gathered the main leaders of the Organization’s companies, together with Shareholders, Members of the Odebrecht S.A. Board of Directors and Members of the Advisory Board. Marcelo Odebrecht, Maurício Medeiros, Executive President of the Odebrecht Foundation, and the Business Leaders presented the main results of 2010 and the plans for 2011

We are preparing ourselves for the operation and sale of the World Cup arenas.” FELIPE JENS

and for the 2011/2013 period. Marcelo Odebrecht summarized the growth of the Organization’s different businesses and indicated the perspectives for growth. Afterward, Norberto Odebrecht, Honorary President of Odebrecht S.A., read his message and members of the Board of Directors shared quick comments about what they observed during the day. Emílio Odebrecht, Chair of the Board, emphasize the need for Business Leaders to

We want to be one of the main private organizations in Venezuela, participating proactively in its growth.” EUZENANDO AZEVEDO

give increasing value to intangible results. “More than ever, we need to incorporate sustainability practices, generating value for society and for the communities that we serve,” he said. FAMILY: FUNDAMENTAL FOR ONE’S CAREER Approximately 300 spouses of Members who share a common interest in the career of their husbands and wives, gathered at Costa do Sauípe

We want our work to be recognized in the eight countries in which we operate.” LUIZ MAMERI

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> 2010 annual meeting

Wives also debate the importance of the family in the career of the Members

on December 18 for the Engineering and

balance between the Member’s professio-

Construction Spouses’ Meeting.

nal and personal achievement.

Under the theme “Spouses, Career and Family,” the event was designed to be more

professor and philosopher Mário Sérgio

than a simple networking event. Instead,

Cortella, who proposed a reflection on

it aimed to strengthen the Organization’s

the couple’s life as a process similar to the

relationship with the participants, who also

construction of a building, requiring a per-

had the opportunity to learn more about

sistent and long term vision. Three wives

the 2020 Vision through a presentation

of Members, Sany Gomes, Yvana Couri and

by Carla Barreto, Responsible for People &

Andrea Rabello, shared their experiences

Organization at Odebrecht S.A.

and work with outer spouses in the com-

Marcelo Odebrecht left his message and


The event also featured a lecture by the

panies where they reside, the United Arab

answered questions posed by the spou-

Emirates, Argentina and Panama, respecti-

ses. He spoke about the importance of

vely. The meeting was closed by intercultu-

the family’s engagement in the search for

ral psychologist Andrea Fuks.

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> fast notes

A Focus on the Environment

The start of the Médanos en Origen Program was marked by the Environmental Walk, which gathered 300 people for educational games with environmental themes

To encourage the separation of urban

The program contains four pillars that

waste in the city of Médanos, located

facilitate its application and guarantee its

near the construction work for the Río

continuity after the end of the gas pipeli-

Colorado Compressor Plant in the Province

ne expansion project work in the region:

of Buenos Aires, in Argentina, Odebrecht

training of all Members involved in the

launched the Médanos en Origen Program

treatment of urban waste and the training

last December.

of over 1,000 students; installation of an

The initiative, created in partnership

Ecoplant for the separation of the subs-

with local authorities, was also developed

trates; production of games for children

to support the installation of a municipal

with reused materials, made available in an

policy for waste treatment.

“Ecoplaza;” and a media publicity campaign.

Meeting between Leaders and Journalists To strengthen its relationship with the Angolan press, Odebrecht Angola, a subsidiary of Odebrecht Latin America and Angola, organized a meeting between Contract Directors and the country’s main opinion shapers on December 14, 2010. Over 30 journalists from different types of media, including print, TV, radio and website, took part in the event. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 248 /




> fast notes

The Embraport Terminal will have the capacity to move 2 million TEUS (twenty-foot equivalent units) and 2 billion liters of ethanol

Odebrecht and Embraport Sign Service Supply Order Last December, Odebrecht Infraestrutura and Embraport – Brazilian Port Terminal

residents of Diana Island, a community that

Company – signed a service supply order to

neighbors the construction site, with aims of

intensify the construction work on the port

absorbing the local people for the start of the

terminal, located along the left bank of Santos

construction work. In January of this year, the

Port along the São Paulo coast.

Acreditar (“Believe”) Continued Professional

The construction work will last for 34 months and involve 1,100 Members at its peak. After this period, 1,000 additional professio-


Recently, the contract teams signed up the

Qualification Program will be launched in partnership with the Santos City Government. Embraport is a development being under-

nals will be contracted to operate the port,

taken by Odebrecht TransPort (OTP) in part-

generating 4,000 indirect job opportunities.

nership with DP World, FI-FGTS and Coimex

“Our preference will be to contract local labor

for the construction and operation of the lar-

to guarantee the sustainable development of

gest private multiuse terminal in Brazil. With

the region,” said Reynaldo Pincette, the pro-

plans to begin operation in 2013, the terminal

fessional responsible for Administration and

will absorb investments of approximately R$

Finances at Odebrecht Infraestrutura.

2.3 billion.

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South IIRSA: Paving Completed After five years of construction work, Odebrecht Peru, a subsidiary of Odebrecht Latin America and Angola, concluded the paving of all 700 km of stretches 2 and 3 of the South Inter-Oceanic Highway (IIRSA Sul) on December 22. The highway connects the city of Urcos, in Cusco, to Iñapari, a municipality located at the border with the Brazilian state of Acre. The Peruvian President, Alan García Pérez, participated in the paving ceremony for the last kilometer of the highway and stated that South In addition to facilitating the transportation between municipalities of Southern Peru, the South Inter-Oceanic Highway helps contribute toward the integration between Peru and Brazil

IIRSA will help boost the trade and tourism of the regions along its extension.

Santo Antônio HPP Now Has Three Gates in the Main Spillway

With three of the 15 gates already assembled, the Santo Antônio HPP main spillway will regulate the plant reservoir levels

In December 2010, the Construtor Santo

It is expected that starting this month, three

Antônio Consortium finished assembling the

gates will be delivered and tested each month,

three first segment gates of the 15 total that

concluding the structure of the main spillway in

form the main spillway of the Santo Antônio

April of this year.

Hydroelectric Plant in Rondônia. Measuring 20 m wide and 24 m high, formed

The assembly of the equipment is taking place based on the schedule of anticipated energy

by 10 panels and weighing 318 tons each, the

generation at the plant. The activities are being

segment gates are among the largest in the

developed so that the generation can begin in


December 2011, one year ahead of schedule. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 248 /




> fast notes

ETH Supports Professional Training in Mineiros The city of Mineiros, in rural Goiás, received its first Industrial Social Service (SESI) National Industrial Learning Service (SENAI) unit on December 15, 2010, to implement professional training activities. The Mineiros SESI SENAI Integrated Center was installed as part of a partnership between the Municipal Government, which granted the space, and ETH Bioenergia, responsible for the physical adaptations to the building. The unit has classrooms, an industrial maintenance mechanic workshop, equipped with the support of BRF/

The participants of the launch event, from left to right: Robert de Souza Bonuti, Rio Verde SESI SENAI Integrated Unit Director; Darci Teixeira, Product Training Manager at John Deere; Luiz Pereira, the professional responsible for People and Sustainability at ETH; Neiba Maria Barcellos, Mineiros Mayor; Walmir Pereira Telles, SENAI Goiás Special Project Coordinator; Fabiano Zillo, Leader of the ETH Araguaia Center; and Alexandre Landgraf, Manager at AGCO

Perdigão, and three agricultural mechanization

and basic bricklayer, in addition to industrial cour-

workshops installed in partnership with the indus-

ses for the industrial maintenance mechanic pro-

tries John Deere, Valtra and Massey Ferguson.

fession. The center will also offer free courses in dis-

At first, the companies and community will be

tance education, handcrafts and digital inclusion.

able to participate in courses for industrial mainte-

Since August of last year, the municipality of

nance mechanic, agricultural machinery mainte-

Mineiros has housed the second ETH unit in

nance mechanic, lathing, welding, milling, foreman

Goiás – the Morro Vermelho Unit.

Acreditar-Montagem Trains Industrial Mechanics On December 15, 53 students completed the industrial mechanic course under the AcreditarMontagem (“Believe-Assembly”) Continued Professional Qualification Program, undertaken by Odebrecht Energia in partnership with the Industrial Social Service (SENAI) in Porto Velho, Rondônia. Jorge Luz, Administrative and Financial Manager, Walmir Alcântara, Responsible for Administration, both from Odebrecht-Assembly, and Klenia Borges Peres, Educational Coordinator at SENAI, participated in the ceremony to deliver the certificates. Jorge Luz stated that the selection process for entry of the graduates into the Electromechanical


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Assembly work at the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant will occur during the month of January. “The professionals will be contracted based on demand,” he explained.

Acreditar-Montagem was created in January 2010 and has already trained 317 people, 157 of whom are currently working on the Santo Antônio HPP project

The First PPP for Urban Revitalization

The contract signing ceremony included the presence of the following individuals (starting from the left): Júlio Bueno, Rio de Janeiro State Secretary of Development; Eduardo Paes, City Mayor; Carlo Nuzman, President of the Brazilian Olympic Committee; Felipe Goes, Municipal Secretary of Development; and Benedicto Junior, Business Leader at Odebrecht Infraestrutura

The Porto Novo Consortium – formed by Odebrecht Infraestrutura (EPC leader), OAS

the local historical heritage. The construction work includes the demolition

and Carioca Engenharia – together with the Rio

of a stretch of the elevated part of the Perimetral

de Janeiro City Government, signed the country’s

and the construction of four kilometers of tun-

first public-private partnership (PPP) for the urban

nels and viaducts to recover the infrastructure of

revitalization projects in November 2010. Called

part of the city’s central region. The contract also

Porto Maravilha, the project is located between

includes maintenance and conservation services

the neighborhoods of Saúde and Gamboa. The

for the public roads over the next 15 years.

R$ 7.6 billion contract is the largest to be established in Brazil under the PPP category. The project involves the urban revitalization

The different phases will be financed through the sale of Additional Construction Potential Certifications (CEPACs) through auctions to be

of the city’s port area, creating highway and

held this year. This operation will allow for the

transportation alternatives, reorganizing the

completion of the construction work without

soil occupation and promoting the recovery of

the use of public funds.

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> tribute to the future

Synergy for a Bet In 2010, the campaign for Tribute to the Future – a program that supports the projects

Organization’s companies.

certified by the Odebrecht Foundation through

In addition to the fact that the awareness

income tax-deductible contributions – surpas-

raising process started earlier, during the first

sed all of the expected results. The amount

quarter of 2010, the launch of the new website

raised increased from R$ 2.374 million in 2009

in August also facilitated the interaction with

to more than R$ 4.6 million and the participa-


tion of Members increased 135%, from 1,620 to 3,805 investors. undertook several different actions during

Reading Circles and Hit the Net are some of the projects supported by the program. Learn more about other actions by clicking HERE

odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 248 /

According to Clovis Faleiro, the professional responsible for the program at the Odebrecht

To achieve these results, the Tribute team


the year that received the support of the



Foundation, the involvement of executives in the campaign was crucial for surpassing the

tter World

expected results. “All of this ambience was

mobilized the managing directors and contract

possible because we are close to the leaders,”

directors and monitored the progress of the

said Faleiro. “With the synergy between the

campaign at the companies on a weekly basis.

companies and leaders, we were able to build

The collection of funds from companies also

a favorable environment for the participation

grew compared to the previous year, increa-

of other investors,” he said.

sing from R$ 394,000 in 2009, to over R$ 1.3

Business Leaders Henrique Valladares,


from Odebrecht Energia, Márcio Faria, from

The Tribute to the Future team expects to

Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial, Benedicto

collect over R$ 30 million over the next four

Junior, from Odebrecht Infraestrutura, and Paul

years with the support of Members and part-

Altit, from Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias,

ner companies. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 248 /




> training

Professional Tr Odebrecht Angola, a subsidiary of Odebrecht Latin America and Angola, currently has five projects underway in the Province of Benguela, where some 1,000 Members work, 90% of who are residents of the region. Inspired by the experiences gathered during the Gove Hydroelectric Power Plant construction work in the country, and by examples from Ecuador, the teams from the Benguela projects developed the “Fully Qualified Worker Program,� designed to train workers in two or three specialties and then create production cells. The program is currently training bricklayers, blacksmiths (assemblers) and carpenters in these three functions, as well as electricians and plumbers in the two specialties. In this way, a bricklayer can also work as a blacksmith and carpenter, and so forth. The fully qualified workers will make up production cells in which the groups will complete all phases of the civil construction work and installations. The training for the first two groups began in May 2010. During a six-month period, participants attended theoretical and practical classes on Saturdays that were administered by the construction project supervisors. In addition to the technical aspects, topics such as health, workplace safety, environment and labor law were also addressed during the courses. By the end of the year, 32 fully qualified workers had been trained in Civil Construction and 10 in Installations.


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With training, bricklayers, blacksmiths, carpenters, plumbers and electricians became fully qualified workers


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