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Rota das Bandeiras: Paths to Quality of Life odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 249 /





new achievements

no. 249 / january 2011

Learn about the new projects of the Odebrecht Organization companies in Angola, Brazil and Peru, closed at the end of 2010 and the start of 2011.

> of a > 8 consolidation partnership

10 on route to quality of life

In its third year of operations in rural S達o Paulo, the Rota das Bandeiras Concessionaire reveals its actions directed at users and communities.


Foz do Brasil and COPASA formalized a partnership to supply water and sewage services to VSB in Minas Gerais.

Next Edition: february 8, 2011. P articipate !

educator > 12 developing leaders

Since September of last year, Odebrecht Energia has promoted the Supervisors’ Development Program to train general supervisors.

14 certified family farming >

The cooperatives supported by the Odebrecht Foundation, in Bahia’s Southern Lowlands, were recommended for the ISO 9001 certification.

> 18 fast news editorial staff Odebrecht News is an internal newsletter published by the Odebrecht S.A. Business Communication Team Responsible Journalist: Fabiana Cabral Editorial Office: Avenida das Nações Unidas, 8.501, 32º andar, São Paulo Phone Number: (55 11) 3096-8171 Suggestions: fabianacabral@odebrecht.com Website: www.odebrechtnoticias.com.br share this newsletter at your company or your project!

> plans and achievements

New Achievements

Cambambe Dam: the construction of the Center 2 will increase the supply of electric energy in Angola

The Teles Pires Hydroelectric Power Plant and 1.3 - Butadiene Production Plant in Brazil, the Carhuaz - Chacas - San Luis Highway in Peru and the Cambambe Hydroelectric Facility Center 2 in Angola. These are the new projects that were established by the Odebrecht Organization companies between end of 2010 and the start of 2011. Clean Energy for Brazil and Angola On December 17, the Teles Pires Efficient Energy Consortium, formed by Neoenergia (leader), Furnas Centrais Elétricas, Eletrosul Centrais Elétricas and Odebrecht Energia, was the winner of the bidding process for the construction and operation of the Teles Pires Hydroelectric Power Plant at the border between the Brazilian states of Mato Grosso and Pará. The winning bid was R$ 58.36 per megawatt/hour, representing a discount of 33%


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with relation to the maximum rate of R$ 87.00/ MWh. With an installed capacity of 1,820 MW, the Teles Pires HPP will house five Francis vertical shaft turbines with 364 MW each – this type of turbine is applied for large waterfalls, ranging from 40 to 400 meters, without the need to form a large reservoir. The flooded area will extend 112 km 2. Odebrecht Energia will be responsible for the civil construction and electromechanical assembly of the new plant. The construction work will take 45 months, starting in July of this year, and will generate 10,000 direct and indirect jobs. In the province of Kwanza Norte, Odebrecht Angola (subsidiary of Odebrecht Latin America and Angola) will be responsible for the civil construction work for the Cambambe Hydroelectric Facility Second Generation Center for the company Empresa Nacional de Eletricidade (ENE-EP). With investments of US$ 460 million, the project will be completed in 49 months and will generate 1,200 job opportunities at the peak of the work.

The Teles Pires HPP will be built on the Teles Pires River, passing through the municipalities of Jacareacanga, in Pará, and Paranaíta, in Mato Grosso

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> plans and achievements The Second Center will add 700 MW of power

Odebrecht and Odebrecht Peru (subsidiary of

to the Hydroelectric Facility, whose dam and

Odebrecht Latin America and Angola) announ-

Center 1, which together supply 180 MW, were

ced its victory during the bidding for the reha-

inaugurated in 1964. Since then, the munici-

bilitation, improvement and construction of the

pality of Cambambe has been an important

Carhuaz - Chacas - San Luis Highway in the Andes

generator of electric energy in the country.

region. Investments will total US$ 150 million.

“The increase in the production of energy is

The project involves the recovery and expan-

crucial for guaranteeing Angola’s economic

sion of the highway asphalt along nearly 100

growth and will allow for an increase in the

kilometers in the region of Ancash, located

services offered to the population, improving

in the districts of Shilla, Chacas and San Luis,

the human development index and reducing

which traverses the provinces of Carhuaz,

the use of small scale generators,” said Gustavo

Asunción and Carlos Fitzcarrald in Peru’s

Belitardo, Contract Director.

Northern region. The road will traverse Mt. Huascarán, Peru’s highest peak, located 6,768

Paths through the Andes On January 12, the Vial Carhuaz San Luís Consortium, formed by Construtora Norberto

meters above sea level. A 510-meter tunnel will also be built to join the valleys of Callejón de Huaylas and Callejón de Conchucos.

The Carhuaz - Chacas - San Luis Highway in the Andes region will traverse three Peruvian provinces


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The Triunfo Petrochemical Complex will earn a new butadiene plant from Braskem.

“For Odebrecht Peru, this is a challenge that

Plant (the raw material used to produce tires)

we have assumed with the same commitment

will start the construction phase. The factory

and responsibility as always, working with

will have the capacity to produce over 103,000

cutting-edge technology and the best profes-

tons of products per year.

sionals,” said Jorge Barata, Managing Director

The construction of the plant will incre-

in the country. “The project will contribute

ase the current capacity of the company’s

toward Peru’s economic development, main-

Basic Raw Material Unit at the Triunfo

taining the quality standards for the mainte-

Petrochemical Complex in Rio Grande do

nance and conservation of the environment,”

Sul, since it has had a butadiene production

he said.

unit since 1992, with the capacity to produce 105,000 tons per year.

Expanding the Capacity Starting in March of this year, the project for the new Braskem 1.3 - Butadiene Production

The period established to install the plant is 20 months, with startup set for the second half of 2012. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 249 /




> environmental engineering

Consolidation of a Partnership In Jeceaba, Minas Gerais, Foz do Brasil is


Gerais (COPASA) to install and operate the

currently responsible for installing the largest

water supply and sanitary sewage services for

steel industry utilities center at the Vallourec

VSB. The operation involved investments of R$

& Sumitomo Tubos do Brasil (VSB) plant. On

21.8 million.

January 10, the company formalized a partner-

COPASA came to own 15.5% of the capital in

ship with Companhia de Saneamento de Minas

Foz de Jeceaba S.A., a company created to serve

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the steel plant project. For the president of the Minas Gerais state-owned company, Ricardo Simões, the association will contribute toward COPASA’s institutional development, while also creating new opportunities. “The entrepreneurs at VSB decided that the service would be delegated to companies with expertise,” said Simões. The services include the supply of water for human consumption, sanitary sewage, water treatment for reuse and disposal of solid waste. Mário Amaro, Regional Director of Foz do Brasil, stated that the partnership with COPASA is the best path for the business developed by the company. “With the union of competencies and qualification of the two companies, joining together the best that each has to offer, we will achieve better results for the development,” said Amaro. The VSB unit in Jeceaba, quoted at R$ 1.6 billion, should begin A cidade de Jeceaba abriga a maior de utilidaThe city central of Jeceaba is home desBrazil’s da indústria to largestsiderúrgisteel ca do paísutilities center industry

operating this year. The development will have the capacity to produce 700,000 tons of seamless steel for the oil industry and 300,000 tons of billets.

From left to right: Armando Goes, Director of Foz de Jeceaba; Mário Amaro; Ricardo Simões; Paula Vasques Bittencourt, Financial and Investor Relations Director at COPASA; and Carlos Gonçalves de Oliveira Sobrinho, Environmental and New Business Director at COPASA odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 249 /




> social responsibility

On Route to Quality of Life

Information about Hepatitis C, tree seedlings and free vehicle inspection services are within reach of users of the Dom Pedro I Corridor and local residents

While working 24 hours per day on the operation of 297 kilometers of the Dom Pedro

In 2011, the lecture program that focused on

I Corridor in rural São Paulo, the Rota das

preventing and diagnosing Hepatitis C will be

Bandeiras Concessionaire develops actions desig-

taken to the cargo transport companies that

ned to help improve the quality of life of the

use the corridor.

users and communities of the 17 municipalities located along the highway network. This year, the concession’s third operating the


Information: the Best Type of Prevention

Last year, Rota das Bandeiras, in partnership with the municipalities’ Departments of Health, trained 1,500 agents to become multipliers of

highway, Rota das Bandeiras will work simulta-

knowledge. The cities also received 2,500 quick

neously in the areas of traffic safety, health, educa-

response tests and explanatory folders on the

tion, environment and professional qualification.


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Traffic and Environmental Education The Traffic Education program will be taught at the primary schools in the 17 municipalities located along the D. Pedro Corridor – with connects Jacareí, in Paraíba Valley, to Mogi Guaçu, continuing on to the Metropolitan Region of Campinas. The concessionaire will distribute educational material to train teachers on practices of citizenship, respect for road signs and defensive driving. The idea is for the students to become the ‘watchful eye’ of their parents, and in the future, responsible drivers themselves. Rota das Bandeiras will also encourage users and communities to participate in actions designed to preserve and recover the environment. The distribution of seeds and tree seedlings in the toll plazas and campaigns against slash and burn practices are among the planned activities. Last year, 10,000 tree seedlings were distributed. Professional Development Starting in April, Rota das Bandeiras will kick off the Acreditar (“Believe”) Continued Professional Qualification Program with aims of training local labor to work on the duplication of the Constâncio Cintra Highway (SP-360), which connects the municipalities of Itatiba and Jundiaí. The program will be undertaken in partnership with the National Industrial Learning Service (SENAI) and the Itatiba City Government. Initially, 250 residents will have the opportunity to learn new trades, such as carpenter, bricklayer and assembler. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 249 /




> people development

Developing Educator

Twenty general supervisors at the Santo Antônio HPP: the first PDS group

Since September 2009, Donizete Pereira Dias, 56, has worked as the General Earth-

educator leaders. “The company’s general

Moving Supervisor at the Santo Antônio

supervisors are mature professionals, with

Hydroelectric Power Plant construction site

experience developed based on Education

in Rondônia. Nearly one year after he began

through Work,” explained Ênio Silva, res-

working on the plant construction, he and

ponsible for People and Organization. “PDS

19 other general supervisors became the

encourages programmed Education for

first group for the Supervisors’ Development

Work actions so that these leaders can train

Program (PDS). “I can see a bright future

people and support the sustainable growth

ahead,” said Dias, who has been with the

of Odebrecht Energia,” he said.

Organization for 34 years.

The program elaboration process was

Created by Odebrecht Energia to maximize

based on the National Industrial Learning

the potential professional development of

Service (SENAI) Training and Professional

general supervisors, PDS also certifies the

Certification by Competencies, and uses

workers to become Production Supervisors.

a unique teaching proposal based on the

The project invests in continued edu-


cation, transforming the Members into

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context of the work and experience of

Leaders Activities in teams and IT classes are part of PDS

the professionals in different areas of the production segment. “With the course, our work goes far,� said Emahin Alves, General Mold Supervisor. PDS has three modules: Basic, Behavioral and Instrumental, with a total course load of 300 hours and duration of eight months.

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> bahia’s southern lowlands

Certified Family Farm


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ming In 1996, Valdomiro de Souza, today 31, left the region of Bahia’s Southern Lowlands in search of a better life in Brazil’s Southeast. At that time, his family had a plantation of chili peppers that had been decimated by insects. Souza had lost everything and decided to leave with his two brothers. Nine years later, one of the Valdomiro brothers returned to the region to visit his parents. “My brother learned about the project my father is developing” he explained. “The planting of heart of palm is working well and he received technical orientation from COOPALM [Bahia Southern Lowlands Heart of Palm Producers’ Cooperative],” he said. It was only a matter of time before the three brothers left Espírito Santo and returned to the Southern Lowlands. “I had the dream of having my own business and the cooperative gave me this chance,” revealed Valdomiro, Valdomiro de Souza became a rural producer and is now a member of COOPALM. The cooperative earned the “Cooperative of the Year” award in the Quality Management category in 2010

after spending 14 years far from his native land. The Souza family is currently associated with COOPALM, one of the odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 249 /




> bahia’s southern lowlands COOPEMAR members farm fish using net tanks

The handicrafts produced using piassaba plant help increase the income of COOPRAP members

four cooperatives in Bahia’s Southern Lowlands to be recommended for the ISO 9001 certification – the first in Brazil based on family farming to earn this achievement. Associated with the Bahia Southern Lowlands Environmental Protection Area Mosaic Integrated and Sustainable Development Program (PDIS), supported by the Odebrecht Foundation, the institutions promote the generation of jobs and distribution of

Neves Rural Producers’ Cooperative (COOPATAN),

income to 995 families from the region.

the Bahia Southern Lowlands Mixed Shellfish

The Pratigi Environmental Protection


Farmers’, Fishermen’s and Aquafarmers’

Rural Area Producers’ Cooperative

Cooperative (COOPEMAR) and COOPALM were

(COOPRAP), the Presidente Tancredo

recommended for INMETRO by Bureau Veritas

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A consumer chooses the manioc flour produced by the 328 members of COOPATAN

Certification. It was proven that the cooperati-

tants helped guarantee this achievement,” said

ves’ management system is based on princi-

Lessa. “The effort and commitment of all invol-

ples of quality, with team involvement, leader-

ved was crucial. Our commitment is to impro-

ship, continuous improvement, and a process

ve every day and guarantee the indicated cer-

and system-based approach, among others.

tification,” said Rosiene Barreto, responsible for

The certification is internationally recognized

the Quality System at COOPATAN.

and the issuing of certificates is set to take place by the end of this month.

“COOPALM came to organize our production and this administration guarantees our future,”

For Roberto Lessa, Vice President of the

said now rural producer, Valdomiro.

Odebrecht Foundation - Social-Production Area, this is the result of actions undertaken based on planning and discipline. “The support of the Inter-American Development Bank [BID], the motivation of employees from each institution and the unique

The Odebrecht Foundation supports institutions and projects that promote education, the environment, citizenship and the generation of work and income. Click here to learn more.

vision of the contracted consulodebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 249 /




> fast notes

Holidays: Time to Learn On January 10, five students from the area

The company plans to expand the program

of Civil Engineering and two from Business

so that more projects can participate and con-

Administration began the Holiday Internship

tribute toward the training of young talents.

Program at the Aquapolo Project in the

This month, the Transnordestina Railroad

Greater São Paulo Area. The youth spent

construction projects in the state of Piauí and

40 days at the construction site and have

Pernambuco, received nine university stu-

already participated in lectures on TEO, the

dents for the Holiday Internship.

Environment, Safety and Health. The program emerged through partnerships between Odebrecht Infraestrutura and teaching institutions and promotes the development of the students’ extracurricular skills, allowing them to experience the day-to-day at a contract. The selection was made from partner universities, including the Industrial Engineering College (FEI), University of São Paulo (USP), Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP), Mauá Institute of Technology (Mauá) and the Technological Aeronautical Institute (ITA).

University students began the Holiday Internship Program at the Aquapolo Project in São Pauloapolo, em São Paulo

Naval Base and Shipyard: Start of Construction Work On December 17, the General Commander of the Brazilian Navy, Júlio Soares de Moura

ment. Edouard Guillaud activated the device to

Neto, together with Romildo Santos, Managing

begin the dredging operation.

Director of Odebrecht Infraestrutura - PROSUB,

In all, four dredges will be sent to Itaguaí

Fábio Gandolfo, Development Director - EBN,

to transport 11 million cubic meters of sand

and other directors from the company, recei-

during the construction work.

ved the Chief of State of the Armed Forces of

The construction work for the Naval Base and

France, Edouard Guillaud, for the inauguration

Shipyard is part of the Brazilian Navy’s National

ceremony at the auditorium of the Naval Base

Defense Program and is being undertaken

and Shipyard construction site and start of the

in partnership with the French group DCNS

dredging work for the maritime construction

(Direction des Constructions Navales et Services).

project in Itaguaí, Rio de Janeiro.

The Itaguaí Shipyard will serve as the site for the

The French group visited the Metal Structure Manufacturing Unit (UFEM) and toured the ins-


tallations of the Public Service Center develop-

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construction of four conventional submarines and one nuclear submarine.

The journey across the Atlantic Ocean to Rio de Janeiro should last from 18 to 20 days

Journey across the Oceans After 37 days on the British Indian Ocean

The trip through the Indian Ocean was

– where it had to avoid the pirate ships that

completed by the rig crew, led by Captain

operate in the Somali Sea –, and a stop to

Fabio Valerio, by Supervisor José Reinaldo

refuel on Mauritius Island, the Norbe VI rig,

and by Maintenance Coordinator Zenildo

operated by Odebrecht Oil and Gas (OOG),

Leão. Captain Gurgel, Rig Manager,

arrived to South Africa to change crews,

Leonardo Guimaraes, and Construction

resupply, make final adjustments to the ope-

Manager, José Pitta, commanded the activi-

rating systems and load the risers.

ties on land.

Before entering the Saldanha Bay, loca-

OOG plans for the rig to begin its journey

ted 150 km from Cape Town, the Norbe VI

across the Atlantic Ocean until it reaches

underwent final tests for the calibration of the

Brazil next week. The Norbe VI will arrive to

sonar systems (HIPAP) and the dynamic posi-

Rio de Janeiro in February for the Petrobras

tioning system for deeper waters, at 600 m.

acceptance tests and start of operations. odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 249 /




> fast notes

Member Writer Having worked for Odebrecht for the past 25 years, inclu-

Mobilization through Solidarity Odebrecht Infraestrutura, Braskem

ding some time in Angola and

and Foz do Brasil joined forces to

Panamá, Krishnamurti Góes

support the victims of the rains in

dos Anjos is currently responsi-

the city of Mauá in the Metropolitan

ble for Planning at the BA-093

Region of São Paulo. The companies

construction project in Salvador,

set up a temporary shelter that will

Bahia. He dedicates his free time

receive some 60 families affected by

to literature. “This has been my

the mudslides in Morro do Macuco.

‘hobby’ for over a decade,” said

The individuals registered by the

Anjos. “I have already written four books: one novel and

municipality’s Civil Defense will recei-

three books of stories.”

ve shelter for 60 days or until they can

On February 4, the Member and writer will launch his

find a new home. At the site, installed

fifth book, the fourth book of stories. Entitled “12 Stories

in Jardim Zaíra, people will receive

and ½ a Poem,” the work features complex characters

three meals per day, in addition to a

in daily and illusory tales. “In one of the stories, called

space to rest and bathe.

‘The Traveler,’ I talk a bit about my professional career at Odebrecht,” revealed the author.

The three companies were responsible for assembling the shelter, renting

Krishnamurti’s texts were also published in over 20

the outhouses, acquiring the electri-

collective works in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Mexico,

cal material and supply and assem-

Panamá and Spain.

bling a water tower for the showers.

The launch of “12 Stories and ½ a Poem” will take place

In Rio de Janeiro, Odebrecht

at 7:00 p.m. at the Glauber Rocha Space, located in the

Infraestrutura mobilized Members

Saraiva Mega Store at Shopping Iguatemi, in Salvador.

and equipment to support the emergency work undertaken in the state’s Mountainous Region. A team with 60 people and 15 pieces of equipment, including trucks, backhoes and specific machines for the removal of debris and earth, were sent to the affected city of Nova Friburgo. The State Government is currently coordinating the activities to rescue victims and free up roads and access ways.


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Awarded Projects The Pier IV and Clean Waters contracts, currently being undertaken by Odebrecht Infraestrutura, received tributes related to Workplace Safety and Quality in December 2010. In São Luís, Maranhão, the construction work for the Pier IV - the largest port infrastructure project underway in Latin America - earned three awards during the 100th Responsible Attitude Program (PAR). The initiative, created by the client - VALE -, recognizes and promotes companies that offer services in the categories of Workplace Health and Safety. To participate, the contract may not

The Pier IV contract team, from left to right: Manoel Sandoval Silva, Administrative and Financial Manager; Raymundo Santos Filho; Eustaquio Antônio Souto and Ricardo Corrégio

have any occurrences of accidents or strikes by the work fronts.

Infraestrutura, represented by Raymundo

Managers Ricardo Corrégio and Eustaquio

Santos Filho, Contract Director, received the

Antônio Souto received the Destaque Awards

December Destaque award in the “Company”

for December and the 2010 Destaque of the


Year Award in the category of “Production Manager,” respectively, and Odebrecht

The Clean Waters Project, undertaken in Vitória, Espírito Santo, received the Brazilian Habitat Quality and Productivity Program (PBQP-H) Award from the Ministry of Cities in the “Sanitation” category. “We were able to demonstrate to the Ministry of Cities team that when it comes to our project, theory is practiced with quality,” said Danilo Ribeiro, Contract Director. Minister of Cities at the time, Márcio Fortes, delivers the PBQP-H Award for the Clean Waters Project to Sérgio Neves, Managing Director of Odebrecht Infraestrutura

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> fast notes

Illustrious Visitors On January 15 and 17, the construction

world with hydroelectric potential, Brazil is

work for the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric

still the one that least uses this resource,” said

Power Plant in Porto Velho, Rondônia, recei-

Unger. “The hydroelectric power plants are of

ved a visit from the China’s Ambassador to

strategic interest, since they produce clean

Brazil, Qiu Xiaoqi, and from former minister,

and renewable energy,” he said.

Roberto Mangabeira Unger. Miguel Senna, Contract Director at Odebrecht-Assembly, toured the construction sites with visitors, passing through the pre-assembly warehouse and Power House No. 1, which will house eight of the 44 bulb turbines at the development, which will begin to generate energy in December of this year. Qiu Xiaoqi and his wife, Liu Min, were accompanied by the group formed by the State Secretary of Tourism, Júlio Olivar, and by the State Department of Planning and Coordination’s Manager of International Affairs, Raimundo Nonato. “Brasil and China are countries that build large hydroelectric power plants because they have the natural conditions and economic resources for such,” explained the ambassador. The former Minister of Strategic Affairs, Roberto Mangabeira Unger, recognized the importance of using the hydroelectric power of the Amazon region toward the country’s development. “Of the great countries of the


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Miguel Senna shows the construction work for the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant to China’s Ambassador to Brazil, Qiu Xiaoqi, his wife Liu Min, and to former minister, Roberto Mangabeira Unger

The First Rural Entrepreneurs “After three years, I am prepared for my

association and I currently work with my

decisions. I will put into practice my plans

community for my community,” said a plea-

to reach my objectives,” said a confident

sed Rosimeire Santos.

young Joelton da Lapa, who completed his

Lapa and Santos are part of the new

training at the Igrapiúna Rural Family Home

generations that are being education for

(CFR-I) in Bahia’s Southern Lowlands.

life and through work, improving and mul-

On January 7, relatives and friends of Joelton and other youth participated in the ceremony that marked the conclusion of activities for the first group at the Home. During the period they were at the tea-

tiplying the knowledge applied to the rural reality. In 2010, 114 local development agents were trained by the Youth Home and Family Homes (Presidente Tancredo Neves

ching unit, the students learned about

Rural Home, Igrapiúna Rural Home, Nilo

topics such as field administration, peren-

Peçanha Agroforest Home and Águas

nial crops, soils and the processing of ani-

de Ituberá Home) – teaching units asso-

mal and plant-based products, in addition

ciated with Bahia’s Southern Lowlands

to the basic concepts of cooperativism and

EPA Mosaic Integrated and Sustainable

environmental education. “With the sup-

Development Program (PDIS), supported by

port of the Home, I was able to found an

the Odebrecht Foundation.

The first group of rural entrepreneurs trained by the Igrapiúna Rural Family Home: education for life and through work in the communities of Bahia’s Southern Lowlands, em São Paulo odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 249 /




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