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no. 319 • november 2013

The Odebrecht Run and Walk Goes ‘Around the World’

Odebrecht celebrates Twenty-Five Years in Portugal

Defesa e Tecnologia Contributes toward the Training of the Brazilian Army

Alignment and Learning Shared between the Organization’s Communicators

contents no. 319 โ ข november 2013



editorial staff ODEBRECHT NEWS is an electronic newsletter published twice a month, sent out on Wednesdays and intended for internal circulation, produced and edited by the Odebrecht S.A. Communication team. RESPONSIBLE JOURNALIST:


Fabiana Cabral and Bรกrbara Rezendes Photos: Odebrecht Archive ART: Criativos SUGGESTIONS:

fabianacabral@odebrecht.com brezendes@odebrecht.com Distribute Odebrecht News at your company!








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ctober marked the second edition of the 2013 OdebrechtRun and Walk, an event that has motivated more and more participants to care for their health and well-being. In this edition, the event was held in 27 localities in which the Organization has a presence, through its offices and projects, bringing together about 8,700 people. Seven locations participated for the first time: Porto Velho and Mato Grosso in Brazil; Shanghai, China; Accra, Ghana; Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; Bogota, Colombia; and Vienna, Austria. Antônio Augusto, Director of Contracts of the Usina Hidrelétrica (UHE) Teles Pires power plant, in Mato Grosso, approved the first experience of the event for the project employees and their families. “This initiative is important because it promotes health through the simple combination of healthy eating and physical activity.” He points out


that, at the project, editions of Run and Walk will continue to happen. “This event started in the offices and is expanding through the contracts. This shows that it is here to stay. The spread of the event brings the localities closer and makes us feel part of a global organization.” Luiz Mameri, head of Odebrecht Infraestrutura for Latin America, is a frequent participant. He says he believes in the idea of the Run and Walk for promoting health and group activity, and has encouraged the countries where the company does business to increasingly join in the event. “The participation of employees and their families in various locations, as it has been, leads us to unity and gives us a sense of belonging to a large organization.”

THE BEGINNING The Odebrecht Run and Walk began in the São Paulo office in 2007, motivated by the rates of inactivity of the members. The

Odebrecht S.A. Health Team then proposed the event to businesses, which over the past few years, has gained more and more supporters. “We believe that the initiative contributes to the awareness of our employees and their families,” said Alice Sawamura, a nurse in the Health Support Sector of Odebrecht S.A. “The change in habits begins at home, with the family,” adds Dr. Mayanse Boulos, the physician responsible for the São Paulo offices. Andrea Juca, responsible for Compensation and Health Support at Odebrecht S.A., explains that the main objective is to promote health. “The physical activity contributes to the prevention of diseases and helps in everyday life, also improving mood and productivity.”

DEDICATED TO WOMEN’S HEALTH Taking advantage of a global campaign to raise awareness and fight against breast cancer in some of the localities where it was

held the Run and Walk engaged participants in Pink October. The disease is the second leading cause of death among women in the world. “Communication on prevention and symptoms is critical, because the chances of cure greatly increase when the disease is detected early. We are taking advantage of this event to promote health, to share information, and to educate our employees on the issue,” said Danielle Espósito, of the Culture and Group Activity team of Odebrecht S.A.

GROWING PARTICIPATION In all, 27 events were held in Brazil, Angola, Argentina, Austria, China, Colombia, Cuba, UAE, Ghana, United States, Mozambique, Panama, Peru, Portugal and the Dominican Republic. Follow the Odebrecht News about this edition of the Run and Walk that, once again, went around the world.



SÃO PAULO In the capital of São Paulo, about 2,800 people were at Villa Lobos Park, on the 26th, to run or walk for a distance of three to six kilometers (km). The first activity of the day was devoted to children, who had their own race and received symbolic medals. During the event, participants received a lapel pin from the Pink October campaign and a brochure about breast cancer and guidelines for self-examination. The warm-up for the activities was enlivened by dance lessons with Professor Ismael. Along the way, hydration stations and monitors encouraged the group, which

was divided into running, jogging and light hiking. At the end, a healthy breakfast was served to the sounds of the Odebrecht choir with the participation of FuturONG. Rafael Sisto, a member of the Information Technology sector of Odebrecht S.A., innovated and took the event to Jundiaí, the city where he lives. In spite of not being able to be at Villa Lobos Park for the event, he put on the t-shirt and took a two-mile walk through the neighborhood around his home. “I was motivated to be part of the event from afar. I ended up, really, doing an activity that I was not used to.”

New edition in São Paulo, the panel of photos that represents the finish line drew the attention of members. The indication for using the hashtag #corridaecaminhadaodb on social networks (Facebook and Instagram) was also a highlight and won over participants


RIO DE JANEIRO On the 26th, the Quinta da Boa Vista park was the scene of the Run and Walk for workers in the offices of Odebrecht in Rio de Janeiro, attended by the Health Team of Odebrecht Logística e Exportação (OLEX). Among teams and family members, about 600 people attended, willing to traverse the 5 km course. Lourdes Oliveira, mother of Isabel Oliveira, an employee of OLEX, loved participating with her daughter. “I thought the family involvement was excellent. This is more than an incentive to show everyone that maintaining healthy habits is worthwhile. I can say that I felt part of the Odebrecht and this was reflective of all the efforts of the team organizing the event.” Besides running and hiking, other

activities were included that day and excited the group: The Slackline (elastic band for balance training), aerobics and capoeira, which gave a presentation and classes on the sport. In the city of Rio, the participants also joined Pink October and received a lapel pin from the campaign, with a leaflet of guidelines on breast cancer. In her second appearance at the Run and Walk, Terezinha Nascimento, with Odebrecht Infraestrutura for Latin America, emphasizes the importance of the event to encourage employees to include the habit of physical activities on a daily basis. “Incentive is of great importance. The walk helps prevent many diseases and is an excellent activity for socializing, and can be practiced by people of any age. This idea needs to continue.”

During the event in Rio de Janeiro, a typical Rio seller of Mate (iced tea) and Biscoito Globo (tapioca cookies) joined the participants. Among the offerings of this edition were the traditional breakfast, a warm-up with dancing, massage and a play area for children


SALVADOR On the 26th, the employees from the Odebrecht headquarters building in Salvador and their families also participated in the Run and Walk with about 650 people at Salvador Air Base for two laps of 2.5 km around the area. The children, besides a play area, had a special circuit and walked for 800 meters around the plane on exhibition at the site. “The route was very enjoyable. I realized that they were happy and really part of the event,” said Valcineia Sales, from Odebrecht Ambiental. In keeping with the Pink October campaign, lapel pins were distributed with the booklet of guidelines on breast cancer, and, in a circle, the group sang to celebrate the occasion.

For Denise Plácido, a secretary at the Odebrecht Foundation, the joy of everyone made the difference. “The spirit of the walking and the running was contagious. We were together, practicing an activity and all with the same spirit looking for vitality in a pleasant way.”

In Bahia, the ‘pão delícia’ – bread typical of the region – was part of the snack offered to the group, but made with a healthier recipe

PERNAMBUCO In Recife, the initiative was held in the inspiring landscape of the Reserva do Paiva, in Cabo de Santo Agostinho. On the 26th, about 200 people, including members of the various businesses who have offices in Pernambuco and their families could choose between running for 5 km or 10 km, or a 5 km walk. The group received medals for participation and a pink ribbon to pin on their shirts in support of the Pink October campaign. “I was very happy to participate in the Run and Walk! Besides calling our attention to health, including the prevention campaign against breast cancer, it promoted the integration of business people and their families,” says Catherine Vargas, Young Partner at Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias.


Participants from Pernambuco had breakfast provided and a space for children, with a pool of balls, an arts workshop and a trampoline

FORTALEZA The University of Fortaleza Edson Queiroz Foundation (UNIFOR) received 30 participants of the Odebrecht Run and Walk on the 26th, for another edition of the event in the city. The event was organized by the Bairro Novo project, of Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias, and brought together employees and their family members for a run of 6 km or a 4 km walk. To maintain the energy of the group, a healthy snack was served, besides stimulating physical activity, it provided a balanced diet.


The employees from Brasilia met with their family members in a group of about 400 people to encourage good health habits. Contact with nature was part of the event

On the 26 th, the Brasilia Botanical Garden hosted the Odebrecht Run and Walk for about 400 people, including employees and their families, on a morning of physical and group activities. The participants chose between running 6 km or a 4 km walk, and to finish up, received breakfast, dance classes and massage. For children, a space dedicated to recreational activities led to a more fun scenario.


BELO HORIZONTE For those from the offices of Odebrecht in Minas Gerais and the Inova BH project, the Run and Walk was held at a tourist attraction, the Lagoa da Pampulha, on the 26th. The group met together with their families, totaling about 140 people. Participants chose between a running course of 6 km or 8 km and a 3 km walk. Raffle giveaways ended the morning of physical activity and healthy eating.

PORTO VELHO In Porto Velho, the event brought together about 250 people for a 5K run or a 3 km walk on Sunday morning, the 27th.

In Belo Horizonte, the event also offered special activities for children and a massage team for adults

Participants and their families also enjoyed a healthy breakfast, dance classes of various musical rhythms, plus aerobics, massage and a space dedicated to activities with the children.

On Sunday morning, about 250 people, including employees and their families, enjoyed the first edition of the Odebrecht Run and Walk held in Porto Velho


MATO GROSSO The Usina HidrelĂŠtrica (UHE) Teles Pires project joined this edition of the Run and Walk to promote healthy habits to their employees. The course of 1.5 km of physical activity was held at the Rotary Club of the city of Alta Floresta and brought together about 300 people. For the adults, a physical education teacher led the warm-up before the running or walking. For the children,

The UHE Teles Pires is also home to the members of the project. To facilitate transportation to the town of Alta Floresta with their family members, a transportation system was set up. The event had the participation of 300 people

a play space was created with bouncy toys, basketball and foosball, and monitors helping with painting and coloring books. Cheese bread, coconut water, natural sandwiches, fruit salad and popsicles were offered at snack time. The group also joined the Pink October campaign and pinned satin ribbons on their shirts, symbolizing support for women in preventing breast cancer.

Watch the best moments from the Run and Walk in Mato Grosso


ARGENTINA In Argentina, the Run and Walk involved seven projects, the units of Odebrecht Ambiental e Braskem, and the office of Odebrecht in the country. Held at Manuel Belgrano Park on the 26th the event was attended by approximately 100 people, including employees and their families, on routes of 6 km for the run and 3 km for the walk. The activity was accompanied by stretching and healthy eating. At the end, in addition to awards, the group received medals and trophies made of recycled buttons. The pieces were made by the

“Greca” institution, which utilizes waste material to create different objects. “The event invites us to lead a healthy life and take care of our body. It is a space created with everything necessary to please: Outdoors and good music alongside family and colleagues from work,” says Gabriela Tronca , Braskem employee in the country. Frederico Schtre, of the Aguas del Paraná project, says that the event encouraged him to move forward one step and participate in the 10 km run.

Os integrantes da Argentina com seus familiares também receberam uma fita de cetim simbolizando a participação na campanha Outubro Rosa, e folhetos com orientações sobre o autoexame para a prevenção do câncer de mama


MOZAMBIQUE In Mozambique, the Run and Walk attracted 220 participants for a course of 3 km in Nacala and Moatize, on October 26, and Maputo on the 27th. The event included sessions of stretching and aerobic exercises with monitors dedicated to the supervising the participants, followed by a healthy breakfast. Also, in Maputo, group activities for children were held with a trampoline, face painting and football. For Miguel Paiva, legal director of the office of Odebrecht in Mozambique, the Run and Walk helps maintain a “healthy body and a sound mind.”

In Moatize, after physical activity in the vicinity of the Moatize Expansão project, participants participated in games of volleyball and swimming. “The event is a demonstration of health. We can only gain from physical exercise, ” says Mércio João Paulo Chichango, from the area of quality of the project. For Nacala, besides the friendly football after the run on the track around the construction site of Nacala International Airport, there was a presentation of traditional dance and a live music session, conducted by members of the Acreditar Program.


ANGOLA In Angola, the event was held on the 27th. At Marginal de Luanda, participants with their family members formed a group of about 350 people and covered 5 km. On the course, participants had hydration stations available with water and isotonic drinks, and physical education teachers who guided the activity, starting with stretching. To complete the promotion of healthy habits that the event brings, the health sector of Odebrecht of Angola reinforced the campaign of prevention and treatment of hypertension organized for the employees in the country and set up a tent with nurses to monitor blood pressure.


The cycle of activities to spread healthy practices was completed by the lecture The Importance of Walking in Day to Day Living, taught by physiotherapist Cristina Lopes. The town has also joined the Pink October initiative and besides giving out pink satin bows to pin on shirts, has promoted informative presentations about breast cancer, given by Dr. Paloma Baiardi Gregório. At the Aproveitamento Hidrelétrico (AH) project in Laúca, the Run and Walk was held for the first time. The approximately 300 participants stretched and walked 4 km, promoting health through continuous practice of the sport.

UNITED STATES In the United States, the Odebrecht event led participants to join the race against breast cancer promoted in the country in support of the Pink October campaign: The Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. In Miami, the event was joined by a group of 26 people from the Fort Lauderdale Airport projects, I-395 and PortMiami,

at Bayfront Park, on the 19th. For New Orleans, 12 members of the work IPV 9.2, participated in the same event in Park City, on October 26. In Houston, the Odebrecht Run and Walk was canceled due to bad weather, but the members met to promote the event on a new date not yet set.

In the United States, the participants ran for 5 km together with the supporters of the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure event, held in several cities across the country. In the photo, employees who participated in New Orleans with their families

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Employees of the firm Odebrecht of Abu Dhabi and the PS-01 Pumping Station project gathered at the Abu Dhabi Corniche for a 3 km run or walk on the 26 th. The event attracted 80 people, who also had a healthy breakfast, played volleyball and there were activities for the children. “This was my first participation in the event. Throughout my career, I never had an experience like this. My family and I feel great. Congratulations on the activity,” said Romek Kaminski, an employee of Odebrecht in the country.

The employees in the United Arab Emirates attracted 80 participants to this year’s event


CHINA Shanghai celebrated the inaugural edition of the Odebrecht Run and Walk, on October 26. The event was held in the Shanghai Binjiang Forest Park for eight members and 14 of their relatives. The group stretched together and divided into a 5-km run and a 2-km walk. A traditional Chinese breakfast was served and provided the energy needed to practice taijiquan - a typical regional martial art. At the end, participants were given a pedometer, a device to measure distances, as an incentive to continue practicing sports.

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC On the 26th, about 290 people attended the first Run and Walk held for members in the Dominican Republic. The Mirador Sur Park, in Santo Domingo, received the event for the 5-km physical activity route, as well as a breakfast and a space dedicated to recreation for the kids. “This Run and Walk motivated me to start exercising. I understand that this is a way to take care of my health and to be close

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The inaugural edition of the initiative in China brought together 22 participants in activities to promote health and integration

to nature,” says Maribel Riveros, who is in charge of the General Services program of the Corredor Duarte II Project. At the end of the event, participants were awarded medals and received information about breast cancer, in reference to the Pink October campaign. In partnership with the Un Amigo Como Tú foundation, which promotes and assembles a database of people who want to be marrow donors, the event spread a message about the importance and the means to identify the disease.

PANAMA The second edition of the Run and Walk in Panama brought together about a thousand people at Mirador del Pacífico, the Coastal Belt. The event was held on October 6 for eight projects and for Odebrecht’s office in the country.

Action included warming up and stretching for the physical activity, a Rumba Latin dance lesson, and a “Capoeira” dance presentation. A space was put together with toys and painting for the kids.

Check out highlights of the Odebrecht Run and Walk in Panama

Besides a healthy snack, the Panama group also received medals for participation

PERU At the Peruvian Army Equestrian Club, 350 people, including members and their relatives, participated in the Run and Walk in the country on the 26th. The activity took place on a 5-km route. Sports competitions and an energetic breakfast completed the initiative, which also supported the Pink October campaign and delivered a satin bow participants could attach to their T-shirts.

In Peru, 350 people took part and gave life to the event. There were also activities dedicated to kids


COLOMBIA In Bogota, 250 people attended the initiative for the 3-km route. Held in the country for the first time, the event took place at the Julio Garavito Colombian School of Engineering, on October 26. The action involved members of the Ruta del Sol Concessionaire, of the Consórcio Construtor Ruta del Sol (CONSOL), of the Consórcio para la Prosperidad (CONPROS), and of Odebrecht’s office in the country. Besides the run and the walk, participants attended the Rumba aerobics class and enjoyed a breakfast. To Daniel Leal, who is in charge of Information Technology in the country, the initiative is important to encourage physical activity and to drive integration among coworkers. Recreational activities were available to the kids, such as a magic show, cooking classes, painting and toys. Basketball and volleyball games and giveaways were also held for the adults.

“Although my son is just 10 months old, we enjoyed the event and got the most out of it,” said Bibiana Sierra, a member of the Odebrecht office in Colombia

AUSTRIA In Vienna, the 3-km walk was organized for members of Braskem, Odebrecht Óleo e Gás, and Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial in Austria, on the 26th. The inaugural event in the country was attended by 16 people and brought the group together for a lunch in the park after the physical activity. The 16 participants in Austria were very cheerful while they kept moving at a temperature of eight degrees


PORTUGAL In Lisbon, 150 people came together at Parque dos Poetas, on the 26th, to go on the 6-km run or 3-km walk. The members of the Odebrecht office in Portugal enjoyed an atmosphere of health promotion, integration, and synergy for the Pink October campaign together with their family members. The physical activities were led by professionals from a gym partner who, at the end, raffled entries for the participants for attending classes. Kids had a dedicated space available to them, where there were toys and monitors assisting with the games and paintings. In partnership with the Laço institution, which promotes breast cancer prevention and treatment, leaflets were distributed on the disease and self-examination, and a lecture made on the subject by Dr. Ana Rita Dagnino, a physician at Laço.

Served a snack that encouraged healthy eating, the 150 participants in Portugal were also given lessons on Zumba and Sh’ban

Check out highlights of the Run and Walk in Portugal


To the sound of music, participants from Ghana stretched for the hike and enjoyed a healthy breakfast

In the city of Acra, 61 people went to the Aburi Botanic Garden park, on November 2, for the inaugural edition of Run and Walk in the country. The group walked 5 km on a trail that allowed them to get to know the region. A physical education professional conducted the activity, instructing the members of the Eastern Corridor Road Project and of Odebrecht office, in Ghana, and their family members. The kids also enjoyed the day with toys and recreational games.


fast news

Odebrecht: one of the 100 Most Highly Searched Companies on LinkedIn


For the first time ever, Odebrecht joined the 2013 Most InDemand Employer ranking – a global list of the most highly sought out companies to work at on LinkedIn, the Internet’s largest professional network. Coming in at 71 st ,

includes a higher number of international companies: 42% of this total is made up of companies located outside the United States, the origin country of LinkedIn, compared to the 32% from last year. LinkedIn also elaborated a Brazilian

the Organization is one of the three Brazilian companies that appear on the global list In order to conduct the survey, the LinkedIn team analyzed the more than 238 million professional profiles on the social network. Compared with the first edition of the ranking, which took place in 2012, the list this year

version of the ranking. Odebrecht ranked sixth among the most highly searched companies in the country.

Click here to view the list of the 100 Most Highly Searched Companies on LinkedIn.

Synergy in Practice Fro m S e p te m b e r 3 0 to O c to b e r 4 , M ô n i c a Eva n ge l i s t a , re s p o n s i b l e fo r Po l y p ro py l e n e M a r ke t D e ve l o p m e n t a t B ra s ke m , t rave l e d to A n go l a to v i s i t t h e m a i n O d e b re c h t I n f ra s t r u c t u re - Af r i c a ,

including the construction s i te s m a d e f ro m re c yc l e d p o l y p ro py l e n e – re p l a c i n g t h e m e t a l l i c p a r ts w i t h p o l y u re t h a n e i n s u l a t i o n – a s we l l a s t h e u s e o f PVC i n t h e re s i d e n t i a l c o n s t r u c t i o n sys te m a n d

E m i ra te s a n d P o r t u g a l p ro j e c ts i n t h e c o u n t ry. Th e v i s i t wa s d e s i g n e d to ex p a n d t h e u s e o f p l a s t i c i n t h e Co n s t r u c t i o n a n d B u i l d i n g s e c to rs , s e e k i n g sy n e rgy b e twe e n t h e O rga n i z a t i o n ’ s c o m p a n i e s . Ce r t a i n s o l u t i o n s a re a l re a d y u s e d i n A n go l a : i n t h e Z a n go p ro j e c t , w h i c h i s re s p o n s i b l e fo r b u i l d i n g l ow- i n c o m e h o u s i n g , t h e lining used in the homes i s m a d e f ro m PVC s u p p l i e d by A ra fo r ro s , a B ra s ke m client. O t h e r o p p o r tu n i t i e s we re a l s o i d e n t i f i e d ,

fo r i te m s s u c h a s ro o fs , f ra m e s a n d d o o rs . Th e s e o p p o r tu n i t i e s w i l l b e s tu d i e d to e n s u re t h e fe a s i b i l i ty o f t h e s a l e s b e twe e n t h e d i f fe re n t p ro j e c ts a n d t h e B ra s ke m c l i e n ts , w h i c h i n a d d i t i o n to ge n e ra t i n g re s u l ts fo r t h e B u s i n e s s , w i l l also help build client l oya l ty a n d e n s u re ga i n s i n c o s t , q u a l i ty, s a fe ty a n d p ro d u c t i v i ty fo r t h e c o n t ra c ts . “ I t wa s t h e f i rs t s te p fo r b e g i n n i n g t h e t ra n sve rs a l wo r k b e twe e n O d e b re c h t I n f ra s t r u c tu re i n A n go l a a n d B ra s ke m , ” s a i d M ô n i c a Eva n ge l i s t a .

Learn more about the plastic solutions offered by the Braskem partners for Construction and Buildings. (in Portuguese)

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fast news

Reinforcing the Operations in the Market Braskem was present at the K 2013 Fair, the main meeting of the plastics and rubber industry, held in Germany from October 16-23. During this edition, the company’s participation earned new dimensions. The Business brought its ‘Green’ Plastic (Green PE) to the event and detailed the expansion of its I’m green TM polyethylene portfolio with the launch of the new line of low density material (PEBD). The annual production of the new resin will be approximately 30,000 tons and will be available for the market starting in January 2014. During the K Fair, the company also presented its portfolio. One of the highlights was the Braskem Maxio® line concept, created to differentiate resins that offer

Braskem presented a portfolio of innovations in the K 2013 Fair. The company has been expanding its international operations and currently has industrial plants in Brazil, the United States and Germany


improved efficiency and minimize the environmental impact caused during the transformation process. Its benefits include the reduced amount of energy with processing and lower temperatures, the reduction of the production cycle, elimination of phases and reduced use of raw material. Another important presentation was the polyethylene resin for carbonated beverage lids with an sealing capacity which helps maintain the beverage’s characteristics. The Members of the Wesseling industrial unit and the Frankfurt office also visited the Braskem stand and learned more about the main new products. During the visit, Members could see the application of resins in practice in the clients’ products. At the event, Braskem and Toyota Tsusho announced the renewal of the I’m green TM polyethylene distribution contract in Asia. The new agreement, which is valid until 2018, involves three families of the material: PEBDL (low linear density polyethylene), PEAD (high density polyethylene) and PEBD (low density polyethylene). “Toyota Tsusho supported the Green PE development project even when still in the pilot plant phase, and its role in the expansion of the market of products of a renewable source in Asia has been quite relevant,” emphasized the Vice President of Polyolephines, COMPERJ and Renewables, Luciano Guidolin.

With 93.48% of the construction work completed, Corinthians Arena installed the sixth metal part that is part of the North grandstand roof

Phase Dedicated to Fans On October 18, the sixth metal part of the Corinthians Arena North grandstand roof was installed, built by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil in S達o Paulo. Weighing approximately 300 tons, the structure was hoisted to a height of 52 meters above the grass field by a crane with a 1,550-ton capacity. Only two parts are missing to conclude the assembly of the arena grandstand roof: one over the South sector and another over the North. The work will be concluded in November, followed by the placement of the roof and lining. The construction of the East grandstand is further along and currently in the lining phase. The West structure has the roofs installed and will soon begin to receive the lining. The arena is 93.48% complete and will be delivered in December of this year. The some 1,560 Members are focused on the finish work for the floors, walls, Sky boxes, dressing rooms and bathrooms, as well as the construction of the walls that mark the limits of the terrain extending some 200,000 square meters.

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fast news

With the Maracanã Tour, children and adults have the opportunity to visit the stadium sites used by the soccer players before the start of a game

A Day as a Soccer Player On October 15, the concessionaire that manages Maracanã kicked off its stadium tour program. In order to offer soccer fans an unforgettable experience, the concessionaire established a partnership with the company Futebol Tour, which is specialized in guided visits to sports arenas, as well as with historian Bruno Lucena, who shared some of the important historical events and interesting facts about Maracanã to the guides who narrated the tour. Visitors have the opportunity to complete the same course as the players to get out on the field, passing through the locker room – where they watch videos with testimonials by some of the biggest names in Brazilian soccer – and through the warmup room. A projection showing images of


the fans of the four main Rio de Janeiro soccer clubs prepares the group to walk through the Athletes’ Tunnel, as if they were really going to head out to the field. At the end of the circuit, the participants can take photos at the press conference tables. The Maracanã Tour takes place each day from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The ticket costs R$ 30.00 (R$ 15.00 for the discounted rate) and can be purchased online at www. maracana.com or at the ticket booth located at Gate A (from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.). Children up to five years of age are free of charge. Students, children ages 6-10 years of age and those ages 60 and over pay the discounted rate. Public schools can schedule free visits, which are held on Mondays.

Fun with Plenty of Local Delicacies The October 27 game between the Brazilian teams Bahia and Atlético Paranaense marked the start of the sale of the acarajé (local dish made from black-eyed pea fritters topped with okra and shrimp) at the Itaipava Arena Fonte Nova. After meetings with the Association of the Bahia Women Acarajé Vendors, Firefighters, Military Police and Health Surveillance, a solution was found for a safe way to sell the acarajé inside the arena, since the use of the gas canisters and pots for oil are prohibited in sites of major public concentration. The Bahia female vendors, who will be duly outfitted to preserve the local traditions and culture, will use electric fryers to heat up the pan in an outdoor, isolated area. In addition to the acarajé, the menu will also offer other typical items, such as abará (another dish made from mashed black-eyed peas), buffalo wings, coconut sweets and the so-called “student’s cake.” The professionals received training to guarantee safety during their work.

The fans can now conveniently and safely purchase acarajé – Bahia’s most famous delicacy – inside the Itaipava Arena Fonte Nova


fast news

The greatest forward in the history of Maracanã, Zico will play at the stadium for the first time since it was remodeled

Maracanã to Host Game of the Stars Former Brazilian National Team player Zico, the greatest forward in the history of Maracanã with his 333 goals during 435 games, will return to the field that made him famous. On Saturday, December 28, the Flamengo team idol will play at the stadium for the first time after the remodeling work for the 2014 World Cup. The traditional Game of the Stars, a charity game that he himself organizes at the end of each year, will once again be held in Maracanã after three years. Zico wants to hold a large party to also celebrate his 60 th birthday and the 10 th edition of the event. “Maracanã has always been my second ‘home’ and it will be especially emotional to play in it once again,” said Zico. “We reached an agreement with the


concessionaire that manages the stadium and we want to hold a very nice party to celebrate the 10-year anniversary of Game of the Stars with fans from all the soccer clubs. “Besides being a fun moment, it is a chance to help institutions and people in need,” he said. The last Game of the Stars held in Maracanã was in 2009, when Zico, Romário and Adriano played together for 70,000 people – considered a record for charity events in Brazil. During the following year, Engenhão hosted the game. In 2011 and 2012, Morumbi Stadium in São Paulo served as stage for the party. During the first year in the São Paulo capital, former player Sócrates was honored, with the participation of 40,000 people.

New Life

The first 140 apartments at Terra Nova were delivered in August of this year. By 2014, 1,360 units will be ready, with a total of 2,180 properties

On October 19, more than 220 units of the Terra Nova Condominium, built by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil, were delivered to the victims of the flooding that affected Nova Friburgo, Rio de Janeiro, in 2011. During the ceremony, the Vice Governor and Infrastructure Coordinator of Rio de Janeiro, Luiz Fernando Pezão, delivered the keys to the residents of the new housing development. “We are helping rebuild lives,” said Pezão. “This inauguration has major symbolism and we will

of the region’s recovery,” he said. Participating in the event were Leandro Azevedo, Managing Director of Odebrecht Infrastructure in Rio de Janeiro, and Rogério Dourado, Contract Director. “I have no words to describe this moment,” said resident Irineu Santos, age 62. “I’m very happy. Having my own house will help me leave the past behind,” he said, clearly touched. According to the United Nations, the incident in the state’s mountainous region is one of the world’s 10 greatest

continue to make progress in terms

natural tragedies ever to occur.

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fast news

‘Live’ Pump Station Cameras from the EarthCam website began taking time-lapse photos of the Pump Station project, developed by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Africa, Emirates and Portugal in Abu Dhabi. Every 15 minutes, two cameras installed at the construction site – one at the top of a 20-meter tower and another placed at the level of the excavated soil – photograph the construction. EarthCam.com was created in 1996 with aims of developing a network of web cameras that offer views of unique and popular destinations worldwide. With the motto “When the world watches the world,” the page offers visitors images from thousands of cameras installed at tourist sites, such as Times Square and the Statue of Liberty in New York, Eiffel Tower in Paris and Avenida Paulista, in São Paulo, among others. The website increased its scope to include technology development and supply industries, civil construction projects and the transport and surveillance sectors.

The construction work for the deepest and most complex sewage pump station in the world – consisting of a well 50 meters in diameter and more than 100 meters deep – can be observed at the website EarthCam. com


Weighing 2,000 tons, and with a length of 120 meters and diameter of 11.5 meters, the TBM excavates 15-18 meters of tunnel per day – four times faster compared to other methods used previously in Rio de Janeiro

This is the largest “tatuzão” in Latin America and the largest piece of equipment ever used for any subway construction work in Brazil

Start of an Important Phase On October 23, the “tatuzão” (popular name given to the Tunnel Boring Machine – TBM) that will drill the Line 4 tunnels of the Rio de Janeiro Subway, began its test phase. The construction work is part of the Linha 4 Sul Consortium, headed by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil. This phase was celebrated with the presence of the Rio de Janeiro State Governor, Sérgio Cabral, and his secretaries inside the tunnel where the machine is being installed in the neighborhood of Ipanema. During the ceremony, the “tatuzão” was “baptized” and received the name “Bárbara,” a tribute to the saint who protects miners

and tunnel workers. “It is an epic development that represents a Rio de Janeiro dream that has been brewing some 30 years,” said Sérgio Cabral. “This gigantic piece of equipment will facilitate the project and allow thousands of people to transit through the metropolitan region efficiently and safely,” he said. The TBM is set to begin operating in December 2013. By October, approximately 600 staves were manufactured – concrete rings that will be used by the machine to form the tunnels – corresponding to 1 kilometer or 25% of the total to be excavated by the equipment.


fast news

A phase completed On September 20, the Construtor Transrio Consortium – led by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil – finalized the process of hoisting and installing the beams for the Avenida Marechal Fontenelle viaduct, located in Rio de Janeiro, part of the construction work being completed for the Transolímpica Expressway. The operation began with work of some 30 people, including Members at the support team, and installed 20 structures in their final position above the support pillars. This marked the delivery of the first Special Civil Engineering Work (engineering term used to name large-sized or original openings of major access ways) delivered by the consortium. The viaduct is located in the neighborhood of Jardim Sulacap and, together with the other project structures it will use structural concrete equivalent to six, 20-floor buildings, and with steel that weighs about as much as 2,600 compact vehicles.

Of the 20 viaduct beams, 10 are 36 meters long and weigh 35 tons, and 10 are 23 meters long and 18 tons


Seven new access ramps and two viaducts will be built along the Valinhos Clover. The total cost of the construction work is R$ 16.2 million, with delivery scheduled for 2015

Revitalization for Valinhos I n Oc to b e r, th e Rota da s Ba n d e i ra s Co n ce ss i o na i re – a n O d e b re c ht Tra n s Po rt a sse t – b ega n th e re m o d e l i ng wo rk fo r th e a cce ss c l ove r l o cate d at Km 8 of th e José Ro b e rto Maga l hã e s Te ixe i ra Roa d R i ng ( SP- 083 ) . Th e a re a, kn own a s th e Va l i n h os Cl ove r, i s co n s i d e re d to have ma j o r l ogi sti c s i m p o rta n ce fo r th e Do m Pe d ro Co rri d o r s i n ce i t offe rs a cce ss to th e Fra n c i sco Vo n Zu b e n ( SP- 091 ) H ighway, wh i c h co n n e c ts th e c i ti e s of Ca m p i na s a n d Va l i n h os, i n Sã o Pa u l o. Th e stre tc h wi l l u n d e rgo c ha nge s, p ri ma ri ly to e l i m i nate traffi c co nfl i c ts, th e re by gua ra nte e i ng u se rs m o re safe ty a n d co mfo rt. Th e c ha nge s

i n c l u d e th e i n sta l lati o n of seve n n ew a cce ss ra m ps a n d two n ew via d u c ts. A tota l of 54 , 000 ve h i c l e s pa ss th ro ugh th e Va l i n h os Cl ove r e a c h day. I n a d d i ti o n to th e co n stru c ti o n s, th e via d u c t that c u rre ntly exi sts wi l l b e expa n d e d to i n c l u d e a n i n c re a se d n u m b e r of traffi c la n e s. “Wi th th e re d u c ti o n of i nte rfe re n ce s, we exp e c t to b e a b l e to e l i m i nate th e p e a ks of traffi c b u i l d u p, ” exp la i n e d Ab n e r To l e d o, th e p rofe ss i o na l re s p o n s i b l e fo r th e p ro j e c t. Wi th co n c l u s i o n e sti mate d fo r 2015 , th e p ro j e c t i s pa rt of th e wo rk to re cove r a n d re m o d e l i m p o rta nt c l ove rs i n th e regi o n i n wh i c h th e co n ce ss i o na i re o p e rate s.


fast rápidas news

Literary Achievement On October 17, the winners were announced for the 55th edition of the Jabuti Literature Award – an important recognition of the Brazilian Book Chamber (CBL). The book O Comércio do Açúcar – Brasil, Portugal e Países Baixos (1595-1630) (“The Sugar Trade – Brazil, Portugal and the Low Countries (1595-1630))”, winner of the 6th edition of the Odebrecht Historical Research Award – Clarival do Prado Valladares, by Daniel Strum, and with graphic design by Eduardo Villas Boas, earned 2nd place in the Graphic Design category. The distinction reaffirms the artistic vocation of the books sponsored by the Odebrecht Historical Research Award, which have received five Jabutis award over the past 10 years. The first came in 2009, when the book A História

do Brazil de Frei Vicente do Salvador (“The History of Brazil by Monk Vicente do Salvador”) – written by Professor Maria Leda Oliveira and with graphic design by Karyn Mathuiy – was awarded with 2nd place in the Graphic Design category. The following year, the book Igreja e convento de São Francisco da Bahia (“The Church and Convent of São Francisco da Bahia”), with design by Carina Flexor and Renata Kalid, earned 1st place in the same category; and the book Theodoro Sampaio – nos sertões e na cidade (“Theodoro Sampaio – in the Backlands and in the City”), by author Ademir Pereira dos Santos and with the layout designed by Karyn Mathuiy, earned 1st place in the Graphic Design category and third place in the Architecture and Urban Planning category.

The book O Comércio do Açúcar – Brasil, Portugal e Países Baixos (1595-1630) (“The Sugar Trade – Brazil, Portugal and Low Countries (1595-1630)”), winner of the 6th edition of the Odebrecht Historical Research Award, earned second place in the Graphic Design category of the 55th Jabuti Literature Award

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Learn more about the history of the Odebrecht Organization, which began in the mid-19th century. Over the decades, a small company grew, consolidated its place in Brazil and also expanded into five continents. Embark on a journey through time. Access: www.odebrecht.com/culturaodebrecht/




This year, Odebrecht Infrastructure - Africa, Emirates and Portugal is celebrating 25 years in Portugal. The date was celebrated on October 22 during a special event held at the Ajuda National Palace in Lisbon, featuring the lecture “Portugal and Brazil – Time to Create the Future,” given by former Brazilian president, Luis Inácio Lula da Silva. Guests at the ceremony included

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Portuguese and Brazilian authorities, Members and leaders of the Organization and partners. At the end, those present received a commemorative book illustrated with information about the five centuries of the history of Portugal and Brazil and the Odebrecht’s history in the country, besides the talent and entrepreneurship of young portugueses and vision of new business for the future. The event was closed with a performance by Ana Moura, a well-

known Fado singer– a typical Portuguese musical rhythm. The Odebrecht Organization began operating in Portugal when it acquired the company Bento Pedroso Construções (BPC) in 1988. With the structuring of Odebrecht Infrastructure - Africa, Arab Emirates and Portugal in 2012, the Organization reinforced its interest in diversifying its operations in the country.

Over the past 25 years, Portugal has made important progress improving its infrastructure and Odebrecht contribute toward this growth, primarily in the regions of Lisbon and Porto. Learn more about the projects completed by the Organization in a special news story from the magazine Odebrecht Informa.

The Vasco da Gama Bridge, located over the Tejo River, extends 17.3 km and is one of Portugal’s main symbols. Inaugurated in 1998, it connects the cities of Montijo and Alcochete to Lisbon and Sacavém

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Fábio Januário, Senior Officer of Odebrecht in Portugal, greets the guests during the celebration for the Organization’s 25-year anniversary operating in the country

In his speech, former Brazilian president Luis Inácio Lula da Silva addressed the approach relations between Portugal and Brazil and developing partnership projects in African countries which speaking Portuguese


The event was held at the Ajuda National Palace, which dates back to 1761 and is presently home to the Ajuda National Library, Ministry of Culture and Portugal Museum and Conservation Institute

Singer Ana Moura presented Fado songs – a Portuguese musical style that UNESCO elevated to the category or Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity






defense and technology

Partnership that Strengthens


n October 28, Odebrecht Defesa e Tecnologia took part in the Science, Technology and Innovation Cycle of the Brazilian Army Command and General Staff School (ECEME), located in Rio de Janeiro. The 140 lieutenants colonels and majors, first year students of the Army’s strategic level course, listened to a lecture by Alberto Sant´Ana, Business Development Director, and got an up-close look at the Submarine Development Program (PROSUB) in the city of Itaguaí. The goal of the ECEME Science, Technology and Innovation Cycle is to present the activities of the sector developed by the Army, Navy and Air Force that are focused on the Industrial Defense Base. “The invitation was important for us, since we formed a relationship with the future army generals and strengthened the Organization’s image with the members of this group,”


said Alberto Sant´Ana, a retired general and Member of Odebrecht for the past two and a half years.

THE ORGANIZATION IN A NEW BUSINESS During his presentation, Alberto Sant´Ana described Brazil’s largest defense project and the Business Model that brought together the Brazilian and French governments, Brazilian Navy and Odebrecht and DCNS. “Today, I’m returning to ECEME, which I frequented 25 years ago, to present Odebrecht Defesa e Tecnologia, a competitive company with major potential for growth made up of 1,320 people, 1,314 of whom are Brazilians,” emphasized Santana. The year 1944 came up when Alberto Sant´Ana recalled the global scenario and period lived by the country – whose industrial sector indicated growth– at the end of World War II and the emergence of the Organization in Salvador.

Odebrecht Defesa e Tecnologia opened PROSUB’s doors to officials from the Brazilian Army Command and General Staff School (ECEME) during the course’s Science, Technology and Innovation Cycle


Alberto Sant´Ana, Business Development Director, presented the Organization and Odebrecht Defesa e Tecnologia Business: “Odebrecht and the Army have the competency, discipline and common values to work together with convergent objectives in a relationship grounded in trust”


Odebrecht’s phases of nationalization, internationalization and diversification, the latest economic and financial indicators, the Odebrecht Foundation and the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO) were all addressed. “One of the main points of TEO is that ‘everything changes supported by a base that never changes,’ just like in the Brazilian Army, where the values ​​ that underlie the institution are permanent,” said Santana. The retired general also talked about the Organization’s strong presence in the technological industry: “In addition to

Odebrecht Defesa e Tecnologia, other Businesses contribute toward the sector, such as Braskem, Odebrecht Oil and Gas, Odebrecht Ambiental, Odebrecht Agroindustrial and the Enseada do Paraguaçu Shipyard.” Alberto Sant´Ana revealed the Brazilian government’s invitation to PROSUB, talked about the competencies and projects of Mectron, an Odebrecht Defesa e Tecnologia asset, such as communication systems, radars and satellites, and the national and international Defense and Technology market. “Odebrecht represents something new in this sector

historically fragmented and has only isolated solutions, made up by small and medium-sized companies. The Business Development Director further reinforced the importance of the partnership between the Armed Forces and the Organization: “Odebrecht and the Army have the competency, discipline and common values ​​to work together with convergent objectives in a relationship grounded in trust,” he said.

TECHNOLOGY FOR BRAZIL’S DEFENSE After that, Fleet Admiral Gilberto Max Roffé Hischfeld from

the PROSUB General Coordination area, which is part of the General Navy Material Department, spoke about the Submarine Development Program, Naval Power and the country’s National Defense Strategy (END). “I am 66 years old and it was the ‘irresponsibility’ of our generation to not have left a legacy for the Armed Forces for the next 50 years,” he said. According to Hischfeld, the Brazilian Navy’s mission is to create the capacity for the design and manufacturing of conventional and nuclearpropelled submarines. “PROSUB is formed by three modular

Fleet Admiral Gilberto Max Roffé Hischfeld spoke about the Submarine Development Program: “We are creating another Navy and our challenges are very big, new and different each day”


developments: infrastructure, a nuclear submarine and conventional submarines,” he said. “Our focus is on the transfer of technology and nationalization of the program through the training of people,” he explained. The Government Agreement with France involves a strategic partnership, the cooperation between the Ministries of Defense and the technical arrangement between the Navies of the two countries. “The elaboration of the project began in July 2012 and more than 400 engineers will be qualified by 2018,” said Fleet Admiral Hischfeld. “We are creating another Navy, since everything will be different,” he said. The General Coordinator of PROSUB ended his presentation by citing the new challenges ahead for the Armed Forces and the partnership with Odebrecht: “Our challenges are great, new and different each day,” he said. “As Brazilians, you will find it satisfying to see the project. It is important to recognize Odebrecht as a partner of the Armed Forces and as an investor in technology and Brazilian defense.


“BIRTHPLACE” OF THE SUBMARINES After the lectures at the ECEME auditorium, located in the Rio de Janeiro capital, the 140 course participants, leaders of Odebrecht Defesa e Tecnologia and members of the Brazilian Army, including General Walter Nilton Pina Stoffel, ECEME Commander, traveled to the city of Itaguaí to visit the installations of Itaguaí Construções Navais (ICN), the company responsible for PROSUB. With the orientation of Engineer

Mauro Barbosa, Production Manager, visitors got an upclose look at the Navy Shipyard and Base, currently being built by Odebrecht Infrastructure Brazil. The meeting began at the industrial area of the Metal Structure Manufacturing Unit (UFEM). According to Mauro Barbosa, the manufacturing of the submarines begins at the state-owned company partner NUCLEP (Nuclebrás Equipamentos Pesados),

the heavy equipment manufacturing company that produces the sections of the submarine’s resistance hull. The parts then continue on to UFEM, where the installation of the internal structures takes place. The unit’s main warehouse is where the sections are installed, and at the main Shipyard, the workers join the different sections of the submarine, which is then launched into the sea later for tests and operation.

The lectures at ECEME were followed by a visit to the installations of Itaguaí Construções Navais (ICN), the company responsible for PROSUB, which began at the Metal Structure Manufacturing Unit (UFEM)


Members of the Army and representatives from Odebrecht Defesa e Tecnologia visited the Navy Shipyard and Base, which are part of the PROSUB infrastructure. The conventional submarines will be ready by December 2017


General Walter Nilton Pina Stoffel, ECEME Commander: the partnership between Odebrecht and the Brazilian Army helps strengthen the country’s defense


fast news•awards

Fruits of the Relationship with the Community During Projekta 2013 – International Civil Construction, Public Works, City Planning and Architecture Equipment and Material Fair – held from October 24-27 in Angola, Odebrecht Infrastructure Africa, Emirates and Portugal received the Sustainability Award for its work in the country. The event is part of the Luanda International Fair (FIL) and represents the largest meeting in the Angolan civil construction sector. The Business used the occasion to participate with its own stand, where it presented its social responsibility actions implemented through the projects. For Marcus Felipe de Aragão, responsible for Planning, People and Institutional Relations in the country, the award is recognition of the work developed by Odebrecht during its 29 years operating.

Projekta 2013 gathered 530 exhibitors, 36% more than the participation compared to the previous year’s edition. During the opening portion of the event, the Luanda Vice Governor of the Technical and Infrastructure area, Antônio Resende, pointed out that the initiative is “a one-of-a-kind” opportunity for establishing partnerships and promoting projects that allow for the diversification of the economy and sustainable growth of Angola. “The fair drives the development of the participating companies, primarily the Angolan ones,” said Resende. For the Minister of Construction, Waldemar Pires, the event grew and has helped leverage the construction market, city planning and real estate, promoting business opportunities to make the country increasingly attractive to investors.

Waldemar Pires and Marcus Felipe de Aragão during the visit to the Odebrecht stand


Carlos Genam, National Coordinator of the FINEP Award, during the ceremony held on October 13 at the Rio de Janeiro Municipal Theater

Awarded Innovative Profile Through its subsidiary Mectron, Odebrecht Defesa e Tecnologia was elected one of the winners in the regional phase of the 2013 FINEP Innovation Award, granted by the Study and Project Finance Entity – a public Brazilian company that promotes science, technology and innovation at technological companies and institutes. Because the FINEP Innovation Award is the most important instrument of stimulus and recognition for the area in Brazil, Odebrecht’s achievement demonstrates the Business’s commitment to research and development. The recognition earned by Odebrecht Defesa e Tecnologia was based on four rigorous criteria: quantitative data from the past three years; innovation management; innovation and internationalization and partnerships for developing innovations.


fast fastnews•awards news•awards

Cooperating for Sustainability In October, Braskem was elected the Largest Brazilian Company in Carbon Management by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) – one of the most respected international organizations focused on conducting sustainability analyses in the capital market. “The result proves the company’s commitment to increasingly more sustainable processes and products,” revealed Jorge Soto, Sustainable Development Director at Braskem. “Growing with a focus on excellence in this guideline is part of our business strategy,” emphasized Soto. In the survey, Braskem earned a score of 99 in transparency (on a scale of up to 100) and earned an “A” in performance. According to the CDP Director for Latin America, Juliana Lopes, the objective of the performance score is to highlight the positive action to deal with climate change, and the high score demonstrates that the company measured, verified and managed its greenhouse gas emissions. “The definition and compliance with the carbon reduction goals, together with the implementation of the programs focused on this are considered crucial aspects in the study, since they reveal the company’s efforts to dissociate its growth from the increase in emissions,” said Lopes. Braskem is also one of the companies included on the theoretical portfolio of the BM&FBOVESPA Efficient Carbon Index (ICO2). At the São Paulo stock exchange, the company has been listed on the Business Sustainability Index (ISE) since 2005. On an international level, it has been part of the Dow Jones Sustainability Emerging Markets Index since 2012 (the year it was created). “From 2008 to 2012, we reduced the intensity of the greenhouse gases by 13%,” explained Jorge Soto. “We will continue to promote solutions in this sense,” he said.

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fast news: people

New Professionals and Opportunities Th e X i c o l a Ya Ku tu tu l u ka p ro g ra m , d eve l o p e d i n A n go l a by t h e O d e b re c h t I n f ra s t r u c tu re - Af r i c a , E m i ra te s a n d Po r tu ga l Ca ta ta – Lóv u a p ro j e c t , h a s o p e n e d u p s p a c e fo r ye t a n o t h e r t ra i n i n g i n i t i a t i ve : t h e Vo c a t i o n a l P ro g ra m fo r Ro a d s . T h e i n i t i a t i ve , w h i c h b e g a n i n A u g u s t , i n vo l ve s t h e p a r t i c i p a t i o n o f 3 0 s t u d e n ts , a l l o f w h o m a re re s i d e n ts o f v i l l a g e s . T h e g o a l a re to t ra i n a n d va l u e l o c a l l a b o r

a n d to l e a ve a s a l e g a c y “ m i n i wo r k s h o p s ” l o c a te d n e a r t h e v i l l a g e s a n d ro a d s s o t h a t t h e s e i n d i v i d u a l s h a ve t h e m e a n s to s u s t a i n t h e m s e l ve s w i t h a n e w p ro fe s s i o n . Th e p ro g ra m ’ s t h e o re t i c a l c l a s s e s i n c l u d e l u b r i c a t i o n , t i re re p a i r, a u to m o b i l e e l e c t r i c a n d m e c h a n i c s c o u rs e s a n d a re g i ve n by t h e p ro j e c t M e m b e r t h ro u g h p re e l a b o ra te d m o d u l e s .

The Xicola Ya Kututuluka program assists 30 people from the villages located near the Catata – Lóvua project


fast news•people

‘In English, Please’ The concept of Communication (from the Latin word Communicare, which means “share”) is popularly defined as an activity for transmitting information through the exchange of thoughts, messages or data, through discourse, image, signals, writing or behavior. At Odebrecht, this process is reinforced through daily work actions and through Client Satisfaction. Open and transparent communication creates and strengthens mutual trust. To share knowledge, information and desired results, the communication channels must use a common language. English is the official language in the United Arab Emirates and was also adopted by Odebrecht in the country, which works with Members of 21 different nationalities, the majority of which come from India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. In order to meet this demand and offer Members support with their personal and professional relationships, the Pump Station project implemented the Basic English Program. The initiative involves the participation of eight Members as volunteer teachers: the Pakistanis Abdul Rahman Malik and Abu Bakar Asif; Indians Sandeep Singh, Sandeep Pothuri and Shaikh Sarfraz and the Sri Lankans Menaka Hemajith Saramge Don, Kasun Dhananjaya Wijerathne and Amila Lakmal Perera. “The Basic English Program will help participants find better job opportunities,” said Sandeep Singh. According to Gustavo Da Motta, Contract Director, the program will improve communication and boost the teams’ productivity. “Congratulations to of those involved with the initiative,” he said.

Lasting six weeks, the Basic English Program in the United Arab Emirates formed two groups, already


In addition to the lectures and activities, the campaign gave away free gifts for Members

Healthy Heart Awakening people’s interest in caring for their health and diet was the goal behind the campaign developed by the Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial CONEST Consortium from October 14-18. The action was an initiative of the project’s leadership in partnership with Odebrecht Corretora de Seguros to present the topics to Members in a fun way. There were lectures on oral health and ergonomics, highlighting healthy habits for a better life, including heart health. Members also took part in workplace exercises and had the chance to complete a nutritional

evaluation and receive counseling about their diets, measure their blood pressure and Body Mass Index (BMI) and discover their blood sugar level. The actions were administered by professionals from the CONEST Health and Nutrition team and received the support of partners such as Bradesco Saúde and OdontoPrev, as well as from Nutrition and Nursing students from the colleges Pernambuco Maurício de Nassau and Guararapes. A large panel was set up in the common area with the image of a heart, which awakened both curiosity and Member´ participation in the actions developed during the week.

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fast news•people

The Santo Antônio HPP kitchen team consists of 200 Members, including nutritionists, butchers, salad makers, cooks, buyers, supervisors, assistants and helpers

One of the Largest Kitchens in the Country In September of this year, the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) Food Service recorded more than 30.2 million meals served. Members have already consumed, for example, 2,000 tons of rice, 6,000 tons of proteins and 26 million pieces of bread. Each day, more than 20,000 services are produced, distributed to four restaurants and to a space for coffee – sites where more than 13,000 workers eat meals that include breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner. For Silvia Amaral, responsible for the Food Program at the project, producing more than 30 million meals without any suspected food-borne illness is a source of satisfaction. “It makes me proud to work in a kitchen of this size that is so well planned,” said Amaral. “This is a figure I never before reached during my 16 years in the profession. We got to this point because we have a team that is aligned and always available to work,” she said.


The menu is created by nutritionists and meets the workers’ energy needs. One of the highlights of the kitchen is the absence of fried foods, guaranteeing that people stay healthier while also avoiding the need to dispose of cooking oil. Iracema Alves Moreira, one of those responsible for making the salads, explains that the foods are carefully prepared: “Everything is done with a great deal of love and responsibility,” said Moreira. “I feel privileged to have the experience of working at a kitchen as large as this one,” she said. Created in July 2009, the food service complex at the Santo Antônio HPP includes the areas of Planning, Warehouse, Industrial Kitchen, Bakery, Meat Pre-Preparation, Salad Preparation, Snack Bar, Coffee Shop and Restaurants. The construction of the Santo Antônio HPP, located on the Madeira River in Rondônia, is led by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil. The development will have an installed capacity of 3,568 MW.

Representing the Country Julio Cesar Padula, rescuer for the Rota das Bandeiras Concessionaire, was the individual chosen from the State of São Paulo to represent Brazil in the Global Rescue Challenge. The competition took place from October 30 to November 2 in Clearwater City, United States, and gathered professionals from some 30 different countries. Promoted by the World Rescue Organization, the event is designed to raise people’s awareness about highway accidents that occur all over the globe. Furthermore the exchange of experiences allows for an improvement of the services provided, qualifying the professionals even further. “This choice motivates us and makes us certain of the quality we are developing within Rota das Bandeiras,” emphasized the Member. For this first participation, in addition to Julio Cesar Padula, the Brazilian team consisted of employees from São Paulo’s BR Vida – a company specialized in pre-hospital assistance that offers its services to Rota das Bandeiras – and Santa Catarina, Paraná and Minas Gerais.

The group competed with the teams from countries like England, Canada, the United States, Spain and Germany. Julio Cesar Padula works at the Rota das Bandeiras User Assistance Service center located at Km 139 of the Dom Pedro I Highway (SP-065) in Campinas, São Paulo.

Julio Cesar Padula, rescuer for Rota das Bandeiras, represented Brazil at the Global Rescue Challenge, which took place in the United States. Was the first time that a Latin American country participated in the event with a team


knowledge network

Created in 2012, the Communication Community of Knowledge added 174 new participants during that same year and currently has 282 members


Synergy to Combine Unity with Diversity


embers from the different Communication areas at the Odebrecht Organization gathered on October 14 and 15 in Lima, Peru, to learn about and share best practices and lessons learned during the 2 nd Communication Knowledge Community Meeting . There were 103 people present at the event from Odebrecht S.A., Odebrecht Infrastructure Brazil; Odebrecht Infrastructure - Latin America; Odebrecht

Infrastructure - Africa, Emirates and Portugal; Odebrecht Latinvest; Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial; Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias; Odebrecht Ambiental; Odebrecht Agroindustrial; Odebrecht Properties; Odebrecht TransPort; Braskem; Odebrecht Oil and Gas and the Odebrecht Foundation. Pilar Baella, leader of the Community of Knowledge and responsible for Communication in Peru, emphasizes the growth in the number of Members at the event. “During the first meeting, which


Márcio Polidoro presented the main items of Organization’s Communication Policy. The document is in the final phase of approval

was held in Panama in 2012, we had 87 people,” said Baella. This year, we had a total of 103. Because we are a young Community, the participation we had is quite motivating.”

IMPORTANT LEARNING The programming was developed based on the topics highlighted in the Odebrecht Communication Policy, which is in its final phase of approval. The document gathers guidelines for practicing an aligned discourse at the Organization’s 14 Businesses. “Considering the period of change we are experiencing with the new visual identity and the increased exposure in the market due to our


diversification, the event agenda needed to be focused on the policy,” explained Pilar Baella. During the opening of meeting, Raymundo Serra, General Manager in Peru, welcomed the group and emphasized the importance of this meeting of Knowledgeable People. Professor and Psychologist Roberto Lerner was invited to talk about how people relate with the brand and image, whether from products, companies or individuals. Márcio Polidoro administered the day’s main lecture. The professional responsible for Communication at Odebrecht S.A. disseminated the concepts included in the policy, clarifying questions about implementing

the mono brand, the relationship with the main stakeholders – Members, Clients, the community, media and authorities – and social investment (sponsorship), items present in the document. “The Brand strategy is designed to serve as the institutional discourse for Odebrecht and all

said Márcio Polidoro. He further emphasized the positioning that should orient Members: “We are a global Organization with diversified businesses that is proud of its Brazilian origin,” he said. “With our own business culture and Knowledgeable People, we create integrated and innovative solutions

the communication actions,” said Márcio Polidoro. “Its content inspires and qualifies Members to communicate so that our messages have unity and there is synergy in all the Organization’s spheres,”

that are relevant and priority-based and satisfy clients and we build bonds of trust with everyone with whom we relate.” The second day was dedicated to cases of success and failure

Daelcio Freitas represented Odebrecht Properties and show the lessons learned in the areas of organization and communication of the inaugurations of Itaipava Arena Fonte Nova, Itaipava Arena Pernambuco and the Maracanã


The 103 participants had the opportunity to visit the construction work of the Lima Subway Stretch 2 and learn more about the project’s relationship with the surrounding communities

experienced by the Businesses. Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias presented the operations plan in the social media. Odebrecht Properties presented the lessons learned in the areas of organization and communication of the inaugurations of Itaipava Arena Fonte Nova, Itaipava Arena Pernambuco and the Maracanã. Enrique Castillo, journalist in Peru, presented the perspectives of the population and social media about organizations with global operations such as Odebrecht when they establish themselves in the country. The group also learned more about an Internal Communication


diagnosis for the Odebrecht Infrastructure projects in Brazil; the relationship with the press at the Chaglla Hydroelectric Power Plant in Peru and as well as the communication challenges for the Coastal Belt III project, in Panama. At the end, the Odebrecht Communication team in Argentina shared its experience with the positioning work for protecting the brand during the exit of a client, which occurred at the Colorado River Potassium project. For Marcelo Pontes, who is responsible for Communication at Odebrecht TransPort, the Community of Knowledge is a means of communication: “It

informs, teaches and notifies,” he explained. “It is a classroom in which the lessons are our own experiences. Within this context, the exchange of information is extensive and spontaneous.”

KNOWLEDGEABLE IN PRACTICE During the meeting, the participants were given the challenge of using what they learned to elaborate a Communication Policy implementation plan. The ideas were presented at the end of the event, prompting the participants to reflect and disseminate the content. For Pilar Baella, the knowledge acquired at the meeting, similarly to

during the Members’ daily routine, cannot remain something restricted. To facilitate this continuous relationship, there is the portal of the Communication Community of Knowledge. Through it, it is possible to share learning and questions at any time. The leader of the Community indicates that one of its challenges is making this electronic community a space that earns Members’ interest and serves as a source for consultation. “Therefore, the portal will serve as a support to transform us, the communicators, into professionals who are better prepared to help the Organization achieve the 2020 Vision and be one of the world’s 50 most admired companies,” said Baella.

The Members gathered in groups and discussed the strategies necessary for implementing the Organization’s Communication Policy at the different Businesses. Starting from the left: Sergio Kertesz, leader of the Communication and Marketing area at Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias, Marcelo Pontes and Justino Amaro, responsible for Communication and Institutional Relations, in Angola


fast news•people

Our Culture, Our Brand Odebrecht Font Family Did you know that our visual identity has an exclusive font family? In order to use it, simply complete the download at Brand Territory and then install it on your computer. However, before completing this step, following the guidelines below for correct use: Titles and Highlights Odebrecht Slab

ABCDEFGHIJKL abcdefghijkl

Sub-titles and highlights in other languages Odebrecht Sans Bold Italic ABCDEFGHIJKL abcdefghijkl

Titles and highlights in other languages Odebrecht Slab Italic ABCDEFGHIJKL abcdefghijkl

Large text masses Odebrecht Sans

ABCDEFGHIJKL abcdefghijkl

Sub-titles and highlights in large text masses Odebrecht Sans Bold ABCDEFGHIJKL abcdefghijkl

Citations in other languages Odebrecht Sans Italic ABCDEFGHIJKL abcdefghijkl

Prioritize the use of the Odebrecht font in your day-to-day, especially if you plan to create any printed material. Important: It is not always possible to use the Odebrecht font. In documents or e-mails, for example, the reading may be hindered if the recipient does

not have the font installed on his or her computer. As an alternative, the font “Tahoma” can be used, which is already installed on the computer.

For further information, access Brand Territory:



Stay attentive to the Brand application tips found in the editions of ON!

fast News: social actions The Children’s Pastoral in Zango already has 35 people working to administer the works. Kambas do Bem – a group of expatriate women who volunteer in communities located near the Odebrecht projects – hold weekly meetings to contribute toward these leaders’ training

Caring for the Community of Zango October 4 marked the inauguration of the Children’s Pastoral head office in Zango, the result of a partnership between Odebrecht Infrastructure Africa, Emirates and Portugal, Kambas do Bem and Angola Government to contribute toward quality of life and help promote health in the municipality of Luanda metropolitan area. With the blessing of the Bishop of the Viana Diocese, Dom Joaquim Fernandes, 35 leaders living in Zango took office and began to administer the pastoral’s work in the region. Some 300 people took part in the ceremony, including representatives from UNICEF and from the Municipal Health Board, which are partners of the entity. The guests had the chance to visit the installations,

which have an auditorium, experimental kitchen, vertical garden and offices. The unit already has some 5,200 children registered and vaccinated. “The arrival of the Children’s Pastoral brings life to Zango,” said Domingas Pacheco, community leader in the municipality. “The teachings that will be given at this unit will certainly save many of our children,” he said. The Children’s Pastoral originated in Brazil and currently operates in an additional 21 countries. The institution is recognized as one of the most important to work on basic health, education, nutrition and citizenship actions, helping combat child mortality and helping to improve the quality of life of both pregnant women and children.


fast news•social actions

Adding Value to Society Odebrecht established an agreement with the NGO Ingeniería Sin Fronteras (“Engineering without Borders”) to send discarded materials (scraps) from its projects in Argentina to the community projects developed by the institution in the country. Held in October, the first delivery included 5,000 tons of iron, cable and wood, among other scraps. “Those materials that are just scrap for our projects are valuable materials for the NGO used in its social projects,” emphasized Lucas Utrera, responsible for Sustainability at Odebrecht in Argentina. The partnership with Ingeniería Sin Fronteras was formed through Reciclar, a program promoted in the country to treat the waste from the projects and which complements the initiative focused on recycling clothing from the project, offering a source of income for the seamstresses from the community.

The partnership with Ingeniería Sin Fronteras follows the Odebrecht Sustainability guidelines and is part of the Investment Fund for Sustainable Development (FIDS)


Celebrate in Partnership Working through the Social Energy for Local Sustainability program, Odebrecht Agroindustrial promoted actions to celebrate Children’s Day in the communities in which the company operates. The Araguaia Center in Goiás promoted two meetings. The first, in the Community of Mineiros, in Goiânia, gathered together approximately 1,000 people, including children, youth and adults. The action offered games, snacks, face painting, capoeira and a field day between schools. Carlos Roberto Amorim, the municipality’s Social Action Secretary, commented on the success of the date and the importance of joining forces. “The Social Energy Program has contributed toward the development of Mineiros and the people who live here,” said Amorim. “Seeing the children happy shows us that partnership is the very soul of the business,” he said. The other meeting, located in Perolândia, had more than 600 people participate in the activities. The main highlight was decidedly the adults who felt like kids again taking part in the fun and games and getting the younger ones involved. At the Goiás Center, a different sort of day was organized for the students of the Corujinha School. They received an invitation to the Toy Exchange Fair, and the action was a moment marked by interaction between children. The group also participated in the Social Energy Cinema and watched the movie “Kiriku – Wild Animals.” At the Santa Luzia Center, located in Mato Grosso do Sul, the celebration took place at

the Pana and Bebedouro Settlements and at the Sports Court of the municipality’s Social Work Department. The initiative began with 4,000 students participating in recreational activities to promoting healthier eating habits and the Social Energy Cinema, programming focused on environmental education. The Mayor of Nova Alvorada do Sul, Juvenal Neto, commented on the importance of caring for children and the partnership at this event. “Our children should be treated with a great deal of respect and affection and we are happy to celebrate such a special and awaited day,” said Neto. “The most important thing is for society to be aware that we have the obligation to treat our small citizens with the utmost care every single day. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Odebrecht Agroindustrial for its cooperation at this festive meeting.”

Approximately 6,000 people took part in the Children’s Day actions held at the Odebrecht Agroindustrial centers. Between the different activities, the children were offered healthy snacks

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fast news•social actions

A Different Day for the Children

Members from the Engenhão Consortium organize a surprise for the children from the Raquel Leite Dias Municipal Daycare and deliver toys to celebrate Children’s Day

The Members of the Engenhão Consortium, led by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil, joined forces during October to collect gifts for 150 children from the Raquel Leite Dias Municipal Daycare in the neighborhood of Engenho de Dentro, in Rio de Janeiro, as part of the celebrations for Children’s Day, on the 12 th . The date was celebrated with a party. The donated toys included balls, dolls, strollers and a kit for “little engineers”. To go along with the fun, sweets and cake were served. “It gives us a


sensation of joy to offer the children this happy experience,” said Karoline Karin, Technical Engineering Assistant at the Consortium. “The movement of unity we promoted is something special. I have the desire to work with social services and this first contact was quite nice,” she said. When he arrived to pick up his son, Alverir Bastos, age 39, thanked for the thoughtfulness. “Seeing my son with a smile like this is just wonderful,” he said. “Every child deserves to receive toys and it’s even better when it’s a surprise.”

From left, Aline Gomes; Ione Frattini; Mary Augusto, Ana Cristina Reis, Ana Paula Fajardo and Kelly Cavicchioli, of the area of People & Organization at São Paulo Center; Douglas Kato (center); and Ronilson Silva, representative of AINDEF; with Juraci Bastos, responsible for People and Administration at the São Paulo Center (right)

Active Role in Inclusion Odebrecht Agroindustrial, in October, promoted awareness raising actions for the community focused on the importance of including individuals with physical disabilities. For São Paulo Center, the initiative was held in Teodoro Sampaio, Mirante do Paranapanema and Euclides da Cunha Paulista – municipalities located near the agroindustrial units – and benefitted from a partnership with the municipal city governments and the Association for the Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities (AINDEF) to present the lecture The Rights of People with Disabilities and their Inclusion in the Job Market. In Teodoro Sampaio, the speaker was Douglas Kato, who has been quadriplegic for nine years and works in defense of people with disabilities at the region. In Mirante do Paranapanema, Luiz Antônio Miguel Ferreira, Public Prosecutor in the area of People with Disabilities from the São Paulo State Public Prosecutor’s Office, gathered some 1,000 people. In Euclides da Cunha Paulista, the programming featured the Marinalva Cruz, coordinator of the Support Program for People with Disabilities (PADEF) of the São Paulo State Employment and Labor Relations Department.

In Goiás, Odebrecht Agroindustrial took part in the National Week of Exceptional Individuals and the 30-year anniversary of the Mineiros APAE. The event offered culture, games and information to those participating. Jerônimo Dias de Jesus, a Member of the Água Emendada unit, was invited to represent the company and spoke to the parents and guardians of the nearly 30 youth who frequent the institution. “At Odebrecht Agroindustrial, we are treated with dignity, respect and partnership,” he said. “If we have limitations, someone is always willing to support us. Our culture greatly emphasizes safety, and primarily, caring for people.” Among the nine centers that make up the Business, the Members who have some disability demonstrate that the capacity to overcome challenges and do a good job have nothing to do with physical limitation. Dayane Alves works at the Conquista do Pontal unit at the São Paulo Center and is hearing impaired. She explained that her work helped her overcome her own difficulties and grow as a person. “I saw that I can be productive,” she said. “My family always supported me and this foundation is crucial for me to continue growing as a person and professional.”


fast news•social actions

Small Messengers

The activity was promoted with the support of members of the United States Peace Corps

The children from the program Young Leaders in Safety and Environment – an initiative promoted by the Olmos Irrigation project currently being developed by Odebrecht Infrastructure Latin America in Peru – visited the Olmos city zoo nursery to learn more about the different species of fauna of the region. The initiative is designed to strengthen the knowledge of schoolage children and has been implemented


in 12 villages of the Valle Viejo de Olmo. The program offers theoretical and practical workshops taught by Odebrecht engineers about the safety and preservation of fauna and flora to complement what is taught at school and help improve the communities’ quality of life. “The children are the messengers of respect for life and the environment,” pointed out Giovanni Palacios, Contract Director at the Olmos Irrigation project.

Griô, one of the residents of Maragojipe, shares the quilombola stories described in the books launched by EEP at “Fliquinha,” the FLICA event for children

Cultural Recognition of the Quilombola Communities With aims of valuing and guaranteeing the dissemination of popular memory in the community in which it operates, the Enseada do Paraguaçu Shipyard (EEP) launched four children’s stories and another seven books during the Cachoeira International Literary Festival (FLICA 2013), held from October 23-27 in Bahia. EEP also participated in FLICA 2013 with a stand and through a traditional samba performance and debate table on October 26 at the auditorium of the Federal University of Recôncavo Baiano (UFRB). The topic of discussion was Understanding of Traditional Cultures and their Indications for Safeguarding, with the participation of Lúcia Queiroz, Rosy de Oliveira and Walter Fraga, university professors, and mediation by Rosildo do Rosário. The Story of Tenengo, Maria & Maria, The Boy that the Caipora Carried and Grandpa from the Swamp & Grandpa from the Forest transmit to children notions of solidarity, love for others, respect for animals and for the environment using didactic language and playful illustrations. The stories, which are popular in the quilombola communities (settlements formed by the descendants of freed slaves) located near the project in the municipality of Maragojipe, have been passed on through generations, although without any written versions. In all, 2,600 books were donated for distribution in 56 public schools located in Cachoeira and in other neighboring cities. “The initiative emerged after we identified the importance and weight that such stories carry for the Enseada population in the city of Maragojipe,” explained Humberto Rangel, Institutional Relations and Sustainability Director at EEP. “The stories, which are passed on from parents to children, can now be cataloged and become part of the quilombola children’s literacy and learning process, said Rangel.

The four works of children’s literature, launched by EEP, address some of the region’s popular storie


fast news•environment

Certification that Generates Credibility During the month of October, the Rainforest Alliance certified the Pratigi Environmental Protection Area (EPA), located in the Bahia Southern Lowlands, for forest restoration carbon projects. The action lent more credibility to the Pratigi Neutral Carbon Program, coordinated by the Land Conservation Organization (OCT) – an institution that is part of the Bahia Southern Lowlands

carbon consumption calculator that allows people or companies to compensate their emissions. The result is displayed in numbers of trees and the values in Brazilian reais of how much it would cost to plant these. The resources acquired allow for the reforestation of the water sources located in the area. The seedlings are planted on the properties of the family farmers from the region and each producer earns R$ 1 per unit planted.

Environmental Protection Area Mosaic Program for Development and Growth Integrated with Sustainability (PDCIS), supported by the Odebrecht Foundation and public and private partners. Internationally recognized, the Rainforest Alliance evaluates and certifies sustainable initiatives that generate ecological, social and economic benefits. The seal gives the Pratigi EPA the title of certified territory that is qualified for carbon sequestering projects through forest restoration actions. The OCT website has a

“The certification confirms that we are working coherently with technical guarantees that the inventoried carbon will really be neutralized in reforestation actions,” explained Roque Fraga, Environmental Planning Coordinator at OCT. “Those who join initiatives like this one will be following all of the premises that the green economy establishes,” said Bruno Matta, Environmental Conservation leader at OCT. Volney Fernandes, Environmental Services Leader at OCT, emphasizes that the recognition is crucial for demonstrating that the program has generated benefits for the environment and for farmers from the region. “We are working increasingly more to meet the sustainability objectives by adopting an economic matrix that can also re-establish the services geared toward the environment at the Pratigi EPA,” said Fernandes. Among the results achieved through the Pratigi Neutral Carbon project is the restoration of more than 155 hectares of native species of Atlantic Forest; the installation of the Agroforestry Systems (SAFs) – the planting method that integrates agriculture with the forest –; and the recovery of 97 water sources, which already allows for the neutralization of more than 32,000 tons of carbon.

The Pratigi EPA has the potential to reforest up to 7,500 hectares of degraded Atlantic Forest areas. Some 2 million tons of CO2 may be removed from the atmosphere



tool is now available!

• Promptness in resetting and unblocking passwords; • User autonomy; • Less calls to the IT team; • Tool available in all computers of the Organization, does not require installation; • User friendly tool; • Members can reset and unblock their account in any computer of the Organization*. * Except Prosub, ICN, Odebrecht Ambiental and Braskem.


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