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nยบ 320 โ ข november 2013

Odebrecht Foundation: Transforming the Lives and Dreams of Youth Odebrecht TransPort Earns its 15th Asset

Bahia Southern Lowlands requalifies Parque Road

Members Meet for 1st Agribusiness Community of Knowledge Meeting

contents nยบ 320 โ ข november 2013



editorial staff ODEBRECHT NEWS is an electronic newsletter published twice a month, sent out on Wednesdays and intended for internal circulation, produced and edited by the Odebrecht S. A. Communication team. RESPONSIBLE JOURNALIST:


Fabiana Cabral and Bรกrbara Rezendes Photos: Odebrecht Archive ART: Criativos SUGGESTIONS:

fabianacabral@odebrecht. com brezendes@odebrecht. com Distribute Odebrecht News at your company!




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Odebrecht TransPort Helps Drive São Paulo’s Development with New Asset


n November, the São Paulo State Government declared Odebrecht TransPort winner of the bidding process to build and operate the São Paulo Subway Line 6 – Orange through the Move São Paulo Consortium – formed with the companies Queiroz Galvão, UTC and an investment fund that involves the participation of the same economic groups. With this 15th asset and the fifth in Urban Mobility, the Business assumes the commitment of contributing toward improvements in the city’s transport system, offering passengers efficiency, comfort and safety.


THE BIGGEST, WORKING TO SERVE THE COMMUNITY In addition to the construction work, which is estimated to take six years, the consortium will also be responsible for the equipment and operation of the line, considered the largest full transport Public-Private Partnership (PPP) in the State of São Paulo. “Today is a historical date for the urban mobility development process in São Paulo,” said Secretary of Metropolitan Transports, Jurandir Fernandes. “The consortium is formed by some major companies,” he said. “We expect to have the project delivered ahead of time.”


Line 1 – Blue (Subway) Line 4 – Yellow (Subway) Line 6 – Orange

Vila Cardoso Itaberaba

Line 7 – Ruby (Companhia Paulista




The subway will connect the North zone of the capital (Brasilândia) to the central region (São Joaquim) along 15.5 kilometers and passing through 15 stations. It is estimated that the line will serve 634,000 passengers per day along a course that can be completed in up to 27 minutes. “Let us leave two of Odebrecht’s trademarks with this new São Paulo subway line: on-time delivery and the quality of services for the population,” emphasized Paulo Cesena, Executive Director of Odebrecht Transport.

DIVERSITY THAT ADDS EXPERIENCES Created in 2010, Odebrecht TransPort has 4,200 Members working in three areas: Urban Mobility, Highways and Integrated Logistics Systems. In addition to the São Paulo Subway Line 6-Orange, the company’s portfolio also includes another 14 assets. With SuperVia, it operates urban trains in the Metropolitan

Bi s Be la Vi st a

São Joaquim


Pe rd ize s


La pa Ág ua Br -P an om ca pe ia

Santa Marina


Pa lm eir as -

Freguesia do Ó

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de Trens Metropolitanos)

João Paulo I

The Move São Paulo Consortium contract with the State has a 25-year term. It will involve six years of installation and 19 years of operation and maintenance, with an investment of R$ 8. 9 billion. The construction work is set to begin in 2014


Region of Rio de Janeiro, and at ViaQuatro, it is responsible for the São Paulo Subway Line 4 - Yellow. Otima is responsible for urban real estate projects in the city of São Paulo. VLT Carioca (Light Rail Vehicle) will connect the Port Zone to Rio de Janeiro’s Downtown area and also to the Santos Dumont Airport. With ConectCar, it brought the Brazilian market a new means of electronic toll plaza and parking payment. Rota das Bandeiras, Rota dos Coqueiros, Bahia Norte, Rota do Atlântico, CLN (Litoral Norte Concessionaire) and ViaRio are highways administered by the Business, located in the country’s Southeast and Northeast regions. At the Embraport and LiquiPort operations, it brought the cities of São Paulo and Espírito Santo, respectively, new port terminal options. With Logum, it will offer integrated ethanol logistics systems, including a multiple-use pipeline that will serve five Brazilian states.



The result of different partnerships formed between the Odebrecht Foundation and government and nongovernment entities associated with the sectors of education, work, culture and tourism, the initiative benefited some 500,000 children and adolescents in different states until 2002. In the photo, youth from the Presidente Tancredo Neves Family Home during practical classes



hat we learn when we are young is something we take with us for our entire life. ” This statement by Rafael Santos, who participated in the Discovery through Education Site Pact Program in 1999, reinforces the importance of leveraging young people’s learning. The Site Pact is one of the many projects developed by the Odebrecht Foundation, which, created in 1965, has defined youth as the focus of its operations for the past 25 years, assuming the mission of educating for life, through work, with orientations on values and limits. The decision to do things “with youth” as opposed to “for youth,” and understanding youth as part of the solution, is referred to as Youth Leadership. The term was created by Professor Antonio Carlos Gomes da Costa and has been adopted by the Non-Profit Sector. Maria Adenil Vieira, co-author of the book Protagonismo Juvenil (“Youth Leadership”), written in partnership with Professor Costa and launched by the Odebrecht Foundation in the year 2000, clarifies that the focus on youth was the result of


a movement called “Young Wave. ” “Studies reveal that Brazil will experience this phenomenon between the years 2005 and 2025: the population that is 15 to 24 years of age will make up the majority in Brazil,” said Vieira. According to her, youth will need to be prepared to work in a competent, solidary and responsible fashion. Seeking to operate within this context and develop methodologies and strategies for social intervention, Odebrecht supported some 50 projects directly and indirectly from 1988 to 2002 throughout the whole country. The topics varied from volunteerism to work, education and sexuality. One of the initiatives was the Site Pact – created to guarantee entry, permanence and success at the schools of children and adolescents in the Bahia municipalities of Belmonte, Eunápolis, Porto Seguro, Prado and Santa Cruz Cabrália. Rafael Santos was one of the participants and states that the actions helped change his way of relating to people. “I learned about different things that enriched my culture and my interaction with the whole community,” said Santos. “I felt that this learning made all the difference. ”


In 1999, the Odebrecht Foundation adjusted its operations to include micro regions in Bahia, Ceará and Pernambuco with low Human Development Indexes and which fell outside the dynamic sphere of the Brazilian economy.

To achieve this goal, it teamed up with the Ayrton Senna Institute, Kellogg Foundation and the Brazilian National Development Bank (BNDES) to implement the Alliance with Adolescents for Sustainable Development Program in Brazil’s

Northeastern Region. During the six-month period, MiquĂŠias Reale, age 30 and a native of the community of Moenda, located in the city of Presidente Tancredo Neves (BA), took part in the program together with 28 youth

Students from the Youth Home II School during a class at the teaching unit



of the same age. For him, this was “one of the biggest contributions toward changing the vision of the world and of one self,” recalled Reale. The experience helped Miquéias Reale, 16 years old at the

for his future. “I started up my own company specialized in Information Technology and computer maintenance,” he said. In January 2002, working to add value to the patrimony accumulated

time, to discover what he wanted

by the program and allow for

The Family Homes and Build Better have already trained 650 youth in the rural zone. Another 367 are being trained. In the photo, a student from the Water Family Home feeds fish during a practical class

concentrate its efforts in the Bahia Southern Lowlands with aims of helping form a new generation, one that is more conscious and wellqualified.


the continuity, execution and integration of the results achieved while also ensuring the reapplication of the experience in the future, Odebrecht helped create the Alliance Institute. The following year, it began to exclusively

The maturity and evolution of the actions in the Bahia Southern Lowlands originated in the Bahia Southern Lowlands Environmental Protection Area Mosaic Program for Development and Growth Integrated with Sustainability (PDCIS), which receives support from public and private partners. The challenge is to turn a rural area with important environmental assets into a prosperous and dynamic region, placing talented youth in the field. Promoting quality education and encouraging the formation of new rural entrepreneurs is one of the main premises adopted by PDCIS. For this purpose, teaching units were set up that present educational concepts based on the four pillars of education, disclosed in 1996 in the report for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) – coordinated by economist Jacques Delors – which include: learning



to be, learning to live with others, learning to do and learning to learn. The Rural Family Homes, for example, offer professional technical teaching integrated with high school. Déborah da Silva, age 25, studied at the Presidente Tancredo Neves

Producers’ Cooperative (COOPATAN) and shares what she learned over the years. “A young leader is someone who is committed to the environment in which he or she lives,” said Silva. “Not only to the community, but wherever he or she

Rural Family Home (CFR-PTN), which offers qualification in the area of Agriculture. Today, she is the Educational Assistant at the Presidente Tancredo Neves Rural

is, he or she continues with the spirit of service,” she emphasized. Sandro Assunção, age 17, shares this belief. A resident of Itiúba, located in the municipality of Ituberá

Camila Silva, age 23, was the only woman in the second group of the Build Better course

(BA), he revealed that his goals changed when he enrolled in the High School course aligned with technical qualification in Forests at the Agroforest Family Home (Cfaf). “Before, I thought like many other youth did; I wanted to finish school and leave the countryside,” he said.

reality,” said Ângelo de Jesus, age 24, who was trained in 2011. “I don’t want to stop. “I plan to participate in qualifications in the agroecology area,” he said. The Build Better Professional Training Center also includes the set of teaching units associated with

“Today, I no longer want to escape my reality, but rather transform it. “I want to live peacefully and sustainably in the place where I was born,” he said. Assunção plans to continue applying what he learned during the three years he studied at the Rural Family Home. “With the growth of local agriculture, more youth will stay here,” he said. “We have a lot to learn from the more experienced producers and to offer as well. ” Among the teaching institutions that aim to encourage Southern Lowland youth to become the leaders of their own destinies is the Igrapiúna Rural Family Home, Waters Family Home, Municipal School and Youth School State High School. This last one offers a technical qualification course in Agroecology. Over 1,700 students have already had access to formal teaching at the institution. “I chose my professional path and I have made my dream of becoming a rural entrepreneur a

PDCIS. Located in the municipality of Valença, the center qualifies professionals in 18 months to work in the area of civil construction. The young leader Camila Silva, age 23, revealed that before joining Build Better, she did not have any dreams or plans for the future. “Here, I learned to have focus, objectivity, discipline and patience,” she said. “I transformed my life and I will transform that of my family and community. ” During an interview with the Odebrecht Foundation in 2008, Professor Antonio Carlos, who passed away in 2011, emphasized that youth leadership is a one-way road and its natural tendency is to expand and become more indepth. “Life will require people to have increasingly more initiative, creativity, capacity to analyze situations and make decisions,” he said. “This makes leadership an increasingly basic need of our times.”


fast news

More Energy from Renewable Sources for Brazil The Construtor Santo Antônio Consortium (CCSA) – of which Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil is part – began the installation work for the fifth Power House at the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP), located on the Madeira River in Rondônia. The new Power House will add six Bulb Generator Units to the development, whose capacity will increase from 3,150 to 3,568 megawatts (MW), with 50 Generator Units. According to Délio Galvão, Contract Director at CCSA, the energy generated by

the additional turbines will be transmitted to the Regional Electrical System (Acre and Rondônia). “With the expansion of the plant’s capacity, the region will receive other benefits, such as the maintenance and generation of job opportunities and increased activity of the local economy,” said Galvão. The flooding of the Madeira River bed is scheduled for September 2015. The energy generation at the Generation Group 5 (GG5) should begin in August 2016.

The civil construction work at the additional units is already underway, with the application of the first layers of structural concrete. The estimated volume is some 300,000 cubic meters


Sharing Good Results From October 20-22, Braskem and the Brazilian Association of Polyolefin Fiber Producers (AFIPOL) were at the 20th International Wheat Conference, held in Bahia. During one of the main events for the wheat chain, the company and the entity presented the differentials of the sacks made with raffia for storing grains. As part of the programming, which gathered some 500 participants from different countries, including wheat producers, directors of mills, bakeries and derivative industries, government representatives and those from entities associated with agribusiness, Braskem and AFIPOL had a stand where they

Another positive aspect is the savings offered, both in terms of reducing losses during transport as well as in terms of the possibility for reuse and recycling, which make raffia a product with a lower environmental impact. “We want to see the Brazilian chemical industry grow sustainably and be prepared to compete under equal conditions in all markets, and that is why we are investing in an encompassing program that combines commercial advantages, training and innovation,” emphasized Rafael Christo, responsible for Marketing, Strategy and Business Analysis at Braskem. For AFIPOL, the partnership offers new perspectives in

presented the Lifecycle Evaluation study for the packaging made with raffia. More resistant and inviolable, the material guarantees effective protection against humidity, dirt and the action of rodents – all considered important characteristics for food storage.

terms of business expansion. “Braskem’s support is crucial for us to reach our objectives, since it helps us with the more practical issues, such as technical and operational support, and offers visibility and helps us reach new markets,” said Ricardo Vivolo, the president.


fast news

Numbers that Indicate New Growth Braskem’s consolidated net revenue for the third quarter of this year totaled R$ 10.7 billion, representing a 12% growth compared to the previous quarter, and 16% compared to the third quarter of 2012. The partial exchange rate adjustment due to the devaluation of the Brazilian real, relaxation of the Brazilian taxes PIS and COFINS applicable to petrochemical raw materials, and the improvement of international margins were factors that contributed toward the evolution of these results. “The improvement of the global economy, together with the tax relaxation on our raw materials in response to a litigation filed by the sector, reflected positively on Braskem’s performance, and was also crucial in terms of allowing the Brazilian petrochemical chain to recover part of its competitiveness,” said Carlos Fadigas, Entrepreneurial Leader. “In this sense, we strengthened our capacity for sustainable investment to follow the growth of the Brazilian market, through projects like the Rio de Janeiro Petrochemical Complex (COMPERJ),” he added. In response to the recent federal government stimulus measures for the sector, Braskem worked with the plastic transformation industry to develop the Competitiveness Incentive Plan (PIC), which went into effect during the third quarter. Of the initiatives are special conditions for the sale of resins with aims of doubling the exports of products transformed into plastic within two years; promoting innovation as


a way of expanding the market; qualifying professionals and offering business management support. The plan also includes efforts to promote and recognize the advantages of plastic as a sustainable solution for the needs of today’s society. Braskem announced the investments in the expansion of one of its polyethylene production lines that works with PEBDL (Low Linear Density Polyethylene), in Bahia. It also signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Styrolution, with aims of assessing the production of ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) and SAN (styrene-acrylonitrile) resin at the Camaçari Center in Bahia. In the accumulated result for the year, the demand for 4.0 million tons of thermoplastic resins in the Brazilian market led to a growth of 9% compared to the same period in 2012, influenced by the performance of certain sectors such as agriculture, automotive, food and infrastructure. The company’s market stake grew to reach 68%, allowing it to recover its space compared to imported products. The Braskem EBITDA – earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization – totaled R$ 1.65 billion, 57% higher than the previous quarter. During the first nine months of the year, the consolidated EBITDA was 42% higher than during the same period in 2012. Braskem recorded net profit of R$ 394 million during the third quarter, and R$ 492 million during the year.

Port Binary Road Completes First Phase On October 20, the Porto Novo Concessionaire, with participation of Odebrecht Infrastructure – Brazil is member, delivered the surface streets of the Port Binary Road, the first stretch of the new road system in the Rio de Janeiro port region. The event included the participation of Rio de Janeiro Mayor, Eduardo Paes, President of Porto Novo, José Renato Ponte, and Members

Riopar Participações, BRt and RATP. The street has different exits to help improve the internal distribution of traffic, as well as access ways to the city’s downtown area, opening up new paths in this area and playing an important role in terms of freeing up traffic on the Perimetral Overpass. Together with the Expressway, which is currently being built, it will allow for a 27% increase in the port

from the project. This phase included the delivery of the connection between the Gasômetro Viaduct and Rio Branco Avenue. The new street, which extends 3,500 meters, consists of three lanes in each direction and a gallery for the passage of the Light Rail Vehicle (LRV) – an alternative means of transport that will be built and operated by the consortium formed by Odebrecht TransPort, CCR, Invepar,

region’s traffic flow, helping establish a new standard in urban mobility. Apart from roads, the new infrastructure includes water and sewage, electricity and public lighting systems, drainage, telecommunication, gas and the planting of approximately 15,000 trees. Presently, about 62% of the Port Binary Road construction work has been concluded.

Approximately 1,700 Members are working on the tunnel and infrastructure construction for the Port Binary


fast news

Development in Ecuador Odebrecht Infrastructure – Latin America and Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial earned the rights to build the Pascuales – Cuenca Multiple-Use Pipeline in Ecuador. The US$ 369-million contract was signed with the stateowned company Petroecuador in October of this year and has a 700-day term to complete. The multiple-use pipeline will allow for the transport of gasoline and diesel from the Pascuales Terminal and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) from the El Chorrillo Terminal to the city of Cuenca. The course will also include a storage and distribution station in the municipality of La Troncal. The Pascuales – Cuenca Multiple-Use Pipeline will extend a total of 210 kilometers. A 10-inch diameter pipeline will be installed between Pascuales and La Troncal, and an 8-inch diameter pipeline will be installed between La Troncal and Cuenca. This project will eliminate the need for the ground transport of diesel and gasoline by tank trucks, helping to increase the safety of transporting these fluids while reducing environmental contamination.


Progress in Transolímpica November 8 marked the start of the drilling of the two tunnels included in the construction work for the expressway that will connect the neighborhood of Barra da Tijuca to the North Zone of Rio de Janeiro – which falls under the responsibility of the Construtor TransRio Consortium, with the participation of Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil. The first tunnel will have two galleries extending 1,300 meters. The second, located at Boiúna Road, has two galleries extending 200 meters each. The two tunnels should be ready in 18 months. The bridge is considered the most important stage of the construction work and the beginning of its implementation marked the 1,000-day countdown until the 2016 Olympic Games. The first detonation used 150 kilos of explosives. The Rio de Janeiro Mayor, Eduardo Paes, and Governor, Sérgio Cabral, together with authorities from the Brazilian Olympic Committee (COB), detonated the first load of explosives. “We mobilized the entire team so that this stage could occur as safely as possible,” revealed Pedro Moreira, Contract Director. “The detonation represents a milestone for the delivery of yet another Transolímpica Special Civil Engineering Project. Geraldo Caracini, responsible for the Production area at the consortium, hopes to conclude the construction work with the same level of the start of the detonations: “We fulfilled the planning without surprises,” said Caracini. “Now, we will be careful to maintain the production at the same pace and the least possible impact.” This will be the city’s fifth largest tunnel and the second to be built through the Pedra Branca Solid Rock Formation. The structure will be one

of the city’s most modern and is being initiated in full compliance with all the safety guidelines established by the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT), as well as several different innovations, such as LED lighting, coating on white plates and a blackout-proof and fire prevention system. The installation of the Transolímpica Connection will cost R$ 1.6 billion, and the financing will be made possible through a partnership with private initiative that guarantees the right to the construction, maintenance and operation for 35 years to the ViaRio concessionaire – formed by Invepar, Odebrecht TransPort and CCR. By the end, 350,000 cubic meters of rock will have been excavated – material that will be reused as a landfill during the urban development work planned to adjust the lanes of the BRT (Bus Rapid Transit). Of the total 23 kilometers of Transolímpica, the stretch granted to the ViaRio consortium will extend 13 km. “Eight neighborhoods will be joined,” explained Ronaldo Vancellote, President and CEO of ViaRio. “Transolímpica will benefit the city by offering urban mobility and quality of life to the population,” he said. Eduardo Paes, Sérgio Cabral and authorities activate the first detonation for the Transolímpica

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fast news

In the photo, authorities celebrate the growing proximity to the 2016 Olympics and inaugurate the Olympic Park Overlook

Thousand days until the 2016 Games On November 8, as part of the celebration for the 1,000-day mark until the 2016 Olympic Games, the Rio Mais Concessionaire, responsible for Olympic Park, received a visit from the Mayor of Rio de Janeiro, Eduardo Paes, and the State Governor, SĂŠrgio Cabral. Also participating in the event were the President of the Municipal Olympic Company (EOM), Maria Silvia Bastos Marques, and the President of the Rio 2016 Organizing Committee, Carlos Arthur Nuzman. The meeting included the inauguration of the Olympic Park Overlook, built by Rio Mais to allow visitors to follow the progress of the construction work. Other authorities present included the President of the Olympic Public Authority, Fernando Azevedo, and the Interim Sports Minister,


Luis Fernandes. The President and CEO of Rio Mais, Fernando Pacheco, together with directors Paulo Roberto Martins and Mauro Santos, welcomed the group. Formed by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil, Andrade Gutierrez and Carvalho Hosken, Rio Mais is responsible for building three sports pavilions for the 2016 Games, as well as the Main Press Center, International Broadcast Center, a hotel and the infrastructure work for Olympic Park and Athletes’ Village. The companies were represented by the Senior Officer of Odebrecht in Rio de Janeiro, Leandro Azevedo, the Supervisor of Construction Work at Andrade Gutierrez, Marcus Vinicius Moresi, and the President and CEO of Carvalho Hosken, Carlos Fernando de Carvalho.

Corinthians Arena in the Final Phase On October 30, less than seven months from the opening of the 2014 World Cup, FIFA technicians inspected the grass field at the Corinthians Arena – currently being built by Odebrecht Infrastructure – Brazil in São Paulo. After the tests, the field was approved in all specifications: texture and hardness; traction resistance; density and uniformity; leveling; temperature and humidity. It uses the most

As part of the final preparations for the delivery in December, the second-to-last part of the roof was placed on the South building. This module, the largest yet to be assembled, weighs 420 tons and was hoisted to a height of 40 meters by a crane with the capacity to lift 1,550 tons. A total of 72 hours of work were required for the 65-member team to prepare for the hoisting and place the module – which

modern technologies available, beginning with the sub-structure equipped with gravity and suction-powered drainage systems. In between the roots of the grass, whose seeds were imported from the United States, there are thousands of meters of thin plastic pipes installed through which the system circulates chilled water to ensure that, even during the summer, the grass is alive and healthy for the games.

also joins the roof of the South building with that of the East building. Currently with some 1,500 Members, the Corinthians Arena project is 94% complete, with the major concentration now on the finish services. Most of the bathrooms, floors and glass sides of the East and West buildings have been concluded, together with the concession stores and locker rooms.

The grass field, which has been approved by FIFA, is treated each day with fertilizer, cuts and irrigation, and is now being interwoven with artificial grass to ensure that it remains even denser and more resistant to the players’ cleats

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fast news

One of the Largest Rota das Bandeiras Investments On November 6, the Rota das Bandeiras Concessionaire – the Odebrecht TransPort company responsible for administrating the highways that form the Dom Pedro Corridor, in São Paulo – officially delivered the first stage of the duplication and modernization work for the Engenheiro Constâncio Cintra (SP-360) Highway in Jundiaí.

reformulated. Two pedestrian overpasses were demolished and remodeled. The investment in the stretch delivered was R$ 69.9 million. The project benefitted the more than 20,000 users that circulate each day along SP-360, especially the populations from the cities of Jundiaí and Itatiba. “For Rota das Bandeiras, it is one of the biggest projects

The São Paulo Governor, Geraldo Alckmin, inaugurated the stretch between Km 66+500 and 74+410, and pointed out the delivery of the second phase (from Km 74+410 to Km 81+200 in Itatiba) should take place in May 2014. “These projects promote development, since they bring companies to the region and reduce highway accidents by improving safety for drivers,” highlighted. As part of the construction work, 7.9 km of lanes were duplicated and two road complexes – located at Km 67 and 70, respectively – were

planned over the concession’s 30-year history,” revealed Irineu Meireles, then President and CEO of the concessionaire, a position more recently occupied by Julio Perdigão. The second stretch of SP-360, located from Km 74+410 to Km 81+700, will have three U-turn points at Km 74+900 (in the neighborhood of Champirra), Km 78+500 (in the Itatiba industrial district) and Km 81+700 (Louveira cloverleaf). Side lanes will also be built from Km 77+400 to Km 81 and the main road will be duplicated.

Present at the inauguration of the first stretch of the SP-360 Highway to be modernized were the Vice Mayor and the Mayor of Jundiaí, Gerson Sartori and Pedro Bigardi, respectively; Itatiba Mayor, João Fattori; Theodoro de Almeida Pupo Junior, Investment Director at ARTESP; Irineu Meireles; and Geraldo Alckmin


Vila Olímpia Corporate is oriented by the LEED Certification, which is granted to sustainable buildings

Novelty to São Paulo On October 30, Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias delivered Vila Olímpia Corporate (VOC), a business condominium located in São Paulo. In the presence of some 300 people, including both clients and Members, the event was held at the development’s central square, where guests could also visit the exhibit that presented more information about the history of the neighborhood of Vila Olímpia and the Milan family – which granted the terrain in which the development was built. Vila Olímpia Corporate is located

in one of the city’s most highly valued neighborhoods and consists of two independent corporate towers connected by a central square. With a focus on intelligent, technological and sustainable construction, the project invested in the economic use of energy, rational and efficient water use, reduction of CO 2 gas emissions and the improvement of the indoor environment quality, together with the management of resources and the environmental impact of the waste generated.


fast news

Milestone of a Phase Concluded The first phase of the tunnel excavation for the Caracas Subway Line 5 – in deployment by Odebrecht Infrastructure – Latin America in Venezuela, was concluded in October, with the arrival of the “tatuzão” (TBM) Juana Ramírez, la Avanzadora to the construction site of Miranda, located in the neighborhood of Santa Eduvigis, site to the future Hugo Chávez station. During the ceremony that marked the delivery of this important phase of the project, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro and the country’s Minister of Ground Transport, Haiman El Troudi, highlighted the benefits that the Caracas Subway will offer the community, including mobility and comfort by freeing up the Line 1. The second “tatuzão,” Manuelita Sáenz La Libertadora is close to reaching its extraction point. After the respective maintenance of the North Ditch, of the future Hugo Chávez

Station, both pieces of equipment will continue along their paths until reaching the El Marqués Station. With a length of 94 meters and diameter of 5.85 meters, the two pieces of equipment have achieved some important feats, including the course beneath the Guaire River and the tunnels of future seasons Bello Campo and Hugo Chavez, crossing the Francisco Fajardo and Valle – Coche highways; without interrupting the operation of urban dynamic. The Caracas Subway Line 5 will have the stations Zona Rental, Bello Monte, Tamanaco, Parque Simón Bolívar, Bello Campo, Hugo Chávez, Montecristo, Boleíta, El Marqués and Warairarepano. Learn more about the progress of the Caracas Subway Line 5 construction work in Venezuela

After three years of work, the “tatuzão” Juana Ramírez, la Avanzadora covered and prepared 7.5 kilometers (km) of tunnel of the 14.8 km total included in the project


Our Culture, Our Brand The Odebrecht Photography Style Images say a great deal about who we are and what we do. Therefore, it is important to remain attentive when choosing the photos that represent our Brand. The following are the conceptual paths that orient our visual language:


Images that inspire a period of transformation, which show the developments integrated with the needs of a new era.


Images that show the detail and the skill that emerges from knowledge in projects that are still underway.


Images of projects already completed that transmit amplitude and reflect local growth.


Images that refer to people’s daily routine, that respect and value local culture. They present the positive effects the developments have on the local communities.

For further orientations, access Brand Territory

www.odebrecht.com/territorio/en Please remain attentive to the visual identity tips found in the editions of ON!



The team from the Goiás unit met in Trindade, one of the municipalities benefited by Foz’ services


Foz Begins Operating in Goiás


n November 1 , the Brazilian State of Goiás began receiving the services offered by Foz. Through a sub-delegation contract established with the company Saneago, Foz became responsible for the operation and maintenance of the sanitary sewage treatment services in the cities of Aparecida de Goiânia, Jataí, Rio Verde and

Trindade, and will assist 1. 2 million inhabitants by the end of contract. With the new operation, Foz now serves more than 13 . 2 million people through its water and sewage services in Brazil. With an investment of approximately R$ 1 billion in the sewage system of these four municipalities, the goal of this operation is to collect at


least 90% of the effluents and fully treat these. The operation will build 2 ,700 kilometers ( km) of collectors, 100 km of interceptors, six new lift stations ( LS ) and three new sewage treatment plants (STP ) . Foz will also expand the 11 structures

With approximately 105 , 000 residents, Jataí, located in the Southwest region of Goiás, has 58% of the residences in the urban region covered by the waste collection system. In the municipality, Foz will help install 150 km of collectors that will

that already exist in the municipalities :seven lift stations and four sewage treatment plants.

add to the 180 km that already exist, and it will build 15 km of interceptors and expand both the city’ s lift station and the Rio Claro STP. In the state’ s fourth largest city, Rio Verde, the population estimated at 197, 000 inhabitants has a sewage system that extends 277 km and serves 46% of the urban area homes. The company will bring the city 350 km of collectors and 20 km of interceptors. A lift station and sewage treatment plant, the Lajes STP, will be built there as well. Rio Verde will also benefit from the expansion of its lift station and from the Sapo STP. In Trindade, the construction of 300 km of collectors and 25 km of interceptors will join the current system, which extends 218 km, and will carry the sewage from the homes to the

R I G H T AT T H E F RO N T D O O R In the city of Aparecida de Goiânia, located in the metropolitan region of the state’s capital, there are plans to build 1 ,950 km of collectors and 40 km of interceptors. Presently, only 29% of the properties that receive the water supply are connected to the municipality’ s sewage system. The city of some 500 , 000 inhabitants will have three new lift stations and expand the one that already exists, in addition to leveraging the capacity of the Lages STP and receiving a new treatment plant – the Santo Antônio STP –, which will replace the Cruzeiro STP.


two new lift stations. Foz will also expand four lift stations and the Barro Preto STP, and also build the Arrozal STP.

CO N SO L I DAT E D O P E RAT I O N S Foz invests in and operates water and sewage systems in more than 160 Brazilian municipalities, including capitals like Rio de Janeiro and Recife. The arrival to Goiás reinforces its presence

in Brazil, together with the quality of its services in the country. The company represents the Water and Sewage segment for Odebrecht Ambiental , which also works to develop environmental solutions for the industrial sector – in Utilities – and is responsible for diagnosing, remediating and monitoring areas contaminated by industrial operations – in Waste.

Start of Operations: first clearing of the sewage network in the city of Aparecida de Goiânia, in Goiás


fast news•awards

Foz units have National Recognition


The Mauá and Foz|Saneatins units Foz were awarded at the 17th edition of the National Sanitation Quality Award (PNQS) – designed to encourage the quest for and application of good practices in the sector in Brazil and also recognize those organizations that present competitive performance results through these practices.

the entry of Odebrecht Ambiental as controlling company in January 2012, the commitment is renewed and expanded through the strong incentive for municipal operations to seek out external references for comparison and continuous improvements. “It was an excellent result, but it is just the beginning,” said Alencar. “Every year, we will increase the number

The water and sewage operation at the Foz|Saneatins Gurupi plant was the winner in the Bronze category, and the Palmas and Mauá operations, which also belong to Foz|Saneatins, were distinguished with the “Commitment to Excellence” certificate. This was the first time that Foz|Saneatins participated in PNQS, which has been held since 1997 by the country’s National Sanitation Quality Committee with the support of the Brazilian Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering (ABES) and other institutions. The initiative is recognized by the International Water Association (IWA) as the most important management tool for the Environmental Sanitation area in Brazil. For Antonio Alencar, Director of the Foz|Saneatins Operation, the company’s concessions have a historical commitment to the constant search for improved service quality. According to him, with

of participating municipalities, and also seek to move up in the categories,” he said. In Mauá, the distinction is also an encouragement, as explained by Thadeu Pinto, Concession Director: “The award earned reinforces our commitment to serving the city’s populations with services of excellence in sanitary sewage, helping to improve everyone’s health and quality of life,” said Pinto. In order to earn the award, the companies’ management systems are evaluated based on eight criteria of excellence established by the country’s National Quality Foundation: leadership; strategy and plans; clients; society; information and knowledge; people; processes and results. The sanitation companies all over Brazil are competing for the award, which evaluates the management criteria that produce improvements in product and service quality.

Starting from the left, André Vieira responsible for the External Communication area at Braskem; Mário Pino, responsible for Sustainable Development Management; Jorge Soto, responsible for Sustainable Development; Carlos Fadigas, Entrepreneurial Leader; Claudia Bocciardi, responsible for Institutional Marketing; Edmundo Aires, responsible for Innovation and Technology; and Beatriz Luz, of the Renewable Chemicals Marketing and Sustainability area

Braskem: Synonymous with Sustainability In November, Braskem was included on the list of Brazil’s most sustainable companies, according to the Exame Sustainability Guide, and received the Highlight award in the Chemical category. The award considers different indicators in the economic, environmental, social and general spheres, which cover issues related to transparency, governance and the engagement of companies. This is the fifth time that Braskem has been distinguished – the fourth consecutive time – with this award that is currently in its 14 th edition. The survey, which is elaborated by the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV) Center for Sustainability Studies (GVces), is published by the magazine Exame. This year, 184 companies answered the questionnaire featuring 140 questions. The companies with the top scores were organized into 20 sectors. The Exame award follows another distinction for the company in the area of sustainability. In September, Braskem was one of the Highlighted Companies in the Época Green Company Award – granted by Época Magazine – for its environmental actions.


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Construction Awarded by the State On October 22, Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil received the Pernambuco Military Firefighter Medal of Merit – one of the highest awards granted by the Firefighters Department – for the construction of Arena Pernambuco, completed in May 2013. The award was received by Bruno Dourado, Contract Director for the construction work, during ceremony held at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) theater. Granted through an act by the State

Governor, Eduardo Campos, the award is designed to recognize military officials, famous personalities, civil authorities, public institutions and private entities that have offered relevant services dedicated to the public cause, the State of Pernambuco and the Firefighters Department. In May, the Pernambuco State Legislative Assembly also paid tribute to Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil and Bruno Dourado for the development’s construction.

Bruno Dourado receives the Pernambuco Military Firefighter Medal of Merit for the construction of Arena Pernambuco


Among “Most Admired” in Brazil For the fourth consecutive year, Odebrecht was elected the Most Admired Company in the Construction Sector according to the ranking “The Most Admired Companies in Brazil – 2013,” conducted by the magazine CartaCapital – a well-recognized Brazilian publication. Benedicto Junior, Entrepreneurial Leader at Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil, received the honor. “There is a series of projects to be structured, both through private initiative as well as through the government, focused on infrastructure,” said Benedicto Junior. “We expect 2014 to be better in terms of the infrastructure field in the country.” Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias is on the list too, in at second place Among Construction Companies and Real Estate Developers. Braskem appears in third place in the Chemical and Petrochemical area. Held annually, this year’s edition interviewed approximately 2,000 business leaders in Brazil and Latin America, considering factors such as the quality of the products, financial strength, social responsibility and innovation. In the overall ranking of the Country’s Most Admired Countries, elaborated by CartaCapital, Odebrecht came in 18 th place.

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The Best in a Quarter of a Century The refinancing project for the construction of the Odebrecht Oil and Gas NORBE VIII and NORBE IX drill rigs in the amount of US$ 1.5 billion, issued in 2010, was once again recognized by the magazine LatinFinance – an important publication that circulates in Latin America and the Caribbean. In this edition of the award, the development was classified as the Best Operation in the

would not be possible through bank loans alone. Considering that oil production in Brazil’s pre-salt fields is transforming the industry on a wide scale, the drill rigs have become one of the main components of infrastructure construction in the region. “The differential of this project was that we had already financed the construction of

Infrastructure Capital Market during the magazine’s 25 years of existence. Each year, the LatinFinance delivers the Deal of the Year award in recognition of the best project bonds undertaken in Latin America. The same Odebrecht Oil and Gas project had already received the same award in 2010 and 2011. Project Bonds are currently seen as a tool that can revolutionize infrastructure financing, opening up possibilities for large-scale financing that

two rigs through a bank loan, and because the two were already almost ready, this allowed us to issue the bond and pay the debt,” emphasized Roberto Ramos, Entrepreneurial Leader at Odebrecht Oil and Gas. “We also had a construction bond issued by Kexim, which offered a favorable rate against construction risks,” he added. The issuing of the bond also allowed Odebrecht Oil and Gas to open up the path for other operations.

The award was received by Roberto Ramos, on October 9, during a dinner held in the United States


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The meeting offered participants the opportunity to gain more extensive knowledge about the Organization and its Businesses, as well as about the essence of leadership

Continuous Learning October 25 and 26 marked the 4 th Meeting of Odebrecht Supervisors in Angola. The event was attended by 59 Members, representatives of the projects in the country. With aims of promoting integration and development of technical leadership and people training competencies, the event addressed topics such as workplace safety, sustainability, productivity and equipment, as well as the principles of the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO), teamwork, motivation, communication and interpersonal relations. The participants also learned more about the challenges of Organization in Angola. “Learning the basic values and components of being a leader was very useful,” said Eujason Fernandes, of the Zango project. The participants listened to lectures and received orientations from Oscar Ferreira, partner consultant at Odebrecht for Leadership and Production Team programs. For José Orlando de Assis, Member of the infrastructure projects at Benguela Central-South, the meeting was helpful in terms of clarifying questions and the topics addressed, such as safety and people training, were explored in depth. “It was essential to reflect on how we should encourage and motivate our team members,” said Assis.


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Odebrecht Agroindustrial: the Youths’ Turn In October of this year, Odebrecht Agroindustrial held the second module of the programs Young Partner (JP) and Agroindustrial Youth. From October 14-18, the Agroindustrial Youth Program gathered 69 participants for a module focused on agroindustrial operations, going over all of the stages of agricultural, industrial and maintenance processes. The high point was the dialogue with Celso Ferreira, responsible for Operations and Engineering; Fabiano Zillo, responsible for the Agricultural area; José Carlos Teixeira, Supervisor of the São Paulo Center; and Luiz Paulo Sant’Anna, Supervisor of the Taquari Center. The event featured debates on the challenges inherent to the Business and how the youth can contribute toward the Action Programs (APs) of the center leaders. “The topics addressed contributed toward the development of our competencies and helped improve our performance when completing our daily activities,” said participant Ivandro Manteufel, from the Agricultural area at the Morro Vermelho Unit in Goiás. From October 30 to November 1, the Young Partner Program gathered 38 participants in São Paulo with aims of increasing knowledge about the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO) and the Business. The lectures also included presentations of the different areas, such as Commercial Strategy and International Business, Logistics Challenges, Communication and Press Relations, Sustainability, Safety, Health and Environment (SHE), Maintenance and Industry Challenges. According to Karina Fonseca, responsible for People Development at Odebrecht Agroindustrial, the meeting allowed the youth to learn more about the Business and its different challenges. “Besides this, it also gave them a base to reflect and build the productivity improvement project, which will be presented to the Entrepreneurial Leader next year during the closing event for the program,” explained Fonseca.


The third module of the Agroindustrial Youth, which is focused on the Commercial, Logistics, Supply and International Business areas, is scheduled for February 2014. The Young Partner group will meet again in April for the last module of the cycle


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Members from the Zango project received instructions on breast cancer and on how to do the selfbreast exam

In support for Angolan Women In October, the Health areas of the Odebrecht Infrastructure – Africa, Arab Emirates and Portugal projects in Angola promoted actions to support the global awareness raising campaign about breast cancer, called Pink October. At the Zango project, Members dressed in pink clothing and participated in lectures on the disease, administered by Dr. Isolina Freitas, responsible for the outpatient clinic at the project. “Knowing oneself is an opportunity for prevention,” said Freitas. “The self-breast exam is a simple gesture and increases the chance of a cure when the cancer is discovered during the initial stage,” she revealed. For the Luanda Expressway project, a cycle of lectures was promoted on the topic. The presentations were given by physicians


Rogério Barcelos and Marisa Chaves, who taught the participants to do self-exams and the importance of this attitude. Biocom also gathered Members for a preventive lecture, administered by Dr. Maria Licia de Jesus dos Santos, the physician responsible for the company. “The lecture was very important,” said Ana Suraya Severino Martinho, Administrative Assistant. “I knew the disease, but I did not know about the precautions we should take,” she said. At the SONAREF project, the Health area partnered up with the Sustainability area to highlight the importance of the self-exam in terms of preventing breast cancer through theoretical and practical activities for Members and the community of Hanha do Norte, located near the construction work.


A Month Dedicated to Women In support of the global Pink October campaign, the Shared Service Center (SSC) and the Odebrecht S.A. Information Technology (IT) area promoted a joint action to mobilize the teams in terms of raising awareness and combating breast cancer. On October 24, the Members of Panamérica Park office in São Paulo went to work wearing pink-colored clothing. On this day, they received an e-mail notice with information on the importance of the prevention and early diagnosis of the disease. “Due to

Members of the SSC Itatiba Center support of Pink October

the importance of the topic and after hearing about it at the Odebrecht Run and Walk, I decided to pass on the idea to our Communication area,” said Vandrea Rufino, from the IT Financial Planning team, who was behind the idea for the campaign at the office. Lúcia Ribolli, responsible for Planning area, stated that the SSC also extended the action to the Salvador, Rio de Janeiro, Itatiba and Guarulhos centers. “Everyone joined in on the idea and we exchanged photos between the teams during the day,” said Ribolli.

Odebrecht S.A. IT team promoted the campaign in the workplace

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Dressed in Pink On October 18, as a way of supporting the global Pink October campaign, Members from the Odebrecht campaign in Mexico went to work wearing pink clothing. The idea was to call women’s attention to the main tool against breast cancer: prevention. The group received decorated cakes and the campaign’s traditional symbol pin. Balloons could be seen everywhere, filling the environment with the campaign’s trademark color. During the day, Members received information about the different ways of identifying the disease during its initial phase – which facilitates treatment – and the recommendation of the laboratories associated with Odebrecht that offer exams for detecting breast cancer. Studies from the Pan-American Health Organization (OPS) indicate that the disease is generally more frequent among women from Latin America and the Caribbean. It is estimated that each year, some 1 million new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed worldwide.

The Odebrecht office in Mexico and its Members, including both men and women, got dressed to fight breast cancer


Participants from the Environmental Youth Program with Fernando Reis, Entrepreneurial Leader: integration between the leader and team member

Trained for New Challenges From October 27 to November 1, Odebrecht Ambiental held its last onsite module of the Environmental Youth Program (PJA) in Itú, rural São Paulo. The main purpose of the initiative is to train Young Partners to face new challenges and contribute toward Business

presentation by the leaders, who exposed the Business’s daily challenges through dialogue. The Fireside Conversation featured Fernando Reis, Entrepreneurial Leader at Odebrecht Ambiental, who shared his professional experiences and business vision.

development. After participating in the first module in June of this year, which addressed the first phase of the Entrepreneurial Task – identifying and winning over the Client – the 29 youth, Members from three segments of Odebrecht Ambiental (water and sewage, utilities and waste), concluded their learning about the second half of the Task – Client Satisfaction. To disseminate knowledge to

According to Cristal Coser de Camargo, PJA contributed a great deal toward her development. “They were unique months marked by intense learning that allowed me to develop a holistic vision of our Business,” she said. “The program allowed me to gain in-depth knowledge on topics in my area of training, and also offered basic information about other topics. The opportunity to interact with experienced professionals was also

participants, the program included a

crucial,” she said.


fast news•people

The Marupiara Community Center at the Belo Monte HPP was inaugurated in May 2013

In the Digital Education Room, the Members can take IT courses that are administered in partnership with Brazil’s National Industrial Learning Service (SENAI)

By Members and For Members Faced with the challenge of housing 20,000 people at the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) construction site in Pará, Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brasil conducted a study to understand Members’ primary daily needs. The work served as the base for the architectural project on accommodations, cafeterias, a community center and for a quality of life program. In order to promote human development and encourage the best use of the workers’ free time, actions were created to increase their level of schooling, promote increased contact with art and culture, offer access to leisure and encourage the practice of sports and preservation of health. The main initiative is the Schooling Center, which maintains a partnership with the Industrial Social Service (SESI). With five classrooms designed for 20 students each, the center offers literacy courses, elementary and high school level courses, as well as language programs and money management courses, among others. The students have access to trained teachers,


dynamic classes, video classes and extracurricular activities. In the educational sphere, Members also have access to a Reading Room and Digital Education Room. Through a partnership with the National Reading Incentive Program (PROLER), a space was set up for leisure that also includes an archive with some 8,000 different works, donated by the National Library. The Digital Education Room has 36 study stations with computers hooked up to the Internet. Created to serve as a space for distance studies, the site also receives onsite IT courses. The Schooling Center and Reading and Digital Education Rooms are part of the Marupiara Community Center – which means “Place of Happy People” in Tupi-Guarani –, built to hold 10,000 people outside working hours. The complex has a fitness gym, martial arts room, movie theater, art workshops, supermarket, ice cream parlor, two food courts with snack bars, a bazaar, beauty salons and a barber, pharmacy, space for religious worship and game rooms.

A Special Day Members from Companhia de Obras e Infraestrutura (COI) in Cuba gathered with their families on October 27 for the 2nd edition of the Run and Walk in the country. With the participation of 115 people, the group completed a 4K course through the National Botanical Gardens in the city of Havana. For the race, Fábio Andrade, Member of the New Business area, and Isabel Carvalho, wife of Álvaro Carvalho, responsible for Financial Support (RPAF), came in first place and both received a trophy, which was delivered by Marlene Costa, three-time Olympic volleyball

champion. “We stretched out and then headed for the starting line,” said Fábio Andrade. “The course was very well laid out, with hills and points for rehydrating. “I was champion, I won the trophy, but it was only mine for a few minutes. My son has it and won’t give it up!” said Andrade. In addition to the physical activity, the event also featured a breakfast, recreational space for children, train ride through the park, soccer and volleyball games and at the end, a lunch for participants. “The day was very special, with my family and friends from work,” said Andrade.

the best moments from the Run and Walk in COI

In addition to encouraging the practice of physical activities, the Run and Walk in COI supported the global initiative focused on preventing breast cancer – Pink October


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For Better Health On October 19, Paiva Reserve – an Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias development located in Pernambuco – welcomed professional and amateur female athletes alike for the 3rd Women’s Run. The circuit was also open to men with the motto “I run after my woman.” Promoted by AQC Tallent – a sports advisory and marketing company – with the support of Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias; the groups Ricardo Brennand and Cornélio Brennand; and the Rota dos Coqueiros Concessionaire, the run had 1,300 participants that chose between the 5K and 10K courses. For the 5K course, the winner in the men’s group was Valderes Almeida, followed by Silvio

Lima and Paulo Mergulhão. The women’s podium was filled by Conceição Magnólia in first place, Ana Nascimento in second and Ana Costa in third. According to Valderes Almeida, who has been running for the past 10 years, it is the first time he has won a competition. For him, the site helped: “The sensation of running here is not the same as in the city.” One of those who completed the course with a good time was São Paulo resident Mara Morelli. Taking advantage of her business trip of Recife to participate, the amateur athlete highlighted that the proximity with nature helped reinvigorate and encourage her. “It was really great to run in this environment, which is completely different from São Paulo,” she said. The champion of the 10K course was Juliana Mafra. The triathlete also mentioned the importance of the environment in terms of her performance: “The contact with nature, the area reserved for runners and the course are external factors that help,” she revealed. With the participation of students and professors of Nutrition, Pharmacy and Physical Therapy in tents set up by the organizers, the participants could also take blood pressure readings, discover their blood sugar level and receive healthy eating and stretching tips.

The top placed in the 3rd Women’s Run received trophies and gifts from partners in the food supplement, sports fashion and cosmetics segments


Workers also participated in drawings for prizes and the cultural contest Safety and Health at Work, which awarded the three best phrases about the importance of risk prevention at the construction site

Prevention Comes First The Rio Mais Concessionaire (formed by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brasil, Andrade Gutierrez and Carvalho Hosken), responsible for building the Olympic Park installations in Rio de Janeiro, promoted its Internal Work Accident Prevention Week (SIPAT) through the Workplace Safety area and with the support of members of the Internal Accident Prevention Commission (CIPA). Designed for Members and partners, the SIPAT activities were aimed at increasing the debate on one of the most important topics at the construction site: prevention of accidents. Lectures about the use of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE), precautions that Members should take to protect their hands, traffic and teamwork were given by the theater group Companhia de Teatro Máscaras in a playful and clarifying manner, encouraging the interaction of the workers. “We used theater to transmit

important and educational messages,” explained Raul Toledo, one of the actors. “It is a way to offer orientation through the daily situations experienced by the Members,” he said. According to Danielle Rodrigues, Workplace Safety Technician, the main mission of the SIPAT is to encourage dialogue between the leaders and team members about precautions to take with daily work tasks. “We decided to avoid the traditional lectures and address the topics in a casual way, without losing sight of each person’s commitment,” reinforced Rodrigues. The Rio Mais CIPA was created in 2012 and promotes meetings to strengthen dialogue between the different work fronts. The commission also practices and disseminates Workplace Safety and Medicine standards, as well as service regulations and instruments designed to standardize the concessionaire’s operations.

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The opening of the fifth Santo Antônio HPP included the presence of the Aerial Base band, which performed the Brazilian national and Rondônia anthems

The theater plays addressed the prevention of accidents involving the eyes, hands and falls. The workers also took part in drawings for prizes and the distribution of personalized gifts

For a Safer Work Environment From October 21-25, the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) promoted its fifth Internal Work Accident Prevention Week (SIPAT) with the topic “Always Safe.” The idea was to raise all Members’ awareness about the importance of completing their activities safely. The opening portion of the event gathered thousands of workers from both the daily and evening shifts, who enjoyed a musical performance and religious service. Délio Galvão, Contract Director of the Construtor Santo Antônio Consortium (CCSA), emphasized that safety should be a daily practice assumed by each individual: “Let us reflect this week in order to improve our awareness to always work safely, since this is our pact,” said Galvão. The event featured approximately 30 lectures on different Health and Safety topics, theater plays, comedy shows and exhibits. The programming took place in air-


conditioned tents located near the work fronts and equipped with audiovisual resources. “SIPAT is an excellent initiative, since it raises our awareness to make us more conscious of safety with each passing day,” said Electrician Raimundo Nunes Verçosa. Traffic Safety was addressed in the Defensive Driving lecture, which was administered by members of the Federal Highway Police, and Worker Safety was the topic of the presentation on sexually transmitted diseases and smoking. The space was visited by a team from the Regional Labor Court, which worked through the program “The Justice System Goes to the Company” to address the work accidents and the responsibilities of the Members and the development. There was also a visit by a group of students from the Federal University of Rondônia, which had the chance to see the equipment developed to demonstrate the energy generation process.

Think About Health and Safety On October 29, the Moatize Expansion project – a Vale project currently being built by Odebrecht Infrastructure – Africa, Arab Emirates and Portugal in Mozambique – held the Day for Reflecting on Health and Safety. The programming included meetings to exchange experiences about accidents

emphasized Paulo Brito, Contract Director, during the Health and Safety Dialogue (DSS). For Benjamin Morgado, Service Supervisor, the Day for Reflecting was important in terms of remembering the accidents that occurred at the projects and how to avoid them. “We must always

that occurred in the past, group dynamics and the presentation of videos. Members had the opportunity to reflect about the importance of taking care for themselves and for those who are nearby. “All of us, either individually or as a group, are responsible for the safety of the project,”

alert colleagues if they are running some risk for an accident and even our family members, such as when cooking foods, for example.” The event is part of the annual Vale calendar and occurs simultaneously in several different countries.

Fabio Jaramillo, responsible for Quality at the Moatize Expansion project, during a lecture given to Memebrs


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In the News The CONEST Consortium – under construction by Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial in Pernambuco – has implemented a new form of communication for the team. It is an interactive panel of photos called “It happened, it became a photo.” This publication is designed to encourage Members to participate in events and campaigns, as well as help them identify with the initiatives developed at the project. The panel is also designed to display the photos at the actions promoted by the project so that they can remain

with Members as a memory of their participation in the construction work, while at the same time optimizing the publicity of project-related news. The initiative is being developed by the Communication and Quality team, with the support of the Social Service, Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) and People & Organization areas. The panel already generated results and the idea was presented as a good practice during the Social Responsibility and Communication meeting held by the companies contracted by Petrobras.

The photos are placed on the panel “It happened, it became a photo” in the format of a postcard


In October, the Master Multiplier Program, currently being undertaken by the Construtor CADF Consortium, finished the course for its first group of students, offering training for them to grow professionally

Developing People The Construtor CADF Consortium – formed by Odebrecht Infrastructure Brazil and Via Engenharia – promoted the Master Multiplier Program for Members who work at the Federal District Administrative Center. The first group, with 40 people, completed the course on October 22 when the graduation ceremony was held, attended by members of the consortium’s board and management. The initiative began in June of this year, with classes twice a week after the workday focused on Quality, Planning, Costs, the Commercial area, Health, Supply and Workplace Safety and Environment (SHE). “I would like to congratulate the participants, since it is not everyone that has the willpower to study after a day of work,” said André Araújo, Contract Director. “The consortium invested in this training, we took the first step, and now the opportunity will be built by you,” he emphasized.

The students include Márcio Eduardo Pereira, Bricklayer Supervisor. Working in the civil construction field for some 20 years and at the project for the past seven months, he was the most diligent during the course. “We are bringing the legacy of starting and finishing something,” said Pereira. “This is the characteristic of a good leader. We work at a company that seeks to promote the growth of its professionals and we have nothing but thanks for the opportunity,” he said. To finalize the celebration, a snack was served to the leaders and administrative team of the consortium, who supported the program. “We reinforced the work of all areas with the Members to ensure that the development is successfully completed, and we also emphasized the importance of synergy between the teams for the solid progress of the construction work,” said Liliane Doroteu, one of those responsible for holding the Master Multiplier initiative.


knowledge network

The 1st Agribusiness Community of Knowledge Meeting gathered 42 Members from seven countries. The virtual environment has already brought together 140 Members and different documents and news of interest on the topic



n October 28 and 29, the Agribusiness Community of Knowledge held its first onsite meeting and elected its leader. This event made the community official, integrating it with the Organization’s Knowledge Network. The elected leader was Wolney Longhini, Member of Odebrecht Infrastructure – Latin America. “During this phase marking the start of the Community, there was a great deal of publicity work and the coordination of experiences to prompt Members from all the Organization’s Businesses to join,” said Longhini, describing the challenge inherent to his new role.

UNION OF GOOD PRACTICES With the participation of 42 people from seven countries in which the Organization operates, the event gathered together Members from Odebrecht S. A. , Odebrecht Agroindustrial, Odebrecht Infrastructure - Latin America, Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil, Odebrecht Infrastructure - Africa, Arab Emirates and Portugal, Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial, Braskem, the Odebrecht Africa Fund and the Odebrecht Foundation. The meeting agenda was structured to give participants


“The Agribusiness Community of Knowledge emerged from the constant encouragement to participate in the Organization’s Knowledge Network. The initiative would bring us and has indeed brought improvements in productivity by replicating successful experiences and initiatives” – Wolney Longhini

a greater perspective on the definition of agribusiness and its role in a region’s socialeconomic development. “We seek to demonstrate primarily that infrastructure construction projects for agroindustrial production can add social elements, while also opening up new business perspectives,” emphasized Wolney Longhini. He believes that for the Organization, business diversity can help promote the sector’s develop and offer opportunities


related to the provision of services, investments and the sale of products, for example. One of the lectures during the meeting was given by Elias Teixeira Pires, an Agronomist Engineer who works at the consulting firm Plena, who spoke about the post-construction challenges of the irrigated perimeters at collective infrastructure installation sites. Brazil’s former Minister of Agriculture, Alysson Paulinelli, talked about the evolution of

Giovanni Palacios, Contract Director at Odebrecht Infrastructure – Latin America in Peru, talked about the Irrigación Olmos project and how the region began as a desert area that was not very productive for agro-exports. Joaquim Cardoso, a representative from the Odebrecht Foundation, revealed the risks,

agribusiness in the country. Marco Brandão, a Member in Angola, represented Felipe Cruz, responsible for Sustainability at Odebrecht Infrastructure - Africa, Arab Emirates and Portugal, and also spoke about the regional development that the segment offers, citing both the opportunities and threats of the activity. The Businesses also presented 10 successful projects or those considered to be lessons learned.

things done correctly and lessons learned from the area of agroeco-rural tourism – a category that shows tourists the human, social, economic and environmental conditions of a region, in which the production capital is based on the smart and correct use of natural resources. Representing the Capanda Agroindustrial Center, Marco Brandão presented the challenge of promoting agribusiness in Angola. Genésio Couto, responsible for People & Organization, Sustainability and Communication at Odebrecht Agroindustrial, talked about the career program at the Business. The Irrigación Chavimochic project, located in Peru, was presented by Afonso Pinillos, Investment Director at Odebrecht Infrastructure – Latin America in the country. Evandro Fortes, Member of the Capanda Agroindustrial Center (SODEPAC), revealed the details


At the end of the meeting, participants gathered in groups to consolidate their learning from the lectures


of the Planicie de Maracaibo socialist agrarian project currently being implemented by Odebrecht Infrastructure – Latin America in Venezuela. Gonzalo Diaz, Contract Director, presented the Daule-Vinces project, under the responsibility of Odebrecht Infrastructure – Latin America in Ecuador. The specific characteristics of Biocom, the agroindustrial company operating in Angola, were presented to the meeting participants by Alecio Cantalogo Junior. Pedro Freudenthal talked about the agro-poultry project developed in Capanda, Angola, by the Odebrecht Africa Fund. At the event, Fabiano Zillo, responsible for the Agricultural

Strategic Area (RAE) at the Odebrecht Agroindustrial Campinas office, was also a speaker and presented participants with the option of technical training for the team through Multiplier Members. “The opportunities from the new projects are frequently in regions not prepared to receive developments that demand operations with varying levels of complexity,” explained Zillo. “Training people is a common challenge found at the projects and we seek to overcome it by using Members’ experiences as a transforming agent of those communities.” According to him, good resources for qualifying the Harvest, Loading and Transport (HLT) team include training leaders,

multipliers and operators using tools such as good practice manuals, onsite training or that completed in simulators and monitoring in the field. “The community plays a crucial role in terms of adding knowledge and promoting approximation between the Organization’s

emphasized Wolney Longhini. For the leader, the challenge of the agribusiness segment increases together with the growing demand for raw materials and the reduction of production environments. The Organization’s role within this context is quite clear in the

leaders associated directly and indirectly with agribusiness,” he said. “Our role is to encourage the exchange of experiences and what we gain is shared learning and new opportunities for synergies between the Businesses.”.

2020 Vision, which reinforces its participation in the water, energy, infrastructure, industrial raw material and food industries. “Therefore, the exchange of knowledge is a formula for us to meet our objective,” said Longhini.

Carla Pires, multiplier from the meeting at Odebrecht Agroindustrial. The multipliers were also elected at the meeting. Because they are in contact with the Line and can capture information about the initiatives being implemented in the environments, their work carries with it great responsibility

CONSTANT PARTICIPATION From here on out, the 140 Members from the Agribusiness Community of Knowledge are responsible for maintaining the exchange of learning until the next onsite meeting using the group’s main tool: the Community’s virtual page. “The meeting is designed to awaken an interest in exchange between the developments, but it is crucial that the work of sharing knowledge continue to happen on the portal, where the access is more ample, generalized and should be constant,”


fast news•social actions

EEP Regional Infrastructure Team: synergy with the Institutional Relations area to make the Regional Infrastructure Program possible

A Benefit for the Enseada Communities The Enseada do Paraguaçu Shipyard (EEP) created the Regional Infrastructure Program to make it possible to operate the shipyard and also help improve the quality of life of Members and the surrounding communities in Bahia. Supported by eight pillars – public health, education, waste, bank infrastructure, housing, public safety and the waterway and highway system–, the initiative was accelerated and restructured to also facilitate the Enseada Shipyard installation work, which involves 3,500 Members. “We are focused on offering better conditions for those people who work to erect our shipyard,” explained Carlos Cunha, responsible for Regional Infrastructure at EEP. “When the challenge arose, we did not hesitate,” he said. The program actions are already generating benefits for the local citizens.


The success of the actions was due to the interaction with the municipal, state and federal governments and the alignment with the EEP Institutional Relations areas and the Enseada Shipyard Installation area. Maragojipe, Salinas, São Roque, Saubara, Santo Antônio de Jesus and Nazaré are some of the cities benefitted. The solutions implemented include the use of the waterway system to take local Members to the shipyard. “Besides being safer, since it avoids the use of windy roads, this means of transport also offers Members a better quality of life, as it reduces the time spent commuting to work,” said Hermano Viana, Infrastructure Program Coordinator at EEP. “Those who spent 1 hour and 20 minutes to get from São Roque do Paraguaçu to the shipyard now take just 10 minutes,” he said.

Sustainability in Argentina: Challenges and Opportunities October 24 marked the 1 st Social-Corporate Responsibility (RSE) Meeting in Argentina. Organized by the Brazil Group at the Brazilian embassy, the event included the presence of Brazilian companies that operate in the country for debates on the new challenges and opportunities of practicing sustainability in Argentina. Lucas Utrera, Social Responsibility and Sustainability leader at Odebrecht in the country, worked as a moderator. The 1 st RSE Meeting emphasized that sustainability requires long term planning: administer the present well thinking about how it will reflect on the future. There was the establishment of the principles that guide the actions and work methods at companies. “The event’s main objective was to generate a space for exchanging knowledge and for debates on Sustainability between Argentinean and Brazilian companies,� said Lucas Utrera.

In the photo, Sebastian Bigorito, director of the Business Council for Sustainable Development, and Lucas Utrera during the 1 st Social-Corporate Responsibility


fast news•social actions

Training Youth for the Market

Starting from the left, Allan Chan, People & Organization Director at Odebrecht, Ricardo Boleira and Nancy Laos

On October 29, the Peruvian Ministry of Labor and Promotion of Employment established the Cooperation Framework Agreement with Odebrecht Infrastructure – Latin America in Peru, which will allow for the training and insertion of young participants from the Jóvenes a la Obra (“Youth to Work”) and Vamos Peru (“Let’s Go, Peru”) programs into the job market. The courses are focused on improving civil construction techniques and offer training in the areas of carpentry, masonry and assembly, together with heavy machinery operation. The youth will have access to job opportunities at the projects in the country, including Vías Nuevas de Lima, Vías de Cusco and Proyecto Matarani (Arequipa). The Minister of Labor and Promotion of Employment, Nancy Laos, highlighted Odebrecht’s contribution to the country that, through this initiative, is becoming part of the network of private


companies that have joined efforts to improve employability rates among youth. “Our youth need an opportunity to know that they have a different future,” said Laos. Ricardo Boleira, Senior Officer of Odebrecht in Peru, emphasized that contributing toward youth’s development is part of the Organization’s philosophy. “Our growth in the country means the generation of new job openings, with increasingly well-trained Members,” said Boleira. “For this purpose, it is important for us to maintain this relationship with the Ministry of Labor to offer new opportunities.” Through the National Youth Employment Program, Jóvenes a la Obra, and the National Program for the Promotion of Job Opportunities, Vamos Peru, the Ministry of Labor has assumed a commitment to select those benefited and finance their training, as well as coordinate the insertions into the job market together with the companies.

From Theory to Practice The Luanda Expressways project, which currently falls under the responsibility of Odebrecht Infrastructure –

Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO),” emphasized Uirá Ribeiro, responsible for Commercial area.

Africa, Arab Emirates and Portugal in Angola, offered an internship to four Angolan engineers from the country’s National Road Institute. The professionals completed the Civil Engineering course in China. The opportunity offered to the engineers is designed to improve the practical competencies as a complement the theoretical knowledge developed during the academic phase and also develop a more detailed understanding of civil construction. “During the internship at the project, there was an exchange of experiences, and primarily, the practice of the Odebrecht

During a three-month period from July to October, Antônia Manuel, Gilberto Dias, Abel da Silva and Adilson Mateus served in internships in the sectors of costs and appropriation, measurement, supply, engineering, production, equipment and sustainability, and also had a chance to learn about ÍRIS – the project’s vehicle monitoring and inspection system. “It is our understanding that an academic background and Education through Work through the leader-team member relationship will leverage our professional growth, regardless of where we are working,” said Antônia Manuel.

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Odebrecht Foundation


everal different communities are located along the path of Parque Road. It is estimated that 90,000 people live and circulate throughout the region using the street that connects the


BR-101 and BA-001 Highways, arriving to Pratigi Beach, which is located in the Pratigi Environmental Protection Area (EPA) in the Bahia Southern Lowlands. The requalification and paving of this road are designed to

Norberto Odebrecht and General Joaquim Maia Brandão Júnior sign the Memorandum of Understanding to requalify Parque Road

facilitate transport and the installation of profit units associated with the region’s agricultural and fish farming production chains, constituting an efficient channel for access and the generation of income while also helping consolidate Agroecotourism –

an agricultural, ecological and sustainable tourism model. The project will be executed by the Brazilian Army (EB), which is currently expanding its partnership with the Bahia Southern Lowlands Environmental


Protection Area Mosaic Program for Development and Growth Integrated with Sustainability (PDCIS), supported by the Odebrecht Foundation and public and private partners. On October 18, General Joaquim Maia Brandão Júnior, Head of the Engineering and Construction Department (DEC) at EB, and Norberto Odebrecht, Chair of the Odebrecht Foundation Board of Trustees, signed the Memorandum of Understanding that will make the construction work possible. For General Brandão, this is an opportunity for the institution to fulfill its role. “There is a lot of work to do and we are aware of the challenge involved,” said Brandão. The document was signed during the Pratigi Workshop, held in Serra da Papuã – located in Ibirapitanga, Bahia –, from October 14-18. The event addressed the necessary activities and the work schedule for building Parque Road. For five days, participants interacted through technical visits, lectures, debates and workshops featuring topics such as experiences building ecological roads, paving, law and environmental policing. On the occasion, there was also a demonstration of “Valente” – a Specialized Unmanned Engineering Lightweight Aerial Vehicle –, a project being completed with the participation of the Real Estate and Environmental


Heritage Board (DPIMA), which is associated with DEC. “We can not only collaborate, but also earn new experiences,” said General Lauro Luís Pires da Silva, Director of DPIMA. “As military personnel, we seek to instill basic values and those focused on citizenship, and here we see an opportunity to apply these concepts to their fullest,” he said. “It is extraordinary to have so many different minds working to resolve the difficulty of those who commute along these roads,” said Mauricio Medeiros, Executive Chair of the Odebrecht Foundation. “It is my hope that we can work together to promote a generation that develops and grows dignifiedly in the region,” said Medeiros. Initially, of the total 125 kilometers (km) of Parque Road, the Brazilian Army will work to requalify and build 41 km

of the BA-250/Pratigi Highway (coastal road). The stretch unites the community of Colônia, crossing the BA-001 Highway until reaching Pratigi Beach in the municipality of Ituberá. The resources for this project are the result of a partnership established with the Brazilian Ministry of Tourism (MTur) and the Bahia State Government through the country’s Department of Infrastructure. “The investment is of major importance because it adds value to Bahia as a destination,” emphasized Fábio Mota, National Secretary of Tourism Development Programs at MTur. Heráclito Menezes, Mayor of Piraí do Norte and President of the Pratigi EPA Inter-Municipal Consortium (CIAPRA) pointed out that the main

objective is the benefit offered to the population. “The focus is on improving the lives of those that most need it, with sustainable solutions,” said Menezes. For Josevaldo Santos, President of the Pratigi EPA Guardian Association (AGIR) and resident of Piraí do Norte, the project will directly benefit small farmers like him. “I represent thousands of people who dreamed of development,” he said. Entrepreneur Arthur Bahia emphasized the growth of the region as a whole. “Despite the fact that my work is focused on the coast, if things are good here, the rural region will also become a focus,” said Bahia. “This event and the army’s presence give the project that seal of quality and commitment. ”

Army officials and representatives from the local government, civil associations and private initiative took part in the Pratigi Workshop. At the event, participants defined the work schedule and necessary activities for building Parque Road


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