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no. 321 โ ข december 2013

Odebrecht TransPort in important achievements

Implosion of the Perimetral Overpass in Rio de Janeiro: 50 Years in Five Seconds

ADESG and the Odebrecht Foundation Establish Partnership

Petrรณpolis Inaugurates a New Unit Built by Odebrecht

contents no. 321 • december 2013





editorial staff ODEBRECHT NEWS is an electronic newsletter published twice a month, sent out on Wednesdays and intended for internal circulation, produced and edited by the Odebrecht S. A. Communication team. RESPONSIBLE JOURNALIST:


Fabiana Cabral and Bárbara Rezendes Photos: Odebrecht Archive ART: Criativos SUGGESTIONS:

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26 AWARDS 32










fter recently winning the right to build the São Paulo Subway Line 6 – Orange, on November 22, Odebrecht TransPort also won the bid for the concession to expand, maintain and explore the Galeão International Airport in Rio de Janeiro for a 25-year period. The Specific Purpose Company (SPC) will be constituted by INFRAERO (public capital), with 49% stake, and the private group, which will hold 51% stake, formed by Odebrecht TransPort (60%) and by Changi Airports International (40%).


“We are certain that, after the countless studies conducted by our team, the Galeão Airport will be a new and pleasant experience for thousands of passengers, ” celebrated Paulo Cesena, Executive Director of Odebrecht TransPort. He pointed out that Rio de Janeiro – a major tourist destination and one of the doors of entry into Brazil and Latin America – will have an airport that is up to par. “The dimension of the achievement is matched by the incredible challenge of transforming the port of entry of one of the world’s most beautiful cities into a

pleasant, enchanting environment with fast and efficient services, ” said Cesena. For Lim Liang Song, President of Changi Airports International, starting out the investments in Brazil represents important progress in terms of expanding the company’s international presence: “Together with our partners, we are committed to providing infrastructure that offers a positive and pleasurable experience, ” said Song. “We hope to develop a high level of operational efficiency, ” he said.

Changi Airports International (CAI), investor and operator of airports, is a subsidiary of the Changi Airport Group (CAG), which since 1981 has operated the Changi Airport in Singapore –elected the Best in the World in 2013 by the British consulting firm Skytrax. “We will share the experience that CAG acquired while managing the Singapore International Airport and during the course of our consulting investments, ” said Song. CAI is present as at 11 airports located in China, India, the Middle East and Europe.

Galeão has the capacity to serve 15 million passengers on national and international flights


With an offer of approximately R$ 19 million, the consortium will invest approximately R$ 4.7 billion in 25 years


MAKING THINGS HAPPEN In March 2014, the concessionaire will sign the contract and then assume the operation in August after the World Cup.Until then, the administration of the airport will remain under the responsibility of the Brazilian Airport Infrastructure Company (INFRAERO), but will have adjustments since now. Starting next year, the consortium will promote actions to improve the experience of the

14.9 million passengers that travel through the airport each year. Cleaning, safety and services in general are among the items to be covered.By August, workers will have revitalized the signs in both Portuguese and English about the flights, departure gates, check-in sites, and have made adjustments in infrastructure for security checkpoints, emigration, immigration and customs control. The partnership with Changi, built over three years of work

together, allowed for the development of a business plan for Galeão that includes the expansion and qualification of commercial areas and the optimization of the infrastructure work. By assuming the contract, the concessionaire hopes to install 74 bridges and 101 additional checkin counters, as well as expand the total airfield from 670,000

m² to 1.5 million m² by 2016. The number of parking spots will also increase and may reach 13,900 with the construction of a garage building.“Our first job will be to use Changi’s extremely successful experience to resolve the simplest problems at Galeão, precisely those that most bother passengers and those accompanying them,” explained Paulo Cesena.

Galeão was inaugurated on January 20, 1977, and involved the participation of Odebrecht in its construction and expansion, which took place in the 1980s and 1990s


The last phase will include improvements such as the review of the lighting system for the vehicle access way to the terminals, installation of security cameras in the parking lot and installation of free, high-speed Internet

LONG STANDING REPUTATION This is the 16 th bid won for Odebrecht TransPort and the first in its Airport segment, which is now joined with the Organization’s experience building this type of structure in Brazil and abroad. Odebrecht already expanded the Abu Dhabi airport, located in the United Arab Emirates; built the North and South Terminals of the Miami International Airport in the United States; and remodeled the Yuri Gagarin Airport in Angola. It is currently working to install the Nacala Airport in Mozambique and expand the Tocumen International Airport in Panamá. The achievement also marks Odebrecht’s return to Galeão. This relationship began in the 1970s with the construction work for Terminal 1 as part of a consortium with CBPO, and then continued during the expansions, when the company helped build


the second runway in 1984, and Terminal 2, in 1999. During the first phase, in 1977, the project posed a challenge due to its multiplicity and high numbers of workers – approximately 7, 000. “After 40 years, we will take it back and transform Galeão into a more modern structure and a reference in quality as part of a journey that will last 25 years, ” said Cesena. The concessionaire will be led by Luiz Teive Rocha, who has extensive experience on the topic. In the 1980s, he was Contract Director at the Galeão construction project. As Senior Officer in the United States, he participated in the construction of two terminals, the air field and the control tower at the Miami Airport. During his 40 years of work at Odebrecht, he also led the teams responsible for the construction work at the Abu Dhabi, Trípoli and Nacala airports.

ODEBRECHT TRANSPORT IN MATOGROSSO On November 27, an auction was held for the concession of BR-163, the 850. 9-kilometer (km) highway that connects the municipalities of Itiquira, in MatoGrosso do Sul, and Sinop, in MatoGrosso. With a bid of R$ 0. 026 per km to be charged to drivers as the toll fee – 52% lower than that established in the call-to-tender – Odebrecht TransPort won the right to administer the street for 30 years to recover, conserve and implement improvements. BR-163 plays an important role in Brazil’s logistics infrastructure as the main means for transporting agricultural products from the Central-West region, which corresponds to 30% of all national production. Renato Mello, Highway Director at Odebrecht TransPort, stated that the victorious bid is the result of in-depth studies by the team, which saw the enormous potential for agribusiness growth along the highway. ”In our studies, we looked at more than the flow of vehicles on the road, ” said Mello. “We observed

that the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of MatoGrosso is growing more than the GDP of Brazil as a whole. ”He explained that this result was used to conduct an extensive logistics analysis for the transport of the harvests. “We firmly believe in the development of the Central-West region, ” said Mello. A total of R$ 4. 6 billion will be invested in the auctioned stretch of highway. Over the first five years, the plans include the duplication of 454 km, installation of side roads along urban bridges, as well as pedestrian overpasses and access improvements. In all, the highway will have nine toll plazas, which will begin operating when at least 10% of the duplication work has been completed. With BR-163, Odebrecht TransPort earns its 17th asset and will now administer 1, 551 kilometers of highways in the country. The previous 700 km are divided into six concessions, located in São Paulo, Bahia and Pernambuco.

The granted stretch traverses 19 municipalities, some of which form the production heart of MatoGrosso, such as Sinop, Sorriso, Lucas do Rio Verde and Nova Mutum


CHRONICLE OF A VISIT TO THE PAST For Aluizio Araujo, Odebrecht TransPort’s success earning the right to the concession for Galeão has a particularly special meaning. Currently a member of the Odebrecht S.A. Board of Directors and Odebrecht Foundation Board of Trustees, Aluizio Araujo once served as President and CEO of the Brazilian Project and Construction Work Company (CBPO) during the 1970s, when the company joined Odebrecht under a consortium agreement to build the Rio de Janeiro International Airport. The solid relationship established between the companies generated positive results that extended beyond the inauguration of Galeão in 1977. A short time later, in 1980, Odebrecht incorporated CBPO – one of the largest construction companies in Brazil at the time. Read the chronicle written by Aluizio Araujo, in which he remembers this story.

Aluizio Araujo

THE GOOD SON ALWAYS RETURNS HOME The story is biblical, but can be confirmed in present day. The event that occurred in times past took me back to the 1970s, when Galeão first embarked on its way to modernity. It was then that the two construction companies found one another: Odebrecht and CBPO. One in the construction of the building and aircraft parking areas and the other in the ground leveling work. The placement of two birds that are strangers in the same cage does not always produce harmony. You can imagine what happened: each one wanted to pull the worm into its beak until one day they decided to split it. It was an “aviation field” built with plenty of bumps along the way, but which ended as a happy consortium. Now, after several years, Odebrecht is returning, where it will remain for a long period. Once again, there was the irresistible attraction for that “aviation field, ” marked by a past of challenges and lessons learned. We returned prepared to face the future and confident in making our dream come true of building a new milestone in the Brazilian airport industry. History is repeating itself: “the good son always returns home. ” Aluizio Araujo

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fast news

A Milestone for Civil Construction

Leaders of the Pump Station project celebrate the record of 1 million manhours worked without serious accidents


On September 18, the PS-01 stretch of the Pump Station project, developed by Odebrecht Infrastructure– Africa, Arab Emirates and Portugal in Abu Dhabi, completed 1 million man-hours worked without serious accidents,

risks and caring for safety fall under the responsibility of each Member. The record was met, but the work is not over yet. The goal is to reach the end of the construction work without serious accidents. “Success is related

achieving the global recognition “WorldClass Milestone. ” The rate reinforces the contracts’ effort to fulfill the Organization’s guidelines as related to the topics of Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE). “This was a spectacular achievement by our Members, ” said Gustavo Da Motta, Contract Director. For him, identifying

to everyone’s effort to complete tasks as safely as possible, ” said Motta. “We will continue to maintain a safe environment. ” The Pump Station team is completing the construction work for the deepest and most complex sewage pump station in the world, which consists of a well 50 meters in diameter and approximately 100 meters deep.

The Start of a Cycle O n Oc to b e r 30 , th e Ag u a s d e l Pa ra n á Co n so rti u m – h e a d e d by O d e b re c ht I nfra stru c tu re – Lati n Am e ri ca – co n n e c te d th e Jua n Ma n u e l d e Rosa s p ota b i l i ty p la nt wi th th e d i stri b u ti o n n e two rk of th e co m pa ny Ag u a y Sa n e a m i e ntos A rg e nti n os S. A. ( Ay SA ) , i n A rge nti na. The network is now supplied with approximately 2, 500 m³ of water per hour through the Benavidez aqueduct, which traverses the North zone of the province of Buenos Aires by 15 kilometers.

The event represents one of the most important milestones of the potable water production and distribution project from the North area of the argentine capital. “Congratulations to the teams that were determined to turn our Client’s dream into a reality, ” said Allan Abrantes, Contract Director. “A milestone that was more than three decades in the making, ” he said. The service will improve the quality of life and productivity of the region that currently hasan outdated or even non-existent water distribution system.


fast news

Introducing Odebrecht Engenharia de Projetos

Founded at the start of 2012, OEP has the mission of ensuring the full satisfaction of its clients through intelligent and innovative engineering solutions, thereby contributing to the development’s overall result

O d e b re c h t E n g e n h a r i a d e P ro j e to s ( O E P ) d e ve l o p s u n i q u e engineering solutions during the d i f fe re n t s t a g e s o f d e ve l o p m e n ts t h ro u g h c o n s u l t i n g a n d t h e o f fe r o f s p e c i a l i s ts . Th e O rga n i z a t i o n ’ s a u x i l i a ry i n s t i tu t i o n h a s o p e ra t i o n s t h a t ex te n d to a l l o f t h e B u s i n e s s e s , a n d s i n c e 2 0 1 2 , i t h a s c o m p l e te d p ro j e c ts fo r O d e b re c h t E n ge n h a r i a I n d u s t r i a l , O d e b re c h t Re a l i z a ç õ e s I m o b i l i á r i a s , O d e b re c h t P ro p e r t i e s , O d e b re c h t I n f ra s t r u c t u re , O d e b re c h t A m b i e n t a l , O d e b re c h t O i l a n d G a s , O d e b re c h t T ra n s p o r t ,


O d e b re c h t A g ro i n d u s t r i a l , B ra s ke m a n d O d e b re c h t D e fe s a e Te c n o l o g i a . Fro m A p r i l 2 0 1 2 to S e p te m b e r 2 0 1 3 , a to t a l o f 5 2 3 , 2 41 m a n - h o u rs we re c o n s u m e d fo r t h e p ro j e c ts d e ve l o p e d . Th e a re a h a s a te c h n i c a l s ta f f w i t h ove r 3 0 ye a rs o f ex p e r i e n c e a n d a d va n c e d te c h n o l o gy to o l s . Th e wo r k s ta n d a rd s a re e s ta b l i s h e d a n d c e rt i f i e d i n c o m p l i a n c e w i t h t h e I S O 9 0 01 a n d TS 2 9 0 01 s ta n d a rd s . A m o n g t h e d i f fe re n t d eve l o p m e n ts a l re a d y s e rve d a re t h e Co r i n t h i a n s A re n a a n d Aq u a p o l o p ro j e c t , i n S ã o Pa u l o , a n d N a c a l a A i r p o rt , i n M o z a m b i q u e .

Knowledge and Technology

Members of the Concrete Laboratory of Santo Antônio HPP with a monument built in tribute of the test specimen from Series No. 10, 000

To guarantee the quality and durability of the concrete used in the construction work for the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP), currently being built by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil in Rondônia, the Concrete Laboratory conducted a rigorous control of the materials. For each 250 m³ of cement produced, a series of test specimens are molded (concrete cylinders). Each series contains eight specimens that, after constructed, are stored in humid chambers, waiting to reach the necessary temperature to conduct the resistance tests. Wesley Gonçalves Santana, responsible for the structure,

reveals that his job is to apply knowledge, control techniques and technology to the materials for the mixture to reach the correct dosage. Until October, approximately 15, 000 series were molded. In order to record the feat, a monument was built starting with the specimen from series No. 10, 000, with the name of the 42 Members who work at the laboratory. Raimundo Renato Muniz Magalhães, Quality technician, believes that valuing people is the best path for obtaining good results. “I feel responsible for motivating the team so that everyone feels like an important part of the process, ” he said.

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fast news

Tributes and Celebrations José Macia, the “Pepe”, four-time world soccer champion, was at Maracanã Stadium in Rio de Janeiro on November 14 to inaugurate the thematic visit program in honor of the 50th anniversary of the international two-time champions hip of the Santos soccer team. From one story to the next, Pepe recalled

continuing on to the locker room, where he put on the team’s jersey No. 11. With his uniform on, he headed out onto the field and even showed off some of his moves. The goals of the “Village Cannon, ” as his was known due to the force of his strike with his left foot, was celebrated by the Members of Novo Maracanã.

the game that earned the São Paulo soccer club its title. “It is thrilling to return to Maracanã, ” said Pepe. “They were incredible games and victories, and the biggest of all, the 1963 World Cup, was an unforgettable moment. “It began to rain hard, the field flooded and that was when Santos turned the game around. After all, it was the ‘fish’ of the game, ” joked the former player, referring to the team’s nickname. Pepe visited the press tribune and grands tands of the stadium before

The player was two-time global champion as a member of the Brazilian national team in 1958 and 1962 and twotime as a member of Santos in 1962 and 1963. His is currently considered the second greatest striker in Santos’ history, with 405 goals, trailing only the famous Pelé. The guided visits to Maracanã take place every day from 9: 00 a. m. to 4: 00 p. m. Tickets can be purchased at the stadium or via the website: www. maracana. com.

During Pepe’s visit to Maracanã, one of the locker rooms was decorated with images and jerseys of the Santos team that won the title at the stadium in 1963


The work at the concrete center involves five phases: arrival of the material; pre-loading of the aggregates (gravel and sand); weighing; weighing of cement and mixing and transport in the cement mixer

Quality Assurance October marked the start of operations of the ready-mix concrete center at the Rio Mais Concessionaire. The center will supply Olympic Park during the construction of the arenas and infrastructure, currently being completed by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil, in Rio de Janeiro. With a production capacity of 65 cubic meters per hour, the center can produce 305, 000 mÂł of concrete mass until the delivery of the project. “We will have a considerable logistics gain, â€? explained Marcelo Anderson, Infrastructure Coordinator. The initiative will reduce the local traffic impact of approximately 73 cement mixers

per day, while at the same time guaranteeing efficiency, practicality and quality when completing the different phases of the development. Besides four bulk cement holders, also known as silos, with the capacity to store up to 75 tons of product each, workers also installed six water reservoirs, including two designed for reuse; a drying ramp for the leftover concrete; two additive tanks that ensure a differentiated mixing process for the concrete; and a re-dosing house responsible for the additive dosing procedure.


fast news

Future Journalists in EEP Construction Work in Bahia The Enseada do Paraguaçu Shipyard (EEP) was chosen to be visited by the fifth group of “Future Correio, ” a program that trains new journalists developed by the Bahia newspaper Correio. The visit took place on October 31 in the city of Maragojipe. Marcelo Gentil, responsible for Communication at EEP in Bahia, presented visitors with the communication actions undertaken by the company, such as the blog Navigating Together. The host was Sílvio Zen, Installation Director, who granted an interview about the progress of the construction work. According to Zen, EEP is already 30% done with the construction work.

The conclusion date is set for 2015, but it is estimated that still in 2014, the shipyard will begin cutting the first plates that will be used to build the drill rigs ordered by Sete Brasil, a subsidiary of Petrobras. Six rigs will be built at the Bahia unit. The first, called Ondina, should be delivered in July 2016 and the last, called Comandatuba, in January 2020. The “Future Correio” is restarted each semester, always made up of students from the Mass Communication course with an academic background in Journalism from several university institutions from Salvador. The program first began in 2011 and has received the Organization’s support since then.

The fifth group of the Future Correio program was formed by 12 students


ODN I set a national drilling record in the Pre-Salt layer for the second time. The record was the highlight during a meeting held by Petrobras, the Odebrecht Oil and Gas client for the operation

National Distinction A new record was set by ODN I on November 1, in Rio de Janeiro. The drill rig operated by Odebrecht Oil and Gas obtained a core sample at 42. 14 meters as part of an operation with a conventional barrel sample placed at 4, 486 meters in the Pre-Salt exploratory well 7-CRT49D-RJS, located in the Caratinga Field in the Campos Basin. With the result, ODN I occupies first and second places in the national core sampling ranking. Core sampling is a slow and careful process of obtaining a real sample of the surface rock (known as the core sample). Through this sample, researchers obtain information related to geology, reservoir engineering and drilling, such as lithology, texture, porosity, permeability and the saturation of oil and water. In order to be considered safe and well executed, an

operation generally has between 27 and 30 meters of core sample. Pedro Cayene, a Member of the rig, pointed out that this new record was also possible due to the recent installation of a device, called a crown-mounted compensator (CMC), designed to reduce rattling during the drilling column’s descent: “The equipment and the team’s efforts were both essential for the operation’s success, ” said Cayene. For Leonardo de Abreu Ferreira, Oil Engineer at Petrobras, the quality of the ODN I played a crucial role for the core sampling. “Together with the crown-mounted compensator, which certainly offered a differential, the rig played an important role, ” said Ferreira. “Together, they ensured the achievement of this new record. ”


fast news

New Facility for Bahia In November, Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias delivered Bahia’s first development: Hangar Business Park. To celebrate the date, some 3, 000 people gathered, including clients, Members and authorities from the state during an event held on November 21th. Paul Altit, Entrepreneurial Leader, made a toast with the team led by Djean Cruz, Senior Officer for Bahia and Pernambuco, to celebrate a dream come true. “We are helping to leverage the Salvador economy, a city that has a legacy of being close to nature and presents major potential, ” emphasized Djean Cruz. The Municipal Secretary of City Planning and Transport, José Carlos Aleluia, pointed out

that the development is an asset that adds value to the city. “This new center should become a part of the vision for the city’s mobility and development. ” The Hangar Business Park has the capacity for 800 companies and features seven corporate towers and two hotels, both operated by Accor (Novotel and Ibis). Strategically located near the airport, the state’s industrial center and the North exit from the capital, the development will offer a new dynamic for the corporate scenario of the Metropolitan Region of Salvador. Because it concentrates commercial and business spaces within the same site, it will facilitate the daily routine and help improve the quality of life and well-being of its users.

Members of Odebrecht Realizações Imobiliárias and authorities celebrate the delivery of the Hangar Business Park. The development offers Bahia a new multi-use complex


Our Culture, Nossa Cultura, Our Brand Nossa Marca

Conheça as cores da Odebrech Brand Quiz

Put your knowledgeVai to produzir the testalgum aboutmaterial how to gráfico, use thedesenvolver Organization’s uma página na internet ou elab new visual identity. Complete the Brand Quiz! uma apresentação em PowerPoint? Utilize o universo cromático da Odebrecht ajude a fortalecer a nossa identidade visual.

COLOR CODES A single color has chromatic code variations depending on the environment A nossa cor principal é o Vermelho Odebrecht, mas existem também três in which it is used. cores de apoio: Vinho Odebrecht, Grafite Odebrecht e Prata Odebrecht . VERMELHO ODEBRECHT PANTONE 485C C 0 M 100 Y 100 K 0 R 228 G 31 B 43 Hexadecimal #E41F2B





PANTONE Cool Gray 9


C 0 M 100 Y 100 K 30

C 0 M 0 Y 0 K 70


R 166 G 25 B 46

R 117 G 120 B 123

R 20

Hexadecimal #A6192E

Hexadecimal #75787B


You will visitLembre-se: a client anduma aremesma preparing two materials: cor possui variações de código cromático dependendo a PowerPoint presentation and a colorful institutional brochure. meio em que é utilizada. Por isso, é importante saber onde utilizar cada uma das In both cases, itPantone: is necessary insert theque Organization’s logo, Escalato preferencial available for download in the Brand Territory. garante fidelidade de cor ParaYOU materiais impressos com WHICH CODESCMYK: SHOULD USE IN EACH SITUATION? grande variedade de cores

a) PowerPoint Presentation: Pantone. Institutional Brochure: CMYK RGB: Para usar no universo digital – b) PowerPoint Presentation:web CMYC. Institutional Brochure: RGB apresentações, e outros

Hexadecimal: Para usar na programação c) PowerPoint Presentation: Hexadecimal. Institutional Brochure: CMYK de sites em HTML

d) Presentation: RGB. Institutional Brochure: CMYK e) Presentation: Hexadecimal. Institutional Brochure: Pantone

Escala de cor Odeb

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Paths Open for a New Rio de Janeiro Downtown Area The first stretch was inaugurated in 1960.The project was resumed in 1968 and took 10 years to complete


n November 24, the revitalization currently underway in the Rio de Janeiro port region – in which Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil is participating through the Porto Novo Concessionaire – completed an important phase: the implosion of the first stretch of the Perimetral Overpass. The removal of the first 1, 050 meters of structure involved approximately 500 professionals to guarantee the well-being and safety of the people nearby. Extending a total of 4, 790 meters, the viaduct – built 50 years ago to facilitate the commute between the city’s South and North zones – will


open up space for the Maravilha Port Expressway, connecting the neighborhood of Aterro Flamengo in the city’s Downtown area, to the busy Avenida Brasil avenue and the RioNiterói Bridge, both important points for traffic.

DETAILED PLANNING Under the responsibility of the Porto Novo Concessionaire, the implosion of the first stretch of the Perimetral Overpass involved the participation of representatives from the Rio de Janeiro City Government – through the Municipal Departments of Transport, Public Order and Social Development; the Civil Defense; Rio de Janeiro Traffic Engineering Company (CET-Rio); City Guard; and the Rio de Janeiro Port Region Urban Development Company (CDURP) – and also included the support of the Firefighters, State Military Police and the utilities companies Light (electricity), CEG (gas) and CEDAE (sewage treatment system). As part of the preparation for the event, posts, wiring and traffic signs were all removed, and workers conducted 56 in-depth inspections in both the upper and lower parts of the viaduct, as well as in the surrounding area. Porto Novo installed

Some 1, 200 kilos of explosives were used to demolish 29 spans and 232 beams.Together, the structures weighed 5, 104 tons


As part of the preparation for the implosion, workers used 2, 512 sets of tires with sand and 2, 240 piles in drums to cushion the impact of the structure’s fall

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12 seismographs to monitor how the detonation affected the buildings, together with 50 cameras that allowed for an evaluation of the impacts and monitoring of the area located near the implosion. The Municipal Civil Defense, which had 30 technicians on-call, was responsible for coordinating the operation, inspection and isolation of the area. With the support of the Porto Novo Social Work team, the residents were oriented to leave the properties located within

40 motorcyclists and 650 traffic operators – a team formed by representatives from CET-Rio, the Porto Novo Concessionaire and the City Guard –, in addition to 38 vehicles, 36 varying message boards and 14 tow trucks. The decision to hold the event on a Sunday was not by mere coincidence. It is the day of the week in which most of the commerce is closed and there is a reduced number of vehicles in the streets.

a 150-meter perimeter of the implosion area for approximately two hours. In order to organize the traffic in the region, the operation mobilized

FIFTY YEARS IN FIVE SECONDS On October 24, after four sound signals to alert the population starting with the preparations until the start of the operation,

the explosives were detonated in a chain sequence and broke the overpass support pillars in just five seconds. The system used made the process unique in that it did not produce dust. The concessionaire installed 215, 340 m² of protective screen to impede stray fragments from being launched throughout the area. ”Everything went as planned, ” said Ricardo Bueno. “This is yet

and the event is a very strong symbol of this rebirth.

another phase completed, but there is still a great deal to do, ” he said. Different people attended the implosion, including José Eugênio do Carmo, who took part in the overpass construction work: ”I had the privilege of working to build one of these pillars and I believe the modification will be good for the city, ” he said. After the fifth sounding of the siren, the streets and properties were re-opened. For Mayor Eduardo Paes, the event is historic. “Rio de Janeiro is being reborn right here

for the two water runoff networks and the expressway. The material collected corresponds to approximately 8, 000 m³ of concrete, which will be recycled for use in the paving of the port region streets.

MAKING WAY FOR THE NEW After the operation, teams from the city government and Porto Novo began the cleanup work in the region in six different work fronts. The phase lasts 90 days and will open the path for the continuation of the construction work

Watch the video about the implosion of the first stretch of the Perimetral Overpass. *in Portuguese

MARAVILHA PORT EXPRESSWAY As part of the revitalization work in the port region, the Expressway that will replace the Perimetral Overpass will extend 5, 050 meters, with three lanes in each direction. Its project includes the country’s largest urban tunnel, which extends 2, 570 meters, and the opening of a large public walkway, which has a total area of 61, 000 m² and extends 2. 6 km. The route will be part of the port region’s new

urban mobility system, which will also feature innovative means of transport, such as the Light Rail Vehicle (LRV) – operated by the consortium made up of Odebrecht TransPort, CCR, Invepar, RioparParticipações, BRt and RATP. Together with the Port Binary Road, inaugurated on November 2, the Expressway will increase the traffic capacity in Rio de Janeiro by 27% starting in 2016.

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fast news•awards

Among the Best in Brazil The Dom Pedro I (SP-065) Highway, which connects the cities of Campinas and Jacareí, in rural São Paulo, was considered the third best highway stretch in Brazil, according to the 2013 edition of the highway survey conducted by the National Confederation of Transport (CNT). This is the first time that D. Pedro I (SP-065), administered by the Rota das Bandeiras Concessionaire, an Odebrecht TransPort company, is considered one of the top three in the country. The items evaluated included the pavement, signs and geometry of the street. Since the start of the concession in April 2009, Rota das Bandeiras has made a series of investments, with a highlight on the recovery of the pavement and

installation of new side lanes along the urban stretch of Campinas, which will increase the traffic capacity in the region by 66%. In its 17 th edition, the CNT survey analyzed 96, 714 kilometers of federal and state roads throughout the entire Brazilian territory. For Irineu Meireles, Director of Odebrecht TransPort and former President of Rota das Bandeiras – a position recently occupied by Julio Perdigão –, the result reflects the concessionaire’s work. “We have an investment plan that involves the revitalization of the entire highway network under our responsibility, ” he said. “Until 2015 alone, the total amount invested in improvements along the Dom Pedro Corridor will be R$2. 6 billion. ”

The D. Pedro I Highway received an “Excellent” rating in the categories of paving, signs and geometric outline from the CNT survey


Starting from the left, Marcos Paulo Ferreira, of Versal Editores; Karolina Gutiez, responsible for the Editorial Programs and Brand Management at Odebrecht S. A. ; and the designer Eduardo Villas Boas

Celebration of an Achievement On November 13, the Brazilian Book Chamber (CBL) honored the winners of the 2013 Jabuti Literature Award, in São Paulo. The book O Comércio do Açúcar – Brasil, Portugal e PaísesBaixos (1595-1630) or “The Sugar Trade – Brazil, Portugal and the Low Countries (1595-1630)”, winner of the 6th edition of the Odebrecht Historical Research Award – Clarival do Prado Valladares, by Daniel Strum, and with graphic design by Eduardo Villas Boas, earned 2nd place in the Graphic Design category. The historian, who earned a doctorate from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, addresses the sale of sugar as the main commodity of Colonial Brazil, investigating aspects related to transport, payment and consumption and the political, economic and social issues involved. It pays special focus to the conflict between Spain and the Low Countries and the dynasty-like union between Portugal and Spain. This is the fifth Jabuti received by the books dponsored through Odebrecht Historical Research Award during its 10-year history. The first was earned in 2009 with the book A História do Brazil de Frei Vicente do Salvador (“The History of Brazil by Monk Vicente do Salvador”), which came in second place in the Graphic Design category. The following year, Igreja e convento de São Francisco da Bahia (“Church and Convent of Saint Francis of Bahia”) came in first place in the same category; and Theodoro Sampaio – nossertões e nacidade (“Theodoro Sampaio – in the Backlands and in the City”) received first place in the Graphic Design category and third place in the Architecture and City Planning category.



New Development in Alagoinhas


pproximately 5, 000 people participated in the official inauguration of the new Petrópolis Group factory, which occurred on November 22 in Alagoinhas, Bahia. The city was chosen as the site for the installation of the development due to the water conditions, geographic location and the local government incentives. The development was built by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil and erected in record time for the parameters of a project of its complexity. Henrique Paixão, Contract Director for the projects completed at the delivered unit, pointed out that this was


a project in which the deadline posed the biggest challenge. “Once the civil construction work started, we had only 11 months to deliver the factory and initiate its operation in August, ” said Paixão. “Seeing these buildings erected and all of the equipment operating fuels our certainty that we did efficient work, respecting our client’s desires, ” he said. The ceremony was attended by authorities such as the former President of Brazil, Luis Inácio Lula da Silva, and the Governor of Bahia, Jaques Wagner; as well as celebrities such as former basketball player Hortência and MMA fighter Junior Cigano, who is sponsored by TNT, one of the brands administered by the Group.

Douglas Costa, Market Director for the Petr贸polis Group.The initial investment in the development was R$ 600 million for a production capacity of 6 million hectoliters per year


PLANS UNDER DEVELOPMENT This is the fifth company factory in Brazil and the third built by Odebrecht. With the production of the Alagoinhas unit, which began in August, the Petrópolis Group increased its stake in the product in the Bahia market from 0. 5% to 1. 95%. The Salvador Carnival is one of the company’s current areas of focus to help it end 2014 with at least 15% stake in regional sales. The Group also plans to increase its participation in the region after the start of operations of the Itapissuma Unit – located 45 km from Recife in Pernambuco – also being constructed by Odebrecht Infrastructure – Brazil and which should be delivered in April 2014. The Petrópolis Group is Brazil’s second largest brewery and currently holds 12% of the national market, trailing only AMBEV, the world’s largest. Its four industrial plants already operating are located in the cities of Petrópolis and Teresópolis, in Rio de Janeiro, Boituva, in São Paulo, and Rondonópolis, in MatoGrosso; and employ some 16, 000 people.


The Alagoinhas and Itapissuma plants should generate some 600 direct jobs each


fast news•people

The program integrated youth from the different sites operated by Odebrecht Infrastructure – Africa, Arab Emirates and Portugal

Integration and Culture


From October 28 to November 2, the last module of the Young Constructor (JC), in Angola, program module was held for Members of Odebrecht Infrastructure - Africa, Arab Emirates and Portugal (AEP). Two youth from Portugal, two from the United Arab Emirates, two from the AEP Business Office, 12 from Mozambique and 37 from developments of Angola participated in the initiative.

The event also involved the exchange with the Odebrecht Infrastructure - Latin America Young Builders. Bianca Samudio, from P ​​ eople and Organization (P&O) area in Panama, made ​​ the program in 2012 and went to Angola tell about their experience. The programming featured an informal chat with Ernesto Baiardi, Entrepreneurial Leader of Odebrecht Infrastructure - Africa, Arab Emirates and

During the week, participants listened to lectures on phases of Engineering and Construction Business, which addressed the administrative and financial areas, as well as the legal, technical archive, equipment, financial, construction method, technical litigation, costs, People Policy, Action Program, tax, planning and Contractual Administration areas. “I learned how the different areas of the project work, from the phases of bid winning to demobilization, ” highlighted Cremildo Clemente, JC from the Moatize Expansion program, in Mozambique.

Portugal, as well as testimonials on life and career by Daiha Blando, Senior Officer in Angola; Edson Lemos, responsible for P&O at Odebrecht Infrastructure – Latin America; and Antônio Rezende, responsible for People Development at Odebrecht S. A. “We saw a high level of integration among the youth, who were able to share their experiences and learn from them, ” concluded Claudionor Lopes, Member of the P&O area at Odebrecht Infrastructure - Africa, Arab Emirates and Portugal.


Value for the Leadership In November, Odebrecht held the presentation entitled “15 Successful Practices of Leaders” at the Foz unit in Pernambuco. The event, promoted by the People and Organization team, gave the 60 coordinators, supervisors and analysts the opportunity to express their beliefs about leadership, seeking to help new Organization partners become integrated with the values of the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO). “The practices established are commitments that we are giving to Odebrecht Ambiental, but primarily to the citizens of the Metropolitan Region of Recife, ” said Pedro Leão, responsible for the Foz unit in Pernambuco. Luciano Pimentel, responsible for P&O, emphasized that the initiative allowed him to take a big step forward in terms of strengthening the Business’

communication system. “The supervisor is a Member who plays a fundamental leadership role in the actions within the business-operational sphere, ” said Pimentel. “The result of this exercise demonstrated that the cultural values are currently in harmony with the philosophical principles of the TEO, ” he said. Until December, the initiative there will be a 200 Members. Were sensitized 517 Members and 841 partners, since the start of the Sanitized City program – the first Public-Private Partnership established between COMPESA and Foz for the sanitary sewage treatment services of the 14 municipalities that make up the Metropolitan Region of Recife, and the city of Goiana, located in the State’s Northern Forest region.

The “15 Successful Practices of Leaders” is part of the Odebrecht Culture Program promoted at the FozUnit in Pernambuco

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Sharing Experiences In October, Odebrecht Ambiental gathered 132 Members from its operations in three segments (Water and Sewer, Utilities and Waste) at two events held at the Organization’s head office in Salvador, included professionals from São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo, Pernambuco, Tocantins, Rio Grande do Sul, Goiás and Bahia. The first of the events was the 1 st Social-Environmental Responsibility Meeting, held on October 22 and 23. The meeting addressed topics such asthe Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO), socialenvironmental responsibility, guidelines, values and synergies, financing guidelines, corporate program structuring and the actions developed at the units. The 2 nd Workplace Safety, Health and Environment Meeting, which gathered Members on October 28 and 29, involved discussions on the following topics: environmental crimes, engineering, workplace


safety and environment, quality of life in the workplace, elaboration strategies, waste management and water security. The initiatives brought together the professionals from the different areas in order to promote the exchange of experiences, good practices and alignment, while also making them more familiar with the TEO. Participants also had the opportunity to visit the office’s Cultural Center and LibraryHertha Odebrecht. “We are an Organization with a long history and those people who face the challenges along the Line need to understand our roots and their dimensions, ” emphasized Nayane dos Santos, Member of the Santa Cruz unit. The topics addressed were further explored by the participants in the Practice Groups, designed to train Members through an exchange of information and experiences with a focus on the daily practices of a specific area.

The initiative is part of the 2013 Integration Plan organized by the Occupational Safety and Health Committee of the project, in partnership with the different contract areas

Dedicated to the Most Important Asset In September, the Segundo Crucedel Lago de Maracaibo - Puente Nigale project, developed in Venezuela by

compliance with the occupational health standards for workers in the country. With aims of promoting a harmonious

Odebrecht Infrastructure – Latin America, held movie sessions for the Members and their families. Those participating enjoyed a Saturday filled with movies and fun. Also attending were trade union representatives from the region and from the National Work Prevention, Health and Safety Institute (INPSASEL) – responsible for ensuring

organizational climate, encouraging partnership and the Spirit of Service among Members and also with the institutions, the action gathered some 350 people, the majority of which belong to the Maracaibo Lake’s extreme East and West regions, site to the construction work for each end of the bridge that will cross it.


fast news•people

Tradition that Has Some New Features The Durán Fair is one of the main events that takes place in the city of Guayaquil in Ecuador and is part of the region’s independence celebration, at October 9th. In 2013, the 35 th edition of the fair was held from October 8-20 and both public and private companies participated to expose theirproducts and market strategies for the next year. The exhibitors included the municipality’s Department of Water, the institution for which Odebrecht Infrastructure – Latin America is completing the Daule-Vinces Transfer project. The stand showed the benefits of water projects in the country, including the works of this contract.

The Minister of Transport and Public Works, Maria de los Ángeles Duarte, and the Secretary of Water, Walter SolísValarezo, visited the Department of Water stand


Promoting Knowledge November 14 marked the closure of the Behavioral Module of the Knowledge Workshop, a program developed for Members of the Shared Service Center (SSC) and Information Technology (IT) are at Odebrecht S. A. With aims of training people from different areas of knowledge in Project

project; accounting; meal vouchers and transportation vouchers; and sustainability. The closing ceremony was held in São Paulo and was attended by approximately 60 people, including both Members and their Leaders. “I am very happy that I was chosen

Management through practical activities, during the year 30 participants developed five projects that propose solutions for the daily challenges found at the Organization. The topics addressed include corporate security during the payment of concessionaires; the monthly balance at the construction

to participate in a program of such value, ” said Roberval Carvalho Junior, Member of the Odebrecht IT area. “I believe that the central idea is reached when the people of different areas, are able to work together to produce better results than the isolated action of each, ” he said.

The Members celebrated the closing of Behavioral Module of the Knowledge Workshop


fast news•people

Exchanging Experiences On November 7 and 8, Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil held the 2013 Administrative-Financial Managers’ Meeting (GAFs) in the city of Atibaia, located in rural São Paulo. The event involved a discussion of topics that are important to the Leaders’ daily work routine, such as the exemption of Payroll, the Federal Government’s e-Social program and the inclusion of People With Disabilities (PWD).

The second day of the event was dedicated to Trekking, a sports activity that exercises regularity and strategic excellence, promoting planning and organization in group to overcome obstacles. Leadership, delegation and discipline were considered crucial for completing the course and its special tests, which were focused on the competencies of negotiation, conflict management and communication.

The 26GAFs who participated in the meeting spent a day dedicated to practicing leadership


The PreVÉR program will train Members for the Backland Water Channel project to Work Safety

Safety Comes First On October 29, the PreVÉR Program began on the Backlands Water Channel project, by Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil, in rural Alagoas. Led by Contract Director Alexandre Biselli, the initiative is focused on the practice of the workplace safety and seeks to identify, through high-risk incidents, controls to prevent fatalities and serious events.

The project will install a water channel between the municipalities of São José da Tapera and Senador Rui Palmeira, in Alagoas, to extend 30. 47 km. It will involve approximately 3 million m ³ of excavation and hydromechanical device assembly. At the peak of the project work, some 2, 000 workers and 200 pieces of equipment will be required.

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Jorge Barata, Executive Director of Odebrecht Latinvest, took part in the launch of the program together with Carlos Paredes and other authorities from the country

Training along the Line On November 19, Peru’s Minister of Transport and Communications, Carlos Paredes, launched the program “Seeking out your Safety. ”The initiative is part of the national highway safety campaign called “Let’s Change our Attitude” and is designed to raise the awareness of drivers and those responsible for transport companies about good driving practices to reduce the number of traffic accidents. The minister emphasized that, during this phase of the campaign,


Odebrecht Latinvest plans to intensify its involvement. Training will be offered to all of the drivers that offer services along the North IIRSA Highway, which is administered by the Business. The training will last seven months and will involve awareness raising and the dissemination of knowledge on highway safety to drivers. The people who earn the best scores in the course will be entered into a drawing for a free car and airline tickets for flights.

The Big Day After 12 classes, Members of the Pump Station project, developed by Odebrecht Infrastructure – Africa, Arab Emirates and Portugal in Abu Dhabi, concluded the Basic English Program. The graduation ceremony was held on October 3, and included the participation of 16 graduates, leaders and Members from the Production and Administration. Gustavo Da Motta, Contract Director, highlighted the importance of communication as part of the daily routine and challenged the graduates to think about their future. The event was also an opportunity to thank the program teachers, who are project Members volunteer. Ricardo

Barbosa, who represented the Production team, congratulated the students and teachers for the work completed. The Odebrecht project in the United Arab Emirates involve people of 21 different nationalities – the majority of whom come from India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. To support them in their personal and professional relationships, the Pump Station implemented the Basic English Program. The topics addressed include grammar and daily situations found in work and in society. “I learned a great deal, ” said Sujeewa Hemapushpa. “I’m anxious to see more programs like this one that allow me to improve my skills in English, ” she said.

Developed by the Pump Station project and its Members, the Basic English Program trained 16 Members

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New Opportunities From November 4-6, Odebrecht Infrastructure – Latin America held the Chamba Móvil program in Peru. The initiative is designed to seek out people who live near its new contract, the Matarani project, and offer them job opportunities. On its first trip, Chamba Móvil mobile unit gathered some 400 candidates in

the region of Arequipa. The registrations received will allow the initiative to elaborate a database that will streamline the contracting during the construction work and allow for a more accurate assessment of the job opening requirements. The construction work for the Matarani project will begin on February 2014.

The first Chamba Móvil trip gathered approximately 550 people and selected approximately 400 to make up the CV database


Teamwork With the support of Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial, the Argentinean community of Camarones held the inauguration ceremony for the Sea Product Processing Plan on November 5. The installation activities are part of the technical classes administered by High School No. 721 to teach local youth about seafood harvesting and its processing as canned goods. Odebrecht has supported the project, in the Patagonia province of Chubut, since the start of the construction work at the Garayalde Compression Plant –of the Gas Pipeline Expansion work being undertaken in the country. Since 2012, the company has followed the development of the project and contributed by donating raw materials and equipment to the processing plant. It also supported courses and educational workshops and publicized the initiative to its partners. “The plant for the handcrafted seafood canning production is very important for the local population, since it drives the training of the youth and also generates development opportunities for the community, ” emphasized Raúl Troncoso, responsible for the Garayalde Compression Plant.

The Sea Product Processing Plant is part of the youths’ training focused on harvesting and canning seafood


fast news•social actions

ENE and Odebrecht Representatives: partnership to raise awareness about the efficient use of electricity

Energy for Raising Awareness On October, the Members ofEnergy Transport and Distribution Project of Odebrecht Infrastructure - Africa, Arab Emirates and Portugal in Angolan, participated in the 1 st Population Awareness Raising Meeting about the efficient and safe use of electricity. The initiative resulted from a partnership between Odebrecht and National Electricity Company to raise the awareness of people from the neighborhoods covered by the electrical network about the correct use of energy, ensuring that each individual can be a multiplier of knowledge in their respective communities. The event took place in the Province of Uíge and was attended by the Vice Governor Carlos Mendes Samba;


Judite Rosa, ENE representative for Administration and Finances; Alberto Tomás, National Director of ENE for the Distribution and Sales Business Unit; Paulo Buca, Province Director at ENE; and Wagner Santana, Contract Director of Energy Transport and Distribution Project of Odebrecht. The event featured raising lectures, as well as the distribution of brochure for multipliers to use in their task of disseminating the good practices to be followed. During the opening portion of the event, Carlos Mendes Samba reinforced the importance of efficient energy use for promoting the development of societies. “This event will contribute greatly to changing the population’ behavior, ” said Samba.

A Simple Gesture “It takes you only a short amount of time. They gain a whole new life for the future. ”This was the motto of the campaign promoted by Odebrecht Ambiental to disseminate the Tribute to the Future Program. After the communication sent out explaining about the initiative and its advantages, in November, Members received the Tribute to the Future team at the office to learn more about the program and also listened to the testimonials by Sildinei and Camila, two of the youth benefited of Rural Family Home. Sildinei, age 18, is already an agricultural entrepreneur with two paid employees of his own. A participant of the program since last year, with the support of Tribute to the Future, he earned a chance to remain in the rural region, promoting sustainability, supporting the community in which he lives and developing the knowledge of agricultural

technology. He also promotes seminars to multiply the knowledge he receives. Accordingly, when a young person receives support from Tribute to the Future, an entire community is benefited. Camila Tavares, from the Sustainability team, made her donation on the same day: “This was the second time I contributed, ” she said. “I was moved by the testimonials I heard. ”Benedito Franco, Member of the People and Organization area and one of the visit organizers, also reinforced: “The Members had the chance to hear from the youth themselves about the changes that can promote through such a simple act, ” said Franco. “We reached our goal: to demystify the topic and gather more contributors. ” At the end of the visit, 74 people had already made their contributions. As a result of the campaign, 30% of the Members from the office joined the program.

The Members received a token and when they deposited it into the urns, they formed a pact: the interest in helping the youth of the Bahia´ Southern Lowlands


fast news•social actions

Partnership Renewed Between October and November, Odebrecht Agroindustrial received technical visits from the ABRINQ foundation to maintain the “Child-Friendly Company” seal granted in December 2012 together with the NGO Save The Children. The Business was awarded for assuming commitments that benefit children and adolescents, as well as for its social achievements involving Members and the local community. The technical visits, held at four of the company’s nine units, evaluated the continuity of the initiatives and revealed more about the projects and actions being developed in the region. At the Alcídia unit, the ABRINQ Foundation commission met Maria Eliza

Lopes, Educational Supervisor for the Teodoro Sampaio Municipal Department of Education, in São Paulo, and learned more about the actions of the Social Energy for Local Sustainability Program, in partnership with the city government. In Morro Vermelho, the members participated in a meeting with the Secretary of Education, Inês Parmeggiani, and the Secretary of Social Action, Carlos Roberto Oliveira Amorim, both from the municipality of Mineiros, in Goiás. At the Água Emendada unit, the meeting was coordinated by Vagnéia Almeida Ferreira, Secretary of Education, and Maria das Graças Silva, Secretary of Social Assistance of the municipality of Perolândia, in Goiás. The commitments assumed and renewed by Odebrecht Agroindustrial include: not engaging in child labor and not employing adolescents in nighttime, hazardous or unhealthy activities and promoting awareness raising actions focused on clients, employees and the community about the harm caused by child labor. “The seal attested to our commitment to develop effective actions to promote children’s rights, helping improve the quality of life of children and adolescents in the communities located near our operations, ” said Carla Pires, responsible for Sustainability. Roseane Martins, from the ABRINQ Foundation, and Juraci Bastos, responsible for People and Administration the São Paulo Center


Relationship that Produces Results On November 18, the Odebrecht Agroindustrial Conquista do Pontal unit, in the municipality of Mirante do Paranapanema, in São Paulo, celebrated the graduation of 80 teachers who completed the graduate course in Institutional Psychopedagogy. The course was created through the Social Energy for Local Sustainability Program – undertaken in partnership with the local government and the Cidade São Paulo University (UNICID) – which promotes development projects in the region. Designed for high school teachers from public schools in Mirante do Paranapanema, the course – which lasts 18 months – is designed to specialize the faculty members to address and contribute toward the development of children with attention and

learning deficit disorder. “We understand that investing in professional qualification projects like this one helps improve the professionals’ work with their students and family, as well as the institution with which they are affiliated, ” said Carla Pires, responsible for Sustainability at Odebrecht Agroindustrial. “In this way, it is able to contribute toward local development, granted that the community comes to have tools to grow personally and professionally, ” she said. The graduation ceremony was attended by the graduates and their families, leaders of Odebrecht Agroindustrial, those responsible for the teaching area and partners of the program, as well as the Mayor of Mirante do Paranapanema, Carlos Alberto Vieira, and local authorities. Graduates at the ceremony to deliver the certificates from the Institutional Psychopedagogy course at Mirante do Paranapanema

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Odebrecht Foundation

Expanding Regional Development 48


ounded in 1951, the Association of Diplomats from the Brazilian College of Military Studies (ADESG) has the mission of engaging the graduates of the College of Military Studies (ESG) – an institution associated with the Brazilian Ministry of Defense that serves as a center for study and research. Each year, the members of ADESG mobilize efforts to discuss issues of national interest

at a convention. In 2013, the 12 th edition of the event, which was held in Bahia from October 28-31, chose the theme “Development and Sustainability: Education and the Environment for the 21 st Century. ” The programming at the event used as a reference the actions supported by the Bahia Southern Lowlands Environmental Protection Area Mosaic Program for Development and Growth Integrated with Sustainability

Representatives from the Bahia Southern Lowlands and Pedro Berwanger (in the center) during the 12th edition of the ADESG member meeting


Maurício Medeiros and Pedro Berwanger during the signing of the Cooperation Agreement

(PDCIS), supported by the Odebrecht Foundation and public and private partners. Some 200 people, mostly representatives from ADESG in the different Brazilian states, listened to lectures about the model that seeks to promote the generation of jobs and income, high quality rural education and the construction of a more just and united society, aligned with the conservation of natural resources. Benivaldo Santos, age 25 and former student of the


Presidente Tancredo Neves Rural Family Home (CFR-PTN), was one of those benefitted by PDCIS and took part in the convention to share his own story. “I don’t want to leave the region, ” said Santos. “I have established a bond of trust with my community and over these past years, I have achieved many things, ” said Santos, a resident of Ouro Preto, located in the municipality of Presidente Tancredo Neves. The young rural entrepreneur financed

a 20-hectare property and is seeking out sustainability in the place he calls homes. “The transformation seen in people’s lives is the most important thing, ” emphasized Pedro Berwanger, President of ADESG. The event was also marked by the signing of a Cooperation Agreement on October 30 between the National ADESG and the Odebrecht Foundation. “The partnership aims to replicate the PDCIS model, adapting it to the regions through the association’s units, ” said Berwanger. Ricardo Cabral, Admiral of the Brazilian Navy and the President-Elect for the next ADESG term of office,

added: “For Brazilian society, this joining of efforts can only produce benefits. ” M a u ri c i o M e d e i ro s , Exe c u t ive C h a i r o f t h e O d e b re c ht Fo u n d at i o n , b e l i eve s t h at t h e m a j o r d i ffe re nt i a l o f P D C IS i s i ts i n n ovat ive Pa rt i c i p at ive G ove rn a n ce sys te m . “Th e s o c i a l fa b ri c i s s t re ngt h e n e d wh e n we h ave t h e o p p o rtu n i ty fo r gove rn m e nts , c ivi l s o c i e ty a n d co m p a n i e s to wo rk toge t h e r a n d h e l p p ro m o te d eve l o p m e nt a n d growt h i ntegrate d wi t h s u s ta i n a b i l i ty, wi t h a fo c u s o n s o c i a l i n c l u s i o n , ” s a i d M e d e i ro s .

At the event, Benivaldo Santos, former student of the Presidente Tancredo Neves Rural Family Home, shared his story


fast news•sustainability


fast news•sustainability

Support for the Consumer On October 30, the Brazilian Corporate Network for Lifecycle Evaluation held its inaugural event during a meeting at the Museum of Image and Sound (MIS) in São Paulo. The initiative is the result of a partnership formed between major companies such as the Akatu Institute and the Brazilian Lifecycle Association (ABCV). Specialists and researchers met to talk about the importance of diffusing lifecycle knowledge in the corporate world and establishing actions to promote and popularize the practice of Lifecycle Evaluation (LCE). Considered a tool that allows for the quantification of environmental burdens and the weighing of the positive and negative impacts a product, system or process has on the environment, LCA analyzes the stages of the production process, from the raw material to post-consumer phase. “Offering

is one of the goals of the coordination work, ” explained Luiz Gustavo Ortega, network coordinator. The Odebrecht Organization, Danone, Embraer, GE, Grupo Boticário, Natura, Oxiteno and Tetra Pak are examples of companies that already joined the initiative. Created in 2012, the Brazilian Corporate Network for Lifecycle Evaluation is a grouping that are focused on discussing and researching methods to learn more about the lifecycle of products, services and systems, in such a way that the production processes of the companies can be incorporated. Besides this, the network plans to inform consumers of the importance of considering this type of analysis when making purchase, use and disposal decisions. The coordination of the network takes place under the Brazilian Life Cycle Evaluation Program (PBACV), developed by the country’s

knowledge for the people to make more sustainable choices

Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade.


fast news•sustainability

New “Green” Products

In order to help consumers recognize the “green” plastic, the packaging will display the ‘I´m greenTM’ seal, which guarantees the theirrenewable origin

The Braskem “Green” Plastic can now be found in the new packaging developed by Zandei for the protective hand cream and sunscreens made by Luvex. With the initiative, Luvex – leader in Brazil in the segment of protective skin creams designed for workers – is becoming a pioneer in the protection industry by adopting plastic of a renewable origin in its packaging.


The material was made from ethane obtained from sugarcane ethanol. It offers the differential of helping to reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, since it captures carbon gas during its production process. It also has the same characteristics as traditional polyethylene, or in other words, it does not require machinery adaptations and can be recycled.

Innovation that Guarantees Sustainability

The Pickling Effluent Treatment Plant is a project of Santo Antônio HPP based on the Sustainable Production concept

Odebrecht Infrastructure - Brazil, responsible for the Electromechanical Assembly work at the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP), in Rondônia, developed and installed the Pickling Effluent Training Plant at the construction site, which has the capacity to treat 10, 000 liters of waste each shift. Chemical prickling is a process in which the piping for the Generator Unit hydraulic systems remains immersed in tanks containing chemical substances to remove rust and impurities from its surfaces. Through the use of the treatment system, the effluent leaves the pickling tank and is then sent to the crude effluent storage tank. After it is separated, the liquid portion passes through two vertical sand filters and then heads to the charcoal box, where its odors are neutralized and the water treated. The solid portion is sent to the drying bed and then incinerated.

The alternative reduced the amount of effluent generation and boosted worker productivity and safety. Environmental technician Fábio Lourenço stated that the structure was built sustainably with materials reused: “It is a simple process with fantastic results, ” said Lourenço. Environmental Engineer Guilherme Todt explained that the project, designed by Walmir Guerra – responsible at the time for Sustainability, Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) at the project – breaks paradigm. “We proved that it is possible to produce while ensuring sustainability, quality and low cost. ”He explained that treating the effluent at the construction is more economic, guarantees treatment efficiency and also allows for more rigorous environmental control.


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