GCSE Graphic Products Coursework
Context Promotion is important for a new product or event. Design Task 5 A group of students in your school have formed a band and want a complete set of publicitymaterial for their future events. The set must include a CD Case which has a minimum of fourfolding panels containing any number of CD’s and relevant information. The panels can fold in any direction and could hold a combination of CDs. Promotional material should also contain an item which incorporates a smart or modern material. Target Market • • •
The age range would most likely be between 13-20 as the members of the band are in high school, therefore they will be aiming for that age. The gender of the customer will most likely be female as they can relate to the songs easier, but male customers may still enjoy the music. The general likes of the customer would be; the way they dress, bright colours , ‘fun’ writing and they would like to see the band have a nice relationship as they care about their own with their friends. Some dislikes of the customer could be; dark and dull colours or pictures, distressing images or ones that contain violence and blood. (Do not hand out leaflets). Some things the customer would like from this product would be; not plastic packaging as you can’t recycle it, pictures of the artist, maybe having the lyrics of the songs included as it can make the songs easier to learn and you can often feel as though you’re getting that bit extra. The factors the customer would consider before buying the product would most likely be; the colours and fonts used on the CD covers and the publicity involved in it as they will be more attractive if it’s eye-catching and easy to read, if the images are suitable to the type of music they like, and if they are good quality and professional looking, also they might consider not buying the CD if they don’t like the way it is being marketed. The cost of the product will most likely influence the decision to buy the product, as the age of the target market is an age when they don’t have to worry about paying bills as most of them still live with parents.
Customer Profile
Hi, my name is Charley and I am fifteen years old, and I live in Morpeth. Music is a huge part of my life and so I regularly buy CDs, I get £20 a month, and I usually spend about half on that on new music. I will be looking through Celine’s slides and telling her what things I like, what things I’m not so sure on and what improvements I think she could do! I learnt what the project is about and what is expected from it, and also who the customer from the Customer Profile and why they would want to buy this project. I have learnt that I will be using this customer profile to help me to choose the best ideas to this in this presentation and will be there on the most important slides.
Research Plan – I will analysis a poster and a four-fold CD using ACCEESS FM, to make sure I understand about the materials used, and to make these products are environmentally friendly. and know all the safety issues that must be taken care of. I will research into disassembly, and actually disassemble an existing graphic product, this is necessary to discover how glue tabs work and how products such as perfume boxes are formed. I will design a mood board and ensure it has enough pictures so that it gives me From this I have learnt how much publicity is needed with a band CD, and how I can use this with my band. I also know enough ideas to create professional looking logos. the different things that go onto the posters, leaflets, tickets ect. I will be transforming some of these ideas into material objects that will be used for publicity.
Aesthetics – The main colour on this poster is purple, it is a calming yet exciting colour depending on the shade used. It has a picture of the artist in the foreground and there is not much writing, meaning that the writing that is there, is important. There is lighting around the outline of the artist, which makes him even more prominent. Client – It would most likely be aimed at music fans who enjoy the type of music known as ‘dubstep’, this is because the man on the poster is Skrillex; a well-known dubstep artist. Cost – The cost would most likely be around £5, as this is the standard price of a maxi poster, or if it was a billboard poster the cost would be a great deal more. Environment – The poster could be made from recyclable materials, but the inks would have to be new and high quality, as the poster is very detailed and colourful. But it would also be on websites as an advert, so no materials would be used. Ergonomics – Depending on the size of product, it could be either rather easy to handle or more difficult. If it was just a maxi poster for a home it would be easy to care and put up, it could even be rolled up to carry it easier. However, if it was a billboard size, for advertising purposes, it could take a few people to carry around and put up. Safety – The larger size poster is extremely safe, however with the smaller size there is a chance you could get a paper cut, also the corners are sharp. Size – The smaller size one is the size of a maxi poster and the larger one is billboard size, as it is part of the advertising. Function – The main function of this product is advertising Skrillex playing at the 54th Grammy awards. It would be put onto billboards for people to see when they walked/drove past it, and the smaller, maxi size poster could be bought by people who either really like Skrillex, or were there and want to remember that night. Also it could be found at the side of the page on websites such as facebook, lyric websites and MSN news. Materials – The materials used to create this product are paper and printing ink, the paper would most like be high quality photography paper, and the ink would most likely be the best you can get. The billboards would be made out of metal which could be recyclable.
I learnt how professional graphic products designers analyse work and what they have to consider when doing so, this is known as ACCEESS FM. I have also understood how the colours used are important as they must catch the eye. I should be able to use these techniques on my poster to improve their appearance and make it seem more professional.
Aesthetics – The main colour used is a glittery gold and is very eye-catching. The other colour used is a deep purple which contrasts well, this is because the colours are opposite each other on the colour wheel. Another good contrast that is used is the white writing against the purple for the names of the songs on the inside. Client – They would most likely be between the ages of 25-45, this is because funk music was big in the 70’s , and that would mean the people who listened to it at that time, but for the younger ones they could just enjoy that type of music. Cost- I would think the cost of this product would be around £15 as they are three CDs included, and there is quite a lot of packaging. Environment- CD’s themselves are not usually recyclable, but the packaging they come in could be, such as the cardboard , paper or plastic. The actual packaging could be recycled already so that would be much better for the environment than cutting down new trees, but this could add to the cost. Ergonomics – The product seems quite light and fairly small, just big enough to fit the CD into. It also contains all three CDs easily therefore it is compact. Safety – The CD itself could snap or break when dropped or stood on, this would cause sharp edges which could be hazardous. Also the cardboard could cause paper cuts, but this is quite unlikely. Size – The size of product is a normal CD when folded up, however when opened it triples in size so you can remove each of the CDs easily. Function – To hold the three CDs and make sure they don’t fall out or get damaged, also it has all the song titles and the artists who sing them in the inside as well as on the back. Materials – The material used would be a from of plastic composite for the actual CD, and cardboard used for the packaging, this cardboard could be recycled already which is better for the environment. I have learnt that CD packaging must be eye-catching and safe to handle e.g. no sharp edges. I have understood what type of materials would be used when making a CD and it’s packaging. To use this in my project I will aspire to create a CD package that is eye-catching and professional looking, that is also a realistic size to fit all the CDs in.
The design of the boxes are the same, so that the same die cutter can be used for all of them and so this saves money, however there are different colours and picture so that may need a couple of printers. There is no colour printed onto the inside of the box or on the glue tabs. This is to save money overall, but there is still a small of colour printed on the edge that is folded in just in case it isn’t glued properly. The amount of glue used is rather small, but it’s enough to make it stick otherwise more would be used. The net must be measured and cut accurately so that the products fit together properly, and if the folds weren’t accurately folded it would not look very professional. The tabs at the top do not have glue on as they get folded and interlocked so they are easy to get into. The barcode is not on the front as it is rather unattractive and isn’t on the top so you don't have to turn the product upside down to scan it.
Although this design isn’t that complicated it has to be measured very accurately, otherwise it wouldn’t fit together properly. The folds need to be folded accurately at 90 degrees, otherwise it won’t look as professional. It will most likely have used white card, and then have the ink printed onto it. There are designs printed on both sides, and this makes it more technical as the designs need to line up on each part. When I make my four-fold CD case, I will make sure that the all the folds are measured correctly, and that the design looks professional by ensuring that the it is cut out and folded accurately. I will then proceed to line up the pictures and colours on this case so that it doesn’t look handmade. From this page I have learnt how companies save money by not printing colour on the inside of products when they won’t be seen, also how glue tabs and dust flaps are used. I also now know that the nets are made using a die cutter, as are most nets.
On this page I learnt all about the different types of CD art used by the artists and how most concert tickets are designed. Also I learnt it is important to have colour and art on the CD, not just the casing. The designs on this page have shown me how much graphics is actually used in CD packaging. There are many ideas I could take from these images, such as the minimalistic poster of the Arctic Monkeys, and the colours of Queen’s Bride.
The primary colours are red, blue and yellow. The secondary colours are orange, green and purple. The tertiary colours are the ones between the secondary colours, such as yellow-orange, red-orange and red-purple.
Heat, angry, burning, blood, danger, warning, passion.
Energy, vibrant, warmth, cherry, sunset, happy, fresh.
Sun, happy, hope, summer, carefree, fresh, bright.
This is the font I like the best
Peace, cold, chilled, sky, relaxed, ice, clear.
Dreams, wealth, faith, rich, luxury, splendour, majesty
Complimenting colours are those that Fresh, spring, leafy, calm, natural, serene, environment. are opposite each other on the colour wheel, such as; red + green, orange + These background blue and yellow + purple. colours are the ones I like the most I like these ones, as the colours go well and complement each other, I also like these styles of font, especially ‘Varius Multiplex’ (the middle font on the right) but I would like to try it with various different background colours. I got the background colours from the website Kuler, it pinpoints colours from a mixture, in this case my moodboard, and puts them together. I got the font designs from dafont.com.
I agree with Celine on this one, the best colour backgrounds are the ones on the top, and the best font is Varius Multiplex.
Darkness, night, strength, stylish, authority, respect, mystery,
I don’t like these combinations as on the first one the colours are to dark and depressing, and on the second one the colours are too bright and clashing.
I learnt all about the colour wheel and how colours complement some better than others, and what the different colours mean. I also learnt how to use Kuler and decide which colours work well together for the logo design.
I have learnt about the safety aspects of the different materials and tools used and thought about where I’ll be using them in my product. I have also learnt that my product will not be completely biodegradable.
Grey board
Safety Aspects
Could have sharp edges and corners, it means that you could get paper cuts from it. Slight chance of getting a paper cut, but it is very unlikely.
This machine gets hot, so you could get burned. Once the paper is laminated it could have a sharp edge.
Is It Biodegradable ?
Where in my product will it be used?
It will be used to back some of my products such as the POS stand, on this it will also form the support that makes it stand up.
This material will be cut out using CADCAM, and will be stuck on either my POS stand, CD or CD case, to enhance the design and embellish it.
My ticket will be laminated once cut out, so that it looks more professional and becomes sturdier.
Glue stick
If careless, you could accidently glue your fingers together, and solvent abuse could occur.
To stick the glue tabs down on the CD packaging, also to stick the two parts of the ticket and flyer together, furthermore when backing products.
Safety Mat
This will be used alongside the craft knife when cutting out the various products I will create, it ensures that the table and work is not damaged.
Craft Knife
Has a very sharp edge, quite dangerous if used incorrectly.
To cut out all the products made as it’s easier than scissors to cut a straight line.
Safety Rule
Sharp edges could cause damage if mishandled.
To make sure I get straight lines when cutting out with a craft knife, must be held firmly.
Glow In the Dark (phosphorus)
You may be able to get a paper cut but that is it.
Security Hologram
When cutting out the hologram (it usually comes in a roll) you may cut yourself.
If this smart material is used, it would go on the CD cover or the POS stand to enhance the design. This will go on my ticket to authenticate it, I haver researched several tickets and they have their holograms over the dotted line so that both sections have some visible.
Ethical – An ethical issues is one that could offend a certain group or maybe even an entire country. A CD like this could go on sale all around the world, so I will have to be careful what actually goes on it. Also this CD is going to aimed at teenagers, so they could be a chance of younger children seeing it too, therefore all the images and writing have to be appropriate. Sustainability – It’s very important to use material from a sustainable source, otherwise they may end up running out in the future, and if the band became famous and sold a lot of CDs, they would need to make sure they weren’t using up too much of the resources. For example, when a company cuts down one tree, they plant three more and this means that there will still be trees around in years to come. Fair Trade - This means paying the people who farm the products such as cotton and wood a fair price for their work. There is a company called FairTrade and they work to raise the standards of living in third-world countries, they also try to improve the economic conditions of these countries. Products using the FairTrade system could be slightly more expensive but most people are willing to pay the little bit extra, as the money is going to a good cause. If I were to batch produce this CD case, we would have to source our materials from a company that ensure their workers are well-paid and suitably treated. Carbon Footprint – A carbon footprint is the effect on global warning caused by emission from everyone, for this project I should try and keep my carbon footprint to a minimum, by ensuring that I don’t use unnecessary electricity or wasting materials. Recycling – This means using the product’s material for something else, such as metal being remade into a can. It’s important to recycle products and to use recycled products as it cuts down the amount of new material that needs to be found or made. I don’t think I will be able to use many recyclable products in this project as they aren’t very available in our budget, however if the band were to become famous, we’d try to source recycled materials. Wastage – I will try to waste as little as possible, as it would be bad for the environment and it wouldn’t make economical sense to do so. To limit my wastage, I will use the least amount of paper and vinyl that I can. Copyright – This is a law that stops people stealing images or ideas from other people or companies. I will not have this problem as my product is just a prototype and I will just be getting the pictures from Google or other internet browsers. If I was to mass produce this CD I would have to take my own pictures. From this slide I have learnt about what issues will affect my product, the mains ones that I will have to consider are; wastage, recycling and ethics. I looked into the issues that bigger CD companies had when they were releasing a new CD and the packaging it comes in. Also, I need to remember what age the people that will be buying this will be.
Aesthetics The look of the product depends mainly on the look of my moodboard, as this is where I will get most of my inspiration from. This product has to be a four fold CD, and there should be designs on each side. The logo, which will come from an idea from my moodboard, will first be hand drawn, and then enhanced using Photoshop. The colours and fonts used must be suitable for the Target Market, and the images used must always fit with the theme.
Materials Most of my product will be made out of grey card, but there will also be colour printed onto it. Also, there will be small amounts of coloured vinyl to enhance it. I’ll be using the card because it is cheap and readily available, also it can be bent into shape and it won’t just go back to it’s original shape.
Quantity This product will be a one off prototype at this time, however if the band were to become famous in the future this product could be mass produced.
Timescale The deadline for this product is November or December 2013, unless something changes which means we get more or less time. We also have a suggested amount of time to spend on each part of the presentation.
Functions The function of this CD packaging is to protect the CD itself, and also it could promote your band as there will be logos etc on the outside. It may also help the band show that they care about the environment, due to the fact that they would most likely have on that it is recyclable.
Cost The cost should be the same as a normal four fold CD or lower, otherwise if it was more expensive the customers would not want to buy it, this means it would be around £10-£13 and this should be in the buying range of the Target Market. The manufacturing of this would only be two or three pound, but if the band were to make a special edition box it would cost a bit more, this means that overall the product would make the band money. Durability The product should be built so that it is durable and doesn’t break easily, instead of using normal paper I will be using a special type that is the thickness of card, and has a good printing quality that means even if the product is used regularly, it will still maintain it’s shape and high quality design. The only downside of using this is that it can not get into contact with water.
Target Market It will mainly be teenage girls as they are most likely going to enjoy the music and relate to the band, also as the band are made from teenage boys, and therefore there could the ‘crush factor’. This means the product will have girly parts bout also should stay mainly neutral.
Ergonomics The packaging should be able to be handled and moved around, and it should also just be a bit bigger than the CD itself otherwise, it would just be a waste of materials. On the other hand, the poster for advertising should be fairly big so that it can be seen from a distance. The weight should be reasonable so that it can be carried around without hassle.
Size and Weight The size will be the same as a standard four fold CD case, and the CD will also be standard size, which means the storage size of the case will be 14cm x12.5cm. It needs to be lightweight as it could be carried around places, and there is no need for it to be heavy.
Environmental Issues This will be made from a recyclable material and might even have been recycled and reused already, to show this it will have the recycling logo on the back. Also by showing the product is suitable for recycling it could be good for the band as it shows they care for the environment, and also it could be cheaper if the materials have already been used.
Issues The issues I will have to be aware of with this product are recycling and the wastage of materials. I will try and make my product recyclable, but it won’t be made from already recycled card. Furthermore, I will make sure to only use the materials that I need to. Copyright would also be an issue, but this will only be a prototype and will not be published.
Safety The product will be stuck together using glue so no parts of it should fall off, yet this is not impossible. There will be some edges on this product, however there should not be too sharp, the same goes for the corners – time will be taken to make sure that they aren’t too dangerous. There will be a symbol saying this product isn’t suitable for children under the age of 3.
I learnt about how there are many different things that you have to take into consideration when designing your product, such as the environment, timescale and cost.
I took inspiration from my moodboard, and drew some simplistic line drawings using a pencil then went over it using a fineliner. I chose these images because although they are simple, they seemed as though they could be developed into something more imaginative and artistic. The tools I used were from Adobe Photoshop, and I mainly used; magic wand, crop, eyedropper, both magic and normal eraser, blur, dodge, burn and paste into. I have used the name of my band; Boys From Mars, to incorporate ideas of space into my initial designs, these are things such as planets, stars and rockets. On this slide I learnt how I have developed my logos from firstly taking them from the moodmoard to making them into actual logos, this is where we used many Adobe Photoshop tools to create the different effects. The developments have taught me how simple ideas can be turned into quite professional looking logos.
1.I copy and pasted several of the hand layers and lowed the opacity gradually, then placed them one behind another.
4.This is a simple design as the only editing that was done by changing it to difference, which has changed to colour to blue and white.
2.I copy and pasted the hand layer once, and flipped it so it looked as if it was a reflection, I then changed the one on the right to black and white.
5.This idea was developed by slicing the layer into several parts and spreading them out, the actual hand though is the same as the initial idea. The band name is incorrectly laid out in this logo also.
3.This is an outline of the hand layer and I inserted my moodboard into it, this is also where I got the inspiration for drawing the first logo.
6.For this development, I used a filter to make it look as if it had neon lights as a outline and inside.
7. For this logo I just changed the colours of the original idea to colour schemes that I had gotten from Kuler.
10. Again this logo stems from the simple line drawing, with the vibrant background being made using different coloured paintbrushes on Photoshop, that represent the colours of Mars.
8. Again, I used the colours from a Kuler inspired colour scheme, and used them to colour the different sections using the bucket tool on Photoshop.
11. I pasted a real image of mars into the planet balloon and an image of a star into the star balloon, then once the hand was coloured in blue using the paintbucket tool. Depth was then added using the dodge and burn tools.
9. I copy and pasted two more of the simple initial idea and rubbed part of it out using the eraser tool, and used multiple Photoshop brushes to create a paint splash effect.
12. This logo is developed from the previous one, yet instead of being coloured in block colours or images, paint brushes were used to give a different effect.
13. Using a colour scheme from the website Kuler, and the paint bucket tool to fill in the logo. The dodge and burn tools to add depth and make it look 3D.
16. For this logo sheet music was pasted into the headphones, and a similar image was zoomed in and then pasted into the rocket, with a picture of real fire in the bottom part.
14. This logo was made by taking the simple line drawing, and placing it on top of an array of colour that was formed using Adobe Photoshop brushes in the colour of Mars.
17. Duplicating the layers was how this logo initially started, then the second layers where flipped to create almost a mirror image, then their opacity was lowered.
15. This logo is much darker than the others as there is a lot of black, the paint bucket tool made the headphones black and the paste into tool was used for most of the rocket.
18. The original line drawing was filled in with white using the paintbucket tool, and then placed over a larger yellow ‘splodge’ which was created using a downloaded paintbrush.
I agree with Celine that the best logo is number 11, as it is simple yet still interesting, also the font of the band’s name is easy to understand. However I do also like the second one as it really relates to the band’s name.
Overall Appearance (10)
Colour Choice (10)
Design of Logo (10)
Easy to Understand (10)
Professional Looking (10)
Total out of 50
Self Assess
Self Assess
Self Assess
Peer Assess
Peer Assess
Peer Assess
This slide taught me how to evaluate my logos so I could determine which one has the best features to be used as the logo on my products. I got people to peer asses my work, and learnt that their views were quite similar to my own.
Tickets •Hologram •Logo •Band name •Venue •Dates and times •Seat and stand •A little venue map •Website •Phone number •Bar code •Sponsors •Price •QR code •Other acts performing CD Packaging •Logo •Band name •Website •Song lists •Album name •Bar code
Leaflet •Logo •Band name •Venues •Dates and times •Websites •Phone number •Sponsors •QR code •Other acts performing
CD •Logo •Band name •Copyright •Producers •Guarantee Poster •Logo •Band name •Venues •Dates and times •Supporting acts •Ticket prices •Where to buy tickets •Sponsors •QR code •Websites
I have learnt about what needs to be put onto each of the different parts of the packaging I will make. I am also aware that there are things that I do need but I haven’t thought about previously such as QR codes.
To decide on the style of net I want to use, I measured out different shaped nets to see what type I would like to use for mine. These nets were measured out accurately using a metal rule and a craft knife. This net has a more complicated way of folding together, and also has the necessary four-folds.
This drawing is of a simple net design, yet it was drawn in a onepoint perspective.
These are simple drawn nets, of some ideas I was considering. For the ones I liked I then drew them out bigger on card, and cut them out to see how they would look. I then tried to draw a net with perspective, and also a 3D sketch.
By showing the way that each section will fold up, it explains how the fold works. What I have I learnt is that you have to be precise when measuring out the nets, as any small mistake can make a big difference, I will take this into consideration when making the final net.
I drew out a net, that had a triangle attached at the top, though when I was cutting out the net For this net I added a semi-circle to the top of design I accidently cut it off. This is something I one of the sections, this is meant to be a planet, will have to consider when I’m cutting out my to represent mars, from the band’s name ‘Boys actual packaging. From Mars’.
For this idea there was a planetlike shape at the top of one of the sections, and it had a ‘ring’ going around it. However, when I was cutting the net with the craft knife, the ring at the side was sliced off accidently.
This is more than a four fold CD , as the triangle flaps at the edges are also classed as folds. They bend in to form a square on the front, which makes this design quite difficult to make.
This is the design that I think I am going to use, as it has a more complex shape than most normal CD packages. The curve also links to the name of the band; Boys From Mars. It’s also a four fold package, which meets the requirements.
Although the final packaging will be the same size as standard CD cases, I made all the practise nets a much smaller size. This was to minimise wastage, as it was likely that I would make quite a few mistakes when designing and making the nets.
From this page I have learnt that even if you are careful it is still possible to cut off parts of the net, if they are sticking it out. Also that you need to be very precise when measuring out the net, especially when doing the folds. I have also discovered which packaging design I will carry forward.
My poster is sized A4, as that is the size most professional posters are, after researching them. For the background of my poster, I merged several images of space – relating to my theme – and lowered the opacity of them. Initially the band name was done in black, however it was hard to read against the fairly dark background, therefore I changed the colour to white, which stands out much more and is very clear. Using this information, I went on to list the dates, in the same colour and centrally, so that they were clear and easy to read. To make my poster more professional looking, I added multiple sponsors, along with a music company, and my logo. Furthermore, a website was added where tickets would supposedly be able to be bought from.
My ticket measurements are 17cm x 8cm as through research, this seems to be one of the most popular sizes. This size is also good as it means the ticket can easily fit in a hand, or a pocket, without being too small or too big. The background started off being separate images of space, which links to my logo, and then I added rounded translucent rectangles, so the background was still visible. The band name was added, along with a tour name, as this was what the real tickets had on. Along with this - in a font that seemed to be recurring – I added the name of the venue, the time and the date. This is on the part of the ticket that the customer would keep, yet the information is repeated on the stud section, that also has a barcode. A hologram will be put on as well, as it’s use of a modern material, and makes the ticket look much more realistic.
My ticket measurements are 17cm x 8cm again, as it needs to be the same size as the front of the ticket otherwise they will not stick together properly. Similar to the front, the background is the same mix of images, to add a sense of continuity throughout. However, instead of the name, tour and venue, there is a seating plan for a certain venue, and the terms and conditions. On the stub there is the same website from my poster, and the same number. The sponsorship logos and music company logo have been added to the main section, whist the O2 academy logo, and a ‘tree logo’ has been added to the stub section of the ticket.
The size of the first CD is the same size as a normal CD disc (12cm), this is so it can fit around or in a The measurement of the back of the flyer is A5 as it disc holder, and supposedly into a CD player. The must be the same as the front. To make the design design of the disc was done in two parts, though of the flyer almost continuous, I made the from the same image. The background image has background of both of them the same. Furthermore had the opacity lowered, whilst the duplicate I continued the blue band from the top left of the image in front has had everything but the front, to the top right of the back. There is also a astronaut rubbed out, to make it stand out more map to show the audience where the area is for this and look like it’s more in the foreground. The band one off event – in this case Newcastle O2 Academy. name is printed quite largely, in the same font as The band logo and company logo printed at the the poster, and is in white so it can be read clearly bottom of the flyer, along with all the sponsors. To against the dark background. The band and link to the front of the flyer, and the special offer of company logos are at the bottom, along with the a free bottle of Lucozade, I added a clause in smaller compact disc logo, and underneath the title, there print, to make it more official and professional . is copyright information.
The measurement of the flyer is A5 as it is a easy size for them to be handed out on streets (for example), also it’s a good size for people to carry once they have received them, and they’ll be able to put them into their bags. The flyer is made to publicize a one-off event, and is usually handed out on streets or left in public places to be taken by those who are interested. Continuing the theme of space throughout my work, meant that I collaborated several images to create the background or base of my flyer. The text is written in white as it sets it apart from the background, making it much clearer The size of the second CD is also 12cm, as that is the to read at a glance. I then added a standard size. The pattern of this disc was done by changing ‘freebie’, to grab the attention of those the opacity of the picture, and using a paintbrush interested, this offer also makes the downloaded from brusheezy to continue the explosion product seem more legitimate as many happening in the picture. Similar to ‘disc 1’, the title is in the music events have special deals same white font, and the logos are at the bottom. These advertised on their flyers. extras, including the copyright information, make the CDs more realistic as I looked at real CDs and tried to mimic their layouts/information.
The size of my point of sales stand is A4, so that is it would be visible around the store, but not overly large. The design of this product was made by merging several images of space together, to make it look like one picture of the universe. To add more depth, I ‘burnt’ the image at the back to make it seem further away, and ‘dodged’ the lighter parts of the prominent image to make it brighter and therefore seem closer. To make the shape of the sales stand more interesting, I moved the earth closer of the top left corner, so I would be able to cut the corner off to make it rounded. To create the part that actually holds the CD, I duplicated the bottom third, and it will be folded and glue to the front, so that it will have a pocket for the CD to fit into.
The design of the outside of the CD case spirals from the band name – Boys From Mars – and therefore takes pictures of space. I started by blending several images, changing the opacity of several of them, and using the dodge and burn tools to create depth. To link more with the name and to ensure that I had at least the right number of folds, I added two circles at the top and bottom of the middle section. I then used the ‘paste into’ tool to have an image of mars inside the circles. I added a translucent box, and added the song titles for each of the CDs, the box made sure that all the titles were legible instead of having them against the colourful background. I then added the band logo, and management logo, along with a suitably sized barcode.
The inside of the CD case has to have the same dimensions, yet it has to be vertically flipped, so that the two fit together when joined. Spines were left on both the inside and the outside, and therefore these too need to be in line. Again I took images of space to link all the work together. I used the same paintbrush tool on Photoshop as the one used for the CD, to make the design more interesting. I then reused the tool on the two circular sections, to make them less plain. From these pages I have learnt how my designs have progressed through time, and how to position the graphics for each product. Furthermore I have discovered where the title fits best on each product.
The rocket should be printed out on coloured vinyl, and stuck here on my poster.
I got the idea to use the rocket outline from the freebie on the flyer, to further the link between the two. This was done by copying the rocket into Photoshop, and then deleting the background. This was then copied into 2D design, and vectorised, with the inside being removed to leave an outline that the plotter cutter will be able to manoeuvre around. If the inside had not been removed the design would not have worked. Advantages of CAD/CAM CAD/CAM allows for very high accuracy levels in large-scale production, furthermore in these larger productions, the results are very consistent. The design section (CAD) can be much more accurate than hand-drawn designs, moreover, the fact they are on computers mean they can be edited, and existing ideas can be modified.
This was the first idea that I created on 2D design, however I though it too plain, and badly designed so I decided not to use it, yet it was still good practise.
Disadvantages of CAD/CAM Initial costs are really quite high, and for one-off products it can be much slower than traditional methods. It’s also fairly difficult to use, so people have to be trained how to use the machinery and software. CAD also requires use of a computer, which is can be a problem for some companies or schools who are short on money.
Embossing – a term used in design which means raising the surface on certain areas to make them stand out more. This process is not very expensive, and is quite simple. It is used in many things, such as credit cards and card packaging, and will be used on my poster, when the coloured vinyl rocket is put on.
Smart Materials A smart material has one or more property that can be changed by external stimuli. These can be things such as temperature, light, pressure or magnetism. An example of this smart material is phosphorescent (glow in the dark).
Modern Materials Modern materials are developed through the invention of new or improved processes, such as man-made materials. An example of a modern material that I will be using on my ticket is a hologram, to make it look more legitimate, as all tickets nowadays have them. From this page I have learnt the positives and negatives of CAD/CAM, and what it can be used for. I have also decided which design I will use, and the benefits of including a smart of modern material to my work.
Benefits of Nesting This process saves money, especially in industries, as all of the pieces can be printed off together. Therefore there is less paper and energy used, lowering costs. Disadvantages of Nesting It is quite time consuming, as it takes 5-15 minutes to print, it also takes a long time to cut everything out. However, this would not be an issue in manufacturing businesses as they would have a Die Cutter, meaning all the pieces would be positioned correctly and then cut out quickly. I used nesting to get my products printed off, because it allows my school to get long rolls of the students work to be printed. It also means the least amount of paper is wasted as possible, as they are arranged in the most economical positions. The width of my nest is 38 inches, as that is the maximum width of our school printer, yet this size is okay as none of my products are that wide or long. Another term for nesting is tessellation.
Celine’s designs have developed a lot since the beginning of the project. The final designs are very professional looking, and all link closely to the theme of space, making all the products look connected. On this page I have looked into nesting or tessellating my products, I learnt that this cuts cost as less paper is wasted. Through this I learnt that all the products must be the same resolution, and the same size to be printed correctly on the nest.
Start Design band products.
On 2D design, design a vinyl cut-out, and use the plotter cutter to remove it.
Take the point of sale stand and attach it onto a strong and durable card.
Decide on which product the vinyl design will added to..
No No
Is the CD holder attached correctly and at the right size?
Are the products cut to a high enough standard?
Are all the products finished to a high enough standard?
Are the CD designs stuck onto the real CDs securely?
Cut out the printed CD holder, and attach to thin, grey card. Attach to the POS stand.
Laminate the ticket.
Are they all the correct dimensions?
Stick the CD designs onto the real plastic CDs. Place the onto the CD holders.
Is the CD at a professional standard, and folded correctly.
Yes No Use a safety ruler and a craft knife to cut all the products out safely.
Are all the products nested properly?
Yes Has it printed correctly?
Yes Print nest onto a quite high quality of card.
Are they all the correct resolution? (150ppi)
Create a 32inch wide nest, and add all the products.
Has the vinyl been cut out and stuck on correctly?
Carefully stick the vinyl design onto the chosen product.
With a spare strip of card, create a flap to attach to the back of the POS stand to ensure it can stand on its on.
Take the CD net/design, and do neat folds, in the correct places. Stick white paper to each section of the outside.
Does it stand correctly?
Is the POS stand finished to a high enough product?
Yes No
Health & Safety
Quality Control
Nesting all the Photoshop designs on one document.
Photoshop program, width of 58 inches.
Ensure that each of the documents has a resolution of 150, and they are all the correct sizes.
Print off the final nest, once checking all the files for the same resolution etc.
A moderately good printer, large format to fit the 58inch nest, high quality inks.
Coloured ink, high quality (white) cartridge paper.
Be wary of paper cuts when handling the cartridge paper.
Make sure the quality of the printer is high enough to try and make my work look professional. There has to be enough ink to print all the nest.
Cutting out the designs, once they are completely finished.
Cutting mat, safety rule and a sharp craft knife.
Take care when using the craft knife as it is sharp and could cause injuries, always use the metal safety rule when cutting.
Practise cutting on space paper before the real designs, always place the rule along the line you’re cutting securely. Try not to cut the wrong parts of the designs.
1hour 30mins
Reinforce all the products to make them sturdier.
Cutting mat, safety rule, glue stick and a sharp craft knife.
Various types of card.
Make sure you don’t cut yourself, and always use the safety rule when cutting straight lines.
Stick thin white card to the outside of the CD case, then back both the POS stand and the poster with thin grey card. No glue can get on the products, and trim the edges.
Stick together the ticket, flyer and CD hand-out.
Glue stick, possibly a hot glue gun.
Take care if using the hot glue gun, as hot strands form when moving it.
To make these products look professional, the glue must not get on the designs, and they have to fit together properly.
Fold and put together each of the products.
Inkless biro, metal ruler and pencil.
Ensure that only the necessary lines are folded, score said lines with the old biro before trying to fold.
Materials & Equipment Used • Craft knife • Safety rule • Cutting mat • Glue stick • Hot glue gun • Scissors • White cartridge paper • Grey card (thick and thin) • White card • Pencil • Old biro • Vinyl • Laminating plastic
This page shows the different pages that contributed to my final design, and how I got to it. The flow chart shows the step-by-step actions I took to turn my product designs into the final products, whereas the production record goes into more detail about how each thing was done. It also includes the equipment and materials used, along with the safety aspect and time taken.
Processes Used • High format printer • CAD/CAM • Plotter cutter • Laminator • Guillotine
On this page I have looked into how my final design was actually formed, including things such as the length of time taken, and how to quality control my work to make minimal mistakes.
I used a set square to ensure that I got a perfect 90⁰ line when cutting out.
Using a normal ruler, I measured the distances between each section I needed to cut.
A safety rule was used each time I cut out a section of my work, this was so that I didn’t injure myself or ruin the work.
For the CD case, I used both a set square and a safety rule to make the cuts as accurate as they could be.
Since the CDs are circular I had to cut them out using scissors instead of a craft knife, for accuracy.
This is how the CD looks, Velcro has been used to stick the two parts down, but they’re still easy to open.
Opinion 1 (age 36) Despite the fact that this project has been well designed and fits the age of the target market, I am not in it. All the products fit well together, as they are all the same colours and style, however, I think that the products could be produced to a higher standard, though obviously it’s hard to do this with school facilities.
Opinion 2 (age 14) I really like these products! I would defiantly buy them if they commercially manufactured as the colours appeal to me and the products all look fun and interesting. I feel the products, especially the CD case, were made really well – they’re the correct size, and precisely cut out and stuck together, this makes the products look as good as they can under these circumstances.
Do all my products link to my theme?
Is the colour theme chosen appropriate for the age range?
Does the final make look professionally produced?
Are all the products unique in design?
Would you buy the CD product?
After watching Celine’s process through each step of designing and making her CD case, I think the outcome is very good. All of her products look linked and are all designed around the theme of space, furthermore the products all look fairly professional in their designs, as they all include the necessary logos, barcodes and information.
I asked eight people (family and friends) to answer these questions truthfully so that I can evaluate whether my final products have been created successfully, and if they would be bought if commercially produced.
From this page I have learnt that it is necessary to learn a range of different people’s opinions of my work so I can try and amend any mistakes in the future.
No inappropriate images or texts have been used as the age rage includes minors and their parents would find it offensive.
I included a promotional leaflet in the CD packaging, that includes reviews from well-know people and magazines.
I have included a gender neutral colour scheme which does not deter boys from buying my products. The theme of my work (space) is linked clearly throughout my work, and is eye-catching enough to stand out. Furthermore, the designs are quite ‘poppy’ which link in with the genre the target market prefer.
Since the band are still in school, it was necessary to make sure that the theme of the project wasn’t too mature for them or the target market, this was achieved by choosing a ‘fun’ theme that included quite a bit of colour. I have been checking the task whenever I design a new product, this is to ensure I meet all the needs. I created a CD case with four folds, with two CDs, a POS stand, a poster and a flyer. Furthermore, I have included a modern material in the form of a hologram.
My customer profile has been popping up on some of the more important slides to give me her opinion on what’s good and what can be improved.
The main theme of my project is space, and has influenced all of my products, liking them all together. My logo also relates to the theme of space, using subject matter and colouring.
I used white, and two different types of grey card, along with white cartridge paper to back and hold the design of my work. It worked well and I wasted as little as possible.
I only manufactured a single group of products, meaning that the process was ‘one-off production’, if more were made they would differ slightly as they’re made by hand.
The packaging is just big enough to fit around the CD, and the other products are the usual size, not to big or too small. If the ticket was too big for purpose there would be wasted materials.
The CD case has enough packaging to protect the two CDs inside. The POS stand is a way of advertising the band’s CD, most likely in a shop, the poster and flyer’s job are also advertising, yet for different events.
We finished our presentation at the end of February 2014, this is partly due to a malfunction with many of the school computers. The cost of this product has stayed constant through the making process, as no extra or more expensive materials have been used.
The size of the CD case is the standard size, also no unnecessary weight has been added if possible. The poster is a suitable size for purpose, A4.
This product has been made from cartridge paper, that has been back before being stuck together, this ensures that the product will not wear as much over time, furthermore the ticket has been laminated so that it doesn’t rip or bend. My customer profile helped with this part as she is part of the target market, I believe the colour scheme of the work is quite gender neutral which means that boys would not be put off buying the CD just because of the appearance. Also due to the age range, no inappropriate images or writing have been used.
All of the materials that have been used are recyclable, apart from the laminate plastic on the ticket, this shows the band care about the environment.
No inappropriate images have been use, and all products minus the ticket can be recycled. Despite the materials not being reused for these products, it means they may be in the future.
There are no small parts on my products that could fall off or be swallowed by children. All the necessary sections have been stuck in place an should not move.
One-off Production Only one product is produced at a time, and each one is slightly different to the others, making them unique. The products vary due to the way they are made; by hand, with the use of machinery and tools. The benefits of this production is that the manufactured goods can be altered to fit the customers needs and requests, furthermore (especially with clothes) one-off products are usually made with more care and precision than those made by machinery. The downside of this process is that a lot of time is taken to create a single products, meaning the cost of said product will be much higher than those mass produced. Also, the cost of hiring or employing highly skilled craftsmen and the long period of time used to make these products means this production is not very profitable. The result of one-off production is sometimes called a prototype, such as my CD packaging. Continuous Production Products are continually made over a period of hours, days, week and even years. All the products from this process are identical as the exact same machines are used, this means there are no human errors made as long as the machines are all working correctly. The product being made must be in high demand, such as milk cartons, coke cans and aluminium tins, this reduces the cost for the consumers. Most of these continuous production systems are actually more expensive to stop and start up again, which is why they are continuous. There are not many workers needed for this, as long as there are a couple to ensure the machines keep working normally.
Batch Production Where a small amount of identical products are made from one design. This process can include a die cutter to be used as a template to cut out the net. Production staff are then used to assemble certain parts of the product, to which they then pass on to the next person, who assembles a different section, forming a production line. Since the products are being cut out by a template, there is no need for a professional, who is paid highly, there is only the cost of manufacturing the initial template. Mass Production There is a set number of products that are to be produced, usually hundreds of thousands, which is what makes it different to continuous production. The process of production can last up for a couple of weeks, and the amount being produced reduces the cost of manufacturing. This process uses a production line, and normally consists of just assembling pre-made parts that have been created in different factories. Mass production needs less workers as almost all of the work is done by machines, however since it’s a production line, if only one of the machines fails to work correctly the whole line doesn’t work.
BATCH production – making sausage rolls in Greggs, as they are high in demand yet only during the day.
CONTINUOUS production – Coca Cola cans are continuously produced as they are constantly needed and sold, and therefore it’s cheaper to always make them.
What went well, and what would I change? I believe that the overall finished project went well and without many issues. However, there are a few modifications I would have made if I had the proper equipment or more time. It would be good to have printed out my product designs on higher quality cartridge paper, with a better printer and professional quality printer inks, it may even be best to print out the designs on shiny paper for optimum quality. If I wanted my CD packaging to look as professional as possible, it would have been better not to have not cut it out by hand, but using a machine such as a die cutter to make it more accurate. I think that out of all my products the ticket looks the most professional, as it includes the necessary; symbols (sponsors, barcode and location logo), information (date, time, terms + conditions and the price). It’s also laminated to make it more sturdy, and has a hologram for security. If it were to be produced commercially, it would likely use batch production because around 10,000 would be created in the first batch, they could be printed off on a fast and high quality printer, then cut out using a die cutter, to be assembled by either machines or employed workers.