Graphic Products Context:
A group of students in your school have formed a band and want a complete set of publicity material for their future events. The set must include a CD Case which has a minimum of four folding panels containing any number of CD’s and relevant information. The panels can fold in any direction and could hold a combination of CDs. Promotional material should also contain an item which incorporates a smart or modern material.
Design Brief - A group of students in your school have formed a band and want a complete set of publicity material for their future events. The set must include at least four fold case CD case with CD and relevant information and an item, which in cooperates a small material. My typical customer is a person who listens to the radio and likes alternative indie rock music. You could have any job or go to school or college in the world and still like this type of music, but your personality has to be lively and fun, but not shy or worried about what they look like. They can still be hard working, as their music is designed to get a break from work and relax. This person can have either average or high income, but no income will not suit this music.
Target Market My age range is between teens into twenties or possibly older depending on your personality or view on music. gender does not matter our band welcomes any gender to listen to us. The customers I aim at should live in England, UK or America or Canada perhaps. They would need some sort of understanding of English music. Occupation does not matter that much, however they may still be at school or college or perhaps have a job that is creative or in the English department. My potential customer is not a stereotypical sort of person, they are not into classical music or very girly pop artists, they are more into alternative bands that have a mixture of rock. They do not like musicals or jazz music. They do not like people who are unemployed. A typical customer would expect a simple but bold design for our sort of music, and the tracks need to be shown to attract their customers. Other competitors don’t have the experience with music and when it comes to our products, it’s about the quality, not quantity. The music they produce are more mixed so that you get a different perspective of that type of music and it is different from the rest of the regular stereotypical rock bands. I will also take my time producing these products to the best quality. There are many factors my customers should think about before purchasing my product. I think that they would at quality and the music. As the appearance would want to look appealing, not heavy or dull, or colourless; they would want colour to stand out and for it to be bold. They also want the right music to listen to, which is important because this is the main purpose of making the CD album. My customers would value many things from our band, such as our music; our albums and singles, we also sell merchandise and some of the money that is raised goes to charity. We will put out flyers, posters, tour dates, newspapers, interviews, messages, videos on YouTube, face book, twitter etc.. To ensure that our target audience know about us. Previous customers of our products have said that our style of music is for the next generation of rock. The cost is reasonable and is at average pricing so we would have any average person to buy our music. There are many ways in which we can contact our potential customers. YouTube, Facebook, twitter, MySpace, yahoo, the band website, show websites, mobile phone, and email. Hello, my name is Ben and I am 15 years old. I like alternative rock music and listen to this almost everyday at home. My hobbies are; listening to music, football, skateboarding and I go on the Xbox every weekend. I do not agree with the ethical and moral issues that go around the world today. I carry my iPod with me everywhere I go it’s like my favourite hobby. I have a scholarship for football and get paid £20 a week for playing, I have a wide interest in football as you can tell. From this slide on, I will be looking through analysing and advising my opinions on what I think and what this person could do to improve. I am looking forward to seeing the different techniques you use and also how well you develop as you go along the process.
Research Plan •The customer client would be someone between the age of 14-25 years of age. • A lot of people would approve of the product, but it is mainly aimed at teens. • People who like the rock-indie genre of music would buy the product. • The product will be sold in shops and many outlet stores. Mainly in popular places so it sells. • The product will be used anywhere necessary and needed, like in the car, at home on a CD player or computer etc.. • the research I will make will conduct my customers in a way so that they will be interested and satisfied with what they get, hopefully. • The materials I will be using are mainly types of card and paper, and other tools to help with the process of it. • I have considered many decorative techniques, such as; using vinyl to help it stand out and appeal to my customers. I could also use a wide range of colours and hand drawn elements so that it’s different to other products and it also gives it a unique look. • This products function is to protect the main reason for this product, which is the music. So its main purpose is to protect the CD itself and the CD album needs to look appealing so the front cover does its job by making sure its good enough. It also holds everything in together, such as; the booklet of lyrics, images, tracks etc... • There is only one main health and safety risk of this product. It’s just to basically be careful not to get a paper cut and to watch your fingers on the edges of the CD album. • The product will be constructed with glue tabs on the card, so you can easily put it together, and if something has a fault, you can take it apart. • My product would cost between £8- £12 depending on my audience and how popular it would be after performing out a survey. • The product will be displayed in many windows of stores so that it will sell better and appeal.
In this lesson I had learnt the importance of planning and presentation, if it were for me to actually come to these terms. I also needed to think carefully about how I would show these ideas and decided to go with a brain storm, so that it’s easier to understand and read. To improve I could of changed my handwriting to make it look more readable and I could of taken more time to illustrate it.
I came up with the main ideas from being in a band’s mind, which I thought was a good place to put myself. A lot of these ideas would help in a real situation because you need to think about how to advertise your band. I thought about customers and what they would want to see and also what we would want our CD to look like so that it will sell.
I think that the main subheadings that are important are; Offers, tickets, logo, band name, posters, album and adverts. I thought that I should go into detail with this as I need to know every possible option I can use to advertise my band. I want to take my time rather than rush this. I want the best advertisements for my band. Personally, I think that this is a wide range of ideas that have been interpreted well. It has been used carefully and has shown exactly what you need to know, and what you have learnt so far in this lesson. You have shown clearly what ideas you could use for the future. You have also spotted your mistakes so that you know how to improve in the future. Very good presentation and drawing skills. You have thought about the different band advertisements your band could use and which ones are important, which is a good developing learning technique. Your research plan is very organised.
ACCESS FM Aesthetics – this four fold CD package is compact and tidy. The touch of it is smooth and shiny, it is also black, to show that images and font can stand out on the front of the album. The image on front is the logo of the England football team, the line that goes through this goes to the other side, with a view of the colour spectrum, this shows refraction, which shows us a little about the band the band and the album. There are also three CD’S which shows how artistic they are and how they’re band want to succeed in selling their band. They must of been an old band as the date is 1993-2009 and their album is based on their greatest hits. Client – I think that possibly adults would listen to this album, as this band is very old and was first introduced in the early 90’s. Cost – this album would be expected to be sold at average or expensive costs as a lot of songs from the past that have been successful are included and it is quite a complicated design. This album is predicted at £12.99 Environment – it is quite compact, considering how many CD’s are included. This material is also recyclable, as it is made out of cardboard. The plastic can also be recycled once finished with the CD. Most of the package is eco friendly. Ergonomics – the product is very simple and is used for a purpose which is not complicated. It is very useful as you can just open it up and pull out the CD. This product would suit the user because it is as simple as it gets, it is used everyday and is as simple as just turning over the cardboard. The customer would use the product to hold the CD’s and perhaps lyrics and info on the band? This album is also an appropriate and average weight, size and shape. Safety - this packaging does not have any sharp edges, however would not be suitable for children under three. Size - the size of the product is width, 5 inches by length, which is 4.75 inches. Function – the packaging keeps together all the CD’s so they're all in one place and are easy to find, it also shows you what type of band this album refers to and the genre, but better yet, the music! It does do it’s job properly it’s there and using it’s proper purpose. It does have more than it’s function – to keep the CD’s together and to show you what type of music and band it is, so that you buy the right type of music. Materials - this product is made of cardboard and plastic. This product is made in two different materials of the album, the cardboard is recycle and is bendable, this goes on the outside of the packaging. However you can also recycle the plastic, which is for the inner part of the product to protect the CD’s to make sure they don’t get damaged. Printer ink does count as a raw material.
Other side of CD case that shows the parts that the CD goes into so that it’s safely compact, this side is more plain than the other side, which makes sense as the other side has the information and the decorative imagery and art.
Complete inside of CD case, includes; three cd’s information, tracks, leaflet and imagery.
CD package
This image mood board shows the many bands and music genres that I like, which gives my audience an idea of what the album genre will be. I have also learnt a lot from the bands and how they developed their album, which shows you how you can develop yours. I have also seen how some albums differ from others, the way they're designed and put together. The idea is tat I create my own and use it in a unique way, like these but not exactly the same, as this would violate the copyright rule. However it also shows how different the bands are and the different colours, they all still show the rock genre but in different ways. I had picked out a variety of bands that were my personal favourite but also bands that link in the genre of what my album should be like and the audience I want.
Mood Board
I quite like this image mood board because it shows a lot of rock bands which will help you develop further in the project. There is also a lot of choice which makes it better for you to choose, instead of narrowing it down to only a few inspiring bands and albums. All of these bands have a theme and a colour contrast of colours which is clever because it all fits well together and gives you an idea of what the band is like, physically and personally. Previously you had done a CD package analysis and had explained most of the answers to questions you thought were relevant using ACCESS FM so you now have an idea of how your CD album should look like and what type of music genre it should be.
Aesthetics – The overall appearance seems to look good. The black goes well with the luminous colours. So the colour scheme seems to go well. The grey bold title also stands out, so it is obvious who the band is and the album title. Client – I think the audience for this particular album would be the general public, as these are ‘anthems’ which are songs that are usually around the ‘pop’ genre. Cost –I think the price of this album would be around £9.99. Environment – The CD was made from recyclable plastic for the outer packaging case. And the album song lyrics booklet is also recyclable. This shows that the CD has been produced for a good use and can be used again, which is better for the environment, it can be reused. Ergonomics – The product is easy to use and has a simple use itself, It is a simple design, it is not over the top, they're are simply wanting to sell the product, that is a simple weight, size and shape. Safety – All you do is open the CD cover and pop open the CD, it is very safe and there are no sharp edges, however the paper is dangerous towards children. This is notified on the packaging. The only loose components in the CD album, is the booklet of the lyrics, which is important for the band, however falls perfectly into place on the album and the plastic keeps it into place. Size – the actual size of the product is 5 inches by height, and the width is also 5 inches. Function – The CD package’s purpose is to hold everything into place, make sure its compact and secure, it’s also easier to use, than a record, and modern technology nowadays is easier, all you do is put the CD into a CD player or stereo. It does its job properly, however it can also have more than one function, like to keep the lyrics in or to show images or designs of the band and also the tracks of the CD. Materials – The product is made of plastic, paper and cardboard. It is fixed together with card tabs and then the actual plastic case holds everything in. It also uses printer ink material fro the front cover of the album, for the imagery, track list, booklet of lyrics etc...
I can see that you have understood the point of ACCESS FM and how important it is to be sued for when your are analysing products. It seems you have considered all the important points of the product and the many issues with it. You have also thought independently about the CD’s audience and the genre just by looking at the CD, which is a good way of developing skills. Overall, I think you have understood the many important choices you look at when producing a four fold CD.
In this lesson I learnt all about ACCESSFM and how it’s important for our customers and especially for us if we would want to sell our products.
Aesthetics Many people would look at this poster, as an advertisement of rock or indie music. We know that this band wants to be seen as classic or original, as the whole poster is in black and white. Which tells us that this is their colour theme, and goes well with their band name, which is black. The band name is on the white setting of the background, so that it stands out the most. The whole band is also seen on their poster, which means they obviously want their faces to be know nationally. The background also features the streets of London, so everyone will know where the band is from. Ergonomics The poster is easy to see and has a simple use itself, It is a simple design, it is not over the top, they're are simply wanting to advertise the band. It is a simple weight, size and shape. A poster’s job is to view the band through its genre and the members of the band itself, and it has done this. Size The poster is of a normal height and width. It is 30cm width, and has a 50cm height. This is not too big or small, but it is a good enough size for the band to be advertised. Safety There are no problems with the safety of the poster. Although you may get a paper cut if you touch the edges too much.
Environment The poster is made from card, which can be recycled, so it is environment friendly. This also saves costs, and it can be reused as well.
Cost The cost of the poster would not be very much. It would be very cheap, as you are only paying for card and ink. Client The main target audience for this band are people who like rock or indie music. They are also very young, so they may also be aiming for a younger audience.
Function The function of the poster is to advertise the band so that more people will become to know them or see them live at their concert .This will then result in their band becoming more popular. The fact that they are walking the streets of London shows us that they want everyone to know they are from London. So nationality is also a major part of the advertising. Materials The main material of the poster is card. Ink is also used for when the band image has been printed on it. On the previous slide I had analysed a CD cover to show the detail and effect it has on the genre and audience and theme. It also gives you a good idea of what you would want to aim for if you were looking to do an indie rock album. It also answers most of the target answers many people will be asking you once the CD album is made. I have also picked out many of the techniques used on this poster, I have explained what they could mean using a widely know band ‘The Beatles.’ It creates a lot of effect as they want it to look big, but classic and simple, which is why they chose the black and white theme and the big city of London.
In this lesson I have learnt about how a product is assembled and how important placement of barcodes and a logo is. A logo is an advertisement of a company or brand or band etc...therefore should be placed well so they are noticed by a customer. It is a good way to attract customers, sell their product and boost their sales. I also learnt about the die cutter and how it can cut out and crease a package ready for assembly.
The die cutter is a machine that cuts paper, card, plastic and much more. It is useful for when wanting to cut the CD into large parts so that it’s easier for something to be put together.
BARCODE: The barcode and product information are on the back of the product, as they are not very important to advertise on the front, but it would also bore customers. However it mentions the hazards and ingredients of the product, for health and safety reasons. Whereas the logo and the mixture of vibrant colours would be important, so they're product will sell. INK: Some of the ink in this product is wasted and would of been cheaper if they used less or used it on another product. Perhaps there is too much black?
In this lesson I learnt how important it is to make a poster, ticket or album cover that will stand out. This is because most people judge the appearance before they buy the product, this is why some products sell better than others, even though the actual product may not be better itself. This is why it is important to choose wisely before I start designing my album cover.
LOGO: The logo is very clear and is also the name of the product which is useful, especially when it’s very bold. It also tells you the scent and that the product is a deodorant.
COLOUR: The colour contrasts are very good, black and green are two very bright and simple colours, it makes the product stand out more than the others. There is also a nice pattern, not too complicated, but it goes with the scent ‘twist’ because the colours suit the purpose and so do the shapes.
FRONT DESIGN: The front of the packaging has not much text, but enough to show the buyer about the product. It states what the product is (what is included) and the smell of the product. The colours on the package are linked in with the colour of the product. These colours are luminous and vibrant to attract and interest the buyer.
GLUE TABS: There also glue tabs to hold the box together and so you can see how they put it together, it is also easy to open the box, because you can see the tab at the top. It is also easy to put the box back together if you wanted to re-use it, which is useful and it also saves that one box from becoming rubbish.
I previously made this mood board however decided to make a different one because it did not suit it’s purpose. The colour range is also different to how I would want it to be.
Mood board 1
Symbols don’t make sense as it’s a British band and it makes no sense. It looks like it’s been made to suit a different purpose and looks like it should be used in a foreign country.
It Looks more like an Asian theme for a perfume topic or a specific project, not a band project.
My second mood board I created. I didn’t like the previous one because it didn't suit it’s purpose, however this one did and it goes well with the genre I had chosen. I have incorporated these drums as a part of a face I have made on the mood board to make it look creative and it shows effect, also adding the lips with a piano, which I thought would give me an idea as well as using rock bands so that it is the same genre of what my music would be once I've made my CD.
I used the effect of the two most perfect colours; black and white. II have used many logos and sketching to put together which stands out amongst other things.
Colour range doesn’t match theme or genre and looks too bright to match the description I first wanted. Too bright an colourful for the theme to work.
This mood board is very aspiring and I'm taken aback by the effective features you have used to create this. There are so many rock genre images, which is really useful when it comes to developing your ideas. This mood board is very creative and you have really thought about the techniques on Photoshop and about where to place things. I am glad you had chosen the second mood board it brings out the best in the topic and I'm glad you realised you made a mistake and have shown the difference.
Mood board 2 I have used some vibrant colours to make them stand out amongst others, but have put them in viewable spaces so that it fits together and works well. I have used many colours which is good because the rock genre can have many colours, depending on the artist or album. I think this mood board stand out and is suitable for its purpose, it is exactly what I was thinking of.
When I went onto the website ‘kuler’ I had also looked at the other colours that had gone well together, which is on my next slide ‘colour theory’ I had picked specific colours to show which colours went well and which didn’t. I had purposely chosen ones that didn't go well to show why they didn't work, and because it didn't fit my genre of music.
I put my mood board on kuler to look at what colours would go well on an album cover and it gave me a few ideas as to what type of colours would go with a rock genre but would also go well. And so I picked out 5 bright colours that seem to stand out. I thought it worked pretty well.
In this lesson I had learnt about choosing the right colours and to make it look like a good effect. I got to look at my mood board from a different perspective when I put it onto kuler and I could see which images looked better and which ones didn’t go at all, however it is a ‘mood’ board and as long as the colours go well it shouldn’t matter what goes on there, because I have now learnt what mistakes I shouldn’t make on my CD Package.
This looks like a productive lesson. I like the fact that that you used kuler in this as well, so that you’re continuing the process and it shows effect and you have in-cooperated it to show a point and it shows your research and that you have used your thinking skills and the website itself. You have thought well about which colours and fonts would suit your CD album and the different choices you could go with and whether they would go well or not.
The colours are all positive and bright which goes well with a certain type of theme, but not the rock genre like mine. Everything goes well together, but for a different genre or album cover. I do not like the background colours, they do not work together, especially with that font. I don’t think that this background suits my album or my band name, however I like the font. Maybe I should try to use the font on a different coloured background?
There are also three secondary colours; orange, purple and green. These are in between the primary colours, the primary colours are made mixing two primary colours.
Different colours can be used to show or describe different moods or emotion. They can also be used These colours do not work well because they do to show genre and not mix well, as the cream with a dark colour what type of music you like green does not go together as colour are aiming for. combination, they are a mixture of different Complementary colours that you would not put together. In colours are opposite stead I would put the cream with other types of each other on the creams, the green with a dark blue and the mustardy brown colour with a brown or other wheel. E.g. Yellow yellows. and purple. These colours go well together because they are similar colours, they are all bright and would fit well together if it was painted in a room. The writing is a kind of square block style that is simple and is easy to read. It also stands out from the bright colours in the background, a bold title with a dark colour goes well with a bright background. These colours fit well as they are all a lavender type colour, they are in the same colour range. The font is circular and is easy to read, it is also a suitable style.
I like how the colours blend together, as black would go with everything, but it fits in well with the font as well. However I would change the font to a different colour so that it stands out from the black.
Blue: Ocean Sea Calm Water Neutral Peace Sky Cool Tranquilli ty Youth Truth
Orange : Halloween Optimism Energy Fire Power Friendship Green: Earth Jealousy Recycle Friendly Eco Freshness Natural Garden Grass country
There are only three primary colours; yellow, blue and red. There are colours in between which you mix to make them different shades of a colour. These colours cannot be formed by mixing other colours together. Tertiary colours are made by mixing one primary and one secondary colour. There are six tertiary colours in the colour wheel. Contrasting colours are next to each other on the colour wheel. E.g. Purple and pink. These can also been known as harmonising colours.
Red: Fire Danger Passion Angry Heat Love Hatred Power blood
Purple: Dreamy Creative Power Wealth Royal different Yellow: Sunny Golden Neutral Happy Normal
Black: Unknown Dark Death Secretive Hole Magic Gothic simplicity
white: nothing Empty Snow Ghostly Plain Boring Peaceful Innocent Cold
Pink: Girly Flowers Feminine Girls Bright Cheerful Stereotype Luminous Blush Pretty Beautiful Sensitive
Material or tool
Where will it be used?
Safety issues
Craft knife
Sharp Handy Grip Plastic tool
When cutting out the template and cutting the tabs . Also can be used for cutting out different shapes on card or cardboard.
You may cut yourself if not using the right grip when holding it, the blade is sharp.
Cutting mat
Safe Mat Grid Light weight Soft Smooth
It is used for safety so that you don’t cut the table, when your cutting you don’t cut through any materials, you only cut onto the mat.
There are no hazards with this material as long as you don’t use it roughly or mess around with it. There are no sharp edges either, they're quite smooth.
Safety ruler
Metal Safe Measuring pointy
When measuring accurately and when needing to measure at different angles or a certain type of material.
this ruler does have quite sharp edges therefore you may cut yourself if not using the tool correctly.
Metal ruler
Metal Measuring Sharp straight
This a simple metal ruler, its material is metal because then it would not break as easily as plastic and is used to measure different materials, or the simple measuring paper or used for basic measurements or drawings.
You may get a cut if you use it incorrectly as the ruler edges are sharp otherwise, it is perfectly fine.
Grey board
Strong Thick Grey board
Is used as an extra backing for my sale stand to show customers. It is normally just used for support.
Can have sharp edges and can cause paper cuts.
Pritt stick
Sticky White glue
to stick card and other pieces together if necessary.
Some glues can be poisonous if sniffed. If you inhale it, this is bad for your lungs.
Sticky Material Slippery cheap
To stick down extra accessories and more.
Do not get it stuck to yourself or you can damage your skin.
Masking tape
Sticky smooth
Made for a strong hold for certain materials and cans sometimes be used for decoration.
You could possibly get a paper cut
Glue gun
Sticky Plastic Tool Safe expensive
To stick down properly as the glue is hot and is very accurate compared to a normal glue stick. To hold down the glue tabs, because it has a strong hold.
The glue is hot and can cause burns.
Cartridge paper
paper Flimsy Smooth Edges Not expensive
To print off my designs for the CD package itself.
Can cause a paper cut if you hold it wrong.
Plastic Colours Design Dense
For decoration and colour, it is a different sort of material and is very creative. It can be used for your design on your CD package.
Sharp edges
White card
White Strong Plain simple
Can be used to back up your designs as it’s very thick and strong.
Again, it has sharp edges and can cause paper cuts.
Rating (how useful will it be) out of 3
FAIR TRADE – Fair trade is an CARBON FOOTPRINT- A carbon footprint is an estimate of the organised company to help other climate change impact of activity – such as making a product, people in other countries with nonliving a lifestyle or running a company. Typically the carbon foot COPYRIGHT– Is taking someone else’s name profit jobs, such as; Ethiopia, etc. The print is estimated by estimating the co2 emissions and other or brand that is rightfully there’s, and if you Fair-trade Foundation is the greenhouse gases. There is no correct amount of the carbon take it this is stealing. For instance you independent non-profit organisation foot print, such as filling up 1 litre of petrol in your car. wouldn’t be able to name you product the that licenses use of the FAIRTRADE brand “Kellogg's “ because it has already Mark on products in the UK in GREEN DESIGNS - Recycling Green been used and if you used it, this would be accordance with internationally design (also known as sustainable design or called stealing, and you need to abide by the agreed Fair-trade standards. If there environmental design) is the concept rules. Therefore I will use a name that hasn’t were any fair trade products I could of construction built with principles of already been taken so that it’s fair for use for my CD package, I would use economic, social, and ecological everyone and I will need to make it clear that I them, as any material would help me, sustainability. There is one particular have accepted the copyright rules. and it would especially help other building in the USA which is called the LEED people in low developed countries building certification of the US green ENVIRONMENTAL– Problems with the with no homes or jobs. building council. When making my product I environment, recycling, re-using items, using safe SUSTAINABLE – A way of making resources wont have to worry about this because I will materials etc... All of these are environmentally these days is quite easy and can be used only be using school and their resources. My friendly and all have a purpose, we use resources, carefully. It doesn’t affect people’s lifestyle. is product will be using environmentally such as card, paper, glass, plastic; which can all a characteristic of a process or state that can friendly products that are also suitable for be recycled and re-used, which is beneficial for us, be maintained at a certain level indefinitely. this product. the workers and the environment. I will be using The term, in its environmental usage, refers to environmentally it can also be re-used materials ETHICAL – An ethical issue is pertaining to support systems, such as the planet's climatic so that my audience is happy, this will also reduce or dealing with morals or the principles of system, systems of agriculture, industry, the amount of other products from wastage, it will morality; pertaining to right and wrong in forestry, fisheries, and the systems on which help me as well, I get what I need and I t can be reconduct. It means the rights and wrongs of they depend. Meaning you can use renewable used at the same time. I will of materials I have situations and dealing with the work of my resources within the product, such as paper, used an that they are environmentally friendly. I’ll product so it does not offend or harm the which can be recycled then re-used. For be using the recycle logo and the FRC logo to environment or people and their ideas. I example, You can also recycle a car tyre, represent what materials I have used and what I will be careful when using my materials and which makes a pencil case. This is important believe is right, but also the fact that I have helped ideas for logos and my band name and when it comes to actually making my product. the environment with using the right materials. images, so that it is correct for its purpose WASTAGE – I can and audience. Colours, pictures, names, RECLAIMED MATERIALS RECYCLING – Many of my materials make use of materials ideas, logos and product information. I Materials that you can back, for my product will be recyclable, this that will eventually be need to make sure that I choose my band once you’ve used them. I could is an advantage for lots of people, as a waste, I can prevent name and ideas carefully so that it does use other peoples spare there would be less waste, it’s useful, I materials from being not offend or harm other people, for materials, from school or can also use it for my product. rubbish and make use example no denunciation (swearing). companies who are willing to of them. Any waste I give it, so that I can make use of I think you’ve covered every issue you will need to know before making come across I will use something that will be a waste. your product. You’ve also made it clear about your actions and how you for my product that is Reclaimed materials; card, will help the environment. This is a good way to ensure you know the relevant. paper, plastic, cardboard etc... terms and that you know how to prevent anything against these rules. You have also found out what a few of these actually mean and how you I have learnt that there are more issues than can help prevent awful situations and help our planet. You have expected, I have to think about my product so that it previously also thought about what materials and tools you can cut does not offend or harm anyone. It also needs to fit down on and use that are only necessarily, by rating them as well. You together so that it is presentable. I also need to think have used a good table with a key and clear information on your about the environment and how I can save materials materials and tools page.
and use them wisely.
Safety My product will be made safe because there are no sharp edges and mature people will be using my product, therefore will have complete responsibility of not getting a paper cut. The only loose parts of the album is the leaflet with the lyrics and images on to keep the fans entertained.
Function It’s main function is to keep a CD inside to keep it from damage. It’s other purpose is to show you the track list, the band images and the lyrics maybe? To keep you entertained, this would not only help the band, but it would also help you.
Environmental issues I will make sure my product is not made of materials that are not environmentally friendly, I will use recyclable materials such as; paper, card cardboard, plastic, ink, and many more. I will also use old materials or scraps for my product, as anything that paper, or card will be useful for me. The paper and card could be used for printing out my designs or holding the up the package for support as card is quite strong.
Materials I think that the materials that are needed are plastic and card. Many of my materials are lightweight an strong and will protect my CD from any damage. Target market This product is designed and made for an audience of 15-28. They can be any gender of any personality, to be honest, people who just want to get way from stress listen to rock and people who love a good beat. I will not include anything racist or offensive. I will be careful about the language. Different attitudes and religious comments will not apply. There will also be no socio-economic. On the previous pages I have shown you pages that have started to give me an idea of what my band name would be, my band genre, my band logo and the creation of my CD album. The pages I have written about are; design brief, task analysis, mind map, image board, mood board, product analysis, disassembly, issues, specification, colour theory and typography. In my next few pages I will show logo development and net development and will show the stages of development through stages. The date this project will be completed is June 2014.
Instructions I will not be using any instructions in my product as there is no need.
Durability The product is not hard yet easy to construct the package. The materials I have chosen can be hard wearing because grey board is strong but is not the strongest material to use. Testing I will be testing to see if my product works by letting a student use my CD package, in order to see if it’s capable of its use.
Costs To make this product it will cost at a maximum of £3.00. however I need to ensure that my product is of good quality and standard so that my audience will approve. But because I'm using the schools materials I wouldn’t need to pay much.
Ergonomics My product will be safe for my audience and useful as it gives you what you want. Not only the CD but also pictures and lyrics. It is also filled of information on the band itself which is useful for their audience because they are a new band.
Size and weight The CD album has a normal size and weight. It is probably a medium size and weight and it would suit everyone because it’s the average size and weight. It does suit it’s purpose. Issues I will make sure I don’t use any taken brands or names and I will abide by the copyright rules.
AestheticsTimescale My product willdeadline be various depending on what the theme The for colours this project is December of the album is. The typography will be clear but it will be a bold 2013. and edgy. The logo will be bright colours because I want my audience to notice the logo, but not more noticeable than the package itself. The images will be bold and will show the bands choice and personality of themselves, but also their album. The products logo/ typography/ colour/ images/ detail/ layout/ detail will appeal to my audience as they will show the rock genre I have chosen, you can tell by their clothes, hair, instruments and their look.
This logo is simple, yet it has a very good meaning behind it, not only does it have a rock effect, but it also shows a piano through the teeth, this is very clever.
I have developed this logo so that it’s a different type of shape compared to the original ‘sun’ so that it looks original. It also stands out because it looks unusual, and when colour is added it will look even better.
I've adapted the butterfly so that I have the same idea, but have changed it into a different shape. I have also changed the patterns so that it stands out when I add colour and designs.
The triangles in my mood board gave me an idea of using one creatively, by this I decide to use two triangles and see what designs I could make.
I have developed this logo so there are three main colours, so that the colour theme fits in with the rock genre and the colours are of a decent taste.
I took the idea of the triangles and turned it into a type of supermarket logo, which I didn’t particularly like because it wouldn’t go well with this project and it doesn’t suit its purpose. It also looks abnormal and boring.
This logo has been developed so that it has different colours illuminating to represent what the colour stands for. I have changed it from being plain to colourful and realistic and I have added the band name. The font also suits the piano theme. However I think that the colours don’t mix well together with the colour of the lips.
The font has been added to make the font look modern, It looks retro which makes the band look like a different type of genre, depending on the music, modern music would go well with this. Because the font has a ‘city’ background this may suggest a classic city band. However this font doesn’t go with the lips as a good mix, the positioning is wrong and doesn’t fit together as a band logo for me.
I have made this logo into something simple and plain with a bold title where the band name stands out more. It is a simple black, white and red theme. It fits perfectly to the band itself. This is what I was originally looking for in a logo and the original idea was for it to be simple and it also goes with the theme. This is one of the best logo’s I have created on this page. This logo stands out the most as the best for this project.
Again I have changed the colour and have made it a colour choice of blue, white, black and pink. However I don't like this logo as the style of writing is too girly and it doesn't fit with this type of band. This is my worst logo, the colours aren’t right and it doesn’t look good enough for a band logo or to be on a CD.
Colour has been added to this logo in the band name itself. I thought that the image should look simple but with a coloured title to show creativity and difference. It also looks classic because of the font it has changed the whole outlook of the logo. I don’t think that the blue is a good colour to use with this type of logo, it ruins the image. I think black would work better or something better suited within the colour scheme.
I thought I would make this one more colourful and so I decided I would do something different and make it multicoloured. I thought a simple black logo would go with this. However I don’t like this logo, it’s too bright and isn’t effective and doesn't go well with what I was looking for. This type of style is more for a funk band.
7 I decided to make this design multi coloured from a tool on Photoshop. I also used a font from and proportioned it to a different size and angle on Photoshop. I also edited out the original pattern as you can see. I thought this one would stand out as colourful design, as any colours can represent a band, it also looks like a happy, colourful and joyful genre. However the black block writing makes it suitable for any band.
I don't particularly like this logo. The pattern it self doesn't suit my standards and would not fit well with the genre of my band. The pattern looks quite old, posh and like its been made to be a sofa design. It’s n to my taste and definitely doesn't look like a band logo. If this was my band logo then I don’t think many people would buy their albums.
All the colours on this design are also very colourful and would represent a band that is joyful and has a good vibe and spirit. All the colours fit well like a rainbow and the bubble writing goes perfectly with it. The whole idea of this logo is that it comes ac cross as a logo that can be of any genre or band type.
The sparkles on this design defines the main point of the logo and she colours turquoise, lilac and pink make a fine compilation. This logo for me, would attract the pop genre, it looks too jazzy and sparkly. The writing is well suited and is bold, it shows its point. However I think kit could look better with a different logo, such as number 9.
Diamond patterns on this logo stand out as effective and your eye immediately goes to this pattern and also the band name in white. I think this logo would represent a funky, yet groovy band with a different taste in music that is original and exciting. The colours fit will with the background and all together looks like a well fitted logo that would work well to represent a band.
All the different animal patterns overlapped make it look like the complete opposite of a band logo. It doesn’t fit well with the project, it looks too vague and not well suited for its purpose. The patterns also make it confusing to look at.
This looks jazzy and retro. It’s quite a good pattern that has been morphed into a logo. I think the colours work well together, there’s a good working contrast, however the writing, may be difficult for the viewers to read, which may be a problem.
This logo is quite simple, but with a good mix of colours. The cool mint colour adds that last thing on the logo which makes it more effective than the rest. It’s quite a mysterious logo and could be used for anything. This logo is one of my best, it fits its purpose.
The zig zag effect creates an illusion. This design is very simple and stands out as effective and shows a good electric theme to the band.
I do not think that the font matches this type of logo. This style of writing is more of an electric theme, however the image is more colourful and a pop genre.
I like the black mist in this logo. The black and white mysterious effect looks optimistic and adds a good effect to a simple logo.
You can’t really see the font style and it is hard to make out what it says and the background is very messy and has too much going on, which can affect the buyers view.
I like the mysterious theme in the background. The colours; blue, black and pink work well together and the image looks 3D and has a striking effect. The font is bold and clear, the colour is participating with the whole logo to serve its purpose.
The cartoon theme adds a child like feature. However I do not like this effect as this is not the theme I was looking for.
16 Again, the background is a sensible colour to use, the pattern and the font coagulate well together. I also used the light and dark tool so that it fades from the start but gets darker towards the end. This logo goes well with my original design idea.
I like the idea of having multiple colours to show a wide variation. This is one of my be logos and fits in with what I was looking for.
In this lesson I learnt how to create different logos using the skills of Photoshop and images I could calibrate together so they mix well. I had created many logos with the simple triangle and turned them into something more colourful and attractive. I like how you have turned a simple logo into much more, yet it is still simple but effective and it’s not too complicated. The colours work really well together. Using kuler to show the colour coordination was a good idea.
Overall appearanc e
Colour choice
Design of logo
Easy to understand
Profession al looking
Total (out of 50)
Self assess
Self assess
Self assess
Peer assess
Peer assess
Peer assess
I think these numbers are around the same number I would choose. I have also noticed that you have chosen a good and a bad logo design from each slide. I am glad you know what has effected you work in the way it has, I hope you can improve this if you were to start it again.
16 2
10 20
In this lesson I learnt how to evaluate logos on different scales depending on the appearance, colour choice, design, understandable, professional looking. All the logos I have chosen were mixed and had mixed reviews. I took a good and a bad logo from each design and rated it of what I thought. All the logos I had made were created differently and designed to suit a certain band and I had to go for the best one that would get me the most marks and the best logo for my album.
So far I think that the evaluation is fair and I myself have marked it fair so that it gives me an idea of which logo is best. The other logos were peer assessed by Kirsty Lang and she also gave me an idea of which logo was best. I thought that the most effective logos were more simple and the colour scheme coordinated well together. All of the logos were incorporated from my mood board . A lot of my ideas had come from using different designs and using Photoshop to edit them and turn them ambiguous and outstanding. The one with the highest ranking was idea 16, and the lowest ranking was idea 10.
The reason I chose this logo was because, not only was it ranked highly but it would go well with the colour scheme of my designs. The colour choice is very unisex, which is what my target audience is. The design is quite simple, yet original so the public would recognise it if they saw it. It seems to look quite professional, it isn’t complicated or stereotypical by any meanings, and it stood out the most compared to the rest of my logos.
It is important that I know that using logos that already exists violates the copyright act and therefore my product could not be put through to sell.
The caution sign that has a fire logo can also be used on other products such as hairspray, deodorant, perfume, shampoo etc...
It is necessary to put on a logo on a CD album that says ‘parental advisory’ this can aware parents and children of what they are buying and what terms this CD has been produced and the tracks on it.
It is important that the barcode goes on the back of the CD album, not the CD itself, so that it can be scanned easily and it does not distract the buyer, this is why it is on the back, as, if it was to be put on the front it would ruin the image and the whole point of the Band’s aim, this would also be disapproved by many customers.
There are some logos that are not needed on a CD that also have a very important use, such as the recycle logo, this can mean that a product is recyclable which I hope that mine is, however this logo is not used on all CD’s depending on the materials that were used.
Development of design proposals
Good example of a poster: bold title
CD and CD cover: The front cover should have the artist name and the album name with a suitable image. The inside of the CD album there should be a track list and the CD with the artist name and the album name on it. On the back there should be a bar code. On the CD there should be the artist name and album name.
name Tour name
dates image Contact info: email or phone number Name of tour
The poster above is a good example of what I would like my poster to look like. It includes many of the important necessary things that I intend to have on my poster once it is fully designed. The poster is labelled with all of these necessary details.
Point of sales stand: should include information about dates and venues. The tour name, album name and artist should also be on there. There should also be room for a pocket so the CD can fit inside as you are trying to advertise it. The poster should include: A bold title that could be either the artist name, tour, album or all of them. Dates, contact information, location and image(s) are also appropriate. Times and other information should be given at a closer date or should be on the website provided. Ticket and wristband: The ticket should include – the artist name, tour name, album name, row and seat, cost, hologram, date, time, arena type/place and age concern. The wristband should also include the artist name, tour and album name.
No tour name No venue
Bad example of a poster:
No phone number
I have produced net designs on A3 paper and these based on the designs I considered the most that worked well as a design and looked like a suitable net. I have written the measurements around the net and have coloured it in. These nets are the possible designs I may use. I have also given my opinion on each design of whether I like it or not and why.
Back of CD album tabs
This design is similar to my second design. However, when I folded the case, I realised that the triangles would show up on the front cover and I didn’t want this to happen, so I have shown my mistake, which I have changed and you can see this on my second design below. I have also drawn the CD case from different points of view to show what it would look like from different angles.
Front of CD album
Where the Record CD would go List of Design company songs on the album
6.5cm 6.5cm
Band name
I think that you know how the nets are going to work and which one will work particularly well after testing it. You have chosen a wide range of nets, and have carefully chosen. You have experimented the different ways in which each net will work and the design. It is important that the design is simple, so that it is a better making process for you.
logo Band name Album title
barcode In this design I have included measurements of my net design. I have added on an extra fold so that it can hold my two CD’s. I have also cut out two triangles to add a pattern on my design and it goes really well with the theme of my design. I have then finished with a little colour to show one of the possibilities of the design layout. This is a simple four-fold CD case that includes only a fold for each CD. It is quite plain, however I think that the design and colour may be able to change that later. I have also added measurements on the net and added colour.
We have designed many different mini CD cases to show what our designs would look like and they were put together to see if my designs would work as an actual CD. The measurements are all the same. This task gave me an idea of what designs would work and what sort of designs I would use that would fit with the theme of my band. To improve for next time, I could try to construct a complicated design, e.g. Using 3D additions to make it more creative.
Design 1
Design 3 These flaps here are to keep the CD’s in. It also adds a nice design.
Design 2
I drew the designs I wanted to use, so that I had an idea of what it looked like for when I finally finished it, so I tried to narrow it down to just two designs, to make sure that it worked effectively. I used a craft knife to cut out these designs from the card.
NET 3 This is where I would cut my design.
In this lesson I learnt how to model using card and tried to model very different designs to see if they all worked or not and by doing this exercise I could decide which one worked and looked the best as a CD album. I also coloured some of them to see if the designs and patterns made a difference and to give me an idea of how it would look once I made the real design.
I had produced a back ground and changed the setting to ‘shape effect.’
Lastly, I added on the sponsors that have agreed to sponsor me and my band. As well as contact details. This is the design development of the poster in Photoshop. Here I can edit and add layers to make it look unique and effective. There are many tools at the side, and you can use different effects on any layer you want. The main poster should include all key information, just like I have pointed out from my poster. The design of the poster should be set out clearly and organised. The important details should be listed so that customers know what the band name is, the album name, the key dates, venues (arena) and contact information. If contact information is given, the customers can then research online or ring to find out more. The title and tour of the band should be bold and much clearer than anything else, as this is the purpose of the poster, to promote the band. Be careful not to put too much information on the poster, as it can cause disruption and will be unclear to the customer. Only put what is necessary.
I then added on my logo I designed, the tour name, what type of tour it is, the main date and the band name.
I also added on the venue and the different towns that the band is playing at. As well as ‘special guests.’
The tour name and the date should be mentioned to update people on what album is being played and when the concerts are being played.
Finished poster The main place as to where the main event is held should be put on, and its logo so that people will recognize it. The band’s information should be put on the poster so that it’s clear where to find additional information about the band. Also so that customers can contact the band or find a website.
The title of the band must be on the page to show what the point of the poster is, and it advertises well at the top of the page.
If there are any other bands/ artists that are playing at this concert you should mention this on the poster.
The main band logo should be advertised on everything that is band related, this shows the band’s identity. On the poster you should mention the main venues, the places that the concerts are held at are important. It is one of the main details that should be given. The concert sponsors should also be mentioned as they are representing the band.
Band name
logo Main background/ theme Copyright and music company
Tour name
The back of the flyer was intended to be more spaced out. It gives you the exact times of who will come on stage and when the interval is, so that you can plan out your time before the actual event. The band name is faded in the background, it is not needed because it’s on the front, however I seemed to create an effect with it. The band’s website is on there for any extra information. The logo, of course is on there and then social net working sites so that people are aware of any other updates or music events.
front of flyer
Mirror Image I produced the background by flipping the original using a tool in Photoshop. I then created another like this, in the other direction so it looks like a mirror image. Throughout the designing process I intend to use my main image creatively in many different ways. After I put on the mirror image, I included the tour name and the band name. I then added on the date and time of the concert. Next I added the logo and the venue. At last I added on the band sponsors.
A flyer should include the band’s name and it should be seen in a bold font so that people are aware of who the band is and the tour its advertising. The band’s main logo should also be on there for the same reason, so that the public recognize the band. The date, time and venue should also be shown so that people who want to see the band know when and where it is. The main tour name of the album also needs to be shown, to aware the public what album they are playing at the concert. The sponsors who are representing the concert should also be shown out of respect. The background should match the poster, CD, CD net, ticket , wristband and point of sales stand . They should all have a constant theme so that it’s not confusing for the public.
Back of flyer
At first I used the original background but then I changed the brightness. I also put on the band name and faded it into the background. I then added on the bands that would play throughout the whole concert and the times to make sure the audience are aware. I also added on the logo and any ways of reaching us socially online.
The first thing I did was add on the main background I had on a all my designs, which is the city background. I then added on a dotted line because this is usually where the ticket would tear off so that the ticket collector would let you into the concert.
Firstly, I added another dotted line for the part of the ticket that is given to the ticket collector. I also put on a map of the seating areas so that it is more specific for the customer.
The back of the ticket should include a seating plan so that the ticket holder understands the seating arrangements for the event. This needs to take up a large size of the ticket so that it is seen clearly. The terms and conditions should be stated so that the ticket holder knows what rules they should abide, having bought this ticket. The ticket company name should be shown on the ticket, whether it’s on the back or the front. You'll notice that I have put an ‘fsc’ logo on my ticket, this is because the ticket was made out of environmentally friendly resources. It may be important to mention this on the ticket. If the band is on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube or any other social site then you should mention this on the ticket to help attract more people to the band.
I then added the title of my band as a layer and ‘special guests’ to alert the ticket holders.
Next, I added on the terms and conditions of the ticket seller. Which is ‘Ticketmaster.’
I also put on the date, the venue, the time, the price and fee for the ticket holders to know.
I then added on the ‘Ticketmaster’ logo, so that the ticket holders could see who the ticket seller is.
The front of the ticket should include more information than the poster, CD and flyer. The ticket should include the band’s name, and if there’s anyone guest starring, then you should mention them as ‘special guests.’ the date and time of the event should be clearly stated. The arena should also be on the ticket so that people who are going to the vent know when and where they are going. The price and fee of the ticket may also be mentioned so that the customer has a reminder of how much they bought it for and they can use it to keep a record. The seat number should definitely be on there so he/she know where to sit. The logo, like I said before should be put on everything band-related. Any additional information should be related to contact information so that the customer can get in touch with the ticket line if there is a problem.
I then added in the seat numbers, the ticket seller’s information and the band information.
I then included the social aspects of the band, so that the ticket holders could get in contact with the band. I also put on the ‘fsc’ logo to inform customers about the ticket.
Lastly, I worked on the part that is going to be given to the ticket collector. I added the band logo, band name, barcode, price, date individual number
At last, I included the conditions in which the ticket should be kept in. I also included ‘no exchanges and no refunds.’
The white/ grey spaces represent what is not needed and it will be cut out.
At first I placed on my main background onto the template. Next, I tried to fit the image onto the template as a suitable size and so that the important bits were seen. I then cropped the areas I didn’t need. Lastly, I added on my band name.
The blue lines are to help me see where I cut the net. As you can see, I have cut off these parts of template because they are not needed for my design. But they are still highlighted to give me an idea of what I have changed so far.
The lines on the template represents where the glue tabs would be so that I know which parts I can glue together. I have also used it as a guide to help me with my design, on both the back and front.
Firstly I created a mirror image and faded the edges slightly, so they both had the same effect. I also put on the band logos. I then added on the band name and the album title. Then I put another band name on the spine of the CD as well as adding a barcode and the record company. I then put on ‘track list’ so that it was obvious where the tracks were. And I added ‘disc 1’ and ‘disc 2’ to show that there are 2 discs. At last, I put on the track names.
The point of a point of sales stand has a very important purpose. Point of sale is the place where sales are made. On a macro level, a point of sale may be a mall, market or city. On a micro-level, retailers consider a point of sale to be the area surrounding the counter where customers pay. Therefore a point of sales stand is in an important place where customers will be attracted to the CD, which is the initial purpose. The point of sale for products and services is an important focus for marketers, because consumers tend to make purchasing decisions on very highmargin products or services at these strategic locations. Points of sale may be real, as in the case of a "brick and mortar" store, or virtual, as in the case of an electronic retailer that sells goods and services over the internet. So, a lot of marketing ideas are considered when putting a new product into a certain store. Every wristband or ticket has a unique number which represents the number of the wristband.
I changed the background colour to my original theme colour, which is lilac. I then added on a fade effect so it becomes a lighter colour at one end. I also added on the scan code, to get into the concert.
I then placed on an individual number and the band tour name.
I also then put on the band logo, arranging a pattern, going from largest to smallest.
I then added on the seating arrangements.
CD part At first I changed the colour of the background to lilac, like the rest of my designs. Then I added on the logo. Point of sales stand At first I found a background, then put on the band name and highlighted it so that it became easier to spot to customers.
The tour name should be mentioned, it gives the wristband holder an idea of what songs would be played and from what album.
This works like a barcode, but a barcode is used on a ticket. This type of label is used to scan wristband’s to get you into concerts. It works just like a ticket, but less time is wasted.
This is the seating arrangement, it tells you your specific seat number and where in the arena it is.
The logo is needed on everything bandrelated. Although I have created a design that has made the wristband themed towards the band. This way it also has an appealing design.
CADCAM stands for computer aided design and computer aided manufacture. There are many advantages of using CADCAM; you can design quite complex designs, you can test the manufacture of your design sing a computer rather than actually making it, it also saves time. However, there are also many disadvantages of using CADCAM; it costs to buy the software, you need a computer and you need to be able to know what the tools do and what affect they have. I am using vinyl to emboss my design. Emboss means to decorate a surface with a raised design. A smart material are materials that respond to a change of temperature, humidity, water, electric current etc… some examples of a smart material are polymorph, thermo colour sheet, a cornstarch polymer. A modern material is developed through the invention of new or improved processes. An example is, treated paper. I am going to use treated paper in my product, which is a modern material. I will be using this treated paper to print out my products on, this way it attracts more attention and looks better.
Plotter cutter is used to print out the design from CADCAM onto the vinyl.
Advantages of CADCAM facilities: • You can design quite complex designs • you can test the manufacture of your design on the computer • saves time and materials Disadvantages of CADCAM facilities: • it costs to buy the software •You need a computer/ laptop •It takes time to get used to the software and learn what all of the tools do Vinyl Vinyl is a material that I will be using on my product. It is a material and will make my product stand out more, it also gives my product a better look, which means it will attract customers more. Once I have printed off a design from 2d design onto the vinyl, I can then stick it onto my product. Embossing – means to decorate a surface with a raised design The process of embossing is simple and cost effective. It is one of the cheapest ways to enhance the look and feel of the surface. Embossing a surface can really bring an effect to a piece of work, it helps it to stand out and give it a unique look. The modern material I am going to use is a hologram sticker, this is so that there is security on there, to stop forgeries. The sticker also embosses my work, by raising the surface.
I used the shape tool to construct a square, that is 10mm, by 10mm. Once I had finished placing these squares, I Will print them off on a plotter cutter, onto white vinyl material. The vinyl material will look very effective on my work.
I have constructed a design for my point of sales stand on 2d design to emboss my work. This is so that part of my work stands out to give it a unique look. This design will be placed on my point of sales stand on the city building, in place of the small windows.
What I have learnt from this task From researching g, I have realised how smart and modern materials can really effect your design, it is also important to know how they effect your design and if it is important whether I use them or not. It is also valid that I realise the many advantages and disadvantages of CADCAM and 2d design, but also how it would enhance my work if I was to use it.
Outside of CD nest
Back of flyer poster Front of ticket Front of flyer
Back of ticket wristband CD 1
Inside of CD nest CD 2
Point of sales stand This lesson I learned that I had to conserve paper in order to make room for other peoples work and it is cheaper for our school. I had learned a lot about economy and costs, this is what had interested me the most, because it wasn’t just about the designing process, but you also had to think about what had contributed towards the making and what materials were involved and how much they cost.
When printing my net design I had to nest my products. I have tessellated my final products because I wanted to save space on the paper fro other uses. This way resources aren't used up so quickly and I can use them for other products, as well as everyone else in my class. If paper was wasted then it would cost more money to buy more, and if you wanted it to be delivered, it would waste fuel, that would go into the atmosphere, which contributes towards global warming. However nesting my products together did take up quite a lot of time in the lesson and to print, so it is time consuming. My nested products are on a piece of paper 38 inches wide and 50 inches long because the size of our printer at school has a maximum print size of 38 inches wide and 50 inches long. This is a large enough size for my products to be printed at a good standard.
I think that you have understood the main purpose of why it is important to include the information you have on these band advertisements. The design of your album work is very vivid and suits the band’s genre and runs a constant theme, which is what you aimed to do. It is good that you have understood and explained why you have made these designs and how they have been edited in Photoshop. To improve you could include more hand-drawn elements into your presentation, which is what you target is. I hope you achieve it.
Design tickets, poster, flyer, wristband, point of sales stand, cd’s, back and front of CD album
no yes
no no
Cut out the individual designs
Stick the front and back of the ticket together
Stick white card on the back of the front cover of your CD nest to ensure it is backed up and is not breakable easily
no Laminate the ticket
Make sure you have enough glue to help it stay stuck to the paper
yes Make sure there is enough glue on the card before you stick it down
Have the designs been printed out at a sufficient quality
Arrange all of the designs onto a Photoshop document (nesting)
Are all the designs cut out neatly and correctly? Have you used a craft knife, cutting mat and safety ruler?
Stick the front and back of the flyer together
Do they all follow the same design?
Are the designs all at 150mm resolution so that they all print out at the same resolution
no yes
Has the laminator created a professional looking design and a nice looking finish
Print out the nest yes
yes yes
Stick the front of the point of sales stand on to the point of sales stand
Use thick card and cut around carefully, ensuring that the card id not visible by much and is strong enough to hold a CD
Make sure there’s enough glue on the glue tabs
Back the point of sales stand with thick card, so it is not easy for it to fall over, once the CD is in it
Have you creased the lines on your CD nest so that it is easy to fold together no
yes Have you made sure that the crease lines are easy to see and to fold
Health and safety
Quality control
Group all designs on to Photoshop (nesting)
Photoshop software
You have to ensure that the resolution is 150, and that the dimensions are correct; 66mm wide and long
20-30 minutes
Print out the nest
White card, ink, Photoshop
Don’t touch the inside of the printer as you can jam your hand in it
The paper is thick enough to use, so it will not easily tear
15 minutes
Cut out each individual design
Scissors, craft knife
You can cut your hand with the scissors so be careful
Without cutting into your actual design, make sure there are no white edges visible
2 hours
Back the poster
Glue, scissors
White card
May get a paper cut
Make sure the white card is not visible, otherwise it may ruin your design
30 minutes
Stick the front and back of the poster together and stick together the front and back of the ticket
May get a paper cut
Make sure there’s enough glue on the back to ensure it will stick together
30 minutes
Laminate ticket
Lamination sheets
You may cut your hand on the sharp edges
The whole ticket should be laminated, but cut off any unwanted lamination
20 minutes
Add vinyl to my work
Plotter cutter 2d design
Vinyl sheets
Vinyl sheets have sharp edges
Make sure your design is simple, as it may be too difficult to peel off and stick it on; this could spoil your work
20 minutes
The above pages are evidence of what I have done to ensure any other person could make my product. This includes everything you need to know about how to construct a design of good quality.
Quality control flowchart
Production Record
Design development
I have also drawn sketches of my finished products, so that you can see how I have interpreted them. They also show you what I intended my products to look like, compared to my actual finished products.
Front of flyer
Front of ticket
Back of ticket
White card
Craft knife
Grey board
Safety ruler
Cartridge paper
Cardboard to stand up Point of sales stand
Back of flyer
Point of sales stand
Back of CD nest Front of CD nest
Measuring square Cutting mat Glue
I can see that you have thought about how other people will be able to produce your design, which is a good way to think because that is the main point of the manufacturing specification. It is important to have a manufacturing specification so that others understand how your product was made.
The modern material I am going to be using is a hologram sticker, this is going to be placed on my ticket. A hologram sticker is a three-dimensional image formed by the interference of light beams from a laser or other coherent light source. A hologram can stop forgery and is used on tickets, jewellery, watches, electrical appliances, passports, toys, gifts, books, DVD’s, CD’s etc... I used the craft knife to score the tabs, so that they would bend.
I used the craft knife to cut my CD net.
I used the guillotine to cut unwanted parts of my design.
I used the measuring square to measure my CD net. Once I cut unwanted parts of my point of sales stand, I backed it with card.
I used the scissors to cut roughly around my design.
I stuck on these paper holograms onto my ticket.
Craft Knife A craft knife is used
Scissors I did use scissors to
to cut card where you want it to be cut. It is used instead of scissors, as it is sharper and doesn’t leave any rough edges. A craft knife is very cheap, and is quite sharp and effective, which is why it has been so useful.
cut around all my designs before using a craft knife, so that it was easier to cut around. Scissors are supplied by the school, and are always good to use when wanting to cut out roughly.
I cut off the unwanted parts of my CD nets with a craft knife.
Measuring Square and Metal ruler I used a measuring square to measure the height and width of my design so I knew where to cut with the craft knife. I used a metal ruler to draw a template around the designs so that I had somewhere to cut along.
I cut roughly around my designs so that could cut accurately with the craft knife.
What I used for the hologram on my ticket.
I then stuck on my CD holder to my CD net.
Guillotine This is used to cut card or paper. I used it to cut off any unwanted parts or edges off my designs that couldn’t be cut by scissors. It also has a lot of accuracy, as it is cut in a straight line.
Audience My target audience for this product are an age range is between teens to twenties. This is because my album’s genre is alternative indie rock, which is aimed at young adults, but not too young as the language use may vary. My design fits with the age range, as it goes with the genre of the album and the design uses simple colours with a simple view of city buildings, so I feel this is a appropriate for the age range. Therefore I have met my customer profile.
Design My design definitely suits its audience. It has a simple, but memorisable theme that flows throughout all of the products and is noticeable. The colours go very nicely together, which brings out a nice colour theme, which flows nicely on every product. The logo is also memorisable and is simple for our target audience to recognise. The font on my designs are quite bold so they are easily recognisable and they also go with the theme.
I think you have thought about whether you have met your design brief and have thought about sensible things you have actually done compared to what you originally thought you would do. This is a development that you have made which is a good sign of improvement along the process.
Selling My product had to be an average cost, as my target audience is between people in their teens and their twenties. So it will be affordable to them. The materials I used are fairly cheap, so parents of teens won’t have to worry about the cost of the album. The main material I used was white card, which was backed by cardboard. So, I do not think that this would make my overall product expensive. I suggest I would be able to sell my products to retailers such as HMV, amazon or eBay. My CD would be bought at around £7.00, as I feel this is the appropriate price for use of materials and my target audience.
The products My final products are very unique compared to other competitors. The products I have made, definitely have quality in them and I have taken my time to produce them to the best that I can. My products are also fairly cheap, and environmentally friendly, and so my products can be recycled, whereas other competitors may have used materials that aren’t environmentally friendly. My products can also be re-used once they have been recycled.
My CD album definitely keeps the CD in place and does not easily fall out. I also have a track list and images that represent the band itself. The materials I have used have met what the design specification says. The materials are definitely light weight and the majority of it was white card.
I did not use any instructions as I have said in my original design specification. There is no need for any instructions, as my product is easy to use.
The size and weight of my products aren’t heavy at all, they are a normal size and weight, so there shouldn’t be any difficulties with this.
The cost was cheap, as I am using school materials. The deadline is still June 2014
My target market is still between teens to twenties, so the age range is fairly the same.
I have tested my product by letting a student use it for its purpose to find out if it is hard to construct and it is not, as I have previously said.
Many materials I have used are able to be recycled, particularly since they’re card and paper materials, which doesn't cause any environmental problems or issues.
My products are definitely safe. The materials and tools we used don’t effect the product in a bad way, so therefore doesn’t effect customers. I also didn’t use any paint on my products, so there aren’t any harmful chemicals. The ink I used from the printer isn’t harmful either. What I have learned in this lesson I have learned that it is important to know whether you have met your original design specification, so you know whether you have developed and improved or not and why. This is one of the key things you need to know about your products so that you know what you’ve done in the present which has improved your past ideas and aims.
There is a certain theme to my designs and a certain colour scheme, so that it looks simple but bold. There is also a certain type of typography used on my design, especially for the band name.
Modifications to my design When I was making my design I found that I had to use more card or different materials, compared to what I expected, as materials were limited to us. When I was putting together my point of sales stand, I found that I had to back it with white card to make it stronger, I also did this from the CD album and the flyer. The ink used to print my design was a different colour to what I had chosen on Photoshop, it was in fact quite a dark colour, and so the writing that was supposed to be dark blue, is purple. I could have used a lighter colour, so that it would have printed the actual colour, however I didn’t know this at the time. I used glue to put my designs together and make sure all the glue tabs were stuck down. However, there were some glue stains and smudges left on my work after I had used the glue, which could ruin my design. This make my work look less professional and if I was to make design again I would use a glue of more strength that wouldn’t effect the quality of work, such as spray adhesives, that are used in industry. To prevent this I could have used a glue gun or could have been more careful with sticking things down. This would ensure that my products are made of high quality.
Commercial production is the process of designing and manufacturing products for a company or group, on mass scale, to provide bulk amounts of stock to shops for them to sell commercially. There are four important factors of commercial production:
One-off Production: Only a single product is made at a time and every product is made uniquely. This is because one-off production is usually done by hand (human labour) with the help of tools and machinery. The advantage of this is that the consumer gets a unique, individual product that has been carefully crafted by a human. Not by a robotic machine that produces thousands of identical products in a short space of time. An example of one-off production is clothing. The top leather jackets are hand-made and are much higher quality than bulk produced jackets. These products can be sold at higher prices. A disadvantage of This is that high employing costs of skilled craftsmen and less products produced in a given time period. I have made my own prototype and it took many hours to make it so it is not very profitable.
Batch Production: A small quantity of identical products are made. Batch production may also require staff to hire, but templates are used to help production. This means there is no need to hire top craftsmen at a high cost. Unlike one-off production, some parts can be made by one person, then they are passed down the line to the next person, and so on. As the templates are used to speed up production rate, all the products are identical.
Mass Production: Hundreds of products are mass produced on a production line in a factory or warehouse. Mass production usually involves assembling pre-made parts to create the product. These parts are usually purchased from other companies. The main difference between mass and batch production are the amount of human workers. Most of the assembling tasks are done quickly and efficiently by machines and robotics. This requires less workers to be hired, lowering costs, and a greater output of products in a given time. A disadvantage is that if a single machine were to malfunction, the production line would stop until a mechanic could fix the machine to enable the production line again.
Continuous Flow: Many thousands of products are constantly being produced. Unlike Mass Production, the products are being produced non-stop. This is for products with very high demand, as there is maximum production rate and there is no cost of starting and stopping the production line and very few workers are required.
Question asked
Is the logo memorable?
Is the colour scheme suitable for my audience and other customers?
Are the products unique compared to other artists?
Have the products been cut out to a good quality?
Do all my products cooperate together?
Are the products suitable for my target market?
Opinion three I can see that your designs have been made in good quality, and there are no rough edges, which makes the products seem neat and tidy. The net design of your CD case doesn’t seem complicated, and it seems to have a nice design, the folds fit well with the whole CD case and makes it look more original. The products seem to suit its audience as you have said, there is not a set gender, which is a good point because the colour are unisex. I myself would buy the product, as the genre of music seems to fit well with the design and logo, as well as colour choices.
I have asked family members and friends to give an opinion on my products for the quality of the products and the process. This is to ensure I know what I have done right and so I know for the future, what improvements I could have made. On the left is also a table where I have been marked out of ten for my final products. The opinions have been given for my colour theme, logo, font, net design, audience, quality, materials, improvements, safety issues and whether they would buy it. Opinion one I think that I have chosen a well themed design and have linked all my products with it. It seems to flow nicely. My actual products seem to have been made on good quality card, however I think I could improve on the way I have cut out my products, as I have seemed to cut off some of my actual design. This is something I can do in the future to improve. I can also use better quality card to print off my designs and better ink colours compared to the one I used at school, as the resources were limited. Opinion two From the beginning it is clear that there is a running theme. The logos have been developed from the mood board and changed to fit in with the products. The designs of the products all fit together and it is clear to see that the logo has been included which allows the audience to identify the band. The actual make was very neat and all of the folding was creased well which allowed for a well functioning CD case especially. However I believe that some of the elements of the poster and flyer could be made to look more included in the overall designs. My opinion – I think that the colours work well together and the theme is what keeps the products together. You can notice a pattern for sure. The logo stands out a lot, which is what I wanted. As a target, I could add vinyl to my point of sales stand instead of my CD.