The aimed cost Audience ? The cost of the materials on my product will not be too expensive because my target audience is aimed at teenagers who will not have a large reserve of money to buy my product. The size would also contribute to the cost because the materials to make the bigger product cost more. I will make sure that the materials used will be appropriate and won’t exceed their budget. Design task group of students in your school have formed a band and want a complete set of publicity material for their future events. The set must include a CD Case which has a minimum of four folding panels containing any number of CD’s and relevant information. The panels can fold n any direction and could hold a combination of CDs. Promotional material should also A contain an item which incorporates a smart or modern material.
Likes and dislikes? The audience for my product I am aiming for will like alternative, Indi style of music and design i.e. skulls . This music is not designed to be in the mainstream charts so the design will reflect that . I am aiming to get a dance and rock style to my product because this is the genre of music I am aiming to attract customers to. I have learned that you have to analyze all of the factors in your work. To make sure you will make the best product you can. You also have to go into greater detail than I expected to make sure you have a good customer profile. There I a lot of diversity between genres unlike what I thought , and if I don’t produce a product that that the target market will approve of my product won’t be very well produced and won’t be used in graphics.
Who is it for? My target audience is teenagers with the age range around 13 to 18 years old who will have part time jobs and could afford the extras that come with it. The genre of the music I am aiming for is Dance and Rock music because the audience is aimed at people who like art or alternative styles. The gender I am aimed at is not relevant because I am wanting to appeal to both female and male audience alike. It is not gender-particular Where are they? The geographical location of my customers will be all around the world because almost every country now has a rock fan base to sell to. Places like Russia and European countries have a good market for these products . I would also target it for America because of its wide range of music styles and accessibility to no main stream music. The factor the customer will consider? The customer will consider if it is the type of music they like and if it will look appealing and get their attention. If it doesn't look exciting they would consider it as a slow down beat music which doesn't fit with what genre they like to listen to. The art has to fit in with the style and be different from others to hold the buyers attention .
What the customer wants from a product? I think they want to be excited and for it to be different from other thing on the market as well as fitting in with the genre of music they like. On the product there should be something to make you feel excited and anxious to hear the music. It should also fit the type of music you like. There has to be the right amount of visual enhancement to attract the audiences attentions
This is Rachel she will be reviewing my work through the pages telling me what she does and doesn't like so I can improve my work . She has £10 a month to buy music. She likes this genre of music so her input is needed to make my product a better quality because it will suit the customers needs.
Hi, I am Rachel I will be reviewing this work, and giving my opinions on the design.
My client is a teenager so my product will be sold in relevant shops they will be likely to visit such as HMV or other high street music shops. It could also be sold online in shops such as Amazon and EBay. There is a variety of materials I can use for my CD case. Such as plastics, CADCAM to make a long lasting product that can withstand water or will not crumple or to make it more athletically appeasing. There are no safety issues connected to my product because there isn’t any small parts which will be dangerous to small children or any dangerous materials that could cause harm to the customer who has bought my product. The design will be no more expensive than average products sold on the market because of my target audience will be from more privilege backgrounds but it will also not be totally out of the money range of the less well off.
When doing this I had to look into what would be needed for a publicity in a band and discovered that there is a lot more to advertising and packaging than I thought. I have learnt that when trying to advertise my product I will look at all the aspects that are used to make sure that the product will sell well and make the artist gain profit. I now know that I will have to decide which products I will make to accompany my product. I will also have to look at net designs and other options to make my work better.
My product will be advertised on posters, leaflets and other publicity tools that are use by companies. They will be designed to attract the audience o buying the product, it will make it look exciting and eyecatching.
The analysis is relevant and give me a lot of information about the design and what product could be made for the band.
Aesthetics; the products visual impact is very bright and grabs your attention because of its animations on the front because of the dark design. It goes well together being modern and but with a old effect. The logo design on the CD is very bold contrasting with the black and blue writing. In the middle of the logo is a star which is replicated on the CD inside, they link together so you when they are separated you know that they are from the same CD case. Having the character on the front of the product shows what type of music it is, I like this because it is very attractive to certain people so when you go to buy it you know that it is the type of genre and style you like. The blue electrifying colour is very bright against the dark background so it stands out. Client; the target market for this product is around the age range of 13 to 25 years of age who like modern types of music such as techno and fresh. Cost; Cost of the product I think will be higher because of the materials used and because it isn't a mass sold product so the manufacturing of it will be more unique and expensive. Environment; on the images I have don’t have any evidence of there being any recyclable materials or if it is from a reliable source. The amount of packaging used is al lot so they probably didn’t use the minimum. Ergonomics; The CD case is easy to use because of its simple 4 fold case. They are easy to open and look very attractive with the CD. The whole design is made so you know how to use it because of its simplicity it is favoured by the customers Safety; I think that this product is very safe because it doesn’t have any sharp or any small parts that would be dangerous to children. It could be used by all ages Size; the size is a little bigger than the other styles in the market but this makes it unique but it could be a nuisance because you can’t put it with other CD. Function; the function of this product is for it to be easy to use and attract customers so they will buy it. I think it completes its job very well and is well designed. There are many parts to product analysis, but when doing this I learned that they are all incorporated into one product and if they don’t complete these factors they most likely won’t sell well. These are different to the poster/ticket design I can also see that there is a variation on what the information is on a CD compared to a poster, such as the songs on it, lyrics, logo and other symbols related to recycling or if they are environmentally friendly.
Materials; the materials used are more expensive because the cover is glossy and the materials used would cost more than normal paper or photo paper. The ink print is very detailed and has bright ink.
Aesthetics; the actual look of the product is very futuristic and has a lonely kind of feel. The visual impact is very strong because it gets your attention. It is very because it is nothing like other poster designs for this type of music, normally they are very bright and happy but the product does the opposite to get your attention. The background is very dark making the logo stand out more. The font is also very effective because it fits in with the futuristic theme while still looking professional. The spaces between the letters make you spend longer thinking about the word, this is good because you spend longer looking at the poster. Client; from the normal age range of Vocaloids this poster goes for the older section of them because it doesn’t have childish characteristics to it. The design is very mature and would not suit younger children, the age range is about 16 to 25. Cost; the price of this poster will be about £10 because of the design and the quality of the ink. It also features a very major character in the genre so it would cost more to buy. Environment; the poster doesn’t state if it was recycled or if it was made from new materials. Is the ink from a reliable source and it doesn’t tell you if it harms the environment so you can not tell if it is environmentally good or bad. Ergonomics; the usage of this poster seems to be quite easy because it is just made out of paper. This product can only be kept inside because of the materials it made of. it could also rip or crumple if not taken care of, the product needs has not been designed to last for a long time and can not be used for anything to excessive. Safety; this product is very safe because it does not include any small parts that could harm small children and doesn’t include using any electrical or flammable devices. Its very unlikely that you could be harmed or hurt by this poster. Size; the size of the poster is specified on the website to be 3A which is a good size for a poster because if it was hung up on a wall you would be able to look at it properly unlike if it was 4A. I believe this is the best size for a poster because it isn’t too big or too small. Function; the poster fulfils its purpose and attract customers because of its design, it works very well and is very unique compared to other posters making people interested in it. There are plenty of different aspect you have to look at compared to the CD package like if it will last a long time and if it as too much writing on it, also can be kept in different places and has to withstand the weather. There are lots of differences between posters designs they have to attract the right customers or they will not successfully get people to buy the main product. I have learnt that when I design my poster/ticket/album I will have to make sure that I take into account the ACCESS FM idea for analyzing my product. This will improve my product ostensibly .
Materials; the inks used to make this poster are high quality because they make the poster look professional. The quality of the image on the poster is good because they are very clear.
-Some dust flaps don’t have glue on because they slide in and out easier unless its designed for food when it will be closed to stop the food falling out because of shipping. -The size is good because it could fit in your cupboard well and is easy to carry. If there was too much packaging for the size of the box it would be very wasteful but because there is the right amount it is well fitted to its purpose. -They save ink on the flaps which are folded inside and the customer won’t see. They can save a lot of money when doing this because of the thousands they make if they can cut down the amount of ink . -There are different colour schemes on each page but the net design is cheaper because they won’t need a new Die Cutter saving money for the company but when looking at the product together you can tell that they are connected and are from the same company. -Having the window in it gives the customer a chance to look at the product and also makes the box look attractive it is also different from other products on the market. -There is only a little glue saving on expensive gluing agents, there isn’t any colour in the inside because the customer won’t be able to see it, because they sell thousands every bit they can make cheaper but also look attractive helps them. -The barcode is on the bottom because it isn’t very attractive and all of the company information is on it. It isn’t on the front because it would detract from the design and wouldn’t look very professional.
This is a Die Cutter. When putting a package together you have to know a lot of facts about how it works. I learnt that the companies save money by not putting ink in the inside and that dust flaps aren’t glued down unless the package is for food. Also I learnt that when graphic designers design a package for food or a different products. The designers make sure that the colour schemes work together as well as it being recognisable and can be related to the company later on. It also has to be easy to use .
I like the layout of the page and it is it is very detailed and has a lot of Information. There is also an example of work and equipment used to do this. The information is all relevant.
When doing my mood board I learnt different things that different bands will use different types of graphic designs to make their Posters/CD/Tickets attractive to their customers. While the rock genre are more likely to have a complete picture made totally from graphic designs, pop bands will normally have a picture which is then enhanced to make it better. i.e. Nicki Minaj album picture. I will like this in with my album cover by looking at the colour scheme to make sure it connects with what the customers would like. As well as having a logo design that fits well with the genre. I have also learnt that sometimes simple design covers are very effective i.e. Snow Patrol I will use these to make a good design later on.
The colours are nicely blended in both mood boards. I prefer the darker mood board but like both because they are very different in style but also interlink with a theme that is relevant to the bands genre of music
When designing my mood board I have learned to use brushes and how to fade in pictures so they layer together. I have recoloured some pictures to make them brighter. i.e. The green day logo. I have been able to group pictures together so they are easier to move and edit. I have used magic wand and magic eraser to edit images. When making the mood board I have included previous bands to the genre I wan t to do and different styles so there is a diversity in the .styles when making the pink haze I used the smudge tool to blur out a picture of lighting. I have 2 different background together to make a more adequate design I have added effects to the pictures and have used different amounts of opacity to blend in the number of backgrounds. In the picture’s I have picked appropriate colours to suit the theme of the images. N both of my mood boards I have included a digital character theme , I chose these because of my product analysis which told me that digital themes go well with rock. I have made sure they suit a wide range of ideas and styles that would be liked but my customer.
Death, Sinister, mystery, Sly, supernatural, unknown, scary, monsters,
Homely, chocolate, wood, mud, nature, fertile, safe, nature, boring
Fresh, plants, nature, environment, rebirth, ecology, symbol, vegetation
Cold, ice, mint, paint, sea, sky, sadness, peace, understanding
Royal, strong, bright, exotic, supernatural aura, unique
Girly sweet, bright, colourful, feminine, fruity, bright, brilliant, Barbie, flowers, nature
Hot, love, passionate, fire, angry, violence, blood
Warm. Fire, sweet, vibrant, sunset, fruity, powerful
Sunny, Bright, day light, happy, energizing
Prime colours are the 3 main colours that every colour comes from. Secondary colours are the colours that come from them. They are all in the colour wheel, if they are opposite each other they are contrasting colours and will stand out better. i.e. Purple and yellow.
I have learnt what the colour wheel is and how it works, there are different layers to colours and different emotions portrayed through them. So when doing this I have learnt to choose the right colour scheme to fit with my style of music. I have also learnt that different fonts are better suited to different colours. This meant I had to chooses appropriate colours when using different fonts on my work. Their positioning is also important to make the colours seem attractive to the eye.
I choose different styles of fonts for my four fold CD because they will be attract different audiences . Dark Shadows is a more sinister side of the music so light colours would not go with the theme while Snow Light is the opposite and needs a happy style with lots of colour. I choose the fonts for the first design because it looks robust, futuristic, and goes well with the colour theme. It is bright and contrasts well and looks attractive. The sixths design however I don’t like because it is too bright and wouldn’t look attractive with the other side of the CD case. It doesn't suit the style of music because it looks too girly and pink. The previous design was dark but it went well with the font because of its tattered look it will easily linked with the CD because of the bright out line on the font does make it clearer but it still too hard to see against the background but over all it is a quite good design. The Japanese character translation goes well with the fonts and is appropriate because the CD would most likely be sold in around the world because that is were the market is for this genre of music, it could also be sold in America so the English name is also relevant to the logo and typography. On the second design is different because the font is smaller because the font is smaller and inverted. It takes longer to put this on my work and I don’t think it looks very professional
I like the now light because the colour scheme fits well with the typography as well as the purple and yellow theme because it stand out and look very professional and would fit the band theme.
There are many different issues to consider when making a product that will be sold to the public. Ethnical- I will make sure that my product will not offend or discriminate on any social or religious group in the world. So when designing my product I will have to make sure it doesn’t include any religious symbols or any discriminative images to any race of people. It will have to also be politically neutral, as example no political symbols are to be displayed on the package or product. Sustainability- it is very important to make sure the materials of my products come from a sustainable place to help the environment. I will make sure that the trees cut down to be used for the 4 fold CD case are either replanted or come from a good place. If my product is not sustainable it could effect the future of the world. Fair trade- fair trade means that the farmers and workers on the farms that would be collecting the materials needed for my product would be given a fair wage so they can live off it. It aims to help poorer people in third world countries, improving their living conditions, wages and other general life. This would be good to include on my product because it would mean my company would be thinking about other places in the world. Carbon foot print- I the materials I use come from different places around the world, this means that the materials will be using a lot of fuel to get to this country. So if I try to make sure my materials come from places near to my the amount of carbon produce due to travelling will be decreased. Green designs- products that are now being made to be environmentally friendly are becoming increasingly popular due to the wider knowledge about global warming or other environmental issues. Recycling- after my product has been used it will be able to be recycled, this means new materials won’t have to be used but that we are making products out of the same materials. My product could also be made from recycled materials such as paper or plastics to help save the environment. Waste- to ensure that my product doesn’t create excess material I will make sure that when printing, I will use appropriate sized paper for what I am printing . Copy right issues- when making the product I have made sure that the fonts and images do not have copy right restrictions, also because I am not publishing the product for public use the copy right will not effective to my product. The websites I got my fonts from ( ) which is designed for public usage and doesn't have copy right on their products. The logo designs made by me so will not have copy right restrictions on them. I have learned that there are different part to making a product including the social issues which could effect the sales of the product. If I offend a social group when making this the product could be taken off sale. I also have to look at environmental issues i.e. the products are coming from sustainable and reliable sources
It think you have looked in detail on this page and have evaluated in great detail the ethics and issues relating to making a product and identified appropriate scenarios as where these could become problem. By including logos you have made clear what they mean on products.
When will I use it
Healthy and safety
Would I use this
Grey board
Strong, light weight, cheap, durable
I would use this for backing my CD case design which will make it more durable that paper or card
There isn’t may health and safety problems with grey board because it doesn’t have and small or sharp parts.
The product is not waterproof and would be damaged by water.
Bright, shiny, waterproof,
Creating and attractive bright design that can be seen clearly and stands out. I could use it on flyers or tickets.
You can cause minor injuries when using vinyl like a paper cut. I will have to make sure I cut out carefully when using it.
Vinyl is hard to cut by hand but I will be using a craft cutter
Glue tabs
Cheap, long lasting, multi usage
Used to stick my work together with out anything showing. To make it look professional
There are no health and safety problems with using glue tabs.
They are hard
Cheap, not waterproof, rough, unprofessional, dull
I would have used it when backing design to make it stronger.
There aren’t and health and safety problems relevant to using card board
It doesn't look professional and isn’t a high quality
When will I use it
Health and safety
Would I use this
Cutting mat
Safe, long lasting, strong, useful
When using the craft knife I will need a cutting mat to ensure I don’t damage tables or other properties.
This is normally used to prevent injury and would not normally cause injury.
They aren't widely sold and will cost more than the other products.
Used to create digital PowerPoint that will help to produce our products to a professional level
When planning and creating my PowerPoint to explain what and why I am creating. It will tell you everything you will need to know about my product
If you spend a long period of time looking at the computer screen it can effect your sight and will make them hurt. I will need to use it for a measured amount of time.
They doesn’t have a personal feeling to the design and wont look as good as a hand drawn design.
Craft knife
Sharp, multi usage, cheap, long lasting
Cutting out designs that would be hard to complete with scissors
Craft knifes must be used with care because they are sharp and can cause injury if not used correctly
It is hard to make a straight line when cutting even when using a safety ruler
I have reviewed many materials and tools and have learnt about the health and safety issues that are connected with the item in review and what materials will work better to make my work more professional. If u do this it will change the design of my product because each material has its own properties that will effect it overall. The safety of my product is also very important, so if it is dangerous to make or use it will effect my sales when producing the product.
Aesthetics-I would like to have on my four fold CD package is a individual design to make it different from other products: it will look unique because it will not be like any other design in the market at this point. My CD case will have for folds with a stand where my CD can stand. The CD case will, have unique designs in the folds and pop outs. The logo will be themed with my mood board light and dark, this will make it more attractive to customers. my box will portray the type of music I have chosen for my band. The image will be designed for my CD case and to fit the bands theme. Materials -The materials I will use for my CD case will be glossy because I want it to look professional and new. The quality of the paper will also mean that it is less likely to tear or tip The buyers will be more attracted to this, using materials that are rough and heavy will not fit with my theme, I think that shiny card will be more suited to my product, the ink I will be using will ensure that the colours on my cover will stand out. The materials I will be making the CD out of will be made from recyclable or reliable sources. The materials it will be made up of will not be waterproof but will be quite durable. Size and Weight-I would like to make my CD case so that it would fit in the clients back pocket or to be able to place it in a bag so that it is easily transported place to place, also if I make my product weigh too much it will not be as desirable as a lighter product because it won’t be portable. This means that I will have to use a variety of light materials, avoiding unnecessary weight for example, plastic exterior or add on to my product. I will analyse if it is necessary or if it will have a benefit to my work. Testing-I am going to test the product to see if the clients will be able to put my stand and open my case, and if they find it difficult to do. The records of this will be put in a table so I can review how to make my product better. This will lead to me having a more reliable and professional product at the end. I will analyse every aspect of my work from usage to appearance asking for opinions and mistakes made as well as how to improve my product if it was made again commercially. Instructions-The package I am making will include some form of instructions to help the buyer to assemble the product. If they do not work I will review it am make them easier and clearer for the audience I am aiming for. It will be placed some where on the product to be kept safe for further usage. For example clear instructions as how to assemble the point of sales stand in shops helping to set up and advertise my product. Issues When creating my CD package I will make sure that my product is ethically correct. I will make sure not to offend any religious or ethical groups such as ethnic minorities. Any other offensive language or symbols will be taken of the product to make sure it is suitable for every age group and audience. Examples of inappropriate imagery would be symbols relating to specific religions or defacing major ethnical or political symbols i.e. the cross, the bible. This may cause insult or unease to many people and would be highly inappropriate as to produce prejudice work. Durability My product will not be designed to be durable in weather conditions such as rain, it will need to be kept in a warm dry environment. The suitability of the material will depend on how strong I want my product to be. I also have to take into account the weight and feel of the product. I will make sure that my durability is appropriate by testing it and asking others opinions on how well it has been constructed. I will also make sure I understand how it went wrong and how to improve my work if it was made again. Function The product will be used to showcase the intended product. It will look very attractive enticing the customer to buy the product. It will advertise the band/ group I am aiming to promote. It will look attractive to the intended audience and age group. The case must hold at least 2 CD and have 4 folds, this must be easy to use as well as being attractive and appropriate to my band type. The ticket must clearly state what band it is as well as venue, seat number and place, dates, times, cost of ticket, supporting bands etc. this must all be linked into one general theme that corresponds across all of my work clearly helping customers relate the aspects of the package together. i.e. every product has a clear logo and design as well as a colour theme that is attractive and appropriately used in this context. I have looked at different specifications that will effect my product such as what I will include and what materials I will use when making it. I have looked more in detail at what it will end up being when it is produce. I have also learnt how these will effect my product in later development and could change the overall effect of my product and will make my product more professional.
Ergonomics- The health and safety issues on my product is quite low because I will make sure that it has no dangerous parts such as sharp edges or small object that could be choking hazards for younger children. It will hold no dangerous chemicals or materials in it. I will test and evaluate my work to ensure if there is any danger from my product that I will eradicate it before it is mass produced to prevent any harms coming to children or adult alike. By doing this I can sell this product to a wider variety of ages helping it become successful in the market .
I drew this image because it relates to the type of music I am designing for . I looked at the different styles of drawing from my mood board and made a picture that I thought best suited my CD package. It is different from the original pictures and is a completely unique logo design. This logo will be more suited to a female audience.
I linked the image I have on one of my mood boards with a more electric style, by putting circuit boards across the hand I was able to make the image more interesting and unique than other logo designs in the market right now. It also works well because the two sides of my mood board are incorporated into one easy recognisable image.
I have learnt how to develop my logo ideas by colouring my initial designs I can now see what the would look like on my product later on when developing my product. I can now use this as a starting point for the rest of my ideas. My mood boards have been connected to my work as I have been able to make several different ideas for my logos that can then be developed later on into further detail.
I used the same type of idea to create this logo. Looking at the pictures in the mood board I was able to create a unique and interesting image for my logo which can then be incorporated with my typography title, it can also be kept separate and is easy to recognises. Over all it is quite a complicated design and could be quite confusing for the customers.
The idea of the skull came from my mood boards , by looking at the different skulls on it I was able to design a logo that would fit with my band. I added the flowers to the skull because it contrasts the two mood boards so my album come together under one logo. This logo will attract both male and female customers.
2 3
I have developed this idea further by adding colour and making them blend together. I have made the logo bright so it is easy to see, it also looks attractive the only reason I don’t really like it is because it is too feminine form my CD package, it would be cutting off a section of the market I have made my band name bigger on the logos to make it stand out more, by making it pink it is more feminine and will attract a more female audience. The colours are brighter than the other logos to catch people attention more, it is unique to other logos in the market This logo design is more simple than the others but I think it stands out more, when I use brushes from Photoshop because it helps to put through the design I wanted. It is easy to recognise. By using the line art of my image I have been able to make a completely different logo that will attract both male and female audiences. All of the logos are different but I think they all work well together. The brushes help- to make different aspects stand out more and bring colour to my designs. The only problem is that they don’t really look like logos, instead they look like backgrounds, this will effect the value of my product.
When making these logos I have learnt how to use brushes on my logos to give different effect. I have also learnt how to incorporate my logo into my work to make it look good and professional. By developing my logos I have be able to contrast the colours to make a logo that stands out compared to the others. I have learnt to connect my colour schemes to my work to produce a wider variation of ideas from the initial idea
The logo designs are interesting and are unique, I like them a lot but would like them developed further with different colour schemes.
1 I originally made my skull flowery but decided that it would look better with out the I then developed the image changing the colour scheme and adding in different images to make it look more attractive. I incorporated my mood board in with one of my logo ideas because it made it look attractive and bright. I added colour to my logo making it brighter, this makes the logo join together with both sides of my album, colouring the eyes pink makes it more brighter and will catch peoples attentions more. The typography goes well with the logo because it stands out and is recognisable. This is a more simple design than the others but I think it has a very good effect because the skull seems to be looking at the customer. Because its light appearance it attracts but male and female audiences. The down fall to this logo it that it isn’t very bright and won’t attract as many buyers as the other designs. The only problem I have with the other designs are that they are too complicated and might be too much for the customer to process. I have included Japanese characters to the logo because it fits well with my target audience which is situated in Japan the typography makes the logo impact more on the design etherising it to a more extreme degree. Personally I like the black logo because it stands out and is more memorable than the others. It will attract customers In my logos I have developed I have learnt how to put on different effects onto my work to make unique and individual logos that are eye catching and very attractive. Each of my logos are completely different in design and colour scheme but would attract the audience I am aiming for. As well as creating different designs connecting with different genres through one initial idea letting me create a variation of band designs.
暗い影 3
5 6
I like it, the first logo is good because the colours work well together however some of the colours may not be clear when printing, this it think may lead to make problems later on.
These logos are more complicated than other logos I have designed but if think they go well with my band and attract the audience I am looking for, the only problem I have with it is that I may be too complicated and won’t be very memorable, the blue is bright and different bringing out the logo from other designs. The fact that I started playing around with the typography to make it more unique and interesting. It also makes the band name more memorable than in the other logos. The different colours have different effects on the mood of the logo. The black and white logo isn’t as bright and create a more calming effect on the audience it would work better on older audiences because it is more mature than the others. The placing of the band name also effects my logos very much because it will decide what the look at first and their first impressions of the band. On the 6th logo I have added a background, I think this has a good effect because it gives an effect of a thinking bubble, it is also very bright and makes you remember it. Changing the colour of these logos I have included different colour schemes that brighten the overall appearance of the logos in question By adding the hummingbird into my line art I have not added many effects but it is more memorable
In these logos I have learnt how to make one logo idea into six completely different design ideas which I can use later on. The typography of these logos effect the complete design. These logos are different from the others because I have added images that effect the overall picture like design 3 where I have added a humming bird to effect the complete logo.
6 This page has clear development of logos. In my opinion the ying and yang logo is the most appropriate because it is simple but also very unique from others.
Overall appearance
Colour choice
Design of logo
Easy to understand
Professional looking
Total out of 50
Peer assessed by Emily Foster
Peer assessed by Rachel Jackson
Peer assessed by Sofina Ahad
Peer assessed by Rachel Harland
Peer assessed by Rachel Kramer
Peer assessed by Hannah Donnelly
Looking at the overall view of my work I can see that the 2nd and 6th logo design are the least favoured out of all the designs. It is because they thought the logos were boring and didn’t fit in with my bands genre. The other logos are very unique compared and are easier to recognise I have chosen to incorporate my first design into my work because I believe it will suit my CD case the best and be beneficial to my package. It is easy to remember and is different to everything in the market. It will have an overall good effect on my work because of its simplicity of the design and goes well with eh theme and typography on the package.
On my poster I will include; -QR code for the people viewing the poster find further information -Band image to show clients who the band is and what they are like -Band logo it will connect all the products together -Band name makes it clear to the customers which band it is and they will be able to look them up later on for more information. -General theme connecting relevant product together in one product -Dates telling customer when the band will be in their area giving them information -Time give customers information about the product and will entice them to go. -Venue further explanation on where it is happening On my album I will include; -The logo of my band to connect my product together -Name of band to clarify who they are -General theme connecting with the genre and style of the band as well as connecting the products together. -Bar code to scan when buying the product. -Name of album -Unique design style for CD cover -Relevant information about the songs and lyrics -Logo of producer or studio as well as sponsors and copy right issues On my ticket I will include; -hologram to make sure the ticket is legitimate. -Logo and band name to make it easy to relate the band to the ticket. -image or reference to the band to connect the products. -price on ticket, date, time venue to inform the customer on their product. -sponsors and support acts -map of stands for the customers to locate their seats. -General theme to connect my products together for the customers buying the product. -Relevant colour scheme that suits my band genre and style.
On this page I have learnt that the specifications for a poster are totally different to a ticket now with this information I am able to make my product to a higher standard and get better marks. I have learnt what makes a good and bad poster as well as being able to identify the components of a poster, album package and a ticket. I have learnt how they relate to each other and where to place my information to make my product professional and unique from other products in the market as well as being able to identify
I have used a variation of different equipment to produce my net development and CD designs these include craft mats and knives and safety ruler to cut the card to produce a 3D model of my design.
In the development of my models I have made sure I kept safe at all times using appropriate equipment to cut and craft the smaller models. The dimensions of my model are width: 6.5cm Length: 6cm this is a down scale of 4 from an original sized CD package. I made the model because it will help me later on when creating a net on a programme I will be able to see which side goes on with which segment of my case. This will reduce the chance of printing error later on when the product is finished. I have also drawn on designs connecting with the band style which will help me decide which design will look and suit my band better. Taking pictures of each part of the development will help me clearly convey how the product has developed through out the next designing process.
I do not want to follow through with this net development because I don’t think it suits my band genre. The style of the net design is boring and would not convey my ability to produce exciting, unique CD package designs. Generally the CD case is hard to put together but the flap that would have been closed with a magnet overlapped the initial image on the cover it was hard to replicate it onto the top. One of the other problems with this design was that the colour scheme did not suit the template as it had no interesting or extra designs had no slips for extra aspects to be placed and Wouldn’t have been suited to my target audience. The design inside was boring and did not reflect the style of music and would not attract the appropriate audience to buy the Product. Aspect that I do think were good on my design were the lower flap that could be developed to have images on it . I think this Will be a good idea and will make my product stand out. I can develop it to relate to my audience and Include It into my final design as a supplemental image with my logo to produce a greater graphical effect. I also like the simple design on the cover and I am considering to produce something similar for effect On the front to help produce the most unique design attractive to the customer buying the product. This will stop The case being too over loaded that it becomes unprofessional and Cluttered . I have learnt on this page what looks good on my CD package and what does not. The colour scheme on these packages have been evaluated so now I know what looks appropriate on the design and how it will effect my final product at the end. I have taken aspects from each design to create a more interesting cd template that fit to the genre of my music.
These net designs I think suit my work better since the graphics on the covers are more interesting and unique. They are also a development from the original four fold CD design adding in more flaps to create a more complex net design that have more folds and slip to hold CD and lyric booklets. With these designs I have also used the same equipment and materials to produce them making sure that I am safe at all times and follow health and safety guidelines to prevent injuries. In net design 1 I have produce the
most complex design out of my net designs by creating folds for the CD to slide into instead of a plastic case bought in to place it in. This makes my overall package smaller and more portable. The folds over lap on to each other and can be designed graphically to produce a interesting product that will be attract my desired audience. I also like the shattered glass effect and might include it into my work later on because of its interesting design. The “colour theory� spread over the 2 segments of my page that when folded out say the band name. I will defiantly take aspects of this CD design to my CD package on to my design later on because I believe that it will make the production of my CD For CD design 2 I have included a skyline from one of my logos previously. This goes through out the design in the inside of my package. I like this idea and that it is unique to my band. It will go well with my net design. It also mean that I can include a running theme through out the CD that will connect to my genre of music. I also like the idea of the CD being moons this creates the theme that they are in the sky. Because when separated they can be clearly connected to the band. The simple design I think has the best effect on the work unlike 1 where the design I think is too cluttered to look attractive. to a greater level. Overall i think design 2 is the best net design but I would like to include aspects from other designs into the to create a professional design.
In this page i have learnt that not all of my designs suit my band package and that i need to edit and change my designs to suit my band genre and make my product more professional. I have also learnt that development of ideas is important form my band to create a unique design as well as a simple design to be able to construct my net into a package to hold my CD.
This is my favourite template because of its complex design and structure. It uses a number of fold to produce and interesting CD package template. It includes slips for 2 CD and a leaflet to be enclosed into the product. It also means that there can be a unique design which will improving my product overall. The design on this product makes a very unique, vibrant effect that suits ;and links in with my theme, this makes my overall product different to others on the market. Having slips for the CD to slide in means that the whole package will be slimmer because I will not have to add in plastic cases to hold the CD. It will also make it lighter and easier to carry. This template was interesting but was quite simple so missed the technical design and wasn’t as pleasing to the eye as the other template. However the design did go very well on the model achieving an aesthetically pleasing product, non the less I will not use this template for my future design because I don’t think it is best suited to my product. this product does not include a slip for the CD to go into so I will have to add in plastic holders this will make the case bigger and the measurements will have to be adjusted to fit. It also does not have a slip for a leaflet or flyer to go in. this would mean more could be included with the product for the customer buying and will help to publicise the band by including leaflet slips that contain information about the members etc. By having a design on my models, I am able to visualize what my product may look like at my final design. For this template I have used a different design to create and individual model. Adding a fold to the front that could be held down by a magnet or Velcro this would make the product design unique from the others as different materials are being used to make the product more interesting. This makes the design more interesting than an normal four fold CD case. In the template there is also a slip to hold a leaflet for the band. However I will not choose this design due to the fact that I don’t think it is a as suited to my band and it would be too hard to put a good design on the template and provide a good product. Generally I think this is a good template but has to many complications to provide a worth while product. This page is very useful for deciding what CD template to choose. In my opinion the first design is more interesting than the second and I would develop it more.
I have learnt in this lesson that modelling is very important to my design development because It mean that I can help to minimise problems later on when making my product. Find problems such as folds and well as being able to visualize what my four fold would look like if I developed the design further.
This is the template of the outside of my case. Overall it consists of 18 layers designed and edited on Photoshop. All having different effects applied on them enhancing the appearance and design of my product i.e. brush effect to incorporate colour into my product. The template includes three slips in it. Two are for the CD’s while the last is for a flyer slip informing about the band. The front cover is very simple having only the logo. when the CD case is opened the name of the band “Colour Theory� is present in the typography of the band. This helps to emphasise the bands name The brushes and paint splashes relate to the band name and give a brighter appearance of the band. The colour scheme means that the logo stands out and is easy to recognise. There is a contrast between the black and other colours, however these colours are more expensive to having the background white. The inside of my CD is simpler than the alternate design because I did not want it to be too clustered and overlap in design and also means that other materials can be added to improve the design later on I.e. vinyl or other smart or modern materials. It also means that my product can be developed without needing to reprint or edit the design, this saves money and time overall. The patterns that I did however include were placed over the empty side. On my design the template has folds that are in the inside of the package. This means when it has been fully assembled all sides will be equally interesting and unique. It will also have an underlining theme that relates the CD to the band. Using the same brushes and designs means that the this happens throughout my products and designs. Having the grey spines to my product means when assembling it will be more clear. The paint splatters fit in with the band name, as well as creating a cool and interesting colour theme. When my product is assembled I hope it will be relevant and completely unique to other bands in the market.
With my tickets I have added my logo to the main design as well as a recurring theme that connects all the designs as one theme. To make my product more realistic I have included a barcode and alternate bands playing at the event. Also when my ticket is printed a Hologram will be added to make the final product more realistic to other designs that are used by different companies. However the ticket is still clearly related to my band and style, this means that this is another form of advertising form my band. The characteristic paint splatters have been added to the CD inside the package. This means that they are easy to relate to the package but also have a clean and uncluttered design that would contrast with the other aspects of my design. The typography of my band “ Colour Theory� is easy identified on each part of the package so customers are able to recognise it. On the back of the ticket I have produced terms and conditions that are appropriate to my band by looking at other examples or language used as well as style of writing. On the tickets I have included company logos that are sponsoring or involved with the event, this makes the ticket more lifelike as this would also be included on other tickets. This means that it is as realistic as I was able. Keeping the design simple with the CD and/or duplicating a design throughout my work make it more interesting because It is not too cluttered and looks professional. In addition to it being easy to recognise by customers as the same advertising product. The colours are bright and look attractive on the design. The back of the flyer is simple as most of the key information was included on the front of the flyer. The typography is in large font across keeping the overall design simple. The skulls on the chess board is a replication of my logo. This also makes the product recognisable. It includes bands that will be playing at the concert producing a more realistic product overall. Though it does not contain the paint splatters on the scull it is included on the chess pieces.
On the poster I have included 11 different layers with different effects and brushes on, I have done this with the image editing program Photoshop. Examples of the effects added include the paint splatter and chess design in the background. This means I was able to produce a detailed and attractive poster that has relevant information to my band. The logo is in the centre of my poster showing of what the band is like and fitting with the theme and genre of my band. The dates and venue are included informing the customers and enquires of relevant information about the band this makes the product well crafted and graphically pleasing. The size of the poster is A4, this fits in with other products on the market. However if produced commercially it my be made in a variety of sizes depending on its function. The product is easily related to the rest of my product through typography and colour scheme. This means that if seen separately they would be easily related back to the band. There is small print at the bottom of the poster replicates an authentic design. On the point of sales stand I have included logo and typography as the main aspect of the stand. The simple design is affective because it catches your eye and has a colourful design. There is a gap for the CD package to be held, this will be assembled in the make. At the bottom of the stand is logo an icons from familiar social network sites as well as a code to go on the website with your phone. I included these because when looking at other examples of product these were included as a form of advertisement. The size of the point of sales stand was decided to be bigger than the poster, approximately a A3 size as it will be big enough to include CD and attract customers. There is a scanning code that is also used on different products making them interrelate. I did this because I saw it on example products and it works effectively by keeping my point of sales stand simpler that the rest of my designs i.e. more blank space. Means when my CD Is put into it the attention will be directed mostly on the 4 fold. The point of the sales stand is to attract customers to look at the CD and to also advertise other ways of finding out more about the band from alternative methods including the internet as this is a quickly developing form of advertisements that may be cheaper than mass producing posters. The back background is more expensive however in my opinion I believe that it will make my colour scheme stand out more from other products in the market.
I think it has an effective usage of colour, it is clearly presented and easy to read. The design has appropriate design choices for the band genre of music. I like it a lot.
The front of my flyer has a very busy look to it. It contains details and information about the band that is easy to read and condenses all of the information needed to know about a band including dates and times about when the concert will be taking place and a barcode giving the customers a chance to win free tickets to the concert. This will persuade the customer to buy the product to hear the music. I have also included the band logo so that it is easy to identify to my band as well as the band name and theme throughout my work. By having a dark background the logo and colour scheme stands out more. The size of this flyer was decided to be smaller than an A4 paper so it would be easy to carry as it only holds information about a one night performance. However it is also unique because it size and shape are different to other flyers used normally. I hope that this will persuade the customer to look into the product further and go listen to the band. In my insert flyer I have kept the design very simple, including only the logo on the front cover. I did this because when looking at other examples. They are have basic designs because the main themes and styles would be included in the main package, however the theme for the rest of the album is replicated on the insert so that it is recognisable to be part of the package. The insert is small enough to be put in a fold in the CD where it would be kept safe. The writing on the inside is relevant to the band telling us what they are like and more about the album making the product more personal to the client purchasing the product. To make the insert flyer more authentic I have included studios and small print relevant to the make and distribution of my CD and its design.
I have learnt in this page that there is different stages to design development that can ensure an interesting and unique product. By looking into my product in detail I have learned that there are more aspects to designing than I previously thought. I have learnt to look at my work in detail. I have analysis my work in detail to ensure that it is made commercially it would work well enough and have an athletically appeasing design to attract customers to buy the product.
I like the fact that it is square because it is unique. I think that the simplicity of the insert is effective and works well with the product. The insert is also very good because it is simple including only the logo and information about the band
Embossing a design is where parts of a product or design is emphasized to stand out from the other parts of the product. The process of embossing is extremely cost effective and easy to do. The best choice for this is heavy and long fibred sheets because of their many good qualities; Light weight paper we found was not a good choice for this because when testing it the paper would crack and rip easily. We also looked into recycled paper but we did not think it was very suitable to create an product to the same level of quality we wanted for the product this is because when testing it we found that the more processed the paper was the less suitable it was to high pressure embossing. You are able to use embossing on plastic , fore example it is used on product such as credit cards, card packaging and external designs on products. The best level of bevel I found was achieved when I looked into the thickness of the paper. The thicker the paper the better the product at the end. This is because thicker paper allows the embossing machine when printing to create a deeper design creating a more effective and attractive design on the front, increasing the amount of bevel.
2D design CAD programs such as 2D design to produce vinyl cut-out is an example of 2D designing, the examples of chess pieces on the side show my development of adding vinyl to my design. However there is also a limitation to the colours available so I have chose black because it is easier to place on my product. There are advantages and disadvantages to using CADCAM for example- it is cheap and reliable way to produce effective design enhancements on a product. It is also very professional and creates the desired design into reality high levels of accuracy. However it is very dangerous using the machinery since there are sharp blades that could be hazardous to anyone operating the machinery. I will use it on my product transferring the design from Photoshop to 2D design where it will be printed and applied to my product enabling the design to have a higher quality and complexity as well as an attractive finish. Smart materials an example of a smart material is phosphorescent, a material that changes its properties depending on the stimulus in its environment. If this material is in a darkened dim place it will appear to glow. I will not be using this on my work because It would not enhance my product in a desired way and have chosen instead to include a hologram to my ticket. Modern material this is a material that has been recently developed to enhance products or improve design. An example of this is holograms added to tickets in concert to prove their validity. This helps ticket sellers to prevent fake tickets being produced. This is beneficial to many companies, this will be added to my product to make it more authentic to products in the market. I have learnt about different design styles and how they could benefit my work by making aspects look attractive and stand out from other parts of my work. This helps to bring the customers eyes to certain parts to help sell products quickly . By adding these aspects to my product I might improve the attractiveness to the customers.
This is a nest of my final product which was printed onto paper in appropriate sizes. The advantage of nesting my designs is that I reduce the amount of paper used. Helping to be economically cheaper but also help the environment as there will be less paper being needed in demand reducing the trees cut down. However there is a disadvantage to nesting a design as it takes a long time to do. And each individual product has to be imported into the document and fit together. This takes about 10 to 15minutes to do however there are also some benefits when doing this; When nesting the products together it helps make sure that they are all appropriate sizes because they can be compared to the other products. This means that I am able to minimise any mistakes made when creating the products. This nesting is also known as Tessellation. There is enough space between the products to cut them out and not damage any of the other products surrounding. By nesting I can cancel out anomalies before printing saving both money and time in re-designing the product again.
I have learnt in this page that by overlook my product I can ensure that it fits well with how I want it to look when I print it. by adding hand drawn aspect to my work I can looks at how I want it to look when I am done and change aspects more easily when designing.
Is the text and image the right size on Photoshop
Print Nest onto printing paper. Save paper by grouping them no together
Start of make
If aspects of my flow chart are not completed I.e. “is the product the right size compared to function?� this step will be repeated until it is complete before moving forward on the process. This flow chart does not include the creation and design of the product, however before I printed my work I checked for mistakes such as spelling on my work. My product was sized compared to other market products i.e. the CD was compared to others to make a more professional product. When using the cutting mat and craft knife to cut out my product I took care to keep close to the lines and to minimise wasted paper from my cuttings. My flyer was backed together while my poster and point of sales stand were back with card to make them more durable and easier to handle. Laminating the ticket will mean that there is less chance of the ticket being ripped or damaged during the make of other products. When gluing I decided if I used the glue gun or the glue stick depending on the
Cut out card shapes to go between net. A couple of milometers for each side Is product the right size compared to function I.e. A4 poster?
Cut out components of my product using craft knife, safety ruler and cutting mat. Dispose of excess paper. Make sure not to damage black backgrounds with smudges or rips
Are lines accurate and professional? Do they cut of parts of your work or leave on too much white background
Was this done to a professional standard? i.e. can stand, not bend under the weight of the CD.
Back point of sales stand with thick card and assemble stand out of appropriate materials.
Can you use the equipment?
Does the net fit together? And fold without ripping or bending etc.
Glue together aspects of the four fold together.
Are there glue marks or damage on your work that you can not amend? Or make your work look too unprofessional?
Edit any mistakes to the best of your ability i.e. use marker to minimise effects or rips or tears on package
Laminate ticket Stick flyer and tickets back to back with opposing side. Add backing paper if appropriate to increase durability
Have you retrimmed flyer and thicket to get rid of overlaps and white marks
Are there any glue marks or rips in your work?
Back poster with thin card to increase durability.
Do the aspects of my overall product suit the function. Or complete them to a satisfactory standard?
Health and Safety
Quality control
Time (hh:mm)
Print out nest.
PC Large scale printer.
A0 paper
Cuts from paper
Quality of ink
One week
Cut product out.
Craft knife Safety Ruler Cutting matt
Craft knife could stab or cut. Uses carefully and with appropriate tools
Do not rip, over cut or damage work when cutting
One week
Score folding lines.
Back of craft knife or empty biro Ruler
Cut out product
Press lightly, will go through work
Back products appropriately.
Glue stick Thick and thin board
White card
Do not digest glue
Smooth over products to avoid air pockets
Stick CD designs onto CD.
Glue stick
Blank CD Design for CD
Do not digest glue
Edges meet correctly
Stick back of net to front.
Glue stick
Front and back of CD net
Edges meet. Folds must fit together.
Materials and Equipment Card- thin, thick Laminate Craft knife Safety ruler
Cutting mat glue stick Glue gun scissors Guillotine Ink for design
Price I think that the product I have created fits well with my design brief and is well In the price range of the target audience. By using cheap materials such as card which was used to back most of the products to ensure that they are durable and will last a long time. I have also reducing printing cost by measuring my product accurately and creating a design that is attractive to the genre. I would sell this product at ÂŁ7.00 as it is an affordable price for a CD and will most likely be bought around school at this price. However the materials I have used also make it less durable as to using glossy printing paper as It will rip or tear over time faster than other materials. I have learnt in this page that by comparing my starting brief I can show my progress and analyse the differences and development as well as commenting if it has been positive or negative aspects to my works and understand if it has had an effect on my work overall. By looking at my development I can see if my product is still appropriate for my target audience and that if this product was sold commercially it would make a profit.
Target audience My target audience was between the ages 13 and 18 in continents or countries such as America, Europe and Russia. The product I have made I believe fits well with them theme and genre of the music. The design is attractive to that age group because of its unique style that is easily identified and clear band style. I think this product will sell well between this target audience as I have ensured all of the main criteria for the band is related to the audience. My target audience I believe would enjoy this product, however I will as for opinions and ideas on how to improve my work from other people my age as well as analysis the good aspects of my work to ensure I keep them if I remade my product later.
Product type In my opinion the product I have produced has fitted well with my design brief and has produced and interesting and unique band style. I have completed all of the aspects to having a four fold and other product that are appropriate to the band advertisement for example the ticket and poster were at a high enough standard to represent the band. To begin with I have managed to fit in my theme with the bands name “Colour Theory� by using an assortment of different shades to create a rainbow effect. the main skull on my logo has interlinked with the genre of music I am aiming for (rock) this means that potential customers will have an idea what style of music it is before buying the product. The logo of the skull was developed from hand drawn images into Photoshop enhanced ideas that where further developed with colour choices and typography that related with my band theme. I feel elements of my design fit well with my design brief. Overall I think my product was successful because it is unique from other CD packages and styles already on the market and will attract many customers to this band.
Ergonomics- I have made sure that the dangers or problems with my product are at a minimal standard. With no major threats or injuries being caused by or with my product. I have done this by not including choking hazards that may be a danger to small children or sharp edges that may lead to cuts or scratches if not used carefully. This means that it can be handled safely and at ease making it easier to advertise and sell in stores throughout the country
Athletics- my product is unique from other products on the market and includes all of the main aspects of my design including a point of sails stand and a four fold CD however my final design does not relate to my initial light and dark theme, instead it follows a design of contrast between colour and darkness leading to my band name “colour theory�. The design fits well with my genre of music fitting the design brief. It
Durability- my product is durable to a minimal standard, however it will not be able to withstand wet or windy conditions because of the materials used. The materials I used also mean that it will not last as long due to the expenses. However if this product was mass produced I would ensure higher qualities of make are kept to with similar standards throughout. I would minimise mistakes making it more durable.
was also produced prior the deadline – December 2013.l Materials- the materials I used where not to the same quality as what I expected because we were not able to have access to them due to lack of money. However I did make sure that my colour scheme stood out from other products by using a multi coloured style. Size and weight - I think that I was able to fit the specifications for my product as I have ensured that it is light, portable and durable. I did this by comparing it to other products in the market and used the dimensions as a example of how to compare the size and weight before the product was made. This means that I was able to ensure that materials were not too light or too heavy before printing my net design later on in the process.
Testing- I have tested my product after the make to analyse how my product is used and to eliminate any mistakes made in the design. I did this by having other people analyse and test my product in detail giving feedback to me about the positives and the negatives helping me improve my work to a higher degree of professional testing showed that my product was easy to assemble with minimal problems with the materials.
Instructions- it was unnecessary for me to produce in my work as the design is self explanatory and does not need professional guidance to ensure that it is assemble in a safe and intended manor. I know this because when consulting my testers I asked would the have difficulty in using my product and if there was aspects that they thought was a danger to people i.e. young children. The point of sales stand if commercially produced might need instructions to inform the shop assistants or managers who are advertising my band on how to display and set up my product.
Issues- my final design does not include any ethnic or political symbols that may insult and groups in society. There is also no offensive language or symbols on my work ensuring that it is suitable to all ages and can be advertised publically without offence being caused.
Function- my product has fulfilled its function of advertising my product to a high standard and professionalism. There are no major faults in the design and suit the genre of music as well as its intended function. It would be easy for the shops to display and use.
Modification to my product There was some changes or re-designs I would include if I remade this product or if it was to be mass produced on a large scale that would ensure a better product the next time I made it. Some of these changes included changing materials to better quality to improve the overall appearance including improving the printing quality or editing my design to fit in with the target audiences opinion. When making my CD package the white card used for the printing we found was not strong enough to hold the CD and not tear this meant that we had to back the CD with and extra piece of card between the designs . This took time and precision and would have been easier to do with thicker card reducing chances of mistakes or glue marks to damage work. The main colour for my design was black which I found when damaged showed up more with scratches and glue marks. This pulled down my marks on make criteria. If I remade this product I think I would considered changing the main colour of my product to dark grey or white to make the product look more professional. When sticking my tickets and flyers back to back I used a glue stick which is an economic alternative to a double sided printer. However when using the glue sticks you had to be very careful because it could damage your work with smudge marks. This effected my work more since my main colour was black. I could have also used spray adhesives, which is used in the industry as it is stronger than glue sticks and easier to use. If I could re design my point of sales stand I would make it more interesting by having a unique stand instead of a basic rectangle, however I did include some diversity by cutting chess board squares out of the main design making it look more attractive. Commercial production Commercial Production is the production of products on a greater gauge, the amount of product increases hugely. There are 4 methods of Commercial Production, my product has been developed in two ways: batch Production – The production of a small quantity of identical products. This method is also labour intensive but templates are used to aid in the production of the same product. Batch production is done in stages to create the finished products. Examples include baking and production of ethanol for commercial use mass production- the make that is continuous using assembly line to build products quickly and efficiently to the same level of professional standard throughout. On my product I have designed or created any main images and designs. There is no copy right on these aspects of my design however there might be copy right on brushes and typography I took from websites such as and because I have Used brushes that I downloaded to I have learnt from this page that by analysing my mistakes I can improve my make and if it was to be mass produced I would know what to change to make sure that my product is continuously made to a high professional standard. I have understood that there are certain factors needed to make a product successful in the market. Thus by analysing the information I have found out I can decide if this was to become a real product what route to take to produce the largest profit for my product.
Photoshop to aid my design. I will ensure that there will be any problems I would contact the people related and ask for permission or buy the right s of the people to makes sure that my product can be made without problems or legal issues that could be costly and time consuming.
1) Do you like my colour choice?
2) Are my font choices appropriate for usage?
3) Is my net easy to follow and use?
4) Does my logo design link well with my theme?
5)Does it meet the needs of the target market?
6) Is the quality of my designs professional enough?
7) Are the materials used correct for purpose
8) Are there any improvements to be made?
9) Are their any safety issues?
10) Would you buy this product?
In-depth analysis I asked 5 people between the age ranges 14 to 18 about my product. This allowed me to analysis my product from other peoples viewpoints. I asked a 17 year old girl about her opinions about the product and her overall view ; “ I like this product a lot, it is fun , attractive. I like the colour scheme. It fits well with the skull logo I would buy this product if it was on sale. However the main negative is the quality of the make as there is a few mistakes. Overall I like this design and idea and think it makes a very interesting product” i then asked a 16 year old girl in my class to give her opinions about the aspects of my work that she liked and disliked, why this was and how to improve it if I made the product again. Her response ; “I think that my favourite part of this work is that the colours contrast with the logo really well, it makes it look brighter than having all of the product bright colours . I would defiantly keep this if you made the product again. I don’t really like the typography used I don’t this it really suits the band design, however this is just my personal opinion” Finally I asked a 21 year old man what he liked in the product and if he would buy it, if not why not; “I would buy this product if it was a little more developed, I don’t think the vinyl fits very well with the design. But overall I like the design because it is clear what genre of music this band is , also the design fits well with the bands name”
How to improve my product;
I have learnt from this page that it is very important to have a 3 rd party opinion on my work to point out aspects of my work that might not be satisfactory or made to a professional standard meaning I can change these things if I re-made the product. This will help me to develop my ideas and helps me test the product for future usage and eradicate any problems that might have occurred.
I would make sure that when handling the materials I am always aware of scratches and glue marks that make damage the product leading to a less attractive product. I, if I was able, would use better materials that where more durable and less likely to rip or tear . I would also look into using different colour vinyl as it was made clear that it does not always look attractive to everyone. Also by doing this I could increase my target market and provide more profit for the band. If this product was mass produced I could reduce any mistakes I made with this one example as well as keeping the same quality of make throughout. However I will keep my logo an main theme a they were given good reviews, most people I asked thought it was attractive and relevant to my band design.