Design Task 5- A group of students in your school have formed a band and want a complete set of publicity material for their future events. The set must include a CD Case which has a minimum of four folding panels containing any number of CD’s and relevant information. The panels can fold in any direction and could hold a combination of CDs. Promotional material should also contain an item which incorporates a smart or modern material. Target Market- Questions 1. Describe the type of person who could be your typical customer (or will be your typical customer). 2. What is the age range of potential customers? 3. Are potential customers likely to be male or female, or does gender matter? 4. What is the geographical location of potential customers? Where are they likely to live? 5. What are the occupations of potential customers? 6. What are the general likes/dislikes of potential customers? 7. What does a typical customer want from the product you design and manufacture? 8. What makes your product more suitable to potential customers than that of your competitors? 9. What factors are your potential customers likely to consider before purchasing your product? 10. What do your customers value from your company, products or services? 11. How will potential customers find out about the product you are selling? 12. What have previous customers said about your company/ product? 13. Does the cost of your product influence a customers decision to buy from you?
List all the ways in which contact can be made with your potential customers.
Hello My name is Barney and I am a 15 year old male. I love music especially alternative rock music. My hobbies are skateboarding and BMX. I like to be outside and active. I do not agree with the ethical issues occurring around the world. I carry my IPOD with me all the time. I have a paper round and earn £15 a week. £8 of that total I can spend on music. I live locally and I am able to walk to school. I am going to be advising you and giving my opinions on ideas and issues in this project.
Target Market- Answers 1. My typical customer could dress in any type or colour of clothing, have any type of hair style or colour. They would have a bold personality and are not shy or worried about what they look like. Have any type of job or hobbies and be either male or female. 2. Any age, most probably from above 10. 3. Gender doesn’t matter anyone can listen to alternative rock. 4. They could live anywhere. I think that they are most likely to live on the suburbs of a busy town not in the country or on a farm. 5. Again they could have any occupation either in music or not. 6. Their likes would definitely include music especially rock. Possibly some other daring sport such as any water sports, water skiing. 7. They want a product which stands out, represents their style of music so is most likely going to consist of darker colours, bold writing . They want it to attract peoples attention. The attention of any customer. 8. The product I am designing would fit the theme of the band / group I am creating it for. It would stand out and be unique. 9. They will consider the colour, size, weight, quality of the product, the music, the layout, accessibility, price. 10. Our customers would value a high quality CD case which wouldn’t break when it is first opened and also useful content included with the package. 11. On a website, media, newspapers, magazines, leaflets, posters, through friends, on line such as facebook/twitter. 12. Previous costumers have said that the products provided are very high quality and have lasted, they contain important and useful information. 13. Yes, if the product is made with expensive materials (causing the product to be expensive) .Or hasn’t been manufactures very well and is being sold at a high price, customers are less likely to buy it. Also if it is made out of cheaper materials (causing it to cost less) yet is not made very well people will be less likely to buy it. Cost does affect the decision of the customer. 14. Through e-mail, telephone, mobile, on line through a website, over facebook, twitter, YouTube.
In this section I have found out what my customers want from me and which age range I want to be producing my product for. I know that I need to include a four fold CD case and use a smart material. I understand that all features of the CD package have to be suitable for my customers use and that I will have to take in to consideration the occupation and location of the customer.
Research plan: In the following slides I plan to complete a certain amount of research. I intend to analyse some of the items I am going to be creating. For example I may evaluate a four fold CD package, poster or a point of sales stand. I am also going to study the disassembly of a product preferably one of the products I propose to make. This will allow me to understand the specific features necessary for a successful product. I then am going to produce a product image board and study the effects of different graphical products e.g. Which products are the most eye catching? or Which products incorporate all the information necessary as well as producing an effective visual item? I am then going to research and annotate some colour themes and writing fonts. This will allow me to decide which colours complement each other and a font style as well as gaining an idea of which colours I could use on the products. I will carry out continuous evaluation of these slides through the aide of my customer profile (Barney). He will give his opinion on different slides. Another section of research I will carry out will be on Materials and tools, and Issues. The materials and tools section will allow me to be come familiar with the properties of the different materials and tools I am going to be using through out. The issues section will help me to understand the ‘issues’ which may occur during the production of these products.
CD Packaging: I plan to create the CD package for the bands CD’s. I intend to research existing 4 fold products and analyse the main features in product analysis. Posters: I intend to research and analyse a poster in product analysis to find out about colour themes and information needed for advertisement. Merchandise: Items such as T-shirts, hats, Hoodies (clothing), key rings and mugs cannot be produced as they are textile and product design based.
Adverts: Again this area would not be possible as it is ICT based and not Graphic product based. Logo: I plan to create my own logo for the band so will need to research how other companies and bands present theirs.
Website: This would not be possible to carry out as a website is ICT based and the area needed is in Graphic products.
Tickets: I will be researching concert tickets and find out key information needed. Band name: I am going to create a unique and bold name for the band. I will research existing band names for inspiration.
In this area I have found out how bands advertise and publicise themselves, through Merchandise and visual products such as posters and leaflets. I know that I need to consider font size and positioning on a poster along with how important colour is to attract a customer.
Aesthetics: This four fold CD package is compact and tidy. There is a theme which runs through out the package. The same colours (representing the light spectrum) are used in each section, the colours are very bright and stand out and are shown on a simple black, shiny background. This could be interpreted as space. The shiny reflective lion stands out on the front cover, representing the surface refraction takes place through. The typography used is the same in each section, It is cold and a simple white which contrasts with the black. All theses factors cause the CD cover to stand out. It is very simple yet is able to attract an audience. Client: I think that this product is aimed at people who have grown up between 1992 and 2009 and have listened to this style of music which has been popular previously. Cost: This product cost £14.99. I think that this is a reasonable price for this product as it is neat functional and compact it is also stylish and does not look messy. It also contains 3 CD’s and information booklet. Environment: This product is made mainly from card and plastic, which can both be recycled. This package is very thin compared to other existing packages using minimal plastic to hold the CD’s and thin card which is easier to recycle than plastic. Ergonomics: This product is small, compact for storage. It is easy to open and use as it all folds out in one showing the 3 CD’s and the information booklet. As it is made out of thin plastic and card it is very light and easy to transport if necessary, and would easily fit in a CD case. However, being made out of card and paper, it is susceptible to damage from water and generally just from being used. Safety: As this product is made out of card and plastic it is fairly safe. Users may be susceptible to paper cuts or harm from hard corners, staples may pose as a problem for younger children or others who are unaware. If the plastic cracked it could form sharp edges which may cause problems. Size: As a compact package it is: in width it is 145mm, in height it is 150mm and in length it is 125mm. As a The package fully opened up it is: 595mm in width and 125mm in height. The plastic CD holders are 135mm in width, 3mm in height and 120mm in length. Function: This packages purpose is to provide a holder for the CD’s to keep them clean and safe. This specific product also contains a sleeve for an information booklet. It folds up to stop the CD’s from falling out. Materials: This product is made out of card, plastic, glue, and printer ink. In most areas all of these products are used. The ink covers the whole package both matt and shiny. Plastic is used on three areas along with the glue and card to provide a sturdy structure.
In this area I have found out how to analyse a product and what is needed to create a successful product. The materials are very important as they will be dependant upon whether the product will last and be functional. The most important feature is the front of the package as it will be the first section the customer will see. It has to be unique and eye-catching.
In this area I have found out how to analyse a poster what features are needed to create a successful advertising poster, including; colour, font, and details. Through experience I was drawn to this specific poster due to the position of the logo and the colours. The Layout is especially important as it will present the important information as well as the not so important information.
Aesthetics: This product has a simple colour theme and represents the summer. It is bright, vibrant and shows how colours are represented, light blue causing a happy joyful theme. It has a simple logo at the top which is easy to recognise and follows on with the present colour theme. Due to the images around the boarder and base it is easy to recognise what the poster is advertising. All of the information needed, is in the centre, to draw the attention of the audience. The band names are shown as a hierarchy, the more famous artists have their logos present on the poster, are enlarged and have priority over others at the top of the page. The further down the poster you look the smaller the writing, showing the less important the artist. The most important information is highlighted with a bright yellow speech bubble which stands out on the faded background. Client: I think that this poster is aimed at people who are listening to the type of music or have previously listened to the type of music shown on the poster. Possibly aged between 14 and 40 and are willing to go camping, stay standing for a few hours and don’t mind walking around in mud. Older people, over 60 and children below 14 are not going to be interested in this advertisement as they; may not like the music or may find it difficult to attend (unsafe). Cost: I don’t think that this poster will cost very much as it has a simple design, so will not need very many different coloured inks. The bolder images are small and will not need very much ink. It will be printed on paper which will not cost as much as card. If this poster is ordered in bulk it may be cheaper. However unless it is going to be stuck in shop windows, it will need to be laminated or printed in some water proof material which will cost more to produce. Environment: As this poster is made out of paper and computer ink only it is fairly environmentally friendly. The paper can be recycled and there is smallest possible amount of ink used which will not cause may problems. If they are laminated then it can also be recycled as it has been protected with plastic. However the posters cannot be recycled if they are thrown on the floor, which may pose as a problem. Ergonomics: The product is bright and bold making it easy to see. The product is efficient in advertising the festival as all the details needed are visible on the poster, with the most important highlighted in a contrasting colour to the background . All the information which would attract the customer is in the centre. Safety: This poster is very safe as it is a piece if paper; it has no sharp edges and there are not any separate components for children to choke on. The only possible danger to someone would be a paper cut, however posters tent to be on walls and no one will be handling them. Size: Posters come in various sizes. I plan to create a poster in size A4 as it is a compact size however offers enough space for writing to be enlarged enough for people to see it and read it. Other sizes may be A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5 for poster sizes. However the size all depends on where it is being presented. Function: This poster has been made to provide information about a festival. I contains all of the artists names and specific information; where it is and information needed for bookings. This specific poster does provide the correct information and advertises a lot of artists. Materials: This product is made out of printable paper and computer ink. However manufacturers may adjust the design to make it waterproof ; in this case using plastic as well.
Colour scheme: Red has been chosen to be the main colour in the colour scheme as it is bold and people are automatically drawn to the colour red. It is very simple as there are only 3 main colours. Images: The images on the front have been specifically arranged and chosen to attract the buyer and reflect the product.
Logo: The logo has been enlarged and is easy to see on the white background . It has been repeated down the side so that it is visible from every angle so the customer knows which brand they are buying from.
content is also very important as well as the layout.
Typography, colour and size: In some cases the writing has been made as small as possible to save money and in other cases it has been made large, bold and unique to stand out and advertise the product. The colours contrast with the darker background and are easy to see. The name has also been placed in the centre so that it is the first think the buyer notices on the package.
The inside: There is purposely no ink printed on the inside if the package. It is done for may reasons but mainly to save valuable money and time; taken to produce and apply the ink on another surface. To apply ink on the inside would be a waste as no customers will need to see it for advertisement and sale. It may also cause damage to the product it’s self . It is unnecessary.
Universal logos: Everyone knows the meaning of these logos. This specific one (the recycling logo) has been used to remind the buyer that the product can be recycled. It has been positioned on the back as it is not important for sales.
Bar code: the bar code has been placed on the bottom as it does not affect the decision of the buyer, however is needed for identification.
Product information: The product information is compulsory, however is not needed in view for advertisement. Small yet visible writing has been used to reduce the amount of ink and money.
Glue tabs: The smallest amount of glue possible is used to reduce packaging costs. No ink has been applied on the glue tabs as they are not visible. They are folded under to hold the product together. Overlapping ink: Not every area of the package has been covered with ink as this would be unnecessary. However the edges of the glue tabs have been overlapped with ink to make sure that if there is a problem with assembly them no white will show down the sides, and spoil the effect of the design.
In this area I have found out what specific details and features of a package make it unique and functional as well as customer friendly. They have to be eye-catching and functional at the same time. The informational
Viewing hole: This is a key selling point as it gives the buyer a chance to see the product without having to open the package.
Product materials: The product has been made from card, as it is cheap, recyclable and easy to shape/fold. Card is also easy to print ink on to as it has a smooth mat surface.
We do not have the facilities to disassemble a four fold CD case as we do not have enough to disassemble. Therefore I am going to analyse the structure of an image of one. When I assemble my four fold CD case I need to make sure that all of my creases are sharp and straight and are neat as well. This will ensure that the folds in my CD case are precise and fold at 90째 angles. I also need to make sure that none of the ink on my CD case smudges especially any black I use as it is the worst to smudge. This CD case folds up a specific way therefore when I create mine I will have to take into consideration the sizes of the spines so that it folds up neatly and all of the sections fit correctly. I will also have to make sure that all of the images I have printed on to my CD case join up at the seams.
Cut and creased lines created by a Die cutter: Using a Die cutter is a quick and efficient way of producing and repeating the nets needed.
I really like the way that this CD is being held with in the CD case. I may use this as an idea in my development of my net so that it is Unique and different from any normal CD cases.
I think that this slide was relevant as it allowed me to develop my understanding of Photoshop and practice the skills needed for areas further on in the project. I chose to use a range of layers linked to a music theme, colours and a variety of other images which I thought I may be able to gather inspiration from. I have also chosen to include current logos in use to show the simplicity of logo a logo design. The images I have chosen will allow me to create a multitude of logo designs due to the colours and subjects.
In this area I have found out what a good advertising poster looks like, what effects are used to make product publicity items good at advertising such as the colour, font and layout. Most effective graphical products are blended well and do features on them stick out. They all use eye catching colours.
1. This is a simple font it is easy to read and does not have any intricate detail. However the colour scheme in the background does effect the appearance of the font as the darker colour detracts from the shape and look of the typography. I think that this style matches the theme of the title.
2. This font is very thin and the white around the edge makes it hard to read. The complementary colours cause the writing to be easier to read and do not effect the altogether look. The typography matches the title of the band and would work even better on lighter harmonising background.
3. The colours in this section are dull and boring. The central colour detracts from the other complementary colours. Due to this the font seems bolder. The typography is very simple and easy to read however it does not represent the name of the band as it too basic and would be easier to read on a lighter background.
4. These background colours are very bright and allow this style of font to stand out. The typography is chunky, bold and easy to read. Due to this it is visible on most coloured backgrounds. This style gives the word ‘delusion’ a different meaning. This style of writing would have to be used with a vibrant and happy surrounding.
5. This style of writing could be misinterpreted for another word. Due to the extra symbols and misshapen letters it causes the font to be harder to read than the other fonts. However this does add to the overall effect of the font. The background also complements the writing as they complement each other and the writing.
6. This font is a block text representing an ‘military’ style writing. It is easily understandable and can be seen well on the purple and yellow however as it is dark cannot be seen easily on the black. It could be made more visible by changing the colour of the font. The yellow and purple complement each other and as the black is a shade it goes well with every colour.
7. This font is meant to represent a country western style. Again it is bold and easy to read. It doesn't contain any specific details and would be easy to incorporate it with any colour theme. However this specific one works well as they provide a strong contrast between them, bringing the dull black of the font to life.
I really like the first style of writing. It is simple and I can read it. This font is representative of the band title and would stand out on any colour background. I do not like colour theme number 5. Although they all harmonise with each other they are still a bit dull and not very eye catching.
Primary Colours; There are only three primary colours; yellow, blue and red. They can not be formed by mixing other colours together. Primary colours are the base of each colour on the colour wheel.
In this section I have learnt which colours act with and against each other to provide the best combinations for different contexts. I now also know that I need to have a bold visible style of font if I am to use any bright vibrant colours as they stand out better. I know that the style of font also will reflect the band, name and music. The colours are especially important in creating a memorable logo which can be recognised by anyone.
Tertiary colours; There are six tertiary colours. They are formed by mixing a tertiary colour and a secondary colour together. They are usually described or named as the mix of these colours, such as; blue-green, green-yellow or red-purple. However they may also be named as light orange, pink, dark green.
Secondary colours; Secondary colours are formed by mixing two primary colours (or opposite primary colours) together. Purple is an example of a secondary colour, it is formed by mixing an equal ratio of blue and red. There are three secondary colours; blue, yellow and red. Harmonising/ Analogous colours; Harmonising colours are beside each other on the colour wheel. They will always be a tertiary, and a secondary or a primary colour. Harmonising colours are used in colour schemes as they are similar and blend in well. Purple and pink, Green and yellow and yellow and orange are all examples of harmonising colours.
Complementary Colours; Complementary colours are opposite each other on the colour wheel. They provide a strong contrast, causing each colour to stand out boldly. Yellow and purple, red and blue or red and green are all examples or complementary colours as they contrast each other.
Colour association: White; Surrender, Empty, Ghostly, Peaceful, Innocence, Forgiveness, Snow, Winter. Orange; Energy, Fire, Power, Warmth, Friendship, Speed, Autumn, Halloween. Black; Dark, Night, Respect, Horror, Death, Nightmare, Strength, Unknown, Intimidation. Green; Nature, Freshness, Jealousy, Natural, Safety, Calm, Spring, Grass, Growth. Yellow; Summer, Warmth, Happiness, Hope, Party, Carefree, Excitement, Optimism. Red; Anger, Burning, Warning, Danger, Blood, Love, Courage, Heat, Fire, Power Blue; Peace, Calm, Serenity, Cold, Ice, Sea, Relaxed, Sky, Tranquillity, Youth. Purple; Dreams, Drifting, Wealth, Power, Safety. Logo designs and colours:
In this section I have learnt which materials and tools will be suitable for making my products. I now know that I need to take into account the specific properties of the tools and I need to be aware of he safety issues. Each material has a particular function and I know that all materials are uses for the correct job.
Where will it be used?
Safety issues
Craft Knife
Used for cutting and scoring card and thicker material. Especially intricate detail.
It will be used to cut out the four fold CD package net. Score lines for the folds and possible cut out other paper based products.
It has a very sharp blade which could easily harm someone if it is not used carefully.
Cutting Mat
A pliable material which is subject to scratching and slicing however shows barely any wear. It returns to its original shape to be used again.
Along with the Craft knife.
There are no visible safety issues which will cause any serious harm.
Metal safety ruler
Used to protect the hand whilst using the craft knife. It is durable and strong.
Along with the craft knife and cutting mat .
It is very hard and may have sharp corners; they could cut or scratch someone if not used correctly.
Metal ruler
It is made out of metal therefore is very strong and durable. It is resistant to minor damage so keeps a straight edge.
It will be used to measure and draw straight lines whilst drawing designs for the net of logo designs.
Similar to the safety ruler it may have sharp corners.
White card
It is pliable yet sturdy and can have ink applied to it easily.
It may be used to create posters, tickets and flyers or the design of the four fold CD package.
There is minimal harm caused from card as it is thicker than paper and there will be less chance of paper cuts.
Grey board
It is a very thick and sturdy material.
It will be used in my point of sales stand and as the base material for the four fold CD package.
There are very few safety issues for this material as it is thick.
Pritt stick
Used to glue card or paper to paper or card. It is very thin and easy to apply and quick drying.
To stick the design of the four fold CD cover on to the grey board. To stick together paper to
There are no safety issues
Cartridge paper
Thin, flexible and allows easy appliance of ink.
Used to print ink based designed on to. Create the front of the point of sales stand.
May cause paper cuts
Flexible, shiny plastic based material with a peel off back can be stuck on to other materials. Designs can be created on the computer then printed to form stickers.
On the four fold CD package to create a raised look in some area e.g. title.
There are no safety issues.
Sticky on one side and smooth and transparent on the other. Strong material for holding together paper and card.
May be used to attach the stand on to the back of the point of sales stand.
There are no safety issues
Masking tape
Sticky on one side and has similar properties to paper on the other. Strong material for holding together paper and card.
May be used to attach the stand on to the back of the point of sales stand. Also to provide straight lines as a guide.
There are no safety issues
Glue gun
Allows accurate application to intricate areas of work. Its stronger and holds together firmer materials.
Could be used to attach together the point of sales stand.
The glue is very hot and can cause burns.
Material or Tool
Rating (how useful will it be)
In this section I have learnt about how important all the issues there are to take into consideration. The all have to be thought about thoroughly before the products are designed and created. I need to know where the materials I will use are from and under what conditions they were made.
Ethical: An ethical issue is a matter dealing with the morals and principles of humanity. Some people may find certain things offensive due to their beliefs or ethics. The Product may be effected by ethical issues. I cannot include any features which may offend people such as swear words, certain colours a specific topic or possibly some logos or icons. The background production of the product may involve a situation linked to some ethical issues for example the method of manufacture, the country of manufacture or the employees producing it. Would you buy a product manufactured by 5 year olds in China? Environmental: An environmental issue is a matter involving how our actions may effect the environment. In my product I will ensure that I use reclaimed and recycled materials so that there are very few trees, plant and habitats being damaged during the production of it. For example I will use recycled card and paper, this will reduce the wastage of materials used and possible decrease the cost of the total product . Sustainable: A sustainable issue is a matter involving the correct use of resources to ensure that we do not run out. By monitoring the amount of trees we use we can create a sustainable environment. For example whilst creating my product I will make sure that I use paper and card from sustainable forest – one tree was felled and another three are planted as to ensure we do not run out or resources. Fair Trade: Fair trade is a matter which ensures that the farmers providing and growing the resources get a fair share of the money created from their produce, enough money to feed their families and live a reasonably easy life. I hope to use fair trade materials, so that I can support these actions. Carbon footprint: Carbon footprint is a word used to describe the amount of CO2 an object produces. For example a person who uses their car every day, has a greater carbon footprint than someone who walks everywhere. I plan to use materials and products which will have contributed very little to the increase of CO2 during their production. I may use recycled paper or card. Green designs: A green design is a product which considers the environmental and sustainable issues which may be linked to the development or use of the product. For example a house which has done this may have double glazed windows or insulation. I plan to use materials which have had no negative effects on the environment. Such as using recycled materials that have been created using possible sustainable materials. Recycling: Recycling is when materials that have been created and no longer have any other use as it’s self are broken down and then used to create new products. A aluminium can which can no longer be used as a can, is broken down with other aluminium products to produce different metal goods which can be used again and again. I intend to use recycled products through out this project. Reclaimed materials: Reclaimed materials are similar to recycled products as they are being r used . However reclaimed materials are used as they are found. For example in demolition some bricks are salvaged and used to in the new project to save on money and to reduce CO2 . Theses materials are not reprocessed in any way. I plan to use any reclaimed materials if they be paper, card, wood etc. Wastage: By being aware of most of the issues above I am able to reduce waste. For example instead of cutting a shape from the centre of a piece of card, I can use as much of the space close to the edge. This reduces wastage and allows other people to reclaim this material. I will try to use the minimum amount of any material to reduce cost as well as wastage.
I have found out what minor details need to be reassessed so that I have the maximum amount of information included within my presentation. I now also know the simplified versions of all the target market and parts of the analytical side of the project such as knowing what average size and cost my product will be.
Safety: I need to make sure that the products I am creating have no sharp edges or any loose part that someone may choke on. As I will ne using card and paper for most of my products there is a very low chance of someone hurting themselves.
Size and Weight: Through my product analysis I have established that the average size for a four fold CD case is around 145mm in width, 150mm in height and in length it is 125mm. This is it’s compact size. It needs to be small enough to be portable yet large enough to provide protection. It must also be light and made from a suitable material.
Cost: I need to ensure that my product is a reasonable price as my target audience is school children/ young adults. Therefore they will not have a huge income or a lot of spare money to spend on music. I envisage that this product will cost a maximum of £3.00 to make. This allows there to be a profit when being sold.
Durability: The durability of this product will be dependant on the construction of the product. If the product has not been assembled in detail it will not last as long. It is going to be handled a lot and will need to be hard to protect the CD’s.
Function: The function of the products I am creating are dependant on the materials used to create them. I will ensure that the size weight durability and materials are all appropriate for the function of the products.
Instructions: The four fold CD package I analyse contained a section specifically for a booklet. This contained band Information and song lyrics. I may include this in my product as it adds an individual touch.
Ergonomics: I plan to make my product simple to use and appropriate for the function and customer by making it an suitable size and weight . I will be a simple design.
Target Market: My product is aimed at school children as it I am making it for a school band . I will have to ensure that they are reasonably prices as not may of my customers will have a lot of money to spend on music weekly.
Materials: I need to use materials which are suitable for the function of the product such as using grey board for the Point of sales stand as it sturdy , can be recycled and is cheap. I will try to waste as little material as possible through out the project.
Timescale: This product is being produced in stages. Our final deadline December 2013.
Testing: I would test my products by allowing them to be peer assessed. For example I could do a questionnaire about it and ask how functional it is to use as well as how easy and suitable it is a s a product.
Issues: There may be a few issues linked to the development of these products. For example some issues may include recycling, wastage, Fair trade, sustainability and ethical. One Ethical issue may be that I need to be wary about the content I include on the design of my CD cover.
Environmental Issues: I am going to try to use as many recycled materials as possible to reduce wastage. This is easy to achieve due to the demand on recycled paper. However other environmental issues are not as easy to achieve as It may be hard to make my product waterproof as well as making it aesthetically pleasing.
Aesthetics: All of the graphical product I am creating need to have a running colour theme. They all need to be eye catching and representational of the band. They may include a logo. I need to make sure that the Images used are not copyrighted and do not represent any ethical issues.
I really like the simplicity of the black and the white on both of those logos. The writing really stands out. I still think that the style of writing on the typography slide works well with many colours.
This logo is very simple and only consists of two colours. The writing is easy to read against both the black and the white. The font of the writing is reasonably bold and depending on the colour used would be visible on many backgrounds. However the image isn’t very representative of the section it is from.
The original design of this logo is very simple and doesn’t consist of very many components. The colours are all very simple (using primary colours). However I really like the effect on the title as it draws attention to the name. I may use this logo if it is a bit neater.
I really like this design, it is simple but attractive. The stripes inside the bird make the logo look original and there is an on going colour theme which uses tints and shades of the primary colour blue. It is very simple as a logo should be however the stripes may pose as a problem against different coloured backgrounds.
This logo design has not changed very much from the original line drawing. The colours have been inverted to make it bold against lighter backgrounds. To improve I could change the colour so that it is more visible on different coloured backgrounds. I could also have something else going on in the background, to make it less dull.
In this section I have learnt how to incorporate my research from previous slides into my logos such as ideas from my mood board and colour theory section. For example I have used complementary colours and cold writing to make the logos stand out.
This design is very dark and therefore makes the writing very difficult to read. The writing is very thin and would be more visible on a lighter background. I also do not think that it represents the band name very well. To improve it I could include more components but only small, so not crowd it.
I really like this design idea. It is very simple and uses complementary and harmonious colours. It is easy to know what it is representing. However I think I could have enhanced it more by adding more of the pink to the foot. The darker edges also add definition to the shape of it.
1) This logo is very dark compared to the other ones designed. I separated the initial logo into five sections and then filled them with different colours. The overall logo has had a pre set style applies to give the logo an outline and gradient effect. The dark background however only allows the font to stand out well.
4)This logo also uses contrasting colours to make the font stand out. This effect is different as it is only the central few letters which have been highlighted. The increased number of birds creates more depth to the logo instead of having just one. This font is also one of the fonts I proposed to use in my logo ideas as it is bold and stylish.
2)I have incorporated one of my proposed colour schemes into this logo. They are contrasting colours which allows the whole logo to stand out especially on the white background. The technique to creating this logo was very basic as I only filled the initial idea in block colour and sharpened the edges extensively to create a blurred effect.
3) This logo uses complementary colours and a simple font to create an effective design. It works well on a white background as the colours are gradually fading out and becoming lighter anyway. The font is very bold and is easy to read, it would have the same effect without the extra lines inside.
In this section I have learnt how to combine different colours to create a colour theme which could be used later on in the project. I now also know that complex logos aren’t always the most effective and the font and writing should stay simple so that they are easy to read. 5) This logo has been created by stretching the word ‘delusion’ and pasting it into the initial logo idea, after is was altered with one of the pre set effects. There is a continued theme of different shades of blue which may cause the logo to be hard to see however the font is fairly bold.
6) This logo idea is very basic and a bit dull, although it can be developed using different colours. The font is also not very easy to see as the outline is faint. However The colour theme works as the colours are both contrasting and complementary.
I really like the basic logos. They have a better effect as there is not as much going on. My favourites are number 3 and number 4, they use faded colours and are not too bright. I really do not like number 1 because it is too complicates.
In this section I have learnt how to use the burn tool in Photoshop the replace colours in certain sections so that there are random sections of different colours where I want them to be. I now know that I have to consider the style of the font and the colour when using it with specific colours and themes.
7) This logo has been created by multiplying and shrinking the initial shape and then applying one of the paint brushes. I have only used two colours so that it is simple and not too busy. The font is very bold and easy to read and fits in well with the development.
8) This logo is different from the other developments as it has a dark background and uses most rainbow colours. This would be complicated as a logo as it uses so many colours, however it does have a nice effect and the font is bold and easy to read. In some places, for example on the lighter backgrounds the colour of the writing makes it less visible.
10) This logo uses primary and neutral colours which are all very basic. The initial logo has been filled with other feet silhouettes to enforce the foot theme. This font stands out really well on the dark background as it is even bolder in white.
9) This logo also uses primary colours therefore they are all contrasting. The colours have been faded so that they are not so vibrant. The font isn't so chunky which allows more of the initial logo to be seen however this does not detract from the style of the font. A neutral colour for the font is better as it allows the writing to be seen more easily
11) This logo has been developed from the initial idea. It was created by filling the original drawn logo idea with block colour and then burning the sections that I wanted to keep the same colour. Other colours were applied on top to give this effect of the random sections of colour. The font is very original and works well with the background as it is both black and white.
None of these logos really detract from the overall appearance of the logo as they are all fairly simple. As number 1 and number 6 both use paint brushes from Photoshop they are slightly more complicated. Number 9 is my favourite here as the colours are not as bright and the feet are positioned differently to the other logos. 12) This logo uses primary and secondary colours so that they contrast each other and allow the logo to stand out. This is also one set of colours selected from my mood board and colour themes. The dark font is bold and stands out even more on the faded background.
13) This logo is very basic and a bit boring as it only uses two colour; black and white. It is easy to see what the logo is however the writing is very hard to read. It merges with the outline of the shape and the colour makes it harder to see as it is grey. The font in think and should be slightly bolder against a darker background to make it more visible.
16) This logo is very colourful and bright. It stands out really well against the white background and can be easily recognised as two hands. Some of the lines inside the hands are back and some are white just so that they are not all the same. The font works well with the colours as it is neutral and very bold. I used the rainbow colours to represent everything on my mood board.
14) This logo uses an image from Google images. However I have adapted the colours to suit my colour themes and to make it original so that it hasn't been copied. The image around the outside is also a pattern from online however I chose this one because it highlights the shape and adds more colour to the logo so that it isn't so boring. I also only used the outline of the logo because the other lines were hard to see on the patterned background.
17) This logo has been created by applying an image from Google into the logo template. The details inside are still visible as they have been done in white. This colour theme has been developed from one taken from the mood board. This logo has a theme of danger as the font also shows this with the bold black writing as it is in your face. It has been placed at the side so that both the name and the hand are both visible.
15) This logo is original. It has been created by erasing all of the detail in the centre of the initial logo idea so that only the outline is left. It has then been filled with different widths and angle of stripes . It uses complementary vibrant colours to make it look bold. The font it easy to read and there are no sections of the logo which are complex.
18) The contrasting colours of this logo really make it stand out from the others. Although the font is very thin it can still be seen easily and works well with the style. This colour theme has been developed from and existing one chosen from the mood board, only with a variation in the colours. This theme could be used with the other logos as well.
In this section I have learnt how to apply different images from Google images into different sections of my logos by using the magic wand on Photoshop. This can be done with the gradient tool as well. I now know that the style of writing also has an effect on the overall outcome of the logo and if the font is not right it can detract from the colours, position and shape of the initial idea.
These logos are all different from the previous ones as they use bold block colours and are very simple. My favourite one is number 18 as it stands out the most and the colours contrast with each other. I think that number 1 is too bland and the inside is too bust therefore it is too hard to read the writing.
Overall appearance
Easy to understand
Professional looking
Total (out of 50)
Self assess
Self assess
Self assess
Peer assess
Peer assess
Peer assess
In this section I have now gained an understanding of what is needed to produce a successful logo. By evaluating these logos it allows me to develop them further to make them even better and more professional. The peer assessment is the most helpful and useful as the results are un biased and allow me to pick up on the real issues with my logos so that I can successfully change the feature which other people will pick up on.
Colour choice
Design of logo
I think that out of the previously evaluated logos the one I am most likely going to take forward to use is number 4 . It uses a colour theme which works well and can be manipulated easily to product a piece of work with a continuous colour theme. It is also very simple therefore is easy to understand.
In this slide I have learnt what essential features I need to include on my poster, Ticket, CD cover, Tyveck wristband, CD and point of sales stand. These include important features such as dates, band name etc. The most important feature is the presentation and the layout of each of the items we are creating and developing.
Poster: It is essential to have the following on a poster; •Band name/s (in bold)- so that the audience knows who is playing •Venue- So that the audience know where to go •A colourful image- to attract the audience
•Logo- So that the audience know who are playing •Date- So that the audience know when it is •Price- So that the audience know how much it is (for children/adults/pensioners) • A Website address or link to face book or twitter etc.- So that the audience can contact the organisers or buy tickets
Ticket: It is essential to have the following on a ticket: •Lead band (in bold) so that the audience know who they are going to see •The venue so that the audience know where to go •The date so that the audience know when it is •The time so that the audience when it is –including when the doors open
CD cover: It is essential to have the following on a CD cover; •Eye catching design- Including colour theme and suitable design relating to the band
•An age rating so that the audience know if it is suitable for certain ages •A price so that the audience know how much they have to pay •An advertising company or the organisers (in this case it is O2)- they may include information e.g. we address •A hologram ensures that the ticket is legitimate and has not been forged.
•Name of the album in a suitable font-so that the audience know what album they are listening to. •A unique design -which allows the band to stand out •On the back- a list of songs, and bar code, another image
•Band name in bold-so that the audience knows who they are going to see •Matching colour theme to logo- so that everything relates It is essential to have the following on a wristband (depending on the use but using •Matching font to logo-so that all of their products relate •Possibly images- band profiles the situation of it being for a concert);
Tyvek wristband:
CD; It is essential to have the following on a CD; •Relating colour theme-so that all items can be matched and related
Point of sales stand;
•Band name- so that it can be identified. •Album name- so that each album can be identified differently •Unique design- So that the band can be see as individual
•Accurate space for CD- so that the CD case fits in correctly •Logo- so that the band can be identified It is essential to have the following on POS stand; •Price- So that the audience knows how much the CD is •Band name- again so that the audience know who is advertising •Relating colour theme- as an indication to who is advertising but also to link in with •Extra advertising features- such as ‘NEW’ or ‘Out Now’ to attract the attention of the audience. their logo.
Net 1:All of these net designs are fairly simple and incorporate the elements needed in the brief. This design could be adapted to hold 2 CD’s by making the spine larger. However it has space for a booklet and enough room for extra designs on each end of the net. The way it folds together may mean that it could fall open easily as there are no tabs holding it together. However a pocket could be created to put the case into to keep everything neat
Net 2: I like this design the most out of the three I have created. There is little variation between the three however this case has room for 2 CD’s and a booklet. One spine is larger than the other to accommodate the 2 CD’s. The booklet will be seen as the holder will only cover half of it, therefore the CD case design and the booklet could be created to blend together. I also included a cut out section which would look through to the other side of the booklet flap, this is where a band name could be to bring the whole design together.
This page allows me to think about what ideas and designs would work and which wouldn’t. Nets are a way on visualising the final product and creating measurements for all of the sides. This means that I will be able to model theses designs to see if what I have said is correct.
Net 3: The way that these designs have been created would mean that a design would need to be created for each side of the CD case. This design is similar to design 1 as the spines could be adjusted to accommodate another CD. I don’t think that this design will be as strong and sturdy as the others, however it should stay together without any extra help due to the tab to hold everything together. Although this front flap would meant that the CD case would stay together, it may break easily at the spin on either edge of the triangle is very thin. This design is also similar to design 2, as a section could be cut out to see through on to the back of flap 3.
Net 1: This design is very simple and uses the basic design of the four fold net. This design now has a sleeve on the third flap from the left which includes a gap to take out any leaflet. The CD space has been placed on the second flap from the left. The position of these two features makes everything symmetrical so that when it is opened all of the main features are central. Net 2: This design has also been developed from the original four fold CD case. It is very similar to net one however has space for two CD’s, and view hole and a more jaunty space to hold a leaflet. This design is simple and would be easy to produce. With this model I had to ensure that the spine between the two CD’s was large enough to accommodate both of them when they are folded over. In this slide I have learnt to make sure that the designs which I will produce are accurate otherwise I will encounter problems when it comes to the making of my product. I know that nets 1 and 2 are more stable and would be more efficient if I were to use them due to there sturdy design, there are no folds which would break and they look neat and secure.
Net 3: This design is slightly more complex as it folds in many different ways. It opens out into five different flaps including the front of the CD case. On the far right flap there will be a sleeve to hold a leaflet and the CD’s will go on the two middle flaps. I have made sure again that the spines are large accommodate the CD’s. This design is probably the worst out of the three as the front flap is only held on by two tiny sections which would mean that it could tear off easily. To amend this I could have cut out the triangle leaving a gap at the edges so that it doesn't have any weaknesses.
Net design development:
Number 1: This design didn't work because the featured flaps were in the wrong place which meant it couldn’t glue together.
Number 2: This design didn’t work because there wan no way of levering the CD in and out of the case.
In this area I have learnt where the design that I have chosen may go wrong. I need to be careful when I am folding so that I get the folds in the correct place, and also when I am gluing (I have chosen to use super glue because it produces a sturdier structure and there will be a lot of pressure on parts of my CD case when it has been made).
Number 3: This design was the nearest to working however didn't because some of the folds were in the wrong place and other places which should have been glued were not.
This design is very complex and will need to be handled carefully when being constructed. It has been measures to be slightly larger than the average CD case ( which is about 12x13) This CD design is 13x14 instead to give room for the CD itself.
This is my final design that I have chosen to use and develop. The idea came from a current CD case which I have modified. I tried four different net designs and used trial and improvement to find out why the net didn’t work. It stores the CD safely. It does contain four folds which glue together to make it more sturdy. However it is complex and may become hard to produce a design for. The only problem there is, is that the actual structure may have to be increased to accommodate the CD, so that the case doesn’t break whilst using it.
1. This was my firs attempt at making the CD case with the correct dimension . This model had the correct dimensions however the mechanism was tight and I had to insert slits into the side to help the CD out.
2. I made this one 1cm higher to see if the CD would fit, However it was still tight and I needed to insert slits again.
3. I then changed the dimensions of the mechanism in the middle by making the middle section on the net longer. The CD fitted but again the corners were too tight.
4. This time I made the design higher and narrower, higher than 2. With this one the corners would not allow the CD to close and began to tear, so I ken that it needed to be wider.
5. The CD fitted perfectly in this one which was now 14 cm x 14 cm. However I realised that these dimensions were a considerable amount bigger than a real CD case.
6. I managed to decrease the height by 1cm which made the dimensions more like a commercial CD case. The CD still fitted and probably worked better than the previous one.
7. This was the design that I created a net for on photo shop, to use for the real product. I did a trial run to make sure that it worked. The measurements that I had used on photo shop were 4 cm too long in the centre section, which made the mechanism protrude . However the other dimensions were correct.
On this page I learnt how important it is to control check everything because although I thought my measurements were correct, my human error altered the dimensions and would have resulted in the product being unsatisfactory. However in the end after all of the checks the dimensions of the final design were correct.
Stage one of my design involved me laying out my band name and tour name. I then took the colour theme I had chosen and used it in the font. I have taken the design of the band name from my logo however removed the symbol. I filled in the begging letters of each word to make them stand out.
Stage two involved me incorporating the sponsors logos to make it look more professional. I added a twitter and Facebook icon because during analysis I found that all professional looking posters included them.
Stage three however meant that I had to create a development of my existing logo. I produced it by using the original logo as a template and then filling the template with different shades of blue squares to give it an abstract effect. After that I placed the enlarged bird symbol in the corner as a starting point for the rest of my design.
Stage four involved me creating dozens of pink shaded squares and arranging them around the bird symbol to make a random pattern. Each square was a different size so that there was no repetition. The colour theme came from y chosen logo.
In this section I have learnt how to quickly crop and copy images from online such as the Dafont words. This can be done by doing ’crop’ then select inverse and press ‘delete’. This made the production of many of my designs much quicker as I did not have to erase the background separately.
I really like how the logo has been adapted to fit in with the overall theme, yet is still noticeably developed from the original logo. The colour theme is continues and there is a lot of relevant information used
I then chose I simple and bold font to use to write the venue names and dated in. This part needs to stand out the most as people need to see the information. I arranged the so that they fitted into the shape od the existing design to make the curve flow.
I then added a lit of supporting band names to make the poster more realistic. I used other peoples band named from the class and some of the fonts they have used. The big bold font saying ‘presentation’ came from I thought that it would stand out and draw the audiences attention to the information.
This is my final design I think that it would have been more effective without the black bold ‘presenting’ font as I have not used it throughout my presentation. I would have also made the layout of the band name neater and in keeping with the design.
In this section I have learnt how to adapt my chosen theme so that it all still fits together. I did this by altering the opacity and fill levels on the back so that there was variation. I also learned how to
I started by using a similar style to my poster however from the corner. I created each square with the shape tool and photo shop and varied the shade of each.
I then chose a simple style of typography from so it could easily be seen on the leaflet. I made sure that the writing fitted around the shape of the squares to look like they joined.
Next I added the name and tour name at he bottom in large writing so that it stood out. I put the band name on an angle to show variation in the publicity material.
I again added the logos and icons for the same reason as the poster.
And finally added my logo. It was hard to decide where to put it as it is so detailed and if I used the plain one it would not fit in as well. However I chose to place it under the writing and increase the opacity.
I used this symbol on the back of my flyer. It is usually used on leaflets so people are able to find out more information instantly by scanning it. I have used one on the front and back of my leaflet to make it more realistic. I have put it at the bottom of each of my leaflet designs so that it is not in the way of the designs and main features.
This is a suitable flyer. It contains the relevant information such as venue, date, time,. The band name and tour name are in bold and in the centre so that they are visible. The background is still white which is part of the colour scheme however also makes the flyer more effective as it is more simple. The back of my leaflet had to be very simple as it will not be seen as much. It needed to include some of the band details.
I then increased the opacity to make the background more subtle and allow the writing to stand out and be easy to read.
I decided to then add a number of the bands name on angles to make the design more intriguing and not just repetitive and similar to the other designs.
Finally I increased the opacity of the bold band name to make it more subtle and less eye catching as all of the information is on the front. I added the scan icon, and also a link to twitter and face book which I had noticed cold be found on most modern advertisements during my research. This made the leaflet look more professional, up to date and linked to the band.
I created both my CD designs in a similar way. I began by taking a template, which was created with the correct dimensions and resolution. For both variations of my designs I used the fill tool on photo shop to fill the CD’s with two of the colours from the colour theme of blue, pink and white. I then chose to use the logo with I had developed further and create a variation of it by using an effect. I started by positioning the logo in the centre and then applying the colour dodge effect for the blue CD and the screen effect for the pink CD which made the logos stand out. Then I added a CD title in the style of the typography I had used fro the band name to make sure that all of the designs link together. I did some research to find out what else was found on a CD such as information and icons and then included a ‘compact disc’ icon which was found on many other CD’s and also some writing around the edge of the CD which I took from a design on line and edited on photo shop. I again found that through research many CD’s have a symbol similar to this to tell the buyer what format of disc it is. It has to be reasonably sized for it to be useful however not so large that it draws in the audiences attention. I placed it just off the centre in a blank gap to that it doesn’t cover any of the design.
I designed the booklet to fit inside a pocket in the CD case. I began by measuring the size of the pocket on the CD case to give me a guideline for this booklet. I then made the measurements 1cm smaller on both sides to ensure that the booklet would fit easily. On photo shop I produced a blank template twice the size which I would be able fold over or cut p to produce a booklet. I then added the band name and tour name in the chosen font on what will be the booklet front. I then created a design for the front and this time used my initial logo idea as I wanted to create a design with a combination of all of my design ideas on it. Through research I found that the booklets in CD’s often contain information about the band or their lyrics so I found an existing one on Google to use in this booklet which will be found on the inside page. Finally I added an image which I had used on my mood board to make the back of the booklet look simple, a website address to make it look professional and the bird logo made from multiple squares which would relate to the other designs and bring them all together.
In this area I have learnt how to use the different effects on Photoshop to give each of my designs variation. This allowed me to develop my understanding of photo shop and use different skills throughout the project.
The CD contains all of the most important features that a CD should have especially the disc symbol. The writing around the bottom is a professional touch which enhances the design.
I began by deciding on the size I wanted for my point of sales stand. I chose for it to be around A4 as I have established that A4 is a reasonable size to fit a lot of information on and produce a bold and visible design. I also measured my CD case and created an outline of where I need to cut out.
I then added the background of my original logo to create a shadow and template for where I want to place the detailed bird design.
I chose to use both pink and blue for the detailed bird design as they are the main two colours of my colour scheme. I placed them above the line as I wan to cut around them to make the point of sales stand more interesting and have a shape rather than just a square.
To hold the CD in place I needed to create a flap which would support it. I can adjust the attachment of this flap to the stand during the make so I have just used a strip. I decided to make the stand very simple so that it wouldn’t detract from any of my other designs. I have only used the band name and tour and logo on the front with a plain background because the point of sales stands that I have looked at don’t use and other information other than the features above.
When the point of sales stand has been constructed the birds will stick out over the top. This will enhance the product as the shape has been produced around the logo which is more detailed. The wristband is also effective as it is simple and only uses the ban name. Usually concert wristbands are simple and often block colour. Therefore this is more than enough.
I began by measuring a wristband I had a home to find out the exact measurements to fit around someone's wrist. I produced a blank strip on Photoshop of it. I then found a wristband template on the internet and cropped the sticky end to use in my design. I then placed the cropped image onto my template on Photoshop. The wristbands have numbers across the width so I found a font of which was similar and placed the two sets on the wristband. By giving my template a background I was able to cover up any messy edges. I also measured the distances between the tear lines on the real wristband and placed some on this one to make it look more realistic. To make the wristband look professional and relate to my design ideas I used the font I had chosen for my logo and duplicated it to cover the length. I had noticed that from research many Tyvek wristbands have very simple designs and often have black bold writing on them. I varied the height of the words and then changed the opacity of them to show graduation. Finally I made the background blue which is the other main colour in the colour theme and used the gradient tool on Photoshop to copy the opacity of the words and give it an overall fading effect.
On his slide with the wristband I learnt how to use the gradient tool on Photoshop. This enhanced the product by creating a variation in the colour between two of the colour in the colour theme. I is also more interesting than having just a block colour of blue or white.
I began by measuring an existing ticket to get the correct length and width. Which was 14cm x 8.2cm, and worked out where the tearing point was. I transferred these measurements on to photo shop. I then came up with a simple design using the colour theme. Firstly I added the band name (which I changed an effect of on Photoshop) and a blue strip at the bottom of the ticket, with the opacity turned down, so that I would be able to add personal details. I then re coloured my bird logo so that it was pink and purple to show variation and still fit in with the colour scheme. I wanted the logo to stand out but still allow the writing to be read. On the tear off strip I added the personal details which I found out from researching existing tickets. I chose a basic yet professional font to use for this and also added a bar code. For the main details such as venue and time I used a basic sans serif font so that it would stand out. However to make it more interesting I altered the opacity on alternating lines. The final feature I added was the personal details in the blue strip (using a similar font to before) and also more in formation at the bottom which can be found on real tickets, about ages.
Fore the back I began with the same template, which had been flipped around. The back of a ticket is not usually very detailed therefore I left mine white. Usually tickets have a section on the terms and conditions, which I had to ensure was a suitable size so that it was visible when printed out especially as it was a copy. I then added a suitable seating map with key on the back, this had to be larger than expected as when the ticked is printed out it will not look the same size. These were both placed on the right of the tear line so that both the front and back lined up. Above these I added some logos which were appropriate for a concert ticket, these make the ticket look more professional and are also a way of using up excess white space. On the other side of the tear I have added more information regarding the issues page and also ways for people to connect including facebook and twitter. Depending on the ticket supplier or venue, the ticket will often have their logo on it such as the ‘Metro radio arena’ logo, and ticket web logo.
Moving through the slides it is evident that as my products have developed so has the target market. I would say that it is now aimed more at females de to the colour scheme. However some aspects of the designs still link to the target market such the age range. The ticket had probably stuck to the target market the most as the colours aren't as bright.
Many symbols have been used on the ticket which makes the ticket look more realistic. Also similarly to a real ticket this one has an are for people personal details and have been given as an example to show where they would go.
I have also used a logo from my issues page. I had to make my work ethical and show that the product I was using were sustainable. This Logo shows that the materials I am using are sustainable. I have placed it on the back of my ticket so that the information is present but not visible and detracting from the front design.
I have also added social media icons to my work. This will allow people to have a way of finding out more information about the product and also be able to contact the producer. Any modern advertisements have links to social media and the icons make the sites recognisable.
I began by reviewing my modelling and net designs do get an accurate idea of the size was going to be. The final net is 890mm x 130mm. I started by producing the net on photo shop and then doing a trial run to ensure that my net design and measurements were going to work, finally adjusting the measurements I had to according to the modelling. Once all of the dimensions were correct, I began to build up the design. The lines I had created formed enclosed areas which allowed me to fill in blocks of colour. This was where I had to ensure that I understood my design, so that when I printed it off all of the colours and design would be in the correct place. The colour I chase matched my colour theme, I decided to decrease the opacity so that it wouldn’t stand out as much as it will be the background. I also added a template for the finger hole for the booklet and also added to band name and album name to the front cover. The design on the front of my CD case was very simple, I used my logo, in two colours according to the colour scheme. However as the front would have been very basic, I developed it by overlapping two. I dropped the opacity of the back one so that the front one would stand out more. The birds overlap the back to show that the design will carry on across the CD case. I then needed to create a design for the back. During product analysis of a CD case I found that there are many components on the back of the CD. I included the name and album name again but this time in different sizes and at different angles so that it was more interesting. The song titles also need to be included, which I did in a larger font so that they stood out. I also added a barcode and finally a section at the bottom including important details about the CD, which were present on many cases.
Image of design- The practice making of the design showed errors with the measurements. I found that I had made a mistake on photo shop, which meant that the whole design was 3 cm too long. This affected the folding and fitting together of all of the edges and therefore I had to adjust the design on Photoshop.
After that I had to add a design to the rest of the CD case, as other sections of the product would be visible when it was opened. For this I aging used my logo, in a contrasting colour, appropriate to the colour scheme. This design wad more opaque and also overlapped the back of the case. This would be present on the inside of the CD case. The final part of my design involved me copying part of my logo to another section of the inside of the CD. This was necessary as half of my logo would have been covered up during the make. By doing this the design will flow and be a full image. When I was deleting parts of the copied logo, I left a boarder so that when it was folded none of the blue would come through the fold.
During my research I found that many products and packages have a barcode on them. I think that it is compulsory to have this symbol on my CD case as it is a way of identifying the product. I again placed this at the bottom of the product on the back out of the way of the main design as it is not needed to catch the clients attention.
On this slide I learnt how to use the rulers on photo shop which (on such a detailed CD case) make it much easier to know where every section is and where the fold lines are.
Modern materials:
A modern material is a material which has been created within the last 50 years and unlike a smart material it does not react with the surroundings. The modern material that I will be using is a hologram. Many legitimate tickets have a hologram to show that they are real, it is used as a security device. I have left a space on the front of my ticket design for one.
CAD/CAM is a process (computer aided design and computer aided manufacture) of producing products more quickly and more efficiently by designing it on a CAD software and then making it with a CAM machine. An example of CAM software is 2D design. There are advantaged and disadvantages of producing products through CAD/CAM. Advantages: -CNC machines don't have to be turned off therefore creating a continuous process. -Products produced are identical. -Workers don't have to be as skilled to work a CNC machine compared to a manual lathe. -There is no need to make a prototype model with a CNC machine. Disadvantages: -CNC machines are more expensive than manually operated ones. -This skills needed to operate manual lathes are being lost as fewer people are needed to operate CNC machines.
Embossing: Embossing is when a design is stamped into a material producing a raised design. Any material from paper to metal can be embossed providing the material is thick enough. It is a very cheap but cost effective way to decorate a surface. The effect of embossing can be given by using vinyl. This can be used with CAM software to produce stickers or enhancements for products. The vinyl is cut with a plotter cutter and can be removed with low tack film and a craft knife. It would give the flat surface of one of the band items I have to produce a more 3D look similar to embossing. The embossing of paper textures is called surface decoration
To create the surface decoration I had to use CAD/CAM. I first chose where I wanted the vinyl to go. I was going to pace it on some of the squares on the poster so I had to measured them and input the measurements in to 2D design. I assembled the correctly sized squared using the lines I had produced. The shapes were then moved to the bottom corner to save vinyl when cut out. The document was sent to the plotter cutter.
Smart materials: A smart material is a material which changes in response to a stimuli. Such as a change in temperature or light intensity. The reactions which take place within these materials are reversible and therefore the material will return to it’s original state when the stimuli reverts back to it’s original state. Phosphorescent pigments are what we know as glow in the dark. As the light intensity decreases the phosphorescence becomes fluorescent. On this slide I have learnt about how small enhancements such as embossing and using smart materials such as Phosphorescent pigments are a simple way of making all of my designs especially the poster ticket and CD case more intriguing. A hologram can be used to a ticket and using vinyl is a cheap but effective way of creating surface decoration of my poster or CD case.
This is my final design ready for printing. To ensure minimum wastage of ink and paper I made sure that all of my designs tessellated, by fitting them as closely together as possible on Photoshop. To tessellate means to fit a design together closely without and gaps or overlapping. This use of paper dealt with the environmental issues involved in the making of the products. I also had to make sure that the print quality of my make was all the same to give it a professional look and fit well together. To do this I had to print my final design on the same piece of paper at the same time. The paper size was 38 inches (width) by 50 inches (height) which allowed me to fit all of my designs on easily.
On this slide have learnt about how the slides I have created previously, link together leading towards the making of the product. For example On the issues page I learnt about the importance of sustainability and on this page it links to the importance of tessellation.
On this slide it is especially evident that there is a consistent theme throughout all of the products, all of the colour are the same and the logo has been used along with the same typography, which show that everything is linked together.
This slide was important in showing me each step I took towards finishing the entire product. It is and easy to follow guide of each step involved in creating the products. Is there any excess glue which would spoil the effect?
Start Design CD, four fold CD case, flyer, booklet, ticket, point of sales stand, poster and wristband.
Stick both sides of the flyer together with pritt stick, and both sides of the ticket together with pritt stick.
no Are the dimensions correct and the resolution 150ppi?
was there any damage to the designs such as cutting over the outlines?
Place all of the designs closely on one page (38 inches width)
no Do all of the designs tessellate and there is no white space?
Using a craft knife, cutting mat and metal ruler, cut the flyer and ticket front and back.
Roughly cut out all designs with scissors.
Print out the designs on high quality paper.
Are all of the designs the correct dimensions and have they been printed correctly?
Cut out poster and point of sales stand neatly using craft knife.
Have the designs been damaged during cutting?
Stick the CD designs to actual CD’s using pritt stick
Are any of the designs damaged ?
Laminate ticket using laminator
Neatly cut out the wristband, CD’s, front section of point of sales stand and booklet.
Stick the stand on to the point of sales stand using a glue gun.
Try the stand by using a little pritt .
Create a suitable stand for the point of sales stand made from grey card
Neatly cut around both the poster and point of sales stand, using a guillotine fro straight edges and scissors fro curves.
Have the designs been damaged ?
yes Is there any excess glue which would spoil the effect?
Have the designs been damaged ?
Attach front strip of point of sales stand to point of sales stand
Stick vinyl pieces on to poster using low tack film.
Stick vinyl pieces on to poster using low tack film.
Using and empty ball point pen and a ruler neatly score the lines on the CD case which need folding
Does the point of sales stand stay up?
Stick both the cut out poster and point of sales stand on to grey card using a pritt stick
Neatly cut out the CD case using a craft knife, cutting mat and metal ruler.
no Does the CD case fold accurately and neatly?
Are the pieces of vinyl the correct size and do the fit with the theme?
Cut out vinyl using plotter cutter and weed it by hand using a craft knife.
Using super glue stick together the CD case.
Create designs on 2D design for vinyl enhancements.
Accurately fold and glue booklet.
Stick the hologram to the ticket.
On this slide I have learnt about the importance of a production record. It condenses the basic details about the actual make into an easy to follow step by step table. This is needed when a product is being made in mass production and especially if someone is to reproduce the make of the product as they would know what order everything had to be done in.
Health and safety
Quality control
Time (hh:mm)
All designs are grouped together on one slide on photo shop.
Photoshop and a new page with dimensions 50x38 inches and a resolution of 150 ppi.
There should be no harm caused to the person during this step.
Make sure that all of the designs have the correct dimensions and resolution so that when they are printed out they are an accurate size for use.
Print out the nest
Printer large enough to occupy 50x38 inch piece of paper.
High quality paper to increase the strength of the product and also reduce ink smudges.
Try to avoid paper cuts.
Make sure the printer is working correctly to reduce wastage and use high quality ink and paper so that the final product looks professional.
(printing) 00:15
Roughly cut out each design separately.
Printed sheet of designs.
Scissors are sharp and may cause cuts.
Make sure that there is a boarder around the designs so that a craft knife can be used later and also so that the design it's self is not damaged.
Carefully cut out all of the designs
Craft knife, cutting mat, metal ruler
Cut out designs
The craft knife is very sharp and needs to be handled with care as it could cause deep cuts (reduce risk by using metal ruler) .
Be careful not to smudge the ink with fingers or the ruler. Also apply a reasonable amount of pressure to the craft knife to avoid tears and accurately use the ruler to line up the edges, making sure that none of the design is cut.
Glue leaflet and ticket
Ruler, pencil, craft knife, metal ruler and cutting mat, pritt stick
White card, printed design of leaflet and ticket
Same as above and some glues can be dangerous so make sure gluing is done in a ventilated room.
A layer of glue without lumps is used to stick tickets and leaflets together. There are no overhanging edged from the backing paper.
Laminate ticket
Laminator, scissors
Laminating wallet, ticket
The laminator can become very hot.
Does the lamination look professional and doesn’t contain any bubbles, causing it to be less effective
Glue poster and point of sales stand
Guillotine, scissors, pritt stick,
Grey card and board and printed design of poster and point of sales stand
The guillotine contains a hidden blade to be aware of, avoid cutting area.
The design is still accurate and the grey board is neat around the edges, the glue is also applied without lumps to increase the professional look.
Carefully crease and fold designs such as CD case and booklet.
Empty biro
Booklet and CD
There are no real issues, beware of paper cuts.
The creasing has to be very accurate so that the sides of the CD case line up correctly and fold neatly.
Glue together CD case
Super glue ( pritt stick is not strong enough), pritt stick
CD case
Super glue is a dangerous solvent which can cause severe damage, it is also very strong and can stick anything together, so be aware of fingers and glue in a ventilated room.
Pritt stick can cause lumps, more damage can be caused with the super glue as it is runny and very fast drying, if a mistake is made then it may not be able to be undone.
The Manufacturing Specification is the most important page for someone who hasn’t made my band products before. It brings together all the key instruction elements of the presentation and also other sections such as images which may be helpful to make the products again.
Production record
Net of all designs
Flow Chart
Equipment and Materials: • Laminator • CAD/CAM printing • Craft knife • Safety ruler • Glue Gun • Super glue • Pritt Stick
• • • • • • • • •
Scissors Card Grey board Photoshop software 2D design software Hologram Vinyl Cutting mat Plotter cutter
I Also used many Symbols in my work to enhance the look of them. Some of theme are shown above . I have explained how and why I have used these symbols on the other slides.
The net of all of the designs were printed out on a large format printer and came on one sheet of paper. I started by cutting out each individual design with scissors, being careful to leave a boarder or white paper around the edge of each design for when I begin with the craft knife.
I glued the CD designs to the old CD’s and also had to fold the booklet and stick it together.
I then had to use a craft knife, cutting mat and safety ruler to accurately cut out each design
Next I had to back the leaflet, poster, point of sales stand and stick the ticket together, using either grey board or card.
These are some pictures of me making my CD case. I had to make sure that my CD case was sturdy and wasn’t going to tear so I had to back certain sections. By measuring the sections I wanted to back and then gluing them down . I then creased the fold lines using an old biro and marked the sections I needed to glue. I has to assemble it using different glues to make certain sections stronger.
I used a guillotine to cut the edges off the poster and point of sales stand. This is neater than using scissors. However the point of sales stand had a design which would not be suitable for the guillotine to cut, so I had to use scissors.
The stand and CD holder on the point of sales stand were the final parts to be assembled. I had to use a craft knife to crease the thick grey board to create the stand. I had to make sure that the angle of the stand was suitable. I used the glue gun to attach the stand to the design as this would keep it in place. I then had to take the dimensions of my CD case and create a holder for the CD case using the grey board and the design on paper I has created.
I then I glued the front and back of my ticket together and sent it to be laminated. The hologram, which I cut out, was added to the ticket, on the tear line, after it had been laminated.
The CAD/CAM was the final element to go on the poster. I had to measure the area I wanted and then carefully stick the vinyl to the squares.
This page summarises the making process I went through to reach the final outcome. The images show areas of the make which I thought were the most important aspects.
Design brief: I have met the design brief as I have created a set of publicity material for a school band. Within my work I have created a four fold CD case which can hold a CD, however I created two CD designs to see which one looked better. The relevant information is shown on the back of the CD case and in the booklet which was created to fit inside the CD. I have also created a set of promotional material including a poster, ticket and point of sales stand. The use of the smart material and modern material are used on the poster and the ticket.
The customer: I think that my products would appeal to the age group of 10 and above in the teenage group. In the target market I said that my products would appeal to almost any type of person and that they could live anywhere. However throughout the make my design began to change due to the logo I had chosen to develop. Now I think that the products would probably appeal to the female gender rather than the male purely due to the colour scheme. Usually the design of a bands publicity reflects their style and genre, and again I do not think that alternative rock would suit the colour theme I have chosen.
Appearance: I believe that my product does meet the target market in terms of aesthetics. It is bright and eye catching and is also unique especially the CD case. The typography I have used is bold and is easy to read which was a point mentioned in the target market and I believe that all of the products are eye catching .
Price: The price referrers to both the cost to purchase the CD case and also the cost to make the whole set of products. As the product is being produced for teenagers it would have to be made fairly cheaply so that the customers would be able to afford it. Overall the materials that I used to make the products were reasonably cheap, they were all made from card, paper or grey board which are all cheap to purchase and are also widely recycled, making them less expensive. This also relates to the customer profile. My customer profile said that ÂŁ8 a week of his pocket money could be spent on music. This target could easily be met.
Communication: I also included an aspect of social media and communication to my products. Customers would need a way of contacting me and therefore I included and email address to the poster, leaflet and CD. There was a range of information in the booklet and links to Facebook and twitter on many of the products. A symbol was used on my leaflet which could be scanned and again created links to the internet.
Customer Profile: The customer profile was a really important section on each page as it allowed me to see the good areas but also the areas for improvement. I was able to analyse what had been done trough out the project before I reached the final evaluation page. It was also helpful to see what other people thought about certain areas of power point.
This page has made me think about whether I have met any of my targets. The target market I set myself would ensure that the products I created would be suitable for the audience. The design task in particular would allow me to follow all of the elements that I needed to produce a successful set of publicity material, however in real industry a company would be told what the audience wanted them to make, and this plan would have to be followed
Geographical situation: I don’t think that this area of the target market was focused on especially. It should have been based around the UK rather than going into depth about the specific areas as this really has no relevance. I did however make sure that my products were all based around the UK, and I did this by using all UK based venues as the band publicity is only for a school band.
Safety: I would say that all of my products are safe for customer use. There are no sharp edges on the designs as I ensured that I made the edges as smooth as possible with the craft knife, to reduce the rough edges. I also had to make sure that I was safe during the make therefore the products which were used such as glue, were non toxic and caused us no harm.
Size and weight: My CD case is not the size that I anticipated. The average size for a CD case is 145mm width, 150mm height and 10mm length. Through the testing of the products I realised that the CD case needed to be slightly smaller to accommodate the folding mechanism and the CD neatly. Therefore it is now 140mm width, 130mm height and the same 10mm in length.
Cost: Paper and card are reasonably cheap materials and can also be recycled therefore reducing the cost of them again. The CD’s were also being reused so I believe that I have met this target. However there were some more expensive techniques which were used throughout such as Laminating, large format printing and CAD/CAM with the plotter cutter.
Function: The products which I have created are all made from paper. Each piece of publicity has been reinforced with either card or grey board so that they function correctly. For example the point of sales stand has to be able to stand without any additional help therefore I created a stand. The wristband is the only product which hasn’t been backed however if I did then it wouldn’t function properly.
Durability: I believe that the construction of the products was done well. They are all sturdy a I backed the poster and leaflets to make them more durable. The CD case had to be especially strong as it was to be under a lot of pressure from the pulling. Therefore I needed to use super glue and the glue gun to increase the strength.
Ergonomics: The products are simple to use and even after all of the complicated testing, the CD case came out to be more simple to use than the four fold CD case that I researched because it only opens in two. The make however was more complicated . In general the overall products are a suitable size and weight.
Instructions: a booklet to fit Instructions:I did I didmake make a booklet to inside the the CD case which contained the fit inside CD case which band information however not lyrics. It contained the band information adds a more technical touch the CD however not lyrics. It addsto a more case.
technical touch to the CD case.
Environmental Issues: I made sure that I used recycled materials, and to reduce wastage I used the smallest amount of material as possible this was done with the net as I used tessellation to fit all of the designs close together. However there is some uncertainty about if all of the materials I used were from sustainable but I hope that the sources came from ethical producers and from a sustainable forest.
Target Market: I met some aspects of the target, however others did not fit the product. The products that I created would be reasonably priced and suitable for school children/teenagers. However the overall look was not really suited to the ideas of the target market.
Materials: All of the materials that I used were suitable for the products that I made. The paper allowed the ink to be seen clearly which would enhance the look of the products. The grey board created support for the point of sales stand and poster.
This page has made me think about whether I have met any of my targets. In industry and real production it would be important to have targets and to meet them so that no money is lost and the customers are happy. I have met most of my targets which means that I have followed the specification for making these products.
Testing: I gathered feedback from my peers about all of my products on topics such as aesthetics and suitability functionality. However if the testing is regarding, testing the products ten I met that target, as the CD especially was tested and developed thoroughly to make sure that it functioned well.
Time scale: The ideal situation was to finish the make for December 2013 however the printing and laminating took a while to go through therefore we finished a few months later.
Aesthetics: All of the products I created have a running theme and all fit together. The logo I chose is present on all of the band publicity material and shows that each piece represents the band. I used some sections of images from online however they weren't copyrighted and were all suitable fro the target market. The colours I used were subtle however the white background of it all make the products stand out.
I surveyed 10 people of varying ages and occupations to gather and accurate idea about the suitability and peoples thoughts on all of the products which I have created. Gathering opinions is important to get an idea about what other people think and how the designs could be improved. Questions
1) Is the colour scheme appropriate and does it fit together?
I 1
2) Does the typography fit the theme?
3) Are the net designs simple to understand?
4) Has the logo been well developed and is suited to the products?
I 1
5) Are the products representative of the target market and design brief?
6) Have the products been made well and look professional?
I 1
7) Do the materials allow the products to function correctly?
8) Are there any improvements which could be made? (please comment)
9) Do you notice any safety issues with the products?
10) Would you buy the CD and package?
II 2
This page was very useful as it allowed me to see what other people genuinely thought of my products. All of them were unbiased which made the feedback even more reliable and would help me to improve them if I were to make them again.
It is clear that she has thought about all of the aspects of the project which could have improvements. In industry, gaining feedback is very important so that the products suits the audience. Here are some of the improvements people said that she could make: -The colour schemes don't really represent the target market, although they fit a theme they colours could be more gender neutral. -The design on the CD case could be more detailed especially inside. -The edges on the point of sales stand could be neater.
Opinion one (my opinion): Overall I think that the whole project has gone very well. The logo which I created has been developed well and fits in with the overall theme. Although I believe that My designs would look better with a brighter colour scheme as the products only really appeal to females at the moment. The designs of all of my products are also very simple which is good in some ways as it doesn't detract from the basic ideas. The CD packaging was the most complex part of the project as it took a lot of modelling and trial to make sure that all of the measurements worked, however in the end it worked well. All of the other products were made well and the edges are neat which makes them look more professional. However the leaflet could have done with being backed to make it more sturdy. Opinion two: I think your design is quite simple, but effective. You have certainly met your design specification. Your design also suits your target audience and your age range. You seem to have created a theme that creates a sense of good quality and image structure. Your final products have met the quality control flow chart, as you have cut out the designs carefully and the edges are neat. The laminated areas on your ticket seem to give a nice polished look. Throughout your design you have definitely made accurate measurements to ensure that your CD case can be constructed precisely, which has worked out for the best. As an improvement, you could have placed the vinyl on a more noticeable place, such as the point of sales stand. Opinion three: I really love these designs, it is evident that they all belong together in a packaging set. The construction of the album is amazing, it is apparent that it took a while for you to perfect it’s sizing and overall appearance order for it to work, however it worked out great in the end. Your net designs are unique and the colours you have used complement each other. Opinion four: In general I think that these products have all been made very well, it is clear that she has taken her time to thoroughly make them and she has paid close attention to the edges of them all, using a craft knife to make sure that they are all neat. One improvement which could be made to the point of sales stand could be to use a craft knife to cut the gray board with a craft knife instead of scissors to get a neater edge. It is clear that you have met the design brief and I like the idea of making a wristband as well. They all look professional and I would definitely buy them
12 10 8 6 4 2 0
Yes No
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Commercial Production: Commercial production is the overall make/ production of a product for a mass audience. The making of my product was done as a one-of production where only one product is made. The make involved machine making such as the design on the computer, printing and the CAD/CAM elements and also elements of hand making as it is cheaper. Overall there are four types of commercial production, these include; the one-off production, batch production, mass production and continuous flow. Batch production is when a small number of the products are made on demand. As there are more identical products to be made, other machines are used to make the production quicker and more efficient. I think that my products could be made through batch production, however the net was fairly complicated and would have to be done by hand. Another production method is Mass production, this is where hundreds of identical products are produced along a production line . Unlike batch production, the machines cannot be easily changed to produce a different product. Humans and computers are involved during the make, the use of programmed computers makes the production even more efficient and saves money. It would be hard for my products to be made using this method as the materials they are made from aren't very robust. If for example the CD case was less complex and was made from plastic then mass prodution would be suitable. The final production method is continuous flow. This is similar to mass production however the production is never stopped . This is most efficient if you need thousands of identical products, as there is no money wasted through starting and stopping. Therefore the one-off production was suitable for the make of my products as only one copy was needed and no money was wasted with over production. One off production Batch production
Mass Production
Improvements and Modifications: There are many elements within my project and designs which I would change to make the designs more suited to the audience. I think that most of the modifications I would make would be to the designs of the publicity material and the CD case. •On certain pages throughout the project I have commented on the target market and the themes of my designs. If I was able to make the products again I would choose a different colour theme so that my designs were more gender neutral and would appeal to most people. I would have chosen a colour scheme which would use more blue tones. •Another modification that I would make would be during the make. This pritt stick caused a lot of problems with the make as it could spread easily and made the products look less professional, however having white as a primary colour it meant that the glue didn't show up as much. If I were to make these products again I would use the same glue however be more careful about how I applied it. •Throughout the analysis of my designs I realised that the symbols I had used weren't very consistent and had only been included on occasional designs, for example I only added the scanning symbol on the leaflet but it could have also been used on the poster, CD case and pint of sales stand especially. Therefore if I were to make the products again I would make sure that all of the symbols and sponsors I was using were applied in appropriate places. •One of the improvements which came from the 3rd party opinions, was to use the vinyl in a more noticeable place. The idea of using the vinyl was to enhance the products and therefore there is no point having it if it cant be seen. Next time I would either use vinyl on my point of sales stand or the CD case where they would be seen more or use a different shape for the vinyl such as the bird inside the CD case as it is very simple.
On this page I learnt about the four different commercial production methods. It gave me an idea about how my products may have been produced by batch production and that they couldn’t be produced by mass production or continuous flow due to the materials and complexity of the CD case design. It was also useful to analyse all of the products myself, and think about what actually went wrong and how these issues could be improved for next time.