D24/29 | Leaping into the News! | February 2022

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Editor’s Note


A Message From Your LTG


February Calendar


A Message From Your DLT


Articles From Your Division


Core Values Spotlight


Division Goals


CNH Member Survey

14-15. Club Positions 16.

Elections - Running for a Position


District Convention 2022

18-19. Member Recognition Program 20.

Submission Reminders


CNH Children’s Fund Scholarship


January DCM Recap & Award Recipients

23-24. Stay Connected: District and International 25.

Contacts Page

How’s it going, Snow Leopards! Time has gone by so fast! As News Editor, I can’t believe that I only have two more months left to serve for the term. It’s been an amazing term so far and it has been so fun making a theme for the newsletter for each month. I encourage you all to run for a position in your club and possibly look into serving as part of the division leadership team for the following term! I’ve had a great experience serving as a news editor and I hope that you all will consider running for a position in your club or the division! Most importantly, don’t forget to find ways on getting more involved in your club! One way of getting involved is submitting an article with a visual to our division newsletter! It’s always nice to see new members submitting articles to our newsletter, if you need any help please reach out to me or our LTG Marlen for more information. In this issue of Leaping into the News, you will read more about messages from your LTG and DLT, articles from your division, recaps, the CNH Member Survey, elections, DCON 2022, and more! Happy Reading!

Serving with Gratitude,

2021-2022 News Editor

Happy February, Division 24/29! Can you believe that there are only 2 months left in the term? The 2021-2022 has gone by in the blink of an eye, however, there are still a few more special events that are coming up before the term ends! Think back to the beginning of the term and think about how far you have come in your Key Club experience. With that being said, I encourage each of you to set one more goal that you would like to accomplish before April 1, 2022. Whether this may be reaching your service hour goal, running for an officer position, or attending as many events as possible, I know you will be able to accomplish more than you already have! I am very excited to announce that we will be having our February DCM at the end of this month where you will be able to be further involved with the Division and participate in fun activities! This month’s DCM will be held on February 26th from 1:00-3:00pm. I hope to see all of you there! Feel free to invite any friends! Sign up by February 25th :)

See you soon! Feel free to contact me if you need anything Snow Leopards!

Leaping through Service,

2021-2022 Lieutenant Governor




Club Update Form Due






Early A&V Deadline


MRP Results Due @6pm




Early MRF Deadline

10 On-Time A&V Deadline







SAT 5 On-Time MRF Deadline

11 On-Time


DCON Registration Deadline





Valentine’s Day




Late DCON Registration Deadline

February DCM



Hello Everyone! The years gotten off to a great start! The next DCM is coming up and we’re all readily awaiting the awesome event that will take place at Meadow Park, San Luis Obispo! As part of the DLT, we’ve been eagerly preparing this event for all of you! For my home club, we’ve been working on trying to have some fundraisers and more activities for our members! I can’t wait to see you all again soon!

2021-2022 Executive Assistant

Hey Snow Leopards! I’m glad to be back working after getting back to school. I have been working on the DCM’s and have been getting in touch with officers and overall promoting our DCM’s and recruiting more people to our meetings so they can know what we’re all about! I have also been keeping in touch with my team. I have also been working on my extracurriculars at school and keeping up with all my classes as exam dates are coming up! I’m honestly very happy with all the effort our division has been putting towards our goals and can’t wait to see what’s next for us!!

2021-2022 Executive Assistant


Hello Key Clubbers! Reading everyone articles has shown me some of the amazing projects everyone has been up to. If you check the division Instagram, these awesome stories are being spotlighted. I believe that the best way to help the clubs in our division find service projects is to show them what everyone else has been doing, so if your club needs ideas, look no further than your fellow Division 24/29 clubs and you will get all the inspiration you need. If you have ideas that you want to see put into action on our social media, don't hesitate to contact me. Great work everyone!

2021-2022 Media Editor

Hey there Division 24/29! First off Happy New Year to everyone :D! I hope everyone had a restful break and is ready to continue volunteering and finishing off this term strong! I strive to continue to help organize DCMS and our up coming Conclave event. I have had fun being this Division’s event coordinator, especially when I got the chance to meet many of you at DCMs! Along with helping plan for DCMS, this semester I want to try and give it my all, especially now that it is my Junior year of high school. I know how stressful school can be, but I have faith in myself and all of you that this semester will be better than fall semester :)

2021-2022 Event Coordinator


Hey Snow Leopards! As the school year continues, we are just getting started on our first division fundraiser! We have decided that we will be fundraising with Chipotle. The date is yet to be determined, but we will have one location in SLO at Madonna Rd, and one location in Santa Maria at Betteravia Road. The service event is projected to be scheduled in January. A third of all proceeds from Key Clubbers will go toward division funds! Stay tuned for future updates on division fundraising!

2021-2022 Fundraising Coordinator

Hey Snow Leopards! I am currently taking many volunteering opportunities around the school and keeping in track of the new school semester. I hope to get as many people as possible to join key club and many more to volunteer and help the community. I hope everyone is doing well and I hope everyone comes to this month's DCM!

2021-2022 Member Recognition Coordinator


Hey Snow Leopards! I hope you all are having a wonderful day! it’s your spirit coordinator here! Veronica! As I’ve been meeting more of you, I’ve been so grateful and joyful to see what wonderful people you all are! You all seem so passionate and spirited towards serving our community and I absolutely love to see that! I am proud to serve as your spirit coordinator. I can’t wait to experience fun events with you all! I have loved seeing all of your community service projects! It has really shown how much you all care about making a positive difference in our world. As our divisions keep growing, I’ve been so excited to meet more of you and be able to inspire you all to stay engaged within the key club because after all, we are one spirited division! I look forward to forming personal connections with as many of you as I can! See you all soon!

2021-2022 Spirit Coordinator


Tree Lighting Event Provided by Nathaniel De Francia (PVHS) On Friday, December 3rd, our volunteers and members participated in the city’s Tree Lighting event. The event was hosted by the city and members of the community were invited to come and check out the Christmas tree and see it’s decorations and lights. The event aimed at lifting the Christmas spirit and providing the community with a space to enjoy the Tree. The event itself was located at the corner of Broadway and Cook St. and it started at 4:00. Volunteers were there for a couple of hours helping out. Members worked at a stand nearby and gave out hot chocolate, cookies and other treats to anyone from the community. They also helped clean up and provide assistance for the event after it was done. All the volunteers worked very hard and the organizers were very thankful for their help.

Dog Toys Event Recap Provided by Finn Westley (SLOHS) A big thank you to everyone who showed up to help out with this event , it was a huge success! We had a dozen members come out to Santa Rosa Park to help us make a range of different dog toys for community service hours. We will discuss how we want to donate these toys at our next meeting so that everyone can be a part of it. To those of you who participated and received your community service hours, remember to report them in this form. This will allow you to receive credit with Key Club. At our next meeting (Tuesday, January 11), participants will also receive a raffle ticket for attending the event. Keep track of your community service forms and turn them in to Ms. Martin in the career center digitally if possible; this is how you receive credit for your hours with the school.


January Service Events Provided by Jeremy Lee Oani (ERHS) With the holiday season, the ERHS Key Club has still strived to give opportunities to our members to give service while also giving everyone the holiday break that they deserve.A service event we also participated in was the road cleanup on Payton Way on December 11. This was a very successful service event as we were able to clean up a very serious litter abatement on the road whilst having lots of fun with members of the club. During the holiday season, we were able to collaborate with Righetti’s Interact Club and do holiday service events together! Some of these included working at the Elks Lodge during their seasonal Christmas events or other Christmas festivals. This is what we mostly have done this holiday season for our members. We have decided to also give our members a well-deserved break for all the hard work they have done this past semester. We hope to continue our endeavors in the new year! Go warriors!


IN·CLU·SIVE·NESS /in’kloosivnes/noun DEFINITION: the quality of including many different types of people and treating them all fairly and equally Embrace the beautiful differences you share with your peers and welcome people of all backgrounds and ethnicities to join in serving your home, school, and community. In Key Club, we can spread this passion of service together as one.



Avoid making assumptions about others. If you find yourself making assumptions, stop yourself and approach the person and talk to them instead! It’s all about confidence and positivity!

Approach someone who seems to be sitting alone. By greeting them, you can possibly make a new friend along the way! Ask them about their hobbies or interests and chances are you just might find something in common with them!

Spark a conversation based on what setting you’re in. For example, if you are at a DCM, you can ask someone if they’ve attended the previous DCM’s, or at a service event you can ask someone what time they arrived, etc!

Include everyone when it comes to input - ask people who haven’t spoken yet about their ideas! They might have something new that has not been brought up. Give others chances to express their creativity and enhance their leadership skills in a productive setting!


FUNDRAISING $550/$1,000


Please continue participating in service events so we can reach our goal! Work with your club to fundraise and recruit new members!


INTRODUCTION We are proud to introduce the CNH Member Survey. This is a form we hope all members will fill out this term with the help of division and club officers and members. Its intent is for us to gain a better understanding of who makes up our mighty district, what you all like about Key Club, and what you all feel could be improved. This form is also anonymous to promote truthful responses.

IMPORTANCE We cannot stress how important it is to fill out this form! Without filling it out you are removing your voice from deciding the future of the CNH District. This is because we want and need to hear your opinions so that we can better improve the club for this term and future terms. The form only takes a few minutes to fill out but its impact will last for years so do not forget to fill it out!


FILL OUT THE SURVEY HERE: tinyurl.com/cnhmembersurvey2122


★ ★ ★ ★

Serve as the club’s chief executive officer Preside over club meetings and activities Assist and communicate with members and fellow officers Represent the club at Division Council Meetings, training conferences, and Kiwanis meetings, etc. Provide and promote service projects for the members Set feasible goals for the year

★ ★

The President represents the club, plans the term, delegates tasks, etc.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Preside over meetings in the absence of the President Be familiar with the roles of the all officers—be ready to help them Assist the president in all ways possible Attend Division Council Meetings, all club and board meetings Have extensive knowledge about Key Club to educate the members The Vice President(s) support the members, aid the President, take initiative, etc. *There can be more than 1 VP!*

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Keep organized records and paperwork for the club Record member attendance at meetings Maintain accurate meeting minutes for club and board meetings Work with the treasurer to compile and update the club roster Submit a Monthly Report Form (MRF) to the Lt. Governor, Faculty Advisor, Region advisor, and Kiwanis advisor each month on time Record the service hours performed by the members The Secretary records service, fundraising, minutes, etc., aids the Treasurer with the club roster, etc.


★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Maintain accurate financial records of deposits/expenses Collect and send dues to the International Office Update club information on the Membership Center with the Secretary Communicate with school administration for deposits and checks Prepare a club budget for board approval Share with the Sponsoring Kiwanis Club if possible Keep track of all receipts for reimbursements and payments Have a faculty advisor oversee all handling of monies Organize fundraisers for the club and charities

*Example Editors: Bulletin/News Editor, Tech Editor, Media Editor, Webmaster, Historian, etc. There can also be more than 1 editor! ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★


Be familiar with Key Club Graphic Standards Create a monthly newsletter to provide the club with information Take pictures at club events and meetings Submit articles and visuals for the district newsletter Publicize the club through fliers, posters, and other media Follow appropriate guidelines for promotion on social networks Update and maintain a club website Notify members of upcoming events

Please keep in mind that these are the main positions offered, but are not all positions offered. Some clubs may offer additional positions such as Class Representatives/Delegates, Service Project Chair, etc. Contact your club President to find out which positions are available!

HOW CAN I RUN FOR A POSITION? The election process may vary from club to club, however most elections will include a speech and voting process. Talk to your club President to get a better idea of how our club will hold elections this year.

GIVING A SPEECH If you will be giving a speech to run for a designated club position, remember to take a deep breath and give your best effort! Tips: ★ Plan months or weeks in advance! Make sure to begin writing your speech with enough time ahead in order to avoid stress and be as prepared as possible. ★ Show passion! Mention why you want the position and most importantly, HOW you will help your club during the 2022-2023 term ★ Practice! Practice! Practice! Make sure to spend time practicing your speech and time yourself so you meet the time limit that your club has allocated!

RULES TO REMEMBER! All clubs MUST follow all election process policies and rules to ensure an accurate and fair election! ★ ★ ★

There is NO campaigning allowed! This includes texting a friend and asking for their vote, advertising your candidacy on social media etc. All candidates MUST be dues-paid. Non-dues paid members are not allowed to run for any position During the voting process, the club must meet quorum and have at least 50% of the club in attendance during the election GOOD LUCK TO ALL CANDIDATES! NO MATTER THE RESULTS, REMEMBER TO KEEP A POSITIVE ATTITUDE AND GIVE YOUR BEST EFFORT!


2022 YOU’RE INVITED TO DCON! When: April 1-3, 2022 Where: Reno, Nevada At: Grand Sierra Resort


Celebrate achievements of the term Dance the night away at Governor’s ball Attend educational workshops Watch CNH talent show Listen to keynote speaker Meet Key Clubbers!

DCON NOTES On Time Registration - $215 February 11th, 2022 Late Registration - $255 February 25th, 2022 ★ Hotel + Transportation fees = separate ★ Look for multiple options of transportation for your club! ★ Look for gender specific chaperones that follow 1:10 ratio ★ Split hotel costs based on amount of roomies


CNH District Updates

Want to get recognized? Learn more on the CNH Cyberkey! cnhkeyclub.org

Categories Include: Bronze Silver Gold Platinum


CNH District Updates Requirements Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum Each category has a different set of requirements, with gold and platinum having the most. Those with a leader or committee member position in the district or division have eligibility to participate.

On Track to MRP Includes Events and A&V Figuring out which each of the categories are is crucial to taking on the lead of going towards the path of MRP. Make sure to submit Articles and Visuals as well as attending the events from the Division. Events include DCM’s and service events.


PLEASE REMEMBER TO COMPLETE YOUR DESIGNATED OFFICER REPORTS BY THE DEADLINE. EARLY DEADLINE IS HIGHLY ENCOURAGED! PRESIDENT Deadline: 1st of every month by 6pm ★ Club Update Form: tinyurl.com/D2429clubupdateform ★ Recognition Nominations: email your nominations for faculty advisor, kiwanis advisor, officer, and member of the month to our Member Recognition Coordinator Howard (d2429.cnhkc.mrc@gmail.com) & LTG Marlen (d24d29.ltg@cnhkeyclub.org) ★ Vice Presidents may submit the reports at the discretion of the president SECRETARY Early Deadline: 3rd of every month by 6pm. On-time deadline: 5th of every month by 6pm ★ Club Monthly Report Form (MRF) ★ Submission: tinyurl.com/D2429MRFsubmission EDITOR & ANY CLUB MEMBER Early Deadline: 8th of every month by 6pm. On-time deadline: 10th of every month by 6pm ★ Articles & Visuals (A&V): Complete at least 1 article about a service event/project that your club has participated in. Visual: Provide an image of the specific event/project ★ Submission: Email the Article & Visual to DNE, Vanessa (d2429.cnhkc.newseditor@gmail.com) ★ Any member may also submit an article and visual! It would be greatly appreciated!


Requirements: ★ Graduating Senior planning to attend a college/university ★ Must be a dues-paid Key Clubber ★ Must have completing service both in and out of Key Club Tips: ★ Begin EARLY! ★ Save your responses on a google/word doc ★ Ask your club secretary for a report of your club service hours and participation in the club if you do not have the information yourself! More nformation can be found here: https://www.cnhfoundation.org/what-we-do/scholarship s-leadership-training/scholarship-program/


Application: https://tinyurl.com/D2429CNHscholarship22 Deadline: Friday, February 18th by 2022

January DCM | 01.29.22 ● 21 members in attendance ● Icebreakers such as the concentration game! ● Club reports ● Service projects!!! Baby hats and making cards for nurses/doctors/patients

January Award Recipients ● ●

Club of the Month: San Luis Obispo Officer of the Month: Yadira Pena, Santa Maria



Stay Connected with the district at: www.cnhkeyclub.org

Don’t forget to read the CNH District Newsletter at: https://issuu.com/cnhkc


Instagram: @cnh_keyclub Youtube: @CNH Key Club

We are part of a Sistrict! Our district is California-Nevada-Hawaii :)

Follow our Sistrict and International Instagram! Sistrict: @calillinas International: @keyclubint


INSTAGRAM: @d2429keyclub REMIND: Text @div2429kc to 81010 LINKS: linktr.ee/d2429keyclub

LTG & DLT Lieutenant Governor | Marlen Gonzalez |d24d29.ltg@cnhkeyclub.org Executive Assistant | Clara Landeros |d2429.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.com Executive Assistant | Yitzel Chavez |d2429.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com Division News Editor |Vanessa Rivera | d2429.cnhkc.newseditor@gmail.com Division Media Editor | Zoey Nielsen d2429.cnhkc.mediaeditor@gmail.com Division Event Coordinator | Rubi Orduña |d2429.cnhkc.ec@gmail.com Division Fundraising Coordinator | Benjamin Choi | d2429.cnhkc.fc@gmail.com Division Member Recognition Coordinator | Howard Sardina | d2429.cnhkc.mrc@gmail.com Division Spirit Coordinator | Veronica Garcia |d2429.cnhkc.sc@gmail.com

PRESIDENTS Dariene Delgado | Atascadero | darienedelgado13@gmail.com Benjamin Choi | Ernest Righetti | ben.choi0113@gmail.com My Duong | Nipomo | myduong214@icloud.com Alexandra Martinez | Pioneer Valley | asazerk@gmail.com Clara Landeros | San Luis Obispo | bacon.broccoli.sprout@gmail.com Nashali Vicente | Santa Maria | nashalivicente340@gmail.com Anastacia Ruiz | Santa Maria Recreation & Parks | anastacia.ruiz0611@gmail.com


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