D24/29 | Leaping into the News! | February 2022

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IN·CLU·SIVE·NESS /in’kloosivnes/noun DEFINITION: the quality of including many different types of people and treating them all fairly and equally Embrace the beautiful differences you share with your peers and welcome people of all backgrounds and ethnicities to join in serving your home, school, and community. In Key Club, we can spread this passion of service together as one.



Avoid making assumptions about others. If you find yourself making assumptions, stop yourself and approach the person and talk to them instead! It’s all about confidence and positivity!

Approach someone who seems to be sitting alone. By greeting them, you can possibly make a new friend along the way! Ask them about their hobbies or interests and chances are you just might find something in common with them!

Spark a conversation based on what setting you’re in. For example, if you are at a DCM, you can ask someone if they’ve attended the previous DCM’s, or at a service event you can ask someone what time they arrived, etc!

Include everyone when it comes to input - ask people who haven’t spoken yet about their ideas! They might have something new that has not been brought up. Give others chances to express their creativity and enhance their leadership skills in a productive setting!

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