PLEASE REMEMBER TO COMPLETE YOUR DESIGNATED OFFICER REPORTS BY THE DEADLINE. EARLY DEADLINE IS HIGHLY ENCOURAGED! PRESIDENT Deadline: 1st of every month by 6pm ★ Club Update Form: ★ Recognition Nominations: email your nominations for faculty advisor, kiwanis advisor, officer, and member of the month to our Member Recognition Coordinator Howard ( & LTG Marlen ( ★ Vice Presidents may submit the reports at the discretion of the president SECRETARY Early Deadline: 3rd of every month by 6pm. On-time deadline: 5th of every month by 6pm ★ Club Monthly Report Form (MRF) ★ Submission: EDITOR & ANY CLUB MEMBER Early Deadline: 8th of every month by 6pm. On-time deadline: 10th of every month by 6pm ★ Articles & Visuals (A&V): Complete at least 1 article about a service event/project that your club has participated in. Visual: Provide an image of the specific event/project ★ Submission: Email the Article & Visual to DNE, Vanessa ( ★ Any member may also submit an article and visual! It would be greatly appreciated!