The Beastly Bulletin

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Official Division 7 South Newsletter | Region 16 | Volume 6 | Issue 4 | September 2015 Edition

Table of Contents Page 2… Editor’s Message Page 3-4… LTG Message Page 5-6 … DLT Messages Page 7– 8 … Farewell to Summer Page 9-10 ... September Calendar and Events Page 11-12 … Introducing the Fall and Spirit! Page 13-14… Caring With Food Page 15-16 … District Key to College Page 17–18… Current Standings Page 19 ... Who’s that Officer? Page 20 … 10 Reasons to join Key Club Page 21 … Who’s that Officer? -Answers Page 22… Member and Officer of the Month Page 21-22 … Club of the Month Page 23– 26 … Featured Articles and Photos Contact Information


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | September Edition

What’s Crackalackin Monsters? Once upon a time there was an ugly barnacle, it was so ugly that everyone died. The end. This month I worked on a Goals Guide for 2015 and my other monthly DNE tasks of emailing the editors and submitting our division’s articles and visuals. The Beastly Bulletin comes out on the first of every month so bee sure to check it out because it’s so beautiful that everyone will be informed of what's going on in our division! Also if you see anything that you would like to alter about our newsletter let me know! By emailing me or messaging me on Facebook or texting me. I promise I won’t be offended. I’m so proud to say that over the past quarter our team of editors has improved substantially! My new goal is to receive all on time submissions of visuals and articles. We’re almost there! See you all soon Kiddos~ Sammi Tai Division 7 South Division News Editor Region 16| Cali-Nev-Ha District Key Club International

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | September Edition


Aloha 7 South

It's hard to believe we are already into our second month of school! If you're like still suffering from post summer syndrome too. Remember to push through and f to remain active in Key Club as well, whether it's attending service events, club m fundraisers, and more!

With club meetings starting up again, I hope you all attend them daily and recog for their hard work. Also come support your club during club rush and show the r what it means to be an orange monster.

Last month we said goodbye to a very hardworking and dedicated task coordinato Relations TC Joshua Diaz. We commend him for his initiative, dedication, and per the division and accomplishing his goals. Remember to thank him for all that he h sion in such a short amount of time!

We also welcomed two new task coordinators to the DLT: FRN Spirit Coordinator There tumn Public Relations TC David Keet. If you see them around, don't hesitate to sa gratulate them!

This month Region 16 will be hosting our annual Region Training Conference on S 26th at Pleasant Grove High School. This is a great chance to meet members from and attend fun workshops. Join us on an adventure at the Service Safari RTC and sion for Key Club!

I am excited to see where this month takes us! Happy September, and see you la


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | July Edition

Sincerely ,

me you're probably focus on school, but meetings, DCMs,

gnize the club officers rest of your school

Terry Nguyen Division 7 South Lieutenant Governor Region 16| Cali-Nev-Ha District Key Club International

or; Summer Public rseverance in serving has done for the divi-

esa Nguyen and Auay 'hello' and con-

Saturday, September m all over be region d explore your pas-

ater monsters <3

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | July Edition


Executive Assistant Tommy Dang | Laguna Creek Aloha Division 7 South Monsters! I’d like to provide you with a little tale of the past month. Once upon a time there was once a toaster, inside contained a piece of toast and a slice of pizza. One day, the toaster managed to escape the death oven, but he was all burnt! In distress, he ran to the nearest local caring station, which turned out to be the Kiwanis Family House! Upon entering, the toaster discovered that there was Kiwanis DCM with a terrier hosting! The toaster went ahead and got involved with the terrier and duked it out! In the end, the toaster had been enslaved by the terrier, in return the toaster decided to take this position for the better good. The toaster focused on improving the community by creating an Inter-Club reflection google form, along with researching on the August Spotlight on Service Program: Children Education, and researching dues. This toaster had also helped aid the terrier with appointing recent TC apps, Autumn TC and FRN TC. The end!

Administrative Assistant Megan Morris | Franklin Hello, Division 7 South! As usual this past month I have been reviewing and working with secretaries on their MRFs. I would just like to say that our Division 7 South Secretaries have been doing a phenomenal job on their Monthly Report Form submissions. I have seen so much growth within each of them that it has made me truly grateful to serve such a dedicated division. I am also glad to announce that we have had 100% on time submissions for the 2nd month in a row! Thank you to all secretaries for all of their hard work. I have also been working on a project that will hopefully provide some motivation for members to attend DCMs that I hope will get members introduced to their Division. With some luck, this project will be revealed to you all before or during the next DCM so watch out for that.


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | July Edition

Media and Tech TC Nathan Dang | Franklin What Up Monsters? It's your Tech & Media Task Coordinator again on the newsletter! So far I've worked on a few other video projects that contribute to Key Club, such as the Caring With Food, which is on the Division page! I'm also brainstorming for the next video, which will be RTC! Be sure to be on a lookout as RTC is coming soon. Have a good read!

Member Recognition TC Anthony Chan | Sheldon Hello, Division 7 South! I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer! This summer is going by fast and there is about 25 days left until school starts. Yikes! Although I am a member of the DLT with multiple tasks, I still focus on my academics and education. I am going into my sophomore year and I have put myself in AP and Honors classes as well as participating in two sports. High school does not last forever, but does not end quickly so I try to make the most of my high school life with my academics, sports and Key Club! I believe that this will be a fun year and I hope all of you have a great time as well in the next year of high school. School season is approaching and you should be getting ready for a jam-packed year of stress and homework, but also a lot of fun. Enjoy the rest of your summer because it is ending soon so make it count!

Kiwanis Family & Foundation TC Michael Mendoza | Florin Hey, Hey, Hey D7S Monsters! Lately I have been working on a guide on how to get more interactive with the Kiwanis and it is call "The D7S BEEing interactive with Kiwanis". This guide is for all of you wonderful faces. Also I plan on creating a service project at the Kiwanis Family House to make closer bonds with them. I have more planned out and will let you know as soon as they are complete! See ya later MONSTERS!

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | July Edition


Summer Public Relations TC Joshua Diaz | Franklin Hello 7 South, As summer is closing, my term as your Summer Public Relations TC ends. I sincerely am glad to have served you all, and hope that my efforts have had a positive impact. For my successor, David Keet, I am confident you will do just as well or better than I have in taking on the responsibilities of your position. Some quick tips: make backup plans, keep in frequent communication about any plans, ask for help, and don't stress if things go wrong. Keep a positive outlook and remember to go back to the meaning of service. For the wonderful people I have worked with these past three months, I am going to miss it all. You all are really great, and I hope you don't forget it. For everyone else, keep doing what you do for others. Key Club is more than just a way to get hours signed off on a sheet. Serving others is a way to make things better for everyone. As has been emphasized over and over, keep on serving and remember that we are all leaders. Thank you all, and farewell.


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | July Edition

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | July Edition












































September 19th Franklin KC’s Grassroots Soccer Tournament September 26th Region 16 Training Conference and CO KC’s MooMoo Fundraiser


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | September Edition

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | September Edition


David Keet as your Autumn Public Relations Coordinator

A Little about him: 3rd Year KC Member Junior Class of 2017 Franklin High School Project Committee Member Frankiin LOL Tournament TC

Meet and Congratulat members for stepping


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | September Edition

Theresa Nguyen as your Fall Rally Spirit Coordinator

A Little about her: 3rd Year Member Junior Class of 2017 Sheldon High School 2nd Year FRN Coordinator Publicity Chair at Sheldon KC

te these outstanding up as Leaders!

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | September Edition



Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | September Edition

Watch the Re Cap Video Here~ A special thank you to our Summer Public Relations TC Joshua Diaz. He quite literally made this event happen! We donated over 200 bagged lunches to a local food bank! S U P E R! SUPER STAR IS WHAT YOU ARE!

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | September Edition


Two Presenters at Key to College express their struggles and give helpful advice.


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | September Edition

CNH District Kiwanis Head William Ngo announces prize winners at College Expo.


Spirit C



from D

27N, D 7N, a Expo! nd D7 S

a t Co


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | September Edition


Cumulative D

Service Ho

$11,850 raise





Current: Service Hours– 7,359


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | September Edition

Division Goals:

ours– 25,200

ed for service





Current: $13,978 raised for service Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | September Edition


1) I’m an amazing dancer, I am 2) I am amazing, I’m involved in involved in many school activities and girl scouts. I have a few boyfriends and they love me lots sometimes. I have really strong eyebrow game too.

Key Club , ASB, and if there was a pizza and pug club I would be involved in that too. I love Pizza and Pugs. Also chinchillas are nice.

3) I’m a senior at _____ High

4) L O V E

School and I participate in Key Club, moot court, and other extra curriculars. I love English and enjoy helping our community.


5) I am the president of my home Who am I?


club and I have an adorable dog that I like to take with me to outdoor DCM’s. I am a senior!

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | September Edition

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | September Edition




3) Answers 1)Michelle Nguyen Franklin Secretary 2) Michael Mendoza Florin DLT 3) Joshua Diaz Franklin DLT 4) Terry Nguyen PG LTG 5) Ellie Truong EG President




Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | September Edition

Member of the Month Member: Yulan Feng (SHS) Although Yulan has not been very active her Key Club term, but she has been extremely active over the summer. Her attendance at events has been high and this could not have been possible without sacrificing her tennis practice to attend these events. From the Land Park Clean-Up to the Color Run and to our Division service project, she has attended them all along with many other events throughout the summer.

Officer of the Month Officer: Jackie Guan (Laguna Creek) Over the past month, Jackie has done more than his fulfilled duties on the Projects and Resources committee. Not only does he find service events, he also updates their club’s Google Calendar. Although not many members are active over the summer, this does not determine how hard Jackie works or how much effort he puts into it. The fact that he has available resources for the members is great because it will allow members to find information on events and such.

7 Newsletter of Division 7 South | September Edition Official


Valley Key Club Congratulations Valley Key Club This past month, Valley Key Club have started a new ongoing project, The Valley Hi Heal Zone, that is held every Saturday to promote being active throughout the community for all ages. They have also planned and organized a successful social. Valley have been thinking about future events like Club Rush, Fall Rally North, and also planning on having fundraisers such as a Movie Night. Overall Valley has a lot of service hours as well as a very determined board that is on the right path to a great term.

Message from President Bilal B Hi Monsters!

Valley High School's always been kind o at least I've always felt so. This year I've Key Club as its president and so far we'v opportunities, projects uplifting our com to local schools we're slowly but surely a pact in Valley Hi by bringing together st er to uplift our community, thereby brea Valley Hi Community for longer than it d


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | September Edition


off an underdog in the large Division 7 south. Or been blessed with the opportunity to lead Valley ve got the ball rolling. Through countless service mmunity, and spreading awareness of our service achieving our mission statement: To create an imtudents of socioeconomic disadvantage togethaking the negative stigma that has held on to the deserves.

7 Newsletter of Division 7 South | September Edition Official


Caring With Food By Benjamin Chan of Pleasant Grove Key Club On July 25, Division 7 South hosted Caring with Food Service Project at the Kiwanis Family House. Members were given the opportunity to donate foods such as bread, fruits, lunch meat, and cookies to be donated to the St. Johns Shelter for Women. At the event members from across the division were divided into three different stations. While some prepared sandwiches and packed them in paper bags, others wrote meaningful cards for children at the UC Davis Children’s Miracle Network hospital. This event was also paired with the Division’s ongoing Caring with Crafts Project in which volunteers loomed hats, and prepared blankets for hospital patients. Key Clubbers made blankets by cutting the edges off.

Leadership Team Meeting By Sydney Shead of Rancho Murieta Key Club

On Wednesday, July 22nd, the July Leadership T Meeting took place at 3:00 p.m. It was the first “Brin had our President Lauren Posey and Vice President Sy ties and discussions that took place between Presiden ent clubs. Some of these discussions included topics and “What areas of your club are proving problematic and t-shirt designs. The result of voting for the DCM

We had a snack break before continuing the meeting Key to College event on August 15th that will take plac Artic theme. We brainstormed about which creek sho We also talked about slightly more distant events suc theme. Another event we discussed was the 2015 Fa Team Meeting officially ended at 6:47 p.m.


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | September Edition

The Color Run By Karen Tran of Sheldon High School I attended the Color Run on August 1st which was my first time at the Color Run. I went with other members, Krista and Yulan. There were a lot of other members who were in charge of throwing the colors and helping pass out water. Krista, Yulan and I helped out by cheering on runners at the start and finish. We cheered at the top of our lungs to get the members hyped up and motivated. My favorite part was when runners hugged me and gave me high fives. It was also really nice when the runners would thank us for volunteering. It was a nice and heartwarming feeling seeing their smiles as well. I will definitely come back next year to volunteer and get color all over me! This was a great way to end the summer with a fun splash of color!

Team ng an officer to the LTM” and our Rancho Murieta Key Club ydney Shead attend. During the meeting, there were activints and Vice Presidents from the same club as well as differsuch as “How can your club increase member involvement?” c?” We also took votes on matters such as the DCM theme theme was ‘story time’.

and discussing upcoming events. We covered the Division ce at the Sacramento Convention Center and will have an ould be used for the creek clean up event on August 22 nd. ch as the RTC on September 26 th, which will have a safari all Rally that will take place on October 24 th. The Leadership

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | September Edition


Questions, comments, concerns?

The Division Leadership Team LTG Terry Nguyen Pleasant Grove Executive Assistant

Administrative Assistant Megan Morris Franklin

Tommy Dang Laguna Creek

Division News Editor Sammi Tai

Media and Tech TC


Nathan Dang Franklin

Member Recognition TC Anthony Chan

Kiwanis F&F TC


Michael Mendoza Florin

Summer Public Relations TC Joshua Diaz Franklin

BEE Green and do not print this newsletter. Official Division 7 South Newsletter

The Presidents of 7 South Consumnes Oaks

Montery Trail

Megan Wang

David Thong

Elk Grove


Ellie Truong

Leeza Xiong



Ivy Vong

Cynthia Tze

Laguna Creek

Pleasant Grove

Camrick Solario

Justin Le

Rancho Murieta


Lauren Posey

Bilal Baloch

BEE Green and do not print this newsletter. Official Division 7 South Newsletter

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