July 2015 | The Beastly Bulletin

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Official Division 7 South Newsletter | Region 16 | Volume 6 | Issue 3 | July 2015 Edition

Table of Contents Page 2… Editor’s Message Page 3-4… LTG Message Page 5-6 DLT Messages Page 7… June Calendar and Events Page 8... T– Shirt Design and Graphics Team Page 9 … Humans of Key Club Page 10… Keeping up with the District Level Page 11-12...Featured Articles Page 13-14… Flashback to OTC Page 15-16 … The Eliminate Project Page 17–18… Current Standings Page 19 ... Who’s that Officer? Page 20 … InterClub System Page 21 … Who’s that Officer? -Answers Page 22… Member and Officer of the Month Page 21-22 … Club of the Month Page 23– 26 ...Meet the Officers Contact Information


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | July Edition

What’s Crackalackin Monsters? It’s your DNE Sammi and this past month I’ve worked to create this newsletter and cooperate with all the club editor’s for article and visual submissions. If there are any questions, comments, suggestions– please let me know! I would love to make these newsletters more helpful and interactive for you! Moving on, I hope that you all were able to learn new information at Officer Training Conference last month– I had an excellent time presenting workshops and meeting new members. As well as attend a whole bunch of service events this past month! We are slowly but surely working out way towards our goal of 25,200 service hours! What better time to serve the community when you have such an abundance of time! Even though its’s summer– Service never sleeps. Be on the look out for service event provided by your home club and the division! If you weren’t able to attend OTC, you can always go to RTC in the fall. There is so much to do and so much more that we can all learn. See you all soon Kiddos~ Sammi Tai Division 7 South Division News Editor Region 16| Cali-Nev-Ha District Key Club International

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | July Edition


Hey Monsters!

Thank you for reading another edition of the Beastly Bulletin, and I would lik thank you to our DNE Sammi Tai for all of her hard work in compiling and c letter!

It's crazy to believe that the first month of summer has already passed. With is the perfect time to prepare for the next few months of the term, voluntee service events, become more involved on the division level, and serve the general! Keep in mind that the July Spotlight on Service Program focus is "G hope to see you all doing just that; go outdoors, get active, and serve the way you can!

I am so proud to see that we are stepping closer and closer to meeting ou service hours and money raised for service! Revisions have been made to and we hope that you will all continue to strive to achieve them. Rememb the Division Goals page on this newsletter for more information!

In these next few months we hope to encourage you to be involved more club, and we will also be providing more division service opportunities for a participate in. Remember that service never stops; take advantage of the opportunities you encounter and make sure you are making the most of yo


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | July Edition

Sincerely , Terry Nguyen

ke to give a big creating this news-

Division 7 South Lieutenant Governor Region 16| Cali-Nev-Ha District Key Club International

h July upon us, this er at a variety of e community in Go Outdoors," so I community in any

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e within your home all of you to e events and our summer!

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | July Edition


Executive Assistant Tommy Dang | Laguna Creek Aloha Division 7 South Monsters! It may be Summer but service doesn’t stop! This past month come to an end with the closure of the graphic design contest for the upcoming Division T-Shirts (hope you submitted a design!), creating presentations for Officer Training Conference (that I couldn’t attend, sorry!), planning and publicizing DCM’s, tinkering with the interclub system, and planning the #HashtagLunchBag event (JULY 25th)! Something exciting to look forward to is the Division Leadership Team introduction videos as well as many more videos for throughout the term so BEE sure to catch them! Besides all that, it been such a great experience so far serving on the Division Leadership Team and I look forward for the rest of the term!

Administrative Assistant Megan Morris | Franklin Hello, Division 7 South! This last month has been a busy one for the Division Leadership Team. On June 6th, we hosted our joint officer training conference with Division 7 North. At this event, I was fortunate enough to co- present the Secretary and Public Speaking Workshops. For those who attended this event, I hope you were able to learn more about your role in Key Club and how you can help your club reach new heights. Looking forward, there are many exciting events to attend! We also are in the process of planning a few division wide service events so keep your eyes peeled for those. This term, I would really like to improve communication within the Division so please if you have any questions or concerns about anything Key Club related, do not hesitate to reach out to your DLT for help. I hope all of you monsters have a wonderful summer and keep serving your community.

Kiwanis Family & Foundation TC Michael Mendoza | Florin Aloha D7S Monsters! As your Kiwanis Family and Foundation TC, I have been interacting with our fellow Kiwanians and also attending their Kiwanis DCM's. It has been a great experience talking and getting to know each of them. I have also been advertising Key to College hosted my Sac State Circle K. And I have been looking for resource to charter a Builders Club. Later on into the term I will plan on getting to know the Kiwanians more so they won’t just be those people who we are required to communicate with. I have more monsterous plans but all I have too say is. See you later D7S!


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | July Edition

Media and Tech TC Nathan Dang | Franklin What Up Monsters? Nathan "Daaang" here and I wanted to tell you all how happy I am to serve D7S as your Tech & Media TC, and I have all of you to thank for that. So far the DLT is currently in the process of creating an introduction video that simply talks about us! From the Lieutenant Governor to myself, who we are to what our goals will be for this term. Also the DLT has created an official D7S Facebook account dedicated to storing and displaying photos of division events in albums! This will come in handy later on if you plan on utilizing these images from creating projects such as scrapbooks. That is all from me for now, enjoy the reading the rest of the newsletter!

Member Recognition TC Anthony Chan | Sheldon Hello, Division 7 South! A month has gone by since my Key Club term started and serving as your Division Recognition Task Coordinator this month has been challenging. Over the past month, I have prepared for two DCMs and Officer Training Conference. The collaboration with Division 7 North for OTC allowed me to work alongside someone from another division to complete our workshop. Other than that, we as the Division Leadership Team, have started filming a DLT introduction video that will be coming soon. One goal that I wish to pursue is to assist Club Presidents in possibly opening up Member Recognition positions in every club. This is only the beginning of a long journey and I am excited to be serving you all this term!

Summer Public Relations TC Joshua Diaz | Franklin Hello monsters of Division 7 South, It's been about a month since I have been appointed as a task coordinator and I can say that I have been able to accomplished a lot. I have started organizing two division projects, one in July and one in August. The July project will be one where people will make lunch bags and/or care packages for the homeless. #HashtagLunchbag is an amazing grassroots organization dedicated to feeding the homeless one lunch bag at a time and I hope we will be able to get their support and collaboration. They have a website,www.hashtaglunchbag.org, if you are curious to learn more. For August, we will hopefully be doing a creek cleanup. The cleanup is still in planning, as with the event in July. Service shouldn't stop just because school is out and summer is in. Summer is a great time to get a lot of service hours, but more importantly, you should still make a positive impact on your homes, schools, and communities. Keep going to service events and thanks for reading.

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | July Edition












































July 11th(All Day)– MTKC’s Quickly Fundraiser July 13th to 16th (1PM to 5PM)– Franklin’s League of Legends Tournament July 18th(11AM to 4 PM) – July DCM and LCKC’s Beastly BBQ


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | July Edition

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | July Edition


“My favorite thing about Key Club is that Key Club allows me to serve, see my friends from other schools, and meeting new people. A few would call me outgoing but I love talking to new people. My goal as bulletin editor is to get all my duties done. Though it’s a lot of work, I enjoy it because of the people– my basic duties. I also want to be awarded “ Club Editor Eseosa Omorogieva

"I'm trying to bring this really heavy cement bag over to the wheelbarrows so we can mix it with water in order to fill it up with cement and then fill various areas with the cement we work together to create. Whenever people ask if I need help I try to deny it because I want to show my strength as a Key Clubber and convey how a passion for service and helping make a difference can make you a stronger person, in this instance literally." Club Editor Eileen Eto


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | July Edition

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | July Edition


Relay For Life By Daniel Leung of Florin High School Relay for Life is one of the biggest fundraisers against cancer of the year. It definitely lived up to its name. There were so many groups, teams, events, and tents. Some people even stayed overnight and camped out in the dark! Everyone packed so many things: Frisbees, volleyballs, blankets, tents, food, cards. We were able to camp out with the rest of our Division during this fundraiser and just relax, play games, and chat. It was a great experience to meet new people and just hang out. The event was very Interesting overall. There was a beauty pageant but for men! Also, it was nice to meet so many dedicated people. There were people that have participated in Relay for Life for over 10 years! It was so nice to be around such nice people who have such great dedication to combat cancer. This was the first time in a while that our school participated in Relay for Life but we were able to raise $250 for this event

Flashback to OTC Article Officer Training Conference By Mindy Phan of Sheldon High School Although, school is over for most of us, that doesn’t mean we stop learning new things.

With summer here, we have more time to explore and go on adventures, maybe even slee You can also take advantage of this time to educate yourself and grow as a leader. And than going to Officer Training Conference?

On Saturday June 6th, at Monterey Trail High School, Division 7 hosted their Officer Training officers and members had opportunity to attended various workshops. From this event, many individuals gained more leadership skills and a full understanding of many workshops to take part in, varying from President &Vice-President workshops to Prefe Recognitions, and more! It allowed us to develop skills and knowledge to help us througho the informational workshops, we were able to meet numerous amounts of people. As well personal experience as Key Club officers and members. Overall, OTC was a great experien


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | July Edition

The Eliminate Project Article Pie a Teacher, Save a Life By Eileen Eto of Franklin High School Pieing a teacher. Whether it be to watch their reaction, because it's funny, or to get revenge, everyone has their own motives for doing it and when money for it goes to charity the incentive level raises. At first I was a little nervous as to how this fundraiser would be executed because our club had never tried this sort of event before, but it went off with a blast! I was even a little tempted to pay extra money to pie my favorite teacher but unfortunately, five other people already wanted to pie him and I thought I should spare him. Imagine my surprise though when our beloved club president opened up the pieing to allow Key Club officers to be pied. Watching other people pie teachers was funny but being pied myself was a whole new experience. The first pie that flew at me thankfully missed, the second one went plop on my face and I literally could not open my eyes because there was too much shaving cream on my face. However, despite the personal pieing, I have to say that this event not only raised a lot to save lives but it was also a fun and refreshing event from the mundane daily school life. Even after the event was over I was able to walk to sixth period with a smile on my face and my heart beating at rapid fire because the event was so much fun. Ultimately I'm glad our club hosted this event because it was an incredible, life saving experience.

ep or hang out with friends. what better way to do that,

g Conference where current

their position. There were erred Charities to Member out our term. In addition to as bonding and sharing our nce! Officer Eileen Eto gets pied by a fellow classmate to raise money and awareness for MNT Week.

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | July Edition


Photo Credits to Albert Le


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | July Edition

Tag us with #Division7OTC

e and M&T TC Nathan Dang

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | July Edition



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Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | July Edition

Photo Credits to M&T TC Nathan Dang

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ject is partnership between all the nis and UNICEF to combat the disease cronym for a completely curable cts new born babies and mothers. It suffer painful convulsions and ly sensitive to light and touch. Imagine mothers endure only to learn that n hold their baby. MNT or Maternal can be stopped. A mere $1.80 can d save all her future babies from MNT.

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | July Edition


Current: Service Hours– 4988 $12,762 raised for service


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | July Edition

WE DID IT! Cumulative Division Goals: Service Hours– 25,200 $11,850 raised for service Official Newsletter of


1) I love to swim and I’ve been 2) I am the president of my club in Key Club since my freshman year. I love pandas, sushi, and my favorite color is lavender. My favorite artist is Sam Smith and John Legend. The Spirit of FRN during my freshman year made me fall in love with Key Club.

and my favorite kind of food is Italian. I love the color blue and my favorite animals are cats. My hidden talent has to be drawing and playing piano. My favorite service event is Caroling for Cans.

3) I am the treasurer of my

4) I am a DLT member, I’ve held

club. I like the color teal, penguins and my favorite food is Korean food. I love EXO and my favorite service event is the Super Bowl Fun run– fun runs are my favorite because I enjoy running.

multiple positions and my favorite animal is Tommy. I love Korean fried chicken and my favorite color is navy blue or forest green. I like League of legends and enjoy photography in my free time.

5) I am currently Who am I?


the VP for my

clyb and I enjoy playing tennis and shopping. I like ice cream pandas, and my favorite color is mint. My favorite service event is the Electric Run and Awakethon.

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | July Edition

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | July Edition




3) Answers 1)Christine Hoang (MT) Tresurer 2)Megan Wang (CO) President 3)Justina Voong (Sheldon) Treasurer 4)Tommy Dang (DLT) EA 5)Sally Tran (PG) Vice President




Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | July Edition

Member of the Month Benjamin Vang (Florin): Although Ben is just a member, he is not too shy to come out and attend events and meet new people. He doesn’t just attend his club service events, he attends division wide events like a DCM. Ben also attends fundraisers too, even outside of his club, such as Sheldon’s Pins N Strikes Fundraiser. Ben is a very outgoing individual who is very social and also a very active person in Key Club.

Officer of the Month Pauline Tze (Franklin): Throughout this month, Pauline has been organizing a fundraiser at Boba Tea House and overseeing the Project Eliminate money donations from the club's Penny Wars and Pie-a-Teacher fundraiser. She has been very accurate when dealing with reimbursements with fellow officers on medals, awards, and food bought for the club members as a celebration for the end of the school year. Finally, Pauline has been putting in a lot of work and effort as her Club Treasurer by constantly updating her Club’s Facebook Page with volunteer opportunities or running Franklin’s forums.

Officer of the Month Pauline Tze hold the E next to Ellie Truong the president of EG Key Club,

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | July Edition


Elk Grove Key Club Congratulations Elk Grove Key Club! In the past month, Elk Grove Key Club has not only hosted a successful fundraiser reaching $150 in profit, but they also raised over $155 for Project Eliminate during MNT week. They also served nearly 300 service hours with their large diversity of members attending events. Keep up the outstanding work!

Message from President Ellie T

Aloha Monsters! On behalf of the club I serve, I wo completely humbled and thankfu Club of the Month for June! There would be where it is now without t dedicated to service, and the offi their butts off to maintain and uph passion within the officers and me is going to be an awesome and B


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | July Edition


ould like to say we are ul for being recognized as e is no way Elk Grove Key Club the members who are so icers that constantly work hold our club! The profound embers I serve tell me that this BEE-utiful term!

7 Official Newsletter of

Division 7 South | July Edition


Questions, comments, concerns?

The Division Leadership Team LTG Terry Nguyen D07s.cnhkc.LTG@gmail.com Pleasant Grove Executive Assistant

Administrative Assistant Megan Morris D07s.cnhkc.AA@gmail.com Franklin

Tommy Dang D07s.cnhkc.EA@gmail.com Laguna Creek

Division News Editor Sammi Tai D07s.cnhkc.DNE@gmail.com

Media and Tech TC


Nathan Dang Nathandang.d7s@gmail.com Franklin

Member Recognition TC Anthony Chan Anthonyc9967@gmail.com

Kiwanis F&F TC


Michael Mendoza Mikejr.7104@gmail.com Florin

Summer Public Relations TC Joshua Diaz Joshuadias@gmail.com Franklin

BEE Green and do not print this newsletter. Official Division 7 South Newsletter

The Presidents of 7 South Consumnes Oaks

Montery Trail

Megan Wang

David Thong



Elk Grove


Ellie Truong

Leeza Xiong





Ivy Vong

Cynthia Tze



Laguna Creek

Pleasant Grove

Camrick Solario

Justin Le



Rancho Murieta


Lauren Posey

Bilal Baloch



BEE Green and do not print this newsletter. Official Division 7 South Newsletter

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