June 2015 Beastly Bulletin

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Official Division 7 South Newsletter | Region 16 | Volume 6 | Issue 2 | June 2015 Edition

Table of Contents Page 2… Editor’s Message Page 3-4… LTG Message Page 5... Assistant Message Page 6… Task Coordinator Introductions Page 7… June Calendar and Events Page 8... June DCM and OTC Page 9… T-Shirt Contest Page 10… Humans of Key Club Page 11-14...Featured Articles Page 15-16 … Current Standings Page 17 ... Who’s that Officer? Page 18 … Monsters of the Month Page 19 … Who’s that Officer? -Answers Page 19… Member and Officer of the Month Page 21-22 … Club of the Month Page 23– 26 ...Meet the Officers Contact Information


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | June Edition

What’s Crackalackin Monsters? It’s Sammi– your DNE. This past month I’ve worked on this newsletter as well as aiding our team of editors to improve our article and visual submissions. Even though the term has just begun I’m glad to say that we’re doing a great job with our duties. Hopefully I’ll see you all at OTC this Saturday from 3 PM to 7 PM. Last month our task coordinators were announced and I’m glad to say we are easing them into our team. All of them are extremely dedicated and diligent workers who I know will serve our Division proudly. We’re all getting along very well and I hope that you will find them helpful through out this term. I’m so happy that it’s finally time for Summer time– time of our lives, it’s our vacation. (from school) I’m so excited to tell you about all the fun events that we have planned. Hopefully I’ll see you all at our June DCM which is right before Officer Training Conference at Monterey Trail High School. See you all soon Kiddos~ Sammi Tai Division 7 South Division News Editor Region 16| Cali-Nev-Ha District Key Club International

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | June Edition


Aloha Monster!

Can you BEE-lieve it’s June already? Now that summer is here, it's time to relax, catch up on m get more involved in Key Club! Summer is the perfect time to volunteer in your community at and to build closer bonds with other clubs in the division!

Don't forget that the Division 7 Officer Training Conference is coming up on Saturday, June 6th Monterey Trail High School! This is the perfect opportunity to learn more about officer duties an this event is also joint with Division 7 North, you'll get the opportunity to meet and interact wit Contact anyone on the DLT or myself for more information.

We also recently appointed task coordinators! I would like to give a warm welcome to the follow    

Division Recognition TC Anthony Chan Kiwanis Family and Foundation TC Michael Mendoza Summer Public Relations TC Joshua Diaz Tech and Media TC Nathan Dang

Thank you so much to everyone that applied! I am beyond happy and proud to see that so ma the initiative, courage, and dedication to strive for leadership roles. Regardless of the results, y to be a leader; everyone has the potential to serve and make a positive impact within their hom nity with or without a position.

For the month of April, as a division we collectively served over 2450 hours and raised over $9 amazing and I am excited to see that we are all working towards our goals! Numbers and stati sents the passion and hours of dedication spent serving others, whether through fundraising or minute, every dollar, has helped someone in more ways than we can ever imagine!

Monsters, this month I challenge you to discover why you serve. Is it the smiles that you can p faces? Is it the fact that you know your $1.80 will save a mother and her future babies? Or is it you've made a difference in someone's life and left a positive impact where you've been and go


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | June Edition

Sincerely ,

much needed sleep, and various service events,

h from 3 PM-7 PM at nd Key Club itself. As th some of the Bees!

Terry Nguyen Division 7 South Lieutenant Governor Region 16| Cali-Nev-Ha District Key Club International

wing individuals:

any members have taken you do not need a title me, school, and commu-

9200 for service. That is istics aside, this reprer service events. Every

put on other people's t because you know one?

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | June Edition


EA Tommy Dang | Laguna Creek Aloha Division 7 South Monsters! Only one month into my term as serving as your Executive Assistant and it has been jam packed! From working on Eliminate week, designing ads for the upcoming graphic design contest, planning and publicizing DCM's, and beginning the process of presentations for Officer Training Conference, I hope to see all of your BEE-eautiful faces there! With the school year coming to an end, the Division Leadership Team have been and will continue sparking up new ideas to enhance member's experience, so be sure to keep connected over summer! (Don't forget service doesn't stop!) So far, serving on the Division Leadership team has been such a great experience (surreal even) and I look forward to serving you all for the next 10 months, so lock in your seat belts, It's gonna be a great ride!

AA Megan Morris | Franklin Hello, Division 7 South! As the school year is wrapping up, our Key Club term is just beginning. Although it is easy to get is out of session. I look forward to meeting each and every one of you monsters at our upcoming summer events caught up in lazy summer days, our enthusiasm for Key Club will not go on hibernation. This summer will be an exciting one with OTC, many club fundraisers, and also fun social events. OTC is a great opportunity for officers to gain essential training in their positions. Members are also highly encouraged to attend this event and can benefit a lot from the education they will gain on the leadership positions of Key Club. For all officers, please be sure to communicate with members to keep your club active in service while school is out of session! Media and Tech TC Nathan Dang | Franklin Hey Division 7 South! My name is Nathan Dang and I am the newly appointed Tech & Media Task Coordinator for the 2015-2016 term! I am about to become a senior at Franklin High School as my junior year ends, something already crazy for me. On a few side notes I serve Franklin Key Club as their Media Committee Head and was a member of District Convention 2015's Social Media Team. I am also a member of Franklin's Broadcasting Team (WCTV), Yearbook's honorary member, and finally a filmmaker. My goal as TC for this term is to give D7S an entirely new perspective with creative visuals that will appeal to our audience and more!


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | June Edition

Kiwanis Family & Foundation TC Michael Mendoza | Florin Aloha D7S Monsters! I'm Michael Mendoza and I will be your 2015-2016 Kiwanis Family and Foundation Task Coordinator. I'm SUPER excited for this term to serve all of you wonderful people. My duty throughout the term is to attend Kiwanis monthly DCM'S and update you on future Kiwanis events. I later plan on chartering a Builders Club at a local middle school in our area and also to keep our division close and stay interacted with our Kiwanians. Hope you guys get closer to our Kiwanis! PEACE OUT Monsters.

Member Recognition TC Anthony Chan | Sheldon Hello, Division 7 South!

My name is Anthony Chan and I will be serving as the Division Recognition Task Coordinator for the 2015-2016 term. I currently attend Sheldon High School as a freshman and this is my first year in Key Club, as a member, but now I am serving on the DLT. I cannot put into words about how excited I am to serve the Division this term and I hope to take recognition to new heights. Some of my goals for this term are to introduce/continue the monthly recognition exchanging of the orange letters K-E-Y, create newly, but similar awards at the End of the Year Banquet, and to begin sending out qualification notices before the end of the term to those who are qualified to apply for the Member Recognition Program.

Summer Public Relations TC Joshua Diaz | Franklin Hello monsters of Division 7 South, My name is Joshua Diaz and I will be serving as your Summer Public Relations Task Coordinator. I am a junior at Franklin High School and cookies are the best. In my free time I like to play video games, read, and do various other things. My goals for the term are to improve member attendance at service events, fundraisers, and division events over the summer. I also hope to work will the rest of the DLT on making a creative, fun, and impactful summer service project. I have many ideas to offer and will do my best to serve the division as a Guardian of Service.

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | June Edition












































Upcoming Events Division 7 South and 7 North– Officer Training Conference and June DCM


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | June Edition

Officer Training ConferenceOfficer Training Conference is an annual event dedicated to training officers about their roles in the club that they serve. It will also provide members with leadership skills to be a future leader and a guardian of service! You'll get to meet new people, develop your skills, and learn more about Key Club itself! Also join us for the June DCM of your respective division!

Requirements Pre– Registration- $3 Day of Registration- $5 Semi-Formal attire Business Formal Attire

Food and Water will be provided.

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | June Edition


Division Shirt GuidelinesDue June 25th @ 6PM

Colors– Orange, White, Black Include– 

“Division 7 South”

“Region 16”

“CNH District”


“Caring– Our Way of Life”

Orange Monster(s)

Key Club Logo

All Club Names

Submission Guidelines

Must be in .JPEG/ PNG Format

Email Submissions to: d07s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

Subject Title– 2015-2016 T– Shirt Design or 2015-2016 Graphic Design


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | June Edition

How did you come to be the Faculty Advisor for PGKC? “Back in 1999 or 2000, what ever it was- the Key Club Florin advisor couldn’t go to DCON, so the kids asked him to ask me if I could go to DCON. Everything was paid for– food hotel, etc. so I went and it was great. I didn’t even know what Key Club was. When we came back the president of Key Club at the time asked me to become their Key Club advisor after their first advisor wanted to retire. I asked them what I would have to do and came aboard. What message would you pass on to future Key Clubbers? “Keep doing community service because people might not recognize what you’re doing but you’re doing great things and it makes you feel good but it actually benefits the people who are needy– they need some help, with out you we’ll only think of ourselves. If you only think about the individual– our club, our community, our country will inevitably fail. We must think of ourselves a community– helping out, doing service– it helps out everyone and it brings us together. You might not notice it but it does happen, every little bit helps.”

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | June Edition


From Spring to Winter Michelle Ho -Franklin High School Last Friday I attended Elliot Ranch’s Annual Spring Fling. At this carnival, there was a huge variety of activities for the students to participate in including a pie-eating contest, an inflatable obstacle course and slide, a slime-making booth, a hovercraft, and much more. The fair also hosted raffles for themed prize baskets put together by each class and even for a chance for one lucky student to be principal for a day! The atmosphere was great and you could see that all the kids were having so much fun. The DJ played great music as well; at one point he played the Cha Cha Slide and all the kids came up to the blacktop and danced. Unfortunately, about halfway into the Fling, it started to rain. The DJ even cracked a joke thanking everyone for coming to “Elliot Ranch’s first annual Winter Fling”. Despite being rained out, the Spring Fling was an overall success and a very enjoyable event to participate in.

Awake-A-Thon By Justin Le -Pleasant Grove High School On April 24th, Pleasant Grove Key Club hosted their annual Awake-a-Thon. This event is one of PGKC largest fundraisers, raising to a total of 9000$! With the hard work of many and the attendance of wonderful Key Clubbers, PGKC was able to raise over 9000$ for charity! During the beginning of the set up stage PGKC has an array of members who helped set up the event! But our main star of the show was IP treasurer, Alex Pham. Alex has been a major contributor in the transition for this new terms start and has been the main organizer for AAT. Without Alex there wouldn't be another AAT for 2015! After the set up and registration PGKC held its rally to explain the charities that the money raised will be going towards. Also included in the mix were various activities that had many hilarious ends! Altogether the rally proved to not only increase the spirits of Key Clubbers but informed them about charities such as the Kiwanis Family house. AAT has helped many Key Clubbers in contributing towards charity and has helped them gain insight on the charities that Key Club partners with. AAT was event that helped provide for those who couldn't provide for themselves and was also a fun way for Key Clubbers to bond with one another and have a fun time together.


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | June Edition

Key Club Song By Cieanna Vongsa and Friends Poetry Slam -Laguna Creek High School “NHS, Mathletes, Chess, KEY CLUB School’s okay, but I love, KEY CLUB Food is great, so is, KEY CLUB Told all my friends to go and join, KEY CLUB Can’t make locks, so I joined, KEY CLUB Have a lot of orange ‘cuz I’m in, KEY CLUB Always showing spirit while I’m in, KEY CLUB Gonna do some service ‘cuz I’m in, KEY CLUB “Caring-Our Way of Life,” the motto for, KEY CLUB Made a lot of friends while in, KEY CLUB Making more friends, ‘cuz I’m still in, KEY CLUB Division Seven South is our, KEY CLUB Can’t wait to serve our BEE-utiful, KEY CLUB KEY CLUB KEY CLUB KEY CLUB KEY CLUB!

Cieanna Vongsa and Friends ,at Pleasant Grove’ s Annual AAT, utilizing the photo booth.

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | June Edition


Party Planning By Sydney Shead– Rancho Murieta Key Club On April 19th, our Rancho Murieta Key Club had our monthly meeting at 4:30 p.m. at the Rancho Murieta Association (RMA) Building. This meeting was especially fun because the topic was party planning! Coming up on May 17th is our Welcoming party for new Key Club members as well as a goodbye party for our graduating members. Last year, our Welcoming Party went really well, and our Key Club gained many new members. We are planning a fun day of games, food, raffles, and fun. The meeting was spent planning the details for the party. Everyone split into groups and planned a specific aspect of the party. One group picked out different games to play and another made a list of food to bring to the party. The officers were in charge of picking out goodbye gifts for the leaving members. This will be the first year our Key Club will have graduating members, and we want to make sure they are given gifts that show how much we have appreciated having them in Key Club. Those who are leaving include our Treasurer and former President Catie Field and our Secretary Michelle Utterback. We are looking forward to our party, but we are also sad that for some of our members, it will be their last meeting. The meeting was very productive and a little sad, and we are hoping to have a great turn out at the party. We always look forward to this event because it is a day full of fun and getting to know new members!


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | June Edition

Kiwanis One Day By David Guo- Franklin High School The day of April 18th began like any other. Spring had just begun, and the elated winds began to sway the trees back and forth in methodical moMember David Guo at the tion. Most people slept in in the Kiwanis One Day event. light of the lazy Saturday mornings, however on that day I could not afford that luxury. Around 9 a.m. on April 18th, students from all over the California area bustled into the Kiwanis Family house. I had been to the Kiwanis Family house before, but my usual visits were only met by 10 or 12 people. Seeing around 100 dedicated Key Club students was not only astonishing but inspirational. For the rest of the day all Key Clubbers would dedicate themselves to pulling weeds, laying mulch, and of course, pulling weeds. Volunteering at this event relayed to me a valuable part of Key Club I had neglected. EGKC President Ellie Truong vacuuming in the Kiwanis Family House

It was the dedication of the member, the honor of hard work being done. Whether leader or member, everyone can appreciate the value of industry. Although we may not directly see the people we are volunteering for, it is easy to appreciate the temerity shown by the members. It is easy to get complacent within Key Club due to it’s slew of social events. It’s easy to forget why you serve. But when we look at the core value of Key Club, and look back, we realize that as a leader we must understand how we became a leader. And as a member, we realize why we are a part of Key Club. "

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | June Edition



Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | June Edition

Cumulative Division Goals: Service Hours– 25,200 $11,850 raised for service Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | June Edition


1) I am the vice president of my 2) I am the president of my club. club. My favorite food is oranges. I love elephants and the color purple. My biggest pet peeve is when people walk slow, in front of me. I like to sing and read– my favorite book is Percy Jackson.

My favorite animal is Terry Nguyen, I love the color green and my hobbies are eating sushi and doing service. I absolutely hate hypocrites. My favorite service event is the first one I ever went to

3) I am the treasurer of my

4) I am a DLT member. My favorite

club. My hobbies are dancing and watching anime. I love all kinds of food and my favorite color is blue. My favorite book is Looking for Alaska by John Green.

animals are narwhales and I like to read and sing. My favorite color is purple and book is the Fault in Our Stars. I love Cieanna Vongsa. I enjoy being around children. My favorite artist is Imagine Dragons.

5) around I am the secretary for Who am I?


my club. I like tennis, drawing, and KPOP. My favorite color is orange. I live for food, my favorite is sushi. My pet peeve is when people try to take my food.

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | June Edition

Consumnes Oaks- Jared Subia Florin– Long Nguyen Franklin– Gurnoor Kaur Monterey Trail– Iyviann Chu Pleasant Grove– Hieu Ma Sheldon– Anthony Chan Valley– Vue Yang

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | June Edition




3) Answers 1)Lesley Wong (Franklin) VP 2)David Thong (MT) President 3)Ryan Salon (MT) Treasurer 4)Sammi Tai (Franklin) DNE 5)Veng Vong (Sheldon) Secretary




Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | June Edition

Member– Vue Yang Vue shows that his passion and dedication to Key Club has been consistent for the past month through his service and interest in Key Club. Despite the lack of an advisor and trouble of finding rooms for general meetings, he is still eager to attend every meeting. Because Vue continuously promotes Key Club, he attends meetings with groups of friends, which greatly increases the general meeting attendance. Along with meetings, he has made the most effort to attend all available service events and even with the difficulties of the time and place, he still manages to attend event in the past month. Vue displays true affection and devotion towards Key Club upon his actions. Thank You Vue!

Officer– Emily Chen Emily has been very dependable when it comes to finding and organizing service events. Over the past month, she has found 5+ service events and has made it easily accessible for members to attend. Emily is very helpful with general meetings and to the board. Because of recent AP Testing, her fellow board officers have been busy and Emily was extremely helpful with finding all these service events. She has done an amazing job with the organization of the service events; and this shows her creativity and work ethic, which has reflected her personality this month.

Cynthia Tze, Emily Chen and Vue Yang

Thank you Emily!

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | June Edition


Franklin Key Club Congratulations Franklin Key Club! In the past month Franklin Key Club has achieved more than any other club in the division. They have a large range of dedicated members attending service, social, and fundraising events. This month they acquired over 400 service hours. Their project captains and executive board members found 14 service projects for this past month alone.

Message from President Cynth

Keep up the outstanding work!

Hello Monsters of 7 South!

I honestly did not expect to g I am so proud of the officers a serve for their endless commit I only hope that they continue continue serving the commun


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | June Edition

hia Tze

get club of the month, but and all of the members I tment to this organization. e their stellar work and nity.

7 Official Newsletter of

Division 7 South | June Edition


President– Ivy Vong Favorite Color: Blue Favorite Food: Ice Cream Inspiration: The members I serve, “Because we started from the bottom, now we’ re here” I stayed in Key Club because I love what I do despite all the late nights.

Vice President– Daniel Leung

Editor– Faith Saecho Favorite Color: Green

Favorite Food: Seafood– base

Inspiration: Kameo Quena– dent of Florin KC 2014-2015

I stayed in Key Club because love I have for performing se our community.

Favorite Color: Red Favorite Food: Hamburgers Inspiration: Unsure I stayed in Key Club because… I loved the active members and overall lively spirited atmosphere of our club.

Secretary– Christina Ly Favorite Color: Green

Favorite Food: “I love everythi Inspiration:

I stayed in Key Club because… others in and outside our com


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | June Edition

ed dishes

– IP Presi5

e… of the ervice in

Treasurer– Yuen Lenh Favorite Color: Green Favorite Food: Seafood– based dishes Inspiration: Kameo Quena– IP President of Florin KC 2014-2015


… I wanted to help mmunity while meet-

I stayed in Key Club because… of the love I have for performing service in our community.

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | June Edition


President– Cynthia Tze Favorite Color: Pastels

Editor– Eileen Eto

Favorite Food: Avocados

Favorite Color: : Pink or O yellow, wait. Just really brig

Inspiration: I stayed in Key Club because… I finally felt like I belonged somewhere. This organization has been so welcoming and “inclusive”, and it also provides me a chance to give back to the community while developing my own leadership skills.

Favorite Food: Curry

Inspiration: My Cousins a president of 2012-2013

I stayed in Key Club becau service events and the frien

Vice President– Lesley Wong Favorite Color: Purple

Secretary– Michelle Nguyen

Favorite Food: Oranges

Favorite Color: Blue

Inspiration: Sammi Tai

Favorite Food: Anything that I’ m crav

I stayed in Key Club because…. Of Sammi Tai. Inspiration(s): Emily Nguyen– IP LTG 2015, Cynthia Tze– Present KC Presid Kameo Quenga– IP President of Florin

I stayed in Key Club because… I want t at inspiring one person with my servic


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | June Edition

Orange. “Wait no, Red or ght colors”

and Betty Li– Frankin’ s

use… of all the fun nds I’ ve made.

Treasurer– Pauline Tze Favorite Color: Sky Blue Favorite Food: Sushi


of D07S 2014dent of Franklin, n KC 2014-2015

to have the chance ce and leadership

Inspiration: Though there isn’ t a way to directly measure how much someone inspire, I found David Tran to have been the most inspirational to me, he continues to attend Key Club events and strives to support our fundraisers and meet new people. I stayed in Key Club because… of those who genuinely love Key Club and aspire to not only know but live by our four core values.

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | June Edition


Questions, comments, concerns?

The Division Leadership Team LTG Terry Nguyen D07s.cnhkc.LTG@gmail.com Pleasant Grove

Administrative Assistant Megan Morris

Executive Assistant


Tommy Dang


D07s.cnhkc.EA@gmail.com Laguna Creek

Division News Editor Sammi Tai

Media and Tech TC Nathan Dang

D07s.cnhkc.DNE@gmail.com Franklin

Nathandang.d7s@gmail.com Franklin

Member Recognition TC Anthony Chan

Kiwanis F&F TC


Michael Mendoza


Mikejr.7104@gmail.com Florin

Summer Public Relations TC Joshua Diaz Joshuadias@gmail.com

BEE Green and do not print this newsletter. Official Division 7 South Newsletter

The Presidents of 7 South

Consumnes Oaks

Montery Trail

Megan Wang

David Thong



Elk Grove


Ellie Truong

Leeza Xiong





Ivy Vong

Cynthia Tze



Laguna Creek

Pleasant Grove

Camrick Solario

Justin Le



Rancho Murieta


Lauren Posey

Bilal Baloch



BEE Green and do not print this newsletter. Official Division 7 South Newsletter

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