May 2015 Division 7 South Newsletter

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Key Club International |CNH District| Official Division 7 South Newsletter | Region 16 | Volume 6 | Issue 1 | May 2015 Edition

Table of Contents Page 2… Editor’s Message Page 3- 4… Presenting the LTG Page 5... Assistant Introductions Page 6… Calendar and Events Page 7- 8… CNH District Chairs of D7 South Page … Task Coordinator Applications Page 9... Eliminate Week Page 10… Task Coordinator Page 11- 14 … DCON Recap Page 15- 18...Featured Articles Page 19… Last Year’s Stats Page 20… Goals for the Year Page 21 ... Officers of each Club Page 22 … Member of the Month Page 23… Officer of the Month Page 24… Club of the Month Contact Information


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | May Edition

What’s Crackalackin Monsters? My name’s Sammi and I love potatoes and peach green tea with rainbow jelly. Swag. I love to tell lame jokes, repeatedly because I find them hilarious. There is so much to say but I unfortunately have a word limit. I’ll be serving you as your Division News Editor for the 2015– 2016 term. This year I have so many goals for our Division and I hope that we’ll complete them all. I would like to insure consistent attendance for all divisional events through the entire term. I would also to make YOU a bigger part of the newsletter. My goal is to include each and every one of your lovely faces in the newsletter. Also I want to grow closer to our team of editors and ensure their works improve over the course of the term. Another goal of mine is to win the spirit stick at FRN because we’ve got spirit, yes we do! I’m so excited to serve and meet you all this year. See you all soon Kiddos~ Sammi Tai Division 7 South Division News Editor Region 16| Cali-Nev-Ha District Key Club International

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | May Edition


Hey Orange Monsters!

Happy May! For those of you who don’t know my, my name is Terry Nguyen and I Lieutenant Governor for the 2015-2016 term. Though our term is only beginning, wait to see all the great things that Division 7 South can and will accomplish.

This month, the Spotlight on Service Project Focus is the Eliminate Project. Thoug CNH District was not able to raise $500,000 to eliminate Maternal Neonatal Tetan district, we decided that are still going to reach our goal by fundraising for MNT th Trick or Treating for UNICEF until 2020. $1.80 is all it takes to save a mother and babies from MNT. $1.80 is all it takes to make a huge difference in someone's life

Entering the month of May, we have less than a month left of school; let's make i BEElieve in all of you and know that we will finish strong. Even with school ending Club term is just getting started and summer is quickly approaching. Take advant next few months to perform service and become more involved on the club and d level. Take advantage of the opportunities you encounter in Key Club; make a new participate in more service projects, attend a DCM, take on a leadership role, or s more! Monsters, I challenge each and everyone of you to step out of your comfort zone discover what it means to a be a Guardian of Service!


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | May Edition

Sincerely ,

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Terry Nguyen

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Division 7 South Lieutenant Governor Region 16| Cali-Nev-Ha District Key Club International

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Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | May Edition


Tommy Dang | Laguna Creek Aloha Division 7 South Monsters!

My name is Tommy Dang and I will be serving as Executive Assistant for the 2015-2016 term. I cannot emphasize how excited I am to serve such an amazing division for the term. I was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, and then I moved to the Bay area , then in my earlier years until I finally moved to Elk Grove. Although my life continues in Elk Grove, my heart belongs to the Bay area with the rest of my family. In my free time I enjoy spending time with my dog, Rex, or on the rift as a Gold III summoner, hit me up (IGN:KrumpleDore). Currently a sophomore at Laguna Creek, I have taken over three officer positions as I was appointed my freshman year, and I can gladly say that I would not be who I am as of today without Key Club. I have gained priceless experience and knowledge these past terms and it has helped mold me as a leader. Beginning each term with goals in mind, this term I plan on focusing on the bigger picture. I plan on improving communication within our division along with improving our division unity to further enhance member’s experience. With the goal of unifying the division this term, I hope to take advantage of the interclub system to help create strong bonds between each buddy club also enhancing communication through the system. With my final goal in mind, winning spirit stick this upcoming Fall Rally North is what I seek. Creating all Tommy Dang these goals that I know we will be able to surpass as division will be such a bitter-sweet moment by the end of our term as we will be able Division 7 South Executive Assistant to visualize what we have accomplished this term. I’m excited for the experiences that will be made this upcoming term and I hope to leave Region 16| Cali-Nev-Ha District a legacy of the 2015-2016 term. Key Club International

Megan Morris | Franklin Hello, Division 7 South!

I am Megan Morris and I will be serving as Administrative Assistant for the 20152016 term. I am a current sophomore at Franklin High School. I started Key Club early on in my freshmen year and although I have only been a part of this organization for two years, it has taught me so much about breaking out of my comfort zone, being a leader and creating lasting bonds with other Key Clubbers. This term I would like to go above and beyond to help struggling clubs gain a substantial amount of service opportunities. Also, I want to work on improving communication within our division. I would like to create an open dialogue between officers of each club that can act as a support system to clubs in need of assistance. I know that there will be many ups and downs this coming year but I hope to make this year a great experience for all of the officers. In addition to Key Club, I take part in many outside extracurricular activities. I am an honors student and I am an active part of my school's Mathletes program. I am also in National Honors Society and Megan Morris my school's Link Crew program. Next year, I will also be taking on the position of Junior Class Treasurer. Aside from Division 7 South Administrative Assistant school, I enjoy reading and spending time with close Region 16| Cali-Nev-Ha District friends. Key Club International


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | May Edition


















































Upcoming EventsMay 14th– Pleasant Grove, Franklin, Florin Snobites Fundraiser May 16th-17th– 9 AM to 9 AM Relay For Life on FHS Track May 22nd– 11 AM to 12 PM (All Day) Elk Grove Key Club Moomoo Fundraiser May 29th– 1PM to 7 PM Franklin Key Club Boba Tea House Fundraiser

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | May Edition


Aloha Division 7 South Monsters! The new year of 2015-2016 has just started and I can't wait to serve you all once more. My name is QuynhAnh Dam and I will be serving the CNH District as your Member Relations (MRS) Committee Chair! As Member Relations, I am here to provide educational materials and resources for members and officers alike throughout the year, whether it be for DCON or RTC/OTC, I will of course have it for you all. If you have any questions, feel free to message me anytime! Make sure you look out for all the resources that will soon be coming your way! I would also like to thank you, Division 7 South, for inspiring me to continue serving at different levels and make a bigger difference within Key Club. Seeing you all serve on a daily basis has made an impact on me and many others around you all, even if you don't know it! You guys are one of the reasons, I decided to take this step, so thank you for being one of the key factors of my motivation. I look forward to a BEE-utiful year of service alongside you, for this year of 2015-2016, we will serve together as Guardians of Service! QuynhAnh Dam CNH Member Relations Chair Region 16| Cali-Nev-Ha District Key Club International


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | May Edition

Hello Division 7 South Monsters! When one chapter closes, another one begins. Although I will look back on the past year with bittersweet feelings, I am absolutely exuberant to begin the new 2015-2016 term with you as your California-Nevada-Hawaii’ District

Convention Chair. The 70th Annual District Convention will be just around the corner this year, in Sacramento, CA, on April 8th-10th, 2016! It is with high hopes that I, along with other district chairs and executives (such as our fellow monster MRS Chair Quynh Anh!) begin the plans for a convention that will bring an amazing member experience and truly recognize the achievements of the term. If you ever have a comment, critique, or suggestion for next year’s convention, I would love to hear it. Division 7 South, please do not ever hesitate to ask me questions or provide comments. It is because of YOU that I am where I am now. I will never forget that. My goal this year is to not only plan a convention that the CNH District will enjoy - but to also plan a convention that would make you proud. To everyone that has become a part of my journey in Key Club since day one - thank you so much. For everyone that is continuing their journey into the 2015-2016 term – I look forward to serving together as guardians. Emily Nguyen CNH DCON Chair Region 16| Cali-Nev-Ha District Key Club International

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | May Edition


EliMiNaTe Project—The EliMiNaTe project is partnership between all the branches or Kiwanis and UNICEF to combat the disease MNT. MNT is an acronym for a completely curable disease that affects new born babies and mothers. It causes babies to suffer painful convulsions and become extremely sensitive to light and touch. Imagine the hours of labor mothers endure only to learn that they cannot even hold their baby. MNT or Maternal Neonatal Tetanus can be stopped. A mere $1.80 can cure a mother and save all her future babies from MNT.


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | May Edition

Photo Credits: Albert Le How can I serve the division?

Descriptions Media and Tech The Tech and Media Task Coordinator will be in charge of all video production, photography, and advertisement through various mediums. They will also be given the task of keeping division social media updated.

Member Recognition The Division Recognition Task Coordinator will help recognize outstanding members, officers, and clubs within the division and will handle all Division Recognition Report nominations filed by each club every month. This person will create monthly recognition prizes, and handle Division Judging and banquet recognition later in the year. Throughout the term, this task coordinator will also be working with the Assistants on the MRP tab in club MRFs.

Kiwanis Family and Foundation The KFF Task Coordinator must develop good relations with Division 7 Kiwanis, the clubs within that division, and any and all branches of the Kiwanis family. This task coordinator will also attend Division 7 Kiwanis DCMs every third Thursday at the Kiwanis Family House, and coordinate communication between the branches. S/he will watch over the ongoing Caring with Crafts project and look for new ways to connect more with the Kiwanis family.

Summer Public Relations The Summer Public Relations Task Coordinator will handle updates and maintain contact with the division throughout the summer. They will also be able to implement a service project for the duration of the busy summer months. Although this position is short-term, this task coordinator will be able to actively serve the division and see their projects and ideas come to life!

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | May Edition


Photo Credits: Albert Le, Nathan Dang


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | May Edition

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | May Edition


Photo Credits: Albert Le, Nathan Dang Sammi Tai | Franklin High School One word to describe DCON? Indescribable. It is quite literally impossible for me to sum up every aspect of those three days that have made a mark on my life forever. There was simply so much that happened that it’s impossible to sum it up in 250 words. This was my third DCON and I think I finally found a balance between meeting new people and bonding with my club, division, and friends. Every year I struggled to meet new people, being the shy person I was, and only talking to my close friends. This was by far my favorite DCON -it took me back to three years ago when I was but a wee freshman who had literally no idea what was going on and this made me realize just how much I’ve grown. As a freshman I came to DCON seeking Disneyland, this year as a junior I came to finally meet the Key Clubbers I had been talking to, crying my eyes out, and celebrating all the things I was able to accomplish this year. Even though we had arrived about four hours late I tried to make the most of what little time I would have at the first day of DCON. I honestly couldn’t believe we wouldn’t be entered into scrapbook and that I couldn’t attend the Service Expo but regardless I was so happy. The rest of DCON didn’t disappoint, even though pinning random strangers gave me anxiety, I enjoyed the thrill that this year’s DCON gave me and truly understand “PDS”.


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | May Edition

tips, meet t a re g rn a I got to le le, and share p o e p g in z ama rvice. the gift of se t - David Kee

The long bus ride experie laughin n g, singin g, and s ce consisting o forgetta f leeping ble mem . Sharing ories, la tears wit u nughter, h my OH and eve ANA. W to meet n e ha d th new pe e chanc ople fro m all ov e er CNH. - Anthon y Chan

azing m a t bu s ride f learning u b r u o uddle 13 ho he depth p c i a g : t ra d day ult: a y: a t ond day: r i a h t d ; t Firs ti ng sec e res e ; r h e T a . m e e g of ur spirit agic r clos e m t a e h w and t d-up-salt e r tion. of tea ss celebra le price Wong y e l s - Le

An unforgetta ble experience of celebration, fr iendship, and fun. - Daniel Leung

District Convention 2015, was the definition of bittersweet. Filled with moments of celebration, spirit, and laughter, followed by moments of gratitude, family, and tears. Experiencing DCON has a soon to be "IP" officer, was difficult. A balancing act of enjoying yourself and putting the members first, one last time. If that wasn't enough, District Convention 2015 was also the end of my Key Club journey. It was the perfect way to complete my journey throughout my years in club, being able to celebrate with the members I served, Division 7 South, and my entire CNH Ohana is something I will always admire. Despite the endless tears when the word "retirement" finally reared its ugly head, District Convention 2015 is an event I will always hold dear to my heart. The time where the stress of the term was over and sadness of leaving began. It was truly something to remember. - Kameo Quenga

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | May Edition


A Friendly Reminder By Leeza Xiong Sheldon High School A friendly reminder to each member that YOU are all making a difference whether it is by attending a service event, raising donations for charities, or by simply giving a random act of kindness. Each member is a leader and each of you holds great potential. A friendly reminder to each officer that there may be challenges and obstacles that come your way but it will all be worth it in the end. Despite the negativities, there will be many accomplishments and success that will make up for it. Although it may not be easy, keeping a positive mindset will bring optimism and make it easier to avoid worries and negative thinking. You may doubt yourself every now and then but always keep in mind that you are worth more than you may think. A friendly reminder that you are not alone. We are all an Ohana. If you ever have a question or need help, there are so many resources and people willing to help you. All you have to do is take the initiative to reach out and ask!

Our March of Dimes Booth By Daniel Leung Florin High School During March of Dimes week, we set up a booth every day for the entire week during lunch to collect donations. Our booth was very successful because it was not just a table, a couple of chairs, and a jar to collect money. One of our officers built a wheel of fortune from scratch with various prizes for each sector. Donators were able to spin the wheel and win a mysterious prize, candy, and many more. This encouraged many more people to come donate to the March of Dimes cause. We had a crowd of people surrounding the table every day of the week. And donators didn’t donate just a couple of cents. They were actually very generous and donated a couple of dollars. By the end of the week, we collected around $200 from pure donations! To end off the week, we had a March-a-thon to raise even more money for our March of Dimes week. Runners collected pledges and ran for charity. One of our runners single-handedly raised an impressive $100! We greatly surpassed our goal of raising $250 and raised $350.


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | May Edition

Our New Board By Eseosa Omorogieva Laguna Creek High School “Hello, my name is Eseosa Omorogieva and I am the Bulletin Editor of Laguna Creek Key Club,” is how I usually introduce myself to people who do not know me within Key Club. I still haven’t gotten used to saying these words or meeting so many new people in such a short time. There are still things that I don’t know about being Bulletin Editor, but what I do know is that I have the board with me to support me and help me keep my confidence. Our treasurer, Vicky Huynh, can be awkward, but once you get to know her she has this aura that makes you feel like you have known her forever. Catherine Chen, our secretary, has the cutest face in Key Club and it always makes people question her age; but when she begins to speak, her strong opinions and quick tongue makes you notice her wisdom. Our Junior Vice President, Cieanna Vongsa, is very blunt, which can be offensive at sometimes, but very useful at other times. Despite this, she is very sociable and outgoing. I know some of the people that I do today because of her. The Senior Vice President, Eliza Brooks, is the compromiser in our club. She is really calm and always thinks of great ideas. Last, but not least, our president, Camrick Solorio. I found him very scary at first, but in reality, he was just very professional and his position made me feel intimidated. Once you get to know Camrick, he can be a very funny guy, who likes to tell jokes in a monotone voice. He knows when to be casual and fun and when to be professional. The board I work with and the community that I serve are like no other and I would never ask for a different one. I am very happy to have them with me and supporting me so I can proudly say, “Hello, my name is Eseosa Omorogieva and I am the Bulletin Editor of Laguna Creek.”

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | May Edition


Remembering Our Roots Justina Voong Sheldon High School Within our Key Club experience, many of us take the initiative to serve out home clubs, out division, and our district. With these leadership positions, great responsibility comes with it. But as we all so focused on serving our club, division, or district, we forgot where we all started. We all started as members, individuals who got up extremely early, sometimes before the sun came out, to go serve our community. I, personally, am guilty of this myself. As I reflect on the last couple of months, I realize the lack of service events I have attended. One of the reasons why I fell in love with this organization was because I was able to have fun and serve my community alongside different people, so what had happened? As I reflect, I realize that maybe I’ve become busy, or maybe I can’t find someone to take me to a service event. Even with that, I was able to go beforehand, so why not now? After this short realization I had to myself, I began reflecting on my last term as an appointed officer, and before that a member. I began noticing that I actually missed going to service events. The interaction with so many different people and the feeling of knowing I had done something good for the community was something I dearly missed. Just reminiscing on my entire Key Club experience, I realized what a changed person I was. From being a member to being inspired to serve my club, every step of the way is extremely important. When we’re caught up in the present, we forgot about the past. But when we remember the past, we remember our roots. And our roots is what got us all started in this great organization.


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | May Edition

Recycling Sorting Party Alejandro Toy Franklin High School Last month’s Recycling Sorting Party consisted of a lot of plastic bottles, soda cans, and some trash. It was a sunny day of stomping on bottles and cans, emptying mysterious liquid and some full bottles of water. A sophomore from Laguna Creek came to assist us, we certainly needed a lot of help. I feel like this haul is better because there were a lot more water bottles and actual recyclables, as well as glass bottles. The general attitude at these kinds of events are all amiable, much better from all Last month’s Recycling Sorting Party consisted of a lot of plastic bottles, soda cans, and some trash. It was a sunny day of stomping on bottles and cans, emptying mysterious liquid and some full bottles of water. A sophomore from Laguna Creek came to assist us, we certainly needed a lot of help. I feel like this haul is better because there were a lot more water bottles and actual recyclables, as well as glass bottles. The general attitude at these kinds of events are all amiable, much better from all.

The Running of the Elk Justin Le P leasant Grove High School On March 29, in the cold morning air, we stood waiting at the center of the Running of The Elk marathon sign-ups. Waking up near a time that is only reserved on a school day, on a weekend, we were all greeted with the aromas of fresh coffee and the pleasant smell of donuts. Having our day with a blast of caffeine, we were all ready to get busy to work! Waiting for our transportation to arrive, we were assigned to small task such as helping set up tents and moving boxes. When our drivers arrived we were all transported to a section of the marathon. Being assigned to the water stations, we placed cups onto the tables, when we arrived at our designation. Working together we laughed and joked to one another, passing the time as we waited for the race to begin. After what only seemed a couple minutes, we were hit with the first runner of the course. And soon after words a whole horde of runners, wanting water! Through the hectic maze of runner passing us back and fourth, we all managed to distribute water out to the runners. After all the runners had past our course, we were then shuttled back to the sign up center, were we assisted in cleaning up around the event. Although hot and sunny, we all pushed forward and worked with all might we could muster. Putting tables, trashcans, and chairs away was a tiring task that helped us create that sense of working. Working for the community we value.

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | May Edition


Service Hours

$$$ Donated to Service


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | May Edition

Cumulative Division Goals: Service Hours– 25,200 $11,850 raised for service

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | May Edition


1) I am a photo historian in the 2) I am a club secretary in the class of 2016. My favorite color is crimson and my favorite food is rice. I also enjoy Lord of the Rings and Lindsay Stirling I can get annoyed easily by small things because I’m a little OCD. Something you would never guess about me is that I do ballet.

class of 2017. My spirit animal is a German Shepard and I love to sing and eat calamari. My goal is to increase communication for better-informed and knowledgeable members.

4) I am a club president in the

class of 2016. My spirit animal is a undecided but I have decided that my favorite service event is I am a club president in the the Filipino Fiesta during the class of 2016. My favorite kind of 2013 to 2014 Key Club Term. I colors are pastels. I hope to lead enjoy wrestling and hip hop. my club into getting more involved on the division level. I I am a club editor and I am play tennis and enjoy baking cakes, cupcakes, etc. because it a freshman! My favorite kind of relaxes me. food is Chinese and enjoy the color purple. My inspiration is Andrew Wei and one of my goals is to become a Distinguished Editor.

~*~*~*~*~*~ 3)


Who am I?


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | May Edition

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Alexander Pham. Pleasant Grove Senior IP Treasurer Trollmaster2.0

Despite his term's end, Alex has been a tremendous help many people. He has aided the new board and eased them into the new term by dedicating much of his time to those who need him. He tries his best to help the entire board with their duties. Alex has worked especially hard in planning, effectively advertising, and running Pleasant Grove’s annual Awake-a-thon. Alex truly displays the four core values of Key Club and is a true role model for our organization. Thank you Alex!

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | May Edition


~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ David Thong Monterey Trail Sophomore President

David has been very proactive in planning and is constantly reaching out to others to help in any way he can. He also makes sure that his executive board is on top of their duties, that everything in our home club runs smoothly and according to plan. Overall, his enthusiasm, charisma, and ideas have allowed a smooth transition for Monterey Trail Key Club. Congratulations David!

ANSWERS TO LAST PAGE 1) Caleb J. Marshall 2) Michelle Villanueva 3) Cynthia Tze 4) Bilal Biloch 5) Eseosa Omorogieva


Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | May Edition

Florin High School Key Club Even though DCON was in the middle of March, Florin Key Club has sprung themselves into the start of a great term. This month their club had over 200 service hours. They also managed to pull together a successful event supporting March of Dimes with a March-a-thon and a information booth. They were able to teach school students about March of Dimes while raising money for it. At the end of the week they raised over $300 for service.

Message from President Ivy Hello Monsters, It was a great honor being recognized club of the month like last term and continuing on our legacy. I'm glad the members were recognized for all their hard work and effort they've put into making March of Dimes week such a success. I hope we are able to start and finish out the term strong.

Congratulations Florin Key Club!

Official Newsletter of Division 7 South | May Edition


Questions, comments, concerns?

Terry Nguyen Pleasant Grove Administrative Assistant Megan Morris Franklin Executive Assistant Tommy Dang

Division News Editor

Laguna Creek

Sammi Tai Franklin

CNH District

CNH District

DCON Chair Emily Nguyen

Member Relations Chair

Laguna Creek


QuynhAnn Dam

BEE Green and do not print this newsletter. Official Division 7 South Newsletter

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